Board Meeting Minutes Tuesday 4th December, 2012 5pm Scottish Music Centre
Directors Present: Stewart Henderson (S. Henderson), Tam Coyle (TC), Jamie Gilmour (JG), Caroline Gorman (CG), Dougal Perman (DP), Greg Kane (GK), Stephen Hume (S. Hume) Caroline Cooper (CC) and Stuart Thomas (ST) Action Point
Responsible Completion Date
Donation made to Nordoff Robbins
20th Dec
External hard drive purchased and DropBox Pro account set up Managers Meeting follow up email sent
14 Dec
14 Dec
Google Group for managers set up
14 Dec
Framework for new organisational structure drawn up
All directors
15 Jan
Job description produced for Development Officer position
S. 14 Dec Henderson, S. Hume, TC, JG, GK, CG & DP CC & ST Ongoing
CC’s job description revised
Calendar of events for 2013 drawn up Memorandum and Articles of Association changed in line with new company structure
CC & board
Before AGM
1. Apologies Richard Chater (RC), Ally Gray (AG), Caroline Winn (CW), Douglas MacIntyre (DM)
2. Minutes of last meeting The minutes of the last meeting were approved.
3. Finance Update ST gave the board a brief update on the SMIA’s finances.
4. Operational Update & matters arising ACTION – The SMIA will make a donation of £500 (CC will confirm amount with AG) to Nordoff Robbins as no tickets were purchased for the Tartan Clef Awards by 20 December.
The board discussed whether to introduce a student membership rate and decided that the rates currently offered were sufficient. CC to ensure potential members and renewals are aware that the membership fee can be paid monthly.
5. Filing & Storage The board and ST discussed the storage options paper circulated by ST prior to the meeting. ACTION – An external hard drive will be purchased and a DropBox Pro account will be set up for CC by 14 December.
6. Managers Meeting The board and ST discussed the manager’s meeting which took place on the 14th of November. ACTION – ST will send a follow up email to all those who attended, containing a record of what was discussed and any key issues we plan to take forward by 14 December. ACTION – A Google Group will be set up for the managers who attended the meeting by 14 December. S. Henderson stated the managers meetings should happen biannually. CC will investigate other sectors for similar meetings.
7. Operational Structure The board discussed the structure of the SMIA moving forward. S. Henderson stated that the current SMIA framework is not running efficiently enough and that the board should consider a more effective structure for the organisation moving forward. All board members present agreed in principal that the current board structure should be replaced by an advisory group and a smaller executive board of between 4-6 directors. ACTION – All directors should think about the most efficient structure for the SMIA and draw up a framework by 15 of Jan. ACTION – S. Henderson, S. Hume, TC, JG, GK, CG and DP will meet at 9am on Friday 14 December to produce a job description for the development officer position and a revised job description for CC. Job descriptions will then be sent to CW for any amendments. CC stated that she would like to take on more work. ACTION - The memorandum and articles of association will be changed in line with the new company structure.
8. AOB Showcase Scotland – Tradefair Stall The SMIA will take a tradefair stall at Showcase Scotland. ACTION – CC and ST will work on planning next year’s calendar of events. S.Hume and JG stated that they would like to step down from the board at February’s AGM. The meeting ended at 7:15pm