Is the volunteer On-Call haven For grandparents Besting the standard Of a mere 24/7 On-Call For all other players How come you say? Its' just recognition That all of the Bumbles You inflicted (innocently of course) Upon your kids In your salad years Must be redressed To rebalance the scales
So in company With your slowly Dwindling duration You are awaiting In the wings For a command performance On stage -When (or wherever) So commanded Be it pre-planned (Or on short notice) Baby-sitting House-sitting Chaperoning School driving Day Night Holidays Nearby Far-Away
'Tis an ongoing Blanket gig An atonement (retrospectively) For whatever You could have (or should have) Done better But - Try not to Wallow in Self- remorse 'Tis for sure Your kids will Surely make Their own miscues ..And end up Someday Reprising your role Hooray for Generational Rondo justice!