Board Meeting Minutes Tuesday 29th May, 2012 4pm Scottish Music Centre
Directors Present: Stewart Henderson (S. Henderson), Tam Coyle (TC), Jamie Gilmour (JG), Greg Kane (GK), Ally Gray (AG), Caroline Gorman (CG), Cathie Rae (CR), Dougal Perman (DP), Douglas MacIntyre Caroline Cooper (CC) and Stuart Thomas (ST) Action Point
Completion Date
Full minutes of board meetings will be produced within 3 working days.
S. Henderson will liaise with Colin Agnew re SMIA website and report back to board.
S. Henderson
12 June
S. Henderson & ST
Date of next board meeting
HR Committee
After HR meeting on 7 June
S. Henderson & ST
18 June
Date of next board meeting.
13 June
S. Henderson & ST
All Directors
4 June
19 June
1 June
All directors
31 May
All Directors, ST & CC
17 & 18 June
18 June
The membership pricing structure will be revised. HR committee will contact CC re meeting to discuss her job description and contract. A communications strategy will be developed. Operational plan will be revised and sent out to board. Accounts meeting will take place. Meetings will continue with Creative Scotland. Doodle poll for development day will be completed. Detailed notes will be produced from SMIA’s goNORTH events. Quote for brunch at goNORTH will be sent to board. Contact S. Henderson with required number of invites for SAY Award Ceremony. Assistance required for SAY Award Ceremony set up. Final cost of Summerhall hire for label fair will be reported to the board. Assistance required with planning of trade fair event.
Members will be made aware of CC Skills consultation via Facebook and Twitter. Meeting with Pate Kane will be organised. Discussion on restarting the cross parliamentary group will be had via email. Contact for Commonwealth Games events committee will be sent to ST.
30 June
GK, S. Henderson
18 June
All directors led by TC
18 June
11 June
1. Apologies Richard Chater (RC), Caroline Winn (CW) and Stephen Hume (S. Hume).
2. Minutes of last meeting The minutes of the last meeting were approved.
3. Matters arising Minutes of Board Meetings ACTION - CC will produce full minutes from all board meetings within 3 working days. SMIA Website S. Henderson has spoken to web developer Colin Agnew (CA) regarding the SMIA website. CA feels that it may be best to develop an entirely new website for the SMIA. ACTION – S. Henderson will follow up with CA and report back to the board by 12th of June. Membership Pricing Structure ACTION - S. Henderson and ST will work on developing a new membership pricing structure and will present to the board at the next board meeting. AG reminded S. Henderson and ST to bear in mind that VAT now has to be added. CR and CG joined the meeting at 5:17pm PRS Events CC informed the board that Stuart Fleming (PRS) has asked that the events are rescheduled in the autumn. JG agreed that planned changes to the PRS system mean that the events should be held off until autumn. HR Meetings with CC and ST
DP stated that the HR committee have been unable to meet due to lack of availability and the fact that CW has relocated to Mull. CG was accepted onto the HR committee as an additional member. ACTION – The HR committee will discuss further by email and contact CC on 30th of May. Communications ACTION - S. Henderson, in close consultation with Stuart Thomas, will develop a communications strategy by 18th of June.
4. Operations Manager update ST briefly went over the operations manager update which he had sent to the board prior to the board meeting. ACTION – ST will revise the operational plan and distribute it to the board ahead of the next board meeting.
5. Finance Update AG gave a brief update on the company’s finances. The SMIA’s net assets currently stand at £79,000. ACTION - AG will meet with CC and ST to go over the accounting system on the 13th of June. Disclaimer: Net assets figure is being skewed by the SAY Award finances. An operational P&L will be forthcoming after the next accounts update. Creative Scotland update S. Henderson and ST met with Caroline Parkinson and Ian Smith from Creative Scotland (CS) on the morning of 29th of May. S. Henderson said that, aside from membership targets, the SMIA is on schedule with what was laid out in the business plan. He also stated that CS was assured the organisation was heading in the right direction and making good progress. S. Henderson stated that CS views the SMIA as a networking agency. ACTION – S. Henderson and ST will continue discussions with CS. The board agreed that that there is a discussion to be had with CS on the future of International Showcasing. JG stated it was important to work out where there were opportunities to improve the international activity delivered to date.
6. Board Development Day CC stated that she had spoken to Arts and Business about the planned board
development day and explained to them that it was unfeasible to get 80% of the board of twelve directors to attend a full day event. Two directors have relocated out of the central belt and therefore should not be counted on to attend. Arts and Business agreed and will allow the event to go ahead with a minimum of nine directors (with possible room for negotiation if needed). ACTION – All directors should state their availability, via the Doodle poll created by CC, as a matter of urgency.
7. goNORTH AG stated that the SMIA’s main presence at goNORTH will be in the form of two events. The first of which will be a round table discussion chaired by S. Henderson, on how the music industry in Scotland should be restructured if the country becomes independent. This will take place at 11.30am on Wednesday 6th of June. The second event will focus on the SAY award and will take place on the afternoon of Thursday 7th of June. ACTION – CC will record these events with a dictaphone and produce detailed notes by 19th of June. ACTION – ST will get a quote for brunch for the attendees of the morning event and send to the board for approval by 1 st of June.
8. SAY Award S. Henderson gave a brief update on the SAY Award. ACTION - S. Henderson asked the board to email him with their required number of invites by 31st of May. ACTION - S. Henderson asked all directors and CC and ST to be available to help with the venue set-up on Sunday 17th and Monday 18th of June. The board discussed the possibility of raffling four award ceremony tickets to members.
Independent Label Fair ST stated that the planned Independent Label Fair will take place at Summerhall in Edinburgh on Saturday 4th of August. TC asked if any other venues had been considered. CR stated that as the event is so close to the Fringe most Edinburgh venues will be booked. JG and S. Henderson agreed that it was fair to give Summerhall first refusal as they had given us use of the venue for free the previous year. ACTION – ST will confirm costs with Summerhall and report back to the board by 11th of June.
ACTION – TC and DP will assist ST with the planning of the event. Update (ST) - Quotation for Sat 4 Aug is now £250 for the hire.
10. Creative Apprenticeships in Scotland ST informed the board about the CC Skills consultation on Creative Apprenticeships in Scotland which the SMIA has been asked to take part in. The board discussed and decided to fill out the questionnaire individually rather than as an organisation. ACTION – CC will post about the consultation on the SMIA’s Facebook and Twitter pages and encourage members to take part by 30th of May.
11. AOB Debate on Independence GK stated that the SNP are interested in the SMIA’s opinion on copyright policy in the run up to the referendum. ACTION – GK will organise a meeting between himself, S. Henderson and Pat Kane to discuss further by 18th of June. Public Agencies Event ACTION – The board will discuss the proposed public agencies event at the next board meeting. Cross Party Parliamentary Group on Contemporary Popular Scottish Music ACTION - TC will speak to the board about restarting the Cross Party Parliamentary Group on Contemporary Popular Scottish Music by 18 th of June. Music Hack Event ST explained to the board what the Music Hack event entailed. ACTION – GK will contact people who may be interested in registering to take part in the event. Commonwealth Games GK stated that the Commonwealth Games event committee are keen to get involved with the music industry in Scotland, and in particular Glasgow. ACTION – GK will send the Commonwealth Games event committee contact details to ST by 11th of June. SMIA Library
ST requested that directors bring any reports, publications, business cards, etc which could be housed in the SMIA library to the new office. Digital copies can by emailed to either ST or CC. The meeting ended at 7:08pm