Thursday, November 10, 2016
Volume 91, Issue 11
Texas A&M University - Kingsville
The South Texan @TheSouthTexan
Presidential Election Results: Trump/Pence Pop. vote
Electoral College 279
Clinton/ Kaine Pop. vote
Electoral College 228 Kleberg County District Attorney John Hubert - R* Nathan Fugate - D Sheriff Juan Gonzalez - D Richard Kirkpatrick - R*
5,076 4,281 3,714 5,656
District 43 State Rep. J.M. Lozano - R 5,635 Marisa Yvette Garcia-Utley - D 3,701 District 34 State Rep. Filemon Vela - D 4,758 Rey Gonzalez Jr. - R 4,458 County Court-at-Law Christian Pineda - R 4,359 Jaime Carrillo - D* 4,855 Pct. 1 County Commissioner David Rosse - R* 1,666 Mario Mendietta - D 1,090 Pct. 3 County Commissioner Roy Cantu - D 1,773 Pct. 1 Constable Bill Hack - D Matthew Walbeck - R*
1,293 1,345
Pct. 2 Constable Omar Rosales - D
Pct. 3 Constable Grace Moya Garcia - D
Pct. 4 Constable Amando Vidal - D
Merger talk raises concerns
Crystal Zamarron Editor-in-Chief @CrystalSoTex
Texas A&M University System regents are scheduled to discuss merging the campuses of Texas A&M universities in Corpus Christi and Kingsville at an upcoming Board of Regents meeting, Thursday, Nov. 10, in College Station. Dr. Steven Tallant, Texas A&M-Kingsville president, will be presenting on the aspects of the merger at the meeting. If regents approve a merger of the two campuses, legislation would need to be introduced during the upcoming state legislative session, which begins Jan. 10. Tallant released two statements to faculty, staff and students suggesting that he will keep them informed as this merger continues. “As many long-term Coastal Bend residents know, this type of discussion is not new. Leadership changes at either campus often spur this type of talk,” Tallant said, without elaborating on what specific leadership change he was referring to, though he was likely talking about TAMU-CC President Dr. Flavius Killebrew’s September retirement announcement. “I understand that the idea of a merger causes some concerns, and you may have questions about the future. The only way a merger would happen is if it strengthened and enhanced the university experience and prestige in academics, research, and athletics.” Tallant reiterated that any such change would need legislative approval. He also said he did not have further information to share, but would release any new details upon his return. “I will keep you informed of any developments. It is too soon to know what may happen, so I encourage everyone to stay focused on
TAMUK JAVELINAS our students and our immediate goals. Whatever happens, I remain committed to serving our students and our community,” the president said. Legislation seeking a merger of the two campuses could be pre-filed as early as Nov. 14, according to the Legislative Reference Library of Texas website. Both houses of the legislature would need to approve the merger by the legislature’s close in May. Merging the two A&M campuses would create a new university with a combined enrollment of more than 20,000 students. “I don’t really like the idea, I kind of like how Kingsville is its own individual thing, it has its own kind of identity, away from Corpus and I’m from Corpus so I kind of like being away from where I grew up my entire life,” said Claudia Flores, freshman. The thoughts of the merger
South Texas State Teachers College (STSTC) opens its first session with 276 students
Kingsville selected as site for “normal” school aimed to train teachers and further education in South Texas region
Texas A&I University officially changes its name to Texas A&M University-Kingsville
Ward Island becomes home to University of Corpus Christi (UCC), affiliated with the Baptist General Convention of Texas. 312 students enrolled
Texas A&I University at Corpus Christi opens on Sept. 4, 1973, to 969 students as an upper-level institution
if the University gets new curriculum and classes. That would be beneficial, but it may cause problem in the departments and depending on how they are merging may cause problems in class sizes and parking among other things. I am not really sure how I feel about it,” said Kali Kennedy, senior. A bigger university, the senator said, would better compete for the state’s limited education resources against other Texas universities. “It’s a win-win for this area,” the state senator told KRIS-TV. “Educational opportunities, additional research, more programs, and increased funding.” A TAMUK spokesperson was not available to comment late Wednesday. A call to local State Rep. J.M. Lozano’s office was unanswered as well. On Saturday, Nov. 5, Tallant spoke with the Javelina Alu-
Texas College of Arts and Industries becomes officially known as Texas A&I University.
emerged last week when State Sen. Juan “Chuy” Hinojosa broke the news on a KRIS-TV (Corpus Christi) interview.Hinojosa is no stranger to the complexities of merging separate higher-education institutions into one new entity. The Democrat from McAllen was involved in the merger of UT-Pan American and UT Brownsville into the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley, which was completed in 2015. He told KRIS-TV he would like to see a similar merger between the two South Texas A&M campuses. “Having gone through a similar merger down in the Rio Grande Valley, I know that [there are] always some issues that need to be worked out and discussed. But the reality is the benefits greatly outweigh any negatives,” Hinojosa told KRIS-TV. “It may be a good idea
mi Association. On Monday, Nov. 7 Tallant spoke with the Executive Board of the Student Government Association, Faculty Senate, Staff Council, the academic deans, and athletics department, deliberating the benefits and risks. At those meetings he said he was not aware of the merger until an hour before the news broke out. Today, Nov. 10 shortly after 1 p.m. President Tallant will present before the A&M System Board. The meeting will be livestreamed at: https:// You can also find Thursday’s meeting agenda at: https://assets.system.tamus. edu/files/bor/pdf/AgendaArchive/2016-11-10/November10,2016%20BOR%20 SCHEDULE.pdf Links will be available at all social media of The South Texan.As news arrives, check out for updates
Texas Legislature changes school’s name to Corpus Christi State University
A&M Board of Regents renames CCSU; school becomes Texas A&M UniversityCorpus Christi
Graphic by Crystal Zamarron
INDEX #JAVLIFE............................................2
Can You Build It?
100th anniversary
Volleybal final
Veteran editorial
CAMPUS NEWS...................................3
for ROTC program
road games!
See Page 2!
See Page 3!
See Page 5!
See Page 4!
SPORTS..............................................5 AD.....................................................6
Thursday, November 10, 2016
Bobby Puentes
Can you build it prize winners
Can you build it food drive collects a total of 2,459 food items. Kappa Delta Pi wins first place.
1st Kappa Delta Pi wins first place and $300 prize money with education inspired sculture.
2nd Photo by Bobby Puentes
Air +Waste managment association and the American Academey of Environmental Engineers +Scientist combigned for second place and $200.
Photo by Bobby Puentes
Photo by Bobby Puentes
Photos by Crystal Zamarron
Listen to the Wind Symphony TAMUK Wind Symphony puts on concert in Jones Auditorium with help of guest conductor for one of two semester performances.
American Chemical Societey created a glucose cell structure coming in third place and winning $100
Victory Belles traveling through Kingsville Singing trio honoring veterans visits Jones Auditorium on Nov. 11 Camila Peña Reporter The Victory Belles are stopping by at Texas A&M-Kingsville to delight the public with a free performance on Nov. 11. The performance will take place at Jones Auditorium and will start at 7 p.m. The Auditorium will open its doors at around 6:30 p.m. for those who wish to attend. This will be a commemoration for Veterans Day. This is the second year this event is taking place. ”Last year we brought this event and the community really liked it and the students were really excited to bring it one more year because it honors the veterans” said Erin McClure, Director Office of Student Activities
The main purpose of the event is to maintain the tradition of honoring our former and current Veterans. The trio consists of three ladies who perform songs like “Don’t sit under the apple tree”, “God bless America”, “God Bless the USA” and many more. These were typical songs of the 1940s that were seen as a form of entertainment as well as to inform the public of traditional values in America. The Victory Belles are from the National World War II museum, and are selected to travel to different places to present their repertoire to different communities. These three ladies are constantly performing in different parts of the nation and of the world. Some of their performances include singing National Anthems
at NBL, NFL and MLB. They are constantly exposing traditional patriotic music to individuals of all ages. Last year the Victory Belles performed at Bishop elementary where they performed during the day and held the evening event at Texas A&M Kingsville. This year, the Victory Belles will be having a morning event on Nov. 11 at 9 a.m. The Belles will be collaborating with the Student Veteran’s Association where they will promote their performance for the evening. The show will last approximately an hour to an hour and a half and is expected to have a great outcome. “ This group is very interactive, so they kind of dance throughout Jones and they sometimes get some of the audience involved” said McClure.
Photos by Crystal Zamarron
Crystal Zamarron Editor-in-Chief @Crystalsotx Texas A&M University-Kingsville bands perform twice every semester. They include the TAMUK Concert Band and Wind Symphony. Those bands performed in at Jones Auditorium, Thursday, Nov. 3. Presenting with Dr. Scott Anthony Jones as conductor and Dr. Brett Richardson, from University of the Incarnate Word, guest conductor, the bands presented an array of music. “I seemed to experience an overwhelming feeling of excitement playing with these astounding musicians. Just listening to [ the Wind Symphony] perform made my heart ache and cry for joy,” said Miranda Garcia, Music Education major. Music selection for Concert Band: “Jig” from St. Paul’s Suite by Gustav Holst, Whatsoever Things by Mark Camphouse, The Sea Treaders by W. Francis McBeth. Music selection for Wind Symphony: Procession of Nobles by Nocolai Rmsky-Korsakov, Lux Aurumque by Eric Whitacre, Fantasies on a Theme by Norman Dello Joio, and The Frozen Cathedral by John Mackey. “One of my favorite pieces we played was Whatsoever Things. Other than having a cool story behind it, the piece had amazing horn parts in it and just made the piece a whole lot better,” said Garcia. (Left) Dr. Scott Anthony Jones conducts the Tamuk Wind Symphony. (Top) Conductor Dr. Anthony Jones acknowledges the crowd after performance.
‘Dia de los Muertos’ altar helps family cope with loss Crystal Arredondo Contributing Reporter Goodbye doesn’t mean burying a loved one when they die. Goodbye means forgetting a person once they die. It’s different for Diana Lozano; she lost her daughter Melissa “Gumby” Flores in a car accident 16 years ago. Lozano’s anger at losing her loved one was a constant reminder of her daughter not being there anymore. Somehow she eventually found inner peace. Lozano coped with Gumby’s death not by mourning her loss but by celebrating her daughter. She set up a Dia de Los Muertos (Day of the Dead) altar at her home each of the first four years after the tragedy. Later she set up an altar for the community, the last two at the V. Salazar Building. Kingsville started celebrating Dia de Los Muertos as a community in 1996 when high school students created
an exhibit called “Through the Eyes of Youth.” The exhibit was displayed at John E. Conner Museum. It remains on display today. Dia de Los Muertos is a celebration to honor the death and life of loved ones who have passed. It is believed the gates of heaven open at midnight on Oct. 31, and the spirits of all deceased children reunite with their families for 24 hours. On Nov. 2, the spirits of adults come down to enjoy the festivities. Lozano’s holiday altar featured photos of her daughter as a baby, keepsakes and special mementos. Gumby’s graduation photo sits inside the installation, too. She died two months before graduating. Dia de Los Muertos altars change each year. They are decorated very personally, are often colorful and are assembled with loving care. Creating the altar is one of the most important traditions during this day in Mexico and in Mexican-American communities around the globe.
An altar is usually arranged on a table top. Sometimes stacks of crates are used to set up three-tiered altars. The table is covered with tablecloths or drapes and an arch of marigolds is often erected over the top. Whether simple or sophisticated, Day of the Dead altars and offerings all contain the same basic elements. Offerings laid out for the dead can include candles, marigolds, incense, salt, photos, a bread called pan de muerto, sugar skulls, fresh fruit, and foods the deceased liked to eat. Gumby’s altar was set up with three tiers covered by a table cloth. Photos of her were displayed along with her cherished cheetah print personal items. Her favorite snacks were also part of the offering, The altar was well lit, sitting in front of a window for people to view. Lozano posed for pictures waiting for the clock to strike midnight. Her lasting hope was that Gumby’s spirit would make the journey and feel the love Lozano poured into her creation.
Thursday November 10, 2016
Crystal Zamarron
100th for ROTC FCS ranked 14th Samuel Galindo Chief Reporter @samgalindo37 On Saturday, October 29, 2016, Dr. Steven Tallant, President of Texas A&M University – Kingsville, commissioned the portraits of TAMUK alumni, Lieutenant General Ricardo Sanchez and Colonel Edward J. Preston Jr., and unveiled them at a commemorative celebration honoring the 100th year anniversary of the Reserve Officer’s Training Core (ROTC) program in the United States. The ROTC program started back in 1916, and has offered men and women the opportunity to not only earn a college degree, but to also serve their country while doing it. The event was held in the Founder’s Room on campus and was packed full of about seventy-five people, which consisted of ROTC alum, faculty, and stuff. One of the event’s attendees was Lieutenant Colonel Thomas J. Troyn, Professor of Military Science and Director
of ROTC. Professor Troyn explained that “Cadet Command…put out a mission that we were to select people to be considered for induction into the ROTC Hall of Fame, and we put together a
panel of people from the university and also alum from our ROTC program.” He went on to say that these men were selected because of their contributions to our university and to the nation. “You look at what these two men currently do, and what they have done for this university – it’s immense. So with those standards, it was an easy pick,” said Professor Troyn. When asked what advice he has for potential ROTC stu-
dents, Professor Troyn said, “It’s just a matter of sticking to it, seeing the job through, and then applying the effort and devotion it takes [to succeed]. You have to put in the hard work. There’s many a men and women that have been able to do it.” One of those men brave enough to take up the calling is ROTC student Frank Russell, a Junior majoring in Communications. Russell explained what being a ROTC student means to him, saying, ‘It’s a pact, a brotherhood, so to speak. No matter if something bad were to happen, I got their back, and they’ve got mine. ROTC is not just a program or club. It’s a commitment and a bonding time with my comrades.” Russell went on to discuss the ROTC’s 100th year anniversary, saying, “… to me, [it] shows how long the tradition of officers has lasted and it makes me feel proud to be in this program.”
TAMUK Family and Consumer Services makes top 15 out 50 in the nation
Alex Guerra Reporter @alxgrr Texas A&M University-Kingsville’s Family and Consumer Sciences (FCS) division is ranked 14 out of 50 in the nation by based on its educational programs and cost affordability. The Human Sciences department houses the FCS programs and provides intertwined handson experience and lecture courses. TAMUK offers four Bachelor of Science and two Master of Science degrees, which cover class instruction, leadership, research, and problem solving. The most utilized resource is the Marc Cisneros Center for Young Children (MCCYC). Students studying nutrition, merchandising, and forms of social services have the privilege to work side-byside with staff members and put their studies to the test. Dr. William Kuvlesky
Jr., assistant dean and interim chair for the Dick and Mary Lewis Kleberg College of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Human Sciences said, “This is a reflection of our department and our great students. A small program, the smallest in the university is so engaged because of its small classes. Students feel like they’re part of a family. The experiential learning and opportunistic research allows students to apply what they are learning towards their hands-on experience. I’m proud to be affiliated with such a great educational program.” The Marc Cisneros Center for Young Children is a prime example of gaining familiarity within one’s field. Students are able to fulfill in-depth observations and compare how classroom discussions translate into real life situations. The opportunity to assess and examine behavior patterns, parent
and child relationships and diction first hand is a rare advantage TAMUK students have above larger universities. Interim Director for the MCCYC, Marisol Loredo is amazed that the university is ranked at such a high position on a national level. “To be in the classroom and then engage with children is the best you’ll get…it’s a luxury to give student observations here, learning in the trenches and being able to expose theories and seeing if the discussions match what [students] are learning,” said Loredo. Jesse Ochoa IV, junior in radio/television/film believes that with this could only mean bigger and better things for TAMUK. “I feel that this recognition will strengthen the foundation of our university. Taking a step towards the betterment of our community’s wellbeing is essential and these programs are doing just that,” Ochoa said.
Tournament has players on their toes First Fall Chess Blitz Tournament for student to use and advance their skills America Quintero Reporter With only seconds to develop a plan, silence fell over the room of chess players. The timer quickly wound down, making every move a turning point in a game. This was the atmosphere of Thursday’s competition, where each player is given only five minutes to claim a victory. On Nov. 3, Texas A&M University-Kingsville’s Chess Department held its first fall semester community Chess Blitz Tournament. The tournament was open to players, no matter experience level. Nine individuals competed for a chance to win a chess board. Comprised of three rounds, the tournament is a test of players’ critical thinking skills. Players are awarded points based on the number of games won in each round. The fast pace of the games create additional challenges for the players. “The hardest part is
developing a strategy, the rest is problem solving,” said Physics major Edson Estrada. U.S. Army recruiter Sgt. Derick D. Arellano said the fast game pace leaves little time for players to size up their opponents. “We have such a small amount of time, so it requires study and practice of the game and of your opponent,” he said. For several of the players, chess is more than a hobby. It helps grow their personal and academic life. Chess board committee Director Eddie Rios has been training chess players, many who have special needs, for 27 years. He uses the game to get kids interested in intellectual pursuits and away from more dangerous activities, such as drugs or gangs. “I believe that chess helps people. There is a group of people who are shy and don’t fall under other organizations. I have had the opportunity of helping special needs students and watching them enjoy the game. The
game gives you responsibility and teaches you social skills. It’s a multicultural language,” he said. Animal Science major Dustin Trevino said he enjoyed the tournament and meeting other players. “I’ve been playing chess for years, ever since I was a kid Trevino said. “It’s really fun. I got to meet a lot of talented people today.” The tourney was Computer Science major Mithileth Korrapati’s first time competing in a blitzstyle competition at TAMUK. “It is the first time I play a Blitz Tournament at this university. These types of tournaments are really intense, and give you a rush,” he said. TAMUK’s Center for Student Success uses the chess program as a way of helping students advance in their academic endeavors. Coordinator David Ghore said the tournament was such a hit with players that he is already considering hosting another one.
Thursday November 10, 2016
Visit our Twitter to vote! Javelina Nation, do you like or dislike the idea of TAMUK merging with TAMUCC?
Last week’s poll results!
Proud to be an American: Veterans Day
Angel Castillo Editorial Editor
Veterans Day is the day to honor those who have fought for our freedom. During this time of the year is when you hear a lot about veterans and everything that they’ve done for our country. However, it shouldn’t just be on Veterans Day, but throughout the whole year that we honor those who served in the United States Armed Forces. To give you some brief history, Veterans Day is observed all around the world. In Canada and England, November 11th is viewed as Remembrance Day. While in New Zealand, France, Belgium and Serbia it’s called Armistice Day. They celebrate the end of World War I, which ended on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month in November 1918. The United States also called it Armistice Day but then it later changed to Veterans Day to celebrate all
veterans that served in the US Armed Forces. We all should take the time to salute and give our thanks to veterans because they sacrificed their lives to give us our freedom. I want Veteran Awareness to increase throughout America because they deserve to be taken care of and not forgotten. Giving thanks and bringing awareness for one day isn’t enough. There should be programs in every state that work to make sure that all veterans receive the help that they deserve. At least once in our life, we have all come across someone who is homeless. No one deserves to be left out in the street. No one deserves to be forgotten, especially if you’re a veteran of the United States. Many veterans suffer from PTSD, substance abuse or are homeless. We have to provide government housing because most of the times the pension they receive isn’t
Javelina Nation, are you or do you know a Veteran of the United States?
enough to find affordable housing. TAMUK students, if you know someone who is a vet-
Living the Dream: Seven Jobs Talking about all of the jobs that I’ve had
Sebastyon Spencer Advertising Manager Personally, this past week has probably been one the better weeks for this semester. I finally got my dream job as a worker for GameStop. Over the years I’ve had different jobs and they were not the best. In total, I’ve had seven jobs… well including GameStop makes seven. I want to start off with my first job at a restaurant called People’s. I applied as a bus boy and it was fun at first, since it was my first job. We had one location till they made the second one. I didn’t mind driving 15 minutes from my house to work, but when I got sent to the new location everything was
just crazy. They opened with five bus boys and we didn’t have any tables so they got mad at everyone for not being busy. I ended up getting sick one day and I called and told them and they never got back to me; they also didn’t tell me when I had to work again so I never went back. My second job was at Whataburger and I liked the job. I worked with a buddy of mine named Riccardo (he was my manager and we went to high school together). Well I only worked there for three months due to getting accepted to college over here in Kingsville, so I ended up putting my two weeks in. My third job would be my first retail job and that was Journey’s. Journey’s was fun I was a seasonal work-
er that became a part-time worker to almost becoming a manger - but since I was going to college that didn’t happen. I stayed with the company for a year and was let go without any reason. I literally walked in and was given a handshake. My fourth job was at Spencer’s and I only stayed for a whole two months. I was seasonal and they had let everyone go but I could return but I didn’t want to. My fifth job was on campus as the Manager for the editing room inside Manning hall. That job was fun and all but I was also given another the job for The South Texan that I took. The job was to help students with editing film or even just having them pick up a camera.
The sixth job is my current job as the Ad Manager for The South Texan. The job itself comes with a lot of responsibilities. If I don’t have ads in for Monday it does affect the entire crew on how much they need to write for their pages. The only thing I don’t like is the rejection from businesses for ads, like the businesses we have for the paper are amazing to be honest. The last job which is a job I just got is GameStop, and man do I love it. I’ve been trying to work there for five years now and now that I have the job it does make me happy. Honestly I can’t say anything that is wrong since I’ve loved everything so far. with this job.
eran, I want you to take time on November 11th to thank them for their service in the United States Armed Forces.
Cartoonist: Siddharth R. Tuplondhe
We should all come together and take the time out of our day to honor and salute any US veterans.
Letter from The South Texan to Dr. Flores The Staff from The South Texan, would like to give our thanks to Dr. Manuel Flores, a retired captain from the Texas Army National Guard. We thank you for your service and we would like to express the gratitude that we have towards you. You serve as our instructor, our mentor and most importantly as our hero. You are truly immersed in the Texas A&M University-Kingsville campus and the surrounding community. Dr. Flores, a Hebbronville, Texas native, has been a professor here at Texas A&M University-Kingsville since 2006. His dedication to his profession and to his students is astounding. He takes pride in what he does to better serve his community. We want to express our greatest gratitude to Dr. Flores and we appreciate all the hard work throughout the years, and The South Texan staff wouldn’t be where we are without you. You provide guidance and encouragement to succeed in our paths in life. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you.
Trabajar Mientras Estudiamos
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Clarissa Madrigal Spanish Columnist
El trabajar y asistir a la universidad es complicado y muchos estudiantes lo hacen. Cada persona es diferente, pero yo que soy una de tantas personas que trabajan y tiene clases puedo decir que si es un poco difícil. Todo depende el trabajo que tengas, cuentas clases estas tomando y que carrera es la que estas estudiando. Algunos estudiantes lo hacen por no aburrirse en sus casas otros lo hacen porque necesita el trabajo, ese dinero extra que siempre es bueno cuando estas
Letters must be signed by their author and limited to 300 words or fewer.
The South Texan is a student publication produced by Texas A&M University- Kingsville students. The views, opinions and commentary do not necessarily reflect the views of the Texas A&M University system. The South Texan uses student fees in part to publish. The South Texan is part of the Art, Communications, and Theatre Department (ACT), The Javelina Broadcast Network (JBN), and the Texas Intercollegiate Press Association (TIPA).
Angel Castillo
Crystal Zamarron- Editor-in-Chief Raul Altamirano- Managing Editor Sebastyon Spencer- Advertising Manager Bobby Puentes- #JAVLIFE Editor/ Circulation Manager Frankie Cardenas- Sports Editor Angel Castillo- Editorial Editor Veronica Cepeda- Online Editor
Siddharth Tuplondhe- Cartoonist Samuel Galindo- Chief Reporter Clarissa Madrigal- Spanish Columnist Alex Guerra- Reporter Robert Breedlove- Reporter Xavier Aguilar- Reporter Camila Peña- Reporter Matthew Ward- Adviser Manuel Flores- Adviser
First Amendment Right Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for redress of grievances.
estudiando. Algunos trabajos que se encuentran en la universidad son un poco mejor ya que trabajan con tu horario de clases, y puedes entrar a trabajar y salir para ir a una clase y regresar a trabajar. Desafortunadamente no todos los trabajos tienen esa oportunidad ya que son fuera de la escuela y muchas veces no trabajan con tus horarios. También a veces tiene que trabajar hasta muy tarde y los estudiantes no duermen bien, no terminan sus tareas a tiempo y termina reprobando las clases. El reprobar una clase significa pérdida de tiempo y de dine-
Advertising For advertising inquiries, e-mail the South Texan at, OR call (361) 593-4371 and ask for Sebastyon Spencer.
Distribution If you would like to carry the South Texan at your business, contact Crystal Zamarron or Bobby Puentes at (361) 5934370
ro. La cuestión económica es una razón muy poderosa por las que los jóvenes no asisten a la universidad o simplemente termina por salirse antes de graduarse porque no tienen como mantenerse. Kingsville es un pueblo muy pequeño y los estudiantes no tiene muchas alternativas de trabajo, esa es una de las desventajas de estudiar aquí si tienes problemas económicos. Aunque los estudiantes reciban ayuda del Gobierno para estudiar no basta para solventar todos los gastos que implica estudiar fuera de casa. Comida, vivienda, pagos de luz, agua, ropa, medicinas, cosas que de
repente se pueden ofrecer y se necesite dinero para resolver esos problemas. Es entendible la situación de cada quien peor no desaprovechen la oportunidad de estudiar, aunque tengamos que trabajar. El trabajar mientras estudiamos es habla muy bien de nosotros como personas y también nos va a servir de referencia para cuando terminemos nuestros estudios universitarios. Las personas verán el doble esfuerzo que hacemos y eso quiere decir que podemos hacer muchas cosas diferentes por más difíciles que parezca.
Have an opinion? Contact the South Texan at or message us on our Facebook fan page. Letters to the Editor
Letters must be typed, signed, and include a phone number. Letters will be edited for grammar, punctuation, libel, and profanity. Letters considered for publication must be 300 words or fewer. Letters may be hand delivered or emailed to Please send letters or inquiries to The South Texan at Manning Hall 165, Texas A&M University-Kingsville Kingsville, Texas 78363 (361) 593-4370
Thursday November 10, 2016
Frankie Cardenas
Five wins and counting Slow starting Hogs find 2nd half spark in 28-13 victory Robert Breedlove Sports Reporter @BreedloveCam
Leading the Lone Star Conference in passing, the Western New Mexico Mustangs put on a formidable performance in their first-ever game versus Texas A&M University-Kingsville, but the Javelinas pulled away in the second half en route to a 28-13 victory and their fifth straight win, at Javelina Staidum, Saturday. Wth the win, the Javelinas hold on to to third place in the Lone Star Conference with a 5-3 conference record and a 7-3 record overall. This Saturday, the Javelinas will close out the regular season in Goodwell, Okla., as they take on 2-8, Oklahoma Panhandle State in the regular season finale. The 28-13 victory marks the fifth straight win for A&M Kingsville, their longest streak since 2010. The Javelinas are out of contention for an NCAA playoff spot but may still earn a Division II bowl game berth. Against WNM, Nick Pelrean shot off like a pinball on the opening kickoff, taking it 60 yards to the Western New Mexico 39-yard line. But the Javelina offense squandered that almost immediately after Anthony Autry coughed up a fumble after a short reception. The Mustangs put their fierce aerial attack into use on the first play, employing some trickery with a reverse pass from wide receiver Rodney Lawson to backup quarterback Mat Hommel. DeAndre Williams cashed in the drive on an eight-yard rush to give Western the early 7-0 lead. The Kingsville offense failed to find a spark for the most of the first quarter, going three and out on their next two drives. On the sidelines. Javelina Coach Daren Wilkinson made his displeasure known to his offense, who only managed two receptions through the first three drives of the game. “Our guys were spent a little bit emotionally after that game last week against Eastern [New Mexico] where there was a lot on the line,” Coach Wilkinson said after the game. “And when you have
Photo By: Juan Turrubiates
Anthony Autry flexing in pregame warm-ups. a game like that and have a team come in that on paper with their win-loss record, they don’t look the part. It’s easy to take too many breaths of relief and think that you’re okay with things.” The Hoggies were dominated in time of possession in the first quarter, only holding onto the ball for 4:51 compared to Western New Mexico’s 10:09. “You give a lot of credit to Western New Mexico. They came out and they had a very good gameplan. They were going to milk the clock, they did what we want to do every game, which was to keep the other offense off the field.” Wilkinson said. After a Tyler Vargas field goal, a botched out-ofbounds kickoff put the Javelinas in prime field position at their own 46. Wilkinson’s pep talk seemed to work as Carr connected with his tight end Stehly Reden for 54 yards for the first Hoggie score of the game. That momentum was stifled, however, on the next offensive drive when Carr lofted an interception into the hands of Kyle Foote on the WNMU 12-yard line. The Javelina defense bailed out its offense in the red zone on several occasions. One of the first big stops came in the beginning of the second quarter when the defense halted the Mustang advance at at the TAMUK four-yard line. Kuziah Ferebee leaped up and blocked the field goal kick holding the score at 10-7 in Western New Mexico’s favor. Wilkinson’s gameplan in the second quarter was to feed running back Luis Lopez the ball. On the ensuing drive he got the ball on six of the Hoggies’ eight plays, including a
37-yard catch that saw Lopez tearing through the defense with his signature intensity. But on the next play, Alfonso Wilson snatched the ball for an interception killing yet another A&M-Kingsville drive. In the waning seconds of the first half, the Mustangs found themselves on the Javelina 4-yard line on first down. Quarterback Javia Hall had his halfback Gordy Longville wide open in the end zone, but the pass went in-and-out of his hands. After another incompletion and with four seconds left in the half WNMU Coach Adam Clark elected to take a shot at the end zone. Hall threw a tight spiral to the number one receiver in the Lone Star Conference, Xavier Ayers, but Ferebee was right on him knocking the ball away and shutting out the Mustangs’ red zone offense a second time. The second half began rather auspiciously after the Javelinas stifled the Mustangs at their own 28. Sean Landez waited to return a 46-yard punt by Tyler Vargas, but the ball ricocheted off his facemask and into the arms of Western New Mexico punt coverage. The Mustangs entered the red zone, and got down to the Kingsville 7-yard line, but the defense came in the clutch when Quentin Parks sacked Vargas, forcing WNMU to settle for a field goal. Suddenly the Javelina offense began to click. Carr went 4-4 passing on the next drive, and every single rushing play (three by Greg Pitre and four by Lopez) was for positive yardage. Lopez capped the drive off sprinting around the edge for a touchdown, giving
A&M-Kingsville their first lead of the game, 14-13. The Hoggies would hold on to the lead adding seven more on the first drive of the fourth quarter. The touchdown was set up by a short pass to Lopez, who then proceeded to rip through the Mustangs’ linebacker corps and secondary for 37 yards. Carr then made a senior-to-senior connection to Autry up the middle, who leaped over a linebacker and carried the safety into the end zone for a touchdown. This was the 25th passing touchdown of the season for Carr, breaking the school record set in 2001 by Abel Gonzalez. A rolling punt set the Javelinas up at their own 1-yard line on the their next drive. Again, the one-two rushing punch of Pitre and Lopez propelled the Hoggies down field toward the Mustang 20. Carr then helped break another record, delivering Reden’s seventh touchdown catch of the season, the most in a single-season by a tight end. “I can remember every 99-yard drive I’ve been a part of and that one will go into the memory banks as well,” Wilkinson said. “Those are things that don’t happen too often and it takes 11 guys working together for 99 and a half yards.” Carr put up his third game of 300 or more passing yards, posting 307 yards. Carr’s top three receivers were the senior Autry who totaled three receptions for 96 yards, Lopez, who put up 91 yards on three catches, and Reden who had two receptions for 74 yards, both for touchdowns. “We didn’t know each other coming here, both being transfers,” Reden said of his quarterback, “As the year goes on our relationship has gotten a lot better on the field, trusting each other and becoming better friends, and that translates onto the field as well” Lopez finally broke through with a 100-yard rushing game mark, running for 108 yards and bringing his total on the season to 495. On the defensive side, Quentin Parks sacked the quarterback twice, and Brandon Jones picked up the one of his own.
Photo By: Frankie Cardenas
Javelina Volleyball joining hands in their pre-game ritual.
Two-Step Victories Javelinas win final road games in the regular season Staff Reports The Texas A&M–Kingsville Javelinas (23-8, 12-6 LSC) set the single-season record for wins this weekend, after defeating both West Texas A&M University (15-13, 9-8 LSC) in four sets, and the University of Texas of Permian Basin (7-20, 3-14 LSC) in three. There was a ton of history made following the victories, as the win over West Texas would mark the first time since 2004 the Hogs were able to sweep the season series versus the Lady Buffs. This year’s Hoggie team will also be the winningest team in Javelina history, winning a record 12 games in the Lone Star Conference, and setting the single-season record for total wins with 23. The previous record was set back in 1998 under the helm of Head Coach Donna Benotti. In game one, the Javelinas dominated on both sides of the net throughout the match. They recorded a hitting percentage of .211 with 64 kills and eight team blocks. Krystal Faison continued her dominance with her 16th double-double of the season recording 16 kills and 16 digs. Ashley Bukowski had herself 15 kills and one ace, whilst Lexi Wick chipped in 13 kills and five blocks of her own. Casey Klobedans had a double-double with 51 assists and 12 digs.
The two sophomores Madison Brabham and Haley Hutchinson had themselves a good game as well, Brabham having 11 kills and two blocks and Hutchinson accumulating six kills and three blocks. The following day, the Falcons were never able to stay with the Javelinas throughout the entirety of the game as they found themselves trailing and never took a lead. Madison Brabham took the initiative and led her team with 13 kills and also did her part on the defensive side of the ball with three blocks. Faison added nine kills and recorded three blocks, but also added three service aces to her game resume. Wick chipped in nine kills but stood out defensively with six blocks and even added a service ace to go along with her offensive game play. Casey Klobedans recorded her 15th double-double of the season by assisting her teammates 34 times and also getting 11 digs on the night. She also added two kills, a service ace, and a block, essentially stuffing her stat sheet for the night. The Javelinas will finish the regular season with two games at home in the S.P.E.C., hosting Midwestern State and Cameron on Friday, Nov. 11 and Saturday, Nov. 12., eyeing the conclusion of the season, with a quarter century mark in the win column.
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Thursday, November 10, 2016