November board meeting minutes (06 11 12)

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Board Meeting Minutes Tuesday 6th November, 2012 5pm Scottish Music Centre


Directors Present: Stewart Henderson (S. Henderson), Tam Coyle (TC), Jamie Gilmour (JG), Caroline Gorman (CG), Dougal Perman (DP), Greg Kane (GK), Stephen Hume (S. Hume) Caroline Cooper (CC) and Stuart Thomas (ST) Action Point

Responsible Completion Date

Director’s payment of £300 will be made to S. Henderson – approved by board.



Any questions or topics to be raised at the managers meet up. Will be emailed to ST. Report on managers meet up will be produced and circulated. Suggestions for new directors will be sent to CC.

All directors

13 Nov

ST, JG & CC All Directors

3 Dec 4 Dec

Discussions will be held on the reorganisation of the SMIA.

All directors

4 Dec

Showcase Scotland events will be planned.


16 Nov

Ideas for topics, guests, etc for Showcase Scotland events will be sent to ST.


16 Nov

Four seats will be bought for the Tartan Clef Awards.


15 Nov

S. Henderson will discuss Scottish Music in Scotland project with Brain Harvey and feed any developments back to the board and CC and ST.

S. Henderson

30 Nov

1. Apologies Richard Chater (RC), Ally Gray (AG), Caroline Winn (CW), Douglas MacIntyre (DM) S. Henderson spoke to CW who sent apologies for being unable to attend board meetings due to being located on Mull. She would like to remain on the board and will stay as involved as possible.

2. Minutes of last meeting The minutes of the last meeting were approved.

3. Matters arising No matters arising.


4. Finance update ST gave the board a brief update on the SMIA’s finances. ACTION - The board approved a director’s payment of £300 to S. Henderson for time spent working on the SAY Award.

5. Operations Manager Report ST went through the operation manager’s report which had been circulated to the board prior to the meeting. CC gave a brief update on membership, including new members and renewals.

6. Music Managers Meet Up CW, JG, S. Henderson, ST and CC will attend the manager’s meet up on the 14 th of November. ACTION - The board will email ST with any questions or topics they would like raised by Tuesday 13th November. ACTION – ST, JG and CC will produce a report on the event, containing all of the information obtained from the attendees by 3rd December.

7. ST Secondment ST’s secondment will end on the 31st of December and his last working day will be the 14th of December. ST would like to stay involved with the SMIA after resuming his position at Creative Scotland.

8. International The board discussed whether SXSW should stay with the SMIA or return to Creative Scotland. TC feels that SXSW should stay with the SMIA as we strongly support Creative Scotland and handing it back may send the wrong signal. S. Hume thinks the best option would be to keep ST at the SMIA part time to work on SXSW. JG said that if SXSW goes back to Creative Scotland there is still a role for the SMIA who can offer support and plug any gaps.


S. Henderson stated that the SMIA’s role is to build international strategy rather than focus on one event.


ACTION – The board agreed that the handling of SXSW should return to Creative Scotland. Priority work for Nov & Dec ST briefly went through the priority work load document that had been circulated to directors prior to the meeting. The board were happy with the document.

10. AOB AGM 2013 DP stated that the board could become an advisory board with some active directors. ACTION – The board will send suggestions of new directors to CC by 4th December. ACTION – The board will discuss the reorganisation of the SMIA by 4th December. ACTION – The AGM will be held on the 19th of February 2013.

Showcase Scotland Events ACTION – ST will work on event ideas for Showcase Scotland, Scotland on Tour and Artist Day by 16th of November. ACTION – Directors will send ST suggestions for events, guests, topics, etc by 16th of November.

Tartan Clef Awards ACTION – The SMIA will buy four seats for the Tartan Clefs by 15th of November. AG will be offered a seat to thank him for the amount of work he has put into the SMIA recently. The remaining seats will be raffled amongst the membership.

Scottish Music in Scotland S. Henderson would like to conduct a national campaign to encourage retail and offices to play Scottish music. DP suggested S. Henderson speak to Brian Harvey (Inner Ear) about this project ACTION – S. Henderson will discuss further with Brain Harvey and feed any developments back to the board and CC and ST by 30th of November.

The meeting ended at 7:50pm



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