Aug board meeting minutes (20 08 13)

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Board Meeting Minutes Tuesday 20th August, 2013 11am SMIA Office


Directors Present: Stewart Henderson (SH), Dougal Perman (DP), Tam Coyle (TC), Ally Gray via Skype (AG), and Caroline Cooper

Issues for member feedback: Would an extension to Creative Scotland's twelve week cut off for applying for support for international showcases be of benefit to you? What three issues would you like us to lobby government / government agencies for on your behalf?

1. Apologies Greg Kane.


Minutes of last meeting and matters arising

The minutes of the last meeting were approved.



AG gave a brief overview of the current financial position. Membership revenue is down on the projected figure however the organisation is in a better financial position than predicted.

4. Operations Report CC prepared an operations report that had been circulated prior to the board meeting.

5. SMIA Website The new SMIA website will go live w/c 26th of August. ACTION - The board and CC will take a more proactive role in attracting new members once the new website is live.

6. Changes to Memorandum and Articles of Association CC has made amendments to the company's Memorandum and Articles of Association.


ACTION - CC will liaise with the company secretary regarding the changes and with the assistance of the board will arrange an EGM and social event for members to approve the changes.

7. Proposed label markets The SMIA is a partner on the Independent Label Market which will take place in Glasgow in October. ACTION - CC will continue to liaise with the organisers of the Glasgow ILM and offer assistance when needed. CC and SH have been investigating the possibility of an Edinburgh label fair. ACTION - S. Henderson is meeting with Kevin (Avalanche) and will discuss further and feed back to CC.

8. AOB Public Entertainment Licensing Research ACTION - CC will set up a meeting with COSLA and update research.

Scottish Music at Football Matches SH suggested the board work on a project to get Scottish football grounds to play only Scottish music. ACTION - TC will work on the idea and feed back to the board and CC at next month's board meeting.

Meeting ended at 1.12pm


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