Essay - Seduction-2

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Seduction Is either The good or bad ‘Making’of another And requires there be Both a seductor … And a seductee Often it takes A much more potent form Than a garden variety minimum Of twosome coupling What’s that you say? It is the self-love Attached to your own (Mis?) guided beliefs Trumpeted In various ways Mostly about things And/or people You don’t like Though you may foist Your suspect opinions On too-tolerant Friends and neighbors ‘Tis doubtful

Thank goodness That you will ever rise To a position of great power Therefore we naifs Are secure in knowing You will never be able To implement any of your Half-baked ideas Cheers for that failure That we accept as harmless But what if along comes A Charismat – A Pied Piper A hypnotizing onesome Lording over many Manysomes Now the bedding Of the multitudes Of his followers Becomes Bigtime The seductees Have been truly had And these poor manysomes Pay the price Do they ever!

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