Board Meeting Minutes Tuesday 4th September, 2012 5pm Scottish Music Centre
Directors Present: Stewart Henderson (S. Henderson), Tam Coyle (TC), Jamie Gilmour (JG), Ally Gray (AG), Douglas MacIntyre (DM), Caroline Gorman (CG), Caroline Cooper (CC) and Stuart Thomas (ST)
Action Point
Completion Date
Set up a Doodle Poll to schedule international strategy meeting
6 Sept
Send SXSW report to board
12 Sept
Add draft site map to Google Docs
S. Henderson
7 Sept
Contribute to website documents
All directors
21 Sept
Submit paragraph of bio and why you joined the All directors board along with a photograph to CC
25 Sept
Gather feedback from Music Hack
20 Sept
Confirm details of Social Media Week meet up
11 Sept
Speak to DP about helping with SMW event
10 Sept
Develop SMW event
ST with input from the 26 Sept board
Email ST with ideas for music meet ups
All directors and CC
30 Sept
Research events in Scotland and feedback to board
1. Apologies Richard Chater (RC), Greg Kane (GK), Dougal Perman (DP), Stephen Hume (SH) and Caroline Winn (CW) – CW attempted to join via Skype. 2. Minutes of last meeting The minutes of the last meeting were approved. 3. Matters arising International Strategy S. Henderson stated that the SMIA needed to engage with members and non-members to develop an informed international strategy.
The board discussed the relevance of SXSW in a changing market place. DM and JG think that the current SXSW strategy should be revised to allow for creative Scottish companies as well as bands. CC will schedule a meeting for interested board members to discuss further before an external discussion group is set up. ACTION – CC will set up a Doodle Poll to schedule international strategy meeting by 6th of September ACTION – ST will circulate his SXSW 2012 report around the board by the 12th of September Website S. Henderson has met with Colin Agnew again regarding the development of the SMIA website. ACTION – S. Henderson will add the draft site map and any other documents to Google Docs by 7th of September ACTION – All directors will look at the website documents and contribute via Google Docs by 21st of September ACTION – All directors will write a one paragraph biography and a paragraph on why they joined the SMIA and email to CC along with a suitable photograph by 25th of September If a suitable photograph (head and shoulders in front of a white background) is not available CC will take suitable shots at the October board meeting. 4. Finance update AG gave the board a brief update on the SMIA’s finances. S. Henderson informed the board that the company was turned down for a PayPal Pro account and is investigating further. 5. Operations Manager Update ST went through the operation manager’s report which had been circulated to the board prior to the meeting.
6. Music Hack ST reported that the Music Hack event was successful with 156 attendees present at the launch event and 72 taking part in the hack.
S. Henderson asked ST to gather positive feedback on the event for use on the SMIA website. S. Henderson thanked ST for his work on the Music Hack. ACTION – ST will collate feedback from the Music Hack event by 20th September. CG suggested that any video footage or photographs from the event be kept for use on the SMIA website. 7. Forward Planning – Q3 & Q4 Morning Music Meet-ups ST is planning a music meet up on Wednesday 26th of September as part of Social Media Week. ACTION – ST will confirm details of this event and inform board and CC by 11th of September. ACTION – TC will speak to DP about helping with the event by 10th of September. CG suggested that the event be a social media ‘speed dating’ event. ACTION – ST will work on developing the event with input from the board ACTION – Directors and CC will email ST with ideas for morning music meet ups by 30th of September The Great Escape 2013 ST stated that The Great Escape were keen to have SMIA as lead partner for the 2013 event. JG thinks that if the SMIA are going to partner with the Great Escape it would be better to use the 2013 event to announce that the SMIA will be lead partner in 2014. The board were unconvinced that partnering on the project would be financially worthwhile and will discuss further.
8. SAY Update
S. Henderson gave a brief update on the progress of the 2013 SAY Award. 9. AOB Informal Meet Ups S. Henderson would like the board to have more regular informal meet ups. The board agrees.
Suggestions for new directors TC asked the board, CC and ST to suggest possible people to apply to be directors at the 2013 AGM.
Music Events in Scotland ACTION – CC will research events in Scotland that the SMIA may want to have a presence at and feed back to the board
The meeting ended at 7:15pm.