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Benefits of gardening

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Getting started

We know that the thought of growing your own can seem a little overwhelming to some, but it really couldn’t be simpler and once you see the first shoots of life coming up from your soil, you’ll soon see how easy it is! You will, naturally, face some trial and error about what can grow in your soil depending on its consistency, or the climate you live in, but there are so many benefits of growing your own vegetables versus buying them from the supermarket, that we think it is well worth trying to grow your own this year!

Feel the Benefits

You will also be upping your movement and activity levels, digging, weeding, planting and turning soil all burn high amounts of calories. You will be getting fit without the rigidity of a workout regime or gym! It is also listed in physical activities that are considered more enjoyable than the gym – alongside things like dancing and walking. There are also really very few exercises you can do in the gym that mimic the physical movements of gardening, so it also gets muscles moving in a way that they might not have done before. If you’ve not moved that way before, you’re sure to feel the muscle ache for the next few days. Don’t worry though, this is perfectly normal! However, if the pains last longer than a week, make sure you contact your doctor! Taste the Benefits When was the last time you ate something you had grown yourself, on your own land? There really is no comparison to the flavour of homegrown veg, compared to the ones we can buy from the supermarkets. Growing your own can vastly improve your health and make you much less likely to waste food. When you have experienced the joy of growing something from seed in your own garden, or home, you will not want to waste it! So if you’ve grown lots of veg, you are much more likely to eat it, meaning naturally your fruit and veg intake will increase. Besides, the fact that the plants have very little time to age between being picked and eaten, means that the vitamin content in them is high and they are less likely to contain any nasty chemicals or pesticides.

Reap the Benefits Gardening has been shown to be great for your mental health and can help decrease symptoms of depression, anxiety and stress, simply by being outside in the fresh air. As well as this, it also supports and tops up your vitamin D levels too. Getting sunshine is proven to increase much needed vitamin D and improve levels of serotonin, your happy hormone. Just remember to keep your forearms or legs exposed to the sun to get your Vitamin D levels boosted and wear sun cream to prevent burning.

Save the Benefits

What’s more, you’ll also be saving money on buying fresh veg every week at the supermarket. You see the supermarkets charging a premium for ‘organic’ fruit and veg – when you can grow your own organic at home! You can pick it straight from the garden whenever you need it and reduce your food bill at the same time. If you really want to try growing your own but are lacking in outdoor green space, why not apply for an allotment in your local area? Usually incredibly cheap to rent for the year, they are a fantastic way to get outdoor growing spaces on a good budget! So try growing your own this year – the best part is, if you’re really good at it, you can gift your harvests to loved ones too and share your amazing bounty!

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