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WSU- There’s An APP for that... see features, page 8





NEWS Abortion critics aim to increase restrictions Petition may force women to purchase separate policy JON ADAMS/THE SOUTH END



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The South End corrects all factual errors published online or in print. Please email eg4659@wayne.edu.


The South End publishes articles online and in print. Visit our website at thesouthend. wayne.edu. While we support the right to free speech and expression, there are guidelines for morally and socially acceptable content. Comments and feedback deemed offensive are subject to editing or removal.


The South End is published Wednesdays during the fall and winter semesters by Wayne State University students. Copies are available free of charge at various locations throughout campus. The Student Newspaper Publication Board, established by the Wayne State University Board of Governors, acts as the publisher of The South End. The board establishes and ensures compliance with publication, editorial and news reporting guidelines. All complaints, comments and suggestions concerning the student newspaper should be directed to doso@wayne.edu.

The Current CHRISTINA CLARK Staff Columnist O n ce a g ain anti- abortion a d vo ca t e s are s ticking the ir a g en d a whe re it doe s n’t b e lo n g , a n d this tim e the y m i g h t s ucc e e d pus hing it t h r o ug h t o law . A cco r d i n g to an article pub li s h e d in the D e troit F r ee Pr e s s , anti- abortion a ct i vi s t s h ave s tarte d a pe t i t i o n t o pas s a law that wo uld r eq uire ins urance co m pa n i es to offe r abor t i o n co ve r a ge through a s e pa r a t e r ide r (additional pr o vi s i o n ) to a cus tom e r’s po li cy . A s o f la st m onth, the pe t i t i o n r eache d 315,4 7 7 s i g n a t ur es . The s tate s aid 8 2 pe r cen t of the s e s igna t ur es m us t be valid, and t h e g r o up turne d in at le as t


6 5,000 s ignature s m ore than the re quire m e nt. Op pone nts of the initiative have the opportunity to challe nge the s ignature s but m us t do s o by 5 p.m . on Nov. 25. The D e troit Fre e Pre s s re ports that D e s ire e Coo pe r, a s poke s w om an for Planne d Pare nthood A d vocate s of Michigan, s aid the group doe s not plan to challe nge the pe tition, but thinks that the pe tition is bad public policy — s he s aid the organiz ation w ill do e ve rything it can to m ake s ure that the le gis la ture know s it. I f the initiative is ap prove d, it w ill autom ati cally be com e law — G ov. R ick S nyde r w ill not be able to re vie w or ve to the le gis lation. I f the le gis la ture re j e cts the pe tition or doe s nothing, the is s ue w ill go to the vote rs in Nove m be r 2014 , according to the D e troit Fre e Pre s s article . A s e parate ride r that pe ople pay to ge t s uch a

controv ersi a l procedu re s e e ms l i k e a good compro m ise. An ti -a b orti on a dv ocates don ’t ha v e to worry abou t pa yi n g f or someth i n g the y don ’t b el i ev e i n , a n d a woma n ha s a ccess to the procedu re th a t she n eeds. Yes, i t seems l i k e a good compromi se, b u t “seems” i s the opera ti v e word. Thi s i n i ti a ti v e, h owev er, re qu i res tha t a woma n purch a se th e ri der b ef ore knowi n g wheth er she wi l l ne ed a n a b orti on . She ca n not pu rcha se i t a f ter she be c omes pregn a n t, a n d the re i s n o ex cepti on f or a vi cti m of ra pe or i n cest, accordi n g to th e a rti cl e i n the F ree Press. S o, l a di es, n ot on l y a re w e ex pected to b e wa l k i n g w omb s, n ow we a re ex pect e d to b e a b l e to see i n to the f u tu re. A b orti on i s n ot a pro ce d u re a person ca n see comi n g. A woma n does not ex pect h er pregn a n cy can b ecome f a ta l f or h er, and ra pe i s n ot someth i n g

a woma n ca n con trol . An u n pl a n n ed pregn a n cy i s ju st th a t: u n pl a n n ed. How ex a ctl y ca n a woma n see a n y of th ese th i n gs com i n g? M u st a woma n b u y a ddi ti on a l cov era ge ju st b eca u se sh e i s a woma n ? Bi rth con trol a n d sex u a l edu ca ti on a re th e b est mea su res to prev en t a n u n pl a n n ed pregn a n cy, a n d whi l e a b orti on ma y b e a ga i n st on e person ’s mor a l s, i t ma y n ot b e a ga i n st a n oth er’s. M ora l s a re n ot someth i n g tha t ca n b e i mposed on peopl e a s a wh ol e. Th e on l y peopl e th a t shou l d ha ve a h a n d i n thi s deci si on a re the ma n , woma n a n d h er doctor. A ma tter tha t i s so con trov ersi a l , l i k e a b orti on , sh ou l d n ot b e deci ded b y a peti ti on a n d a f ew si g n a tu res; a ma tter l i k e thi s n eeds to b e ta k en to th e v oters a n d the women wh o cou l d poten ti a l l y b e a f f ect ed b y a l a w l i k e thi s.


Fix city with a click New website creates a sense of community HANNAH ORLICKI Contributing Writer When you see potholes or burnt out streetlights, do you ever wish you could report it to someone who can fix the problem? Now there is a website called SeeClickFix. com that allows users to report a variety of public service problems in their neighborhood. Based on user activity, SeeClickFix. com creates points of interest for each user to more easily follow local issues and activities. Then, verified officials, such as city council members, acknowledge and respond to reported problems within their district. Users are also allowed to vote on whether they feel other’s problems should be addressed. Problems such as graffiti, potholes, dead

trees, trash buildup and malfunctioning streetlights are frequently reported. Reports are posted under the “Issues” tab on the website. Users can post issues that they have in their neighborhood and vote on them. Users frequently comment on other’s posts, too. When people comment on public issues, they often provide numbers to call for assistance such as the Department of Public Works, or a city official’s name and office contact information. Aside from posting, commenting and voting on public issues, SeeClickFix.com offers users the chance to ask their neighbors questions about the city they share. Under the “Answers” tab on the webpage, users can search for a particular question, ask an original question or answer other

questions. People ask questions such as, “Are there any upcoming free events in the area?” “How can I obtain a copy of my marriage license?” And, “Where can I take industrial/construction waste from my DIY project?” Another feature of SeeClickFix.com is the “Neighbors” section. Here, users can search people as well as groups that participate in SeeClickFix.com and live nearby. City council officials and neighborhood watch groups can be searched using this method. “Watch Areas” is the last tab on SeeClickFix.com. Using this tool, it is possible to create neighborhood watch groups for yourself or for public officials. People also specify watch areas geographically by outlining the watch perimeter on SeeClickFix.com’s Google Maps feature. Under a watch area, the email address of a watch

group member is provided as well as posts of issues within the watch area’s perimeter. Clicking the tab at the top of the page will search for watch areas. It is free to join SeeClickFix.com. All that is needed is a display name everyone will see as well as an email and password to use at login. Every user selects their neighborhood by clicking on a map or using GPS. If you do not want to select your own neighborhood, a neighborhood of choice may be selected — just remember not to choose a neighborhood based on GPS location. You’ll immediately start receiving posts about questions, public issues and watch groups in and around the local neighborhood that was chosen or, as an official user, start posting questions and public service issues of your own.

University staff members reach out to Student Senate Senators’ input requested for campus connections, library sanitation, educational outreach SYDNEE THOMPSON The South end The Wayne State Student Senate welcomed a bevy of speakers to their Nov. 7 meeting to discuss a variety of topics including the alumni association, transfer student programs and library user etiquette. Ty Stevenson, the executive director of the Alumni Association, kicked off the meeting with a presentation on the latest changes to the alumni program and the importance of fostering community and pride among WSU graduates. “We all have a history at some point that starts growing with our first contact at Wayne State,” Stevenson said. “My first contact was in 1991 going to a Red Wings game with my dad when I was 10 years old to see Sergei Fedorov play at the Joe. We drove down the Lodge and I said, ‘Dad, what’s that parking structure with Wayne State on it? What’s that?’ ‘Well, son, that’s an urban research university.’ Okay, went on to the game, didn’t think about it for another seven years or so, until I became a senior, but I’m so glad that Wayne State found me, reached out to me and I was able to have the experience I have today.” “Our (the alumni association) job is to create a symbiotic, mutually beneficial relationship between you and your

university,” Stevenson said. “We put together programs, benefits and services that are designed to help you. We hope you choose to contribute to the university in a multitude of ways at whatever level you’re comfortable.” Stevenson said the Office of Alumni Relations is staffed and funded by WSU, but they also have a separate nonprofit organization, the Alumni Association, which is not necessarily affiliated with the university and its payrolls. In 2012, the Alumni Association decided it would no longer charge membership dues. “We have almost a quarter of a million alumni worldwide,” Stevenson said. “Eighteen to nineteen thousand of those of that quarter million were actual members, paying, of the association. Correct me if I’m wrong, but we’re missing a big segment of our people, our family, our brothers and sisters. And so right before I took the job, the decision was made to get away from the duesbased model. Well, we’ve been doing that for well over 75 years. This is a big, titanic sized change in philosophy and the focus of what we do.” The Alumni Association administers numerous local, regional and communications programs and initiatives throughout the year, including the Wayne State Magazine and cocktail parties, but Stevenson said they’re aiming to diversify their mission and offer


career programs, financial planning and online webinars as well. Ahmad Ezzeddine, the associate vice president for Educational Outreach and International Programs, spoke regarding the WSU extension centers and transfer student programs. He said WSU recently announced a partnership with Schoolcraft College in Livonia where WSU business and engineering courses will be hosted at that campus. “The idea is to really create those partnerships with the community colleges to make it easy for the students to transfer and complete a degree,” Ezzeddine said. “And why community colleges in general? You all know about the enrollment issues … We don’t get the community college enrollment. The top eight feeders to Wayne State have an enrollment of more than 120,000 students. We are getting less than 1 percent of that transferring to Wayne. Schoolcraft, for example — this fall, we had 140 students transfer from Schoolcraft to Wayne State. They have more than 13,000 students. I think we can do better.” Ezzeddine also said WSU created the Transfer Student Success Center in the Undergraduate Library this year so transfer students have a physical space to get specialized help and advising. The international student program will receive more attention as well, with new

recruitment and outreach programs in countries like China. Library Systems Dean Sandra Yee visited the Senate with Associate Director Mike Hawthorne, hoping to get feedback from Senators regarding the no food or drink policy in the university libraries. Hawthorne said while students requested the policy, library staff has had increasing difficulty enforcing it. “As we enforce the policy, we’re finding that the students are becoming more and more aggressive in terms of pushing back and disrespecting … we’re finding that trash is being left all over the place, drinks are being spilled on the floor and then we get complaints that ‘this place is nasty, this place is filthy, what are you going to do?’ And we take that seriously, so we’re hoping that we can somehow work with you guys to figure out a way to get the message down to the student body.” One Senator suggested to remove the small trash bins from study rooms so students would have to leave to throw their trash out, while another Senator suggested that hand sanitizer or sanitizing wipe stations should be installed near the computers so that individual students can wipe off dirty workstations in between janitorial rounds. Yee said because of the logistics involved, university library computers are only cleaned once a semester.


DSO explores technology Performance of “Cyborg” includes experimental sounds GABRIEL CAMERO Contributing Writer The Detroit Symphony Orchestra gave an emotionally powerful performance Nov. 7 at 7:30 p.m. in the Max M. Fisher Music Center’s Orchestra Hall that displayed their control in dynamics, tempo, emotion and polyphony, including within individual sections of instruments. Gustav Mahler’s darkly childish and mostly peaceful “Symphony No. 4 in G” was listed on the ticket and concluded the concert after intermission, but the anchor piece for the program seemed to be Spanish composer Ferran Cruixent’s “Cyborg.” The performance began with the American premiere of “Cyborg,” which Cruixent viewed in Barcelona via the DSO’s free live webcast series, followed by Jean Sibelius’ conflictive Concerto for Violin and Orchestra in D minor Op. 47. “Cyborg” is one of several pieces by Cruixent that deals with artificial intelligence and machinery but this one is directly about the near hybrid of man and machine, especially regarding medical technology, in the 20th and 21st centuries. Drawing heavily on his film and TV composition lessons from the Academy of Music and Theatre in Munich the piece has a Danny Elfman and John Williams feel. Cruixent maintains a tension in “Cyborg” that often gives a sense of fear and anxiety until

finally yielding to acceptance in the final section titled “With Hope.” Along with tonal directions such as, “Like an EKG machine,” Cruixent stretches the classical canvas of an orchestra by directing wind instrumentalists to inhale and speak through their instruments. The whole company sang in a mechanical Gregorian chant as well as set their phones to play a preloaded MP3 creating a Game-Boy-esque section. One of the percussionists set the tension of “Cyborg” perfectly with a xylophone in imitation of an aged telegraph. After a few bars this was met with a roll from the bass drums imitating the wind of a desolate landscape where the small stirrings of high-pitched violins and flutes slowly crescendoed to the marching beat of trombones into a terrifying shrieking roar. The stereo swirling of the music was a great demonstration in instrument placement and the division of sections. Then there was a moment of tranquility that symbolized a brief time when humanity found harmony with technology, and was unafraid of it. During this section was a peaceful flute solo and natural sounds coming from some instruments, but also a constantly haunting discordant drone from the rest of the orchestra. This soon accelerated and crescendoed with the nightmarish technological theme into a chase-like section. This was contrasted again by a hospital-

like section with a whir through the orchestra seeming to imitate blood and oxygen flow while the French horns inhaled to imitate breathing. Meanwhile, the flutes and some others imitated an arrhythmic heartbeat. As the heartbeat and breathing slowed down and increased with pressure the company tier-crescendoed into a sustained flute note to symbolize flatlining. From here everything swelled with warmth and tranquility into acceptance, and the company sang a section resembling machines singing an ancient chant that could unfortunately do with some more enunciation. However, the final and repeated phrase gets the point across thoroughly: “The body is obsolete.” The use of cellphones that followed was a brilliant choice, again because of the positioning of the phones. They filled the stage with a different kind of energy forming a complex melody. The orchestra supported the phones with sustained crescendoing notes rising in pitch toward a beautifully peaceful duet between the steel drums and flute. The intensity continued with Moscow-born French violinist Alexandra Soumm in Sibelius’ popular “Concerto for Violin” and “Orchestra in D minor Op. 47.” Soumm’s bow remained intact, despite a seamless run of a concerto known for its destructive force on the delicate tool. Throughout the piece she openly displayed her emotion by danc-

ing through her runs with confident playfulness, perhaps reminiscent of the hard-partying Sibelius who was uncompromising through many financial problems. She also interacted intensely with the orchestra, alternating between camaraderie, sympathy and challenge depending on the relation between the motifs of the soloist and the company. The company was most comfortable playing Mahler’s “Symphony No. 4 in G”. The symphony is meant to explore what the afterlife is like for a child and like “Cyborg”, contains somewhat unusual instruments and an emphasis on both polyphony within sections and the spacing of the orchestra. Grammy-winning soprano Ilana Davidson sang comfortably in the wideranged finale of the syrupy fourth movement with precise diaphragm control as evidenced by her arms moving out and in with the muscle. Although Mahler’s 4th and Sibelius’ Violin Concerto may not have much in common, they both relate to Cruixent’s “Cyborg” because the pieces used different approaches to composition in their time. Each piece is also melodically and structurally similar to “Cyborg”. The relation between these pieces, the caliber of performance and the flow from the intense beginning of “Cyborg” to the tranquil ending of Mahler’s 4th made for a brilliantly synthesized and entertaining night at the DSO.



Documentary exposes ‘gendercide’ Wayne State COSW screens ‘It’s a Girl’ SCREENSHOT

SHAWN BOHN Contributing Writer Two hundred million girls missing. Their voices silenced. Nobody looking for them. Such is the case in India, China and other regions of the world highlighted in the new documentary “It’s a Girl.” The President’s Commission on the Status of Women sponsored a screening of the film Nov. 6 at Wayne State. The film brings awareness to the longstanding issue of “gendercide,” the systematic killing of members of a specific sex occuring in regions around the world, particularly in India and China. Due to deeply embedded cultural, social and economic factors, there is such a preference for male children that millions of girls are selectively aborted, killed or abandoned at birth. According to the film, one out of four girls does not live past puberty in India. Tens of thousands of women are murdered for not producing a boy. One of the greatest roots of the problem is economic. According to the film, in India, a country with widespread poverty, a girl brings no wealth to the family

and cannot be an heir to property or be expected to take care of her parents. She is considered a commodity with no value. Many are killed at birth by suffocation, poisoning, or by other means. Due to an old tradition known as a dowry, a family stands to lose money by having a girl. A girl’s family must pay a dowry to the man marrying their daughter. The dowry can include cash, jewelry, furniture, and other valuables. Most families see this as a burden too great to deal with, and will go to any lengths to not have a girl. This also leads to something known as ‘dowry deaths’. Thousands of women are abused and killed over what their husband might consider an inadequate dowry. As one native man states in the film, “Every daughter is less flow of money. Money is leaving.” Dowries were made illegal decades ago, but because of rampant corruption, the law sees little enforcement. In China, because of the combination of a strictly enforced one-child policy and extreme preference for male heirs, 13 million abortions occur every year, many of them forced. If girls are not aborted, they are likely to be abandoned. The issue of child abandonment is an


emotionally wrenching topic within the film, but it was no more poignant than when an audience member relayed the story of her adopted Chinese granddaughter after the film had ended. She explained that her granddaughter was one of the abandoned girls seen in the film lucky enough to have found a home. “She came with a lovely little piece of red fabric on which was printed in lovely calligraphy her birthday and time, and then her mother [had written] ‘I hope some family adopts you’. And it’s heartbreaking for me every time I think of this woman who had to give her child up, and just wish she could know that she’s come into a loving family, but for every one of those there are millions of other kids who don’t get that advantage,” the woman said. “It’s a Girl” does a tremendous job of creating awareness of this topic, but its scope can make it difficult for anybody to believe they can make a difference. One audience member voiced this thought, asking what a person can do about a problem of such magnitude. Panelist Eric Shovein, a third year law student at WSU with extensive experience as an activist in the region, said people can help by just getting the word

out there about the issue. “Part of being an activist is using your voice first. Because sometimes that’s all you can do. And once people use their voice enough, that’s when it starts hitting the media more…that’s when more money goes funded toward it. You can obviously donate, that’s an easy way to go. It’s a matter of who you are and how you can maximize your time,” Shovein said. An issue of this scale will not change overnight or even over a number of years. It is a deeply cultural and economic issue thousands of miles away. The thought of how to help can be daunting to anybody. Shovein echoed this sentiment, but also gave hope to the audience that they can be part of the solution. “If you try to step back and look at it as a universal issue that’s so daunting, it’s really easy to just say I can’t do anything. But that’s why you have to remember that even the smallest change is still a step forward.” “It’s a Girl” is available on iTunes and DVD. For more information on the topic visit www.itsagirlmovie.com or www. allgirlsallowed.org.


‘50 Shades’ of music Popular book series comes to stage COURTESY CLIFFORD ROTES

JASMYNE KITCHEN Contributing Writer “50 Shades! The Musical” is returning to Detroit Nov. 15 and 16. The musical is an original parody of the book trilogy “Fifty Shades of Grey”. “50 Shades! The Musical” is produced by Marshall Cordell, Albert Samuels and Emily Dorezas. Scott Myers, director of corporate sales & marketing at Broadway in Detroit, said, ““The show is adult

themed, and is a fun and over the top production filed with ruckess.” The musical production has sold out shows in many places, including Chicago and New York. The musical will take place at Detroit’s Fisher Theatre. The Fisher has hosted many other productions such as “Jersey Boys,” “Beauty and The Beast,” “War House,” “ Mamma Mia,” “ Sister Act ,” and more. The show , which includes dance pieces, 11 original songs and a live band, has had great reviews from Time Magazine, CNN, Entertainment

Weekly, The Chicago Tribune and others. The “50 Shades of Grey” book trilogy has resulted in more than 32 million copies sold in the U.S. alone. “Wayne State students will definitely laugh a lot,” Meyers said, “and will find humor that is over the top.” WSU student Ashley Allen was thrilled to hear about the production. “I love the book series, so I know this production will bring life to the book with a twist,” she said. With so much buzz about the production, Twitter and Facebook feeds

are buzzing about ways for people to stay updated on the show and give their thoughts. Running at 90 minutes, this musical spoof is a must see, and is sure to have you laughing. Opening night is Nov. 15 at 8 p.m. Tickets can be purchased at Ticketmaster Locations, by phone at 1-800-982-2787 or online at www. ticketmaster.com or www.broadwayindetroit.com. Saturday performances will be at 2 and 8 p.m. ‘Girls Night Out’ packages can be purchased at broadwayindetroit.com.

Christmas choirs join forces TIM CARROLL A&E Correspondent Local chorale groups are teaming up to spread cheer this holiday season. The Fort Street Chorale and Chamber Orchestra will be partnering with the 24-member Madonna University Chorale to perform Handel’s Messiah on Dec. 7 and 8 in Detroit’s historic Fort Street Presbyterian Church. “This is a big event for Fort Street Chorale because it is our 35th annual Messiah season,” said Fort Street spokesperson Cleo Hamilton. “Some singers, though only a few, have actually sung every season.” The chorale will be led by Dr. David Wagner, a Detroit organist. According to a press release, Wagner is the chorale program director at Madonna University and morning host of

WRCJ-FM in Detroit. He will also be guest organist for the Messiah concert. “The holiday season in Metropolitan Detroit would not be complete without the annual Messiah performances at Fort Street Presbyterian Church,” said Wagner. “Everything comes together to make these concerts totally unforgettable. Mark the dates on your calendar and don’t miss out.” The Fort Street Chorale began as a group of a few volunteers and evolved into a 90-member ensemble. The group began their holiday tradition of singing Messiah in 1978, under the direction of Ed Kingins, who is still with the group today. “Chorale members, representing a variety of musical and cultural backgrounds from southeastern Michigan and Canada, are joined by well-known

professional soloists and a professional chamber orchestra,” said Hamilton. “The concerts have drawn audiences reflective of the group’s membership, from all over metro Detroit and Windsor.” Messiah soloists this season’s performance include soprano Peggy Dwyer, alto Dorothy Duensing, tenor Pablo Bustos, and bass Steven Henrikson. Both groups are also happy to be working with each other. Members of the Fort Street Chorale are very excited to partner with a choir of university students. Fort Street Chorale has mentored many young singers and has a fairly agediverse membership,” Hamilton said. “The future of classical music rests with expanding audiences to include more young folks. This partnership

should be fun for everyone.” Hamilton also says why events like these are important in the community. “As Midtown continues to draw residents and visitors alike, Fort Street Chorale can become part of the reenergizing of Detroit. The more people that support cultural events like the Messiah concerts, the more positive the reactions [there] will be to our city,” she said. The concert will be held at the Fort Street Presbetarian Church on Saturday, Dec. 7 at 7:30 p.m. and Sunday, Dec. 8 at 3 p.m. Tickets for all performances are $20 and can be purchased at www.fortstreet.org or by calling (313) 961-4533. Group rates are available. For more information on this event and other upcoming events, visit www.fortstreet.com



Get there smarter New GPS system tracks down WSU shuttles JON ADAMS/THE SOUTH END

LIZ SCUTCHFIELD Contributing Writer It’s that time of year when most of us are looking forward to the first snowfall. We have images of snow-laden tree branches, frosty window panes and glistening icicles dangling from rooftops until reality sets in somewhere around the second or third snowfall. Then the images change to long cold walks across campus and slushy intersections, and you’re left deciding how to dress warm enough without being too warm once indoors. Or, you could take the campus shuttle. It circles campus every 15 minutes picking up and dropping off passengers at 10 posted stops

along the way. A second shuttle links Wayne State medical students to the Detroit Medical Center and Henry Ford Hospital. It runs every 30 minutes. Both are free. The recent installation of a GPS system allows students to track the location of the shuttle at any given time by downloading the WSU mobile app to their smart phone or tablet. A tap on the shuttle icon brings up a map showing where the shuttle is in real time. If it left your stop just before you got there, you might choose to walk, grab a cup of coffee or wait inside until it gets closer. WSU sophomore Asia Hightower rides the main campus shuttle regularly. “It’s how I get around,” she said Friday, while riding the shuttle. “I take it to and from work over in


Tech Town,” Hightower said as she was getting off. “It’s easiest, and I don’t like to walk.” She exchanged pleasant goodbyes with Willa Smith, who has been driving the shuttle since 2011. Smith clearly enjoys her job and the people she encounters along the way. “Oh yes, they love it. It’s such a convenience for them,” she says of her passengers, most of whom are regular riders. “It’s more consistent then the city bus, or should I say timely.” Smith said some riders use the shuttle as a transfer link from one city bus to another. The shuttle is open to anyone who wants to ride it, not just students. The shuttle is only supposed to pick up passengers at designated stops, but according to Barry Lewis, Wayne State’s transportation co-

ordinator, “if you’re panicking or frantic enough, they’ll pick you up in between stops.” Lewis explained that the shuttle service is there for the ease of students. “If you have a class over at the Law School and you’re parked by Cass Café, it makes it a lot easier,” Lewis said. Both shuttles run Monday through Friday. The main campus shuttle from 7 a.m. until 6 p.m. The medical shuttle from 7 a.m. until 9 p.m. Maps of the routes and stops can be found at maps.wayne.edu. Although it seems a long way off now, soon we’ll all be suffering from spring fever, and when those delightful days melt away, leaving behind the pains of long hot walks across campus, remember, the shuttles have air conditioning, too.


Dance Pioneers New exhibit credits innovators

LATONYA BERRY Contributing Writer While traveling north on Cass, it’s hard to miss the sculpture of dancers outside the Walter P. Reuther Library. “Dancing Figures” is a 1960s’ cast bronze sculpture by architect and sculptor Oskar Stonorov. It dresses the first plaque of the “Dance Pioneers: Michigan’s 20th Century Movers” exhibit, which went on display last month at the Reuther Library and will run until May 2014. This plaque grabs the attention of visitors and opens them up to the exhibit. The Reuther Library, in collaboration with Harriet Berg, Wayne State alumnus and founder of the Michigan Dance Archives, opened the exhibit to celebrate a century of dance in Michigan. The exhibit, located in the Leonard Woodcock wing, is composed of five other plaques in different categories of dance—Ballroom, Show Biz, Ballet

and Modern Dance—and displays different individuals from the 1900s who made a significant impact on the American dance scene. The plaque following the dancing figures is dedicated to ballroom. The display highlights the dance styles of Doris Eaten Travis, Paul Strasburg and the dancing duo of Henry Ford and Benjamin B. Lovett. Henry Ford, industrialist and founder of Ford Motor Co., did more than dramatically change the auto industry. According the display, Ford “attempted to concur the popular dance of his day,” including the Fox Trot and Charleston. He also brought Benjamin B. Lovett from New England to Michigan and “attempted to remake popular dance in the U.S.” The aqua blue display dedicated to Show Biz highlights the dance careers of Ziggy Johnson and Charles “Cholly” Atkins. Johnson founded the oldest African American dance school in Detroit. Atkins, according to the exhibit, “gave the Supremes

their gentle sways and shimmies and the Four Tops their precise glides and turns.” “The signature ‘Stop! In the name of love’ gesture was just one example of how Atkins would hit upon the perfect physical expression of a lyric,” noted the display. The fourth plaque, devoted to ballet, hangs in royal purple. It outlines the careers of Olga Fricker and Iacob Lascu who immigrated to the U.S. in 1972. He came to Detroit, where in 1974 he “initiated a cooperative venture with Dance Detroit,” Marygrove College’s dance company. Hanging to the left of the ballet display is the green Modern Dance plaque. It outlines the dance careers of Warren Spears, who danced with the Alvin Ailey company in 1978; Rod Rogers, known for bridging the gap between African and Modern dance; and Gay Delanghe, who is credited for her “intelligent innovation, wit, and vitality.” The last plaque is dedicated to former first lady Betty Ford, known

for her “long-standing parties in which she danced from one partner to the next.” Ford, the wife of 38th president Gerald Ford, grew up in Grand Rapids and is noted for often expressing her disappointment in never being good enough to be a first-rate dancer. Elizabeth Myers, director of the Reuther Library, said about 65 people attended the exhibit opening. “After the initial opening of the exhibit… we’ve had a fairly small number of visitors,” she said. Myers said she knows Harriet Berg is planning to promote the exhibit to educators on and off campus. “We are working together to design educational tours of the exhibit and the history of dance in Michigan.” Berg, who is the assistant curator of “Dance Pioneers: Michigan’s 20th Century Movers” told WSU, “Though Detroit is known for sports, music, and performing arts, it is rarely associated with dance.” She said this exhibit will remedy that misconception.



Warriors drop final home game Losing streak reaches five games COURTESY WSU ATHLETICS

FUAD SHALHOUT The South End Playing its final home game of the year, the Warriors football team had an array of things go wrong for them in a 34-20 loss to Grand Valley State, Nov. 9. It was WSU’s fifth consecutive loss of the season to drop its record to 3-7 (3-6 GLIAC). GVSU wasted no time scoring on the game’s first drive when quarterback Heath Parling connected with wide receiver Jamie Potts for a 19-yard touchdown pass. On the Lakers’ next drive, Parling hit wide receiver Brandon Green on a screen pass for an 82-yard touchdown that put GVSU up 14-0 in a blink of an eye. However, on the ensuing kickoff, WSU responded with an 85-yard kickoff return touchdown by Val Showers to get the Warriors on the board and the ninth largest crowd ever at Tom Adams Field (4,429) pumped up. It was the first kickoff return for a touchdown by a Warrior since Josh Renel went 93 yards with the opening kickoff in the 2011 national championship game. Trailing 17-7 towards the end of the

first half, WSU drove the ball 46 yards hoping to cut into the deficit. But they received a devastating blow when a 41-yard field goal attempt was blocked with Laker Jordan Kaufman returning it 56 yards for a touchdown with just 1:11 left before halftime. The Warriors would trail 24-7 at the break. After re-grouping, WSU would respond on the opening possession of the second half driving 66 yards for a touchdown. Quarterback Doug Griffin completed a sweep pass to wide receiver Michael Johnson for an 18-yard score to inch closer, 24-14. But as was the case all day long, GVSU always had an answer. On the next possession, the Lakers engineered an 11-play, 82-yard drive with Ben Hutchins scoring on a 7-yard run. GVSU converted two crucial third-andlong plays during the possession. On the Warriors’ next two possessions, they would have a blocked punt attempt and then a fumble following a 41-yard run by Griffin which the Lakers recovered. GVSU would kick a field goal to further distance themselves and put the game in doubt. “That one fumble really killed that drive we had,” Griffin said. “All around, we just didn’t get it done today.”


The Warriors would score a touchdown with 2:13 left thanks to a Toney Davis TD run to make the score respectable, but WSU failed on the twopoint conversion. As a senior, Davis played in his final home game of his career. “We came in here together (the seniors) and we’re going to leave here together,” Davis said. “Win or lose, we’re going to stick together as a family. It’s hard to come in as a group of kids and go through school and football, with so much going on, and when you just stick out your senior year and just play, you just get closer and have a bond.” Davis is fully aware of the five-game losing streak hanging over the Warriors and would love nothing more than to end that streak, and his career, with a win next week at Michigan Tech. “It’d be big to get a win,” he said. “I think our last win was Homecoming and just to finally get a win, just to get that nasty taste out your mouth would be big.” Head coach Paul Winters described the senior class as “winners” and is proud of his guys. “We had an All-American type player in Stefan Terleckyj and Ed Viverette. Guys who have broken records here,

and Toney Davis, guys who have been leaders here with Andrew Matt and Greg Hasse and Chet Privett. Guys that have endured hard times…to finally become a starter, like a Rocky Mikulec. When you become a senior, that’s an honor. These guys come in with 25 guys and there’s 15 left or 20 left. That’s great on our part for keeping that many, but those guys are enduring and fighting through, taking care of their academics and doing the community service we ask them to do and working hard in the weight room and the field. “They do what they have to do and I love em’ to death.”

GAME NOTES: • Parling completed 11-of-24 for 240 yards and two touchdowns for GVSU. • Griffin was 5-of-5 for 23 yards. • Quarterback Sean Guinane completed 8-of-15 for 76 yards, but was also intercepted three times. • Johnson had five catches, 44 yards for WSU.


Volleyball goes 1-3 during week WSU tops Walsh, loses to Findlay and Malone ZEINAB NAJM Senior Writer Wayne State’s volleyball team went 1-3 overall last week. The women faced the University of Findlay, Malone University and Walsh University. On Nov. 5, the Warriors were defeated by the Findlay Oilers in four sets, 1-3 at home. WSU opened the first set with a lead but Findlay came back and took a 12-9 advantage. They would eventually win the set 25-21. The Oilers would take take early control of the second set. It was a tight one the whole way, but a 3-0 run by WSU gave them the victory. Findlay rallied out to a lead again in the third set but this time they held on to win 25-17. The fourth and final set was won by FU after they went on a 4-0 run. WSU cameback effort came up short and the Oilers earned the set and match win. Kristen Bulkiewicz collected another double-double with 20 kills and 11 digs. WSU headed to the road on Nov. 8-9 and improved to .500 away from Detroit. WSU played Malone Nov. 8. It was a hard fought match that went to five sets and the Pioneers won 3-2. The Warriors hit .248 as a team compared

to Malone who hit .199. Malone took a 2-0 set lead over WSU. They won 25-18 and 25-13 but WSU would fight back. In the third set, the Warriors raced out to a 13-3 lead and wouldn’t look back. A kill by Heather Weiss gave them the 25-12 set win. WSU and The Pioneers played a close fourth set. A late Warrior run earned them a 20-14 advantage. They would hold on to force a fifth set with a 25-18 victory. The fifth set, was all Malone from start to finish. Their 9-3 early lead allowed them to easily win the set 15-6 and the match. Nov. 9, the Warriors played their final road game of the regular season against Walsh. WSU won in straight sets, 3-0. Heather Weiss and Madison Reeves led WSU with 13 kills and 30 assists respectively. The first set was won by WSU on late errors made by Walsh. They took the set 25-19. A late 6-1 run in the second set would put the win in the bag for the Warriors. WSU took a lead over the Cavaliers, 17-9 before a rally to make the third set close. The Warriors held on and won 25-23 to earn the 3-0 sweep. WSU will play its last two regular season games at home over the weekend. They will face Ashland University at 7 p.m. Nov. 15 and Lake Erie College at 2 p.m. Nov. 16.


Track and field back at WSU Team triumphs despite rushed recruitment MICHAEL LEWIS Contributing Writer Last year, women’s track and field made its return to Wayne State’s athletic program. Despite a brief and hurried recruiting campaign, the women’s track team was able to produce 14 letter winners in both indoor and outdoor events. Now, with a full offseason and a successful first year under their belts, the Warriors of WSU women’s track are ready to compete for a spot atop the GLIAC conference. “There are 16 women’s teams in the conference. The top 8 in each event score,” said Rick Cummings, coach of the women’s track team. “In our first year we scored, beat teams indoor and outdoor, produced a conference champ, and qualified for nationals. Those are

big first year accomplishments.” One of last year’s standouts was redshirt junior Kelsey Chapman. Chapman was a swimmer before making the switch to running track full time, but her young track record bolsters her as an experienced veteran on a team of youngsters. She set six WSU’s records in the 60m, 200m, 400m races and also in the 4x200, 4x400 and 4,000 DMR relays. “We are all working hard and supporting each other and the coaches are very supportive of that,” Chapman said. The Warriors placed 10th of 16 teams in the outdoor championships with a total of 21 points. They did so with a roster full of cross country runners and transfers from other schools. Now with a full group of recruited freshmen and veterans from last year’s success, Cum-

mings is expecting great things from his athletes. “This year is going to be a whole new ball game,” Cummings said. “We’d like to climb up in the standings and we have a bunch of quality young athletes - this year is going to be better than last year.” Cummings has been head coach of the men and women’s cross country coaching staff since 1997. After leading WSU to only their third national championship race, he assumed the duties and title of head track coach in April 2012. While his primary event group is distance runners, Cummings has surrounded himself with a well-qualified coaching staff. In addition to the experience head coach at the helm, there is a team of strength, conditioning, and specializa-

tion assistant coaches working with each athlete to push them to the next level. Kirby Blackley is an experienced assistant coach and an accomplished student athlete. Prior to coaching at Central State University and her alma mater, University of Findlay, Blackley was a 2008 NCAA track athlete of the year. She captured national titles in both the long jump and 100 meter hurdles where she set a school record at 13.29 seconds. “It’s a group effort,” Cummings said. “There’s no doubt that we have good people running this show.” The athletes on the team are also buying into Cummings’ enthusiasm. “I feel like it’s a family,” Chapman said. “We’re all very close and we are all there for one goal and that is to have a great season.”








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