At long last A reorientation Of yourself Past temporary Sabbatical respites Now occasioned By a bon voyage Kiss-off luncheon A gift A plaque A Speech Possibly a portrait Memorializing Your visage To stare down Upon younger Indifferent (briefly aware-of) Colleagues Now with diploma Having graduated Post-Partum To senior land
Gifted for your Vagabond status Is a Hang your Hat Nook Desk Chair Plus Some Send/receive modus For cogent (?) Communications Question ? Underneatth This gloss of (suspect) Respect And every polite Nod of affirmation Whose ears hang on to your varied Declamations ? And begone Is decision-making Wafted out beyond The perimeter Of your voice-carry
But what these Erstwhile juniors Fail to appreciate Is that you have Long since Forgotten... What they have Yet to learn (famously from Churchill - What we learn from history - Is that we never learn from history)
Possibly this Is unavoidably part Of a universal Senescent arc 'Bashaert' or not Do you just bask? Or reapply yourself To a new game? (At least the firm letterhead does not carry your final existence date - Yet)