Fest 2019 Issue 4

Page 45


Gina Moxley

Sh!t Theatre

Suzi Ruffell

Sofie Hagen


LUNG Theatre

Little Death Club

The Listies


Your FREE Festival Guide 16 –19 August 70+ Reviews | Full Listings | Venue Map fest-mag.com

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Published by Radge Media Limited., 1.9 Techcube, Summerhall, 1 Summerhall, Edinburgh, Scotland EH9 1PL. Every effort has been made to check the accuracy of the information in this magazine, but we cannot accept liability for information which is inaccurate. Show times and prices are subject to changes – always check with the venue. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part without the explicit permission of the publisher. The views and opinions expressed within this publication do not necessarily represent the views or opinions of the printer or the publisher. Printed by More Ltd., Glasgow. Distributed by doortodoordelivery.co.uk  13 SHOWS 6 VENUES EDINBURGH 2019 LUCY MCCORMICK POST POPULAR LUCY RETURNS TO CRAWL THROUGH THE ANNALS OF HISTORY ‘The moves of Beyonce, the lungs of Christina Aguilera and the morals of a punk iconoclast.’  Scotsman 31 JUL - 25 AUG, 8PM PLEASANCE.CO.UK 0131 556 6550 13 SHOWS 6 VENUES EDINBURGH 2019 SH !T THEATRE DRINK RUM WITH EXPATS A SHOW ABOUT EUROPE. ANOTHER EXCUSE TO GET DRUNK ON STAGE. ‘The rising stars of performance art.’ Telegraph FRINGE FIRST AWARD WINNERS TOTAL THEATRE AWARD WINNERS 31 JUL - 25 AUG, 8.05PM FESTIVAL19.SUMMERHALL.CO.UK 0131 560 1581

The Evolution of Richard Gadd

He’s traded comedy for theatre but the real change might be something more profound


17 Suzi Ruffell

Her happiness is infectious and her comedy is whip-smart


28 Frankenstein

An electrifying beatbox remix that we never knew we needed

Dance, Physical Theatre & Circus

37 FrontX

Big Dick Energy

Gina Moxley tells us about penises, psychotherapy and The Patient Gloria

A study of the beauty and strength of ordinary people

Cabaret and Variety

41 Little Death Club

A fantastic collection of misfits that brings chaotic cabaret to the masses

Musicals & Opera

Daniel Martinez’s passionate flamenco is menacing and romantic



45 Ickypedia

The Listies have the whole family laughing

fest-mag.com 5 Contents The Radical VICTORIA TERRACE HIGHSTREET Place Lane on erra e Danub Street RandolphCres c e n t JOHNSTONTERRACE GRINDLAYSTREET YORKPLACE CASTLETERRACE Queen'sDri Horse Wynd Queen's Driv Abbey Abbeyhill COWGATE GRASSMARKET MARKETSTREET THE MOUND HOLYROODROAD CANONGATE HIGHSTREET ST MARY‘S STREET QUEENSTREET QUEENSTREET HOWE STREET FREDERICK STREET HANOVER STREET PLEAS ANCE Street L OTH I AN ROAD SOUTH BRIDGE NORTH BRIDGE WATERLOOPLACE EAST MARKET ST LE TH STREET COCKBURN STREET StreetStafford Street CAthollCrescent rescent reet CHAMBERSSTREET PRINCESSTREET GEORGESTREET PRINCESSTREET GEORGESTREET ROSESTREET JEFFREYSTREET 1 2 24 288 88 515 272 338 53 43 33 139 322 27 15 125 127 7 20 5 12 59 231 36 76 45 18 22 35 260 236 61 32 9 39 64 212 410 166 50 277 119 21 186 artSpace@StMarks Checkpoint Sq Gardens Rooms King’s Hall Playhouse Box Office Patter Hoose Rose Theatre the Museum Teviot Infirmary Street Nicolson Square Royal Terrace Blundabus Workshop John’s The Caves The Mash House The Tron The Grassmarket Centre @ Cabaret Voltaire @ The Counting House @ The Free Sisters Town Theatre Courtyard Riddle’s Court 00:00 Will Seaward’s Spooky Midnight Ghost Stories VI Gilded Balloon Teviot, 17–26 Aug, £10–£11 Project X – Alternative Comedy Collective Monkey Barrel Comedy, 18 Aug, 19 Aug, 25 Aug, 26 Aug, £5 Alternative Comedy Memorial Society (ACMS) Monkey Barrel Comedy, Various dates from 17 Aug to 24 Aug, £7 The Wonder Jam Heroes @ Black Medicine, 17–26 Aug, £5 Late Show Great Show / Free Festival Laughing Horse @ The Counting House, 17–26 Aug, FREE Just the Tonic Comedy Club – Midnight Show Just the Tonic at The Caves, 17 Aug, 18 Aug, 24 Aug, 25 Aug, £10 00:05 Best of the Fest... Later Assembly Rooms, Various dates from 17 Aug to 26 Aug, £14–£16 Comedy Village Laughing Horse @ City Cafe, 16–26 Aug, FREE 00:10 An Evening With Lee Trundle Just the Tonic at The Caves, 16–26 Aug, £5 00:15 Scot Roast – Afterburn Scottish Comedy Festival @ Nightcap, 16–27 Aug, £5 A&E Laughing Horse @ The Raging Bull, 18–26 Aug, FREE The Darkness Distillery Laughing Horse @ Sofi’s Southside, 16–26 Aug, FREE Jonathan Hipkiss – At Least We’re Out the House Laughing Horse @ The Newsroom, 16–26 Aug, FREE 00:45 Ghost Orgy Laughing Horse @ Cabaret Voltaire, 16–26 Aug, FREE Nathan Hurd: Colour Blind Laughing Horse @ The Free Sisters, 16–26 Aug, FREE Gaming Under the Influence Laughing Horse @ The Free Sisters, 16–26 Aug, not 21, FREE 01:00 Late’n’Live Gilded Balloon Teviot, 16–27 Aug, not 20, 21, 22, £14–£16 Late’n’Live Gilded Balloon Teviot, 20–22 Aug, £12.50 Currie and Brice: Kraudwerk Heroes @ The SpiegelYurt, 19 Aug, 22 Aug, £5 ACID! Laughing Horse @ The Counting House, 16–25 Aug, FREE Eilidh Hodgson and Katherine Plumb: Do Wap Art Flop Heroes @ The SpiegelYurt, 16 Aug, 21 Aug, 23 Aug, £5 09:00 BBC at George Heriot’s School BBC, 16–23 Aug, FREE 10:00 Trans*Atlantic Laughing Horse @ The Counting House, 16–25 Aug, FREE 10:40 Lee Kyle – ConQuest Laughing Horse @ City Cafe, 16–25 Aug, FREE 10:50 Tales of Whatever Just the Tonic at The Caves, 16–25 Aug, £5 11:00 Rogue Two: Burns and Moore Laughing Horse @ Bar 50, 16 Aug, FREE About Comedy: Stand-Up Comedy Courses Laughing Horse @ The Free Sisters, 17 Aug, £99 The Iceberg Effect Laughing Horse @ The Free Sisters, 16 Aug, 19 Aug, 22 Aug, 23 Aug, FREE Jack and Barney Are in the Background Laughing Horse @ The Newsroom, 16–25 Aug, FREE 11:05 Rodgers with a D – The Tommy Rodgers Centenary Celebration theSpace @ Surgeons Hall, 16–17 Aug, £6 11:15 A Failuretale Just the Tonic at The Mash House, 16–25 Aug, £5 Comedy Auction Frankenstein Pub, 18 Aug, 25 Aug, £0–£7 Ella Al-Shamahi and Susie Steed: Gold Diggers Laughing Horse @ 32 Below, 16–18 Aug, FREE 11:30 The Edinburgh Revue Stand-Up Show Scottish Comedy Festival @ The Beehive Inn, 16–26 Aug, FREE Clothesline Just the Tonic at The Caves, 16–18 Aug, £5 The Laurel and Hardy Cabaret Sweet Grassmarket, 22–25 Aug, £10 Vampire Hospital Waiting Room Gilded Balloon Patter Hoose , 17 Aug, 24 Aug, £10.50 Unladylike Just the Tonic at The Mash House, 16–25 Aug, £5 Westdal and Hayward Need Work PQA Venues @Riddle’s Court, 17–26 Aug, £8–£10 BBC: Loose Ends BBC, 16 Aug, FREE Apocalypse Cruise Ship Love Affair Gilded Balloon Patter Hoose , 18 Aug, 25 Aug, £10.50 Daphna Baram: Cracking Up Laughing Horse @ The Counting House, 16–25 Aug, not 19, FREE 11:35 3’s Comedy – Adam Knox, Luka Muller and Peter Jones Laughing Horse @ City Cafe, 16–25 Aug, FREE Long Man Doing Short Jokes, Short Man Doing Long Jokes Just the Tonic at The Caves, 16–25 Aug, £5 11:40 Harry Baker: Am 10,000 Underbelly, Cowgate, 16–24 Eliott Simpson: (A)sexy and I Know It Laughing Horse @ Bar 50, 17–25 Aug, FREE Morgan Rees and Riordan DJ: Coming to Terms Just the Tonic at The Caves, 16–25 Aug, £5 Rib Ticklers’ Pick of the Fringe Laughing Horse @ The Counting House, 16–25 Aug, FREE 11:50 Amazing Adventure of Her Majesty at 90+ Sweet Grassmarket, 21–25 Aug, £7 11:55 David Callaghan: Dance Like No One’s David Callaghan Just the Tonic at The Mash House, 16–25 Aug, £5 Bony Tony’s Silly Show theSpace @ Surgeons Hall, 19–24 Aug, £8 12:00 This Is Your Trial (FF) Frankenstein Pub, 16–26 Aug, not 18, 25, £7 Stand-Up Edinburgh Laughing Horse @ Dropkick Murphys, 16–26 Aug, FREE Robbie McShane Has Loads of Pals (and a Girlfriend Too) Laughing Horse @ The Newsroom, 16–25 Aug, not 17, 18, FREE Gethin Alderman is: Sublime Just the Tonic at The Charteris Centre, 16–25 Aug, £5 Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aah, It’s the One-Liner Show Laughing Horse @ The Lock Up, 16–25 Aug, FREE Sugar Rush: The Best of the Fringe Sweet Grassmarket, 16–25 Aug, £5 Guerilla Aspies Year Five – Not an Autism Puppet Show Laughing Horse @ Finnegan’s Wake, 16 Aug, FREE The Best Show We’ve Ever Done at the Edinburgh Fringe PQA Venues @Riddle’s Court, 16–26 Aug, £11.50 Black Sheep Laughing Horse @ Sofi’s Southside, 16–25 Aug, FREE Let’s Get Tough Laughing Horse @ The Raging Bull, 16–25 Aug, FREE Shaken Not Stirred: The Improvised James Bond Film Just the Tonic at The Caves, 16–25 Aug, £8 Who’s the Daddy Pig? HH PBH’s Free Fringe @ Banshee Labyrinth, 16–25 Aug, FREE The Delightful Sausage: Ginster’s Paradise Monkey Barrel Comedy, 16–25 Aug, £5–£7 Amy Annette: What Women Want Pleasance Courtyard, 17 Aug, 18 Aug, 24 Aug, 25 Aug, £9 Funny Feckers Laughing Horse @ The Hanover Tap, 16–25 Aug, FREE Mimi Hayes: I’ll Be OK PBH’s Free Fringe @ Bar Bados Complex, 16–24 Aug, FREE Michael Legge: The Idiot HHH The Stand Comedy Club, 16–26 Aug, £12 Luke Rollason’s Infinite Content HHH Monkey Barrel Comedy, 16–25
43 Art Of Believing
Venue Map &
hour-by-hour listings and handy map
festival running like clockwork 48 12 8

A Perfect Day

Overwhelmed by choice? Allow Fest to guide you through a perfect day out in Edinburgh



103-105 West Bow

With its varied collection of sourdough sandwiches, smoothie bowls, salads and made-to-order juices, the bright and breezy Hula is perfect if you’re feeling a bit rough after going a bit too hard last night.

James McNicholas: The Boxer

4.15pm – 5.15pm

Pleasance Courtyard


3pm – 4pm

Summerhall – Demonstration Room

A range of international street artists is given the space to tell their own stories in No Way Back Company’s FrontX, which interweaves an extremely diverse cast into a bellowed statement of intent.

A brisk walk down the hill will get you to James McNicholas’ show, about his grandfather Terry “The Paddington Express”

Downes, a former world boxing champion. He belts out some seriously funny jokes.

6 Perfect Day
Credit: Idil Sukan Credit: MinH

Ting Thai Caravan


8-9 Teviot Pl

Totally affordable, incredibly tasty and more than a little exciting, Ting Thai Caravan is perfect if you’re in the mood for some street food. More variety and quality than you can shake a chopstick at.

Suzi Ruffell: Dance Like Everyone’s Watching

8.30pm – 9.30pm

Pleasance Courtyard

Ruffell focusses on the two most important things in her life: her fiancée and her mum. And she draws out an absolutely confident, hilarious hour.

Trying It On

10pm – 11.20pm

Traverse Theatre

Asking how his generation of peace-and-love radicals could have voted for Brexit, David Edgar’s inventive one-man show sees the 71-year-old playwright in conversation with his younger self to investigate what happened.

7 Perfect Day
Credit: Matt Crockett Credit: Lara Cappelli

The Evolution of Richard Gadd

Richard Gadd has traded comedy for theatre at this year’s Festival — but,

On the internet there is a clip of Richard Gadd from 2016, fighting back tears as he accepts the prestigious Edinburgh Comedy Award for Monkey See, Monkey Do, his much-lauded exploration of his own experience of sexual assault at the hands of an industry professional. “I don’t know where to begin,” he tells the crowd. “The darkness I was in… I cannot tell you how bad it got.”

Three years on, as audiences sit in Summerhall’s Roundabout for Gadd’s Fringe return—and his debut in the theatre section—the

clip is projected onto the venue’s ceiling. Now he is telling us something of another darkness, and exactly how bad it got. Away from the comedy gigs and Twitter humour, and in the shadow of the assault which haunted him for years, Gadd began to be stalked. A middle-aged woman gifted a free cup of tea by then-barman Gadd, “Martha” went on to follow him, track down his parents and home, bombard him with calls and emails, and give him the eponymous nickname Baby Reindeer.

“The main reason I did this show is that the police have come out themselves and said their

8 Cover Feature
as he tells Eve Livingston, the real change might be something more profound
Credit: Andrew Perry

attitude to stalking and harassment is flawed, and it is,” says Gadd. “I think there’s a public duty to let people know just how bad this can be, and just how little help there is.” He recounts trying to forward a voicemail message to the police and finding that their inbox wasn’t big enough to hold it. On another occasion, he says, he presented an SD card of evidence only to be told that they didn’t know how to access its information.

This is a noble aim, and it’s one which is achieved powerfully in Baby Reindeer as a tense and frustrated Gadd paces the stage, recounting gobsmacking encounters with police and pleading desperately for their help and understanding. But if the production has wider societal ambition, it’s also deeply personal, with Gadd baring his soul and trauma with unflinching intensity.

“It is super close,” he agrees. “There are still parts of the show I’m embarrassed about — I can feel the scenes coming up and I feel awkward and uneasy. But every time you make a piece of art about something you’re struggling with, you learn to understand it more. It dwarfs the magnitude a bit.”

“It was the same with Monkey See, Monkey Do,” he continues. “It was hard doing that show. But I think that within fear there’s freedom. With these two shows I’ve been facing some pretty big fears in my life, and I think I’ve found the freedom in that.”

Monkey See, Monkey Do was performed entirely on a treadmill, in a feat of impressive physical endurance. Baby Reindeer uses no such gimmicks, but insofar as Gadd relentlessly interrogates his own actions and complicity, complicating what could otherwise have been a straightforward victim narrative, it also feels like its own exercise in a different type of endurance.

continues › fest-mag.com
“It feels brave to me because I’m fundamentally terrified every time I do it”
9 Features
Credit: Andrew Perry

“I had a lot of guilt about the situation,” he reflects. “and I’m trying to get better about admitting when I’m wrong. My twenties have just been so difficult, and I think it helps to put it on stage, to write about it”.

Now 29, Gadd’s move from comedy to theatre perhaps isn’t as large a jump as it looks on paper. The bigger switch happened three years ago when Monkey See, Monkey Do debuted as a more theatrical offering exploring personal experiences. It was a departure from what he describes as his previous “anarchic” comedy: “very repressed shows with a loud, in your face, high stakes sort of man”.

The shift reflects what Gadd characterises as “learning the hard way” in the aftermath of his assault, growing from someone who took great pride in traditional masculinity to understanding true strength as “a real, empathetic man who’s vulnerable and in touch with his emotions”. Gadd feels many things about this evolution into theatre—“nervous”, “excited”, “grateful”—but does he feel brave? He pauses. “It feels brave to me because I’m fundamentally terrified every time I do it. I’m saying things that I’ve kept repressed for so long, and things that I’ve been ashamed of”. He continues: “But I’m fully aware there are people in this world doing much greater things, so I don’t put myself on a pedestal.”

In an ideal world, he says, he would take the production out to new audiences in venues where its subject matter might be even more challenging. He becomes visibly emotional as he recalls “one of the most inspiring people in [his] life”, the late performance artist Adrian Howells who taught Gadd as a theatre student.

“He would go to these countries where homosexuality is banned, and set up shop in a basement somewhere in the middle of nowhere, all on his own, to meet gay men and do these intimacy workshops with them,” he explains. In one-to-one sessions, Howells would encourage participants to wrestle with humanity’s innate discomfort around vulnerability and closeness. “And he would do this in countries where he could have been killed. He was just so fearless. That’s bravery.”





6:25pm – 7:30pm, 31 Jul – 25 Aug, not 1, 6, 13, 20

£14 – £16

10 Cover Feature
Credit: Andrew Perry

Big Dick Energy

Kate Wyver talks to Gina Moxley about penises and psychotherapy in The Patient Gloria

“None of us could touch it,” Gina Moxley says about the squishy rubber penis she spends her mornings swinging round the Traverse stage. “We were hysterical at first. Now it’s just like, ‘this old thing?’”

The Patient Gloria, which Moxley wrote and stars in, is all about dicks. She laughs: “My intention is not emasculation but it is taking the piss on a fairly grand level.”

The play is based on Three Approaches to Psychotherapy, the 1965 recordings of sessions between a patient named Gloria and three different

psychotherapists. Moxley’s play puts her own life alongside the patient’s, with Liv O’Donoghue playing Gloria. Through the two intersecting narratives, with meta nods and sideways smiles, the show unpicks exploitation, desire and control.

Moxley performs in swaggering drag as the three therapists—Carl Rogers, Albert Ellis and Fritz Perls—each of whom has their own artificial penis. “Why would I have men playing them?” she says after the show one morning. “I think we have to do this ourselves.” Is it performing as a man that gives the part power, or undercutting it as a woman? “It’s a double whammy. It feels very powerful for us women to be on stage, saying what we’re saying,” she pauses and tumbles into her barking laugh, “and having a dick in your hand while you’re saying it.”

Alongside Moxley and O’Donoghue, Jane Deasy lends the piece some harmonic fury on bass guitar. “That was the music I left home to,” Moxley says. “It was the only music with women doing fuck off stuff.” She wanted the punk-rock attitude to feed into the play. “I think there’s a real danger of women being dismissed because of anger.” But both she, and the show, are furious. “Sweetly furious,” Moxley corrects.

12 Features
Credit: Lara Cappelli

The tapes were recorded for the purpose of being shown in schools and colleges, which Gloria agreed to. What she did not consent to was for them to be shown on TV and in cinemas. “It’s like the beginning of reality TV, what they did, like Jeremy Kyle. They don’t give a sugar what the consequences are for the person.” In spite of how old-fashioned and arguably unprofessional the therapists in the tapes are—one of them comes onto Gloria—they’re still idolised within the profession, and the films are still used as teaching tools. “It’s cultish.”

Performing the show at the Abbey Theatre in Dublin in 2018 was a particularly potent start for this production, after the Waking the Feminists “hoohah”—as Moxley calls it—in 2015, where women revolted against the theatre’s pathetic gender parity.

It brought about a change in the artistic leadership and, after a bit of work, this play. They reclaimed their power.

Power is something Moxley has felt fading over the years. “As an actor, in film particularly, I’m always at a funeral or bringing in tea. There hasn’t been one single smart thing I’ve been asked to do.” Certainly nothing sexy. “Unless I write it.”

In this play, she has written her own experiences of shame and harassment, as well as talking candidly about menopausal desire. One of the most moving lines is the show is an offhand comment she made about having grown up with an abortion fund. When I ask her about it she shrugs. “We had to travel if you became pregnant, in secret, at short notice, so people, if they could, would have that in their back pocket in case you had to leg it.”

“I think it was the first or second show this really straight older woman, like late seventies, was sitting down the front. She was eyeing me and I’m thinking sweet Jesus.” She clamps her hands to the chair and leans forwards. “Then all during the show she kept

going”—she pumps her fist in the air once—“yes!”— twice—“‘yes!’ out loud.” She puts her hand on her heart and smiles.

During the show, Moxley shares her experiences with a group of younger women. “It made sense that you’re passing knowledge on to the next generation.” She also shares pieces of advice both of her parents have given her. “Oh god,” she wheezes a laugh when I ask for her own advice, “this is why I don’t have children.” She thinks for a minute before whispering the words conspiratorially. “Be in charge of your own purse. Never depend on anyone for money. You don’t have to ask for permission for anything, and then you don’t get involved with things because you can’t afford not to.” That’s one. “Read and listen to people.” Two. “Jesus.” She grins, and gives her third piece of advice. “Have sex.”

SHOW: The Patient Gloria

VENUE: Traverse Theatre

TIME: times vary, 1–25 Aug, not 2, 5, 12, 19


“It feels very powerful for us women to be on stage, saying what we’re saying and having a dick in your hand while your saying it”
13 Features
Credit: Lara Cappelli


What good are the Arts?

Given everything going on—given climate change, given rising nationalism, given economic decline—could art be part of the problem?

Sh!t Theatre’s new show comes so close to making that case that it all but accuses itself of corruption.

Superficially, it’s a show about what Sh!t Theatre did on their holidays – namely, Drink Rum with Expats (4 stars). Commissioned by an old Maltese mate to create a piece for the Valetta Capital of Culture, Rebecca Biscuit and Louise Mothersole set up shop at The Pub, an English theme bar in the middle of Malta’s capital. Famed for serving Oliver Reed his final round, it’s studded with movie memorabilia and boozy salutary souvenirs. As artists-in-residence, they swapped shots for “expat chat.” Effectively, they got paid to get pissed with local piss artists.

Back at home, on a replica of The Pub, the pair play holiday reps – dishing out drink, imparting basic Maltese (“zobb” / “penis”) and leading us in hearty sea shanty singalongs. We toast Reed’s prowess, laugh at ludicrous local customs and slide through their blurry holiday snaps. It’s a hoot and a half – bar the occasional news of another refugee boat capsizing offshore.

Slowly, surely, the show starts to sour, seriousness setting in like a hangover creeping up unseen. As Sh!t Theatre widen their lens, past The Pub to the context beyond, they take in the dingy migrant bar down the coast and its expat crowd and the super-yachts sailing by, the site of the car bomb that killed Maltese journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia two years ago and her ongoing investigation into the illicit passport industry –€650,000 for a Maltese citizenship.

Typically piecemeal and deceptively rambling, Sh!t Theatre’s show spins uncomfortably sharp connections. Without ever hammering their point home, they let us join the dots between the moneyspinning shrine to Oliver Reed, the

Sh!t Theatre Drink Rum with Expats

Summerhall, 8:05pm – 9:20pm, 31 Jul – 25 Aug, not 1 Aug, 12 Aug, £12

Summerhall, 1:30pm – 2:30pm, 8–25 Aug, not 12, 19, £12

Assembly Roxy, 4:05pm – 5:05pm, various dates between 1 Aug and 25 Aug, £12 – £14

14 Features Matt Trueman
Scottee: Class,
Sh!t Theatre Drink Rum with Expats

inconvenient vigils to Caruana Galizia cleared night after night, and the hundreds of refugees whose deaths go unmarked. An essay in escapism and the complicity of looking the other way, a show that seems slight starts to feel seismic.

Barry and Barry block the world out too. In Moot Moot (3 stars), Rosana Cade and Ivor MacAskill’s surreal DJ double act cocoon themselves in noise-cancelling headphones and nonsense. Dressed in matching grey suits, side partings and moustaches, they spin on swivel chairs and turn conversational circles, live on-air. Beneath a jangle of jingles and jaunty theme tunes, they bat chatter between them, broadcasting into the void.

Moot Moot lifts inanity to absurdity. Barry and Barry’s back and forth falls into whirlwinds and infinite loops. Their optimistic pitter-patter eats its own tail and their links—serial killers segue into breakfast cereals—spin connections that slip beyond all sense. Trivial questions trip into existential quandries. It’s all as empty as the static between stations; incessant chatter as a kind of white noise. They keep the conversation flowing whether there’s anything worth saying or not. Imagine Smashey and Nicey stuck in a Samuel Beckett play.

Bit by bit, Moot Moot turns your brain to mulch with its sound effects and singsong voices – as much as anaesthetic as a pneumatic drill. There’s a madness in it that grinds your mind down as often as it lulls you into half listening. That’s a damning cultural critique of a world broadcasting to nobody, always talking never taking calls and generating endless, empty content to hang advertising off.

They are the embodiment of greyscale masculinity. But Moot Moot is more a mode of performance than a structured show and, for all you sink into its constant purr, the lack of transformation makes it too easy to tune out.

If theatre can detract and distract, Scottee schools their audience in Class (3 stars). Prowling around in front of a lace net curtain, dressed in a red Adidas tracksuit and gold heart hoop earings, they take a mostly middle-class audience to task. Why have we come to see a working class art? What were we expecting? What did we hope to achieve?

Through tales of their childhood on a Kentish Town council estate, Scottee sets us trap after trap, entwining us in a tight double bind. He talks us through its hardships, and dares us to take pity without being patronising. Joking about its peculiarities, they dare us to laugh along without laughing at. As they twist a truth out of shape, toying with stereotypes and cliché, Scottee dares us to distinguish between the two. It’s an act of working class drag, maybe even minstrelsy, performed by a genuinely working class artist.

That’s slippery, aware class is both performed and projected, but Class ultimately undermines its point by underlining it. A final, fairly crass cry of j’accuse, even if it includes the artist themselves, makes too many assumptions about those of us in the audience, while serving to show Scottee’s presumptions in speaking out on others’ behalves. It’s a shame. For all its quality, Class is selfdefeating: a show that exists to show itself up.

fest-mag.com 15 Features
MootMoot Credit: Niall Walker

Comedy Reviews

Suzi Ruffell: Dance Like Everyone’s Watching


VENUE: Pleasance Courtyard

TIME: 8:30pm – 9:30pm, 31 Jul –25 Aug, not 12

TICKETS: £8.50 – £11

Suzi Ruffell’s set is made from shades of pride and joy. It should be a disadvantage for her comedy that her life’s working out pretty well at the moment—engagement done, house bought, unnecessary but emotionally stabilising kitchen equipment sorted—but instead, her happiness is infectious.

In her rattle-quick, whip-smart style, Ruffell focuses on the two most important women in her life: her fiancée and her mum. She paints a tender, lovingly mocking portrait of both, dotting anecdotes with affable impressions of her gregarious mother. Stories about her fiancée lead to routines about the imminent wedding and future kids, with the lesbian perspective lending them ascerbic insights that glide alongside the natural comedy narrative.

Her mum has always said that their family have natural rhythm and Ruffell certainly does. Her pacing is sharply carved, with sideways smiles chiseled into her nitpicking set about her new neighbour’s overflowing WhatsApp group.

Her humour is frank and silly, with the best part of the night diving deep inside her. Physically, that is. Deservedly approaching the female body with all the confidence of any white male comedian talking about his dick onstage, Ruffell launches into a brilliantly squirm-inducing routine about a spear-wielding doctor at a smear test. The squeals take a while to die down.

Even the hailstorm outside can’t bring the mood down. “I feel like we might leave here and be the only ones left,” she whispers conspiratorially. Ruffell leads such a buoyant hour of pride and happiness—a narrative gay women aren’t given enough of in the media—I wouldn’t mind too much if we were. ✏︎ Kate

17 Reviews

Jen Brister: Under Privilege


VENUE: Monkey Barrel Comedy

TIME: 7:45pm – 8:45pm, 1–25 Aug, not 12

TICKETS: £7 – £8

The uncertain future of an unstable world will naturally lead to existential crises and a serious consideration of whether children should be brought into the world, and how they should be raised. Jen Brister is discussing motherhood at this year’s festival. In her own way she’s made a slick comedy show, taking on society’s problems and discussing her own role as a parent as part of that big picture. In short, how can she avoid raising "two little bellends"?

Under Privilege is sentimental in small doses. Brister is honest about the challenge of raising kids, from the boring repetition of stints at the playpark, the claustrophobic nature

Chris McGlade: Forgiveness


VENUE: Laughing Horse @ City Cafe

TIME: 9:15pm – 10:15pm, 1–25 Aug


In one respect, Chris McGlade’s latest hour is a typical Fringe offering, in that he’s mining personal trauma for his narrative. Yet the Middlesbrough grandfather isn’t your typical standup. He’s a product of the working men’s club circuit and avowed sceptic of oversensitive, political correctness. Moreover, the pain he’s exorcising is the brutal murder of his father.

of taking a holiday, to the lack of stimulating conversation ("we have nothing in common", is how she boils it down). There’s love in this show; but Brister also considers what happens when children are raised to do whatever they want without fear of consequences. Or indeed when adults (mostly rich, white men) are bailed out of tricky situations by wealthy parents. An attack on Toby Young might be classifiable as shooting "evil looking Heston Blumenthal

lookalikes" in a barrel, but Brister is spot on with it.  Brister, a gay woman, turns it back on herself, considering the middle-class luxuries she’s afforded even in a white man’s world. This is the joy of Under Privilege. Brister’s conscious the festival is an echo chamber. She isn’t afraid to be confrontational with us and knows there’s no value in low-hanging fruit. Self-aware and whip smart, this is a commanding, authoritative hour. ✏︎ Craig Angus

And his challenge has been twofold. How can he justify forgiving his father’s killer? And how can he make it funny?

Performing off-mic in his intimate venue, the expressive McGlade appeals directly to his audience, imploring them to engage with his tale. Offering a comprehensive, unvarnished tableaux of a working-class family with dark Irish blood in their veins and domestic violence, criminality and marital tension lurking in the background, he nevertheless finds plentiful humour in their eccentricities and contradictions, sharp-elbowed laughter their coping mechanism when times have been hardest. McGlade’s

relationship with his late father was particularly complicated. His dad’s outward difficulty in expressing affection and crushing of his son’s adolescent dream, yet generous, forgiving nature, leading inexorably to this show being performed.

McGlade has had other serious struggles in his life. And while he may not have always reacted in his best interests, his instinctive recourse to jokes in his bleakest moments is self-evidently cathartic and has gone a long way towards making him the accomplished storyteller he is now, a twinkle in his eyes reinforcing his stated optimism for what lies ahead. ✏︎ Jay

Comedy 18
Credit: Idil Sukan

Garry Starr Conquers Troy


VENUE: Underbelly, Cowgate

TIME: 8pm – 9pm, 1–25 Aug, not 12, 19

TICKETS: £11.50 – £12.50

Garry Starr leads a masterclass in silliness. Dressed as a gladiator with a Shakespearean ruff, Damien Warren-Smith’s character creation guides us through a series of dramatic exercises where unapologetically dumb wordplay turns the tropes of a failed actor into cackles and lettuce-covered mayhem.

Following his debut solo show,

Eleanor Morton: Post-Morton HHHH

VENUE: The Stand Comedy Club 3 & 4

TIME: 12:05pm – 1:05pm, 1–25 Aug, not 12, 19


Eleanor Morton says a few times that she’s no good at structure, but it turns out to be a red herring as the narrative threads weave in and out. Post Morton is a portrait of where she is now in life. At 27 her friends are getting married and having babies.

There are tales of hen party hell and Morton’s irresponsible attitude to babysitting. She is still single, sitting about in her pants watching the wildlife eat from the birdfeeder stuck to her window and generally getting to grips

Garry Starr Performs Everything, Warren-Smith returns with his overly-confident alias. A consistently out-of-work actor, Starr faux earnestly takes us through the chapters of his upcoming new book, An Actor Pretends. The Greeks invented acting, he says, but he wants to return to the good old days of pretending. Spitting on method acting, he unloads his utterly awful tips and tricks. Delightfully groan-worthy puns are made literal as he catches an agent with a physical casting net. Each chapter leads to a new dose of chaos. Pathetically hopeful and stubbornly proud, Starr is the perfect host of anarchy.

There’s a heavy focus on

with being an adult. It’s familiar comedy territory particularly for Morton’s generation. Plus there’s another niggle to her life – her sister is clinically depressed. Morton’s need, as the older sibling, to resolve her sister’s illness is an undercurrent running through the hour.

Despite her youth—this is already her fifth Edinburgh show in six years—there’s no dip in quality for Morton’s prolific act. There’s bite here too, espeically on some common-sense feminism within a routine on the incredulity of male friends at the #MeToo revelations and in her views on marriage. Elsewhere there are digs at white privilege. But a particularly enjoyable inclusion in the show is her depiction of her conservationist dad, portrayed as a deadpan, practical foil to any of his daughter’s joyful sentimentalism towards animals. ✏︎

audience participation. He may have forgotten to put it on the posters but there’s a high chance his floppy penis may at any moment waggle near your face, possibly while he hand-feeds you dinner. And beware: after a gag about absorbing his lines, you might want to be careful where his hands have been.

While it makes such good use of theatrical conceits, much of the set focuses on acting for film, with boldly punny movie references and double entendres shoehorned in at every corner. His acting career may be doomed, but his comedy is gold. In this one-man show, Starr is a worthy protagonist. Why go to the cinema when you’ve got it all here? ✏︎

fest-mag.com 19 Reviews

Mat Ewins: Actually Can I Have Eight Tickets Please?


VENUE: Just the Tonic at The Caves

TIME: 9pm – 10pm, 1–25 Aug, not 12

TICKETS: £8 – £9

Mat Ewins’ rise in recent years has been wonderful to witness. Previously an almost entirely cult concern he’s been playing to bigger, full rooms at the Fringe since his 2017 show Adventureman 7: The Return of Adventureman was nominated for the Edinburgh Comedy Award. Few deserve the audiences more. The work, much of it unseen, that goes into Ewins’ shows is astounding.

Actually Can I Have Eight Tickets

Please? is a another hour of chaotically energetic comedy. While previous shows followed a tight narrative (while openly mocking the apparent need for a "message" to

Sofie Hagen: The Bumswing


VENUE: Pleasance Dome

TIME: 7pm – 8pm, 31 Jul – 25 Aug, not 12

TICKETS: £10 – £14

After the debilitating toll of performing successive shows about her mental health, Sofie Hagen wanted to do a fun hour this year. But the best laid plans are for minds less capricious than hers. The Bumswing, her show title, doesn’t allude to a formative incident from her troubled childhood, but rather, to a

be found), his latest—ostensibly a seminar on how to get rich quick—is far more tangential in nature, a loose structure on which Ewins can show off his full skill-set: mischievous videos, coding-based mischief, computer games and lo-fi CGI are all present. He’s done all of this before, but coming from such a weirdly vivid imagination it is still as hysterical as ever.

There are cameos once again from fellow performers Richard Gadd and Tessa Coates. The latter’s appearance coincides with one of the biggest laughs of the night, a slab of gross-out humour that’s equally artistic and innovative. Indeed it feels like Ewins’ has doubled down on the ‘tasteless’ stuff, making a virtue of an audience complaint from last year’s show. You’ll know where you stand on this – if it’s your bag you’ll howl, if you’re easily offended you’d be better off finding something else to pass the time.

A long-running joke about a children’s show commissioned and then rejected by the BBC pays off

in an anarchic finale. You wonder if Ewins actually wants a career in TV. If he does, based both on the evidence of tonight’s show and his year-on-year consistency, surely he can have one.

trivial event that has nevertheless remained vivid in her memory; while other, seemingly far more important things have disappeared. There’s a tacit understanding that standups will embellish truth in the service of a story they’re telling. But what happens when a comic can’t be sure of the truth themselves, because of tricks played on them by their recollection?

At the heart of Hagen’s story is a sex holiday she took to Swansea. Agreed upon in a moment of daring spontaneity, the grim reality fell far short of her expectations. And the Danish comic rather fancies herself as a mythbuster, mocking Brits’ smug, self-satisfaction in

their own politeness. And the pre-eminence of our Queen, with her homeland’s monarch far more rock ‘n’ roll and to Hagen’s nonconformist liking.

She is reasonably adroit at conveying her brain’s discombobulation and by turns impishly and bluntly funny. Yet The Bumswing grasps for and falls short of profundity, the mental behaviour it describes so incredible and extreme that it isn’t relatable.

With her finale in particular, Hagen attracts plenty of goodwill, not least as she’s a victim who doesn’t simply accept herself as such. But it’s not enough to stop this show feeling too idiosyncratic.

fest-mag.com 21 Reviews
A photo of "Mat Ewins" in his prime

Sumit Anand: Nothing About Godzilla


VENUE: Gilded Balloon Patter Hoose

TIME: 7pm – 8pm, 31 Jul – 26 Aug, not 12

TICKETS: £10 – £12

To survive in the standup business, you need to be seriously adaptable. There’s an interesting bit in Sumit Anand’s debut hour, for example, where he thanks the audience as a whole for telling lies, big and small, every day. But tonight, “I can thank all of you individually,” he realises, and does. It is pretty sparse on this rainy evening, but he makes the best of it. Eventually.

Anand is a rapid riser, only beginning on the burgeoning Indian circuit five years ago. He does seem slightly thrown by the empty rows here, early on—doing an impromptu survey about how we heard about the gig is an odd way

Kelly Convey: Phone Voice


VENUE: Pleasance Courtyard

TIME: 7:15pm – 8:15pm, 31 Jul – 25 Aug, not 12

TICKETS: £7.50 – £10

Kelly Convey is best known in the world of comedy for her appearance on Channel 4’s First Dates, in which she was matched with a misogynist who told her that women are incapable of being funny to a professional standard. Things seem to be looking up for her now.

For starters, she’s out of the

to start one—but begins to find a groove after the first laughs are prised from this damp gathering.

As he suggests, with a livelier crowd the comic would be too, but tonight he’s philosophical, rattling off quotes from great minds, then rubbishing those ideas in a droll fashion. His own route through life is rather thoughtful and passive, and he bemoans the lost joys of childhood, those two simple settings, “playing, or crying.” We

dating game and settled in a serious relationship with which she’s clearly very happy. Secondly, she’s debuting at the Fringe with an offering that will inevitably win praise for its insightful look at class and bags of easygoing charm.

Convey is a natural with a strong comedic voice. She’s consistently funny here, and isn’t afraid to go off script, so Telephone Voice is enough for now. In delivering a nostalgic work full of allusions to a misspent childhood and the family she’s grown up around, the star is clearly keen that we get to know her. She succeeds to this effect, but it feels like she’s testing the waters. It’s almost as though we’re watching a pilot. The real work will come later, hopefully by which time

adults spend two long worrying about the stuff in between.

Anand is an intriguing character to spend time with, and his own quirks are apparently masochistic. As a kid he slapped himself repeatedly in the face, after father slapped him first. More recently he crashed his car into a parked one, on purpose, because why not? And then he flies here to put on a Fringe show. It’s fun watching him roll with it. ✏︎ Si Hawkins

she’ll have decided against doing impressions of her Jamaican next door neighbour. ✏︎ Lewis Porteous

Comedy 22
Credit: Ursula Aitchison

Lucy Pearman: Baggage HHH

VENUE: Monkey Barrel Comedy

TIME: 4:30pm – 5:30pm, 2–25 Aug, not 13, 14


Lucy Pearman’s outlandish solo show wants to strip us of our burdens. Packed inside a suitcase, she needs to get through luggage allowance. Each time she tries, she’s rejected and told she’s “too much”. Over the course of the absurdist show, Pearman asks for our help, wanting to get to the “just right” marker.

Weighed on the scales via the arms of an audience member, Pearman keeps stripping herself down—possessions, clothes, skin—all the while trying desperately to make herself fit measures determined by other people. For a show about fragility, this inventive hour of clowning is

Aaron Simmonds: Disabled Coconut HHH

VENUE: Underbelly, Bristo Square

TIME: 1:30pm – 2:30pm, 31 Jul –

26 Aug, not 12

TICKETS: £9 – £10

It may seem like an odd complaint to level against a standup, but Aaron Simmonds really does like to talk about himself. While the labyrinthine series of coincidences and chance

messy and destructive. The show itself is lighter than its conceit. Often blending the twee and the grotesque, Pearman is an eager host, in turn welcoming and acerbic. As we help her offload through a series of increasingly over-literal tasks, she is generous by the bucketload, and her genial manner makes us so keen to take part that one audience member accidentally goes up uninvited.

Packing never quite goes to plan. Tech fizzles and breaks at every opportunity, while an

unnecessary aide in a black morph suit haphazardly helps her out with stage management. Pearman is so charming it hardly matters, but the overreliance on props in the first place gets in the way.

Buried in the bag under all the jumpers and jokes is Pearman’s fear of moving away, and of leaving bits of herself behind. Though fairly on-the-nose, Baggage is handled with care. An irreverent, playful demonstration of how we’re all just holding ourselves together. ✏︎ Kate Wyver

encounters he relates to us here is admittedly anecdotal gold that few comedians could resist using as the basis of a Fringe show, Disabled Coconut is seriously lacking in universal detail. An audience will likely remember it as a list of things that allegedly happened to a man, as opposed to something in any way familiar or relatable. Ultimately, we feel little connection to the performer or his very well-told story.

The show revolves around two incidents. One sees Simmonds— who has cerebral palsy—find love at a gig in a venue with poor wheelchair access. The other incident revolves around a Twitter

feud with a fellow disabled person, who trolls the performer for not being disabled enough.

Both strands tie together with such ease that one can only assume artistic licence has played a part in structuring the narrative. It’s just too satisfying. What is essentially a big-hearted and unconventional love story comes across as an oddly contrived helping of exposition.

Simmonds is a supremely confident and intelligent performer with authoritative delivery, but his ultimate downfall is that he’s slick to the point that we lose trust in him. ✏︎ Lewis Porteous

fest-mag.com 23 Reviews
Credit: Ed Moore

Daliso Chaponda: Blah Blah Blacklist


VENUE: Gilded Balloon Teviot

TIME: 6:30pm – 7:30pm, 31 Jul –26 Aug, not 14

TICKETS: £12 – £14

Daliso Chaponda isn’t angry anymore, just disappointed. The Malawian comedian despairs at the domino effect toppling all his fallen heros. When he got started in comedy he was told that if he worked hard he could be like Bill Cosby. Now, that seems like a pretty low bar to aim for.

Chaponda is loud but his comedy is gentle. Blah Blah Blacklist may not have the tightness of the set that got him to the finals of Britain’s Got Talent in 2015, but retains the cheekiness, pleasantly meandering through his new relationship, his post-colonial upbringing in central Africa which

Jenny Bede: The Musical HHH

VENUE: Just the Tonic at The Mash House

TIME: 5:05pm – 6pm, 1–25 Aug, not 12


In the early naughties Jenny Bede was in the obscure girl band Cherry Falls. She mentions this infrequently before leaving the full video evidence—their unorthodox cover of an eighties classic— playing as the audience leave. Only we won’t leave. Bede, at the back of the room with her bucket, is left

“trained me for the UK”, and the stoic boringness of white church. A warm performer, his hearty laugh intersects stories of getting stuck in a national front demo—“it looked like fun”—and being a back-up to Idris Elba when papers need a black celebrity to rail against racism. While his brief set on teaching us how not to be accidentally racist feels like a grouped bunch of viral tweets, his anecdotes are far funnier.

There’s nothing radical about Chaponda’s arguments, he’s

simply humorously cranky at other people’s failures. The set ramps up a little in tension when he talks about his father being arrested, delving into the idea of belief and certainty of innocence, before leaning back into an easy-going set on cancel culture and legacy.

In a rare ernest moment he makes space for grey area, suggesting that none of us is perfect. Then again, he says with a wink, maybe he’s just bullet-proofing himself for the future. ✏︎ Kate Wyver

shouting: “Why are you watching this shit?”

We’re meant to watch for a bit – she’s set it up that way. But there is a sense the younger Bede in the video, mocked by today’s Bede in tonight’s show, has travelled forward in time to have the last laugh. Because although Cherry Fall’s version of Fine Young Cannibals’ ‘She Drives Me Crazy’ has the comedic cringe factor of someone reading out your teenage love letters, it’s also a lot closer to the real thing—to fame— than most of us here will ever get. And so we keep watching.

The story of Cherry Falls, however, remains the path-nottaken in Bede’s third Fringe show.

From the top, she demonstrates her repertoire as an actor and singer, with a piercing sting of social commentary as she lists the pigeonholed bit-parts from her CV and showreel. She frames it together with the idea that musical-man of the moment Cameron Mackintosh is here to see all the musicals she’s written. As a structural device it works fine, but it doesn’t match her talents. Bede is strongest when she loses herself in the songs, letting her vocal range sing for itself.

Jenny Bede: The Musical leaves a strong impression of obvious ability, but also one where a compelling story is left loitering as the subplot. ✏︎ Ben Venables

Comedy 24
Credit: Steve Ullathorne

Eshaan Akbar: Infidel-ity


VENUE: Gilded Balloon Teviot

TIME: 3:45pm – 4:45pm, 31 Jul –26 Aug, not 14

TICKETS: £9.50 – £10.50

Eshaan Akbar has been unlucky in love. His new stand-up show, Infidel-ity, is essentially a potted history of his patchy romantic past, from first orgasm to first kiss to first girlfriend, and into the luckless, loveless life

Lucie Pohl: Really, Really, Really, Really, Really, Really Real HH

VENUE: Gilded Balloon Teviot

TIME: 9:00pm – 10:00pm, 31 Jul – 25 Aug

TICKETS: £10 – £11

Lucie Pohl is a star if you play video games. As the voice of Mercy in Overwatch she has thousands of Instagram followers, and gets invited to fan conventions all over the world. She also dubs Kim Kardashian’s voice for German television. Yet she admits she doesn’t feel like a pampered celebrity, living in a crummy flat in New York, her fame in some contexts colliding distressingly with her mundane existence elsewhere.

This conflict could lead to interesting comic explorations

he now claims to lead. Riffs on religion, on family, and on work are tucked in around the edges. It’s as well-rehearsed, well-structured an hour as you could wish for, but it lacks big laughs and bite. There’s little edge or excitement.

Akbar is a easy, endearing performer, plying a nice line in self-deprecating, ironic arrogance and a reassuring smile. He doesn’t seem particularly phased that his Tuesday mid-afternoon crowd aren’t the most responsive or raucous. “Those were jokes,” he reassures his audience after a quick bait-and-switch quip about Islam and homophobia. “Relax a

little, have a laugh.”

If there’s a point to his performance, it’s that sexual education in this society is sorely lacking and that without it, all sorts of stupid, damaging ideas filled his head. There’s a great anecdote about the first time he held a girl’s boob. She panicked, hit him, then rang up the next day to apologise.

It’s just as shame he has to play it so safe. His material is safe, his punchlines are safe, his delivery is safe. It’s a show in desperate need of some spontaneity and energy. It’s polished to perfection. Paralysingly so. ✏︎ Fergus

of identity and stardom, but here the jokes and insights aren’t sharp enough to get us somewhere intriguing. She mocks those conventions and fans her livelihood is dependent on, which is odd.

While she insists she wants to downplay her renown, she spends a lot of time reminding the audience of it, which means the display of modesty is unconvincing. Yet a sequence about the anxieties of posting on social media could be hackneyed, but is genuinely given an edge for someone with this

particular kind of fame.

In the end, though, the jokes she delivers are not as honed as they could be, with a delivery that doesn’t always make them land. And some of the content seems oddly old-fashioned too, given there’s material reliant upon such stereotypes as stingy, red-headed Scots and humourless Germans.

It’s unclear what she wants to be: a rarefied raconteur inviting punters into a world likely alien to them, or a down-to-earth jobbing performer who feels she got lucky a couple of times. ✏︎ Brett Mills

fest-mag.com 25 Reviews

Will Adamsdale: Facetime


VENUE: Underbelly, Bristo Square

TIME: 6pm – 7pm, 31 Jul – 25 Aug, not 14

TICKETS: £11 – £12

Will Adamsdale’s winning of the Perrier in 2004 lurks in the background of this show in more ways than one. It’s the tale of a middle-aged man aware that perhaps his biggest successes are in the past, and he repeatedly points towards that victory as something haunting him. But it lurks too because this show doesn’t manage to hit those heights from over a decade ago, meaning for the audience too there’s a hunger for what once was.

Adamsdale trades on his middle-class, white, privileged background, and notes that he has no right to complain. But that privilege too irks him, for it

Julia Rorke: Jeneane’s Kinky Room of Astrology and Ciggies


VENUE: Underbelly, Cowgate

TIME: 11pm – 12am, 1–24 Aug, not 13

TICKETS: £10 – £11

Halfway through the Fringe, and Julia Rorke seems fairly acclimatised to people wandering off halfway through her show.

One particular section is clearly a tipping point—a quasi-karaoke

means he should be more of a success. All this circles around his relationships with his children, and he thoughtfully and acutely mines the unthinking cruelties that offspring often inflict upon their parents. He critiques his own masculinity, especially when he compares his lack of practical skills to the Polish builder seemingly forever in his house. It’s well-mined comic material, and it’s frustrating because it always feels as if Adamsdale is about to take it somewhere fresh and thoughtful, but it never alights on something singular.

He’s in a big venue, and it seems his brand of smallscale introspection needs to be somewhere smaller, more focussed, more intimate. The halting uncertainties of his comic voice means he remains intriguing even if the material lacks force. There persists a sense of a yearning for whatcould-be for both performer and audience. ✏︎

session—and it’s interesting watching one front-row couple finally decide "it’s 11.30pm, let’s catch that last bus, because we have absolutely no idea what is going on here." Or thoughts to that effect. Rorke waves them off cheerily.

Not that anyone else is entirely sure what’s happening either, but the problem with leaving early is that you will never find out what Rorke does next, and what she does is often fascinating. Resplendent in sports-bra, bright green strides and matching cape, the Aussie absurdist really is having a red-hot go at capturing that elusive Fringe spirit.

Ostensibly, this show is about a character called Jeneane Morris

doing people’s horoscopes, which is quite a promising premise. But she only gets an hour to express herself each day, so after an intriguing recorded intro about Julia/Jeneane’s childhood, she lets rip. For a while, it’s pretty darn entertaining, a jade flash of energetic emoting. But then Rorke drifts.

While her sheer chutzpah had previously held the attention, the second half is a hot mess. There’s an awful lot of frenetic astrological gabbling. Perhaps punchlines are more apparent on better days, but tonight it feels like a Russell Grant cheese-before-bedtime fever dream that we are somehow trapped in.

Comedy 26

BBC: BritishBorn Chinese

VENUE: Laughing Horse @ City Cafe

TIME: 11:15pm – 12:15am, 1–25 Aug, not 12


Boycotted: Comedy from Israel H

VENUE: Champions of Festival @ The Scotsman

TIME: 12:40pm – 1:40pm, various dates between 2 Aug and 26 Aug

TICKETS: £7.50

A showcase of Israeli standups that largely eschews Middle Eastern politics, this is nevertheless an offensively bad show. “Boycotted” suggests that it merits sufficient interest to be suppressed, when it doesn’t come close to warranting such attention.

If you’re thinking of going to see this debut hour from Matthew Fong, be aware that the venue is a karaoke booth with barely the capacity to comfortably hold an audience in double figures. In the best case scenario, you will be turned away from the show – a woman in tonight’s audience has made three prior attempts. In the worst case scenario, you will be forced to watch an awkward standup set at microscopic close range, a claustrophobic nightmare in which the performer can read the expressions on our faces at all times.

Though he maintains that prior performances have been rapturously received, tonight we seem to laugh out of politeness more than anything else. Fong

has the stage presence and confidence to ably deliver a full length show, but lacks the inspiration to surprise or excite us. After riffing on the cultural stereotypes promised by his show’s title, he can offer only tedious innuendo.

At one very low point he tells us about a chain of shops found in Hong Kong named Wang King, and claims that an unopened branch bore the legend "coming soon". I mean, really.

Fong then closes his set by telling us that he and his fiancée no longer have as much sex as they once did, a piece of information which is accompanied by a song exhorting her to shoot a pornographic movie with him. Good stuff. ✏︎ Lewis Porteous

Opening, Arab Jew Ofir Kariyo is just off reserve duty in Israel’s armed forces where his Turkish-Yemeni heritage set him apart from his fellow conscripts. But it inspires only the broadest, clumsiest strokes of comedy about prejudice against the swarthier gentleman – prejudice which he promotes himself with a dreadful routine about his body hair. Condescending to both the Scots and the English in the room, trading in the hoariest stereotypes, he at least acknowledges the fraught situation in Israel with a few weak gags. And he tries to gee the crowd into enthusiasm.

By contrast, self-styled “Jerusalem nerd” Gil Rosenberg speaks a strangled form of English and cuts a pitiful figure,

declaring that he’s not a standup then emphatically proving it. Offering a deliberately terrible song on recorder and triangle, he recounts with zero irony how he tried to chat up a pretty woman by chatting to her “ugly” friend and seems genuinely surprised by his rejection. Inevitable walkouts.

Closing, American immigrant David Kilimnick speaks fondly of his adopted home and the freedom it affords him to be Jewish. But although he built a reasonably amusing head of steam towards the end by emphasising emotive Israeli greetings, he began with belligerence towards the unresponsive crowd and allowed this bitterness to colour every routine. ✏︎ Jay Richardson

fest-mag.com 27 Reviews

Theatre Reviews

Frankenstein: How To Make A Monster


VENUE: Traverse Theatre

TIME: times vary, 6–25 Aug, not 12, 19


Blowing the cobwebs off a classic isn’t easy, especially when it’s one like Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein that’s spawned so many adaptations and left behind just as many clichés. Yet this thrillingly lippy production really does make the old monster feel fresh again.

Six charismatic young

beatboxers, under the joint tutelage of Battersea Arts Centre and the BAC Beatbox Academy, have hijacked the stage at the Traverse Theatre to give us the remix of the Gothic creature feature we never knew we needed.

Their a cappella sound-storms are impressive enough (everything you hear is on the mic), but their creative take on the text also makes it richly resonant for a 21st century audience. Among the modern fears and frustrations they stitch together: social media angst, malignant narcissism, body dysmorphia, the rise of hate crime and urban alienation.

And while that might make the show sound serious, How To Make A Monster is also simultaneously

as fun a show as you’ll find at the Fringe.

The scene where body parts are pilfered, for example, veers from gross and comic to soulful and sexy as each organ gets a theme song – including a bit of Marvin Gaye’s ‘Let’s Get It On’ for an appendage that’s usually overlooked.

Elsewhere, the showdown between doctor and creation becomes a beatbox battle, and later a bullying spotlight shines on the audience to give us a taste of what the persecuted monster is going through.

All that and you get a starter lesson in beatboxing from the Academy’s co-director Conrad Murray. Sick.

Theatre 28
✏︎ Stu Black Credit: Lara Cappelli

Vigil HHHH

VENUE: Summerhall,

TIME: 1pm – 2pm, 2–25 Aug, not 5, 12, 19


Thousands upon thousands of animals and plants are going extinct every day. Many more are living with that threat.

Communicating the urgency of this is the purpose of Vigil, a oneman show carried by the talented Tom Bailey. Vigil’s repetitive structure is cancelled out by a tight thematic focus, a subject of vital importance to our collective

Who Cares HHHH

VENUE: Summerhall, TIME: 6:20pm – 7:35pm, 31 Jul – 25 Aug, not 1, 12


Jade, Connor and Nicole are three ordinary teenagers going about their schoolday in Salford. Or so outward appearances tell us, for much of the purpose of this issues-based piece of new writing produced by LUNG (whose past hits include Trojan Horse, E15 and Chilcot) and the Lowry in Salford is that the struggle people face isn’t always written on their face. This is particularly so when they’re young, and they have no life experience or support network to call upon.

All three are young carers, looking after their parents because no one else is there to: Jade with her paraplegic father after an accident; Connor with his mentally unwell mother after the departure of his father from the home; and Nicole with a mother whose illness


A projector flashes up names of species listed by the International Union for Conservation of Nature as being on the ominous sounding “red list”, and Bailey, who starts by gently swaying, progressively brings the animals to life with his subtle movement. When he becomes the “even fingered gecko” (thoroughly examining his hand with intrigue) and assumes the poise and soft-eyed glare of a deer, he’s pointing out that they are like us, we are like them. It follows that humans could theoretically appear on the “red list” too.

As the show progresses the depictions gain dimensions; the

“laughing owl” brings Bailey’s first verbal contribution to the show, the “sulphur molly”, “Darth Vader’s giant pill-millipede” and “thespian glass mouse” are all intentionally humorous, and the pace at which the names appear and vanish quickens to the extent Bailey can’t keep pace.

The shifts of tempo and an intense score ensure Vigil isn’t one dimensional, though the first half is a slow-burner. Bailey’s performance, a fusion of elegant movement and emotionally charged monologues, is a compelling one. Vigil is heavy but hard-hitting.

means she no longer recognises her. To a light and uplifting pop soundtrack over the transitions, the trio of performers—Jessica Temple, Luke Grant and Lizzie Mounter, respectively—play their roles with compassion and relatable enthusiasm.

Writer and director Matt Woodhead’s play balances the issues addressed with the humanity of these characters, and takes us through the everyday struggles young people in these situations face. That includes: isolation, bullying, lack of focus on their own education, and austeritydriven lack of access to financial and practical support. Yet the best of what is done here is in the way the onstage action relates to what’s happened around the play.

Its verbatim script was compiled from two years of interviews with young carers in Salford, who were involved with everything from casting to design, and the piece ends with a call to campaigning action. It feels not so much like a window on the world of these young people as an invitation to step into it and do what we can to help. ✏︎ David Pollock

fest-mag.com 29 Reviews
✏︎ Craig Angus Credit: The Other Richard

A Table Tennis Play


VENUE: Underbelly, Cowgate

TIME: 12:30pm – 1:30pm, 1–25 Aug, not 10

TICKETS: £11 – £12

Who knew a table tennis table could double as a time machine?

To watch Sam Steiner’s characters bop a ball back and forth—gadonk-donk-ga—is to fall into an unthinking trance. Minutes barely register. Time melts away.

It’s a gorgeous centrepiece in a gorgeous little play. In an old

Pathetic Fallacy HHH

VENUE: CanadaHub @ King’s Hall in association with Summerhall

TIME: 5pm – 6pm, 31 Jul – 25 Aug, not 5, 12, 19


Pathetic Fallacy is performed unseen by a new performer every day, a now very familiar format on the Fringe. The show’s creator Anita Rochon would perform, but she is reducing how much she flies, and so a stand-in Anita is required. For this performance, comedian Daniel Connell steps up, often adding to the laughs with his expression.

Much of the play is presented as lecture, and there are interesting facts to be learned. Storms named after men lead to fewer deaths; weather reporters once drew the weather on a chalkboard. However, these extended lectures leave the guest performer sitting to the side, and throughout the whole show

air raid shelter at her old family home, Cath’s sorting through her late mother’s stuff. Her boyfriend Cal’s helping, passing the time with ping pong and word games, but at 32-and-a-bit, Cath’s about to surpass her mum’s age to the second: a milestone as minute as it is massive. Where’s her life going? It’s two questions in one.

Both are thrown into focus by 18-year-old Mia, a junior tennis pro who’s not yet learned to wear life lightly. Looking up to Cath like a long-lost big sister, her seriousness contrasts with their studied silliness. And yet, all of them are hiding behind facades, sheltering from something in this

corrugated iron cocoon.

A meditation on our experiences of time, A Table Tennis Play has an Annie Baker-ish charm. Little happens, lots changes, but Steiner takes such care of his characters, allowing their anxieties, insecurities and oddities to emerge, that we follow suit. He stirs meticulous images into the mix—malt whisky that matures just as we do, vinyl records that sound better with crackles—so that meaning gradually comes to cohere. In Ed Madden’s beautifully judged, brilliantly acted production, a play that takes its time comes up like a bruise. ✏︎

they are under-utilised.

The show utilises green screen and projection, with prompters for the guest performer, mimicking the way a weather report is created. There are a couple of small glitches in the tech, but this technology allows for the most interesting part of the show where Rochon and the guest performer meet in conversation, seated together on a plane. The recorded

Rochon asks big questions, and often there is not enough space left for the guest performer to reply. It is unclear how intentional this is. Still, repeatedly employing the clincher, “how does it feel to know your very existence hurts the planet you are on?”, Rochon’s questions certainly linger in the minds of her audience and her guest. With that as her goal, the show is a success. ✏︎ Emma Ainley-Walker

Theatre 30
Credit: Sophia Wolfe

VENUE: The Studio

TIME: times vary, 7–25 Aug, not 12, 19


You can tell from the title that this is going to be a weird one. And so it proves, as each audience member is given a book containing both the play text and a series of illustrations that reinforce the story we are about to experience.

We’re told by the actors when to turn the page – a smiley “OK” that is somehow both comforting and unnerving. It feels like a Bible class or a remedial readers’ workshop

Total Immediate Collective Imminent Terrestrial Salvation HHH When the Birds Come HHH

VENUE: Underbelly, Cowgate

TIME: 2:40pm – 3:40pm, 1–25 Aug, not 12

TICKETS: £10 – £11

The impact of the climate crisis is made tangible in this quietly delectable two-hander. The attic room in Underbelly forms a kind of igloo over us as 13-year-old Margaret and her little brother Stanley glide over frosted wooden crates. In Alaska, the ice is melting and the overflowing Ninglick river

– especially when we’re asked to join in, stand up and speak lines of dialogue.

The unusual format serves to distance us from the core content while also creating an atmosphere of high curiosity as to exactly what the hell is going on. It’s a clever ploy, as we inexorably get sucked into the the strange story of a family stricken by tragedy.

Personal crisis blurs into epic cataclysm as we meet a trio of characters with shifting identities and attitudes, who may or may not

be able to help us make sense of the uncertainty we read on the page and see in front of us.

It’s likely to be either a profound or a shallow experience, depending on how much you decide to commit. Writer Tim Crouch (who also appears as an actor) is playing a postmodern game rather than telling a clear story. He invites you to feel deeply about big themes but he is careful to withhold exactly what they might be.

is forcing their community to relocate. But the move is too slow, and Margaret is fed up with her rural lifestyle. Lured by the glitzy materialism of the closest town—iPhones, central heating, Kim Kardashian—she wants to leave. Pumped for adventure in puffy coats and snow-boots, the young pair plan their escape.

Awaiting the arrival of the snow geese which marks the start of spring, they play games and make us fall in love with them both. A painful thread of corrupted innocence lies just beneath the warmth of their mutual affection, as Margaret feeds Stanley a dangerous lie, packing it with ice to prevent it from bruising. But as the tundra weeps around them, the lie

threatens to show, and we spend much of the time worrying about how Stanley is going to get hurt.

It’s a slow burn and while it could do with some dramaturgical tightening to make its impact hit deeper, there is a delightful softness to this play, like fresh snow about to be trodden on. Under an ethereal sountrack, Zak Douglas and Phoebe Vigor are gorgeously subtle performers, switching easily from eager children to adults, in turn stubborn and anxious. Stanley’s delight at his environment—and his fear that he is somehow the cause of it melting—almost make the ice a third character – one we desperately want to protect.

fest-mag.com 31 Reviews
✏︎ Credit: Eoin Carey

All of Me HHH

VENUE: Summerhall

TIME: 3:10pm – 4:20pm, 31 Jul – 25

Aug, not 12, 19


All of Me starts with an avalanche of apologies. Caroline Horton spits her sorries like spite. Sorry this show’s such a wreck, she snarls. Sorry it’s not ground-breaking, or sweetness and light. This show won’t sugarcoat suicidal depression. Horton smirks: Sorry, no refunds.

Four weeks ago, during a deep spell of depression, Horton

Pizza Shop Heroes HHH

VENUE: Summerhall

TIME: Run Ended

“We are heroes because we have to be,” say Tewodros Aregawe, Goitom Fesshaye, Emirjon Hoxhaj and Syed Haleem Najibi in unison. All were unaccompanied asylum seeking children – from Eritrea, Eritrea, and Afghanistan respectively. Between them they speak at least eight languages, many of which they use in this clear-eyed telling of their stories: their pasts, their travels, their present lived realities, and their imagined futures. They are supported on stage by Kate Duffy, who also co-directs.

It’s hard to say whether this works as a piece of theatre –there’s plenty here that might get directed out in a theatre company serving a different purpose. It’s a compelling suite of stories,

supposedly junked her entire script and started afresh. “I ruined that show,” she scowls, “FOR YOU.” Instead, she’s made something unrepentant and honest: a mental health show that feels scrawled onto the stage.

Scuffing round the stage braless, in shorts and scarecrow hair, Horton starts something, then lets it slip. Songs morph into self-loathing rants. Soothing soundscapes are shot down by sirens and seagulls. This is a show that continually self-sabotages.

Because All of Me isn’t just an evocation of depression: it is, purportedly, a product of it as well, a mess of a show made by a mess of an artist. Frank as that is, it’s

also mighty frustrating – at least in the moment. The further I get from its gnarled nihilism, the more I’m coming round.

Hung off a hard-to-grasp myth that drags Horton down into the underworld, it ducks behind the excuses it gets in early on. The more it self-destructs, the more it succeeds. Depression does that, and Horton dares to argue its case, lambasting a broken world that keeps on keeping on – neatly illustrated by a mechanical penguin toy. Glinting in the darkness, clad in a carnivalesque headdress, Horton wonders if she’s at her best at her worst. All of Me gives us both at once. ✏︎ Matt

and the central narrative, told as a myth quest is an effective way of recasting the UK’s hostile environment for refugees in a new and unforgiving light. The use of pizza boxes as signboards is fun, but some movement-based interludes retain the impression of a workshop rather than driving at dramatic ends; a “myth busting” section sits at odds with the personal storytelling and feels more like a policy explainer or research summary, shoehorned in. But that’s not what Phosphorous

Theatre are driving at. Their aim is to enable refugees to tell their stories to audiences – the company itself is part of the City of Sanctuary network. As they say, very clearly, they are here to tell their stories – “you’re not here to judge whether we’re credible or not. We’re not here to make your conscience feel better.”

In that sense, the packaging is irrelevant as compared to the importance of the stories being told. We’re not here to judge, just to listen. ✏︎ Evan Beswick

Theatre 32

Traumboy HH

VENUE: Summerhall

TIME: 8:10pm – 9:25pm, various dates between 2 Aug and 24 Aug


It’s Traum as in the German for dream, not as in trauma. That is important to know, and also one of the last things mentioned in Daniel Hellmann’s solo show about his life as a sex worker and artist. Hellmann is his clients’ dreamboy, fulfilling their fantasies with personas designed to match: “Antonio”, “Leo”, “Phil”.

After a brief moment of pure theatricality, Hellmann starts the show as a lecture. He describes his clients—mainly men—and their preferences with a wry, matterof-fact tone, throwing out bashful, boyish jokes that help hold off monotony when the pared-down segments stretch on too long. In between are dances, conversations,

Traumgirl HH

VENUE: Summerhall

TIME: 8:10pm – 9:25pm, various dates between 2 Aug and 24 Aug


Traumgirl begins with a naked woman splayed over a bubble machine, projecting a live close-up video of her vulva on a three metrehigh screen that takes up half the stage. Don’t worry, it gets more intimate.

A response to Daniel Hellmann’s Traumboy, Anne Welenc’s solo show explores sex work as

photo shoots, all jarring in their suddenness.

The show is obviously meant to be discomforting, but it often doesn’t get there. At one point Hellmann interrogates audience members about their own prejudices against sex work. It would work better if he came up against opposing views, but plenty in the audience at Summerhall (motto: Open minds, open doors) were nodding along from the start.

And why wouldn’t they? Hellmann is an extremely charismatic performer, letting his audience glimpse behind the scenes of the

show he puts on for clients. But he also puts audience members in his clients’ shoes. He offers to answer questions sent to him on WhatsApp, mimicking his back and forth messages with clients. And, more than once, he raises the possibility that like Antonio, like Phil, “Daniel” is a fiction too.

It’s unsettling, yes, but also unsatisfying. Without Daniel, a man speaking the truth about sex work, the show has little holding together its disparate elements, no catharsis. Like a dream, with too much thinking on it, it falls apart. ✏︎ Frankie Goodway

performance art from a female perspective. It’s the stronger of the two, more tightly focussed on a single strand: how Kim, a GermanPolish actress decided to start working in a brothel in Switzerland.

The opening few minutes feel weaker than the rest; Welenc fluffs her story a few times, and a description of how Kim’s father comes to change his mind on her first career choice lacks any sense of his reasoning.

Welenc hits her stride in the second half, however, particularly in a long section about the minuteto-minute experience of a shift at a brothel. Here she’s funny and gripping as she lists all the potential kinks and extras she

can charge for: “licking, fingering, English education”. Then she moves into the audience, and the mood is deeply intimate as she holds each person’s gaze just long enough for a smile. Not everything works so well. It takes a long time for Welenc to build her rapport with the audience, and some of the deliberate strangeness doesn’t feel earned. The bubble machine, for example, is really there for a single joke that isn’t perfectly timed. But despite that, Welenc creates strong images—a red latex suit padded out of all proportion, a half naked woman wreathed in smoke—that are likely to linger. ✏︎ Frankie Goodway

fest-mag.com 33 Reviews

VENUE: Assembly Rooms

TIME: 9:40pm – 10:40pm, 5–24 Aug, not 12

TICKETS: £15 – £16.50

In this one woman musical satire, Frances Barber revives her role of Billie Trix from Jonathan Harvey’s 2001 musical Closer to Heaven

The new spin-off meets Trix as an overdone diva, demanding, impatient and living off her stories of show business.

Musik HH Tricky Second Album H

She says this show is like open

heart surgery but it feels more like waiting for the anesthetic to wear off. Sassy, bored and restless, the whole show is resonant of that dotty relative who doesn’t ask questions in conversations and hogs the microphone at karaoke.

Trix’s story takes us from 1960s Berlin to London, Paris and present day New York. She name drops the famous faces she’s met and the ideas they stole from her. Madonna’s eyepatch? Warhol’s soup? Trump’s wall? All Trix’s ideas. She cuts a line of coke on her tambourine and dusts the rest off into the audience.

With a DIY aesthetic, the

Photoshopped projections look like they were scraped together half an hour before. They glimmer behind her as she performs original europop disco music by the Pet Shop Boys, gaudy and overly-repetitive. She tells us that everyone comments on how bad she is at singing. She never takes the hint.

If you loved Closer to Heaven, Musik will no doubt entertain. But for those who missed it first time round, this satire fails to stand alone. Trix wouldn’t be too offended; she’d probably just say 'You didn’t understand the artistry, darling'. ✏︎ Kate Wyver

VENUE: Pleasance Dome

TIME: 11pm – 12am, 2–18 Aug

TICKETS: £9 – £11

There’s a specific line in Fest’s editorial guide that reserves one star ratings for shows that are not just unremittingly bad, but offensive. If the cap fits, then pop it on. But times change, few more quickly and terrifyingly than our own, and criticism always lags behind them. One thing is very clear: In Bed With My Brother’s new show—the follow up to We Are Ian—is absolutely not a building on and refining of accepted theatrical standards. It’s an angry, destructive cri de coeur at a society that leaves an eight-month-pregnant woman with £80 in her bank account and still lets the wealthy burn millions in whatever way they see fit.

Formally, this is a studied attempt to tear up convention and aesthetics. There’s no showing:

they tell us what they’re doing and what they’ve done. “That was a really strong start,” pant Dora Lynn, Nora Alexander and Kat Cory. They list past and present theatremakers and tell them to fuck off. Euripides gets listed alongside contemporaries who “will be dead soon – that’s not a threat, just a fact of life”.

They adopt some of the techniques of standup, though the mic dangles awkwardly from the ceiling, and the lead isn’t long

enough for the audience patter. The pumping soundtrack is so aggressively loud that earplugs are provided (and required). There’s no attempt to build community or uplift. We leave empty and emotionally spent. Job done.

Is this an awful show or a revolutionary moment in theatre? Honestly, we can’t see the critical wood for the ghoulish trees right now. We won’t know, perhaps, until we look back in anger and awe.

Theatre 34
Credit: Matt Austin

Dance, Physical Theatre & Circus Reviews


VENUE: Summerhall

TIME: 3pm – 4pm, 31 Jul – 25 Aug, not 7, 12, 14, 21


Perhaps the “X” in No Way Back Company’s new production FrontX denotes its proud and urgent intersectionality. Not just “between hip-hop and contemporary dance, between the street and the stage”, as per the company manifesto, but also between race, gender, class and ability. This Belgian outfit—part of this year’s Wallonia Brussels Selection—interweaves the diversity of its cast into a bellowed statement of intent.

Lead by the charming IranianAustralian Roya The Destroya (a breakdancer with one leg), the troupe includes: SwedishMadagascan hip-hop dancer Slowmotion Phax; Kosovan performance artist, pole-dancer and boxer Hello Shelly; the Morocco-born, two-time Belgian beatbox champion Big Ben; Wallonian soprano Aurélie Castin; and street-performing b-boy Micael Anigbe, who hails from the Ivory Coast.

Each is given the space to tell their own story, integrated into a showcase of their disciplines: singing, breakdancing, popping and locking. Most of the show is soundtracked by Big Ben’s extraordinary vocal versatility, as he feeds hip-hop beats and

sound FX into a loop machine. “Everything starts with the face,” explains Slowmotion Phax, as he indulges in his beloved past-time of imitating strangers – their expressions, their mannerisms, their “hidden feelings”. Hello Shelly talks of how learning Thai boxing helped her come to terms with her femininity. It’s a study, if not a celebration, of the beauty and strength of everyday people. It could very easily collapse under all this weight but it doesn’t. Like Roya The Destroya standing calmly—unassisted— on her one leg, FrontX is an unshakable thing. Homogeny is monotonous; the most beautiful harmonies emerge from truly disparate sounds.

Credit: Milan Emmanuel
fest-mag.com 37 Reviews


Theatre Presents: Symbiosis


VENUE: Pleasance Pop-Up: Dynamic Earth

TIME: 2:45pm – 3:45pm, 2–26

Aug, not 6, 13, 20


Charmaine Hiller’s wee gem of a poetry-driven, environmentallyconscious dance solo is a good example of how the Fringe can lead us to make unexpected discoveries of young talent in an unusual location.

The setting is The Greenhouse, a pop-up venue overseen by The Pleasance and situated, fittingly, just beside the entrance to Dynamic Earth at the bottom of Holyrood Road. The Greenhouse is, essentially, a shed and the ethos behind it is sustainability.

The cosy little structure uses recycled and reclaimed materials, including an opaque plastic roof that lets in natural light. Hiller dances inside it on dried grass, bits of which cling to her simple, two-piece

Shower Scene


VENUE: ZOO Playground

TIME: 5:45pm – 6:35pm, 2–26 Aug


A paddling pool is all that is stopping a metal shower construction from flooding the stage. Bathing in the middle of this is performer Chloe Mantripp – the great unwashed. Shower Scene is her one-woman show about sex work and climate change.

costume. She’s a sturdy, expressive mover, sensitive to her surroundings without at any point acknowledging our presence in the intimate space. But that’s fitting, too, as what Hiller is doing is thoughtfully embodying internal consciousness. She dances in a kind of rapture, responding to a mainly instrumental soundtrack that alternates with recordings of her self-delivered autobiographical poetry.

She’s a good writer, observant and emotionally-nuanced, among whose subjects are memory,

romance, grief, solitude and the sensations of nature. Her dancing is likewise nicely-detailed and assured.

Initially I wonder if Hiller’s choreography is perhaps too repetitive, and if she needs to expand her kinetic vocabulary by maybe introducing more abrasion into it. By the end of her rather humble, half-hour show I’ve revised that early impression, Ultimately I leave it pleased and grateful for the journey on which shes taken both herself and me.  ✏ Donald Hutera

The destruction of the environment, be it one’s body or planet, is a painful thing. Through the eyes of a sex worker we see the struggle for survival and control over these bodies. She uses physical theatre, storytelling and dance to expose the parallels between the irreversible damage done to both. Where there is a metal structure, there is dance.

With some innovative theatre tricks and acrobatic skill, Mantripp delivers a memorable show – at one point making use of a condom to simulate an elderly man’s heart

attack. Billed as a dark comedy, Shower Scene has a jet black humour running through its vains.

There is a vivid image created by Mantripp of a body in pain, full of parasites that have overrun the system. For her the body feels alien, unhealthy and decomposing in real time. She begs to be unborn.

The dissection of the body doesn’t satisfy an audience for long and the interjecting songs feel largely out of place. Shower Scene has an interesting premise but lacks the bite and shock that it needs to provide. ✏

Dance, Physical Theatre & Circus

Taiwan Season: Monster


VENUE: Dance Base

TIME: 5:15pm – 5:55pm, various dates between 2 Aug and 25 Aug


The set is being assembled when the audience enters the dance studio – it takes about five more minutes. Monster literally begins as a work in progress.

As Yen-Cheng Liu’s voice blares out from the horn loudspeakers, a haze descends over the stage. The masked figure of Yu-Fan Liu holds a microphone to a radio and Gloria Gaynor chimes out. It’s a confusing deluge of thought, a mandate to survive that repeatedly disappears and re-emerges.

Monster proceeds without the need to rush or the pressure to follow a prescribed narrative. YenCheng’s movement has a fluid— almost lackadaisical—nonchalance



VENUE: Underbelly’s Circus Hub on the Meadows

TIME: 5pm – 6:10pm, 3–24 Aug, not 7, 12, 19

TICKETS: £17 – £18

Featuring an all-star cast of circus performers from across the world, there’s a lot to like in this youthful, sexy piece about the trials and tribulations of growing up and finding love. In particular, it’s the mood this young team create, and the charismatic characterisations that sell it. Growing up is hard.

We get everything far too

that slowly morphs with lithe purpose. But it doesn’t match the pace of Yen-Cheng’s sound design, which works the Monster soundscape into a frenzy.

All the while, Yu-Fan sits motionless in the background. As Yen-Cheng attempts animality with a mystery wrapped sphere, the masked presence mimics the audience – a creative voyeur unable to pierce Monster’s conceptual bubble. There are intermittent glimpses buoyed by Jui-Hsuan Tseng’s lighting design, as the mystery sphere becomes a glitter

wrong—we’re too shy, too anxious, not strong enough or, in a nice circus twist, too bendy—for anyone to love us. And yet, somehow, we muddle through.

As you might expect, it’s supported by a number of thrilling set pieces. Of note: Tom Ball’s beautiful expression of anxiety, precariously clinging to the static trapeze; Yammel Rodriguez on aerial strap, expressing the thrill of letting go emotionally; Allison Scheiler’s balletic contortions. Jess Mews fumbles a couple of times with the hula hoops, but is so charismatic as an angry young adult that she sells it all winningly.

But, it’s a bit baggy. Long expositional sections—a number of scenes involve only a mimed con-

ball and reflects brilliance around the studio. And as Yen-Cheng slowly sheds his costume, there is a snippet where the audience can intimately engage with the performer. But these connections are few and far between.

Monster’s inconclusive ending is a brave creative choice, one that keeps the audience surmising long after leaving. Is frustration the best emotion to end this confusing show? At least it evokes feeling, which is too often lacking throughout the production.

versation, shrugged shoulders or smartphone check in, #YOLO—aim to tell the story beat-by-beat, but do so unclearly. And, besides, the story is general enough that there’s no need for this granular narration.

The ‘80s theme is a bit of a red herring, too. My favourite tunes from the decade do not include St Vincent, Toni Braxton or LCD Soundsystem. And despite claiming to upset the conventions of circus, it feels a bit clumsy to see a (female) hula hooper straight after a (male) Cyr wheel act. There’s plenty of troupes in this year’s programme holding up circus’ gender traditions for examination. The cast could have fun with that. And could cut out at least 10 mins work for themselves here. ✏ Evan

fest-mag.com 39 Reviews

Cabaret & Variety Reviews

Little Death Club «««««

VENUE: Underbelly’s Circus Hub on the Meadows

TIME: 8pm – 9pm, 3–24 Aug, not 12

TICKETS: £16 – £18

If you’re wandering about the Meadows late at night this August, you may be one of the lost souls attracted to the merry band of misfits that make up Little Death Club. Or maybe you’re craving some of the best variety performers at the Fringe, in

which case the answer will still involve you seeing Little Death Club. This collection of weirdos, degenerates and runaways is a family both on and off stage, and one that is wholly inviting to anyone looking to be a part of it.

Hosting the evening is the mistress of mayhem, Bernie Dieter. A ringleader whose songs are some of the most crowd pleasing of the evening, she brings a cohesion and order to the chaos. A true variety of acts, this incarnation of the show has the bearded lady and firebreather Kitty Bang Bang, aerialist Beau Sargent, flâneur and raconteur, bon-viveur Marcel

Lucont, and drag queen and Songbird of South Yorkshire Myra DuBois. Backed by a “weimar-punk jazz” band, the monstrous guitar driven new metal group injects the show with a unique sound.

There’s a punk attitude to the evening, kabarett in its spirit. It’s also not afraid to be tender, with an emotional duet between Dieter and Sargent that brings a tear to any dry eye. The beauty of cabaret and variety has always been the something-for-everyone attitude, Little Death Club is no exception. For fans of cabaret and the uninitiated alike, this is a must see show.

Credit: Alistair Veryard
41 Reviews

Help! I think I Might Be Fabulous! ««««

VENUE: Gilded Balloon Rose Theatre

TIME: 6pm – 7pm, 31 Jul – 25 Aug

TICKETS: £9 – £10

Help! I think I might Be Fabulous is the first full Fringe hour from drag prince Alfie Ordinary. Son of a drag queen, this royal lineage continues on in fashion. An hour of songs, puppetry, glitter and comedy, he’s happy to show you why he is so fabulous. It doesn’t take long for the crowd to warm to Alfie. With a sizeable following already, new crowds are quickly brought up to speed. Kickstarting the show is a piano rendition of ‘YMCA’, sung to Alfie’s fictitious schoolmate John in a meeting with the school’s counsellor.

James Phelan: Troublemaker ««

VENUE: Gilded Balloon Teviot

TIME: 6:45pm – 7:45pm, 31 Jul –26 Aug, not 14

TICKETS: £11.50 – £12.50

In fairness to James Phelan, it’s a pretty tough crowd this evening. Saturday drunks who like to misbehave – something any magician would dread, especially in a show relying heavily on audience participation. So let’s take them out of the equation for a second.

Phelan is clearly a hardworking

In this recounting of Alfie’s formative years, the world is a queer utopia. Coming-of-age is hardest on muggle-born classmates like John, who have to hide the sequin uniforms from mum and dad at home. Next is the school-wide assembly rendition of ‘I Am What I Am’. Alfie is there to support John through this difficult

time, encouraging everyone to be their most fabulous.

Joined on stage by Whitney Houston and Bette Midler, Alfie is never far from a tune or a change of outfit. He has a gentle stage presence and natural charisma that is guaranteed to win you over, wearing his heart on his sequinned sleeve.

performer, who’s dedicated years of his life to mastering sleight of hand, misdirection, cold reading and other feats of mentalism. In isolation these tricks are impressive. He certainly knows his way around a deck of cards, and he’s able to ‘mind-read’ select audience members with astonishing accuracy.

But there’s a spark—that slick, confident showmanship we’ve seen in other stage and TV illusionists—missing here. For all his skills, Phelan isn’t the most charismatic magician around. This wouldn’t necessarily be a criticism on its own, but he’s a self-styled “prankster” who ends up struggling to communicate clearly with both the audience and with individuals

pulled on stage. Some tricks take a few goes to explain, which swipes at the ankles of the show’s pacing and robs some big reveals of their impact.

Which brings us back to tonight’s restless audience. It’s fair to say that in more confident hands, this unruly crowd might have fallen back in line, without the entertainer needing to resort to teacherly admonishments. Plus, the hope was to write this review—out of respect to Phelan’s individuality as a performer—without mentioning his lineage, but when he calls on his uncle (the great Paul Daniels) a couple of times in the show, it feels crass and (literally) nepotistic, instead of reverent and affectionate. ✏

42 Cabaret & Variety
Credit: Kate Pardey

Musicals & Opera Reviews

Art Of BelievingFlamenco


VENUE: theSpaceTriplex

TIME: 9:15pm – 10:20pm, 2–24 Aug


There’s a world of world music to explore at the Fringe, from Japanese drumming, to all-American bluegrass, to West African rap, to traditional Korean sanjo. For a hint of Spanish soul, though, you needn’t look any further than Art

Of Believing, an hour of full-throttle flamenco from Andalusia-born,

Misha’s Gang: Strings on Fire


VENUE: theSpace @ Niddry St

TIME: times and dates vary between 2–24 Aug

TICKETS: £10.50 – £12.50

This ensemble of brilliant young Russian string players is not only a group of accomplished and internationally renowned classical musicians, although that alone would justify seeing them play. They manage to deliver two seemingly contradictory experiences within a single show: the grandeur of a string orchestra—reduced in number, but

Scotland-based guitarist Daniel Martinez and his seven-strong company.

The show, a condensed version of a concert that has been successfully touring the UK since 2017, consists of seven songs, played in a variety of flamenco styles – opening number ‘Mar del Norte’ is a soulful taranta, ‘Jugando con el Tiempo’ a gradually building seguiriya, ‘El Portillo’ a rich, rollicking tango.

At the centre of it all is Martinez. Bearded, but with boyish good looks and a soft, swift Spanish accent, he’s a remarkable musician. His left hand spiders up and down the frets of his classical guitar at lightning

speed, while his right plucks and strums with infinite intricacy.

Martinez moved to Edinburgh from his native Cordoba in 2015, and, he says, is very happy here. Hence the title of the show’s fourth number, ‘Alegria En Escocia’, which translates simply as Happy In Scotland. A Celtic tinge creeps in in the following number, too, which ends with a spiralling violin solo.

Martinez is joined by his company—two support guitarists, two wailing singers, and a violinist—and by his manager and fiancé Gabriela Pouso, who dances gracefully through a few songs. All eyes, though, are on him and his miraculous hands. ✏ Fergus Morgan

certainly not in impact—and the intimacy and sheer fun of a smaller and defiantly less traditional performance.

To watch Misha’s Gang— assembled by the Moscow-born violinist and conductor Misha Rachlevsky into one of the very few Russian classical companies that does not rely on state funding—is to appreciate musicians who can both adapt Rossini, Mendelssohn, Copeland and more to the modest surroundings of theSpace, and transcend them.

The role of a conductor is an ancient debate, and Misha’s gang will not settle it. However, they provide ample evidence that the personality of the individual holding

the baton can be reflected in the music they direct. Fortunately, Rachlevsky is tremendously able, but also infected with a mischievous quality displayed through the music itself and through his interactions with the audience, which inform but never overwhelm or distract from the beauty of his players.

If one requires proof of this, there is a moment in the performance that demonstrates just how much influence a conductor can have on the music with which they are charged. The novelty of this is surprisingly worthwhile, but the gang’s repertoire should please and delight anyone, whether they be familiar with these famous compositions or not. ✏

fest-mag.com 43 Reviews

How to Use a Washing Machine


VENUE: Zoo Southside

TIME: Zoo Southside, 12pm – 1pm, 2–26 Aug, not 14, 21


Those familiar with the style and tropes of a certain kind of musical theatre will be acquainted with the difficulty of summoning its particular feel outside of the Broadway/West End-type surroundings it usually demands. Put bluntly, the close quarters of many Fringe venues are generally an odd fit for big performances.

At worst, this can create an awkward dissonance – an attempt at the epic, squashed down into an uncomfortably intimate setting.

With this in mind, How to Use a Washing Machine first of all deserves credit for not only getting past this contradiction, but also using it to the play’s benefit. This is a story which, with intention and wit, treats the domestic, the mundane and the emphatically personal as if the squabbles of two millennial siblings were equal to the Phantom of the Opera’s machinations. This gambit pays off, due to both its rewarding earnestness and the excellent live string quartet which accompanies the drama.

Returning to their childhood home

for the last time, a once-close brother and sister reflect on the unexpected, divergent and often disappointing ways their lives and have panned out thus far. Both are sympathetic, yet never at the expense of each other.

Narratives themed around unrealised dreams are hardly new at the Fringe, but this play reminds us of why this concept is so rewarding.

Although both characters perhaps take too long to establish themselves, leaving the resolution a little rushed, the audience will nonetheless be gratified to see it arrive. ✏

& Opera 44

Lilac Hastings KID CRITICS The Listies: Ickypedia

The Listies have the whole family laughing, says Lilac Hastings, age 10

What happens in the show?

I’m not sure where to start because so much happens. It is supposed to be a show about making up new words, but I think they forgot that halfway through because then it was just craziness.

Describe the show in five words

Fun, funny, crazy, amazing, brilliant.

Who was your favourite character and why?

Matt because he is so silly.

Were there any characters you didn’t like? No.

What did you like most about the show?

I thought it was all great. I laughed the whole way through. My younger sister liked throwing the baby snot monsters.

What didn’t you like about the show? There is nothing to not like.

If there were songs or music in the show, what did you think of them?

There were some songs played in the background, but you don’t really notice them.

What did your grown-up think of the show?

My mum was laughing a lot – you could probably hear her five rows in front. It was quite embarrassing. She really liked the bubble section – she was crying with laughter.

Would you tell your friends to come and see the show?

Definitely. Every child needs to see The Listies at least once in their life.

VENUE: Pleasance Courtyard

TIME: 1:30pm – 2:30pm, 31 Jul – 18 Aug

TICKETS: £9 – £10

fest-mag.com 45 Reviews


The Wizard of Oz

Honor Hastings, age seven, gets high fived by a scarecrow in this adaptation of Dorothy's adventure

What happens in the show?

Dorothy gets lost in a strange land after a storm. A good witch tells her she needs to go to the Emerald City to see a wizard called Oz so she can get home. She meets some friends on the way.

Describe the show in five words Nice, friendly, good, songs, shoes.

Who was your favourite character and why?

The Good Witch, because I liked her dress and she was really kind.

Were there any characters you didn’t like?


What did you like most about the show?

That Dorothy was able to find so many friends to go with her. I also liked that the scarecrow gave me a high five when he got his brain.

What didn’t you like about the show?

I liked it all.

What did you think of the songs and music?

They were brilliant. I loved the dancing they did to the songs too.

What did your grown-up think of the show?

My mum said it was nice how they made the story more current by making it about sustainability and being green, but I didn’t really notice that part of the story. She enjoyed the songs and thought they had good lyrics.

Would you tell your friends to come and see the show?

Yes. My friends have probably seen the film, but in real life it is even better.

VENUE: theSpace @ Niddry St

DETAILS: Run Ended

Honor Hastings
Kids 46
UnionCanalUnionCanalTowpath Place MelvinWalk Bainfield Place Dewar Place Lane Lane Grove Street Grove Street cent Eton Terrace LennoxStreet OxfordTerraceClarendonCresc ent DeanParkCresce ub AnnStreet ow Road Bells Brae Miller Row ace RandolphCres c e n t EASTFOUNTAINBRIDGE BREAD STREET JOHNSTONTERRACE GRINDLAYSTREET CASTLETERRACE Place Fountainbridge ndeeStreet Mo r rison Link WestApproachRoad tonPlace LAURISTONPLACE GRASSMARKET THE MOUND QUEENSTREET QUEENSTREET HOWE STREET FREDERICK STREET HANOVER STREET WESTPORT GILMOREPLACE Torphichen Street L OTH I AN ROAD MORRISON STREET HOME ST R EET Dean Bridge Queensfe r ry Road MELVILLEDRIVE MelvilleStreetStaffordStreet AthollCrescentCoatesCrescentWilliamStreet PRINCESSTREET GEORGESTREET GEORGESTREET ROSESTREET 150 15 125 127 7 20 76 18 22 35 410 166 119 125 artSpace@StMarks 322 Assembly Checkpoint 3 Assembly George Sq Gardens 35 Assembly Hall 139 Assembly Roxy 20 The Assembly Rooms 25 BBC 49 Bedlam Theatre 21 C aquila 50 C cubed 58 C south 73 Canada Hub @ King’s Hall 22 Dance Base 59 Edinburgh Playhouse 2 Fringe Central 1 Fringe Shop and Box Office 24 Gilded Balloon Patter Hoose 76 Gilded Balloon Rose Theatre 64 Gilded Balloon at the Museum 14 Gilded Balloon Teviot 410 Ghillie Dhu 236 Greenside @ Infirmary Street 209 Greenside @ Nicolson Square 231 Greenside @ Royal Terrace 212 Heroes @ Bob’s Blundabus 119 Imagination Workshop 127 just Festival at St John’s 88 Just the Tonic at The Caves 288 Just the Tonic at The Mash House 51 Just the Tonic at The Tron 27 Just the Tonic at The Grassmarket Centre 338 Laughing Horse @ Cabaret Voltaire 170 Laughing Horse @ The Counting House 272 Laughing Horse @ The Free Sisters 7 The Stand’s New Town Theatre 33 Pleasance Courtyard 23 Pleasance Dome 277 PQA Venues @ Riddle’s Court 166 Saint Stephen’s Theatre 26 Summerhall 18 Sweet Grassmarket 72 The Queen’s Hall 5 The Stand Comedy Club 5 The Stand Comedy Club 2 12 The Stand Comedy Club 3 & 4 260 theSpace @ Jury’s Inn 53 theSpace @ Surgeons Hall 43 theSpace @ Symposium Hall 45 theSpace @ Venue 45 9 theSpace @ Niddry Street 36 theSpace on North Bridge 39 theSpace on the Mile 38 theSpaceTriplex 15 Traverse Theatre 360 Underbelly’s Circus Hub on the Meadows 61 Underbelly, Cowgate 300 Underbelly, George Square 302 Underbelly, Bristo Square 150 Venue150 at EICC 186 Zoo Playground 82 ZOO SouthsideUnionCanalUnionCanalTowpath ry Place MelvinWalk Bainfield Place Dewar Place Lane ntLane Grove Street Grove Street escent Eton Terrace LennoxStreet OxfordTerraceClarendonCresc ent DeanParkCresce ub AnnStreet ow ordRoad Bells Brae Miller Row rrace RandolphCres c e n t EASTFOUNTAINBRIDGE BREAD STREET JOHNSTONTERRAC GRINDLAYSTREET CASTLETERRACE Place Fountainbridge DundeeStreet Mo r rison Link WestApproachRoad erstonPlace LAURISTONPLACE QUEENSTREET QUEENSTREET HOWE STREET FREDERICK STREET HANOVER STREET WESTPORT GILMOREPLACE Torphichen Street L OTH I AN ROAD MORRISON STREET HOME ST R EET Dean Bridge Queensfe r ry Road MELV MelvilleStreetStaffordStreet AthollCrescentCoatesCrescentWilliamStreet PRINCESSTREET GEORGESTREET GEORGESTREET ROSESTREET 150 15 125 127 7 20 76 22 410 166 119


Will Seaward’s Spooky

Midnight Ghost Stories VI

Gilded Balloon Teviot, 17–26

Aug, £10–£11

Project X – Alternative Comedy Collective

Monkey Barrel Comedy, 18

Aug, 19 Aug, 25 Aug, 26

Aug, £5

Alternative Comedy Memorial Society (ACMS)

Monkey Barrel Comedy, Various dates from 17 Aug to 24 Aug, £7

The Wonder Jam Heroes @ Black Medicine, 17–26 Aug, £5

Late Show Great Show / Free Festival

Laughing Horse @ The Counting House, 17–26


Just the Tonic Comedy Club – Midnight Show

Just the Tonic at The Caves, 17 Aug, 18 Aug, 24 Aug, 25 Aug, £10


Best of the Fest... Later Assembly Rooms, Various dates from 17 Aug to 26 Aug, £14–£16

Comedy Village

Laughing Horse @ City Cafe, 16–26 Aug, FREE


An Evening With Lee


Just the Tonic at The Caves, 16–26 Aug, £5


Scot Roast – Afterburn

Scottish Comedy Festival @ Nightcap, 16–27 Aug, £5


Laughing Horse @ The Raging Bull, 18–26 Aug, FREE

The Rat Pack Comedy –Anything Goes!

Laughing Horse @ The Free Sisters, 16–26 Aug, FREE

The Piece: Now More (Artistically) Accessible – WiP

Laughing Horse @ The Counting House, 16–26 Aug, not 22, FREE


The Improverts Bedlam Theatre, 16–26 Aug, £8

Amusical Club Night

Pleasance Dome, 24–25 Aug, £10

Tree Fiddy

Laughing Horse @ The Free Sisters, 16–26 Aug, FREE

Global Comedy Club

Laughing Horse @ City Cafe, 16–26 Aug, FREE

The Darkness Distillery

Laughing Horse @ Sofi’s

Southside, 16–26 Aug, FREE

Jonathan Hipkiss – At

Least We’re Out the House

Laughing Horse @ The Newsroom, 16–26 Aug, FREE


Ghost Orgy

Laughing Horse @ Cabaret Voltaire, 16–26 Aug, FREE

Nathan Hurd: Colour Blind

Laughing Horse @ The Free Sisters, 16–26 Aug, FREE

Gaming Under the Influence

Laughing Horse @ The Free Sisters, 16–26 Aug, not 21, FREE


Late’n’Live Gilded Balloon Teviot, 16–27

Aug, not 20, 21, 22, £14–£16

Late’n’Live Gilded Balloon Teviot, 20–22

Aug, £12.50

Currie and Brice: Kraudwerk Heroes @ The SpiegelYurt, 19 Aug, 22 Aug, £5


Laughing Horse @ The Counting House, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Eilidh Hodgson and Katherine Plumb: Do Wap

Art Flop

Heroes @ The SpiegelYurt, 16 Aug, 21 Aug, 23 Aug, £5


BBC at George Heriot’s School

BBC, 16–23 Aug, FREE


BBC: The Afternoon Show

BBC, 19–21 Aug, FREE

A Comedy Brunch 3

Champions of Festival @ The Scotsman, 16–26 Aug, £5

About Comedy: Stand-Up

Comedy Courses

Laughing Horse @ The Free Sisters, 20 Aug, 24 Aug, £99

Snack Chat

Laughing Horse @ City Cafe, 16–25 Aug, FREE


Selling Like Hot Takes

Paradise in Augustines, 16–24

Aug, not 18, £9


Freshly Squeezed


Laughing Horse @ City Cafe, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Trans*Atlantic Laughing Horse @ The Counting House, 16–25



Lee Kyle – ConQuest

Laughing Horse @ City Cafe, 16–25 Aug, FREE


Tales of Whatever

Just the Tonic at The Caves, 16–25 Aug, £5


Rogue Two: Burns and Moore

Laughing Horse @ Bar 50, 16 Aug, FREE

About Comedy: Stand-Up

Comedy Courses

Laughing Horse @ The Free Sisters, 17 Aug, £99

The Iceberg Effect

Laughing Horse @ The Free Sisters, 16 Aug, 19 Aug, 22 Aug, 23 Aug, FREE

Jack and Barney Are in the Background

Laughing Horse @ The Newsroom, 16–25 Aug, FREE


Rodgers with a D – The Tommy Rodgers Centenary Celebration

theSpace @ Surgeons Hall, 16–17 Aug, £6


A Failuretale

Just the Tonic at The Mash House, 16–25 Aug, £5

Comedy Auction

Frankenstein Pub, 18 Aug, 25 Aug, £0–£7

Ella Al-Shamahi and Susie Steed: Gold Diggers

Laughing Horse @ 32 Below, 16–18 Aug, FREE


Laughing Horse @ The Brass Monkey, 16–25 Aug, not 20, FREE

Twat Out of Hell: Deluxe Laughing Horse @ City Cafe, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Attention, Seeker Laughing Horse @ 32 Below, 19–25 Aug, FREE

Timandra Harkness: Take a Risk

Assembly Roxy, 16–25 Aug, not 19, £8–£10

Meddlin’ Kids

Gilded Balloon Teviot, 16–26 Aug, £8–£9


Reality Sucks! HHH

Paradise in Augustines, 16–24 Aug, not 18, £5


The Edinburgh Revue Stand-Up Show

Scottish Comedy Festival

@ The Beehive Inn, 16–26



Just the Tonic at The Caves, 16–18 Aug, £5

The Laurel and Hardy Cabaret

Sweet Grassmarket, 22–25

Aug, £10

Vampire Hospital Waiting Room

Gilded Balloon Patter Hoose , 17 Aug, 24 Aug, £10.50


Just the Tonic at The Mash House, 16–25 Aug, £5

Westdal and Hayward

Need Work

PQA Venues @Riddle’s Court, 17–26 Aug, £8–£10

BBC: Loose Ends

BBC, 16 Aug, FREE

Apocalypse Cruise Ship

Love Affair

Gilded Balloon Patter Hoose , 18 Aug, 25 Aug, £10.50

Daphna Baram: Cracking Up

Laughing Horse @ The Counting House, 16–25 Aug, not 19, FREE


3’s Comedy – Adam

Knox, Luka Muller and Peter Jones

Laughing Horse @ City Cafe, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Long Man Doing Short Jokes, Short Man Doing

Long Jokes

Just the Tonic at The Caves, 16–25 Aug, £5


Harry Baker: I Am 10,000

Underbelly, Cowgate, 16–24 Aug, £10–£11

Neighbourhood Watch

Sweet Novotel, 16–25 Aug, £8

Jamie Oliphant: The Oliphant in the Room

Just the Tonic at The Tron, 16–25 Aug, not 19, £5


Robert Ross: Forgotten Heroes of Comedy

The Stand’s New Town Theatre, 17–25 Aug, £10

Tales from the Balkans

Laughing Horse @ Bar 50, 16 Aug, FREE

Kayla MacQuarrie: Traumatised

Just the Tonic at The Mash House, 16–25 Aug, £5

Eliott Simpson: (A)sexy and I Know It

Laughing Horse @ Bar 50, 17–25 Aug, FREE

Morgan Rees and Riordan

DJ: Coming to Terms

Just the Tonic at The Caves, 16–25 Aug, £5

Rib Ticklers’ Pick of the Fringe

Laughing Horse @ The Counting House, 16–25



Amazing Adventure of Her Majesty at 90+

Sweet Grassmarket, 21–25

Aug, £7


David Callaghan: Dance

Like No One’s David Callaghan

Just the Tonic at The Mash House, 16–25 Aug, £5

Bony Tony’s Silly Show

theSpace @ Surgeons Hall, 19–24 Aug, £8


This Is Your Trial (FF)

Frankenstein Pub, 16–26 Aug, not 18, 25, £7

Stand-Up Edinburgh

Laughing Horse @ Dropkick Murphys, 16–26 Aug, FREE

Robbie McShane Has Loads of Pals (and a Girlfriend Too)

Laughing Horse @ The Newsroom, 16–25 Aug, not 17, 18, FREE

Gethin Alderman is: Sublime

Just the Tonic at The Charteris Centre, 16–25 Aug, £5


aah, It’s the One-Liner Show

Laughing Horse @ The Lock Up, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Paul Currie: Release the Baboons (All Ages)

Heroes @ Boteco, Various dates from 16 Aug to 25 Aug, £5

Josh Widdicombe: Work in Progress

Pleasance Courtyard, 21 Aug, £10

Samantha Hannah: How to Find Happiness (in a Year)

Laughing Horse @ Cabaret Voltaire, 16–25 Aug, FREE

The Golden Path

Just the Tonic at The Caves, 16–25 Aug, £5

Sarah Southern: Tentatively Tory

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Waverley Bar, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Sugar Rush: The Best of the Fringe

Sweet Grassmarket, 16–25 Aug, £5

Guerilla Aspies Year

Five – Not an Autism

Puppet Show

Laughing Horse @ Finnegan’s Wake, 16 Aug, FREE

The Best Show We’ve Ever Done at the Edinburgh Fringe

PQA Venues @Riddle’s Court, 16–26 Aug, £11.50

Black Sheep

Laughing Horse @ Sofi’s Southside, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Let’s Get Tough

Laughing Horse @ The Raging Bull, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Shaken Not Stirred: The Improvised James Bond Film

Just the Tonic at The Caves, 16–25 Aug, £8

Who’s the Daddy Pig? HH

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Banshee Labyrinth, 16–25 Aug, FREE

The Delightful Sausage: Ginster’s Paradise

Monkey Barrel Comedy, 16–25 Aug, £5–£7

Amy Annette: What Women Want

Pleasance Courtyard, 17 Aug, 18 Aug, 24 Aug, 25 Aug, £9

Funny Feckers

Laughing Horse @ The Hanover Tap, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Mimi Hayes: I’ll Be OK

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Bar Bados Complex, 16–24 Aug, FREE

Michael Legge: The Idiot HHH

The Stand Comedy Club, 16–26 Aug, £12

Luke Rollason’s Infinite Content HHH

Monkey Barrel Comedy, 16–25 Aug, £5


Bony Tony’s Silly Show theSpace @ Surgeons Hall, 16–17 Aug, £8

Cave Women: Work in Progress

Just the Tonic at Marlin’s Wynd, 16–25 Aug, £5–£6

Alex Love: How to Win a Pub Quiz – British Edition

The Stand Comedy Club 2, 16–25 Aug, £10

❤ Eleanor Morton: Post-Morton HHHH The Stand Comedy Club 3 & 4, 16–25 Aug, not 19, £10

Joe Wells Doesn’t Want to Do Political Comedy Anymore!

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Sneaky Pete’s, 16–24 Aug, FREE

50 Comedy


Rachel Creeger – Hinayni!

Underbelly, Bristo Square, 16–26 Aug, not 17, 24, £9–£10

Don’t Bother

Underbelly, Bristo Square, 16–26 Aug, not 24, £9–£10

Matt Hobs BSc (Bristolian of Science)

Just the Tonic at The Caves, 16–25 Aug, £5


theSpace @ Surgeons Hall, 16–24 Aug, not 18, £7

Tom GK’s Hearing Loss: The Musical Underbelly, Bristo Square, 16–26 Aug, £10–£11


Elliot Steel: Merked


PBH’s Free Fringe @ Bannermans, 16–25 Aug, not

19, FREE

Sir David and His Animals

Gilded Balloon at Old Tolbooth Market, 16–18 Aug, £5.50

❤ Tony Law: Identifies


Monkey Barrel Comedy, 16–25 Aug, £10

Alex Farrow: Philosophy


Laughing Horse @ Cabaret Voltaire, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Babes / Pigs in the City

Laughing Horse @ The Free Sisters, 16 Aug, 19 Aug, 22

Aug, 23 Aug, FREE

Robin Boot’s Rockomedy:


PBH’s Free Fringe @ Whistlebinkies, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Gráinne Maguire – What Has the News Ever Done for Me?

Laughing Horse @ The Counting House, 16–25


Just These Please:


Gilded Balloon Teviot, 16–26

Aug, £9–£10

Clash of the Tight Tens

Laughing Horse @ Cabaret Voltaire, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Zane Helberg – Live from Rehab

Laughing Horse @ The Free Sisters, 16–25 Aug, FREE


Peeved with Peter E


Laughing Horse @ The Pear Tree, 18–25 Aug, FREE

David McIver: Teleport

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Banshee Labyrinth, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Impulse Control HHH

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Revolution Bar, Various dates from 16 Aug to 25 Aug, FREE

Stuart Laws Is All In Monkey Barrel Comedy, 16–25

Aug, £5


And They Played

Shang-A-Lang Hill Street Theatre, 16–25

Aug, £12

Paul Foxcroft: Debut HHH

Laughing Horse @ 32 Below, 16–25 Aug, FREE

In Bread with Joseph Emslie (Work in Progress)

Laughing Horse @ Cabaret Voltaire, 16–25 Aug, FREE


Final Cut

Underbelly, Cowgate, 16–25

Aug, £9–£10

Richard Pulsford: Roll Up for the Smirking Break

Scottish Comedy Festival @ The Beehive Inn, 16–25

Aug, £5

Rod Shepherd: Slacktivist – Free

Laughing Horse @ The Lock Up, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Amelia Bayler Presents: Emotional Bangers

Mirth Meltdown @ 52 Canoes, 16–26 Aug, FREE

Henry Wilkinson: See Me at Lunch!

Just the Tonic at La Belle Angele, 16–25 Aug, £8

Grave St Claire: Hard Bop

Laughing Horse @ Bar 50, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Jennifer Tyler: Ready or Not

Pleasance Courtyard, 16–26 Aug, £9–£12

Deepu Dileepan: The Outsider

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Bar Bados Complex, 16–18 Aug, FREE

Krystal Evans: Fishnets Monkey Barrel Comedy, 16–25 Aug, £3

Well, That Was Weird...

Laughing Horse @ The Bier Keller, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Bargain Hunt and Gather

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Carnivore Edinburgh, 16–24 Aug, not 20, FREE

Laughing Horse Free and Family Friendly Pick of the Fringe

Laughing Horse @ The Counting House, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Cambridge Impronauts: Improv Actually

Gilded Balloon Patter Hoose , 16–26 Aug, £10–£11

Jumping Off the Bandwagon

Laughing Horse @ The Place, 20–25 Aug, FREE


Fiona Ridgewell: Even Dizney Needs a Day Off!

Just the Tonic at The Mash House, 16–25 Aug, £5

Nathan Roberts: Glowed Up

Just the Tonic at The Caves, 16–25 Aug, £5

Big Wendy Sweet Novotel, 16–25 Aug, not 21, £7

Boycotted: Comedy from Israel H

Champions of Festival @ The Scotsman, 16–26 Aug, not 17, 24, £7.50

The House of Influenza: A Spooky Tale of Frighteningness

Just the Tonic at The Charteris Centre, 16–25 Aug, £5


Richard Stott: Right Hand Man

Gilded Balloon Teviot, 16–26 Aug, £8.50–£9.50

Briony Redman is Indecisive (or Isn’t, You Decide!)

Pleasance Courtyard, 16–26 Aug, £7–£9

Tom Short’s Wheel of Misfortune

Laughing Horse @ The Free Sisters, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Charlie Vero-Martin: Scrapbook

Gilded Balloon at Old Tolbooth Market, 16–25 Aug, £6

A List of 100 Things That Unreasonably Annoy Me PBH’s Free Fringe @ Bar Bados Complex, 16–24 Aug, FREE

Look Up

Scottish Comedy Festival @ The Beehive Inn, 16–25 Aug, not 20, £5

Nick Elleray: Big Nick Energy

Laughing Horse @ The Counting House, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Training for Cutlery Users

Quaker Meeting House, 19–24

Aug, £8


Edy Hurst: Hurst Schmurst

Just the Tonic at The Mash House, 16–25 Aug, £5

Decree Absolute Vodka

Laughing Horse @ City Cafe, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Free Money from the

Government: A Play

About a Squid

Greenside @ Nicolson Square, 19–24 Aug, £8

DCGK’s Chicken Box

Pencil Case

Just the Tonic at The Caves, 16–25 Aug, £5


Feed Wolf Ice Cream: A Comedy Show About


Just the Tonic at The Caves, 16–25 Aug, not 19, £5



Underbelly, Bristo Square, 16–25 Aug, £15–£17

Comedy Gobbledygook

Showcase / Free Festival

Laughing Horse @ Bar 50, 16–25 Aug, FREE

So Close

Paradise in Augustines, 19–25 Aug, FREE

Angry Boater

Laughing Horse @ The Counting House, 16–25 Aug, not 21, FREE

Sooz Kempner – Mega Drive HH

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Globe Bar, 16–25 Aug, not 21, FREE

Abbie Murphy: Eat Sleep

Shit Shag

Gilded Balloon at Old Tolbooth Market, 16–25 Aug, £6

Circle Summerhall, 16–25 Aug, not 19, £10

I Think I Might Be... New Romantic!

PQA Venues @Riddle’s Court, 16–17 Aug, £5

A Little R and R

PQA Venues @Riddle’s Court, 18–24 Aug, £9

MC Hammersmith’s Magical Freestyle Factory!

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Ciao Roma, 16–24 Aug, FREE

Sketch Thieves

Laughing Horse @ Cabaret Voltaire, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Ross Smith: Crying/ Shame

Just the Tonic at The Tron, 16–25 Aug, £5

An Audience with... That Never Was, but Is ‘An Audience with... Jimmy Whobblers’ (with Jimmy Whobblers)

Scottish Comedy Festival @ Nightcap, 16–26 Aug, £5

Ben Gosling: Jobs (with Special Guests)

Laughing Horse @ The Raging Bull, 16–25 Aug, FREE Generation Whyyy?

Imagination Workshop, 22 Aug, £8


The Man

Underbelly, Bristo Square, 16–26 Aug, £9–£10

Andrew White: Retirement Tour

Just the Tonic at The Mash House, 16–25 Aug, £5

Daniel Audritt: Better Man

Just the Tonic at The Caves, 16–25 Aug, £5–£6

fest-mag.com 51 Listings


Peter Brush: Present. Tense.

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Banshee

Labyrinth, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Amy Matthews: The Life Aquatic with Amy Matthews

Monkey Barrel Comedy, 16–25 Aug, £3

Rice and Chips

Laughing Horse @ City Cafe, 16–25 Aug, FREE


Girl Stuff

Laughing Horse @ Sofi’s Southside, 16–20 Aug, FREE

Ross Leslie: Pretty Shy for a White Guy

The Stand Comedy Club 3 & 4, 16–25 Aug, £10

Australia: A Whinging

Pom’s Guide PBH’s Free Fringe @ Liquid Room Annexe/Warehouse, Various dates from 16 Aug to 24 Aug, FREE


aaah, It’s 101 Clean Jokes in 30 Minutes

Laughing Horse @ Dropkick Murphys, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Anesti Danelis: Six Frets


Laughing Horse @ The Hanover Tap, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Tom Kitching: Welcome to My Barn!

Just the Tonic at The Mash House, 16–25 Aug, £5

Girl Code

Laughing Horse @ The Newsroom, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Jokes with Mark Simmons Podcast: Live

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Subway, 16–24 Aug, FREE

Ashes: A Comedy Showdown

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Liquid Room Annexe/Warehouse, 18 Aug, 25 Aug, FREE

Blazers Presents Comedy

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Bar Bados Complex, 16–24 Aug, FREE

Andy Smart: 40 Years at the Edinburgh Fringe

Gilded Balloon Teviot, 16–25

Aug, £9–£10

Old Jewish Jokes

Laughing Horse @ Finnegan’s Wake, 16–25 Aug, not 20, FREE

Angel Comedy Showcase

Laughing Horse @ The Lock Up, 16–24 Aug, FREE

Lily Hyde & Alissa Anne

Jeun Yi: Gentlemen, Please!

Laughing Horse @ Sofi’s Southside, 21–25 Aug, FREE


MARVELus: Improv the MARVEL-verse

Laughing Horse @ Cabaret

Voltaire, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Shivani Thussu: Prefer Not to Say HH

Monkey Barrel Comedy, 16–25

Aug, £6

Best of Edinburgh

Showcase Show

Pleasance Courtyard, 16–25

Aug, £9.50–£12.50

Raphael Wakefield: Wengerball

Assembly George Square Studios, 16–26 Aug, £10–£11

Brett Johnson: Poly-Theist

Just the Tonic at The Charteris

Centre, 16–25 Aug, not 20, £5

The Dead Ducks: York

du Soleil

Just the Tonic at The Caves, 16–25 Aug, not 19, £5


Underbelly, Cowgate, 16–25 Aug, £10–£11

Paul F Taylor: Odd Paul

The Stand Comedy Club 2, 16–25 Aug, £10

Edward Aczel - Artificial


Heroes @ Boteco, 16–25 Aug, £7

Jamie Fraser and Maybe

Someone Else, I Don’t


PBH’s Free Fringe @ Bar

Bados Complex, 16–24 Aug, FREE


Tom Toal in Mediocre Boy

Just the Tonic at Marlin’s Wynd, 16–25 Aug, £5

The Dark Side of Research

Paradise in Augustines, 20–24 Aug, £10

Mix and Match Wine


PBH’s Free Fringe @ BrewDog Lothian Rd, 16–24 Aug, FREE


Charmian Hughes: What-not

Laughing Horse @ The Counting House, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Zahra Barri’s Special (Work in Progress)

Laughing Horse @ Cabaret

Voltaire, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Aidan Greene: Eternal Sunshine of the Stammering Man

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Banshee Labyrinth, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Impromptu Shakespeare

Gilded Balloon Teviot, 16–26 Aug, £9.50–£10.50

Matt Forde’s Political Party Podcast

Gilded Balloon Teviot, 20 Aug, £12.50

Fred MacAulay in Conversation

Gilded Balloon at the Museum, 16 Aug, £13

Seymour Mace is My Name Climb Up My Nose and Sit in My Brain


The Stand Comedy Club 3 & 4, 16–25 Aug, £12

Will Penswick: Nørdic(k)

Just the Tonic at The Caves, 16–25 Aug, £6.50

The Third Annual Black Comedy Showcase

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Bannermans, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Lord of the Game of the Ring of Thrones

Just the Tonic at The Caves, 16–25 Aug, £8

Mervyn Stutter’s Pick of the Fringe

Pleasance Courtyard, 16–25 Aug, not 22, £12.50

Jessica Fostekew: Hench Monkey Barrel Comedy, 16–25 Aug, £5

Jon Culshaw and Bill

Dare: The Great British Take Off

Gilded Balloon Teviot, 16–19 Aug, £15


Pleasance at EICC, 16–17 Aug, £13

Richard Herring: RHLSTP

The Stand’s New Town Theatre, 16–25 Aug, not 19, £16

Raul Kohli: All My Heroes Are Dead, in Jail or Touched Up Your Nan

Scottish Comedy Festival @ The Beehive Inn, 16–25 Aug, £5

Silent Disco Tours by Silent Adventures

Underbelly, Bristo Square, 17 Aug, 18 Aug, 24 Aug, 25

Aug, £15

Will Rowland: Cocoon

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Bar

Bados Complex, 16–24


Broken Toys

Laughing Horse @ Bar 50, 16–25 Aug, FREE

A Many Splendored Thing

Laughing Horse @ The Free Sisters, 16 Aug, 19 Aug, 22

Aug, 23 Aug, FREE

Anna Nicholson: Woman of the Year

Gilded Balloon at Old Tolbooth Market, 16–18 Aug, £7

Laugh Train Home

Comedy Showcase

Laughing Horse @ 32 Below, 16–25 Aug, FREE Not My Audience!

Laughing Horse @ The Free Sisters, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Aaron Simmonds: Disabled Coconut HHH

Underbelly, Bristo Square, 16–26 Aug, £9–£10

Ryan Dalton: When Nature Calls

Gilded Balloon Teviot, 16–26 Aug, £9–£10

How To Not Die

Mirth Meltdown @ 52 Canoes, 16–25 Aug, not 19, £6

Katie Mulgrew: Confirmation (WIP)

Gilded Balloon at Old Tolbooth Market, 19–25 Aug, £6

The Bugle Live The Stand’s New Town Theatre, 19 Aug, £16


I Can Cure... (With Subtext)

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Opium, 16–24 Aug, FREE

Shut It Down Carol

Laughing Horse @ The Pear Tree, 16–25 Aug, FREE


The Adventures of Leonard Biscuit Radio

Show theSpace on North Bridge, 16–17 Aug, £10

Arthur Smith: SYD Pleasance Courtyard, 16–17 Aug, £13.50

Alcohol-Free Craic

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Carnivore Edinburgh, 16–25 Aug, not 19, FREE

Mark Watson: I Appreciate You Coming to This and Let’s Hope for the Best (Work in Progress)

The Stand Comedy Club, 16–25 Aug, £12

Character Building


Laughing Horse @ Cabaret Voltaire, 16–25 Aug, FREE


That Black Mirror Episode With the Two Lesbians

Laughing Horse @ The Brass Monkey, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Conor Drum: Solo

Laughing Horse @ City Cafe, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Kevin James Doyle: Loud

Blond Bald Kid

Laughing Horse @ Bar 50, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Got a Text: A Musical


Gilded Balloon Patter Hoose , 16–26 Aug, £9–£10

Ahir Shah: Dots

Monkey Barrel Comedy, 16–25 Aug, £7–£8

Interviewing Electric Frog

Laughing Horse @ The Lock Up, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Board Game Smackdown

Laughing Horse @ The Counting House, 16–25 Aug, not 21, FREE

Mista Lorraine

Laughing Horse @ The Bier Keller, 16–25 Aug, FREE


Saskia Preston: Ninety-Five Underbelly, Bristo Square, 16–25 Aug, £9–£10


Andy Storey: Still (Awkward) Life

Just the Tonic at The Mash House, 16–25 Aug, £5

Stuart McPherson: Mr.

November Monkey Barrel Comedy, 16–25

Aug, £5


Boogie Shoes Silent

Disco Walking Tour with a Scottish Twist theSpace @ Niddry St, 16–31

Aug, not 19, 26, £12.50

Maddie Campion: Truly

Maddie Deeply

Gilded Balloon at Old Tolbooth Market, 16–25 Aug, £6

Sarah Johnson’s Guide to (Im)Practical Parenting Heroes @ Dragonfly, 16–25

Aug, £5

Georgie Morrell: Eyecon Gilded Balloon Teviot, 16–26

Aug, £9–£10

Ishi Khan: I’mMigrant!

Laughing Horse @ The Cuckoo’s Nest, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Aidan ‘Taco’ Jones –Lightfoot James

Laughing Horse @ The Counting House, 16–25


Ben Target: Six Endings in Search of a Beginning Heroes @ The Hive, Various dates from 16 Aug to 23 Aug, £5

Am I Blue Champions of Festival @ The Scotsman, 16–26 Aug, £5

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrgh, It’s 101 Naughty Jokes in 30 Minutes

Laughing Horse @ Dropkick Murphys, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Josh Widdicombe: Work in Progress Assembly George Square Studios, 20 Aug, £10

Ed MacArthur: Humoresque

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Voodoo Rooms, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Good Morning Nation

Just the Tonic at La Belle Angele, 16–25 Aug, £12–£13.50

CSI: Crime Scene


Underbelly, Bristo Square, 16–25 Aug, £9.50–£10.50

Stiff & Kitsch: Bricking It Pleasance Courtyard, 16–26 Aug, £8.50–£11

Steff Todd: Reality Check

Just the Tonic at The Caves, 16–25 Aug, £5

Daniel Downie: Hour of Scotland Scottish Comedy Festival @ The Beehive Inn, 16–25 Aug, £5

Axolotl: A Poetry Reading PQA Venues @Riddle’s Court, 16–26 Aug, £9


Just the Tonic at The Charteris Centre, 16–25 Aug, £5

It Takes Three to Tango Underbelly, Bristo Square, 16–25 Aug, £9–£10 Smashing Planet Bar, 16–17 Aug, FREE

Laufey Haralds: Nordic Noir HH

Gilded Balloon Rose Theatre, 16–25 Aug, £8–£9


Mickey Sharma – Pervert!

Laughing Horse @ City Cafe, 16–25 Aug, not 21, FREE

Funny Women Awards

2019 – Semi-Final Assembly George Square Studios, 24 Aug, £12


Andy Field’s Funeral

Just the Tonic at The Caves, 16–25 Aug, £5

Internationally Unknown

Just the Tonic at The Mash House, 16–25 Aug, £5

Action Figure Archive

With Steve McLean

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Ciao Roma, 16–24 Aug, not 20, FREE


Once an Emo, Always an Emo

Laughing Horse @ The Golf Tavern, 23–25 Aug, FREE

Jane Hill: Addicted to Fun

Laughing Horse @ The Counting House, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Lorna Shaw: Shaw and Order

Gilded Balloon at Old Tolbooth Market, 16–25 Aug, £6

Leslie Ewing-Burgesse Exists!

Laughing Horse @ The Raging Bull, 16–25 Aug, FREE


fest-mag.com 53

Daniel Nicholas: Lessons in Nostalgia

Just the Tonic at The Caves, 16–25 Aug, £5

Vampire Hospital Waiting Room

Gilded Balloon Patter Hoose , 18 Aug, 19 Aug, 21 Aug, 23 Aug, 25 Aug, £9.50–£10.50

Apocalypse Cruise Ship

Love Affair

Gilded Balloon Patter Hoose , Various dates from 16 Aug to 26 Aug, £9.50–£10.50

Classic Joke Club

Laughing Horse @ Cabaret Voltaire, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Erich McElroy: Radical


Laughing Horse @ Bar 50, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Two Mums – One Cup

Laughing Horse @ The Golf Tavern, 17–22 Aug, FREE


❤ Eleanor Tiernan: Enjoying the Spotlight

Responsibly HHHH

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Banshee Labyrinth, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Evil Queen Rules!

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Waverley Bar, 16–25 Aug, not 19, FREE

Darius Davies: Persian of Interest

Just the Tonic at The Tron, 16–25 Aug, £5


SHTF – Stuff Hits The Fan

Laughing Horse @ City Cafe, 16–18 Aug, FREE

Nina Gilligan – Broad Shoulders

Just the Tonic at The Caves, 16–25 Aug, £5

Alan Shed’s Music, Comedy and Everything Else Interactive Quiz Show

Just the Tonic at The Mash House, 16–25 Aug, £7

Robin Grainger: Dog Complex HHH

The Stand Comedy Club 3 & 4, 16–25 Aug, £10



Laughing Horse @ Sofi’s Southside, 16–25 Aug, not 21, FREE

101 Comedy Club – Free

Laughing Horse @ The Hanover Tap, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Mary Houlihan: Me and Jack HHH

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Bar

Bados Complex, 16–24 Aug, not 20, FREE

It’s All Going To Be

OK – Free Festival

Laughing Horse @ The Newsroom, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Agatha Is Missing!

Gilded Balloon Teviot, 16–26

Aug, £10–£11

Colin Chadwick: Quick


PBH’s Free Fringe @ Sneaky

Pete’s, 16–24 Aug, FREE


Laughing Horse @ Finnegan’s Wake, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Worst Show on the Fringe – Free

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Subway, 16–24 Aug, FREE

BadFamiliar by Matt


Mirth Meltdown @ 52 Canoes, 16–25 Aug, £5

My Uncomfortable Wardrobe Summerhall, 20–22 Aug, £10


Gráinne Maguire: Guys...

It’s Problematic Laughing Horse @ Cabaret Voltaire, 16–25 Aug, FREE

I Want an Irish Passport The Stand Comedy Club 2, 16–25 Aug, £10

A Booklover’s Comedy Show

Laughing Horse @ 32 Below, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Travis Jay: Funny, Petty, Cool

Just the Tonic at The Mash House, 17–25 Aug, £5

Improv On Demand

PBH’s Free Fringe @ BrewDog Lothian Rd, 16–24 Aug, FREE


Pete Nash: Where’s My Money?

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Revolution Bar, 16 Aug, FREE

Rob Kemp – Moonraker 2: Moonrakerer

Monkey Barrel Comedy, 16–25

Aug, £5

Audible Live Pleasance Courtyard, 16–24


Madame Señorita: Espousa

Heroes @ Boteco, 16–25

Aug, £5

Alternative Comedy Cabaret - CANCELLED

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Revolution Bar, 20 Aug, 21 Aug, 22 Aug, 23 Aug, 25 Aug, FREE


Ephgrave: Niche

Just the Tonic at The Caves, 16–25 Aug, not 19, £5

All That 50s, 60s and 70s Stuff

Just the Tonic at The Charteris Centre, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Markus Birdman – Last White Christmas

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Banshee Labyrinth, 16–25 Aug, not 20, FREE


Funny Cluckers: Best of the Fest – Free

Laughing Horse @ The Free Sisters, 16–25 Aug, FREE


Laughing Horse @ Cabaret

Voltaire, 16–25 Aug, not 19, FREE

Tom Crosbie: Nerd World


Gilded Balloon Teviot, 16–26 Aug, £9.50–£10.50

Gareth Waugh: Just Me...?!

Underbelly, Bristo Square, 16–26 Aug, £10–£12.50

Gareth Richards: 40 Years in the Wilderness

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Whistlebinkies, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Socially Awkward


Laughing Horse @ Dropkick Murphys, 16–25 Aug, not

19, FREE

Kieran Boyd – Crashing the Party HHH

Just the Tonic at Marlin’s Wynd, 16–25 Aug, £5

The Oxford Imps Gilded Balloon at Old Tolbooth Market, 16–25 Aug, £7

Cool Jokes/Hot Takes Laughing Horse @ The Counting House, 16–24 Aug, FREE

❤ Isma Almas: About a Buoy – Adventures in Adoption HHHH

Gilded Balloon Teviot, 16–26 Aug, £8.50–£9.50

Still Got It!

Scottish Comedy Festival @ The Beehive Inn, 16–26 Aug, FREE

Confessions of a Taxi Driver

Laughing Horse @ Bar 50, 16–25 Aug, FREE


100% Cotton

Paradise in The Vault, 16–25 Aug, not 18, £10

Lucy Frederick:


Underbelly, Bristo Square, 16–25 Aug, £9–£10

Izzy Mant: Polite Club


Underbelly, Bristo Square, 16–26 Aug, £10–£11

❤ Rob Auton: The Time Show HHHH

Assembly George Square Studios, 16–26 Aug, £10–£12

Eric’s Tales of the Sea – A Submariner’s Yarn

Just the Tonic at The Caves, 16–25 Aug, £9.50–£10.50

Olaf Falafel Presents Knitting With Maracas

Laughing Horse @ The Pear Tree, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Richard Wright Is Just Happy to be Involved

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Opium, 16–25 Aug, FREE


Oxford Revue – Free

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Liquid Room Annexe/Warehouse, 16–19 Aug, FREE

Christopher Bliss: The Man Who Turns Wives Into Widows

Monkey Barrel Comedy, 16–24 Aug, £7

Stand-Up Philosophy – Free

Laughing Horse @ The Counting House, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Freya and Will in Discussion with ABBA

Gilded Balloon at Old Tolbooth Market, 16–25 Aug, £6

Sets in the City – Free

Laughing Horse @ The Place, 16–18 Aug, FREE

Lusty Mannequins: Uncommonwealth

Gilded Balloon Teviot, 16–25 Aug, £9–£10


Laughing Horse @ The Lock Up, 16–25 Aug, not 19, FREE

Emer Maguire: Hilarious Humans

Greenside @ Infirmary Street, 19–24 Aug, £5

Barely There

Laughing Horse @ The Cuckoo’s Nest, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Stuart Goldsmith: Primer (WIP)

Monkey Barrel Comedy, 16–25

Aug, £5

Sense of Tumour

Laughing Horse @ The Brass Monkey, 17–25 Aug, FREE

Silent Disco Tours by Silent Adventures

Underbelly, Bristo Square, 17 Aug, 18 Aug, 24 Aug, 25 Aug, £15

I’m Here, All Weak

Laughing Horse @ Bar 50, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Darcie Silver – I Know You Are

Laughing Horse @ The Brass Monkey, 16 Aug, FREE

Edinburgh’s Pandas Are Just Weegies in Disguise! Arthur Conan Doyle Centre, 17 Aug, 18 Aug, 24 Aug, £8

AAA Batteries (Not Included)

Just the Tonic at The Caves, 16–25 Aug, £5

My Finest Hour

PQA Venues @Riddle’s Court, 16–25 Aug, not 20, £5

The Noise Next Door’s Really Really Good Afternoon Show Through


Gilded Balloon Teviot, 16–25 Aug, £9.50–£10.50

Tony Slattery: Slattery Will Get You Nowhere The Stand Comedy Club 3 & 4, 16–25 Aug, £12

Will Mars: Phoenix Laughing Horse @ City Cafe, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Elliot Wengler – Solo: An Elliot Wengler Story

Laughing Horse @ Cabaret Voltaire, 16–25 Aug, FREE


2001: A Sketch Odyssey theSpace @ Surgeons Hall, 19–24 Aug, £6.50

Random Bag Check

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Voodoo Rooms, 16–25 Aug, FREE


Flora Anderson: Romantic Underbelly, Bristo Square, 16–25 Aug, £9–£10


Grace Campbell: Why I’m Never Going Into Politics H

Gilded Balloon Teviot, 16–26 Aug, £10–£11

Trevor Lewis Presents: A Stand-Up for the Mystery Hour

Scottish Comedy Festival @ The Beehive Inn, 16–26 Aug, not 19, £5

Jack Harris and Rajiv

Karia: The Squeeze

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Southsider, 16–24 Aug, FREE

Lou Sanders: Say Hello to Your New Step-Mummy Monkey Barrel Comedy, 16–25 Aug, £8

Shit Socialist Laughing Horse @ The Counting House, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Ollie Horn: Pig in Japan

Just the Tonic at The Mash House, 16–25 Aug, £7

Will Duggan: Class Two Pleasance Courtyard, 16–26 Aug, £8–£10

Pat Cahill: Uncle Len Needs a New Part for His Hoover Monkey Barrel Comedy, 16–25 Aug, £6

Lucky Maclean: Festival in the Bin – Walking Tour/Show Heroes @ Bob’s BlundaBus, 17–24 Aug, £5


Simon Munnery: Alan Parker Urban Warrior Farewell Tour HHH

The Stand Comedy Club, 16–26 Aug, £12

Peter Fleming: Have You Seen?

Heroes @ Dragonfly, 16–25 Aug, £5


The Stand’s New Town Theatre, 16–25 Aug, not 17, £10

❤ Sean Morley: Soon I Will Be Dead and My Bones Will Be Free to Wreak Havoc Upon the Earth Once More HHHH

Heroes @ The Hive, 16–25 Aug, not 21, £5

Glitter Business

Just the Tonic at The Charteris Centre, 16–25 Aug, not 20, £5

Sarah Lee: Half a Man Laughing Horse @ City Cafe, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Dinner for One oder Der 90. Geburtstag Heroes @ The Hive, 21 Aug, £5

❤ Jonny Pelham: Off Limits HHHH

Just the Tonic at The Caves, 16–25 Aug, £5–£7.50

The Official Edinburgh Fringe Christmas Show

Champions of Festival @ The Scotsman, 16–26 Aug, £5


Boogie Shoes Silent Disco Walking Tour with a Scottish Twist theSpace @ Niddry St, 16–31 Aug, not 19, 26, £12.50

Michael Fabbri: Rebooted Laughing Horse @ Cabaret Voltaire, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Children of the Quorn™

Just the Tonic at La Belle Angele, 16–25 Aug, £5

George Fouracres: Gentlemon HHH

Pleasance Courtyard, 16–26 Aug, not 18, £8.50–£10.50

Paul Savage: Shame

Spiral PBH’s Free Fringe @ Waverley Bar, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Could It Be Magic?

Just the Tonic at The Caves, 16–25 Aug, £8.50

Best in Class Laughing Horse @ The Counting House, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Shawn Jay’s Fun Guide to Nihilism

Laughing Horse @ The Bier Keller, 16–25 Aug, FREE

BBC: Loose Ends BBC, 20 Aug, FREE

54 Comedy

Richard Brown: Horror Show (Work in Progress)

Scottish Comedy Festival @ Nightcap, 16–24 Aug, £5

Ahab; or What If Moby

Dick Were Stand-Up


Laughing Horse @ The Raging Bull, 16–25 Aug, not 20, FREE

Sh*t Hipsters

Mirth Meltdown @ 52 Canoes, 16–26 Aug, FREE

Motherhood: A Comedy

Just the Tonic at The Mash House, 16–25 Aug, £5

Gary Tro: The Greatest Superhero Movie Never Made

Gilded Balloon at Old Tolbooth Market, 16–25 Aug, £6

Cowboys, Country Music and Queers

Imagination Workshop, 20–24 Aug, £7.50

Immoral Maze

Laughing Horse @ Bar 50, 16–25 Aug, FREE

The Newcastle Revue: Tyne and Tyne Again

Laughing Horse @ The Golf Tavern, 16–25 Aug, FREE


Northern Power Blouse –Touching Cloth

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Opium, 16–24 Aug, not 22, FREE

2 Truths, 1 Lie Sweet Novotel, 16–25 Aug, not 21, £5

Danny Ward: Danny’s Got Talent

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Banshee Labyrinth, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Vince Atta: Massive Attack

Just the Tonic at The Caves, 16–25 Aug, £6

Nick Revell:

Eurasia’s Most Eligible Psychopaths and Their Lovely Homes

The Stand Comedy Club 3 & 4, 16–25 Aug, £10


Adele Cliff: Undershare

Just the Tonic at The Tron, 16–25 Aug, £5

Sundeep Bhardwaj: Father Figure

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Bar Bados Complex, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Tony Law and Phil Nichol: Virtue Chamber Echo


Heroes @ The Hive, 16–24 Aug, not 20, £5

Louise Atkinson: Sounds Good, Looks a Mess

Laughing Horse @ City Cafe, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Limmy: Surprisingly Down to Earth, and Very Funny

The Stand’s New Town

Theatre, 16–18 Aug, £16


So What?

Laughing Horse @ The Newsroom, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Not Quite Mass

Laughing Horse @ Finnegan’s Wake, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh, It’s the Monster Stand-Up Show!

Laughing Horse @ The Hanover Tap, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Musical Comedy Guide


Just the Tonic at The Mash House, 16–25 Aug, £6

Too Ugly for Love Island

Paradise in Augustines, 16–25

Aug, not 18, £5

Eshaan Akbar: Infidel-ity

Gilded Balloon Teviot, 16–26

Aug, £9.50–£10.50

Science Idiot

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Subway, 16–24 Aug, not 21, FREE

Bart Freebairn: Maximum Delicious

Just the Tonic at The Caves, 16–25 Aug, £7

Nicky Wilkinson: Game On Laughing Horse @ The Lock Up, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Laughing Horse Free Pick of The Fringe

Laughing Horse @ The Free Sisters, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Mitch Benn: Ten Songs to Save the World

Underbelly, Bristo Square, 16–25 Aug, £10–£12

Murder She Didn’t Write: The Improvised Murder Mystery

Pleasance Courtyard, 16–26 Aug, £10–£12.50

99 (First World) Problems feat Andy Quirk and Anna J

Laughing Horse @ Sofi’s Southside, 16–25 Aug, not 20, FREE


Marjolein Robertson: Da Shetland Spree HHH

The Stand Comedy Club 2, 16–25 Aug, £9

Hari Kanth: This Train Terminates Here

Laughing Horse @ Cabaret Voltaire, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Chris Betts vs the Audience

Heroes @ Bob’s BlundaBus, 16–25 Aug, £5

Dave’s Edinburgh

Comedy Awards Gala Pleasance Courtyard, 25 Aug, £14

Dog Tales

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Revolution Bar, 18–23 Aug, FREE

Caroline Mabey – Hair of the Dog HH

Laughing Horse @ 32 Below, 16–25 Aug, FREE


Myra DuBois: Dead Funny

Underbelly, Bristo Square, 16–25 Aug, not 22, 23, £10–£11

Aboriginal Comedy


Assembly George Square Studios, 16–26 Aug, £11–£12

Luca Cupani: Lives I Never Lived HHH

Just the Tonic at The Mash House, 16–25 Aug, £5

Adrian Minkowicz: Brown Privilege

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Banshee Labyrinth, 16–25 Aug, FREE


Ruby Wax: How To Be Human

Pleasance Courtyard, 18–24 Aug, £16–£18

All Together Irish Laughing Horse @ Dropkick Murphys, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Mountebank Comedy Walk of Edinburgh

Monkey Barrel Comedy, 16–24 Aug, £10

Joe Bor: The Story of Walter and Herbert HHH

Underbelly, George Square, 16–25 Aug, £9–£10

BBC: Fresh from the Fringe

BBC, 19 Aug, FREE

Sad Tony the Rapper’s Sad Tonathon the Rapperthon

Planet Bar, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Stephen K Amos Talk Show

Gilded Balloon Teviot, 16 Aug, 17 Aug, 18 Aug, 23 Aug, 24 Aug, £14

Patrick Spicer: Now I’ve Seen Anything

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Carnivore Edinburgh, 16–24


Greg Proops: The Smartest Man in the World

Gilded Balloon Teviot, 19 Aug, £12

The Journey of (Tini) Martini Enlightenment Assembly George Square Gardens, 16–18 Aug, £10

(L)awfully Wedded

Arthur Conan Doyle Centre, 16–18 Aug, £8

Working Class Zero

Laughing Horse @ Bar 50, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Joe Jacobs: Grimefulness Just the Tonic at The Caves, 16–25 Aug, £5

FreeStyle Comedy: Improvised Stand-Up

Scottish Comedy Festival @ The Beehive Inn, 16–25 Aug, not 20, £5

Daisy Earl: Fairy Elephant


Gilded Balloon Patter Hoose , 16–26 Aug, £8.50–£9.50

The Artist Currently Known as Chris Chopping

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Bar Bados Complex, 16–24


Tania Edwards: Don’t Mention It Monkey Barrel Comedy, 16–25 Aug, £5

Des Kapital: I’m Loving Engels Instead Sweet Grassmarket, 16–25 Aug, £8

It Just So Happened – An Alternative History Show Scottish Comedy Festival @ The Beehive Inn, 20 Aug, £5

Lucie Pohl’s Immigrant Jam

Gilded Balloon Teviot, 22 Aug, £10.50

The Latebloomers: Scotland! Assembly Rooms, 16–24 Aug, not 19, £10–£12

The Durham Revue: Unnatural Disaster

Underbelly, Cowgate, 16–25 Aug, £9.50–£10.50

Sketch You Up!

Just the Tonic at The Charteris Centre, 16–25 Aug, £7.50–£8.50

Mandy Muden: Is Not the Invisible Woman

Gilded Balloon Teviot, 16–26 Aug, not 19, £9.50–£10.50

Arabella Weir: Does My Mum Loom Big in This?

Assembly George Square Studios, 16–25 Aug, £13–£15

Crybabies: Danger Brigade

Heroes @ Boteco, 16–25 Aug, £5

Daniel Muggleton: Pimpin’ Ain’t Easy (But I Reckon it’s Easier for Straight, White Men?)

Laughing Horse @ The Counting House, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Harriet Dyer and Scott Gibson: That’s Not a Lizard, That’s My Grandmother

Gilded Balloon at Old Tolbooth Market, 16–25 Aug, £6

❤ Glenn Moore: Love

Don’t Live Here Glenny Moore HHHH

Pleasance Courtyard, 16–25 Aug, £9–£11

Paul Merton’s Impro Chums

Pleasance Courtyard, 16–17 Aug, £16.50

Edinburgh Fringe Comedy Showcase

Gilded Balloon Teviot, 21 Aug, £8

Maureen Younger: Out of Sync

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Whistlebinkies, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Caspian and Ciaran: The Milkmen

Laughing Horse @ The Free Sisters, 16–25 Aug, FREE

BBC: Susan Calman’s Fringe Benefits

BBC, 17 Aug, FREE

fest-mag.com 55 Listings

Dr Lara Love: Love

Leans In

Laughing Horse @ Cabaret Voltaire, 16–25 Aug, FREE

James Hancox: 1000

Great Lives

Assembly George Square, 16–25 Aug, £11–£12.50

Samantha Pressdee: Covered

PQA Venues @Riddle’s Court, 16–26 Aug, £10

Esther Manito: Crusade HHH

Gilded Balloon Teviot, 16–25 Aug, £11–£12


Tom Little – Chronically Underachieving Loser and Wasteman

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Opium, 16–24 Aug, FREE

Njambi McGrath: Accidental Coconut

Just the Tonic at Marlin’s Wynd, 16–23 Aug, FREE

Robin Morgan: What a Man, What a Man, What a Man, What a Mighty Good Man (Say It Again Now)

Laughing Horse @ The Pear Tree, 16–25 Aug, FREE


Adrian Tauss and Sasha

Ellen: Get a Room

Laughing Horse @ Cabaret Voltaire, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Wil Greenway: The Ocean

After All

Underbelly, Bristo Square, 16–25 Aug, £10–£11

Daniel Nils Roberts: The History of the World in 1 Hour

Underbelly, Bristo Square, 16–26 Aug, £9.50–£10.50

Twonkey’s Ten Year


Just the Tonic at The Caves, 16–25 Aug, £5

Josh Berry: Who Does He Think He Is?

Assembly George Square Studios, 16–25 Aug, £10.50–£11.50


Christopher KC: Why I’m No Longer Talking to White People About Rice


Gilded Balloon at Old Tolbooth Market, 16–25 Aug, £6

Cerys Nelmes’ 80s

Gameshow Mash-Up

Laughing Horse @ The Lock Up, 19–25 Aug, FREE

James McNicholas: The Boxer HHH

Pleasance Courtyard, 16–25 Aug, £8–£10

Jojo Sutherland: Riches to Rags HH

Gilded Balloon Teviot, 16–26 Aug, £10–£11

❤ Eric Lampaert: Borne of Chaos HHHH

Laughing Horse @ The Counting House, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Phil Cornwell: Alackadaddy HHH

Underbelly, Bristo Square, 16–26 Aug, £11–£12

Ferris Bueller’s Way Of...

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Liquid Room Annexe/Warehouse, 16–25 Aug, not 21, FREE

Raul Kohli: The Greatest Hits

Laughing Horse @ Bar 50, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Lola and Jo: Escape


Assembly George Square, 16–25 Aug, £10–£11

Baba Brinkman’s Rap

Guide to Culture

Gilded Balloon Patter Hoose , 16–26 Aug, £10.50–£11.50

Matt Stellingwerf: Sisyphus

Laughing Horse @ City Cafe, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Ruby Carr’s Birthday Party (WIP)

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Bar

Bados Complex, 16–24 Aug, not 18, FREE

Talk a Big Game

Laughing Horse @ The Place, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Left-Wing Conspiracy Theorist With Dyspraxia 2 Laughing Horse @ The Lock Up, 16–18 Aug, FREE


The Crown Dual Gilded Balloon Patter Hoose , 16–26 Aug, not 21, £12.50–£13.50

Auto-Correbt: Sight


Greenside @ Infirmary Street, 19–24 Aug, £9

Roisin Crowley Linton: Teenage Kicks Underbelly, Cowgate, 16–25 Aug, £9–£10


Matt Winning: It’s the End of the World as We Know It

Pleasance Courtyard, 16–25 Aug, £8–£10


theSpace @ Surgeons Hall, 20–24 Aug, £8–£9


Sid Singh: American Refugee

Laughing Horse @ The Counting House, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Thomas Green: Tweak Laughing Horse @ The Free Sisters, 18–25 Aug, FREE

Vauxhall Comedy Presents Tom Elwes and Ali Woods

Just the Tonic at The Grassmarket Centre, 16–25 Aug, £5

Lucy Pearman: Baggage HHH

Monkey Barrel Comedy, 16–25 Aug, £8

Gusset Grippers

Gilded Balloon Rose Theatre, 16–25 Aug, £10–£11

Giants Are Fjörd Pleasance Courtyard, 16–25 Aug, £9.50–£11.50

Anna Drezen: Okay Get Home Safe!! HHH

Pleasance Courtyard, 16–25 Aug, £9–£11

Silent Disco Tours by Silent Adventures

Underbelly, Bristo Square, 17 Aug, 18 Aug, 24 Aug, 25 Aug, £15

❤ Olga Koch: If/Then HHHH

Monkey Barrel Comedy, 16–25

Aug, £7

The Three Deaths of Ebony Black

Underbelly, Bristo Square, 16–26 Aug, £9.50–£10.50

Club Sets

Scottish Comedy Festival @ The Beehive Inn, 16–25 Aug, not 19, FREE

Susan Murray: How Not

To Die In A Plane Crash

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Banshee Labyrinth, 16–25 Aug, not 19, FREE

Cam Spence: The Sunshine Clinic

Pleasance Courtyard, 16–25

Aug, £9–£11

The Great Outdoors

Mirth Meltdown @ 52 Canoes, 16–26 Aug, £5

Steve Rannazzisi –Please Forget

Just the Tonic at The Caves, 16–25 Aug, FREE

AJ Holmes: Yeah, but Not Right Now

Underbelly, Cowgate, 16–25

Aug, £9–£10

George Egg: Movable Feast

Assembly George Square Gardens, 16–25 Aug, £10–£12

Radio Active: The 40th

Anniversary Show

Gilded Balloon Teviot, 16–25

Aug, £14–£15

Rich Wilson: Death Becomes Him

Gilded Balloon Teviot, 16–25 Aug, £8–£10

Andy Zaltzman: Satirist For Hire – Blindfold

Cliff-Edge Unicorn Brexit Britain Bogus Prime Minister Democrageddon

American Elections

Cricket World Cup

General State of the World Specials

The Stand Comedy Club 3 & 4, 16–25 Aug, £12


I Fahrt Berlin: The Journey Continues

Laughing Horse @ City Cafe, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Chris Kehoe: The Second Coming of Chris

Just the Tonic at The Mash House, 18–25 Aug, £5

Rosco McClelland –Magic Belly

Monkey Barrel Comedy, 16–25 Aug, £5

Joseph Parsons: Baggy Point

Just the Tonic at The Mash House, 16–17 Aug, FREE


West End Producer – Free Willy Assembly Checkpoint, 16–26 Aug, £12–£14

Oleg Denisov: Russian Troll

Champions of Festival @ The Scotsman, 16–26 Aug, £5

Felix and The Scootermen: Self-Help Yourself Famous Underbelly, Bristo Square, 16–26 Aug, £11–£12

Ryan Lane Will Be There Now in a Minute Heroes @ Dragonfly, 16–25 Aug, £5

Martin Pilgrim: I Write Jokes Not Tragedies

Just the Tonic at The Grassmarket Centre, 16–25 Aug, £5

Joz Norris Is Dead. Long Live Mr Fruit Salad.

Heroes @ The Hive, 16–25 Aug, £5

Google Me

Just the Tonic at The Caves, 16–25 Aug, £6.50

Miller and Salmon: Genesis

Just the Tonic at The Charteris Centre, 16–25 Aug, £5

Definitely Not Romeo and Juliet theSpace on North Bridge, 19–24 Aug, £8


A**Hole New World Scottish Comedy Festival @ Nightcap, 17–26 Aug, £5

Aaaaaaaaand Now! Roger Swift’s Machine Pun

Laughing Horse @ The Bier Keller, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Haha Cool

Laughing Horse @ The Raging Bull, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Jenny Collier: The Jen Commandments

Laughing Horse @ Cabaret Voltaire, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Heidi Regan: Heidi Kills

Time HHH

Pleasance Courtyard, 16–25 Aug, £9–£12

The Mars & Lee Show

Laughing Horse @ Bar 50, 16–25 Aug, FREE

56 Comedy

Hero Worship

Laughing Horse @ The Counting House, 16–25 Aug, not 21, FREE

❤ John Kearns: Double Take and Fade Away HHHH

Monkey Barrel Comedy, 16–24 Aug, £9

Dave Bibby: Crazy Cat Lad-y

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Globe Bar, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Martin Angolo – Q: Is It Comedy? A: Well It’s Martin Angolo!

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Waverley Bar, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Isa Bonachera: The Great Emptiness

Gilded Balloon at Old Tolbooth Market, 16–25 Aug, £6

Louise Young and Anja Atkinson: Big Div Energy

The Stand Comedy Club 3 & 4, 16–25 Aug, £8

Lucy Beaumont: Space


Pleasance Courtyard, 16–25 Aug, £12


Archie Maddocks: Big Dick Energy

Just the Tonic at The Mash House, 16–25 Aug, £5

Mark Simmons –One-Linerererer

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Banshee Labyrinth, 16–24 Aug, FREE

Naz Osmanoglu – Scandinaveland HHH

Just the Tonic at The Caves, 16–25 Aug, not 17, £5

Generation Whyyy?

Imagination Workshop, 16–22 Aug, £8

Rory O Hanlon –Confidence

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Opium, 16–24 Aug, FREE


Jane Hill: All I Want

Laughing Horse @ City Cafe, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Nick Everritt: The Deconstruction

Just the Tonic at The Caves, 16–25 Aug, £5


Nobody Likes You When

You’re 33

Sweet Novotel, 16–25 Aug, not 21, £7

Geeks, Stand Up!

Laughing Horse @ The Free Sisters, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Boogie Shoes Silent

Disco Walking Tour with a Scottish Twist

theSpace @ Niddry St, 16–31 Aug, not 19, 26, £12.50

Ali Brice: Bin Wondering

Heroes @ The SpiegelYurt, 16–25 Aug, £5

#Jollyboat: Bards Against Humanity (The Best of Jollyboat)

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Liquid Room Annexe/Warehouse, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Foxdog Studios: Tomorrow’s Office


Heroes @ The Hive, 16–25 Aug, £5

Bristol Revunions: Party

Just the Tonic at La Belle

Angele, 16–25 Aug, £5

Joe McArdle is: Theo McCabe

Laughing Horse @ Sofi’s Southside, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Voldemort and the

Teenage Hogwarts

Musical Parody Assembly George Square Studios, 16–26 Aug, £13–£15

Apocalypse Comedy Club featuring Mick Neven

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Sneaky

Pete’s, 16–24 Aug, FREE

Lucy Farrett: Lois

Underbelly, Cowgate, 16–25 Aug, £10–£11

Skydive to Stand-Up

Laughing Horse @ The Hanover Tap, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Age Fright: 35 and Counting

PQA Venues @Riddle’s Court, 16–26 Aug, £11.50

Pussies PBH’s Free Fringe @ Revolution Bar, 16–25 Aug, not 17, 24, FREE

Garrett Millerick: Smile

Just the Tonic at The Tron, 16–25 Aug, £7

Lenny Sherman: Have Fun

Frankenstein Pub, 16–26


Irish Comedy Invasion

Laughing Horse @ The Lock Up, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Darcie Silver – I Know You Are

Planet Bar, 17–18 Aug, FREE

Maisie Adam: Hang Fire HH

Gilded Balloon Teviot, 16–26 Aug, £10.50–£11.50

Dan Cardwell: Recall

Laughing Horse @ Finnegan’s Wake, 16–25 Aug, FREE


Ben Van der Velde –


Laughing Horse @ 32 Below, 16–25 Aug, FREE

The Yank is a Manc! My Ancestors & Me

theSpace @ Surgeons Hall, 19–24 Aug, £8

Bumper Blyton

Underbelly, Bristo Square, 16–25 Aug, £10–£11

Jenny Bede: The Musical HHH

Just the Tonic at The Mash House, 16–25 Aug, £5

Laughing Horse Free Pick of The Fringe

Laughing Horse @ Cabaret Voltaire, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Anna Nicholson: Get Happy

Just the Tonic at The Caves, 16–25 Aug, not 19, £7

Orlando Baxter: Finding Mariah

The Stand Comedy Club 2, 16–24 Aug, £10

Despite Everything, Price Still Includes Biscuits theSpace @ Surgeons Hall, 16–24 Aug, not 18, £8


Dominic Frisby: Libertarian Love Songs

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Banshee Labyrinth, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Stella Graham: Sneaky

Little Bitch

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Carnivore Edinburgh, 16–24 Aug, FREE

Cally Beaton: Invisible Assembly George Square Studios, 16–26 Aug, £9–£11

Chris Betts: Dumb but Fair

Heroes @ Bob’s BlundaBus, 16–25 Aug, £5


Simply Filthy Paradise in Augustines, 16–25 Aug, not 18, £5

Reverend Richard Coles: #SimpleCountryParson Pleasance Courtyard, 16–25 Aug, £13–£15

Maria Shehata: Hero

Gilded Balloon at Old Tolbooth Market, 16–25 Aug, £6

The Journey of (Tini)

Martini Enlightenment Assembly George Square Gardens, 16–18 Aug, £10

Alison Spittle: Mother of God

Gilded Balloon Teviot, 16–26 Aug, £10–£11


aaah, It’s 101 Clean Jokes in 30 Minutes

Laughing Horse @ Dropkick Murphys, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Hardeep Singh Kohli: It’s Hard to Be Deep Assembly George Square Studios, 16–24 Aug, £12–£14


PBH’s Free Fringe @ Whistlebinkies, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Laughing Horse Free Best in Comedy Chat Show

Laughing Horse @ The Free Sisters, 16–25 Aug, not

19, FREE

Glenn Grimwood:


Laughing Horse @ The Free Sisters, 16–25 Aug, not

19, FREE

Laura Lexx: Knee Jerk

Gilded Balloon Teviot, 16–25 Aug, £9–£10

Sukh Ojla: For Sukh’s Sake HHH

Gilded Balloon Patter Hoose , 16–25 Aug, £8.50–£9.50

Which Princess Are You?

Laughing Horse @ Bar 50, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Absolute Zero: Jez Watts

Laughing Horse @ Cabaret Voltaire, 16–25 Aug, not 19, FREE

Jacob Hawley: Faliraki

Just the Tonic at The Mash House, 16–25 Aug, £6

Ian Smith: Half-Life

Underbelly, Bristo Square, 16–25 Aug, £10–£12.50

Angus Dunican: Nice Bit of Kit

Laughing Horse @ The Counting House, 17–25 Aug, FREE


Jim Campbell: Beef

Just the Tonic at The Caves, 16–24 Aug, £5–£6

James Barr: Thirst Trap

Underbelly, Cowgate, 16–25 Aug, £10–£11

Francesco De Carlo: Winning Hearts and Minds

Underbelly, George Square, 16–26 Aug, £10–£12

Jimmy McGhie

Laughing Horse @ The Pear Tree, 16–24 Aug, not 19, FREE

Goose: Ctrl+T

Assembly George Square, 16–25 Aug, £12–£14

Conspiracy Theory: A

Lizard’s Tale

Just the Tonic at The Charteris Centre, 16–25 Aug, £8

Privates: A Sperm


Heroes @ Boteco, 16–25 Aug, £5

Josh Glanc: Glance You for Having Me HHH

Monkey Barrel Comedy, 16–25 Aug, £5–£7


theSpace @ Surgeons Hall, 19–24 Aug, £8

Neil O’Rourke: Thump

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Opium, 16–24 Aug, FREE

The Cambridge Footlights International Tour Show

2019: Look Alive!

Pleasance Dome, 16–26 Aug, £11–£13


How to Hide a Body in New York theSpace @ Surgeons Hall, 16–17 Aug, £8

Sam Morrison: Hello, Daddy! Just the Tonic at Marlin’s Wynd, 16–25 Aug, £5

Comedy Freak Show

Laughing Horse @ Cabaret Voltaire, 16–25 Aug, FREE


Joel Dommett: Work in Progress

Gilded Balloon at Old Tolbooth Market, 18–24 Aug, £8

Stand Up for Your Planet Assembly Hall, 19 Aug, £19

Iain Stirling: Work in Progress

Gilded Balloon at Old Tolbooth Market, 16–17 Aug, £8

Men With Coconuts Gilded Balloon Patter Hoose , 16–26 Aug, £10.50–£11.50

Mark and Haydn: Llaugh

Just the Tonic at The Caves, 16–25 Aug, £6.50

Juliette Burton: Defined Gilded Balloon Teviot, 16–25 Aug, £10–£11

Ashley Storrie: Hysterical Laughing Horse @ The Counting House, 16–25


❤ Aditi Mittal: Mother of Invention HHHH

Assembly George Square, 16–25 Aug, £11–£12

Planet Verth

Mirth Meltdown @ 52 Canoes, 16–24 Aug, FREE

I’m Coming Sweet Grassmarket, 16–25 Aug, £8

Andrew O’Neill – We Are Not in the Least Afraid of Ruins; We Carry a New World in Our Hearts

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Liquid Room Annexe/Warehouse, 16–25 Aug, not 20, FREE

❤ Troy Hawke: Tiles of the Unexpected! HHHH

Underbelly, Bristo Square, 16–25 Aug, £9–£10


Pleasance Courtyard, 16–25 Aug, £7.50–£10

Witch Hunt

Pleasance Dome, 16–26 Aug, £8.50–£11

Made in Spain 2

Sweet Grassmarket, 16–25

Aug, not 21, £5

Laughing Horse Free

Comedy Selection

Laughing Horse @ The Place, 16–25 Aug, FREE

The Explainers

Laughing Horse @ The Cuckoo’s Nest, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Alcohol is Good for You – Sam Kissajukian

Laughing Horse @ The Lock Up, 16–25 Aug, not 20, FREE

Linda: Easy Killing

Laughing Horse @ Bar 50, 16–25 Aug, not 21, FREE

Anuvab Pal: Democracy and Disco Dancing

Assembly George Square Studios, 16–26 Aug, £11–£13

John-Luke Roberts: After Me Comes the Flood (But in French) drip splosh splash drip BLUBBP BLUBBP BLUBBPBLUBBPBLUBBP!!

Assembly George Square Studios, 16–26 Aug, not 21, £10–£12

Desperately Seeking Motivation: Challenged

Laughing Horse @ City Cafe, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Daniel Lobell: Tipping the Scales

Underbelly, Bristo Square, 16–25 Aug, not 17, 24, £10–£11


Funny Women on the Fringe

Assembly Roxy, 19–23 Aug, £11

Jody Kamali Is Mike Daly – Darts and All Assembly Rooms, 16–24 Aug, £9.50–£10.50


Nick Helm: Phoenix from the Flames Pleasance Dome, 16–24 Aug, £12.50–£14

Bec Hill: I’ll Be Bec HHH Pleasance Dome, 16–25 Aug, £8–£10


Alex Cofield: Supernova Gilded Balloon Patter Hoose , 16–26 Aug, £10–£11

The Rat Pack Comedy –Anything Goes!

Laughing Horse @ The Free Sisters, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Sam See: Coming Out Loud

Laughing Horse @ The Counting House, 16–25 Aug, FREE


fest-mag.com 57

Spencer Jones: The Things We Leave Behind

Pleasance Courtyard, 16–25

Aug, £11–£13

I’m Afraid of Americans

C venues – C viva, 16–26 Aug, £7.50–£9.50

Stand Up with Janine

Harouni (Please Remain Seated) HHH

Pleasance Courtyard, 16–25

Aug, £10–£12

Anna and Helen: Stuck in a Rat HHH

Pleasance Courtyard, 16–26

Aug, £9–£11

Ray Bradshaw: Deafinitely Baby

Gilded Balloon Teviot, 16–26

Aug, £10–£11

Jack Gleadow: Mr Saturday Night HH

Pleasance Courtyard, 16–25

Aug, £8–£10

Sarah Keyworth: Pacific HHH

Pleasance Courtyard, 16–25

Aug, £9–£11

Micky P Kerr: Kerr in the Community

Underbelly, Bristo Square, 16–26 Aug, £11–£12

A Sense of Tumour Makes Everything Alt-Right

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Southsider, 16–24 Aug, FREE

The Great British Bake


Scottish Comedy Festival @ The Beehive Inn, 16–25 Aug, not 20, £5


Robyn Perkins: Mating Selection

Underbelly, Bristo Square, 16–25 Aug, £10–£12

A Time Slot with Ger


PBH’s Free Fringe @ Waverley Bar, 16–25 Aug, not 18, FREE

Crystal Rasmussen presents The Bible 2 (Plus a Cure for Shame, Violence, Betrayal and Athlete’s Foot) Live!

Underbelly, Cowgate, 16–25 Aug, £10–£11.50

Dave Fensome: ADHDave

Laughing Horse @ City Cafe, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Caitlin Cook: Death Wish

Just the Tonic at The Grassmarket Centre, 16–25

Aug, £5

David Tsonos: Around the World With Flat Stanley

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Ciao Roma, 16–24 Aug, FREE


Luke McQueen: Bad Monkey Barrel Comedy, 16–25 Aug, £5

10 Things I Hate About Taming of the Shrew

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Voodoo Rooms, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Jamie Dalgleish: Humans Are Evil

The Stand Comedy Club 3 & 4, 16–25 Aug, £9

Mike Newall: Re:Newall

Just the Tonic at The Mash House, 16–25 Aug, £6


Tom Taylor: Is the Indie Feel-Good Hit of the Summer

Pleasance Courtyard, 16–25

Aug, £8–£10

Pick of the Fringe

The Sheraton Grand Hotel , 22 Aug, £190.50

Ray Fordyce’s Six O’Clock Supper With Salt’n’Sauce

Laughing Horse @ The Bier Keller, 16–25 Aug, not 19, FREE

James Bran: Hack

Just the Tonic at The Caves, 16–25 Aug, £8

Monster Gay

PBH’s Free Fringe @ The Outhouse Bar, 16–25


The Rabbi Preaches – David Kilimnick the Honest Rabbi Champions of Festival @ The Scotsman, 16–26 Aug, not 17, 24, £10

Fred MacAulay in Conversation

Gilded Balloon at the Museum, 19–20 Aug, £12

Flo & Joan: Before the Screaming Starts

Assembly George Square Gardens, 16–25 Aug, £12–£13

Milton Jones: Milton Impossible Assembly Hall, 16–18

Aug, £15

Faking It

Summerhall, 23 Aug, £6

Hayley Ellis: Nobody Puts Hayley in a Corner

Just the Tonic at The Charteris Centre, 16–18 Aug, £5

Alexander Fox: Snare

Pleasance Courtyard, 16–26 Aug, £8.50–£10

Nick Offerman: All Rise Assembly Hall, 24 Aug, £24

The Last Supper: 7

Deadly Sins

Laughing Horse @ The Raging Bull, 16–18 Aug, FREE

You May Also Like

Just the Tonic at The Caves, 16–25 Aug, £9–£10

Adam Kay: This Is Going to Hurt (Secret Diaries of a Junior Doctor)

Edinburgh Playhouse , 18 Aug, £17

Aaron Twitchen: Can’t Stop a Rainbow...

Laughing Horse @ Bar 50, 16–24 Aug, FREE

❤ Fern Brady: Power and Chaos HHHH

Monkey Barrel Comedy, 16–25 Aug, £7–£10

David Tieck: What Would Bill Murray Do?

Just the Tonic at The Grassmarket Centre, 16–25 Aug, not 19, £5

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrgh, It’s 101 Naughty Jokes in 30 Minutes

Laughing Horse @ Dropkick Murphys, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Football, Feminism and Everything in Between: Live with Alastair and Grace Campbell

Gilded Balloon at the Museum, 21 Aug, £15

Helen Bauer: Little Miss Baby Angel Face Pleasance Courtyard, 16–25 Aug, £8–£10

Silent Disco Tours by Silent Adventures

Underbelly, Bristo Square, 16–26 Aug, £15

Hesitation Remarks

PQA Venues @Riddle’s Court, 16–26 Aug, not 17, £8

Catherine Bohart: Lemon Pleasance Courtyard, 16–25 Aug, £9–£11.50

Tom Parry: Parryoke! Pleasance Courtyard, 16–26 Aug, £9.50–£12.50

Katie Pritchard: Storm Stud

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Globe Bar, 16–24 Aug, FREE

Showstopper! The Improvised Musical Pleasance Courtyard, 16–25 Aug, £13–£17

Notflix: Originals

Gilded Balloon Teviot, 16–26 Aug, £11.50–£12.50

Phil Ellis: Au Revoir Heroes @ The Hive, 16–25 Aug, £5

Larry Dean: Bampot Assembly Hall, 25 Aug, £12

Terry Alderton: Bingo Bango

Monkey Barrel Comedy, 16–25 Aug, £8

Larry Dean: Fandan Assembly Hall, 22 Aug, £12

Will Adamsdale: Facetime HH

Underbelly, Bristo Square, 16–25 Aug, £11–£12

Love/Hate Actually Imagination Workshop, 16–26 Aug, £10

Harriet Braine: Les

Admirables HHH

Gilded Balloon at Old Tolbooth Market, 16–25 Aug, £6

The Next Next Big Thing

Scottish Comedy Festival @ Nightcap, 16–25 Aug, £5

Michael Brunström: World of Sports

Heroes @ Dragonfly, 16–25 Aug, £5

James Meehan – Never Better

Laughing Horse @ Cabaret Voltaire, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Jack Carroll and Friends

Just the Tonic at The Charteris Centre, 19–25 Aug, £5

Viking Millennials

Laughing Horse @ The Counting House, 16–25 Aug, FREE


For He’s a Jolly Goodfellow

PBH’s Free Fringe @ BrewDog Lothian Rd, 16–24 Aug, FREE

The Great Health Con

theSpace @ Symposium Hall, 16–25 Aug, not 20, £12

The Sacrifice

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Opium, 16–24 Aug, FREE



Underbelly, George Square, 16–26 Aug, £15.50–£17.50

Stevie Gray: Arctic Monkeys’ Midlife Crisis

Just the Tonic at The Mash House, 16–25 Aug, £5

Comedy in the Dark

Just the Tonic at The Grassmarket Centre, 16–25 Aug, not 19, £12

Kelsey De Almeida: I’m Very Different People (WIP)

Laughing Horse @ City Cafe, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Bad Clowns: Cult Classic

Just the Tonic at The Caves, 16–25 Aug, £5

Michelle McManus: Pop Goes the Idol

The Stand Comedy Club 3 & 4, 16–25 Aug, not 19, 20, £12


Luisa Omielan: Work in Progress

Monkey Barrel Comedy, 20–25 Aug, £10

Trans Vision Scamp

Laughing Horse @ The Hanover Tap, 16–25 Aug, FREE

The Kagools: Cirque du Kagool

Gilded Balloon Patter Hoose , 16–26 Aug, £10.50–£11.50

George Rigden: Spooning with Uri

Just the Tonic at The Caves, 16–25 Aug, £5–£6

Ed Gamble: Work in Progress

Monkey Barrel Comedy, 16 Aug, £5


Laughing Horse @ The Newsroom, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Annie McGrath: Shepherd

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Sneaky

Pete’s, 16–24 Aug, FREE

Jake Baker: No Success

Like Failure

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Bar

Bados Complex, 20–24 Aug, FREE

Stephanie Laing: Quitter

Laughing Horse @ Finnegan’s

Wake, 16–25 Aug, not 20, FREE

Scott Gibson: White Noise

Gilded Balloon Teviot, 16–26

Aug, £10.50–£11.50

Laughing Horse Free Pick of The Fringe

Laughing Horse @ The Free Sisters, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Mark Cram: Centaur

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Subway, 16–24 Aug, not 19, FREE

I Predict a Wyatt!

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Kilderkin, 16–24 Aug, not 22, FREE

Steve Hili: The Sexy Environmentalist

Laughing Horse @ Sofi’s Southside, 18–25 Aug, FREE Shaggers

Laughing Horse @ The Lock Up, 16–25 Aug, FREE


Our Mums Wouldn’t Watch This Sweet Novotel, 16–25 Aug, £5

AAA Stand-Up at Underbelly Underbelly, Cowgate, 16–25

Aug, £10–£12

Absolute Improv! theSpace @ Niddry St, 16–24

Aug, £10

Kate Lucas: Is Selling Herself

Just the Tonic at The Tron, 16–25 Aug, £5

Tom Glover – A Glover Not a Fighter

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Carnivore Edinburgh, 16–24


James Cook: The Show That Literally Nobody Tried to Ban Laughing Horse @ 32 Below, 16–25 Aug, not 21, FREE

❤ Róisín and Chiara: Get Nupty HHHH Heroes @ The Hive, 16–25 Aug, not 20, £8

Dave Chawner: Mental Laughing Horse @ Cabaret Voltaire, 16–25 Aug, FREE

The Fanny’s The Stand Comedy Club 2, 16–25 Aug, £9


The Best of Irish Comedy

The Stand’s New Town Theatre, 16–25 Aug, £13

Gabby Best: 10,432


PBH’s Free Fringe @ Banshee Labyrinth, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Joanne McNally: The Prosecco Express Assembly George Square Studios, 16–26 Aug, £10.50–£11.50

Never Again

Just the Tonic at The Mash House, 16–25 Aug, £5

Josh Pugh: Maybe the Real Comedy Awards are the Friends We Made Along the Way

Just the Tonic at The Caves, 16–25 Aug, £5


Rhys James: Snitch Pleasance Courtyard, 16–25 Aug, £10–£13

Boogie Shoes Silent Disco Walking Tour with a Scottish Twist theSpace @ Niddry St, 16–31 Aug, not 19, 26, £12.50–£15

Henry Ginsberg: Romantic Comedian Laughing Horse @ Cabaret Voltaire, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Improvengers: Pretendgame

Just the Tonic at La Belle Angele, 16–25 Aug, £8

Daliso Chaponda: Blah

Blah Blacklist HHH

Gilded Balloon Teviot, 16–26 Aug, £12–£14

Richard Fry: O Starry Night

Gilded Balloon Teviot, 16–26 Aug, £10–£11

The Journey of (Tini) Martini Enlightenment Assembly George Square Gardens, 16–18 Aug, £10

Fred Cooke: Fred Space Gilded Balloon Patter Hoose , 16–26 Aug, £8.50–£9.50

Aussiental Laughing Horse @ The Free Sisters, 16–25 Aug, not 20, FREE

Kieran Hodgson: French Exchange Pleasance Courtyard, 18 Aug, 22 Aug, £14–£15

Eric Lampaert: Yum Yum Laughing Horse @ The Counting House, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Jay Lafferty: Jammy

Gilded Balloon Teviot, 16–26 Aug, not 19, £10–£11

Harry Carr: Neighbourhood Watch PBH’s Free Fringe @ Whistlebinkies, 18–23 Aug, FREE

58 Comedy

Imaan Hadchiti: Being


Heroes @ Bob’s BlundaBus, 16–25 Aug, not 21, £5

Gary Little – Kidding

Myself On Scottish Comedy Festival @ The Beehive Inn, 16–26 Aug, £5

Kieran Hodgson: ‘75

Pleasance Courtyard, 17 Aug, 21 Aug, 25 Aug, £14–£15

Darren Walsh: Punimal Farm

Laughing Horse @ The Free Sisters, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Comic Relief Live Assembly Rooms, 19 Aug, £16.50

Tom Rosenthal: Manhood

Pleasance Courtyard, 16–25 Aug, £11.50–£14

30 Minute Musicals


Assembly George Square Studios, 16–25 Aug, £11–£12

Ken Cheng: To All the Racists I’ve Blocked

Before Bedlam Theatre, 16–25 Aug, £10

Kieran Hodgson: Maestro

Pleasance Courtyard, 16 Aug, 20 Aug, 24 Aug, £14–£15

Calum Ross

Presents Ross: After the Screaming Stops

Laughing Horse @ Bar 50, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Jessie Cave: Sunrise Assembly George Square Studios, 16–25 Aug, £14–£16

Bad Aunts

Gilded Balloon at Old Tolbooth Market, 16–25 Aug, £6

Mocking a Murderer

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Bar Bados Complex, 16–24 Aug, FREE

Kieran Hodgson: Lance

Pleasance Courtyard, 19 Aug, 23 Aug, £14–£15


Harun Musho’d: Dark Side of Harun

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Opium, 16–24 Aug, not 20, FREE

Sam Haygarth: Climate


Just the Tonic at The Mash House, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Tom Lenk Is Trash

Assembly George Square, 16–25 Aug, £11–£12.50

❤ Stevie Martin: Hot

Content HHHH

Underbelly, Bristo Square, 16–25 Aug, £9.50–£10.50


Siblings: The Siblinginging

Underbelly, George Square, 16–26 Aug, £9–£10

Fast Fringe

Pleasance Dome, 16–24 Aug, £8–£11.50

Lucy Porter: Be Prepared Pleasance Courtyard, 16–17 Aug, £16


Just the Tonic at The Charteris Centre, 16–25 Aug, £5

Harry and Chris: This One’s for the Aliens

Underbelly, Cowgate, 16–24 Aug, £10–£12

Neal Portenza is Joshua Ladgrove in: Edinburgh’s Only Bilge Pump Sales


Heroes @ Boteco, 16–25 Aug, £7

Alex Kealy: Rationale

Just the Tonic at The Caves, 16–25 Aug, £5

Shattered Sweet Grassmarket, 16–25 Aug, £8.50

Carl Hutchinson: I Know

I Shouldn’t Behave Like This...

The Stand Comedy Club, 16–24 Aug, £12

Gill Sims: Why Mummy

Doesn’t Give A ****!

Pleasance Courtyard, 22 Aug, £15

English Speaking

Comedy Borsch

Mirth Meltdown @ 52 Canoes, 16–26 Aug, FREE

Liam Withnail: Homecoming Monkey Barrel Comedy, 16–25 Aug, £5


The Joy of Jokes Laughing Horse @ The Place, 16–25 Aug, not 20, FREE

Nathan Cassidy: Observational (Work In Progress)

Laughing Horse @ City Cafe, 17–25 Aug, FREE

Phoebe Robinson: Sorry, Harriet Tubman Assembly George Square Studios, 16–25 Aug, £14–£16

Basil Brush: Unleashed

Underbelly, Bristo Square, 16–25 Aug, £12–£13

MARVELus: Awww Snap!

Gilded Balloon Teviot, 16–26 Aug, £10.50–£11.50

Nigel Ng: Culture Shocked HHH

Pleasance Courtyard, 16–25 Aug, £7.50–£10

Catching Up Laughing Horse @ The Cuckoo’s Nest, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Archie Henderson: Jazz Emu

Gilded Balloon at Old Tolbooth Market, 16–25 Aug, £6

Lisa Richards presents Irish Comedians

Gilded Balloon Teviot, 16–26 Aug, £10–£11

Aunty HH

Assembly George Square, 16–25 Aug, not 19, £10–£12

EdinBra Fringe Comedy

Laughing Horse @ The Lock Up, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Jarred Christmas: A Funny Hour

Laughing Horse @ The Counting House, 16–24 Aug, FREE

Improvised Director’s Cut

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Liquid Room Annexe/Warehouse, 16–25 Aug, not 20, FREE

Joey Page – Afterlife (An Idiot Considers a Series of Distractions Before Death)

Just the Tonic at Marlin’s Wynd, 16–25 Aug, £7

The Good, the Bad and the Irish Gilded Balloon Patter Hoose , 16–26 Aug, £10–£11

The Ticked Boxes

Laughing Horse @ Dropkick Murphys, 16–25 Aug, FREE


Laughing Horse @ Bar 50, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Lateef Lovejoy – Life, Times and Society’s Crimes

Laughing Horse @ City Cafe, 16 Aug, FREE


Marlon Davis: Emotional Black Male HHH

Underbelly, Bristo Square, 16–25 Aug, £10–£11

Fraser Gibson: Self-ish

Just the Tonic at The Caves, 19–25 Aug, £7

Chris Parker: Camp Binch Assembly George Square Studios, 16–25 Aug, £9–£11

Alasdair Beckett-King: The Interdimensional ABK

Pleasance Dome, 16–26 Aug, not 19, £8.50–£11 60 Minutes to Save the World – Vladimir


The Stand’s New Town Theatre, 16–25 Aug, £10

Matt Price: Broken Hooters and Geezers with Shooters HHH

Underbelly, Bristo Square, 16–25 Aug, £10–£12

Jackman and Bones

Just the Tonic at The Caves, 16–18 Aug, £5


Josh Baulf: Boy Paradise in The Vault, 16–25 Aug, not 18, £5

Piff the Magic Dragon: The Lucky Dragon Tour Pleasance at EICC, 21–25 Aug, £16

Edinburgh’s Pandas Are Just Weegies in Disguise!

Arthur Conan Doyle Centre, 21 Aug, £8

Jess Robinson: The Jess Robinson Experience Assembly Rooms, 16–24 Aug, £13–£15

❤ Kai Samra: Underclass HHHH

Pleasance Courtyard, 16–25

Aug, £10–£12

Vikki Stone: Song Bird

Pleasance Courtyard, 16–25

Aug, £9.50–£12.50

BBC: The Arts Hour on Tour

BBC, 21 Aug, FREE

Frisky & Mannish’s PopLab

Assembly George Square Gardens, 16–25 Aug, not 19, £14–£16

Sumit Anand: Nothing About Godzilla HHH

Gilded Balloon Patter Hoose , 16–26 Aug, £10–£12


Paradise in Augustines, 16–17 Aug, £13.50

❤ Sophie Duker: Venus HHHH

Pleasance Courtyard, 16–25 Aug, £7–£9

Raymond Mearns –Confessions of a Control Freak!

Scottish Comedy Festival @ The Beehive Inn, 16–26 Aug, FREE

Loyiso Gola: Pop Culture

Pleasance Dome, 16–26 Aug, £9.50–£12

Edinburgh’s Pandas Are Just Weegies in Disguise!

Arthur Conan Doyle Centre, 16 Aug, 17 Aug, 22 Aug, 23 Aug, 24 Aug, £8

Sofie Hagen: The Bumswing HHH

Pleasance Dome, 16–25 Aug, £10–£14

Eleanor Conway: You May Recognise Me From Tinder HH

Laughing Horse @ The Free Sisters, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Rosie Jones: Backward HHH

Pleasance Courtyard, 16–25 Aug, £7.50–£10

Any Suggestions, Doctor? The Improvised Doctor Who Parody

Pleasance Dome, 16–25 Aug, £10–£13

Alexander Bennett: They Call Me Daddy Punchlines

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Waverley Bar, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Aindrias de Staic; Shtax the LedgeHammer Heroes @ Black Medicine, 16–25 Aug, £5

Adam Flood and Blake AJ: Joke Boys

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Southsider, 16–24 Aug, not 20, FREE

Jonny & the Baptists

Love Edinburgh and Hate

Bastards Assembly Roxy, 16–25 Aug, not 19, £12

fest-mag.com 59 Listings

Filippo Spreafico: Sentimental Value

Laughing Horse @ The Counting House, 16–25 Aug, not 19, FREE

Henning Wehn: Get on With It

The Queen’s Hall, Various dates from 16 Aug to 25 Aug, £16.50

Ivo Graham: The Game of Life

Pleasance Courtyard, 16–25 Aug, £8.50–£12

Konstantin Kisin: Orwell That Ends Well HH

Gilded Balloon Teviot, 16–26 Aug, £10–£11


Randolph Cliff, 28 Aug, FREE Whose Line Is It Anyway?

Live at the Fringe

Underbelly, Bristo Square, 16–26 Aug, £17.50–£18.50

The Haunted History Bus Waverley Bridge (Bus Stop WA), 16–31 Aug, not 20, 27, £12

Yuriko Kotani: Somosomo Pleasance Courtyard, 16–26 Aug, £8.50–£11

Sarah Kendall: Paper Planes HHH Assembly George Square Studios, 16–25 Aug, £12–£14


Shakespeare! The Panto theSpace on the Mile, 16–17 Aug, £7.50

James Nokise: God Damn Fancy Man

The Stand Comedy Club 3 & 4, 16–25 Aug, £10

Straight Outta Estonia

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Ciao Roma, 16–24 Aug, FREE

Three Menopausal Maids theSpace @ Surgeons Hall, 16–24 Aug, not 18, £8

Business Casual

Underbelly, Cowgate, 16–25 Aug, £9.50–£10.50


Where Are You Really From?

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Bar

Bados Complex, 16–25 Aug, FREE

About Time / Bully

Laughing Horse @ City Cafe, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Matt Hoss: Here Comes

Your Man

Just the Tonic at The Grassmarket Centre, 16–25 Aug, £5

Sasha Ellen: Pickle

Underbelly, Bristo Square, 16–26 Aug, £9–£10

Paul Foot: Baby Strikes


Underbelly, Cowgate, 16–25 Aug, £10.50–£12.50

Brain Rinse theSpace @ Surgeons Hall, 16–24 Aug, £9–£10


Martha McBrier: Happiness Bully

Laughing Horse @ The Counting House, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Susan Riddell: Duvet Day Monkey Barrel Comedy, 16–25 Aug, £5

The LOL Word

Gilded Balloon at Old Tolbooth Market, 16–25 Aug, £7

Martin Bearne and Joe McTernan: Milk and Two Scottish Comedy Festival @ Nightcap, 16–26 Aug, £5

Martin Mor – Instigator

Laughing Horse @ Cabaret Voltaire, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Rob Copland: Strange


PBH’s Free Fringe @ Bar

Bados Complex, 16–24


Family Secrets

PBH’s Free Fringe @ BrewDog Lothian Rd, 16–24 Aug, FREE

Ew Girl, You Nasty

Laughing Horse @ The Golf Tavern, 16–25 Aug, not 20, FREE

Adam Hess: My Grandad Has a Fringe

Pleasance Courtyard, 16–25

Aug, £9.50–£11.50

BBC: Front Row

BBC, 16 Aug, FREE

Pierre Novellie: You’re Expected to Care HH

Pleasance Courtyard, 16–25 Aug, £9–£12

Stephen Carlin: Pickwickian

Laughing Horse @ Bar 50, 16–25 Aug, not 19, FREE

Dan Soder: Son Of A Gary Underbelly, Bristo Square, 16–26 Aug, £11–£12

AAA Stand-Up

Pleasance Courtyard, 16–26 Aug, £9–£12

Expelled from Eton

Laughing Horse @ The Bier Keller, 16–17 Aug, FREE

Queen Mary Comedy Society and Friends

Laughing Horse @ The Bier Keller, 18–25 Aug, FREE

Kelly Convey: Telephone Voice HHH

Pleasance Courtyard, 16–25 Aug, £7.50–£10

Christianity and Me

Just the Tonic at The Mash House, 16–24 Aug, £5

Arson in the Queen’s Swans

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Globe Bar, 16–24 Aug, not 21, FREE

Sad Acts

Laughing Horse @ The Raging Bull, 16–25 Aug, FREE


Craig Hill: Bottoms Up!

Pleasance at EICC, 16–25

Aug, not 19, £12.50–£18.50

Geoff Norcott: Work in Progress

Underbelly, Bristo Square, 16–25 Aug, £8.50–£9.50

Bring Back the 80s

Just the Tonic at The Caves, 16–25 Aug, £5

Asexual Healing: Prophets of Time

Just the Tonic at The Charteris Centre, 18–25 Aug, FREE

Jake Farrell: Limits

Just the Tonic at The Grassmarket Centre, 16–25

Aug, £5

Johannes Dullin Plays the Devil

Heroes @ Dragonfly, 16–25

Aug, not 20, £5

Drag Queen Stole My Dress

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Voodoo Rooms, 16–25 Aug, FREE

The 2 Mouthed Men Show

Just the Tonic at The Charteris Centre, 16–17 Aug, £8


Stand-Up Nomad: Backpacking Comedy

Laughing Horse @ City Cafe, 16–25 Aug, not 20, FREE


David O’Doherty: Ultrasound

Assembly George Square, 16–26 Aug, £15–£16

101 Comedy Club – Free

Laughing Horse @ The Hanover Tap, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Alex Black’s Record Collection

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Bar

Bados Complex, 16–24 Aug, not 18, FREE

Zoë Coombs Marr: Bossy

Bottom Monkey Barrel Comedy, 16–25 Aug, £8–£10

Steve Bennett –Everything is F*cked

Laughing Horse @ Finnegan’s Wake, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Ari Eldjárn: Eagle

Fire Iron

Monkey Barrel Comedy, 16–25 Aug, £8

Daniel Sloss: X Edinburgh Playhouse , 16–17

Aug, £20.50

Amy Howerska: Serious Face

Laughing Horse @ The Free Sisters, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Jokers in the Pack

Laughing Horse @ The Newsroom, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Silent Disco Tours by Silent Adventures

Underbelly, Bristo Square, 16–26 Aug, £15

An Atlantic Disaster – Titanic

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Kilderkin, 17–24 Aug, FREE

I, Tom Mayhew

Just the Tonic at The Mash House, 16–25 Aug, £5

So You Think You’re

Funny? Grand Final

Gilded Balloon Teviot, 22 Aug, £15.50

Lost Voice Guy: I’m Only in It for the Parking

Gilded Balloon at the Museum, 16–25 Aug, £12.50–£13.50

Steve Bugeja: Single Mum

Just the Tonic at The Caves, 16–25 Aug, £6–£8

Neil Delamere: End of Watch

Gilded Balloon Teviot, 16–25

Aug, £11.50–£12.50

Best Boy in Ireland

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Subway, 16–24 Aug, not 20, FREE

On It

Laughing Horse @ The Lock Up, 16–26 Aug, FREE

Arthur Conan Doyle Centre, 22–24 Aug, £8

Eric Andre: The Legalize Everything Tour

Gilded Balloon Teviot, 25 Aug, £20

Jack Rooke: Love Letters

Assembly George Square Gardens, 16–24 Aug, £12–£14

Tommy Tiernan: Paddy

Crazy Horse

Gilded Balloon Teviot, 16–24 Aug, not 22, £17.50

Big Value Comedy Show – Early

Just the Tonic at The Grassmarket Centre, 16–25 Aug, not 19, £5–£10

John Robins: Hot Shame Pleasance Courtyard, 16–25 Aug, £14–£15

Comedy Gala 2019: In Aid of Waverley Care Pleasance at EICC, 20 Aug, £25


Gavin Webster: Buddhism and Other Such Rubbish

The Stand Comedy Club 2, 16–25 Aug, £10

Laughing Horse Free Pick of The Fringe

Laughing Horse @ Cabaret Voltaire, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Harry Stachini – Tigers Don’t Cry

Just the Tonic at The Caves, 16–25 Aug, £5

Lewis Schaffer is Mr Diabetes – Free Laughing Horse @ 32 Below, 16–25 Aug, not 19, FREE


Joby Mageean – Shanty Prince

Just the Tonic at The Tron, 16–25 Aug, £5

60 Comedy
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more, straight
the Fringe

Arnab Chanda: Boy From Earth

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Voodoo Rooms, 16–25 Aug, not 21, FREE

Andrew Maxwell: All Talk

Underbelly, George Square, 16–25 Aug, £13.50–£15

Jo Caulfield: Voodoo Doll

The Stand Comedy Club 3 & 4, 16–25 Aug, not 19, £10

Sam Taunton: It’s Nice, It’s Modern Assembly George Square Studios, 16–25 Aug, £10–£11

Paul McCaffrey: Lemon

Underbelly, Cowgate, 16–25 Aug, not 23, £10–£11

Kate Smurthwaite: Bitch

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Banshee Labyrinth, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Carl Donnelly: Shall We All Just Kill Ourselves?

Heroes @ The SpiegelYurt, 16–24 Aug, £7

❤ Desiree Burch: Desiree’s Coming Early! HHHHH

Heroes @ The Hive, 16–25 Aug, not 20, £10

Zeroko’s Teatime Greenside @ Royal Terrace, 19–24 Aug, £10

A Pessimist’s Guide to Being Happy Mirth Meltdown @ 52 Canoes, 16–25 Aug, FREE

This is Mark Ritchie: Honest to God Greenside @ Nicolson Square, 16–17 Aug, £5


Comedy Boxing – Best of the Best

Laughing Horse @ Cabaret Voltaire, 16–25 Aug, not 20, FREE

The Leeds Tealights: It’s Not That Serious Gilded Balloon Teviot, 16–26 Aug, £9.50–£10.50

The Journey of (Tini)

Martini Enlightenment Assembly George Square Gardens, 16–18 Aug, £10

❤ Jen Brister – Under Privilege HHHH Monkey Barrel Comedy, 16–25 Aug, £7–£8

Matt Jones: Pandora’s Box – Free

Laughing Horse @ Bar 50, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Andrew Roper – Break Point

Laughing Horse @ The Free Sisters, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Jocks, Geordies and Aussies

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Whistlebinkies, 16–25 Aug, not 17, 24, FREE

Sean Patton: Contradickhead HH

Gilded Balloon Teviot, 16–25 Aug, £11–£13

Brown Panther – Ruven


Laughing Horse @ The Counting House, 16–25 Aug, not 20, FREE

Alistair Williams: How to Lose Weight and Be

Less Racist

Just the Tonic at The Caves, 16–25 Aug, £10

Sam Russell: Privileged to be Here

Just the Tonic at The Mash House, 16–25 Aug, £8

Langston Kerman: The Loose Cannon

Underbelly, Bristo Square, 16–25 Aug, £10–£11

Goddess Sweet Novotel, 16–25 Aug, not 20, £7.50

Liam Malone: No Limbits

Gilded Balloon at Old Tolbooth Market, 16–25 Aug, £6

John Pendal: Monster

Gilded Balloon Teviot, 17–26

Aug, not 23, £10–£11

Acting Natural Laughing Horse @ The Free Sisters, 16–25 Aug, FREE


Scummy Mummies Assembly George Square, 16–25 Aug, £12–£14

❤ Adam Riches: The Beakington Town Hall

Murders HHHH

Pleasance Courtyard, 16–26

Aug, £11–£14

Still Life by Noël Coward theSpace on the Mile, 19–24

Aug, £8


Stuart Mitchell – Is It Just Me? (Work in Progress)

Scottish Comedy Festival @ The Beehive Inn, 16–24 Aug, not 17, FREE

Emmy Blotnick: Party Nights

Underbelly, Bristo Square, 16–26 Aug, £10.50–£11.50

Dave Green: Guest Bed

Just the Tonic at The Mash House, 16–25 Aug, £5


Patrick Monahan: Started from the Bottom, Now l’m Here

Gilded Balloon Teviot, 16–25

Aug, £13–£14

Boogie Shoes Silent Disco Walking Tour with a Scottish Twist theSpace @ Niddry St, Various dates from 16 Aug to 31

Aug, £15

❤ Susie McCabe: Domestic Disaster


Assembly George Square, 16–25 Aug, £9–£11

Ben Pope: Dancing Bear


Pleasance Courtyard, 16–25 Aug, £7–£10

Tamsyn Kelly: Petroc

Just the Tonic at The Caves, 16–25 Aug, £5

Mark Nelson: Brexit Wounds

Gilded Balloon Teviot, 16–25 Aug, not 19, £12–£14.50

Aaron McCann: Happy Enough?

Gilded Balloon at Old Tolbooth Market, 16–25 Aug, £6

The St Andrews Revue

Presents: Hot Yoghurt

Just the Tonic at The Charteris Centre, 16–25 Aug, £8–£9

Stewart Francis: Into the Punset Assembly Rooms, 16–25 Aug, not 19, £14–£15

#Jollyboat: Pun Lovin’


PBH’s Free Fringe @ Liquid Room Annexe/Warehouse, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Pete Firman & The Amazing TBC Pleasance Courtyard, 16–25 Aug, £12–£15.50

Adam Kay: This Is Going to Hurt (Secret Diaries of a Junior Doctor)

Edinburgh Playhouse , 18–19 Aug, £17

Lolly Jones: I Believe in Merkels

Assembly Roxy, 16–25 Aug, £9–£11

The Dots Imagination Workshop, Various dates from 16 Aug to 25 Aug, £8.50

Girlfriend from Hell – The Bitch is Back

Underbelly, George Square, 16–26 Aug, £9–£10

Lolbot Wars

Laughing Horse @ Dropkick Murphys, 16–25 Aug, not 21, FREE

Alex Williamson: Sin on My Face

Just the Tonic at La Belle Angele, 16–25 Aug, £10–£13

An Excellent Cleanser of the Liver – Free

Laughing Horse @ The Place, 16–18 Aug, FREE

Manhunt 2: Big Mood

Bedlam Theatre, 16–25 Aug, £10

Australian Beauty

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Bar

Bados Complex, 16–24 Aug, FREE

Passport and Prozac

Laughing Horse @ Bar 50, 16–25 Aug, not 19, FREE

Godley on the Fringe

Laughing Horse @ The Counting House, 16–25


Phil Wang: Philly Philly

Wang Wang

Pleasance Courtyard, 16–25

Aug, £12–£13

Insane In The Men Brain

Gilded Balloon Teviot, 19

Aug, £7

❤ Diane Chorley: Modern Love HHHH

Assembly George Square Studios, 16–25 Aug, £12–£14

Eurosceptic Song Contest

Lebowskis Bar, 22–26


❤ Garry Starr Conquers


Underbelly, Cowgate, 16–25 Aug, not 19, £11.50–£12.50

Javier Jarquin is Boring AF

Laughing Horse @ The Lock

Up, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Baby Wants Candy: The Completely Improvised Full Band Musical

Assembly George Square Studios, 16–25 Aug, £15–£16

BBC: The Now Show

BBC, 22 Aug, FREE

Thunderc*nt Heroes @ Boteco, 16–25 Aug, not 20, £5

The Salon

Sweet Grassmarket, 21 Aug, £9


Laughing Horse @ City Cafe, 16–25 Aug, FREE


Jamali Maddix: Work in Progress

Monkey Barrel Comedy, 16–24

Aug, £8

Naomi Karavani: Dominant

Just the Tonic at Marlin’s

Wynd, 16–25 Aug, £7

Nath Valvo: I’m Happy for You HHH

Assembly George Square Studios, 16–25 Aug, £9–£11


Daniel Connell: Piece of Piss

Underbelly, Bristo Square, 16–25 Aug, £11–£12

Tom Houghton: That’s What I Go to School For Pleasance Dome, 16–25 Aug, £9–£12

Tom Cashman – XYZ

Underbelly, Bristo Square, 16–25 Aug, £10–£11.50

Keith Carter: Dog Man


Just the Tonic at The Caves, 16–25 Aug, £5


Huge Davies: The Carpark

Pleasance Courtyard, 16–25

Aug, £8.50–£10

Brodi Snook: Handful Gilded Balloon Teviot, 16–26

Aug, £10–£11

Chris Washington: Raconteur

Pleasance Courtyard, 16–25

Aug, £9–£12

Andy Barr: The Ruby Heroes @ Black Medicine, 16–25 Aug, £5

❤ London Hughes: To Catch a D*ck HHHH

Pleasance Courtyard, 16–25

Aug, £9–£11

Eddy Brimson: Life

Coaching for Arseholes

Scottish Comedy Festival @ The Beehive Inn, 16–25 Aug, not 20, £5

Darren Harriott: Good Heart Yute

Pleasance Courtyard, 16–25

Aug, £9–£10.50

Half the Man – Michael


Laughing Horse @ The Free Sisters, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Tami Stone – My Funny


theSpace @ Surgeons Hall,

16–17 Aug, £7

Steffan Alun and Support: You Can’t

Escape Free Stand-Up

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Waverley Bar, 16–24 Aug, FREE

The Pursuit of Happiness

Laughing Horse @ The Counting House, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Marc Jennings: Getting Going

The Stand Comedy Club 3 & 4, 16–25 Aug, £10

Jake Lambert: Never Mak the Same Mistak Twice Pleasance Courtyard, 16–25

Aug, £7.50–£10

Simon Evans: Dressing for Dinner

Assembly George Square Studios, 16–25 Aug, £13–£14

Harriet Dyer: The Dinosaur Show

Gilded Balloon Patter Hoose , 16–26 Aug, £10–£11


Bald Man Sings Rihanna

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Ciao Roma, 16–24 Aug, not 19, FREE

Bitch and Nerd

Laughing Horse @ City Cafe, 16–25 Aug, FREE

❤ Josie Long: Tender HHHH

The Stand Comedy Club, 16–25 Aug, not 19, £12

The Best of Scottish Comedy

The Stand’s New Town Theatre, 16–25 Aug, £15

❤ Max & Ivan: Commitment HHHH Pleasance Dome, 16–25 Aug, £10–£13

Matt Parker: Humble Pi Pleasance Dome, 16–26 Aug, £9.50–£12.50

An Evening with Savvy B

The Stand Comedy Club, 19 Aug, £9

The Thinking Drinkers: Heroes of Hooch Underbelly, Bristo Square, 16–25 Aug, £13.50–£16.50

Viggo the Viking HHH

Underbelly, Cowgate, 16–25 Aug, £10–£11


Bristol Improv Presents: Dynamite!

PBH’s Free Fringe @ BrewDog Lothian Rd, 16–24 Aug, FREE

Jeremy Nicholas: What Are You Talking About? theSpace @ Surgeons Hall, 16–24 Aug, £10–£12


Sunil Patel: White Knight Pleasance Courtyard, 16–26 Aug, £7.50–£9.50

Rhod Gilbert: The Book of John Pleasance at EICC, 16–25 Aug, not 19, 20, £22.50

Sara Barron: Enemies Closer Pleasance Courtyard, 16–25 Aug, £10–£12

Connie Wookey: Denied Underbelly, Bristo Square, 16–26 Aug, £10–£11

Lewis Costello x Hayden Dean Allmark Laughing Horse @ The Raging Bull, 16–25 Aug, FREE Wheely Wheely Wheely Wheely Wheely Laughing Horse @ Bar 50, 16–25 Aug, not 20, FREE


Scottish Comedy Festival @ Nightcap, 16–26 Aug, not 19, £5

❤ Suzi Ruffell: Dance Like Everyone’s Watching HHHH Pleasance Courtyard, 16–25 Aug, £8.50–£11

Matt Forde: Brexit, Pursued by a Bear Pleasance Courtyard, 16–25 Aug, £14

fest-mag.com 61

Stephen Buchanan: Baby Dove

Pleasance Courtyard, 16–25 Aug, £8.50–£10

Tony Cantwell: Live Feed

Underbelly, Cowgate, 16–25 Aug, £9.50–£10.50

Gareth Mutch: The Old Man in the Carvery

Gilded Balloon Rose Theatre, 16–25 Aug, £9–£10

Radu Isac: Good Excuses for Sociopaths

Just the Tonic at The Grassmarket Centre, 16–25 Aug, £6

Concerning Bennet

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Globe Bar, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Seann Walsh: After This One I’m Going Home

Pleasance Dome, 16–25 Aug, £13–£14

Joke Thieves

Laughing Horse @ Cabaret Voltaire, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Sleeping Trees: Silly

Funny Boys

Assembly George Square Studios, 16–25 Aug, £12–£14

The Haunted History Bus

Waverley Bridge (Bus Stop WA), 16–31 Aug, not 20, 27, £12

Sharma Sharma

Sharma Sharma Sharma


Laughing Horse @ The Counting House, 16–25 Aug, not 21, FREE

Canadian Club

Laughing Horse @ The Bier Keller, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Snjolaug Ludviksdottir: Let It Snow

Gilded Balloon at Old Tolbooth Market, 16–25 Aug, not 19, £6

Tiziano La Bella: Yes We Can’t

Laughing Horse @ The Golf Tavern, 16–25 Aug, FREE


Candy Gigi Presents –Friday Night Sinner!

Monkey Barrel Comedy, 16–25 Aug, not 20, £7

Dolly Di*mond’s Bl*nkety


Underbelly, Bristo Square, 19 Aug, £12

Pope’s Addiction Clinic

Monkey Barrel Comedy, 20 Aug, £5

Ian Lane – Paperweight

Just the Tonic at The Mash House, 16–25 Aug, £5

Simon Caine: Every Room

Becomes a Panic Room

When You Overthink


Sweet Grassmarket, 16–25

Aug, not 21, £5


Bollywood and Birmingham to Berlin and Brexit HHH

Laughing Horse @ City Cafe, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Cool Story Bro

Laughing Horse @ City Cafe, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Ed and Joz’s Deleted


Heroes @ Dragonfly, 16–25

Aug, £5

Alex Hylton: Get Rich or Die Cryin’

Just the Tonic at The Grassmarket Centre, 16–25

Aug, £5

Love is a Work in Progress with Tara


Just the Tonic at The Charteris

Centre, 16–25 Aug, £7–£9

Rhys Nicholson – Nice People Nice Things Nice


Underbelly, Bristo Square, 16–25 Aug, £11.50–£12.50

Andrew Sim: Am I Queer


Mirth Meltdown @ 52 Canoes, 16–25 Aug, not 21, FREE

The Establishment: Le Bureau de Strange Heroes @ The Hive, 16–25

Aug, £5

Double Denim: Adventure Show

Underbelly, Cowgate, 16–25

Aug, £10–£11

Jimeoin: Ramble On!

Pleasance at EICC, 16–25

Aug, not 19, £12.50–£18.50

Sam Lake and Chloe

Petts: Household Essentials

Just the Tonic at The Caves, 16–25 Aug, £7


Headless Greenside @ Infirmary Street, 16–24 Aug, not 18, £5

Danny Posthill Is That Bloke Who Does Voices

Frankenstein Pub, 16–25

Aug, £10

Dino Wiand – Half Trans

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Bar Bados Complex, 16–24


Actually, Totes Amaze

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Kilderkin, 16–24 Aug, not 19, FREE

Improv Cage Match

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Subway, 16–24 Aug, FREE

Eric Davidson: Across the Loony Verse

theSpaceTriplex, 16–24

Aug, £10

Jasper Cromwell Jones’

Alternative Book Festival

Laughing Horse @ The Lock Up, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Daniel Cook and Rose

Johnson: Two Gorgeous Stand-Ups

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Voodoo Rooms, 16–24 Aug, FREE

Ashley Haden: F*ck You, and F*ck Your Beliefs

Laughing Horse @ Sofi’s Southside, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Jacques Barrett in Boom-Jacqua-Laka!

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Sneaky Pete’s, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Gary Lamont: Fancy a Stiff One?

Gilded Balloon Rose Theatre, 16–25 Aug, £10.50–£12.50

Laughing Horse Free Pick of The Fringe

Laughing Horse @ The Free Sisters, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Pete Heat: Massive Wizard

Gilded Balloon Patter Hoose , 16–26 Aug, £11.50–£12.50

All-Star Comedy Cabaret

Laughing Horse @ The Hanover Tap, 16–24 Aug, FREE

Alice Fraser: Mythos

Gilded Balloon Teviot, 16–26 Aug, £11–£12

Johnny Irish

Laughing Horse @ Finnegan’s Wake, 16–25 Aug, FREE


Tony Cowards: Stepdad Jokes

Just the Tonic at The Mash House, 16–25 Aug, £8 Laughing Horse Free Comedy Selection

Laughing Horse @ Cabaret Voltaire, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Steve N Allen: Better Than The Stand Comedy Club 2, 16–25 Aug, £9

Naomi McDonald: Copycat

Just the Tonic at The Caves, 16–25 Aug, not 19, £10–£12

Phil Jerrod: Unrelatable Laughing Horse @ Cabaret Voltaire, 16–25 Aug, FREE


Tony Basnett: 28

Just the Tonic at The Caves, 16–25 Aug, £5

Jack Barry: Alien

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Banshee Labyrinth, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Guy Montgomery: I Was Part of the Problem Before We Were Talking About It HHH Assembly George Square Studios, 16–25 Aug, £9–£11


Matt Richardson: Imposter

Just the Tonic at The Tron, 16–25 Aug, £5


PQA Venues @Riddle’s Court, 16–25 Aug, £10

Nish Kumar: It’s in Your Nature to Destroy Yourselves

Assembly George Square, 19–25 Aug, £16–£18

Louisa Fitzhardinge: Comma Sutra

Gilded Balloon Patter Hoose , 16–26 Aug, £10–£11

There Will Be Cake

Gilded Balloon at the Museum, 19–22 Aug, £14

❤ Paul Currie: Trufficle Musk HHHH

Heroes @ The Hive, 16–25 Aug, not 21, £5

BBC: Fresh from the Fringe

BBC, 19 Aug, FREE

Cerys Bradley and Rachel Wheeley: The Unfortunate Bisexual

PBH’s Free Fringe @ The Street, Various dates from 16 Aug to 24 Aug, FREE

Zoe Lyons: Entry Level


Gilded Balloon Teviot, 16–21 Aug, £12.50–£14

Ronni Ancona and Lewis MacLeod: Just Checking In Gilded Balloon at the Museum, 16–17 Aug, £15.50

Jason Byrne: Wrecked but Ready Assembly Hall, 16–25 Aug, £16–£18.50

Dilruk Jayasinha: Cheat Day(s)

Gilded Balloon Teviot, 16–26 Aug, not 22, £11.50–£12.50

Titania McGrath: Mxnifesto

Pleasance Courtyard, 16–25 Aug, £10–£14

Tom Stade: You Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet

Gilded Balloon Patter Hoose , 16–26 Aug, £16–£17

❤ Mat Ewins: Actually Can I Have Eight Tickets Please? HHHH

Just the Tonic at The Caves, 16–25 Aug, £8–£9

Christopher Macarthur-Boyd:


Gilded Balloon Teviot, 16–25 Aug, £10–£11

Phil Nichol: Too Much

Monkey Barrel Comedy, 16–25 Aug, £7

Silent Disco Tours by Silent Adventures

Underbelly, Bristo Square, 16–26 Aug, £15

Aidan ‘Taco’ Jones – 52 Days

Laughing Horse @ Cabaret Voltaire, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Scotland’s Pick of the Fringe

Scottish Comedy Festival @ The Beehive Inn, 16–25 Aug, £5–£10

Omid Singh: Beginning To End

Gilded Balloon at Old Tolbooth Market, 16–25 Aug, £6.50

❤ Tom Ballard: Enough HHHH

Monkey Barrel Comedy, 16–25

Aug, £7–£10

A Long Time Coming

Sweet Novotel, 16–25 Aug, not 21, £7

Sex Shells

Underbelly, Cowgate, 16–25

Aug, £10–£11

Justin Matson: Try Harder

Laughing Horse @ The Free Sisters, 16–25 Aug, not 19, FREE

Good Evening Edinburgh

Laughing Horse @ The Free Sisters, 16–25 Aug, not 19, FREE

Ed Byrne: If I’m Honest Assembly Rooms, 16–25 Aug, £17–£18.50

Lucie Pohl: Really, Really, Really, Really, Really, Really Real HH

Gilded Balloon Teviot, 16–25

Aug, £10–£11

Blindingly Obvious

C venues – C cubed, 16–26

Aug, £8.50–£10.50

Foil Arms and Hog –Swines

Underbelly, Bristo Square, 16–25 Aug, £14.50–£17.50

Frank Skinner Live Assembly George Square, 16–18 Aug, £17.50

(No) Money in the Bank Sweet Grassmarket, 16–18 Aug, £7

Andrew Frank: Cognitive Goof

Laughing Horse @ Bar 50, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Rob Oldham: Worm’s Resolve

Laughing Horse @ The Counting House, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Luisa Omielan: Politics for Bitches (Extended Cut)

Gilded Balloon Teviot, 23–25

Aug, £20

The Bugle Live

The Stand’s New Town Theatre, 16 Aug, £16



Just the Tonic at The Caves, 16–25 Aug, £5–£8

Goodbye Mr President

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Voodoo Rooms, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Werewolf: Live

Underbelly, Bristo Square, 16–25 Aug, not 19, £10–£11

Ania Magliano and Matt Hutchinson: Mixtape

Just the Tonic at The Mash House, 16–25 Aug, not 19, £5

Spring Day: When Push Comes to Shove – Free Laughing Horse @ Cabaret Voltaire, 16–25 Aug, FREE


Jerry Sadowitz: Comedian, Magician, Psychopath 2019

The Stand’s New Town Theatre, 23–25 Aug, £17.50

Bob Doolally Live and Half-Cut

The Stand Comedy Club 3 & 4, 19–20 Aug, £10

Stephen K Amos: Work in Progress

The Stand Comedy Club 3 & 4, Various dates from 16 Aug to 24 Aug, £12

❤ Laura Davis: Better Dead Than a Coward HHHH

Heroes @ Bob’s BlundaBus, 16–25 Aug, £5


All Together Irish Laughing Horse @ Dropkick Murphys, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Demi Lardner: Ditch Witch 800

Gilded Balloon Teviot, 16–26 Aug, £10.50–£11.50


Laughing Horse @ The Counting House, 16–25 Aug, not 19, FREE

Nick Horseman: The Rhyme Scheme Just the Tonic at The Mash House, 16–25 Aug, £5

I’ll Be Broken Home for Christmas with Jeffrey Baldinger

Laughing Horse @ Bar 50, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Tiff Stevenson: Mother HHH Monkey Barrel Comedy, 16–25 Aug, £10

Angus Brown: Everest Imagination Workshop, 16–25 Aug, £5

The Adventures of the Bearded Lady Gilded Balloon at Old Tolbooth Market, 16–25 Aug, £6 Wait... Let’s Have Fun! Paradise in The Vault, 19–25 Aug, £7

Leo Kearse: Transgressive HHH Gilded Balloon Teviot, 16–25 Aug, £12–£13

Even More Twisted Laughing Horse @ The Lock Up, 16–18 Aug, FREE

Nick Doody: I Will Milk You PBH’s Free Fringe @ Liquid Room Annexe/Warehouse, 16–24 Aug, not 20, FREE

62 Comedy

❤ Chris Mcglade: Forgiveness HHHH

Laughing Horse @ City Cafe, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Micky Overman Presents: Presenting Miss Micky Overman

Pleasance Courtyard, 16–25 Aug, £7.50–£10

Needle Dicks

Laughing Horse @ The Lock Up, 19–25 Aug, FREE

John Robertson: The Dark Room

Gilded Balloon Teviot, 16–24 Aug, £10.50–£11.50

Japanese Sweet Wasabi: No Mask Required!

Laughing Horse @ The Place, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Micky Bartlett: Love It!

Underbelly, Bristo Square, 16–26 Aug, £10–£11


Jack Tucker: Comedy Stand-Up Hour

Underbelly, Cowgate, 16–25 Aug, £10–£11

Laura McMahon and Will Hall: In Hindsight

Just the Tonic at The Caves, 16–25 Aug, £5

Len Blanco: Firing Blancs

Just the Tonic at The Charteris Centre, 16–24 Aug, £5

Kevin the Vampyr and Friends Presents The Vim and Vigour Variety Hour Assembly George Square, 16–25 Aug, £10–£12

Alun Cochrane: Brave New Alun

Pleasance Courtyard, 16–25 Aug, £10–£14

Eli Matthewson – An Inconvenient Poof

Underbelly, George Square, 16–25 Aug, £9–£10

Jena Friedman: Miscarriage of Justice


Assembly George Square Studios, 16–25 Aug, £12–£13


theSpace @ Niddry St, 16–24

Aug, not 18, £7

Police Cops – Badass Be Thy Name Assembly George Square Studios, 16–25 Aug, not 21, £12–£13

Kevin Quantum: And for My Next Trick 2

Underbelly, Cowgate, 16–25 Aug, not 20, £11–£12

The Living Room Assembly Rooms, 16–24 Aug, not 20, £10–£12


Joe Rooney: Shut Your Cakehole

The Stand Comedy Club 3 & 4, 16–25 Aug, £10

Ladylikes: Top Secret House Party! HHH

Just the Tonic at Marlin’s Wynd, 16–25 Aug, £8


Spontaneous Potter

Gilded Balloon Rose Theatre, 16–25 Aug, £12–£14

Aidan Greene: Did I Stutter?

Gilded Balloon Teviot, 16–25 Aug, £9.50–£10.50

Two Hearts: The Comeback Tour

Underbelly, Cowgate, 16–25 Aug, £10–£11

Johnny White

Really-Really: Unending Torment!

Heroes @ Black Medicine, 16–25 Aug, £5

99 Club Stand-Up

Selection – Free

Laughing Horse @ The Free Sisters, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Better Than Dying Alone

Sweet Grassmarket, 16–24

Aug, £7

The Comedy Reserve

Pleasance Dome, 16–26 Aug, not 19, £7.50–£10

Craig Campbell’s Joyful Pain

The Stand’s New Town Theatre, 16–25 Aug, £10

Austentatious presents... Crosstentatious! In Aid of Waverley Care

Underbelly, George Square, 19 Aug, £12.50

Rose Matafeo: Horndog Pleasance Courtyard, 20–24 Aug, £14–£15

A Mad Ron Rhodes Show

Just the Tonic at The Caves, 16–25 Aug, £5

Clive Anderson: Me, Macbeth and I Assembly George Square Studios, 16–25 Aug, £14–£16

Abandoman AKA Rob Broderick – Road to Coachella

Underbelly, George Square, 16–25 Aug, not 19, £14.50–£15.50

The Death Hilarious: Razer Pleasance Courtyard, 16–25 Aug, £10–£12

Moon: We Cannot Get Out HHH

Pleasance Courtyard, 16–25 Aug, £8.50–£10.50

Nina Conti: Work in Progress

Pleasance Courtyard, 16–18 Aug, £12

Alice-India: Sorry I’m So Great or Whatever (WiP) Laughing Horse @ The Counting House, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Jayde Adams: The Ballad of Kylie Jenner’s Old Face

Pleasance Courtyard, 16–25 Aug, £12.50–£13.50

Tom Walker: Very Very Assembly Roxy, 16–25 Aug, £9–£11

Best of Scottish Comedian of the Year

Just the Tonic at La Belle

Angele, 16–24 Aug, £12–£15

Secret Dinosaur Cult Live Bedlam Theatre, 20 Aug, £10 Vote Dr Phil?

theSpace @ Surgeons Hall, 16–24 Aug, not 20, £12

Brown Guys, Grey Skies

PQA Venues @Riddle’s Court, 16–21 Aug, £11.50

Simon Brodkin: 100%

Simon Brodkin

Pleasance Courtyard, 16–24 Aug, £12

Scottish Falsetto Sock

Puppet Theatre: Roll Up! Gilded Balloon Patter Hoose , 16–25 Aug, £10.50–£12.50

❤ Jordan Brookes: I’ve Got Nothing HHHH

Pleasance Courtyard, 16–25 Aug, £9–£11

‘Aaaaaave You Been Involved in a Comedy Show That Wasn’t Your Fault Again?

Scottish Comedy Festival @ The Beehive Inn, Various dates from 16 Aug to 25 Aug, £5

Jon Long: Planet-Killing Machine HHH

Underbelly, Bristo Square, 16–26 Aug, £10–£11

Schalk Bezuidenhout: South African White Boy HHH

Pleasance Courtyard, 16–26 Aug, £8.50–£10.50

John Hastings: 10 John Hastings I Hate About You

Monkey Barrel Comedy, 16–25 Aug, £5


Rachel Fairburn: The People’s Princess Underbelly, Bristo Square, 16–25 Aug, £9.50–£10.50

2019 Greek Comedian of the Year: George Zacharopoulos PBH’s Free Fringe @ Ciao Roma, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Improvisers Assemble! theSpace on North Bridge, 16–17 Aug, £5.50

Falling with Style Laughing Horse @ City Cafe, 16–25 Aug, FREE


❤ Courtney Pauroso: Gutterplum HHHH Underbelly, Cowgate, 16–25 Aug, £11–£12

Goodbear: Dougal Pleasance Dome, 16–25 Aug, £9.50–£13

The Brand-New, Full-Throated Adventures of Reginald D Hunter

Pleasance Courtyard, 16–25 Aug, not 19, £15.50–£17.50

Daniel and Ralph Won’t Talk About Brexit Mirth Meltdown @ 52 Canoes, 16–26 Aug, FREE


❤ Alice Snedden: Absolute Monster HHHH

Pleasance Courtyard, 16–25 Aug, £8–£10

Stephen Carlin: Post

Rational Carlin

Laughing Horse @ Bar 50, 16–25 Aug, not 19, FREE

Anything F*cking Goes...

Scottish Comedy Festival @ Nightcap, 16–25 Aug, not 19, £5

Jordan Wistuba and Liam Farrelly: The Student and the Shoplifter Gilded Balloon at Old Tolbooth Market, 16–25 Aug, £6

Big Value Comedy Show – Late

Just the Tonic at The Grassmarket Centre, 16–25

Aug, not 19, 21, £5–£10

Ed Night: Jokes of Love and Hate

Pleasance Courtyard, 16–25 Aug, £9–£12

Carte Blanche with Uncle Charlotte and Aunt Scott

Laughing Horse @ The Golf Tavern, 16–18 Aug, FREE

Ray Badran: Everybody Loves Ray, Man Pleasance Courtyard, 16–25 Aug, £7–£9

Potential: A Canadian Comedy Showcase Laughing Horse @ The Raging Bull, 16–25 Aug, FREE

❤ Ciarán Dowd: Padre Rodolfo HHHH Pleasance Courtyard, 16–25 Aug, £9–£12

Ben Clover – Smell The Magic, Daddy Laughing Horse @ The Counting House, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Nick Helm’s I Think, You Stink! Assembly Roxy, 16–24 Aug, £12–£14


The Stevenson Experience: Takes One to Know One Assembly George Square Studios, 16–25 Aug, £10–£12

Dan AG: Sloth

Just the Tonic at The Grassmarket Centre, 16–25 Aug, £5

Evan Desmarais: Pizza and Ice Cream Underbelly, Bristo Square, 16–26 Aug, £9–£10

Totally Plucked Underbelly, Cowgate, 16–25 Aug, £9–£10


Radical Honesty

Just the Tonic at The Mash House, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Ben Verth: Sh*tegeist Monkey Barrel Comedy, 16–25 Aug, £5

Frank Foucault: Desk Paradise in The Vault, 16–25 Aug, not 18, £8

fest-mag.com 63 Listings



The Nasty Show Australia

Laughing Horse @ The Free Sisters, 16–25 Aug, not 19, FREE

The Haunted History Bus

Waverley Bridge (Bus Stop WA), 16–31 Aug, not 20, 27, £12

Grant Busé: Touché Busé

Gilded Balloon Patter Hoose , 16–26 Aug, £10–£11

Mark Dean Quinn Knits: A

Comedy Show

Heroes @ The Hive, Various dates from 18 Aug to 25 Aug, £5

Bumble Me Tinders –Dating Horror Stories

Laughing Horse @ Sofi’s Southside, 16–25 Aug, not 20, FREE

Amused Moose Comedy

Award: Grand Final

Just the Tonic at The Grassmarket Centre, 21–22 Aug, £14

Bristol Revunions: Roadtrip

Just the Tonic at The Grassmarket Centre, 16–25


Jimeoin: Ramble On... Some More!

Pleasance at EICC, 16 Aug, 17 Aug, 23 Aug, 24 Aug, £17.50–£18.50

This Is Your Trial

Frankenstein Pub, 16–26 Aug, £7

Amused Moose Comedy’s National New Comic

Award: Final

Just the Tonic at The Grassmarket Centre, 19–20

Aug, £14

Comedy Striptease

Laughing Horse @ The Lock Up, 16–25 Aug, not 20, FREE

I’m OKayfabe

Just the Tonic at The Charteris Centre, 16–25 Aug, £8

Holly Morgan: Is a Witch. Get Her!

Gilded Balloon Teviot, 16–26

Aug, £10.50–£11.50

Jayne Edwards Is Top

Bodybuilder Brian Heroes @ Dragonfly, 16–25

Aug, £5

I Went to Barcelona and All I Got Was This Lousy Comedy Show

PQA Venues @Riddle’s Court, 19–26 Aug, £5

Funny for a Girl

The Stand Comedy Club, 16–25 Aug, £12

Shit-Faced Showtime: Alice Through the Cocktail Glass

Underbelly, Bristo Square, 16–26 Aug, £11.50–£13.50

Comedy Shorts

Laughing Horse @ The Newsroom, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Madame Komondor Will See You Now

Sweet Grassmarket, 16–24 Aug, not 21, £7

Zeroko’s Teatime Greenside @ Royal Terrace, 16–17 Aug, £10

The Octopus’ Armpit and Other Songs I Stole from Parallel Universes

Just the Tonic at The Caves, 16–25 Aug, £8

Marcel Lucont: No. Dix

Pleasance Courtyard, 16–25

Aug, £11–£14

Simone Belshaw: Goblin and Fiends

Laughing Horse @ City Cafe, 16–25 Aug, FREE


Cülture Elité

The Stand Comedy Club 2, 16–25 Aug, not 19, £10

Hard Truths – An Improvised Play Greenside @ Nicolson Square, 16–17 Aug, £8

The Shambles theSpace on the Mile, 16–24 Aug, not 18, £6.50


Bristol Improv Presents: Offscript!

theSpace @ Surgeons Hall, 16–17 Aug, £7

Best of Musical Comedy Awards

Underbelly, Cowgate, 24–25 Aug, £11

Joe Sutherland: Sour

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Banshee

Labyrinth, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Free Footlights

Just the Tonic at The Mash House, 16–25 Aug, FREE


Russian Roulette

Gilded Balloon Teviot, 16–26 Aug, £10–£11


Gilded Balloon Teviot, 16–26 Aug, £10.50–£11.50

Spa Day

Just the Tonic at The Caves, 16–25 Aug, £5

Roast Battle Edinburgh

Laughing Horse @ The Free Sisters, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Baba Brinkman’s Rap

Guide to...

Gilded Balloon Teviot, 16–26 Aug, not 22, £10.50–£11.50

Heavenly Comedy


Laughing Horse @ Cabaret Voltaire, 16–23 Aug, FREE

Weegie Hink Ae That?

Presents: Nae Bother!

theSpace @ Niddry St, 16–17

Aug, £10

Scot Roast

Scottish Comedy Festival @ The Beehive Inn, 16–26

Aug, £5

AC/DC: Australian Comedians / Dope Comedy

Laughing Horse @ The Counting House, 16–25 Aug, FREE

David Correos: Better Than I Was the Last Time Gilded Balloon Patter Hoose , 16–26 Aug, £9–£10

Andrew Silverwood: Call Me Janice

Laughing Horse @ The Free Sisters, 16–25 Aug, FREE The Antique Jokes Show

Gilded Balloon at Old Tolbooth Market, 16–25 Aug, £6.50

Chubby White’s Variety Night

Just the Tonic at The Caves, 16–25 Aug, £5

❤ Dreamgun: Film Reads HHHH

Underbelly, Bristo Square, 16–25 Aug, £10–£11


Séayoncé Déjà Voodoo Assembly George Square, 16–25 Aug, £10–£11

Danny O’Brien: Reformer Underbelly, Cowgate, 16–25 Aug, £9.50–£10.50

Mr Thing

Pleasance Dome, 16–25 Aug, not 20, £10

Bob Slayer: Wrote the Copy for This Show in March When He Didn’t Have the Foggiest Notion of What Might Happen on Any Given Day in August, He Still Doesn’t Really, but At Least He’s Found This Snappy Title Heroes @ The SpiegelYurt, 16–25 Aug, £5

General Loledge: The Best Pub Quiz on the Fringe

Just the Tonic at The Tron, 16–25 Aug, £6

Stay Loyal to the Royals theSpace @ Niddry St, 19–24 Aug, £10


The Stand’s Pick of the Fringe

The Stand’s New Town Theatre, 16 Aug, 24 Aug, £10

Omar Ibrahim: Awokening

Just the Tonic at The Caves, 16–25 Aug, £5

A Gay and a NonGay Underbelly, Bristo Square, 17–25 Aug, £10–£11


Aaaaaaaaand Now! The Ed Factor: An Edinburgh Gong Show

Laughing Horse @ The Place, 16–25 Aug, FREE

The Best of Northern The Stand Comedy Club 3 & 4, 18–22 Aug, £10

Daz Black Live

Gilded Balloon Teviot, 22 Aug, £15

Thrones! The Musical Parody

Assembly George Square, 16–25 Aug, £15–£16

Circus Sonas Presents: DTCB The Prison Years Laughing Horse @ The Counting House, 16–25 Aug, FREE

JJ Whitehead: Five Times

I Lied to Myself Gilded Balloon Teviot, 16–26 Aug, £10.50–£12

Bobby Mair: Cockroach Monkey Barrel Comedy, 16–25 Aug, £5

Princess Party

Gilded Balloon Teviot, 16–26 Aug, not 19, £11.50–£12.50

Laser Kiwi Assembly George Square Gardens, 16–25 Aug, not 19, £13–£15

The Oxford Revue: Switcheroo Assembly Rooms, 16–25 Aug, £10–£11

Whose Mind is it Anyway?

Gilded Balloon Patter Hoose , 16–26 Aug, £11–£12

Hate ‘n’ Live Just the Tonic at The Caves, 16–25 Aug, £5

The Best of Red Raw The Stand Comedy Club 3 & 4, 16 Aug, 17 Aug, 23 Aug, 24 Aug, £5

Jerry Sadowitz: Comedian, Magician, Psychopath 2019 The Stand’s New Town Theatre, 16 Aug, 17 Aug, 18 Aug, 22 Aug, £17.50

Georgia Tasda’s School Of Magic

PBH’s Free Fringe @ CC Blooms, 16–25 Aug, not 21, FREE

Hunt & Murphy: Beg Borrow and Bitch

Gilded Balloon at Old Tolbooth Market, 16–25 Aug, £6

Comedy Night at the Museum

Gilded Balloon at the Museum, 17 Aug, 24 Aug, £12.50

Jimmy Slim and Lewis Blomfield: Scratch and Sniff

Heroes @ Bob’s BlundaBus, 16–25 Aug, £5

An Audience with Yasmine Day

Pleasance Courtyard, 16–25 Aug, not 20, £7.50–£9.50

Andrew Doyle: Exodus Pleasance Courtyard, 19–25 Aug, £10–£14

Fright Bus Service

Necrobus, 16–25 Aug, £13

Never Heard of It

Laughing Horse @ Bar 50, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Imaginary Porno Charades

Sweet Grassmarket, 16–24 Aug, not 19, £8

Bad Boys

Laughing Horse @ City Cafe, 16–25 Aug, FREE


Hell To Play: Dante Wish Your Girlfriend Was Hot Like Me

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Liquid Room Annexe/Warehouse, 16–25 Aug, FREE

❤ Alfie Brown: Imagination HHHH

Monkey Barrel Comedy, 16–25 Aug, £7–£10



The Stand Comedy Club 3 & 4, 16–25 Aug, £12

Lulu Popplewell: The Humble Bumhole

Just the Tonic at The Mash House, 16–25 Aug, not 19, £5

Liza Treyger: In the Weeds

Underbelly, Bristo Square, 16–26 Aug, £10–£11

Medium Rare Improv

theSpace on North Bridge, 16–24 Aug, not 18, £6


After Hours Mirth


Mirth Meltdown @ 52 Canoes, 16–24 Aug, FREE

Pamela’s Palace Assembly George Square, 16–25 Aug, £10–£12

Found Footage Festival: Volume 9

Underbelly, Cowgate, 16–24 Aug, £10–£11

Two Little Dickheads: Kapow!

Just the Tonic at The Charteris Centre, 16–25 Aug, not 19, £5

Sleeping Trees:

Christmas Special... in August

Assembly George Square Studios, 24 Aug, £15

Police Cops: Police Cops in Space Assembly George Square Studios, 17 Aug, £13

The Lost Musical Works of Willy Shakes Assembly Rooms, 16–24 Aug, £11–£12.50

Ange Lavoipierre: Final Form

Underbelly, George Square, 16–26 Aug, £9–£10

2 Girls, 1 Cup... of Comedy

Just the Tonic at The Caves, 16–25 Aug, £5


Joe McTernan: What’s Up with My Head?

Scottish Comedy Festival @ The Beehive Inn, 16–26

Aug, £5

❤ Catherine Cohen: The Twist...? She’s Gorgeous HHHH

Pleasance Courtyard, 16–25 Aug, not 19, £12–£13

Snog Marry Avoid

Laughing Horse @ The Counting House, 16–25 Aug, not 20, FREE


Pleasance Courtyard, 16–25

Aug, £8–£10

Zach Zimmerman: Clean Comedy HHH

Gilded Balloon Patter Hoose , 16–26 Aug, not 19, £9.50–£10.50

Jamie Loftus: Boss, Whom is Girl

Pleasance Courtyard, 16–26

Aug, £10–£11

Serena Flynn: Baubo Goddess of Filth

Heroes @ Black Medicine, 16–25 Aug, £5

AAA Stand-Up Late at Gilded Balloon

Gilded Balloon Teviot, 16–26

Aug, £10–£12


Laughing Horse @ The Free Sisters, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Aaron Chen: Piss Off (Just Kidding) HHH

Pleasance Courtyard, 16–25

Aug, £8.50–£10.50

Fright Bus Service

Necrobus, 16 Aug, 17 Aug, 23

Aug, 24 Aug, £13

Becky Fury’s One Hour to Save the World (in 55 Minutes)

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Waverley Bar, 16–25 Aug, FREE


Questing Time

Pleasance Dome, 16–25 Aug, £8.50–£10.50

Biscuit Barrel: Double Stuffed theSpace on the Mile, 16–24

Aug, not 18, £8

The Noise Next Door’s Comedy Lock-In Pleasance Courtyard, 16–25

Aug, £12–£14

1 Chick, 2 Dicks: 3 Americans Get Too Personal

Just the Tonic at The Caves, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Kevin McGahern: Taking Off

Underbelly, Bristo Square, 16–26 Aug, £9–£10

Hot Gays: Martin Dixon and Gareth Edward

PBH’s Free Fringe @ The Outhouse Bar, 16–25


Gerry Carroll – Crock or Gold

Laughing Horse @ City Cafe, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Peter Buckley Hill and Some Comedians XX

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Ciao Roma, 16–24 Aug, not 21, FREE


The Big Show: Fringe Showcase!

Monkey Barrel Comedy, 16–25 Aug, £9–£10


Sweet Grassmarket, 16–25 Aug, not 20, £7


Misspelled Youth

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Bar

Bados Complex, 16–24 Aug, FREE

Shit-Faced Shakespeare: Macbeth

Underbelly, Bristo Square, 16–26 Aug, £12.50–£15

Spontaneous Sherlock Gilded Balloon Rose Theatre, 25–26 Aug, £11

Luka Muller’s Gong Show

Laughing Horse @ The Counting House, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Inside the Comedian Pleasance Dome, 19–23 Aug, £9

Francis Boulle and Friends

Pleasance Dome, 16–25 Aug, £9–£12

❤ Diane Chorley: Down the Flick HHHH

Assembly George Square Studios, Various dates from 16 Aug to 25 Aug, £15

Snort HHH

Pleasance Courtyard, 16–25 Aug, £10–£12

AAA Stand-Up Late Pleasance Courtyard, 16–26 Aug, £9–£12

Grant Gallacher: Making Europe Grant’s Again Scottish Comedy Festival @ Nightcap, 16–26 Aug, not 19, 20, FREE

Julia Rorke: Jeneane’s Kinky Room of Astrology and Ciggies HH

Underbelly, Cowgate, 16–24 Aug, £10–£11

Murder She Didn’t Write: The Improvised Murder


Pleasance Courtyard, 18 Aug, 25 Aug, £12.50

Phil Wang: Philly Philly Wang Wang

Pleasance Courtyard, 17 Aug, 24 Aug, £13

Revenge of the New World Laughing Horse @ Bar 50, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Tim Key

Pleasance Courtyard, 16–25 Aug, £8.50–£11.50

Colt Cabana and John Hastings Do Comedy and Commentary to Bad Wrestling Matches

Monkey Barrel Comedy, 16–25 Aug, £7


Dylan Dodds and Friends (Friends Not Included)

Just the Tonic at The Grassmarket Centre, 16–25

Aug, not 19, £5

Divet Show: The Greatest Divas

Assembly George Square Studios, 16–25 Aug, not 19, £12–£13

Anxiety Club

Underbelly, Cowgate, 16–20 Aug, £9–£10


Gabe Mollica: The Whole Thing

Just the Tonic at The Mash House, 16–25 Aug, £5

FOC It Up: The Femmes of Colour Comedy Club

Gilded Balloon Patter Hoose , 16 Aug, 18 Aug, 23 Aug, 25

Aug, £10

A Night of Wikipedilove

Laughing Horse @ Sofi’s Southside, 16–25 Aug, not 19, FREE

The Paddock Pleasance Dome, 23–24

Aug, £10

WiFi Wars’ Video Game Takeover!

Assembly George Square Studios, 20–25 Aug, £10–£14

Donald Alexander: The Great Monkey Barrel Comedy, 16–25

Aug, £5

Southampton Stand-Up Showcase

Laughing Horse @ The Newsroom, 16–25 Aug, FREE

BBC: British-Born

Chinese HH

Laughing Horse @ City Cafe, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Mark Watson: The Infinite Show

Pleasance Courtyard, 23–24

Aug, £16

Escaping Trump’s America

Frankenstein Pub, 16–26


Cosmic Comedy Berlin

Laughing Horse @ The Free Sisters, 16–25 Aug, FREE


❤ Leo Mohr: When I Was Zorro HHHH

Heroes @ Dragonfly, 16–25

Aug, £5

Nancy Clench: Agony Aunt

Just the Tonic at The Grassmarket Centre, 16–17 Aug, £8

Conversation Garden on Love Island (A Decide Your Own Misadventure)

Just the Tonic at The Grassmarket Centre, 18–25

Aug, £5

Valentine Boys: Because the Rent is Due

Just the Tonic at The Charteris Centre, 16–25 Aug, £6


Jay Handley – White

Jesus 2: Resurrection

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Banshee

Labyrinth, 16–25 Aug, FREE

3 Rule-Abiding Rebels

Paradise in The Vault, 16–25

Aug, not 18, FREE

Reeks of Desperation

Paradise in Augustines, 16–17

Aug, £5


Political Animal

The Stand Comedy Club, 18–22 Aug, £12

Edinburgh Comedy Allstars

Underbelly, George Square, 16

Aug, 17 Aug, 22 Aug, 23 Aug, 24 Aug, £12.50–£15

Stout, Pale and Bitter

Just the Tonic at The Mash House, 19–25 Aug, £5

Santiago Sucks a Beautiful Woman’s Cock (and Other #1 Hits)

Laughing Horse @ The Free Sisters, 16–25 Aug, not

21, FREE

Comedy Queers

Laughing Horse @ The Counting House, 16–24


Amusical Pleasance Courtyard, 21–22

Aug, £15


Laughing Horse @ The Free Sisters, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Ross Drummond and Harry Monaghan: The Orb

Just the Tonic at The Mash House, 16–18 Aug, £5

Late Night Comedy Death Camp

Laughing Horse @ Cabaret Voltaire, 16–25 Aug, FREE

John-Luke Roberts: Terrible Wonderful


Assembly George Square Studios, 16 Aug, 23 Aug, £12

Gavin Webster’s Comedy Results

Scottish Comedy Festival @ The Beehive Inn, 16–25

Aug, £5


The Russian Comedy Experience

Just the Tonic at The Caves, 16–25 Aug, £6


Sam Nicoresti: UFO Heroes @ The SpiegelYurt, 16–25 Aug, £5


Jay Light: Fake It Til You Make It

Laughing Horse @ The Place, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Can You Throw This in the Bin for Me?

Laughing Horse @ Dropkick Murphys, 18–22 Aug, FREE

Sameer Katz: Amphibious

Laughing Horse @ City Cafe, 16–25 Aug, FREE


Gilded Balloon Teviot, 16–18 Aug, £11

The Stand Late Club

The Stand Comedy Club, 16 Aug, 17 Aug, 23 Aug, 24 Aug, £15

Lydia Hirst: I’ll Be Your Dog

Just the Tonic at The Caves, 16–25 Aug, £5


Best of the Fest Assembly Hall, Various dates from 16 Aug to 25 Aug, £13–£15

Zach & Viggo: Thunderflop

Underbelly, Cowgate, 16 Aug, 17 Aug, 23 Aug, £10

Andrew Sim’s Midnight Showcase

Scottish Comedy Festival @ The Beehive Inn, 16–25 Aug, not 20, 21, £5

110% John Kearns and Pat Cahill Monkey Barrel Comedy, 20–21 Aug, £5

Jonny’s Panel Show (Really Good)

Underbelly, Cowgate, 18–19 Aug, £10

Stamptown Comedy Night

Underbelly, Cowgate, 22–23 Aug, £10

The Spencer Jones 50 Minute Disco Experiment

Monkey Barrel Comedy, 16–25 Aug, not 19, 20, £5


Underbelly, Cowgate, 16–25 Aug, £15.50–£16.50

Fright Bus Service

Necrobus, 16 Aug, 17 Aug, 23 Aug, 24 Aug, £13

fest-mag.com 65


Breakfast Plays: The Future Is [...]

Traverse Theatre, 16–25 Aug, not 19, £12



theSpace on the Mile, 20–24

Aug, £7

Rattigan’s Nijinsky

theSpace @ Surgeons Hall, 18–24 Aug, £5–£10


theSpaceTriplex, 19–24

Aug, £7.50


Headhog Paradise in The Vault, 16–17

Aug, £7

Gilgamesh – He Who Saw


theSpace @ Surgeons Hall, 20–24 Aug, £8


❤ Frankenstein: How to Make a Monster HHHHH

Traverse Theatre, 17 Aug, 23

Aug, £22

❤ The Patient Gloria HHHH

Traverse Theatre, 18 Aug, 24

Aug, £22


Summerhall, 16–25 Aug, not 19, £12

Shakespeare for Breakfast

C venues – C viva, 16–26 Aug, £7.50–£9.50

West of Frances

theSpace @ Surgeons Hall, 16–17 Aug, £9


theSpace on the Mile, 16–17

Aug, £7

CACW – Cony’s Collection

The Old Dr Bells Baths, 16


❤ Crocodile Fever


Traverse Theatre, 20 Aug, 25

Aug, £22

How Not to Drown


Traverse Theatre, 16 Aug, 22

Aug, £22

Umbrella Man

Summerhall, 16–25 Aug, not 20, £10–£12

❤ Trying It On


Traverse Theatre, 21 Aug, £22

Dark Play or Stories for Boys

theSpace on the Mile, 19–21

Aug, £6


Baby, What Blessings

theSpace @ Surgeons Hall, 16–17 Aug, £8

Ladies Who Lunch

Greenside @ Infirmary Street, 16 Aug, £9

Downton Shabby theSpace on the Mile, 16–17

Aug, £8


Skylight theSpace @ Niddry St, 19–24

Aug, £8

Painted Corners theSpace on North Bridge, 16–17 Aug, £5

The Zed Word theSpace on North Bridge, 16–17 Aug, £9

The Importance of Being

Earnest theSpace @ Venue45, 19–22

Aug, £8

Where to Belong Summerhall, 16–25 Aug, not 19, £9


Qing Snake theSpace @ Venue45, 16–17

Aug, £12

Happy Hour HH

Pleasance Dome, 16–26 Aug, £10–£12.50

Man Number Five

Greenside @ Infirmary Street, 19–24 Aug, £8

Where Do Fairies Come From?

Paradise in Augustines, 16–17

Aug, £7

Hustlers theSpace @ Surgeons Hall, 16–17 Aug, £7.50


Play Before Birth Greenside @ Infirmary Street, 16–17 Aug, £8

The Yellow Wallpaper theSpaceTriplex, 20–23 Aug, £7



Assembly George Square, 17–24 Aug, £12–£13


Arthur HHH

Your Home, 16–25 Aug, not 21, £100

Invisible Us Greenside @ Nicolson Square, 16–17 Aug, £8

The Lament of Dorothy Wordsworth

Paradise in The Vault, 16–25 Aug, not 18, £7

Heroin(e) for Breakfast

Pleasance Dome, 16–26 Aug, £10–£12

Choose Life, Choose Leith: Trainspotting on Location Custom House, 17 Aug, 19 Aug, 22 Aug, 24 Aug, 26 Aug, £10

Big Bite-Size Breakfast Show

Pleasance Courtyard, 16–26 Aug, not 19, £13.50–£14

Cherie – My Struggle Imagination Workshop, 16–25 Aug, not 19, £10

Borchert: A Life Greenside @ Nicolson Square, 16–17 Aug, £10


The Wasp Greenside @ Infirmary Street, 19–24 Aug, £12


A Midsummer Night’s DROLL

Gilded Balloon Teviot, 16–26 Aug, £8–£9


Post-Mortem HHH

Assembly George Square Studios, 16–26 Aug, not 19, £10–£12


Pleasance Dome, 16–25 Aug, £10–£12

Audacious Mr Astley Pleasance Courtyard, 16–25 Aug, £9–£12


The Witch of Wall Street theSpaceTriplex, 16–17 Aug, £8

The Zed Word theSpace on North Bridge, 19–24 Aug, £9


TalkFest – Anatomy of a Play: How Not to Drown Traverse Theatre, 19 Aug, £5

Shadow of the Rose

PQA Venues @Riddle’s Court, 22–26 Aug, £11.50


Traverse Theatre, 18 Aug, 23 Aug, 24 Aug, £21

Great Grimm Tales

Underbelly, Cowgate, 16–25 Aug, £10–£11

Swallow the Sea Caravan Theatre

Summerhall, 16–25 Aug, £7 West of Frances

theSpace @ Surgeons Hall, 19–24 Aug, £9

Guys, Dolls and Pies Assembly George Square Studios, 16 Aug, 18 Aug, 20 Aug, 22 Aug, 24 Aug, £13–£15

A Game of Death and Chance

Gladstone’s Land, 17 Aug, 18

Aug, 24 Aug, 25 Aug, £15

The Place You Once Forgot

Sweet Novotel, 19–25

Aug, £10

Tales from the Garden Assembly Rooms, 16–25 Aug, not 19, £9–£10.50

Steve Richards Presents Rock’n’Roll Politics 2019 theSpace @ Symposium Hall, 16–24 Aug, £12.50

❤ Until the Flood


Traverse Theatre, 21 Aug, £21

21 Futures by Olly Hawes Pleasance Dome, 16–17

Aug, £9

White Girls

Gilded Balloon Teviot, 16–26

Aug, not 20, £8–£9

The Shark is Broken

Assembly George Square Studios, 17 Aug, 19 Aug, 21 Aug, 23 Aug, 25 Aug, £13–£15

Rich Kids: A History of Shopping Malls in Tehran


Traverse Theatre, 17 Aug, £21

❤ Burgerz HHHH

Traverse Theatre, 16 Aug, 22 Aug, £21

❤ Are we not drawn onward to new erA – Ontroerend Goed HHHH

Zoo Southside, 16–25 Aug, not 19, £14


Traverse Theatre, 20 Aug, 25 Aug, £21

The Believers Are but Brothers Assembly George Square Studios, 19–24 Aug, £11–£12

The Trial

PQA Venues @Riddle’s Court, 16 Aug, £11.50


Never None (but She) theSpaceTriplex, 19–24

Aug, £10

Baby, What Blessings

theSpace @ Surgeons Hall, 19–24 Aug, £8

Something Else

theSpace @ Surgeons Hall, 16–17 Aug, £10

Looking for Wolverhampton’s Latin Quarter

theSpace @ Surgeons Hall, 16–17 Aug, £8

Fear Here and Terror


theSpace on the Mile, 20–24 Aug, £6

The Life of Reilly theSpace on the Mile, 16–24

Aug, not 18, £8

The Cat’s the Thing theSpace @ Surgeons Hall, 20–24 Aug, £8


Jammy Dodgers theSpace on the Mile, 16–17

Aug, £10

Chatroom theSpace @ Niddry St, 16–17

Aug, £10

She Shall Not Be Moved theSpace on the Mile, 19–24

Aug, £10


❤ Funny in Real Life


Gilded Balloon Teviot, 16–18

Aug, £9.50

A Game of Death and Chance

Gladstone’s Land, 17 Aug, 18

Aug, 24 Aug, 25 Aug, £15

The Place You Once Forgot Sweet Novotel, 19–25

Aug, £10


On the Other Hand, We’re Happy Roundabout @ Summerhall, 19 Aug, 22 Aug, £15

Surveillance theSpace on North Bridge, 16–17 Aug, £10

Daughterhood Roundabout @ Summerhall, 16 Aug, 21 Aug, 23 Aug, £15–£17



Pleasance Courtyard, 16–26

Aug, not 19, £9–£11

Comrade Egg and the Chicken of Tomorrow

Pleasance Courtyard, 16–26

Aug, not 18, £9–£11

The Heresy Machine

Greenside @ Royal Terrace, 16–17 Aug, £9

A Shadow of Doubt Paradise in The Vault, 16–25

Aug, not 18, £8


❤ Cardboard Citizens: Bystanders HHHH

Summerhall, 16–25 Aug, not 19, £12

We Apologise for the Inconvenience

PQA Venues @Riddle’s Court, 16 Aug, £12

I Am

Greenside @ Infirmary Street, 16–24 Aug, not 18, £10

Holy Sh*t theSpace @ Surgeons Hall, 19–24 Aug, £8

Shadows ZOO Playground, 16–26 Aug, £10

You’re Safe ‘Til 2024 Pleasance Courtyard, 20–23 Aug, £10

Fox Pleasance Courtyard, 16–26 Aug, £9–£11

I’ll Tell You This for Nothing

Assembly George Square, 16–25 Aug, not 19, £9–£10 Hyde and Seek

Underbelly, Cowgate, 16–25 Aug, £9–£10

The Place You Once Forgot Sweet Novotel, 19–25 Aug, £10

The End Summerhall, 16–25 Aug, not 19, £9–£11

A Midsummer Night’s Dream Greenside @ Infirmary Street, 16–17 Aug, £7

Harvey Greenfield Is Running Late Sweet Grassmarket, 16–24 Aug, £7

Back of the Head with a Brick Summerhall, 20–25 Aug, £8–£10

Your Sexts Are Shit: Older Better Letters Summerhall, 16–25 Aug, not 19, £12

Three, Two, One... Sweet Novotel, 16–18 Aug, £7 Krapp’s Last Tape

The Royal Scots Club, 20–24 Aug, £10

Burns for Brunch Scottish Storytelling Centre, 16–26 Aug, not 19, 21, £10

Jehovah’s First Witness Greenside @ Infirmary Street, 16–24 Aug, not 18, £10

How to Save a Rock

Pleasance Pop-Up: Dynamic Earth, 16–23 Aug, £8–£10

Dalloway Assembly Roxy, 16–26 Aug, not 20, £12–£13


Red Herring ZOO Playground, 16–26 Aug, £10

Seasoned Professionals theSpace @ Surgeons Hall, 16–17 Aug, £7

Love (Watching Madness) HHH Pleasance Courtyard, 16–26 Aug, not 18, £7.50–£10

The Village Fate theSpace @ Venue45, 20–24 Aug, £7

66 Theatre


One Starts in a Barber’s. One Starts in a Bar. Greenside @ Nicolson Square, 16–24 Aug, not 18, £9

Trump Lear

Pleasance Courtyard, 16–26

Aug, £10–£12

The Empathy Experiment

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Banshee Labyrinth, 16–25 Aug, not

19, FREE


theSpaceTriplex, 16–24 Aug, not 18, £8–£10


Swallow the Sea Caravan Theatre

Summerhall, 16–25 Aug, £7

A Game of Death and Chance

Gladstone’s Land, 17 Aug, 18

Aug, 24 Aug, 25 Aug, £15

The Place You Once Forgot

Sweet Novotel, 19–25

Aug, £10

Carol Ann Duffy and John Sampson

The Stand’s New Town Theatre, 16 Aug, £12

A Beautiful Way to Be Crazy

Underbelly, Bristo Square, 19–26 Aug, £10–£11


Psycho Drama Queen ZOO Playground, 16–26 Aug, £9–£11

Nearly Human Pleasance Dome, 16–26

Aug, £9–£12

The Merry Wives of Seoul

C venues – C south, 16–17 Aug, £10.50–£11.50

Ivory Wings

Assembly Rooms, 16–24 Aug, not 19, £10–£11

Frog’s Legs

Underbelly, Bristo Square, 16–26 Aug, £9–£10


Being Norwegian by David Greig

Venue 13, 16–24 Aug, £10

The Mariner’s Song Paradise in Augustines, 16–24 Aug, not 18, £10


In Conversation with...

Barbara Dickson

The Stand’s New Town Theatre, 20 Aug, £12.50

Myra’s Story Assembly Rooms, 16–25 Aug, not 21, £12–£14

In Conversation with...

Patrick Harvie

The Stand’s New Town Theatre, 24 Aug, £12.50

In Conversation with...

Tom Devine

The Stand’s New Town Theatre, 18 Aug, £12.50


Pleasance Courtyard, 16–25 Aug, £12–£14

The Female Role Model Project

Bedlam Theatre, 16–25 Aug, not 20, £11

In Conversation with...

Ian Rankin

The Stand’s New Town Theatre, 22 Aug, £12.50

Fires Our Shoes Have Made HHH

C venues – C aquila, 16–26 Aug, £8.50–£10.50

Agent November Escape

Game: Major X Ploe-Shun

The Stand’s New Town Theatre, 16–25 Aug, £15

Morning Glory

Planet Bar, 16 Aug, FREE

Taiwan Season: Fish Summerhall, 16–25 Aug, not 19, £10

Sinatra: Raw Gilded Balloon at the Museum, 16–26 Aug, not 21, £12.50–£13.50


The Old Dr Bells Baths, 16 Aug, FREE

Lauren Booth:

Accidentally Muslim Gilded Balloon Teviot, 16–26 Aug, £8.50–£9.50

Ian McKellen On Stage Assembly Hall, 22–25 Aug, £40

A Game of Death and Chance

Gladstone’s Land, 17 Aug, 18 Aug, 24 Aug, 25 Aug, £15

The Place You Once Forgot Sweet Novotel, 19–25 Aug, £10

In Conversation with...

Elaine C Smith

The Stand’s New Town Theatre, 23 Aug, £12.50

That’s How I See It

PQA Venues @Riddle’s Court, 16 Aug, £11.50

Dr Korczak’s Example Scottish Storytelling Centre, 21–25 Aug, £12


Underbelly, Bristo Square, 16–26 Aug, £9–£10

In Conversation with...

Humza Yousaf

The Stand’s New Town Theatre, 16 Aug, £12.50

Haggis, Neeps and Burns Hill Street Theatre, 16–25 Aug, £12


PQA Venues @Riddle’s Court, 17–21 Aug, £11.50

In Conversation with...

Val McDermid

The Stand’s New Town Theatre, 19 Aug, £12.50


Pleasance Dome, 16–26 Aug, £10–£12

Written With Crayons

PQA Venues @Riddle’s Court, 22–26 Aug, £9.50

Illegal Underbelly, Cowgate, 16–25 Aug, £10–£11

In Conversation with…

Archie Macpherson

The Stand’s New Town Theatre, 17 Aug, £12.50

Dangerous Adventures

Laughing Horse @ Finnegan’s Wake, 22–25 Aug, FREE

(Can This Be) Home Scottish Storytelling Centre, 16–19 Aug, £12


Cyst-er Act

Summerhall, 16–25 Aug, not 19, £10


theSpace on North Bridge, 19–24 Aug, £8

Mengele Assembly George Square, 17 Aug, 19 Aug, 21 Aug, 23 Aug, 25 Aug, £10–£12 box.

theSpace @ Surgeons Hall, 17

Aug, 19 Aug, 21 Aug, 23 Aug, £10–£12

Normaler Than Everyone

Gilded Balloon Teviot, 16–26 Aug, not 20, £10–£11

Sleeping Giant Assembly Rooms, 16–24

Aug, £9–£11


theSpace @ Surgeons Hall, 16

Aug, 20 Aug, 22 Aug, 24 Aug, £10–£12


theSpace on the Mile, 16–17

Aug, £10


Assembly George Square, 16 Aug, 18 Aug, 20 Aug, 22 Aug, 24 Aug, £10–£12

Best Girl

Pleasance Courtyard, 16–26 Aug, not 19, £7–£9


In PurSUEt theSpace @ Niddry St, 16–17

Aug, £9

Piracy! A Comedy on the High Cs theSpace @ Surgeons Hall, 19–24 Aug, £10

Boulder HH

Pleasance Courtyard, 16–17

Aug, £12

Medea Speaks theSpace on the Mile, 19–24

Aug, £8

The Anxiety Experiment

The Stand’s New Town Theatre, 16–25 Aug, £10


Pleasance Courtyard, 20–25

Aug, £15


Underbelly, Cowgate, 16–25

Aug, £9.50–£10.50

Avalanche theSpace on North Bridge, 16–24 Aug, not 18, £9

Madame Ovary Pleasance Dome, 16–26

Aug, £8–£12


Me and My Doll

Gilded Balloon Patter Hoose , 16–26 Aug, £9.50–£10.50

My Mother’s Shoes

Laughing Horse @ Bar 50, 16–25 Aug, not 19, FREE

BoxedIn Theatre

Presents: Evaluation

Pleasance Pop-Up: Dynamic Earth, 16–26 Aug, not 20, £5

A Mother theSpace on North Bridge, 20–24 Aug, £7

Mandy Picks a Husband theSpace on North Bridge, 16–17 Aug, £8

A Game of Death and Chance

Gladstone’s Land, 17 Aug, 18 Aug, 24 Aug, 25 Aug, £15

The Fishermen

Assembly George Square Studios, 19–24 Aug, £12–£14

Eleanor’s Story: Home is the Stranger

Gilded Balloon Teviot, 16–26 Aug, £9–£10

Cotton Fingers Summerhall, 16–25 Aug, not 19, £14

Testament of Yootha

Gilded Balloon Teviot, 16–26 Aug, not 19, £8.50–£9.50

Lucrece theSpace @ Niddry St, 16–24 Aug, not 18, £10

Devil of Choice

Assembly George Square Studios, 16 Aug, £14


Fix Us

Underbelly, Cowgate, 16–25 Aug, £10–£11

You’re in a Bad Way by John Osborne

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Voodoo Rooms, 16–24 Aug, FREE


Parasites theSpace on the Mile, 17 Aug, 19 Aug, 21 Aug, 23 Aug, £9.50

Bull theSpace on the Mile, 16 Aug, 18 Aug, 20 Aug, 22 Aug, 24 Aug, £9.50


A Talking Therapist’s Blues

Laughing Horse @ The Brass Monkey, 16–25 Aug, not 21, FREE

A Poet’s Guide to Surviving the Apocalypse Laughing Horse @ The Place, 16–19 Aug, FREE

Swallow the Sea Caravan Theatre

Summerhall, 16–25 Aug, £7

fest-mag.com 67 Listings

My Darling Clemmie

Assembly Rooms, 16–25 Aug, not 19, £10–£12

Sea Sick

CanadaHub @ King’s Hall in association with Summerhall, 16–25 Aug, not 19, £11

❤ A Table Tennis Play


Underbelly, Cowgate, 16–25 Aug, £11–£12

Dickens for Dinner C venues – C viva, 16–26 Aug, £7.50–£9.50

Little Rabbit Quaker Meeting House, 16–17 Aug, £9

My Love Lies Frozen in the Ice

Pleasance Dome, 16–25 Aug, not 19, £10–£12

The Pat Hobby Stories

Gilded Balloon Teviot, 16–26 Aug, not 19, £10–£11

The Perfect Body

PQA Venues @Riddle’s Court, 16–25 Aug, not 19, £11.50

Shaving the Dead Assembly George Square Studios, 16–25 Aug, £13–£15

The Seven Second Theory theSpace on North Bridge, 16–17 Aug, £9


Blighty, Broadway and Beyond! – The Private Lives of Noel Coward and Gertrude Lawrence Greenside @ Infirmary Street, 16–24 Aug, not 18, £10

Will, or Eight Lost Years of William Shakespeare’s Life

Greenside @ Royal Terrace, 16–24 Aug, not 18, £9

Sad Eyes to Smile With Greenside @ Infirmary Street, 16–24 Aug, not 18, £8


Cicada 3301

Underbelly, Bristo Square, 16–26 Aug, £10–£11

Noir Hamlet theSpace @ Venue45, 16–17 Aug, £10

40 Shades of Green Tour

Greenside @ Nicolson Square, 16–24 Aug, not 18, £8

Wireless Operator

Pleasance Courtyard, 16–26 Aug, £9–£11.50

Rust HHH

Assembly Roxy, 16–25 Aug, £10–£12


Get Her Outta Here by Isabella Broccolini

Gilded Balloon Rose Theatre, 16–25 Aug, £9–£10

Cream Tea and Incest

Gilded Balloon Rose Theatre, 16–25 Aug, £8.50–£9.50

Wild Swimming HHH

Pleasance Courtyard, 16–26

Aug, not 20, £10–£12


Pleasance Courtyard, 16–25

Aug, not 19, £10–£12

❤ Bobby & Amy


Pleasance Courtyard, 16–26

Aug, £10–£12

R’n’J: The Untold Story of Shakespeare’s Roz and Jules

Gilded Balloon Patter Hoose , 16–26 Aug, £8–£9

A Play, A Pie and A Pint

McSorley’s Irish Bar, 16–23

Aug, weekdays only, £12.50


Pleasance Courtyard, 16–26

Aug, £8.50–£11

Landscape (1989)


ZOO Playground, 16–25 Aug, not 20, £10


The Claim

Roundabout @ Summerhall, 16–25 Aug, not 20, £14–£15

F. Off

Underbelly, Cowgate, 16–25

Aug, £11–£12

Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Plebs

Paradise in Augustines, 16–17

Aug, £7.50

Nazis Need Jews

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Banshee

Labyrinth, 16–25 Aug, not 21, FREE


Greenside @ Infirmary Street, 16–24 Aug, not 18, £8

Careless LoveCANCELLED

Greenside @ Nicolson Square, 16–17 Aug, £10

Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow

ZOO Playground, 16–17

Aug, £6



theSpace @ Niddry St, 19–24 Aug, £8

The Man From Verona Paradise in The Vault, 16 Aug, 17 Aug, 19 Aug, 20 Aug, 21 Aug, £5


theSpace @ Surgeons Hall, 19–24 Aug, £7

The Ship Sank. Where on Deck, Did My Captain Lie?

ZOO Playground, 16–26 Aug, not 21, £10–£12


Come Out from Among Them

Sweet Grassmarket, 16–25 Aug, not 18, £10

❤ Frankenstein: How to Make a Monster HHHHH

Traverse Theatre, 18 Aug, 24 Aug, £22

Knock Knock

Assembly Roxy, 16–26 Aug, £12–£14


Underbelly, Cowgate, 16–25 Aug, £10–£11

❤ The Patient Gloria


Traverse Theatre, 20 Aug, 25 Aug, £22

MUSE: An Experiment in Storytelling and Life


The Safari Lounge, 18–20 Aug, £10

Dream of a King HH

theSpaceTriplex, 16–18 Aug, £9

The Eradication of Schizophrenia in Western Lapland

Summerhall, 25 Aug, £10

Life Is No Laughing Matter

Summerhall, 16–18 Aug, £10

Agent November Escape

Game: Major X Ploe-Shun

The Stand’s New Town Theatre, 16–25 Aug, £15

Madame George by Keir McAllister HHH

Gilded Balloon Patter Hoose , 16–26 Aug, not 19, £11–£12

Red Dust Road

The Lyceum, 16 Aug, £20


Sweet Novotel, 16–18 Aug, £7

Friendsical: A Parody Musical About Friends HH

Assembly Rooms, 16–25 Aug, not 19, £16–£17.50

Romeo and Juliet by Curious Pheasant

Assembly Rooms, 16–24 Aug, not 19, £12–£13

❤ Coma HHHH

Summerhall, 16–25 Aug, £7.50


Pleasance Courtyard, 16–26 Aug, £14–£17.50

A Game of Death and Chance

Gladstone’s Land, 17 Aug, 18 Aug, 24 Aug, 25 Aug, £15

Hear Word! Naija Woman

Talk True

The Lyceum, 20 Aug, £20

It’s True, It’s True, It’s True

Underbelly, Bristo Square, 16–26 Aug, not 17, £11–£12

The Rebirth of Meadow Rain

Pleasance Courtyard, 16–26

Aug, £8.50–£11

Almost, Maine

theSpace @ Niddry St, 16–17

Aug, £8

Remind Me Again Why I Need a Man

Sweet Novotel, 19–25 Aug, £9

CACW – Cony’s Collection

The Old Dr Bells Baths, 18



theSpace on the Mile, 16–17

Aug, £10

❤ Crocodile Fever


Traverse Theatre, 21 Aug, £22

A War of Two Halves

Tynecastle Park, 17 Aug, 18

Aug, 24 Aug, 25 Aug, £24

How Not to Drown


Traverse Theatre, 17 Aug, 23

Aug, £22


Summerhall, 16–25 Aug, not 19, £12

❤ Vigil HHHH

Summerhall, 16–25 Aug, not 19, £10

I Don’t Want to Talk

About It

PQA Venues @Riddle’s Court, 16 Aug, £11.50

Whirlpool People; Deconstructing the Illusion of the Separate Self

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Natural Food Kafe, 16–24 Aug, not 19, FREE

The Accident Did Not Take Place HHH

Pleasance Courtyard, 16–26

Aug, £10–£13

❤ Trying It On HHHH

Traverse Theatre, 16 Aug, 22

Aug, £22

Holy Land

C venues – C aquila, 16–26 Aug, £9.50–£11.50

Rose McGowan: Planet 9 Assembly Hall, 16–18 Aug, £21


Do You Ever Get Scared?

theSpace on the Mile, 16–17 Aug, £10

Chain of Trivia

theSpace @ Surgeons Hall, 16–24 Aug, £10

One Good Beating theSpace on the Mile, 20–24 Aug, £8

Voice of Authority

theSpace @ Surgeons Hall, 16–18 Aug, £10

Special Measures

theSpace on North Bridge, 19–24 Aug, £10


Swallow the Sea Caravan Theatre

Summerhall, 16–25 Aug, £7

After You

Assembly Rooms, 16–24 Aug, £10–£11

Beach Body Ready

Pleasance Courtyard, 16–26

Aug, £8–£10

Alan Ayckbourn Double Bill theSpaceTriplex, 19–24

Aug, £12

In Loyal Company Pleasance Dome, 16–26 Aug, £10–£12.50

❤ Orlando HHHH

Pleasance Courtyard, 16–26

Aug, £9–£11


Edinburgh TV Festival

Presents: Paul Feig

Pleasance at EICC, 23 Aug, £17.50

Unicorns, Almost Army @ The Fringe in Association with Summerhall, 16–25 Aug, not 19, £10

Paradise Lodge

Underbelly, Bristo Square, 16–26 Aug, £10–£11

Before the End HHH

Summerhall, 16–25 Aug, not 19, £10

A Game of Death and Chance

Gladstone’s Land, 17 Aug, 18

Aug, 24 Aug, 25 Aug, £15

(I)sland T(rap): The Epic Remixology of the Odyssey Assembly Checkpoint, 16–26

Aug, not 19, £12–£14

❤ Until the Flood


Traverse Theatre, 16 Aug, 22

Aug, £21

The Biggest Problem in the World: Our Problem With Problems (and Why Truth Matters)

Sweet Grassmarket, 16–25

Aug, not 21, £8

Noir Hamlet

theSpace @ Niddry St, 19–24

Aug, £10

Letter to Boddah

C venues – C cubed, 16–26 Aug, £10.50–£12.50

Fight Song

Venue 13, 16–24 Aug, not 19, £12

BoxedIn Theatre

Presents: The Earth


Pleasance Pop-Up: Dynamic Earth, 16–26 Aug, not 20, £5


Have I Told You I’m Writing a Play About My Vagina?

Paradise in Augustines, 16–25 Aug, not 18, £11

Phoenix Pleasance Dome, 16–26 Aug, £11–£13

Walls and Bridges

theSpace on North Bridge, 16–24 Aug, not 18, £10


Underbelly, George Square, 16–26 Aug, £9–£10

A Man’s a Man

The Stand’s New Town Theatre, 16–25 Aug, £14

Prefer Not To Say

Paradise in The Vault, 16–25 Aug, not 18, £7.50


Sweet Novotel, 16–25 Aug, not 21, £10

❤ Collapsible HHHH

Assembly Roxy, 16–25 Aug, £10–£12


Pals Assembly George Square, 16 Aug, 18 Aug, 20 Aug, 22 Aug, 24 Aug, £13–£15

Lucille and Cecilia HH Assembly Rooms, 16–24 Aug, not 20, £10–£11

Too Pretty to Punch

Zoo Southside, 16–26 Aug, £10

Romeo & Juliet

Assembly George Square, 17 Aug, 19 Aug, 21 Aug, 23 Aug, 25 Aug, £13–£15


Of Mice and Men

Gilded Balloon Teviot, 16–26 Aug, not 20, £10.50–£12.50

Creative People Need


The Stand’s New Town Theatre, 17 Aug, £9

Don’t You Smile at Me!

The Stand’s New Town Theatre, 21 Aug, £9

Don’t Believe Your Ears!

The Stand’s New Town Theatre, 23 Aug, £9

Fake News Kills World!

The Stand’s New Town Theatre, 24 Aug, £9

Walk the Oars

Scottish Storytelling Centre, 21–25 Aug, £10

Bear Pit

PQA Venues @Riddle’s Court, 16–26 Aug, £11.50


Pleasance Dome, 16–26 Aug, not 19, £9–£11


Summerhall, 16–25 Aug, not 19, £12

68 Theatre

❤ Coma HHHH

Summerhall, Various dates from 16 Aug to 25 Aug, £7.50

Disgust for Dummies

The Stand’s New Town Theatre, 19 Aug, £9


Gilded Balloon Teviot, 16–26

Aug, not 20, £9.50–£10.50

Brendan Galileo for Europe

Assembly George Square Studios, 16–26 Aug, £10–£11

For All I Care

Summerhall, 16–25 Aug, not 19, £14

Can Google Really Translate?

The Stand’s New Town Theatre, 16 Aug, £9

Long Live the Cat Ladies?

The Stand’s New Town Theatre, 20 Aug, £9

Obesity Bankrupted

Our NHS!

The Stand’s New Town Theatre, 25 Aug, £9

Not Quite

Gilded Balloon Patter Hoose , 16–26 Aug, £8–£9

Before the Wall

Gilded Balloon at the Museum, 17–26 Aug, £12–£13

How to Save a Life

Underbelly, Bristo Square, 16–25 Aug, £9–£10

Awhile with Seamus


The Royal Scots Club, 16–17

Aug, £10

Rich Kids: A History of Shopping Malls in Tehran


Traverse Theatre, 18 Aug, £21

❤ Burgerz HHHH

Traverse Theatre, 17 Aug, 23

Aug, 24 Aug, £21


Traverse Theatre, 19 Aug, 21

Aug, £21

Daisy MacDade: Sugarbaby

Pleasance Courtyard, 20–26

Aug, £8–£10

Mythos: Gods Festival Theatre, 24 Aug, £25


The Royal Scots Club, 20–24

Aug, £7

Fawlty Towers Live

Themed Dinner Show

The Fawlty Towers Dining Room at the Hilton Edinburgh Carlton Hotel, 16–26 Aug, £62.50

She Sells Sea Shells

Underbelly, Cowgate, 16–25

Aug, £10–£11

Are Children Wild


The Stand’s New Town Theatre, 18 Aug, £9

Thinking Outside the (Penalty) Box

The Stand’s New Town Theatre, 22 Aug, £9



ZOO Playground, 16–26

Aug, £10

Unveiled Paradise in Augustines, 16–17

Aug, £8


The Grand Scheme of Things

Underbelly, Cowgate, 16–25

Aug, £10–£11

Mourning Overnight

Greenside @ Infirmary Street, 19–24 Aug, £10


Ice Ice Iceland

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Bar

Bados Complex, 16–24


Catching Comets Pleasance Courtyard, 16–25

Aug, not 19, £9–£11

Enough Traverse Theatre, 20 Aug, 25 Aug, £21

The Presented Laughing Horse @ The Place, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Atlantis Greenside @ Infirmary Street, 16–17 Aug, £8

Hughie Gilded Balloon Teviot, 16–26

Aug, £13.50

Medea Electronica Pleasance Courtyard, 19–26

Aug, £12

Scotlandsfest Quaker Meeting House, 19–23 Aug, £5

A Very British Lesbian Gilded Balloon Teviot, 16–26

Aug, not 20, £10–£11

Yolk: A Tale of Life, Told

By an Idiot

PBH’s Free Fringe @ CC Blooms, 16–25 Aug, not 21, FREE


IvankaPlay Underbelly, Cowgate, 16–25 Aug, £9.50–£10.50

Watching Glory Die Assembly Rooms, 16–25 Aug, not 20, £12–£14

The 27 Club

theSpace on the Mile, 17

Aug, 19 Aug, 21 Aug, 23

Aug, £9.50

Ben Hur

Greenside @ Infirmary Street, 19 Aug, 21 Aug, 23 Aug, £8


This Thing in Here

Greenside @ Nicolson Square, 19–24 Aug, £8

Votes for Women!

theSpaceTriplex, 16–17 Aug, £10

I Run

Pleasance Courtyard, 16–26 Aug, not 20, £8–£10.50

Sense and Sensibility

theSpace @ Niddry St, 19–24

Aug, £8

Swallow the Sea Caravan Theatre

Summerhall, 16–25 Aug, £7

Art Heist HHH

Underbelly, Cowgate, 16–25 Aug, £11–£12

Chalk (A Silent Comedy)

Greenside @ Infirmary Street, 16–24 Aug, not 18, £11


Faulty Towers the Dining Experience Imagination Workshop, 16–26 Aug, £52

If This Is Normal

ZOO Playground, 16–26 Aug, £10

The HandleBards: Much Ado About Nothing Assembly George Square Gardens, 21–25 Aug, £15


C venues – C viva, 16–26 Aug, not 19, £8.50–£10.50

Blood and Gold

Scottish Storytelling Centre, 16–26 Aug, not 19, £12


Pleasance Dome, 16–26 Aug, £10–£12

Citizens of Nowhere?

Sweet Novotel, 16–25 Aug, not 19, £16

Sexy Lamp

Pleasance Courtyard, 16–26 Aug, £8.50–£10.50

Horror – Gothic Tales and Dark Poetry

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Banshee Labyrinth, 16–25 Aug, not 21, FREE

Agent November Escape

Game: Major X Ploe-Shun

The Stand’s New Town Theatre, 16–25 Aug, £15


Summerhall, 16–25 Aug, not 19, £10

The Gospel According to Thomas Jefferson, Charles Dickens and Count Leo Tolstoy: Discord

Greenside @ Infirmary Street, 16–17 Aug, £12


Greenside @ Infirmary Street, 16–24 Aug, not 18, £7

Going Slightly Mad Bedlam Theatre, 16 Aug, £10

A Game of Death and Chance

Gladstone’s Land, 16 Aug, 20 Aug, 21 Aug, 22 Aug, 23 Aug, £15


PBH’s Free Fringe @ The Outhouse Bar, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Eddie Izzard: Expectations of Great Expectations (WIP)

Assembly George Square Studios, 16–25 Aug, not 19, 20, £17.50

❤ Coma HHHH

Summerhall, 16–25 Aug, £7.50

The Things I Never Told You

Assembly Rooms, 16–25 Aug, not 19, £9–£11

I, AmDram Pleasance Courtyard, 16–26 Aug, £7–£9

The Last Five Years

PQA Venues @Riddle’s Court, 16–26 Aug, not 19, £11

Just a Number

theSpace @ Surgeons Hall, 19–24 Aug, £9

It’ll Be Alt-Right on the Night

Pleasance Courtyard, 16–26 Aug, £10–£12

I’m Just Kidneying Sweet Novotel, 16–25 Aug, £7

She Can’t Half Talk

Bedlam Theatre, 17–25 Aug, £8


Greenside @ Nicolson Square, 16–24 Aug, not 18, £10

Arthur Conan Doyle – The Spiritualist

Arthur Conan Doyle Centre, 16 Aug, 20 Aug, 23 Aug, 26 Aug, £8

The HandleBards: The Tempest Assembly George Square Gardens, 16–18 Aug, £15


Pleasance Courtyard, 16–25 Aug, £8–£10

Leave a Message HH

Gilded Balloon Patter Hoose , 16–26 Aug, £9–£10


Greenside @ Infirmary Street, 20 Aug, 22 Aug, 24 Aug, £8



theSpaceTriplex, 16–17

Aug, £5

The Gray Cat and the Flounder Assembly George Square Studios, Various dates from 16 Aug to 22 Aug, £12–£14

The Very Well-Fed Caterpillar

theSpace @ Surgeons Hall, 16–17 Aug, £7

Level Up

theSpace on the Mile, 16 Aug,

18 Aug, 20 Aug, 22 Aug, 24

Aug, £9.50

Who Killed Bambi?

theSpace on North Bridge, 16–17 Aug, £8.50


Moon Walk theSpace on North Bridge, 19–24 Aug, £8

Narukami Thunder God

theSpace on North Bridge, 19–24 Aug, £12

Dream of a King HH

theSpaceTriplex, 19–24 Aug, £9

Shiver theSpace on the Mile, 16–24

Aug, not 18, £8.50

Mallets theSpace @ Surgeons Hall, 16–17 Aug, £9

Van Gogh Find Yourself #vgfy

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Natural Food Kafe, 16–24 Aug, FREE

10:31, MCR

theSpace on the Mile, 16–17 Aug, £7

Mallets theSpace @ Surgeons Hall, 19–24 Aug, £8–£9

My Mate Dave Died

C venues – C aquila, 16–26 Aug, £8.50–£10.50


Frankie Foxstone AKA

The Profit: Walking Tour


Assembly Rooms, 16–24 Aug, not 19, £10

Like Animals HHH

Summerhall, 16–25 Aug, not 19, £12

The Land of My Fathers and Mothers and Some Other People

Pleasance Courtyard, 16–26

Aug, £10–£12

Broken Funnies

Scottish Comedy Festival @ Nightcap, 16–26 Aug, not 19, 20, £5


C venues – C south, 18–25

Aug, £7.50–£9.50

A Game of Death and Chance

Gladstone’s Land, 16 Aug, 20 Aug, 21 Aug, 22 Aug, 23 Aug, £15

Jc Says Finally


Paradise in Augustines, 19 Aug, £4


Sweet Novotel, 16–25 Aug, not 19, £10

Steve Pleasance Courtyard, 22–26

Aug, £10

The Screwtape Letters Palmerston Place Church, 24 Aug, £11

On the Other Hand, We’re Happy Roundabout @ Summerhall, 16 Aug, 18 Aug, 21 Aug, 23

Aug, 24 Aug, £15–£17

Murder on the Dancefloor Pleasance Courtyard, 16–26

Aug, £8.50–£11

Manifesting Mrs Marx Paradise in Augustines, 16–17 Aug, £12

Daughterhood Roundabout @ Summerhall, 17 Aug, 19 Aug, 22 Aug, 25 Aug, £15–£17


Before 30

Underbelly, Cowgate, 16–25 Aug, £10–£11

Bomb Happy D-Day 75 Army @ The Fringe in Association with Summerhall, 20–22 Aug, £11

The Mackerel Eaters Heroes @ The Hive, 16–25 Aug, not 19, £5

Loving the Enemy theSpace @ Surgeons Hall, 19–24 Aug, £12

Chaika: First Woman in Space HHH theSpace on North Bridge, 16–24 Aug, not 18, £10

Black Holes Zoo Southside, 19–25 Aug, £14

Charles Quarterman: An Afternoon with Charles Quarterman for One Hour Heroes @ The SpiegelYurt, 19–23 Aug, £5

Ane City Assembly Roxy, 16–26 Aug, £10–£12

The Happiness Project Army @ The Fringe in Association with Summerhall, Various dates from 16 Aug to 25 Aug, £10


Goodbye Charles – Free Laughing Horse @ City Cafe, 19–25 Aug, FREE

Animal Farm (Bond) Paradise in The Vault, 16–17 Aug, £10

The Experiment theSpace @ Surgeons Hall, 16–17 Aug, £10

We Want You to Watch theSpace @ Niddry St, 16–24 Aug, not 18, £10

Monsoon Season

Underbelly, Cowgate, 16–25 Aug, not 19, £10–£11

fest-mag.com 69

Piracy! A Comedy on the High Cs theSpace @ Surgeons Hall, 18 Aug, £10


Deer Woman HHH

CanadaHub @ King’s Hall in association with Summerhall, 16–24 Aug, not 19, £11

A Voice

C venues – C cubed, 18–26 Aug, £9.50–£11.50

Mythos: Heroes Festival Theatre, 20 Aug, 25

Aug, £25

Second Honeymoon Mayfield Salisbury Church, 17 Aug, £12

More Myself Than I Am

PQA Venues @Riddle’s Court, 19–26 Aug, £11.50

Talk C venues – C cubed, 16–17

Aug, £8.50–£9.50

Little Rabbit

Quaker Meeting House, 19–24

Aug, £9

Keep Your Chin Up

Quaker Meeting House, 16–17 Aug, £7


Inverleith St Serf’s Church Centre, 17 Aug, £12

Red Dust Road

The Lyceum, 17 Aug, £20

A Game of Death and Chance

Gladstone’s Land, 16 Aug, 20 Aug, 21 Aug, 22 Aug, 23

Aug, £15

Tumours Assembly Rooms, 16–24 Aug, not 19, £10–£12

❤ Coma HHHH

Summerhall, Various dates from 16 Aug to 25 Aug, £7.50

Like Me

Sweet Grassmarket, 16–25

Aug, not 21, £8

Mémoires d’un

Amnésique (The Life and Music of Erik Satie)

St Cuthbert’s Church, 22 Aug, 24 Aug, £10

Power of Music 2

St Andrew’s and St George’s West, George St, 21 Aug, £8

These Streets Paradise in The Vault, 19–21 Aug, £10

Beat Pleasance Dome, 16–26 Aug, £10.50–£13.50


Summerhall, 16–25 Aug, not 19, £10

I’m Woman

Sweet Grassmarket, 16–18

Aug, £9

Suddenly Last Summer

St Ninian’s Hall, 17 Aug, £12

Toby Belch (Is Unwell)

Sweet Grassmarket, Various dates from 16 Aug to 25 Aug, £10

Mama’s Eggnog

PQA Venues @Riddle’s Court, 16–18 Aug, £11.50

Men Chase Women

Choose Summerhall, 16–18 Aug, £8

Power of Music 1

St Andrew’s and St George’s West, George St, 19 Aug, £8

Spliced HHH

Traverse at Edinburgh Sports Club, 16–25 Aug, not 19, £21

Power of Music 3

St Andrew’s and St George’s West, George St, 23 Aug, £8

What Girls Are Made Of Assembly Hall, 16–25 Aug, not 19, £17.50

Jonny Donahoe: Forgiveness (Work-inProgress)

Summerhall, 16–25 Aug, not 19, £10

Drowning HH

Pleasance Courtyard, 16–26

Aug, £10–£12



theSpace on North Bridge, 16–17 Aug, £9

This Island’s Mine

theSpace @ Niddry St, 16–17

Aug, £8

Detour: A Show About Changing Your Mind

Underbelly, Bristo Square, 16–26 Aug, £10–£11

Spray HHH Assembly Roxy, 16–26 Aug, £12–£14

Two of a Kind

C venues – C aquila, 16–26 Aug, £8.50–£10.50

Here Comes the Tide, There Goes the Girl

Venue 13, 16–24 Aug, not 19, £12



Underbelly, George Square, 16–26 Aug, £9–£10

When the Birds Come HHH

Underbelly, Cowgate, 16–25

Aug, £10–£11


theSpace on the Mile, 20–24

Aug, £8

Fake News

Assembly George Square Studios, 16–26 Aug, not 19, £10–£11

Late Lunch with Biggins

Pleasance Dome, 16–25 Aug, £11–£15


Zoo Southside, 17–26

Aug, £10



Assembly Checkpoint, 16–26 Aug, not 19, £12–£14


Gilded Balloon Teviot, 16–26 Aug, not 20, £10–£11

beep boop HHH

Assembly George Square, 16–25 Aug, not 19, £11–£12

A Partnership

Gilded Balloon Patter Hoose , 16–26 Aug, £8.50–£9.50

A Game of Death and Chance

Gladstone’s Land, 16 Aug, 20 Aug, 21 Aug, 22 Aug, 23 Aug, £15

Westminster Hour

Sweet Novotel, 16–25 Aug, not 19, £10

Happily Never After Gilded Balloon Teviot, 16–26 Aug, £10.50–£11.50

❤ Manual Cinema’s

Frankenstein HHHH

Underbelly, Bristo Square, 16–26 Aug, £13.50–£15.50

Ex-Batts and Broilers

Assembly Rooms, 16–24 Aug, £10–£12

Ideology and Hair Gel

Paradise in Augustines, 19–25 Aug, £12


A Womb of One’s Own HHH

Pleasance Dome, 16–26 Aug, not 22, £10–£12

Do Our Best HHH

Underbelly, Cowgate, 16–25 Aug, £10–£11

Give Me One Moment In Time by Doug Crossley

Pleasance Dome, 16–26 Aug, £11–£12


The Heresy Machine Greenside @ Royal Terrace, 19–24 Aug, £9

Alan Ayckbourn’s No Knowing theSpaceTriplex, 19–24 Aug, £12


The Wrong Ffion Jones Underbelly, Cowgate, 16–25 Aug, £10–£11

Sales Pitch

Greenside @ Infirmary Street, 16–24 Aug, not 18, £10

Anguis HHH

Gilded Balloon Teviot, 16–26 Aug, £12–£13

Julius ‘Call Me Caesar’

Caesar HHH

Gilded Balloon Patter Hoose , 16–26 Aug, not 19, 25, £13.50–£14.50

The Poetry of God and War

St Vincent’s, 16 Aug, FREE


Greenside @ Nicolson Square, 16–17 Aug, £10

Full Consent to Speak on My Behalf Greenside @ Infirmary Street, 16–24 Aug, not 18, £7

Raised Voices

theSpaceTriplex, 16–17

Aug, £5

300 to 1

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Bar

Bados Complex, 16–24


Jumping the Barriers

Laughing Horse @ The Place, 19–25 Aug, FREE

Total Immediate

Collective Imminent

Terrestrial Salvation


The Studio, 17 Aug, 21 Aug, 22

Aug, 24 Aug, 25 Aug, £20

Jottings from the Queen of Sheba

St Patrick’s Church, 16 Aug, 17 Aug, 18 Aug, 24 Aug, 25

Aug, £7

Wrestling Mania!

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Bar

Bados Complex, 16–24 Aug, not 17, FREE


King’s Theatre, 17 Aug, £15

The De Nova Super

Assembly George Square, 16–26 Aug, not 19, £10–£12


Imagination Workshop, 16–24 Aug, not 21, £10

Zombie Zoo

Hill Street Theatre, 16–25

Aug, £12

The National Trust

Fan Club

Gilded Balloon at the Museum, 16–26 Aug, not 21, £12–£13

❤ Coma HHHH

Summerhall, 16–25 Aug, £7.50

Buds of May Be

Scottish Arts Club, 16–17 Aug, £15

The Trial

Greenside @ Infirmary Street, 16–17 Aug, £10

A Holy Show

Pleasance Courtyard, 16–26 Aug, not 19, £10–£12

Vessel Greenside @ Nicolson Square, 19–24 Aug, £15

Agent November Escape

Game: Robyn Yew

The Stand’s New Town Theatre, 16–25 Aug, £15

I Lost My Virginity to Chopin’s Nocturne in B-Flat Minor Pleasance Courtyard, 16–26 Aug, £8.50–£9.50

Anything With a Pulse

ZOO Playground, 16–26 Aug, not 17, £10

Big Tam’s Kilted Shindig

Arthur Conan Doyle Centre, 19 Aug, 21 Aug, £8

❤ Roots HHHH

Church Hill Theatre, 17 Aug, 22 Aug, 24 Aug, £25

Jekyll and Hyde

Assembly George Square Gardens, 16–26 Aug, not 19, £12–£13


Yerloo Underground

Greenside @ Nicolson Square, 19–24 Aug, £10

Come Dine with Mr Shakespeare theSpace on North Bridge, 20–24 Aug, £8–£9

Conscious theSpace on the Mile, 16–17

Aug, £7

Twelfth Night theSpace @ Niddry St, 19–24

Aug, £5

The South Afreakins theSpace on the Mile, 16 Aug, 19 Aug, 21 Aug, 23 Aug, £9

STYX Zoo Southside, 16–17 Aug, £14

The South Afreakins: The Afreakin Family theSpace on the Mile, 17 Aug, 20 Aug, 22 Aug, 24 Aug, £9

The Visitors

theSpace on North Bridge, 16–17 Aug, £8.50


Endless Second

Pleasance Courtyard, 16–26

Aug, £8–£10.50

All of Me HHH Summerhall, 16–25 Aug, not 19, £15

The Dandelion Patch theSpace @ Surgeons Hall, 19–24 Aug, £7

A Wake in Progress

Underbelly, Cowgate, 16–25

Aug, £10–£11

Echoes of Villers-Bretonneux

Greenside @ Nicolson Square, 16–24 Aug, not 18, £7

Roots theSpace @ Surgeons Hall, 16–17 Aug, £8


A Grave Situation

Pleasance Courtyard, 16–17

Aug, £10

The Sensemaker ZOO Playground, 16–26 Aug, not 21, £10–£12

Freeing the Edinburgh Fringe: Book Reading

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Banshee Labyrinth, 16–25 Aug, not 21, FREE

Ricky Riddlegang and the Riddle Gang

Gilded Balloon Rose Theatre, 16–25 Aug, £9–£10

David Benson – Cato Street 1820

Pleasance Courtyard, 16–18 Aug, £10

Swallow the Sea Caravan Theatre

Summerhall, 16–25 Aug, £7

Blodeuwedd Untold Pleasance Courtyard, 16–26 Aug, £9–£11


Pleasance Courtyard, 16–26 Aug, £8–£10

Definitely Louise HHH

Gilded Balloon Rose Theatre, 16–25 Aug, £8–£9

The Suitcase, the Beggar and the Wind

PBH’s Free Fringe @ The Outhouse Bar, 17–18 Aug, FREE

Naughty Boy

Gilded Balloon Patter Hoose , 16–26 Aug, £8.50–£9.50

The Burning Pleasance Courtyard, 16–26 Aug, £11–£13

Nights at the Circus

ZOO Playground, 16–24 Aug, not 18, £10


Woman! Pilot! Pirate?

Underbelly, Bristo Square, 16–26 Aug, £10–£11

The Professor Assembly Rooms, 16–25 Aug, not 19, £11–£13

Encyclopedia of Kitchen Comedy Essays by Larry Tadlock

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Natural Food Kafe, 16–24 Aug, FREE

Hatch HHH

Underbelly, Cowgate, 16–25 Aug, £9.50–£10.50

Leopold Vindictive theSpace on North Bridge, 16–24 Aug, not 18, £10

The War of the Worlds Pleasance Courtyard, 16–26 Aug, £13–£15

Beyond: Sugar Mice

Paradise in Augustines, 16 Aug, £8

In Her Corner theSpace on the Mile, 17 Aug, 19 Aug, 21 Aug, 23 Aug, £9.50


The Wind in the Willows theSpace @ Venue45, 19–24 Aug, £8

Tea?...(With Milk) theSpace @ Surgeons Hall, 16–24 Aug, not 18, £10

The Words Are There theSpace @ Surgeons Hall, 16–18 Aug, £11

70 Theatre


The Glass Elephant

The Royal Scots Club, 16 Aug, 17 Aug, 19 Aug, 20 Aug, 21

Aug, £8.50

Para Handy: A Radio Play on Stage

PQA Venues @Riddle’s Court, 16–18 Aug, £12

Pink House

PQA Venues @Riddle’s Court, 16–26 Aug, £12

With Child

Pleasance Courtyard, 16–25

Aug, £9–£11

A Complicated Man

Bedlam Theatre, 16–20

Aug, £10


Pleasance Courtyard, 16–26

Aug, £10–£12

A Game of Death and Chance

Gladstone’s Land, 16 Aug, 20 Aug, 21 Aug, 22 Aug, 23

Aug, £15

❤ Coma HHHH

Summerhall, Various dates from 16 Aug to 25 Aug, £7.50


theSpace on the Mile, 16 Aug, 18 Aug, 20 Aug, 22 Aug, 24 Aug, £9.50

Supernatural: Wonder

Tales from Scotland Scottish Storytelling Centre, 16–26 Aug, not 21, £10

A War of Two Halves

Tynecastle Park, 16–26 Aug, £24

Barry Bedlam Theatre, 21–25

Aug, £10


PBH’s Free Fringe @ Bar

Bados Complex, 16–24 Aug, not 21, FREE


Quaker Meeting House, 19–23

Aug, £5

All Work, No Play

Sweet Novotel, 16–25 Aug, £8


Leverage theSpace on North Bridge, 19–24 Aug, £10

Toothbrush theSpace on North Bridge, 16–17 Aug, £5

Will Gompertz: Double Art History – The Sequel Underbelly, Bristo Square, 19–25 Aug, £14–£16



Underbelly, Cowgate, 16–25 Aug, £10–£11

The Struggling Life of an Artist

C venues – C aquila, 16–26 Aug, not 20, £8.50–£10.50

Bomb Happy D-Day 75

Army @ The Fringe in Association with Summerhall, Various dates from 16 Aug to 25 Aug, £11

Chic Murray: A Funny Place for a Window The Stand’s New Town Theatre, 19–25 Aug, £15

Regeneration Game Workshop

Heroes @ The SpiegelYurt, 17 Aug, 21 Aug, £5


A Fear and Loathing Actor in Dublin

C venues – C cubed, 16–26 Aug, £9.50–£11.50

BoxedIn Theatre

Presents: Shellshock!

Pleasance Pop-Up: Dynamic Earth, 16–26 Aug, not 20, £5

Pink Lemonade Assembly Roxy, 17 Aug, 19 Aug, 21 Aug, 23 Aug, 25 Aug, £10–£12

A Game of Death and Chance

Gladstone’s Land, 16 Aug, 20 Aug, 21 Aug, 22 Aug, 23 Aug, £15

❤ Until the Flood


Traverse Theatre, 17 Aug, 23 Aug, £21

How to Be Brave

Roundabout @ Summerhall, 16–25 Aug, not 20, £14–£15

If You’re Feeling Sinister: A Play with Songs HH

Gilded Balloon Patter Hoose , 16–26 Aug, £15–£16.50

❤ Burgerz HHHH

Traverse Theatre, 18 Aug, £21

Since U Been Gone

Assembly Roxy, 16 Aug, 18 Aug, 20 Aug, 22 Aug, 24 Aug, £10–£12

Rich Kids: A History of Shopping Malls in Tehran HHH

Traverse Theatre, 24 Aug, £21

Mouthpiece Traverse Theatre, 16 Aug, 22 Aug, £21


Modern Maori Quartet: Two Worlds

Assembly George Square Studios, 16–26 Aug, not 19, £12–£14

Bible John HH

Pleasance Courtyard, 16–26 Aug, £10–£12

Under Milk Wood

theSpace @ Niddry St, 16–17 Aug, £8


Swallow the Sea Caravan Theatre

Summerhall, 16–25 Aug, £7

To Be or Not to Be?

Purgatory Is the Question Paradise in The Vault, 16–17 Aug, £8



Gilded Balloon Teviot, 16 Aug, 18 Aug, 20 Aug, 23 Aug, 25 Aug, £13–£14


Just Festival at St John’s , 16–17 Aug, £10

❤ Frankenstein: How to Make a Monster


Traverse Theatre, 20 Aug, 25 Aug, £22

❤ The Patient Gloria HHHH

Traverse Theatre, 21 Aug, £22

Claire Dowie’s When I Fall If I Fall Summerhall, 16–25 Aug, £10

Resurrecting Bobby Awl Summerhall, 16–25 Aug, not 19, £15

Citizens of Nowhere?

Sweet Novotel, 16–25 Aug, not 19, £16

Black Is the Color of My Voice

Gilded Balloon Teviot, 17 Aug, 19 Aug, 22 Aug, 24 Aug, 26 Aug, £13–£14

The Man Who Planted Trees

Scottish Storytelling Centre, 16–26 Aug, not 19, £13

(Ab)solution H

Greenside @ Infirmary Street, 16–24 Aug, not 18, £10

A Game of Death and Chance

Gladstone’s Land, 16–25 Aug, not 19, £15

❤ Coma HHHH

Summerhall, 16–25 Aug, £7.50

Hear Word! Naija Woman Talk True

The Lyceum, 24–25 Aug, £20

This Time Will Be Different

Summerhall, 16–18 Aug, £10

James Tait Black Prize for Drama 2019: The Award Ceremony

Traverse Theatre, 19 Aug, £7

❤ Crocodile Fever


Traverse Theatre, 16 Aug, 22

Aug, £22

Agent November Escape

Game: Robyn Yew

The Stand’s New Town

Theatre, 16–25 Aug, £15

How Not to Drown


Traverse Theatre, 18 Aug, 24

Aug, £22

❤ The Red HHHH

Pleasance Dome, 16–26 Aug, £11–£13

Well That’s Oz

Venue 13, 16–24 Aug, not 19, £12

Alfie and GeorgeCANCELLED

Hill Street Theatre, 16–25

Aug, £12

Miijin Ki

Summerhall, 20–24 Aug, £10

❤ Trying It On HHHH

Traverse Theatre, 17 Aug, 23

Aug, £22

A Brief History of the Fragile Male Ego

Pleasance Dome, 16–26 Aug, not 21, £10–£12


Trips and Falls

theSpace @ Niddry St, 16–17

Aug, £9

Give Me Your Love

Summerhall, 25 Aug, £10

LipSync / Cumbernauld


Summerhall, 16–17 Aug, £10

To Move In Time

Summerhall, 19–24 Aug, £10

The Feminazis theSpaceTriplex, 19–24 Aug, £8

Voice of Authority theSpace @ Surgeons Hall, 19–24 Aug, £10

The Ballad of Mulan Assembly Rooms, 16 Aug, 18 Aug, 21 Aug, 23 Aug, £10–£12

Teach theSpace @ Surgeons Hall, 16–24 Aug, £8

Scottee: Class Assembly Roxy, 16–25 Aug, not 19, 20, £12–£14

Moby Dick Assembly Rooms, 17 Aug, 19 Aug, 22 Aug, 24 Aug, £10–£12

Bottoms Up! theSpace on the Mile, 16–17 Aug, £8

Luminescence theSpace @ Venue45, 16 Aug, £5



Pleasance Dome, 16–26 Aug, £9–£12

Brandy theSpace on North Bridge, 16–17 Aug, £8

Mary’s Room theSpace on North Bridge, 16–24 Aug, £8

The Try-Hards Greenside @ Nicolson Square, 16 Aug, 19 Aug, 21 Aug, 23 Aug, £7

Unknown Greenside @ Infirmary Street, 16–17 Aug, £7.50

Predictably Irrational theSpace @ Surgeons Hall, 16–17 Aug, £10

Such Filthy F*cks Pleasance Dome, 16–26 Aug, £9–£11


Pleasance Dome, 16–25 Aug, £10–£13

Julius Caesar

Greenside @ Royal Terrace, 19–24 Aug, £10

Chagos 1971 ZOO Playground, 16–26 Aug, not 22, £10

Ticker HH Underbelly, Cowgate, 16–25 Aug, £10–£12

PAMALA Greenside @ Nicolson Square, 17 Aug, 20 Aug, 22 Aug, 24 Aug, £7

fest-mag.com 71 Listings


The Djinns of Eidgah

Sweet Grassmarket, 16–18

Aug, £10

Inflatable Space HH

Assembly Roxy, 16–26 Aug, not 21, £12–£14

The Castle Greenside @ Infirmary Street, 16–17 Aug, £8

First Time Summerhall, 16–25 Aug, not 19, £14.50

Enough Traverse Theatre, 21 Aug, £21

Apollo: Take 111 HH

Zoo Southside, 16–26 Aug, not 18, 25, £10

A Game of Death and Chance

Gladstone’s Land, 16–25 Aug, not 19, £15

The Nights by Henry Naylor HHH

Gilded Balloon Teviot, 16–26

Aug, £13–£14

Westminster Hour Part 2

Sweet Novotel, 16–25 Aug, not 19, £10

Mirror Canon theSpace on the Mile, 19–24 Aug, £5


Chamberlain: Peace in Our Time Greenside @ Nicolson Square, 16–17 Aug, £11

Bleeding Black HHH Greenside @ Nicolson Square, 16–24 Aug, not 18, £10


Lorca: A Theatre Beneath the Sand HH

theSpace @ Surgeons Hall, 16–24 Aug, not 18, £12

Love and Sex and All Things In-Between

theSpace on the Mile, 19 Aug, 22 Aug, 23 Aug, 24 Aug, £10


theSpace @ Surgeons Hall, 16–18 Aug, £10

Want Some More

theSpace on the Mile, 16 Aug, 17 Aug, 20 Aug, 21 Aug, £10


Honey HH

ZOO Playground, 16–25 Aug, not 19, £10

The Legacy of William Ireland

PQA Venues @Riddle’s Court, 16–26 Aug, not 20, £11.50


Sweet Grassmarket, 21–25

Aug, £9


Sweet Grassmarket, 16–18

Aug, £7

Everything I Do

Summerhall, 16–25 Aug, not 19, £10

The Incident Room


Pleasance Courtyard, 16–26

Aug, £12.50–£14.50

Northanger Abbey French Institute, 16–24

Aug, £12

Getting to Know Katie

Pleasance Courtyard, 16–26

Aug, £9–£11

❤ Coma HHHH

Summerhall, Various dates from 16 Aug to 25 Aug, £7.50

A Game of Death and Chance

Gladstone’s Land, 17 Aug, 18

Aug, 24 Aug, 25 Aug, £15

❤ Typical HHHH

Pleasance Courtyard, 16–25

Aug, £10–£12


Carrubbers, 16–17 Aug, £9


PQA Venues @Riddle’s Court, 16–25 Aug, not 20, £11.50


ZOO Playground, 16–17

Aug, £10

Rich Kids: A History of Shopping Malls in Tehran


Traverse Theatre, 20 Aug, 25 Aug, £21

A Payment Unkind Sweet Grassmarket, 19–22

Aug, £10

The National and ELT Short Play Winners Hill Street Theatre, 16–25

Aug, £12


ZOO Playground, 18–26

Aug, £10

8:8 HHH

Summerhall, 17 Aug, 18 Aug, 24 Aug, 25 Aug, £8

Gone Full Havisham

Gilded Balloon Patter Hoose , 16–25 Aug, not 18, 19, £10–£12


Swallow the Sea Caravan Theatre

Summerhall, 16–25 Aug, £7


Drinking and Unemployment: A New Play About Work

Just the Tonic at The Grassmarket Centre, 16–25

Aug, not 19, £6

The Last of the Pelican Daughters HH

Pleasance Courtyard, 16–25

Aug, not 17, £11.50–£13.50

Fags, Mags and Bags

Underbelly, George Square, 16–26 Aug, £13.50–£15.50


Synesthesia the Musical Laughing Horse @ The Golf Tavern, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Arguing On-Air

C venues – C viva, 16–26 Aug, £7.50–£9.50

A Game of Death and Chance

Gladstone’s Land, 17 Aug, 18 Aug, 24 Aug, 25 Aug, £15

❤ Cat Hepburn: #GIRLHOOD HHHH

Gilded Balloon Rose Theatre, 16–25 Aug, not 19, £8–£9

Mighty Pleasance Courtyard, 16–26

Aug, £9–£11


Underbelly, Cowgate, 16–25

Aug, £11–£12

Fragility of Man

Pleasance Courtyard, 16–26

Aug, £10–£12.50



Summerhall, 16–25 Aug, not 19, £10

Number, Please. Paradise in Augustines, 16–25 Aug, not 18, £7

Darren McGarvey AKA

Loki: Scotland Today

The Stand’s New Town Theatre, 16–25 Aug, £12



Bedlam Theatre, 16–25

Aug, £11

Dorian Gray theSpace on the Mile, 19–23 Aug, £5

Ophelia Is Also Dead theSpaceTriplex, 16–17 Aug, £7


Sharon Stacy Statue

Paradise in The Vault, 19–25 Aug, £7


Scottish Poetry Library, Various dates from 16 Aug to 24 Aug, £8

Morning Glory

Planet Bar, 16 Aug, FREE


Assembly Rooms, 16–25 Aug, not 20, £14–£15

Freak Show

Paradise in Augustines, 21 Aug, 23 Aug, £15


Paradise in Augustines, 22 Aug, £15

❤ Coma HHHH

Summerhall, 16–25 Aug, £7.50

Shakespeare in the Garden: The Comedy of Errors

C venues – C south, 16–26

Aug, £8.50–£10.50

A Game of Death and Chance

Gladstone’s Land, 17 Aug, 18

Aug, 24 Aug, 25 Aug, £15

Attila the Stockbroker

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Bar

Bados Complex, Various dates from 16 Aug to 24


Pathetic Fallacy HHH

CanadaHub @ King’s Hall in association with Summerhall, 16–25 Aug, not 19, £11

Confetti and Chaos (Formerly The Wedding Reception)

Imagination Workshop, 16–26 Aug, not 20, 22, £45–£47.50

Candy Factory

Wee Red Bar, 16–26 Aug, not 21, £12

Agent November Escape

Game: Robyn Yew

The Stand’s New Town Theatre, 16–25 Aug, £15

Contact Light

Pianodrome at The Pitt, 19–24 Aug, £10

Giant Wolf Theatre –Playback

Leith Depot, 16–17 Aug, £5

That Bastard Brecht Paradise in Augustines, 16 Aug, 17 Aug, 19 Aug, 20 Aug, £15

Drunk Lion HHH

Laughing Horse @ The Newsroom, 16–25 Aug, not 20, FREE


Sweet Novotel, 16–25 Aug, not 21, £10


At This Stage

theSpace @ Venue45, 17 Aug, 19 Aug, 21 Aug, 23 Aug, £8

[BLANK] by Alice Birch and NYTP

theSpaceTriplex, 19–24 Aug, £8

Parakeet Roundabout @ Summerhall, 16–25 Aug, not 20, £14–£15

Four Woke Baes Underbelly, Cowgate, 16–25 Aug, £11.50–£12.50

If I Die on Mars

theSpace @ Venue45, 16 Aug, 20 Aug, 22 Aug, 24 Aug, £8

Genesis: The Mary Shelley Play C venues – C cubed, 16–26 Aug, £10.50–£12.50


Not Black and White Pleasance Courtyard, 16–26 Aug, £8–£12

The Mystery of the Bonnie Sporran and the Loch

Ness Monster theSpace on North Bridge, 16–24 Aug, not 18, £8

Gun Assembly Rooms, 16–24 Aug, £10–£11

Suffering from Scottishness Assembly Roxy, 16–26 Aug, not 20, £10–£12

Silence in Court Hill Street Theatre, 16–25 Aug, £12


My Best Dead Friend

Summerhall, 16–25 Aug, not 19, £12

Swallow the Sea Caravan Theatre

Summerhall, 16–25 Aug, £7

Apologies to the Bengali Lady Greenside @ Nicolson Square, 16–24 Aug, not 18, £8

Choose Your Own...


Greenside @ Infirmary Street, 19–24 Aug, £8

Lest You Forget Greenside @ Royal Terrace, 19–24 Aug, £8

Keith Moon: The Real Me

Gilded Balloon Teviot, 16–26

Aug, £11–£12

Scotlandsfest Quaker Meeting House, 19–23

Aug, £5

Mr Nice Guy theSpace on the Mile, 16–24

Aug, not 18, £6

BoxedIn Theatre

Presents: Daphne, or Hellfire

Pleasance Pop-Up: Dynamic Earth, 16–26 Aug, not 20, £5

8:8 HHH

Summerhall, 17 Aug, 18 Aug, 24 Aug, 25 Aug, £8

Attila the Stockbroker PBH’s Free Fringe @ Bannermans, 19–21 Aug, FREE


Bull theSpace @ Niddry St, 16–24

Aug, not 18, £10


Venue 13, 16–17 Aug, £7

Conversations With Van Gogh Zoo Southside, 16–25 Aug, £7–£10


Pleasance Courtyard, 16–26 Aug, £13–£14.50

Hallowed Ground –Women Doctors in War Army @ The Fringe in Association with Summerhall, 16–25 Aug, not 19, £10

Tally Ho, Secret Several! theSpace on North Bridge, 16–24 Aug, not 18, £9

I Can Make You Fail

Slightly Less

ZOO Playground, 16–26

Aug, £10

Wrath of Achilles

Greenside @ Infirmary Street, 16–24 Aug, not 18, £10

Arlecchino Torn in Three Greenside @ Infirmary Street, 19–24 Aug, £10



Greenside @ Infirmary Street, 16–17 Aug, £10


Arthur HHH

Your Home, 16–25 Aug, not 21, £100

Order from Chaos Greenside @ Infirmary Street, 16 Aug, 19 Aug, 21 Aug, 23 Aug, £10

Superstar Underbelly, Cowgate, 16–25 Aug, £10–£11

And Before I Forget I Love You, I Love You

The Stand’s New Town Theatre, 16–25 Aug, £10

My Mum’s a Twat Summerhall, 16–25 Aug, not 19, £12

Yukon Ho! (Tall Tales from the Great White North)

Summerhall, 16–25 Aug, not 19, £10

I Am Mark

Scottish Storytelling Centre, 16–17 Aug, £10

❤ Coma HHHH

Summerhall, Various dates from 16 Aug to 25 Aug, £7.50

A Game of Death and Chance

Gladstone’s Land, 17 Aug, 18 Aug, 24 Aug, 25 Aug, £15

The Letter Pleasance Dome, 16–25 Aug, not 19, £9–£12

❤ Bryony Kimmings:

I’m a Phoenix, Bitch HHHH

Pleasance Courtyard, 16–25 Aug, £15–£17


Paradise in The Vault, 16–17 Aug, £10

CACW – Cony’s Collection Stockbridge Church, 16 Aug, FREE

High Trees

Greenside @ Nicolson Square, 16–24 Aug, not 18, £7.50

The Golden Fly

Scottish Storytelling Centre, 21–25 Aug, £10

72 Theatre

Franz and Marie: Woyzeck Retold

Greenside @ Infirmary Street, 17 Aug, 20 Aug, 22 Aug, 24

Aug, £10


The Long Road

theSpace @ Surgeons Hall, 19–24 Aug, £12


C venues – C south, 18–26

Aug, £7.50–£9.50

Don’t Sit Under the Apple Tree

C venues – C south, 16–17

Aug, £11.50

There Is No Problem (Here)

theSpace on North Bridge, 16 Aug, 20 Aug, 22 Aug, 24 Aug, £8

Hello? Hello.

theSpace on North Bridge, 17 Aug, 19 Aug, 21 Aug, 23

Aug, £8


Die! Die! Die! Old People Die!

Summerhall, 16–25 Aug, not 19, £10


Underbelly, Cowgate, 16–25 Aug, £9–£10


❤ Daddy Drag


Summerhall, 16–25 Aug, not 19, £10

Can You See Where I’m Coming From?

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Bar Bados Complex, 16–24 Aug, not 21, FREE

A Game of Death and Chance

Gladstone’s Land, 17 Aug, 18

Aug, 24 Aug, 25 Aug, £15

Cruise to Hell

theSpace on the Mile, 16–17

Aug, £8

Mark Can’t Rap

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Banshee Labyrinth, 16–18 Aug, FREE

My Name Is Irrelevant Summerhall, 16–25 Aug, not 19, £10

Perfect Sweet Novotel, 18–24 Aug, £8

A Short Cut to Happiness

ZOO Playground, 16–26

Aug, £10



Paradise in The Vault, 19–25

Aug, £10

Degrees of Guilt

theSpace on the Mile, 19–24

Aug, £8


C venues – C aquila, 16–26

Aug, £8.50–£10.50

Hitman and Her

PQA Venues @Riddle’s Court, 16–26 Aug, not 20, £11.50


Rowan Rheingans: Dispatches on the Red Dress

Scottish Storytelling Centre, 16–26 Aug, not 20, £12

Aidan Goatley: Happy Britain Part 1 Sweet Grassmarket, 16–25

Aug, £10

Noise Boys Assembly George Square, 16–25 Aug, £13–£16

Edinburgh TV Festival

Presents: Russell T Davies

Assembly Hall, 20 Aug, £16.50

Trainspotting Live Venue150 at EICC, Various dates from 16 Aug to 25 Aug, £19.50

Alice Hawkins –Suffragette

Arthur Conan Doyle Centre, 16 Aug, £8

Sinatra: Raw Gilded Balloon at the Museum, 17 Aug, 24 Aug, £13.50

The Resistible Rise of Arturo Ui theSpace on the Mile, 19–24

Aug, £10

Questions for Quiz Shows

Summerhall, 17 Aug, £6


Summerhall, 21 Aug, £6

❤ Coma HHHH

Summerhall, 16–25 Aug, £7.50

A Game of Death and Chance

Gladstone’s Land, 17 Aug, 18

Aug, 24 Aug, 25 Aug, £15

Everything I See I Swallow Summerhall, 16–25 Aug, not 19, £13

Dada, Surrealism, Bowie and Pop: The Puzzle of Avant-Garde Art Scottish Arts Club, 17 Aug, £15

A War of Two Halves Tynecastle Park, 16–26 Aug, £24

Agent November Escape

Game: Robyn Yew

The Stand’s New Town Theatre, 16–25 Aug, £15

Garlands Summerhall, 19 Aug, £6

Our Man – Free

Laughing Horse @ The Raging Bull, 19–25 Aug, FREE


This Play Is Not About Me theSpace on the Mile, 23–24 Aug, £5

Vinyl Encore theSpace @ Surgeons Hall, 16–17 Aug, £9

The Good, The Bad and The Brexit theSpace @ Surgeons Hall, 16–23 Aug, £11

Ghostly Tales

theSpace on the Mile, 19–22 Aug, £8

baby-go-round theSpace on the Mile, 16–17 Aug, £12


theSpace @ Venue45, 16 Aug, 20 Aug, 22 Aug, 24 Aug, £8

Rock’n’Roll Girls

theSpace @ Venue45, 17 Aug, 19 Aug, 21 Aug, 23 Aug, £8


The Last Bread Pudding theSpace on North Bridge, 16–17 Aug, £8

Liminality theSpace on North Bridge, 19–24 Aug, £12


The 900 Club

Scottish Poetry Library, 20–24 Aug, £5

Rich B*tch – How to Make Money with the Power of Your Mind

Sweet Grassmarket, 16–25 Aug, £8.50

Matt McGuinness: We Are What We Overcome

Laughing Horse @ Sofi’s Southside, 16–17 Aug, FREE

A Game of Death and Chance

Gladstone’s Land, 17 Aug, 18 Aug, 24 Aug, 25 Aug, £15

Paul Putner’s Embarrassment – Me and Madness (The Band)

Frankenstein Pub, 16–25 Aug, £10

❤ Until the Flood


Traverse Theatre, 18 Aug, 24 Aug, £21

Mouthpiece Traverse Theatre, 17 Aug, 23 Aug, £21

Low Level Panic

The Royal Scots Club, 16–17 Aug, £10


Black and White Tea Room – Counsellor HH Assembly Rooms, 16–25 Aug, £12–£14

Trans Pennine theSpace on North Bridge, 17 Aug, £9

Subject Mater Paradise in The Vault, 16–17 Aug, £14

Being Frank theSpace on North Bridge, 16 Aug, £9

30 theSpace @ Surgeons Hall, 19–24 Aug, £9

Thief by Liam Rudden Hill Street Theatre, 16–25 Aug, £12

Between Us

theSpace @ Surgeons Hall, 16–17 Aug, £9.50

Gut Buddies Sweet Novotel, 16–25 Aug, not 20, £10

❤ Who Cares


Summerhall, 16–25 Aug, £12


Love and Misinformation Greenside @ Royal Terrace, 16–24 Aug, not 18, £12

If Mouth Could Speak ZOO Playground, 16–26 Aug, £8


Underbelly, Cowgate, 16–25 Aug, £10–£11

❤ Baby

Reindeer by Richard Gadd


Roundabout @ Summerhall, 16–25 Aug, not 20, £14–£16


Greenside @ Nicolson Square, 17 Aug, £5


Greenside @ Nicolson Square, 19–24 Aug, £7

Confessions of the Romantically Challenged Greenside @ Infirmary Street, 16–24 Aug, not 18, £7


Enough Traverse Theatre, 16 Aug, 19 Aug, 22 Aug, £21

Trainspotting Live

Venue150 at EICC, 19 Aug, 20 Aug, 22 Aug, 26 Aug, £18–£19.50

That’s What She Said Scottish Poetry Library, 16–17 Aug, £9

Last Life: A Shakespeare Play

Greenside @ Infirmary Street, 16–17 Aug, £8

Play Before Birth

Greenside @ Infirmary Street, 19–24 Aug, £8

The Rime of the Ancient Mariner Quaker Meeting House, 16–24 Aug, not 18, £6

In the Shadow of the Black Dog HH Assembly Rooms, 16–23 Aug, £10–£11

Nancy’s Philosopher Scottish National Portrait Gallery, 19–21 Aug, £10

A(Poke)alypse Now –

Mamoirs of a Gieza; I’m Still Here

PBH’s Free Fringe @ The Street, 16–24 Aug, not 17, FREE

8:8 HHH

Summerhall, 16–25 Aug, not 19, £8


Heir Heads theSpace on North Bridge, 19–24 Aug, £9

Intolerable Side Effects

Zoo Southside, 16–26 Aug, £10

Pops HHH Assembly Roxy, 16–25 Aug, £11–£12

Hitler’s Tasters HH

Greenside @ Infirmary Street, 16–24 Aug, not 18, £11


Losing My Mindfulness

Laughing Horse @ Cabaret Voltaire, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Torch Town Greenside @ Nicolson Square, 16–24 Aug, not 18, £7

Trust the Teenagers theSpace on North Bridge, 16–17 Aug, £6

Bismillah! An ISIS Tragicomedy Underbelly, Cowgate, 16–25

Aug, £10–£11

Drawn and Quartered C venues – C cubed, 16–17

Aug, £11.50


Minor Disruptions

Paradise in Augustines, 16–25

Aug, not 17, 18, £10

Miss AmeriKa Summerhall, 16–25 Aug, not 19, £13


Sweet Grassmarket, 16–25

Aug, not 21, £10

BoxedIn Theatre

Presents: Swallows

Pleasance Pop-Up: Dynamic Earth, 16–26 Aug, not 20, £5

Rich Kids: A History of Shopping Malls in Tehran HHH

Traverse Theatre, 21 Aug, £21

❤ Burgerz HHHH

Traverse Theatre, 20 Aug, 25 Aug, £21


The Graveyard Shift

theSpace on the Mile, 19–24 Aug, £8


Venue 13, 16–17 Aug, £7

Unicorn Party

ZOO Playground, 16–26 Aug, not 18, £10


❤ Tokyo Rose HHHH

Underbelly, Cowgate, 16–25 Aug, £11–£12

Marie Lloyd Stole My Life theSpace on the Mile, 16 Aug, £9

Kemp’s Jig theSpace on the Mile, 17 Aug, £9

Macbeth HHH

C venues – C south, 16–26 Aug, £10.50–£12.50

Who Is Daniel King Assembly Rooms, 16–24 Aug, £10–£11


❤ Frankenstein: How to Make a Monster HHHHH

Traverse Theatre, 21 Aug, £22

❤ The Patient Gloria HHHH

Traverse Theatre, 16 Aug, 22 Aug, £22

Songs in the Key of Cree CanadaHub @ King’s Hall in association with Summerhall, 16–18 Aug, £11

❤ Coma HHHH Summerhall, 16–25 Aug, £7.50

Dead Equal Army @ The Fringe in Association with Summerhall, Various dates from 16 Aug to 25 Aug, £12

Agent November Escape

Game: Murder Mr E The Stand’s New Town Theatre, 16–25 Aug, £15


PQA Venues @Riddle’s Court, 16–26 Aug, £10

Gregory’s Girl

Gilded Balloon Rose Theatre, 16–25 Aug, not 19, £13

❤ Crocodile Fever HHHH

Traverse Theatre, 17 Aug, 23 Aug, £22

How Not to Drown HHH

Traverse Theatre, 20 Aug, 25 Aug, £22

Green & Blue Summerhall, 16–25 Aug, not 19, £10

Marx in Soho

PQA Venues @Riddle’s Court, 16–26 Aug, not 19, £11.50

Nancy’s Philosopher

Scottish National Portrait Gallery, 22 Aug, £15

Static ZOO Playground, 16–25 Aug, not 19, £8–£10

fest-mag.com 73

Stand-Up Poet

Imagination Workshop, 16–25

Aug, not 19, £11

Jock Tamson’s Bairns

Laughing Horse @ Ghillie Dhu, 21 Aug, 22 Aug, 25 Aug, FREE

Fawlty Towers Live

Themed Dinner Show

The Fawlty Towers Dining Room at the Hilton Edinburgh Carlton Hotel, 16–26 Aug, £62.50

Meatball Séance

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Bar Bados Complex, 16–24


❤ Trying It On HHHH

Traverse Theatre, 18 Aug, 24

Aug, £22

Worldwidewestern French Institute, 16–25 Aug, not 19, £10


McNaughton theSpace on the Mile, 19–24

Aug, £8

Vinyl Encore theSpace @ Surgeons Hall, 19–24 Aug, £9

Jewbana theSpace @ Venue45, 16–24

Aug, not 18, £9.50

44 Inch Chest

theSpace on North Bridge, 16–24 Aug, not 18, £8


❤ Sex Education


Summerhall, 16–25 Aug, not 19, £12

Just Like a Woman theSpace @ Surgeons Hall, 16–17 Aug, £8

Drone HHH

Summerhall, 16–17 Aug, £14

Man on the Moon Summerhall, 20–25 Aug, £8–£12



Gilded Balloon Rose Theatre, 16–25 Aug, £10–£11

Appropriate by Sarah-Jane Scott

Summerhall, 16–25 Aug, not 19, £10

The Screwtape Letters

Palmerston Place Church, 19–21 Aug, £11

Neither Here Nor There

Summerhall, 16–25 Aug, £10

Caliban’s Codex

Sweet Novotel, 16–25 Aug, not 21, £10


ZOO Playground, 16–26

Aug, £9


Palmerston Place Church, 22–23 Aug, £10

8:8 HHH Summerhall, 16–25 Aug, not 19, £8


Trans Pennine theSpace on North Bridge, 19 Aug, 21 Aug, 23 Aug, £9

Milkshake theSpace @ Niddry St, 19–24 Aug, £8

Being Frank theSpace on North Bridge, 20 Aug, 22 Aug, 24 Aug, £9

Oh Yes Oh No HHH

Summerhall, 16–25 Aug, not 19, £12


Pick Up

theSpace @ Surgeons Hall, 19–24 Aug, £6.50

Some Things are Meant to Be, Anna

theSpace on North Bridge, 16–17 Aug, £10


theSpace @ Niddry St, 16–17 Aug, £7

Shadow C venues – C aquila, 16–26 Aug, not 20, £8.50–£10.50


Faulty Towers the Dining


Imagination Workshop, 16–25 Aug, not 19, £52–£57.50

Mythos: Men Festival Theatre, 20 Aug, 25 Aug, £25

Second Honeymoon

Mayfield Salisbury Church, 16 Aug, £12

Jottings from the Queen of Sheba

St Patrick’s Church, 19 Aug, 20 Aug, 22 Aug, 23 Aug, £7

Nan Shepherd: From Flaneur to Fiver Scottish Poetry Library, 20–22 Aug, £6

The Archive of Educated Hearts

Pleasance Courtyard, Various dates from 16 Aug to 26 Aug, £10–£12


Inverleith St Serf’s Church Centre, 16 Aug, £12 Red Dust Road

The Lyceum, 17–18 Aug, £20

The Afflicted HHH

Summerhall, 16–25 Aug, £14

❤ Coma HHHH

Summerhall, Various dates from 16 Aug to 25 Aug, £7.50

3,000 Trees: The Death of Mr William McRae

Sweet Grassmarket, 16–25 Aug, £10

The Wild Unfeeling World Pleasance Courtyard, 17 Aug, 21 Aug, 23 Aug, 25 Aug, £10–£11

From Judy to Bette: The Stars of Old Hollywood Gilded Balloon Patter Hoose , 16–26 Aug, not 21, £10–£11

Suddenly Last Summer St Ninian’s Hall, 16–17 Aug, £12

The Brooklyn Scotsman Hill Street Theatre, 16–25 Aug, £12


Wee Red Bar, 16–26 Aug, not 21, £12

Perfect Wedding

The Royal Scots Club, 19–24 Aug, £12.50

Mythos: Gods Festival Theatre, 19 Aug, £25

❤ Roots HHHH Church Hill Theatre, 16–25 Aug, not 21, £25

The Long Pigs Assembly Roxy, 16–25 Aug, not 19, £14–£16


2 Clowns 1 Cup Greenside @ Infirmary Street, 17 Aug, £9

And Then They Died Greenside @ Infirmary Street, 19–24 Aug, £7

Stanley HH theSpace on North Bridge, 16–24 Aug, not 18, £7

In Your Wet Dreams Greenside @ Infirmary Street, 19–24 Aug, £7

Bost Uni Plues Greenside @ Infirmary Street, 16 Aug, £9

Edinburgh Literary Pub Tour

Outside the Beehive Inn, 16–31 Aug, £16


Arlecchino Torn in Three Greenside @ Infirmary Street, 16–17 Aug, £10



Sweet Novotel, 16–24 Aug, not 21, £7

Trainspotting Live Venue150 at EICC, Various dates from 16 Aug to 25 Aug, £19.50

❤ America Is Hard to See HHHHH

Underbelly, Cowgate, 16–25 Aug, £11–£12


Zoo Southside, 16–26 Aug, not 20, £10–£12


Gilded Balloon Patter Hoose , 16–26 Aug, £9.50–£10.50


The Convoluted Adventures of Batman and Robin – An Adult Panto!

Greenside @ Infirmary Street, 19–24 Aug, £8

Conversations With Myself

C venues – C cubed, 16–17 Aug, £10.50

Being Frank About Sinatra

Paradise in The Vault, 16–25 Aug, not 18, £11


Greenside @ Infirmary Street, 16–17 Aug, £10

The Canary and the Crow Roundabout @ Summerhall, 16–25 Aug, not 20, £14–£15


Clouds theSpace on the Mile, 16–17 Aug, £10

Who Did I Think She Was?

Laughing Horse @ Cabaret Voltaire, 16–25 Aug, FREE


Hamish Henderson: On the Radical Road

Scottish Storytelling Centre, 16–26 Aug, not 19, £12

Night Walk for Edinburgh

Around Edinburgh / The Milkman, 17–25 Aug, not 19, £15

What Are You Wearing?

Laughing Horse @ The Place, 19–25 Aug, FREE

Total Immediate

Collective Imminent

Terrestrial Salvation


The Studio, Various dates from 16 Aug to 25 Aug, £20

The Examination

Gilded Balloon Teviot, 16–25 Aug, not 19, £12.50–£13.50

2Elfth Night

Paradise in Augustines, 16–25 Aug, not 18, £5


King’s Theatre, 16 Aug, £15


Underbelly, Cowgate, 16–25 Aug, £9–£10

There She Is PQA Venues @Riddle’s Court, 16–26 Aug, £10

❤ Coma HHHH

Summerhall, 16–25 Aug, £7.50

Hear Word! Naija Woman

Talk True

The Lyceum, 19 Aug, 22 Aug, 23 Aug, £20

Hair of the Wild C venues – C at SESH

Hairdressing, 16–26 Aug, not 19, £8.50–£10.50

Yours Sincerely HHH

Assembly Rooms, 16–24 Aug, £10–£11

Agent November Escape

Game: Murder Mr E

The Stand’s New Town

Theatre, 16–25 Aug, £15

Lucy McCormick: Post Popular Pleasance Courtyard, 16–25

Aug, not 19, £12–£14

Waiting for Godot

The Edinburgh Yes Hub, 22–26 Aug, £20

A Thatcher’s Guide to Dogging in Bungay

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Bar

Bados Complex, 16–24



Sh!t Theatre Drink Rum with Expats

Summerhall, 16–25 Aug, £12


ZOO Playground, 16–26

Aug, £10

Takin’ It Easy, 1916 theSpace on North Bridge, 16–24 Aug, not 18, £7.50

Doubt ZOO Playground, 16–25 Aug, not 18, £9–£10


Dumbing Down Trauma?

The Stand’s New Town Theatre, 21 Aug, £10

It’s Beautiful, Over There

Venue 13, 16–24 Aug, not 21, £10

Traumgirl HH

Summerhall, 17 Aug, 21 Aug, 23 Aug, 25 Aug, £12

Fake News Kills World!

The Stand’s New Town Theatre, 22 Aug, £10

Does Sex Still Sell?

The Stand’s New Town Theatre, 24 Aug, £10

Sex, Drugs and Bilingualism

The Stand’s New Town Theatre, 16 Aug, 18 Aug, £10

Art is Shit

The Stand’s New Town Theatre, 17 Aug, £10

The Very Well-Fed Caterpillar

theSpace @ Surgeons Hall, 19–24 Aug, £7

Obesity Bankrupted

Our NHS!

The Stand’s New Town Theatre, 23 Aug, £10

Don’t Bank on the Bankers

The Stand’s New Town Theatre, 20 Aug, £10

Traumboy HH

Summerhall, 16 Aug, 18 Aug, 20 Aug, 22 Aug, 24 Aug, £12

Are You a Problem Addict?

The Stand’s New Town Theatre, 19 Aug, £10

Blame It on the Algorithm!

The Stand’s New Town Theatre, 25 Aug, £10


Fempire: Cleo, Theo & Wu by Kirsten Vangsness

Assembly Rooms, 16 Aug, 17 Aug, 19 Aug, 22 Aug, 23 Aug, £10–£11

Night Walk for Edinburgh Around Edinburgh / The Milkman, 17–25 Aug, not 19, £15

School Gays theSpace @ Surgeons Hall, 16–17 Aug, £11

Trainspotting Live Venue150 at EICC, 19 Aug, 20 Aug, 22 Aug, 26 Aug, £18–£19.50

Cactus PBH’s Free Fringe @ Bar Bados Complex, 16–24 Aug, FREE

The Domestic theSpace @ Surgeons Hall, 16–24 Aug, not 18, £6–£8

Fempire: Mess by Kirsten Vangsness Assembly Rooms, 18 Aug, 21 Aug, 24 Aug, £10–£11

The Brunch Club HH Pleasance Pop-Up: Levels, 16–24 Aug, not 20, £9–£12

Up and Away theSpace on the Mile, 16–17 Aug, £8


Reservoir Dugs theSpace @ Venue45, 16–17 Aug, £10

The Good Scout HHH theSpace @ Surgeons Hall, 16–24 Aug, £12

Tuck Into Poetry – A Lite Bite of Cheese and Puns theSpace @ Surgeons Hall, 19–24 Aug, £8

Section 28: The Legacy of a Homophobic Law theSpace on the Mile, 19–24 Aug, £8

House of Hundred HHH C venues – C aquila, 16–17 Aug, £12.50

Listen, You Can Hear the Sound of No Hands Clapping theSpace @ Surgeons Hall, 19–24 Aug, £8

Hindsight HHH theSpace on North Bridge, 16–24 Aug, not 18, £11

74 Theatre


Nothing to Hide

theSpace @ Niddry St, 19–24

Aug, £8


The Collection of Professor Novak

PBH’s Free Fringe @ The Outhouse Bar, 16–25 Aug, not 19, FREE

The Passion of the Playboy Riots

PQA Venues @Riddle’s Court, 19–26 Aug, £12–£12.50

Night Walk for Edinburgh

Around Edinburgh / The Milkman, 16–25 Aug, not 19, £15

Only Fools the Cushty Dining Experience

Imagination Workshop, 16–26 Aug, not 21, 22, £47.50–£52

Seamonster, the Story

PBH’s Free Fringe @ The Outhouse Bar, 19 Aug, FREE

❤ Coma HHHH

Summerhall, Various dates from 16 Aug to 25 Aug, £7.50

I’m Woman

Sweet Grassmarket, 19–25 Aug, £9

A War of Two Halves

Tynecastle Park, 16–26 Aug, £24

The Greatest Theatrical Event... Ever! Paradise in The Vault, 16–25 Aug, not 18, £10


PQA Venues @Riddle’s Court, 16–18 Aug, £11.50

The Taming of the Shrew

The Royal Scots Club, 16–17 Aug, £10


The Last Bubble

theSpace on North Bridge, 16–17 Aug, £8

Broken English

theSpace on North Bridge, 19–23 Aug, £10


Hold On Let Go

Summerhall, 16–25 Aug, not 20, £10

Skylar MacDonald’s Fact Machine

C venues – C aquila, 16–17 Aug, £10.50


Footnotes HH

Summerhall, 17 Aug, 20 Aug, 22 Aug, 24 Aug, £12

Night Walk for Edinburgh

Around Edinburgh / The Milkman, 16–25 Aug, not 19, £15

Said and Done

Sweet Novotel, 16–25 Aug, not 19, £9

Before Dance Base, 16–25 Aug, not 19, £13

Consumers Greenside @ Infirmary Street, 16–17 Aug, £7


Greenside @ Nicolson Square, 16–17 Aug, £7

Mouthpiece Traverse Theatre, 18 Aug, 24 Aug, £21

Employ Me, You Cowards! Scottish Poetry Library, Various dates from 16 Aug to 23 Aug, £7


Father HH

Greenside @ Infirmary Street, 16–24 Aug, not 18, £12

The Bald Soprano Greenside @ Royal Terrace, 19–24 Aug, £10

Bitch, Antigone theSpace on the Mile, 16–24 Aug, not 18, £12


Ejaculation – Discussions About Female Sexuality HHH

Summerhall, 16–24 Aug, not 19, £10


Rob Bell: An Introduction to Joy

The Stand’s New Town Theatre, 17–19 Aug, £16

Night Walk for Edinburgh

Around Edinburgh / The Milkman, 16–25 Aug, not 19, £15

Cadaver Synod

Sweet Grassmarket, 19–25 Aug, £8.50

Enough Traverse Theatre, 17 Aug, £21

James Rowland’s A Hundred Different Words for Love

Summerhall, 17 Aug, 21 Aug, 24 Aug, £12.50

James Rowland’s Revelations

Summerhall, 22 Aug, £12.50

Tilda Swinton Answers an Ad on Craigslist

Assembly George Square Gardens, 16–25 Aug, £12–£14

How to Mend the World (With a Student Play)

theSpace on the Mile, 19–24

Aug, £8

Blind Date HHH

CanadaHub @ King’s Hall in association with Summerhall, 16–25 Aug, not 19, £11


PQA Venues @Riddle’s Court, 16–26 Aug, £11.50

❤ Coma HHHH

Summerhall, 16–25 Aug, £7.50

Bullarena Greenside @ Nicolson Square, 16–17 Aug, £10

Agent November Escape

Game: Murder Mr E

The Stand’s New Town Theatre, 16–25 Aug, £15

James Rowland’s Songs of Friendship

Summerhall, 18 Aug, 25

Aug, £25

James Rowland’s Team


Summerhall, 16 Aug, 20 Aug, 23 Aug, £12.50

Rich Kids: A History of Shopping Malls in Tehran HHH

Traverse Theatre, 16 Aug, 22 Aug, 23 Aug, £21

The Cabinet of Madame Fanny Du Thé Pleasance Courtyard, 16–26 Aug, £10–£12

The People’s Boat Greenside @ Infirmary Street, 16–24 Aug, not 18, £8

A Rock’n’Roll Suicide!

Zoo Southside, 16–26 Aug, £10


More Fool You: Part I

Paradise in Augustines, 16 Aug, 19 Aug, 21 Aug, 22 Aug, 24 Aug, £10.50

Surveillance theSpace on North Bridge, 19–24 Aug, £10

Sherlock Holmes and the Conundrum of Conan Doyle theSpace on North Bridge, 16–17 Aug, £8

The Words Are There theSpace @ Surgeons Hall, 19–24 Aug, £9–£11


Summerhall, 16–24 Aug, not 19, £10

The American’s Dream theSpace @ Surgeons Hall, 19–24 Aug, £10

More Fool You: Part II Paradise in Augustines, 17 Aug, 20 Aug, 23 Aug, 25 Aug, £10


Night Walk for Edinburgh Around Edinburgh / The Milkman, 16–25 Aug, not 17, 19, £15

The Grandmothers Grimm

Paradise in The Vault, 16–17 Aug, £9

Square Go

Roundabout @ Summerhall, 16–25 Aug, not 20, £15–£17

❤ Until the Flood HHHH

Traverse Theatre, 20 Aug, 25 Aug, £21

❤ Burgerz HHHH

Traverse Theatre, 21 Aug, £21

BoxedIn Theatre

Presents: The Voices

We Hear

Pleasance Pop-Up: Dynamic Earth, 16–26 Aug, not 20, £5


The Populars Summerhall, 16–25 Aug, not 19, £12

Nine Months

theSpace @ Surgeons Hall, 16–17 Aug, £10

There’s Something


ZOO Playground, 16–26 Aug, £10

Sound Cistem

ZOO Playground, 16–26 Aug, £10

Misfit Warrior

theSpace on North Bridge, 16–24 Aug, £10


Night Walk for Edinburgh

Around Edinburgh / The Milkman, 16–25 Aug, not 17, 19, £15

Loud Poets: Best of Fringe

Scottish Storytelling Centre, 16–26 Aug, not 19, £12

Trainspotting Live

Venue150 at EICC, 16 Aug, 17 Aug, 23 Aug, 24 Aug, £19.50

Father of Lies

Sweet Novotel, 16–25 Aug, not 19, £9

❤ Coma HHHH

Summerhall, Various dates from 16 Aug to 25 Aug, £7.50

Splintered Bedlam Theatre, 16–25 Aug, not 20, £10

Homer to Hip Hop: A History of Spoken Word

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Banshee Labyrinth, 16 Aug, FREE Time Please

PQA Venues @Riddle’s Court, 22–26 Aug, £11.50

Everyman theSpace on the Mile, 19–24 Aug, £9


amendments: A Play on Words theSpace on North Bridge, 19–24 Aug, £10

Shakespeare Up Late! C venues – C aquila, 16–26 Aug, £8.50–£10.50

Solitary Assembly Rooms, 16–24 Aug, £10–£11


Ginger Johnson’s Happy Place

Pleasance Dome, 16–26 Aug, not 19, £10–£12

Musik HH

Assembly Rooms, 16–24 Aug, £15–£16.50


Night Walk for Edinburgh

Around Edinburgh / The Milkman, 16–25 Aug, not 19, £15

Mother and the Monster / Free Festival

Laughing Horse @ The Golf Tavern, 20–25 Aug, FREE

Our Saviour theSpaceTriplex, 16–17 Aug, £8

Brandi Alexander HH

Gilded Balloon Rose Theatre, 16–25 Aug, not 19, £9.50–£10.50


Before the Revolution

Summerhall, 16–25 Aug, not 19, £10


Greenside @ Infirmary Street, 19–24 Aug, £8

The Last King of Porn Greenside @ Infirmary Street, 16–17 Aug, £10


Bit of Sunshine Greenside @ Royal Terrace, 19–23 Aug, £7

Don’t Frighten the Straights!

Paradise in Augustines, 16–25 Aug, not 18, £9

❤ Working On My Night Moves HHHH

Summerhall, 16–25 Aug, not 19, £12

How to Mend the World (With a Student Play) theSpace on the Mile, 16–17 Aug, £8


❤ Frankenstein: How to Make a Monster HHHHH

Traverse Theatre, 16 Aug, 22 Aug, £22

Night Walk for Edinburgh Around Edinburgh / The Milkman, 16–25 Aug, not 19, £15

❤ The Patient Gloria HHHH

Traverse Theatre, 17 Aug, 23 Aug, £22


Summerhall, 22–24 Aug, £9–£12

Absolutely Reliable! C venues – C cubed, 16–25 Aug, £9.50–£11.50

Monica: This Play Is Not About Monica Lewinsky Greenside @ Infirmary Street, 16–17 Aug, £10

Adventures of Butt Boy and Tigger theSpace on the Mile, 16–24 Aug, not 18, £12

The Passion of the Playboy Riots PQA Venues @Riddle’s Court, 16–18 Aug, £12

Agent November Escape

Game: Murder Mr E The Stand’s New Town Theatre, 16–25 Aug, £15

❤ Crocodile Fever


Traverse Theatre, 18 Aug, 24 Aug, £22

How Not to Drown


Traverse Theatre, 21 Aug, £22

Mental Greenside @ Nicolson Square, 16–24 Aug, not 18, £8


Underbelly, Bristo Square, 16–26 Aug, £10–£11

❤ Trying It On HHHH

Traverse Theatre, 20 Aug, 25 Aug, £22

I Swallowed a Moon Made of Iron

Zoo Southside, 16–25 Aug, not 20, £10


To Fall in Love

Greenside @ Infirmary Street, 16–24 Aug, not 18, £10

Die or Run

Greenside @ Nicolson Square, 19–24 Aug, £12



theSpace on North Bridge, 16–24 Aug, not 18, £10

Tang Greenside @ Nicolson Square, 16–17 Aug, £8

No Fun and Games

Greenside @ Infirmary Street, 19–24 Aug, £5

My Father the Tantric Masseur

Assembly George Square Studios, 16–25 Aug, not 19, £9–£11



Gilded Balloon Rose Theatre, 16–25 Aug, not 19, £10.50–£11.50

You Have a Match theSpace @ Surgeons Hall, 16–17 Aug, £10

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The Nana Schewitz Pass-Me-Over Party

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Bar Bados Complex, 16–24 Aug, not 21, FREE

Night Walk for Edinburgh

Around Edinburgh / The Milkman, 16–25 Aug, not 19, £15


Ophelia Is Also Dead theSpace @ Niddry St, 19–24 Aug, £7


Night Walk for Edinburgh Around Edinburgh / The Milkman, Various dates from 16 Aug to 23 Aug, £15

Monogamy PQA Venues @Riddle’s Court, 16–26 Aug, £11.50


theSpace @ Surgeons Hall, 16–24 Aug, not 18, £8–£9

Steve Lamacq: Going Deaf for a Living Gilded Balloon Teviot, 16 Aug, £15


The Mannequin theSpace @ Surgeons Hall, 19–24 Aug, £8

Listen, You Can Hear the Sound of No Hands Clapping theSpace on North Bridge, 16–17 Aug, £8

Svetlana Assembly George Square Studios, 16–25 Aug, not 20, £12–£13

Gigolo: Bold, Beautiful, Bizarre theSpace @ Surgeons Hall, 20–24 Aug, £8


Lovecraft (Not the Sex Shop in Cardiff)

Underbelly, Cowgate, 16–25 Aug, not 19, £11.50–£12.50

Redacted Arachnid C venues – C aquila, 16–17 Aug, £11.50

Tess theSpace @ Surgeons Hall, 16–17 Aug, £12

Dissident Sausage theSpace on North Bridge, 19–24 Aug, £7–£8


❤ Boar HHHH Pleasance Courtyard, 16–25 Aug, not 19, £9–£11


The Bacchae Paradise in The Vault, 16–17 Aug, £9


The Slinks Underbelly, Bristo Square, 16–26 Aug, £10–£11


Tricky Second Album H Pleasance Dome, 16–18 Aug, £11

Don’t Be Terrible Pleasance Courtyard, 16–25 Aug, £9–£11

The Ladies Greenside @ Infirmary Street, 16–24 Aug, not 18, £10


FemFringe Greenside @ Infirmary Street, 24–25 Aug, £5


Inferno, Kid Paradise in Augustines, 16–17 Aug, £7.50

Dead Parents Society Greenside @ Infirmary Street, 16–17 Aug, £8

Defying Logic theSpace @ Surgeons Hall, 19–24 Aug, £8

Eddie Izzard: Expectations of Great Expectations (WIP)

Assembly George Square Studios, 19–20 Aug, £17.50

Murder Ballads

Greenside @ Nicolson Square, 16–24 Aug, not 18, £10

A Clockwork Orange

Greenside @ Infirmary Street, 19–22 Aug, £8.50


Stoned, Stupid and Stuck (A Californian Fairytale)

Greenside @ Infirmary Street, 16–24 Aug, not 18, £9

Dissident Sausage

theSpace @ Surgeons Hall, 16–17 Aug, £8

O Greenside @ Nicolson Square, 16–17 Aug, £10


Within Greenside @ Nicolson Square, 19–24 Aug, £10


Pussy in Boots: The Adult Panto

theSpace @ Surgeons Hall, 16–24 Aug, not 18, £9


Hot Flush

Gilded Balloon Patter Hoose , 16–26 Aug, £9–£10


Beauty is Pain Paradise in The Vault, 19–25 Aug, £8–£8.50

76 Theatre


Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens (5+)

theSpace @ Niddry St, 16–17

Aug, £10

Moon Dragon for 5 and

Under (0+)

Pleasance Courtyard, 16–26

Aug, not 21, FREE

Window (0+)

Paradise in Augustines, 16–17 Aug, £6

Microbodyssey (5+)

theSpace @ Surgeons Hall, 16–24 Aug, £9.50

Looking Down on Me (8+)

theSpace @ Surgeons Hall, 20–24 Aug, £7

Fox-tot! (0+)

The Edinburgh Academy, 16 Aug, FREE


Sparkle (3+)

Summerhall, 16–25 Aug, not 19, £10


Sail Away! (0+)

Stockbridge Church, 19 Aug, 20 Aug, 22 Aug, 23 Aug, 24 Aug, £8

Flamenco for Kids (0+)

C venues – C viva, 17 Aug, 24

Aug, £9.50

Romantic Romeo (5+)

Gilded Balloon at the Museum, 16–25 Aug, not 19, £10–£11

Valentina’s Galaxy (3+)

Royal Botanic Garden

Edinburgh – Fletcher Building, 16–18 Aug, £8

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (0+)

C venues – C south, 16–17

Aug, £11.50–£12.50

Wriggle Around the World (0+)

Stockbridge Church, 16–17

Aug, £8

Celeste’s Circus (0+)

Scottish Storytelling Centre, Various dates from 16 Aug to 25 Aug, £8

I Believe In Unicorns by Michael Morpurgo (5+)

Pleasance Courtyard, 16–26

Aug, not 19, £8.50–£11

Little Top (0+)

Pleasance at EICC, 16–17

Aug, £8

So You Think You Know About Dinosaurs...?! with Dr Ben Garrod (5+)

Pleasance Courtyard, 16–17

Aug, £11

Moonbird (5+)

Pleasance Courtyard, 16–26

Aug, not 20, £8.50–£10

Spec-tacular (3+)

PQA Venues @Riddle’s Court, 16–18 Aug, £11.50

Comète (5+)

Assembly Checkpoint, 16–26

Aug, £9–£11

Children’s Silent Disco (5+)

City of Edinburgh Tours, 16–26 Aug, £10

One Duck Down (3+)

Pleasance Courtyard, 16–26

Aug, not 20, £8–£10

Shark in the Park (3+)

Assembly George Square, 16–18 Aug, £12


The Bubble Show (0+) Assembly George Square Gardens, 16–26 Aug, £10–£12


Captain Flinn and the Pirate Dinosaurs: The Magic Cutlass (3+)

Pleasance Courtyard, 16–19

Aug, £10–£13


Doodle Pop (3+)

Assembly George Square Studios, 16–25 Aug, not 19, £10–£11

Rocket Girl (5+)

Underbelly, Cowgate, 16–25 Aug, £9–£10


Soundplay Dome (0+) City Art Centre, 16 Aug, £5

Rhyme Marmalade (5+)

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Waverley Bar, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Tappuccino (5+)

Gilded Balloon Teviot, 16–26 Aug, £7.50–£8.50

Erth’s Dinosaur Zoo (3+)

Underbelly, Bristo Square, 16–26 Aug, £14.50–£15.50

Sunshine (3+)

Underbelly, Cowgate, 16–25 Aug, £9–£10

Bicycle Boy (5+)

Pleasance Dome, 16–18 Aug, FREE

Monski Mouse’s Baby Disco Dance Hall (0+)

Assembly George Square Gardens, Various dates from 16 Aug to 25 Aug, £7.50

Rave & Behave (5+)

Pleasance Dome, 18 Aug, 24 Aug, 25 Aug, 26 Aug, £11–£12

The Ruff Guide to Shakespeare (5+)

Assembly George Square Studios, 16–17 Aug, £12

Mr. Men and Little Miss On Stage (0+)

Underbelly, George Square, 16–26 Aug, £11–£12

A Long Road Home (3+)

Carrubbers, 16–17 Aug, £7

Grumpy Pants (3+)

Laughing Horse @ The Free Sisters, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Africa Weird and Wonderful (0+)

Laughing Horse @ The Free Sisters, 16–23 Aug, FREE

Children’s Underground Ghost Show (5+)

City of Edinburgh Tours, 16–26 Aug, £8

Games With James (5+)

Laughing Horse @ The Counting House, 16–18 Aug, FREE

Ned and the Whale (3+)

theSpace @ Symposium Hall, 16–18 Aug, £9

Baby Loves Disco (0+)

The Jam House, 18 Aug, 24 Aug, 25 Aug, £8

Treasure Island (5+)

Gilded Balloon Teviot, 16–18 Aug, £9.50

The Bureau of Untold Stories (3+)

Museum of Childhood, 16–18 Aug, FREE


Sina – The Girl Who Cast Her Shadow (5+)

PBH’s Free Fringe @ BrewDog Lothian Rd, 16–23 Aug, FREE

Red Riding Hood: The Panto (3+)

theSpace @ Surgeons Hall, 16–24 Aug, not 18, £8

Moon Dragon Babies for Under 1s (0+)

Pleasance Courtyard, 16–26 Aug, not 21, FREE


Dream Machine (5+)

Underbelly, Cowgate, 16–18 Aug, £11

Little Wings (5+)

theSpace on North Bridge, 16–24 Aug, not 18, £7.50


Bubble Show: Milkshake and the Winter Bubble (0+)

Gilded Balloon Patter Hoose , 16–26 Aug, £8.50–£9.50

CeilidhKids at the Fringe – Free! (3+)

Laughing Horse @ The Counting House, 16–25 Aug, not 20, 22, FREE

Slime (0+)

Pleasance Pop-Up: Central Library, 16–24 Aug, not 18, £7–£8

Man vs Balloon: The Family Magic Show (5+)

PBH’s Free Fringe @ CC Blooms, 16–17 Aug, FREE


Shakespeare for Kids: Fools and Bottoms (0+) C venues – C viva, 16–26 Aug, £7.50–£9.50

Dexter and Winter’s Detective Agency (5+) Roundabout @ Summerhall, 17 Aug, 18 Aug, 24 Aug, 25 Aug, £10

Don’t Mess with the Dummies (3+)

Underbelly, Bristo Square, 16–25 Aug, not 19, £11.50–£12.50


Joyce (3+) Assembly Roxy, 16–26 Aug, £11–£12


Fantastic Magic Show for Kids (3+)

Laughing Horse @ The Free Sisters, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Rubbish Shakespeare: A Midsummer Night’s Dream (3+)

Pleasance Courtyard, 16–26 Aug, £8.50–£10

The Greatest Magic Show (3+)

Assembly Rooms, 16–24 Aug, not 19, £10–£12

Fox-tot! (0+)

The Edinburgh Academy, 16 Aug, FREE

Down with the Poetry King! (8+)

Gilded Balloon Teviot, 16–18 Aug, £9

First Piano on the Moon: Will Pickvance (5+)

Summerhall, 16–18 Aug, £12

Mustard Doesn’t Go with Girls (5+)

Pleasance Courtyard, 16–23 Aug, £9–£11

Big Tops and Tiny Tots Circus Show (3+) Imagination Workshop, 16–18 Aug, £10


The Fablesmiths (5+) Greenside @ Infirmary Street, 16–17 Aug, £7


Huggers (3+)

Laughing Horse @ Bar 50, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Beetlemania: Kafka for Kids (5+)

Pleasance Courtyard, 16–25 Aug, £10–£12


Underbelly, Bristo Square, 16–18 Aug, £11


Brave Macbeth (3+)

Pleasance Courtyard, 16–18 Aug, £10

When Trolls Try to Eat

Your Goldfish (5+)

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Ciao Roma, 16–24 Aug, not 18, FREE

fest-mag.com 77 Listings
Theatre Fideri Fidera present FESTIVAL FAMILY FUN! 12:30 31 JUL - 26 AUG theatre-fideri-fidera.com nZy Tickets 0131 622 6552

Walter the Wanderer, Book Reading and Colour-Along (3+)

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Natural Food Kafe, 16–25 Aug, FREE


Danny the Champion of the World (3+)

theSpace @ Niddry St, 19–24

Aug, £8

The First King of England in a Dress (5+) theSpaceTriplex, 16–17

Aug, £12


Soundplay Dome (0+)

City Art Centre, 16 Aug, £5 Chores (3+)

Assembly George Square Gardens, 16–25 Aug, not 19, £8–£10

The Showstoppers’ Kids Show (3+)

Pleasance Courtyard, 16–18

Aug, £11

Colonel Mustard and the Big Bad Wolf (3+)

Gilded Balloon Teviot, 16–18

Aug, £9

Mr Fibbers Presents: Back in Tune (8+)

The Stand Comedy Club 3 & 4, 16–18 Aug, £6

Little Baby Bum (0+)

Assembly George Square, 16–18 Aug, £13

Science Magic: Play with Your Food (5+)

Laughing Horse @ The Free Sisters, 16–25 Aug, FREE


I Hate Children Children’s Show (8+)

theSpace @ Surgeons Hall, 16–18 Aug, £12.50

Girl Scouts vs Aliens (8+)

Assembly George Square Studios, 16–26 Aug, not 20, £10–£12


ComedySportz UK (8+)

Laughing Horse @ The Pear Tree, 16–17 Aug, FREE


Valentina’s Galaxy (3+)

Royal Botanic Garden

Edinburgh – Fletcher Building, 16–18 Aug, £8

Children’s Underground Ghost Show (5+) City of Edinburgh Tours, 16–26 Aug, £8

Ogg ‘n’ Ugg ‘n’ Dogg (3+)

Gilded Balloon Teviot, 16–26 Aug, not 21, £9–£10

The Maths Magic Show

2019 (8+)

PBH’s Free Fringe @ CC

Blooms, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Shakespearience (5+)

Underbelly, Bristo Square, 16–26 Aug, £9.50–£10.50


Bicycle Boy (5+)

Pleasance Dome, 16–18 Aug, FREE

Splash Test Dummies (5+)

Underbelly’s Circus Hub on the Meadows, 16–24 Aug, not 19, £11.50–£12.50

Wallace & Gromit’s Musical Marvels (3+)

Pleasance at EICC, 16 Aug, £18

Children’s Haunted Underground Experience (5+)

Auld Reekie Tours Police Box, 16–26 Aug, £12

Story Builders (5+)

Lauriston Halls, Various dates from 16 Aug to 24 Aug, £8

Bessy Bass Band’s Munchtime Music! (0+)

Stockbridge Church, 17 Aug, 24 Aug, £10


Legend of Shadows (0+)

C venues – C south, 18–26 Aug, £10.50–£12.50


The Happy Prince (0+)

C venues – C aquila, 16–26

Aug, not 19, £10.50–£12.50

The Amazing Bubble Man (0+)

Underbelly, George Square, 16–26 Aug, £11–£12

Science Magic: Play with Your Food (5+)

Laughing Horse @ The Free Sisters, 16–25 Aug, FREE


Switch Witchetty’s Almanac of Everything (5+)

theSpace @ Surgeons Hall, 16–24 Aug, not 18, £8–£9

The New and Improved I Hate Children Children’s Show (8+)

theSpace @ Surgeons Hall, 16–24 Aug, £11–£12


Heat Transfer Printing Workshop (12+)

White Stuff, 17 Aug, £15

The Red Balloon (5+)

Sweet Grassmarket, 22–25 Aug, £8

The Listies: Ickypedia (5+)

Pleasance Courtyard, 16–18 Aug, £10

Little Top (0+)

Pleasance at EICC, 16–17 Aug, £8

Double Bubble Trouble (0+)

Sweet Grassmarket, 16–18 Aug, £7

Feast of Fools (5+)

Scottish Storytelling Centre, 16–18 Aug, £8

Children are Stinky (3+)

Assembly George Square Gardens, 16–26 Aug, not 21, £8–£10

Alice and the Little Prince (5+)

Pleasance Courtyard, 16–18 Aug, £9


I’ll Take You to Mrs Cole! (8+)

Pleasance Courtyard, 16–26 Aug, £10–£12


Our Teacher’s a Troll! (5+) Greenside @ Nicolson Square, 16–17 Aug, £6


Soundplay Dome (0+) City Art Centre, 16 Aug, £5 Ned and the Whale (3+)

theSpace @ Symposium Hall, 17–18 Aug, £9

Huggers (3+)

Laughing Horse @ The Free Sisters, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Baby Loves Disco (0+)

The Jam House, 18 Aug, 24 Aug, 25 Aug, £9


Captain Jake and the Search for the Red Queen (0+)

Pleasance Courtyard, 16–18 Aug, £9.50


Sail Away! (0+)

Stockbridge Church, 16–17 Aug, £8

Valentina’s Galaxy (3+)

Royal Botanic Garden

Edinburgh – Fletcher Building, 16–18 Aug, £8

Wriggle Around the World (0+)

Stockbridge Church, Various dates from 18 Aug to 24

Aug, £8

Junior Jungle Rave (3+)

Underbelly, Central Hall, 17 Aug, FREE

Circus Sonas Family Show (0+)

Laughing Horse @ The Free Sisters, 16–25 Aug, FREE

Children’s Haunted Underground Experience (5+)

Auld Reekie Tours Police Box, 16–26 Aug, £12

A Massaoke Night at the Musicals (All Ages) (3+)

Edinburgh Corn Exchange, 17 Aug, £18


Soundplay Dome (0+)

City Art Centre, 16 Aug, £5

Me and the Mask –Commedia dell’Arte (5+)

Italian Cultural Institute, 22 Aug, £8

Bicycle Boy (5+)

Pleasance Dome, 16–18 Aug, FREE


Academy: Environmental Adventure! (3+)

Pleasance Courtyard, 16–18

Aug, £9

Wind in the Willows (3+)

Inveresk Lodge Garden, 17 Aug, £10


The First King of England in a Dress (5+)

theSpaceTriplex, 19–24 Aug, £11–£12


Wallace & Gromit’s Musical Marvels (3+)

Pleasance at EICC, 16 Aug, £18

Fantastic Flatulence and Where to Find It (5+)

Laughing Horse @ The Free Sisters, 16–25 Aug, FREE


Shlomo’s Beatbox

Adventure for Kids (0+)

Underbelly, Bristo Square, 16–18 Aug, £11


Jarred Christmas and Hobbit: The Mighty Kids Beatbox Comedy Show (5+)

Assembly Rooms, 16–24 Aug, £10–£11


Soundplay Dome (0+)

City Art Centre, 16 Aug, £5


The Extraordinary Time-Travelling

Adventures of Baron Munchausen (8+)

The Stand’s New Town

Theatre, 16–25 Aug, £9


Morgan & West: Unbelievable Science (5+)

Assembly George Square, 16–25 Aug, not 21, £11.50–£12.50

Mark Thompson’s Spectacular Science Show (3+)

Gilded Balloon at the Museum, 16–25 Aug, £10.50

ComedySportz UK (8+)

Laughing Horse @ The Free Sisters, 16–17 Aug, FREE


Amazing Prize Family Bingo (5+)

Lauriston Halls, 16–24

Aug, £4


The Dark Room (For Kids!) (12+)

Gilded Balloon Teviot, 16–24

Aug, £10–£11


Comedy Club 4 Kids (5+)

Assembly Roxy, 16 Aug, 17

Aug, 18 Aug, 24 Aug, 25

Aug, £10


Alice in Wonderland (5+)

Greenside @ Nicolson Square, 16–17 Aug, £8.50


Edinburgh Festival #4: Matt Winning

What’s going on at the Fridge?

Top Shelf: Leftovers. There’s a veggie pasta there. A feta salad. 30 per cent of all food worldwide is wasted causing ridiculous amounts of unnecessary greenhouse gases. So a real solid start and on brand for my climate change show. Four stars.

Middle Shelf: A real busy one this. A single onion, cheese, lettuce, orange juice. No real coherence. Absolute mayhem. Irn-Bru saves it though. Three stars.


VENUE: Pleasance Courtyard

TIME: 4:25pm – 5:25pm, 31 Jul – 25 Aug, not 12

TICKETS: £8 – £10

Bottom and drawers: Here we have both soya and almond milk. Grapes to stay healthy. Then lots of fresh vegetables below. Mushrooms. Tomatoes. A solid finish. Should be four stars but since it’s Fest it’ll get three.

fest-mag.com 79
Matt Winning: It’s the End of the World as We Know It

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