The South Texan The Award-Winning Texas A&M University-Kingsville Student Publication
Thursday, February 27, 2020 Volume 94, Issue 17
Zuzu Acrobats
Farmer’s Market
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Acrobats visit campus for Black History Month
The South Texan
Community comes together to support local vendors
The South Texan
Remembering a ‘Maestro’ Students Community mourns late art professor Charles Wissinger
lace up for Ties and Tennis Shoes College of Pharmacy raises money for scholarships in Dr. Robertson’s name ARYSSA ENRIQUEZ Managing Editor
Contributed Photo
Wissinger, TAMUK professor of 15 years, working on art piece in Ben Bailey Art Building.
ILIANA FLORES Editor-in-Chief Charles Wissinger, known to many as Chuck, was a world-renowned artist who spent 15 years teaching art to the students of Texas A&M UniversityKingsville. In 2019, Wissinger retired from the university and on Feb. 15, 2020 at the age of 74, Wissinger passed away in his home in Kingsville. Former students and colleagues mourn his loss but celebrate his memory and the impact he had on their lives. Wissinger was an art professor at TAMUK for 15 years. At TAMUK he also served as the co-chair of the Art Department and the co-chair of the Art, Communications and Theatre Department when the departments were merged. During his time at TAMUK, Wissinger advocated for the creation of the kiln building between the Ben Bailey Art Building and Manning Hall. The building gives students access to a state-ofthe-art facility for ceramics and forge facility for sculpting. Wissinger is also responsible for coordinating the Presidential Mural Project which led to the creation of the iconic painting in the Memorial Student Union Building Ballroom Mujeres a Treves Del Tiempo by Arnold Gonzales. He was also well known in the art world and would travel the globe giving keynote speeches, lectures and showcasing his work. For these reasons and his many other contributions to the university, the Art, Communications and Theatre (ACT) Department have recommended Wissinger for emeritus status, a title
meant to honor retired tenured profes- understood the meaning of art and the sors who have impacted the university. power of art,” Flores said. To Dr. Flores, Wissinger was more “As he [Wissinger] explained his work to the those in the Rome than just a great artist, he was a great gallery, several noted artists gathered teacher who captivated and motivated to congratulate him and called him art students, but he was also a great ‘maestro,’ a title of distinction of honor friend who always knew how to have usually reserved for those who are the a great time and would offer help in times of need. very best in their craft. Since his passing, students from “Professor Wissinger is certainly a maestro. It is the belief of the [ACT] all over the world, have reached out faculty...that he also deserves the ti- to Wissinger’s wife, Fulden Sara de tle of Professor Emeritus from Texas Wissinger, who is also an associate A&M University-Kingsville. We are professor of art at TAMUK. “May you find peace in knowing very proud of Professor Wissinger’s contributions to this university, de- that love is all around you Fulden. I’m partment and, indeed, the world. We so sorry for your loss. We will miss would be honored to have him as our him. He was one of the most influential Professor Emeritus,” the ACT recompeople in my mendation letter said. life. Looking While his contribution to the univerback over sity were great, the impact he had on the many his students and colleagues speaks years, I volumes toward who Wissinger do bewas. lieve Professor Dr. Manuel Flores from Chuck the ACT Department recalls when is the he first evaluated Wissinger’s o n e portfolio. The two had known and worked for each other for many years, but it wasn’t until then that Flores got a clearer image of Wissinger’s passion for art. “At that point I realized that we had a gem of a professor here at Texas Wissinger A&M Kingsville. And continued on Page 11 I was so happy for his students that had him as their professor. He was a sculptor, but he was more than a sculptor, too. To Photo courtesy of Charles-Wissinger me he was a person who
In the name of scholarships and honoring Dr. James Robertson Jr., College of Pharmacy students put away their dress shoes and hosted the annual Ties and Tennis Shoes 5K on Friday afternoon. For those who knew Robertson, the event has always been a fitting way to pay homage to the late professor. “The run is for Dr. James Robertson Jr., he was an Associate Dean of Student Affairs here at the College of Pharmacy, and he passed away suddenly in 2012. Ever since then, the students loved him so much that they started this event in his honor. He was big in business at school, but he was also an avid runner and worked out a lot. That’s why we do ‘ties’ for professionalism and ‘tennis shoes’ for the run,” Bailey Dendy, pharmacy student, said. This is the seventh year the College of Pharmacy hosts this event, in which participants of the community and campus turnout for a race, health screenings and more. Through this event students raise money for scholarships. “So far, we have raised over $200,000 in scholarships in the last seven years just through this event, and all the money goes right back to our students. It’s very motivating for us to continue the tradition because not only does it give scholarships but it brings the entire community together,” Shreeya Upadhyah, pharmacy student, said. During the event, par-t i c i p a n t s enjoyed live music, food from local restaurants and wellness information. Participants were encouraged to visit different booths and get free health exams. The student-led event promoted a healthy life-style to its attendees. “This is the largest school event at the College of Pharmacy…We have complementary health screenings, because the mission of our college is to
Ties and Tennis continued on Page 11
Thursday, February 27, 2020
Meet the Tutor
Have an upcoming event for us to cover? Email us at:
Style, strength, skills Zuzu African Acrobats wow the audience DIANA CANIZALEZ IBARRA
Contributing Writer
Name: Lizzetty Lara Major: Biomedical Sciences Classification:Sophomore Hometown: I’ve grown up across the country, constantly moving around with my family. I don’t necessarily have a “hometown” but I moved to Kingsville Texas from San Diego California. What are your hobbies? I enjoy gardening, specifically weird exotic plants like succulents, air plants, or Venus fly traps. If I ever get the chance I like to read and catch up on new Netflix shows. What do you look forward to as a tutor? As a tutor I get really excited to see students coming in regularly to prepare for exams and after they take the test I love seeing them come in with a grade that reflects how much effort and time they put into studying. They are just really proud of themselves and I feel amazing being a part of that. What song best describes your life and why? All Star by SmashMouth. It’s a song that I’ve always come back to throughout my life. For motivation, encouragement, or a burst of energy. This song just holds so many happy memories that I love to look back on.
With incredible eye-catching and dangerous stunts, the Zuzu African Acrobats led the TAMUK audience through a show stopping dynamic performance last week. The Zuzu African Acrobats are a close-knit family who have been working together to create spectacular acts for audiences big and small since 1994. “We are doing the best we can to show the people who are watching us how hard it [stunting] is and how easy it is,” said one of the acrobats, Hamisi Kitole. The highly-spirited Kenyan acrobatic team, Zuzu Afrian Acrobats, had the opportunity to strengthen their bond by being voted on to the America’s Got Talent stage. Their brotherhood and hard work ethic got their act all the way to the semi-finals. Despite not coming out on top, they continued their careers in bringing laughter and joy into the hearts of audiences throughout the nation. TAMUK recently had the privilege to not just be a part of the spectating but to also play a role in the act itself. “I think it’s [Zuzu Acrobats] something different for Kingsville and the university,” said Loreal Robertson, assistant director of Student Activities. Bringing forth children, collegiate students and the elderly into the spotlight with them, everyone left the Jones Auditorium feeling more than satisfied with the performance laid before them. “I’ve never seen anything like that
Photo by Kassandra Escobar
Zuzu African American Acrobats perform on Feb. 18 at Jones Auditorium. before,” said Mario Rodriguez III, chemical engineering student. As the Zuzu African Acrobats took their final bow beaming smiles, bois-
terous chuckles, and booming applause was scattered across the auditorium.
For students who may be nervous to get tutoring, what would you say to them? I think students associate tutoring with a stigma of “I’m not that smart so I need help,” when in reality tutoring is just an opportunity for students to help students. Whether it’s completing the homework assignments, working on lab reports, or studying for an exam. It’s a great resource and support system for all types of students. If you would like tutoring but you’re nervous, just come in and everyone in the PAAC is more than willing to help out. What is your favorite thing about being a student at TAMUK? I love the size of the campus. Being apart of a smaller campus has given me so many opportunities to build professional relationships with leaders on campus. I’ve also been able to join organizations that have changed my life, being a part of the PAAC, Center for Student Success, and the Campus Activities Board has helped me advance academically, professionally, and socially.
Photo by Kassandra Escobar
Zuzu African American Acrobats take their final bow.
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Thursday, February 27, 2020
Connecting to culture through crafts Bead yourself to showcase identity CALISTA REYES Entertainment Editor
During the month of February, the Campus Activities Board celebrated Black History Month with many fun events on campus, culminating with the Bead Yourself Event on Feb. 19 in the SUB. There were tables set up with boxes of beads of different colors. There was also a color key with all of the meanings of all of the colors. “We wanted to provide students with an activity that allowed them to express their complex identities. We used categories such as Religion, Sexuality, Ethnicity and Gender identity. It’s sometimes hard to describe yourself to others so this event allows the students to do that through wearing a bracelet,” CAB member Victoria Perez said. Students were able to express themselves freely at the event. “I identify with the LGBTQ+ so I included a bead to represent that and also I’m agnostic so I used the clear bead,” said psychology major Kim Rodriguez. TAMUK students also enjoyed being able to spend time with friends at the
Meet the Tutor
Name: Erin Landin Major: Pre-vet Classification: Junior Hometown: Hockley, Texas
Photo by Calista Reyes
Students make bracelets at the SUB to celebrate Black Heritage Month event. “The actual process of making the bracelet has been my favorite and understanding what the colors symbolize. Spending quality time with my friend Kim is also really awesome,” Criminology major Alaina Perez said. If you didn’t get to participate in this event the CAB will be hosting more exciting events in the future. What are your hobbies? I enjoy hanging out with my friends, traveling the great state of Texas, and cooking random and unique foods. What do you look forward to as a tutor? Being able to help students better understand and love animal science just as much as I do, as well as help them on their career on the pre-vet and vet tech path. What song best describes your life and why? “Who Am I?” by Bazzi because I’m really just trying to figure out what I want in life and how I can get there. For students who may be nervous to get tutoring, what would you say to them? I was nervous once too, but you’ll never know what it’s like unless you try. Once I went to tutoring I realized my fear of not being smart enough was proven wrong. I was taught how to study and learn, and that made me so march smarter than I ever could’ve been if I never went.
“We are always trying to make a difference on campus and are taking into consideration many more cultural events. We are fortunate to be able to work with amazing organizations like The Black Heritage Committee, and will definitely be programming events like this in the future,” Erin Landin, CAB’s public relations coordinator said.
Students have enjoyed recent events. “I would absolutely love to come to more events like this. Oh heck yea. Especially if they do dream catchers again. I will be here,” Rodriguez said. If anyone would like to be a part of the CAB, it’s free and the group meets every other Tuesday. You can follow CAB on all social media platforms to keep up with upcoming events.
Thursday, February 27, 2020
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Getting through ‘brain drain’ The South Texan The First Amendment “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for redress of grievances.” The South Texan is a student publication produced by Texas A&M University- Kingsville students. The views, opinions and commentary do not necessarily reflect the views of the Texas A&M University system. The South Texan uses student fees in part to publish. The South Texan is part of the Art, Communications, and Theatre Department (ACT), The Javelina Broadcast Network (JBN), and the Texas Intercollegiate Press Association (TIPA).
STAFF Iliana Flores Editor-in-Chief Aryssa Enriquez Managing Editor Ronni Reyna Campus Editor
Sports Editor
Even the best of us get bogged down in the problem-solving process. Since even the simplest solutions present a wide-variety of possible outcomes, it’s often difficult to draw a straight-line from where you are to the desired result. Sometimes the best way to solve a problem is to let it go. Buddhism refers to it as detachment. Athletes call it flow. The literary sort call it stream of consciousness. But you don’t have to be a Zen-master or a wingsuit-base jumper to make the most of letting go. You can employ an exercise called the “brain drain.” The “brain drain” is a tool commonly assigned by psychologists to people who are prone to over-thinking. Since our brains are already wired to solve complex problems, over-thinking muddles the problem-solving process and leaves us frustrated. The brain drain allows you the opportunity to skip the frustration of overly critical thought by giving control to your unconscious. All this exercise requires is five minutes and a blank Word document. It
Photo Courtesy of
Brain drain lets you to skip frustration and control your conscious. doesn’t matter what you start with and it doesn’t matter where you end. The only thing vital to this exercise is the process. I often start with, “This is where it all begins,” then I let my brain take over and it doesn’t matter what I say or how I say it or if it makes sense or if my punctuation or grammar is correct because the point of the task is to get everything in my head out onto the page so that I can look back through it and pragmatically decide what parts of my problems are real and what problems are a product of fears, delusions and worries drummed up in my imagination. I type as fast as I possibly can because the keys create a nice little soundtrack to the zone I’m in plus I’m not worried about grammar or punctuation because it’s those little boring dogmatic things that are keeping me from solving the problem anyways, and if I’m constantly rethinking format and form
then I can’t possibly be thinking about getting down to the bare essentials of the problem. The clock is winding down but I’m not concerned with sand in an hour glass because there is something pressing that I’m focused on like showing you how the brain drain might look if you were to try it in your own life when you need to work something out but can’t free yourself from doubt, confusion or any of the things everyone has to deal with when looking for an answer. I’ll keep laying out all my great ideas and stupid little dreams and everything else in between until the clock stops. Once everything is on the page, you read back through all the thoughts and ideas you vomited up. Mine the gold and dispense with the malarkey. Most of the time you end up laughing at yourself because you realize that you never had a problem to begin with. Just actions not taken.
File your taxes, then have fun
Dylan Dozier Sports Editor Brenda Riojas Opinion Editor Calista Reyes Entertainment Editor Jaylin Morales Advertising Manager Reporters Adam Pena Sarah Reyna Gabriella Mastroianni Mark Gutierrez Annalisa Perales Podcast Host Tom Miller Nicole Morris Adviser Advertising For advertising inquiries, e-mail The South Texan at or call (361) 593-4370. Letters to the Editor Letters must be typed, signed and include a phone number. Letters considered for publication must be 300 words or fewer. Letters may be emailed to The South Texan, Manning Hall 165, Texas A&M
Contributing Writer
Tax season is here and before you make plans to blow this cash on a new fit, let’s make sure we learn how to properly file our taxes. For college students, this may be your first time having to file your own taxes or might be filing in the near future. While filing your taxes may feel grown up and a bit daunting, all you will need are your W-2s and a free tax service that will file all your information for you. A few things we will need to know before you file are your dependency status, all your tax forms for the last year, claimed tax credits, and higher education tax deductions that you should have received in the mail. Before you begin filing your taxes check with your parents to verify your filing status. They should let you know if you’re filing independently or if they are still claiming you. Now, when it comes to choosing a tax service finding a free program such as
Photo courtesy of
File your taxes in time for Spring Break Vacation. Turbo Tax has been my route for years as they have a free download online and they allow you to use almost all of their services free of charge. Once you begin filing your taxes, they will ask you questions about your status and various numbers from your W-2. You will be walked through the process and done in about 30 minutes. Another option is locally through a public service typically offered by the city or local colleges. Many times, cities will provide free in-person tax services.
Be on the lookout for these options as you can rest assured that the tax professional will get you the most money back. Before you finish your taxes make sure you give an accurate routing number for your money to be deposited. Without this, you will have to wait for a check to be sent in the mail and this can prolong the time it takes for you to get your money. With this new information you should be ready to file your taxes like a pro and get that cash just in time for a Spring Break vacation.
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Thursday, February 27, 2020
The curiosities of life with cats
There is a common misconception about cats: they’re evil, unloving, hateful creatures. Well, as any cat owner can tell you (including myself) those statements are not true. Through my own observation I’ve found that people who hate cats are those who have either never owned one or simply do not understand them. So, here’s a guide to understanding the cat psyche and the benefits of owning one. Each cat, just like humans, have their own personality ranging from loving to independent, antisocial to mischievous and many more. Unlike dogs, you have to earn a cat’s love. I find this respectable because as humans we do the same, so why should we expect any different from a pet? However, cats do warm up to their owners, and once they do, you are
theirs forever. Another common misconception is that cats do not need or want attention. While cats like to have their space, they can also be quite needy for attention and love. Cats develop strong bonds with their owners and being separated for a period of time can cause the cat to feel stress and anxiety. Cats also need to exercise and be active. We often think that cats are just lazy and while they can be, they need to be physically and mentally active. Cats get bored, giving them toys to play with or playing with them will help them maintain a healthy lifestyle. Lastly is the superstition that black cats are bad luck. As someone who owns a black cat this is far from the truth, yet the superstition for most carries on. There is actually a trend of people who kill black cats because of that superstition. Because of these misconceptions people opt out of owning a cat; however, there are some great benefits to having one. For example, cats are less high maintenance than dogs. For busy people who don’t have time or energy to keep up with a dog, a cat would be best suited. Cats do not require much: food, water, some toys and occasional cuddle here and there will keep them satisfied. Cats for the most part are also instinctively potty-trained and as kittens, just place them in the litter box and
Photo by Gabriella Mastroianni
Nugget, sitting on the family couch. they are set for life. Cats also can lower health risks such as high levels of cholesterol, triglycerides and risk of heart disease. They also ease anxiety and depression. Just petting a cat increases levels of serotonin and dopamine. I have three cats: Thackery, Leia and Nugget. Each one has their own unique personality. Thacky is a large, silky-black talkative Maine Coon. Leia is a small, sweet and shy tabby that
emerges from the shadows every so often for a cuddle. Last but not least, Nugget is my fluffy little hyperactive kitten with a big heart and a love for hugs. These three cats might be sassy, antisocial and destructive sometimes, but they are more than capable of being loving. One of the greatest things about cats is that when they sense someone is hurt or sick, they tend to you and won’t leave your side until you’re better.
Javelina Viewpoints This Week’s Question:
“What is your opinion on owning a cat?”
Name: Jenna Baker Major: History “Owning a cat can be great! They are wonderful animals and great companions. Their personalities are something else.”
Name: Briana Heskett Major: Psychology “I think owning a cat is great! Definitely not as instantly rewarding as owning a dog but just as fun.”
Compiled by: Gabriella Mastroianni
Name: Matthew Medley Major: Communications “I’ve never owned a cat personally. I wish I had one. I’ve only had dogs so I can’t decide which pet is better.”
Name: Daniel Treviño Major: English “I personally have never owned a cat, but several friends of mine own a few, and I find them playful if you’re nice, but can sometimes test you.”
Thursday, February 27, 2020
Are you having trouble with your roomate? Let us know on Twitter: @thesouthtexan
Music students perform and learn at TMEA Jazz Band I performs during opening night SILICIA GARCIA Contributing Writer Some TAMUK students who attended the Texas Music Educators Association convention recently were left with the impression of a lifetime. Representing music educators who have a passion for music, individuals gather from all over the state to share and spread awareness about music education. Musicians of all ages from high school competitors to professional musicians are part of the event and participate in performances and competition. The TAMUK Jazz Band I opened for the Airmen of Note, an ensemble from the United States Air Force. Clinics are held here as well, professionals help answer any questions students may have, educate in their specialty, and offer advice on teaching, skill, performance and general information.
Photo by Amanda DeFrees
Dr. Paul Hageman at alumni event at TMEA convention announcing opening of the School of Music. “TMEA is more than just performances and clinics,” said TAMUK freshman Erin Solis. “There is a huge exhibit hall where 200-plus booths are set up for anything music related. There are various topof-the-line brands that allow students to test out different models of instruments and how well they work... this experience allows us to be introduced
to new instruments or techniques not known before.” A middle school band stood out significantly to Jazmin Hinojosa, also a freshman. “I personally found the Roma Middle School symphonic winds performance captivating and memorable. It also gave me a sense of pride to see a band from the Rio Grande Valley per-
forming at an extraordinary event,” she said. “The end goal of the event for me was to learn new approaches to further progress myself and help me do the same for my students.” TMEA is the largest convention for music. “TMEA has this power of bringing people closer,” Matthew Padilla, freshman, said.
Adulting 101:How to get along with your roommate Preserving the peace with new roommates ANNALISA PERALES Contributing Writer Depending on who you are, it is very common to look forward to living on campus whether it is to experience dorm life or just to be far from home. Now although some may look forward to it, many do not like what comes with the dorm such as a roommate. While many of us like to meet people and may enjoy making friends, others would rather have their own privacy especially while living on campus. Either way, many of us are bound to live with someone if not a couple times than at least once in their life… so why not just try it out in college?
The thought of living with a roommate can be scary, many thoughts such as “who will I room with?” and “what will they be like?”will flood your brain, but in reality it isn’t that bad as many may think. Yes, at first you may be a little nervous and resistant towards the idea but with the right state of mind it is possible to get along with your roommate and maybe… dare I say it…will become friends. 1.) If it is your first time rooming with someone new or not, try to find out if the school provides their contact number and message the person letting them know you are their roommate and look forward to meeting them. This will give you a chance to get the meeting out of the way and maybe a chance to get to know each other a little bit before moving in. 2.) Although it may be awkward for a while, try to break that by inviting them out to eat with you or invite them to a nearby event going on. This may give you the chance to learn more about each other as well as give your roommate an inviting feel-
ing so there isn’t any tension between you two. 3.) Always think of your roommate when needing to go to the store for more supplies, ask them if they need anything or would like to accompany you. This in a sense builds a stronger connection between you two as well
as trust will begin to form, which is a good quality to have especially when living together. Getting along with your roommate is an essential aspect to dorm life, or even life in general as it helps you learn how to connect and handle certain people you may encounter in the future.
Thursday, February 27, 2020
For live game updates Follow us on Twitter: @thesouthtexan
Javelina softball split doubleheader, now 12-5
Kelly sets record for most stolen bases SARAH REYNA Sports Reporter
The Texas A&M University-Kingsville softball team faced a doubleheader against the Texas A&M University-International Dustdevils. The Javelinas took the first game winning 10-0. The Javelinas entered the score board pretty quickly, when Jory Cervantes moved to second on a pitch, stole third and was able to score. TAMUK started the second frame
with a walk and a single, which resulted in a double steal. Jackie De Los Santos brought in one run with a sacrifice fly before a single and an error allowed Makenzie Mays to bring it to a 3-0. Matisen Onofrei brought in the team’s fourth run in the third-inning. In the fourth, the Javelinas ran through six runs that began with a pair of hits and sacrifices. Kelly sent one run across, as she swiftly stole her record-breaking base. After a walk, Anastasia Leibas lined
Doubleheader Continued on Page 9
Loren Kelly sets stolen base record.
Photo courtesy of Javelina Athletics.
Salinas preps change
Javelina football team making the most of off-season CHAUNCEY THOMAS Contributing Writer
TaylorLynn Noga volleys over a Spartan opponent .
Photo by Dylan Dozier
Hot start in the February sand
Beach Volleyball team opens year in dominant fashion, 4-0 sweep DYLAN DOZIER Sports Editor The Blue and Gold beach volleyball team jump-started the 2020 season last weekend with a perfect 4-0 sweep of the Kingsville Tourney. Over the course of the two-day tournament, TAMUK yielded zero flights. “It feels great. The girls did a good job,” Head Coach Tanya Allen said. “We had some exciting matches where we came from behind to win and I think it shows a lot about how hard the girls are working and their competitive spirit.” Action commenced Thursday afternoon, seeing the Javelinas make quick work of the Ottawa University Braves. Junior Shelby Tate and freshman Rylie Anderson picked up the first point of the day with a 21-8, 21-10 victory in the fifth flight. The fourth flight was dominated in similar fashion by freshmen Macie Satterwhite and Emily North, 21-7 and 21-12. Seniors Melanie Casteel and Maelee Sowa knocked off the Braves in the sixth flight 21-13, 219. Teammates Macy Berg and Meghan Merlino took the second flight with
ease, 21-6, 21-7. The first and third flights were close early-on, but junior Tenley Housler and Goliad-native Roxanne Morris would ultimately run away with the first set 21-14 and secure the first flight victory with a decisive 21-11 win in set two. Junior Kapri Pele and senior Shelby Williams completed the sweep with a 21-17, 21-8 victory. Morris praised her teammate and noted the sweep’s effect on team morale going forward. “This is my first year of beach, so it helps to have a great partner like Tenley,” Morris said. “It feels great to come in and set a solid foundation going into the rest of the season. Especially at home where we had a lot of fans come out and watch. This sweep feels great, and it’s a great confidence boost.” Thursday’s second match against Missouri Baptist saw the home team come from behind in three different matches to secure victories. “I think it showed us that we have strong competitors and great resiliency but there are still a lot of things we have to work on,” Allen said. Day two in Kingsville opened up with the Javelinas logging a thirdstraight victory over the Stephen F.
Austin Univesity (SFA) Lumberjacks. North and Satterwhite, and Gettys and Gragasin took their flight victories in two sets. Tate and Anderson dropped the first frame, but fought their way back to a 14-21, 21-15, 15-9 win. Berg, Merlino, Housler and Morris completed the Javelina sweep. TAMUK capped their perfect weekend with a dominant victory over the Cedar Valley Suns. Merlino and Berg only yielded 10 points in their second flight victory. Morris and Housler won their flight in similar fashion, winning 21-9 and 21-3. Casteel and Sowa controlled the fifth set, cruising to a 21-10, 21-8 decision. Williams and Pelle, and Satterwhite and Estrada picked up their fourth wins of the tourney to close the sweep. The beach volleyball team returns to action with a roadtrip to Fort Worth on Friday, Feb. 28. The trip to Cowtown will include a tripleheader against Abilene Christian, Texas Christian and Nebraska. “Right now we’re focused on playing together and our team chemistry,” Housler said. “We’re used to playing tough opponents and we welcome the challenge.”
Football season might feel far away, but it’s actually right around the corner. The Javelina football team is looking forward to having a turn-around season with their new head coach Mike Salinas. The players are invested and believe in the new culture that Coach Salinas is bringing to the table. “We’re currently in the off-season. Phase one was building the foundation by changing our lifting workouts to more old school power lifts with mobility and line conditioning. On top of that as a whole the players like Coach Salinas and the changes he is bringing to the program,” said junior Travis Arroyo. Arroyo is an offensive lineman and believes change can happen quickly within the program. “He’s changing the culture by actually treating us like a team not individuals; we have been working on just getting back into shape. So, we workout like we are in an Army almost,” Jay Luke said. “The coach is giving us an opportunity to…prove why we belong on the team.” Luke is another returning lineman and believes in everything the new staff has going on for them for this upcoming August. Last season, the Javelinas were a 2-9 team with wins against Sul Ross State and Western New Mexico. With the new coach and players, they are planning to turn around those statistics. Although the statistics are just one aspect the Javelinas want to change, with the help of the new leadership from the coaches and players they most importantly want to change the culture of the team. The Javelinas start the season off at home Sept. 5 against CSU-Pueblo at Pepsi Field at Javelina Stadium.
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Thursday, February 27, 2020
Blue and Gold fall to Chaps, 71-29
Lady Javelinas to host Texas Women’s for Appreciation Day JACQUELINE BARRERA Contributing Writer
The Texas A&M-Kingsville women’s basketball team suffered a loss in Lone Star Conference (LSC) action against a ranked Lubbock Christian University (LCU) on the road Saturday afternoon. “I thought LCU did a great job of attacking us in a variety of ways,” head coach Michael Madrid told Javelina Athletics. “There is a reason they are at the top of the conference standings. We need to be more consistent with defense and knock down shots.” The Lady Chaps were able to handle the Javelinas from the beginning and used that advantage to take a 71-29 win. TAMUK still managed to gain slight momentum with help from sophomore guard Bridget Upton and junior guard
Treazure Mouton. Sophomore forward Bri-Anna Soliz included a pair of free throws with a mid-range jumper. LCU managed to score 29 points in the first, going into halftime leading 45-17. “We play hard and play like every game would be our last,” sophomore forward Soliz said. “We take pride in wearing these jerseys; getting better and moving forward is our only goal.” The second half resulted in more scoring on behalf of the Lady Chaps. TAMUK teammates Upton and Soliz were the final scorers in the fourth. Soliz had a solid 10 points, six rebounds and two steals to close the day. Upton put in six points and six rebounds as well. Senior guard Lidia Guiral feels hopeful for the future of TAMUK basketball. “Even after a loss our team continues to look forward to our next challenge, week after week,” Guiral said. “We continue to grow and learn from our mistakes. Our team always plays with heart.” LSC play continues Feb. 27 as the Javelinas host Texas Women’s.
Anastacia Mickens pressures the Chaps.
Yvonne Castillo tees off for the Javelinas.
Doubleheader Continued from Page 8 a two-run single in the middle of the game to bring the score 7-0, as Mays followed through in the left field corner, with a three-run double for a 10-0 score. Saidi Castillo finished with no scoring from TAMIU during the fifth inning. Castillo only allowed two hits, no walks and struck out seven. Loren Kelly broke the record for career stolen bases and added two more for good measure. “We play as a family. We’re not playing for ourselves; we are playing for each other,” Kelly said. TAMUK suffered a loss in the second game with the Dustdevils taking a lead 5-3, adding a loss to Javelina’s record. The Dustdevils entered the scoreboard first in game two, scoring all their runs in the third-inning when they were up to bat. A walk followed by an error allowed for the first two hitters to get on base, and the next
Photo courtesy of Javelina Athletics
Photo courtesy of Javelina Athletics
three scored three runs, which broke the scoreless tie. TAMUK was able to get a run back in the third due to a sacrifice fly, accomplished by Yvonne Castillo, but that’s all the Javelinas were able to score until the sixth. In the sixth frame, Cervantes overcame a bunt hit and raced home when Leibas closed up the gap with a double. Mays brought in her fourth RBI of the day, but that was the last hit the Javelinas got, as the last four batters struck out. In a post-game interview, Javelina softball coach Craig Nicholson said, “We’re searching for a little bit more consistency [in the team], especially offensively. “We did really well in the first game, but in the second game we didn’t preform at the same level.” The Javelinas will be in San Antonio Friday, Febr. 28, playing their first conference games of the season The action against St. Mary’s University kicks of at 5 p.m.
Thursday, February 27, 2020
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Javelinas bested by Chaparrals, 75-60 Thomas matches career-high, last roadtrip of 2020 BRENDA RIOJAS Opinion Editor The Javelina Men’s basketball team recorded their second set of back-toback losses this weekend. Their biggest defeat came in the form of a 75-60 loss to the Lubbock Christian University Chaparrals. The Chaps led the game early, putting up a 9-2 run against the Javelinas. The Javelinas responded with 17 of the following 26 points. Senior Chauncey Thomas scored six of those points, including two free throws. This put the Javelinas up 19-18 with 6:24 left in the first half. However, the home team answered with a second 9-2 streak, giving them the halftime advantage. The Chaps kept their momentum going, pushing a nine-point lead, but sophomore Creighton Avery managed to help cut the Javelinas to a 44-40 deficit. The home team kept a consistent pace, never giving the Javelinas the chance to come within 10 points. Thomas matched his career-high of 19 points with two more Javelinas also scoring double digits in the game. “For the upcoming games, I’m going in with the same mindset I did last Saturday,” Thomas said. In an interview with Javelina Athletics, Head Coach Johnny Estelle credited Lubbock Christian’s coaching staff. “We could not find a rhythm today on offense and didn’t have enough defensive intensity in order to win,” Estelle said. “Coach Duncan and his staff did a good job and we have to recover
and make the proper adjustments going into another difficult week.” The Javelinas find themselves 14-6 in the conference and 18-8 overall. This puts the Javelinas, the Chaps and the Angelo State Rams in a tie for third place in the conference. The Javelinas
From the lull of class to the bullring’s roar
Henke takes a pause in studies for bull riding NICHOLE DESPAIN Contributing Writer
The toughest eight seconds of 2020 started off with Kingsville’s very own Grant Henke who participated in the National Professional Bull Riders competition on Feb. 21 and 22 in Kingsville. Henke is a former student of Texas A&M University-Kingsville and the son of TAMUK Wildlife Department Chair and Professor Scott Henke. Grant says his father is supportive of his bull riding, but would rather his son be safer. “My father is the chair of the wildlife department. He’s been a professor for TAMUK for about 25-plus years. He supports my bull riding career but would recommend that I would choose a safer event mainly because I have gotten really injured. I got stepped on
Photo courtesy of Javelina Athletics.
Chauncey Thomas dropped 19 points in Lubbock.
last year and lost feeling in my nerves for about seven months,” Grant Henke said. “I’ve been bull riding for about four years now. This is my second year riding in the NPBR, including riding here in Kingsville the past two years.” Many TAMUK students made it out to support Grant’s career. “I made it out to watch Grant. He put on a great show; he was awesome. I cannot wait to see his next ride,” Ariana Haws said. Not only did Grant attract fans from his fellow classmates but he drew in fans from the community. “I came especially to see Grant. He had a great ride. He has a lot of grit to him and everyone can see a promising future for him in bull riding mainly because he has the heart for it,” said local Kingsville fan Augustin Mendietta. Grant is just starting his bull riding career but has already pulled in a support system. Grant has hopes of finishing his degree at TAMUK in Wildlife in the hopes of following in his father’s footsteps, but for now, he will continue to chase those eight seconds.
are right under the Rams and Chaps as they both grasp the head-to-head tie. The teams are competing for a top four spot in the league which could give them a first-round bye in the upcoming LSC tournament. The Javelinas will play out the rest
of the regular season with two final games at home. Their first game of the weekend will be against Dallas Baptist at 7:30 p.m on Thursday. The last homestand of 2020 will also see TAMUK celebrate senior day at 4 p.m on Saturday against Tarleton State.
Grant Henke bears down for eight.
Contributed photo.
Have you listened to Joji - Run? Let us know your thoughts on Twitter: @thesouthtexan
Thursday, February 27,2020
Music Review: Joji - Run Joji release highlights unhealthy realationship MARK GUTIERREZ contributing writer A song like no other, George “Joji” Miller released his new single titled RUN which includes the well-made song “Run.” The song presents Joji’s hard work, beautiful lyrics and leaves listeners wanting more. Joji, formerly known as FilthyFrank or Pink Guy, was signed by the mass media company 88rising in the year 2017. Prior to his signing with 88rising, Joji independently constructed a collection of songs in an unreleased album titled Chloe Burbank Volume 1. in 2015 and has constantly improved in his craft. In Feb. 5, Joji
released the song “Run,” which gave the listener an example of how far Joji has come since his initial signing. His audience notices more and more improvement in vocals and sheer passion in his work. The listener can expect an R&B Rhythm with soulful vocals that leaves a vibrant feeling. When paired with the music video, “Run” becomes an amazing song that anyone can enjoy. The lyrics in “Run” describe a one-sided relationship that cannot be fixed with conversation or reasoning, instead, running is the only solution. The intro starts off slow with some guitar arpeggios and explains how the relationship came to be and how one-sided and unsympathetic it becomes. The chorus emphasizes the falling out beautifully with power and harmonization. Alongside the guitar solo that emphasizes the hurt in the room the music is tied together amazingly. The song is like a hate letter from the victim and is an alltoo relatable emotion to anyone who has been hurt before by someone they love. However, you don’t have to be hurt emotionally to enjoy this song or any of Joji’s other work. “Run” has the characteristics of romance and hurt, which is not unusual with Joji’s music. The time span for “Run” is a standard three minutes but still leaves the listener wanting to hear more of this song. In fact, many can’t wait for
Photo courtesy of 88rising Records
Newest album art for Joji’s lastest single ‘RUN’ another album to come out because recently it’s only been singles and features coming from Joji. Despite this, many listeners are happy to see that Joji is becoming more and more expressive in his work and has successfully made another name for himself as an artistic song writer.
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News and Jumps
Thursday, February 27, 2020
Supporting Kingsville Farmer’s Market JULIO VALADEZ Contributing Writer In this day and age, it’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of life. This can in turn hinder us from experiencing the rich culture that is around us. Luckily for the residents of Kingsville, there’s a vibrant farmer’s market held every fourth Saturday of each month. Vendors from various parts of South Texas come together to sell an assortment of artisan goods, locally grown produce and delicacies. Hobbyists to full-time employed workers bring not only their unique products but also their own unique stories. Artisans such as Marko Madrazo, the owner of MV Ceramics, have had a lifelong passion for art. From a young age, Madrazo cultivated his artistic skills. He eventually graduated from Texas A&M University-Kingsville with a BFA, and is now a multi-media artist who has a strong concentration in ceramic artwork.Madrazo often calls himself the poor man’s potter. “You don’t have to be poor to buy from me, but I won’t make you poor if you do, and I try to help give people an item that is durable and beautiful and that will last a long time,” he said,”Unlike Walmart, you can buy any mug at Walmart, but the only difference is that everybody gets the same thing and we need to support artists in America.”
Other artisans such as Darren Starkbaum, from Phoenix Fractals in Corpus Christi, have cultivated their own forms of unique artwork more recently but have been able to bring them to their community. Madrazo states, “unlike Walmart, you can buy any mug at Walmart, but the only difference is that everybody gets the same thing and we need to support artists in America.” Artisan Darren Starkbaum, from Phoenix Fractals in Corpus Christi, and his family use a combination of electricity and a baking soda solution to carve intricate patterns into pieces of wood. Starkbaum then decides whether to clean out the wood and whether to apply acrylic paint to the wood. He finally finishes off his work with a few coats of clear epoxy. Though it may seem like a simple process Starkbaum uses a “microwave transformer that puts out anything from 10 to 20,000 volts” and he recommends others to “not try it at home.” Starkbaum has been able to create numerous distinctive pieces of art that can even be used as common household items such as cutting boards and end tables. He has even collaborated with local Corpus Christi artist Jason Juranek, of World Art by Jason Juranek, to create pieces that tell a story about his community. Apart from the local artisan work
many individuals often come to markets such as this one to taste locally grown produce and meats. Mr. Bernie, from Shower Daily Ranch in San Diego, Texas, breeds a unique variation of pork that is not common today. “Pork is a red meat; it should be well marbled...this is the way pork is supposed to look,” he said. “Back in the late ’80s, early ’90s they introduced a ‘red meat is bad for you craze,’ so large pork farmers cross bred to get the pork that you have at the Photo by Julio Rodriguez store right now, so Darren Starkbaum selling engraved cutting that they can sell it as the other white boards at Farmer’s Market. meat which is basically bland and flavorless, and lean so much better. You can talk to the perand pink and looks nothing like this.” son who raised it, and they can tell you “You want to support your local what they used.” farmers,” Bernie continued “With anyVarious vendors at the farmer’s thing grown local there is just a lot less market say they are becoming more involvement in getting it to market. common. It’s in these settings that The big thing is honestly the quality of communities can come together and the produce, the quality of the meat is appreciate and support one another.
Be the match to someone in need CARLOS GONZALEZ Contributing Writer Recently Be the Match came to TAMUK to get students willing to be listed as a potential blood cell, bone marrow or stem cell donor, ready to save the life of any patient in need of a transplant. “I signed up about five years ago for Be the Match. A friend of mine’s son was diagnosed with leukemia. A bone marrow transplant would have saved his life, but sadly he didn’t have a match. I remember [when I first signed up] I thought, ‘I wonder when they will
need me, I’m a healthy woman with a lot of life ahead of me.’ I couldn’t think of a legitimate reason not to sign up. The opportunity to give someone a second chance at life [is insane],” said student Lindsey Mahone. This donor drive has been coming once a year to TAMUK since 2016 and has registered 2,597 students since. This is a huge number that is close to 9 percent of the TAMUK student body. This number is estimated to increase by next year when the Be the Match donor drive comes next Spring. “I signed up for Be The Match last week on campus. I think it is a great organization and there should be more
like it. I chose to sign up because a friend of mine ended up being a match for someone last semester. He was able to donate and possibly save that person’s life. “I realized how such a small thing, such as donating, can save someone’s life and I want to be a part of that,” said student Roxy Chapa. Students who didn’t get a chance to sign up still have an opportunity to do so by joining online at or by texting TAMUK to 61474. Once signed up you will receive a swab kit and you can mail it back to Be the Match and you will be notified if you are a match for someone in need.
Ties & Tennis continued from Page 1 keep the community healthy. That’s something that as pharmacy professional we strive to do and we wanted to provide that service. At the health screenings we give blood pressure readings, BMI readings, blood glucose readings and A1C readings,” Brooke Spann, pharmacy student, said. Throughout the years, the College of Pharmacy has collaborated with several businesses in the community to bring the event together. Kleberg Bank has showcased their support by being an avid sponsor for the event. “This is the seventh year we participate with the College of Pharmacy. The students here are very reliable, they organize the entire event to be able to give back to their community... We like to help those who show the spirit of cooperation in community building,” Kleberg Bank President Brad Womack said.
Photo by Aryssa Enriquez
Runners from this year’s fundraising event for the College of Pharamcy paid entry fees to raise money.
Wissinger continued from Page 1
and only person I would refer to as a mentor. Just as I’m sure many in this thread would say. As tears start to roll, the text blurs. I’ll leave this with my condolences to you and all of our friends and family. Much love,” former student Vince Gasparri said in a message to Fulden. The messages received from students has been a consolation to Fulden since her husband’s passing. Seeing these messages makes her more honored and prouder of her husband. “What a wonderful life for somebody [who] accomplished that much and is loved by a lot of people,” Fulden said. The couple moved to Kingsville in 2004 and began teaching together at TAMUK. Being together often was sometimes difficult for the couple, but for Fulden it is something she now misses. “Well, that’s the part that you know sometimes it was difficult you do everything together, but now I miss that,” Fulden said. ”There is a positive and negative part. It’s good to work together because we were both artists [and] we helped each other, and it also helped with our teaching. Students can learn different things from me and can learn different things from him. We exhibited together, and the last seven or eight years we did art together, especially when he got diagnosed with Parkisons. It was hard for him to do things and we did it together.” Up until the last six months of his life, Wissinger was working. He loved art and did not let anything stop him from pursuing his passion. For Fulden, this is how she wants people to remember her husband. An intellectual, energetic, hard-working man. To honor the life of “maestro” Wissinger, “A Celebration of Chuck Wissinger’s Life” will be held at 5 p.m. Monday, March 2, in the Founder’s Room where his loved ones, colleagues and students are invited to attend and celebrate his legacy.
Thursday, February 27, 2020
News and Jumps
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Barbecue and Picnic area Exterior card access system Game tables Ice machines & Vending Machines Intramural teams Lounges with living rooms and TVs Planned residence hall activities Professional staff members Resident/Community Advisor staff Smoke-free building Student leadership opportunities
We are cutting our rates in Lucio and Mesquite Village West for all current students that renew their Housing Agreement. Our rates will now be cut between $500 and $600 a year! Remember you pay NO utility costs when you live on campus. MARTIN HALL (Male)/MARTIN A NORTH (Female) $2,300 PER SEMESTER
Email: Phone: 361-593-3419
Lucio Hall, Office 119, Kingsville, TX 78363-8202