Reductionusm Absurdum
Now we have Word knock-offs! Bug out = B.O. Get lost = F.O. Reductionusm At its’worst! When Copasetic Became ‘Cool’ Sacrificing three Extra syllables What else did we lose? Although One might entreat That Nicely became ‘Neat’ Mitigated by only one Syllable lost Were these shorteners Simply precursors To abandonment Of whole words To the paucity Of single letters?
(Even monkeys can Manage guttural Syllabic sounds. Does this signify that They are ascending While we are descending?) In going toward Alphabetical solo We have lost Much of Shaw And shortchanged Shakespeare’s Hamlet … … T.B.N.T.B. (go figure that one out) What’s next - (W.T.F.) ?