Home Business – Why You Should Consider One NOW!
Home businesses are becoming more and more popular since the downturn in the economy. Obviously with people being made redundant or losing their jobs they are having to turn to alternative ways to make money. These people are turning to their hobbies or their trades to make money for themselves and their families. Whilst many are just following their entrepreneurial instincts this is a big step for others. If you are thinking about taking the plunge and setting up your own business, here are a few facts that may help you. The Success Rate of Home businesses According to the Home-based business institute 70% of all home based businesses will succeed within their first three years of being set up. This is compared to only 29% of other business ventures. Revenues from Home Based Businesses It has been stated in entrepreneur magazine that home based businesses will generate an estimated $427 billion each year. That is more than the giant car producers FORD, GENERAL MOTORS and CHRYSLER combined! Hobbies to Home-based businesses It is estimated that up to 50% of home based businesses start as a spare time hobbie and grow into a full-time occupation. Female v’s Males Home based businesses That is right gentlemen. The ladies are winning here. Although the majority of businesses are still male owned, it is recognised that female-owned businesses are being created twice as fast as male-owned businesses. It has also been shown that there are now over 10.7 million self-employed women. This is a fantastic 77% increase since 1983, compared to just 6% in the number of self-employed men. Good on you girls!! Start up costs for Home-based businesses A study has shown that 42% of all home-based businesses take as little as $5000 to start up and turn into a genuine full-time occupation. What is the increase of home based businesses in all? As you read this article another 70,000 people around the world who are not network marketers now, will be this time tomorrow!
What do the experts say about Home-based businesses? Robert Kiyosaki, and Donald Trump said: “If I had to do it all over again, rather than build an old style type of business,I would have started building a network marketing business.” For these exact reasons there are billionaires such as Warren Buffet, Donald Trump, Robert Kiyosaki, Paul Zane Pilzer and Richard Branson are all getting involved with the Internet Marketing tidal wave. If you were to interview all the people who will be millionaires in the next 5 years you will find that a large segment would have made their fortune through internet marketing. The last question is:
“Will you be one of them”?
Get a FREE Marketing Bootcamp from The Six Figure Mentors Membership. You will get a set of video marketing tips which will show you how to market on the internet and improve your chances of online success. The Six Figure Mentors Membership can help to enhance your knowledge and internet skills, helping you move your business to the next level. This is regardless whether you are new to internet marketing, you already have an online business or you want to take a traditional business online.