"Somewhere That's Green" inspired by our local plant shop.
Lori Agnew is a local artist, mother and nature lover.
"I am always inspired by nature, the nature outside of us, and the nature inside of us. Remembering that those two things are one in the same. That we are nature. There is no separation. That same power source of creation that spins the universe is also right inside of every one of us, always spinning. Just waiting for us to remember how powerful and connected we all are. I want my art to serve as that homecoming. A way to understand myself and the world around me more completely. A way to connect to myself and others."
Visit her website at LoriAgnewFineArt.com for more info.Connect with her on instagram at @lo.agnew
There are many pieces to the puzzle that can help solve Oregon’s housing crisis, and affordable options are a crucial component. This week, reporter Julianna LaFollette explores a possible solution — manufactured homes — here in Central Oregon. Manufactured homes can help house more Oregonians, but they still face challenges. Whether it’s annual rent increases or corporate ownership, read this week’s feature story on the pros and cons of manufactured homes in addressing housing shortages in the region and state. In local news, investigative reporter Jennifer Baires covers last October’s incident at Pilot Butte Middle School where a student brought a loaded firearm to campus and the district’s follow-up report. Julianna LaFollette also reports on a new food bank warehouse in Redmond, while Outside contributor Damian Fagan covers recent layoffs at REI. Calendar editor Savannah Mendoza checks in with a new food cart at Dogwood at the Pine Shed and highlights a Bachelor tradition 22 years in the making in Go Here. We’ve got a couple interviews with musicians hitting area stages — The Motet in Bend and Steve Poltz in Sisters — this weekend, plus an interview with Bend’s best bartender. Thanks for reading!
Nicole Vulcan - nicole@bendsource.com
Chris Young - editor@bendsource.com
Jennifer Baires - features@layitoutfoundation.org
Julianna LaFollette - reporter@bendsource.com
Savannah Mendoza - calendar@bendsource.com
Richard Sitts
Jared Rasic, Damian Fagan, Josh Savage
Rob Brezsney, Brendan Emmett Quigley, Jen Sorensen, Pearl Stark, Tom Tomorrow, Matt Wuerker
Katie Ball - production@bendsource.com
Ben Irish - design@bendsource.com
Ashley Sarvis
Ban Tat, Chad Barnes
Sean Switzer
Angela Switzer - angela@bendsource.com
Aaron Switzer - aaron@bendsource.com
Paul Butler
Alternative Weekly Network 916-551-1770
A Year in the Life: Oregon's Desert Owls
The DMV Headaches Keep Coming
Many people panicked when the Oregon Department of Transportation announced last winter season that the state agency would be doing less plowing of roads than it had in the past. Due to decreased funding levels — at least some attributed to declining gas tax revenues — its level of service was set to decrease. But as last week’s Source Weekly article laid out, the issues at ODOT, and particularly the ones that affect the day-today lives of average people, were more longstanding than that.
A more robust funding solution to have EVs pay their share is sorely needed. Currently, the state’s pay-permile system for EVs and energy-efficient vehicles, OReGO, is voluntary and no help to the revenue problem. One incentive for enrolling is a reduced registration fee at the DMV. (Cars that are fully electric or that are rated to get more than 40 miles per gallon qualify for the reduced fees if enrolled in the program.) The Oregon legislature would need to take action in order to make OReGO mandatory.
If there’s something good here, it’s that the DMV’s new kiosks at Fred Meyer stores around the state will allow customers to do some of the tasks that have in the past required a trip to the DMV, including renewing vehicle registration. That may help some with the long waits and staffing issues.
Those who have visited some of region’s Oregon Driver and Motor Vehicle offices will know some of the pain points: long waits, and at some Central Oregon locations, offices that announce sudden closures due to staffing issues. Officials from ODOT told the Source Weekly that the DMV has been operating at a “minimal level” of staffing for many years, and that’s meant sudden closures in Prineville and Madras in particular. The state’s population may have gone up by roughly 750,000 people in the last 20 years, but the DMV is still staffing about the same number of people as it did back then. No wonder getting a new license or plating a new car can feel like such a monumental task. And with Oregon issuing more and more electric vehicles, which don’t contribute gas tax funds and concurrently add more weight to the roads, and with even the gas-powered vehicles getting more efficient, it’s clear that gas taxes are going to cover less and less over time.
But buckle up — because while new kiosks might ease some of those woes, the looming deadline of Real ID may just make that problem worse. Those without a passport will need a Real ID as of May 7 in order to fly on a commercial plane — and while that deadline has been extended a number of times, this one seems like it’s going to stick, meaning a scramble may be ahead this spring for those who have yet to update their driver’s license. But heck, even with an appointment, maybe all that time waiting for your turn at the DMV is a chance to read an entire issue of the Source Weekly, cover to cover.
HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY? Send your thoughts to editor@bendsource.com. Letters must be received by noon Friday for inclusion in the following week’s paper. Please limit letters to 250 words. Submission does not guarantee publication. Opinions printed here do not constitute an editorial endorsement of said opinions. Letter of the week receives $5 to Palate!
In “Nowhere to Stay,” Jennifer Baires provides readers a glimpse of children and their families struggling to navigate Oregon’s broken mental health system. As a consulting registered nurse who works with kids in schools, I am familiar with this struggle. But given my caseload, my time with any one student is short and any sense of moral injury I feel pales in comparison to what my colleagues in education — teachers, counselors, educational assistants and administrators — experience every day.
At one of my schools, a student threatened self-harm. To protect the privacy of all involved, I must necessarily be vague, but this child had experienced profound trauma and was intent on ending their life. School staff did everything they could to convince this student to go to the hospital, but to no avail. Police were called, as was the county’s Crisis Response Team. Finally, an EMS crew from Bend Fire & Rescue responded. With great professionalism and discretion, Bend’s bravest gently removed this child from the classroom.
When a student is transported by ambulance and a legal guardian is not available, a school administrator must accompany them. In this case, the administrator who volunteered did so out of more than professional obligation — she had personal experience. Last year she and her husband took rotating shifts at the emergency department while their own child
waited five days for an inpatient psychiatric bed to open. This was a traumatic experience for a child with two loving parents alongside them — but the child she was now accompanying to the hospital had no parents at all.
Despite all the competing demands on this administrator at work and home, she was not going to leave this child to feel abandoned again. Fortunately, this burden did not fall to her alone. Over the next several days, a rotating cast of teachers, counselors, educational assistants and administrators were by their side. While they couldn’t be there at all hours, as loving parents would, they made sure this child knew they were cared for until a bed finally opened on the other side of the Cascades.
But even then, the ordeal won’t end. The administrator recounted in a debriefing the many challenges she faced bringing her own child home, including the delay in discharge because no local psychiatrists were willing to take the school district’s health insurance. That delay prevented a bed from opening to another child waiting in an emergency department somewhere in the state.
I share this story (with permission from the administrator whose story it is to tell) to highlight the ripple effects of Oregon’s failure to address our child mental health crisis. When we lack the resources to provide care to children in need — when legislators fail over and over to adequately fund our education system, our foster
care system and our mental health system — it’s not only the children and their families who suffer. It’s an entire community.
—Oliver Tatom, RN
The news outlets KTVZ and Central Oregon Daily, both sponsors of local rodeos, have reported that the Sisters Rodeo is experiencing an increase in ticket demand to witness what is, in reality, publicly sanctioned animal abuse. While traditions are often celebrated, they should never serve as a justification for violence and cruelty.
Terrified animals are subjected to relentless abuse — chased, roped and slammed to the ground — enduring injuries that are frequently severe and, in some cases, fatal. Pain-inducing tools such as electric prods and metal spurs are used to provoke unnaturally dramatic bucking behaviors, often leading to injury. The suffering doesn’t end in the arena; the animals face grueling travel conditions and a glaring lack of legal protections, further compounding their misery.
It’s time to challenge and change these outdated practices. Let’s replace traditions rooted in cruelty with ones built on respect and compassion. Join us in standing against the inherent animal abuse of rodeos and advocate
for a more humane Central Oregon. Visit Central Oregon Partners for Animal Kindness at copak.org to take action and help create a better future for all animals.
—LM Cummings
Letter of the Week:
Rodeos are certainly an American institution and a staple of life in many parts of Oregon. But as Dylan said in ’64, “The Times They Are A-Changin’” — thanks for sharing your thoughts, LM.
—Chris Young
City of Sisters Becomes Oregon’s Second DarkSky Community
Sisters announced on Jan. 22 that it received certification as an International DarkSky Community. The designation makes it the state’s second DarkSky community, after Antelope was designated in 2024, and the sixth International DarkSky Place.
The certification, according to a press release, follows years of dark sky advocacy, bringing awareness to the importance of preserving nighttime skies and protecting wildlife that depend on darkness.
“We all need to thank the people that have been working on this for years before the city and the rest of the community joined the movement, namely, the Sisters Astronomy Club, who created the momentum to see this through,” said Sisters Mayor Michael Preedin.
—Julianna LaFollette
Housing Lottery for Affordable Redmond Community Opens Soon
RootedHomes, an affordable housing organization, announced that the housing lottery for its upcoming Rooted at 19th community will begin March 31 and conclude on May 15. The housing lottery, according to a press release, provides an opportunity for income-qualified homebuyers to own a home in Redmond at below-market rates.
Rooted at 19th, currently under construction, will offer 22 duplexes and triplexes. There will be 11 two-bedroom homes, priced at $259,000, and 11 three-bedroom homes, offered at $293,000 — all built to net-zero standards. The homes are eligible for homebuyers earning below 80% of the Deschutes County area median income. RootedHomes also announced it will give one preference point to any veteran who applies.
“We at RootedHomes are thrilled to announce our first of four Redmond communities, bringing more permanently affordable homes to Central Oregon families," said Tess Spellacy, homeownership program director at RootedHomes.
—Julianna LaFollette
— The average cost of a manufactured home in Oregon in 2024, from the Feature story, “A Prefabricated Path to Homeownership”
“I love when people are filled with food — it makes me happy to feed people. My priority isn’t the money; my priority is to serve people through this endeavor.”
School District Issues Safety Report Following Armed Student on Campus
The “After Action Review” included a breakdown of what happened in the minutes, days and weeks after a student
brought a loaded firearm
to Pilot Butte Middle School
By Jennifer Baires
Bend-La Pine Schools released a report on Jan. 23, following a months-long investigation into the handling of an unprecedented event in October, when a 7th grader at Pilot Butte Middle School brought a loaded handgun to campus, along with a list of targets.
According to the report, the event marked the first known time a BLPS student had brought a loaded gun to a District school with the intent to harm. It was a violation of the District’s zero-tolerance policy for students having firearms or weapons on campus.
The entire school shooting threat, from when the 12-year-old told a teacher they had a weapon to when the teacher escorted the student outside and an on-site student resource officer took the gun, lasted under two minutes. It was, Superintendent Steve Cook wrote in the report’s introduction, the best outcome District officials could hope for.
“For something like this, it’s important to analyze and correct oversights, errors or weaknesses in our safety system, from how we prepare and respond to how we follow through after the initial incident is over,” Cook wrote. “It’s just as important — and perhaps more so with this incident — to examine and learn from everything that went right and served to circumvent a potentially tragic outcome to this event.”
Had the event happened a few weeks prior, the response to the threat might have looked a lot different. Just two weeks before the Oct. 21 incident, a Bend Police Department School Resource Officer was assigned to Pilot Butte Middle School. Before then, PBMS and Mountain View High School shared an SRO — but given the number of calls for service experienced at PBMS over the past few years the District and Bend PD decided the school needed a dedicated officer. Data from Bend PD shows that since 2021 calls for service have doubled at PBMS, with a total of 280 calls for all of 2024. In 2021, the number was 136. Calls for service can include everything from a drug offense to a stolen bike to an officer conducting a follow-up on a previous case or call.
In addition to noting what worked well, the
District report also detailed “growth opportunities.” Among the findings were that staff could have used a “hold protocol” while the student was detained and interviewed to determine whether he/she was working independently. Though Scott Maben, director of communications for BLPS, said that in this case, it wasn’t found to be necessary.
“It’s just as important — and perhaps more so with this incident — to examine and learn from everything that went right and served to circumvent a potentially tragic outcome to this event.”
“It was a unique incident in that the threat was neutralized so quickly, and the determination was made fairly soon after that,” Maben told the Source Weekly. “It was a judgment call in the moment, and in the end, it was an acceptable decision to make.”
Other areas for improvement noted in the report were around communications — specifically how potential victims were to be notified, which resulted in “…some confusion for families of targeted students as well as for school staff on the appropriate next steps to support victims,” and in who is notified when. In this case, media outlets and the public were told of the incident before PBMS families were directly notified by the District.
Despite the incident, the District did not find it needed any significant overhauls to its safety protocols or that systems needed to change. There are no immediate plans to add metal detectors at schools because, according to the report, a five-year data review on the number of juvenile weapons charges in Bend showed
only three arrests over that timeline. Only one — from the October incident in question — was at a school.
“When considering data on firearms and other weapons used by our student-aged population in the District, the history, probability and vulnerability analysis provides us with data to show that metal detectors are not necessarily the best resource to prevent firearm-related incidents in our community,” the report read. Instead, BLPS will continue working with advocacy groups to provide gun safes and locks to people in the community, along with sharing information on safe gun storage practices.
Likewise, the report found no need to install a wireless panic alarm system or artificial intelligence cameras at the time.
“We already have systems in place for alerting law enforcement directly that help as needed,” Maben said. “We have ways to place a school into lockdown or a secure hold very quickly,” he said, adding that he did not want to go into too much detail on the systems in place and potentially open schools to security risks.
“We don’t want to be out there saying that our response system is perfect,” Maben added. “There was a lot that did go well that day, and in the end, no one was harmed physically. I think there was harm done emotionally and psychologically. You know, the sense of safety and security that students and families feel can be rattled with something like this,” he said.
The 12-year-old who brought the gun to school was arrested on Oct. 21 and charged with suspicion of attempted murder, first-degree attempted assault and unlawful use of a weapon. Police later found that the student brought the gun from home, and a parent was subsequently charged with failing to secure the firearm. It was the first time Bend PD had ever issued such a citation.
—This story is powered by the Lay It Out Foundation, the nonprofit with a mission of promoting deep reporting and investigative journalism in Central Oregon. Learn more and be part of this important work by visiting layitoutfoundation.org.
Bend-La Pine Schools administration building.
Jennifer Baires
Pilot Butte Middle School in northeast Bend.
Pilot Butte Middle School
NeighborImpact Opens New Food Bank Warehouse in Redmond
By Julianna LaFollette
NeighborImpact, a nonprofit offering food assistance, energy assistance and emergency housing to people in need, celebrated its 40th anniversary Jan. 24 and held a grand opening for its new food warehouse in Redmond. The organization’s new building, housing a wide variety of food products for those in need, will help the nonprofit keep up with growing demand.
NeighborImpact offers one of the largest food assistance programs in Central Oregon, with its food bank and mobile pantry system distributing meals to Deschutes, Crook and Jefferson counties and the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs.
In June, the food bank was serving around 70,000 individuals every month through its network of food pantries and meal sites, according to Jordan Reeher, food program manager at NeighborImpact. But, according to Reeher, the organization had outgrown its previous warehouse, noticing an increase in the number of individuals utilizing its food resources following the Covid-19 pandemic.
The new 10,000-square-foot warehouse will offer more space for the organization to store food supplies. The previous warehouse was 4,000 square-feet and had a 300-square-foot cooler.
The new building size, including its over 1,000-square-foot cooler, allows NeighborImpact to accept more products, serve more people and have a safer, more streamlined process of accessing and distributing food, according to staff member Chelsea Schwab.
In addition to its size, the warehouse has several dedicated loading docks to make loading trucks easier for distribution. Another addition of the new building includes a separate door for people dropping off large donations.
“The opening of the new food bank warehouse marks a significant milestone in our efforts to reduce food insecurity and strengthen our community. This new facility will enhance our ability to store and distribute fresh, nutritious food to our neighbors in need,” NeighorImpact wrote in a press release.
Calling all Central Oregon singles who are ready to mingle! Join a fun night of mingling and speed dating with other singles in the area. Not single? Grab your single friend and be their wingman/woman for the night. Fri., Jan. 31, 6-8pm at Wild Ride Brewing. 332 SW Fifth St., Redmond. $5.
and Pete Kartsounes for a
The new warehouse allows NeighborImpact to meet a growing need for food resources.
Julianna LaFollette
A Prefabricated Path to Homeownership
Touted as one of the most affordable homeownership options, officials grapple with the pros and cons of manufactured homes
Story and photos by Julianna LaFollette
In March 2019, Jim Dailing decided to move into a manufactured home park in southeast Bend. Following his divorce, Dailing, a self-employed artist, didn’t have many options when looking for an affordable place to live. At the time, the median home price was around $450,000.
According to Dailing, he could either rent an apartment or buy a manufactured home. He felt that purchasing a home would be the better choice, as he could possibly recoup some of the money he spent on the structure when he was ready to leave — an important aspect of home ownership. But that promise of building equity has been challenged by recent spikes in the rent he pays for his lot.
Historically, manufactured home parks have been seen as an affordable homebuying option in the state and the nation, geared toward lower-income households. According to a draft housing report from the City of Bend, people most likely to live in manufactured homes in parks are those with annual incomes between $27,750 and $44,950 — accounting for about 16% of Bend’s households.
The state has identified manufactured homes as “needed housing,” requiring cities to plan for these parks based on a number of projections, including population, household income levels, market trends and inventory.
In 2016, the City of Bend’s Housing Needs Analysis noted that Oregon communities were losing manufactured housing parks. While the City reported fewer closures in recent years, the production of these dwelling parks in Bend has eased due to land constraints and the introduction of other housing types, such as
duplexes, triplexes and townhomes.
While rising costs have affected the affordability of some manufactured home parks in the state, stakeholders and leaders are calling for increased support, seeing it as a necessary part of the housing continuum.
Meeting Housing Goals
In 2024, the average cost of a manufactured home in Oregon was about $135,000. A manufactured home, formerly known as a mobile home, is a factory-built house that’s typically placed on a permanent foundation. They are often long and thin and come in different configurations, such as single-wide and double-wide. Other prefabricated housing types, like modular and tiny homes, are similar but differ in building regulations, and can often be sited in a manufactured home park. In dwelling parks, people typically purchase the structure and lease the land, paying a monthly rent subject to changes and increases.
According to Jody Lyon, executive director of the Oregon Manufactured Housing Association (OMHA), just over 7% of Oregon homes in 2022 were manufactured. In 2016, manufactured housing in parks accounted for about 4% of Bend’s housing stock. Today, manufactured housing accounts for about 5.5% of Bend’s current housing stock. With state goals to create 36,000 homes a year, and given the state’s affordability crisis, Lyon sees manufactured housing as an important solution in reaching state housing goals.
“We can play a really significant role in that,” she said. “We can certainly help policymakers with their goals of overcoming the homeless issue and the
affordability issue here in our state.”
OMHA’s members include five factories building manufactured homes in Oregon that, altogether, Lyon said, could produce 10% of the state’s goal every year.
According to Lyon, people can typically get a manufactured home purchased, built and sited within two to three months. Additionally, because factories are able to purchase materials in bulk, they keep building costs down.
The City of Bend’s 2016 Housing Needs Analysis, which found that residents strongly preferred single-family homes over an apartment or townhouse, noted that manufactured homes were, and will continue to be, an important source of affordable housing in Bend, providing a form of homeownership that can be made available to low- to moderate-income households. However, the growing acquisition of dwelling parks from big corporations has led to an increase in monthly costs.
Corporate Ownership
Dailing, who lives in a manufactured home park, Romaine Village, said his lease has more than doubled in price since purchasing his home in 2019.
A typical rate increase for the community is around 8% annually, he said. However, in 2022, it went up nearly 15%, roughly $1,500 more per year for renting the property. According to business records, the park is owned by the California-based LLC Elle Belle.
With the rising costs, Dailing worries about the state of his community, and others, that once offered a more affordable option to people like himself. According to Oregon Rep. Pam Marsh, who represents southern Jackson County, local ownership of these parks is dwindling, leading to large rent increases.
“What we’re seeing, unfortunately, in the manufactured park industry… is the introduction of corporate ownership,” said Marsh. “Big companies that have come in don’t have those personal relationships, have hired on-site management and are really looking to increase the value of the park at the expense of the tenants. That’s what we’re trying to address.”
Marsh, who has supported and advocated for manufactured housing in the legislature for years, proposed a bill that would limit rent increases in home parks and marinas, easing the cost burden on current tenants while assuring people aren’t pushed out.
While Oregon’s rent cap law covers manufactured homes, Marsh’s proposed bill would apply more protections to a number of increases tenants can face.
“What we’re seeing is when a unit goes on the market, there’s no limit to what the next person can be asked to pay, and when the rent skyrockets for the next person, that prospective buyer is suddenly not interested in buying the unit. So, it really has a direct impact on the existing owner,” said Marsh. “We need
to do something to corral the corporate owners who are just milking people to the point that they they’re not going to be able to sustain it.”
In 2016, a City of Bend analysis found that between 2003 and 2010, Oregon had a statewide decrease of 25% in its number of manufactured home parks — a result of many park landowners selling or redeveloping their land for uses with higher rates of return.
Since then, Racheal Baker, the housing division manager with the City of Bend, said park closures have mostly stopped as a result of state legislation requiring park owners to rectify closures with tenant payouts.
Among the rising costs, many homes in these parks were built in the 1970s and require work to keep them safe and livable. A growing recognition of support needed for these dwelling parks has been seen at the state level.
“Over the last few years of understanding the
needs and some of the gaps in the manufactured home space, it was clear to us that we needed to do more to elevate it in the conversation, particularly some of the important conversations on policy and resource,” said Andrea Bell, executive director of Oregon Housing and Community Services (OHCS).
A Push for More Support
While many cities have focused heavily on “middle housing” construction such as duplexes, triplexes and townhomes after HB 2001 required communities to accommodate these housing types, many officials have continued to advocate for the need of manufactured housing.
In the last year, Lyon with OHMA worked with several policymakers on ways to promote the development of land for new manufactured homes and stimulate the production of them.
House Bill 3145, which Marsh is working on in the current legislative session, would use state funding for prefabricated homes to help support the industry, and requires OHCS to hire a contractor to support the prefab home industry.
“What we’re trying to do in that bill, is really start looking broadly at innovation, investing in it, collecting data, seeing what works, so that we can think differently,” said Marsh.
According to an Oregon Business report from 2023, manufactured home stakeholders were not involved in the governor’s Housing Production Advisory Council — indicating a lower level of priority for state government. However, Lyon sees a shift happening in the state legislature.
“I do think we’re going to see positive changes,” she said. “I think that maybe we haven’t been seen as a product. [The state] has been looking more at going vertical and multifamily options, but we’re doing our best to share about the product and the positive impact it can have here in our state.”
According to Bell with OHCS, the state has utilized resources to help support residents, like its Manufactured Home Repair and Replacement Program and Preservation Programs.
“I’m excited to use all of my energy, force and position of responsibility to make sure that manufactured housing programs continue to be strengthened and expanded here in Oregon,” said Bell.
While it’s difficult to incentivize manufactured housing in a growing economy, according to Baker with the City of Bend, the need for more manufactured homes will likely increase in the coming years.
Local officials, like Deschutes County Commissioner Patti Adair, have advocated for growth in this sector, including the creation of a large dwelling park on the outskirts of Bend. According to Adair, she proposed a project on 57 acres of land right outside of the Urban Growth Boundary, in northwest Bend, that would create about 330 manufactured homes. While the plans didn’t make it to the legislature, Adair hopes to continue advocating for opportunities like this, alongside the state.
“Thinking about manufactured homes, they are such a good opportunity,” said Adair. “You always have to have a range of houses… we need this kind of housing in Central Oregon.”
The program includes an immersive in-person Chinese-language summer camp for high school freshman through college seniors. Eligible students can earn up to four college credits from COCC by attending the entire program.
Mon.-Fri., July 7–18, 2025, 9 a.m.–3 p.m. COCC’s Chandler Lab, Bend, OR
Space is limited. Online application deadline: Thursday, March 6, 2025
Snowshoeing season is in full swing this winter. Pop by Worthy Brewing to learn about snowshoeing in Central Oregon from the Oregon Wild staff as they cover Snowshoeing 101 for those new to the activity. Wed., Jan. 29, 6-7pm at Worthy Brewing. 495 NE Bellevue Dr., Bend. Free.
Cascade Lakes Brewing is hosting a flannel fest party, a canned food drive and a fundraiser for Bethlehem Inn where $1 from every pint goes to supporting homelessness in Bend. Every five cans donated gets you one free beer, and every 10 cans gets you one free beer and a chance to win a mug club membership. Thu., Jan. 30, 11am-9pm at Cascade Lakes Pub on Reed Market. 21175 SE Reed Market Rd., Bend. Free.
Enjoy a night of jazz music from the Jazz Standard Band that takes a fun approach to playing jazz music hits and popular compositions you might recognize. Thu., Jan. 30, 7pm at Webfoot Garage at Silver Moon Brewing. 24 NW Greenwood Ave., Bend. $10.
Are you ready for some ’90s music throwbacks? Volcanic Theatre Pub is bringing all the ’90s cover bands your way for a night of dancing featuring Weez-it, Freddie and the Flannels, Chained to Stone and Mr. Belding and the Trapper Keepers. Fri., Jan. 31, 7pm at Volcanic Theatre Pub. 70 SW Century Dr., Bend. $15.
Grab your gal pals for The Bend Wine Bar’s second annual Galentine’s sip and shop at the tasting room. Support local women-owned businesses, artisans and makers featuring ceramics, jewelry, fiber arts, paintings, natural beauty products and more Sat., Feb. 2, 3-8pm at The Bend Wine Bar & Winery Tasting Room. 550 SW Industrial Way, Ste. 194, Bend. Free.
Love is in the air this February and Bend Moonlight Market warmly invites you to bring your special someone and experience the magic at the market. If you’re flying solo, come as you are and embrace the beauty of self-love through a variety of vendors, music and food. Sat., Feb. 1, 4-11pm at Volcanic Theatre Pub. 70 SW Century Dr., Bend. Free.
The Model Citizens are back for a night of cabaret with a speakeasy touch. Grab a seat at a table or a standing room spot and watch seductive performances including pole, burlesque, chair, hip-hop and other mesmerizing styles. Sat., Feb. 1, 8-9:30pm at The Barrel Room at Immersion Brewing. 550 SW Industrial Way, Ste. 185, Bend. $25-$170. SUNDAY 2/2
Velvet is hosting a Grammy viewing party at its cozy downtown lounge. This is a fun chance to watch the Grammys while delighting in a cocktail of your choice and soaking up Velvet’s chill vibes. Sun., Feb. 2, 5pm-midnight at Velvet. 805 NW Wall St., Bend. Free.
The drag superstar and alumna from “RuPaul’s Drag Race,” Scarlet Envy, is set to perform at The Greenhouse Cabaret for a 90-minute live cabaret and poetry variety show with jazz twists on her pop music hits. Sun., Feb. 2, 7-10pm at The Greenhouse Cabaret. 1017 NE Second St., Bend. $39-$49.
Sami Godlove
Jeshua Marshall
Brandy Peterson
Violet Robles1 Model Citizens Velvet
DThe Multifaceted Steve Poltz
folk singer and songwriter defies definition
By Chris Young
oes everything an artist says have to be true?
Musicians surely take us on journeys with their songs, weaving together tales based on experiences and imagination. Steve Poltz is one of those singer/songwriters, a troubadour who spins stories in his songs and from stages. He can pull your leg while also baring his soul. It’s this mix of oddball creativity and tenderness that makes him interesting and keeps audiences coming to see what the next layer of the onion will reveal.
These qualities have also garnered the interest of other musicians. Poltz has collaborated with Billy Strings (“Leaders”), Molly Tuttle (“Million Miles”), Jewel (“You Were Meant For Me”), Sierra Hull and The Wood Brothers. In fact, Oliver Wood and Jano Rix and The Wood Brothers produced his last record, 2022’s “Stardust and Satellites,” in Nashville, where Poltz now resides. The Source Weekly caught up with Poltz before he visits Sisters on Saturday, Feb. 1 at The Belfry.
Source Weekly: You played about 130 shows last year. How many days a year are you typically on the road?
Steve Poltz: I reckon I played about 139-and-a-half shows last year. One of ’em was only a half-a-show because the power went out mid-gig and there was a tornado warning. So all those folks had to evacuate and got ripped off by Madre Nature. I still owe some people a half a show. I’m good for it. I’ll phone it in.
So I guess that means since the shows are all in different cities, I’m on the road for over 270 days with all the travel and delays and whatnot. I should sell weed on the side since I’m always on the move. They’ll never catch me. Or will they? Either way, one of the presidents will pardon me. Those pardons seem to grow on trees.
SW: Besides all the touring and festivals you’ve already got lined up for the year, what’s next? Are you working on a new studio album?
SP: I feel like I’d enjoy becoming a chef. I like chopping onions because it’s the only way I can cry. Otherwise my eyes are jaded and dry like the eyes of a lizard. Are lizards’ eyes jaded and dry? They look kinda bored to me. Unfazed and dry as the desert sand. So yeah, I need to make a new record. I have the songs. I have the wherewithal. I just need to pull the lever and put my mouth on a microphone and twirl some knobs. It’s gonna happen. I’m a live animal so
corralling me in a studio takes a bit of gumption and subterfuge. I need to be handcuffed and covered in baby oil, but there seems to be a paucity of baby oil due to a surfeit of “freak offs.”
SW: You’ve got an extensive list of noteworthy collaborators you’ve worked with over the years. Care to share any behind-the-scenes stories?
SP: Way back in 1995, Jewel and I lived at Neil Young’s ranch when we made Jewel’s debut record “Pieces of You.” The producer was Ben Keith from Neil’s band The Stray Gators. We got to have Neil’s chef “Cookie” make us all our food. He was wonderful and fed all the musicians. Neil and the rest of the guys couldn’t believe how much I could eat so one morning they weighed me before breakfast and after. It was the morning we recorded our hit song we co-wrote called “You Were Meant For Me.” So before breakfast I weighed 148 pounds. After breakfast I weighed 153. Neil Young looked at the scale and said, “Goddamn, that was a 5 pounder! How is he able to eat so much?” I looked like a snake who ate a possum.
SW: What can we expect from your show in Sisters?
SP: It’ll probably be the greatest show I’ll ever play. I’m planning to peak that night. At The Belfry, I’ll be on the precipice. My skills will start diminishing after Sisters. So catch me at my best. After that show, I’ll start naming my tour the “Catch A Falling Turd Tour.” I seriously recommend coming to this show and then NEVER seeing me again because I’ll only let you down. Don’t miss this once in a lifetime opportunity. Act now. Operators are standing by.
An Evening with Steve Poltz Sat., Feb. 1, 7pm The Belfry
The cheeky, soul-filled troubadour Steve Poltz takes The Belfry stage on Feb. 1 in Sisters.
Jeff Fasano
29 Wednesday
The Cellar-A Porter Brewing Company Wednesday Jam Sessions Drink some fine cask or imported beers and try some amazing British pies while listening to local musicians jam out. 6:30-8:30pm. Free.
Crosscut Warming Hut No 5 Bill Powers Relax with a pint and enjoy great local music from Bill Powers. 6-8pm. Free.
Deschutes Brewery & Public House Head Games Trivia Night Eat. Drink. Think. Win! Head Games multi-media trivia is at Deschutes Bend Public House every Wednesday. Win prizes. Teams up to six. 6:30-8:30pm. Free.
JC’s Bar & Grill WING-skey Wednesdays + TRIVIA Wednesdays at JC’s are a triple threat:
$0.75 wings, killer whiskey specials and trivia kicking off at 7pm. Bring your A-game for our infamous “physical challenge” (think limbo and musical chairs!) and a night full of laughs and flavor. Don’t miss out - It’s the best midweek party in town! 7pm. Free.
M&J Tavern Open Mic Night Downtown living room welcomes musicians to bring their acoustic set or turn it up to eleven with the whole band. Bring your own instruments. Goes to last call or last musician, whichever comes first. 21+. 6:30pm. Free.
McMenamins Old St. Francis School SHINE @ McMenamins SHINE brings decades of musical experience for a night of acoustic goodness with lots of vocals. From songs by Collective Soul to Simon & Garfunkel, you don’t want to miss this. It’s time to Shine! 7-10pm. Free.
Northside Bar & Grill Mellow Wednesday Acoustic Open Mic and Jam hosted by Derek Michael Marc Sign-up sheet is available at 6:30pm. 7-9pm. Free..
Pinky G’s Pizzeria MUSIC BINGO Join music Bingo (think Bingo and Name that Tune). Great food, cold drinks and good times. Free to play and prizes for each round winner. 6-8pm. Free.
Ponch’s Place Bingo Wednesdays Enjoy bingo at Ponch’s Place on Wednesdays. 5-7pm. Free.
Prost! Bend Trivia Prost! UKB Trivia is now at Prost! Genuine UKB Trivia is no average trivia night! Meet up with friends, win gift card prizes for top teams! Enjoy Prost’s authentic beer and food menu. Trivia is free to play, with no buy-ins! 7-9pm. Free. The Commonwealth Pub Pete Kartsounes Known for captivating audiences with his soulful voice and expert guitar skills, Pete brings more than two decades of global touring experience and collaborations with renowned bands like Leftover Salmon, Greensky Bluegrass, and Yonder Mountain String Band. 7:30pm. Free.
30 Thursday
Austin Mercantile Live Music Every Thursday Join at Austin Mercantile for live music every Thursday. Offering a light happy hour menu — daily flatbread, chili, charcuterie, soft pretzels and more! 4:30-6:30pm. Free.
Bridge 99 Brewery Trivia Thursday at Bridge 99 Brewery Trivia Thursdays at 6:30pm at Bridge 99 Brewery with Useless Knowledge Bowl. It’s no ordinary trivia night, Team up to win house gift cards! Great brews, cocktails, and more. In-house menu and food truck options available! It’s free to play. Indoor and outdoor seating available. 63063 Layton Ave, Bend. 6:30-8:30pm. Free.
Winter. 7-10pm. Free.
Crave Kitchen Bend COMEDY OPEN MIC NIGHT Comedy Open Mic Night on the SW side of Bend! Adults only encouraged. Intimate, smaller venue, healthier food and beverages, and an interactive night of comedy every Thursday! Hosted By Hopper. 7-9pm. Free.
The Domino Room Yesness (Kristian Dunn of El Ten Eleven & Damon Che of Don Caballero) & SEGO Scaffolded around eight-string bass, knotty percussion, and intricate syncopation, uncategorizable yet reverent to the altar of instrumental rock. Beyond all measure, Yesness stands as a testament to the powerful dividends of friendship and collaboration. 8-11:30pm. $20.
Elements Public House Trivia Night at Elements Public House with QuizHead Games Come be all you can be with Trivia Night every Thursday from 6-8pm! Featuring QuizHead. games. Located at the north end of Redmond. Full bar and great food! 6-8pm. Free.
Mountain Burger Eli Madden at Mountain Burger Thursday night live at Mountain Burger is Eli Madden. 5-7pm. Free.
Ponch’s Place Trivia Thursdays with Quizhead Games Trivia Thursdays at Ponch’s Place with QuizHead Games. 5-7pm. Free.
River’s Place Grits N’ Gravy A folksy take on traditional country music featuring Lilli Worona, Mike Biggers & Kurt Silva. Enjoy great vocals, guitar and fiddle! 6-8pm. Free.
Silver Moon Brewing Trivia on the Moon Come down to Silver Moon Brewing for a night of trivia! Teams are welcome to show up in groups up to 8 people. Silver Moon also offers seating reservations for $20 donations that all go to F*Cancer! If you would like to reserve a table please contact the Trivia on the Moon Facebook page. 7pm. Free.
Stihl Whiskey Bar The Brandon Campbell Trio Live Gypsy Swing with The Brandon Campbell Trio at Stihl Whiskey Bar! 7-9pm. Free.
The Bend Wine Bar & Winery Tasting Room Trivia Night Tease your brain and win cool prizes. Happy Hour menu will be offered during game time. Grab your friends and enjoy an evening of fabulous wines, snacks and fun! Every last Thursday of the month. Arrive early, game starts at 6pm. Last Thursday of every month. Free.
The Commonwealth Pub Them and J at The Commonwealth Pub Them N J is a dynamic and versatile musical group featuring Jordan Madsen on vocals and guitar, Jason Bradley on drums, Seth Phillips on saxophone, and Maya (Fly) Garcia on bass, adding depth and soul to their sound. Blending covers and original compositions! 8pm. Free.
The Dez Lounge Open Mic w/ Joyful Lane Join Joyful Lane as he hosts open mic night @ The Dez Lounge! Enjoy NA cocktails, charcuterie and desserts while listening to local talent! 6-9pm. Free.
The Lot Rick Smith Rick Smith has performed live for over 30 years with Steppin Out, The Untouchables and The Coupe de Ville Band, opening up for The Average White Band, Elvin Bishop and Curtis Salgado, to name a few. Rick is now a single entertainer playing country/ rock, blues and funk. 6-8pm. Free.
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Webfoot Garage at Silver Moon Brewing Jazz night with the Jazz Standard Band Jazz standards; a compilation of hits and popular compositions. A fun approach to playing some jazz music you might recognize. Featuring singers from around the Central Oregon area and other local musicians. 7pm. $10.
31 Friday
Hardtails Bar & Grill Stage 28 Karaoke Come out for a night of Stage 28 Karaoke with your host Miss Min! What’s your go-to karaoke tune? Come to Hardtails for a fun Friday night and sing your heart out! 8pm-Midnight. Free.
Big E’s Sports Bar Karaoke Night Central Oregon’s most fun karaoke venue! Karaoke is hosted by A Fine Note Karaoke Too and DJ Jackie J. Delicious food and drink and a friendly staff. Come join the show where you are the star! 8pm. Free.
Silver Moon Brewing Amargoso, Jackrat & Vista House Two of Bend’s Jackrat and Amagoso team up for a heavy hitting night of local fun and original music. 7pm. $12.
Silver Moon Brewing So You Think You Got Jokes - Comedy Competition Join Silver Moon Brewing for a stand-up comedy competition hosted by Billy Brant! Two rounds of laughs, improv, and audience voting. Don’t miss the fun— grab tickets now! 8-9:30pm. $15.
The Commonwealth Pub Chris Ossig 80’s Dance Party Break out your neon, leg warmers, and big hair for a night of totally tubular tunes and retro vibes. Dress to impress in your flashiest 80s gear and dance the night away to all your favorite hits. Don’t miss this blast from the past— it’s gonna be like, totally rad! 8pm. Free.
Volcanic Theatre Pub Back to 90’s Night with Weez-It , Freddie and the Flannels, Chained to Stone and Mr. Belding and the Trapper Keepers Back to ‘90s Night with Weez-It , Freddie and the Flannels, Chained to Stone and Mr. Belding and the Trapper Keepers. Come dance as we go back in time! 7pm. $15 presale.
1 Saturday
Austin Mercantile Saturday Afternoon Live Music Austin Mercantile is now adding live music on Saturdays! Serving wine, beer, lite happy hour menu, gifts and home decor. Hope to see you soon! 4:30-6:30pm. Free.
Bend Cider Co. Ben Johnson Straight out of Shaniko, Ben Johnson blends folk, country-western, and jazz into one of the West’s most unique solo experiences! Join us in our rustic, backyard tent for an intimate early evening of music. Enjoy delicious ciders, beer, wine, and n/a beverages. Light appetizers available, outside food welcome. 4-6pm. Free.
The Commons Cafe & Taproom An Intimate Evening with Quattlebaum Join folk singer and banjo slinger, Quattlebaum for an intimate evening at The Commons in Bend. This will be his only local performance all winter. It will be an intimate evening of new songs, classic originals, and choice covers. Plus, there are lots of special guests in store! 7-9:30pm. $25.
Crave Kitchen Bend Crave Comedy Night -
1 Year Anniversary Come Celebrate the 1-year anniversary of Crave Bend w/ the very first Crave Comedy Night! Four of Central Oregon’s best comedians will grace the stage and slang the funny. Join us for great drinks, better food, and huge laughs. 18+ suggested age. 8pm. $15.
Greg’s Grill 80s Karaoke Night A night of Karaoke at Greg’s Grill ‘80s style! Come hang out and sing your ‘80s heart out! Hosted by Mari! 7-10pm. Free.
River’s Place Saturday Jazz Sesions Richard Taelour Trio for Saturday Jazz Sessions at River’s Place. 6-8pm. Free.
Silver Moon Brewing The Chris Duarte Group The Chris Duarte Group emerged on the scene out of Austin, Texas, in the early 90’s and gained notoriety after wowing a packed room of industry insiders at the South X Southwest convention. In the wake of Stevie Ray Vaughan’s passing, Duarte quickly gained a national reputation as a young man. 7pm. $20.
Yesness, the American rock duo comprised of Kristian Dunn (El Ten Eleven) and Damon Che (Don Caballero), comes to Bend this week. Thu., Jan. 30, 8pm at Domino Room.
Yesness FB
By Chris Young
Spreading Love: A Q/A with The Motet New year, new vocalist, new songs
For 26 years, The Motet has been bringing funk and soul music to stages, shaking booties and spreading good vibes. Based out of Denver, today’s lineup features bandleader and drummer Dave Watts, Joey Porter on keys, Garrett Sayers on bass, Drew Sayers on keys and saxophone and Ryan Jalbert on guitar. With the release of 2024’s “Love Time,” there’s a new addition to the long-running band: Portland powerhouse vocalist Sarah Clarke, known for her work with Dirty Revival, Con Brio and Outer Orbit. The Source Weekly caught up with The Motet before the group hits Bend’s Domino Room on Sunday, Feb. 2 — answers have been edited for brevity and clarity.
Source Weekly: After 25 years together, what was it like to officially bring a new voice into the band last year?
Dave Watts: Working with Sarah has been incredibly uplifting and refreshing! Over the last two years, she has given the band a musical facelift that has not only inspired us to reinvent our existing material but also given us renewed energy to write more original music for the studio and our live shows. We met Sarah years ago when she was with her previous group, Dirty Revival from Portland. We were instantly impressed and kept in touch. A few years ago, we were looking for a new vocalist, and when she guested with us, the rapport was
instantaneous. I wouldn’t even say there was a “decision,” the music and our connection decided for us.
SW: Sarah was also featured, for the first time, on your 2024 recording, “Love Time.” How did the making of this record feel new or different?
DW: The songs kind of wrote themselves. We put together the instrumental portions and then would hand them over to Sarah. She was able to quickly find melodies and lyrics [to] suit the songs. The feeling was
effortless, which is always a good sign. All of the material we’ve written together does very well live, so what we are creating now really defines our new sound. It’s funky, fun, thoughtful and high-energy dance music performed with, in my opinion, one of the best singers on the scene.
SW: Anything you’d like to say to Bend before you get here?
DW: We love coming to Bend! You can always tell when a town has a positive, creative, connected community by the way the audience expresses themselves through dance and good vibes. We travel the entire country, and Bend is definitely one of those special places. Our shows there are always high energy and a lot of fun, hence [it] is why we always love coming back! We’ll be doing two sets of our popular older material, everything off our new album and even newer stuff still!
The Motet: “Love Time” Tour Sun., Feb. 2, doors 7pm, show 8pm Domino Room 51 NW Greenwood Ave., Bend ticketweb.com/event/the-motet-love-time-tour-domino-roomtickets/13973463
Courtney Scout
The Ale Apothecary Tasting Room
Tarekith - Chill House DJ Set Chill beats and relaxing grooves, no cover, all ages. 6-8pm. Free.
The Commonwealth Pub Major Dudes Major Dudes is a Bend-based band dedicated to playing and celebrating the music of Steely Dan. They have been performing in Central Oregon since 2022. 8pm. Free.
Velvet One Mad Man Music One Mad Man: loops together multiple instruments to create moody, driven backdrops accompanied by smooth vocals. First Saturday of every month, 9pm-Midnight. Free.
Volcanic Theatre Pub BEND MOONLIGHT MARKET Love will be in the air this February! We warmly invite you to bring your special someone and experience the magic at BMM. If you’re flying solo, don’t worry at all—come as you are and embrace the beauty of self-love. 4-11pm. Free.
Webfoot Garage at Silver Moon Brewing Los Mal Hablados & More Latin Skacore band based out of Portland, OR. Spanish hardcore with full brass sound. 7pm. $12.
2 Sunday
The Commons Cafe & Taproom Trivia Night Sunday Funday Trivia with Sean. Gather your team, or roll solo and find a spot early in the cafe, knowledge tests begin at 6pm. Prizes for 1st and 2nd place. 6-8pm. Free.
River’s Place Alex Winters Acoustic, singer/ songwriter. Perfect way to wind down your weekend. 5-7pm. Free.
Silver Moon Brewing Open Mic at the Moon Get a taste of the big time! Sign-up is at 4pm! Come check out the biggest and baddest open mic night in Bend! 5-8pm. Free.
Volcanic Theatre Pub Lightnin’ Luke & Coleman Williams Lightnin’ Luke’s powerful vocals, heartfelt lyrics, and wild fiddle playing have made him a versatile musical force, and a towering presence in the underground folk scene. His resume includes a dizzying list of collaborations, as a member of The Bridge City Sinners, Yes Ma’am & Tejon Street Corner Thieves. 7pm. $18.
Volcanic Theatre Pub BEND MOONLIGHT MARKET PRECENTS: CHIGGI MOMO & DOUBLE JUMP Get ready to soak up the magic of love at the upcoming Bend Moonlight Market! We are thrilled to feature the talents of @chiggimomo & @doublejumpmusic. 7-9pm. Free.
3 Monday
Bridge 99 Brewery Trivia Mondays at Bridge 99 Trivia Mondays at 6:30pm at Bridge 99 Brewery with Useless Knowledge Bowl. It’s no ordinary trivia night, Team up to win house gift cards! Great brews, cocktails, and more. In-house menu and food truck options available! It’s free to play. Indoor and outdoor seating available. 63063 Layton Ave, Bend. 6:30-8:30pm. Free.
Bunk+Brew Open Mic Mondays Show off your talent at Bunk + Brew! Open mic runs from 6-10pm, with sign-ups starting at 5:30. Stick around for open jam from 9-10pm. Enjoy food carts in our backyard while supporting local performers. Located in the Historic Lucas House Living Room for winter. 6-10pm. Free.
Crux Fermentation Project Trivia Night @ Crux Trivia Night at Crux! First place team wins a $25 gift card! 6-8pm. Free.
Elixir Wine Locals Music Night and Open Mic Bend’s friendliest open-mic! All genres welcome. Oregon and international wine, beer and tapas menu available all evening. 6-9pm. Free.
Immersion Brewing Open Mic at Immersion Brewing - Bend Comedy - Open Mic at 7pm - Sign-up at 6:30pm - All performance types are welcome! - All ages are welcome to attend and perform! - All acts are eligible to audition to perform in a future Bend Comedy show! - 5 minutes spoken or 2 songs of stage time! 7-9pm. Free.
Immersion Brewing Barrel Room
Public Rock Choir Registration required. Mature content. Doors at 5:30pm. Singing 6-8pm. 18+ only. Sing your romantic face off with Central Oregon’s public rock choir! You (and the rest of the crowd) sing songs about romance and love with a live band - a little soft and a little loud! No experience required. 6-8pm. Free.
JC’s Bar & Grill Free Pool + all day Happy Hour! Free pool Mondays! All-day Happy Hour, free pool with any purchase, and unbeatable deals on drinks and bites! Enjoy delicious eats, ice-cold brews, and game day vibes with football on and the sound up. Don’t miss out- Mondays just got way better! 2pm-Midnight. Free.
On Tap Locals’ Day Plus Live Music Cheaper drinks all day and live music at night, get down to On Tap. 11am-9pm. Free.
Silver Moon Brewing Beertown Comedy Open Mic Voted #1 Open Mic and Locals Night, Beertown Comedy’s Open Mic happens every Monday at Silver Moon Brewing. Free to watch and perform! Sign-ups at 6:30pm, show at 7pm. With 20 spots available, bring your best jokes and get noticed for paid gigs. Laughter guaranteed! 6:30-9pm. Free.
The Barrel Room at Immersion Brewing Public Rock Choir Come sing your face off in a fun, no-stress group where all skill levels can get loud with a live band and group singing. Rock and pop songs only. If you love to sing, but don’t want to sing alone, we are your people! No experience or skill required. First Monday of every month, 6-8am. $20.
The Commonwealth Pub Monday Acoustic Open Mic Night Monday Acoustic Open Mic Night at The Commonwealth Pub Whether you’re performing original songs or acoustic covers, the stage is yours Monday nights at The Commonwealth Pub! With full sound and lights provided, just bring your instrument and get ready to shine! Sign-ups 5pm and music 6-10pm. 5pm. Free.
4 Tuesday
Bunk+Brew Trivia Tuesdays Test your knowledge every Tuesday from 7-9pm at Bunk + Brew! New exciting themes every week. Bring your friends for a night of fun and prizes. Food carts will be open, so grab a bite or brew while you play. Located in the Historic Lucas House Dining Room. 7-9pm. Free.
The Cellar-A Porter Brewing Company Open Mic Open mic at The Cellar hosted by Mari! 6-8pm and all are welcome! 6-8pm. Free.
The Commons Cafe & Taproom Storytellers Open Mic StoryTellers open mic nights are full of music, laughs and community. Poetry, comedy and spoken word are welcome, but this is mainly a musical open mic. Performance slots are a quick 10 minutes each, so being warmed up and ready is ideal. If you wish to perform sign-ups start at 5pm in the cafe. 6pm. Free.
Crosscut Warming Hut No 5 Head Games Trivia Night Live multi-media trivia every other Tuesday at Crosscut Warming Hut No. 5, Bend. Free to play, win prizes, teams up to 6. Please arrive early for best seats. Every other Tuesday, 6-8pm. Free.
JC’s Bar & Grill TACOS + TEQUILA TUESDAYS! Spice up your week with 3 tacos for $6.50 and amazing deals on margaritas, tequila, and Mexican beers like Corona, Pacifico, and Tecate! Special runs from open-close! Come join us every Tuesday-where the tacos are hot, and the drink specials are even hotter! 2-10pm. Free.
Mountain Burger Trivia Tuesday at Mountain Burger Come to Trivia Tuesday at Mountain Burger! Fun and prizes await! 7:30-9pm. Free.
Northside Bar & Grill Karaoke with DJ Chris Ossig Karaoke with DJ Chris. 7-9pm. Free.
Pinky G’s Pizzeria TRIVIA NIGHT Test your knowledge in a casual/laid-back atmosphere. Pizza, beer and trivia. Free to play and prizes for 1st and 2nd place. 6-8pm. Free.
The Commonwealth Pub Karaoke Get ready for a night of music, singing, and nonstop fun at The Commonwealth Pub! DJ Chris is bringing the energy with top 40 hits and all your favorite karaoke tracks. Grab your friends, warm up those vocal cords, and join us for an unforgettable evening. Sign-ups 6pm Karaoke 7pm! 6pm. Free.
The Lot TRIVIA TUESDAY @ The Lot Join your trivia loving peeps on the heated benches for a fun Tuesday evening out! Six categories with six questions each. Eat. Drink. Think. Prizes from food carts and local breweries. Every Tuesday from November to end of April. 6-8pm. Free.
AFTER HOURS with Model Citizens The Model Citizens miss the stage, join us for a night of cabaret with a speakeasy touch. Grab a seat at a table or in standing room and watch seductive performances including pole, burlesque, chair, hip-hop, and other mesmerizing styles. Solos and group performances. See you there. 21+ please Feb. 1, 8-9:30pm. The Barrel Room at Immersion Brewing, 550 SW Industrial Way ste #185, Bend. Contact: 541-699-2087. Modelcitizensdance@gmail.com. $25-$170.
Social Ballroom Dance Practice your partner ballroom/country-western dance patterns at this dance social gathering. Includes a 30-minute dance lesson and mixer dance. Music rhythms include: Chacha, Rumba, ECS, Nightclub 2-Step, Waltz, Fox Trot, American Tango and more. Partner not required although encouraged. All levels of dance welcome. Contact Valerie for more information. Feb. 1, 6:30-9pm. The Space, 2570 NE Twin Knolls Drive, Suite 110, Bend. Contact: 541-602-6168. valdances@hotmail.com. $10.
American jam band Goose, known for its genre-blending sound, improvisational live performances and dedicated fan base, announced a stop in Bend on this year’s Summer Tour. Fri., May 30, 6:30pm at Hayden Homes Amphitheater.
Goose FB
Bend premiere of “Separated,” Errol Morris’ new documentary See this new documentary with interviews revealing the intent behind the immigrant family separation policy. Learn about civil servants who compiled lists of captured children to keep track of whereabouts. Separation policy architect Tom Homan will be the new “border tsar.” Feb. 2, 2-4pm. Downtown Bend Public Library - Brooks Room, 601 NW Wall St., Bend. Contact: 541-280-0802. Free.
Grammy Viewing Party Watch the Grammy’s at Velvet! Starts at 5pm, this is a closed captioned event with our regular amazing music playlist’s still bringing the vibe. Come early to grab a spot! Feb. 2, 5pm-Midnight. Velvet, 805 NW Wall St., Bend. Contact: 541-720-0303. velvetbend@gmail.com. Free.
ISoMiMo Art Cookie Decorating Class hosted by Just Around the Bend Cookies A fun class where you’ll decorate 6 ISoMiMo art-themed cookies. (GF and vegan options available.) Materials, supplies, design examples provided; techniques, tips demonstrated. “Goodies” bag with some fun schwag and snacks is also included. Fun for adults and children 8yrs+. Jan. 31, 4-6pm. ISoMiMo, 925 NW Wall Street, Suite 201, Bend. Contact: 303-588-8014. justaroundthebendcookies@gmail.com. $55 per person. Let's Paint Art Class - Lei & Hans Romance Join us for a fun evening at Modern Games with Let's Paint! Unleash your artist in this all ages welcome painting class. No prior painting experience needed, as our amazing instructor will be there to help guide you along any step of the journey. Feb. 3, 6-8pm. Modern Games, 550 SW Industrial way #150, bend. Contact: 541-4807491. sarahanneswoffer@gmail.com. $45. Wood Shop Basics - Learn to use the Table Saw, Chop Saw and Band Saw In this, learn how to use a table saw, chop saw and bandsaw. You will have the confidence to build utilitarian projects such as picnic tables, planter boxes, Adirondack chairs and much more. You will also get 1 free hour in the wood shop. Feb. 3, 6-9pm. DIY Cave, 444 SE Ninth St. Suite 150, Bend. Contact: 541-388-2283. classes@diycave.com. $159.
Nature Nights: Wolves in Central Oregon Registration is required. Join Deschutes Land Trust and wildlife biologist Aaron Bott to take a closer look at wolves and how they interact with the landscape of Central Oregon. These top predators are deeply connected to the lands they inhabit and the other animals that sustain them. Jan. 29, 7-8:30pm. Tower Theatre, 835 NW Wall St., Bend. Contact: 541-3300017. event@deschuteslandtrust.org. Free.
A Year in the Life: Oregon’s Desert Owls From the enigmatic burrowing owl to the tiny-but-ferocious northern pygmy-owl and more, you’ll learn about their habitat, life histories and the urgent conservation challenges they face. Don’t miss this chance to soar into the world of Oregon’s high desert owls. Feb. 4, 6-7pm. Contact: 503-703-1006. onda@onda.org. Free.
Scarlet Envy: Bad Advice Tour The Travel Daddyz are excited to announce RuPaul’s Drag Race Scarlet Envy. The iconic drag superstar and alumna from RuPaul’s Drag Race, fresh off her third season on UK vs the World 2. A 90-minute live cabaret, poetry variety show with a Jazz twist on her pop hits. Feb. 2, 7-10pm. The Greenhouse Cabaret, 1017 NE 2nd St., Bend. Contact: 541-6992840. info@thegreenhousecabaret.com. $39-$49.
Snowshoeing Central Oregon: How to Snowshoe, What to Bring & Where to Go Join Oregon Wild staff to learn about snowshoeing in Central Oregon. This presentation covers some “Snowshoeing 101” for those new to the activity and includes tips on safety, gear, and locations that apply to all ability levels. Jan. 29, 6-7pm. Worthy Brewing, 495 NE Bellevue Dr., Bend. Free.
Ribbon Cutting for Rally Recreation— Jan 30 Join us for a ribbon cutting at Rally Recreation! Ribbon cutting ceremony to take place at 1:30pm. Come connect offline at Rally Recreation! A new indoor recreation space featuring timeless table games such as ping-pong, foosball, pool, shuffleboard, darts and air hockey. Upbeat music, friendly vibes! Jan. 30, 1-2pm. Rally Recreation, 549 NW York Dr, Bend. Free. Speed Dating! (Ages 21+) Calling all Central Oregon Singles! Ready to mingle? Join in the fun for a night of mingling and speed dating with other singles in the area! Female to Male Speed Dating for ages 21+. RSVP Requested. Jan. 31, 6-8pm. Wild Ride Brewing, 332 SW Fifth St., Redmond. Contact: 541-323-0964.
Flannel Fest Kickoff Party Join us at our Flannel Fest Kickoff Party! There will be a canned food drive, live music, raffle, and pint night for Bethlehem Inn. 5 cans = Free Pint, 10+ cans = FREE pint & raffle ticket to win a Mug Club membership ($115 value). Jan. 30, 11am-9pm. Cascade Lakes Pub on Reed Market, 21175 SE Reed Market Road Lot #2, Bend. Contact: 458836-7866. jesse@cascadelakes.com. Free.
Valentine Card Making Fundraiser This Valentine’s Day, show some extra love for our furry and feathered friends! Join us on Sunday, Feb. 2 at Bridge 99 Brewery from 4-6pm for a Valentine Card Making Fundraiser! Register here: https://secure.lglforms.com/form_engine/s/ hgNstXPs1WiLNyKWfLQX6g Feb. 2, 4-6pm. Bridge 99 Brewery, 63063 Layton Ave., Bend. Donations accepted.
Galentines Sip & Shop Grab your Gal Pals for our annual Galentines Sip & Shop at the tasting room. Support local women owned businesses, artisans and makers. Ceramics, jewelry, fiber arts, paintings, dog and natural beauty products and more! Sip, Shop, Support Local. Enjoy Oregon produced wines, laughs and friends! Feb. 1, 3-8pm. The Bend Wine Bar & Winery Tasting Room, 550 SW Industrial Way, Suite 194, Bend. Free.
Cascades Academy Experience Night Join us for an engaging evening where prospective families PreK-12 are immersed in our vibrant community and meaningful approach to education. Experience firsthand our dynamic programs, connect with our passionate educators, and see how our unique curriculum inspires curiosity, creativity, and growth. Feb. 4, 5:30-7pm. Cascades Academy, 19860 Tumalo Reservoir Rd., Bend. Contact: 541-382-0699. admission@cascadesacademy. org. Free.
Sunriver Brewing Co K-9 Kegpull The 2025 Sunriver Brewing Co. K9 Keg Pull is back as the premier winter event at the Village in Sunriver! For competitors, K9 Keg Pull entry fee is $25 per dog. All proceeds from the Keg Pull will benefit the Ronald McDonald House. Event is free and open to public. Feb. 1, 11am3pm. The Village at Sunriver, 57100 Beaver Dr., Sunriver. Contact: 541-593-8704. events@ alpine-entertainment.com. Free to public ($25 for competitors).
Flannel Fest Bend Swing by the 3rd annual #FlannelFestBend for a buncha winter warmers (incl. glühbier again!). Warm the cockles of your heart by giving to Bethlehem Inn Bend . Raffles for donations of the 3 C’s: Canned goods, Clothes, & Cash. Don’t miss the return of the Most Flannel Wearing Contest! Feb. 1, Noon-6pm. Midtown Yacht Club, 1661 NE 4th Street, Bend. Contact: brian@grandcraftbeer.com. Free.
Shriners Crab Feed Help the Central Oregon Shriners help local kids by coming to the 3rd Annual Shriners Crab Feed. Cost of the ticket includes fresh (delivered that day direct from Garabaldi) dungeness crab, with your choice of chicken, accompanied by baked beans, cole slaw, warm garlic bread and dessert. Please contact us at coshriners@ bendbroadband.com or at 541- 550-9100 for your reservations. Reservations required, no sales at the door. Seats sell out quickly so get yours now! Feb. 1, 5-8pm. Bend Masonic Lodge. Contact: 541-323-0964.
Aikido Free Introductory Adult Class! Please call to reserve your spot. Saturdays, 10:1511:30am. Mondays and Wednesdays, 5:30-6:45 pm Saturdays, 10:15-11:30am, Mondays, 5:306:45pm and Wednesdays, 5:30-6:45pm. Oregon Ki Society Bend Dojo, 20685 Carmen Loop, Suite 110, Bend. Contact: 541-350-7887. cfhc@ hotmail.com. Free
Lake Street Dive, the five-piece band known for its bold soul, folk, jazz and pop music, hit Bend this summer with special guests The 502s. Wed., July 2, 7pm at Hayden Homes Amphitheater.
Lake Street Drive FB
By Savannah Mendoza
Bend’s First Dominican Food Cart Delivers Savory Flavors and Warm Hospitality
Robert and Trisha De Los Santos bring authentic Dominican cuisine and vibrant culture to Central Oregon
Robert and Trisha De Los Santos, a husband-andwife duo who met in the Dominican Republic, are bringing a taste of the Caribbean to Bend with their new venture, The Dominican Food Cart. As the city’s first eatery dedicated to Dominican cuisine, the couple aims to share their passion for food, community and connection — one flavorful bite at a time.
Located at Dogwood at the Pine Shed, the food cart offers a welcoming atmosphere that reflects Caribbean hospitality. Robert, the culinary mind behind the operation, brings a slice of his homeland to Bend, while Trisha manages operations and proudly serves as the cart’s official taste tester.
“I love when people are filled with food — it makes me happy to feed people,” Robert says. “My priority isn’t the money; my priority is to serve people through this endeavor.”
The menu features a blend of authentic Dominican
dishes and American favorites with a tropical twist. For those ready to explore traditional flavors, highlights include La Bandera, a combo plate of marinated beef, rice, beans, tostones (fried plantains) and a fresh Dominican salad. Other staples include Chicharrón (crispy pork belly with seasoned onions, rice and tostones) and Carne Frita (marinated steak with boiled yuca, vinegar onions and beans). Vegan and vegetarian options are also available.
For a Dominican-inspired twist on American fare, the cart also serves a cheeseburger, chicken sandwich and pork sandwich. To ease first-timers into the cuisine, Robert and Trisha offer samples, encouraging curiosity and inspiring many to try the full Dominican dishes.
Since opening, the cart has become a hub of connection, even drawing in local Dominicans. “We’ve met at least five people from the Dominican
Republic, and the support has been incredible,” Trisha says. “People share their connections, whether they’ve visited or know someone from there, and it’s so special to us.”
To show their gratitude, the couple offers punch cards, with the 10th meal free and the first one on the house. With plans to expand their menu and strengthen ties to the community, The Dominican Food Cart continues to serve bold flavors and warm hospitality, ensuring no one leaves hungry.
The Dominican Food Cart Dogwood at the Pine Shed 821 NE Second St., Bend thedominicanfoodcart.com
Savannah Mendoza
Savannah Mendoza
SC The Good, The Bad and Whatever the Hell ‘Emilia Pérez’ Is Oscar preview 2025
By Jared Rasic
I’m not a big fan of the Oscars. Don’t get me wrong, I love the pageantry, and I love the few weeks of the year where it seems like everyone else cares about movies almost as much as I do. Ultimately, whatever wins or loses rarely does so based on the actual quality of the film, but instead it’s more of a metric on how persuasive that film’s Oscar campaign was and how much bandwidth it squeezed out of its marketing budget. Occasionally, the Academy gets it right (“Parasite”), but most of the time it’s woefully out of touch and downright wrong (“Green Book”).
I haven’t seen every single movie nominated yet, but I’ve got a pretty good head start and will definitely have them all watched by the time the Oscars air on March 2. Hopefully, when we get closer, I can do an in-depth dive into each category and pick the winners and losers. But, for now, let’s look at some of the interesting choices and ridiculous snubs for the 97th annual Academy Awards.
There are a few pretty shocking snubs this year that I’m still wrapping my head around. Leaving “Sing Sing,” “Challengers,” “A Real Pain” and “His Three Daughters” out of the race for Best Picture seems like a huge mistake. If you had told me six months ago that “Challengers” wouldn’t get nominated for a single award (especially the propulsive and hypnotizing score by Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross), I would have put money on you being mistaken. I mean, the nominated scores for “The Brutalist” and “Conclave” are pretty fantastic, but Reznor and Ross taught a masterclass on how you can literally build a movie around the score. It’s groundbreaking. Umm, speaking of music… we need to talk about “Emilia Pérez.” First, let me say that as a cis, het, white guy, I feel wildly unqualified to talk about this movie. But since cis, het, white guys basically have a cottage industry in talking about shit they have no business speaking on, I’ll just be brief. This film (which now shares the same number of Oscar nominations as “Mary Poppins,” “The Fellowship of the Ring” and “Gone with the
Wind,” with a whopping 13) has some catchy songs and some fun choreography, and director Jacques Audiard knows what he’s doing behind a camera, but the story — the actual story — is ridiculously bad.
I’d like to write an entire piece on “Emilia Pérez” at some point, but for now, all I can say is that the film takes the insanely stupid premise so seriously that it’s impossible to treat the film like camp, which is what it deserves. Imagine John Waters directing the film and using his transgressive and fearless lens to create truly bold satire with the story — then we would have something more than what feels like a poorly conceived attempt at cultural and gender tourism.
Pardon my soapbox: I think the race for Best Picture boils down to “Emilia Pérez” versus the great and truly astonishing “The Brutalist,” which for me is one of the finest American films of the quarter century so far. Adrien Brody should also handily take Best Actor (although I wouldn’t be upset if Colman Domingo got it for “Sing Sing” or Ralph Fiennes won for “Conclave”).
A lot of how people win Oscars is also based on the momentum they have from other awards shows. This gives Kieran Culkin a big lead in the race for Best Supporting Actor for his electrifying work in “A Real Pain,” and Demi Moore is the front runner for Best Actress with her transformative work in “The Substance.” I think the only chance Moore loses is if “Emilia Pérez” keeps gaining momentum; then Karla Sofía Gascón will win for her genuinely remarkable titular performance. Felicity Jones is astonishing in “The Brutalist,” but I wouldn’t be surprised if Zoe Saldaña took Best Supporting Actress for “Emilia Pérez,” which could very well sweep the Academy Awards simply for the optics.
See the trend here? Oscar voters sometimes lean really hard into the appearance of progressive filmmaking, but they can’t usually spot that from the cloud of age and privilege. They mistakenly think that “Emilia Pérez” is the historic and inclusive choice this year,
completely missing the fact that the true groundbreaking work about gender (from an actual trans filmmaker) is the deeply empathetic “I Saw the TV Glow,” with its whopping total of zero nominations.
Bend Film Festival is also represented pretty well in the shorts categories with a film in each of the three sections that played the Academy-accredited fest. “In the Shadow of the Cypress” (up for Best Animated Short), “I Am Ready, Warden” (up for Best Documentary Short) and “I’m Not a Robot” (up for Best Live-Action Short) all played at last year’s Bend Film Festival, so I guess programming director Selin Sevinc and team know what the hell they’re doing.
The other big snub that I can’t quite wrap my head around is not nominating director Denis Villeneuve for his work on “Dune: Part Two.” It’s truly jaw-dropping work on a scale I’m not sure I’ve seen before and, while I don’t think he would have won (Brady Corbet has it for “The Brutalist”), it would have made more sense to nominate him over James Mangold’s workmanlike direction of “A Complete Unknown.”
Also, if you’re looking for a place to watch the Oscars, the 2025 BendFilm Gala will screen the ceremony while raising money for the fest, featuring a silent auction, dinner and drinks.
The week before the Oscars, I’ll break down every category of nominees into what should win versus what will win, and give some context into each of the films. I’m terrible at predicting these things, but the Academy is sometimes terrible at picking the winners so I guess I don’t feel that bad about it.
2025 BendFilm Gala Sun., March 2, 3:30-8pm Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Central Oregon 61980 Skyline Ranch Rd., Bend bendfilmfundraising.eventive.org/schedule/67857c784b62795e4cec5004 $75+
The loud ridiculousness of “Emilia Pérez.”
The silent profundity of “The Brutalist.”
Recreation Equipment Incorporated, the member-run, outdoor adventure retail co-op, closed the REI Experiences division this January. REI announced the decision to close this business on Jan. 8, and more than 400 staff were affected, primarily in the Bay Area, Seattle and Colorado. None of the REI staff at the Old Mill District location were associated with the layoffs, although 24 of the 428 staff laid off were from Oregon.
“The reality is a thriving coop requires a sustainable economic model that is capable of investing at the appropriate level to fully fund our most critical strategic ambitions.”
In a press release from the co-op, CEO and president Eric Artz said, “Earlier this morning we shared with our Experiences team that after a thorough review and careful consideration, I have made the difficult decision to exit the Experiences business altogether, effective this week.”
REI Experiences Division Closing Member co-op to focus on retail business
By Damian Fagan
The Experiences division offered adventure-style travel and day tours, as well as classes on a variety of subjects from snowshoeing to international travel. REI Experiences had been in business for over 40 years.
“The reality is a thriving co-op requires a sustainable economic model that is capable of investing at the appropriate level to fully fund our most critical strategic ambitions,” noted Artz in his message to staff and consumers on the company’s website. “We have gone through many iterations and explored multiple options to keep this business up and running and to preserve jobs. We’ve held out as long as possible, but the fact remains that Experiences is an unprofitable business for the co-op, and we must adjust course.”
“When we look at the all-up costs of running this business, including costs like marketing and technology, we are losing millions of dollars every year and subsidizing Experiences with profits from other parts of the business. Even at our peak in 2019 — our best year for Experiences ever — we did not generate a profit,” Artiz said in his message.
The Experiences business served around 40,000 people in 2024, a small percentage of the co-op’s 24 million customers. According to Artiz, the Experiences program connected with about a million customers over its 40-year run. Customers with programs slated to begin after Jan. 15 received full refunds for those reservations.
Though REI will discontinue many of its contracts with travel industry partners that participated in programs, the company is investigating partnerships with other organizations to continue offering tours and programs. The National Outdoor Leadership School, better known as NOLS, is one of the companies mentioned in that search.
REI has been a member-owned co-op since 1938 and will continue to offer in-store events and workshops.
By Savannah Mendoza
The Great Nordeen: Honoring Tradition and Embracing Adventure in Central Oregon
skiers and fat bikers gear up for a beloved winter race through the scenic
Deschutes National Forest at Mt. Bachelor
Winter in Central Oregon offers no shortage of outdoor activities, from cross-country skiing and snowshoeing to snowboarding and fat biking. Among these seasonal traditions, one event invites athletes to test their skills on the snow: The Great Nordeen Cross-Country Ski and Fat Bike Race, a cherished winter tradition that returns to bend this February.
The Great Nordeen honors Emil Nordeen, a Nordic skiing pioneer from Central Oregon. For Nordeen, cross-country skiing was more than a sport — it was a way of life. A skilled racer and adventurer, he played a pivotal role in forming the Skyliners Ski Club, which later became the nonprofit Mt. Bachelor Sports Education Foundation (MBSEF). The race celebrates his enduring impact on the region’s skiing and outdoor culture.
MBSEF hosts the 22nd annual Great Nordeen race on Sunday, Feb. 9, with races beginning at 7:30am. Today’s Great Nordeen offers a gentler challenge compared to the grueling races Emil Nordeen conquered in the 1930s. Courses are groomed specifically for the event, giving participants a once-a-year opportunity to ski or bike through forests and around buttes in the Deschutes National Forest before finishing at Wanoga Sno-Park.
“The Great Nordeen is one of the longest-standing Nordic races in Central Oregon,” says Sydney Powell, manager of the Mt. Bachelor Nordic Center. “It links up several different ski areas, so there are various ski clubs and grooming organizations involved in preparing the course. It’s a great tradition that brings everyone together. We don’t have many point-to-point races, and this one’s a fun one.”
The event features two divisions: Nordic skiing and fat biking. Skiers can choose between a 30K or 18K freestyle course, both starting at 7:30am at Bachelor’s West Village Lodge. Fat bikers will race a 15K
course, starting at 8:30am near the base of the Rainbow Chair below Sunrise Lodge. All courses finish at Wanoga Sno-Park.
“We have a great snow pack this year and the conditions are looking fantastic,” Powell adds. “With a little more snow expected before race day, racers should have an excellent experience.”
Participants can pick up their race packets on Saturday, Feb. 8, at Latitude 44 Sports. The event provides an opportunity to familiarize yourself with the course, ask questions and get your skis waxed by MBSEF athletes and coaches. After Sunday’s race, participants are invited to an awards ceremony at MBSEF at 4pm, where food and beverages will be available.
The Great Nordeen XC Ski and Fat Bike Race Sun., Feb., 9, 7:30am
Mt. Bachelor Ski Resort
13000 SW Century Dr., Bend mbsef.org/great-nordeen-nordic-and-fatbikerace $60
Catch Up with Buck Bales at D&D Bar & Grill Buck Bales, voted Best Bartender in Bend, talks industry growth, popular cocktails and bar recommendations
By Julianna LaFollette
Buck Bales at D&D Bar & Grill was voted Best Bartender in the Source Weekly’s Best of Central Oregon readers’ poll in 2024. Bales, who has been at D&D since 2010, has worked in several local spots over the years, including Cascade West and JC’s, to name a few. The Source Weekly caught up with Bales to talk all things cocktails.
Source Weekly: You’ve clearly been bartending in Bend for a while now. How do you feel about the growth in the industry?
Buck Bales: I think it’s great. More places have come along and introduced more craft cocktails and, kind of, inspired bartenders in town to expand their repertoire and get interesting with some of the drinks that they like to make. You know, get a little more experimental.
SW: What are some popular drinks right now?
BB: It’s kind of all over the board. We do a pretty good job with our old-fashioneds and our margaritas. We have a pretty decent whiskey selection and a pretty decent tequila section. We’ve expanded and gotten a few mezcals. A mezcal old-fashioned has actually gotten to be kind of popular lately.
For people that don’t like a real heavy mezcal taste, I’ll do a wash of mezcal in the glass then make a margarita in that, just to get some of that mezcal flavor — the smokiness — to go along when you don’t want a whole mouthful of it… I’ve kind of seen a lot of people getting away from these super sweet drinks that were really pop ular, like, in the late ’90s, early 2000s.
If you’re not at D&D, where are you going on a night out for drinks?
I do enjoy going to the M&J because of their tequila selection. I think they’ve got around 200 different tequilas. If me and my wife want to go out someplace, we’ll go someplace a little bit nicer. If we’re going to go out for dinner too, we’ll go to Zydeco. They have some interesting cocktails that I like there, like habanero mar garitas. They’ve got a good selection of craft cocktails, so does 900 Wall. If you’re
looking for something to level up a little bit, those are two places I really enjoy. What’s your favorite thing about bartending?
Working with people. I’ve always been in the customer service business; I taught snowboarding and did all that kind of stuff. So, face time with people is always a beneficial thing for me. For the most part, people are awesome.
D&D Bar & Grill
Buck Bales has been bartending at D&D since 2010.
Savannah Mendoza
the other theme answers
37. Strasbourg sons
38. Cousin of a 25-Across 39. Titular opera character who jumps off a parapet to her death in the end
Protections for some tomato plants
Reddish-brown steed
“No surprises, please”
Smuggle old magazines that were similar to Sassy?
By Brendan Emmett Quigley
Never before done
Be overcritical
Play things 4. Roadie’s box 5. Copied 6. Start of the chorus for “Anti-Hero” 7. Create 8. Seek damages 9. Words after the story 10. Weak or insubstantial 11. Abdicate the throne?
12. Lake in mysteries? 13. Cater 18. Stately trees 23. Cybersecurity dept. 24. Sous ___
25. Food from heaven
26. Bears QB Williams
27. Amtrak express train
28. Unreliable Senator Tim 29. “Dubliners” author
30. Tree tissue
31. Eisenberg of “A Real Pain”
33. Low man in the chorus
36. It automatically moves text to the next line
37. Uber cost
39. Simple flute
40. Kind of x-ray image
42. Cooperstown, NY or Springfield, Mass. attraction
43. User-edited information site
45. Prepare frijoles refritos
46. Global chain whose name is an acronym
47. First-time gamer
48. Legal transmission online
49. Lagerfeld of fashion
50. Really intrigued by
51. Nasty
54. “Hang on just ___” (“Almost done”)
55. Elation
Puzzle for the week of January 27, 2025
Pearl’s Puzzle
Puzzle for the week of January 27, 2025
Difficulty Level: ●●○○
Fill in every row, column, and 3x3 box with each of the letters exactly once. LYE RUN JAW
Fill in every row, column, and 3x3 box with each of the letters L Y E R U N J A W exactly once.
The highlighted letters read left to right and top to bottom will complete the quote: “Without Valentine's Day, February would be... ” - Jim Gaffigan
Fill in every row, column, and 3x3 box with each of the letters
Answer for the week of January 20, 2025
The highlighted letters read left to right and top to bottom will “Without Valentine's Day, February would be...
- Jim Gaffigan
Answer for the week of January 20, 2025
“Strength does not come from winning. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength.” - Mahatma Gandhi
“Strength does not come from winning. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength.” - Mahatma Gandhi
By Rob Brezsny
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): As I envision your life in the coming weeks, I am moved to compare you to certain birds. First, there will be similarities between you and the many species that can literally perceive Earth's magnetic fields, seeing them as patterns of shadow and light overlaid on their regular vision. You, too, will have an uncanny multi-dimensional awareness that helps guide your travels. Secondly, Aquarius, you will be like the migrating songbirds that recalibrate their internal compass every day when the sun sets. In other words, you will make steady efforts to ensure that your magical ways of knowing are grounded in earthy rhythms.
come clues from people who are no longer alive. Be receptive to old allies and influences that are no longer a central part of your world.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): In some Polynesian cultures, there is a belief that one’s mistakes, including excessive anger, can cause physical sickness. Hawaiians traditionally have employed a ritual remedy for such ills called ho'oponopono. It includes acts of atonement, forgiveness, and correction. It may even involve a prayer conference where all the people involved talk about their mutual problems with respect and compassion, seeking solutions and restitution. The coming weeks will be a fantastically favorable time for you to carry out your own version of ho'oponopono, Pisces.
ARIES (March 21-April 19): In medieval Europe, beekeepers made formal reports to their hives of significant events in the human world, like births, deaths, marriages, and departures. They believed the bees needed to be continually informed so as to ensure robust honey production. The practice was called “telling the bees.” Let’s make this an inspiring story for you in the coming weeks, Aries. I invite you to keep your community fully apprised of what’s happening in your life. Proceed on the assumption that sharing your plans and changes with others will generate harmony and support. Like the beekeepers, you may discover that keeping your community in the loop will strengthen your bonds and sweeten your endeavors.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): “Crown shyness” is a phenomenon seen among some trees like lodgepole pines. In forests, they grow big and strong and tall, yet avoid touching each other at their tops. This creates canopies full of pronounced gaps. What causes this curious phenomenon? First, if branches don’t brush up against each other, harmful insects find it harder to spread from tree to tree. Second, when winds blow, branches are less likely to collide with each other and cause damage. There’s a third benefit: More sunlight penetrates to the forest floor, nourishing animals and other plants. I propose that you adopt crown shyness as a metaphor for your use, Leo. Express your beauty to the max—be bold and vivid and radiant—but also provide plenty of space for your allies to shine. Be your authentically amazing self, but create boundaries that allow others to be their amazing selves.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Some astrologers assert that you Virgos suffer from an ambition deficit. They authoritatively assert that a fiery aspiration to achieve greatness never burns hot within you. But in the coming months, I will work to show you a different perspective. Let’s start now: Many of you Virgos are highly skilled at being self-sufficient. But sometimes this natural strength warps into a hesitancy to ask for help and support. And that can diminish your ability to fulfill your ambitions. My goal will be to celebrate and nurture your self-sufficiency even as I coach you to be dynamic about gathering all the assistance you can.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20): A regular guy named Jesse Ronnebaum bought an old painting at a yard sale for 50 cents. For the next ten years, it hung on the wall in his living room. Then he noticed a dim inscription on the painting that suggested maybe it was more valuable than he realized. Consulting an art dealer, he discovered it was an unusual composition that featured the work of seven prominent artists—and was worth a lot of money. Ronnebaum said, "Years of struggling, barely making bills, and the whole time there's $50,000 hanging over my head, literally." I am predicting metaphorically comparable events unfolding in your life during the coming months, Taurus. Hidden value will no longer be hidden. You will potentize neglected sources of wealth and finally recognize subtle treasures.
GEMINI (May 21-June 20): In Namibia’s arid grasslands, fairy circles periodically emerge. They are highly regular rings of bare land encompassed by vegetation. What causes them? Supernatural entities, as believed by the local people? Sand termites or hydrogen-loving microbes, according to a few scientists? As yet, no definitive explanation has emerged. I love that! I cherish mysteries that thwart attempts at rational explanation. In accordance with astrological omens, Gemini, I invite you to specialize in tantalizing and unsolvable enigmas in the coming weeks. Your soul needs rich doses of provocative riddles, mysterious truths, and fun puzzles. Exult in the liberating declaration, “I don’t know!”
CANCER (June 21-July 22): Wherever you wander, be alert for signals that remind you of who you used to be. This will stimulate your creative speculation about who you want to evolve into during the next few years. As you ruminate about your history, you will get inspirations about who you want to become. The past will speak vividly, in ways that hint at your best possible future. So wel-
LIBRA (Sept. 23Oct. 22): Life is not fair. In the coming days, you will be odd proof of this fact. That’s because you are likely to be the beneficiary of uncommon luck. The only kind of karma that will be operating in your vicinity will be good karma. X-factors and wild cards will be more available to you than usual. Your timing will be impeccable, and your intuition will be extra incisive. You may even be tempted to theorize that life is conspiring to bring you an extra supply of meaningful experiences. Here’s the clincher: If anyone in your sphere is prone to feeling envy because you’re flourishing, your charm will defuse it.
SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Here are three questions to ruminate on: 1. What resources are you afraid you will run out of or squander? 2. What if your fear of running out or squandering these resources obstructs your ability to understand what you need to know and do so that you won’t run out or squander them? 3. How can you dissolve the fear and feel confident that the necessary resources will keep steadily flowing in, and you will use them well?
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Most stars have at least one companion star, sometimes two. Our sun, which is all alone, is in the minority. Astronomers have found evidence that our home star once had a companion but lost it. Is there any chance of this situation changing in the future? Might our sun eventually link up with a new compatriot? It’s not likely. But in contrast to our sun’s fate, I suspect that 2025 will offer you a significant diminishment in your personal loneliness quotient. If you crave more camaraderie and togetherness, the coming months will be a favorable time to seek them out. Your meditation question: What’s the opposite of loneliness?
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): In the coming weeks, your authenticity will be your greatest strength. The more genuine and honest you are, the more life will reward you. Be alert for situations that may seem to demand camouflage when in fact they will ultimately reward your complete transparency. You will be most powerful and attractive as you allow yourself to be fully seen. You can even use your vulnerability to your advantage. Be openly, clearly, unabashedly yourself.
By Josh Savage
Gold in Central Oregon?!
Happy New Year!
Did everyone make a resolution to send me a great question this year? At the very least, I hope you all made resolutions to get outside and explore Central Oregon. Speaking of outdoor activities, I was recently looking into the topic of rockhounding for our sister magazine, Bend Nest, and decided to dig deeper into the related inquiry sent by a reader: “Has gold been found in Central Oregon?”
The short answer is yes. And if you’re lucky, you can still find some! But not so fast, the population of Central Oregon is growing quickly enough, and we don’t want another mad rush of prospectors to overwhelm the area. History tells us that the precious metal was a huge factor in the settlement of the West. Much like the infamous gold rushes in California and Alaska, many people came to Oregon with grand hopes and dreams of riches. For most, the dream never came to fruition, but the people decided to stick around.
Oregon’s gold was found mostly in the Blue Mountains, and suddenly nearby towns like Sumpter boomed with activity as miners flocked to the area. At one point, Baker City was known as the “Metropolis of Eastern Oregon,” ranking as the third-largest town in the state. Though early gold discoveries were centered around these areas, eager prospectors later found smaller amounts in the Ochoco Mountains.
I love to hear local legends, and a few longtime Oregonians have shared the story of the Blue Bucket nuggets, albeit different versions. One story claims that children came home from playing outdoors with blue buckets full of gold. Naturally, the parents wanted to know where they found it, but for some reason the kids could not retrace their steps to the lucrative spot.
Another recounts the tale of emigrants who were following Stephen Meek from Fort Bosie to the Willamette Valley. When they passed through Central Oregon, they camped, and while fetching water from a stream, they stumbled upon large nuggets. These lucky travelers shared their story, but again, they couldn’t recall the exact location. The fruitless search for the famous Blue Bucket mine began, but it remained an elusive myth.
The story of gold discovery in the Ochoco Mountains is a bit more grounded in reality. In 1871,
prospectors discovered gold in the riverbeds and streams of the Ochoco Mountains, sparking an intense rush. It was a short-lived experience, and over time, more lucrative resources, such as cinnabar (from which mercury is extracted), took precedence.
Some of these mines still exist, and if you want an outdoor adventure with a tinge of history, hiking near the Ochoco mining ruins is totally worth it. As the name implies, they are ruins, so best be careful while exploring.
But let’s get back to what readers really want to hear about: gold that still exists in Central Oregon. Many of the region’s rivers and streams, particularly those in the Ochoco and John Day area, remain popular among amateur prospectors. In fact, there’s been a resurgence of interest in recreational gold panning recently. It’s more of a fun hobby rather than a way to make a living, and most people seem to do it for the opportunity to spend time outside. While you may not walk away with a gold nugget the size of a fist, there’s always the thrill of uncovering a few shiny flakes that make the experience exciting.
In fact, after digging into my research, I was amazed at all the resources available to prospective gold hunters. There are tons of YouTube videos, online forums and even a recreational map on Oregon.gov that lead enthusiasts to the best spots for prospecting. The Bureau of Land Management allows gold panning without any restrictions in many areas.
As amateur rockhounds, my family and I often take trips to search for obsidian, thundereggs, petrified wood and other cool stones to add to our collection. We have yet to pan for gold, but it sounds like a fun way to get outdoors and try something different. From the videos I watched, the chances of finding a fortune are slim, but perhaps our chances are better than hitting the Mega Millions!
Got a question? Send it to savageglobetrotters@gmail.com
Ochoco Mining Ruins Josh Savage
By Debbie Martorano Broker RE/MAX
Your Goals, Your Dreams
Why It’s About You, Not Just the Sale
What’s the most important element in a real estate transaction? Is it the property itself, the price or the timeline? While these factors play a role, the true answer is more personal: It’s you. Your goals, dreams and unique needs are at the heart of every successful real estate journey. Because buying or selling a home isn’t just a financial decision — it’s a deeply personal one.
Understanding Your Goals
Every real estate journey begins with a simple yet important question: What do you want to achieve? The answer to this question sets the stage for everything that follows, from how we approach your search or sale, to the strategies we employ along the way.
Your goals are as unique as you are. Maybe you’re a first-time homebuyer looking for a starter home with a monthly payment you can afford, or a seasoned investor searching for a property to grow your portfolio, or a family looking for a home that balances work, play and access to the outdoors. Whatever your situation, understanding what drives you is the first and most important step.
I’m a listener. And to me, it’s not just about hearing what you say — it’s about truly understanding your motivations, priorities and concerns. Are you seeking a neighborhood with top-rated schools? A fixer-upper to customize to your personal style? A quick and seamless sale to support a major life transition? These details matter.
Supporting Your Dreams
As realtors, we understand that your dreams are unique to you. That’s why our role goes beyond matching buyers to listings or sellers to offers. It’s about diving deep into what excites you and makes a home feel “just right.”
Take, for example, the family that needed a home close to good schools but also wanted space for a backyard garden. We didn’t just look at properties that checked all the neighborhood boxes — we explored how each option could help them bring their vision of a bountiful garden to life.
Why It’s Not Just About the Sale
It’s easy to assume that real estate is all about closing deals. After all, a “sold” sign is often seen as the ultimate measure of success. But for those of us who truly care about our clients, the sale is just one piece of the puzzle. The real focus is on the journey — on building trust, solving problems and delivering an exceptional experience.
The truth is, a home isn’t just a product, and you’re not just a customer. Whether you’re buying or selling, the process involves emotions, aspirations and challenges. That’s why it’s so important to work with a realtor who values the relationship over the transaction. Our job is to be your guide, advocate and sounding board throughout the entire process. When you feel heard, respected and supported, the experience is more than just transactional; it becomes empowering. And that’s what we’re here for: to make sure your goals and dreams take center stage.