The Delusory Gene by Alan Grant Here’s the Penultimate Oxymoron … “I am an atheist, thank God!” ( I love that expression, and would like to claim authorship. However, it has been cleverly bespoken by others)
Thus my destiny Reveals a ‘Wannabee’ Having gained naught By flawed thought Except …Uncertainty!
Genobscurity Most recently the human genome has been fully mapped. And we have identified specific genes with relate to our cosmetic appearances – Hair, eyes, skin,. Etc… Also, the propensity to develop ailments, and maybe, even a longevity gene that programs us, right from the getgo,.. to when we permanently exit. And deeply imbedded, lurks the domain of an obscure bit of DNA, bent and determined to thwart a rational view of our existence? To wit,.. The Delusory Gene, whose mission is to cause and perpetuate blind, unquestioning faith. And further it gifts for those ‘True Believers’, a great potential reward (If they can first survive the terrible ‘Endof Days’ violent purging of evil) … A ‘bornagain’ eternal bliss.
A Second Coming Three of the major world religions prophesy the emergence of a Messiah. Judaism and Islam are quite close as to the return modus. The Messiah lives amongst us and at the appropriate time – Will reveal himself. Jews have erroneously through past eras, been disappointed by the appearance of FalseMessiahs (selfproclaimed or otherwise). The most recent candidate was a twentiethcentury Rabbi (Menachim Schneerson –New York). And not to be left behind in this redemption sweepstakes, Islam longs for and awaits a yetunkown Imam to reveal himself. Christianity has a similar scenario, except that it’s pending entrant (Somewhat more farfetched) – will return to a living ‘Messiahship’ from a previously demised (and then resurrected) man. Each of these worshipful traditions, in one way or another – With pumped up Chutzpah proclaims,… ‘My God is better than your God’.
To Game or not to Game
With veiled mien The Delusory Gene In stranded guise Covertly plies It’s mission Unseen Yet to slice it Or splice it ‘Tis but preamble Invoking gamble That’s the ‘dice’ – Of it! Albeit not a fakir Should our Maker Be subject To reject As the only – Mover and Shaker?
The Greatest Escape If benign genetic alteration is possible, a neutered Delusory Gene would lose its’ potency for causing mindless devotion. And the pressure of suasive, herdlike mentality (One must go along – To get along) …would fade. .’MeThink’ would supersede ‘GroupThink’
Sequellae Would there be dust and cobwebs in church confessionals’ Since no one goes there anymore? Would there be no wear and tear on prayer mats in mosques – Since no one would kneel and bow down five times daily? Would the sound of the Ram’s Horn’s (Shofar) Echo in empty synagogues? Chambers of worship are theaters (Mostly of the absurd) – That cannot survive without audiences. So, how will our congregational leaders or intermediaries (Rabbis, Imams, Priests Each in service to his own uniquely branded almighty), respond when their showplaces – Have gone dark? Will these learned souls go quietly, and willingly redirect their talents in secular directions (Let’s call it Time off for good behavior)?
Grudgingly! …But with inner conviction that Faith, once again, will trump reason Reinstating the ‘Opiate of the Masses’ (Karl Marx – Was right, after all).. Our Delusory Gene is reselent – A tough customer. And when it fully expresses itself, ….
Remandation …A newly minted ‘Annointed’ ( Or reannointed) being, will in fact, come back, and will be accepted as the genuine article. Then we will really be in a pickle. All of the strifes we wrestle with each day, will have vanished. We will have been remanded to a beautiful remake of the Garden of Eden. Wherein, all is in total harmony, man and nature, No hunger. No want, No aggression, No striving, No seeking, Endless copulation (At first joyful – However, quickly becoming mindless timepassing activity)
ZombieLand What becomes of cognition? Do our reasoning powers devolute? If nothing is worthwhile to accomplish, then there is nothing but indolence. For a while we regress to the level of creatures who only act on instinct. And if we are nevermore threatened by predators, nor have to expend energy to find food and nourish ourselves, it would not take long before we fall below simple instinctive levels of behavior of the fish, fowl and animals that are our companions in this ‘Notso FunnyFarm’. And what happens to those other creatures, if they also, are so blest? How boringly low can we (and they) descend?
OmniOmni Imploring (whatever that manifestation of supposed deity may exist), Please,… please do not foist upon my world a Messiah! I would rather take my chances with no more than what Descarte propounded in the 16 th century (as an attempt to impose mathematical certainties upon philosophy).
“I think, therefore I am!” Descarte used those words to vault thinkingman to be the pinnacle of God’s creation (As opposed to all other living creatures. And since I am a member of that class, my ego can smugly accept). Ironically, that may also confer – The privilege of abnegation (A denial of religion) – Therefore, an apostasy,… Within that framework, One can still adhere to a Golden Rule – And be an ethical ‘Boy Scout” (With all those virtues) – Kind, peaceful, truthful, honest – And certainly more tolerant of any (and all) others – With differing views.
Oh If it were only that simple When times are good, ‘Cafeteriaing’ the low hanging fruit of any umbrella faith – Is easy. As opposed to an extremis, that suddenly hollows out all assurance of independent ‘being’. The appeaser within, now emerges, and goes allout, reasserting with promises to be future good – Proffering offerings, sacrifices, bribes. Invictis has abdicated! There is no longer a personal 'Captain of the ship, a master of the soul'. Objectivity is compromised and fails. But, what the hell, whatever it takes, survival is survival!
Supplication And so, dear ‘OmniOmni’, If you really are a reality, just this once,…(Is this actually a prayer? …Am I, hypocritically, petitioning someone or something, I pretend not to believe in). Surely your allknowing, allseeing primacy is not threatened by permitting me – To enjoy complete and unfettered ‘Free Will’ (You are so far above mortal pettiness). If science cannot negate that particular genetic compulsivity, then I entreat Please defang that Delusory Gene (Of which I remain a partial captive). For this desiredfor gift, I will reciprocate (true to form) in the words of another burdened soul,… “Free at last, free at last. Thank God almighty, I am free at last!”.
Am I that sure Atheism is so pure An unbelief Sans guilt or grief Sinecure? And if by God Agnost Unburdened and Unbossed With no alien Regimen Am I thus ‘Found’ – Or lost? Humbly unbound I am crowned With great pretension That God is MY invention Not the other way around
Might I ever be Conceivably PrayerFree My voice Would know free choice And naught Could direct me! =========================================================