1 minute read

Plot management

Once you have sown all your seeds and planted your crops, you will need to keep on top of the plot.

It’s important to go out and regularly weed the plot to ensure the plants are not being starved of water, light or getting their roots damaged by the weeds. So head out once a week and pull up any alien plants you see in the patch – you should be able to tell them from your vegetables!

It’s also really important to regularly water your crops. Most vegetables will need watering a couple of times a week, particularly as the weather gets hotter. Keep the soil moist, but be careful not to drown the plants either!

Eventually, your veg will need harvesting and of course, this is the best part of growing your own! With some plants, such a root veg, they can stay in the ground for a little longer.

However, salad items and leafy veg like chard, pak choi and lettuce do need to be picked frequently so they don’t go to seed. The great thing is, the leafy ones should resprout if you pick the leaves off, so you’ll get more per plant!

If you find yourself overrun with veg, why not donate them to a neighbour or loved one, who might not be able to get to the shops as easily as you can?

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