LinkedIn - Things you should be doing on LinkedIn Daily

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Things you shoul^ \_ ^oing D[ily on

By Jon-Marc Spatcher

LinkedIn is a business-orientated social networking site. It is mainly used for professional networking, allowing people to collate details and stay in contact with all the people they know and trust in business. It is estimated that every second a new member registers a LinkedIn account making it the fastest growing professional social networking site in the world. For these reasons it is worth looking into this great tool and starting to utilise it for your business. Here are some things you should be doing to get started: 1. Answer some questions – Look into the Q&A and see if you can help anyone. Show your expertise by posting a quick answer to someone’s question. It is a way of showing your authority and a genuine way of getting business. 2. Update your status – you should look to update your status at least once a day. This feeds into an activity ‘feed’ that can be seen through your contacts home page. Let people know what you are up to.

3. Recommend – Maybe once a week or so you should try to recommend someone or a product. You can write a review that your contact will no doubt appreciate and may even do in return in the future. Only do this for people you have worked with or are happy to recommend though. 4. Introduce – Keep an eye out for people who are looking for something or need help. You may know someone who can help. If you do, introduce them. It will be good for all three of you.

5. Accept invitations – This is the whole purpose of the site. So, if you get an invitation and you feel that it makes sense to connect, accept it! Do this often so that it does not pile up and become unmanageable. 6. Invite your contacts – If you have any business cards then be sure to invite the people to LinkedIn or any other networks they are on. Ensure that you are spreading your network as far as you can. The Six Figure Mentors Membership can help to enhance your knowledge and internet skills, helping you move your business to the next level. This is regardless whether you are new to internet marketing, you already have an online business or you want to take a traditional business online. Do you want to learn how to market products on the internet? Get a FREE Marketing Bootcamp The Six Figure Mentors Membership website where you get a set of video marketing tips which will show you how to market on the internet and improve your chances of online success.

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