The South Texan Vol. 96 Issue 5

Page 1 Texas A &M University-Kingsville Award-Winning Student Publication Monday, October 25, 2021



Vol. 96, Issue 5

New Chief of Staff welcomed to TAMUK

Carrillo replaces lllHughes-after retirement Sarah Reyna


Senior Reporter

Students, staff and faculty members at Texas A&M University-Kingsville (TAMUK) have warmly welcomed the

new Chief of Staff John Carrillo. The Chief of Staff role s upp or t s the President and the Presi d e n t ’s Council members in advancJohn Carrillo ing university priorities that they have identified and providing input and council when appropriate to assure the best academic experience

possible for the students and the best work environment possible for the faculty and staff, according to the TAMUK website. While Carrillo was not actively searching for a new job, a close friend suggested he consider the position and apply, since his next step in life was to become a Chief of Staff. “After I read the job description and learned more about the university, I applied online and went through the applicant pro-

cess,” Carrillo said. “What drew me to the role and to A&M-Kingsville was its commitment, as a Hispanic Serving Institution, to serving the South Texas community.” Carrillo believes in the power of higher education and its ability to not only have an impact on students, but the generational impact it can have on the trajectory of their families as well. Since he started this position Sept. 13, this transi-

TAMUK receives $5 million grant

Grant aimed at helping low-income, Hispanic students

Ronni Reyna | Editor-in-Chief

Texas A&M University Kingsville (TAMUK) was awarded a $5 million Title III Hispanic Serving Institution (HIS) Science, Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) and Articulation Grant, titled Hispanic Education Advising Remediation Teaching (HEART), from the U.S, Department of Education, which will help support Hispanic and low-income students in STEM majors at the university. Approval for the grant application was received in June by the Office of Research & Graduate Studies, Vice President



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tion has been somewhat hasofalready spent time Featuring Calaveras in honor Dia de los Muertos of a whirlwind for Carconnecting with individwritten by students and faculty of rillo, as the Office of the uals across campus and Texas A&M University-Kingsville President can be very fast the Kingsville/Coastal paced. Bend community.” Produced by Sigma Gamma Lambda the Spanish “The Chief of Delta StaffPi, poHusseyChapter; has identified Program, The Department of Language and Literature; the Hispanic sition is a critical role in certain areas Carrillo can Heritage Committee, and The SouthTexan any administration, and provide leadership in, I am confident that Mr. such as helping to impleCarrillo’s experience in ment and assess TAMUK’s project management and new strategic plan, but strategic initiatives will Carrillo is taking this time help move the University to ensure he understands forward,” TAMUK Presi- the Kingsville community dent Dr. Mark A. Hussey and the opportunities the said. “He has been here town and university have for just five weeks and to offer students.

Students have voted and it’s a no Athletic fee fails to pass

for Research and Graduate Studies Dr. Allen Rasmussen, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs Dr. Lou Reinisch and President Dr. Mark A. Hussey. “The grant aims to provide wrap-around student services, augmented by pedagogical training for faculty in High Impact Practices aimed at supporting Hispanic and low-income students, including transfers, in 12 STEM majors where retention rates fell below the pre-COVID Fall 2019 average of 79.1 percent,” Project Investigator and Associate Vice President for Student Success Dr. Shannon Baker said. “The grant will expand embedded tutoring in STEM classes where the DFQ [drop, fail, quit] rate exceeded 20 percent even before the pandemic. All services will focus on helping students identify their strengths and building their growth mindset. Taken together, the activities supported by

Makaylah Chavez


Campus Editor

Submitted Photo

Dr. Shannon Baker and Dr. Rolando Garza posed in front of college hall

this grant encompass improving student success both with student support services and faculty supports.” The program is set to be funded from Oct. 1, 2021, to Sept. 30, 2026, and is targeted to help 1,000 students each year. “The Project will do this in three ways,” Co-project Investigator and Director of Distance Learning and Instructional Technology Dr. Rolando Garza said. “A. it will address by utilizing an intrusive advising model through the Academic Collegiate Enhancement Plan (ACE), which will include success coaching, course-specific tutoring, generalized study skill sessions with peer mentors and potential referrals to counseling; b. it will create peer

support learning communities, in consultation with Student Health and Wellness, designed to encourage peer interactions and to allow for a confidential avenue to mental health services for students recovering from the pandemic; and c. it will offer a career exploration center that empowers students to work toward their goals by providing career counseling and academic advising together, and by matching students to internships and work-based experiential learning opportunities.” This is Baker and Garza’s first time applying for a grant such as this. Baker described the process of applying as extremely detailed work that requires not only a vison of what See Grant, Pg 3

Recently, Texas A&M University-Kingsville (TAMUK) met with faculty and students to discuss a fee increase proposal that would affect incoming freshman and graduate students. Voting opened online on Blue and Gold for students on Monday, Oct.11 and closed on Oct. 12. Students were given a yes or no option of whether they supported an athletic fee increase. The fee would increase from the current $20 a semester to $40 with the intention of supporting the general operations of TAMUK athletics and student athletes. Votes were totaled and the fee increase proposal ultimately did not pass. “Nearly 1,000 students voted in total - 955 to be exact,” Vice President for Enrollment Services and Student Affairs Dr. Rito

Silva said. In the end, 792 students did not support the fee increase and 163 did support the increase proposal. Emails and reminders by the university were sent out days before voting, encouraging students to log into their accounts and use the voting as an opportunity to make their voices heard. The emails also went into detail as to what the athletic fee increase would go towards, that way students could get a better understanding if they did not attend the available hearing the week of Oct. 4. The voter turnout appeared to be significantly higher this time than in previous referendums. “This indicates our students are actively participating in the decision-making process on our campus,” Silva said. Even though multiple fee increase proposals were discussed in an earlier meeting, the athletic fee was the only one that students were able to vote on. See Fees, Pg 3

Tejano Heritage Awards Banquet University honors, rewards alumni

Rae Martinez


Entertainment Editor

Chatter filled the room as individuals who had not seen each other in a long time and those who see each other every day, engaged in conversation. Whether they left or stayed, everyone in Room 219 on the second floor of the Memorial Student Union Building (MSUB) found another place to call home at Texas A&M University – Kingsville (TAMUK). The university held a Tejano Heritage Awards Banquet at 7 p.m., Thursday, Oct. 14 at the Memorial Student Union Building to celebrate

four Tejano pioneers who have made an impact on the university. TAMUK invited four honorees, Oscar Gonzalez and Roberto Gonzales, who received a Tejano Heritage Award, as well as Antonia Alvarez and Alicia Arredondo Clarke, who received a Tejano Service award. These four individuals were recognized by the university at this event for the mark they made and for paving the way for the Hispanic community. Their work was acknowledged and rewarded with a plaque during the event. “I know many people are out there that could be honored in this way. So, it means a lot because you get recognized for the amount of time and dedication that you give to the university. It’s definitely a very important award for me,” Alvarez said. Originally from Edinburg, Alvarez made a name for herself at the uni-

Rae Martinez

Oscar Gonzalez, Antonia Alvarez, Roberto Gonzales and a family member of Alicia Arredondo Clarke posing with Tejano Herritage and Service awards.

versity and gave back to it as well. She started off as Campus Housing Director and worked her way up to Acting Director of Student Affairs. “I value very much the time that I was here. I learned a lot. I grew up here, I was 25 years old when I started, this kind of was my life. Just to be here, in a place that I love so much, that I gave so much of my time and effort to, is very nice to be recognized in this way,” Alvarez said. Gonzales, a Falfurrias

native and a track record holder, was recognized for the impact he left while attending what used to be Texas A&I University. “The award means that people appreciate the things that I’ve accomplished at the high school level and college level and when somebody appreciates what you’ve done, it keeps the memory alive,” Gonzales said. This banquet was hosted by Dr. Manuel Flores, a professor at the university and member of the His-

panic community. “Since we are a Hispanic Serving Institute, it is critically important to have events like this. But events like this should not just be about Hispanics. They should encompass our multi-cultural heritage, and everyone should be made aware of them,” Flores said. “I don’t want future generations to forget the great legacy laden with opportunities we have now were obtained by struggle and sacrifice of many.”

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