Dear Central Oregon,
MountainStar Family Relief Nursery is on a mission: we want all our community’s children to thrive, and we know that is no small feat!
MountainStar has been serving Central Oregon families for 23 years and a lot of our success is due to the unwavering commitment of our community. People who join MountainStar in this work develop a deeper understanding of family stressors that may lead to abuse. Once we understand those stressors, we can work upstream and approach families with trauma-informed, therapeutic services designed to break cycles of abuse and open doors to new opportunities for children and their parents.
We know that families confront big barriers – housing insecurity, mental health struggles, isolation, and addiction – and we remain engaged in those spaces to better support the families MountainStar serves. We believe every child deserves the best start possible. And we know that a strong start for babies and toddlers has a positive impact on our community for many years to come.
This spring, we are excited to bring you closer to our work. We are eager for you to develop a deeper understanding of the long-term impact of our services. We invite you to Walk With a Child on April 30. We’re producing new materials to illustrate the path of a child that walks through life With MountainStar or Without MountainStar. We serve children 0-5 years old and their healthy start at MountainStar remains present throughout their lives. Take a sneak peek on the next page!
After the event, these materials will be made available to the wider community. Maybe you are a local business and would like to educate your staff and customers around early intervention programs and how they ensure our community’s children thrive. Perhaps your faith community would like to focus on increasing awareness for child abuse prevention and get a closer look at potential outcomes for children and their families. We are excited to share this with you!
MountainStar pledges to be a continued leader in our community – raising awareness for prevention services that support families and keep children safe from abuse and neglect. We will continue to seek avenues and push conversations that drive lasting change. We will uphold our values to provide compassionate, non-judgmental care and continue to advocate on behalf of vulnerable families in our community.
Thank you for prioritizing the safety of children! Thank you for your ongoing partnership!
With Gratitude, Executive Director, MountainStar Family Relief NurseryApril is Child Abuse Prevention Month
We get involved with families facing tough challenges at a time when it matters most - the first 1,000 days of their child’s life.
Children attend therapeutic early childhood classes designed for babies and toddlers living in high-stress and chaotic homes and who typically do not get enough quality time with a responsive caretaker. MountainStar’s staff and volunteers create a safe and predictable environment to respond to the unique needs of each child in our program. . . . at MountainStar, it's what we do every day, all year long.
Volunteer in the classroom, host a fundraiser on Facebook, or drop off an essential item at one of the participating diaper drive locations in April:
Thank you to our 2024 child abuse prevention partners!
Mountain Star /
For more information, please visit our website at and follow us on social media!