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O Letters

HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY? Send your thoughts to editor@bendsource.com.


Letters must be received by noon Friday for inclusion in the following week’s paper. Please limit letters to 250 words. Submission does not guarantee publication. Opinions printed here do not constitute an editorial endorsement of said opinions.

Letter of the week receives $5 to Palate!


Where can I find the schedule for when the dog poop fairies pick up all of the excrement bags on the trails in this beautiful place? Is that why people leave them? Do they think someone is picking it all up? Why does anyone put little trash bags full of dog poop out in the wilderness? I hope that I assume correctly that those baggies are biodegradable. How long does that take though? Then sometimes we put that little bag into another larger trash bag? Or simply leave it on the trail? Please help me understand why we all go on hikes only to be accosted by these little bagged lumps of dog poop?

While we are on the subject of our furry friends…I wonder who is going to get seriously injured and which one of my favorite local establishments will be forced to shut down because of a lawsuit after a dog bites someone? Food and dogs and kids and more dogs? I was at an INDOOR bar/restaurant last week. There were two medium to large dogs right at the bar having a bark off. I do not like bar fights, so I left quickly. Are the insurance companies going to cover the costs associated with a dog biting someone? Or the several other scenarios triggering a dog to do something out of character, regardless of good training. Should we really be taking our dogs EVERYWHERE?

This is not a letter to the editor about a problem with dogs. This is a letter about a problem with dog owners.

—Lady Bird


(A letter originally sent to the Mayor of Bend.)

Dear Mayor Russell:

This is my second attempt at contacting you regarding the Entitled Dog Owner problem in Bend. 1)…I speak with many owners that can no longer enjoy the Bend environment with their dogs as it is simply too stressful & DANGEROUS… 2) When requesting that an owner leash their dogs, my neighbors and I have been intimidated and verbally assaulted. We are forced to avoid trails, parks and even some of our own neighborhood streets. It was recommended to me to carry pepper spray as some have been forced to do!!!…I believe the next recourse is to SUE the offending dog owner. Is THIS the solution the Mayor’s office and city council want to encourage?

As Bend requires paddle board licensing, seasonal parking permits and most recently hiking permits—ALL BEING ENFORCED… WHY are the leash laws not being ENFORCED…Where are the officers monitoring trails, the river, parks, and neighborhoods citating owners for allowing their dogs off leash??…. Many of us truly wish to be able to enjoy all Bend has to offer and are happy to leash and control our dogs for the safety and comfort of all. BUT as the population grows so too does the PROBLEM.

I have cc’d Bend papers, magazines and offices hoping to get some attention to this unacceptable city wide potentially dangerous issue. —Angela Neumann



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After reading several campaign websites for the upcoming gubernatorial election, I noted Patrick Starnes stands out by offering a concrete, proactive policy agenda against a field of party-line cliches. I am particularly interested in his plan for extending OHP [Oregon Health Plan] to all residents of Oregon.

There are many reasons to support Starnes’ single-payer plan, but one that never receives attention in the media debate is that it would free small businesses like mine from the burden of providing health insurance to employees, making it easier for us to retain regular staff longer term. Many politicians from both major political parties often talk about helping small businesses, but Patrick Starnes alone is proposing a concrete solution to a key problem that we all face.

Not only is Patrick Starnes the only candidate to advance this solution, but he’s also the candidate most likely to follow through on it. The biggest obstacle to implementation is not an increased tax burden (it would actually save Oregonians money), but industry lobbying. Meanwhile, Starnes has campaigned against the influence of private interests in government for years.

In short, Patrick Starnes is the best chance Oregon has of attaining a better health care system.

—Stephan Franciosi


Dr. Jane’s response offers an in-depth view of partners facing uneven desire. I especially appreciate her focus on finding a sexology-savvy expert, and the importance of partners starting with connection and compassion.

Dr. Jane is the perfect writer for this column, as she knows her work well! —Dr. Janet Morrison

Letter of the Week:

Janet: Thanks for the kind words, and to the other readers who commented on our website to express support and interest for Dr. Jane Guyn’s new column. We look forward to running her column regularly—so look for it the second week of each month! Come on by for your gift card to Palate, Janet. —Nicole Vulcan

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