Fest Issue 3 2022

Page 1

Michael Spicer

Rosie Holt

Reuben Kaye

Josie Long



Sean Choolburra

Reviews Features Listings 24 - 29 Aug Edinburgh Festival Guide festmag.com
ALOK Comedy finds a poetic voice
Inside: Julia Hales


George Sully


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Published by Radge Media Limited., M9 Codebase, Argyle House, 3 Lady Lawson Street, Edinburgh, Scotland EH3 9DR. Every effort has been made to check the accuracy of the information in this magazine, but we cannot accept liability for information which is inaccurate. Show times and prices are subject to changes – always check with the venue. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part without the explicit permission of the publisher. The views and opinions expressed within this publication do not necessarily represent the views or opinions of the printer or the publisher. Printed by Think Solutions, Glasgow
10, 17, 24 August
Fest Street Dates 2022

8 Beyond the Binary ALOK triumphs at the Fringe

12 A Night at the Soap Opera Julia Hales takes on the International Festival

16 Viral Arrivals Rosie Holt and Michael Spicer

Comedy 19 Josie Long

A welcome return to Josie’s world


31 Feeling Afraid as If Something Terrible Is Going to Happen

Genuine and captivating new dark comedy

Music 49 Fantastically Great Women Who Changed The World History’s most remarkable heroines

Kids 52 Sean Choolburra

Fun from the Aboriginal comedy star

54 Map & Listings

Find a show with our hour-by-hour listings and street map

5 Contents Fest 2022 Issue 3
Image credits (top to bottom, le to right): Bronson Farr, Toni Wilkinson, Karla Gowlett, Matt Crockett, Mihaela Bodlovic, Pamela Raith, courtesy of Assembly
UnionCanalTowpath The Radical Plac Melvin Bainfield Place Grove Street Grove Street Terrace Lennox Street OxfordTerraceDeanParkCrescent AnnStreet ow Road Brae UCH OR Holyr oodPark Queen’sDrive Horse een's Driv ilmorePlace Fountainbridge DundeeStreet bbey Abbeyhill WestApproachRoad tonPlace HOWE DE HA WE Dean Bridge Road ERK TREET MelvilleStreet Sta ordStreet WilliamStreet AMBERSSTREET RR 391 170 288 272 124 43 15 59 23 76 231 302

Reuben Kaye's Perfect Day

The Australian cabaret and comedy superstar gives us his thoughts on his perfect day in Edinburgh

What is your favourite place to eat in Edinburgh?

Food? Who has time for food in Edinburgh? For the month of August I subsist on creme brûlées from the creme brûlée van and any stray acrobat that wanders past.

What is the best show that clashes with your own?

There are other shows on?

Where do you like to relax in Edinburgh?

There’s a lovely stables out past Leith I like. They have a stall named after me, my own personal salt lick and the vet is very gentle.

Where’s the best place for a night out?

The Kaye Hole! It’s fast, sweaty, queer, loose and fucking hilarious. The best place to tear down the world and rebuild it. All in one big bump. Me and my band The Close Contacts have all the best, queerest and nastiest acts of the Fringe and an open bar throughout.

What shows are you most looking forward to seeing?

I adore Tina Del Twist, Michelle


VENUE: TIME: Assembly Checkpoint 9:30pm – 11:00pm, various dates between 4 - 28 Aug

Brasier, Rhys Nicholson of course. Lizard Boy looks outrageous, James Rowland’s Learning to Fly and also just James as I love him. This Is Not A Show About Hong Kong also, Laura Davis, Cassie Workman’s show Aberdeen is a MUST. Siblings of course and Zach Zucker! But also to just take a punt and see something I’ve never heard of!

Where is the best place for a date/ hook-up?

There’s a small alleyway just off West Newington Place that’s pretty ergonomic.

What would your dream line-up at the Kaye Hole be?

Thanks to the mount of edibles I’ve packed I rarely dream anymore BUT if I did Jinkx Monsoon would be LEGENDARY. Call me bitch! But as for the dream line-up… Jayne County for sure. Grace Jones, FKA Twigs, Sophie (Rest In Power) and Le Tigre… Does Fest have the connections to make that happen? Otherwise the collection of lunatics we’ve brought over will just have to do…

What is your wildest Fringe memory? Come find me and we can make one.

SHOW The Kaye Hole Hosted by Reuben Kaye

VENUE: Assembly Checkpoint

TIME: 11:40pm - 1:10am 26, 27, 28 Aug

Reuben Kaye: The Butch is Back
6 Perfect Day festmag.com
Photo:Jack Moussa

Beyond the Binary

In their first comedy-poetry show at the Fringe, mixed-media artist ALOK delves into themes of trauma, belonging and identity. Here, they speak to Eve Livingston about their journey towards healing

8 Cover Feature festmag.com

Afew years ago, ALOK experienced their Saturn Return. “I don’t know if you’re interested in astrology,” they laugh over Zoom on a late July morning, between shows at London’s Soho Theatre. “But it’s when our Saturn is in the same place as it was when we were born, and mine made me really start to think: I need to reckon with a lot of who I was told I should be, and figure out who I really am.”

Some of the outcomes of ALOK’s Saturn Return were intensive therapy, yoga, meditation, and reading and learning about trauma and healing. Another is their self-titled comedy and poetry show, ALOK, which arrived at the Traverse Theatre as part of the Edinburgh Fringe, in which many of the former are present and felt.

“A big component of the show is me doing this healing journey, trying to understand the pain in my body,” says ALOK. “I’m trying to

say, look at these things we’ve been taught we have to do in private and let’s make them public, because we’re all going through this stuff.”

A world-renowned mixed-media performance artist and author, ALOK, who describes themself as queer and gender non-conforming, grew up in a traditional Indian household in Texas. Their work explores gender, trauma, identity and belonging, complex themes which at first felt “reckless and risky” to explore on stage.

“I was taught that everything you’re struggling with stays inside the family,” they say. “But I began to realise that performance gave me permission to be free. There’s something about being on a stage, having an audience, having lighting, where you get to invent a new way of relating to each other.”

Fringe-goers will find ALOK’s show listed among the LGBTQ+ offerings in this year’s programme, and the performance, they say, seeks to respond to an onslaught of transphobia and discrimination taking place globally – something particularly important in the context of comedy.

“It seems like punching down on trans people has become the surefire way to rally fans for most mainstream comedic acts right now,” ALOK says. The show aims to flip the gaze: “I’m saying, is it trans people that are funny, or is it that all of the routine and absurd practices that straight, heteronormative, cisgender society uses to divide billions of complex souls into one of two genders and maintain the fiction of gender norms – is that the funny part?”

To categorise this as a show exclusively for LGBTQ+ audiences, though, would be a mistake. Rather, ALOK says, this is about exploring the human condition and the trauma in all of us that can sometimes present itself as transphobia and hatred.

“When we have unprocessed grief and unprocessed trauma, that manifests as resentment and bitterness against people

Photo: Kohl Murdock
9 Features

who show us that freedom and healing and joy are possible,” ALOK explains. “It’s easier to destroy other people than it is to reckon with our own grief and our heartbreak.”

If these themes sound a little heavy or serious for a Fringe comedy show, that’s exactly the point. Unprocessed trauma makes us act in ways which are irrational and absurd, like vilifying trans and non-conforming people just for existing. And comedy, says ALOK, is “the only vernacular of the absurd.”

“I’m combining comedy and poetry because it feels like the most honest way to depict how we survive bleak and impossible times,” they continue. “When I’m going through pain and grief in my life, I need humour and levity in order to find the silver lining; sorrow enhances joy and joy enhances sorrow.”

To bring this show to the Traverse and the Fringe is to confront another false binary, says ALOK: that of high versus low culture. People like them, they point out, are often pigeonholed as drag performers who should be performing in clubs rather than high art institutions. But these are sophisticated and traditional art forms that belong in theatres and art festivals, the performance of camp in particular.

“The nature of my jokes is that they’re extremely cerebral – but they’re also extremely camp,” laughs ALOK. “I’m taking high-order postgraduate thinking and expressing it through camp, and I’m trying to show people that that’s the joy of being an artist: we can obliterate these kinds of arbitrary binaries.”

And it matters on another level that this show is being performed at this festival. “I wanted to really hold these arts institutions to account for their complicity with the escalating rise of transphobia,” they say. “And in order to do that, I have to bring it to people who might be uncomfortable with it – that’s

precisely the issue in this moment, other people mistake their discomfort as oppression.”

Even in spite of this context, though, ALOK says they remain full of hope about the future. “There’s so much kindness in the world; there are so many people who are choosing compassion, and that’s where our energy should be in this moment,” they say. The show is a rollercoaster between comedy and poetry, light and dark, sobbing and laughing; but most of all it is a plea for love.

“I love these people who are discriminating against me more than they are capable of hating me, and I genuinely believe that is the only way forward,” ALOK says. “I don’t want to meet people at a lower frequency – I love you so I insist that you do better by me.”

ALOK ’s run at the Traverse has ended. Find out where to see them next at alokvmenon.com

Alok Vaid-Menon’s Beyond the Gender Binary, published by Penguin, out now, £6.99

Photo: Ally Schmaling
10 Cover Feature festmag.com
“I need humour and levity in order to find the silver lining”

A Night at the Soap Opera

Opera has been part of the International Festival programme for 75 years, but now a soap opera takes centre stage

Interview: Ben Venables

Julia Hales is an actor, artist and documentary maker. She’s also seen every single episode of Home and Away.

“I have watched every episode,” she confirms over Zoom from Perth. “When I’m on stage and acting, if I have to skip a few episodes, I catch up on computers in the library.”

Home and Away is now Australia’s longest running TV soap. First broadcast in 1988, the drama has never featured a character with Down’s syndrome – Hales’ starting point for You Know We Belong Together, which now arrives at the Edinburgh International Festival from the Black Swan Theatre in Perth, Western Australia.

Hales’ passion for Home and Away (“I love the action, the drama, everything about the show”) stands alongside her other passion –communicating the lives of people with Down’s syndrome. Through dance, music and video Hales and the cast convey their lives with the condition.

“This show is about acceptance, belonging, relationships and karaoke,” she says. This isn’t what we’re used to hearing about Down’s syndrome, but that is precisely Hales’ point.

We can’t understand people with Down’s syndrome if it isn’t represented in the most popular and long-running TV shows: “I really want people with disabilities on screen and TV”.

Those born with Down’s syndrome have an additional chromosome which changes the way the body and brain develop. Down’s syndrome can cause an array of symptoms from cognitive delays to low muscle tone and heart complications. Each individual is di erent though and in the last 30 years the life expectancy for someone with the condition has been raised from 25 to 60 years. One reason for this remarkable change is that people with Down’s syndrome are no longer institutionalised.

Hales herself was born to a doctor and nurse, has two older sisters and a younger brother. Her parents chose not to send her away to an institution – the common practice for children with Down’s syndrome at the time. Instead, Hales followed her big sisters into their local school. “I watched my sister

12 Feature festmag.com

Amy – because she used to be an actress – I watched her acting on stage in high school and that’s when I decided to act,” she says.

Her dream role, of course, would be in Summer Bay. “Home and Away has been my dream since I was eight.” But why Home and Away? Soaps o en become infamous, looked down upon, for their melodrama – surely an odd place to explore the complexities of Down’s syndrome?

“It’s also about community”, says Hales –a theme her show and soaps share. Soaps revolve around ordinary places and people –an East End square, a cul-de-sac or a seaside town.

Home and Away’s stories began around a foster family, allowing for many character comings-and-goings as a natural part of the

events. If Hales had the chance she’d introduce a character of her own creation to Summer Bay: “Well, I’ve actually written a role that I always wanted to play: her name is Claire Stewart. She was adopted and really angry with her adopted parents for not telling her the truth. She wants to find her real family and asks for a ticket to Summer Bay.”

It's easy to imagine such a character arriving and staying in Summer Bay. The longevity of soaps means characters become part of our lives, like family. Which would help normalise certain disabilities. Hales would prefer actors with a disability to portray their own conditions, rather than another actor a ect one. Truthful representation inspires others, who can think, “Okay, well, I can do that too.”

Even those that claim never to watch or

Julia Hales, You Know We Belong Together Photo: Toni Wilkinson
13 Features

enjoy soaps are likely to have at least heard of Ken Barlow, Dot Cotton or Harold Bishop. In Home and Away, it’s Alf Stewart, played by Ray Meagher. “He’s the heart and soul in Home and Away. His character, every time I watch him running the diner and the surf club, I think he’s an amazing actor for so many years.” (Hales has filmed a short scene with Meagher for You Know We Belong Together).

Soaps could do much to help understanding of disability by creating long-running storylines and characters around people with disabilities. And this is a time when Down’s syndrome in particular needs to be understood. At the same time that living with the condition has seen many improvements, pregnancy screening methods have also developed. It is now less invasive and easier to detect the chance of a foetus having the condition. A positive screening for Down’s tends to result in a termination of the pregnancy.

Two years ago, Hales made this the focus of The Upside – a documentary which includes many voices and perspectives. Hales put women’s choice at the documentary’s heart,

interviewing people raising children with the syndrome and those who decided termination was best for them. It’s an exceptional and nuanced film in which Hales explores how better to give people a truly informed choice.

Hales seems especially interested in people’s experiences. You Know We Belong Together grew from a previous project in which she did a series of interviews: “I always wanted to know what love means to other people with Down’s syndrome.”

She certainly knows what love has meant to her. “My mum passed away and she knew I was very talented. So that's why I dedicate this show to my mum, she was my best friend. She always wanted everything for me. And she would tell me, she'd say 'Julia, do not give up on your dream'. And I said, Mum, I will never give up.”

SHOW You Know We Belong Together

VENUE: The Lyceum

TIME: times vary, 24–27 Aug

You Know We Belong Together Photo: Toni Wilkinson
14 Feature festmag.com

Viral Arrivals

Rosie Holt and Michael Spicer have built online followings in the hundreds of thousands. We find out why they’re leaving the keyboard to head to Edinburgh and the live stage

Interviews: Evan Beswick

Two days before I speak to Rosie Holt, she launches her Tory party leadership bid on Twitter. “Let me tell you a story,” she begins, telling voters about her grandmother, who “worked hard for our country against a very real threat that was like the pandemic but with guns.”

We need someone who is willing to speak the authentic truth,” she intones seriously, woodenly, over stirring, twee music.

Like many of Holt’s other videos (a classic: the Tory minister who doesn’t know if she went to a party or not) it’s so on point that it’s almost possible to be taken in by it. But, also like much of her output, it’s also right on the moment: “I suddenly had to scrap the beginning of my show because it seemed so outdated!” she laughs. “I was talking about things like party games, and suddenly I thought, this now feels a 100 years old.”

Since she began posting Twitter shorts during lockdown, Holt has gone from a relative unknown to an online powerhouse with a quarter-million following and a podcast in which she plays a vapid right-wing shock jock called Harriet Langley-Swindon (sound vaguely familiar?). “It instantly went a bit haywire,” she says of an ongoing viral response. And in 2022, she’s making the leap from online stardom to the vulnerability of live performance.

The day I speak to Michael Spicer, aka the man in The Room Next Door , he’s launching his defence against COVID. He’s croaky, tired, and more game and articulate than I’d ever be in his condition. In a way, it’s very apt for a man who, in his Room Next Door

videos, suffers the slings and arrows of the idiocy of public figures as he, through an earpiece, tries fruitlessly to serve as what he terms their “moral compass”. “It was the wrong thing to do,” the exasperated coach screams at Prince Andrew in one short. “My judgement was probably coloured by my tendency to be too honourable,” replies HRH instead, contra any best advice.

“It was all about car crash interviews,” Spicer laughs.

It’s been quite a journey for Spicer. Part

Rosie Holt Photo: Karla Gowlett Photo: Matt Crockett
16 Feature festmag.com

of that is practical. Though a writer and performer who’d had viral hits before, none struck such a sustained chord as The Room Next Door , which begun with a going-over of the Boris Johnson “bus models” interview in May 2019. By the time of Johnson’s resignation speech, Spicer’s half a million followers genuinely expected his take on it. He has a book deal, a live tour and a life beyond the anteroom with a radio show and a film pitch. But part of that has been creative: “As I’ve done more and more of these, the culture certainly has shifted thanks to Trump, I think to this more sort of grandstanding ideological politics which doesn’t actually have any sure footing. It’s just a way of poking a stick at the voter.”

For both Holt and Spicer, their digital rise has been extraordinary. But I’m surprised on two accounts. The first, that neither spends a lot of time poring over the analytics and playing to the numbers. Indeed, both are refreshingly sanguine about the frenetic movements of the online herd: “There have

been a number of occasions whereby I’ve gained like 1000, 2000 followers and I haven’t done anything,” Spicer says. For Holt, the growth was largely organic: “When the first video did well I cottoned on and thought, OK, this is something that works.” Though she remains optimistic about this: “You’re not always in control of it.”

The second is that both see live performance as, in some way, better than online success. For Holt, it’s simple: “I love doing the online thing,” she says, calling live performance “the real deal”. Though there’s an immediacy to being able to put things out on Twitter, there’s also a distancing: “It's a very different process, because you'll be filming it, doing it on your own, and then you get kind of a delayed reaction. What is so lovely about live performance is you get that sort of instant feedback.”

Spicer’s show, in which he tells his own story, alongside “greatest hits” and “a nice healthy mix of other sketches and other bits, and bobs” is his first live since 2003. There is, he says, “a genuinely a nice element to stepping outside of the online world.” Even more surprisingly, it’s more financially viable than the content factory of the web: “I don’t know how to generate money from clicks,” he says, describing live performance as the “route out”. I’m gonna fess up here: at a time when mere anarchy is loose upon the world and it feels like the internet trolls are vying to be the next PM, this all feels rather heartening.

SHOW Rosie Holt: The Woman’s Hour

VENUE: Pleasance Courtyard

TIME: 6:00pm – 7:00pm, 3–29 Aug, not 16

SHOW Michael Spicer: The Room Next Door

VENUE: Assembly George Square Studios

TIME: 3:40pm – 4:40pm, 19–28 Aug

"It instantly went a bit haywire"
Rosie Holt
Michael Spicer Photo: Michael Spicer
17 Features

Comedy Reviews

Josie Long: Re-Enchantment

VENUE: Monkey Barrel Comedy

TIME: 2:50pm – 3:50pm, 4–28 Aug not 10, 17, 24

Earnestness is not a trait seen in many comedians these days, perhaps an understandable reaction to the world being the way it is. But Josie Long isn’t just any comedian, and she’s so excited to be back on stage. It’s palpable: earnest in a way that isn’t annoying. Her refrain as she breathlessly wanders

the stage is, “and yet, and yet, and yet.” It’s a really lovely way to be welcomed back into her world.

Unadulterated enthusiasm, in Josie’s case at least, doesn’t translate into being twee or simplistic, far from it. Because while there are gags about being a new mum, moving to Scotland and being diagnosed with ADHD, Josie has lost none of her gently roaring fire. In fact, it’s these kinds of relatable topics that are laced with the most bite: Scotland

gets the baby box – here’s why the country is so much better than England. Everything rolls back around to a mildly manic disappointment with the state of the UK today.

Long has a stunning way with words. It doesn’t matter if she’s comparing socialism to nu-metal or describing her daughter’s day at outdoor nursery, it’s done with a deliberate, pitch-perfect turn of phrase – and the jokes-perminute counter is huge. And her call-to-action finale is a much-needed beacon of hope above right-wingery, climate disaster and despair.

Photo: Matt Crockett

Garry Starr: Greece Lightning

VENUE: Underbelly, Cowgate

TIME: 8:55pm – 9:55pm, 4–28

Aug, not 17

Somewhere between the Battle of Troy being retold through the medium of German Expressionism, and the spectacle of a semi-nude Narcissus crawling across the audience to gawp at his reflection, it occurs to you that Greece Lightning is not your average classics lesson. Taking us on this deliriously funny tour of Greek mythology is Garry Starr, the alter-ego of Australian comedian Damien Warren-Smith.

The premise of Greece Lightning, explains Starr at the outset, is to save “Greek” from decades of “ergonomic procession” by encouraging us all to go there on our holidays and spend loads of “gyros”. Really though, it’s an inspired showcase for Starr’s adroit clowning and gonzo comic sensibility.

Bounding on stage as Mount Olympus head honcho Zeus, complete with lightning bolts dangling from his nipples and an incongruous Elizabethan ru around his neck, Starr works his way through all of your favourite Greek deities, Titans and side players. This one-man whirlwind is supported by a game audience, whose Herculean tasks include battling a Cyclops and taking on an adorable Cerberus whose three heads bear a striking

resemblance to Sooty’s canine BFF – although their biggest challenge of the night is knowing where to look when Atlas’s tiny loin cloth goes awry.

If you don’t know your Athena from your Uranus, don’t worry. Working knowledge of Greek Myth isn’t required to

appreciate the sublime cra of Starr’s physical performance and his complete command of the audience. The results are a quintessential Fringe experience where it feels like anything and everything could happen.

Photo: Aaron Walker
20 Comedy festmag.com

Frankie Thompson: Catts

VENUE: Pleasance Courtyard

TIME: 9:25pm – 10:25pm, 3–28 Aug, not 15

One of the great joys of the Edinburgh Fringe is just glancing at your fellow ticket-holders when something fantastically odd is going on, onstage. No doubt Catts will attract a number of curious Lloyd-Webber fans and unassuming

cat-lovers across the course of its run, who will get to the bit with Frankie Thompson, the wedding dress and the litter tray and realise that, good heavens, they are definitely not in Kansas anymore.

The o cial blurb for Catts calls it a ‘lip-synced ballet’, which sums things up pretty well: imagine if an old 80s Kate Bush video went awry and the prancing Bush started miming to reality shows, workout tapes and freaky old interviews instead, all jerkily cut together, VHS-style, on the big screen.

What gradually emerges is that this is a peek into the mind of someone actively

becoming the stereotypical crazy cat lady, a life among felines suddenly seeming much simpler than trying to make sense of the noisy, stressful and stupid world we negotiate every day.

But take it as you will: there are silly puns and performance-arty bits, Cassetteboy-style video mash-ups and emotional human moments, all of it underpinned by a hugely impressive performance from Thompson. Having to learn a whole speech – snide pauses and all – by a particularly objectionable future member of Her Majesty’s Government: that’s dedication. Si Hawkins

Photo: Thomas Moen
22 Comedy festmag.com

Leo Reich: Literally Who Cares?!

VENUE: Pleasance Courtyard

TIME: 9:35pm – 10:35pm, 3–28

Aug, not 17

Leo Reich is 23, the youngest comedian that has ever lived, and a narcissist. This Edinburgh debut is his announcement to the world. Camp, shallow and delightfully good-fun, it proves he is a star in the making.

Of course, Reich knows all

this because his ego is sky high. Deadpan, he talks about the everyday di culties of being young, queer and Jewish. The youth need to take up space and “profit o it,” he declares, so he’s written his memoir, which he reads from over a jazzy score, early.

It is an ironic parody of the Gen-Z experience and Reich is a vacuous monster born from their social media-controlled lives. He is convinced he’s something special, has things to say and is a genius. He has serious beliefs – he wrote them in his phone’s notes app. It is just now he’s lost it, he has forgotten what they

are. It doesn’t matter though, because we are lucky to be there, he tells us. But jokes aside, he’s right. Reich has charisma in fistfuls. Flouncing round the stage, he breaks up his self-obsessed jabbers with showy songs that are an ode to the struggles of the over 50s or narrate his experience having sex with men that hate him.

The whole time, he remains wholly uninterested in the audience – we’re there to see him, a er all. But, boy, has he got us watching. And with his Dad’s “small business” financial backing, he is set to fly.

23 Review
Photo: Raphael Neal

Britney: Friends and Nothing More

VENUE: Pleasance Courtyard

TIME: 5:45pm – 6:45pm, 4–28

Aug, not 16

Friends since Year Nine, Charly Clive and Ellen Robertson’s show rings with the authenticity and private language that blossoms with those we like and know best.

As Britney, the sketch duo take us from creative-source to sea. Clive and Robertson’s shared history allows them a special trust in their writing. We watch them deliver skits that must have made each other laugh long before they’ve translated it into material that works for an audience. A quote from Stephen King on writing and marriage, surely once the fragment of an initial idea, introduces their take on the domestic relationship the horror author has with his wife, Tabitha. They have a closeness which allows them a quiet confidence, we’re able to luxuriate in the sketches between sketches as they take apart their Heely x Reeboks, bemoaning the cumbersome mechanics of carrying around the footwear’s universal wrench.

They gleefully play around with routines, turning jokes upside down, giving us the pay-o to their Beauty and the Beast parody long before we hear the set-up. As clever

as they are goofy, mining groans and laughs, extending the mileage of every line, Friends and Nothing More is a

generous hour of comedy in which we get to share the language of friendship and be in on every joke. Ben Venables

25 Review
Photo: Linda Blacker

Lara Ricote: GRL/LATNX/ DEF

VENUE: Monkey Barrel Comedy (The Hive)

TIME: 3:20pm – 4:20pm, 2–28 Aug, not 17

Lara Ricote is a lot of things. We know, thanks to her show title, that she is a girl, she is Latinx and she is deaf. She’s also whip-smart, deadpan AF and seemingly blessed with funny bones.

GRL/LATNX/DEF is Ricote’s debut hour, working as an

introductory show to her and her life. Luckily, she has plenty going on to mine funny from: two sisters (one also deaf, one just stupid), a Latin mum with hardcore beliefs about virginity and – because of said Latin mum – a newly awakened sex life (“I didn’t know I had a clitoris until four years ago.”) She also has a lot of worries about the climate crisis, but this is not a show about the climate crisis. Not really. Sure, there are analogies about the degenerative hearing loss she lives with and how one day she’ll be completely deaf, but there’s no way you could draw a line between the two things. Right.

Ricote is a generous performer, allowing punchlines to land and lie for as long as the audience needs, her self-aware self-deprecation remains on the right side of needy, and she bats away a heckler with disarming charm and improv. Being a minority is in right now, she says, but there’s more to explore here, and she takes time to consider the ways she does and doesn’t “pass” in a world where she sometimes can’t quite find her community. But then she busts out a whole bit that puts her at the same level as Rachel Bloom in Crazy Ex-Girlfriend and you know she’ll be just fine.

Photo: Steve Ullathorne
26 Comedy festmag.com

Sam Nicoresti: Cancel Anti

Wokeflake Snow Culture

VENUE: PBH’s Free Fringe @ Banshee Labyrinth

TIME: 8:55pm – 9:45pm, 6–28

Aug, not 17

Going in feet-first on the rightwing comics and free speech ideologues sounding o about cancel culture, Sam Nicoresti’s latest show is both admirably forthright in confronting the fascistic tendencies of that movement, especially towards

the transgender, and artfully mischievous in pursuing its aims of ridiculing the more cynical blowhards among them. Moreover, he’s got real skin in the game, having lately begun a journey of queer self-discovery that’s still in a curious, questing form, a ording his 50 minutes a freshness and raw vitality in tandem with its topicality, despite the reasonably slick multimedia he deploys and artistic sensibilities he aspires to.

Employing a twisted alter-ego, Nam Sicoresti, and big screen for faux-conversations with fellow gender spectrum sceptics, he’s accomplished at exposing the fallacies of logic espoused by his enemies. Putting words in their mouths

sure, but only to an extent. Better still are the more personal monologues he delivers directly to the audience, with a well-argued dismissal of the furore around toilets, just generally humanising the bitterly fought debate while getting in some recurring, enjoyable gags at the monarchy’s expense.

Unfortunately, Nicoresti’s thoughtfulness and investment in his subject matter also work against him, as he closes on an interminably lengthy and sincere set of conclusions that relegate the comedy to second place, snatching defeat from the jaws of victory and a ording succour and ammunition to his foes.

27 Review
Photo: Ed Moore

Sikisa: Life of the Party

VENUE: Pleasance Courtyard

TIME: 8:25pm – 9:25pm, 3–28

Aug, not 17

Sikisa’s party spirit is challenged by stereotypes in her Fringe debut about living your best life, but you can’t keep a good woman o the dance floor. Ready to stay out all night, this hostess with the mostest takes on unfounded beliefs about black women in a sassy hour.

An immigration lawyer from South London with roots in Barbados, Sikisa is fed up with people’s assumptions about her. In the show, some of these views are revealed through interactions with people she meets at a house party, allowing her to address di erent perspectives while discussing a range of topics, including cocaine use, gentrification, fuckbois and interracial dating.

Involving a member of the audience, she talks about the plight of immigrants, using a game to demonstrate what it takes to get a UK passport. It’s a surprisingly rare moment of audience interaction, following the enthusiastic greeting at the start of the show. The banging tunes at the entrance hinted at a party for all, but Sikisa is the only one who gets to take regular ‘dance

breaks’, which may be why the energy levels in the room slightly drop across the hour. Even so, this is a high-spirited

call to celebrate life and love yourself from a comedian who knows how to have fun.

28 Comedy festmag.com
Photo: Adrain Tauss

Theatre Reviews

Feeling Afraid as If Something Terrible Is Going to Happen

VENUE: Roundabout @ Summerhall

TIME: times vary, 5-28 Aug, not 9, 16, 23

In the round, a stand-up comic turns. We see the Comedy Store-style cartoon grin festooning the back of his pink jacket – the rictus logo of professional laugh-making – as his red Converse trainers shu e through stances. He grabs the mic to start his set – and restart, and restart, until he gets the opening right.

Our livewire lead, played by Tony- and Olivier-nominated

Samuel Barnett (The History Boys), lets us into his love life with confessional abandon. Barnett is immaculate; fully embodying the tangled neuroses of being British, male, gay and a comedian as he traverses the London dating scene. He is utterly convincing as a comic, nailing the requisite inflections, mannerisms and o -stage awkwardness. He does soaring justice to Marcelo Dos Santos’ equally pristine writing, too: self-conscious, naturalistic, by turns wise and fallible, hitting both hilarious and heart-wrenching with winking de ness.

There are echoes of former Moody smash hits – Fleabag, Angry Alan, Baby Reindeer et al – but such box-lumping undersells Feeling Afraid…’s distinct identity. Comedy – as a form – is integral to not just the structure of the show (the monologue is rendered as stand-up, mostly), but also to its examination of presentation, truthfulness, insecurity

and mental health. It’s performance about performance, but without any insu erable, try-hard self-awareness. Genuine and captivating, Barnett boasts a well-earned full circumference of laser-locked eyelines from start to end, his self-reflections and second-guessing visibly resonating with every unblinking face. Like good stand-up, Feeling Afraid… manifests a vivid world, and Matthew Xia’s tight direction brings to life the narrative’s cruel ironies as our star’s relationship unfolds. The title bears obvious portent, but the story is not gloomy. Instead, there is tension, but it’s a tension familiar to any thinking, feeling human navigating love and sex in our frantic, app-yoked lives – and especially to those who use humour to deflect when things get too much. The show’s faultless execution is matched only by this audience’s thunderous, cathartic, cry-laughing response. George Sully

Photo: Mihaela Bodlovic


VENUE: Pleasance Dome

TIME: 5:40pm – 6:40pm, 3–28 Aug, not 10, 15, 22

Can we fully separate the art from the artist? How important are intentions when examining the impact of an artist’s work? Can we ever, truly, answer these questions?

Like a reflexologist, Adrienne Truscott finds these knots deep in the muscles of theatre and attempts to work them out. Staged as a highbrow interview in the vein of Inside the Actors Studio, Masterclass pits Feidlim Cannon (Brokentalkers) as the host, all corduroy and tweed, against Adrienne Truscott’s male auteur persona.

Truscott – the man – is a fantastically gross exaggeration, a knowingly arch critique of male ego (both in its bluster and veiled fragility), and an apposite creation to springboard discussions around gender and power in the arts. He is asked about his “alleged” inability to write complex female characters; his responses are a pastiche of those elliptical, kneejerk non-answers we’ve heard in many a hagiographic Q&A.

Cannon shi s between sycophancy and confrontation in his questioning, a changing dynamic sometimes made physical through bu oonery. There’s a cartoonishness to the clowning and sound cues which undermines the seriousness of what’s being discussed, an inspired move that recalls the flimsy, pantomime e orts of cis men discussing issues concerning people who

aren’t in the room.

Of course, with Truscott, things are rarely as they first appear. There are passages in the piece’s latter sections which wax much more literal. These could, unfairly, be labelled preachy, but only because there is clear exasperation at how the more nuanced representations of these struggles are misinterpreted or simply ignored. Here, it is done artfully, with justification, thanks to Truscott’s wealth of expertise and passion for both the form and the subject.

The text is dense, but necessarily so; these are not simple problems. But this is, ultimately, a Fringe show; there is tension-relieving fun amid the righteous fury. Even at its thorniest, at its knottiest, Masterclass still shows Truscott relishing in the playfulness of deconstruction.

Photo: Ste Murray
32 Theatre festmag.com


VENUE: Assembly Roxy

TIME: 6:50pm – 8:05pm, 4–29 Aug, not 10, 17, 24

A camcorder sits at the edge of the stage. Its pervasiveness is ever-present as the couple go through the motions of their lives, trying to forget that the captured film may determine whether they are permitted immigration status. Abidemi and Omolade have recently come from Lagos to Glasgow, following fears of

being outed to their families and communities. The play explores their relationship when under the scrutiny of the UK’s Home O ce. When threatened with deportation, how must one perform and record love? And for who?

The stage, their kitchen, holds space for this complexity, with its greying half-shut blinds. However – with a few turns of a table, a shi in lighting – this kitchen becomes the Home O ce. It’s subtle but nuanced, communicating how the violence of the UK’s immigration policy inhabits the space of those under its assessment.

Narratively, it’s heavy but it’s not dragging. It’s sometimes

slow, weighted by moments of this gentle love and by moments of a certain fraught sadness. Punctuated by monologues – textured through sound, us hearing what the characters once heard – this is storytelling at its most transcendent.

For two characters who are at times so detached from one another, their connection as actors is utterly palpable. This active bond, moving in and out of each other, allows for each character to have moments holding the stage alone, creating some of the play’s most striking scenes. Forceful and deeply impactful, it is a necessary watch.

33 Review
Photo: Tommy Ga-Ken Wan
34 festmag.com


VENUE: Traverse Theatre

TIME: times vary, 5–28 Aug, not 8, 15, 22

The road feels like the cultural preserve of America. Long highways and evocative motels and Thelma and Louise riding o the Grand Canyon. British roads are tight and knotty. They’re Ginsters pasties and Costa co ee. They can make you feel sick.

Wilf, then, is a brilliant interpretation of a road movie for these shores. At a low ebb in

his life, processing the trauma of a physically abusive boyfriend and a psychologically abusive mother, Calvin finds comfort in a beaten up VW he christens Wilf, and the A82 between Glasgow and Inverness. But not without some bumps along the way.

Of course, the relationship between Calvin and Wilf is really the relationship between Wilf and himself. While the personification of the car is quite charming and funny, it’s also a clear cry for help, a kind of mania that Calvin is slowly descending into that you know is going to get worse before it gets better.

Thankfully, there is real joy

and hope in this story – without wanting to give too much away, one sentence in the final monologue crystallises this, serving to recontextualise everything we’ve seen up until that point in a beautiful way. Michael Dylan really sells the whole thing. As Calvin he is incredibly endearing, getting the audience on side almost immediately, but also able to strike that balance between light and dark. Both Irene Allan as the foul-mouthed driving instructor-cum-psychotherapist, and Neil John Gibson as… well, you lose count of how many people he plays – put in great comic turns too.

35 Review
Photo: Mihaela Bodlovic

Brown Boys Swim

VENUE: Pleasance Dome

TIME: 2:30pm – 3:30pm, 3–28 Aug, not 15

The boisterous sounds of Desi bangers, including Panjabi MC’s Mundian to Bach Ke, fill the room as Kash playfully teases the audience with his slick bhangra moves. He’s wearing a kurta, dancing with determination and a cheeky grin until he’s joined by his quieter, calmer counterpart Mohsen.

Brown Boys Swim is a tender coming-of-age story with a seemingly innocent premise: two Asian friends are desper-

ate to learn how to swim in order to make a mark at an upcoming pool party thrown by the cool crowd. But while the story appears light-hearted and even comical in its set-up, there is an underlying darkness in the narrative, largely arising from the othering of Kash and Mohsen by their classmates and wider society.

Actors Varun Raj and Anish Roy are magnetic in their portrayal of two contrasting best friends whose union is more akin to that of brothers. They argue and throw insults at each other but also take on the world and its many micro-aggressions: from the prying eyes at the swimming pool to the suspicious looks of shop security who watch as they buy their first swimming trunks.

The staging and minimal set

design, with glowing blue lighting, places you at the edge of a swimming pool and in a stu y locker room. The choreography of the boys learning to swim is thought-out with precision – there’s no water but Kash and Mohsen really appear submerged and flailing as they attempt to float.

In the script’s mash-up of English with small phrases of Urdu, including swear words commonly articulated by Asian elders, and hilarious in-jokes about incidents like having your flip-flops stolen at Friday prayers, Karim Khan’s play feels both personal to those in the community and universal in its messaging. Brown Boys Swim unpacks that feeling of being an outsider while doing everything in your power, and sometimes to your detriment, to assimilate. Arusa Qureshi

Photo: Geraint Lewis
36 Theatre festmag.com

Age is a Feeling

VENUE: Summerhall

TIME: 12:10pm – 1:20pm, 3–28

Aug, not 8, 15, 22

Haley McGee sits atop a lifeguard’s chair, staring into the future. Your future. But she’s not going to tell you the whole story. Surrounding her are envelopes with cryptic titles – oysters, inbox, fist – that are tied to tall plastic flowers, circling McGee like numbers on a clockface. She picks them like daisies, o ering them up to the audience. What chapter do we want to hear next? The unchosen stories get pushed to the ground with a breezy shrug: “Anyway!” she says, smiling like a friend withholding grade A gossip.

Age is a Feeling speaks directly to you. It takes place on your 25th birthday, and it leads you through decades of life, through break-ups and aching bones and missed opportunities. The “you” in the play is vague enough that you can truly superimpose yourself, but also specific and alive enough for you to develop real tenderness towards this avatar, this pseudo-you.

Directed by Adam Brace, McGee is a convincing, charismatic sage and makes this enormously text-heavy show feel like a breeze. But her magical omniscience also veers towards sentimentality: it implies that, in the end, everything smooths out in the wash of hindsight, and universal advice (stretch, floss, veg-

etables, etc) feels more akin to Baz Luhrmann’s Everybody’s Free (To Wear Sunscreen) than hard-won knowledge. Still, there’s scarcely a dry eye in

the house once McGee reaches the show’s final resting place – and that’s with only half the story.

Photo: Thea Courtney
38 Theatre festmag.com


VENUE: Roundabout @ Summerhall

TIME: 5:25pm - 6:35, 3–28 Aug, not 4, 9, 16, 23

Bex, a young Black woman working as a waitress, meets Lori, a white chef at a catering event. This is the start of an intense but profoundly flawed and unbalanced relationship. Lori is ambitious, but holds inherently problematic views that manifest through her thinking about di erent foods and their origins. Bex is content with her life, but

hyper-aware of the systems that oppress her. Though they quickly fall for each other, their di erences lead to intense conflict. Playwright Chris Bush’s polar opposite characters, whip-smart dialogue and socio-political commentary, along with Katie Posner’s highpaced direction, means this play is one of the stars of this year’s Fringe.

Bush’s o en-serious writing has many excellent jokes and one-liners that e ectively balance the weightier themes in the play. She uses non-linear time to gradually reveal key points in Bex and Lori’s relationship. We see the later stages amidst the earlier,

with bigger reveals coming towards the end. It’s a smart structure that works well to keep things varied in a show with a small cast and a single set. Posner ensures the transitions are quick and clearly marked so it’s easy to know what is the present and what is the past.

Actors Eleanor Sutton and Leah St Luce are exceptional. Their chemistry ensures their relationship is totally convincing and their energy drives the play through to its inevitable end. All of the production elements come together exquisitely to make for a phenomenal production.

39 Review
Photo: Rebecca Need Menear Artwork: Conor Jatter

How to Build a Wax Figure

VENUE: Assembly George Square Studios

TIME: 12:55pm – 1:55pm, 4–29 Aug, not 10, 16, 23

Eyes, as the saying goes, are the windows to the soul. It’s not accidental, then, that the protagonist of Isabella Waldron’s tender new play makes prosthetic eyes. There’s lots here about seeing and being seen, along with plenty of meaning-heavy looks and poignant locking of gazes. It’s a show about making eyes, in both senses of the phrase.

17-year-old Bea (Nell Barlow) is introduced to ocularistry by Margot (Olivia Dowd): the enigmatic wax model maker who moves in next door to her family home. Margot is older, artistic, entrancing. The two women form a friendship and a working partnership – Margot makes the bodies, Bea makes the eyes. Bit by bit, friendship tips over into intimacy, leaving a lasting mark on them both.

This central story of first love is gently and beautifully told, with carefully weighted dialogue and delicate performances. In director Nell Bailey’s production, the connection between Bea and Margot is instantly believa-

ble and compelling, without brushing away the discomfort of their age gap and unequal power dynamic.

Less successful, though, is the containing narrative, in which an older Bea prepares to deliver a lecture at the Wellcome Collection and is dragged back into her memories, which she shares with museum employee Dana (Alice Franziska). Too o en, these scenes feel like a contrivance that simply facilitates the depiction of Bea and Margot’s relationship. That said, the show as a whole is quietly heartbreaking, marking out Waldron, Bailey and their impressive cast as talents to watch.

Courtesy of Assembly
40 Theatre festmag.com

Dance, Physical Theatre & Circus Reviews

Sense of Centre

VENUE: Dance Base

TIME: 3:40pm – 4:20pm, 6–28 Aug, not 22

Edinburgh choreographer and dancer Jack Webb draws heavenly curves and squiggles through the air in this solo dance piece, full of so ness and introspection. A Scottish accented voiceover braids together abstract notions of identity, home and belonging,

with memories dri ing in from Dundee, Dublin, Edinburgh and the Arctic, amongst other places. The narrative begins with specific childhood memories and becomes more suggestive and poetic, with the emphasis more on a growing momentum of emotions than a detailed story arc. Tense white noise builds and swells, with Webb’s long limbs scissoring and wrapping around themselves before the piece eventually reaches a blissed out place of calm.

Webb begins by placing miniature props on a turntable – tiny plastic hands and model

railway trees are filmed live and projected onto a screen behind him. A er those close up sequences, everything zooms out and he dances with grace and strength in front of huge projections of deep sea and rolling waves, his body seeming to merge with the water as he undulates and ripples towards the hypnotic final section. As people and places have ebbed and flowed around him, it seems that his body has remained a safe place, something he knows and recognises, and the centre to which he returns.

Image: Courtesy of Storytelling PR
42 festmag.com Dance, Physical Theatre & Circus

Cirque Alfonse: Animal

VENUE: Underbelly’s Circus Hub on the Meadows

TIME: 4:25pm – 5:25pm, 6–27 Aug, not 10, 15, 22

Ever seen a farmer do a wheelie with a tractor? Cirque Alfonse’s Animal is grimy and domestic, more farmhandsgone-wild than Lion King, but although the props are humble (milk churns, wheelbarrows, that sort of thing), the stunts are anything but. Backed up by a set dressed in corrugated iron and a dynamic three-piece rock band, Cirque Alfonse’s five performers juggle a repertoire of stunts even better than they do a box of free-range eggs. It’s a wacky show, with a strong aesthetic in lieu of any narrative, but who needs narrative when you can watch a weirdly high stakes game of piggy in the middle with an enormous cowbell as the ball?

The Quebecois family outfit, suitably attired in faded denim dungarees, flared chaps, and tiny tweed waistcoats, laugh at each other as o en as they fling their partners skyhigh. There is visible a ection between the performers, and this looseness makes Animal a playful, punchy watch. Stunning teamwork (particularly in a duet between two contortionists) and absurd humour compensates for the odd lull in proceedings: a seesaw rubber chicken routine goes nowhere fast, and an interpretive knife dance about the

grim reaper is a bit of a downer, though both skits encapsulate Cirque Alfonse’s kooky, bedtime-story-gone-wrong energy. An athletic final showdown with a mechanical bull

brings feeding time to a close, triumphantly closing the barn doors on this family-friendly hour at the (deep breath) farmyard-circus-cabaret.

43 Review
Image: Courtesy of Underbelly

Cabaret Reviews


VENUE: Underbelly’s Circus

Hub on the Meadows

TIME: 9:55pm – 10:55pm, 5–27 Aug, not 15, 22

Cabaret performers have long known that you can rhinestone the hell out of anything and make it art. Yet few have taken it to Blunderland host Eric Schmalenberger’s extremes. When the MC is sheathed in a see-through, giant condom, adorned with tasteful-sparkle jizz, you get

an idea of what is (potentially literally) coming.

This late-night variety show is a sequinned gross-out absurdity that feels more underground New York than actual New York. It’s also as hot as a psychedelic chemsex sauna orgy. As the Michete score hails, the Blunderland gang are acting slutty while looking bitching.

There is little linking (OK, nothing) the acts apart from a sense of club-kid anarchy, unapologetic thirst-traps and a predilection for hot pink glitter. There’s stunning aerial from Em Chilvers and Leo Pentland, alongside creepy juggling from human-haunted

doll Olivia Porter. Mixed with burlesque and Bede Nash’s cocaine-fuelled-gymnast at the world’s-gayest-Butlins routine, it’s a stunning, Queer, messy riot.

And if you’ve ever wondered what Mariah Carey looks like taking a shit, look no further than Australian performance artist Tara Boom. Her conception to abortion clown-grotesque is a political statement on reproductive rights, danced out from atop a toilet in spangled sperm shoes. Blunderland is filthy but not frothy. These freaks put on one seriously clever, subversive show.

Photo: Jacinta Oaten

Grandmother’s Closet

VENUE: Summerhall

TIME: 12:30pm – 1:30pm, 3–28 Aug, not 15, 22

Performed with jazz hands, lipstick, and spit-and-polish determination, Grandmother’s Closet is a gentle autobiography of self-discovery. Writer and performer Luke Hereford welcomes us with open arms, as if we’re guests in his nan’s cozy, chintzy living room, and it really is easy to imagine this family home stu ed with

memories – his storytelling is detailed and familiar, with the sweetly painful nostalgia of old home video tapes.

The neatly maximalist set design is nan’s house perfection; a cluttered dressing table and glamorously overstu ed wardrobe are Hereford’s dance partners, as he brings us childhood flashbacks through a series of musical mashups. Backed up by exuberant Bobby Harding on keys, Hereford has a strong voice and even stronger commitment to his favourite divas: a Judy Garland moment is impeccable, a Kylie/Kate Bush blend is particularly ambitious, and a Scissor Sisters extrava-

ganza brings down the house.

But beyond the sequins and polyester, the heart of the show is Hereford’s double-act with his grandma – by all accounts a woman so glamorous she could shield him from the di culties of growing up queer in a small town, but also who pushed him to discover the wholeness of himself. The storytelling falters when it steps back into the present day, and there is more to explore when Hereford worries about losing their shared stories due to her developing dementia, but this is a tender, cathartic show with a glamorously large heart.

Photo: Kirsten McTernan
46 Cabaret
48 festmag.com

Music Reviews

Fantastically Great Women Who Changed The World

VENUE: Pleasance Courtyard

TIME: 1:30pm – 2:50pm, 4–29

Aug, not 10, 17, 24

History isn’t always kind to women, a fact reiterated by the steady erasure of prominent names over time. In all facets of life, women are systematically denied credit for their innovations, discoveries and social triumphs, resulting in a history that is o en incomplete and one-sided. Fantastically Great Women Who Changed The

World, the musical adaptation of Kate Pankhurst’s picture book, attempts to remedy this by giving voice to some of history’s most remarkable heroines.

Schoolgirl Jade (played charmingly by Kudzai Mangombe) loses her group during a visit to a museum, eventually stumbling upon the closed Gallery of Greatness exhibit. As she laments teen life, di culties at home and the notion of feeling invisible, various historical figures breeze through o ering sage advice on how to be heard and make your mark as a bold and fearless woman. Amelia Earhat, Gertrude Ederle and Sacagawea step up first to tell their stories, followed by the likes of Mary Seacole, Marie Curie, Rosa Parks and Anne Frank.

The cast of five, including

Mangombe, are commanding and versatile in their stage presence, ensuring that the feel-good factor never fully diminishes. One section of note, featuring Emmeline Pankhurst in purple camouflage, is particularly powerful in its Formation-era Beyonce step dancing and mash-up of militaristic beats with pop and rap.

Chris Bush’s adaptation fuses up-tempo pop wizardry with the type of musical energy that is akin to previous Fringe hit Six the Musical There are moments that threaten to veer o into the na but then you remember the target audience for this show – and as young, inquisitive faces stare at the bright, neon coloured set wide-eyed and in awe, it’s clear there has been some level of success here.

Photo: Pamela Raith

Sex with Friends (and Other Tiny Catastrophes)

VENUE: Pleasance Courtyard

TIME: 12:40pm - 1:40pm

3–28 Aug, not 10, 17, 24

Six friends explore themselves (and each other) in this new musical by young queer theatre company GOYA. We watch Mel, Lily, Jordan, Willow, Marc and Ben negotiate their post-University friendships, while political a liations, corporate jobs, wanderlust and romantic ties push them together and pull them apart. Sex With Friends is strong-

est when it digs into their contrasting desires and ambitions, o en using duets to battle it out from opposing sides, but the musical’s snapshot structure – spread over a series of parties, many months apart – makes it tricky to flesh out these characters as recognisable people. Savvy costuming takes us some of the way there (a chic blouse nails Jordan’s young Tory energy) and framing individual verses as voice notes and private conversations helps to bring dimensionality to what would otherwise be quite

repetitive staging. Just like the cast of Friends before them, there are many high-powered jobs and conveniently a ordable living situations across the six pals – and poor Ben’s money worries are reduced to the butt of a joke. Despite the innuendo of its title, Sex with Friends is overly sanitised and would benefit from lingering in more uncomfortable places. But writer and composer Sam Woof (who also plays Marc) is a promising talent, and this skilled cast, many of whom are performing in two shows a day, are impressively fresh. Sex with Friends is a clean, funny but platonic hour: justice for Ben!

Photo: Callum John
50 festmag.com Music
51 Review

Kids Critics Sean Choolburra: Didj and Dance!

Astrid McCarthy, nine, dances at Didj and Dance!

Who was your favourite character and why?

Me! I got to dance in it.

Were there any characters you didn’t like? I liked everybody.

What did you like most about the show?

What didn’t you like about the show?

The person we were poking with the sticks didn’t like being poked with the sticks so he got up when he was supposed to be digging!

What did your grown-up think about the show?

He thought it was amazing because I won a prize!

Would you tell your friends to come to the show?

Yes! Yes yes yes! There was so much interactiveness in it and it was really good fun.

What happens in the show?

There’s this guy and he tells you about Australian origin stu . And he does lots of dancing and music and clapping.

When I poked that guy with the stick. We are all poking him with a stick. There were meant to be seven women with sticks but there were only six of us.

SHOW Sean Choolburra: Didj and Dance!

VENUE: Assembly Rooms

TIME: 11:30am – 12:30pm, 6–21 Aug

52 festmag.com Kids
Image: Courtesy of the artist

Kids Critics The Gruffalo,the Giant and the Mermaid with Julia Donaldson

Phoebe McCarthy, nine, is pleased to see Julia Donaldson

Were there any characters you didn’t like?

I didn’t like the Gru alo costume because it was creepy and you couldn’t event see its pupils. And I didn’t like how the eyes were coloured – it was the wrong shade of yellow, they were like a mango-ey orange.

What did you like most about the show?

What happens in the show?

It’s a bunch of the stories made by Julia Donaldson and she actually came!

Who was your favourite character and why?

I liked when one of the assistants had a tiny little body when they were being the tailor in The Smartest Giant In Town. That was funny.

SHOW The Gru alo, the Giant and the Mermaid with Julia Donaldson

VENUE: Underbelly, George Square

TIME: 11:00am – 12:00pm, 4–29 Aug, not 15

I liked The Highway Rat costume, it was very pretty.

What didn’t you like about the show?

The creepy Gru alo costume! And also that they only had the bad bits of The Highway Rat in it and for the other stories they did THE WHOLE BOOK.

What did your grown-up think about the show?

She very very very very very very very much liked it.

Would you tell your friends to come to the show?

Emmm. I would tell some of my younger friends, like someone who was five or six.

53 Reviews
Image: Courtesy of the artist
U lUnionCanal/Towpath ry Plac e Melvin Walk Bainfield Place Dewar Place Lane Lane Grove Street Grove Street escen t Eton Terrace Lennox Street OxfordTerrace Clarendon Cresc e n t DeanParkCrescent AnnStreet ow Road B ells Brae Miller Ro w race RandolphCres c e n t EASTFOUNTAINBRIDGE BR E A D S TR E E T JOHNSTONTERRACE GRINDLAYSTREET CASTLETERRACE Place Fountainbridge Du DundeeStreet Mo r rison Link WestApproachRoad erstonPlace LAURISTONPLACE GRA THE MO QUEENSTREET QUEENSTREET HOWE STREET FREDERICK STREET HANOVER STREET WESTPORT GILMORE PLACE Torphichen Stre et L OTH I AN ROAD MORRISON STREET HOME S T R E E T Dean Bridge Queensfe r ryRoad MELVILLE MelvilleStreet Sta ordStreet A thollCresce n t WilliamCoatesCrescent Street PRINCESSTREET GEORGESTREET GEORGE STREET ROSESTREET 411 150 15 125 7 20 76 22 410 125 artSpace@StMarks 322 Assembly Checkpoint 3 Assembly George Sq Gardens 35 Assembly Hall 139 Assembly Roxy 20 The Assembly Rooms 50 C cubed 22 Dance Base 59 Edinburgh Playhouse 168 French Institute in Scotland 1 Fringe Shop and Box O ce 2 Fringe Central 76 Rose Theatre 64 Gilded Balloon at the Museum 14 Gilded Balloon Teviot 24 Gilded Balloon Patter Hoose 236 Greenside @ Infirmary Street 209 Greenside @ Nicolson Square 231 16 Greenside @ Riddles Court 73 House of Oz 212 BlundaGardens: BlundaBus 301 Just the Tonic at La Belle Angele 124 Just the Tonic Nucleus 88 Just the Tonic at The Caves 288 Just the Tonic at The Mash House 51 Just the Tonic at The Tron 27 Just the Tonic at The Grassmarket Centre 85 Laughing Horse @ City Cafe 338 Laughing Horse @ Cabaret Voltaire 411 Laughing Horse @ Dragonfly 410 Laughing Horse @ Ghillie Dhu 170 Laughing Horse @ The Counting House 272 Laughing Horse @ The Three Sisters 515 Monkey Barrel Comedy 180 Monkey Barrel Comedy (Carnivore) 80 Monkey Barrel Comedy (Niddry Street) 313 Monkey Barrel Comedy (The Hive) 391 Pianodrome 156 PBH’s Free Fringe @ Banshee Labyrinth 68 PBH’s Free Fringe @ Voodoo Rooms 150 Pleasance at EICC 33 Pleasance Courtyard 23 Pleasance Dome 26 Summerhall 5 The Stand Comedy Club 5 The Stand Comedy Club 2 7 The Stand’s New Town Theatre 260 theSpace @ Jury’s Inn 53 theSpace @ Surgeons Hall 43 theSpace @ Symposium Hall 9 theSpace @ Niddry Street 36 theSpace on North Bridge 39 theSpace on the Mile 38 theSpaceTriplex 15 Traverse Theatre 360 Underbelly’s Circus Hub on the Meadows 61 Underbelly, Cowgate 300 Underbelly, George Square 302 Underbelly, Bristo Square 186 ZOO Playground 82 ZOO Southside 54 festmag.com Map


International Comedy


Gilded Balloon Patter Hoose, 24–28 Aug

Bumble Me Tinders: Dating Horror Stories!

Laughing Horse @ The Pear Tree, 24–28 Aug

Just the Tonic’s Midnight Show

Just the Tonic at The Grassmarket Centre, 26–27 Aug

Late Show Great Show

Laughing Horse @ The Counting House, 24–28 Aug


Sam Campbell: Comedy Show

Monkey Barrel Comedy, 24–28 Aug

Carter Morgan: American Idiot Paradise in The Vault, 24–28 Aug


Bob Hecklestein: The World’s Greatest Heckler

Just the Tonic at The Caves, 24–28 Aug


Hate N Live

Laughing Horse @ The Three Sisters, 24–28 Aug

The Heckling Hour

Laughing Horse @ The Counting House, 24–28 Aug


Hummus: A er Dark

Laughing Horse @ The Three Sisters, 24–28 Aug

Comedy Striptease

Laughing Horse @ 32 Below, 24–28 Aug


The Fat Penguin Late Show

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Banshee Labyrinth, 24–28 Aug


Ghost Orgy

Laughing Horse @ The Three Sisters, 24–29 Aug 00:50

The Late Late Irish Show

Laughing Horse @ The Counting House, 24–28 Aug, not 15


Late Night Comedy Death Camp

Laughing Horse @ 32 Below, 24–28 Aug

Irish Jokers

Laughing Horse @ City Cafe, 24–28 Aug


Don’t Take That Tune With Me!

Laughing Horse @ The Counting House, 24–28 Aug


Da odil Tramples the Fringe Fringe Online, 24–29 Aug


A Political Breakfast

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Natural Food Kafe, 24–28 Aug


About Comedy: Stand-Up

Comedy Courses

Laughing Horse @ Bar 50, 24 Aug


Stewart Lee: Basic Lee (Work in Progress)

The Stand Comedy Club, 24–28 Aug

Editburgh: The Factually Inaccurate Historical Walking Tour Meeting Point @ Ibis Hotel, 24–29 Aug

Irish Comedy Showcase

Laughing Horse @ City Cafe, 24–28 Aug


David Sheeran: Carpe Your Diem!

Laughing Horse @ The Counting House, 24–28 Aug


50 Ways to Leave Your Employer

Laughing Horse @ City Cafe, 24–28 Aug


A Morning with Woody Allen (ish)

Laughing Horse @ Bar 50, 24–28 Aug

Neil Harris: A Short History of the High Jump Greenside @ Nicolson Square, 24–27 Aug


John Aggasild: Welcome Back

Laughing Horse @ City Cafe, 24–28 Aug


Icebreaker – Pale Males

Laughing Horse @ The Counting House, 24–28 Aug

Pundemic Laughing Horse @ The Three Sisters, 24–28 Aug

An A to Z of Fish and Chips Paradise in The Vault, 24–28 Aug


Lanessa Long: The Lanessa Show

Just the Tonic at The Caves, 24–28 Aug


Mountebank Comedy Walk of Edinburgh Monkey Barrel Comedy, 24–28 Aug Rope-A-Dope

Laughing Horse @ 32 Below, 24–28 Aug


Women You Know theSpace @ Symposium Hall, 24–27 Aug


Finlay and Joe: Perpetual Hype Machine

Just the Tonic Nucleus, 24–28 Aug


3’s Comedy – Adam Knox, Luka Muller and Peter Jones

Laughing Horse @ City Cafe, 24–28 Aug


Angela Bra: Life Lessons

Laughing Horse @ Bar 50, 25–28 Aug

The Show That Must Not Be Named

Just the Tonic at The Caves, 24–28 Aug

Accost Your Imposter and Empower Your Power: An Interactive Life Coaching Seminar With Genevieve de Beauvoir

Just the Tonic at The Mash House, 24–25 Aug


A Boxing, Crossdressing, Commando Show

Laughing Horse @ City Cafe, 24–28 Aug


ARIGATO by JalJal Assembly George Square, 24–28 Aug Comedy with an Accent

Just the Tonic at The Caves, 24–28 Aug

Editburgh: The Factually Inaccurate Historical Walking Tour Meeting Point @ Ibis Hotel, 24–29 Aug


EdFringe Podcast (Live)

Laughing Horse @ The Counting House, 24–28 Aug

Rachel Creeger: Pray It Forward

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Globe

Bar, 24 Aug, 25 Aug, 26 Aug, 28 Aug

Birmingham Footnotes: Citation Needed

Just the Tonic at The Caves, 24–28 Aug

Seymour Mace Presents Captain Winky’s F*ck O Olympics

The Stand Comedy Club, 24–28 Aug


Bex’s Chainsaw Moussaka

Laughing Horse @ City Cafe, 24–28 Aug


Aaaaaaaaaaargh! It’s the One-Liner Show

Laughing Horse @ Dropkick Murphys, 24–28 Aug

Katie Mitchell: She


Laughing Horse @ The Counting House, 24–28 Aug

MC Hammersmith: One Man Eight Mile

Monkey Barrel Comedy (The Hive), 24–28 Aug

Ed Patrick: Catch Your Breath (Work in Progress)

Just the Tonic at The Caves, 24–28 Aug

Ben Miller’s Stand-Up Science

Laughing Horse @ The Three Sisters, 24–28 Aug

Jake Donaldson: Neurotica

Laughing Horse @ Cabaret Voltaire, 24–28 Aug

Ryan Mold: Generation Gap (WIP)

Just the Tonic at The Mash House, 24–28 Aug

Joe Wells: I Am Autistic

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Banshee Labyrinth, 24–28 Aug Soup Group!

Monkey Barrel Comedy (Carnivore), 24–28 Aug

Make Me Your Queen

Laughing Horse @ The Hanover Tap, 24–28 Aug

Improv on Demand

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Subway, 24–28 Aug

Raymond Mearns’ Big Red Bus Tour Around Edinburgh!

Red Bus Bistro at Bristo Square Bus Stop, 24–28 Aug

Joanna Neary: Wasp In A Cardigan

The Stand Comedy Club 2, 24–28 Aug

Tony Law: A Now Begin in Again

Monkey Barrel Comedy, 24–28 Aug

Alpha’s All Stars

Laughing Horse @ The Pear Tree, 24–28 Aug


Possibly the Last Chance to See Susan Morrison

The Stand’s New Town Theatre, 24–28 Aug


Louise Leigh Amused

Just the Tonic at The Caves, 24–28 Aug


Robin Boot’s Rockomedy: Punaway Train

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Whistlebinkies, 24–28 Aug

Harry Potter or My Girlfriend... Who Do I Love More?

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Bannermans, 24–28 Aug

I Miss Amy Winehouse Paradise in The Vault, 24–28 Aug

Talking Heids

Scottish Comedy Festival @ The Beehive Inn, 24–29 Aug

Comedy With a Dry, Surreal, Geordie Bloke

Laughing Horse @ The Brass Monkey, 24–28 Aug LOL?

Laughing Horse @ The Counting House, 24–28 Aug

Help Wanted!

Laughing Horse @ The Three Sisters, 24–28 Aug

David Sheeran: Carpe Your Diem!

Laughing Horse @ Bar 50, 25–28 Aug


Be Honest with Jojo and Bruce

Just the Tonic Nucleus, 24–28 Aug

PG Hits! Stand-Up Comedy That’s Everyone’s Cup of Tea!

Laughing Horse @ Bar 50, 24–28 Aug

The Duncan and Judy Murray Show

Gilded Balloon Teviot, 27 Aug

Nathan Cassidy: Hot Tub God

Laughing Horse @ City Cafe, 24–28 Aug

Lynn Ferguson’s Storyland

Gilded Balloon at the Museum, 24–28 Aug

Silent Disco Boogie

Shoes Walking Party with a Scottish Twist theSpace @ Niddry St, 28–29 Aug

Life Drawing With a Comedian

Laughing Horse @ 32 Below, 24–28 Aug

Lauren Pattison: It Is What It Is Monkey Barrel Comedy, 24–28 Aug

Wartime Comedians

Laughing Horse @ Cabaret Voltaire, 24–28 Aug

Luke Rollason: Bowerbird Monkey Barrel Comedy (The Hive), 24–28 Aug

Impromptu Shakespeare

Gilded Balloon Patter Hoose, 27–28 Aug


Matt and Rosa with John Hurt as the Voice of the Dragon

Just the Tonic at The Mash House, 24–28 Aug


Mervyn Stutter’s Pick of the Fringe Pleasance Courtyard, 24 Aug, 26 Aug, 27 Aug, 28 Aug

Eleanor Morton Has Peaked Monkey Barrel Comedy (Carnivore), 24–28 Aug

Aalex Mandel-Dallal: Let She Be and Friends

Just the Tonic at The Caves, 24–28 Aug


Scotland’s Pick of the Fringe: Early Edition

Scottish Comedy Festival @ The Beehive Inn, 24–28 Aug

Captain Breadbeard’s Bready Brilliant Comedy Cookbook

C ARTS | C venues | C aquila, 24–28 Aug

Laughing Horse Fringe Comedy Selection

Laughing Horse @ The Three Sisters, 24–28 Aug

The Delightful Sausage: Nowt but Sea Monkey Barrel Comedy, 24–28 Aug


Pearly Gates: A Ka aesque Romcom in Heaven theSpace @ Niddry St, 24 Aug

Benji Waterstones: You Don’t Have to Be Mad to Work Here (WIP)

Just the Tonic at The Caves, 24–28 Aug

56 Comedy festmag.com

101 – What Women Want!

Just the Tonic at The Mash House, 24–28 Aug

Comedy Hour: Prue Blake, Peter Jones and Sonia Di Iorio

Laughing Horse @ City Cafe, 24–28 Aug


Esyllt Sears: Absolutely Not

Just the Tonic at The Tron, 24–28 Aug

Would You Want Your Daughter to Marry a Weegie?

St Columba’s by the Castle, 27 Aug

An Objectively Funny Show

Just the Tonic at The Caves, 24–28 Aug

Daphna Baram: Out and About

Laughing Horse @ 32 Below, 24–28 Aug

Gabe Mollica: A Show

About Friendship

Laughing Horse @ Bar 50, 24–28 Aug


Michelle Kalt: God Hates You

Just the Tonic at The Caves, 24–28 Aug

Sheraz Yousaf: The Google Man

Just the Tonic at The Mash House, 24–28 Aug


Mick Neven: Nevolution

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Subway, 24–28 Aug

Australia: A Whinging

Pom’s Guide

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Liquid Room Annexe/Warehouse, 25–28 Aug

Aaaaaaaaaargh! It’s 101 Clean Jokes in 30 minutes

Laughing Horse @ Dropkick Murphys, 24–28 Aug

4 Funny Feckers

Laughing Horse @ The Hanover Tap, 24–28 Aug

Morgan Jay – Emotional Damage

Underbelly, Bristo Square, 24–29 Aug

Edfringe Hot Ticket

Lucky Dip!

Just the Tonic at St James Quarter, 27–28 Aug

Sharlin vs The United Kingdom (A Love Story)

Laughing Horse @ The Three Sisters, 24–28 Aug

This is Not a Subject for Comedy

Laughing Horse @ The Counting House, 24–28 Aug

Weapons of Mass Distraction

Laughing Horse @ Cabaret

Voltaire, 24–28 Aug

On the Run: Dame Over!

theSpace @ Surgeons Hall, 24–27 Aug


Jon Long: Still a Planet Killer

Just the Tonic at The Mash House, 24–28 Aug The Dead Ducks

Just the Tonic at The Caves, 24–28 Aug

Best of Edinburgh

Showcase Show

Pleasance Courtyard, 24–28 Aug

Rachel Jackson – Almost Famous

The Stand Comedy Club 2, 25–28 Aug


John Kearns: Varnishing Days (WIP)

Monkey Barrel Comedy, 24–27 Aug

Pat Cahill: Work in Progress

Monkey Barrel Comedy (Carnivore), 24–28 Aug

Film Club – An Improvised Comedy

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Revolution Bar, 24–26 Aug

Jacob Hawley: Bump

Monkey Barrel Comedy (The Hive), 24–28 Aug

Rahul Somia and a Friend

PBH’s Free Fringe @ BrewDog Lothian Rd, 24–28 Aug


Toby Isaacs: Existence is Futile

Just the Tonic at The Caves, 24–28 Aug


Laughing Horse @ The Pear Tree, 24 Aug

Mark Thomas: Black and White

The Stand Comedy Club, 24–28 Aug

All-American Snack Attack

Laughing Horse @ Bar 50, 25–28 Aug

So My Dad F*cked the Nanny

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Canons’ Gait, 24–28 Aug

Angel Comedy Showcase

Laughing Horse @ The Three Sisters, 24–28 Aug

Uncle Daddy’s Comedy Disco

Laughing Horse @ The Pear Tree, 25–28 Aug

Huge Davies and Janine Harouni Do New Jokes (WIP)

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Whistlebinkies, 24–28 Aug

Bad Clowns: Invasion

Gilded Balloon Teviot, 24–29 Aug

Nice Time

Scottish Comedy Festival @ The Bunker, 24–29 Aug

Silent Disco Tours by Silent Adventures

Meeting Point at Uplands Roast Co ee Shop, 27 Aug

Mary O’Connell: There’s Something Wrong With Mary (WIP)

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Banshee Labyrinth, 24–28 Aug

The Fourth Annual Black

Comedy Showcase

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Bannermans, 24–28 Aug

Andy Macleod: Anoint My Head – How I Failed to Make it as a Britpop Indie Rockstar

Just the Tonic at The Caves, 24–28 Aug

Gareth Mutch: Mutch in Progress (WIP)

Scottish Comedy Festival @ The Beehive Inn, 24–25 Aug

An Irish Disgrace

Laughing Horse @ The Brass Monkey, 24–28 Aug


Joe Bates Speaks Truth to Power Tools

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Legends, 24–28 Aug


100 Songs in an Hour Hill Street Theatre, 24–28 Aug

Sarah Southern: Scandalous!

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Voodoo Rooms, 24 Aug, 26 Aug, 27 Aug, 28 Aug

The Oxford Imps Gilded Balloon Patter Hoose, 24–28 Aug


Mark Simmons: Quip O the Mark

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Liquid Room Annexe/Warehouse, 24–27 Aug

Character Building Experience

Laughing Horse @ The Counting House, 24–28 Aug

The Alternative Book Club

Laughing Horse @ Cabaret Voltaire, 24–28 Aug

AMJ Entertainer

Laughing Horse @ Bar 50, 24–28 Aug

Further Adventures in Dementia

Laughing Horse @ City Cafe, 24–28 Aug

Elliot Wengler: Let Wengler Be Wengler

Laughing Horse @ The Counting House, 24–28 Aug


Stewart Lee: Snowflake

The Stand’s New Town Theatre, 24–28 Aug


Carr Crash: Father/ Daughter Comedy Greenside @ Infirmary Street, 24–27 Aug

Jack Harris: Teaching Teachers How To Teach

Just the Tonic at The Mash House, 24–28 Aug

Sunil Patel: Faster Horses

Monkey Barrel Comedy, 24–28 Aug Vidura Bandara

Rajapaksa: Monsoon Season

Monkey Barrel Comedy (The Hive), 24–28 Aug


Elly Shaw and Elaine Fellows: This Girl Can’t

Laughing Horse @ Dragonfly, 24–28 Aug

Hatty Ashdown: The Worry Drawer

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Voodoo Rooms, 24–28 Aug

Laugh Train Home

Comedy Showcase

Laughing Horse @ 32 Below, 24–28 Aug

Silent Disco Boogie

Shoes Walking Party with a Scottish Twist

theSpace @ Niddry St, 28–29 Aug

Aaaaaaaaaargh! It’s 101 Naughty Jokes in 30 minutes

Laughing Horse @ Dropkick Murphys, 24–28 Aug

The Guilty Feminist

Gilded Balloon Teviot, 25–28 Aug

John Hegley’s Biscuit of Destiny

Summerhall, 24–28 Aug

The Future of Free Stand-Up: Ste an Alun + Support

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Canons’ Gait, 25–28 Aug

Vlad and Kuan-wen: The Wee Aliens

Just the Tonic at The Caves, 24–28 Aug

Daniel Downie: There’s Something About Mary Scottish Comedy Festival @ The Beehive Inn, 24–28 Aug

Amelia Bayler: Greatest Hits!

Monkey Barrel Comedy (Niddry St), 24–28 Aug


Vittorio Angelone: Translations

Monkey Barrel Comedy (Carnivore), 24–28 Aug

The Edinburgh Fridge Show

Laughing Horse @ City Cafe, 25–28 Aug


Wil Hodgson: Barbicidal Tendencies

Just the Tonic at The Caves, 24–28 Aug

Josh Pugh: Sausage, Egg, Josh Pugh, Chips and Beans

Monkey Barrel Comedy, 24–28 Aug

A Rush of Laughter Showcase

Just the Tonic at The Mash House, 24–28 Aug


Grubby Little Mitts Assembly George Square Studios, 24–29 Aug

Jeremy Segway: A Life Out of Balance

(Presented by the Duncan Brothers)

PBH’s Free Fringe @ OMNi Centre, 24–28 Aug

Oleg Denisov: Escaped Artist

Laughing Horse @ Bar 50, 24–28 Aug

Max Fosh: Zocial Butterfly Underbelly, Bristo Square, 24–29 Aug


Richard Todd: Transferable Skills

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Legends, 25–28 Aug

Platonic Love Triangle – A New York Stand-up Comedy Show

ZOO Playground, 24–28 Aug

The Awkward Silence’s Big Break

Gilded Balloon Teviot, 24–29 Aug

Sooz Kempner: PlayStation

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Banshee Labyrinth, 24–28 Aug

Nina Gilligan: Late Developer

Just the Tonic at The Tron, 24–28 Aug

Will Mars: My Life in One-Liners

Gilded Balloon Patter Hoose, 24–28 Aug

Luca Cupani: Happy Orphan

Just the Tonic at The Caves, 24–28 Aug


George Zacharopoulos – How I Nearly Met Your Mother

Just the Tonic at The Mash House, 24–28 Aug

Dirty Anxious Vampire

Laughing Horse @ City Cafe, 25–28 Aug

BC:AD – Before Children: A er Diapers

Underbelly, Bristo Square, 24–28 Aug

Hannah Fairweather: Just a Normal Girl Who Enjoys Revenge

Just the Tonic at The Caves, 24–28 Aug


Anthony Jeannot: The Middle Bit Laughing Horse @ The Three Sisters, 24–28 Aug

Jason Byrne: The Paddy Lama – Shed Talks Underbelly, Bristo Square, 24–28 Aug

Worst Show on the Fringe – Free

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Subway, 24–28 Aug

Don’t Make Me Hate You Laughing Horse @ 32 Below, 24–28 Aug

Stand-Up Philosophy – Free!

Laughing Horse @ The Counting House, 24–28 Aug

The Durham Revue: Déjà Revue Underbelly, Cowgate, 24–28 Aug

Xander and Cheng: Pig Business

Laughing Horse @ Cabaret Voltaire, 24–28 Aug

101 Comedy Club – Free Laughing Horse @ The Hanover Tap, 24–28 Aug

Tom Crosbie: Nerd’s Eye View

Gilded Balloon Teviot, 24–29 Aug


Amy Matthews: Moreover, The Moon Monkey Barrel Comedy (Carnivore), 24–28 Aug

Mudfish: Might as Well Underbelly, Cowgate, 24–28 Aug


Phil Green: 90s Boy – Blair, the Lovegun and Me

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Banshee Labyrinth, 24–28 Aug

58 Comedy festmag.com

Vix Leyton: Pedestrian

Just the Tonic at The Mash House, 24–28 Aug

Sam and Joe: Strikeout!

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Revolution Bar, 24 Aug, 25 Aug, 26 Aug, 28 Aug

Mary Bourke: The Brutal Truth

The Stand Comedy Club 2, 24–28 Aug

David Ephgrave: Good Grief

Just the Tonic at The Caves, 24–28 Aug

Jody Kamali: Ironing Board Man

Assembly George Square Studios, 24–29 Aug


Trevor Lock’s New Show

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Bannermans, 24–28 Aug

Are We All in a Cult?

Laughing Horse @ Bar 50, 24–28 Aug

Out of Order! The Quiz With Just One Question

Laughing Horse @ The Counting House, 24–28 Aug

Alex MacKeith: Thanks for Listening

Underbelly, Bristo Square, 24–28 Aug

Eh! Comedy Showcase

Laughing Horse @ Dropkick Murphys, 24–28 Aug

Edfringe Hot Ticket Lucky Dip!

Just the Tonic at St James Quarter, 27–28 Aug

Ben Moor: Pronoun


Pleasance Courtyard, 24 Aug

Ben Moor and Joanna

Neary: BookTalkBookTalkBook

Pleasance Courtyard, 26–27 Aug

Ross Leslie: Massive

Queue At The Tip Scottish Comedy Festival @ The Beehive Inn, 24–28 Aug

Bruce Willis Is My Dad

Laughing Horse @ The Brass Monkey, 24–28 Aug

Laughing Horse Fringe

Comedy Selection

Laughing Horse @ The Three Sisters, 24–28 Aug


Josie Long: Re-Enchantment

Monkey Barrel Comedy, 25–28 Aug

Eric’s Tales of the Sea: A Submariner’s Yarn

Just the Tonic at The Caves, 24–28 Aug

Geriatric Millennial (Work in Progress)

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Legends, 24–28 Aug

Rob Auton: The Crowd Show

Assembly George Square, 24–29 Aug


AC/DC: Australian Comedians / Dope Comedy

Laughing Horse @ Cabaret Voltaire, 24–28 Aug

Stokes and Summers: Careering

Gilded Balloon Teviot, 24–29 Aug

Action Figure Archive

Volume 2: WTF!?

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Roti, 24–27 Aug

Aidan Jones – Looking for Work

Laughing Horse @ City Cafe, 24–28 Aug

Would You Want Your Daughter to Marry a Weegie?

St Columba’s by the Castle, 25 Aug, 27 Aug

Ian Lynam: Autistic License

Gilded Balloon Patter Hoose, 24–28 Aug

Murder, She Didn’t Write Pleasance Courtyard, 24–29 Aug

Olaf Falafel: STOAT

Laughing Horse @ The Pear Tree, 24–28 Aug

Silent Disco Boogie Shoes Walking Party with a Scottish Twist theSpace @ Niddry St, 27 Aug

General Secretary

Gilded Balloon Patter Hoose, 24–28 Aug

Sylus 2024!

theSpace @ Surgeons Hall, 24–27 Aug

AAA Batteries (Not Included)

Just the Tonic at The Caves, 24–28 Aug

Al Lubel: Talks About His Name for Fi y-Six Minutes and About Something Else for Four Minutes

Laughing Horse @ The Counting House, 24–28 Aug

Silent Disco Tours by Silent Adventures

Meeting Point at Uplands

Roast Co ee Shop, 27–28


Raul Kohli: Makes It Up as He Goes Along

Laughing Horse @ Bar 50, 24–28 Aug

The Meaning of Wife

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Liquid Room Annexe/Warehouse, 25–28 Aug


Stefania Licari: Medico

Just the Tonic Nucleus, 24–28 Aug

Krystal Evans: Kaleidoscope

Monkey Barrel Comedy (Niddry St), 24–28 Aug

Ryan Lane Will Be There Now in a Minute

Assembly Roxy, 24–28 Aug

CSI: Crime Scene


Underbelly, Bristo Square, 24–28 Aug



Laughing Horse @ Dragonfly, 24–28 Aug

Filthy Funny Females

Laughing Horse @ The Three Sisters, 24–28 Aug

Alex Leam: The Joy of Decks

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Canons’ Gait, 24–28 Aug

Lorraine Hoodless: Bumpy

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Southsider, 24–28 Aug Kill The Frippery theSpace @ Surgeons Hall, 24–27 Aug

Dalia Malek: Another Castle

Just the Tonic at The Mash House, 24–28 Aug

Billy Kirkwood: Energetic Scottish Comedy Festival @ The Beehive Inn, 24–28 Aug

Simon Munnery: Trials and Tribulations

The Stand Comedy Club, 24–28 Aug

Jeena Bloom: The Homecoming Queen

Gilded Balloon Teviot, 24–29 Aug

Jacob Hatton: Relax! (Exclamation Mark)

Laughing Horse @ The Counting House, 24–28 Aug


Radu Isac: Pandemic

Just the Tonic at The Caves, 24–28 Aug

Lara Ricote: GRL/ LATNX/DEF

Monkey Barrel Comedy (The Hive), 24–28 Aug

Aaron Simmonds: Hot Wheels

Pleasance Courtyard, 24–29 Aug

Julie Jay: Oops, This Is Toxic

Gilded Balloon Teviot, 24–29 Aug

Adam Greene in No Time to Diet

Laughing Horse @ City Cafe, 24–28 Aug

Catherine Bohart: This Isn’t For You

Monkey Barrel Comedy, 24–28 Aug


Will Duggan: Iceberg Pleasance Courtyard, 24–28 Aug

Matt Price: Raging Bill

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Voodoo Rooms, 24–28 Aug


Amy Gledhill: The Girl

Before The Girl You Marry

Monkey Barrel Comedy (Carnivore), 24–28 Aug

A Bookish Comedy Show

Laughing Horse @ 32 Below, 24–28 Aug

Just the Tonic’s A ernoon Delight

Just the Tonic at La Belle Angele, 25–28 Aug

Joseph Parsons: Equaliser

Just the Tonic at The Mash House, 24–28 Aug

Alfie Moore: It’s a Fair Cop – Live!

RSE Theatre, 24–26 Aug

Boorish Trumpson

Assembly Rooms, 24–26 Aug

Spontaneous Sherlock

Gilded Balloon at the Museum, 27 Aug

The Leeds Tealights: Imposter Syndrome

Just the Tonic at The Caves, 24–28 Aug

Come Sit on the Couch With Me

Laughing Horse @ Bar 50, 24–28 Aug


Mark Cram: Cramagotchi

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Legends, 24–28 Aug

Danielle Walker: Nostalgia

Assembly George Square Studios, 24–28 Aug

Danny Ward – You Get What You Pay For

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Banshee Labyrinth, 24–28 Aug

John-Luke Roberts: A World Just Like Our Own, But...

Monkey Barrel Comedy, 24–28 Aug


God Damn Fancy Man

Laughing Horse @ City Cafe, 24–28 Aug

Adele Cli : In the Dark

Just the Tonic at The Tron, 24–28 Aug

Michael Spicer: The Room Next Door

Assembly George Square Studios, 24–28 Aug

Lou Conran: A Show

Gilded Balloon Teviot, 24–29 Aug

Lucy Frederick’s Big Fat Wedding

Gilded Balloon Patter Hoose, 24–28 Aug

Chelsea Birkby: No

More Mr Nice Chelsea

Just the Tonic at The Caves, 24–28 Aug


Tom Little Has Good Reviews So Prepare to Be Impressed

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Subway, 24–28 Aug

Are You Interested in a Comedy Compilation Show?

Laughing Horse @ Cabaret Voltaire, 24–28 Aug

The New Rock’n’Roll theSpace @ Niddry St, 24–27 Aug

Eme Essien: Flat Shoes In The Club

Underbelly, Bristo Square, 24–28 Aug

1 Ball Show

Just the Tonic at The Mash House, 24–28 Aug

Aaaaaaaaaargh! It’s the Monster Stand-Up Show

Laughing Horse @ The Hanover Tap, 24–28 Aug

The Marriage Pact

Laughing Horse @ The Three Sisters, 24–28 Aug

Isabelle Farah:


Assembly George Square, 24–28 Aug

Charlie Hopkinson: Deep (Work in Progress)

Just the Tonic at The Caves, 24–28 Aug


The Oxford Revue and Other Farmyard Animals Assembly Rooms, 24–28 Aug



PBH’s Free Fringe @ Revolution Bar, 24 Aug, 25 Aug, 26 Aug, 28 Aug

Adrian Minkowicz: Brown Privilege II

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Banshee Labyrinth, 24–28 Aug

Popstar Hair Show

Paradise in The Vault, 24–28 Aug


Laura Davis: If This Is It Monkey Barrel Comedy (Carnivore), 24–28 Aug

An Irish Solution to an Irish Problem

Laughing Horse @ Dropkick Murphys, 24–28 Aug

Rik Carranza Presents Clash of Fandoms

Laughing Horse @ The Three Sisters, 24–28 Aug

Ian Stone: Righter of Wrongs

Laughing Horse @ The Counting House, 24–28 Aug

Annie and Angela’s Disco Divorce Party

Laughing Horse @ Bar 50, 24–28 Aug

Darkest Thoughts –Stand-Up from Your Thoughts

Laughing Horse @ The Brass Monkey, 24–28 Aug

Katie Norris and Lou

Taylor: Edinburgh’s Next Top Models

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Bannermans, 24 Aug, 25 Aug, 26 Aug, 28 Aug

Mitch Benn: It’s About Time

Underbelly, Bristo Square, 24–29 Aug

Eric Rushton: I Had a Dream and You Were All in It

Just the Tonic at The Mash House, 24–28 Aug

Joe McTernan: The Joe Must Go On Scottish Comedy Festival @ The Beehive Inn, 24–28 Aug

Chuck Salmon: Pool Noodles

Just the Tonic at The Caves, 24–28 Aug


theSpace @ Surgeons Hall, 24–27 Aug

Jonny & The Baptists: Dance Like It Never Happened Assembly George Square Studios, 25–29 Aug

Tom Lawrinson: Cheeky Monkey

Laughing Horse @ 32 Below, 24–28 Aug

Marjolein Robertson: Thank God Fish Don’t Have Hands

The Stand Comedy Club 2, 24–28 Aug


Glenn Moore: Will You Still Need Me, Will You Still Feed Me, Glenn I’m Sixty Moore Pleasance Courtyard, 24–28 Aug

59 Listings

Neil O’Rourke: Midwit (Work in Progress)

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Legends, 24–27 Aug

Practice Room 99

theSpaceTriplex, 24–27 Aug


Dan Kelly: How I Came Third in the North Korean Marathon

Just the Tonic at The Caves, 24–28 Aug

The Ugly Animal Preservation Society

Underbelly, Cowgate, 24–28 Aug


Adam Greene and Peter

Bazely: Bi and Large

Laughing Horse @ City Cafe, 24–28 Aug

Microscope: Live Monkey Barrel Comedy, 24 Aug

Alistair Barrie: Alistaircratic

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Liquid Room Annexe/Warehouse, 24–28 Aug

Richard Stott: A erparty

Underbelly, Bristo Square, 24–29 Aug

60 Minutes About Scotland

Laughing Horse @ The Counting House, 24–28 Aug

Sofie Hagen: Fat Jokes

Monkey Barrel Comedy, 25–28 Aug

Sasha Ellen: Creeps and Geeks

Underbelly, Bristo Square, 24–29 Aug

Illegally Funny

Laughing Horse @ Cabaret Voltaire, 24–28 Aug

Card Ninja

Gilded Balloon Teviot, 24–28 Aug

Wrestling With the Champ: Better Red Than Dead

PBH’s Free Fringe @ OMNi Centre, 24–28 Aug

Microscope: Live Monkey Barrel Live Stream, 24 Aug

Edfringe Hot Ticket

Lucky Dip!

Just the Tonic at St James Quarter, 27–28 Aug

The Bite (A Mouthful of Fringe Madness)

Laughing Horse @ Bar 50, 24–28 Aug

Alex Kealy: Winner

Takes All Monkey Barrel Comedy (The Hive), 24–28 Aug



Paradise in Augustines, 24–28 Aug

Ange Lavoipierre: I’ve Got 99 Problems and Here’s an Exhaustive List of Them

Underbelly, George Square, 24–29 Aug

Grace Petrie: Butch Ado About Nothing

Assembly George Square, 24–28 Aug

Alice Brine: Brinestorm

Gilded Balloon Teviot, 24–28 Aug

Chris Cantrill: The Bad Boy

Monkey Barrel Comedy (Niddry St), 24–28 Aug

Harriet Dyer: Trigger Warning

Gilded Balloon Patter Hoose, 24–28 Aug


George Egg: Set Menu (The Best of George Egg) Assembly George Square Gardens, 24–28 Aug

Rajiv Karia: Gallivant Pleasance Courtyard, 24–28 Aug


The Year Is Podcast Live w/ Bobby Mair and Red Richardson

Laughing Horse @ The Three Sisters, 24–25 Aug

Nature’s Worst With Ella

Al-Shamahi (WIP)

Laughing Horse @ The Three Sisters, 26–28 Aug


Just the Tonic at The Caves, 24–28 Aug

Jim Daly: Football and Fatherhood

Just the Tonic at The Grassmarket Centre, 24–28 Aug

Paul Williams: In the Moonlight Assembly Roxy, 24–28 Aug

Martha McBrier: Who Knew?

Laughing Horse @ Dragonfly, 24–28 Aug

Rich Hardisty: Silly Boy

Pleasance Courtyard, 24–29 Aug

Paul Savage: Well


PBH’s Free Fringe @ Canons’ Gait, 24–27 Aug

Kevin Shepherd: Exploding Biscuits (Work in Progress)

Laughing Horse @ The Counting House, 24–28 Aug

Silent Disco Boogie

Shoes Walking Party with a Scottish Twist

theSpace @ Niddry St, 26–27 Aug

What’s Upset You Now? Live

Laughing Horse @ The Pear Tree, 24–28 Aug

Greg Winfield and Charlie Bowers: Split the Winnings

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Southsider, 24–28 Aug

Silent Disco Tours by Silent Adventures

Meeting Point at Uplands

Roast Co ee Shop, 27–28 Aug

Musical Comedy Guide


Gilded Balloon Teviot, 24–28 Aug

Jay La erty: Club Sets

Scottish Comedy Festival @ The Beehive Inn, 24–28 Aug


Stella Graham –Porcupine

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Brewdog Doghouse, 24–28 Aug

Milo Edwards: Voicemail

Just the Tonic at The Mash House, 24–28 Aug

Ania Magliano: Absolutely No Worries If Not

Pleasance Courtyard, 24–28 Aug

Pam Ford: 24 and Counting!

Laughing Horse @ City Cafe, 24–28 Aug


Paul Sinha: One Sinha


The Stand’s New Town Theatre, 24–28 Aug

Ben Lund-Conlon: Lies, Damned Lies and Bu y the Vampire Slayer

Just the Tonic at The Grassmarket Centre, 24–28 Aug

Nic Sampson: Marathon, 1904

Pleasance Courtyard, 24–28 Aug

Jon Pearson: What Have You Been Up To

Just the Tonic at The Caves, 24–28 Aug

Cerys Bradley: Sportsperson

Gilded Balloon Teviot, 24–29 Aug


Jessica Fostekew: Wench

Monkey Barrel Comedy, 24–28 Aug

Kwame Asante: Living in Sin

Pleasance Courtyard, 24–28 Aug

Clive Anderson’s My Seven Wonders Assembly George Square Studios, 24–28 Aug

JoJo Sutherland: Growing Old Disgracefully

Gilded Balloon Teviot, 24–29 Aug

Josh Glanc: Vrooom


Monkey Barrel Comedy (The Hive), 24–28 Aug

Katharyn Henson and Ollie Horn: Pure Filth

Laughing Horse @ Bar 50, 24–28 Aug

Alison Spittle: Wet Pleasance Courtyard, 24–28 Aug

Sameer Katz: Agnostic Economist

Laughing Horse @ The Counting House, 24–28 Aug


Rory O’Hanlon – Happy Hour

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Legends, 24–27 Aug

Ali Brice: I Tried To Be Funny, But You Weren’t Looking

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Banshee Labyrinth, 24–28 Aug

Two Paul Johnsons Build a Better Sitcom

Just the Tonic at The Mash House, 24–28 Aug

Jack Gleadow: Jack’s Entertainment

Just the Tonic at The Caves, 24–28 Aug


Samantha Pressdee: Clown Pray Love (Work in Progress)

Laughing Horse @ City Cafe, 24–28 Aug

Pearly Gates: A Ka aesque Romcom in Heaven

theSpace @ Niddry St, 27 Aug

Stephen Mullan: Ouch! Assembly George Square Studios, 24–29 Aug

Jo rey! The Pantomime

theSpace on the Mile, 24–27 Aug

Absolute Onions: Improv Comedy

PBH’s Free Fringe @ BrewDog Lothian Rd, 24–28 Aug

Stuart McPherson: The Peesh

Monkey Barrel Comedy (Carnivore), 24–28 Aug

Looking for Wolverhampton’s Latin Quarter

theSpace @ Surgeons Hall, 24–27 Aug


#Jollyboat – The Best of Jollyboat

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Liquid Room Annexe/Warehouse, 24–28 Aug

Dave Chawner: Mental Laughing Horse @ Cabaret Voltaire, 24–28 Aug

Stella Graham –Porcupine

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Burrito

‘n’ Shake, 27 Aug

Robyn Perkins: Million Dollar Maybe

Gilded Balloon Teviot, 24–28 Aug

Smurf Etiquette

Laughing Horse @ The Hanover Tap, 24–28 Aug

Spontaneous Potter: The Uno cial Improvised Parody

Gilded Balloon Teviot, 24–29 Aug

Eryn Tett Finds Her Audience

Just the Tonic at The Tron, 24–28 Aug

Ari Eldjárn: Saga Class

Monkey Barrel Comedy, 24–28 Aug

Weegie Hink Ae That?

Gilded Balloon Patter Hoose, 24–28 Aug

Notflix: Binge

Gilded Balloon Patter Hoose, 24–28 Aug

Child From

Wuhan: Trauma, Love and Diarrhea – Moni Zhang

Laughing Horse @ The Three Sisters, 25–28 Aug

Pernille Haaland: Resting Confused Face

Gilded Balloon Patter Hoose, 24–28 Aug

Gareth Waugh: Doozy

The Stand Comedy Club, 24–29 Aug

Christof Epaminondas and Friend(s): Too Much


Just the Tonic at The Caves, 24–28 Aug

Alcohol Is Good For You

Laughing Horse @ 32 Below, 24–28 Aug


Who Murdered My Cat?

Assembly George Square, 24–29 Aug

Casey Balsham: Inconceivable

Just the Tonic at The Mash House, 24–28 Aug

Durham University’s Stand Society Presents: Dungaree

Just the Tonic at The Caves, 24–28 Aug


Richard David-Caine: Tall, Dark and Anxious

Underbelly, Cowgate, 24–28 Aug

Markus Birdman – The Bearable Heaviness of Nearly Not Being

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Banshee Labyrinth, 24–28 Aug

Can You Put This in the Bin for Me?

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Revolution Bar, 24–25 Aug


Nathan Cassidy: Observational Laughing Horse @ The Three Sisters, 24–28 Aug

Silly Words from My Stupid Face

Scottish Comedy Festival @ The Beehive Inn, 24–29 Aug

Michael Porter: Is It Just Me?

Scottish Comedy Festival @ The Bunker, 24–29 Aug


Laughing Horse @ Bar 50, 24–28 Aug

Aaaaaaaaaargh! It’s 101 Naughty Jokes in 30 minutes

Laughing Horse @ Dropkick Murphys, 24–28 Aug

Ann Chun: Asian Divorce Greenside @ Riddles Court, 24–27 Aug


PBH’s Free Fringe @ Whistlebinkies, 24–28 Aug

Enter the Vortex

Underbelly, Bristo Square, 24–29 Aug

How to Live a Jellicle Life: Life Lessons from the 2019 Hit Movie Musical CATS

Greenside @ Riddles Court, 24–27 Aug


Aboriginal Comedy Allstars

Assembly George Square Studios, 24–28 Aug

Adam Flood: Clayhead

Just the Tonic at The Mash House, 24–28 Aug

Tom Rosenthal: Manhood Pleasance Courtyard, 24–28 Aug

Choose Your Own

Greenside @ Infirmary Street, 24–27 Aug

Harun Musho’d: Why I Don’t Talk to People About Terrorism

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Legends, 25–28 Aug

Geo Norcott: I Blame the Parents

Underbelly, Bristo Square, 24–28 Aug

Newcastle United Ruined My Bloody Life

The Stand Comedy Club 2, 24–28 Aug

NDOG: Northerners Deliberating Over Gentrification

Just the Tonic at The Caves, 24–28 Aug

60 Comedy festmag.com

The Cambridge Footlights International

Tour Show 2022: Are We There Yet?

Pleasance Dome, 24–29 Aug

Rob Duncan: Baby Trains

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Legends, 24 Aug


Nick Helm: What Have We Become?

Pleasance Dome, 24–28 Aug

Vir Das: Wanted Pleasance Courtyard, 24–28 Aug

Marc Jennings: Original Sound Monkey Barrel Comedy (Carnivore), 24–28 Aug

Ali Woods: Best Friend Ever

Underbelly, Bristo Square, 24–28 Aug


Irish Comedy Invasion

Laughing Horse @ Cabaret Voltaire, 24–28 Aug

Bilal Zafar – Care

Underbelly, Bristo Square, 24–29 Aug

Matt Hobs: Follow the Science

Laughing Horse @ 32 Below, 24–28 Aug

Maisie Adam: Buzzed

Gilded Balloon Teviot, 24–29 Aug

Potty Training With Joey Rinaldi Greenside @ Infirmary Street, 24–27 Aug

Disabled Cants

Laughing Horse @ Bar 50, 24–28 Aug

Rob Duncan: Baby Trains

PBH’s Free Fringe @ CC Blooms, 27 Aug

Christian Schulte-Loh: Comeback of the 50-Foot German Comedian Laughing Horse @ The Counting House, 25–28 Aug

Al Lubel: The Narcissistic Personality Disorder and ME

Laughing Horse @ City Cafe, 24–28 Aug

The Lovely Boys

Just the Tonic at The Caves, 24–28 Aug

Andrew O’Neill – We Are Not In the Least Afraid of Ruins; We Carry a New World in Our Hearts

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Liquid Room Annexe/Warehouse, 24–28 Aug


Assembly George Square Studios, 24–28 Aug


Motivational Sleeper Paradise in Augustines, 24–28 Aug

Lou Sanders: One

Word: Wow

Monkey Barrel Comedy, 24–28 Aug

Rachel Fairburn: Can I Be Awful?

Monkey Barrel Comedy (The Hive), 24–28 Aug

Paddy Young: Laugh, You Rats!

Gilded Balloon Patter Hoose, 24–28 Aug

Rob Duncan: Baby Trains

PBH’s Free Fringe @ OMNi Centre, 25 Aug

Sian Davies: About Time

Gilded Balloon Teviot, 24–28 Aug

Helen Bauer: Madam Good Tit

Pleasance Courtyard, 24–28 Aug

Sarah Keyworth: Lost Boy

Pleasance Courtyard, 24–28 Aug


Experiment Human

Laughing Horse @ Dragonfly, 24–28 Aug

Gary Little Just About Done

Scottish Comedy Festival @ The Beehive Inn, 24–29 Aug

Mark Silcox: I Can

Cure... [Perfect and Arena-Ready Show]

Monkey Barrel Comedy (Niddry St), 24–28 Aug

Daniel Sloss: New Work in Progress

Just the Tonic Nucleus, 24–28 Aug

Comedy Boxing

Laughing Horse @ The Counting House, 24–28 Aug

Laughing Horse Pick of the Fringe

Laughing Horse @ The Three Sisters, 24–28 Aug

Caitlin Cook: The Writing on the Stall

Underbelly, Bristo Square, 24–29 Aug

Britney: Friends and Nothing More

Pleasance Courtyard, 24–28 Aug

Call Me Me

ZOO Playground, 24–28 Aug

Edfringe Hot Ticket Lucky Dip!

Just the Tonic at St James Quarter, 25–28 Aug


Eliott Simpson: (A)Sexy and I Know It

Laughing Horse @ City Cafe, 24–28 Aug

Njambi McGrath: Black Black

Pleasance Courtyard, 24–28 Aug

Abigail Rolling: Shit Lawyer

Just the Tonic Nucleus, 24–28 Aug

AAA Stand-Up at Underbelly

Underbelly, Cowgate, 24–28 Aug

Crybabies: Bagbeard

Pleasance Dome, 24–28 Aug

Wordz Makez Jokez – Free

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Brewdog Doghouse, 24 Aug, 25 Aug, 26 Aug, 28 Aug

Anthony Schuman: I Just Want to Be a Good Dad

Just the Tonic at The Grassmarket Centre, 24–28 Aug


Underbelly, George Square, 24–29 Aug


Heidi Regan Gives Birth Live on Stage Every Night or Your Money Back

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Voodoo Rooms, 24–28 Aug

Tudur Owen: Alive Huw

Just the Tonic at The Mash House, 24–27 Aug


Aaaaaaaaaaargh! It’s the One-Liner Show Laughing Horse @ Dropkick Murphys, 24–28 Aug

Rosie Holt: The Woman’s Hour

Pleasance Courtyard, 24–29 Aug

Old Jewish Jokes Laughing Horse @ Bar 50, 24–28 Aug

Chloe Petts: Transience

Pleasance Courtyard, 24–28 Aug

The David Johnson Emerging Talent Award Assembly George Square, 28 Aug

Nina Conti: The Dating Show Pleasance Courtyard, 24–28 Aug

Chris Gethard: A Father and the Sun

Gilded Balloon Teviot, 24–28 Aug

Tom Little Has Good Reviews So Prepare to Be Impressed

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Globe Bar, 28 Aug

Mamoun Elagab: Work in Progress

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Globe Bar, 24–26 Aug

Silent Disco Boogie Shoes Walking Party with a Scottish Twist

theSpace @ Niddry St, 26–27 Aug

Poetic Stupidity

Smoke & Mirrors, 25–26 Aug

Finlay Christie: OK Zoomer

Gilded Balloon Teviot, 24–28 Aug

Atsuko Okatsuka: The Intruder

Pleasance Courtyard, 24–29 Aug

Tim Vine: Breeeep!

Pleasance Courtyard, 24–28 Aug

Silent Disco Tours by Silent Adventures Meeting Point at Uplands Roast Co ee Shop, 24 Aug, 25 Aug, 26 Aug, 27 Aug, 29 Aug

Russell Arathoon: The Curious Incidents of the Gay in the Night-Time

Just the Tonic at The Caves, 24–28 Aug

The Impro All Stars

Frankenstein Pub, 24–29 Aug

Charmian Hughes: She!

Immortal Horror Queen’s Guide to Life

Laughing Horse @ The Counting House, 24–28 Aug

Adventures of the Improvised Sherlock Holmes

Just the Tonic at The Caves, 24–28 Aug


Rob Copland: Mainstream Muck (Gimme Some of That)

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Banshee Labyrinth, 24–28 Aug

Katie Pritchard: Disco Ball

Pleasance Courtyard, 24–29 Aug

Nathan Mosher is Injured

C ARTS | C venues | C aquila, 24–28 Aug

Tessa Coates: Get Your Tessa Coates You’ve Pulled

Pleasance Courtyard, 24–28 Aug


Comedy in the Dark

Just the Tonic at The Grassmarket Centre, 25–28 Aug

Micky Overman: Small Deaths

Monkey Barrel Comedy (The Hive), 24–28 Aug


Movies... Kind Of!

Just the Tonic at The Caves, 24–28 Aug

How to Record the Greatest Album of All Time

Just the Tonic at The Mash House, 24–28 Aug

Pierre Novellie: Why Can’t I Just Enjoy Things?

Monkey Barrel Comedy, 24–28 Aug

Emmanuel Sonubi: Emancipated Underbelly, Bristo Square, 24–29 Aug

Lee Kyle: Parochial Glitter Implosion

Laughing Horse @ City Cafe, 24–28 Aug

Morgan Rees: Bi and Large Pleasance Courtyard, 24–28 Aug


2022 Greek Comedian of the Year – George Zacharopoulos PBH’s Free Fringe @ Subway, 24–28 Aug

Jake Cornell and Marcia

Belsky: Man and Woman

Assembly George Square Studios, 24–28 Aug

One Bite Only

Laughing Horse @ The Three Sisters, 24–28 Aug

Magnum Opus, Lembit


Laughing Horse @ The Counting House, 24–28 Aug

Raul Kohli: Russian Weapon of Mass


Laughing Horse @ Cabaret Voltaire, 24–28 Aug

Wordz Makez Jokez – Free

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Burrito ‘n’ Shake, 27 Aug

Christopher Titus: Carrying Monsters

Assembly George Square Studios, 25–28 Aug

100% Cotton: In a Spin

Paradise in The Vault, 24–28 Aug

Anesti Danelis: This Show Will Change Your Life

Laughing Horse @ The Hanover Tap, 24–28 Aug

Horrigan & Howell: A Sketch Too Far theSpace @ Surgeons Hall, 24–27 Aug

Ramble On with CJ Hooper

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Kilderkin, 24–28 Aug

Frankie Boyle: Lap of Shame Assembly Rooms, 24–28 Aug

Eleanor Tiernan: Away With The Fairies

Gilded Balloon Teviot, 24–29 Aug


Patrick Spicer: Who’s This All of a Sudden?

Gilded Balloon Patter Hoose, 24–28 Aug


Macarthur-Boyd: Oh No Monkey Barrel Comedy (Carnivore), 24–28 Aug

The People vs The Oxford Revue

Gilded Balloon Patter Hoose, 24–28 Aug

Abigoliah Schamaun: Legally Cheeky

Just the Tonic at The Tron, 24–28 Aug

A Flamingo Called Frank Presents: Five in the Pink theSpaceTriplex, 24–27 Aug

Julie Grady Thomas: American Scum

Just the Tonic at The Caves, 24–28 Aug

Sam Morrison: Sugar Daddy

Gilded Balloon Teviot, 24–29 Aug

Spanking The Monkey: The Etymology of Onanistic Euphemisms RSE Theatre, 24–28 Aug

Tom DeTrinis: I HATE NEW YORK Assembly Rooms, 24–27 Aug


Michelle Brasier: Average Bear Assembly George Square, 24–28 Aug

Good Kids: Appetite

Just the Tonic at The Mash House, 24–28 Aug

John Robins: Work In Progress/Progress In Work

Just the Tonic at The Caves, 24–28 Aug

Garrett Millerick: Just Trying to Help Monkey Barrel Comedy, 24–28 Aug


Big Mick Energy

Scottish Comedy Festival @ The Bunker, 24–29 Aug

Danny O’Brien: The God of All Things Bad Scottish Comedy Festival @ The Beehive Inn, 24–29 Aug Pick of the Fringe

The Sheraton Grand Hotel , 25 Aug

Lost Voice Guy: Cerebral LOLsy

Gilded Balloon at the Museum, 24–28 Aug

61 Listings

Sindhu Vee: Alphabet

Pleasance Courtyard, 24–28 Aug

Mischief Movie Night

Pleasance at EICC, 24–28 Aug

Nik Coppin: Shark

Laughing Horse @ Bar 50, 24–28 Aug

We’re Sorry (Best of Canada)

Laughing Horse @ The Three Sisters, 24–28 Aug

Church Girl, Interrupted theSpace on North Bridge, 24–27 Aug

Basil Brush: Unleashed... And Uncut

Gilded Balloon Teviot, 24 Aug, 26 Aug, 27 Aug, 28 Aug

Any Suggestions, Doctor? The Improvised Doctor Who Parody

Pleasance Dome, 24–28 Aug

Nikki Lowe: Nongenue

Just the Tonic at La Belle Angele, 24–27 Aug

The Best of Irish Comedy

The Stand’s New Town Theatre, 24–28 Aug


Al Murray: Gig for Victory Assembly George Square Gardens, 29 Aug



Underbelly, Cowgate, 24–28 Aug

Robin Grainger: Robin Time

The Stand Comedy Club 2, 24–28 Aug

Emmy Blotnick: The 30 Fragrances of Jennifer Lopez: A Show About Death, Betrayal and Financial Ruin

Assembly George Square Studios, 24–29 Aug

Ted Hill: All the Presidents Man

Just the Tonic at The Mash House, 24–28 Aug

Christopher Bliss: Captain Words Eye Pleasance Courtyard, 24–28 Aug

Luke Kempner: Macho Macho Man

Pleasance Courtyard, 24–29 Aug

Phil Ellis: Hedgehog

Just the Tonic at The Caves, 24–28 Aug


Kai Humphries: Mischief!

The Stand Comedy Club, 24–28 Aug

Roisin Crowley Linton: Medusa

Underbelly, Bristo Square, 24–28 Aug

Europe’s Most Wanted!

Laughing Horse @ City Cafe, 24–28 Aug

Spontadeity: Who Let the Gods Out?

Laughing Horse @ Bar 50, 24–28 Aug


Thanyia Moore: Just Being Funny Monkey Barrel Comedy (Carnivore), 24–28 Aug

Andrew White (But Not in a Gay Way)

Just the Tonic at The Caves, 24–28 Aug

Dreamgun: Film Reads

Underbelly, Bristo Square, 24–29 Aug

Fast Fringe

Pleasance Dome, 24–27 Aug


Jenny Bede: The First Pregnant Woman in the World

Underbelly, Bristo Square, 24–29 Aug

Bella Hull: Babycakes

Pleasance Courtyard, 24–28 Aug

Mimi Hayes: 20-Nothing

PBH’s Free Fringe @ OMNi Centre, 24–28 Aug


Not My Audience! The Comedy Show You Control!

Laughing Horse @ The Three Sisters, 24–28 Aug

Aidan Goatley: Tenacious

ZOO Playground, 24–28 Aug

Laughing Horse Pick of the Fringe

Laughing Horse @ Cabaret Voltaire, 24–28 Aug

Just These Please: Honestly No Pressure

Either Way

Gilded Balloon Teviot, 24–29 Aug

Grace Campbell: A Show About Me(n)

Gilded Balloon Teviot, 24–29 Aug

Alasdair Beckett-King: Nevermore

Pleasance Dome, 24–29 Aug

Stand Up At Seven With Ella Al-Shamahi and Suse Steed

Laughing Horse @ Dragonfly, 24–28 Aug

Lew Fitz: So Lad

Gilded Balloon Teviot, 24–29 Aug

Ruth Hunter and the Ruth-hunter

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Banshee Labyrinth, 24–28 Aug

Jarred and Hobbit: The Big Beatbox Comedy Mess Around Gameshow Show!

Laughing Horse @ The Counting House, 24–27 Aug

Troy Hawke: Sigmund


Underbelly, Bristo Square, 24–28 Aug

George Fox: Night of the Living Dread Monkey Barrel Comedy (Niddry St), 24–28 Aug

Kylie Brakeman Presents: Linda Hollywood’s Big Hollywood Night

Gilded Balloon Patter Hoose, 24–28 Aug

3am Brain

Laughing Horse @ 32 Below, 24–28 Aug

Jen Ives: Peak Trans

Gilded Balloon Patter Hoose, 24–28 Aug

Police Cops: The Musical Assembly George Square Studios, 24 Aug, 25 Aug, 26 Aug, 28 Aug, 29 Aug

Gabbi Bolt: I Hope My Keyboard Doesn’t Break House of Oz, 24–28 Aug Broke in Barcelona

Paradise in Augustines, 24–28 Aug

Angela Barnes: Hot Mess

Pleasance Courtyard, 24–28 Aug

Dixie Longate’s Happy Hour

Assembly Rooms, 24–27 Aug

Raymond Mearns Has No Filter

Scottish Comedy Festival @ The Beehive Inn, 24–29 Aug

Henning Wehn: It’ll All Come Out In The Wash

The Queen’s Hall, 25–27 Aug



theSpace @ Niddry St, 24–27 Aug

Mark Nelson: “Comedian”

Monkey Barrel Comedy (The Hive), 24–28 Aug

Bald Man Sings Rihanna

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Brewdog Doghouse, 24–27 Aug

Kiri Pritchard-McLean: Home Truths

Monkey Barrel Comedy, 24–28 Aug

Crazy Broken Chinese Laughing Horse @ City Cafe, 24–28 Aug

Absolute Improv! theSpace on the Mile, 24–27 Aug

Jake Lambert: Liminal Pleasance Courtyard, 24–28 Aug


Yuriko Kotani: Kaiju About Pleasance Dome, 24–29 Aug Molly Leigh-Moy and Carla Gordon: As Per My Previous Apology...

Just the Tonic at The Grassmarket Centre, 24–28 Aug

Jo Gri n: People Person

Assembly Roxy, 24–28 Aug

Liam Farrelly, God’s Brother-in-Law

Just the Tonic Nucleus, 24–28 Aug

2022 The Beginning of the End – Vladimir McTavish

The Stand’s New Town Theatre, 24–28 Aug

Sh!t-Faced Showtime: A Pissed-mas Carol The Stand’s New Town Theatre, 24–28 Aug

Jamie D’Souza: Stop Drawing Willies on My Poster

Pleasance Courtyard, 24–29 Aug

A Depression-Cure Show theSpace @ Surgeons Hall, 24–27 Aug


Janeane Garofalo: Pardon My Tangent

Gilded Balloon Teviot, 24–28 Aug

Where’s Your Head At?

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Globe Bar, 24–27 Aug

Viva Your Vulva: The Hole Story

Gilded Balloon Patter Hoose, 24–28 Aug

Shelf: Hair

Pleasance Courtyard, 24–28 Aug

Alex Hylton: Love, Probably

Just the Tonic at The Mash House, 24–28 Aug

Aaaaaaaaaargh! It’s 101 Naughty Jokes in 30 minutes

Laughing Horse @ Dropkick Murphys, 24–28 Aug

Edfringe Hot Ticket Lucky Dip!

Just the Tonic at St James Quarter, 25–28 Aug

Tom Skelton: 2020 Visions (What If I Hadn’t Gone Blind?)

Underbelly, Bristo Square, 24–28 Aug

Celya AB: Swimming

Pleasance Courtyard, 24–29 Aug

Daniel Muggleton: Oh, More Mr White Guy?

Laughing Horse @ The Counting House, 24–28 Aug

Hannah Pilkes: A Woman on the Verge

Underbelly, Bristo Square, 24–29 Aug

Science Magic XXX

Laughing Horse @ Bar 50, 24–28 Aug

Sara Barron: Hard Feelings

Pleasance Courtyard, 24–28 Aug

Craig Hill: I Always Knew I Had it in Me!

Just the Tonic Nucleus, 24–28 Aug

Ravenclaw Kanye

PBH’s Free Fringe @ BrewDog Lothian Rd, 24–28 Aug


The Big Fat C PBH’s Free Fringe @ Legends, 24–28 Aug

Neil Delamere: Liminal Assembly George Square, 24–28 Aug

Paul Foot: Swan Power Underbelly, Cowgate, 24–28 Aug

Pete Wells: Success

Just the Tonic at The Caves, 24–28 Aug

Ryan Wingfield: Trophy Husband

Just the Tonic at The Grassmarket Centre, 24–28 Aug

AAA Stand-Up

Pleasance Courtyard, 24–29 Aug

Merrill Means Well theSpaceTriplex, 24–27 Aug

Gabby Killick’s Game Of Thongs

Underbelly, George Square, 24–29 Aug

Esther Manito: #NotAllMen

Gilded Balloon Teviot, 24–29 Aug


Lily Phillips: Smut Pleasance Courtyard, 24–28 Aug

Philliam and Willipp

Laughing Horse @ City Cafe, 24–28 Aug

Paul McCa rey: We Go Again Underbelly, Cowgate, 24–28 Aug


Ian Cognito: A Life and A Death On Stage

Just the Tonic at The Caves, 25–28 Aug

Biscuit Barrel: Wafering Heights

Just the Tonic at The Caves, 24–28 Aug

Dr John Cooper Clarke – I

Wanna Be Yours

Edinburgh Playhouse, 24 Aug

Bulletproof Unicorn Greenside @ Riddles Court, 24–27 Aug

Still Got It

Laughing Horse @ Cabaret Voltaire, 24–28 Aug

Bu y: Revamped Pleasance at EICC, 27–29 Aug

Big Value Early

Just the Tonic at The Grassmarket Centre, 24–28 Aug

Sophie Duker: Hag

Pleasance Courtyard, 24–28 Aug

Ivo Graham: My Future My Clutter

Pleasance Courtyard, 24–28 Aug

Scott Bennett: Nine Lives

Just the Tonic at The Caves, 24 Aug

Ray Fordyce’s Cosy Evening In With Pals

Laughing Horse @ The Three Sisters, 24–28 Aug

Silent Disco Boogie

Shoes Walking Party with a Scottish Twist theSpace @ Niddry St, 26–27 Aug

Sam See: Government-Approved Sex

Laughing Horse @ The Counting House, 24–28 Aug Palindrome Fight!

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Kilderkin, 24–28 Aug

Anthony DeVito: My Dad

Isn’t Danny DeVito

Just the Tonic at The Mash House, 24–28 Aug

Ray Bradshaw: Bald


Scottish Comedy Festival @ Waverley Bar, 25–29 Aug

Nicole Harris: No Brainer

Laughing Horse @ The Hanover Tap, 24–28 Aug

Silent Disco Tours by Silent Adventures

Meeting Point at Uplands Roast Co ee Shop, 26–27


Bad Man

Laughing Horse @ The Pear Tree, 24–28 Aug

Stand Up for the People Frankenstein Pub, 24–29 Aug

So You Think You’re Funny? Grand Final Gilded Balloon Teviot, 25 Aug

Jason Byrne: Unblocked Underbelly, Bristo Square, 24–28 Aug

Justin Moorhouse: Stretch & Think

Gilded Balloon Teviot, 24–28 Aug

David O’Doherty: whoa is me

Assembly George Square, 24–29 Aug

63 Listings


Rob Kemp: Agenda

Monkey Barrel Comedy (The Hive), 24–28 Aug

Olga Koch: Just Friends

Monkey Barrel Comedy, 24–28 Aug

Nikki Britton: One Small Step

Assembly George Square Studios, 24–28 Aug

Rob Duncan: Baby Trains

PBH’s Free Fringe @ OMNi Centre, 26 Aug


Shazia Mirza: Coconut

Gilded Balloon Patter Hoose, 24–28 Aug

Scummy Mummies

Underbelly, George Square, 24–27 Aug

Aliya Kanani: Where You From, From?

Just the Tonic at The Tron, 24–28 Aug

Mark Dean Quinn: Has a Stroke but at Least He Got a Show Out of It

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Revolution Bar, 24 Aug, 25

Aug, 28 Aug

Davina Bentley: Never Again 2

Just the Tonic at The Caves, 24–28 Aug

Melissa Stephens: HOT DOGS & TEARS

Assembly Rooms, 24–27 Aug

Kate Smurthwaite: Humanity’s Last Hope

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Banshee Labyrinth, 24–28 Aug



Assembly Rooms, 24–28 Aug

Bird With Kylie Vincent

Gilded Balloon Patter Hoose, 24–28 Aug

Yasmine Day: Songs in the Key of Me

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Voodoo Rooms, 24–28 Aug

Schalk Bezuidenhout: I’ll Make Laugh To You (Like You Want Me To)

Gilded Balloon Teviot, 24–29 Aug


Jocks, Geordies and Aussies

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Whistlebinkies, 24 Aug, 25 Aug, 26

Aug, 28 Aug

Larry Tadlock: Bipolar


Scottish Comedy Festival @ The Bunker, 24–28 Aug

Simon Evans and His Big Ideas

Assembly George Square Studios, 24–28 Aug

Myra DuBois’ A Problem


Underbelly, Bristo Square, 24–28 Aug

Men With Coconuts

Gilded Balloon Patter Hoose, 24–28 Aug

BriTANicK Assembly George Square, 24–28 Aug

Free Footlights Just the Tonic at The Mash House, 24–28 Aug

Kate Butch: Wuthering


Assembly Rooms, 24–27 Aug

Chris Laker: Bully Just the Tonic at The Caves, 24–28 Aug

Best of Adelaide’s Fringe


Laughing Horse @ The Three Sisters, 24–28 Aug

Ashley Haden: On the Outside Pissing in Laughing Horse @ The Counting House, 24–28 Aug

Liam Withnail: Hot Sauce

Monkey Barrel Comedy (Carnivore), 24–28 Aug

Freestyle Comedy: Improvised Stand-Up

Scottish Comedy Festival @ The Beehive Inn, 24–28 Aug

Melting Pot

Laughing Horse @ Bar 50, 24–28 Aug

Susie McCabe: Born Believer

Assembly George Square Studios, 24–28 Aug

Jamie MacDonald: Reasonably Adjusted

Gilded Balloon Teviot, 24–29 Aug


There’s No Mystery in Murder!

theSpace on the Mile, 24–27 Aug

Zach Zucker: Spectacular Industry


Monkey Barrel Comedy, 24–28 Aug


Charlie Vergos –Barbecue Rich PBH’s Free Fringe @ Roti, 24–28 Aug

Sean McLoughlin: So Be It Pleasance Courtyard, 24–28 Aug


Eshaan Akbar

Pleasance Dome, 24–28 Aug

Comedy for the Curious Laughing Horse @ 32 Below, 24–28 Aug

Patrick Monahan: Classy

Just the Tonic at The Caves, 24–28 Aug

Middle Rage

Shout – Scottish Music

Centre @ 111 Holyrood Road, 24–28 Aug

Ireland’s Best Themed

Show: Tree Fiddy

Laughing Horse @ Dropkick

Murphys, 24–28 Aug

Sascha LO and Friends

Just the Tonic at The Mash House, 24–28 Aug

Dave Chawner: Underdog

Laughing Horse @ City Cafe, 24–28 Aug

Mother: Colleagues

Underbelly, Cowgate, 24–28 Aug

#Jollyboat – Da Puns

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Liquid Room Annexe/Warehouse, 24–28 Aug

Matt Forde: Clowns to the Le of Me, Jokers to the Right Pleasance Courtyard, 24–28 Aug

Pete Firman: Bag Of Tricks

Gilded Balloon Teviot, 24 Aug, 26 Aug, 27 Aug, 28 Aug

Dan Lees: Mustard or Custard?

BlundaGardens: BlundaBus, 24–27 Aug

Tom Stade: The High Road

Just the Tonic at La Belle Angele, 24–28 Aug

Ryan Cullen: Caveat Emptor*

The Stand Comedy Club 2, 24–28 Aug

Ti Stevenson: Sexy Brain Pleasance Courtyard, 24–29 Aug

Leah MacRae Weighs In Gilded Balloon at the Museum, 24–28 Aug

Impromptu Shakespeare

Gilded Balloon Patter Hoose, 24–28 Aug

A Cut Above

Laughing Horse @ Bar 50, 24–28 Aug

Tina del Twist: Caravan in the Sky Assembly Checkpoint, 24–28 Aug


Richard Pulsford: A Bit More Rich theSpace @ Surgeons Hall, 24–27 Aug

Susan Riddell: Living My 2nd Best Life

Monkey Barrel Comedy (Niddry St), 24–28 Aug

Hal Cruttenden: It’s Best You Hear It From Me Pleasance Courtyard, 24–28 Aug

Dr Hammond’s Covid


theSpace @ Symposium Hall, 24–27 Aug

Flo & Joan: Sweet Release

Assembly Roxy, 24–28 Aug

Ray Badran: Sweet

Baby Ray

Pleasance Courtyard, 24–28 Aug

Chris Turner: Rap God

Pleasance Dome, 24–28 Aug

Jake Baker: Unity

Just the Tonic at The Caves, 24–28 Aug

Sami Abu Wardeh: Bedu

Underbelly, Cowgate, 24–28 Aug


Dan Cook: Loud Bit, Quiet Bit, Loud Bit, Quiet Bit

Underbelly, Bristo Square, 24–29 Aug

Eddy Brimson: A Comedian

Scottish Comedy Festival @ The Beehive Inn, 24–29 Aug

John Hastings: Do You Have Any Ointment My

John Hastings

Monkey Barrel Comedy (Carnivore), 24–28 Aug


Pleasance at EICC, 24–28 Aug

Eleanor Conway: Talk Dirty to Me

Laughing Horse @ The Three Sisters, 24–28 Aug

Alex Farrow: Philosophy Machines

Laughing Horse @ Cabaret Voltaire, 24–28 Aug


Jo Caulfield: Here Comes


The Stand Comedy Club, 24–28 Aug

Connor Burns: Live, Laugh, Loathe

Just the Tonic Nucleus, 24–28 Aug

Jayde Adams: Men, I Can Save You

Pleasance Courtyard, 24–28 Aug

Ignacio Lopez: El Cómico

Gilded Balloon Patter Hoose, 24–28 Aug

Clare Harrison

McCartney: Box Ticker

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Brewdog Doghouse, 24 Aug

Menopause Party theSpace @ Venue45, 24–27 Aug

Sharon Wanjohi and Abbie Edwards: Not Too Shabby

Laughing Horse @ City Cafe, 24–28 Aug

Al Murray: Gig for Victory

Assembly George Square Gardens, 24–29 Aug

Joz Norris: Blink

Pleasance Dome, 24–29 Aug

Brennan Reece: Crowded

Pleasance Courtyard, 24–29 Aug

James Roque: Badong

Gilded Balloon Teviot, 24–28 Aug

Business Casual: FERAL

Gilded Balloon Patter Hoose, 24–28 Aug


Paradise in Augustines, 24–28 Aug


Rhys Nicholson – Rhys!

Rhys! Rhys!

Underbelly, Bristo Square, 24–28 Aug

Sikisa: Life of the Party

Pleasance Courtyard, 24–28 Aug


Fin Taylor: Daddy Self-Care

Pleasance Dome, 24–28 Aug

The Best of Scottish Comedy

The Stand’s New Town Theatre, 24–28 Aug


PBH’s Free Fringe @ Globe Bar, 24–28 Aug

Mary Beth Barone: Silly

Little Girl

Pleasance Courtyard, 24–28 Aug

Gerry Carroll: A Man in My Position

Just the Tonic at The Grassmarket Centre, 24–28 Aug

Larry Dean: Fudnut

Monkey Barrel Comedy, 24–28 Aug

Kai Samra: Native

Pleasance Dome, 24–28 Aug

Robin Morgan: Snip Snip, Bitch (Work In Progress)

Laughing Horse @ The Counting House, 24–28 Aug

Come See – Evan Desmarais

Laughing Horse @ Bar 50, 24–28 Aug

Emo Majok: African Aussie

Underbelly, Bristo Square, 24–29 Aug

Elf Lyons: Raven

Gilded Balloon Teviot, 24–29 Aug

Geraldine Quinn: BROAD House of Oz, 24–28 Aug

Siblings: Siblage

Pleasance Courtyard, 24–29 Aug

The Big Show: Monkey

Barrel Comedy’s Fringe

Showcase 2022!

Monkey Barrel Comedy (The Hive), 24–28 Aug

Grant Busé: SentiMENTAL!

Gilded Balloon Teviot, 24–29 Aug

Hard Knock Life

Laughing Horse @ 32 Below, 24–28 Aug

Josh Jones: Waste of Space

Pleasance Courtyard, 24–28 Aug

Michelle Shaughnessy: Be Your Own Daddy

Underbelly, Bristo Square, 24–29 Aug


Dr Brown: Workds intlsdj Progressdsdfdfn Underbelly, Cowgate, 24–28 Aug

Mad Ron: Crime School

Just the Tonic at The Mash House, 24–28 Aug

Michael Akadiri: No Scrubs Pleasance Courtyard, 24–28 Aug

Nick Elleray: Passionate About Compromise

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Legends, 24–28 Aug

Abby Wambaugh and Bronwyn Sweeney

The Stand’s New Town Theatre, 24–28 Aug

Harmon Leon in The Jokes Saved My Soul

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Banshee Labyrinth, 24–28 Aug


Awkward Sex... and the City with Natalie Wall

Just the Tonic at The Caves, 24–28 Aug

Macho Daddy Punchfist Laughing Horse @ City Cafe, 24–28 Aug

Jimeoin: The Craic!

Just the Tonic Nucleus, 24–28 Aug

Pete Heat: Blimey

Gilded Balloon Teviot, 24–29 Aug

Chris Hall and Mark Bittlestone: Two Sour Gays

Just the Tonic at The Grassmarket Centre, 24–28 Aug

Jake Farrell: Sky Pleasance Courtyard, 24–28 Aug


Alice-India: Be Brave (Or Whatever)

Laughing Horse @ The Three Sisters, 24–28 Aug

Best in Class

Laughing Horse @ The Counting House, 24–28 Aug Food Fight ‘95 Greenside @ Riddles Court, 24–27 Aug

Improv Cage Match

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Subway, 24–27 Aug

64 Comedy festmag.com

The Best Man in Ireland

Scottish Comedy Festival @ Waverley Bar, 24–29 Aug

James Barr: Straight Jokes

Underbelly, Bristo Square, 24–29 Aug

101 Comedy Club – Free Laughing Horse @ The Hanover Tap, 24–28 Aug

Aidan Greene: I Know What You Did Last Stammer

Underbelly, Bristo Square, 24–29 Aug

Dave Johns: A Comic’s Tale

Gilded Balloon Teviot, 24–28 Aug


Two Hearts: We’re Pregnant and the Baby is Music Assembly George Square, 24–28 Aug gosh!

Just the Tonic at The Mash House, 24–28 Aug

Eli Matthewson: Daddy Short-Legs

Underbelly, George Square, 24–28 Aug

Babysitting Calvin theSpace on the Mile, 24–27 Aug


Sam Nicoresti: Cancel Anti Wokeflake Snow Culture

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Banshee Labyrinth, 24–28 Aug

Garry Starr: Greece

Lightning Underbelly, Cowgate, 24–28 Aug

Andy Field: Ideas (,) Man Assembly George Square Studios, 24–28 Aug

The Shambles theSpace on the Mile, 24–27 Aug


Ah! My Name is Yoky Yu.

Scottish Comedy Festival @ The Bunker, 24–29 Aug

Potential: A Canadian Comedy Showcase

Laughing Horse @ Bar 50, 24–28 Aug

Kate Barron: Losing Myself

Just the Tonic at The Tron, 24–28 Aug

Scotland’s Pick of the Fringe

Scottish Comedy Festival @ The Beehive Inn, 24–28 Aug

Mark Watson: This Can’t Be It

Pleasance Courtyard, 24–28 Aug

Leah Lamarr: NFTs (Nice F%cking Titties)

Gilded Balloon Patter Hoose, 24–28 Aug

This Is Your Trial

Frankenstein Pub, 25 Aug, 28

Aug, 29 Aug

Rosco McClelland: Goblin Mode

Monkey Barrel Comedy (The Hive), 24–28 Aug

Diane Chorley: Modern Love

Assembly George Square Studios, 24–28 Aug

Paul Currie: The Chorus of Ghosts Living in My Skull

Keep Telling Me to Take a Shit in the Fruit Salad

Just the Tonic at The Caves, 25–28 Aug

Simon David: White Gay

Gilded Balloon Patter Hoose, 24–28 Aug


Gilded Balloon Teviot, 24–28 Aug

Baby Wants Candy

Assembly George Square Studios, 24–28 Aug

Silent Disco Boogie

Shoes Walking Party with a Scottish Twist theSpace @ Niddry St, 26–27 Aug

Spiegeltastic – The Best

Mixed-Bill Show at the Fringe

Just the Tonic at St James Quarter, 24–28 Aug

Laughing Horse Pick of the Fringe

Laughing Horse @ The Pear Tree, 24–28 Aug


Laughing Horse @ The Three Sisters, 24–28 Aug

Chris McGlade:


Frankenstein Pub, 24 Aug

Dan Tiernan: Cherub

Laughing Horse @ The Counting House, 24–28 Aug

Jasmin Gleeson: Razzmajazz

Just the Tonic at The Caves, 24–28 Aug

An Idiom’s Guide to the Galaxy

C ARTS | C venues | C aquila, 24–28 Aug

Absolute Friendship! RSE Theatre, 24–28 Aug

I Got Bit by a Monkey Once

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Canons’ Gait, 24–28 Aug

Nish Kumar: Your Power, Your Control Assembly George Square, 24–28 Aug

Alfie Brown: Sensitive Man

Monkey Barrel Comedy, 24–28 Aug

Down and Out in Glasgow and Berlin

Paradise in The Vault, 24–28 Aug

I’m With Stupid Gilded Balloon Teviot, 24–29 Aug


Lil Sa ron: Ragu to Riches

Just the Tonic at The Mash House, 24–28 Aug

Tom Walker: Javelin

Assembly George Square, 24–28 Aug

Tom Henry, Jack Hester: Tom and Jack Having the Craic

Just the Tonic at The Caves, 24–28 Aug

Your Aunt Fanny: Mu Said

Assembly Rooms, 24–27 Aug 21:10

Jodie Mitchell and Hannah Platt: Thanks for Sharing

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Roti, 24–28 Aug

Reginald D. Hunter: Bombe Shu eur Assembly Rooms, 24–28 Aug Harriet Kemsley: Honeysuckle Island

Monkey Barrel Comedy (Carnivore), 24–25 Aug

Colin Hoult: The Death of Anna Mann Pleasance Courtyard, 24–28 Aug


Norris and Parker: Sirens

Monkey Barrel Comedy, 24–28 Aug

Stand-Up Science

Laughing Horse @ Dropkick Murphys, 24–28 Aug

AMJ Entertainer

Laughing Horse @ Bar 50, 24–28 Aug

Don’t Start Me on White Jesus

Laughing Horse @ City Cafe, 24–28 Aug

Randy Feltface: Alien of Extraordinary Ability

Assembly George Square Studios, 24–28 Aug

Chaotic Neutral

theSpace @ Surgeons Hall, 24–27 Aug

Diane Spencer Slid O the Turkey

Laughing Horse @ The Counting House, 24–28 Aug

An Aussie, African and Englishman Walk Into a Bar...

Laughing Horse @ Dragonfly, 24–28 Aug

Alice Fraser: Chronos

Gilded Balloon Teviot, 24–29 Aug

Adults Only Magic Show

Assembly George Square Studios, 24–28 Aug

Foil Arms and Hog –Hogwash

Underbelly, Bristo Square, 24–28 Aug


All About the Drama

Paradise in Augustines, 24–28 Aug

Tom Mayhew: Trash Rich

The Stand Comedy Club 2, 24–28 Aug

Rich Wilson: You Could Have It So Much Better

Just the Tonic at The Caves, 24–28 Aug

Alfie Packham and Luke Chilton: Hot New Talent

Just the Tonic at The Mash House, 24–28 Aug

Sam Taunton: Yoho Diabolo

Assembly George Square Studios, 24–28 Aug

Jess Robinson: Legacy Pleasance Courtyard, 24–28 Aug


Frankie Thompson: Catts

Pleasance Courtyard, 24–28 Aug

Abandoman aka Rob Broderick: Discography

Underbelly, George Square, 24–28 Aug

Ben Clover: Best Newcomer

C ARTS | C venues | C piccolo, 24–28 Aug


Best of Scottish Comedy Awards

Just the Tonic at La Belle Angele, 24–27 Aug

Comedy Night at the Museum

Gilded Balloon at the Museum, 24–28 Aug

Reuben Kaye: The Butch is Back Assembly Checkpoint, 24–28 Aug

Ellie MacPherson: Happy Birthday, Mr. President! Underbelly, Cowgate, 24–28 Aug

Carter Morgan: Dick Jokes for End Times

Just the Tonic at The Caves, 24–28 Aug

Aidan Jones – Taco Laughing Horse @ 32 Below, 24–28 Aug

Darius Davies: The Non-Disclosure Agreement

Laughing Horse @ The Three Sisters, 24–28 Aug

Sex Tips for Straight Women From a Gay Man

Gilded Balloon Patter Hoose, 25–28 Aug

Nancy Clench: If Your Symptoms Aren’t Life-Threatening, Please Hold!

Just the Tonic Nucleus, 24–28 Aug

Showstopper! The Improvised Musical Pleasance Courtyard, 24–28 Aug

Hot Ticket

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Canons’ Gait, 24–28 Aug

Andrew Maxwell: Krakatoa

Gilded Balloon Teviot, 24 Aug, 26 Aug, 27 Aug, 28 Aug, 29 Aug


PBH’s Free Fringe @ Southsider, 24–28 Aug

Mind Mangler: Member of the Tragic Circle Pleasance Courtyard, 24–28 Aug

Bianca Del Rio: Unsanitized Pleasance at EICC, 24–26 Aug


Richard Brown: Horror Show

Monkey Barrel Comedy (Niddry St), 24–28 Aug

Leo Reich: Literally Who Cares?! Pleasance Courtyard, 24–28 Aug


Laughing Horse @ City Cafe, 24–28 Aug


Erika Ehler: Femcel

Monkey Barrel Comedy (Carnivore), 24–28 Aug

Christy Coysh: Bangarang!

Gilded Balloon Patter Hoose, 24–28 Aug

The Club Valentine

Comedy Hour

Gilded Balloon Teviot, 24–28 Aug

Here Goes Nothing!

RSE Theatre, 24–28 Aug

Christian Brighty: Playboy Pleasance Courtyard, 24–28 Aug

Simon Brodkin: Screwed Up

Pleasance Courtyard, 24–27 Aug

How I Ruined Medicine theSpace @ Surgeons Hall, 24–27 Aug

The Comedy Reserve Pleasance Dome, 24–29 Aug


Tom Lucy: Melt Pleasance Courtyard, 24–28 Aug

Aurie Styla: Green Pleasance Courtyard, 24–28 Aug

Samantha Day: Careering PBH’s Free Fringe @ Globe Bar, 24–28 Aug

Your Dad’s Mum: Tonight at the Social Club Underbelly, Bristo Square, 24–28 Aug


Paradise in Augustines, 24–27 Aug

Laughing Horse Fringe

Comedy Selection

Laughing Horse @ Bar 50, 24–28 Aug

Conrad Koch: White Noise Pleasance Courtyard, 24–29 Aug

Big Value Late

Just the Tonic at The Grassmarket Centre, 24–28 Aug


Three Grams and a Baby

Just the Tonic at The Grassmarket Centre, 24–28 Aug Sam Lake: Cake Pleasance Courtyard, 24–28 Aug

Tamer Kattan – An Alien from New York PBH’s Free Fringe @ Banshee Labyrinth, 24–28 Aug

Ciarán Dowd: King Rodolfo Pleasance Dome, 24–28 Aug


How Not to Owl theSpace on the Mile, 24–27 Aug

Kiran Saggu and Sarah Roberts: Cake

Just the Tonic at The Mash House, 24–28 Aug

Red Richardson: Shots Fired Pleasance Courtyard, 24–28 Aug

Thor and Freya: Norse as F*ck

Laughing Horse @ City Cafe, 24–28 Aug

Jordan Brookes: This Is Just What Happens Monkey Barrel Comedy, 24–28 Aug

Julia Masli: CHOOSH!

Assembly Roxy, 24–28 Aug


Adam Riley: Saxon

Just the Tonic at The Caves, 24–28 Aug

66 Comedy festmag.com


Gilded Balloon Teviot, 28–29 Aug

Alex Kitson and Julia Stenton: Good Influences

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Legends, 24–28 Aug

Seann Walsh: Is Dead.

Happy Now?

The Stand Comedy Club, 24–28 Aug

Rebels Without Applause Hill Street Theatre, 24–28 Aug

The Many Faces of Horatio Gould

Scottish Comedy Festival @ Waverley Bar, 24–29 Aug

Beak: Cocktail Boys

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Kilderkin, 24–28 Aug

Horrible Herstories

Greenside @ Nicolson Square, 24–27 Aug

Tim Key: Mulberry

Pleasance Courtyard, 24–28 Aug

The Room Above’s

Comedy Hour

Just the Tonic at The Grassmarket Centre, 24–28 Aug

John Robertson: The Dark Room

Gilded Balloon Teviot, 24 Aug, 25 Aug, 26 Aug, 28 Aug

The Kids of Canada

Laughing Horse @ 32 Below, 24–28 Aug

Séayoncé: Res-Erection (Seayonce)

Assembly Roxy, 24–28 Aug

Phil Di er: My Medical Hell

The Stand’s New Town Theatre, 24–28 Aug

Posey Mehta: I Am Not a Gorilla

Underbelly, Bristo Square, 24–29 Aug

Liz Kingsman: One-Woman Show

Traverse Theatre, 24–28 Aug

Laughing Stock

Gilded Balloon Teviot, 24–29 Aug

Tarot: Cautionary Tales

Pleasance Courtyard, 24–28 Aug

Best of Scandinavia

Gilded Balloon Teviot, 24–27 Aug

That Black Mirror Episode

With the Two Lesbians – 2

Laughing Horse @ The Three Sisters, 24–28 Aug


It’s Fraser Brown, I’m


theSpace @ Surgeons Hall, 24–27 Aug

Blind Mirth Presents: F*ck

It, You Decide

theSpace on North Bridge, 24–27 Aug


No Laughing Matter

Just the Tonic at The Caves, 24–28 Aug

.22 Comeback Special –Sir Dickie Benson

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Voodoo Rooms, 24–28 Aug

Frank Foucault: Songs

Just the Tonic at The Mash House, 24–28 Aug

Dogs Love Chocolate theSpace @ Surgeons Hall, 24–27 Aug


Best of So You Think You’re Funny?

Gilded Balloon Teviot, 24

Aug, 26 Aug, 27 Aug, 28

Aug, 29 Aug

The Jam Society

PBH’s Free Fringe @ The Street, 24–25 Aug

Gavin Webster: Greatest Hits

Scottish Comedy Festival @ The Beehive Inn, 24–28 Aug

The Good, the Bad and the Irish!

Scottish Comedy Festival @ The Bunker, 24–29 Aug

Set List: Stand-up Without a Net

Just the Tonic Nucleus, 25–27 Aug

Crizards: Cowboys

Assembly George Square Studios, 24–28 Aug

James Crampton: Natural Disaster

theSpace @ Surgeons Hall, 24–27 Aug

The Mr Thing Show

Pleasance Dome, 25–28 Aug

Roast Battle Edinburgh

Laughing Horse @ The Three Sisters, 24–28 Aug


Dreamgun Video

Underbelly, George Square, 24–29 Aug

Liars and Clowns: A Late Night Comedy Show

Assembly Rooms, 24–27 Aug

Perdidos (Lost) in Translation

Just the Tonic at The Caves, 24–28 Aug

Drag Queens vs Zombies

Gilded Balloon Patter Hoose, 24–28 Aug


Gilded Balloon Patter Hoose, 24–28 Aug

Fern Brady: Autistic Bikini

Queen Assembly Hall, 25–27 Aug

Gearóid Farrelly: Glamour


Gilded Balloon Teviot, 24–28 Aug


Alice Cockayne: Attention


Just the Tonic at The Caves, 24–28 Aug

Best of the Fest: The New Class

Assembly George Square Gardens, 25–28 Aug

Jordan Gray: Is It a Bird? Assembly George Square, 24–28 Aug

Now: Shame

Paradise in The Vault, 24–28 Aug

Tom Ward: Anthem Monkey Barrel Comedy, 24–28 Aug

Emily Wilson: Fixed Pleasance Courtyard, 24–29 Aug

Late Night Laughter with Aaron Levene

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Roti, 24–28 Aug


Mat Ewins: Danger Money

Just the Tonic at The Caves, 24–28 Aug OK, Let Me Explain Laughing Horse @ Dropkick Murphys, 24–28 Aug

Anxiety vs Depression: A Comedy Game Show –Pay What You Can Laughing Horse @ City Cafe, 25–28 Aug

Ashley Brain Damage

Gilded Balloon Teviot, 24–28 Aug

Horseplay: Bareback

Underbelly, Cowgate, 24–28 Aug

Raul Kohli: Kohl and The Gang

Laughing Horse @ The Pear Tree, 24–28 Aug

Existential Queer

Laughing Horse @ Dragonfly, 24–28 Aug

Ivo Graham: My Future My Clutter

Pleasance Courtyard, 25 Aug

Comedy Estonia

Laughing Horse @ The Counting House, 24–28 Aug


Oliver Coleman: Sublime Monkey Barrel Comedy (Carnivore), 24–28 Aug

Flat and the Curves

The Stand’s New Town Theatre, 24–28 Aug


Dan Rath: Cockroach Party

Assembly George Square Studios, 24–28 Aug

Biscuit Barrel: Xtra Comedy Tin

Just the Tonic at The Caves, 24–27 Aug

Lee Brophy: False Prophet

The Stand Comedy Club 2, 24–28 Aug

Sophie Duker: Hag

Pleasance Courtyard, 27 Aug

Jack Barry: Don’t Happy Be Worry

Monkey Barrel Comedy, 24–28 Aug

Alasdair Beckett-King: Nevermore

Pleasance Courtyard, 26 Aug


Just the Tonic at The Mash House, 24–28 Aug


Brian Gallagher: Another Funny Irishman, Blah Blah, Diddley Diddle Dee Scottish Comedy Festival @ The Beehive Inn, 24–27 Aug

BeComedy UK Presents: No Limits

Laughing Horse @ The Counting House, 24–28 Aug

Trashfuture: Live at the Fringe

theSpace @ Venue45, 26–27 Aug

Sammy Obeid

Gilded Balloon Teviot, 24–29 Aug

Space Mystery: A Mystery in Space

theSpace @ Surgeons Hall, 24–27 Aug


Laughing Horse @ The Three Sisters, 24–28 Aug


Desmond Hinks: Tesco Sacked Me A er Eight Days

Just the Tonic Nucleus, 24–28 Aug

The Rodney Buzzard Tapes: Evidence of an Honourable Man theSpace on the Mile, 24–27 Aug

Alex Franklin:


Just the Tonic at The Caves, 24–28 Aug

Sex Me I’m Irish Laughing Horse @ City Cafe, 24–28 Aug


A Gay and a NonGay

Underbelly, Bristo Square, 25–27 Aug

Trash Salad

Pleasance Courtyard, 25–29 Aug

The Improverts theSpace @ Surgeons Hall, 24–27 Aug


An Evening With Tara Boland

Gilded Balloon Teviot, 24–28 Aug

Murder, She Didn’t Write Pleasance Courtyard, 28–29 Aug

Fright Bus Service

Necrobus, 24–28 Aug

An American Comedy Showcase. Free!

Laughing Horse @ Bar 50, 24–28 Aug


Pleasance Courtyard, 24–28 Aug

Lemon Party

Laughing Horse @ 32 Below, 24–28 Aug

Spank! You and Goodnight

Underbelly, Bristo Square, 28–29 Aug

Diane Chorley: Down

The Flick Assembly George Square Studios, 24–27 Aug

The Cambridge Impronauts Present: Keeping Up with the Kimprov

Gilded Balloon Patter Hoose, 24–28 Aug

Big Boys and Friends

Pleasance Courtyard, 24–27 Aug

The Stand’s Pick of the Fringe

The Stand’s New Town Theatre, 26–27 Aug


Tales of an Altered Consciousness Within a Comical Lunatic Greenside @ Infirmary Street, 24–27 Aug

Bobby Mair: Cockroach Monkey Barrel Comedy (Carnivore), 24–25 Aug

AAA Stand-Up Late Pleasance Courtyard, 24–29 Aug

One Single Thread Greenside @ Infirmary Street, 24–27 Aug



theSpace on the Mile, 24–25 Aug

Indoor Kids

theSpace @ Surgeons Hall, 24–27 Aug

The All Irish A er Party

Laughing Horse @ City Cafe, 24–28 Aug


Bomb and Get Bombed: A Stand-Up Comedy Show

Just the Tonic at The Mash House, 24–28 Aug

Alex Leam: Improv Provocateur

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Kilderkin, 24–28 Aug

Jack Tucker: Comedy Standup Hour

Pleasance Dome, 28–29 Aug

Edinburgh Comedy Allstars

Underbelly, George Square, 26–27 Aug

Werewolf: Live – Charity Spectacular!

Underbelly, George Square, 25–26 Aug

Stamptown Comedy Night

Pleasance Dome, 25–27 Aug

Angus Coutts: Spicy Accountant

Scottish Comedy Festival @ Waverley Bar, 25–28 Aug

Andy Roach: Laughing at Conspiracy Theories

Laughing Horse @ The Three Sisters, 24–28 Aug


Jamali Maddix: King Crud Pleasance Courtyard, 25–27 Aug

Monkey Barrel Comedy presents... Live!

Monkey Barrel Live Stream, 24–28 Aug


Paradise in Augustines, 24–28 Aug

The Big Show: Monkey Barrel Comedy’s Fringe Showcase 2022!

Monkey Barrel Live Stream, 27–28 Aug

Get O Comedy Fundraiser

Pleasance Courtyard, 24–25 Aug

AAA Stand-Up Late at Gilded Balloon

Gilded Balloon Teviot, 24–29 Aug

The Comedy Arcade

Underbelly, Bristo Square, 24–28 Aug

Dave Cerwonka: FFS

Just the Tonic at The Grassmarket Centre, 24–28 Aug

The Big Show: Monkey Barrel Comedy’s Fringe Showcase 2022!

Monkey Barrel Comedy, 27–28 Aug


White Jesus: Ascension

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Banshee Labyrinth, 24–28 Aug

67 Listings
68 festmag.com


Late’n’Live Gilded Balloon Teviot, 24–29 Aug

Luke Oseland: Drunk Magic

Laughing Horse @ The Counting House, 24 Aug, 25 Aug, 27 Aug, 28 Aug

Midnight Snacks

Underbelly, Bristo Square, 24–29 Aug

Henry Ginsberg: Romantic Comedian – Personal Growth, Sex and Nazis

Laughing Horse @ The Three Sisters, 24–28 Aug

Ralph Brown: Petty Man Scottish Comedy Festival @ The Beehive Inn, 24–28 Aug

Eh! Comedy Tour

Laughing Horse @ 32 Below, 24–28 Aug

Found Our Funny at the Fringe

Just the Tonic at The Mash House, 24–28 Aug


Anarchy Cabaret Presents: The West End New Act of the Year


PBH’s Free Fringe @ Voodoo Rooms, 24–27 Aug


Triple Threat Comedy

Just the Tonic at The Tron, 24–28 Aug

Broken Zoo: The Texas Takeover

Just the Tonic at The Caves, 24–28 Aug


Nikki Hartung: Love, Pierre

Just the Tonic at The Caves, 24–28 Aug

Comedy Queers

Laughing Horse @ The Counting House, 24–28 Aug

A erhours Comedy:

Amused Moose Comedy Zoo Southside, 27–28 Aug

Aaaaaaaand now! Roger Swi ’s Machine Pun: Reloaded

Laughing Horse @ City Cafe, 24–27 Aug


Mr Chonkers Monkey Barrel Comedy (Carnivore), 24–28 Aug Spank!

Underbelly, Cowgate, 24–27 Aug

The Drunk and Heckle Show

Scottish Comedy Festival @ The Beehive Inn, 24–28 Aug

The LOL Word Monkey Barrel Comedy, 25–27 Aug

The Stand Late Club

The Stand Comedy Club, 26–27 Aug

Best of the Fest Assembly Hall, 25–28 Aug


Shannon Matthews the Musical

Just the Tonic at The Caves, 24–27 Aug

Elf Lyons: Talks Dirty for an Hour

Gilded Balloon Teviot, 27–28 Aug

The Disgraceful Club

Gilded Balloon Teviot, 26–27 Aug

69 Listings



PBH’s Free Fringe @ Banshee Labyrinth, 24-28 Aug


The Ofsted Massacre

theSpace @ Surgeons Hall, 24–27 Aug



theSpace on the Mile, 24–27 Aug


Shakespeare for Breakfast

C ARTS | C venues | C aquila, 24–28 Aug

We Were Promised Honey!

Roundabout @ Summerhall, 24–28 Aug

I Am From Reykjavik Summerhall, 24 Aug, 26 Aug


The Changeling Girl

theSpace on North Bridge, 24–27 Aug

Do I?

theSpace @ Surgeons Hall, 24–27 Aug


Call Mr Robeson

theSpace @ Surgeons Hall, 24–27 Aug


Zoo Southside, 24 Aug, 26

Aug, 27 Aug, 28 Aug


theSpace @ Niddry St, 24–27 Aug


A Non-Emergency theSpace @ Venue45, 24–27 Aug

birthday girl

theSpace on the Mile, 24–27 Aug

Happy Meal

Traverse Theatre, 24 Aug, 28 Aug


About Money

Summerhall, 24 Aug, 27 Aug, 28 Aug


Greenside @ Infirmary Street, 24–27 Aug

Space Hippo

Assembly George Square, 24–29 Aug


Mrs Roosevelt Flies to London

Assembly George Square Studios, 24–29 Aug


Blood Harmony

Traverse Theatre, 27 Aug


Assembly George Square Studios, 24–28 Aug

The Biggest Problem in the World: Our Problem With Problems and Why Truth Matters

Paradise in Augustines, 24–26 Aug

The Last Return

Traverse Theatre, 24 Aug, 28 Aug

Fat Chance

Pleasance Dome, 24–28 Aug


Traverse Theatre, 25 Aug How My Light Is Spent theSpace on North Bridge, 24–27 Aug

Coward Conscience theSpace on the Mile, 24–27 Aug

Old Town History and Tales

Statue of Adam Smith, 24–29 Aug


Traverse Theatre, 26 Aug


Ludomachy! The Summoning of Games

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Natural Food Kafe, 24–28 Aug


Camino Man theSpace @ Surgeons Hall, 24–27 Aug

The Mistake theSpace on North Bridge, 24–27 Aug


Gulliver Underbelly, Cowgate, 24–28 Aug


An Audience with Stuart Bagcli e ZOO Playground, 24 Aug, 26

Aug, 27 Aug, 28 Aug

Joshua (and Me)

Pleasance Dome, 24–29 Aug

The Church of the Fall theSpace @ Surgeons Hall, 24–27 Aug


Agent November: Outdoor Escape Game –Major X Ploe-Shun Meeting Point at Assembly George Square Studios, 24–29 Aug

When We Were Normal theSpaceTriplex, 24–27 Aug


Traverse Theatre, 25 Aug

Water Fruit Loops

theSpace @ Niddry St, 24–27 Aug

Patience: Zero

Laughing Horse @ The Brass Monkey, 24–28 Aug

This is Paradise

Traverse Theatre, 27 Aug

Agent November:

Outdoor Escape Game –Robyn Yew

Meeting Point at Assembly George Square Studios, 24–29 Aug

Steve Richards Presents: Rock’n’Roll Politics theSpace @ Symposium Hall, 24–27 Aug

Bloody Elle – A Gig Musical Traverse Theatre, 26 Aug


Troy Story

Underbelly, Cowgate, 24–28 Aug

Rebound theSpace on North Bridge, 24–27 Aug


Gilded Balloon Teviot, 24–29 Aug


Happy Place Underbelly, Cowgate, 24–28 Aug


PBH’s Free Fringe @ Banshee Labyrinth, 24–28 Aug


Boy: Looking for Friends

Laughing Horse @ Bar 50, 24–28 Aug

Shakespeare for Breakfast

C ARTS | C venues | C aquila, 24–28 Aug

Average Joe theSpace @ Surgeons Hall, 24–27 Aug

The Transfiguration of Mrs Lamen

Gilded Balloon Teviot, 24–29 Aug


Apocalypse Kernow

Paradise in The Vault, 24–28 Aug

Half-Empty Glasses

Roundabout @ Summerhall, 25 Aug

August Wilson’s How I Learned What I Learned Assembly Rooms, 24–28 Aug

Life Before the Line

theSpace @ Venue45, 24–27 Aug

A Sudden Violent Burst of Rain

Roundabout @ Summerhall, 24 Aug, 26 Aug

Words Without Consent Greenside @ Infirmary Street, 24–27 Aug


Harvey Greenfield is Running Late Greenside @ Riddles Court, 24–27 Aug

Unwanted Objects

Zoo Southside, 24–28 Aug


theSpace on the Mile, 24–27 Aug


Is This the Real Life?

theSpace on the Mile, 25–27 Aug

Everything That’s Me Is Falling Apart Greenside @ Infirmary Street, 24–27 Aug

Apradhini – Women Without Men

Laughing Horse @ The Counting House, 24–28 Aug S.O.E.

Assembly Rooms, 24–27 Aug


ZOO Playground, 24–28 Aug

Death of an Author Greenside @ Nicolson Square, 24–27 Aug


theSpace on the Mile, 25 Aug, 27 Aug Boy

Summerhall, 24–28 Aug

Parky Players: Shake It Up theSpaceTriplex, 25–27 Aug


Laughing Horse @ 32 Below, 24–28 Aug


The Final Approach

Underbelly, Bristo Square, 24–29 Aug

Lord of the Flies

theSpace @ Niddry St, 24–27 Aug

Who Here’s Lost?

Pleasance Courtyard, 24–29 Aug

Daddy Issues

Pleasance Courtyard, 24–29 Aug

A Young Girl’s Guide to Madness

theSpace on North Bridge, 24–27 Aug



Gilded Balloon Teviot, 24–28 Aug

Anne Harper – Stop the Bus!

Greenside @ Nicolson Square, 24–27 Aug


Assembly Rooms, 24–27 Aug

100 Seconds to Midnight

Greenside @ Infirmary Street, 24–27 Aug


Pleasance Courtyard, 24–27 Aug

Room – A Room of One’s Own Pleasance Courtyard, 24–27 Aug


theSpace @ Surgeons Hall, 24–27 Aug


Long Nights in Paradise

theSpace @ Surgeons Hall, 24–27 Aug

Diary of an Australian Outback Woman

Laughing Horse @ Bar 50, 24–28 Aug

The Land of Lost Content

Pleasance Courtyard, 24–29 Aug

The Rip Current Pleasance Courtyard, 24–29 Aug

One of Two Summerhall, 24–28 Aug


Helter Skelter

Assembly George Square, 24–29 Aug

The Chairs Revisited

Pleasance Dome, 24–29 Aug

#FOMO Clinic

Paradise in Augustines, 24–27 Aug

The Choir of Man Assembly Hall, 25 Aug No Time For Strangers

theSpace @ Surgeons Hall, 24–27 Aug


The Girl Who Was Very Good At Lying Summerhall, 24–28 Aug



Meeting Point at East Princes Street Gardens, Corner of Market Street and Waverley Bridge, 24–29 Aug

The Smile O Your Face

C ARTS | C venues | C place, 24–28 Aug

The Anniversary

Pleasance Dome, 25–28 Aug


Assembly George Square Studios, 24–28 Aug

Billy Boy

Gilded Balloon Teviot, 24–28 Aug

Carnegie Panmure House, 27 Aug

Ghosts of the Near Future Summerhall, 24–28 Aug

Alphonse Pleasance Courtyard, 24–28 Aug

In Conversation with...

Alex Thomson

The Stand’s New Town Theatre, 26 Aug

Agent November: Indoor Escape Game – Murder

Mr E The Stand’s New Town Theatre, 24–28 Aug


Summerhall, 24–28 Aug

In Conversation with...

Ian Rankin

The Stand’s New Town Theatre, 27 Aug Dear Little Loz

theSpace @ Surgeons Hall, 24–27 Aug

In Conversation with...

Hugo Ri ind

The Stand’s New Town Theatre, 28 Aug

The Tragedy of Macbeth Assembly Roxy, 24–29 Aug

In Conversation with…

Ian Blackford

The Stand’s New Town Theatre, 25 Aug

In Conversation with…

Nicola Sturgeon

The Stand’s New Town Theatre, 24 Aug



Paradise in Augustines, 24–27 Aug

Ka aesque

theSpace @ Symposium Hall, 24–27 Aug

Blue & Pip

theSpace on North Bridge, 24–27 Aug


Age Is a Feeling

Summerhall, 24–28 Aug

War of the Worlds (On a Budget)

theSpace @ Surgeons Hall, 24–27 Aug

Conflict in Court Hill Street Theatre, 24–28 Aug

Harry Baker: Unashamed

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Revolution Bar, 24–26 Aug



Pleasance Dome, 24–29 Aug

20 Minutes of Action

Pleasance Courtyard, 24–29 Aug

70 Theatre festmag.com



Gilded Balloon Patter Hoose, 24–28 Aug

The Last Words theSpaceTriplex, 24–27 Aug


Pleasance Courtyard, 24–29 Aug



theSpace on North Bridge, 24–27 Aug

The Murder Club theSpace on the Mile, 24 Aug, 26 Aug

Ten Men – The Lives Of John Bindon theSpace on the Mile, 24–27 Aug


The Smile O Your Face C ARTS | C venues | C place, 24–28 Aug

Hedda Greenside @ Infirmary Street, 24–27 Aug

I just like you | a gay myth Greenside @ Riddles Court, 24–27 Aug

Cassie and the Lights

Underbelly, Cowgate, 24–28 Aug

The Stones Assembly Roxy, 24–29 Aug


Coarse: The Brontës Greenside @ Nicolson Square, 25 Aug, 27 Aug

The Maids Greenside @ Infirmary Street, 24–27 Aug


theSpace on North Bridge, 24–27 Aug

Practically Perfect! Julie Andrews from Broadway to Hollywood Greenside @ Infirmary Street, 24–27 Aug

Optimistic Greenside @ Nicolson Square, 24 Aug, 26 Aug


Intelligence Assembly Roxy, 24–29 Aug

Stop the World, We’re Getting O

theSpace @ Venue45, 24–27 Aug

This Moment in America

Underbelly, Cowgate, 24–28 Aug

Scotland’s Oldest Poem – The Gododdin

Paradise in The Vault, 24–28 Aug

Baxter vs The Bookies

Gilded Balloon Teviot, 24–28 Aug

Cecil Beaton’s Diaries

Greenside @ Nicolson Square, 24–27 Aug


The Giant Killers

Gilded Balloon Teviot, 24–29 Aug


Pleasance Courtyard, 24–29 Aug


Underbelly, Cowgate, 24–28 Aug


Pleasance Courtyard, 24–29 Aug


theSpace @ Niddry St, 24–27 Aug


Hotel Elsinore theSpace on the Mile, 24–27 Aug


Pleasance Courtyard, 24–29 Aug

Love in the Time of Lockdown (The New Variant)

theSpace @ Surgeons Hall, 24–27 Aug

Sandcastles Assembly Rooms, 24–27 Aug

Isabelle Farah: Ellipsis

Underbelly, Cowgate, 24–27 Aug

Godot is a Woman

Pleasance Dome, 24–28 Aug

What Keeps You Awake at Night

Greenside @ Infirmary Street, 24–27 Aug Sap

Roundabout @ Summerhall, 24–28 Aug

Out to Lunch

Underbelly, Bristo Square, 24–29 Aug

Please, Feel Free to Share

Pleasance Courtyard, 24–29 Aug

Bubblegum and Pop

Greenside @ Nicolson Square, 24–27 Aug


The Silver Bell Pleasance Courtyard, 24–28 Aug

Blood, Sweat and Vaginas

Pleasance Courtyard, 24–29 Aug

Love, Loss and Chianti

Assembly Rooms, 24–28 Aug

How to Build a Wax Figure

Assembly George Square Studios, 24–29 Aug


The Smile O Your Face

C ARTS | C venues | C place, 24–28 Aug

Twisted Tales

Pleasance Courtyard, 24–28 Aug

Agent November:

Outdoor Escape Game –Major X Ploe-Shun

Meeting Point at Assembly George Square Studios, 24–29 Aug


Just the Tonic at La Belle

Angele, 24 Aug, 27 Aug, 28 Aug

C digital performance and film

C ARTS | C venues | C place, 24–28 Aug

Fashion Spies

Assembly George Square, 24–29 Aug

I Feel the Need

Assembly Rooms, 24–27 Aug Land – A Scottish Musical Gilded Balloon Patter Hoose, 24–28 Aug


Gilded Balloon Teviot, 24–29 Aug

The Ghosting of Rabbie


Gilded Balloon Patter Hoose, 24–28 Aug

Myra’s Story

Assembly George Square, 25–29 Aug


Underbelly, Cowgate, 24–28 Aug

Beg For Me

Underbelly, Bristo Square, 24–29 Aug

Agent November: Indoor Escape Game – Murder

Mr E

The Stand’s New Town Theatre, 24–28 Aug

This is Paradise

Traverse Theatre, 24 Aug, 28 Aug

Birds of Passage in the Half Light by Kat Woods

Gilded Balloon Teviot, 24–29 Aug

Kevin Flynn: Fear of Heights

Gilded Balloon Teviot, 24–28 Aug


Laughing Horse @ The Counting House, 24–28 Aug

Agent November: Outdoor Escape Game –Robyn Yew Meeting Point at Assembly George Square Studios, 24–29 Aug


Gilded Balloon Patter Hoose, 24–28 Aug


Tiger Lady Pleasance Courtyard, 24–29 Aug


Jesus, Jane, Mother & Me Pleasance Dome, 24–29 Aug

The Man Who Thought He Knew Too Much Pleasance Dome, 24–29 Aug

In the Weeds by Joseph Wilde, Produced by An Tobar and Mull Theatre Summerhall, 24–28 Aug Watson: The Final Problem Assembly Rooms, 24–28 Aug

In the Name of the Son Assembly George Square Studios, 24–29 Aug We Are What We Overcome theSpace @ Symposium Hall, 24–27 Aug

Raw Sex Appeal theSpace on North Bridge, 24–27 Aug


The Man Who Planted Trees

Scottish Storytelling Centre, 25 Aug, 27 Aug, 29 Aug

The A er-Dinner Joke theSpace on the Mile, 25 Aug, 27 Aug

Miss Lindsay’s Secret Scottish Storytelling Centre, 24 Aug, 26 Aug, 28 Aug

The Last Return

Traverse Theatre, 25 Aug

Work.txt Summerhall, 24–28 Aug


Traverse Theatre, 26 Aug

The Great Almighty Gill Assembly George Square, 24–29 Aug



theSpaceTriplex, 24–27 Aug

Never Let Go: An Unauthorized Retelling of James Cameron’s Titanic Assembly George Square Studios, 24–29 Aug


Underbelly, George Square, 24–29 Aug


In Her Defence theSpace on North Bridge, 24–27 Aug Winston and David Underbelly, Bristo Square, 24–29 Aug


The Smile O Your Face

C ARTS | C venues | C place, 24–28 Aug

Blood Harmony

Traverse Theatre, 24 Aug, 28 Aug

9 Circles

Assembly George Square Studios, 24–29 Aug

The Importance of Being... Earnest?

Pleasance Courtyard, 24–28 Aug


Assembly George Square Studios, 24–28 Aug


Traverse Theatre, 26 Aug

Psychiatrists Are Evil!

The Stand’s New Town Theatre, 28 Aug

Pip Utton as Dylan Pleasance Courtyard, 24–29 Aug

Mary, Chris, Mars Summerhall, 24–28 Aug

My Neighbour Hacked My Toothbrush!

The Stand’s New Town Theatre, 25 Aug

The Sneeze by Anton Chekhov, Translated and Adapted by Michael


Gilded Balloon Patter Hoose, 24–28 Aug

And They Played

Shang-A-Lang Hill Street Theatre, 24–28 Aug

Old Town History and Tales

Statue of Adam Smith, 24–29 Aug

What Does Your Skin Say About You?

The Stand’s New Town Theatre, 27 Aug

Stop Learning English!

The Stand’s New Town Theatre, 26 Aug

Bloody Elle – A Gig


Traverse Theatre, 27 Aug High Performance Sport?

The Stand’s New Town Theatre, 24 Aug

Faulty Towers The Dining


Imagination Workshop: Hilton Carlton , 27–28 Aug

Happy Meal

Traverse Theatre, 24 Aug, 28 Aug

Shame on You!

Summerhall, 24–28 Aug


Sound Cistem

Pleasance Dome, 24–29 Aug

Doll theSpace on North Bridge, 24–27 Aug


Pleasance Courtyard, 24–29 Aug

Poems on Gender

Paradise in Augustines, 24–28 Aug


Almost Adult

Gilded Balloon Patter Hoose, 24–28 Aug

Made in India/Britain

Pleasance Courtyard, 24–29 Aug

Man of 100 Faces

Gilded Balloon Teviot, 24–29 Aug

Our Field at Twilight theSpace on the Mile, 24–27 Aug

Artorigus theSpace @ Niddry St, 24–27 Aug


Svengali Pleasance Courtyard, 24–28 Aug

The Hippie Shakes

Greenside @ Infirmary Street, 24–27 Aug

Terrence the T-Rex Paradise in The Vault, 24–28 Aug

Activities of Daily Living

Gilded Balloon Teviot, 24–29 Aug

Boys Who Punch Holes in Walls

PBH’s Free Fringe @ CC Blooms, 24–28 Aug

Don’t Ask Don’t Get, Baby Greenside @ Infirmary Street, 24–27 Aug

5 Finger$

PBH’s Free Fringe @ OMNi Centre, 24–28 Aug


Traverse Theatre, 27 Aug I Shall Not Be Moved

Greenside @ Riddles Court, 24–26 Aug


Heroes theSpace @ Venue45, 24–27 Aug

She Wolf Assembly Roxy, 24–28 Aug

The Silent Treatment

Summerhall, 24–28 Aug

Down to Earth

Greenside @ Infirmary Street, 24–27 Aug


Fiji Pleasance Courtyard, 24–29 Aug

71 Listings


The Smile O Your Face

C ARTS | C venues | C place, 24–28 Aug

Freddie Hayes: Potatohead Pleasance Courtyard, 24–29 Aug

The Beat Goes On theSpace @ Surgeons Hall, 24–27 Aug

Man With a Guitar Plays Story Songs

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Banshee Labyrinth, 25–28 Aug

Fi een Minute Break

The Mother Superior, 24–28 Aug

The Weird Sisters

theSpace on the Mile, 24 Aug, 26 Aug

The Masks of Oscar Wilde Greenside @ Riddles Court, 24–27 Aug

Agent November: Indoor Escape Game – Murder

Mr E

The Stand’s New Town Theatre, 24–28 Aug

What the Heart Wants

Gilded Balloon Patter Hoose, 24–28 Aug

This is Not a Show About Hong Kong

Underbelly, Cowgate, 24–28 Aug

New Labour

PASS Theatre, 24–27 Aug


Pleasance Courtyard, 24–29 Aug

The Road to Ballina

Gilded Balloon at the Museum, 24–28 Aug

Sad Girls Club

Gilded Balloon Teviot, 24–29 Aug

The Butcher, the Brewer, the Baker and Merryn Somerset Webb

Panmure House, 25–28 Aug


Dundas Street Gallery, 25 Aug

Kaye Adams – How to Be 60: Live!

Gilded Balloon Teviot, 24 Aug

Almost Instinct Almost True

theSpace @ Surgeons Hall, 24–27 Aug

The Taste of Sweat and Sand

Greenside @ Riddles Court, 24–27 Aug

Traditional Tales of Scotland

Scottish Storytelling Centre, 24–28 Aug

I Was Naked, Smelling of Rain

ZOO Playground, 24 Aug, 26 Aug, 27 Aug, 28 Aug



Pleasance Courtyard, 24–29 Aug

Fritz and Matlock

Pleasance Courtyard, 24–29 Aug


Poles: The Science of Magnetic Attraction Pleasance Courtyard, 24–29 Aug


C ARTS | C venues | C place, 24–28 Aug

How to Be Lost

C ARTS | C venues | C aquila, 24–28 Aug

Seeds of Memories theSpace on the Mile, 24–27 Aug

The Lacehouse theSpace on North Bridge, 25 Aug, 27 Aug

Earwig Assembly Rooms, 24–27 Aug

The Conversation theSpace on North Bridge, 24 Aug, 26 Aug

Today I Killed My Very First Bird

Pleasance Courtyard, 24–29 Aug


Return to the Hiding Place

Palmerston Place Church, 27 Aug

Every Word Was Once an Animal Zoo Southside, 24–28 Aug

Are You Still Watching?

Paradise in The Vault, 24–28 Aug

She/Her Assembly George Square Studios, 24–29 Aug

Man Shed

Pleasance Courtyard, 24–29 Aug


A Change of Heart theSpace @ Surgeons Hall, 24–27 Aug

Half-Empty Glasses

Roundabout @ Summerhall, 24 Aug, 26 Aug, 28 Aug

Confetti Assembly George Square, 24–29 Aug


Gilded Balloon Patter Hoose, 24–28 Aug

The Elephant in the Room Assembly Rooms, 24–27 Aug

A Sudden Violent Burst of Rain

Roundabout @ Summerhall, 25 Aug, 27 Aug

Speed Dial

Pleasance Dome, 24–29 Aug


The Smile O Your Face

C ARTS | C venues | C place, 24–28 Aug

Grav by Owen Thomas

Gilded Balloon Patter Hoose, 24–28 Aug

Bloody Di cult Women

Assembly Rooms, 24–28 Aug

Brown Boys Swim

Pleasance Dome, 24–28 Aug

Walking with Ghosts

King’s Theatre, 25 Aug, 27 Aug, 28 Aug

Looking For Me Friend: The Music of Victoria Wood

Assembly Rooms, 24–28 Aug You Know We Belong Together

The Lyceum, 27 Aug

The Strange Undoing of Prudencia Hart University of Edinburgh Playfair Library, 27–28 Aug


The Six Stages of a Break-Up theSpace on North Bridge, 24–27 Aug

Yippee Ki Yay

Gilded Balloon Teviot, 25–29 Aug


Sport on the Fringe RSE Theatre, 24–28 Aug

Payday Party

Pleasance Dome, 24–27 Aug


Pleasance Courtyard, 24–29 Aug

Hands And Flowers theSpace @ Surgeons Hall, 24–27 Aug



theSpace @ Niddry St, 24–27 Aug

Opal Fruits

Pleasance Courtyard, 24–28 Aug

Bad Teacher

Underbelly, Bristo Square, 24–29 Aug


Summerhall, 24–28 Aug



Underbelly, George Square, 24–29 Aug

Harvey Greenfield is Getting Married

Paradise in Augustines, 24–28 Aug

Visiting Cezanne

Hill Street Theatre, 24–28 Aug

Under Heaven’s Eyes – The Systemic and Systematic Unjustified Killings of Black Lives

theSpaceTriplex, 24 Aug, 27 Aug

Dream of a King theSpaceTriplex, 25–26 Aug

Word Up

The Stand’s New Town Theatre, 27–28 Aug

Locked In theSpace on the Mile, 24–27 Aug

The Echo Salon

The Stand’s New Town Theatre, 24–26 Aug


Runaway Princess: A Hopeful Tale of Heroin, Hooking and Happiness Greenside @ Infirmary Street, 24–27 Aug

No Place Like Home

Pleasance Dome, 24–29 Aug

Broken Funnies

Greenside @ Riddles Court, 24–27 Aug

Surfing the Holyland

Underbelly, Bristo Square, 24–29 Aug

Trouble on Six

Greenside @ Infirmary Street, 24–27 Aug


Agent November: Outdoor Escape Game –Major X Ploe-Shun

Meeting Point at Assembly

George Square Studios, 24–29 Aug

Tomatoes Tried to Kill Me but Banjos Saved My Life theSpace @ Surgeons Hall, 24–27 Aug


Assembly George Square Studios, 24–28 Aug

The Bush

Summerhall, 24–28 Aug


The Hub, 25 Aug, 27 Aug, 28 Aug

Cock-Tales: The Antidote to The Vagina Monologues theSpace @ Venue45, 24–27 Aug

Playing God

Greenside @ Riddles Court, 24–27 Aug

Agent November: Indoor Escape Game – Murder

Mr E

The Stand’s New Town Theatre, 24–28 Aug

The Intervention

Gilded Balloon Teviot, 24–29 Aug


French Institute in Scotland, 24–27 Aug

The Village and The Road

Scottish Storytelling Centre, 24–29 Aug

Agent November: Outdoor Escape Game –Robyn Yew

Meeting Point at Assembly

George Square Studios, 24–29 Aug

Mama Love

Summerhall, 24–28 Aug

Glass Slippers and Silver


PBH’s Free Fringe @ CC

Blooms, 24–28 Aug

Look at Me Don’t Look at Me

Pleasance Dome, 24–28 Aug

The Glass Imaginary

Greenside @ Infirmary Street, 24–27 Aug

Breathless Pleasance Courtyard, 24–29 Aug


Freedam theSpace on North Bridge, 24–27 Aug

The Golfer Assembly George Square Studios, 24–29 Aug

Tales of Vomit, Trash and Broken Glass

theSpace on the Mile, 25 Aug, 27 Aug

Daniel Defoe – The Lockdown Diaries

Greenside @ Riddles Court, 24–27 Aug

Imagining Rachel

C ARTS | C venues | C cubed, 24 Aug, 26 Aug


Isadora the Barefoot


Greenside @ Nicolson Square, 24–27 Aug

Glimmer of a Rainbow

C ARTS | C venues | C cubed,

25 Aug


Hill Street Theatre, 24–28 Aug

Closure Pleasance Courtyard, 24–29 Aug

Eh Up, Me Old Flowers! Pleasance Courtyard, 24–29 Aug

It’s Not Rocket Science

theSpace @ Symposium Hall, 24–27 Aug

Block’d O

Pleasance Courtyard, 24–29 Aug


Aural Picnic

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Banshee Labyrinth, 24–28 Aug

The Return Of Sherlock Holmes

theSpace @ Surgeons Hall, 24–27 Aug

Charlie Russell Aims to Please

Pleasance Courtyard, 24–27 Aug

Maternity Zoo Southside, 24–28 Aug

Tales of Xenia

C ARTS | C venues | C aquila, 24–28 Aug

Like a Sack of Potatoes theSpace on the Mile, 24–27 Aug



Paradise in The Vault, 24–28 Aug

Jimmy Mack Follies

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Natural Food Kafe, 25–28 Aug

Double Drop Summerhall, 24–28 Aug

Pool (No Water) theSpace on North Bridge, 24–27 Aug

Second Summer of Love

Pleasance Courtyard, 24–29 Aug


I, Marigold

PBH’s Free Fringe @ OMNi Centre, 24–28 Aug

Oedipus Electronica

Pleasance Courtyard, 24–26 Aug


Summerhall, 24–28 Aug

Liv Ello: SWARM

Pleasance Courtyard, 24–28 Aug

High Five!

The Royal Scots Club, 24 Aug Love Them to Death

Underbelly, Cowgate, 24–28 Aug

Bloody Elle – A Gig


Traverse Theatre, 24 Aug, 28 Aug


A Mighty Fall from Grace theSpace on North Bridge, 24–27 Aug

Crossing the Void theSpace on the Mile, 24 Aug, 26 Aug


Pleasance Courtyard, 24–28 Aug


Leaving Vietnam theSpace @ Surgeons Hall, 24–27 Aug

72 Theatre festmag.com
74 festmag.com

REDEEMher – How I Screwed Up My Perfect Mormon Life

Gilded Balloon Patter Hoose, 24–28 Aug Good Grief

Underbelly, Cowgate, 24–28 Aug


Luke Wright: The Remains of Logan Dankworth

Pleasance Courtyard, 24–29 Aug


Candy Underbelly, Bristo Square, 24–29 Aug

In PurSUEt

Underbelly, Cowgate, 24–28 Aug



Underbelly, Bristo Square, 24–27 Aug

52 Souls

ZOO Playground, 24–28 Aug

The Roaring of the Voices theSpace @ Surgeons Hall, 24–27 Aug

Battle: A Modern Mystery Play

theSpace @ Niddry St, 24–27 Aug

Manic Street Creature Roundabout @ Summerhall, 24–28 Aug


Pleasance Dome, 24–29 Aug


Triple Bypass: Three Ten Minute Plays About Living for Death and Dying for Life

theSpace on the Mile, 24–27 Aug


PBH’s Free Fringe @ The Street, 24–28 Aug Psychodrama

Traverse Theatre, 27 Aug

Hiding Anne Frank RSE Theatre, 24–28 Aug

The War of the Worlds

Gilded Balloon Teviot, 25 Aug, 27 Aug, 29 Aug

Carnegie Panmure House, 24–28 Aug

Past Life

Greenside @ Riddles Court, 24–27 Aug

Agent November: Indoor Escape Game – Murder

Mr E

The Stand’s New Town Theatre, 24–28 Aug

Hamlet with Ian McKellen

Ashton Hall, Saint Stephens

Stockbridge, 26–27 Aug

Dick Greenside @ Infirmary Street, 24–27 Aug

Let’s Talk About Philip

Pleasance Courtyard, 24–28 Aug

Cassie Workman: Aberdeen

Just the Tonic Nucleus, 24–28 Aug

This is Paradise

Traverse Theatre, 25 Aug

Muster Station: Leith

Leith Academy, 26 Aug

The Ballad of Mulan

Gilded Balloon Teviot, 24 Aug, 26 Aug, 28 Aug


Zoo Southside, 24–28 Aug Sticky Door

Pleasance Dome, 24–28 Aug

Angel by Henry Naylor

Gilded Balloon Patter Hoose, 24–28 Aug

Afghanistan Is Not Funny by Henry Naylor

Gilded Balloon Teviot, 24–29 Aug

Fills Monkey: We Will Drum You Pleasance Courtyard, 24–29 Aug Happy Meal

Traverse Theatre, 26 Aug



Greenside @ Infirmary Street, 24–27 Aug

Charlotte Johnson: My Dad and Other Lies

Pleasance Dome, 24–29 Aug

The Birds

theSpace @ Symposium Hall, 24–27 Aug


Katie’s Tales

Greenside @ Riddles Court, 24 Aug, 26 Aug, 27 Aug

Boris the Third Pleasance Courtyard, 24–29 Aug

Once Upon a Midnight


theSpace on North Bridge, 24–27 Aug

Taiwan Season: The Whisper of the Waves Summerhall, 24–28 Aug


Greenside @ Nicolson Square, 24–27 Aug

Miss Magics

C ARTS | C venues | C place, 24 Aug

Brother’s Keeper theSpace on the Mile, 24–27 Aug


C ARTS | C venues | C place, 25–28 Aug


Rob Madge: My Son’s a Queer (But What Can You Do)

Underbelly, George Square, 24–29 Aug

Delicious Fruit

Pleasance Dome, 24–29 Aug

Almost 13

Greenside @ Infirmary Street, 24–27 Aug


Into the Deep Greenside @ Nicolson Square, 24–27 Aug

Pip Utton as Bacon

The Stand’s New Town Theatre, 25–28 Aug

The Names I Have Known You By

Greenside @ Nicolson Square, 24–27 Aug

The Last Romantic Gilded Balloon Patter Hoose, 24–28 Aug


A Dark Place

Pleasance Courtyard, 24–29 Aug


theSpace on North Bridge, 24–27 Aug

How to Be a Person When the World Is Ending Paradise in Augustines, 24–28 Aug

Plus One

Greenside @ Riddles Court, 24–27 Aug


Blood Harmony

Traverse Theatre, 25 Aug

The Greatest Hits of Lily and John

Pleasance Courtyard, 24–28 Aug


Assembly George Square Studios, 24–28 Aug

Tea Ceremony

ZOO Playground, 24–28 Aug

The Last Return

Traverse Theatre, 26 Aug

The Penelopiad

C ARTS | C venues | C aquila, 24–27 Aug

Whirlpool People: Deconstructing the Illusion of the Self

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Banshee Labyrinth, 24–28 Aug

Look, No Hands

Summerhall, 24–28 Aug


Traverse Theatre, 27 Aug

I Am Gavrilo Princip

Army @ The Fringe, 24–28 Aug

My Lover Was a Salmon in the Climate Apocalypse

Pleasance Courtyard, 24–29 Aug

Les Dawson: Flying High Assembly George Square, 24–28 Aug


Traverse Theatre, 24 Aug, 28 Aug

Buzzing Anonymous

Arthur Conan Doyle Centre, 27–28 Aug

The Twenty-Sided Tavern

Pleasance Dome, 24–28 Aug


Near To

C ARTS | C venues | C cubed, 24–28 Aug


The Actress

Underbelly, Bristo Square, 24–29 Aug

The Seed of the Holyman theSpace on North Bridge, 24–27 Aug


Pleasance Courtyard, 24–29 Aug



theSpace @ Niddry St, 24–27 Aug

Prometheus Bound (Io’s Version)

theSpace on the Mile, 25 Aug, 27 Aug

Horse Country

Assembly George Square Studios, 24–29 Aug

With The Devil’s Assistance

Scottish Storytelling Centre, 24 Aug, 26 Aug, 28 Aug

The Not So Ugly Duckling: A Play for Grownups

Scottish Storytelling Centre, 25 Aug, 27 Aug


La Merda

Summerhall, 24–28 Aug

Nightmare Magic

PBH’s Free Fringe @ Voodoo Rooms, 24–28 Aug

Queen of Fishtown

Paradise in The Vault, 24–28 Aug

Love Me or I’ll Kill Myself

ZOO Playground, 24–28 Aug

Victoria Melody: Head Set Pleasance Courtyard, 24–28 Aug

Irvine Welsh’s Porno Pleasance Courtyard, 24–28 Aug


Agent November: Outdoor Escape Game –Major X Ploe-Shun

Meeting Point at Assembly

George Square Studios, 24–29 Aug

The Smile O Your Face

C ARTS | C venues | C place, 24–28 Aug

Return to the Hiding Place

Palmerston Place Church, 25 Aug

The Magic Mountain

King’s Theatre, 28 Aug


Leith Arches, 24 Aug, 26 Aug,

27 Aug, 28 Aug, 29 Aug


Summerhall @ Q Park – OMNI, Greenside Row, 24–27 Aug

Paradok Platform

Just the Tonic at La Belle Angele, 24–28 Aug

Agent November: Indoor Escape Game – Murder

Mr E The Stand’s New Town Theatre, 24–28 Aug

Agent November: Outdoor Escape Game –

Robyn Yew Meeting Point at Assembly

George Square Studios, 24–29 Aug

Blanket Ban

Underbelly, Cowgate, 24–28 Aug

Boris Live at Five

Gilded Balloon at the Museum, 25–28 Aug

Sport on the Fringe

RSE Theatre, 24–28 Aug

Stop Trying to Be Fantastic

Summerhall, 24–28 Aug


Fool Muun Komming! [BeBgWunderful/YEsyes/ Hi5.4sure.TruLuv;Spank Spank:SOfun_Grate_ Times]

Assembly Rooms, 24–27 Aug Done to Death, By Jove! theSpaceTriplex, 25 Aug, 27 Aug

Waiting for Hamlet theSpaceTriplex, 24 Aug, 26 Aug

A Highly Suspect Murder Mystery

theSpace @ Surgeons Hall, 24–27 Aug


Crumbled theSpace @ Venue45, 25 Aug, 27 Aug

A Toe Tale theSpace @ Venue45, 24 Aug, 26 Aug

It All Assembly Rooms, 24–26 Aug

Manic ZOO Playground, 24–28 Aug

Jungle Door

Greenside @ Infirmary Street, 24–27 Aug

Born Under a Bad Sign theSpace on the Mile, 24 Aug, 26 Aug


We Are Tra c: An Uber Adventure Assembly Rooms, 24–28 Aug

A Two Woman Hamlet Greenside @ Nicolson Square, 24–27 Aug

The Richard Osman Fan Club

Paradise in The Vault, 24–28 Aug


Destiny Underbelly, Cowgate, 24–28 Aug

Time’s Plague

The Stand’s New Town Theatre, 24–28 Aug


Pleasance Courtyard, 24–29 Aug

The Choir of Man Assembly Hall, 29 Aug

Learning to Fly Summerhall, 24–28 Aug

Chaos by Laura Lomas Greenside @ Infirmary Street, 24–27 Aug



Roundabout @ Summerhall, 24–28 Aug


The Smile O Your Face C ARTS | C venues | C place, 24–28 Aug

GirlPlay theSpace on North Bridge, 24–27 Aug

Velvet Determination

Greenside @ Nicolson Square, 24–27 Aug

Fata Morgana

Pleasance at EICC, 24–28 Aug Two’s Company Gilded Balloon Patter Hoose, 24–28 Aug

The Diary of a Nobody theSpace on the Mile, 25 Aug, 27 Aug

Just an Ordinary Lawyer C ARTS | C venues | C place, 24–28 Aug

Buzzing Anonymous

Arthur Conan Doyle Centre, 26 Aug


Gilbert and Sullivan’s Nightmare theSpace on the Mile, 24 Aug, 26 Aug


Color Inside the Lines

theSpace @ Surgeons Hall, 25–27 Aug



Pleasance Dome, 24–28 Aug

Going Down theSpace on North Bridge, 24–27 Aug


Zoo Southside, 24–28 Aug

My Voice Was Heard But It Was Ignored Summerhall, 24–28 Aug

Eve: All About Her Gilded Balloon Patter Hoose, 24–28 Aug


Become a Sexy Refugee in Five Easy Steps!

The Stand’s New Town Theatre, 26 Aug

An Evening with Great Irish Writers

C ARTS | C venues | C piccolo, 24–28 Aug

The Cabaret of Dangerous Ideas: Wrongful Convictions and a Hacked Toothbrush

The Stand’s New Town Theatre, 27 Aug

Waterloo Summerhall, 24–27 Aug

Will Killer Robots Save Humanity?

The Stand’s New Town Theatre, 28 Aug

The Sian Clarke Experience

Underbelly, Cowgate, 24–28 Aug

Buzzing Anonymous

Arthur Conan Doyle Centre, 27–28 Aug


Gilded Balloon Teviot, 25–29 Aug

My Hormones Made Me Do It!

The Stand’s New Town Theatre, 25 Aug

Everyone Speaks Another Language!

The Stand’s New Town Theatre, 24 Aug


Pillows theSpace on North Bridge, 24–27 Aug

Musclebound Assembly Roxy, 24–28 Aug

A Matter of Time

C ARTS | C venues | C cubed, 24–28 Aug

Hey, That’s My Wife! Hill Street Theatre, 24–28 Aug


The Smile O Your Face

C ARTS | C venues | C place, 24–28 Aug

The Magic Mountain King’s Theatre, 26–27 Aug

Temping Assembly George Square Studios, 24–28 Aug

Blood and Gold

Royal Lyceum Theatre

Edinburgh, 24–28 Aug

Agent November: Indoor Escape Game – Murder

Mr E

The Stand’s New Town Theatre, 24–28 Aug

How to Be a Better Human

Summerhall, 24–28 Aug

Tempus Fugit: Troy and Us

Army @ The Fringe, 24–28 Aug


Gilded Balloon Patter Hoose, 24–28 Aug

One Man Two Guvnors

Rose Theatre, 24–28 Aug

Trainspotting Live Pleasance at EICC, 24–28 Aug

Mystic Poetry

Arthur Conan Doyle Centre, 25 Aug


Spit Me Out theSpace on the Mile, 24–27 Aug

Cheeky Girls theSpace @ Niddry St, 24–27 Aug

Don’t Shoot the Albatross

ZOO Playground, 24–27 Aug


D theSpace @ Venue45, 25 Aug, 27 Aug

Ine able

theSpace @ Venue45, 24 Aug, 26 Aug

Project Dictator Pleasance Courtyard, 24–27 Aug


Ode to Joy (How Gordon got to go to the nasty pig party)

Summerhall, 24–28 Aug


Hedda, Nora, Julie and Me

Greenside @ Infirmary Street, 24–27 Aug

Love and Piss

Greenside @ Infirmary Street, 24–27 Aug

The Grandmothers


Greenside @ Riddles Court, 24–27 Aug


Greenside @ Riddles Court, 24–27 Aug

All By Myself

ZOO Playground, 24–28 Aug


Assembly Rooms, 24–27 Aug


The Smile O Your Face C ARTS | C venues | C place, 24–28 Aug Dr Glas

Paradise in Augustines, 24–28 Aug


Traverse Theatre, 24 Aug, 28 Aug


Summerhall @ Lyra

Artspace, 25–27 Aug

The Azure Sky in Oz, Yellow and Special – Free PBH’s Free Fringe @ The Street, 24–28 Aug

The Rain Men RSE Theatre, 24–28 Aug


Scottish Storytelling Centre, 24–29 Aug

The Unicorn Pleasance Courtyard, 24–29 Aug

Planetarium Lates – You Are Here

Dynamic Earth, 26 Aug

This is Paradise

Traverse Theatre, 26 Aug Caligari

Underbelly, Cowgate, 24–28 Aug

Independence Hill Street Theatre, 24–28 Aug

Bloody Elle – A Gig Musical

Traverse Theatre, 25 Aug

Frighthouse Presents: The Wheel of Misfortune

Laughing Horse @ 32 Below, 24–28 Aug

Two Fingers Up Summerhall, 24–28 Aug

Famous Puppet Death Scenes

Assembly Roxy, 24–28 Aug Happy Meal

Traverse Theatre, 27 Aug Box’d

Greenside @ Infirmary Street, 24–27 Aug


Woyzeck / Marie

theSpace on the Mile, 24–27 Aug



Greenside @ Riddles Court, 24–27 Aug

They’ve All Gone and We’ll Go Too

Greenside @ Nicolson Square, 24–27 Aug

Do Androids Dream of Electric Friends?

Greenside @ Nicolson Square, 24–27 Aug


Sylvia vs the Fascists

theSpace on North Bridge, 24–27 Aug

Science Stories for Grown-Ups

PBH’s Free Fringe @ CC Blooms, 24–28 Aug

The Girl and Her Balloon

theSpace on North Bridge, 24–27 Aug


theSpace on the Mile, 24–27 Aug

Buzzing Anonymous

Arthur Conan Doyle Centre, 26 Aug


The Wild Unfeeling World

Summerhall, 24 Aug, 26 Aug, 28 Aug

A Place That Belongs to Monsters

Summerhall, 25 Aug, 27 Aug


Assembly Roxy, 25–29 Aug


Dot Dot Dot Dash

theSpace @ Niddry St, 24–27 Aug

Living a Little

Underbelly, Cowgate, 24–28 Aug

Well-Behaved Women

Seldom Make History

C ARTS | C venues | C piccolo, 24–28 Aug


Agent November: Outdoor Escape Game –Major X Ploe-Shun

Meeting Point at Assembly

George Square Studios, 24–29 Aug

The Smile O Your Face

C ARTS | C venues | C place, 24–28 Aug

Agent November: Indoor Escape Game – Murder

Mr E

The Stand’s New Town Theatre, 24–28 Aug

Hamlet with Ian McKellen

Ashton Hall, Saint Stephens

Stockbridge, 24–28 Aug

Feeling Afraid as If Something Terrible Is Going to Happen

Roundabout @ Summerhall, 24–28 Aug

The Glengoyne Storytelling Experience

Yotel Edinburgh, 24 Aug

Agent November: Outdoor Escape Game –Robyn Yew

Meeting Point at Assembly

George Square Studios, 24–29 Aug

A Rose by Any Other Name

Paradise in The Vault, 24–28 Aug


Fringe Online, 24–29 Aug

SK Shlomo: Breathe: The Play That Becomes a Rave

Pleasance Dome, 24–28 Aug

Buzzing Anonymous

Arthur Conan Doyle Centre, 27–28 Aug



theSpace @ Surgeons Hall, 24–27 Aug


Tam O’ Shanter, Tales & Whisky

theSpace @ Venue45, 24–27 Aug


Return to the Hiding Place

Palmerston Place Church, 24–26 Aug

Heroin to Hero

Army @ The Fringe, 24–28 Aug

Isto é um Negro? (This is a Black?)

Summerhall, 24 Aug, 25 Aug, 27 Aug, 28 Aug

Self Service

theSpace @ Surgeons Hall, 24–27 Aug

Still Floating Summerhall, 24–28 Aug


Home is Not the Place

Summerhall, 25 Aug, 27 Aug


C ARTS | C venues | C aquila, 24 Aug, 25 Aug, 26 Aug, 28 Aug

Gertrude and Ophelia in Hell

theSpace @ Symposium Hall, 24–27 Aug

Human Fountains

C ARTS | C venues | C aquila, 24–28 Aug


Summerhall, 24-26 -28 Aug


Blood Harmony

Traverse Theatre, 26 Aug

The Smile O Your Face

C ARTS | C venues | C place, 24–28 Aug

Temping Assembly

George Square Studios, 24–28 Aug


Leith Arches, 24 Aug, 26 Aug, 27 Aug, 28 Aug, 29 Aug

The Last Return

Traverse Theatre, 27 Aug

A Time Traveler’s Guide to the Present

theSpace on North Bridge, 24–27 Aug

Barefoot in the Park

The Royal Scots Club, 24–27 Aug


Traverse Theatre, 24 Aug, 28 Aug

Planetarium Lates –Under Pressure: The Ocean Show

Dynamic Earth, 26 Aug


Greenside @ Infirmary Street, 24–27 Aug

Muster Station: Leith Leith Academy, 24–25 Aug

Walking with Ghosts

King’s Theatre, 24–27 Aug

When You Walk Over My Grave Church Hill Theatre, 25–28 Aug Wilf

Traverse Theatre, 25 Aug You Know We Belong Together

The Lyceum, 24–27 Aug

The Strange Undoing of Prudencia Hart

University of Edinburgh Playfair Library, 24–27 Aug

Faulty Towers The Dining Experience Imagination Workshop: Hilton Carlton , 24–28 Aug



Greenside @ Infirmary Street, 24–27 Aug

Being Frank About Sinatra

Paradise in The Vault, 24–28 Aug


Sex and Sculpture

Greenside @ Infirmary Street, 24–27 Aug



Greenside @ Nicolson Square, 24–27 Aug

Door-to-Door Poetry: Nationwide

PBH’s Free Fringe @ The Street, 24–28 Aug

The Zoo Story by Edward Albee

Greenside @ Riddles Court, 24–27 Aug

76 Theatre festmag.com

The Ecstasy of Victoria Woodhull

theSpace on North Bridge, 24–27 Aug

You’re Safe Til 2024: Deep History

Pleasance Courtyard, 24–29 Aug

That’s a Bit of Sheer

Luck! – A Sherlock Holmes Parody

theSpace @ Surgeons Hall, 24–27 Aug



Greenside @ Infirmary Street, 24–27 Aug

Another Universe

Greenside @ Nicolson Square, 24–27 Aug

Things We (Never)

Learned in Sex Ed

theSpace on North Bridge, 24–27 Aug


Something in the Water

Summerhall, 24–28 Aug

Concept for a Film Assembly George Square Studios, 24–27 Aug

Guide to Surviving Masculinist Territory

Summerhall, 26–28 Aug


The Hub, 24–27 Aug


theSpace @ Niddry St, 24–27 Aug

Hiya Dolly!

theSpace @ Surgeons Hall, 24–27 Aug

Agent November: Indoor Escape Game – Murder

Mr E

The Stand’s New Town Theatre, 24–28 Aug

as british as a watermelon

The Studio, 24–26 Aug

Buzzing Anonymous

Arthur Conan Doyle Centre, 26 Aug


The Gay Train

RSE Theatre, 24–28 Aug

Do I?

theSpace @ Surgeons Hall, 24–27 Aug

1:2:2192 (Retribution Day)

theSpace on the Mile, 24–27 Aug


Let’s Try Gay

theSpace @ Symposium Hall, 24–27 Aug

Tim Crouch: Truth’s A Dog

Must to Kennel

Royal Lyceum Theatre

Edinburgh, 24–28 Aug

The Tragic-Comedy of Things

C ARTS | C venues | C piccolo, 24–28 Aug

UK Underdog

theSpace @ Surgeons Hall, 24–27 Aug

Buzzing Anonymous

Arthur Conan Doyle Centre, 27–28 Aug


Ned Kelly’s Mother

C ARTS | C venues | C cubed, 24–28 Aug

27 Lost Years: Diary of a Compulsive Hoarder Fringe Online, 24–28 Aug


NASTY: “big” girls being gross, mean and sexy theSpaceTriplex, 24–27 Aug Caste-ing Roundabout @ Summerhall, 24–28 Aug


The Gods, The Gods, The Gods Assembly Rooms, 24–27 Aug Guide to Surviving Masculinist Territory Summerhall, 24–25 Aug

Sunny Makes a Scene

C ARTS | C venues | C aquila, 24–28 Aug

Loud Poets: Best of Fringe

Scottish Storytelling Centre, 25–28 Aug

Ram of God

Assembly Roxy, 24–28 Aug

This Is Memorial Device

Wee Red Bar, 25–29 Aug


Lottie Plachett Took a Hatchett

Assembly Roxy, 24–27 Aug Have You Seen This Woman?

ZOO Playground, 24–28 Aug

The Collie’s Shed theSpace on North Bridge, 24–27 Aug


The Choir of Man Assembly Hall, 24–28 Aug

Johnny Got His Gun

Zoo Southside, 24–28 Aug



Summerhall, 24–28 Aug

Broke Her theSpace on North Bridge, 24–27 Aug

Salamander Greenside @ Riddles Court, 24–27 Aug

Lighthouse Greenside @ Infirmary Street, 24–27 Aug


The Funny Thing About Death

Greenside @ Infirmary Street, 24–27 Aug



Summerhall, 24–28 Aug


Tuesday Night Sleeping Club

ZOOTV, 24–26 Aug

Why I Hate My Penis

Greenside @ Infirmary Street, 24–27 Aug

What Broke David Lynch?

Greenside @ Nicolson Square, 24–27 Aug


Assembly George Square Studios, 24–28 Aug


Summerhall @ Q Park – OMNI, Greenside Row, 24–27 Aug Black Sheep Assembly Rooms, 24–27 Aug Agent November: Indoor Escape Game – Murder

Mr E

The Stand’s New Town Theatre, 24–28 Aug Trainspotting Live Pleasance at EICC, 24–28 Aug


You’re Dead, Mate theSpace @ Surgeons Hall, 24–27 Aug

Cicada’s Children theSpace on North Bridge, 24–27 Aug


Changing the Sheets Assembly Rooms, 24–28 Aug


Lucinda Spragg: An Evening With Underbelly, Bristo Square, 24–29 Aug


Olives and Blowjobs theSpaceTriplex, 24–27 Aug


Guide to Surviving

Masculinist Territory

Summerhall, 26–28 Aug Real, Mad World theSpace on North Bridge, 24–27 Aug


Cake and Violence theSpace @ Surgeons Hall, 24–27 Aug


Gilded Balloon Patter Hoose, 24–28 Aug Coming Out of My Cage (And I’ve Been Doing Just Fine)

Underbelly, Cowgate, 24–28 Aug Good Enough theSpace on the Mile, 24–27 Aug


Bathroom of a Bar on Bleecker Paradise in The Vault, 24–27 Aug

I’m F*cking My Agent theSpace on North Bridge, 24–27 Aug


Up Her Sleeve Greenside @ Riddles Court, 24–27 Aug

Dried Apricots

Greenside @ Infirmary Street, 24–27 Aug

Doris Does The Edinboiger Fridge theSpace on the Mile, 24–27 Aug


Bloody Mary: Live!

Pleasance at EICC, 24–29 Aug

Flat Pack Furnished Flat Greenside @ Infirmary Street, 24–27 Aug

Agent November: Indoor Escape Game – Murder

Mr E

The Stand’s New Town Theatre, 24–28 Aug

Shit-faced Shakespeare: Macbeth

Pleasance at EICC, 24–28 Aug Game Night

Greenside @ Infirmary Street, 24–27 Aug

Loud Poets: Best of Fringe

Scottish Storytelling Centre, 25–27 Aug


My Own Private

Shakespeare Greenside @ Riddles Court, 24–27 Aug

Herviss Family

C ARTS | C venues | C aquila, 24–28 Aug


Murder Ballads

Underbelly, Cowgate, 24–28 Aug

Cottage Greenside @ Infirmary Street, 24–27 Aug


head/lining theSpace @ Symposium

Hall, 24–27 Aug

Bella Donna

theSpace @ Niddry St, 24–27 Aug

Toast, Pudding Lane

Laughing Horse @ Bar 50, 24–28 Aug

Mythos: Ragnarok

Gilded Balloon Patter Hoose, 24–28 Aug

Finding Melania

Underbelly, Bristo Square, 24–29 Aug


Gash Theatre Needs Some Space Assembly Rooms, 25–27 Aug


Reclaiming Harry PBH’s Free Fringe @ CC Blooms, 24–28 Aug


Apartness theSpace @ Surgeons Hall, 24–27 Aug

Paul Richards: My Function Band Hell PBH’s Free Fringe @ Banshee Labyrinth, 24–27 Aug


LoudScribble theSpaceTriplex, 24–26 Aug


An Audience With Milly-Liu Pleasance Courtyard, 24–29 Aug

Luke Wright’s Late Night Dance Floor Fillers (Poems)

Pleasance Dome, 24–29 Aug


Gilded Balloon Patter Hoose, 24–28 Aug


Grecian Idolatry Greenside @ Infirmary Street, 24–27 Aug

Animal Form Paradise in The Vault, 24–28 Aug


Matt and Ben theSpace @ Surgeons Hall, 24–27 Aug

The Coven theSpace @ Surgeons Hall, 24–27 Aug


Later Roundabout @ Summerhall, 26–27 Aug



Fringe Dog meets Hal Cruttenden

Edinburgh’s canine journalist chats to the comedian about his two dogs, Lexie and Bear

Illustration: Lauren Hunter

hallo mr hal !!! i hear you bringin’ brilliant show to edimbrugh chartin’ big life changes , so for my first question , do you have a dog ??? Yes. I have two.

how would your dog describe your show ???

My older dog, Lexie, would describe my show as a hilarious insight into middle-aged divorce. A pithy take on a growing crisis in our society. My younger dog, Bear, would think it was crap.

they say a dog is a “mans” best friend but how do your dogs feel about you ?!? Lexie adores me on an altogether deeper level than most human/dog relationships. She understands my moods and eccentricities. Bear doesn’t like me.

you’re known for bein’ one of the busiest comedians in the uk , runnin’ around from gig to gig , good gig or bad gig when you get home how does your dog support you ??!

Lexie asks for a full rundown of how my gig (or gigs) have gone that evening. She revels in the details of how audiences can be so di erent even in the same city and how a comedian has to adjust to the

mood of the crowd. Bear will roll over in his bed and fart.

20 years ago you were nominated for best newcomer, what advice would you give to the new pups doin’ their first full edimbrugh show this year ?!?

If they’re on between 8-9.30pm I would tell them to not do this year and come back in 2023. I’m on at 8.10 and I don’t want the competition. If they want a war though… go for it.

what shows are you and your dog most lookin’ forward to this year ??!

Lexie has been going through the Edinburgh brochure and picking her favourites. She’s a massive Mark Watson fan. I gave Bear a brochure and he ate it.

what is your favourite edimbrugh smell ??? i like the bin outside lidl on nicholson street

The bin outside Lidl on Nicolson Street! Oh my god, that’s mine too! See you there!

if you were a breed of dog what breed would you be and why ?!?

I’d like to be a Sta e because, in my experience, they’re dogs

that people are initially scared of but turn out to have a lovely temper. In fact, I’m probably more suited to being a Chihuahua. They look pathetic but can be really unpleasant. That just about sums me up.

what qualities in your dog do you most admire ???

I admire Lexie’s loyalty and a ection. I admire Bear’s inability to feel any shame. He’s like Trump.

SHOW Hal Cruttenden: It’s Best You Hear It From Me

VENUE: Pleasance Courtyard

TIME: 8:10pm – 9:10pm, 3–28 Aug, not 16

Photo: Matt Crockett
78 festmag.com Fringe Dog
Hal Cruttenden

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