I t ' s H i g h S c h o o l P r o m S e a s o n
N E E D T O B O R R O W A D R E S S ?
Assistance League of Bend is partnering with Bend-LaPine and Redmond Schools to provide new and gently-worn dresses for that special occasion Visit our Cinderella’s Closet and choose from over 700 dresses as well as shoes, purses. jewelry, and makeup.
W E D N E S D A Y S : 2 : 3 0 P M – 5 : 0 0 P M
A P R I L 1 0 , 1 7 , 2 4 & M A Y 1
S A T U R D A Y S : 9 : 0 0 A M – 1 2 : 0 0 P M
A P R I L 1 3 , 2 0 , 2 7 & M A Y 4
A S S I S T A N C E L E A G U E , 2 1 0 S E U R A N I A L A N E I N B E N D B E S U R E T O B R I N G A C O M P L E T E D
P E R M I S S I O N S L I P . F O R M O R E I N F O R M A T I O N V I S I T A S S I S T A N C E L E A G U E . O R G / B E N D
Now, readers, let us commence the time of the year we lovingly like to call “too much to do paralysis!” That is, it’s nice outside (which means hikes and bikes and even skiing is still on the table), but meanwhile there are so many activities to check out that one struggles to choose. This week, we’re bringing you a 4/20 guide with ideas, news and other musings from the cannabis world. It’s also Earth Day, so we have you covered on that front too, with a roundup of Earth Day events. And, because it’s too-much-to-do-paralysis time, we’re also rolling out our annual Poetry Contest winners, and planning a reading next week, Wednesday, April 24 at OSU-Cascades, where all the winners will read. And in case that’s not enough to fill your calendars, check out our calendar for more fun in the springtime sun. Time to get reading, and then back out there to enjoy Central Oregon in all its glory!
“And now that you don’t have to be perfect, you can be good.” —John Steinbeck. A big shoutout to @jaydo_ventures for tagging us in this beautiful photo of a sunset behind Mount Jefferson captured at Smith Rock State Park. Don't forget to share your photos with us and tag @sourceweekly for a chance to be featured as Instagram of the week and in print as our Lightmeter. Winners receive a free print from @highdesertframeworks. LIGHTMETER: PRESENTED BY HARVEST MOON WOODWORKS
VOLUME 28 ISSUE 16 / APRIL 18, 2024 / THE SOURCE WEEKLY 3 The Source Weekly is published every Thursday. The contents of this issue are copyright ©2024 by Lay It Out Inc., and may not be reprinted in part or in whole without consent from the publisher. Cartoons printed in the Source Weekly are copyright ©2024 by their respective artists. The Source Weekly is available free of charge at over 350 locations, limited to one copy per reader. Additional copies of the Source Weekly may be purchased for $1.00, payable in advance. Anyone removing papers in bulk will be prosecuted on theft charges to the fullest extent of the law. Writers’ Guidelines: We accept unsolicited manuscripts and comics. Visit our ‘Contact Us’ webpage for freelancer guidelines. Sales Deadline: 5pm, Mondays Editorial Deadline: 5pm, Mondays Calendar Deadline: 5pm, Fridays Deadlines may shift for special/holiday issues. On the Cover: Cover illustration by Jennifer Galler. Concept: Imagination. Illustration style inspired by Scandavian Folk Art paired with elegant vintage book framing. Call for Artists: If you're interested in being a SW featured artist, email: production@bendsource.com.
SUPPORT LOCAL The Source Weekly 704 NW Georgia Ave., Bend, OR 97703 t. 541-383-0800 bendsource.com info@bendsource.com
Instagram HARVESTMOONWOODWORKS.COM CUSTOM. CABINE TS 4 - Opinion 5 - Mailbox 6 - News 10 - Feature 15 - Source Picks 17 - Sound 19 - Calendar 30 - Chow 35 - Screen 36 - Outside 42 - Craft 43 - Puzzles 44 - Astrology 45 - Column 47 - Real Estate EDITOR Nicole Vulcan - editor@bendsource.com REPORTER Julianna LaFollette- reporter@bendsource.com REPORTER / CALENDAR EDITOR Savannah Mendoza - calendar@bendsource.com COPY EDITOR Richard Sitts FREELANCERS Jared Rasic, Jessica Sanchez-Millar, Damian Fagan, Brian Yaeger, Josh Jardine, Scott Bowler, Joshua Phillips, Alan Sculley SYNDICATED CONTENT Amy Alkon, Rob Brezsney, Brendan Emmett Quigley, Jen Sorensen, Pearl Stark, Tom Tomorrow, Matt Wuerker PRODUCTION MANAGER / ART DIRECTOR Jennifer Galler - production@bendsource.com GRAPHIC DESIGNER Ben Irish - design@bendsource.com SALES DIRECTOR Ashley Sarvis - ashley@bendsource.com ACCOUNT EXECUTIVES Ban Tat, Chad Barnes advertise@bendsource.com DISTRIBUTION MANAGER Sean Switzer CONTROLLER Angela Switzer - angela@bendsource.com PUBLISHER Aaron Switzer - aaron@bendsource.com WILD CARD Paul Butler NATIONAL ADVERTISING Alternative Weekly Network 916-551-1770 WINTER CLEARANCE 311 SW CENTURY DR - BEND 541-389-6234 OPEN DAILY 8 - 6 SKIS, SNOWBOARDS, NORDIC, BOOTS, CLOTHING & ACCESSORIES Purchase discount gift certificates online at perks.bendsource.com 25% Off Synthetic Oil Change at SubieTech HQ $75 Value for $56.25 *THIS AD IS NOT A COUPON
During the pandemic, teachers and support staff were largely heralded. Not only did many of us get to experience having our children around all day long rather than having them at school, but in overheard conversations on computer screens, we saw the immense burden placed on educators who suddenly had to deliver lessons on video chat, corral students to come to “class” and turn on their video cameras, mentor said students via video chats and emails and so much more.
Families began to understand, in a new and nuanced way, the incredible influence and the big jobs that educators had on their plates. Even while some families opted to leave the public school system during the pandemic in order to see their kids in school in person sooner, the general consensus among many families was that educators were good and schools were vital. When the bargaining over teacher and classified staff salaries happened recently, some of those same ideas became tools to gain more financial support for a population of professionals who had already been through a lot, and continue to bear the brunt of the learning loss and behavioral challenges that came in the wake of the pandemic.
In 2022, when leaders at Bend-La Pine Schools shared their pitch for the passage of a $249.7 million general obligation bond to improve safety and modernize schools, we were frankly rather surprised at the ticket price. It’s a giant sum, but hardly a mint for a district managing 33 schools. Taxpayers were already used to the taxes that would come with it; since it came just as other bonds were retiring, it did not increase the tax rate. They could have asked for more, we thought back then.
Now, in 2024, it should come as a shock to no one that after a round of bargaining with teachers and classified staff that saw them getting increased
salaries, there would be a need for more money in the district.
You could call it a bit of public-relations hardball, but right now, BLPS is threatening to cut some 77 positions in the district due to budget constraints. We are already getting word of people whose positions are set to be cut or cut back. Perhaps not surprisingly, some of the positions we’ve been contacted about involve the arts — the so-called “optional” areas of study that always seem to go by the wayside when times get hard. But as the district states on its Learning Levy 2024 web page, those positions don’t have to get cut as long as voters approve the levy.
Perhaps it’s more of that PR-hardball that educators are getting those notices now, when they have time to appeal to the families whose students will be affected by the cuts, and who then have time to alert the local media about these threats to the status quo.
The money collected from the levy is aimed at maintaining class sizes, adding more career and technical education in high schools, improving support systems for struggling students, enhancing elective offerings in music, art, technology, business and world languages, and offering more advanced placement and international baccalaureate programs. These are not just “fluff” features of schools, and while reading, writing and math are still highly important, electives matter too, and help our kids compete among students nationwide who enjoy those offerings. For homeowners with an average-priced home, the levy would mean approximately $239 more on their property tax bills.
Regardless of the perceived cunning in announcing to educators that they’ll be losing their jobs right before we all vote on a tax increase, we support the levy. We value public education before the pandemic shed more light on its importance, and we value it still today.
Bend La-Pine Schools Is Already Signaling Job Cuts. The May Levy Brings Them Back. PREMIER DISC GOLF TOURNAMENT THE BLITZ @ BLACK BUTTE RANCH RETURNS FOR ITS 2ND YEAR. PLAYERS WILL ONCE AGAIN NAVIGATE A CHALLENGING 18 HOLE LAYOUT ON THE MAJESTIC BIG MEADOW GOLF COURSE. GRAB A DRINK AND A MEAL AT ROBERT’S PUB. FREE ENTRY FOR SPECTATORS! Get Blitzed! April 27–28 at Black Butte Ranch Brought to you by: For more info or to sign up, go to DGScene.com Open Daily for You and Your Pets! 360 NE QUIMBY AVE BEND, OR 97701 541-382-0741 3197 N HWY 97 STE A-1 BEND, OR 97701 541-388-0262 DOCTORS NOW TWO LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU BYRON MAAS, TABITHA JOHNSTON, LAUREN HOFFMAN, LAURA ACEVEDO, COURTNEY MCLAUGHLAN, KELLI SMITH, LINX ALEXANDERSON, MICHAELA HUGGINS & JANETTE WELLS BENDVETERINARYCLINIC.COM Together, we help 3,000 animals every year at the Humane Society of Central Oregon with safe sheltering, medical care & adoption hsco org 541 382-3537 ADOPT HSCO Thrift Store HSCO Shelter 61170 SE 27th St Bend OR 97702 Mon-Sat: 10a-5:30p hsco org 61220 S Highway 97 Bend OR 97702 Every Day 10a-6p Donations M-Sat 10a-5p SHOP DONATE
The weather is getting nicer and more of us are outdoors, enjoying Bend's plethora of trails, bike lanes and sidewalks. To drivers: please, please be aware of pedestrians. As someone who has been out regularly enjoying the Deschutes River Trail going through town, I have been increasingly frustrated waiting for cars to stop for me when I am waiting at a crosswalk (when I have the right-of-way). This includes the "Sorry!! Didn't see you!" wave as drivers blast past me. The wave is especially irritating as I stand there counting the cars that don't stop, and the driver waving had more than enough time to notice waiting pedestrians. Per Oregon law, pedestrians have the right-of-way at ALL intersections (marked by white lines, or unmarked) and marked crosswalks. Please, pay attention. It is your responsibility as a driver. A last note: if the lights are flashing at a crosswalk (as on Hwy 97 south of Powers), that means there is a pedestrian currently crossing! Several months ago as I came to a stop at one of these crossings, the driver behind me saw me slowing down and decided to pass me. Only by hearing me repeatedly honking my horn did that driver finally notice what was happening and stopped just short of hitting the pedestrian. Please don't be that person!
—Katie Humphrey
Most would agree that traditions perpetuating violence and abuse should not be endorsed. Yet, in Central Oregon, rodeos disguise brutality as entertainment. Rodeos, akin to dog fighting, exploit animals for profit.
Behind the excitement lies a grim reality. Terrified animals endure pain,
HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY? Send your thoughts to editor@bendsource.com.
Letters must be received by noon Friday for inclusion in the following week’s paper. Please limit letters to 250 words. Submission does not guarantee publication. Opinions printed here do not constitute an editorial endorsement of said opinions.
Letter of the week receives $5 to Palate!
fear and injury. Rodeo practices include violent roping, tripping and using painful tools like electric prods. The animals suffer broken bones, organ damage and even death. Due to minimal legal protection, injuries and deaths of these exploited animals go unreported.
Rodeo organizers promote "family fun," but glorifying violence teaches children indifference to suffering. Moreover, studies link violence against animals to violence against humans. It's time to challenge this culture of cruelty. Join us in advocating for change. Let's build traditions based on respect and compassion, not the suffering of innocent beings.
— Central Oregon Partners for Animal Kindness, copak.org
We Are Under Assault
Some Oregon citizens are suggesting to transfer much of eastern Oregon to the State of Idaho. They present various grievances. But it will never happen considering the obstacles necessary for approval. Meanwhile many resources will be wasted, and much exasperation will be expended.
So why all the fuss? Are these folks not getting the attention they desire? Are their state and national legislators not delivering for them? Do they really think Idaho would treat them any better?
Our adversaries, Russia, China, North Korea, Iran and others take great joy in any disruption taking place in the United States. And in many cases, they work surreptitiously to foment these issues. They are eager to stir the pot on race, religion, politics, guns, abortion, LGBTQ and anything else they can use to divide us. And that is exactly what is happing today.
The time has come to stop all of this divisive nonsense. It's time to stand
together. The future of the country depends on it.
—James Scott
“The city doesn't have a list of prioritized projects it would like to start on," as Bend’s Chief Operations Officer was quoted by CO Daily News the day after the Council passed the Transportation Utility Fee.
Hmmm, 27 meetings, a webpage, numerous emails to the City asking about details, for a $5 MM to $15 MM/ yr fee and no plan? The City told us to look at the 2020 Transportation Systems Plan, but many of those projects have already been completed.
At the TUF roundtables, only a pie chart showing the spend percentage, not the actual dollars of each Streets Ops budget category. A City official said that financials are not the type of complex communication the City is aiming for on project webpages.
The City averages 7% year income growth, and has rewarded employees with a 10% raise, both far greater than what most Bendites receive. The City needs more cash as it claims expenses are greater than revenues. But households and businesses would only justify a revenue increase with a detailed examination of past and future expenses. Bendites would first see what could be cut. Where is the City’s report? We don’t know if the Streets budget
will be $25 or $35 MM/yr. Will the General funds and fees that now partially fund Streets be diverted to other pet projects?
Without the full financial detail, we wonder if this is a bait and switch.
Bend was once proudly not on the list of Oregon cities that impose a TUF. Now Bend will be at the top! Looks like the City has written itself a blank check without a vote.
—David White
Letter of the Week:
David: Thanks for your letter. Letter of the week!
—Nicole Vulcan
@sourceweekly Keep in the know of what's going on in Central Oregon, follow us on Instagram and Twitter.
O Letters
Bend Transportation Fee to Appear on Bills in July
The Bend City Council adopted a controversial Transportation Fee at the April 3 City Council meeting. The fee, which will be collected through a customer’s regular utility bill, is intended to support and maintain the City’s transportation system.
The City is using the fee to keep pace with a growing system and increased costs, as its current funding for maintaining roads is limited. According to the City of Bend, the fee will protect the transportation system, increase street sweeping and plowing, increase safety when it comes to bike lanes and sidewalks and improve the quality of roads.
The fee will be phased in and will start appearing on utility bills after July 1. Single-unit utility bills will pay $5.60 per month the first year. Multiunit attached housing, such as apartments, will pay $4.15 per month, per unit. Households that qualify for Utility Billing Assistance will pay $2.80 per month in the first year.
Deschutes County Sheriff’s Office Arrests Reckless Driver
Deschutes County Sheriff’s Office arrested 18-year-old Bend male, Liam Bryne, after he crashed his car while fleeing law enforcement in multiple jurisdictions. At approximately 6:15pm, the Deschutes County Sheriff’s Office were advised of a Dodge Charger traveling south through Jefferson County going over 100 mph.
Multiple officers initiated and subsequently discontinued a pursuit of the vehicle as it continued accelerating at an estimated speed of 120 mph, according to a press release. The driver continued through the City of Redmond.
A deputy successfully deployed spike strips to disable the speeding vehicle at the Highway 97 Deschutes Junction underpass at Tumalo Road. The Charger slid off the right shoulder and came to a stop in a field, where deputies and Oregon State Police Troopers took the suspect into custody.
— Julianna LaFollette
Volunteers Participate in China Hat Area Cleanup
Public Land Stewards hosted a cleanup event on April 13, bringing in over 150 volunteers to help pick up trash and debris
By Julianna LaFollette
Local volunteers braved bad weather on Saturday to take part in a cleanup event, picking up trash and debris on public lands in the area southeast of Bend. Over 150 people attended the Public Land Stewards event, which focused on cleaning up the area between Cabin, Horse and Coyote Buttes as the organization begins a prevention project in the area.
According to Kevin Hopper with PLS, crews collected about 12,000 to 15,000 pounds of trash in total. In addition, the PLS ground crew pulled at least 20,000 pounds from abandoned sites, including scrap metal and tires.
“The rain came in and made quite a mess. All things considered, we had a great turnout on what turned into a stormy day,” said Hopper.
One part of the April 13 cleanup involved the pit at Cabin Butte, which Hopper said people often use as a dump site. People dump various items or bring things to shoot at and leave it in the pit.
$360 million
— The amount of market segment represented by non-alcoholic beer in 2023, up 30% from the year prior. From this week’s Craft story, “The NA Beer Boom is a Boon for Local Breweries.”
In an effort to preserve natural landscapes and public land accessibility, volunteers helped clean areas they say have been abused by different user groups and helped protect those areas from future abuse.
“It is a multi-step build to improve and mitigate abuse out there, to mitigate user conflict between groups and to make improvements on recreation. That is the big end goal of this,” said Hopper. “There's a lot of steps and elements to it. It's not going to happen overnight.”
PLS has facilitated several volunteer cleanup events along China Hat Road in the last few years. Last June, PLS did a large volunteer event in the China Hat area, cleaning abandoned encampments and items, resulting in 58,000 pounds of trash removed from the Deschutes National Forest.
The pit at Cabin Butte and Coyote Butte are both popular shooting areas, but people sometimes go to outer parts of the pit to shoot because the pit itself has never been groomed or facilitated for shooters. This can be dangerous as there are several trails that recreators use around the area.
While the pits are not technically designated as a shooting range, the organizations are making an effort to create a safe place for people to shoot in the pit, stewarded by the shooting community, creating more opportunities for people to safely shoot.
“Some people will go out there not realizing they are shooting at the edge of or over trails,” said Hopper.
“Some people will go out there not realizing they are shooting at the edge of or over trails.”
-Kevin Hopper of Public Lands Stewards, from this week’s News story, “Volunteers Participate in China Hat Cleanup”
The areas where the cleanup took place invite all types of recreators. Some people go to the area to shoot guns, while others go to nearby trails to hike, ride horses or mountain bike. The multi-use area prompted the organization to be more proactive, cleaning and making the area safer, which differed from the organization’s larger-scale, reactionary cleanups of the past.
“We're pivoting this season because hosting large cleanups is obviously a tremendous amount of work and organization,” said Hopper. The organization also wanted a safer event. “The safety and security of our volunteers is number one. How and where we’ve been cleaning, we’ve adjusted a bit.”
To reduce the risk of people driving to trail areas or bringing items to shoot at, burn or leave, PLS worked with construction contractor, Taylor Northwest, to bring in thousands of pounds of boulders to help blockade user-created roadways. Trash No Land, a nonprofit club for responsible shooting, sponsored the cleanup at Cabin and Coyote Butte shooting pits.
One volunteer, Paul Bishop, arrived bright and early to take part in the event. It was his second time attending a PLS event. “I think it’s a great thing to do,” he said.
Hopper is always thrilled to see people excited to help and come together for a shared purpose. “One of our favorite things is the community aspect of doing these cleanups,” said Hopper. “You get people from all sorts of different groups and walks of life in Central Oregon that come together for the same cause.”
Julianna LaFollette
Contested Apartments Face Resolution in May
A City hearing officer will make a decision about a proposed Awbrey Butte apartment, Compass Corner, at the end of May
By Julianna LaFollette
highly disputed development proposed in the Awbrey Butte neighborhood of Bend will face a final decision at the end of May, after more than two years. The City of Bend held a public hearing on April 4, discussing the proposal and listening to final in-person remarks about the development.
The proposal is for a four-story mixed-use development with 40 residential units, and approximately 5,557 square feet of commercial space. The 1-acre lot sits at the southeast corner of the intersection of NW Awbrey Road and NW Mt. Washington Drive.
The applicant first submitted the plan in June 2022. According to Renee Brooke, City of Bend planning manager, that previous application was incomplete, and the applicant ultimately let it become void. The current proposal was submitted in September 2023.
The well-attended April 4 hearing allowed people to submit final comments, which had to address applicable Bend Development Code standards and criteria and explain how they are or are not met.
The attempts to halt or alter this development, however, didn’t start there. A website titled “Help Save Awbrey Butte” informs residents about the proposed project and highlights concerns the community members have. “Let’s right-size, not oversize development,” reads the website.
The site argues that the building will significantly increase density, traffic and safety issues, placing burdens on local services and changing the character of the butte. The website is run by the Save Awbrey Butte Organization, which describes itself as a grassroots organization of community members who “live in and love Bend.”
Another effort to halt this proposal, created by members of the same organization, is a GoFundMe account called, “Save Compass Corner.” The page, which has raised $7,205 of its $15,000 goal, aims to fund ongoing litigation to stop or modify the development. “Your contribution will help us do everything necessary to preserve our neighborhood and maintain traffic safety for all,” reads the page.
The land use chair of the Awbrey Butte neighborhood association, Jeff Conrad, was one of the many who spoke up against the development at the April 4 hearing. One major complaint he’s heard from neighbors is concerns about increased traffic on
small, already congested, neighborhood roads.
According to Conrad, the street near the development is very steep. “All those extra vehicles are going to make that intersection even more dicey, more dangerous,” Conrad told the Source Weekly.
A traffic report, prepared by Transight Consulting LLC and submitted into the development site plan, concluded that the project is forecasted to generate 363 new weekday daily trips.
Additionally, the proposal plans to include 59 total parking stalls, 54 of which are located on-site and five along the street frontage. Some are concerned about the lack of parking, given that the City of Bend got rid of its minimum parking requirement in February.
Nearby residents, like Pauline Wilson, worry that with so little parking, cars will spill over into the adjoining neighborhoods, making the roads even more crowded and unsafe.
Other concerns reference the height of the building as problematic. The height of the building is proposed to be 10 feet above the maximum allowed height given that it qualifies as “vertical mixed-use.”
“There's a minimum amount of commercial square footage they have to include in order for it to be considered a mixed-use building,” said Brooke. “We believe they’ve met that baseline criteria,” said Brooke.
According to the Save Awbrey Butte Organization, this would be one of the tallest buildings on Awbrey Butte. This would likely obstruct views for neighbors.
According to Brooke, there was
BLPS Chair Resigns, Board Accepting Applications
BLPS Board is accepting applicants for its vacant seat after Chair Melissa
Barnes Dholakia resigned
By Julianna LaFollette
Bcitizen concern from the get-go with this project. “The neighborhood has been aware of this project for probably close to two years, so we have been receiving concerns that whole time,” she said.
Despite the number of people hoping for a different proposal, others have spoken up about the need for more housing, regardless of the type or location. One Awbrey Butte resident submitted a comment in support of the project, stating that it would be a “good addition to the Awbrey Butte area.”
A petition supporting the proposed development, sponsored by Bend YIMBY, had 223 signatures as of April 16. “We think that all neighborhoods in Bend should have housing of all shapes and sizes,” states the petition.
Residents opposing the development say they support more housing, including apartments, but disagree with aspects of the proposal. “The project is ill-considered, it’s oversized and inappropriate for that particular lot,” said Wilson.
“We’re not against developing this,” said Conrad. “We have no problem with an apartment structure. In that area, with that typography, with the distances traveled, the extra cars on the road, we think two floors would be perfect.”
The City hearings officer will issue a decision at the end of May. According to Brooke, hearings officers must rely solely on the Bend Development Code, development standards and approval criteria. “The hearings officer will look through all the applicable code sections and evaluate the project against those standards,” said Brooke.
end-La Pine Schools announced that school board member Melissa Barnes Dholakia resigned from her position as Chair on April 4. Her resignation comes after she decided to apply for a position in the school district. The decision was announced on April 9, at the school board’s monthly meeting.
Barnes Dholakia announced that she applied for the deputy superintendent position. The position is currently held by Lora Nordquist, who’s retiring June 30.
“In order to ensure no perceived conflict of interest, I am resigning during this process,” Barnes Dholakia said in a statement. “While not required, I believe it to be best practice.”
Barnes Dholakia was first elected as Chair in 2019 and was re-elected in 2023. The additional six board members voted to declare the position vacant and approved a timeline for appointing her successor, who would serve through June 2025.
The seat will appear on the ballot again in May 2025 for a two-year term to fulfil the balance of the current four-year term, according to a press release.
The Board is now accepting applicants for the position. A selection team will make a final candidate recommendation at the monthly board meeting on June 18. The selected candidate will be sworn in and assume office at a July 9 board meeting.
The Board also voted on April 9 to elect new officers to serve through the end of the fiscal year. Marcus LeGrand, the previous vice chair, will serve as chair and board member Carrie McPherson Douglass will serve as board vice chair through June 30.
According to a press release, applications for those looking to fill the vacant seat are due by May 29 at 4pm. Interested applicants must reside within the BLPS attendance area, be a registered voter in a Deschutes County voting precinct, reside within a Deschutes County voting precinct and have been a resident of a Deschutes County voting precinct for at least one year.
Courtesy Bend La Pine Schools
Courtesy City of Bend
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Cuota de transporte de Bend aparecerá en los recibos de servicios públicos en el mes de julio
Por Julianna LaFollette
Durante la reunión del ayuntamiento del 3 de abril, el concejo municipal de Bend adoptó una controversial cuota de transporte. La cuota, se cobrará a través del recibo de servicios públicos del cliente, tiene como objetivo apoyar y costear el sistema de transporte de la ciudad. La ciudad está utilizando la cuota para para mantenerse al día con el sistema creciente y el aumento de costos, ya que los fondos actuales para el mantenimiento de los caminos son limitados. Según la ciudad de Bend, la cuota protegerá el sistema de transporte, aumentará la limpieza de las calles, aumentará la seguridad de los carriles para bicicletas y las banquetas y la mejora de las vías de tránsito. La cuota se implementará por fases y comenzará a notarse en los recibos de servicios públicos después del 1 de julio. Los recibos de servicios públicos
de una sola unidad pagarán $5.60 al mes por el primer año. Las viviendas multi-habitacionales, como los apartamentos, pagarán $4.15 al mes por unidad. Las casas que reúnen los requisitos para recibir asistencia con los recibos de servicios públicos pagarán $2.80 por mes durante el primer año.
Voluntarios participan en la limpieza de la zona China Hat
Por Julianna LaFollette
Voluntarios locales enfrentaron el mal clima el sábado para recoger basura y escombros del terreno público de la zona sureste de Bend. Más de 150 personas asistieron al acontecimiento Public Land Stewards (PLS por sus siglas en inglés), que se enfocó en la limpieza del área entre Cabin, Horse y Coyote Buttes mientras que la organización comienza un proyecto de prevención en el área.
Según Kevin Hooper de PLS, las cuadrillas recogieron en total entre 12,000 a 15,000 libras de basura. Además, la cuadrilla base de PLS sacó al menos 20,000 libras de los sitios abandonados, incluso pedazos de metal y llantas.
“La lluvia llegó y causó un lío. En general, las cosas salieron bien considerando que se tornó en un día tempestuoso,” dijo Hopper
Con el intento de proteger los paisajes naturales y el acceso al terreno público, los voluntarios ayudaron a limpiar las zonas, que cuentan han sido maltratadas por diferentes grupos
de usuarios, y ayudaron a proteger esas zonas de futuros maltratos.
“Es un proceso de varios pasos para mejorar y reducir el maltrato existente, reducir el conflicto entre usuarios y para las mejoras en la recreación. Ese es el objetivo final de esto, comentó Hopper. “Hay muchos pasos y aspectos. No va pasar de la noche a la mañana.”
En los últimos años PLS ha agilizado varias limpiezas voluntarias a lo largo de la calle China Hat Road. En junio pasado, PLS llevó a cabo un evento de voluntariado en la zona de China Hat, que limpió los campamentos y sacó artículos abandonados, lo que retiró 58,000 libras de basura del Bosque Nacional de Deschutes.
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Julianna LaFollette
Poetry Contest Winners
Youth and adult winners in our annual Poetry Contest
Happy National Poetry Month!
In the past, the Source Poetry Contest has taken place in the fall, but with Poetry Month being April, this year we upped our game and moved it to the month when many others are celebrating the beauty of the written word.
We’ve teamed up with the Deschutes Public Library, Central Oregon Community College’s Barber Library and the Masters of Fine Arts low-residency program at Oregon State University-Cascades to host a series of poetry-related events this month.
Mark your calendars!
Wed., April 24 at 6pm at Ray Hall, Rooms 011+013, at OSU-Cascades for a reading with our winners, and other professional poets!
Check out the QR code here for a list of more events!
Youth Winners
"The Anticipation of a Letter"
By Zinna Grae
I wrote you a letter!
I imagine when you get it you will smile
Or you will cry.
I imagine when you get it you will shout
“She wrote me!”
And go find your father to show him, And he’ll smile too
I imagine when you get it you will give it a great big kiss And it will leave a pink chapstick stain
Right next to your name.
I imagine when you get it you will run around in circles And jump up and down,
Or you will fall on the floor giggling and squealing Because you know the letter means
“I Love you”
I wrote you a letter!
I imagine when you open it
You will not cut your finger on the sharp edge of the seal
You will open it gracefully,
Careful not to crease or tear the delicate paper.
I imagine when you open it you will admire every detail in my loopy hand writing. I imaging when you read it you will uncontrollably laugh and smile
Because you remember me just as funny and sweet as it displays.
How ironic it is to remember someone you havent seen in months
And have them be the same no matter how long that time was.
I imagine when you read it you will read it slow
And won’t be able to wait to finish because the urge to write back is so strong.
But, silly me! You may just leave it in the envelope.
The reader writes: We have all felt it: the anticipation of opening a letter, perhaps from somebody special. But what makes this poem so interesting and enjoyable to read is the way in which the poet spins this familiar experience anew with unexpected descriptions like "And it will leave a pink chapstick stain," and "loopy hand writing."
"The Cane"
By Evelyn Northrup
The cane is the scariest thing in the Swisher’s family
But the parents never knew
Because only baby Tommy was cane level at peer view
So, whenever grandma woke up with a slunch
You would have to run or you would be her lunch
She would hit anything that was in her view
Like babies, dogs and chipmunks too
The reader writes: I can only hope that this is fiction! "Grandma" in this poem is even more terrifying than the cane. What I like most is the way in which grandma wakes-- with a "slunch"-- a grisly and memorable portmanteau of slouch and hunch.
By Nicholas Bechard
Youth, beautifully gone
Like blue skies or rose petals from the floor
There are words you used to speak
But you can’t remember how
There was a way you used to run
With weightless bones and grass-stained knees
Popsicle-kissed lips, the summer at your back
You didn’t know it yet
But that was the slowest that time would ever be
A time before you knew time by its name
Before your heart knew how to break
And your body learned how to curl
Before divorce, before abuse, before solitude
Before depression would be brushed off by everyone you ever knew
You were once living without trying
Breathing without a reminder
You can learn a lot in time
But even more from youth
The reader writes: The poet captures the essence of youth in images like "grassstained knees," and "popsicle-kissed lips," but there is also a palpable sadness here, as if the poet is anticipating a far-off reality where these things will be a memory.
Adult Winners
the painter of kharkhiv
By Broderick Eaton
the artist watches missiles pour fire sending red running across the canvas into disbelieving eyes lament cut short by the voice of history turned muse stop lift the brush record the scene across the street where bright sun splashes bullet point concrete of an office building a man trades briefcase for armor his tie will soon be a tourniquet for a mother hurrying her young son along the sidewalk quickly my love before the storm papers fly on the wind like doves from his case and the man now grips the heel of a pistol
the mother turns from the doves shepherding faster here take my hand dress blooming in the wind their fingers entwined as she dances to distract look over there my son see the light fall from the cloud how one shadow moves silently over another
cyan paintbrush captures a cerulean sky stretched tense with thunder ochre and canary the mighty sunflowers twisting their radar heads quickly now follow the sun across the clearing he hears tanks drumming in the bones chases the path of fleeing starlings marks in onyx where they strike the trees seeking escape go with the birds
paint dark and pointed the seeds in her hand the ones she will give the soldiers when they stop her we speak the same as the barrel takes aim hold these seeds in your pocket so something good can come from you
history whispers in artist’s ear pause the brush begin again make them remember
The reader writes: The ambiguity of art and reality from the first line draws the reader into this poem about the human toll of war. I was struck by how the poet captures the intersections of art and violence without making either into cliche. Some of my favorite images included "he hears tanks drumming in the bones," and "the mother turns from the doves shepherding faster." These images stopped me in my tracks. #1
cont. page 12
Poetry Month Events
Take part in one or all of these events at COCC, the Deschutes Public Library and OSU-Cascades as part of Poetry Month in Central Oregon!
Third Thursday Spoken Word
Thu, Apr 18 | 6–8p
High Desert Music Hall, Redmond and The Commons, Bend
Art & Poetry at the Artists’ Gallery
Sunriver Village
Sat, Apr 20 | 1–2p
Artists’ Gallery
Sunriver Village, Sunriver
Finding Poems Where You Least Expect Them!
Mon, Apr 22 | 5–7p
Downtown Bend Library
Source Poetry Winners Reading Final Event
Wed, Apr 24 | 6p
OSU-Cascades - Ray Hall 011/013
Imagine and Empower: An Evening with COCC Student & Alumni Poets
Thursday, April 25 | 5–7p
COCC Campus, Barber Library West Wing https://barber.cocc.edu/poetry
Sharpening the Point
By Carol Barrett
The dark gray spot remains tattooed above my left brow. Whenever I see a new doctor, they squint at the mark, squeeze it a bit between gloved fingers. Moles are brown. My stigmata
is gray, an aberration, perhaps some new skin cancer to photograph for JAMA. I reveal the source. I got poked in the forehead with a flying pencil. It came at me like a dart,
poised to take out an eye. I ducked in the nick of time. How old were you they ask when I tell the story, a kid furious I beat him at marbles. Nine. Two hands, minus a thumb.
I love to sharpen pencils, twirling the invincible memory of injury, sawdust and lead powder giving way to a number two weapon. A number three retains its steely head longer, but
doesn’t have the depth of tone, the mask of softness. Vengeance is mine. I have never plunged one into a competitor’s ego. I wield words instead. Still an ace shooter. Try me. I dare you.
The reader writes: I love when poems move back and for between worlds, and this one does so dexterously. This is a difficult task, though, but this poem makes it look easy. Here, we begin in the exam room, are transported back in time to the scene of the poke, and are then lost in memory again. I think this poem's charm is in its relatability while staying interesting and a bit grotesque.
Rose Mashers
By Carol Barrett
One of our favorite things to do was mash the petals that fell from Grandma’s prodigious roses, making perfume, doll soup, whatever imagination cooked up. My sister Kathy and I took turns with a small thick jar later identified as a nut grinder, a triple chopping blade inside that sprung back with a delicious squeak, and a shallow wooden bowl and rolled blade, perhaps intended for garlic cloves, for orange peels. We spent fragrant hours collecting petals, whole blooms if Grandma had pruned recently –she often had. Then stationed ourselves on the porch in sunlight. A velvet facial would initiate the mash –luscious red and pale pink, apricot syrup and cream, old-fashioned yellow. I was shocked to discover other people did not mash roses, did not even know what a rose masher was. Thus our summer education unfolded: what was fallen worthy of art and invention, the peach smell of old roses trailing us into sleep.
The reader writes: I am definitely the intended audience for this poem. I love when a poem teaches me something (rose smashing!), and this poem does so beautifully with images like "doll soup," and "a velvet facial would initiate the mash." This poem was fragrant.
#4 "Smitten"
By Sandy Thompson
with first snowflake
remaining besotted when silent lace-fall turns to a weighted-cold ocean I wade with a shovel
with each sunbeam
rays melt snow into something dense and dangerous, yet
with sun, snow shimmers like champagne beside the flickers of a warm hearth, sleepy sorcery, and then in summer,
with a wildflower meadow on bright, breezed slope— I’m smitten with slopes, though downhill daunts, my pulse stirs
with all the winding ways up
"Ellie Hangs the Mouflon Head"
By Broderick Eaton
“They’re all gone,” she says from the ladder, “didn’t understand about the coyotes.” The ram stares down from above the doorway, his beard spilling dark against the wall.
The hard curves of his horns are segmented shells that didn’t know what to do with teeth. She’s making the best of what was lost.
Her disappointment like my skipped last sip because of stray grounds at the bottom of the cup, but sometimes it all starts at the top and drips down.
What if instead of growing to reach the sky we found out the mountains, the trees, the clouds, everything below our feet is shrinking away from us?
I used to love disposable things until I learned, too late to get it back, what I meant to keep and away doesn’t mean away
The echo he left can be heard by my bones but they don’t know how to beat the same rhythm. They only recognize the gift when it returns in the quiet to rattle the heart.
He used to carry me on his shoulders and I held his ears to balance. I like how small I feel next to the weight of a boulder tree that knew my ancestors’ ancestors.
At Christmas, deep woods thicken with snow. Saw a straight cut, leave a stump less than twelve inches. One for each month, no more. One of these will be the last.
Ring in the new year as if anything changes as you watch it. Tossed against the winter dune the raised circles of the fattest driftwood trunk are a gray braille message we are too blind to see.
Liquefaction softens disturbance. As soon as a print lands on sand, hidden water seeps it away. If I keep running, there will be a trail of at least one.
Volcán Arenal, built of black sand, was a constantly weeping berry until the earth shook the magma away. Footprint of violence sits silent as the steaming rainforest crawls to its throat.
Fluid dynamics: a coffee berry plump red among velvet green holds two sleeping beans that lie back to back like hands in prayer, hard and waiting.
Chocolate, the one I ate, is from the same language as coyote, the one that ate my cat. The stairs are right there if I can learn to climb those words.
“This head,” she says, coming back down, “is attached by only one nail.” His dead gaze makes me feel the enormity of now.
Local singer/songwriter Anderson Koening, known affectionately as Billy in Bend’s rock band Billy and the Box Kid will play a solo show. Relax with a pint, get out of the house and enjoy a soulful intimate set that is sure to delight. Wed., Apr. 17, 6-8pm at Crosscut Warming Hut No. 5. 566 SW Mill View Wy., Bend. Free.
The HomeGrown Music Festival is back for its second year of showcasing local artists and musicians. Enjoy acts like Harris Blake Band, Robot Mushroom, Billy and the Box Kid, Not Your Ex Lover, Chiggi Momo, Watkins Glen and more featuring on stages throughout Bend. This festival strives to provide a platform for local musicians wanting to reach a wider fan-base. Come out to support the talented acts and find a new favorite band from Bend. For full lineups please visit bendticket.com and @homegrownmusicfestival420 on Instagram. Thu.-Sat., Apr. 18-20, Bunk and Brew. 42 NW Hawthorne Ave., Bend. $20.
Get ready for an evening of laughter and suspense as Deschutes Theatre Company presents a thrilling murder mystery comedy, "Women in Jeopardy!" Follow along as a group of women embark on a hilarious journey to discover which one of them may be dating a serial killer. With stellar performances and a plot that keeps you guessing, this night of theatre promises to be an unforgettable experience. Sat., Apr. 20, 2pm at Open Space Event Studios. 220 NE Lafayette Ave., Bend. $25.
Talented musicians/composers Eric McDonald, Jeremiah McLane and Ryan McKasson team up to create the explorative Celtic music group Kalos. The group blends accordion, fiddle, guitar and vocals to produce an alluring and complex sound that pays homage to the musical traditions of Breton, Celtic and American folk. Sat., Apr. 20, 7-10pm at The Belfry. 302 E. Main Ave., Sisters. $20.
Start your weekend with a celebration of Earth and community this Saturday as the annual Earth Day Fair and Parade kicks off with a lively procession through downtown Bend. As the festivities unfold, all are welcome to explore the fair complete with offerings from food vendors, interactive booths and talented performers. Sat., Apr. 20, 11am-3pm at The Environmental Center. 16 NW Kansas Ave., Bend. Free.
Dust off your '90s spring break gear and get ready to party at the 5th annual Boss Rambler Spring Fling! Enjoy yard stick slushee cups filled with special flavors and indulge in jello shots for a nostalgic twist. Create your own custom hats on-site, groove to live DJ sets and celebrate with exclusive collab beer releases. Plus, enjoy $5 beers for five years and more. Sat., Apr. 20, Noon-9pm. Boss Rambler Beer Club. 1009 NW Galveston Ave., Bend. Free.
A women's embodied movement workshop that focuses on the water element. If you're looking to un-crunch, soften, connect more deeply to your body and become more receptive, this workshop may be for you. See website for more details, https://ambamethod.com/event/the-way-of-water-embodiedmovement-for-women/. Sat., Apr. 20, Noon at Three Sisters Yoga Studio. 392 E. Main Ave., Sisters. $55.
Professional art instructor Sandy Klein will lead participants through a guided painting lesson while providing tips and tricks to make your work of art one of a kind. Whether you're a seasoned artist or a beginner, discover the joy of painting alongside adorable companions during this furry-themed evening of artistic expression on Sat., Apr. 20, 4-6:30pm at Creative Art and Picture Framing. 2115 NE Hwy. 20. Bend. $32.
The classic ballet, "Giselle," presented by the Grand Kyiv Ballet, tells the story of a peasant girl who falls in love with a nobleman disguised as a commoner. Tragically, the girl dies of a broken heart when she discovers the truth about her lover’s identity. Enjoy a night of culture on Sat., Apr. 20, at 7:30pm. Tower Theatre. 835 NW Wall St., Bend. $45.50-$79.50.
SUNDAY 04/21
As Earth Day approaches, immerse yourself in the healing embrace of nature with a Forest Bathing experience. Slow down, rest and deepen your relationship with the living world and remember you belong to nature and the interconnectedness of all living beings. Conclude the session with wildcrafted tea on Sun., Apr. 21, 1-3pm at Shevlin Park. 18920 Shevlin Rd., Bend. $35.
4/17 – 4/21
Sandy Klein
Courtesy The Environmental Center
Dylan Ladds
Courtesy Deschutes Theater
MAY 16
Neil Berg’s 50 Years of Rock & Roll
MAY 15 Page to Screen: “Jungle Book” MAY 17
Central Oregon Youth Orchestra
Join us for US Bank’s Foodie Crawl, presented by Cascade Natural Gas, in downtown Bend on Sunday, April 28th from 2-4pm & at the After Party at McMenamins Old St. Francis School from 4-6pm.
Come for the cause.
Stay for the fun!
This popular annual pub-crawl-meets-progressivedinner is a celebration of local food and drink. Guests sample small plates and beverage pairings from a select group of chefs and restaurants in downtown Bend. All for a good cause! Tickets sell fast, so act now!
Foodie Crawl SPONSORS
BUY TICKETS ONLINE on our website neighborimpact.org/foodiecrawl
Riley Green says he didn’t buy into any concerns about having a sophomore slump when he made his recently released second fulllength album, “Ain’t My Last Rodeo.”
Far from feeling the weight of expectations, Green found himself able to simply appreciate his success and feel excited to be able to create the next musical chapter in his career.
“I really just try to take a step back as often as I can and look at how fortunate I am to have a career in country music, first of all,” Green said in a late-January phone interview. “And the fact is I get to make a record of songs that I wrote about how I grew up, my family and my home town in Alabama.
“I mean, I’m in such a great place, it’s hard for me to feel a lot of pressure,” he said. “You just want to try to continue to entertain fans and really just evoke some kind of emotion when you write songs.” Green plays May 18 at Hayden Homes Amphitheater in Bend.
What has also helped Green to stay focused on his music and removed from some of the competitive aspects of a country music career was a move back to his home state of Alabama a couple of years ago.
“It helps us a lot that I don’t live in Nashville the majority of the time. It’s hard to have blinders on (in Nashville),” he said. “It’s so easy to get distracted by what some other people are doing and having success doing.
‘Your Own Sound and Things to Say’
Riley Green reflects on his move from Nashville to his home state of Alabama, his second album and more
By Alan Sculley
I think the best thing you can be right now is different, have your own sound and things to say. It’s a little easier for me to do that now that I live in Alabama because, you know, there’s not any charts down there.”
Growing up in the Alabama town of Jacksonville, he spent plenty of time, not only with his parents and siblings, but he grew close to his two grandparents, Buford and Linden.
Buford, in particular, was a big country music fan and introduced his grandson to legendary artists like Roy Acuff and Merle Haggard. Green would join his grandpa for front-porch jam sessions with Buford’s musician friends. Eventually, people started coming to listen, and the idea was hatched to build a stage on the property where performances happened every Friday. That’s where Green learned to perform for audiences.
Now 35, Green started writing songs in his early 20s and getting gigs around the Southeast. He posted
songs online and self-released several EPs, gradually building a following large enough to allow him to make music a full-time venture. His popularity as a live act got him noticed by country record labels Nashville, and he signed with Big Machine Records in 2018.
His career has been on a fast track ever since, as he’s been keeping music coming at a steady pace – with three EPs – a self-titled effort, “Outlaws Like Us” and “In a Truck Right Now” -- arriving in 2018, followed by the “Get That Man A Beer” EP in 2019. Material from those three releases made up Green’s 2019 debut album, “Different ‘Round Here.” Next came the 2020
EP “If It Wasn’t For Trucks” and the “Behind The Bar” EP in 2021 and a series of singles in 2022, including his collaboration with Thomas Rhett on the song “Half Of Me.” Those all led into the release last fall of “Ain’t My Last Rodeo,” which is being followed in quick succession by an EP, “Way Out Here,” which was released on
April 12 and features six new songs plus “Damn Good Day to Leave,” Green’s latest single from “Ain’t My Last Rodeo.”
Along the way, Green notched a top five country single in “There Was This Girl” and a top 15 hit in “I Wished Grandpas Never Died.” Now his lead single from “Ain’t My Last Rodeo,” a new version of the song “Different ‘Round Here,” which features a guest vocal from Luke Combs, has cracked the top 5 on “Billboard” magazine’s Country Airplay chart.
Laced with references to actual places, people and experiences, “Ain’t My Last Rodeo” is in character musically and lyrically with Riley’s earlier releases, with songs that range from spare acoustic (“My Last Rodeo”) to robust mid-tempo tracks like “Different ‘Round Here” and “They Don’t Make ‘Em Like That No More.”
“I try to write songs about things I know and how I grew up and how I see the world. It’s been something that has worked for us, so stylistically I don’t try to change too much from that,” Green said. “But you also want to try to appeal to a bigger audience. As things grow, you start playing in different countries and all over the United States. So I tried to put a lot of different types of songs on my (album), which I think we did.”
Songs from “Ain’t My Last Rodeo” figure to make up a significant part of Green’s headlining shows this year.
“One thing I really enjoy is playing the new songs at my shows and seeing what the reaction is from fans,” he said. “So there will probably be a lot of kind of experimenting with new songs on this tour and where they fall in the set, really just seeing what songs raise their hands. I love to let fans decide that sort of thing, so I’m excited about getting out and playing some of these songs in front of some of these fans on this headline tour.”
Riley Green – Ain’t My Last Rodeo Tour
With special guest Tracy Lawrence and Ella Langley Sat., May 18
Doors open at 4pm; show 6:30pm Bendconcerts.com
Hard to believe, but the Hayden Homes Amphitheater season kicks off May 14 with LCD Soundsystem, followed by Riley Green May 18.
Harper Smith
17 Wednesday
The Belfry SFF Presents Breabach at The Belfry Securely ranked among Scotland’s most skilled and imaginative contemporary folk acts, Breabach unites deep roots in Highland and Island tradition with the innovative musical ferment of theGlasgow base. This is a general admission, all ages show. Doors open at 6pm, show starts at 7pm. Beverages available for purchase. $27.50 for adults and $15 for youth. 6-9pm.
Blacksmith Public House Head Games
Trivia at The Blacksmith! Join a fun night of trivia hosted by Head Games Trivia! Put your thinking caps on every Wednesday night and bring a team of your smartest friends. Free to play! 6-8pm.
Blacksmith Public House Head Games
Trivia at The Blacksmith! A fun night of trivia hosted by Head Games Trivia! Put your thinking caps on every Wednesday night and bring a team of your smartest friends. Free to play! 7-9pm. Free.
The Cellar-A Porter Brewing Company
Wednesday Jam Sessions Drink some fine cask or imported beers and try some amazing British pies while listening to some local musicians jam out. 6:30-8:30pm. Free.
Central Oregon Collective Voices Rising Community Choir - Open Sessions Do you sing in the shower? Driving around town? Join and be delighted by the beautiful sound made together, all voices welcome. Songs taught by ear, try an open session for Free! Web-search “Voices Rising Spring Series Bend”. 6-8pm. Free.
Craft Kitchen and Brewery Comedy Open
Mic Sign-up 7:30pm. If you’ve ever wanted to try stand-up comedy, this is where you start! 8-10pm. Free.
Crosscut Warming Hut No 5 Billy by Himself Relax with a pint and enjoy great local music every Wednesday from 6-8pm. Free.
Deschutes Brewery & Public House
Head Games Trivia Night Eat. Drink. Think. Win! Head Games multi-media trivia is at Deschutes Bend Public House every Wednesday. Win prizes. Teams up to six. 6:30-8:30pm. Free.
M&J Tavern Open Mic Night Downtown living room welcomes musicians to bring their acoustic set or turn it up to eleven with the whole band. Bring your own instruments. Goes to last call or last musician, which ever comes first. 21+. 6:30pm. Free.
Northside Bar & Grill Mellow Wednesday
Acoustic Open Mic and Jam hosted by Derek Michael Marc Sign-up sheet is available at 6:30pm. 7-9pm. Free.
Pour House Grill Last Call Trivia Wednesday Last Call Trivia Wednesdays, bring your smartest friends and win free food and drink.
Prost! Bend Trivia Prost! UKB Trivia is now at Prost! Bend on Wednesdays at 7pm! Genuine UKB Trivia is no average trivia night! Meet up with friends, win gift card prizes for top teams! Enjoy Prost’s authentic beer and food menu. Trivia is free to play, with no buy-ins! 7-9pm. Free.
The Vault Taphouse at Kobold Brewing Trivia Night Trivia Night at The Vault! Come test your knowledge and drink top notch local beer! 6:30-8pm. Free.
Volcanic Theatre Pub Homegrown PreParty HomeGrown Festival PreParty at Volcanic Theatre Pub featuring performances by Company Grand, Oregon Fryer and Pete Kartsounes! 7-11:30pm. $10.
19 Friday
Bend Cider Co. Bill Powers Live music with Bill Powers. Come have an appetizer, a cider and chill. 5:30-7:30pm.
Bend Poker Room Friday Night Poker Tournament Come on in for the Friday night poker tournament! $80 entry with unlimited rebuys for the first hour and an optional add-on for $40 at the first break. Patrons pay a $10 entrance fee. No money bet in any game is collected by the Bend Poker Room. 6-11pm. $80.
Blacksmith Public House Kristi Kinsey
Band Live Music! This fabulous band is back and better than ever, bringing you familiar tunes and happy times! Please join for a fun and Free concert, all ages welcome! 6:30-9:30pm. Free.
18 Thursday
The Ballybogs and Friends Grab a pint, relax and enjoy live music by an amazing group of artists that brings the best Irish trad music in Central Oregon. Every Thursday at The Cellar. 6-8pm. Free.
Austin Mercantile Live Music Every Thursday Join at Austin Mercantile for live music every Thursday. Offering a light happy hour menu — daily flatbread, chili, charcuterie, soft pretzels and more! 4:30-6:30pm. Free.
Bend Elks Lodge #1371 Bingo Bingo at the Elk’s Lodge. Win cash prizes. 6-9pm. $23.
Blacksmith Public House Karaoke at the Blacksmith! Join after work for a fun night of karaoke with DJ Chris at Blacksmith Public House! Grab a drink, sing a song, have some tasty food and unwind after a long day. 7-8pm.
Bridge 99 Brewery Trivia Thursday at Bridge 99 Brewery Trivia Thursdays at 6:30pm at Bridge 99 Brewery with Useless Knowledge Bowl. It’s no ordinary trivia night, Team up to win house gift cards! Great brews, cocktails, and more. In-house menu and food truck options available! It’s Free to play. Indoor and outdoor seating available. 63063 Layton Ave, Bend. 6:30-8:30pm.
Cascade Lakes Pub on Reed Market
Live Music with Beverly Anderson Grab a beer and join for live music with Beverly Anderson on the patio at the Pub on Reed Market. Music starts at 5:30pm, Free and family-friendly. 5:307:30pm. Free.
Elements Public House Trivia Night at Elements Public House with QuizHead Games Come be all you can be with Trivia Night every Thursday from 6-8pm! Featuring QuizHead.games Trivia is every Thursday night! Located at the north end of Redmond. Full bar and great food! 6-8pm.Free.
Eqwine Wine Bar Open Mic Got a musical bone you’d like to share? Come to open mic night at Eqwine every Thursday at 7pm. Your first beer/cider is on the house if you take the stage. 7-9pm. Free.
M&J Tavern Livid Kings and Dinirium Hard and Heavy turns up to 11 while your core gets blasted with bass. 9pm. Free.
M&J Tavern Small Towns Local country and rock covers fill this fun Thursday evening. 9pm. Free.
Northside Bar & Grill Eric Leadbetter
Classic and alternative rock covers mixed with like-style originals. 7-9pm. Free.
River’s Place The Critical Blues Band Dedicated to bringing the high-energy, low-down feel of the blues to the people, The Critical Blues Band honors the blues greats with a power and passion that get audiences moving. 6pm. Free.
Silver Moon Brewing Trivia on the Moon
Come down to Silver Moon Brewing for a night of trivia! Teams are welcome to show up in groups up to 8 people. Silver Moon also offers seating reservations for $20 donations that all go to F*Cancer! If you would like to reserve a table please contact the Trivia on the Moon Facebook page. 7pm. Free.
SKIP Bar at The Suttle Lodge & Boathouse Suttle Lodge’s Fireside Concert Series: Gina DeNoble Fireside Show This week, Gina DeNoble, a Portland-based vocalist and songwriter, delivers deep, resonant, sultry vocals accompanied by an acoustic guitar. Her genre is lyric-driven, soulful folk with occasional blues elements. The mood of her music could be described as dramatic, whimsical, emotional, and romantic. RSVP required for overnight lodging guests to claim complimentary seats. 6-8pm.
Stihl Whiskey Bar Live Music Series Live Music every Thursday at a favorite little corner of downtown Bend. Come through for good music, delicious food tasty drinks! 7-9pm.
Stoller Wine Bar Bend Barringer and Baker Mark Barringer on guitar and vocals with Bob Baker on the electric violin perform music from the ‘60s, ‘70s and ‘80s, with creative, classic and soulful styles for an exciting rich sound. 6-8pm.
The Bend Wine Bar & Winery Tasting Room Trivia Night Trivia Night! Grab your smartest friends and put those thinking caps on. Join for some great wines from The Winery at Manzanita and fun times. Hosted by Quiz Head Games every second and last Thursday of every month. Cheers! Every other Thursday, 6-8pm.
The Lot Live Music with Skinny Dennis Skinny Dennis is an acoustic duo comprised of Bill Sterling on guitar and vocals and Rodney Toogood on bass and vocals. Classic rock tunes, ‘80s indie pop, singer songwriter stylings and original songs propel Skinny Dennis’ sound and will get you and your friends smiling and moving to songs you know while discovering new favorites! 6-8pm. Free.
COCC Collaborative Garden OperaBend presents Verdi’s La Traviata OperaBend presents Verdi’s La Traviata 7pm. $12.09-$38.59.
Cross-Eyed Cricket Jackson Michelson Live at The Cricket! The debut show of a new Bend Concert Series presented by The Cross-Eyed Cricket on the Beaver Coach stage. Welcoming Jackson Michelson and his band! 6-11pm. $20.
Hardtails Bar & Grill Stage 28 Karaoke
Come out for a night of Stage 28 Karaoke with your host Miss Min! What’s your go-to karaoke tune? Come to Hardtails for a fun Friday night and sing your heart out! 8pm-Midnight. Free.
Big E’s Sports Bar Karaoke Night Central Oregon’s most fun karaoke venue! Karaoke is hosted by A Fine Note Karaoke Too and DJ Jackie J. Delicious food and drink and a friendly staff. Come join the show where you are the star! 8pm. Free.
Volcanic Theatre Pub William Tyler and The Impossible Truth William Tyler knows the South as a crucible of American histories and cultures, an entity capable of expansive beauty and incomprehensible violence, often in the same beat, as his native place; the place that holds him and that he runs from. 7-11:30pm. $20.
Austin Mercantile Saturday Afternoon Live Music Austin Mercantile is now adding live music on Saturdays! Serving wine, beer, lite happy hour menu, gifts and home decor. Hope to see you soon! 4:30-6:30pm. Free.
Blacksmith Public House Sleepless Truckers Live! Your favorite outlaw country boys are back at it again on 4/20 at 6:30pm! Join for a hell raisin’ good time and be sure to wear your dancin’ boots because this band is sure to get you on your feet! This free concert is open to all ages. 6:30-9:30pm. Free.
Boss Rambler Beer Club 5th Anniversary Spring Fling 5th Annual Spring Fling on Sat. Apr., 20. Dress up in your ‘90s Spring Break gear and enjoy yard stick slushee cups, special slushee flavors, jello shots, custom on-site hat printing, live DJ set, collab beer releases and $5 beers for 5 years! Noon-9pm.
LIVE MUSIC & NIGHTLIFE > Tickets Available on Bendticket.com
at bendsource.com/submitevent
Submitting an event is free and easy. Add your event to
Scotland folk group Breabach performs a unique and imaginative music rooted in Highland tradition. Enjoy the show at The Belfry on Wed., Apr. 17, 6pm.
Courtesy Breabach Facebook
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Bridge 99 Brewery Stage 28 Karaoke Come out for a night of all ages Stage 28 Karaoke with your host Miss Min! What’s your go-to karaoke tune? 6pm. Free.
Craft Kitchen and Brewery Stoned Cold Killers Comedy Show This 4/20 get ready for a comedy and storytelling event like no other. Stoned Cold Killers features local comedians Courtney Stevens and Steve Harber as well as Portland comedian Amanda Lynn Deal joking and telling stories about all the ridiculous things they did under the influence of the Green Goddess. $15 online, $20 at door. Doors open 7pm, show starts at 8pm. 21 and up, strong content expected. 8-9:30pm.
El Sancho Taco Shop Westside Gainon and The HardChords Bringing a fun 4/20 set with conscious word play, old school vinyl DJing, bass, trumpet and some psychedelic guitar. It’s a Block Party! For more info, please visit, https:// www.facebook.com/TheHardChords 6:307:30pm. Free.
M&J Tavern Jeff Swanson and Friends The road goes on forever and the party never ends. A hodge podge of friends and family get together to celebrate a legend in his own rights. 7:30pm. Free.
Northside Bar & Grill Status Fear Status
Fear brings the hard rock. 8-11pm. Free.
On Tap Summer Tusk Duo: Travis Riddle and Ryan Wiggans Summer Tusk Duo performs at On Tap on April 20. Come out and enjoy some great food, beverages and free live music. 6-8pm.
River’s Place Saturday Jazz Sessions Jack Krouscup Quartet performs jazz standards. 6-8pm. Free.
The Capitol Just Roll With It - 4/20 Standup Special Blaze a trail of giggles at "Just Roll With It" - the highest comedy night in town this 4/20! Hosted by Billy Brant, featuring Niko Smith, Grace Miller, and Fredo and David Kildal as your PDX Headliner. $20/Door $15/Online! Sponsored by Miracle Greens & The Flower Room. A Melrose Production 6:30-9pm. $15-$70.
Wetlands Taphouse The Jugulars Everyone’s favorite classic rock ‘n’ roll songs from the ‘70s to contemporary. Very family friendly and bring your dancing shoes. 5-8pm. Free.
21 Sunday
The Astro Lounge Local Artist Spotlight
Sundays This is a chance to listen to Central Oregon’s newest and upcoming local artists. They have earned their spot to perform a two-hour show, changing weekly, every Sunday. Support local top notch talent! 7-9pm. Free.
Cascade Lakes Pub on Reed Market
Charity Bingo Supporting Think Wild Join Think Wild and Cascade Lakes Brewing Company every 3rd Sunday starting Jan. 21 for bingo night! Win cash prizes and support our organization and mission to help inspire the high desert community to care for and protect native wildlife through education, conservation, rescue and rehabilitation! 6-8pm.
COCC Collaborative Garden OperaBend presents Verdi’s La Traviata OperaBend presents Verdi’s La Traviata 3pm. $12.09-$38.59.
The Commons Cafe & Taproom Trivia
Night Sunday Funday Trivia with Sean. Gather your team, or roll solo and find a spot early in the cafe, knowledge tests begin at 6pm. Prizes for 1st and 2nd place. 6-8pm. Free.
River’s Place Trivia Sundays at Noon Trivia Sundays at Noon, with UKB Trivia, at River’s Place. This is no ordinary contest, this is a live trivia game show. Bring your bunch and win gift card prizes for top teams! Indoor and outdoor seating available. Great food and drink options available. Noon-2pm. Free.
River’s Place Oyster Lee Playing style is rooted in traditional southern bluegrass, but his stage presence and improvisational nature have morphed his sound into something all his own. He’s developed his show to be a more complete live experience, switching instruments around on stage from banjo to cello banjo to guitar and incorporating comedy. 5-7pm. Free.
Silver Moon Brewing Open Mic at the Moon Get a taste of the big time! Sign-up is at 4pm! Come check out the biggest and baddest open mic night in Bend! 5-8pm. Free.
22 Monday
Bevel Craft Brewing Bingo with Bren Supporting a new local charity each month! $2 per bingo card, 50% goes to the charity and 50% goes to cash prizes every round! Visit bevelbeer. com to view all the beneficiaries supported this year! 6-8pm.
Bridge 99 Brewery Trivia Mondays at Bridge 99 Trivia Mondays at 6:30pm at Bridge 99 Brewery with Useless Knowledge Bowl. It’s no ordinary trivia night, Team up to win house gift cards! Great brews, cocktails, and more. In-house menu and food truck options available! It’s free to play. Indoor and outdoor seating available. 63063 Layton Ave, Bend. 6:30-8:30pm.
The Domino Room Hed PE, Livid Kings A night of live music with He’d PE and Livid Kings! 7pm. $22.
Elements Public House Open Mic with DMM Music Come jam with some great local musicians and enjoy an evening of music, great food and full bar. Musician sign up at 6pm. Sound and PA provided by DMM Music LLC Located at the North end of Redmond. An award-winning full bar and great food! 6:30-8:30pm. No Cover Charge.
Elixir Wine Locals Music Night and Open Mic Bend’s friendliest open-mic! All genres welcome. Oregon and international wine, beer and tapas menu available all evening. 6-9pm. Free.
On Tap Locals’ Day Plus Live Music Cheaper drinks all day and live music at night, get down to On Tap. 11am-9pm. Free.
Silver Moon Brewing Beertown Comedy
Open Mic Enjoy Beertown Comedy Open Mic every Monday Night at Silver Moon Brewing! Sign-up starts at 6:30pm and closes at 7pm, when the show starts. They have 15, five minute spots available. 6:30-8:30pm. Free.
Silver Moon Brewing Comedy Open Mic
Comedy open mic every Monday at Silver Moon Brewing in the Green Room. Sign-ups at 6:30pm. Presented by Tease Bang Boom Productions. 7-8:30pm. Free.
The Bend Wine Bar & Winery Tasting Room Bottles and Boards - Game Night Grab your favorite board game or borrow one! Every Monday is Game Night! Pair a Bottle of wine with a selection of charcuterie boards and get $5 off Whites or $10 off Reds. Fun times and great wines! Cheers! 2-9pm. Free.
Worthy Brewing Head Games Trivia Night
Eat. Drink. Think. Win! Head Games multi-media trivia is at Worthy Brewing Co. in Bend every Monday. Win prizes. Teams up to six. 7-9pm. Free.
23 Tuesday
Bangers & Brews Redmond UKB Trivia Tuesdays UKB Trivia Tuesdays 6:30pm start time at Bangers and Brews in Redmond! Join this week for this unique “Live Trivia Game Show.” Meet up to compete for prizes! UKB Trivia is Free to play, with no buy-ins. Great menu and beers! 6:30-8:30pm. Free.
Boys & Girls Clubs of Bend Bend Ecstatic Dance An all-out, full-on, spectacular music and free-form movement journey happens every Tuesday on one of the biggest dance floors in Bend. A no-booze and no-shoes venue. No experience required, no dance instructions given. Just really excellent music curation and a big, clean floor to explore your unique movement across. 7:45-10pm. $15-$25 sliding scale.
Cabin 22 Tequila Taco Tunes-Day West Side Open Mic Night collects local musical talent, paired with $6 House altos margaritas and famous pork verde tacos and hosted by Bend’s beloved Eric Leadbetter. Free.
The Cellar-A Porter Brewing Company Shine Your Light (Open Mic) Every 2nd & 4th Tuesday at The Cellar. Sign-ups at 5:30pm. Hosted By: Zac. What better way to spend a Tuesday evening than to check out Bend’s local artist working on their passion or be one of those artists. All art welcome! Fourth Tuesday of every month, 6-8pm. Free.
The Commons Cafe & Taproom Storytellers Open Mic Storytellers open mic nights are full of music, laughs and community. Mason James is the host. Poetry, comedy and spoken word are welcome, but this is mainly a musical open mic. Performance slots are a quick 10 minutes each, so being warmed up and ready is ideal. If you wish to perform sign-ups start at 5pm in the cafe. 6pm. Free.
Northside Bar & Grill Karaoke with DJ Chris Ossig Karaoke with DJ Chris. 7-9pm. Free. River’s Place Bingo! Have fun, win cash and support a local nonprofit organization. Cards $1-$5. 6-8pm.
The Lot Trivia Tuesday Heated benches, frothy pints, food cart goodness and the brain flexing sport of trivia! Bring a team or join one and have fun with the trivia loving, smartypants people of Bend. 6-8pm. Free.
Volcanic Theatre Pub Devin The Dude
Devin Copeland, better known by his stage name Devin the Dude, is an American rapper from Houston, Texas. He is perhaps best known for unique rapping style, his long tenure on Rap-ALot Records, and his 2002 songs “Lacville ‘79” and “Doobie Ashtray." 7-11:59pm. $20.
Worthy Beers & Burgers Head Games
Trivia Night Join for live multi-media trivia every Tuesday night. Win prizes. Teams up to 6 players. 7-9pm. Free.
Jenner Fox Band with National Guitar
- A Tribute to Paul Simon Made up of members from Pacific Northwest groups Polecat, Petty or Not and Skillethead, the all-star Jenner Fox Band tells stories of people and places with compassion and respect. April 21, 7:30-10pm.
Tower Theatre, 835 NW Wall St., Bend. Contact: 541-317-0700. info@towertheatre.org. $21 - $44 (plus $4 Historic Preservation fee).
OperaBend presents Verdi’s La Traviata OperaBend presents a fully staged production of Verdi’s La Traviata. Featuring an orchestra conducted by Michael Gesme with members of the Central Oregon Symphony, and an opera chorus. Fri, April 19, 7pm, Sat, April 20, 7pm and Sun, April 21, 3pm. Pinckney Center, COCC, 2600 NW College Way, Bend. Contact: operabend@ bendbroadband.com. $10-$35.
Sunday Brunch and Karaoke Wake up right with brunch and karaoke! Sundays, 10am3pm. General Duffy’s Waterhole, 404 SW Forest Avenue, Redmond. Free.
Argentine Tango Classes and Dance
Join every Wednesday for Tango classes and dancing! Your first class is Free. Tango 101 Class from 6:30-7pm, no partner needed! All levels class from 7-8pm. Open dancing from 8-9:30pm. Wednesdays, 6:30-9:30pm. Sons of Norway Hall, 549 NW Harmon Blvd., Bend. Contact: 541-7283234. tangocentraloregon@gmail.com. $5-$10.
Bend Dance Project Adult Drop-in
Dance Class
Join Bend Dance Project for weekly adult intermediate level drop-in class. Rotating teachers and styles include contemporary, street jazz, modern and theater dance. Friendly supportive atmosphere. Fridays, 12:151:45pm. Academia De Ballet Classique, 1900 NE 3rd St #104, Bend. Contact: 541-541-728-1063. dancevelocity@live.com. $10 donation.
Double Line Dance Lesson at Worthy Brewing
Learn God Blessed Texas and Shivers Double Line Dancing at Worthy Brewing! Tickets are $6 and include $1 off your first drink! Experienced instructors will guide you through the fundamental steps of two beginner line dances. In the back room of Worthy Brewing eastside, in the Hop Mahal. April 20, 7:30-8:30pm. Worthy Brewing, 495 NE Bellevue Dr., Bend. Contact: swingnline@gmail.com. $6.
High Tea Hosted By Bend Burlesque Start your 4/20 on a high note with High Tea! Dust off your favorite floral attire and gather your best buds, because Bend Burlesque is hosting High Tea at 10 Barrel East Side Pub. Enjoy an elegant tea party while our performers entertain you with dope 4/20 inspired acts. April 20, Noon-2pm. 10 Barrel Brewing Co. Pub & Brewing Facility, 62950 NE 18th St., Bend. Contact: N/A. bendburlesque@gmail.com. $42.
Indian Temple and Classical Dance Embody Your Yoga Super Powers: Excellent and supportive for any style of dance or athlete. Based on Indian Temple and Classical Dances with a yogic approach. Includes “mudra” hand gestures, sensual bends, head and eye postures, feet positions and more! Awaken and optimize your entire being, from the inside to out. Thursdays, 9:15-10:30am. Bend, RSVP for address, Bend.
Cali-based band Jerry’s Middle Finger celebrates the life, music and influence of Grateful Dead rock legend, Jerry Garcia. From skilled improvisation to authentic covers, Jerry’s Middle Finger strives to perform the best Jerry Garcia experience. Wed., Apr. 24, 8pm at the Volcanic Theatre Pub.
Courtesy Jerry's MIddle Finger Facebook
WWW.BENDSOURCE.COM / APRIL 18, 2024 / BEND’S INDEPENDENT VOICE 22 April 20, 2024 2024 Register today at bendraces.com
Scottish Country Dance A chance to socialize and get a bit of exercise, too. Beginners are welcome. All footwork, figures and social graces will be taught and reviewed. Mondays, 7-9pm. Sons of Norway Hall, 549 NW Harmon Blvd., Bend. Contact: 541-508-9110. allely@ bendbroadband.com. $5.
Sexy West Coast Swing! Luscious, connected and playful, dance to music you listen to. The 4 week series is Tuesdays starting April 2, $60/person. No partner necessary. 6:30pm Beginning, 8pm Beginning Plus. Register by 3/31 w Victoria. Tuesdays, 6:30-7:30pm. Through April 30. Bend Dance, SW Porcupine Dr., Bend. Contact: 541-410-0048. salsavictoria@yahoo. com. $60.
Soul in Motion Movement & Dance
Come move with what is moving in you, in community, putting a little more life in your life!! No experience necessary... guided and facilitated to support you to sink down from the chatter of your mind and into your body... inviting it take the lead. Mindful movement and dance... drop in. Wednesdays, 6-7:15pm. Continuum, A School of Shadow Yoga, 155 SW Century Drive, Suite 112, Bend. Contact: 541-948-7015. soulinmotionbend@gmail.com. $20.
Sun-Kissed Salsa! Sun’s out, grab a margarita and let’s Salsa! Three levels of classes for newbies to experienced dancers, classes are 4-week series starting first Wednesday every month. 6pm beginning, 7:15pm beginning plus, 8:30pm intermediate. No partner needed, $60/month, register by Mar., 31 with Victoria 541-410-0048. Wednesdays, 6-7pm. Through April 24. Bend Dance, SW Porcupine Dr., Bend. Contact: 541-410-0048. salsavictoria@yahoo. com. $60.
Art Viewing Visit Sagebrushers Art Society in beautiful Bend to see lovely work, paintings and greeting cards by local artists. New exhibit every 8 weeks. Visit Sagebrushersartofbend.com for information on current shows. Wednesdays, 1-4pm, Fridays, 1-4pm and Saturdays, 1-4pm. Sagebrushers Art Society, 117 SW Roosevelt Ave., Bend. Contact: 541-617-0900. Free.
Bezel Setting Workshop - Make a Sterling Silver Pendant or Ring This fun workshop is great for those with some metal working/soldering experience and want to advance in skillset. Learn how to create and bezel set a gemstone in sterling silver from beginning to end! Take home new metal working/soldering skills and a beautiful necklace, pendant, or ring. All materials included. April 16, 6-8:30pm and April 17, 6-8:30pm. DIY Cave, 444 SE Ninth St. Suite 150, Bend. Contact: 541-388-2283. classes@diycave.com. $309.
Bladesmith Forging a Knife with a Wood Handle - 3 Session Workshop
Forge your own knife using high-carbon steel and finish with a custom wood handle. You’ll forge both blade and tang to shape, finish-grind, harden and draw the temper, and rivet hardwood panels for the handle. The skills you learn in this 3 day series can be applied to any edge-tool. Tue, April 16, 5:30-8pm, Wed, April 17, 5:30-8pm and Sat, April 20, 10am-12:30pm. DIY Cave, 444 SE Ninth St. Suite 150, Bend. Contact: 541-3882283. classes@diycave.com. $489.
Date Night - Turn Wine Bottles into Drinking Glasses
Have fun with a friend or special someone by creating something together. Learn how to cut bottles using an easy to build jig and how to fire polish the rim of the glasses with a custom torch setup. Bring 4 empty wine, beer, soda bottles, or jars. $129 per person. April 19, 6-8pm. DIY Cave, 444 SE Ninth St. Suite 150, Bend. Contact: 541-388-2283. classes@diycave.com.
Harry Potter Trivia Harry Potter Trivia! All ages welcome, Free! Come early and grab food and drinks before we test your knowledge. See you muggles there! Prizes available/ April 22, 6-8pm. The Grove, 921 NW Mt. Washington Drive, Bend. Contact: grovebendevents@gmail.com. Free.
Ikebana: Traditional Japanese Art of Flower Arranging
Create unique and beautiful Japanese Ikebana floral arrangements using techniques established over centuries. Historical, cultural and spiritual aspects of the practice accompany hands-on learning. After each meeting, students may take arrangements home. Locally sourced floral materials provided and are included in the price. Sun, April 14, 1-3pm, Sun, April 21, 1-3pm, Sun, April 28, 1-3pm and Sun, May 5, 1-3pm. Boyle Education Center, COCC, 2600 NW College Way, Bend. Contact: 805-8860542. geriservi@gmail.com. $199.
Intermediate Jewelry Soldering - Silver
This fun and creative class helps take your soldering skills to the next level. In this class, you’ll take what you learned in the Intro to Soldering class and apply that knowledge to a more complex soldering project using chip and flux, third hands and different solder levels. April 23, 6-8pm. DIY
Cave, 444 SE Ninth St. Suite 150, Bend. Contact: 541-388-2283. classes@diycave.com. $129.
Intro to 3D Printing for Adults 3D printing is a skill that anyone can learn to use and enjoy. This class will cover everything from how a 3D printer works to creating and printing out custom designs. Tinkercad is used in class, a free, easyto-use web app in this class. April 17, 7-9:30pm.
DIY Cave, 444 SE Ninth St. Suite 150, Bend. Contact: 541-388-2283. classes@diycave.com. $139.
Intro to Stained Glass - Honeycomb Suncatcher Learn the fundamentals of stained glass by crafting your very own stained-glass honeycomb suncatcher. This introductory class provides a foundation for stained glass using the copper foil technique. Learn how to add copper foil to the glass, how to use a soldering iron to connect the pieces together. April 19, 6-8pm. DIY Cave, 444 SE Ninth St. Suite 150, Bend. Contact: 541-388-2283. classes@diycave.com. $119.
Kids Intro to Mosaic (ages 9-17) Learn the basics of mosaic and create a one-of-a-kind piece of art. After learning how to use nippers to shape pieces of glass to fit a design of their choosing, students will adhere the pieces to a pre-cut base then grout and fix with a hook. April 17, 4-6pm.
DIY Cave, 444 SE Ninth St. Suite 150, Bend. Contact: 541-388-2283. classes@diycave.com. $87.
Learn how to TIG Weld Tungsten Inert Gas (TIG) welding is the ultimate method for beautiful welds. In this class, learn the basics of TIG welding, studio and personal safety, machine and torch setup, preparing Tungsten, material preparation and then practice your welds! TIG welding provides the versatility to weld more metal kinds. April 22, 6-8pm.
DIY Cave, 444 SE Ninth St. Suite 150, Bend. Contact: 541-388-2283. classes@diycave.com. $149.
Paint and Sip Come join your friendly local artist, for some painting and sipping fun! No pressure, just good vibes and a relaxed atmosphere. This event is two hours and the 11”x14” canvas, all the supplies you need and a guided tutorial. April 17, 6:30-8:30pm. Bevel Craft Brewing, 911 SE Armour St., Bend. Contact: 805-8018328. chalkedcreative@gmail.com. $48.
Paint Night! Starry Night Furry
Friends Spend an afternoon painting your furry friend! Each painting is unique and will feature your own furry friend! Beginner friendly, space is limited. Supplies and instruction included. Located at Creative Art and Picture Framing in Bend. April 20, 4-6:30pm. Creative Art and Picture Framing, 2115 NE Highway 20, Bend. Contact: 541-585-1541. $32.
The Memory Box Workshop Join 2024 PMRCAA resident artist Esperanza Cortes in this beginner friendly crafting workshop. The Memory Box workshop invites participants to create a vessel as unique as they are. Whether celebrating a loved one, a special day or special place, this memory box can preserve the moments that mean the most. April 20, 1-5pm. Pine Meadow Ranch Center for Arts & Agriculture, 68467 Three Creek Rd., Sisters. Contact: 541-904-0700. inquiries@roundhousefoundation.org. $45.
Welding 101 - Structural Foundations
- Make a Table Base
Concentrate on honing fabrication skills including table design, layout, jigs, weld prep, welding technique, minimizing distortion and weld finishing. Each student will build a side table. The course includes 2 hours of Metal Shop lab time in between classes to practice the techniques learned. Wed, April 17, 6-8pm and Wed, April 24, 6-8pm. DIY Cave, 444 SE Ninth St. Suite 150, Bend. Contact: 541-3882283. classes@diycave.com. $299.
Woodshop Basics Two - Router, Planer and Jointer In this class, learn how to use the router, planer and jointer. Once complete you will be able to create more precise techniques for edges and dimensions to improve your furniture and fine woodworking projects. Get 1 Free hour in the Wood Shop on Saturday. April 23, 6-9pm. DIY Cave, 444 SE Ninth St. Suite 150, Bend. Contact: 541-388-2283. classes@diycave.com. $159.
Youth Art Takeover featuring Bend La Pine Students
This exhibition celebrates the artistic achievements of Bend La Pine student artists. It is a part of the larger Downtown Bend Youth Art Takeover, held during April’s First Friday. Student works can be viewed at multiple locations. April 5-25. The ANNEX, A Scalehouse Project, 550 NW Franklin Ave, Bend. Contact: 541-640-2186. marley@scalehouse.org.
A Discussion About Environment and Well-Being This engaging talk will transcend local boundaries, shedding light on our global reliance and the far-reaching impact on communities worldwide. 2024 PMRCAA resident and biologist Minal Mistry will employ a holistic approach, using systems thinking to unravel the environmental complexities shaping our lives in Oregon. April 18, 5:30-7pm. Pine Meadow Ranch Center for Arts & Agriculture, 68467 Three Creek Rd., Sisters. Contact: 541-904-0700. inquiries@ roundhousefoundation.org. Free.
Bend Ghost Tours Join for Ghosts and Legends of Downtown Bend Tour and hear all about Bend’s permanent residents! Your spirit guide will lead you through the haunted streets and alleyways of Historic Downtown Bend where you’ll learn about the city’s many macabre tales, long-buried secrets and famous ghosts. Wednesdays-Sundays, 7:30-9pm. Downtown Bend, Downtown Bend, Bend. Contact: 541-3500732. bendghosttours@gmail.com. $25.
Contemporary Realist David Kreitzer
Open Home Gallery and Studio Join contemporary realist painter David Kreitzer, celebrating his 58 years as a professional artist, in an open studio and gallery exhibit of Central Oregon landscape splendor, California “Nishigoi” koi images and more. Kreitzer began his career at Maxwell Galleries in San Francisco. Fridays-Sundays, 1-6pm. Through April 28. Kreitzer Art Gallery and Studio, 20214 Archie Briggs Road, Bend. Contact: 805-234-2048. jkreitze@icloud. com. Free.
Honky-tonk rockers Oregon Fryer will help kick off the HomeGrown Music Festival as part of the HomeGrown Pre-Party also featuring Company Grand and Pete Kartsounes at the Volcanic Theatre Pub. Thu., Apr. 18, starting at 7pm.
Courtesy Oregon Fryer Facebook
Exhibition Opening – Near, Far, Gone:
From the Collections of Jordan D. Schnitzer and his Family Foundation
Near, Far, Gone raises awareness of the 50th anniversary of the Endangered Species Act and the wildlife it protects. The selected works by Ann Hamilton, Matthew Day Jackson, Wangechi Mutu and Kiki Smith explore animal influence and remind visitors to examine our role as stewards of this world. Free with paid admission. April 20, 9am-5pm. High Desert Museum, 59800 S. Highway 97, Bend. Contact: 541-382-4754. info@ highdesertmuseum.org.
Geology of Central Oregon: New Insights on the Tectonic Forces Shaping Oregon’s Landscapes The volcanic landscapes of Central Oregon have been shaped by tectonic forces that are active on a global scale. Explore recent research that has changed the understanding of these landscapes. Join the Sisters Science Club for this final presentation of the 2023-2024 Frontiers in Science lecture series. April 23, 7-8pm. The Belfry, 302 E Main Ave., Sisters. Contact: 503-936-9790. scienceinsisters@gmail.com. $5.
Humanitarian Dr. Ahmed Ebeid to speak on his recent visit to Gaza Join Dr. Hammerman for the final teach-in of the year on Israe/Palestine. After receiving his medical degree in Cairo, Dr. Ahmed Ebeid returned to America to continue his professional training. A strong advocate of humanitarian relief efforts, he travels on medical missions whenever possible, most recently to Gaza. April 17, 4:30-6pm. COCC Pioneer Hall, 2600 NW College Way, Bend. Know Gardens - Color and Light in Monet’s Gardens Explore Monet’s gardens with Jason Lamb, art history professor at COCC. Perhaps the most important leader of the Impressionist movement, Claude Monet was one of the first artists to create paintings almost entirely outside, in the open air. April 20, 3-4pm. Becky Johnson Center, 412 SW 8th St., Redmond. Contact: 541-312-1032. lizg@deschuteslibrary. org. Free.
Tracing Geological History Through Rocks and Minerals in Oregon’s Desert In this informative talk, Alison Jean Cole showcases the rock and mineral treasures of Oregon’s desert. Obsidian, jasper, opal and petrified wood each tell a unique story about the fascinating geological history of our region. April 18, 7-8pm. Tower Theatre, 835 NW Wall St., Bend. Contact: 541-330-2638. onda@onda. org. $10.
Unity Event Blue Vinyl Documentary about Effects of PVC The purpose of the movie screening is to raise awareness about the health and environmental dangers of plastic. Love offering appreciated. Info contact Clare@ UnityCentralOregon.org For more info, please visit, https://actionnetwork.org/events/Freescreening-of-blue-vinyl-hosted-by-beyondplastics-deschutes April 22, 6:30-8:30pm. Unity Community of Central Oregon, 63645 Scenic Drive, Bend. Contact: 541-388-1569. Clare@ UnityCentralOregon.org.
Waterwise Gardening In this program, briefly cover the seven main steps to consider for a waterwise garden including planning and design, soil preparation, tips for irrigation design and technology, criteria for plant selection, turf and turf alternatives, benefits of mulch and general maintenance. April 17, 6:30-7:30pm. Downtown Bend Public Library - Brooks Room, 601 NW Wall St., Bend. Contact: 541-312-1063. beccar@dpls.lib.or.us. Free.
Giselle Classic ballet, “Giselle,” tells the story of a peasant girl who falls in love with a nobleman disguised as a commoner. Tragically, the girl dies of a broken heart when she discovers the truth about her lover’s identity. April 20, 7:30pm. Tower Theatre, 835 NW Wall St., Bend. $45.50-$79.50.
Women in Jeopardy The Deschutes Theatre Company presents the funniest show the company has ever staged. “Women in Jeopardy” is a murder mystery comedy that involves three women, one of whom may be dating a serial killer dentist. When “Sex and the City” meets “I Love Lucy” and Inspector Clouseau, the firehose of laughter just won’t stop. $25 in advance, $27 at the door. April 19, 7:30pm and April 20, 2pm. Open Space Event Studios, 220 NE Lafayette Ave, Bend. Contact: 503-348-2620. p51express@aol.com. $25.
Author Event: Sleeping Giants by Rene
Denfeld From the bestselling author of “The Child Finder,” and “The Enchanted,” a wrenching story of sibling bonds, foster children, monsters masquerading as caretakers, terrifying secrets and the power of love to right even the most egregious wrongs. April 18, 6:30-7:30pm. Roundabout Books, 900 NW Mount Washington Dr., #110, Bend. Contact: 541-306-6564. julie@ roundaboutbookshop.com. $5.
Local Author Frank Scalise (Frank Zafiro, Frank Saverio)
Three authors for the price of one! Local author Frank Scalise, recently featured in the Redmond Spokesman and on KTVZ has written over 50 books as Frank Scalise (humor/drame)/Zafiro (crime fiction)/Saverio (sci-fi & fantasy). He will read snippets from three different titles, answer audience questions, and sign any purchased copies. April 19, 6-7pm. Herringbone Books, 422 SW Sixth St., Redmond. Contact: 541-526-1491. herringbonebooks@ gmail.com.
Out of This World Book Club Please join Out of This World Book Club to discuss “The Wolfe at the Door” by Gene Wolfe. April 22, 6-7pm. Roundabout Books, 900 NW Mount Washington Dr., #110, Bend. Contact: 541-3066564. julie@roundaboutbookshop.com. Free.
Poetry Night at Lone Pine
Join for a poetry night at Lone Pine during Apèro Hours. Spoken word with an open mic option. All ages. Wine, beer, bites and of course coffee. Third Saturday of every month, 5:30-8pm. Lone Pine Coffee Roasters, 910 NW Harriman, Bend. Contact: lonepinecoffee@gmail.com. Free.
Quiet Writing
Enjoy the focus of a quiet space with the benefit of others’ company. Bring personal work, read a book, or answer emails. Come when you can, leave when you want. Free, open network WiFi available. Mondays, 9-10:30am. Deschutes Downtown Bend Public Library - Meyer Room, 601 N.W. Wall Street, Bend. Contact: 541-312-1063. beccar@dpls.lib.or.us. Free.
Saturday Storytime: To Find Treasure in the Mountains by Francine Rockey
Join a special Saturday storytime with Bend author Francine Rockey for her book, To Find Treasure in the Mountains! This event is free. With sturdy shoes and a sense of adventure, three young children hike through the sparkling woods to find treasure in the mountains. April 20, 11am-Noon. Roundabout Books, 900 NW Mount Washington Dr., #110, Bend. Contact: 541-3066564. julie@roundaboutbookshop.com.
Third Thursday Spoken Word Night
Step up to the mic for a spoken word night the third Thursday of the month. All writers and readers and word-lovers invited to attend and read. Readers are invited to arrive early to sign up. Readers have seven minutes at the mic. Food and drink are available for purchase. April 18, 6-8pm. High Desert Music Hall, 818 SW Forest Ave, Redmond. Contact: 541-312-1063. beccar@ dpls.lib.or.us. Free.
Bend Adult Volleyball Bend Hoops adult open gym volleyball sessions offer players a chance to get together and enjoy some competition. To sign up, go to meetup.com and RSVP. Bring exact change. Sundays, 7-9pm and Saturdays, 7:30pm. Bend Hoops, 1307 NE 1st St, Bend. $10.
CORK Mom Squad This group is open to moms of all running levels! The focus of the group will be to connect with other moms, share advice/information on running while pregnant or with a family and to have fun! Meet back at the LOGE by 9:50am for coffee and chatting! Third Sunday of every month, 9-10am. Sisters Coffee The Old Mill, 450 SW Powderhouse Dr., Bend. Contact: centraloregonrunningklub@gmail.com. Free.
Earth Day Forest Bathing For this forest bathing session on Earth Day, give the earth the gift of your presence and attention. Slow down, rest and deepen your relationship with the living world and remember your belonging to nature and the interconnectedness of all living beings. Concludes with wildcrafted tea. April 21, 1-3pm. Shevlin Park, 18920 Shevlin Rd., Bend. Contact: mindy@rootedpresence. com. $35.
Redmond Running Group Run All levels welcome. Find the Redmond Oregon Running Klub on Facebook for weekly run details. Thursdays, 6:15pm. City of Redmond, Redmond, Or., Redmond. Contact: rundanorun1985@gmail. com.
Wander Run Club Weekly Run All paces, all bodies welcome, let’s wander! Meet at 8am at Shevlin Park. Truly an all bodies, all paces running community. Walk-run, and walkers invited as well! @wander_run_club on Instagram Sundays, 8-10am. Through April 21. Shevlin Park, 18920 Shevlin Rd., Bend. Contact: 831-201-8032. be.shaktiyoga@gmail.com. Free.
Whitewater Women Whitewater Women at the Whitewater Park meetup All self identifying women welcome!!! Meet other women paddlers and learn from eachother! No formal instruction, participate at your own risk, this is a community meetup not a course. Beginners welcome!!! April 23, 5:30-7pm. Bend Whitewater Park, 166 SW Shevlin Hixon Dr., Bend. Contact: wwpslaydies@ gmail.com. Free.
2024 Earth Day Fair and Parade
An Annual Celebration of Earth And Community. This family-friendly event typically features a lively and inclusive parade through downtown Bend where folks are encouraged to wear costumes to showcase their favorite thing about planet earth. During the fair, food vendors, booths, and performers offer something for everyone. April 20, 11am-3pm. The Environmental Center, 16 NW Kansas Ave., Bend. Contact: info@ envirocenter.org. Free.
All Out for Palestine! Join Central Oregon for a Free Palestine (COFP) protest to call for a permanent ceasefire in Gaza. Israel is committing collective punishment of a civilian population. Doctors are horrified and the U.S. is complicit. The domestic cost of these policies are staggering. Raise your voices and demand a Ceasefire
Now! April 20, Noon-2pm. Peace Corner, Corner of NW Greenwood Avenue and NW Wall Street, Bend. Contact: centraloregon4aFreepalestine@ gmail.com. Free.
Bunny Rescue Needs Volunteers
Looking for more volunteers to help with tidying bunny enclosures, feeding, watering, giving treats, head scratches, play time and fostering. All ages welcome and time commitments are flexible — weekly, monthly or fill-in. Located at the south end of Redmond. Email Lindsey with your interests and availability: wildflowerbunnylove@gmail.com. Ongoing.
Camp Fire Recruiting Summer Camp
Interns Are you 18+ years old, currently enrolled in college, and interested in building leadership skills around working with youth, education, the environment, and/or STEM? Camp Fire Central Oregon is hiring interns for inclusive, supportive summer camp programs! Learn more, explore the perks: https://campfireco.org/jobs/ Wednesdays-Sundays. Through April 30. Contact: 541-382-4682. jobs@campfireco.org.
Hailing from the California Bay area, The California Honeydrops specialize in timeless blues music. The group is renowned at Midtown Ballroom. 51 NW Greenwood Ave., Bend.
Thrive Moving Volunteers Support your neighbors by helping them move to their new home. If interested, fill out the volunteer form or reach out! Ongoing. Contact: 541-728-1022. TCOmoving22@gmail.com.
Volunteer Opportunity Can you lift a bale of hay? Are you able to follow detailed instructions? Are you dependable? Searching for assistance with daily feeding for equines at Mustangs To The Rescue (MTTR). After all, food is a language of love. Leave a message at 541-330-8943 email: volunteer@mustangstotherescue Ongoing, 9am5pm. Mustangs to the Rescue, 21670 McGilvray Road, Bend. Contact: 541-330-8943. volunteer@ mustangstotherescue.
Volunteer with Salvation Army The Salvation Army has a wide variety of volunteer opportunities for almost every age. Salvation Army has an emergency food pantry, the groups visit residents of assisted living centers and make up gifts for veterans and the homeless. Ongoing. Contact: 541-389-8888.
Volunteer, Feed the Masses! At Family Kitchen, the mission is to serve anyone who needs nutritious meals in a safe and caring environment. They have tons of volunteer needs - servers, cooks, shoppers, and more. Groups and teams wanted! Monthly or quarterly opportunities! Visit familykitchen.org/ volunteer to fill out a volunteer interest form. Mondays-Sundays. Family Kitchen, 231 NW Idaho, Bend. Contact: tori@familykitchen.org. Free.
Volunteering in Oregon’s High Desert with ONDA Oregon Natural Desert Association is a nonprofit dedicated to protecting, defending and restoring Oregon’s high desert for current and future generations. ONDA opened registration for its spring 2023 stewardship trips. For more info, visit its website. Ongoing.
Channeling Success: Crafting Your CPG Multi-Channel Sales Strategy In the competitive landscape of Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG), navigating the myriad of sales channels can make or break a business. Having an effective sales channel strategy is vital for reaching target markets, maximizing revenue, and securing valuable shelf space. RSVP required. April 17, 4:308pm. Open Space Event Studios, 220 NE Lafayette Ave, Bend. Contact: 541-410-5866. $10-$15.
Citizen Assemblies- Reinvigorating Civic Engagement A discussion that will open up the idea of citizen involvement in local decision making. Increasingly people on all sides of the political spectrum, including those unengaged, feel left out of how decisions are made. Moderated by Nicole Vulcan, editor at The Source Weekly. April 18, 8:30-10am. Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Central Oregon, 61980 Skyline Ranch Road, Bend. Contact: 541-6687642. info@cityclubco.org. $29-$300.
Hanai Community Open House
This free offering is a time for all community members to visit Hanai and simply enjoy the space! Offering a safe, inspiring space, with yoga mats, tea, books, free classes and wellness offerings, and authentic connection. Explore, connect, nourish and create. Mondays, 3-5pm. Through April 29. Hanai, 62430 Eagle Rd, Bend. Contact: 541-6683170. ashlee@hanaifoundation.org. Free.
Hysteria Comedy Collective: Comedy Writing Workshop
Welcome to Hysteria, a comedy collective open to all female-identifying, trans and non-binary folks. Whether you are a seasoned performer or completely new to the scene, Hysteria invites you to join the community of professional, novice and aspiring stand-up comedians. Its mission is to create a space where there is support for each other’s growth as writers/performers, give and receive feedback on materials and foster a more inclusive, progressive and artistic comedy community. Third Wednesday of every month, 5:30-7pm. Open Space Event Studios, 220 NE Lafayette Ave, Bend. $10.
Tension Release Yoga Come stretch, enjoy self-massage and unwind from your busy week. Using yoga therapy balls and foam rollers these classes will heal sore or injured muscles through self-myofascial massage. Plus, through gentle yoga and restorative postures , improve your breathing, releasing patterns of tension and tightness stored in the body. Sundays, 6:307:45pm. Through May 12. Free Spirit Yoga + Ninja + Play, 320 SW Powerhouse Drive, Suite 150, Bend. Contact: 541-241-3919. info@Freespiritbend.com. $125..
Total Core Yoga
This invigorating series focuses on developing your total core. Come and improve your posture and balance as well as enhance your yoga standing and inverted poses. Each week strengthen, stretch, and stabilize a different area of your core. Moms three months and up, postpartum are welcome to attend. Mondays, 5:30-6:30pm. Through May 6. Free Spirit Yoga + Ninja + Play, 320 SW Powerhouse Drive, Suite 150, Bend. Contact: 541-241-3919. info@ Freespiritbend.com. $125.
YP Expert Lab: What Makes You Tick?
Grow Your Understanding of Yourself and Others Using PDP Join Sarah Olbekson, senior HR business partner at Skanska USA, to learn how PDP (Professional DynaMetric Programs) can improve your professional success! PDP is a system that measures the dynamics of an individual, the job, and the team through focusing on strengths. $25 for everyone. Free for YP Passport Holders. April 17, 5-7pm. Mountain Room @ Deschutes Brewery, 901 SW Simpson Ave, Bend.
Volunteers Needed for Humane Society Thrift Store Do you love animals and discovering “new” treasures? Then volunteering at the HSCO Thrift Store is a great way to combine your passions while helping raise funds to provide animal welfare services for the local community. For more information visit the website at www.hsco.org/volunteer. Ongoing. Humane Society Thrift Shop, 61220 S. Highway 97, Bend. Contact: 541-241-3840. abigail@hsco. org.
Bend Pinochle Club Come join this group for Single Deck Pinochle in the afternoon. $5 for non-members. If you have any questions or wish for more information please call 541-389-1752. Thursdays, 11:30am and Fridays, 11:30am. Golden Age Card Club, 40 SE 5th St, Bend. Contact: 541-389-1752. Free.
Bend Ukelele Group (BUGs) Do you play Uke? Like to learn to play? Beginners and experienced players all welcome to join the fun every Tuesday at 6:30-8pm at Big E’s just off 3rd street near Reed Market. Go play with the group! Tue, Dec. 6, 6:30pm and Tuesdays, 6:30pm. Big E’s Sports Bar, 1012 SE Cleveland Ave., Bend. Contact: 206-707-6337. Free.
Cascade Lakes Mountain Bike Group Ride Meetup The 2024 riding season is here! Join for the season kick-off ride from the Cascade Lakes Pub on Reed Market on Apr. 18 at 5:30pm. Carpool/start at Horse Butte Trail Loop and meet back at the pub for deals on post-ride beers and ciders. All riders are welcome! April 18, 5:30-7:30pm. Cascade Lakes Pub on Reed Market, 21175 SE Reed Market Road Lot #2, Bend. Contact: alex@cascadelakes.com. Free.
Lens on Learning: Supporting Permanent Protections for Oregon’s Owyhee
Canyonlands Karly Foster of the Oregon Natural Desert Association (ONDA), will speak about the legislative progress of the national campaign to designate an Owyhee Canyonlands National Monument—the largest conservation opportunity in the American West—by the end of 2024. Presented by Friends and Neighbors of the Deschutes Canyon Area (FANs). Free for FANs members; $5 donation for non-members. April 20, 3-5pm. The Juniper Room at Crooked River Ranch, 5195 Southwest Club House Road, Terrebonne. Contact: fansofdeschutes@gmail.com.
Marijuana Anonymous
Marijuana Anonymous is a fellowship of people who share the experience, strength and hope with each other that we may solve our common problem and help others to recover from marijuana addiction. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop using marijuana. Entrance on Staats St. Mondays, 5:30-6:30pm. Bend Church, 680 NW Bond Street, Bend. Contact: 541-633-6025. curbdaherb@gmail.com. Free.
Prenatal Yoga Rejuvenate, relax and recharge as you move, breathe and build community with other expectant moms! Reduce common pregnancy discomforts and tensions, prepare your body for birth, improve your postpartum recovery and bring mindfulness to your daily life. All levels and stages of pregnancy are welcome. 6-week series. Saturdays, 10:30-11:45am. Through May 11. Free Spirit Yoga + Ninja + Play, 320 SW Powerhouse Drive, Suite 150, Bend. Contact: 541-241-3919. info@Freespiritbend.com. $125.
Shaping the Future: Conservation, Restoration, and Flow Management in the Upper Deschutes River
Learn about collaborative efforts implementing water conservation projects and how conservation savings are being used to meet the needs of species in the Upper Deschutes River. April 17, 6-8pm. SHARC, 57250 Overlook Rd., Sunriver. Contact: 541-3824077. marisa@deschutesriver.org. Free.
MVHS’s High Desert Droids Garage Sale Fundraiser This garage sale will raise funds for MVHS’s robotics team. Community donations of sellable items accepted 11/10 4pm-7pm. Garage Sale on 11/11 9am-2:30pm in the MVHS cafeteria. There will be furniture, home goods, kitchen, toys, electronics, clothing, books, collectables and more! Ongoing, 9am-2:30pm. Mountain View High School Cafeteria, 2755 NE 27th St., Bend. Contact: 541-699-1671. todd.andresen@bend.k12.or.us. Free.
Not’cho Grandma’s Bingo Silver Moon partners with The YOUNI Movement to guarantee the best bingo experience in all of Central Oregon! Not’Cho Grandma’s Bingo is the OG of bingo, high energy bingo that promises to entertain from start to finish! Bingo cards are $25 per person. Family friendly fundraising! Free general admission, $10 early entry. Sundays, 10amNoon. Silver Moon Brewing, 24 NW Greenwood Ave., Bend. Contact: 541-639-1730. hello@ younimovement.com. $10-$200.
The Center Foundation Game Changer Gala Please join the 2024 Game Changer Gala, promising an unforgettable evening filled with entertainment, exquisite dining, a silent and live auction and more. This event raises funds to support The Center Foundation’s mission of keeping kids safe while they pursue the sports they love! April 20, 5:30-9:30pm. Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Central Oregon, 61980 Skyline Ranch Road, Bend. Contact: 541-322-2396. sharmon@centerfoundation.org. $150.
420 at Oregrown! Celebrate 420 at Oregrown! Join in and celebrate 420 at Oregrown next Saturday with exclusive deep deals, 20%-50% off, exciting games, delicious El Sancho Tacos and a showcase of vendors from all your favorite brands. Don’t miss out on Oregrown’s 420 celebration this year! April 20, 8am-10pm. Oregrown Flagship, 1199 NW Wall Street, Bend. Contact: 844-673-4769. Free.
renowned for showcasing the classic sound of jazz and early R ‘n’ B to create timeless American roots music. Sat., Apr. 27, 8pm
Courtesy The California Honeydrops Facebook
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Central Oregon Locavore hosts 8th
Annual Gala and Fundraiser The event will feature a variety of attractions, including a silent auction, live auction, golden ticket raffle, photographic narrative showcasing the hardworking farmers and ranchers of the region, and the infamous dessert dash – an exciting race to claim delectable desserts. April 19. Tetherow Resort Event Pavilion, 61240 Skyline Ranch Rd., Bend.
Sunriver Music Festival Tickets on Sale Now Tickets for the Sunriver Music Festival are now available! Find tickets at sunrivermusic.org or call 541-593-1084. Ongoing. Online Event, Webinar Link Inside Confirmation Email, Bend. Contact: 541-593-1084.
Third Thursday in Northwest Crossing! Third Thursdays in Northwest Crossing anchored at The Grove Market Hall! Art, music and community! Third Thursday of every month, 5-8pm. The Grove, 921 NW Mt. Washington Drive, Bend. Free.
Adult Ballet Come learn or rediscover the art of ballet on Thursday nights! Adult Ballet is an open-level class for adult learners and dancers. All levels of previous experience are welcome, and no previous experience is required. Trial classes are available, for more information visit our website! Tuesdays, 6:45-7:45pm. Through June 15. Academia De Ballet Classique, 1900 NE 3rd St #104, Bend. Contact: 541-382-4055. Price varies.
Baby Ninja Classes Classes include exploration through soft-obstacle Ninja Warrior courses to develop coordination and balance skills. Plus yoga fun, songs, parachute play and bubbles! Mondays-Wednesdays. Through June 19. Free Spirit Yoga + Ninja + Play, 320 SW Powerhouse Drive, Suite 150, Bend. Contact: 541-241-3919. info@Freespiritbend.com. $125. Camp Fire Central Oregon Recruiting Volunteer Camp Counselors for Tumalo Day Camp Camp Fire Central Oregon is recruiting amazing adults to serve as volunteer camp counselors at the beloved Tumalo Day Camp at beautiful Tumalo State Park! Choose one week in June, July or August. Kids of volunteers get to go to camp for Free! Learn more about camp and volunteering: https://campfireco.org/ tdc/ Mondays-Wednesdays. Through April 25. Tumalo, downtown, Tumalo. Contact: 541-3824682. info@campfireco.org.
Cosmic Jump Night A Cosmic Party turns the bright lights off and the party lights on! It’s time to glow! Wear white or bright clothing for the full effect, ages 12 and up recommended. Saturdays, 7-9pm. Mountain Air Trampoline Park, 20495 Murray Road, Bend. Contact: 541647-1409. info@mountainairbend.com. $23.
Family Yoga Classes Partner-up with your kid-yogis to practice yoga and mindfulness together! We teach kid-friendly yoga sequences, partner poses, acro-yoga while introducing breathing techniques and mindfulness practices. 6-week series, age 5 - 8 plus parent / caregiver. Thursdays, 4:15-5:15pm. Through June 20. Free Spirit Yoga + Ninja + Play, 320 SW Powerhouse Drive, Suite 150, Bend. Contact: 541-241-3919. info@Freespiritbend.com. $135.
HomeGrown Music Festival HomeGrown Music Festival is back for its second year! This 4/20 celebration is a gathering of Bend’s local musicans. April 19 and April 20. Bunk+Brew, 42 NW Hawthorne Avenue, Bend. $20.
Homestead Academy Now Enrolling
Homestead Academy provides outdoor farm-based education for children ages 3-5 years old in the Three Rivers community of Bend. Visit HomesteadFarmsBend.com for enrollment information. Tuesdays-Thursdays, 9am-1pm. Through June 4. Homestead Farms, 55535 Homestead Way, Bend. Contact: 925-783-4074. camphomesteadbend@ gmail.com.
Kid’s Night Out Drop off the kids ages 4-12 for a fun time at Kids Night Out! Pizza, games and jumping from 6-9pm. Purchase tickets online ahead of time as space is limited. Adult staff does roll-call 4 times per night, Kids remain on-site until pickup. Fridays, 7-9pm. Mountain Air Trampoline Park, 20495 Murray Road, Bend. Contact: 541-647-1409. info@mountainairbend.com. $30.
Kids Intro to 3D Printing (ages 9-17)
This class covers everything from how a 3D printer works to creating and printing out custom designs. Be directed to the proper software to add to your own computer for future self-learning too. Beginners and intermediate beginners including repeat participants are welcome and will progress in skills. April 17, 3:30-6:30pm. DIY Cave, 444 SE Ninth St. Suite 150, Bend. Contact: 541-388-2283. classes@diycave.com. $109.
Kids Ninja Warrior Classes Challenging Ninja Warrior circuits will keep your kids developing new skills. They will feel empowered as they greatly improve speed, increase strength, become more coordinated and enhance athletic abilities. 6-week series, multiple days / times of the week to choose from, age 6 - 9. Mondays-Thursdays. Through June 20. Free Spirit Yoga + Ninja + Play, 320 SW Powerhouse Drive, Suite 150, Bend. Contact: 541-241-3919. info@ Freespiritbend.com. $135.
Kids Ninja Warrior: After School Camp
Drop off the kids for the fun-filled Ninja Warrior Camp. They’ll get their energy out and get their exercise in! 6-week series, age 6 - 10, drop-off. Wednesdays, 1:30-4pm. Through June 19. Free Spirit Yoga + Ninja + Play, 320 SW Powerhouse Drive, Suite 150, Bend. Contact: 541-241-3919. info@Freespiritbend.com. $199.
Line and Swing Lessons Free lessons each Thursday and Family nights every other Wednesday. See calendar for event dates, times and lesson taught! Thursdays, 7-10pm. Cross-Eyed Cricket, 20565 NE Brinson Blvd., Bend. Contact: 541-382-4270. luke@spinthekitchen.com. Free. Moms + Groms Meetup Moms + Groms is officially back @ Boss Rambler 3-6pm every Wednesday! Moms, it’s simple: show up with your grom(s) to socialize and drink beer (or whatever you want) with other moms while the kiddos make new friends! All moms get $1 off drinks! Wednesdays, 3-6pm. Boss Rambler Beer Club, 1009 NW Galveston Ave., Bend. Free.
Primary in Dance Dancers go on a journey of imaginative and fanciful stories, ballet manners, inclusiveness and skill building. Children work toward learning the fundamentals of ballet for a safe transition to successive levels of dance. Our programs follow the safe teaching practices of the RAD & ISTD. Wednesdays, 3:30-4:30pm. Through June 15. Academia De Ballet Classique, 1900 NE 3rd St #104, Bend. Contact: 541-3824055. Price Varies.
Questions with a Speech-Language Pathologist- Ask me Anything! Do you have questions regarding your child’s speech and language development? Are you wondering about your child’s overall communication skills? Stop by the Downtown Bend Library Lobby Room to have your questions answered! Katharina is a speech-language pathologist with 10+ years of experience working with children from birthteens. April 18, 1:30-2:30pm. Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 NW Wall St., Bend. Contact: 831-406-5775. kati@speechpedals.com. Free.
River Bend Kids Consignment Event
River Bend Kids biannual children’s consignment event! This is Central Oregon's largest consignment event, and you don’t want to miss it! Please note the new venue location, at Seventh Mountain Resort. Free admission. Thu, April 18, Noon-7pm, Fri, April 19, 10am-7pm, Sat, April 20, 10am-7pm and Sun, April 21, 10am-7pm. Seventh Mountain Resort, 18575 SW Century Dr., Bend. Contact: consignment@riverbendkids.com. Free.
Tween Yoga: Chakra Series part 2
This 4-class series is designed for ages 9 -13 and focuses on creating community, mindfulness, sensory exploration, movement, journaling, meditation, art and discussion. Tween yogis leave with a take home craft and journal prompts to carry the theme of the day. Make candles as the capstone craft! Tuesdays, 4:30-6pm. Through April 23. Hanai Center, 62430 Eagle Road, Bend. Contact: adventuresinyogapants@gmail.com. $123.
Deschutes Brewery Brunch Deschutes Brewery Brunch on Saturdays and Sundays! House-made bloody marys, mimosa buckets for four and mimosa flights. All breads, baked goods, desserts and pastries are baked in house! Yum! Call to make a reservation or just walk in. Sat, April 6, 9am-Noon and Saturdays-Sundays, 9am-Noon Through May 5. Deschutes Brewery & Public House, 1044 NW Bond St, bend. Contact: 541-382-9242. Free.
Fried Chicken Thursdays Fried Chicken Thursdays at Flights Wine Bar! Dine in with a 2-piece plate with sides and a biscuit for $18 or take an 8-piece bucket and a bottle to-go! Upgrade to the “Balla Bucket” to get a selected bottle of champagne. Thursdays, 3-9pm. Flights Wine Bar, 1444 NW College Way Suite 1, Bend. Contact: 541-728-0753. flightswinebend@gmail. com. $38.
$10 Wing Wednesdays A new weekly
special: $10 Wing Wednesdays at Cascade Lakes Pub on Reed Market. Choose from one of the house-made sauces like Char Sui, This IPA BBQ and Spicy Staycay Pineapple or go naked! Wednesdays, 11am-9pm. Cascade Lakes Pub on Reed Market, 21175 SE Reed Market Road Lot #2, Bend.
$12 Burger and Beer Thursday’s with Blue Eyes Burgers and Fries Come on out to Boss Rambler Beer Club for $12 Burger and Beer Night with Blue Eyes Burgers and Fries every Thursday!. Boss Rambler Beer Club, 1009 NW Galveston Ave., Bend.
$16 Fish Taco and House Margarita
Fridays Join for 3 fish tacos and a house margarita for only $16 every Friday at Cascade Lakes Pub on Reed Market. Fridays, 11am-9pm. Cascade Lakes Pub on Reed Market, 21175 SE Reed Market Road Lot #2, Bend.
Apres Ski and Chill Happy Hour Flash your pass pares ski and chill happy hour with resident food cart @blueeyesburgersandfries! Daily from Noon - 5pm . Blue Eyes Thurs-Sun: $5 Ski Babe IPA, $3 Stokes Light, $5 JaPOW! Japanese Lager Sake Bombs, $8 Cocktails, Slushees, $3 Shot Ski’s and Free small fry with burger purchase. Mondays-Sundays, Noon-5pm. Through May 27. Boss Rambler Beer Club, 1009 NW Galveston Ave., Bend. Contact: info@bossrambler.com.
Cross Cut Warming Hut: Locals’ Day!
Tuesdays are Locals’ Day. Every Tuesday enjoy $1 off regular size draft beverages. Come by the Warming Hut and hang out by the fire. See you soon, Bend! Tuesdays. Crosscut Warming Hut No 5, 566 SW Mill View Way, Bend.
Flash Your Pass - 50% Off Your First Two Beers
Enjoy 50% off your first 2 Cascade Lakes Brewing Company beers or ciders when you flash your season passes at the Pub on Reed Market. Mt. Bachelor or Hoodoo season passes or day-of lift tickets valid. Every Thursday, take advantage of Wax + Brew with Between Evergreens tuning service. Feb. 26-June 1. Cascade Lakes Pub on Reed Market, 21175 SE Reed Market Road Lot #2, Bend.
Growler Discount Night! Enjoy $2 off growler fills every Wednesday at Bevel! Wednesdays. Bevel Craft Brewing, 911 SE Armour St., Bend. Contact: 831-245-1922. holla@bevelbeer.com. Free.
Learn From the Best: Mixology Lessons Don’t know your Old Fashioned from your Moscow Mule? Would you like to learn how to craft a great cocktail like a pro? Taught by renowned mixologist Cody Kennedy, these classes will help you master the art of cocktail-making! Wednesdays, 1-2pm. Juniper Preserve, 65600 Pronghorn Club Dr., Bend. $25.
Locals’ Night with The Bluegrass Collective Monday is the day to be at Silver Moon Brewing! Come on down and join the local family all day every Monday! Silver Moon offers $3 pints of the core lineup beers and $4 pours of the barrel-aged beers all day. Come down and sample what’s new while also enjoying the brand new food menu! Mondays. Silver Moon Brewing, 24 NW Greenwood Ave., Bend.
Locals’ Day Come on down to Bevel Craft Brewing for $4 beers and cider and $1 off wine all day. There are also food specials from the food carts located out back at The Patio! Tuesdays. Bevel Craft Brewing, 911 SE Armour St., Bend. Contact: holla@bevelbeer.com. Free.
Mixed Case Tuesdays Shop Viaggio Wine Merchant on Tuesdays and receive 15% off your purchase of any mixed case of wine (12 bottles), and 20% off special order cases we order for you. Tuesdays, 3-9pm. Viaggio Wine Merchant, 210 SW Century Drive, Suite 160, Bend. Contact: 541299-5060. info@viaggiowine.com. Free.
Monkless to the Mountain
The mountains are open and “Monkless to the Mountains” is back! Flash your mountain pass and get $1 off your first draft beer, or flight. You just found your après-ski hang out! Mondays-Thursdays, 11:30am-8pm. Through May 30. Monkless Belgian Ales Brasserie, 803 SW Industrial Way, Bend. Contact: 541-797-6760.
Mt. Bachelor Rotary Casino Night
Casino Night on April 20 at the new RE/Max office on Greenwood. $125 ticket price includes heavy appetizers, beer, wine and gamblng money. Cocktails available. Biggest winners will receive tickets to win a gift basket. April 20, 6-9pm. RE/ MAX Key Properties, 42 NW Greenwood Avenue, Bend. Contact: 541-323-0964.
Pacific Northwest supergroup the Jenner Fox Band brings an entire discography of stories and songs for an amazing night honoring the musical genius of singer/songwriter Paul Simon. Catch the show on Sun., Apr. 21, 7:30pm at the Tower Theatre.
Courtesy Jenner Fox Facebook
By Nicole Vulcan
Musical Getaways Shows to check out this week, beyond Bend
We know Bend gets a lot of love in these pages, but from The Belfry in Sisters, to the Wetlands Taphouse in La Pine, there’s plenty of live music to be enjoyed in the many corners of Central Oregon. Here are a few to have on your radar in the coming days.
WED., APRIL 17, 6-9 PM
Securely ranked among Scotland’s most skilled and imaginative contemporary folk acts, Breabach unites deep roots in Highland and Island tradition with the innovative musical ferment of the Glasgow base. This is a general admission, all ages show. Doors open at 6pm, show starts at 7pm. Beverages available for purchase. $27.50 for adults and $15 for youth. The Belfry, 302 E. Main St., Sisters. Tickets at sffpresents.org/concerts
FRI., APRIL 19, 5-8PM
North American singersongwriter Jonathan Foster is original in his songwriting and his ability to tell stories through his music. Foster delivers authentic roots music that blends folk, Americana and acoustic styles featuring a strong vocal presence woven with imaginative lyrics, guitars and harmonicas, into engaging songs. Jonathan enjoys sharing his music and stories from his travels at an intimate level mixing in observations of the people, places, and wonders of the world. Faith, Hope and Charity Vineyards, 70450 NW Lower Valley Dr., Terrebonne. Tickets at faithhopeandcharityevents.com. $15
FRI., APRIL 19, 6:30-9:30PM
This fabulous band is back and better than ever, bringing you familiar tunes and happy times. Blacksmith Public House, 308 SW Evergreen Ave., Redmond. Free.
WHEN: SAT., APRIL 20, 5-8 P.M.
Everyone's favorite classic rock 'n' roll songs from the '70s to contemporary. Very family friendly and bring your dancing shoes. Wetlands Taphouse, 51375 US-97, La Pine. Free.
For information on BPRD’s nine off-leash areas, visit bendparksandrec.org love your dog, leash your dog Here’s why: Respect for others. Some people and dogs are scared of dogs. It’s the law with a $250+ fine for violation or an exclusion. The liability is on you even for criminal charges and civil lawsuits. Thank you for your cooperation! GO LEASH-FREE IN NINE DOG PARKS
Courtesy Sisters Folk Festival
Courtesy Blacksmith Public House
Munich Mondays: $1 Off Liters Prost!
Join for Munich Mondays! Get your favorite German Bier in a 1L mug for $1 off normal pricing. Full menu and amazing beer all day. Mondays, 3-10pm. Prost! Bend, 40 SW Century Dr. #140, Bend. Contact: info@prostbend.com.
Saisons on the Lawn Entry is Free. Taster package is $20 and includes a special tasting glass and 5 tokens. Additional tokens can be purchased for $2. Each token gets you one 4oz sample of saisons available from 6 plus breweries. All proceeds benefit the Oregon Brewers Guild. Free entry, $20 tasting package. April 20, Noon-6pm. Crux Fermentation Project, 50 SW Division St., Bend.
Trivia and Wing Wednesday! 75-cent wing special and trivia every Wednesday night at JC’s! Bring your friends or join a team and make new ones! Winning team wins Happy Hour pricing for the week! Wednesdays, 7-9pm. Through April 24. JC’s Bar & Grill, 642 NW Franklin Ave., Bend. Free.
Vortex IPA Celebration! Vortex IPA is the flagship beer of a favorite brewery, Fort George. In celebration of 17 years of this amazing beer, pouring and tasting 3 versions of the IPA, the OG Vortex, Double Dry Hopped Vortex and Cryotex with cryo hops. Swag giveaways. April 17, 5-7pm. River’s Place, 787 NE Purcell Blvd., Bend.
Whiskey Tuesdays The Cross-eyed Cricket Watering Hole is offering exclusive access to a library of top shelf whiskeys every Tue. Oneounce pours for reasonable prices. Come by and try something new, or sip on your favorites! Tuesdays, 11am-11pm. Cross-Eyed Cricket, 20565 NE Brinson Blvd., Bend. Free.
Wine Tasting Every Third Thursday
Our resident wine expert, David, will be pouring hand-selected wines from across Oregon and around the globe. He’ll introduce you to new grapes, producers and styles. He will help you select unique and exceptional wines from a continually rotating selection. Stop by anytime between 5-7p. Third Thursday of every month, 5-7pm. West Coast Provisions, 2735 NW Crossing Dr., Bend. Free.
“Cats on Mats” Stretching and Meditation “Cats on Mats” stretching and meditation class! Favorite yogi, Ulla Lundgren, will lead the way as you attempt to achieve feline-like flexibility while surrounded by adorable, adoptable cats. Sat, April 20, 9:30-10:30am and Sat, May 4, 9:3010:30am. Playful Paws Cat Cafe, 1465 SW Knoll Ave, Bend. Contact: meow@playfulpawscatcafe. com. $30.
Amba: Embodied Movement for Women Amba classes include movement, breath and restorative body meditation. Heal your nervous system, be less caught in thought loops, more grounded in your body and learn to deeply enjoy movement. Thursdays, 6pm. Through May 3. Hanai Center, 62430 Eagle Road, Bend. Contact: 541-668-6494. Hey@ambamethod.com. $25.
Bunny Therapy and Coloring with Therapy Rabbit Parsley Join therapy rabbit Parsley for some coloring fun! All children must be accompanied by a caregiver. Hop into the library and spend your day coloring and cuddling everyone’s favorite garden animal, a rabbit! Both kids and adults can experience the stress relieving benefits and fun. April 20, 12:45-2:15pm. East Bend Public Library, 62080 Dean Swift Road, Bend. Contact: 541-312-1062. Elsah@ deschuteslibrary.org. Free.
Central Oregon Mankind ProjectOpen Men’s Support Group Are you looking for a better path? Do you want more personal growth in your life? Join thus evening of support, sharing, connection in a safe and confidential space. Registration is required to attend this event. Open to any man. Free. Donations welcome. For more info, visit, https://mkpconnect. org/civicrm/event/info April 23, 6:30-8pm. The Environmental Center, 16 NW Kansas Ave., Bend. Contact: 541-408-1174. centraloregonmen@ gmail.com.
Community Grief Circle - 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month It takes courage to step forward to share your story. Yet, there is tremendous transformation to be experienced is sharing your grief or in simply listening to others. This bi monthly circle is ongoing drop in and open to anyone in the community. All griefs welcome. First and Third Thursday of every month, 6-7:30pm. Good Grief Guidance, 33 NW Louisiana Ave, Bend. Contact: 541-223-9955. info@livingundone.org. $ 25.
Community Open Hours This is a time for you to explore, nourish, connect, and create! We offer tea, books to read, yoga mats, arts and crafts and connection! Check the calendar for Free community classes and offerings during this time. Mondays, Noon-5pm. Through April 29. Hanai, 62430 Eagle Rd, Bend. Contact: 541-6686494. info@hanaifoundation.org. Free.
Couples Massage Classes Learn to connect and relax with your partner through nurturing touch. Taproot Bodywork offers 2- or 4- hour couples massage classes in Tumalo. One couple per session. Additional days/times are available, prices vary. Visit www.taprootbodywork.com for more info. Ongoing. Taproot Bodywork studio, Tumalo, Tumalo. Contact: 503-481-0595. taprootbodywork@gmail.com. $200-$350.
Crystal Bowl Didgeridoo Reiki Sound
Bath Drop in deep into the healing harmonics of live didgeridoo, crystal bowls, binaural beats, reiki, flutes, chimes and more! This Sound Bath is a profound journey, an opportunity to deeply relax, let go and bathe in live crystal bowl binaural music that blissfully soothes your mind, body, emotions and spirit! Sundays, 6:30-7:45pm. Unity
Spiritual Community, 63645 Scenic Dr, Bend. Contact: 808-887-0830. lisacswisher@gmail. com. $20.
Earth Day Dances of Universal Peace
Earth Day dances honor ancient and modern spiritual traditions that express love, care and reverence for the Earth — our Mother, this beautiful Living Planet of which all are a part of. Participants will hold hands in a circle and share unison movement and song. Every dance fully taught. April 20, 7-8:30pm. East Bend Public Library, 62080 Dean Swift Road, Bend. Contact: 541-306-0203. chelamae57@gmail.com. $5-20 sliding.
Earth Day Outdoor Yoga Class Celebrating Earth Day through mindful movement outside! In this one-hour flow, you will ground through the senses and develop presence, moving your body with your breath. Co-taught by Emily of Do Yoga Outside and Khyra of Wildland Guiding Company. Donation-based. Limited spots, reservation required April 22, 5:306:30pm. Drake Park, 777 NW Riverside Blvd., Bend. Contact: 503-888-3674. wildlandguidingcompany@gmail.com.
Free Beginner’s Yoga Free beginner’s yoga in the Bend Community Center with instructors from Namaspa of Bend. Sponsored by the Salvation Army of Bend and Namaspa. Great for stretching and relaxation. Wednesdays, Noon1pm. Bend Community Center, 541 NE Dekalb Ave., Bend. Contact: 844-647-2730. Free.
Hatha Yoga Class Join Andrea Stuart of Vitality Yoga for Hatha yoga on Mondays and Yin yoga on Wednesdays in Deschutes River Woods at the Vitality Yoga studio. Sign-up online. Dropins are currently not accepted. Mondays, 9-10am. Through April 22. Andrea Stuart, 19352 Seminole Circle, Bend. Contact: 541-728-3069. andrea@ vitalityyoga.us. $15.
Holy Fire III Reiki Experience Enjoy a 20-minute up-level of energy through a guided visualization while also receiving distance Reiki from Shanti Heart, Reiki Master. Receive the whole system benefits of this high vibration/intuitive Reiki energy. Drop-ins welcome. Session 1 at 3:30pm and Session 2 at 4:20pm. April 22, 3-5pm. Hanai, 62430 Eagle Rd, Bend. Contact: 541-668-3170. ashlee@hanaifoundation.org. Free.
Let Your Heart Beat Open
Join KC Duggan to tune in to the rhythm of your heart with mindful movement, guided meditation and gentle energy balancing. Connect deeply with your happy as you celebrate and expand your unique self with each heartbeat! Please pre-register. No experience necessary! April 20, 1:30-3pm. Bend Hot Yoga, 1230 NE 3rd St. UnitA230, Bend. Contact: yoga@bendhotyoga.com. $35/$44.
Shala Breathwork Shake off the weekend and let go of the expectations for the upcoming week with breathwork at Yoga Shala Bend! Join Whitney as she guides participants through a beautiful breathing meditation with music! Sundays, 6:15-7:15pm. Yoga Shala Bend, 806 NW Brooks St. Suite 200, Bend. Contact: 208-4096028. breathewithwhitney@gmail.com. $20.
Soul in Motion Conscious Dance Movement and dance as a practice for life. No experience necessary, drop in or step in to this heartful community, exploring embodiment, expression, and connection. There will be some guidance and facilitation and lots of Freedom to play. Wed, April 10, 6-7:15pm, Wed, April 17, 6-7:15pm and Wednesdays, 6-7:15pm. Continuum, A School of Shadow Yoga, 155 SW Century Drive, Suite 112, Bend. Contact: 541-948-7015. soulinmotionbend@gmail.com. $20.
Tai Chi Unlock the Secrets of Serenity with Grandmaster Franklin’s Tai Chi Class! Embark on a transformative journey toward inner balance, harmony and a healthier you! Grandmaster Franklin invites you to join his exclusive Tai Chi Class, where ancient wisdom meets modern well-being. Tuesdays-Thursdays, 9:45-10:45am.
Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Central Oregon, 61980 Skyline Ranch Rd, Bend. Contact: 541-797-9620. arawak327@gmail.com. $100.
Tarot and Tea with Kati Cozy up with a cup of tea and let Tarot support you in whatever may be on your mind. Kati is an Intuitive Tarot and Oracle card reader offering 30 -minute readings. Longer readings available. Secure your spot ahead of time at threedeertarot.com Saturdays, 11am-2pm. Through April 20. The Peoples Apothecary, 1841 NE Division Street, Bend. Contact: hello@threedeertarot.com. $50.
The Healing Circle
The Healing Circle is a space where the heart, body, mind, and soul are seen as self-healing. Honor each individual’s capacity to heal, to break Free from self-defeating patterns, and to recover from past traumas. Vulnerability is courage here, hold your truths in confidence and reverence. Thursdays, 5:156:30pm. Online Event, Webinar Link Inside Confirmation Email, Bend. Contact: 541-408-0968. jennifer@sriponya.com. First Month is Free, $11/ Month.
The Way of Water: Embodied Movement for Women
A women’s embodied movement workshop that focuses on the water element. If you’re looking to un-crunch, soften, connect more deeply to your body and become more receptive, this workshop may be for you. See website for more details, https:// ambamethod.com/event/the-way-of-waterembodied-movement-for-women/ April 20, 3-6pm. Three Sisters Yoga Studio, 392 E Main Ave, Sisters. Contact: 808-482-4212. meghan@ ambamethod.com. $55.
The Zen Path: Master Your Stress Join Deanna for this masterful workshop to explore the realm of the nervous system and how to navigate stress in a healthy and empowering way. NIDRA (NSDR) Learn powerful, accessible tools to calm your mind and reduce anxiety, reconnect with your body, improve sleep quality and boost overall well-being. April 20, Noon-2pm. Yoga Shala Bend, 806 NW Brooks St. Suite 200, Bend. Contact: 541-668-6890. yogashalabend@gmail. com. $33.
Yin Yoga Class Join Andrea Stuart of Vitality Yoga for Yin yoga on Wednesdays in Deschutes River Woods at the Vitality Yoga studio. Sign up online. Drop-ins are currently not accepted. Wednesdays, 5-6pm. Through April 24. Andrea Stuart, 19352 Seminole Cir, Bend. Contact: 925998-0462. andrea@vitalityyoga.us. $15.
Yoga for Pelvic Health with Laura Flood PT, DPT, RYT - local pelvic health physical therapist
Learn how to connect to, engage and relax your pelvic floor muscles, so you can care for your pelvic area during your yoga practice, exercise and throughout your life. Small group class focused on: pelvic anatomy education, alignment-based yoga postures, slow flow, pelvic focused meditation and nervous system healing. Fridays, 12:30-1:30pm. Namaspa Yoga Studio, 1135 NW Galveston Ave., Bend. Contact: 541-241-6008. laura@lotusflowerphysio.com. $25.
Yoga Nidra and Sound Bath Guided Yoga Nidra Meditation and Sound Bath. Dive deep into the Kosha Layers of the body, become immersed into the Bliss Body while soaking in the beautiful sounds of Spring. Cleanse the body and mind of the old and move freshly onward to a new perspective with greater clarity. April 21, 7-8:15pm. Bend Hot Yoga, 1230 NE 3rd St. UnitA230, Bend. Contact: yoga@bendhotyoga.com. $20.
Los Angeles rock band Smallpools is a pop band courageously blending the best of Nashville influence and Los Angeles sound. The group will perform as one part of a double-header night featuring alternative rock band Grayscale. Fri., Apr. 26, 7pm at the Domino Room.
Courtesy Smallpools Facebook
JIA is
Is Asian street food elevated to the moon
By Jared Rasic
When you find that restaurant combining a comfortable atmosphere with kind service, incredible food and reasonable prices, it’s like you’ve found a unicorn. The Bend restaurant scene is so busy and fluid that a unicorn is more tempting to keep to yourself. I’ve blown up more than one spot writing for this paper over the years and the comments I receive from readers range from gratitude for sharing a great new place (or hidden gem) with the community to anger that I ruined a nice and quiet locals’ spot.
Well, sorry, not sorry, because JIA Asian Street Kitchen deserves to be packed all the time. Being on Brookswood (in the old Meadowlark location) it’s a little off the beaten path for places that pick up the instant trendy customer traffic, but is absolutely worth a special trip to the south side of Bend. From the instantly iconic décor, the thoughtful service to the genuinely astonishing food, JIA is an absolute gem and hits a specific niche the Bend food scene was lacking.
Owner/operator Cynthia Linh launched JIA with such confidence that it feels like it has been part of the food ecosystem here for years.
“I've always been passionate about food's ability to connect people from different backgrounds and all walks of life,” says Linh. “My career in the restaurant industry spans several years, focusing on social media, marketing and branding in the food space. I've had the opportunity to work with some of the world’s top restaurants, learning from esteemed chefs and gaining invaluable experience. Here, I've found a place to call home, start a family, and pursue my dream of bringing the best of Asian cuisine to this wonderful community.”
Starting with the cocktail menu, everything has such varied and diverse selection of flavors and spirits that it was hard not to want to try one of everything. I started with an Old Town Road, which expertly fuses a traditional Thai tea with an Old Fashioned, featuring orange bitters, Angostura bitters, Carpano Antica Formula, Zucca Rabarbaro and house-dehydrated orange.
The breadth of flavor, from the sharpness of the bitters to the floral bouquet of the vermouth gives the Old Town Road a complexity that got me smitten.
The Old Town Road paired perfectly with the mountain of starters we went with — each offering a reinvention of traditional Asian dishes combining astonishing presentation and plating with a deep bench of flavor. From the massive General Garlic Prawns (served with an intoxicating pepper and garlic sauce), to the Japanese Tuna Boat with raw cubed tuna soaked in a delectable spicy miso on a crispy Vietnamese cracker, to the Far East Chx, an incredible remix of fried chicken wings but with one of the most complex glazes I’ve ever tasted (a mix of honey soy, ginger, garlic and sesame) and then finally to the Pork Belly Baos with tender five spice pork belly, cucumber, purple cabbage, pickled carrot and cilantro topped with crispy garlic, onion and house chili oil… JIA has curated a starters menu deep with complex Asian flavor but aimed perfectly at a Northwest audience.
“We wanted to elevate traditional street food favorites and showcase the vibrant flavors of Asia,” Linh said. “We pulled inspiration from our cultural backgrounds. I am Chinese, but my parents were born and raised in Vietnam. After escaping the Vietnam War, they landed in San Francisco’s Chinatown and eventually in San Jose, which is home to some of the best Chinese and Vietnamese food in the county. My business partner is originally from Thailand and has owned and operated many Asian restaurants in the Bay Area. Our menu was designed to reflect our diverse cultural backgrounds and experiences, incorporating influences from China, Vietnam, Thailand and more. It features dishes that we cherished growing up, enhanced with sophisticated twists.”
Next, I went with the Fire and Smoke cocktail with Union Mezcal, Aperol, lemon juice, lime juice, grapefruit, agave and shaken with jalapeno. This is smoked tableside, enhancing those classic Mezcal campfire
notes without sacrificing the refreshing citrus tang. There’s always the danger that Mezcal can overpower your palate with smoke, but this worked perfectly with the remainder of the meal.
The Thai Red Curry with a quarter chicken leg marinated in lemongrass and served with roasted potatoes, carrots, onions, turnips and broccoli was the perfect spice level. I could imagine this becoming one of Central Oregon’s favorite red curries. By this point I had tried so many different dishes, but the freshness of the chicken combined with the insanely savory red curry flavors made me keep going.
The absolute show-stopper, brought to us last, was the Bone-In Beef Noodle Soup with a giant bone-in beef short rib in a spicy broth with thick udon noodles, bean sprouts, cabbage, green onions, cilantro and basil. When this came out to the table, everyone in the restaurant dropped what they were doing to look. On one of the largest rib bones I’ve ever seen, this thick and massive slice of meat was so tender it was impossible not to luxuriate in letting it melt in your mouth. This dish isn’t just a highlight for JIA, but for the entire Central Oregon culinary scene.
Having dinner at JIA was a special experience. Something comfortable and peaceful and unpretentious, which is so refreshing in a town that sometimes prioritizes the location more than the experience. Linh explains the philosophy of the vibe: “JIA, meaning ‘home’ in Mandarin, represents more than just a restaurant to us. It’s a place where we can share a piece of our culture with the Bend community.” Welcome home.
JIA Asian Street Kitchen 19570 Amber Meadow Dr., Bend 541-241-7172 Jiastreetkitchen.com
Photos by Jennifer Galler
At JIA, puffy white clouds, indoor foliage and day-glo neon enhance the fusion of flavors from China, Japan, Thailand and Vietnam.
Japanese Tuna Boat
Far East Chx (wings)
Thai Red Curry with Chicken (center)
By Nicole Vulcan
Five Stony Faves
With 4/20 approaching, check out these recommendations from the readers of the Source Weekly
We’re still months away from our Best of Central Oregon annual readers’ poll, but in the meantime, 4/20 is almost here — and while that usually involves cannabis for a lot of people, it also, in a natural progression, involves food.
With that, here’s a recap of five sure-fired stoner-friendly options, voted “Best” by our readers in 2023. If you’ve never given these a try, what better reason than 4/20?
Best Burger: Blue Eyes Burgers and Fries
After Burger Week earlier this month, we can confirm: Blue Eyes has it goin’ on in the smashburger department.
Best Mac ‘n Cheese: Brother Jon’s Alehouse
You say you like burgers, but come on, stoners — you know it’s all about the mac n’ cheese. With a literal flight of mac n’ cheese to choose from, fans of cheesy gooey goodness can delight in the multiple varieties.
Best Breakfast Burrito: Burrito Sunrise
There’s something magical about the way Burrito Sunrise concocts its salsas and cooks its potatoes. Just try them and see if we’re right.
Best Burrito: El Super Burrito
This may be the best-kept locals’ secret yet: Mounds of beans, rice, cheese and your favorite meat (or my fave, the chile relleno with no meat at all), all for an affordable price, make this one a winner.
Best Dessert: Bontá Natural Artisan Gelato
Don’t sleep on dessert! With a range of flavors that change often, it’s also very hard to get bored with Bonta’s offerings.
HOURS 11am-6pm TUES-SAT 541-322-6867 Mumstattoo.com 19 NW GREENWOOD AVE, BEND NOW OFFERING PIERCING! Celebrating 25 Years Walk-in’s Welcome For Tattoos & Piercing. 550 NW Franklin Ave. 706 NE Greenwood 1052 NW Newport 1075 SE 15th St. HOLABEND.COM Happy Hour $4 BEERS $3 OFF APPETIZERS $2 OFF COCKTAILS $1 OFF WINE MON - FRI 3PM - 5PM AT DOWNTOWN, OLD MILL AND REDMOND LOCATIONS
Tabmi Lane
Jared Rasic
Daniel Robbins
Nicole Vulcan
Ashley Sarvis
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Get tickets: bendwomensexpo.com
Bend’s Upcoming BioBlitz
Think Wild hosts inaugural City Nature Challenge
By Damian Fagan
Get ready for Central Oregon’s first ever City Nature Challenge from April 26-29, hosted by Think Wild and other community partners. For three days, the Central Oregon community is encouraged to record wildlife and native plant observations through the free smart phone app, iNaturalist. This worldwide “bioblitz” will provide a baseline of data highlighting the interconnection between nature and urban life.
“The City Nature Challenge is an annual global collaborative citizen science effort to find and document wildlife observations in and around urban areas,” said Sadie Pollock, Think Wild’s education and volunteer manager. “We’re bringing this event to Bend to connect community members with the natural world and empower them to contribute valuable data to local biodiversity research.”
The City Nature Challenge is a world citizen science bioblitz organized by iNaturalist which started in 2016. “By 2023, there were blitzes in 482 cities across 46 countries. Portland, Eugene and Boise participate, and Think Wild is excited to add Bend to the map!” added Pollock.
The City Nature Challenge primarily uses iNaturalist to record observations and identifications. Easy to use, participants download the app to a phone or computer, create an account and then
head outside to record images of plants, animals or fungi within the urban landscape with a phone or camera. A good suggestion is to add multiple images that show various features of the organism, such as leaves, flowers and bark, then follow the screen prompts.
The app uses Auto Identification Software to suggest a species ID, but participants can submit their own or include notes supporting the observation. Don’t worry if you don’t know the identification of the organism in the photo. Area experts will gather to review all the observations and confirm identifications in early May.
iNaturalist also provides a central repository for the data collected that can be used by scientists throughout the world to study range expansions or contractions of species, including invasives, and migration patterns. The event is a valuable form of civic engagement which supports conservation by collecting information that would be difficult for local scientists to do on their own.
“Think Wild is hosting several events during the CNC, including a birdwatching trip and a wetlands plant ID workshop, that all are welcome to attend,” said Pollock. The birdwatching field trip to the Hatfield Ponds will be on April 26 and a wetlands walk on April 27 will be held at the Tetherow Crossing Park in
Redmond with staff from Beaver Works.
“Additionally, folks can get out and record observations on their own,” added Pollock. “One of the superpowers of citizen science is having many eyes in many places. The more people participate, the more likely we are to detect rare species, range extensions and new invasions, so contributing on your own can be an incredible contribution.”
Bend’s Dirty Freehub will host a Gravel Bike and Birding Event in support of the CNC, also on April 27.
“We will be stopping at some of the points on the Townie Ride Guide, specifically in spots that tend to attract a little more wildlife,” said Kira Corbett, Dirty Freehub’s director of podcasting. “With our bird and bike event, we at Dirty Freehub hope to contribute to these projects by breaking down barriers to people accessing nature (even within the city!) by getting outside while empowering people to contribute to citizen science in their own backyards.” This ride will not only showcase some great commuter options to and around Bend, but will also highlight culture, history and nature within the city limits.
One example of how Think Wild will use the data is to collect information about native plant seed harvest sites and plant selection at their Beaver Works restoration sites. “Think Wild hopes to
focus on less-visited public spaces and places where the land managers have questions that can be answered with citizen scientists,” said Corbett.
The area boundaries for the CNC on the iNaturalist site stretches from La Pine to Terrebonne. Any observations that are made within the geographic boundaries during the observation period will automatically be included in Bend's City Nature Challenge project.
Portland Nature Conservancy staff are also providing support to Think Wild from lessons learned from other CNCs and will contribute data to the effort.
“City Nature Challenge provides space for people to directly engage in nature and to make connections between themselves and the natural world,” said Max Light-Pacheco, The Nature Conservancy’s volunteer and community engagement programs specialist. “All too often, we think of technology and nature being in competition. The City Nature Challenge shows that they can be used together to provide us with a deeper understanding of the world around us.”
City Nature Challenge Bend 2024
April 26-29
thinkwildco.org/bend-city-nature-challenge-2024 inaturalist.com Free
Left photo courtesy Bend Dirty Freehub, right and middle photos by Damian Fagan
Left, a cyclist stops to record an observation. Middle, A blue flax. Right, a bald eagle perches on a gate.
May 29 - June 4
$3 / Slice or $24 / 24” Pie Introducing the first annual Source Weekly Pizza Week!
We Central Oregonians have well developed palates and are always eager to discover a new culinary destination, or rediscover an old favorite.
Here is your invitation to put your best pie forward and establish yourself as the Don of the Dough, the Sauce Boss, the Premier of Pizza. No matter your preferred style: New York, Chicago, Neopolitan or anything in between, we want to share your talent and passion for pies with the community.
Let’s see what you got!
Photo and description due by May 17
For more information and to reserve your space, contact advertise@bendsource.com / 541-383-0800
SC Political Prisoners
Alex Garland’s newest provocation imagines a modern civil war
By Jared Rasic
My grandma turned 99 this year, and whenever she talks about the future she laughs and says she wants to live long enough to see the next election because she’s excited for a civil war. I think there’s a dark anarchy to my grandma that scares the shit out of me, but I also can’t fault someone nearing 100 who wants to watch the whole thing burn while they dance a jig on the ashes.
Alex Garland, as a novelist, screenwriter and filmmaker, has always been somewhat of a provocateur, showing us glimpses into other worlds that either attempt to reshape the context for how we view contemporary society or shock us into re-evaluating the lives we lead and the imprints on Earth and humankind that we will leave behind. Garland wrote “28 Days Later” and “Never Let Me Go,” while writing and directing “Ex Machina,” “Annihilation,” “Men” and the sure-to-be-divisive “Civil War.” One thing all of these movies, aside from “28 Days Later,” have in common, aside from him? They don’t make much money at the box office while usually being critically acclaimed.
Garland has big ideas that make most people uncomfortable. “Ex Machina” looks at A.I. through a humanist lens that abandons empathy for a nihilistic approach to survival. “Annihilation”
is a cosmic mystery in love and equally terrified of a future where a nature so alien as to be unknowable begins to reclaim Earth one square foot at a time. “Men” takes the toxic masculine incel and plops the deconstructed archetype down in the middle of a British folk horror gut churner.
With “Civil War,” Garland has made his biggest provocation yet: a thriller set during an American Civil War (mostly around Virginia, Washington, D.C., and the East Coast) that cares much less about politics and the intricacies of a war and instead focuses almost exclusively on what that would look like for human beings. The actual human cost of war. Texas and California are on the same team. Yep, that’s super weird and probably wouldn’t shake out like that in reality, but Garland uses that incongruity to say, “What if maybe the only thing that’s actually important is life?”
“Civil War” is mostly focused on a van of journalists played by Kristen Dunst, Wagner Moura, Cailee Spaeny and Stephen McKinley Henderson as they travel from NYC to D.C. in hopes to photograph and interview the soon-to-be-deposed president. Other than hearing the president is on his third term, we never really find out why the war is being fought. Instead, Garland designs “Civil War” to
be an upsetting view of a divided America where the diplomatic solutions are gone and now violence is what remains.
In the America of 2024, we’re almost a decade into a cultural battle that has long since disposed of the oxymoronic “civility” of the war and instead celebrates the loudest voices and the hottest takes instead of reason and empathy. “Woke” is a pejorative, “Patriot” is a dog-whistle and, for a wide swath of America, a “fact” is something that their echo chamber all agrees is the truth. Science, rationality and kindness by consensus. I call it the “Carlson Effect” or “The Alex Jones Reality Fallacy.”
“Civil War” doesn’t care what your politics are. It wants people not to die over ideologies. It wants us to remember that the power of journalism is to help the people of the future remember the texture of reality and that human interaction doesn’t always need to be antagonistic or transactional. The alpha male does not inherit the Earth. Does Garland take a political stance in the film? I would say the single scene featuring a blood-chilling Jesse Plemons as an ultra-nationalist xenophobe shows where his sympathy lies and (Extra! Extra!) it’s not with white militiamen asking you where you’re from.
I hope my grandma is disappointed
and that there isn’t a civil war after the next election, but I won’t be surprised if there is. I hope she turns 100 in peace and gets to enter her Centennial Era with a newfound respect for the rationality of humanity and the knowledge that maybe the world is in smarter and safer hands than she expected. Gross, my optimism is showing, but life is pretty OK sometimes. People have the capacity to surprise you with rare bursts of beauty.
Every second of the film had me pinned to my chair in horror as Garland conjures what, at least to me, feels like the most realistic vision of a modern American civil war I could possibly imagine. Running gunfights down the halls of the White House and urban warfare with soldiers wearing Hawaiian shirts only looks like science fiction, until it doesn’t. Until 9/11 or 1/6 reminds me that all warfare is urban to someone. That all violence is eventually personal. That no war is civil. Civil
Alex Garland Grade: A
Playing at Regal Old Mill, Sisters Movie House, Odem Theater Pub
Kristen Dunst searches for the perfect image in “Civil War.”
Photo courtesy of A24
Where to See Wildflowers in Spring Basin
Find color in one of the least-visited treasures of Oregon
By Scott Bowler
How about a spring adventure in a gorgeous place you haven’t yet been, to find some wildflowers you don’t yet know? Spring Basin Wilderness is such a place: A small, protected wilderness area abounding in sweeping vistas, home to abundant varieties of animals and packed with rare desert wildflowers waiting to be found. One of the lesser-known treasures of Oregon’s high desert, Spring Basin is one of the least-visited wilderness areas in Oregon, offering untraveled terrain to be explored.
Spring Basin Wilderness Area is a scenic, remote escape. The area sits above the east bank of the John Day River, close to the more commonly known Clarno Unit of John Day Fossil Beds National Monument. Thanks to the coalition that pushed for its protection — including Oregon Natural Desert Association, local farmers and ranchers, the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs, Wheeler County government and the Oregon Hunters Association — Spring Basin was designated as a Bureau of Land Management wilderness in 2009. This designation federally protects the 6,400+ acre area to be managed by the BLM for its wilderness characteristics; naturalness, opportunities for solitude and primitive recreation. Though it’s one of the smallest wilderness areas in the system, Spring Basin’s secluded canyons and spectacular vantages of John Day country make for an amazingly beautiful spot to explore.
Spring Basin Wilderness is also an ecologically diverse area. The landscape is dominated by several vegetation profiles including sagebrush steppe, Palouse grasslands, rocky outcrops and even a few forested glades. Wildlife includes an abundance of bird species, several large mammals, a variety of rodents and lagomorphs, and many reptiles and amphibians. Coyotes, badgers and bobcats are the primary predators. Rock hounds might find agates, petrified wood or opals and other crystals here. Visitors should be aware of ticks and the very occasional rattlesnake — and, of course, don’t stub your toes on any cactus!
Springtime visitors are perhaps the most rewarded, with abundant and rare wildflowers to be found throughout Spring Basin Wilderness. April and early May are prime time to go, as this is peak season for many of the blooms. Among the dozens of varieties of wildflowers that make the area so spectacular, at least two are being considered for Federal Endangered Species listing (Castilleja xanthotricha and Astragalus diaphanous) and two others are listed as rare in Oregon (Penstemon eriantherus var. argillosus and Pediocactus simpsoni var. robusior.) Along with these four species that are notable for their rarity, I have identified more than 75 other species thus far in this area — just in April! Expect to see several varieties of blue and purple lupines, the glorious bright yellow balsam root, yellow, cream and orange buckwheats, purple grass widow, yellow fritillary lily, chartreuse and orange Indian paintbrush, pink phlox, yellow and cream desert parsleys, tiny white eyelash flower, several varieties of yellow and magenta monkey flowers, purple and pale yellow vetches, creamy owl’s clover, pink wild onion, purple and white loco weeds, yellow agoseris and the truly spectacular hedgehog cactus. Please resist the temptation to pick the flowers in Spring Basin — they won’t last long and are members of a fragile ecosystem.
Getting around this area can be tricky, so good navigation skills are required. If looking for a promising place to get started searching for wildflowers, head to the Clarno Road trailheads to access the Spring Basin Wilderness Area. This is about the shortest and quickest way into the highlands of Spring Basin. Oregon Highway 218 takes you there, heading east from Highway 97 through Antelope and over the pass to the tiny hamlet of Clarno. From State Highway 218 E, turn right onto Clarno Road and proceed 3.5 miles on dirt road to the BLM kiosk, which sits beside the Spring Basin Wilderness Trailhead. Parking can be found here, or 1.5 miles further down the road, which leads to a trailhead for Spring Basin Canyon. Once on the trail you will immediately begin seeing grand sweeps of wildflowers in one or two varieties, oftentimes a mixture or many species.
For a slightly longer hike in from the north, start your journey off Highway 218, crossing Pine Creek and transiting the beautiful Pine Creek Conservation Area lands into the Wilderness. This whole area is quite open and has no designated trailhead. With thoughtful route finding you can wander all over, and chances are that you might not see anyone else in the more remote sections. More information to plan your trip can be found on ONDA’s website.
Discovering new places is exciting, and we recommend following these suggestions to help you travel safely through the high desert of eastern Oregon and enjoy these fragile places responsibly.
—Scott R. Bowler is a retired science educator and a volunteer with Oregon Natural Desert Association, a nonprofit organization that protects and restores Oregon’s high desert public lands and waters. Read more of his work at onda.org/author/scott-bowler.
Top, the truly spectacular hedgehog cactus, which is commonly found blooming in Spring Basin. Middle, Castilleja xanthotricha — the ESA list proposed/pending Indian paintbrush species. Bottom, Basalm root along ridge line trail.
Scott Bowler
James Parsons
Scott Bowler
By Nicole Vulcan
O Hey, Earth Day
Where to celebrate the beauty of Mother Earth this year
An Annual Celebration of Earth and Community. This family-friend ly event typically features a lively and inclusive parade through downtown Bend where folks are encouraged to wear costumes to showcase their favor ite thing about planet Earth. During the fair, food vendors, booths, and per formers offer something for everyone. The Environmental Center, 16 NW Kansas Ave., Bend
Earth Day dances honor ancient and modern spiritual traditions that express love, care and reverence for the Earth — our Mother, this beautiful Living Planet of which all are a part of. Participants will hold hands in a circle and share unison movement and song. Every dance fully taught. Public Library, 62080 Dean Swift Rd., Bend
For this forest bathing session on Earth Day, give the earth the gift of your presence and attention. Slow down, rest and deepen your relationship with the living world and remember you belong to nature and the interconnected ness of all living beings. Concludes with wildcrafted tea. Shevlin Park, 18920 Shevlin Rd., Bend. More info at: rootedpresence.com/upcoming-events
Celebrating Earth Day through mindful movement outside! In this onehour flow, you will ground through the senses and develop presence, moving your body with your breath. Co-taught by Emily of Do Yoga Outside and Khyra of Wildland Guiding Company. Donation-based. Limited spots, reservation required. Drake Park, 777 NW Riverside Blvd., Bend. More info at: wildlandguidingcompany.com/event-details/earth-day-outdoor-yoga-class
Courtesy the Environmental Center
Come one, come all to the Earth Day Fair and Parade, hosted by the Environmental Center.
Photo Credit: RAB
WWW.BENDSOURCE.COM / APRIL 18, 2024 / BEND’S INDEPENDENT VOICE 38 Your journey awaits with legal psilocybin. Visit dropthesis.com or call (458) 202-7111 to learn more or book your consultation! 505 NW Franklin Ave., Bend $5 OFF any purchase over $20 $20 OFF any purchase over $100 Bring in this COUPON and SAVE! (Across from Dandy’s)
HomeGrown Music Festival is back for its second year! This 4/20 celebration is a gathering of Bend's local musicians. Bunk+Brew, 42 NW Hawthorne Ave., Bend
Start your 4/20 on a high note with High Tea! Dust off your favorite floral attire and gather your best buds, because Bend Burlesque is hosting High Tea at 10 Barrel East Side Pub. Enjoy an elegant tea party while our performers entertain you with dope 4/20-inspired acts. 10 Barrel Brewing Company Pub & Brewing Facility, 62950 NE 18th St., Bend
Find all these 4/20 events and more in the Source calendar at bendsource.com.
SAT., APRIL 20, 8 A.M.-10 P.M.
Join in and celebrate 4/20 at Oregrown with exclusive deep deals, 20%-50% off, exciting games, delicious El Sancho Tacos and a showcase of vendors from all your favorite brands. Oregrown dispensary, 1199 NW Wall St., Bend
SAT., APRIL 20, 6:30-9:30 P.M.
Your favorite outlaw country boys are back at it again on 4/20 at 6:30pm! Join for a hell raisin' good time and be sure to wear your dancin' boots because this band is sure to get you on your feet! This free concert is open to all ages. Blacksmith Public House, 308 SW Evergreen Ave., Redmond
SAT., APRIL 20, 2-10 P.M.
Celebrate 4/20 at Dump City Dumplings and El Sancho. They’re closing off the parking lots to have live music, vendors, and food & cocktail specials! No better place to get your munchies on. Dump City Dumplings, 1244 NW Galveston Ave., Bend
SAT., APRIL 20, 8-9:30 P.M.
Stoned Cold Killers features local comedians Courtney Stevens and Steve Harber as well as Portland comedian Amanda Lynn Deal joking and telling stories about all the ridiculous things they did under the influence of the Green Goddess. $15 online, $20 at door. Doors open 7pm, show starts at 8pm. 21 and up, strong content expected. Craft Kitchen and Brewery. 62988 NE Layton Ave. #103, Bend
SAT., APRIL 20, 6:30-9 P.M.
SAT., APRIL 20, 6:30-7:30 P.M.
Blaze a trail of giggles at “Just Roll With It” — the highest comedy night in town this 4/20! Hosted by Billy Brant, featuring Niko Smith, Grace Miller, and Fredo and David Kildal as your PDX Headliner. $20/Door $15/Online! Sponsored by Miracle Greens & The Flower Room. A Melrose Production. The Capitol, 190 NW Oregon Ave., Bend
Bringing a fun 4/20 set with conscious word play, old school vinyl DJing, bass, trumpet and some psychedelic guitar. It's a Block Party ! For more info, please visit, https://www.facebook.com/TheHardChords. El Sancho Taco Shop Westside, 1254 NW Galveston Ave., Bend
Enter the Stonerverse 4/20 events to enjoy this week
Kaycee Free
Courtesy Bend Ticket
Stoner Lit
Words, voices and pixels to get high by
By Jared Rasic
Every 4/20 issue of the Source Weekly, I talk about the movies I love watching while inebriated on the devil’s lettuce. In fact, over the last few years I’ve been trying to craft a New Stoner Canon: stony movies that are more fun to watch than the usual suspects like Cheech and Chong or “Half Baked” (“Friday” still works though). But you know what? I spend so much time writing about movies and shows that I think this year we should look at a few other nooks and crannies of popular culture for our stoner delights. With that said, here are a few books, podcasts and video games I enjoy the hell out of while I’m high.
The Stoner Literature Canon
Sure, it’s easy to find books to read about drugs and the people on them. You can look no further than Hunter S. Thompson’s “Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas” or Tom Wolfe’s “The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test,” but it’s much harder to find a book that takes you on a journey from the comfort of your own ass. I don’t need to read about other people’s highs; I would much rather enhance my own.
The best stoner books are ones that make you feel a little high even when you’re dead sober, so the obvious best choice for baked reading is “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy” by Douglas Adams. It’s intellectual, it’s funny and there’s a depressed robot named Marvin. Along this line, if you want other big, crazy worlds to explore after a gummy or pre-roll, check out any of the “Discworld” books by Terry Pratchett or even the massively mind-melting “Slaughterhouse-Five” by Kurt Vonnegut Jr.
Some other great choices for brain-expanding reads are: “Hyperion” by Dan Simmons, “Swan Song” by Robert McCammon, “The Gone-Away World” by Nick Harkaway, “Wolf in White Van” by John Darnielle or “John Dies at the End” by David Wong. There are just too many to name here.
Stony Video Games
“Disco Elysium” lives in my brain full time now, but when I play stoned, it transports me to a seaside fictional city where I’m an amnesiac detective struggling to solve a murder while dealing with his own psychological demons. The writing, the acting and story are mesmerizing and will teach you an absolute masterclass in storytelling. Available on Windows, Mac, Xbox, Playstation, Switch, Steam and just about all the other things.
Podcasts to Peruse While High
This depends on what your brain likes to listen to. If you like to learn, “Ologies” is a really fun science podcast where really smart people basically get asked stupid questions. If you like laughing, “Getting Doug with High” is an easy choice here. It’s usually riotous and ridiculous in equal measures and will make you laugh until you need to lie down. If you like to f**k with your brain, “Everything is Alive” follows improv actors playing anthropomorphized inanimate objects like a grain of sand or a balloon. If you want to deeply feel your place in the universe, I can’t recommend this one enough.
10 Years After
A status check on Oregon marijuana, a decade after legalization
By Josh Jardine
On Nov. 4, Oregon will celebrate 10 years of the passage of Measure 91, establishing our Adult Use regulated recreational cannabis program. While the traditional 10th anniversary gift is tin or aluminum, instead of getting you a bag of returnable cans, I wrote this look at the Good, Bad and Ugly of cannabis this 4/20.
The Good
Last August, I explored the history of cannabis in Oregon, and how things have progressed since the implementation of Measure 91. For consumers, this is arguably one of the best times ever. Prices are at historic lows, due to an oversupply of flowers, from too many growers. (The year 2023 saw a 15% increase in outdoor production from 2022 levels.)
If you like your cannabis craft, Oregon is the place for you. While the sub-100dollar ounces of mass-produced flower abound, those seeking a more artisan product will be overjoyed. Albeit spendier ($250-270 per ounce with tax), the selection is amazing, with terpenes hitting 6%, rare strains as well as classics done right, with extra frosty, babied buds justifying the higher price.
Purchase limits increased on Jan. 2 of this year, as well as the product size of concentrates, from 1 gram to 2. Fewer trips, less packaging, everybody wins!
The Bad
Those lower prices aren’t being enjoyed by the people growing and selling said cannabis. As Oregon’s Office of Economic Analysis recently wrote, “Given these market conditions of oversupply, (retail) saturation, and stable consumer demand, low prices make it difficult for businesses to be profitable…”
On April 12, Gov. Kotek signed legislation extending the existing moratorium on new cannabis business licenses. (Exceptions are possible if the population grows.) But the depression of the oversupply issue continues beyond the year of harvest.
The 9.6 million pounds that Oregon’s regulated, licensed growers produced in 2023 was not all sold during that year. Most of what isn’t sold as flower, or to a processor who produces cartridges, concentrates, edibles etc, is carried over to the following year. Flowers become less desirable as they age and sell at increasingly lower prices. (Some of those 4/20 dispensary deals will offer rock bottom prices of year-old flowers.) But this ongoing glut means 2024 growers will get lower prices, based on supply and demand. This results in smaller businesses failing or getting eaten up by larger brands.
The Ugly
The regulated market is still hampered by cannabis remaining a Schedule 1 drug, stalled social consumption and cannabis tourism industries, and other challenges. But an uptick in criminal activity is not helping matters.
Without access to banking and credit, cannabis businesses still deal in cash, making them targets for armed robberies and burglaries. In one five-month period, five dispensaries were hit by an armed robber that authorities believe is the same suspect.
One dispensary, saying it has been robbed eight times, recently had a thief pistol-whip a customer during a robbery. This moved the entire staff to quit, stating they no longer felt safe.
The insane art style of “Disco Elysium.” Courtesy of ZA/UM
Adobe Stock
J o i n u s f o r a d a y o f
J o i n u s f o r a d a y o f
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h e l p y o u t h r i v e ! h e l p y o u t h r i v e !
R E G I S T E R T O D A Y !
Performance by Performance by MOsley WOtta MOsley WOtta
Keynote Keynote Pamela Barnum Pamela Barnum
MAY 3 |
r t e s y Crux
By Brendan Emmett Quigley
30. Pearl Jam song that begins "'Son,' she said, 'Have I got a little story for you'"
31. Rim that holds a watch crystal 33. "Moonlight" actor Mahershala
34. Channel that provides gavel-to-gavel coverage
35. Unfolded
36. Qi's pathways in Chinese medicine
38. Plane in the U.S. Navy's flight demonstration squadron
39. St. where the Black Hills are found
42. No longer on the team
43. Handgun maker
48. Number one asset?
51. Like indoor plants
54. Muddies, as the waters
56. Mosul resident
57. Parties that honor someone
58. Short calendars?
60. Like movies for select audiences
61. Tax
62. Military headquarters
63. Blackbirds
64. Lean
65. Nat stat
Puzzle for the week of April 15, 2024
Fill in every row, column, and 3x3 box with each of the letters
D I M O Y S T E R exactly once.
Difficulty Level: ●○○○
Fill in every row, column, and 3x3 box with each of the letters
D I M O Y S T E R exactly once.
- T.S. Eliot
Answer for the week of April 8, 2024
The highlighted letters read left to right and top to bottom will complete the quote: "April is the cruelest month, breeding Lilacs out of the dead land, mixing and , stirring Dull roots with spring rain."
The highlighted letters read left to right and top to bottom will "April is the cruelest month, breeding Lilacs out of the dead land, , stirring Dull roots with spring rain."
- T.S. Eliot
Answer for the week of April 8, 2024
“Two things you need to know about taxes. They've extended the deadline (in 2010), and when you write your check, just make it out to China.” — David Letterman, April 2010
- David Letterman, April 2010.
© Pearl Stark www.mathpuzzlesgames.com/quodoku
“Two things you need to know about taxes. They've extended the deadline (in 2010), and when you write your check, just make it out to China.”
Two things you need to know about taxes. They've extended when you write your check, just make it out to China.” - David Letterman, April 2010.
© Pearl Stark www.mathpuzzlesgames.com/quodoku Y
“Tandem Bikes”
Pearl’s Puzzle Difficulty Level Fill in every row, column, and 3x3 box with each of the letters exactly once. DIM OYSTER The highlighted letters read left to right and top to bottom will complete the quote: "April is the cruelest month, breeding Lilacs out of the dead land, mixing ______ and _____, stirring Dull roots with spring rain." — T.S. Eliot We’re Local! Questions, comments or suggestions for our local puzzle guru? Email Pearl Stark at pearl@bendsource.com © Pearl Stark mathpuzzlesgames.com/quodoku ★ ©2021 Brendan Emmett Quigley (www.brendanemmettquigley.com) ACROSS 1. Facebook action 5. ___ shower 11. "How could this be happening?" 15. God's representation 16. Like reasonably high-quality bonds 17. Jobs successor 18. Decoration on a necklace 19. "Cheers" alternative 20. Sings along without knowing the words, say 21. Civet's cousin in the North Carolina statehouse? 24. Modern phone feature 25. "___ So Bad" (single from Tom Petty's "Full Moon Fever") 26. Have a heart, say? 28. Place to get shellacked 30. President from Illinois (well before Barry) 32. Spots you can't reach? 34. Frequent dot follower 37. Crests 40. Outcome of every Vikings, Bills, Bengals, and Panthers Super Bowl appearance 41. Fifty-foot person who does one thing, and does it well? 44. "Darkest" country from which Paddington Bear comes 45. Satiric Roman poet 46. Holiday wish list thing 47. Perdita's owner in "101 Dalmatians" 49. Blind swamp ___ 50. Keystone Film Company law enforcement officer 52. NASCAR driver Jarrett 53. Financial advisor's suggestion: Abbr. 55. Hairstyles 59. Long journey to the East Coast, say, for an Arizona baseball player? 65. Excited audience's noise 66. Lizard with a dewlap 67. UK museum name 68. Hit that doesn't go far 69. Allows entry, as to the club 70. Modified, as the bass and treble, briefly 71. Very tiny 72. Hardest to catch 73. ___ track (gauntlet-laying song) DOWN 1. Zodiac scales 2. Like the perfect mate 3. Marsupial with a pouch 4. Ordained churchgoers 5. Make oneself look big 6. You might get one from nickel or sunscreen 7. One may be bulleted 8. Ohio new wave band 9. Red Sea port 10. Coffee size, when the day ahead is long 11. Number of tentáculos on a pulpo 12. Bathrobe alternative 13. "Never, and that's final!" 14. Approves 22. Louvre pyramid architect 23. Bauble shaped like the moon 27. Irritable 29. Key of 30-Down: Abbr.
Puzzle for the week of April 15, 2024
Difficulty Level: ●○○○
By Rob Brezsny
ARIES (March 21-April 19): I suspect two notable phenomena will coalesce in your sphere sometime soon. The first is a surplus supply of luck. I’m not sure why, but the fates will be sending surges of good karma your way. The second phenomenon is this: You might not be entirely alert for the potential luck flowing in your direction, and it may not leap out and grab you. That could be a problem. Fortunately, you are reading this oracle, which means you are getting a heads-up about the looming opportunity. Now that you realize you must be vigilant for the serendipitous blessings, I’m confident you will spot them and claim them.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20): You will be wise to summon extra love and rapport as you ruminate on your vivid upcoming decisions. Wouldn’t you like to bask in the helpful influences of smart allies who respect you? How nurturing would it feel to receive healing encouragement and warm appreciation? I suggest you convene a conference of trusted advisors, good listeners, sunny mentors, wisdom keepers, and spirit guides. Maybe even convene a series of such gatherings. Now is an excellent time to call in all your favors and get the most inspirational support possible as you navigate your way to the next chapter of your life story.
fection." Leadership expert R. R. Stutman adds: "If perfection is an obstacle course, excellence is a masterful dance."
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): "Everyone is a moon and has a dark side which they never show to anybody," wrote author Mark Twain. I agree that everyone is a moon and has a dark side. But it’s important to note that our dark sides are not inherently ugly or bad. Psychologist Carl Jung proved to me that our dark sides may contain latent, wounded, or unappreciated beauty. To be healthy, in fact, we should cultivate a vigorous relationship with our dark side. In doing so, we can draw out hidden and undeveloped assets. The coming weeks will be a favorable time for you Libras to do this.
GEMINI (May 21-June 20): If you drink alcohol, don't operate a forklift or backhoe. If you gamble, protect yourself with safeguards and have a backup plan. If you feel called to explore altered states of consciousness, consider doing meditation, dancing, or chanting holy songs instead of ingesting drugs. If you have an itch to go hang-gliding or sky-jumping, triple-check your equipment. And if you have the urge to try to walk on the water, don a lifejacket first. But please note, dear Gemini: I am not advising you to timidly huddle in your comfort zone. On the contrary. I highly recommend you stretch your limits. Just be secure and smart as you do.
SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Your current state has metaphorical resemblances to idling in your car, waiting and waiting and waiting for the red light to change. But here’s the good news: I expect the signal will turn green very soon—maybe even within minutes after you read this horoscope. Here’s more good news: Your unlucky number will stop popping up so often, and your lucky number will be a frequent visitor. I’m also happy to report that the “Please don’t touch” signs will disappear. This means you will have expanded permission to consort intimately with influences you need to consort with.
CANCER (June 21-July 22): I plotted out my usual astrological reckonings for your current destiny. Then I slipped into a meditative trance and asked the spirits to show me future scenes that correspond to my assessments. In one prominent vision, I beheld you partying heartily, navigating your avid and inquisitive way through convivial gatherings. In other scenes, I saw you engaged in lively discussions with interesting people who expanded your understanding of the meaning of life in general and the meaning of your life in particular. I conclude that intelligent revelry will be a main theme for you. Productive excitement. Pleasurable intrigue. Connections that enliven and tonify your imagination.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): The theory of synchronicity proposes that hidden patterns are woven into our lives. Though they may ordinarily be hard to detect, they can become vividly visible under certain circumstances. But we have to adjust the way we interpret reality. Here’s a clue: Be alert for three meaningful coincidences that happen within a short time and seem related to each other. I predict the emergence of at least one set of these coincidences in the coming weeks—maybe as many as four. Synchronicities are coming! You have entered the More-Than-Mere-Coincidence Zone.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22):
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): I think it’s time to graduate from your lessons in toxic kinds of enchantment and launch a new experiment with healthy kinds of enchantment. If you agree, spend the next few days checking to see if any part of you is numb, apathetic, or unreceptive. Non-feelings like these suggest you may be under the enchantment of influences that are cramping your imagination. The next step is to go in quest of experiences, people, and situations that excite your imagination, rouse your reverence, and raise your appreciation for holy mysteries. Life will conspire benevolently on your behalf if you connect yourself with magic, marvels, and miracles.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Luther Burbank (1849–1926) was a practical artist. Using crossbreeding, he developed over 800 novel varieties of vegetables, fruits, grains, and flowers. Among his handiwork was the russet Burbank potato, a blight-resistant food designed to help Ireland recover from its Great Famine. My personal favorite was his Flaming Gold nectarine, one of the 217 fruits he devised. I propose that Burbank serve as your role model in the coming weeks. I believe you have the power to summon highly pragmatic creativity.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): L. R. McBride wrote the book The Kahuna: Versatile Mystics of Old Hawaii. He describes the role of the kahuna, who is a blend of sorcerer, scholar, and healer. At one point, a kahuna gives advice to an American tourist, saying, “You have moved too fast for too long. You have left part of yourself behind. Now you should slow down so that part of you can catch up." I’m offering you the same advice right now, Aquarius. Here’s your homework: Dream up three fun things you can do to invite and welcome back the left-behind parts of you.
Psychologists J. Clayton Lafferty and Lorraine F. Lafferty wrote a book called Perfectionism: A Sure Cure for Happiness. It's based on their work with clients who damaged their lives "in the illusory pursuit of the unrealistic and unattainable standard of perfection." In my observation, many of us are susceptible to this bad habit, but you Virgos tend to be the most susceptible of all. The good news is that you now have an excellent chance to loosen the grip of perfectionism. You are more receptive than usual to intuitions about how to relax your aspirations without compromising your competence. As inspiration, consider these words from author Henry James: "Excellence does not require per -
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): In the course of my life, I have heard the following three statements from various people: 1. “Everything would be better between us if you would just be different from who you are.” 2. "I would like you more if you were somebody else." 3. “Why won’t you change to be more like the person I wish you would be?"
I’m sure you have heard similar pronouncements yourself, Pisces. But now here’s the good news: I don’t think you will have to endure much, if any, of such phenomena in the coming months. Why?
First, because you will be more purely your authentic self than you have ever been. Second, because your allies, colleagues, and loved ones—the only people who matter, really—are likely to be extra welcoming to your genuine self.
Homework: Homework: Enjoy free articles and audios from my new book: https://bit.ly/lovelifegifts
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By Joshua Phillips
Keping mind and body healthy while traveling
While making travel plans for the summer with friends and family, or navigating travel for business, there are typically many logistics to manage to ensure a fun and smooth trip. Often the arranging of flight plans, hotel stays or international details are all-consuming, leaving little time or energy left for some of the basics of self-care. Taking some fundamental steps, however, to support our nervous, endocrine and digestive systems while also preparing ourselves mentally can go a long way toward not only a wellplanned trip, but also a healthy one.
First off, I recommend a very simple practice of seeing your trip go exactly as you want it to. Give yourself just a little time, both during the preparation phase and again right before you leave, to sit down and give yourself some space to create a very positive feeling around your trip. Take a moment to close your eyes, have a few deep breaths and let go of all the logistics.
Give yourself time to remember why you’re doing this in the first place. Imagine yourself at your destination really soaking in the experience and truly enjoying yourself—either alone or with your companions. Stick with this practice of breathing and visualizing until you really feel it in your body, allowing a sense of ease and enjoyment around your travel experience. This practice can be surprisingly helpful for setting a healthy tone in your nervous system and setting the stage for a great time while you are away.
Some degree of stress is a given while traveling, which, if overwhelming, in and of itself, can be detrimental to health. If traveling abroad, changing time zones and disturbance of our night-day rhythms can be a shock, and trying to pack too much in the beginning of a trip can be unnecessarily frazzling.
If you are traveling to the other side of the globe, for example, give yourself a few days to do nothing—or at least very little. Give your body the opportunity to adjust and for your nervous and endocrine systems to re-regulate. When you arrive, work your way toward waking up in the morning, and go to bed at a reasonable hour, local time. A few days of training the body usually does the trick for getting
through the jet-lag phase. For some, a low dose of melatonin at bedtime can help encourage a good night’s rest and an endocrine reset. For others just allowing a proper wind-down before bedtime, thorough daytime hydration, while avoiding too much caffeine and alcohol does the trick. Also try not to overeat—particularly late at night.
For those of us nervous types, some additional support for the adrenals and nerves can be very helpful. Many benefit from long-term adrenal support, which can be continued while traveling—there are many options of “adaptogenic” herbal formulas that are great at tonifying the crucial link between the adrenal-nervous-endocrine systems. This approach, along with adequate sleep and hydration, and again, not overdoing caffeine and alcohol will suffice.
Depending on where you are traveling, our digestive systems can really take a hit from unfamiliar water sources and food. Exposure to foreign and novel microflora is often unsettling to the GI tract, and in some cases can cause outright illness, often in the form of traveler’s diarrhea. I recommend traveling with a reputable probiotic formula that can be taken at the first sign of lower GI distress. In many cases, beginning a good probiotic formula before leaving home, and continuing it throughout your travels, is the ticket for preventing symptoms altogether.
All of these previously described measures will also be supportive for a vital immune system, meaning less likelihood for getting sick from viruses and bacteria you’re exposed to in airports and new environments. Additionally, some of the basics like ensuring vitamin D levels are in a healthy range before traveling is a great idea. The immune-supportive vitamin C for most is also worth throwing in the travel bag as further support for a healthy immune system.
A little extra preparation to care for yourself, body and mind, will go a long way toward an enjoyable and healthy time while you are away. Happy travels!
—Joshua Phillips, ND, is a naturopathic physician and director at Hawthorn Healing Arts Center in Bend. This article is not intended as medical advice, but for informational purposes only.
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Deadline: April 25 It’s time to plan for the best summer ever! Get the word out about your classes, camps, family events and services in the next issue of Bend Nest, and look forward to an active and fulfilling season! — PLUS — The 2024 winners of the Best of the Nest Readers poll announced!
Just south of Redmond makes Bend an easy commute from Desert Terrace Park. This 1620 sq ft home has 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, vaulted ceiling with open floor plan, large dining and kitchen area featuring extended breakfast bar. Oversized master bedroom, walk in closet. Large extra room that could be use as a rec room or spare bedroom when needed (no closet). Newer pellet stove. 2 car carport and front door covered porch and all newer exterior paint. Carport has a handicap ramp available for easy up hill walk into dining area.
Longstanding retail business with extremely loyal customer base. Excellent downtown location, offers unbeatable exposure. Multiple opportunities to grow revenue.
Charming Cottage Residence, ideal for first-time homeowners or as an investment venture, nestled in the heart of Metolius. This cozy onebedroom, one-bathroom dwelling rests upon an expansive 0.17-acre lot, offering ample room for potential expansion or leisure activities. Step onto the covered back patio to bask in the morning sun and relish pastoral vistas. The fully fenced lot ensures privacy and security. Conveniently located just minutes from Madras and a short 22-mile drive to Redmond, this property
42 NW GREENWOOD AVE • BEND, OR 541.788.0860
$375,000 NEW LISTING
an enticing opportunity. www SkjersaaGroup com 5 41.3 83 14 26 1 033 NW Newpor t Ave. Bend, OR 97703 Skjersaa Group | Duke Warner Realty Oregon Real Estate Licensees MODERN CRAFTSMAN IN DISCOVERY WEST 3178 NW CELILO LANE Abundant light and vaulted ceilings welcome you to this new construction home in Discovery West. Main level primary bedroom and office, as well as two additional guest bedrooms upstairs, and a generous flex/bonus space. Massive 2+ car garage with a third bay to accommodate toys or a compact vehicle. OFFERED AT $1,695,000 BEAUTIFUL BRASADA RANCH VIEWS 15632 SW MECATE LANE This Brasada lot at .59 acres is slightly sloped for breathtaking views of the Cascade Mountains, small pond for added privacy, and is located near exits for quicker access to Bend, Redmond & Prineville. OFFERED AT $189,000 MODERN FARMHOUSE IN SHEVLIN WEST 3430 NW JACKWOOD PLACE Shevlin West lot 4 is only a few steps away from the large neighborhood park, with a design from the award-winning Muddy River Designs and built by Greg Welch Construction. A modern farmhouse inspired home with an open layout, expansive great room, dining room and main level resident suite and office. Upstairs features two additional guest bedrooms, bathroom along with a generous bonus space. OFFERED AT $1,535,500 Terry Skjersaa Principal Broker, CRS Jason Boone Principal Broker, CRIS Greg Millikan Principal Broker Natasha Smith Broker/Transaction Manager BUNGALOWS IN NORTHWEST CROSSING 1620 NW LEWIS STREET The Bungalows offer an appealing location close to shopping, parks, schools, hiking and biking trails. Unit 6 features the Abbot floor plan, and offers 1401 sq ft with 2 bedrooms, 2.5 bath, two-car garage. Designer finishes throughout including hardwood floors, stainless steel appliances, tile counters, tankless water heater & ductless heating/cooling. OFFERED AT $699,000 PANORAMIC VIEWS 3240 NW METKE PLACE GARAJMAHAL 63083 CRUSHER AVE #301 One of few remaining vacant Mountain View lots within the coveted Awbrey Butte neighborhood. Panoramic, Cascade Mountain views from Mt Bachelor to Mt Hood and all the mountains in between. Located on the upslope side of a quiet cul-de-sac and removed from arterial roads and neighborhood feeder streets. Property is elevated and the 0.74ac size offers considerable privacy from nearby homes. OFFERED AT $399,000 GarajMahal offers a unique opportunity to own your own storage garage for your RV, boat, collectible cars etc. This unit features a gas furnace (w/thermostat), 50A, 30A power outlets along with several additional 110v outlets, 12’x14’ roll up door (w/electric opener) & epoxy coated floor. OFFERED AT $225,000 541ROOFING.COM Roof Replacement Custom Heat Coil Systems Insurance Claim Specialists Contact for Free Appraisal “Where quality meets value” Veteran owned - Family operated 541 ROOFING & HEAT COIL 541 ROOFING & HEAT COIL REAL ESTATE ADVERTISE IN OUR REAL ESTATE SECTION ADVERTISE@BENDSOURCE.COM Kelly Johnson Broker Bend Premier Real Estate Kelly@GoBendHomes.com 541-610-5144 “Love where you live!” Licensed in the State of Oregon FIND YOUR PLACE IN BEND & 541.771.4824 ) otis@otiscraig.com Otis Craig Broker, CRS www.otiscraig.com
Igot quite a few emails with questions regarding the settlement following my last story on the National Association of Realtors’ settlement, so I wanted to at least acknowledge our great audience by attempting to answer some of the questions received. Still, most of the answers tend to be “we will see.”
Q: With the settlement do buyers now have to pay for their own representation?
Possibly. Nothing with the settlement has been finalized, but it appears that listing agents won’t have a “box” or “line item” to include cooperating broker compensation in the MLS going forward. My opinion is that removing this piece will not in fact remove cooperating broker compensation, but rather add an additional step or two. In one scenario a broker calls the listing broker simply to ask what the cooperating broker compensation is, or perhaps the cooperating broker compensation will be negotiated through the sale in the form of a seller concession. For now, I’m speculating.
Q: If buyers must pay for their own agents, won’t most choose to go unrepresented?
A great question; unfortunately I don’t have the answer yet. Sure, some may opt to go in alone — that can and does happen right now. Nobody’s ever been forced to use an agent to buy or sell property; it just so happens that most choose to be represented. Kind of like how you’re allowed to represent yourself in a court case, but most people opt to have an attorney represent them (yes, lawyers have much higher education requirements and barriers of entry than real estate brokers). I certainly have concerns about how something like this may impact those struggling
By James Keane Broker RE/MAX Key Properties
already to purchase a home and now they must choose between paying an expert for their assistance or risk making a mistake that could wind up costing you thousands in earnest money or lawsuits. The other risk buyers could face is relying on the listing agent for advice throughout the transaction, which brings up dual agency (when an agent represents both the buyer and seller in a transaction) or potential ethical problems with relying on an agent who has no duty to represent you or your interests. What could go wrong with that?
Q: Are buyers’ agents going to go away since they seemingly won’t get compensated now?
No, I doubt buyers’ agents will go away. I think buyers’ agents will be mostly compensated in a very similar situation. Over the six years I’ve been licensed, I’ve represented buyers purchasing a property and have been paid several different ways. The most common is a percentage offered by the listing agent for bringing in a buyer. Having reviewed my own transactions, I’ve been paid between 1.5% and 3%. There have also been land purchases in which I was paid a flat fee — more than 3% of the property sale price, due to the low price of the land along with the fact that land transactions tend to be far more labor intensive in terms of due diligence.
I’m all for transparency in a transaction, but I also have concerns about unintended consequences and how those might impact both buyers and sellers. But until we have an official ruling from the Department of Justice on the settlement, we’ll just continue to operate. Thanks everyone for your great questions — please reach out to me, jkeane29@gmail.com with your real estate related questions!
VOLUME 28 ISSUE 16 / APRIL 18, 2024 47 $795,000 | 42-Acre Parcel. Ready to build. Water and power on property. GEOFF GROENER Licensed Broker 541.390.4488 geoff.groener@cascadehasson.com Your Coastal Connection Each Office is Independently Owned and Operated. All Brokers Licensed in Oregon. Equal Housing Opportunity. • 42-acre Ocean/Bay view parcel Approved to build immediately Water and electric on property • Owner use or rent existing Horse Stable Possible expansion for subdivision/ lot splits Potential 1031 opportunity • 4 acres of harvestable timber for immediate sell and view enhancement TL 1200 Immonen Rd, Lincoln City, OR 97367 MLS# 220173219 Oceanview Oasis with Stunning Views Get Noticed in our Real Estate Section contact advertise@bendsource.com We will help you make informed decisions in today’s complicated real estate market. Rhonda Garrison & Brittany Barton Brokers, Licensed in Oregon 541.279.1768 rhondagarrison1@gmail.com Lifetime locals providing top-tier service in Central Oregon for over 20 years. Interested in buying, selling or investing? Chris Beatty Broker, Licensed in Oregon 503.366.6802 chrisbeattyre@gmail.com Let’s work together. REAL ESTATE TAKE ME HOME NAR Mailbag Answering readers’ questions about the recent National Association of Realtors settlement Photos and listing info from Central Oregon Multiple Listing Service HOME PRICE ROUNDUP << LOW 1011 SW 15th St., Redmond $525,000 3 beds, 2 baths, 1,450 sq. ft., 0.26 acres (11,326 sq ft) lot Built in 1959 Listed by Eric Wilson of RE/MAX Key Properties MID >> 61149 SE Wagyu Dr. 93, Bend $734,950 3 beds, 2.5 baths, 1,900 sq. ft., 0.1 acres (4,356 sq ft) lot Built in 2024 Listed by Erin Campbell of RE/MAX Key Properties << HIGH 3566 NW Braid Dr., Bend $1,190,000 3 beds, 2 baths, 2,428 sq. ft., 0.77 acres (33,541sq ft) lot Built in 2002 Listed by Myra Girod of RE/MAX Key Properties
August 3 Iliza Shlesinger 4 Gipsy Kings featuring Nicolas Reyes 8 St. Vincent with Spoon 9 Trampled by Turtles with Joseph & Max McNown 10-11 Tyler Childers with Allison Russell and Joslyn & The Sweet Compression 12 Walker Hayes 14 Michael Franti & Spearhead with Citizen Cope and Bombargo 18 Slightly Stoopid and Dirty Heads with Common Kings and The Elovaters 23 Mt. Joy with Local Natives 24 The Beach Boys 27 Dave Matthews Band 29 311 with AWOLNATION and Neon Trees 30 Iration and Pepper with DENM and Artikal Sound System September 1 Train & REO Speedwagon with Yacht Rock Revue 2 Lindsey Stirling with Saint Motel 3 The Doobie Brothers with The Robert Cray Band 4 Hozier with Allison Russell 5 Jason Aldean with Hailey Whitters, Chase Matthew, Austin Snell and Dee Jay Silver 7 Chromeo & The Midnight with Ruth Radelet 13 Dan + Shay with Jake Owen and Dylan Marlowe