Board Meeting Minutes Tuesday 19th March, 2013 5.30pm Park Lane House
Directors Present: Stewart Henderson (S. Henderson), Dougal Perman (DP), Greg Kane (GK), Ally Gray (AG) and Caroline Cooper Action Point
Completion Date
Previous minutes added to Issuu
Memo and Arts changed
Membership Cards produced
1. Apologies Tam Coyle (TC)
2. Minutes from AGM and Matters Arising The minutes from the AGM were approved.
ACTION – CC will add minutes from previous meetings to Issuu by 2nd April.
3. Finance Update ACTION – The board approved a management fee of £1,000 per month for six months work on the SAY Award to be paid to SH (total of £6,000).
4. Manager Report CC briefly spoke through the manager report that had been circulated prior to the board meeting.
5. Operational Structure ACTION – CC will enquire the best way to change the organisation’s memorandum and articles of association. DP suggested that meetings of the advisory groups be guided by a facilitator. S. Henderson stressed the importance of strengthening links with organisations out with the central belt who can act as regional satellites of the SMIA.
6. SAY Award The board stated that they were in favour of reserving an allocation of tickets for the SAY Award Ceremony for SMIA members.
7. AOB Corporation Tax – AG will prepare a Company Tax Return. Membership Cards – The Board discussed the benefits and draw backs of having membership cards produced. ACTION – CC and GK will discuss further and have membership cards made.
Meeting ended at 7:55pm