Charities & Legacies Yearbook Vol 3

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In the UK, one in two people will be diagnosed with cancer. Yet around 40% of cancer cases could be prevented World Cancer Research Fund is dedicated to cancer prevention and survival We fund worldwide scientific research on the links between diet, weight, physical activity, cancer prevention and survival. Translating the findings into practical, easy-to-use information to help everyone reduce their risk of cancer. Our research shows that 144,000 cancer cases every year in the UK could be prevented through simple healthy lifestyle choices. By spreading this good news, along with our cancer prevention information, we hope many lives will be saved. We receive no government funding and so this innovative work is only possible through the generosity of people like you, especially from gifts in wills. Please consider including a gift to us in you will, once you’ve taken care of your family and friends. What better legacy to leave your loved ones and generations to come – a lasting gift of hope for a future free from cancer.

Together we can prevent cancer For more information about our work Call: 020 7343 4200 Email: Visit: World Cancer Research Fund, 22 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3HH Registered Charity Number: 1000739 Registered with the Charity Commission in England & Wales


For legacies For Cancer, Prevention is Key DO!


P Be physically active

O Smoke

P Practise safe sex

O Expose yourself excessively to the sun

P Eat five to nine servings of fruit and vegetables daily

O Consume excessive amounts of red meat

P Drink green tea

O Drink excessive amounts of alcohol

P Maintain a healthy body weight

O Use talcum powder

P Avoid job-related chemical exposures

O Consume excessive amounts of animal fats

We eagerly await the day when people don’t wait until they have cancer before giving up smoking

Our sacred mission: the prevention of cancer For donations, in memoriam gifts, legacies

Cancer Prevention Research Trust 231 Roehampton Lane, London SW15 4LB Tel: 020 8785 7786 Fax: 020 8785 6466 E-mail: Registered Charity No. 265985 3



Disputes involving Charitable Legacies: charities’ duties...............................................................................8


Giving to Charites in your Will.............................................10


Which charity should I choose?........................................................11

Fundraising and Public Trust.................................................14


What does this mean for me?...........................................................9

Transparency is key............................................................................15

Wills: Charities’ new-found confidence?...................18

What does this mean for will makers?..............................................19

Changing Lives • Building Futures • Since 1918

Remember A Charity is part of the Institute of Fundraising, a registered charity in England and Wales (No. 1079573) and in Scotland (No. SCO38971).

WE’RE ONLY ASKING YOU TO MENTION ONE OF THEM 35% of the UK is ‘happy to give a small amount to charity’ in their Will after they’ve taken care of loved ones; yet only 7% do. You can help close this gap by simply reminding your clients that leaving a gift to their favourite charity is an option. Find out more at



Y O U K N O W H O W M U C H T H E Y H AV E G I V E N . A GIFT IN YOUR WILL CAN HELP MAKE SURE T H E Y A R E A LWAY S C A R E D F O R . A century after World War One, our mission is the same as it has always been – helping soldiers from every regiment, and every conflict, no matter when or where they served. Your support today will help ensure countless soldiers, veterans and their families are cared for in generations to come. Support The Soldier’s Charity with a gift in your Will. To find out more: /legacy Email: Phone: 020 7811 3964 ABF The Soldiers’ Charity is a registered charity in England and Wales (1146420) and Scotland (039189).



YEARS (1917-2017)

“ I want to help provide a safety net for future seafarers and their families.” As an island nation, we rely on seafarers who risk their lives, put food on our plates and carry vital supplies to and from our shores.

Leave a lasting legacy to our seafarers FIND OUT MORE… To find out more about our work or to request our legacy pack, please call 020 7932 0000 or email

By leaving a gift to Seafarers UK in your will, you will help to support seafarers and their families who find themselves in need of essential support at difficult times. Last year Seafarers UK gave £3.6m in funding

to more than 80 maritime charities and organisations. Seafarers UK receives no government funding and is heavily dependent on public donations and legacies to maintain its grant-making programme.

Seafarers UK (King George’s Fund for Sailors) is a registered charity, number 226446, in England and Wales, incorporated under Royal Charter, and registered in Scotland under number SC038191.




We ar London profes WC1R 5JP possib Pl The Barristers’ Benevolent Association but ar ca exists support, Tel: 020to7242 4761 help and comfort those feel th Fax: 020 7831 5366 members of the Bar in England and Wales wh af and their families and dependants who arebe wil their le Th in need, inCharity distress or1106768 in difficulties. During Registered No: u the recentlimited past we have helped barristers alsoha Company by guarantee: 5284271 te and their families in every circuit, often saving not only dignity but careers. on

at home, and justice or.



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We are not nearly as well-known in the profession as we would like, and there are possibly people who qualify for our help but aren’t aware of our existence… we also feel that there othertopeople who would Please do notare hesitate bring potential becases willing to the welfare us of to to ourcontribute attention and remember their less fortunate colleagues when things are going well andbut youwho can are afford to make gift. also unaware ofaus.

14 Gray's Inn Square London THE BARRISTERS' WC1R 5JP BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION Tel: 020 7242 4761 Fax: Barristers’ 020 7831 5366 The Benevolent Association exists to support, help and comfort those members the Bar in1106768 England and Wales RegisteredofCharity No: and their families and dependants who are Company limited by guarantee: 5284271 in need, in distress or in difficulties. During the recent past we have helped barristers and their families in every circuit, often saving not only dignity but careers.

The BBA office staff will be more than happy to answer queries, either by telephone or by email – details are given on the Contact Us page of our website.

We are not nearly as well-known in the profession as we would like, and there are possibly people who qualify for our help but aren’t aware of our existence… we also feel that there are other people who would be willing to contribute to the welfare of their less fortunate colleagues but who are also unaware of us.

Charity Begins at home, and justice begins next door. Charles Dickens 7

Terence Mowschenson QC Chairman

Te Ch

Section 1 Disputes involving Charitable Legacies: charities’ duties

Legacy disputes can be the scourge of charities. While many estate disputes involving charities are too often seen at face value as a money grabbing attempt by charities to take as much money as possible from an estate at the expense of the family – the reality is far different. Unfortunately, disputes involving charitable gifts in wills are on the rise. HMRC confirms that there has been a 35 per cent increase in the overall number of wills disputes reaching the High Court to 661 last year – an increase from 490 in 2012. This increase should come as no surprise given that: •

more and more people are leaving money to charities in their wills

an increasing number of people are more confident in staking their claim to

what they believe is rightfully theirs under a will, and

families are more fragmented and complex with a rise in remarriages and

second families, increasing the risk of disputes after someone dies

The new-found confidence among family members – adult children in particular – to bring a claim against an estate follows a number of high-profile estate disputes involving charities in recent years. One particular case stands out for two key reasons: first, the background to the case is such that many members of the public can identify with, and second, the important principles that were clarified by the highest court in the UK. The case of Melita Jackson, which spanned a decade, sparked the public’s emotions. Melita left her entire estate worth £500,000 to the RSPCA, the Blue Cross and the RSPB. Unfortunately, her estranged adult daughter brought proceedings against the estate seeking reasonable financial provision from her mother’s will. The Supreme Court made a final ruling giving her £50,000 - and the rest of her estate to the charities. Notably, the Supreme Court observed that though the charities’ claim was not based on personal need - charities depend heavily on legacies to continue their work, which is, by definition, of public benefit. Charities do not have to justify why they are or should be a beneficiary, and members of the family of the deceased will


maker do not automatically have rights that take precedence over a charity name in the will. This dispels the oft repeated assertion that charities expect to receive a windfall from wills. The principle, however, is that will makers choose to leave legacies to charities of their own free will, and they do not have to have a close association with the charity to have the right to do so. This is known as ‘testamentary freedom’ – the legal right of the will maker to leave their money and property to whoever they chose. There are well-publicised examples of wealthy individuals choosing to leave their estates to charity and excluding their children: Anita Roddick, who founded The Body Shop, left her entire £51m fortune to charity; and Microsoft founder Bill Gates, American businessman Warren Buffett and TV personality Nigella Lawson have famously said they will leave their estates to charity and not to their children However, there is an important principle to bear in mind if you decide to exclude your children and benefit charities instead. On your death, a dependent child is legally entitled to apply for ‘reasonable financial provision’ out of your estate, though they would have to prove they should be given financial provision. So as the above case clearly illustrates, will makers do not have an inherent right to disinherit an estranged child.

What does this mean for me? If you are considering making a will, you have the right to leave as many charitable legacies as you wish. Any charitable gifts you make are completely exempt from inheritance tax. You may also leave your entire estate to charity, but if that’s what you want to do, it is vital to consider whether there are any family members (or anyone else who if financially dependent on you) who could have the right to reasonable provision out of your estate. If you wish to exclude someone who may otherwise expect an inheritance, you can consider including a side-letter with your will explaining your reasons for excluding them. Transparency can play a huge part in reducing the risk of an expensive dispute after your death. If in doubt, talk it through with a specialist solicitor. You should also keep your will under review. If, for instance, you have had children after you made your will, you may need to reconsider the terms of your will to ensure your children are properly provided for. There is no limit to the number of times you can alter your will, so any significant change in your personal and financial circumstances should ideally prompt you to check your will, changing it if necessary. Any cost of doing so will be minimal compared to the financial and emotional costs to the estate and your family if a dispute arises after your death. 9

Section 2 Giving to Charites in your Will

Most charitable giving today comes from deceased estates, that is, people leaving legacies – or sometimes their entire estate - to charity under the terms of their will. Though trust and confidence in charities has taken a dent in recent times, more money than ever is being donated to charity under people’s wills, according to Coop Legal Services (CLS). CLS surveyed more than 30,000 people and has recently reported that out of those who have made a will, the financial value of gifts being left to charity in wills has increased by over 30% in the last 12 months. This is welcome news for charities for which charitable giving is their lifeblood. So what charities are particularly favoured by will makers? According to CLS, cancer charities and animal and poverty charities are the most popular beneficiaries, with animal charities receiving nearly a quarter of charitable legacies left under wills. There are also local charities which attract 11 per cent of legacies in wills. Gifts to charities in people’s wills now make up their largest single source of voluntary income generating nearly £3 billion a year – a record high. Cancer Research UK says charitable giving under people’s wills is its single biggest source of fundraising income. So why leave legacies to charities in your will? Aside from the obvious desire to provide financial support to a charity or charities for which you may have a particular passion, charitable giving in your will can mean big tax savings on your estate. Inheritance tax is charged at the rate of 40 per cent on the value of a deceased’s estate that exceeds the inheritance tax threshold (also known as the ‘nil rate band’). This threshold is £325,000. When you think of how much houses and other properties cost across much of the United Kingdom, particularly in London and the South, it’s not hard to see that the value of many deceased estates will exceed the inheritance tax threshold and be liable for inheritance tax. If you have a house worth £400,000 and other assets


amounting to £100,000, your estate will be worth £500,000 - so up to £175,000 could be taxed at 40 per cent. Thankfully, there are a number of exemptions and relies available - including charity relief. So how does that work? If you leave a charitable legacy in your will, the value of that legacy will not form part of your estate for inheritance tax purposes. This means if you have a £500,000 estate and you leave, for example, £50,000 equally to two charities – only £125,000 could be taxable. Furthermore, if you leave at least 10% of your estate to charity, the rate of inheritance tax goes down to 36 per cent, so the potential tax savings for your executors increase if you leave more than a tenth of your estate to charity. However, it seems not enough people know about the tax advantages to be had from leaving money to charity in their wills. According to the legacy information provider Smee & Ford, a mere 6.1 per cent of people leave a charitable legacy in their wills. But it also reports that the number of charitable estates is steadily on the increase, with a higher percentage of wills now containing a gift to charity. There are various reasons for this trend, such as longer life expectancy meaning that many older will makers are choosing to leave a greater proportion of their estate to charities - rather than to their children who may already be financial secure in their own right.

Which charity should I choose? There are around 167,972 charities in the UK in 2018, so how do you decide which ones to leave legacies to in your will? Importantly, you will want to be reassured that the charities you are thinking about naming as beneficiaries under your will are trustworthy causes, particularly in light of recent controversies involving charities ranging from the Kids Company to Oxfam and Save the Children. Smee & Ford reports that the number of people leaving money to overseas aid and environmental charities has increased over the past five years; and out of those will makers leaving a single charitable bequest - the most popular charity of choice is a place of worship. In many cases, there will be charities close to your heart: the hospice that looked after a parent in their final days; the hospital who treated your sick child; the animal charity loved by your children; the church where you worship; or a large charity famous its international relief work.


Your solicitor will be happy to help you decide which charities to benefit in your will if you’re unsure. Solicitors play an invaluable role in helping clients make these decisions wisely. You can, of course, change your minds at any time and alter your wills; in fact, nearly half of people leaving charitable legacies do go on to change their minds, according to one legacy fundraising consultant. This means you are free to leave charitable legacies in your will, and change your will later if you feel the need to. That said, you must make sure this is done properly, ideally with your solicitor involved, otherwise a previously named charity could raise questions about the validity of a subsequent will.






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Section 3 Fundraising and Public Trust

Public trust and confidence in charities has perhaps never been so important an issue as it is today, following high-profile scandals involving well-known charitable organisations. According to the Charitable Aid Foundation, the total amount given to charity went up to £10.3 billion in 2017. However, this amount was driven by fewer people giving more - and there was a disappointing overall reduction of participation in charitable activity. There are various reasons for the reduction in giving, and a key factor is undoubtedly the fact that public trust and confidence in charities has been undermined by the well-publicised allegations of sexual misconduct involving Red Cross, Oxfam and other charities, and other controversies involving the likes of Age UK and Kids Company. So it comes as no surprise to find that the Charity Commission has separately found that public trust in charities has ‘plateaued’ since 2016. More than 2,000 adults were surveyed in early 2018 for a Charity Commission report, which found that although public trust in charities has dropped, charities are still more trusted than many other sectors and institutions, including private companies, banks, MPs, and newspapers. But do recent events mean it’s all doom and gloom for charities? Not so, according to both the Charity Commission, and the Institute of Fundraising (IoF) which supports best practice and compliance for fundraisers which says the issue of public trust and confidence is being proactively addressed by fundraisers and charities.


Transparency is key Transparency is increasingly important across the commercial world with a concerted government drive to lead the way with greater transparency. This is just as important in the charitable sector - the ‘business’ of charities should be just as transparent as other business organisations – and charities are clearly recognising this reality. At a recent IoF conference on individual giving, it was acknowledged by charities and fundraisers that charities need to take public trust seriously, fundraisers need to be open, transparent and confident about how donations are spent, and willing to talk about the process of fundraising to reassure donors. Whilst a charity cannot fix public trust, it can be trustworthy in its fundraising. This means being clear and honest, giving people choices and respecting their choices, and doing what it says it will do. It also means responding confidently to questions from supporters and not shying away. Increasingly, the public trust in any organisation usually requires a culture change and charities are recognising the need to change the culture of fundraising and increase the ‘donor experience’. In the IoF’s Improving the Donor Experience 2018 report, the charities it spoke to acknowledged the need to understand and improve donor experience, and change is already underway within charities. As one unnamed charity told the IoF: “We’ve conducted a full fundraising practice policy review over the last year, specifically with improving donor experience in mind. We’re now implementing the identified changes and have an ongoing process in place to work towards this goal.” The public can take further reassurance from the Charity Commission’s report, Trust in Charities, 2018, on how the public views charities, what this means for the sector, and how trust can be increased. The Commission acknowledges that “public expectations go beyond mere compliance with charity law; they also expect high standards of conduct”. The public want charities to be accountable by showing their impact, how they have managed their resources responsibly (including honesty and transparency about costs), and that their organisational cultures and behaviours support their charitable purposes.


These, concludes the Commission, are the foundations of public trust in charities and the benchmarks of a charity’s trustworthiness. So what are its key findings? In short, trust matters. Many people who feel that their trust in charities has been eroded in the past two years (more than 4 in 10 members of the public) say they are donating less money as a result. But even though their level of trust has been dented, the Commission also found that the public still think the sector plays an important role in society – “they simply want it to evidence the positive effect it has with their generosity. Words are not enough; the public expect trustworthy behaviour and proven impact”. What’s clear is that members of the public are savvy. The Commission found that when the public suspect that charities are not showing good financial stewardship, living their values, and having a demonstrable impact, their trust decreases. It reported that those who say their trust has decreased usually cite news stories which have “shown charities exemplifying the opposite of the characteristics they want charities to display”. There is also a general a suspicion that a great proportion of donations do not reach the beneficiaries they are supposed to reach. This, says the Commission, is reinforced when impropriety by charities comes to light and is widely reported on. The Commission found that a significant portion of those who report changing levels of trust say that this is impacting the amount they donate to charities, however, a third of those who say their trust has decreased now do more research before deciding to support a charity. That can be no bad thing. On doing their research, what are the most important factors for prospective donors? The Commission found that charities showing the distribution of funds is particularly effective in attracting donations, ie. transparency about where the money goes was the most important factor to most people it surveyed. Regulation is also important, with one participant for the report commenting: “It’s comforting that there’s someone watching over them. You never really know what’s going on.” Nearly half of people said they trust charities more knowing they are regulated. There is no silver bullet to improving public trust and confident in charities. However, clearly there is a lot the sector can do to increase it. Driving transparency in fundraising is a vital start which charities are clearly taking seriously.




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Section 4 Wills: charities’ new-found confidence?

Charities will be more confident in protecting their interests when named as beneficiaries under a deceased’s will - even if a will maker makes a later will removing the charity. Given that charities depend heavily on legacies under people wills, it should come as no surprise that a charity will do all it can to protect a legacy when a will maker has chosen to give the charity some of their estate in their will. Following a somewhat unusual wills dispute, more charities are increasingly likely to challenge wills that have been re-written, where the will maker excludes them in situations where they were left legacies under a previous version of the will. In 2017, four charities were involved in a dispute over the will of an animal lover who had died. No formal legal proceedings were ever issued, but it raised important issues that will makers should bear in mind; particularly, that charities have a legal duty to protect their interests - and their attempts to do so should not be mistaken as greed at the expense of the deceased’s family. The will maker, Tracy Leaning, had initially made a will leaving her £340,000 estate to the Dogs Trust, World Animal Protection, Friends of the Animals and Heart Research UK. A few years later after meeting her partner, she changed her will leaving her estate to him, and removing the charities from her will. When she died, the Dogs Trust questioned whether the subsequent will was in fact valid because the later will was handwritten and witnessed by a neighbour. Though the Dogs Trust was heavily criticised, this was unfair because charities have an important duty to protect its interests. This means that if the Dogs Trust had good grounds to believe the will was not valid, its trustees had no choice but to take action. It would not have helped her partner’s case that Ms Leaning’s solicitor apparently did not know about the will changes she made. As the Dogs Trust said at the time in response to the criticisms levied at it, all the charities were trying to do was to follow Ms Leaning’s last wishes – and it was down to


her partner to prove that the will was valid in the circumstances. Though no formal proceedings were taken, the case is a salutary reminder for will makers to take care when rewriting their wills if charities have been named as beneficiaries in previous wills. Charities are also accountable to the regulator, the Charity Commission, which says that a charity which has reason to believe a will is not valid (for example, because it has not been executed properly, a lack of testamentary capacity or because the will maker made the will under duress) to take legal advice about the wills. The charity must also balance up the financial prospects of success or failure and the potential impact on it, and whether potential action is proportionate in the circumstances. If a charity does not follow this advice, it could rightly be criticised for not taking initial steps to protect its interests. So if the Dogs Trust had not at least seriously considered the possibility that Tracy Leaning’s will was not valid, it would have failed in its duties.

What does this mean for will makers? Will makers can leave their money and assets to anyone they choose when they make a will (except for where they fail to provide for dependants). Remember that there are mutual benefits where a will maker gives money to charities under their will: charitable gifts are completely exempt from inheritance tax - and the charities themselves rely heavily on bequests to continue carrying out their charitable work. Charities’ income is typically unpredictable so it’s not difficult to see why they are so reliant on people’s generosity in their wills. Also, more than 60 per cent of adults in the UK die without making a will, and given that charities do not inherit anything under the statutory intestacy rules, the only way they can receive financial legacies out of someone’s estate is if they make a will naming a charity as a beneficiary. Far from being money-grabbing organisations - as sometimes portrayed in the media - charities rely heavily on the generosity of those who may have a particular interest in their charitable work. In fact, you don’t even have to prove any association with a charity to leave it a gift in your will. So if you are considering leaving money to charity in your will and need expert advice, talk it through with your solicitor. And if you have never considered giving money to charity, remember that you will be able to reduce any inheritance tax bill on your death if you leave money to charity.


Can you change your mind? Yes - you can amend your will as many times as you want. Today, you may want to make a will leaving your estate to your favourite animal charity; but you may later settle into a long-term relationship and decide to rewrite your will removing the animal charity - naming your partner instead. However, you must make sure any subsequent will you make is done properly following expert legal advice, otherwise your executors could find themselves at the centre of a dispute.



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This is a critical time for the growing population of older people in the UK with: • 1.9 million pensioners living below the poverty line • Over 1 million older people saying they always or often feel lonely • 1.4 million older people in England not getting the essential care they need

Our donors’ generosity and our legacy income is crucial to ensuring our vital work continues.

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Independent Age 18 Avonmore Road London W14 8RR T 020 7605 4200 Helpline 0800 319 6789

Like our page Follow us @IndependentAge Independent Age is the operating name of the Royal United Kingdom Beneficent Association Registered charity number 210729 (England and Wales) SC047184 (Scotland)



A future we can all look forward to Every day is a gift. Sadly, many older people don’t have access to the friendship, support and physical care they need. At Friends of the Elderly, we are dedicated to ending that loneliness, and want to ensure every older person has a future to look forward to. Together, we can ensure more vulnerable, frail, sick or lonely older people have access to the vital care and support they need. To find out how a gift in your Will could help transform the life of a lonely older person please contact Friends of the Elderly to receivea copy of our free will writing guide.

For more information 020 7730 8263 Registered Charity Number: 226064 22


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Ensure a brighter future Ensure a brighter future Ensure a brighter future Remember Age UK London in your Will Remember Age UK London in your Remember Age UK London in your Will Will

Age UK London works to identify, voice and act on the issues our older people living Age UK London to on identify, voice of and actlives. on the issues our older people living in London tell usworks impact the quality their Age UK London to on identify, voice of and actlives. on the issues our older people living in London tell usworks impact the quality their in London ussteps impact onto the qualitythe of their lives. If we don’ttell take now improve needs, rights and status of the If we don’t take steps now to improve the needs, rights and status of they the age. 2.2 million older people in the capital, our children will still be doing so as If we don’tolder takepeople steps now improve needs, rights and status of they the age. 2.2 million in thetocapital, ourthe children will still be doing so as 2.2 million older people in the capital, our children will still be doing so as they age. You can help us to ensure that the future is brighter for our older people as well as You can help us to ensure that the future is brighter for our older people as well as for younger generations by remembering Age UK London in your will. Youyounger can helpgenerations us to ensurebythat the future is brighter for our people as well as for remembering Age UK London in older your will. for younger generations by remembering Age UK London in your will.

Age UK London - 6th Floor Tavis House - 1-6 Tavistock Square - London WC1H 9NA Age UK London - 6th Floor Tavis House - 1-6 Tavistock Square - London WC1H 9NA Contact us by emailing: Age UK London 6th Floor Tavis House - 1-6 Tavistock Square - London WC1H 9NA Contact us by emailing: w: Twitter: @ageuklondon T: 020 7820 6770 Contact us by emailing: w: Twitter: @ageuklondon T: 020 7820 6770 w: Twitter: @ageuklondon T: 020 7820 6770 You can donate online at: You can donate online at: Registered charity no. 1092098 . Age Uk London, the working name for Age Concern London, is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales number 4407861 Registered charity no. 1092098 . Age Uk London, the working name for Age Concern London, You can donate online at: is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales number 4407861 Registered charity no. 1092098 . Age Uk London, the working name for Age Concern London, is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales number 4407861 24


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A gift in your Will to Battersea is a promise to be there for unwanted dogs and cats in the future. It’s a gift from the heart that will change lives and help Battersea continue to give vulnerable dogs and cats a second chance in life.

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N.E.D.D.I -

New European Distressed Donkey Initiative

He needs your help… He needs your help… “Byremembering remembering “By N.E.D.D.I.ininyour yourwill will N.E.D.D.I. you enable us to you enable us to continueto tocare carefor for continue donkeys like like donkeys Butterworth.” Butterworth.” legacy, of ofof enormous help to to AA legacy, ofwhatever whateversize, size,will willbebe enormous help NEDDI’s work caring for rescued donkeys in our sanctuary. NEDDI’s work caring for rescued donkeys in our sanctuary. We also also work conditions for donkeys in Britain, We worktotoimprove improve conditions for donkeys in Britain, Europe and Africa. Established in 1990 we are based in UK, Europe and Africa. Established in 1990 we are based in and operate a sanctuary in northern France. We also support UK, and operate a sanctuary innorthern France. We also road-side clinics for working donkeys in Kenya. support road-side clinics for working donkeys in Kenya.

01208 816640 N.E.D.D.I.

The New European Distressed Donkey Initiative Ltd. A NON-PROFIT MAKING COMPANY, The New Distressed Donkey Initiative Ltd. POEuropean Box 56, Wadebridge, Cornwall PL27 9BJ LIMITED BY GUARANTEE. PO Box 56, Wadebridge, Reg. No. 3098847 Cornwall PL27 9BJ

01208 816640

A lasting legacy

A NON-PROFIT MAKING COMPANY, Manchester & Cheshire LIMITED BY GUARANTEE. No. 3098847 Dogs’Reg. Home

Sussex Wildlife Trust has been protecting our most cherished countryside and wildlife for over 50 years.

At Manchester & Cheshire Dogs’ Home we are always looking for homes for around 300 dogs, we also care for around 4000 stray and abandonded dogs each year.

Legacy gifts help us ensure our vital work continues for future generations - from creating nature reserves to saving endangered species. To receive your free legacy pack, please contact our Legacy and In Memory Gifts Officer, Gemma Pratt, on 01273 497 566 or email

Why not visit us today, you might meet your new best friend.

Give a Dog a Chance! Opening Times: Sun, 1pm - 4 pm Mon - Sat, 1pm - 5pm

0844 504 1212 Registered Charity No: 207005. © Paul Hobson


Reg. Charity No. 1001346

ANIMALS - SECTION SPONSORED BY BATTERSEA Gerald Durrell was a visionary and a pioneer in conservation, who left an enduring legacy to the generations that followed him. For almost 60 years, Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust has been making an enormous difference to endangered species worldwide, delivering results unparalleled by any organisation of its size.



W W W. D U R R E L L . O R G 27

Your donation will help species such as the orangutan, under great threat from the illegal wildlife trade and habitat loss due to commercial agriculture, such as palm oil. No matter how large or small, your legacy or in memoriam gift will help recover threatened species, revive fragile ecosystems and reconnect people with nature to restore the wonderful colour of our precious planet. You can make a difference to the world we leave to future generations. For more information please contact our Legacy Manager Amy Bompas on 01534 860065 or


A gift in your will to Together for Animals gives thousands of animals a brighter future Together for Animals is a consortium of five leading animal welfare charities working throughout the UK and in some of the world’s poorest communities to improve the lives of animals.

A gift in your will to Together for Animals gives thousands of animals a brighter future

Leaving a gift in your will is a wonderful way to make sure your love for animals lives on. Your gift

Together Animals a consortium five leading animaltheir welfare charities working throughout the will be for equally splitis between our of members ensuring work continues: UK and in some of the world’s poorest communities to improve the lives of animals.

Animal Health Trust – exists to fight disease and injury in animals. Thanks to their

Leaving a gift in your will is a wonderful way to make sure your for animals lives on.for Your gift gives thousands of animals a brighter future A giftlove in your will to Together Animals pioneering work improving diagnosis, treatment and prevention, horses, dogs and cats are will be equally split between our members ensuring their work continues:

living healthier, happier lives.

Together for Animals is a consortium of five leading animal welfare charities working throughout the

A gift your will to Together forworld’s Animals gives thousands of animals a brighter future UKor and in some of the poorest communities the lives of animals.   Animal exists to fight disease and injury inunwanted animals. Thanks to their BlueHealth Cross –Trust Find–happy homes for in abandoned pets and we keep pets healthyto improve pioneering work improving diagnosis, treatment and prevention, horses, dogs and cats are by promoting welfare and providing treatment. Leaving is a gift in your will is aofwonderful way toanimal make sure your love for animals lives on.throughout Your gift Together for Animals a consortium five leading welfare charities working the healthier, happier lives.  living Mayhew – Mayhew is an animal welfare charity working improve of dogs, cats their work continues: will be equallyto split betweenthe ourlives members ensuring UK and in some of the world’s poorest communities to improve the lives of animals.  Blue Cross – Find happy homes forand abandoned or unwanted pets and we keep pets healthy and communities both in UK internationally.  Animal Health Trust – exists to fight disease and injury in animals. Thanks to their by promoting welfare and providing treatment.  SPANA – The Society for the Leaving Protection of Abroad freeway veterinary care foryour a giftAnimals in yourto will is aprovides wonderful to make sure for animals on.cats Your pioneering work improving treatment andlove prevention, horses,lives dogs and aregift  Mayhew – Mayhew is an animal welfare charity working improve the lives of dogs,diagnosis, cats A gift in your will to Together for Animals gives thousands of animals a brighter future working animals in the world’s poorest communities, and works with animal owners and living healthier, happier lives. will be equally split between our members ensuring their work continues: and communities both in UK and internationally. children to ensure these animals are treated with the respect kindness they deserve. Blue Cross –and FindTogether happy homes for or unwanted pets and we keep petscharities healthy working through for Animals is a consortium of five leading animal welfare  SPANA – The Society for the Protection of Animals Abroad provides free veterinary care for abandoned byTrust promoting welfare and providing treatment.  working Worldanimals Horse in Welfare – An international horse charity that improves the lives of horses in  Animal Health – exists to fight disease and injury in animals. Thanks to their UK and in some of the world’s poorest communities to improve the lives of animals. the world’s poorest communities, and works with animal owners and campaigning, Mayhew – Mayhew is an animal welfare charity to improve the lives of dogs, cats are the UK around worldare through education, anddiagnosis, hands-on care. pioneering work improving treatment andworking prevention, horses, dogs and cats children toand ensure thesethe animals treated with the respect and kindness they deserve. Leaving giftand in your will is a wonderful way to make sure your love for animals lives on. Your and communities both ina UK internationally. living healthier, happier lives. Welfare – An international horse charity improves the lives of horses in between willa be equally split our members work continues: willSPANA – The Society for the world Protection Abroad ensuring provides their free veterinary care for A gift,World large Horse or small, really does make a difference andthat help us create better for of Animals the UK and around the world through education, campaigning, and hands-on care.  Blue Cross – Find happy homes for abandoned or unwanted pets and we keep pets healthy working animals in the world’s poorest communities, and works with animal owners and animals for years to come.  Animal Health Trust – exists to fight disease and injury in animals. Thanks to their A gift your will toand Together Animals gives thousands of a children ensure these animals are treated withinthe respect kindnessfor they deserve. promoting welfare providing A gift, large or small, really does make a differenceby and will help us createtoaand better world fortreatment. pioneering work improving diagnosis, treatment and prevention, horses, dogs and cat World Horse international horse charity thatimprove improves the lives horses in cats  Mayhew –Mayhew is anWelfare animal– An welfare charity working livesofof living healthier, happier lives.forto animals for years to come. Together Animals is a the consortium ofdogs, five leading animal welf the UK and around the world through education, campaigning, and hands-on care. pets and we keep pets he  Blue Cross – Find happy homes for abandoned or unwanted UK and in some of the world’s poorest communities to improve and communities both in UK and internationally. Together for Animals

promoting welfare andwill providing A–gift, large or small, really doesbymake a difference and help ustreatment. create afree better world for care for SPANAOX18 The Abroad veterinary • Home Close Farm, Shilton Road, Burford,  Oxfordshire 4PFSociety for the Protection of Animals Leaving a gift provides in your will is a working wonderful way to make sure is an animal welfare charity to improve the lives of your dogs,l animals for years to come.  Mayhew – Mayhew Together for Animals working animals in the world’s poorest communities, and works with animal ownersensuring and their work c • Tel: 0870 609 2810 will be equally split between our members and communities both in UK and internationally. • Home Close Farm, Shilton Road, Burford, Oxfordshire OX18 4PF • Email: • Website: children to ensure these animals are treated with for thethe respect andofkindness theyprovides deserve.  SPANA – The Society Protection Animals Abroad free veterinary ca  Animal Health Trust – exists to fightwith disease and injury • Tel: 0870 609 2810 working animals incharity the world’s poorest communities, andof works animal owners a • Registered Charity No: 1102985 (England & Wales) World Horse Welfare – An international horse that improves the lives horses in Together for Animals pioneering work improving diagnosis, treatment and pr • Email: • Website: children to ensure these animals are treated with the respect and kindness they deser • Home Close Farm, Shilton Road, Burford, Oxfordshire OX18 4PF education, campaigning, and happier hands-on care. healthier, lives. • Registered Charity No: 1102985 (England & Wales) the UK and around the world through  World Horse Welfare – Anliving international horse charity that improves the lives of horse

A gift in your will to Together for An

Together for Animals is a consortium UK and in some of the world’s poore

• Tel: 0870 609 2810

Blue Cross – Find happy homes for abandoned or unwa

UK and• around world through education, campaigning, and hands-on care. • Email:really Website: A gift, large or small, does make a the difference and the will help us create a better world fortreatment. by promoting welfare and providing (England & Wales) gift, large or small, really does make a difference and will help uswill create world fo Leaving a gift in your isa better acharity wonder animals for years• Registered to come.Charity No: A1102985  Mayhew – Mayhew is an animal welfare workin animals for years to come.

communities both in UK and internationally. willand be equally split between our me SPANA – The Society for the Protection of Animals Abro

working animals in the world’s poorest communities, an

Together for Animals Together for Animals children ensure these animals are treated–with the re  toAnimal Health Trust exists • HomeOxfordshire Close Farm, Shilton Burford, Oxfordshire OX18 4PF • Home Close Farm, Shilton Road, Burford, OX18Road, 4PF  World Horse Welfare – An international horse charity th • Tel: 0870 609 2810 pioneering d • Tel: 0870 609 2810 the UK and around the worldwork throughimproving education, campa • Email: • Website: • Email: • Website: living happier lives • Registered Charity No: 1102985 Wales) A gift,(England large or&small, reallyhealthier, does make a difference and will he • Registered Charity No: 1102985 (England & Wales) animals for years to come.

Blue Cross – Find happy hom by promoting welfare and pr Together for Animals A giftin your will to Togetherisfor An Mayhew – Mayhew an an • Home Close Farm, Shilton Road, Burford, Oxfordshire OX18 4PF • Tel: 0870 609 2810 and communities both in UK Together for Animals is a• Website: consortium • Email: www.togeth  SPANA – The Society for the • Registered Charity No: 1102985 (England & Wales) WYTHALL ANIMAL SANCTUARY is a UK andindependent in some ofthat thewasworld’s poore registered, charity working animals established in 1968 by our founders Mr and in the world Mrs Davies. Since we first started, we have children to ensure anim Leaving gift inandyour willtois these a wonder been providinga sanctuary a safe haven many mistreated and abandoned animals. We World Horse Welfare – An will be equally split between our mein are a non-destruct sanctuary and have many residents who stay with us forever or until they the UK and around the world can find their own forever home. We rely solely on the kind donations of ourHealth supporters to keep  Animal Trust – exists the sanctuary going and enable us to help more A gift, large or small, really does mad animals who need us, as our name suggests we pioneering work improving really do provide a safe place of sanctuary. animalsliving for years to come. healthier, happier lives For information on how you can help us by donating or arranging a legacy gift, why not  Blue Cross – Find happy hom phone us now on: by promoting welfare and pr 01564 823288 Together for Animals or emailus at: Mayhew – Mayhew is an an • Home Close Farm, Shilton Road, Bur and communities both in UK • Tel: 0870 609 2810 Registered Charity number: 1137681  SPANA – The Society for the • Email: working animals in the world • Registered Charity No: 1102985 (Eng children to ensure these anim 


ANIMALS - SECTION SPONSORED BY BATTERSEA The Isle of Wight Donkey Sanctuary Lower Winstone Farm Wroxall, Isle of Wight PO38 3AA 01983 852693 Charity Number 1159886

Leave A Gift In Your Will? The most important thing about legacies is that they provide security for loved ones. Sometimes however, the person making their will can choose to leave an additional gift to a charity. That gift would make a significant difference, especially for our little Donkey Sanctuary. Gifts from legacies have helped us build a new barn to provide more indoor accommodation, create field shelters to protect the donkeys from rain and sun, fund our donkey therapy programmes for people with specific needs, and help our animals work with special school youngsters. We are grateful for every gift we receive and the individual generosity of people is recognised with remembrance plaques on the buildings and facilities they have helped to create. Our donkeys are not controversial, they are not political, they harm nobody and most are British. Without us, they would be homeless. They give genuine pleasure and happiness to people; they help the young and old, the infirm and disabled, and those for whom life is a constant challenge. Our charity is made up predominantly of volunteers, therefore gifted money is spent on the animals and the facilities they need; nothing more. Family and friends must come first but after you have given them a helping hand, please will you remember our donkeys?


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Your legacy...

...their safe future

For more than 20 years, Forever Hounds Trust has been a lifeline for thousands of dogs who would otherwise have faced an uncertain future. We work towards the day when every greyhound and lurcher is free from risk and need. Gifts • • • • •

in Wills have already helped over 9,000 dogs into loving homes ensured a safe refuge in kennels or foster homes while dogs await their forever homes provided essential vet care kept our vans on the road to rescue dogs in desperate situations provided expert behavioural support

Please remember Forever Hounds Trust in your Will and know you will be helping to give more dogs a safe and happy future - thank you PO Box 1601 Oxford OX4 9JZ E:

T: 03000 125 125 30

Registered Charity 1131399 Formerly Greyhound Rescue West of England


Give a horse like blind Boo a lifetime of happiness A legacy gift is


Call 01508 481030 or email to request a legacy pack today. Thank you. 31




the University Bristol. Our School at theofUniversity Promoting the practice, advancement further animal welfare. The equipment and clinical and teaching of veterinary science y of all those interested in the. pitalisation of animals.

us toPromoting the practice, advancement and

The Trust supports a Veterinary School at the Univeristy of Bristol. The Trust supports the Veterinary School atSchool the University Bristol. Our The Trust supports the Veterinary at theofUniversity main objective is to relieve suffering and to further animal welfare. The of Bristol through funding for equipment and clinicalOur main objective is to relieve Langford Trust depends upon theand generosity of all those interested in the facilities for the treatment hospitalisation of animals. . suffering and to further animal welfare of animals and education to enable us to welfare. The Langford Trust depends help most this centre of veterinary excellence. By The up-to-date equipment needed supporting this vet school we aim to improve upon the generosity of all those for new advanced techniques is vital the diagnosis and treatment for all animals, not but expensive and facilities for animals interested in the welfare of animals only in this country but all over the world. undergoing such treatment must be and education to enable us to help Thank you. superlative. this centre of veterinary excellence. Please support the Langford Trust. By supporting this vet school we PLEASE the Langford Trust. If in yoursupport life time you care about aim to improve the diagnosis and your please lifetime you leaving care about In animals consider us a treatment for all animals, not only in legacy to ensure their health & animals please consider leaving a welfare after your death. this country but all over the world. legacy to help them after your death

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teaching of veterinary science

Langford Trust, Langford House, Langford, North Somerset BS40 5DU Tel: 0117 928 9207 Fax: 0117 928 9448 E-mail: Web: RCN 900380

Thank you.

Please support the Landford Trust. If in your life time you care about animals please consider leaving us a legacy to ensure their health & welfare after your death.

Langford Trust, Langford House, Langford, North Somerset BS40 5DU Tel: 0117 928 9207 Fax: 0117 928 9448 E-mail: Web: RCN 900380

BF LEGACY ADVERT DEC 2018.qxp_Layout 1 05/12/2018 08:55 Page 1


House, Langford, 40 5DU 0117 928Include 9448 Born Free in your will and save the lives of wild animals in need. Your invaluable gift will help us to: Protect and conserve wild animals in their natural habitats Rescue wild animals from a life of captivity 80



Campaign against all forms of wild animal entertainment Fight to end the illegal wildlife trade

For more information, contact us on 01403 240170 or visit Charity No:1070906



Cruelty Free International • 16a Crane Grove, London, N7 8NN • Tel: 0300 003 0577 (calls charged at local rate) • Fax: 020 7700 0252 • Email: • Website: Cruelty Free International, previously known as the BUAV, works to create a world where nobody wants or believes we need to experiment on animals. Through undercover investigations, political lobbying, the promotion of cruelty free products, legal and scientific expertise and media activities, Cruelty Free International campaigns tirelessly and peacefully to end animal testing. Cruelty Free International works alongside its charitable arm, Cruelty Free International Trust (registered charity number 1081183). Cruelty Free International Trust exists to educate people about animal testing, research alternatives to animal testing and ensure that laws controlling animal experiments are properly enforced in the UK and globally. Cruelty Free International receives no government or lottery funding and relies solely on the generosity of supporters to continue its work. Legacy gifts are especially vital, constituting around 50% of Cruelty Free International’s total income. Our dedicated and experienced Legacy Officer provides a professional, sensitive and strictly confidential service to Executors, extracting solicitors and bereaved family and friends. 34

• Heartbeat wil not put a healthy horse to sleep

essential craft at a time when it imperative that we do so.

A gift in your Will could also help shape our future too and it doesn’t ANIMALS - SECTION SPONSORED BY BATTERSEA matter how large or small it is; every gift matters to us.

• We need to expand, due to the long waiting list of horses waiting to retire, or worse

For further detailed information about leaving a gift in your Will, or a gift in memory of a loved one then please contact Thank you!

The gift of beekeeping is seen here being passed on to a young beekeeper eager to advance her skills at an International Meeting of Young Beekeepers’, organised by the British Beekeepers’ Association.

• We have CCTV in the stables, to monitor horses who are unwell

A recent legacy gift has enabled us to develop our work in education that will help encourage more young people into this ancient and essential craft at a time when it imperative that we do so. A gift in your Will could also help shape our future too and it doesn’t matter how large or small it is; every gift matters to us. For further detailed information about leaving a gift in your Will, or a gift in memory of a loved one then please contact

Many of Heartbeat guests would not be alive today, if they had not been able to retire to the Heartbeat Home for Horses.

How a gift in your Will could help shape the future of Beekeeping Thank you!

The Heartbeat Home for Horses Limited is a registered charity, whose aim is to care for horses who otherwise would face a very uncertain future. Our aim is to provide a lifeline for these needy, homeless animals, allowing them to relax in comfortable surroundings in retirement, with lots of tender loving care. Telephone 01986 798387 (Home) 01728 602 739 (Shop) Email

• Heartbeat horses are often large, 16hh+ - it can be difficult to find a retirement home for them

• Heartbeat Horses are NOT re-educated, or re-homed, or adopted

• Heartbeat Horses retire to enjoy a good quality of life • Heartbeat will not put a healthy horse to sleep

• We need to expand, due to the long waiting list of horses waiting to retire, or worse

• We have CCTV in the stables, to monitor horses who are unwell Many of Heartbeat guests would not be alive today, if they had not been able to retire to the Heartbeat Home for Horses.

Registered Charity No.1106722 Telephone 01986 798387 (Home) 01728 602 739 (Shop) Email Registered Charity No.1106722


ANIMALS - SECTION SPONSORED BY BATTERSEA With your support we will care for strays and er animals in desperate need all over Greece

Greek Animal Welfare F

• 51 Borough High Street, London SE1 1NB • Tel: 020 7357 8500 • Email: • Website: • Registered Charity No: 233574 (England &

The Greek Animal Welfare Fund (GAW Action Greece, is a charity based in Londo welfare of all animals in Greece.

Founded in 1959, GAWF works with street an fact, any animals that need our help. As wel is often life-saving, we campaign and lobby animal welfare groups in Greece, run an ed animal care. We believe in working within solutions to animal welfare problems, and o after a relentless campaign, GAWF welcom animal circuses – a first in Europe. We con with the help of our generous and compass

Our current struggle to help the forgotten is an uphill battle but we are determined t Please see our website for more informatio animals in Greece. Thank you.

Because of your Will… WE WILL

With your support we will care for strays and er animals in desperate need all over Greece

Greek Animal Welfare Fund (GAWF • 51 Borough High Street, London SE1 1NB • Tel: 020 7357 8500 • Email: • Website: • Registered Charity No: 233574 (England & Wales)

Founded in 1959, GAWF Greek works with street animals, Animal Welfare Fund_T/E.indd 1 working animals, pet animals –TheinGreek fact,Animal any animals that Welfare Fund (GAWF), operating in Gr Action Greece, is a charity based in London and Athens that striv need our help. We believe in working withininGreece to welfare of all animals Greece. Founded in 1959, works with street animals, working animal find practical and sustainable solutions toGAWF animal welfare fact, any animals that need our help. As well as practical and veter problems, and our track record speakswefor itself.and lobby the Greek Parliamen is often life-saving, campaign

animal welfare groups in Greece, run an education programme an animal care. We believe in working within Greece to find practica solutions to animal welfare problems, and our track record speaks after a relentless campaign, GAWF welcomed the ban on both d animal circuses – a first in Europe. We continue to build on this with the help of our generous and compassionate supporters.

Because of your Will… 51 Borough High Street, London SE1 1NB Tel: 020 7357 8500 WE WILL Email:

Our current struggle to help the forgotten victims of the Greek is an uphill battle but we are determined to do all we can for the Please see our website for more information and help us to contin conti animals in Greece. Thank you.


With your support we will care for strays Registered Charityand No: 233574 (England & Wales) er animals in desperate need all over Greece 36

Greek Animal Welfare Fund (GAWF • 51 Borough High Street, London SE1 1NB • Tel: 020 7357 8500 • Email:

Come and have a look around our Visitor Centre. Opening times can be found on our website


Please help me get better is the busiest wildlife hospital in the world. Lastlateyear helped Not only do we treat more hedgehogs Our friendwe Dame Thoraover Hird 80,000 wild than other hospital, but actively encouraged others to help Lastany year wewildlife helped over 80,000 wild birds and animals like Rudolph Last year we helped over 80,000 wild our caring team saves liveshelp everyRudolph day. secure funding for lifesaving and animals like Please helpme meourget get better help better Please me getusPlease better birdsbirds and animals like Rudolph Our aim is simple; to treat injured work. In her words "All the little wild Not only we treat more hedgehogs friend Dame Thora Hird only dodo we treat more hedgehogs latelate friend Thora Hird Not only do we treat more hedgehogs Not Our late friend Dame Thora Hird Our British wildlife, then return themthan to creatures and I thankOur you soDame very much". than other wildlife hospital, actively encouraged others help anyany other wildlife hospital, butbut encouraged others to to help than any other wildlife hospital, but actively encouraged others to help actively our caring team saves lives every day. us secure funding for our lifesaving our caring team saves lives every day. us secure funding for our lifesaving our caring team saves lives every day. us secure funding for our lifesaving the wild - like Rudolph, who arrived For more information please contact: Our is her simple; treat injured work. words little wild Our aimaim isInsimple; to to treat injured In In herher words "All"All thethe little wild Our aim is simple; to treat injured work. words "All the little wildwork. Jenny Babb, Tiggywinkles, Aylesbury, badly just fivethem days Our British wildlife, return them to much". creatures and I thank very much". British wildlife, then return them tovery creatures and I thank youyou so so very much". Britishinjured wildlife, at then return to old. creatures and Ithen thank you so the wild - information like Rudolph, who arrived HP17 more information please contact: the wild like Rudolph, who arrived ForFor more information please contact: Buckinghamshire 8AF the wild like Rudolph, who arrived For more please contact: specialist care saved this little deerbadly and Jenny Babb, Tiggywinkles, Aylesbury, Babb, Tiggywinkles, Aylesbury, injured at just days old. Our Jenny Jenny Babb,atTiggywinkles, Aylesbury, injured just fivefive days old. Our badly injured at just five days old. Our badly Buckinghamshire HP17 8AF Buckinghamshire HP17 8AF Buckinghamshire HP17 8AF specialist saved this little deer and hespecialist is nowcare facing brighter future. But carecaresaved this little deer and savedathis little deer and specialist 01844 292 292 is now facing a brighter future. is now facing a 292 brighter future. ButBut 01844 01844 292 292 he is now facing a brighter future. But hehe 292 292 01844 292 it itisisonly with your support we can is only with your support it is only with your support wewe cancan only with your support we can help casualties like Rudolph. Please help casualties like Rudolph. Please helpcasualties casualties like Rudolph. Please Please help like Rudolph. Registered Charity 286447 remember Tiggywinkles in your Will. Registered Charity No.No. 286447 Registered Charity 286447 Tiggywinkles your Will. PleaseTiggywinkles help me get better remember in your Will. remember Registered Charity 286447 remember Tiggywinkles in your Will. Please me get better Not only do we treat more hedgehogs Our late friend Dame Thora Hird than any other wildlife hospital, but actively encouraged others to help our caring team saves lives every day. us secure funding for our lifesaving Our aim is simple; to treat injured work. In her words "All the little wild British wildlife, then return them to creatures and I thank you so very much". NotRudolph, only do wearrived treat moreForhedgehogs Our late friend Dame Thora Hird the wild - like who more information please contact: Jenny Babb,but Tiggywinkles, Aylesbury, badly injured at just five days old. Our than any other wildlife hospital, actively encouraged others to help Buckinghamshire HP17 8AF specialist care saved this little deer and our caring team saves lives every day. us secure funding for our lifesaving he is now facing a brighter future. But 01844 292 292 Ouryour aim is simple; injured work. In her words "All the little wild it is only with support we canto British wildlife,Please then return them to creatures and I thank you so very much". help casualties like Rudolph. Registered Charity No. 286447 remember Tiggywinkles in your Will. the wild - like Rudolph, who arrived For more information please contact:

Not only do have we treat more hedgehogs Our lateVisitor friend Dame Thora Hird Come andhave look aroundour ourVisitor Centre. Please me get better Come and a alook around Centre. Come help and have a look around our Visitor Centre. than any other wildlife hospital, but actively encouraged others to help

Opening times canbeteam befound found our website Opening times onon our website Opening times can be found on our website ourcan caring saves lives every day. us secure funding for our lifesaving

Come and have a look around our Visitor Centre. thein busiest wildlifehospital hospitalininthe theworld. world. isisthe busiest wildlife Opening timesis can be found on our website the busiest wildlife hospital the world. Our aim is simple; to treat injured British wildlife, then return them to the wild - like Rudolph, who arrived badly injured at just five days old. Our specialist care saved this little deer and he is now facing a brighter future. But it is only with your support we can help casualties like Rudolph. Please remember Tiggywinkles in your Will.

Jenny Babb, Tiggywinkles, Aylesbury, badly injured at just five days old. Our HP17 8AF specialist care saved thisaround little deer Come and have a look our and Visitor Buckinghamshire Centre. hetimes is now a brighter 01844 292 292 Opening canfacing be found on ourfuture. websiteBut it is only with your support we can help casualties like Rudolph. Please is the busiest wildlife hospital in the world. Registered Charity No. 286447 remember Tiggywinkles in your Will.

work. In her words "All the little wild creatures and I thank you so very much".

For more information please contact: Jenny Babb, Tiggywinkles, Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire HP17 8AF

01844 292 292 Registered Charity No. 286447

is the busiest wildlifeComehospital in the world. and have a look around our Visitor Centre.

LAW2019 Come and have a look around our Visitor Centre. Opening times can be found on our website

is the busiest wildlife hospital in the world.


NATIONWIDE For more information on our shows, locations and courses visit: Call: 01332 226601 Visit: the SOLICITORS group



Opening times can be found on our website

is the busiest wildlife hospital in the world.

Celebrating 14 Years of Quality Legal Exhibitions & Training



Y O U K N O W H O W M U C H T H E Y H AV E G I V E N . A GIFT IN YOUR WILL CAN HELP MAKE SURE T H E Y A R E A LWAY S C A R E D F O R . A century after World War One, our mission is the same as it has always been – helping soldiers from every regiment, and every conflict, no matter when or where they served. Your support today will help ensure countless soldiers, veterans and their families are cared for in generations to come. Support The Soldier’s Charity with a gift in your Will. To find out more: /legacy Email: Phone: 020 7811 3964 ABF The Soldiers’ Charity is a registered charity in England and Wales (1146420) and Scotland (039189).



The Royal Naval Benevolent Trust, Castaway House, 311 Twyford Avenue, PoRTsmouTH, Hampshire, Po2 8RN T: 02392 690112 F: 02392 660852 E:

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for the next generation of Chelsea Pensioners, including those veterans who served in Afghanistan and Iraq.


Men and women of the Royal Navy and Royal Marines serve their counrty, often at times of danger. Established in 1922, the RNBT helps non-commissioned Men and women of the Royal Navy andSailors, RoyalMarines Marines and their families serve their country, often at times of danger. Established The (RNBT Family) in 1922, the RNBT helps non-commissioned Sailors, troughout their lives.

Marines and their families (The RNBT Family) throughout their lives. Your donation will help us to help them. The Royal Naval Benevolent Trust, Castaway House, 311 Twyford Avenue, PoRTsmouTH, Hampshire, Po2 8RN T: 02392 690112 F: 02392 660852 E:



WE ARE THE UK’S LEADINGCHARITY FORARE VETERANS’ MENTALHEALTH. UK’S WE LEADING CHARITY THE UK’SLEADINGCHARITY ANS’MENTAL HEALTH. VETERANS’ MENTALHEALTH. EUK’SFOR LEADING CHARITY RANS’ MENTAL HEALTH. We help former servicemen and women with mental health problems on the phone, online, in the community and at our treatment centres. Over 20% of funding is from gifts in Wills. Please help us to be there for veterans. 01372 587 144



Enriching the lives of injured service personnel who have proudly served their country



The Not Forgotten Association puts the fun, enthusiasm and enjoyment back into the lives of those who have served their nation and now suffer. Wounded and injured service men and women, and veterans with disabilities, remain at the heart of everything we do. We consider it a privilege to be supporting some 10,000 individuals each year under the mantra of ‘From Comradeship To Challenge’ which aptly illustrates the variety and scope of our recreational and entertainment programme, thereby allowing the individual and their family to enjoy a normal, if not better, life. 41


Sight is precious, but 2 million people are already living but with2amillion significant Sight is precious, people degree of sight loss in the UK. are already living with a significant


degree of sight loss in the UK.

Yet less than 2% of all medical research is directed at eye disease. Without more investment in eye Yet less than of all experiencing medical research directed research, the2% number sightisloss is at eye disease. Without investment predicted to double to 4more million by 2050. in eye research, the number experiencing sight loss is We rely ontothe generosity of public donations to predicted double to 4 million by 2050. find new treatments for glaucoma, age-related Sight is precious, but 2public million people We rely on the generosity donations macular degeneration and of many other sight- to are already living with a significant find new treatments forAglaucoma, age-related threatening conditions. gift in your funds degreeis ofprecious, sight loss in2the UK.Will Sight but million people macular degeneration many other sightvital research into the and and treatments are already livingcauses with aof, significant threatening conditions. A gift in your Will funds for, eyeYetdisease and loss.research is directed less than 2% ofsight allloss medical at degree of sight in the UK. eye disease.into Without investment eye research, vital research themore causes of, andin treatments number experiencing sight loss is predicted to for, eyethe disease and loss. Yet lessto than 2% ofsight all double 4 million by medical 2050. research is directed at eye disease. investment in eye research, Together weWithout can more combat blindness. the number experiencing sight loss is predicted to A gift into your Will funds vital research into the causes double 4 million by 2050. Please make a donation of, and treatments for, eye diseasetoday. sight loss. Together we can combat and blindness. A gift in your Will funds vital research into the causes Please make a donation of, and treatments for, eye diseasetoday. and sight loss.

combat blindness. Please make a donation today. Tel: 0117 325Together 7757we canEmail: Together we can combat Please make a donation today. National Eye Research Centre Tel: 0117 929 0024 Email:

Dept TLY, Bristol Eye Hospital

National Eye Research Centre, Dept SJC, Bristol Eye Hospital, National Eye Research Centre Lower Maudlin Street, Bristol BS1 2LX Lower Maudlin Street, Bristol BS1 Tel: 0117 929 0024 Email:

Dept TLY, Bristol Eye Hospital Charitable Organisation, Number: 1156134 NationalIncorporated Eye Research Centre,Registered Dept SJC, Bristol Eye Hospital, Charitable Incorporated Street, Organisation, Registered Number: 1156134 Lower Maudlin Bristol Lower Maudlin Street, Bristol BS1 2LX BS1 2LX

Charitable Incorporated Organisation, Registered Number: 1156134

National Eye Charitable Research Centre_16June.indd 1 Incorporated Organisation,

National Eye Research Centre_16June.indd 1

Registered Number: 1156134


Scanour our QR Scan code our toQR code Scan QR Scan code our toQR code to to viewthe thewebsite website viewthe thewebsite website view view

Tel: 0117 325 7757 Email:

09/06/2017 10:25

09/06/2017 10:25


When Joel’s parents first learned of his cerebral palsy they were sick with worry about what his future might hold. Now, thanks to Jewish Blind & Disabled, they all enjoy Joel’s independent life in his own mobility apartment with 24/7 on site support.

leave the legacy of independence to people like joel.

eNABLeD Please remember us in your will. visit or call 020 8371 6611 Registered Charity No. 259480

Failing sight brings with it LAWBizTech so many problems! LONDON Charity No: 236629 (England & Wales) & SC040134 (Scotland)


Ms Emma Johnston Clerk to the Local Government and Regeneration Committee Committee Office Scottish Parliament Edinburgh EH99 1SP

November HAVE2015 a family member, friend or neighbour whose sight [DO 4YOU We are a self-help organisation of blind and partially sighted people. We want our members and, in fact, all blind and partially sighted people to be part of the community where they live. This includes the two hundred or more people graduating from our universities each year who are regarded Dear Emma, as visually impaired.

is going? Reading, recognising friends, living skills are all affected when you lose your sight – and it’s much harder if you live alone. The National Federation of the Blind of the UK (NFBUK) keeps its 6 HOURS We willingly join with individuals or organisations sharing our Re: Response toany the Local Government and Regeneration Committee’s consultation CPD concerns. We speak with Government Ministers about improving all members in regular contact with information, help and updates on the on the Footway Parking and Double Parking (Scotland) Bill ONLY £59 aspects of life, benefits and services and with Local Councils about organisation’s work. The charity issues enablingcampaigning their sight impaired residents to get out and also about more safelybi-monthly I in am responding on centres behalfand of shops. the National Federation of the Blind of the United Kingdom their local areas, town news magazines in audio or electronically, which allows members to (NFBUK). FOR MORE INFORMATION & TO BOOK NOW VISIT: financial assistance NFBUKsighted receives helps us withacross our hear fromAny other blind and which partially friends the country. q

campaigning work to make the lives of many blind and partially sighted

NFBUK was established in 1947 and is an independent, non-political, self-help group and people happier and more satisfying; a task which NFBUK, a non-political, registered charity. Through campaigning and self-help group and registered charity, has been doing since 1947.representation, the NFBUK strives to • For further information contact NFBUK on Our charity trustees are quality blind, deaf-blind or partially unpaid improve the overall and welfare of sighted, daily01924 life, for 291313, all blind, deaf-blind, partially sighted volunteers. people and those whose impairment is part of multi disability, in the UK. This email or vistsight includes, equal access to and the safe freedom of movement within the built environment.

Call: 01332 226601

Contact our office by phoneto 01924 291313 NFBUK welcomes this opportunity respond to the consultationVisit: on Footway Parking or by(Scotland) email and Double Parking Bill.


NFBUK is a democratic membership led organisation and regularly consults/communicates with its members on all aspects and issues affecting their daily life.

Learning. Networking. Sourcing


Don’t face sight loss alone.

Focus Birmingham relies on the support of selfless legacy givers, who choose to leave us a donation in their will. Such support enables us to continue providing essential services to those receiving the devastating news of incurable sight loss. We strive to help as many as we can to remain independent and avoid the physical isolation and decline in good mental health often associated with a sight loss diagnosis. We also support people with other disabilities too. Our vision and values are to ensure that no one living in Birmingham and the surrounding areas faces sight loss alone. We want them to be able to access our professional advice and support. We offer: · · · · ·

Practical support Rehabilitation to ensure independence Specialist counselling to strengthen emotional well-being Peer support and social/leisure opportunities to help combat isolation Valuable IT solutions to visually impaired children to ensure they reach their potential in those vital early years

We are offering a Will service for individuals or couples who are interested in making a Will or changing their Will. Please email us at or call 0121 478 5239 for more information. Leave a lasting legacy of a brighter future for those facing sight loss.

Helpline 0121 478 5222 Registered Charity No. 1065745 44


HELP US BUILD A BRIGHTER FUTURE People who left a gift in their Will to the GLFB in the past are playing a significant Doorstep fundraising team part in the lives of people dealing with sight loss.

Doorstep fundraising team

Our team of door to door Although some of these supporters foresight in leaving a fundraisers would likemay to sayhave a big passed on, their Our team of door to door ‘Thank you!’ to everyone who legacy is making a real and lasting difference to visually impaired children andto adults fundraisers would like say a big opened their door to them and ‘Thank you!’ to everyone who today. This is because gifts areabout helping to provide services that reduce took the left time in to Wills learn more opened their door to them and theso charity and brings, start up aenabling new the isolation sight loss often people to live happier, more tookmuch the time to learn more about regular gift to the GLFB! the charity and start up a new

fulfilling and independent lives.

regular gift to the GLFB!

Isn’t that the kind of legacy we would all love to leave? Please accept our heartfelt thanks if you have already remembered the work of the GLFB in your Will. Thank you for supporting the Greater London Fund our for If you haven’t already done so, please do consider whether you could support the Blind. Ourloved work is only work in this very special way once you have made provision for your ones. All legacies, be they large or small, help to change lives. made possible because of committed friends like you. If you would like more information about gifts in Wills, please call us on telephone number 020 7620 4918 or by writing to us at the address below: Every donation you make

another blindRoad, or Greater London Fund for the Blind, 12 Whitehorse Mews, 37means Westminster Bridge London, SE1 7QD. Email: Website: partially sighted person has an increased chance of a The Greater London Fund for the Blind was established in 1921 tobetter providequality blind welfare services in of life. Greater London Fund for the Blind

London. Today, the services weMills fund, Sir John Housemade possible through voluntary donations including gifts in Wills, Greater London Fund for the Blind Mewsvulnerable people in society. enable us to reach some12ofWhitehorse the most Sir John Mills House 37 Westminster Bridge Road London SE1 7QD

Every day 100 people in the UK start losing their sight – that’s one person every 15 minutes. Sight loss affects people of all ages and it can strike at any time. A legacy gift to the GLFB will help ensure that we can provide specialist from the Registered Charity 1074958 point of diagnosis. Thank you.


12 Whitehorse Mews 37 Westminster Bridge Road London SE1 7QD

Registered Charity No. 1074958

Thank you Greater Lo the Blind. made poss committed

Every don means ano partially si an increas better qua




BlindAid has over 180 years of experience of delivering emotional and practical support to blind and visually impaired people living in the 12 inner London Boroughs and the City of London. Our core service is Home Visiting; we also provide Community Projects where people can attend free classes and a Telephone Support Service. We are able to provide the long term loan of radio/audio equipment and may offer grants to support independent living. Our enthusiastic outreach team is dedicated to working alongside our Service Users offering friendly company and conversation as well as information and links to other useful organisations. We aim to improve quality of life and to promote independence. All our services are provided free of charge for our Service Users.

Email: Tel: 020 7403 6184 Fax: 020 7234 0708 Address: Lantern House 102 Bermondsey Street London SE1 3UB

Š BlindAid 2012 Registered Charity 262119. Company Limited46 by guarantee 986407. Formerly Metropolitan Society for the Blind.

nnetthorpe, Doncaster, DN2 6AA BLIND & PARTIALLY SIGHTED 302 965195 TH







The Partially Sighted Society 1 Bennetthorpe, Doncaster, DN2 6AA Tel: 01302 965195

Would you like to ould you make a difference

ke to make

to sombody

a difference

living with

to somebody

sight loss?

living with

Bysight leaving a gift in your will to The Partially Sighted Society you will be making a difference loss? to people living with sight loss. As a national independent charity that does not receive any statutory funding,

ft in your will to Thehelp Partially legacy gifts us toSighted continue with our vital work in helping people with a ll be making a difference to people visual impairment achieve their personal goals and continue to lead full and ht loss. independent lives. Thank you for helping us to help others. ndependent charity that does not atutory funding, legacy gifts help us to our vital work in helping people with a ent achieve their personal goals and ad full and independent lives. Thank you to help others.






COURSES AVAILABLE: Civil Litigation Commercial Litigation Commercial Property Criminal Law Employment Family Financial Awareness Immigration Personal Injury Residential Property Wills & Probate


Call: 01332 226601 Visit: the SOLICITORS group




CHILDREN & YOUTH - SECTION SPONSORED BY CICRA The specialist charity for children and young adults with crohns and colitis

You have the power to change tomorrow for children living with inflammatory bowel disease. Since our founding in 1978, we have been breaking new ground in research for a cure for Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. Leading specialists treating children in the UK today received their training through our Research Fellowship scheme. Supporters who left a gift in their will funded

young scientists to carry out three year scientific research, with many choosing to continue this line of research as their future career.

A gift in your will supports a new generation of doctors and scientists, to help future generations of children. | | 020 8949 6209 CICRA is the operating name of Crohns In Childhood Research Association, regd charity in England & Wales (number 278212) and Scotland (SC040700), Pat Shaw House, 13-19 Ventnor Road, Sutton, Surrey, SM2 6AQ



Help to transform the lives of nd out more: Help to transform the lives of Help to transform theyears lives to of disabled children for disabled children for years to disabled to come by children leaving afor giftyears to 0207 3635 |KIDS come359 by leaving a gift to KIDS come by leaving a gift to KIDS

KIDS supports over 13,500 disabled children with life-changing KIDS supports over 13,500 disabled children with life-changing educational, leisure and skill-development programmes, whilst KIDS supports over 13,500 disabled children with life-changing educational, leisure and skill-development programmes, whilst also providing practical advice and support to their families. educational, leisure andadvice skill-development programmes, whilst also providing practical and support to their families. Since 1970 we practical have been committed to ensuring every child also providing advice and support to their families. Since 1970 wefull have been committed to of ensuring every child reaches their potential, irrespective disability. Since 1970 wefull have been committed to of ensuring every child reaches their potential, irrespective disability. reaches their full potential, irrespective of disability. By leaving a gift to KIDS in your will, you can help us to give By leavingchildren a gift to KIDS in your will, youcreate can help us to give disabled brighter future a lasting legacy. By leavingchildren a gift toaaKIDS in your will,and youcreate can help us to give disabled brighter future and a lasting legacy. disabled children a brighter future and create a lasting legacy.

9 Elliott’s Place, London, N1 8HX | Registered Charity No. 275936

out more: Find out more: Find out more: 0207 3635 | 07 359 3635 | Find out 359 more: 0207 359 3635 | 0207 359 3635 |

KIDS, 7-9 Elliott’s Place, London, N1 8HX | Registered Charity No. 275936 KIDS, 7-9 Elliott’s Place, London, N1 8HX | Registered Charity No. 275936 KIDS, 7-9 Elliott’s Place, London, N1 8HX | Registered Charity No. 275936

ott’s Place, London, N1 8HX | Registered Charity No. 275936 Helping children with renal illness and their families Supporting hospitals all over Scotland supplying them with much needed equipment and funding for posts recognised as being essential

Children only get one chance at childhood...

Helping Helping children children with with renal renal Helping children with renal Helping children with renal illness illness and and their their families families

Tel: 01324 555843 can help make sure it’s one free from abuse and neglect.

illness illness and and their their families families

You can make a TEXT donation to Kidney Kids Scotland. Text SCOT34 £3,4,5 or 10 to 70070 to donate to Kidney Kids Scotland and make a difference. i.e. SCOT34 £5 to 70070. This will be charged at the standard rate of text. Kidney Kids Scotland SC030284 will receive the FULL amount from each text donation. Please make sure that you have the bill payer's permission.

You canYou makecan a TEXT Kidney Kids TextScotland. SCOT34 £3,4,5 or makedonation a TEXTtodonation toScotland. Kidney Kids Text SCOT34 £3,4,5 or

10 to 10 70070 to donateto to donate Kidney Kids ScotlandKids and Scotland make a difference. i.e. difference. i.e. 70070 to Kidney Kidney and make You can make a to TEXT donation to Kids Scotland. Text SCOT34 You can make a TEXT donation to Text Kidney Kidsa Scotland. SCOT34or £3,4,5 or You can make TEXT donation to Kidney Kids Scotland. SCOT34 £3,4,5Text or£3,4,5 SCOT34 £5 to a70070. This will be charged standard text. Kidney SCOT34 £5 to 70070. This willat bethe charged atrate theofstandard rate of text. Kidney 10 to 70070 to donate to Kidney Kids Scotland make a difference. i.e. toScotland 70070 to donate to Kidney Kidney Kids Scotland andtext make amake difference. i.e. Kids SC030284 will to receive the FULL amount from each donation. 10 to 1070070 to donate Kids Scotland and a and difference. i.e. Kids Scotland SC030284 will receive the FULL amount from each text donation. Please make sure that you have the bill payer's permission. SCOT34 £5 to 70070. This will be charged at the standard rate of text. Kidney SCOT34 £5 to 70070. This will be charged at the standard rate of text. Kidney SCOT34 £5 Please to 70070. This be the charged at permission. the standard rate of text. Kidney make sure that will you have bill payer's Kidswill Scotland receive FULL amount from each text donation. Kids Scotland SC030284 receiveSC030284 the FULL will amount fromthe each text donation. Kids Scotland SC030284youwill receive the you FULL from permission. each text donation. make that haveamount the bill payer's Please make sure that Please have thesure bill payer's permission. Please make sure that you have the bill payer's permission.

ae TEXT donation to Kidney Kids Scotland.Text TextSCOT34 SCOT34£3,4,5 £3,4,5 or aa TEXT donation to Kidney Kids Scotland. or 49 TEXTdonation donationto to Kidney Kidney Kids Scotland. Text SCOT34 £3,4,5 or aeto TEXT Scotland. Text SCOT34 £3,4,5 or donate to Kidney Kids Scotland and make a difference. i.e. 70 donate to Kidney Kids make aa difference. i.e. 70toto todonate donate to to Kidney Kidney Kids Kids Scotland Scotland and and make difference. i.e.i.e. Scotland and make a difference. o 70070. This will be charged at the the standard standardrate rateofoftext. text. Kidney 70070. This will be charged Kidney 5oto to 70070.This Thiswill willbe be charged charged at at Kidney 70070. at the the standard standardrate rateofoftext. text. Kidney

After you’ve remembered your loved ones, you could help keep the next generation of children safe, by leaving a gift in your will. Photography by Jon Challicom. The child pictured is a model. © 2016 NSPCC. Registered charity England and Wales 216401 and Scotland SC037717. J20141389.

children with renal SupportingHelping hospitals all over Scotland Supporting hospitals all over Scotland illnesswith and Supporting hospitals all over Scotland supplying them much needed Supporting hospitals alltheir overfamilies Scotland supplying them with much needed supplying them with much needed Helping children with renal Helping children with renal hospitals all over Scotland Helping children with renal equipment and funding for posts supplyingSupporting them with much needed equipment and funding for posts supplying them with much needed illness and their families illness and their families illness and their families equipment funding for posts Helpingand children with renal equipment and funding forfor posts recognised as being essential equipment and funding posts Supporting hospitals all over Scotlandall over Scotland Supporting hospitals illness and families Supporting hospitals all over Scotland recognised astheir being essential recognised as being essential supplying them with much needed recognised as being essential supplying them with much needed recognised asthem being essential supplying with much needed Supporting hospitals all over Scotland equipment and funding posts equipment and funding for posts equipment funding forfor posts supplying them withand much needed Tel: 01324 555843 recognised asposts being essential Tel: 01324 555843 equipment and funding for Tel: 01324 555843 recognised as being essential recognised as being essential Tel: 01324 555843 as being 555843 essential Tel:recognised 01324 Tel: 01324 555843 Tel: 01324 555843 Tel: 01324 555843 Tel: 01324 555843

To find out more call 020 7825 2939, email or visit


Leave the gift of a lifetime By leaving a gift in your will you help us to give a new life to kidney patients across Wales

Kidney Wales Foundation, 2 Radnor Court, 256 Cowbridge Road East, Cardiff, CF5 1GZ Tel: 029 2034 3940 Registered Charity Number 700396



Protection. It’s important. At Action for Children, we support and protect 300,000 vulnerable children, young people and families in the UK every year. We do this by: — Stepping in early to stop abuse and neglect. — Finding loving fostering and adoptive homes. — Running children’s centres. — Supporting young carers. But to continue our vital work we need your help, to care for future generations. Leave a gift in your Will, no matter how big or small, and you’ll allow us to protect vulnerable children for years to come.

For more information about remembering Action for Children in your Will: 0300 123 2112

Registered charity nos. 1097940/SC038092. Company no. 4764232. AfC 0665




SUPPORTING THE NEXT G E N E R AT I O N TO SUCCE E D Many supporters choose to give the next generation a helping hand. Anyone can do it. Once you’ve taken care of those closest to you, please consider leaving a gift to The Prince’s Trust. You will be giving young people the confidence and skills to live, learn and earn.

To find out more call us on 0207 543 1384, email, go to or fill in the coupon below

For a free legacy pack, please fill in the form and post it to:


FREEPOST RTCR-EXSX-JECC, Prince’s Trust, 9 Eldon Street, London, EC2M 7LS

In addition to your legacy pack, we’d love to share inspiring stories of the young lives you’ll be helping to change and let you know more ways you can get involved.

Name: Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms Address: Postcode:

POST – No thank you, I don’t wish to receive updates by post EMAIL – Yes, please sign me up for email updates


We promise not to share your details with anyone else for marketing purposes and you can stop receiving communications at any time. To change the way we contact you get in touch on 020 7543 1384 or at To understand how we will store and use your details please see our privacy policy at DSN 3972 © The Prince’s Trust 2018 – all rights reserved. The Prince’s Trust is a registered charity, incorporated by Royal Charter (RC000772). Principal office: Prince’s Trust House, 9 Eldon Street, London, England EC2M 7LS. Registered charity number in England and Wales (1079675) and Scotland (SC041198).




The Victoria and Albert Museum has been inspiring people in the history of art and design for over 160 years.


Are you struggling with musical costs?

A donation in your Will can protect its collections of architecture, furniture, textiles, fashion, sculpture, ceramics, jewellery, glass, painting, photography, theatre and performance for future generations.

Get in touch with us at or call 0207 942 2898 to find out more.

AYM will be awarding up Are you to £100,000 strugglingin grants in 2019 AYM believes tha

Make Your Mark on the World, letterpress poster by Anthony Burrill, 2004-2011.

Are you struggling with musical costs? AYM will be awarding up to £100,000 in grants in 2019

with musical costs?

young people des chance to progres music making. Yo musicians age 5-1 demonstrating exc potential and finan may be eligible to to £2,000 towards costs. All genres w Apply from Novem

AYM will be awarding up Are you to £100,000 Email: Awards@a strugglingin grants in www.a-y-m 2019 AYM believes that all talented

withthat musical young people deserve the AYM believes all talentedchance to progress in their Young young people deserve the music making.Closing costs? date: Fr musicians age 5-17 chance toAYM progress in their demonstrating exceptional will be potential and financial need music making. Young may be eligible to apply for up awarding up to £2,000 towards musical musicians age 5-17 costs. All genres welcomed. to £100,000 demonstrating exceptional Apply from November 2018. grants in need Email: potential in and financial 2019 to apply for may be eligible to £2,000 towards musical Closing date: Friday 8 March costs. All genres welcomed. Apply from November 2018. Email: 53

Closing date: Friday 8 March 2019


“Our donors make our music happen: affordable concerts, accessible education and high-level research.” The Academy of Ancient Music brings classical music to life, making music accessible and enjoyable for all – in acclaimed concerts, award-winning recordings, engaging workshops and more.




Providing a high quality, well functioning and funded centre as a base for projects and activities that involve and support deaf people to live happy and fulfilling lives, achieving and celebrating in families and communities.


Supporting deaf people through; Employment service Youth service Training Communications


Raising awareness Advice and Advocacy Campaigning Wellbeing

0161 273 3415 Call: 01332 226601



Learning. Networking. Sourcing


Remember Hft in your Wil and you can open up a different future for people like Gusha. Your gift could give them a sense of belonging - a chance to be appreciated for themselves, not defined by their learning disability.

Please remember us in your will Did you learn to ride a bike as a child? Do you love the freedom of cycling and the thrill of feeling the wind in your hair? Sadly, for many disabled people, cycling is firmly on the list of “can’t dos”. It doesn’t have to be that way! Wheels for Wellbeing, a charity run by and for disabled people, work tirelessly to remove barriers to cycling:

Will you say yes?

Supporting people with Down’s syndrome throughout their lives

• We own all kinds of cycles and adaptions • 1,500 disabled and older people cycle with us each year • We campaign about the fact that everyone can cycle!

Find out what your life-changing gift can do. Visit, call Katie Tennyson on 0117 9061699 or email

Help us build a world where every disabled person gets to experience the fun, health benefits and freedom of cycling. Wheels for Wellbeing - removing barriers to cycling 0207 346 8482 |

Remember Hft Hft in in your your Will Will and and you you can can open open Remember up a different future for people like Gusha. up a different future for people like Gusha. Remember in your Will aand you open Your gift giftHft could give them them a sense sense ofcan belonging Your could give of belonging Remember Hft in your Will and you can open up a different for peoplefor like Gusha. chancefuture to be be appreciated appreciated for themselves, -- aa chance to up a different future for people likethemselves, Gusha. Your gift could give them a sense of belonging not defined by their learning disability. not defined by their learning disability. Your gift could give them a sense of belonging - a chance to be appreciated for themselves, - a chance to be appreciated for themselves, not defined by their learning disability. not defined by their learning disability. Find out out what what your your life-changing life-changing gift gift can can do. do. Find Visit,, call call Katie Katie Tennyson Tennyson on on Visit Find out what your life-changing gift can do. 0117 9061699 or email 0117what 9061699 email Find out yourorlife-changing gift can do. Visit, call Katie Tennyson on Visit, call Katie Tennyson on 0117 9061699 or email 0117 9061699 or email

Will you you say say yes? yes? Will Will you you say say yes? yes? Will

Freedom to Freedom to reedom to Freedom flourish… flourish… flourish… flourish… Hft HftLegacy Legacy152 152xx252 252mm.indd mm.indd 11

mm.indd ndd 1 1

Registered address: 5/6 Brook Office Park, Folly Brook Road, Emersons Green, Bristol BS16 7FL Company registered in England No.734984 Registered Charity No. 313069 Patron HRH The Princess Royal.

Registered address: address: 5/6 5/6 Brook Brook Office OfficePark, Park,Folly FollyBrook BrookRoad, Road,Emersons EmersonsGreen, Green, Registered Bristol BS16 BS16 7FL 7FL Company Company registered registeredininEngland EnglandNo.734984 No.734984 Bristol Registered Charity Charity No. No. 313069 313069 Patron PatronHRH HRHThe ThePrincess PrincessRoyal. Royal. Registered Registeredaddress: address:5/6 5/6Brook BrookOffice OfficePark, Park,Folly FollyBrook Brook Road, Emersons Green, Registered Road, Emersons Green, Bristol BS16 BS167FL 7FL Company Companyregistered registeredininEngland England No.734984 Bristol No.734984 RegisteredCharity CharityNo. No.313069 313069Patron PatronHRH HRHThe ThePrincess Princess Royal. Registered Royal.


12/09/2017 08:35 08:35 12/09/2017

12/09/2017 08:35 12/09/2017 08:35


Katie looks to you for help Your gift to Camphill Foundation can enrich the lives of vulnerable people of all ages with learning disabilities. To see who we help and how to leave a legacy please visit Contact: Simon Beckett quoting ‘YEW’

Email: Tel: 01224 869701 Charity No. SCO 13057

Phab inspires and supports children, young people and adults with and without disabilities to make more of life together - breaking down community barriers, reducing social isolation, and creating opportunities for disabled people to enjoy the same activities and challenges as, and alongside, those without a disability. To see some of what we do to achieve that, click here to view Phab's film which was featured on the BBC Lifeline Appeal in March 2018.

Our Clubs and Projects are Phab Encouraging and supporting self condfidence and independence in children, young people and adults of all abilities.

Tel: 020 8667 9443 Email: 56



We’ve helped improve the lives of hundreds of kidney patients... but we’d like to do more...

Kidney Care UK Legacy Appeal To find out how you can help please visit or call us on 01420 541424 3 The Windmills • St Mary’s Close • Turk Street • Alton • GU34 1EF




gift s in give s cial

Th HEALTH - SECTION SPONSORED BY KIDNEY CARE you UK r legacy will make Rethink Mental Illness are here for anyone affected by mental illness. By agreeing to leave a gift

It means that any gift, no matter how large or small, will help to provide essential care and support affeceted by le renc peop forThe diffe s now and for escy lega talr illn you men e to come. mak tions nera gewill Rethink Mental Illness are here for anyone affected by mental illness.

It means that any gift,

us the guaranteed funds we need to pay for crucial work.

Call us now on 020 7840 3032 or visit gacy

on no matter how large or Call us now 32 small, will help to provide 0 essential care and support 020 7840 3 for people affected by By agreeing to leave a gift visitMental mental illness orRethink cy now and for to Illness in ga le / g r .o k generations to come. in h t .recan help give your wwwillwyou

Reg. Charity No. 271028


You and I know what it’s like to try to Rethink andnavigate the Mental healthcareIllness system in to get the help we need. your will you can We’ve helplived give through the anger and frustration. And usdon’t thewantother guaranteed we families funds to have to face alone. to pay for crucial we itneed We know that mental illness isn’t work. necessarily a popular cause. So because of those we’ve lost. And because of those we’ve saved, it’s down to us. Rethink Mental Illness help stop Reg. Charity No. 271028 people with mental illness falling through the gaps in the system, but they rely on gifts in wills to fund their Advice and Information Service, peer support groups and campaigning work.

It mean no mat small, w essenti for peo mental generat

Call us 020 78 or visit www.r



promo age


Leaving a legacy will ensure that we projects and the n Positive about Dyslexia change lives for th The British Dyslexia Association (BDA) isfundraising the largest on and national charity in the UK supporting dyslexic hugely value those individuals and their families. Our vision is to help create and promote a dyslexia friendly society where dyslexics of all ages can reach their full potential.






Leaving a legacy to the BDA, however large or small, Will could make a will ensure that we can continue to deliver vital at the B projects and theMcKinnon necessary help and support to change lives for the better. We are heavily reliant 0333 405 4588, on fundraising and donations and are grateful and hugely value those who support us. clairem@bdadysle

If you would like to discuss ways in which a gift in your Will could make visit a difference, please call Claire us online: McKinnon at the BDA on: 0333 405 4588, www.bdadyslexia or write to us at:

McKinnon, U visit us online: Claire Bracknell Lane, Bra or write to us at: Claire McKinnon, Unit 6a, Bracknell Beeches, Old Bracknell Lane, Bracknell, RG12 7BW. Registered


Registered Charity No. 289243



Registered Charity No. 289243

Registered Charity Number 1112370

Life is a gift A gift in your Will, no matter the size, will change the lives by blood cancer – and it could be the most important gift you’ve ever made. Bloodwise receives no funding, and gifts in Wills make up a third of our income. Without these generous gifts, we simply couldn’t do what we do. To find out more about leaving a legacy in your will, please get in touch. 0800 169 5155

Bloodwise. A company limited by guarantee 738089. Registered charity 216032 (England & Wales), SC037529 (Scotland).


emper nisi. Aenean vulputate eleifend tellus. Aenean leo ligula, porttitor

dunt., Sed fringilla mauris sit amet,Donec sodales sagittis t vitae,Duis eleifend enim. Aliquam lorem ante, dapibus viverra quis, HEALTH - SECTION SPONSORED BY KIDNEY CARE onsectetuer lacinia. Nam us. Phasellus viverra nulla ut metus varius laoreet. Quisque rutrum.

oncus. Maecenas tempus, tellus eget condimentum rhoncus,commodo sem quam ligula eget dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean o,massa. sit ametCum adipiscing neque sed ipsum. Nam quam nunc, blandit vel, montes, sociissem natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient ar, hendrerit id, lorem. Maecenas nec odio et ante tincidunt tempus. Donec ulus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, ut libero venenatis faucibus. Nullam quis ante. Etiam sit amet orci eget eros nsequat quis enim. Donec justo,Donec fringilla vel,sagittis aliquet nec, dunt. Duismassa leo. Sed fringilla mauris sit pede amet nibh. sodales , arcu. In enim justo, onsectetuer lacinia. Namrhoncus ut, imperdiet a, venenatis vitae, justo.

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nsequat massa quis enim. Donec pede are justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, conditions, which the biggest cause of pain cause of pain and disability in the country. t, arcu. In enim justo, rhoncus ut, imperdiet a, venenatis vitae, justo. ncus. tempus, tellus eget condimentum rhoncus, sem quam Arthritis Action the only10 UK charity giving and disability inisthe country. Arthritis Action is m felis Maecenas eu pede mollis pretium. Integer tincidunt. Cras dapibus. Vivamus It is estimated that there are million people sit amet sem neque sed ipsum. Nam nunc, blandit vel, emper nisi.adipiscing Aenean vulputate eleifend tellus. Aenean leoquam ligula, porttitor hands-on, practical help to combat the pain of the only UK charity giving hands-on help to Donec tr,vitae, eleifend enim.with Aliquam lorem ante, dapibus in,tincidunt viverra quis, in the UK arthritis and other related living with arthritis in nec the UK. It ante is the leading hendrerit id,ac,lorem. Maecenas odio et tempus. us. Phasellus viverra faucibus. nulla ut metus variusquis laoreet. Quisque t libero venenatis Nullam ante. Etiamrutrum. sit amet orci eget eros

arthritis through self-management and lifestyle combat arthritis pain self-management conditions, which thethrough biggest of pain cause of pain and are disability in the cause country.

dunt. Duis leo. Sed fringilla mauris sit amet nibh. Donec sodales sagittis oncus. Maecenas tempus, tellus eget condimentum rhoncus, sempeople quam Arthritis Action isthe thecountry. only UK charity giving and disability in Arthritis Action is advice. We have been supporting with and lifestyle advice. We have been supporting onsectetuer lacinia. Nam o, sit amet adipiscing sem neque sed ipsum. Nam quam nunc, blandit vel,

hands-on, practical help combat the pain of the charity giving hands-on help to Donec ar, hendrerit id, only lorem.UK Maecenas nec75 odioyears. etto ante tempus. arthritis for over people with arthritis for 70tincidunt years. mauris. Integer ante arcu, accumsan consectetuer eget, ut, uteslibero venenatis faucibus. Nullam quis ante. a, Etiam sit amet eget posuere eros arthritis through self-management andorci lifestyle combat arthritis pain through self-management dunt. Duis leo. Sed fringilla mauris sit ametipsum nibh. Donec sodales sagittis ent adipiscing. Phasellus ullamcorper rutrum nunc. Nunc advice. We have been supporting people withcan help and lifestyle advice. We have been supporting onsectetuer lacinia. Nam By leaving a gift to us in your Will, you tus. Vestibulum volutpat pretium libero. Nullam vel sem. Pellentesque

arthritis for eget, over 75 years. people with arthritis fornec, 70 quam. years.Sed hendrerit. Morbi ac ncidunt et, tincidunt semper

support people to enjoy a more an active life ces Integer ante arcu,more accumsan a, consectetuer eget, posuere ut, active estas, augue at pellentesque laoreet, felis eros vehicula leo, at malesuada ent adipiscing. Phasellus ullamcorper ipsum rutrum nunc. Nunc lifeinterdum, with with lessless pede. Donec metus etus hendrerit dolor diam sagittis By leaving apain. giftpain. tolibero. inNullam youraliquet, Will, you can help etus. Vestibulum volutpat pretium vel sem. Pellentesque estas libero turpis vel mi.semper Nuncnec, nulla. Fusce viverra tincidunt et, tincidunt eget, quam. Sedrisus hendrerit. Morbi ac et, tempor a nisl, more active us support more people to enjoy an active life estas, augue at pellentesque laoreet, felis lorem. eros vehicula at metus. malesuada sapien. Donec venenatis vulputate Morbileo, nec Sed magna Thank you for your help. Thank you for your help! life with less pain. with less pain. pede. Donec interdum, metus et hendrerit aliquet, dolor diam sagittis tum eu, tincidunt eu, varius ut, felis. Praesent blandit laoreet nibh. gestas libero turpis vel mi. Nunc nulla. Fusce risus nisl, viverra et, tempor , sapien. Donec venenatis vulputate lorem. Morbi nec metus. Sed magna Thank you for for your your help. Thank you help! y ntum eu, tincidunt eu, varius ut, felis. Praesent blandit laoreet nibh.


Arthritis Action 9th Floor, 64 Victoria London, 56 Buckingham Gate,Street, London, SW1ESW1E 6AE 6QP

Arthritis Action

T: Buckingham 020 7120 9th Floor,3781 64 Victoria London, 56 Gate,Street, London, SW1ESW1E 6AE 6QP E:020 T: 3781 7120

E: W:

RCN: 292569 Company No: 01914825

RCN: 292569 Company No: 01914825




Breathing life into

the next generation

12 million people in the UK are affected by lung disease.

Our research brings hope to people living with lung conditions. More is desperately needed. Please help our scientists to make breakthroughs and save, prolong and improve more lives.

We’re the only charity looking after the nation’s lungs.

By remembering us in your will, together we’ll protect future generations, so everyone can breathe clean air with healthy lungs. Get in touch about your legacy. 020 7078 7920 • • British Lung Foundation 73-75 Goswell Road London EC1V 7ER Registered charity no: 326730 (England & Wales), SC038415 (Scotland), 1177 (Isle of Man)




CHRONIC PAIN THE SILENT EPIDEMIC  43% of the population experience chronic pain which is a staggering 28 million adults  Over half of sufferers endure chronic pain all day, every day.  Around 1 in 10 people suffer from such extreme levels of pain it is that is

either moderately or severely disabling.

 Chronic pain is the silent epidemic because it isn't as visible or as measurable as other conditions, despite the fact that it can have a devastating impact on quality of life.  Thousands of sufferers lose their jobs because the pain is so bad that they

cannot work.

 Pain stops sufferers enjoying walking, shopping, sleeping; even playing

with their children.

Here is an example of chronic pain and how patients suffer?

Patients suffering from a chronic pain condition called Complex Regional Pain Syndrome. This pain often occurs following an accident ….. in picture number 1 see how the affected foot is swollen, twisted and distorted. In picture number 2, see how the affected hand is swollen. We also research on Cancer Pain, many cancer research charities are prevented from funding work on cancer pain. Their Trust Deeds specify ‘research into the cause and cure of cancer’ and this, of course, excludes pain. Yet for every £50,000 donated to cancer research, chronic pain research receives donations of less than one (1p) penny. Research costs money, and there is always an urgent need to provide more funds for more research. The Pain Relief Foundation DOES NOT receive funding from the NHS or any other Government body. Instead, our vital work depends entirely on donations and the generosity of people like you. Please help us to end the suffering!! There is a serious lack of funding for chronic pain research and you can help by making us a donation today. Just send your donation to the address below, or make an on-line donation through our web-site at You could also make a regular monthly donation by standing order from your bank!!


Please leave a Legacy in your will. For help and advice, contact us. Our details are below. Pain Relief Foundation Clinical Sciences Centre University Hospital Aintree Liverpool L9 7AL

Telephone: 0151 529 5820 E-mail: Registered Charity No. 1156227




We’re Mind, the mental health charity. We won’t give up until everyone experiencing a mental health problem gets support and respect.

Join us for even more learning, networking and sourcing.

By making a gift to Mind in your will – however big or small - you’ll help us create a better future for everyone with a mental health problem.



Contact our Wills Team for more information:

Call: 01332 226601 Visit:

Learning. Networking. Sourcing

Good mental health for all

Good mental health for all

The Mental Health Foundation is dedicated to finding and addressing the sources of mental health problems. In the UK we are facing a mental health crisis with one in four people each year experiencing mental health problems like depression and anxiety.

The Mental Health Foundation is dedicated to finding and Our work is life-changing and life-saving, addressing the sources of mental health problems. In the UK we and we are committed to it. are facing a mental health crisis with one in four people each year Our work cannot, and will not stop until we realise our vision of good mental health for all. To help people thrive through understanding, protecting and sustaining their mental health. So, after experiencing mental health problems like depression and anxiety. you have provided for your loved ones, we hope you will consider adding a gift in your Will to the Mental Health Foundation. Your special gift would support our essential research, campaigning and programmes across the UK.

Our work is life-changing and life-saving, and we are committed to it.

To find out how you can help change lives, please:

Freepost RSUK-BGCT-JZTL, Mental Health Foundation, Colechurch House, 1 London Bridge Walk, London SE1 2SX

7803 Our work020 cannot, and1121will not stop until we realise our vision of good mental health for all. To help people thrive through understanding, protecting and sustaining their mental health. So, after you have provided for your loved ones, we hope you will consider adding a gift in your Will to the Mental Health Foundation. Your special gift would63support our essential research, campaigning and programmes across the UK.

Registered Charity No. England 801130 Scotland SCO39714 Company Registration No. 2350846


Tonight, someone will sleep rough for the first time. It will be cold, uncomfortable, lonely and potentially life threatening. St Mungo’s outreach teams go out each night to meet people who are sleeping rough and to help them move away from the streets. We’re also one of the few homelessness charities that accommodate people with dogs or other pets wherever possible, reducing barriers for someone to come off the streets. Our vision is that everyone has a place to call home and can fulfil their hopes and ambitions. Your support is vital in helping us achieve this. A gift in your will could help safeguard our services for the future and help end homelessness for good. For more information, contact Katie Wimpenny, Legacy and In Memory Manager, via phone 020 3856 6376 or email Charity No. 1149085 Company No. 8225808 (England and Wales) Housing Association No. LH0279


Help the Homeless • 6th Floor, 250 Tottenham Court Road, London, W1T 7QZ • Tel: 020 7323 7411

• Website: • Email:

• Registered Charity No: 271988 (England & Wales) • Registered Company No: 1238563

Help the Homeless was founded in 1975. We started with two national appeals and, as a result of the careful management of funds; we have been able to give grants totalling over £2million to date.


We are a cost efficient charity with very low overheads enabling us to distribute a large proportion of out funds to organisations nationwide that help some of the UK’s most deprived people come off the streets and into safe accommodation. The organisations we help vary from small groups to established residential or training facilities working with homeless people and helping them get back to being contributing members of society. For more information about us please see our website: Help the Homeless depends on the generosity of its supporters to continue working with the homeless charities. Any donation, contribution or legacy will be most gratefully received and put excellent use – please help us.


020 7592 1855



Considering a gift in your Will to one of our hospitals?

Central Manchester University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Charity sees over one million patients every year throughout our family of 7 hospitals and this number is rising. To cope with the demand on our services and give our patients the best possible care, we need your help. A legacy gift from you can help us: • buy specialist equipment to offer faster and less invasive treatment • support medical research projects to improve our understanding of the development and treatment of medical conditions • create more patient friendly spaces in the hospitals – reducing anxiety and stress If you would like to receive a copy of our free guide to making a Will, please contact our Charity Office on 0161 276 4522 or email Registered charity number 1049274 Supporting: • Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital • University Dental Hospital of Manchester • Manchester Royal Eye Hospital • Manchester Royal Infirmary • Saint Mary’s Hospital • Trafford Hospitals

65 10 Hospitals & 1Hospices.indd 84 cmft_ad.indd

4/28/2016 3:54:51 PM 27/05/2015 16:16


Give the gift of a

lifetime By leaving a gift in your will, you are helping John Taylor Hospice care for local people for generations to come. Whatever the size of the gift you choose to leave, you will be helping John Taylor Hospice to provide our specialist care for families into the future. Your gift will mean families can receive peace of mind, knowing their loved ones are receiving the very best of care. For more information please contact our Fundraising Team by calling 0121 465 2000 or emailing

Your gift can help make every moment matter.

John Taylor Hospice, 76 Grange Road, Erdington, Birmingham, B24 0DF Charity number 1156964


A gift that Will last


Give the gift of a lifetime, and save lives, by including a donation in your Will.



Call: 01332 226601





G •





Call 0300 3045 999 Email



Part of The Air Ambulance Service. Registered in England and Wales as a limited company


Learning. Networking. Sourcing


AL EG AC YO FH OP E “I’m leaving a donation in my Will to help improve the future for people with neurological conditions” We want to improve the outcome and quality of life for the one in six people affected by a neurological condition. We do this by funding pioneering research, providing access to the best technology for expert diagnosis and treatment, and training tomorrow’s clinicians.

Gifts in Wills are one of our most vital sources of income and are crucial in continuing this work at The National Hospital and The Institute of Neurology. Planning ahead now can help so many people in the future. 67

To find out more about leaving a legacy, see how-to-support-us/legacy/ The National Brain Appeal, Box 123, Queen Square, London WC1N 3BG Registered Charity No.290173


Help us help people living with cancer in the UK today through • our online directory of support services which helps people right across the UK find care and support services nearest to them • our Information and Support centres at Guy’s Cancer Centre and Queen Mary’s Hospital, Sidcup, which offer a drop-in information service, specialist welfare benefits advice, psychological support, complementary therapies and the provision of Dimbleby pillows for cancer patients • and the Dimbleby Cancer Care Research Fund which has awarded over £2.7million in funding since 2004 to research projects looking at all aspects of cancer care Dimbleby Cancer Care receives no government funding and relies solely on public donations. Please remember us in your will.

Cancer Care really saved my life. They don’t cure cancer: that’s “Dimbleby not their aim. They simply take your hand and they walk you through it which, when you’re in the eye of the storm, is just what you need. ” Frazer Scott, 28 @DimblebyCancerC Registered Charity No. 247558


Prostate A4 LEGACY ad 2016:Prostate A4 ad 12/01/2016 07:57 Page 1


One in five of us has a neurological condition Brain Research Trust funds the best research to improve the lives of those affected by neurological conditions including Alzheimer’s, stroke, and brain tumours.

• Our mission is to develop more effective therapy for advanced prostate cancer

Legacies help accelerate the progress of research. Tell your clients about Brain Research Trust. Today.

• Our vision is a cure for prostate cancer • Please help our research progress 020 7404 9982

Prostate Cancer Research Centre • Britannia House • 7 Trinity Street • London SE1 1DB Tel: 020 7848 7546 • Email: •


Registered Charity in England and Wales No. 1137560 Registered Company Limited by Guarantee No. 7345516 Brain Research Trust, Dutch House, 307- 308 High Holborn, London WC1V 7LL




1 in 10 people will have a problem with their liver. There are many causes of liver disease and almost all are on the increase. Worldwide, 1 million people a year are dying from liver disease. A donation to the Foundation is a contribution to a future where those with liver disease will have better treatment, a better quality of life and a greater chance of recovery. Please donate.

The Foundation for Liver Research To hear our scientists talk about their work view our short film about the work of the Foundation

Tel: 020 7255 9830 Donate online: Find us on Facebook, Twitter @F4LiverResearch & on JustGiving RCN1134579

Foundation for Liver Research, Institute of Hepatology, 111 Coldharbour Lane, London SE5 9NT





OUR VISION IS OF A WORLD WHERE GOD’S LOVE IS SHOWN THROUGH LOVING, RESPECTFUL AND Mothers’ Union is a movement of over 4 million members who won’t stand to see families suffer. In 84 countriesFLOURISHING their ChristianRELATIONSHIPS faith inspires them to serve their


communities, helping people of all faiths and none. Mothers’ Union is a movement of over 4 million members who won’t stand to seemembers families Into84 ment of over 4 million whosuffer. won’t stand seecountries their Christian faith inspires them to serve Together we change the livespeople of overof650,000 people year; and because we work tries their Christiantheir faith inspires them to servehelping their communities, all faiths andeach none. ple of all faiths and none. in the heart of every community the impact lasts a lifetime. OUReach VISION OURyear; VISION IS OFand AISWORLD OF A WORLD WHERE WHERE GOD’S LOVE Together we change the lives of over 650,000 people because weGOD’S workLOVE es of over 650,000 peopleBy each year; anda because work leaving to Mothers’the Union you could that noWHERE family has to LOVE OURlasts VISION ISISensure OFSHOWN ATHROUGH WORLD GOD’S in the heart of Legacy everywe community impact a help lifetime. unity the impact lasts a lifetime. IS SHOWN THROUGH LOVING, LOVING, RESPECTFUL RESPECTFUL AND AND struggle to get from one day to the next. You will help families get the support they By leaving a Legacy to Mothers’ Union you could help ensureLOVING, that no family has to AND IS SHOWN THROUGH RESPECTFUL need, long into theone future through projects suchhelp as parenting programmes, literacy hers’ Union you could help ensure nofrom family has today– to FLOURISHING FLOURISHING RELATIONSHIPS RELATIONSHIPS struggle tothat get the next. You will families get the support they y to the next. You will help familiesfamily get the support they circles, centres in prisons and much more. FLOURISHING RELATIONSHIPS need, long into the future through projects such as parenting programmes, literacy- through isons and much more. porjects such as parenting proLeaving a Legacy of any size is a lovely way to make a lasting contribution to family Mothers’ Mothers’ Union Unionisisaaliteracy movement movement ofofcircles, over over4 4million million members members whowho won’twon’t standstand to seeto see grammes, family e is a lovely way tofamilies make asuffer. lasting contribution toChristian family life, inInInthe UK and all over the world. Thank you. families suffer. 84 84 countries countries their their Christian faith faith inspires inspires themthem to serve to serve their their nion is a movement of over 4 million members who won’t stand to see centres in prisons and much more. the world. Thank you. communities, helping helping people people ofofallallfaiths faithsand none. none. ffer. In 84 countriescommunities, their Christian faith inspires them toand serve their

s, helping people of all faiths and none.

bout leaving a giftTogether inTogether your orhave would like to receive wechange change the the lives lives ofofover over 650,000 650,000 people people eacheach year;year; and and because because we work we work IfweWill you any questions about leaving a gift in your Will or would like to receive uide, please call us on 020 7227 0620, email legacy@ change the lives ofinover 650,000 people each year; and because work in thethe heart ofofevery every community the theimpact impact lasts lasts a guide, lifetime. awe lifetime. aheart copy ofacommunity our free Legacy please call us on 020 7227 0620, email legacy@ of every community the impact lasts lifetime. If you have any questions about visit ByBy leaving leaving a aLegacy Legacy to to Mothers’ Mothers’ Union Unionor you youcould could help help ensure ensure that that no family no family has tohas to leaving a gift in orhelp would Legacy to Mothers’struggle Union helpday ensure that no family has to get the struggle toyou toget getcould from from one one day totoyour the thenext. next.Will You You will will help families families getsupport the support they they et from one day toneed, the next. You will help ––families get the support they programmes, need, long longto into intorecieve the thefuture future through projects projects such as parenting as parenting programmes, literacy literacy like athrough copy ofsuch our free nto the future – through projects such as parenting programmes, circles, circles, family familycentres centres in prisons prisons and andmuch muchmore. more. literacy Legacy guide, please call us on y centres in prisons and much more. Tel: 020 7227 0620 020 7227 Leaving Leaving a aLegacy Legacy9737 ofof0620, any any size size isisaemail alovely lovelyway waytoto make make a lasting a lasting contribution contribution to family to family ufton Street, Fax: 020 7227 gacy of any size is life, a lovely way make a lasting contribution life, ininthe the UK UKto and and all all over the theworld. world. Thank Thankyou. family Email: K and all over the world. Thank you. Union Mothers’ Tel: 020 7227 0620 Website: or visitCharity No: 240531 Registered Mary Sumner House, 24 Tufton Street, Fax: 020 7227 9737 If(England you youhave haveany any questions questions about aboutleaving leavinga gift a gift in in your your WillWill or would or would like tolike receive to receive & Wales) ny questions about leaving a gift in your Will or would like to receive London, a copy a copyof ofour ourfree freeLegacy Legacy guide, guide,please pleasecall callusus onon 020020 7227 7227 0620, 0620, emailemail legacy@ legacy@Email: r free Legacy guide, please call us on 020 7227 0620, email legacy@ or or visit SW1P 3RB Website:



Legacy publication July 2016 4_Legacy ad 26/07/2016 14:11 Pa or visit

Registered Charity No: 240531 (England & Wales)

Call: 01332 226601

Mothers’ Mothers’Union Union Tel:Tel: 020020 7227 7227 06200620 nion Tel: 020 7227 0620 MarySumner SumnerHouse, House, 24 Tufton Tufton Street, Fax: Fax: 020020 7227 7227 97379737 er House, 24 TuftonMary Street, Fax: 020 7227 Street, 9737 London, London, Email: Email: Email: SW1P SW1P3RB 3RB Website: Website: Website: Registered Charity Charity No: 240531 No: 240531 Registered Charity No: Registered 240531 (England (England & Wales) & Wales) (England & Wales)


Learning. Networking. Sourcing

Help us create a Living Landscape for Suf


Suffolk Wildlife Trust is the county’s largest voluntary organisation on nature conservation and environ Help us to createworking a Living Landscape issues. We have 28,000 members and are part of a netw for 47Suffolk Wildlife Trusts operating across the United Kingdom.

Suffolk Wildlife Trust is the country’s largest voluntary The Trust owns or manages more than 50 nature reserves – over 7400 a organisation working on nature conservation and enviromental issues. We have 28,000 members and are part of a network of most precious wildlife habitat – which is free for anyone to of 47Suffolk’s Wildlife Trusts operating across the United Kindom. The Trust ownscommitted or manages more thanto 50 nature reserves We are creating a living landscape that is rich in wildlife a - over 7400 acres of Suffolk’s most precious wildlife habitat - which sense is free for anyone to enjoy. We are committed is to targeted towards the purchase and manag this legacy support creating a living landscape that is rich in wildlife and in this sense legacy support is targeted towards the purchase and of nature reserves and projects to safeguard threatened species and ha managemnt of nature reserves and projects to safeguard threatened species and habitats.

Environmental education is a major part of the Trust’s work. Every year Enviromental education is a major part of the Trust’s work. Every year thousands of children visit our education centres thousands ofenjoy children visit and hundreds of families our wildlife events and our education centres and hundreds of fami activities. enjoy our wildlife events and activities. Suffolk Wildlife Trust welcomes enquiries from people interested in our work. FOR MORE INFORMATION about leaving a legacy to Suffolk Wildlife Trust please contact Christine Luxton on 01473 890089 or visit

Suffolk Wildlife Trust welcomes enquiries from people interested in our FOR MORE INFORMATION about leaving a legacy to Suffolk Wildlife Trus please contact Christine Luxton on suffolkwildlifetr 71 01473 890089 or visit Living Landscapes | Living Gardens | Living Seas Registered Charity No: 262777

London Wildlife Trust is the only charity protecting wildlife and wild spaces right across the capital. By leaving a lecacy to the Trust you will help to ensure our vital work continues for the benefit of all future Londoners - wildlife and people. To find out more please email Cathy Gale or call 020 7803 4276

Registered charity number 28389



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