What Comes to Mind… (Thoughts on Mind/Body Duality)
Mind, left to its’ own – Is a laggard. But, it does slowly improve – by being messaged by its’ host – the body. Why, because the body senses its’ own inadequacy to successfully compete for survival. The shark has prospered for over 400 million years – with a brain/mass ratio far less than of human beings. Apparently it has successfully competed without the necessity of developing a larger brain. So, does the body possess a signaling mechanism that incentivizes the brain to upwardly evolve? ‘Invictus’ may, after all, may not be true. ‘I am the master of my fate, the captain of my soul’. The body may be the genesis and the true master of my mind. Suppose we were to take Descarte’s maxim, “I think, therefore I am”. And flip it obversely,.. “I am, therefore I think”. Provisional Proof: Approximately 100,000 years ago, we, Homo Sapiens, looked very much as we physically appear today. But the anthropologist view is that another 50,000 years transpired before we learned to think.
What triggered the body to stimulate the mind? Our own physical limitations. We were slower than cheetahs, shorter than giraffes, weaker than elephants. We needed to develop surrogates to make up for what we lacked. Mind slowly obliged by giving us tools – rocks, spears and guns – as survival accessories to body. So it turns out that the postulated obverse Descarte – may not be nonsense after all!