Essay-Free Associaation

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Free Association

God bless Free Association I'm all for it But relatively Narrow Is the path Trodden by me (and most other males) Compared to The yawning Gender-gap Betwixt Me and my mate Resulting in not knowing where I am in spousal Conversation Unlike swimming In a shallow pond

Where I can see My wiggling toes At the very bottom Enabling me to Interpret My surroundings However 'Tis not so When my beloved Drags me down Into a darkened Limitless ocean Of murky Happenings With Nameless Strange subjects And equally Strange Existors Thus now and then I must bob up

To the surface To clear my head And try to decode Those Cryptics Encountered below Indeed - Either way I am out of my depth and end up Plea-Bargaining Nolo Farshtay! In this game of Guess Who -What Where-When How-Why? I am totally inept Whilst this chancey Blind Mans Bluff True to its mystery Goes on!

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