Once upon a Program dialogue Whatever seriousness Was intended… Became impossibly Quirky My counterparts (numbering two) Came from a town In New England (with an Irish name) Of all things -Athol And no matter How they Uttered same That name emerged Sounding just like A well-known Vulgar Netherism I was totally undone By the Oral emanations And fought hard Against cracking up
With an attempted Straight face… “Big town- little town?” “About four thousand” “ All Athol’s?” “Yep - Everyone … - We are all Tight-knitted Athol’s” “I should hope so! But what about Other opinions?” “Nope – All Athol’s Think alike” By this time I had completely lost sight Of what was to have been An important subject Anyway As best I could Muddled thru And left the stage And my counterparts Never lost their dignity Or let on –to my Bad-Ass… (which was just as funny)!