Issue 11-17-16

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Thursday, November 17, 2016

Volume 91, Issue 12

Texas A&M University - Kingsville

The South Texan /TheSouthTexan



Javelinas to play in Texarkana Bowl Frankie Cardenas Sports Editor @FrankieJ_Suckaa

File Photo

The Javelinas will be roadtrippin’ into Arkansas, as the Texas A&M University-Kingsville football team was selected as a participant to play in the fourth annual

Live United Texarkana Bowl. The game takes place Saturday Dec. 3 at Razorback Stadium in Texarkana, Arkansas. The Hoggies will square off against the Muleriders of Southern Arkansas University (9-2) , representing the Great American Conference.

It is one of the only three Division-II bowls in the nation. With the Javelinas finishing with an 8-3 overall record, and a 6-3 Lone Star Conference record for a share of third place in the conference, it comes as almost no surprise they were in heavy consideration.

The Hoggies will go to their first bowl game since the Kanza Bowl in 2012. “On behalf of South Texas and all the great people of Javelina Nation, we are ecstatic about being participants in this bowl [game],” said Vice president of Athletics Scott Gines, during a press confer-

ence Wednesday. “We are pleased and proud to be a part of [the experience].” Dr. Steven Tallant was also present. “It means a great deal not only to the university, but for the entire region of South Texas,” he said.

Merger discussions go into overdrive

Corpus Christi pols, Kleberg commissioners oppose ‘bold’ idea as regents ponder vote Alex Guerra Reporter @alxgrr “The devil is always in the details, and I personally think this one’s got a lot of devil in it.” Those were the sentiments of Texas A&M University System Regent Robert Albritton on the proposed merger between Texas A&M University-Kingsville and its sister campus in Corpus Christi. The Texas A&M University System Board of Regents met on Nov. 10 with both universities’ administration in College Station. To consolidate both campuses would mean sharing facility resources, increasing research funding, advance distance learning and climbing athletic division ranks. System Chancellor John Sharp, TAMUK President Dr. Steven Tallant, and TAMUCC Interim President Dr. Kelly Quintanilla gave regents a presentation outlining the benefits of a possible merger. “If we don’t grow folks, we lose funding… the formula of funding works around growth…not only do you have to grow, you have to grow better than everyone else,” Tallant stressed. The panel discussed issues such as enrollment, transportation, and culture, in addition to how faculty would be impacted. Educators would have to accommodate distance learning students, or possibly split time between the two campuses. “Two campuses, one mission that will close the loop; strengthen

and flourish into the first emerging research university in the A&M system,” Tallant said. Quintanilla listed areas of concern such as brand identity, technological necessities, effective faculty-to-administration communication, and access to student records, which a merger would bring. “By sharing initiatives and combining the two universities, we will meet the criteria to qualify for research status. Both universities are growing— becoming one will be the challenge,” Quintanilla said. Board members weighed in on the amount of time and deliberation needed to carefully consider the merger. Repeatedly, members reminded each other during the meeting that the issue is not yet ready for an up or down vote. “The idea that we would say ‘wait and let’s not worry about the Legislature’ and delay this process even further is to kill the baby in the cradle,” said Regent Charles Schwartz. However, according to a Nov. 9 letter to the board of regents submitted by Philip C. Skrobarczyk, a prominent Corpus Christi businessman and president of the TAMUCC Foundation, Tallant and Sharp were meeting with legislators and Corpus Christi business owners as early as Oct. 5 to discuss merger plans.

Graphic by Sierra Zavala

Skrobarczyk’s letter states that no TAMUCC officials were in attendance. Sharp, according to the letter, urged attendees–10 prominent banking, construction and transportation executives as well as six local politicians, State Sen. Juan “Chuy” Hinojosa, State Rep. Abel Herrero, State Rep. Todd Hunter, Judge Loyd Neal, State Sen. Eddie Lucio and State Rep. JM Lozano–to support the proposed merger. Sharp told the group, according to Skrobarczyk’s letter, that merging the schools would reap immediate benefits in the form of research

funds approaching $100 million, a bigger student body at 22,000, as well as a Division I football program. In an interview with Tallant, talk of a potential proposal will quickly be put together as the merger plan unfolds. If this were to be approved by the Legislature, both institutions would work two years on developing the proposal with Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC), an accerediting agency that must also sign off on the merger. “This is just the beginning. There

have been discussions bounced around. Nothing has been validated by the Board of Regents…they will tell us what to do. I mean, it took us three years to put all of our hats in together,” Tallant told the South Texan. Kleberg County Commissioners passed a resolution this week stating its opposition to the merger. The resolution stated the university and county’s best interests are not being taken into consideration. Corpus Christi’s legislative delegation also released a statement advising regents to vote cautiously. The statement read, “We will not support any legislation or proposal that would adversely affect or be harmful or detrimental to Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi and the Corpus Christi community.” TAMUCC President Dr. Flavius Killebrew sent out a mass email to students and staff listing key points that were vocalized during the regents meeting. Although the voting is left to the board, open forums will be moderated by campus organizations to gather input from students and faculty. Tallant similarly addressed his role in a campus-wide email. He’s also spoken to the faculty senate, Student Government Association and to local Rotarians. Though his stance on the topic is not specified. Tallant noted that he is confident regents will give the merger idea careful examinationand make the right decision. Sharp will speak to members of the community about the merger idea at the Robstown fairgrounds Monday at 1 p.m.

Vandalism on campus after elections

Administration investigates racist graffiti left in residence hall bathroom Crystal Zamarron Editor-in-Chief @CrystalSoTex While cleaning a residence hall bathroom, a custodian noticed a message written on the bathroom stall wall. On Monday, Nov. 14th Marcus Lewis, custodian at Texas A&M University-Kingsville turned to Facebook to post pictures of the vandalism stating “It seems that since election day some of us are feeling ourselves and are now free to spew hateful & divisive rheto-

ric.” The South Texan did not receive a reply back from Lewis. According to Nov. 15th Action News 10 article, Lewis said, “It was kind of depressing, it was sad. If it said something else toward black folks, I would be offended, so I have to be equally offended, because it’s talking about my Hispanics brothers and sisters.” “That’s disgusting!” said Andre Hill, Undecided major President Tallant sent out a message to all faculty & staff and student on Tuesday, Nov. 15th

stating, “After the presidential election, several communities across the country experienced incidents of racism and intolerance toward specific groups of people. Several campuses had similar incidents, and unfortunately we are not immune from this type of behavior. We recently discovered some inappropriate and racist graffiti in one of our residence hall bathrooms, and we are looking into it.” There is an investigation and surveillance cameras are being checked. “I don’t have much to say but

whoever wrote that is immature,” said Kaleigh Martinez, Business System Information major “It sucks to see stupid stuff like that on campus. I mean the election it is what it is but the fact that that’s here on campus, it’s really sad,” said Monica Chavez, Kinesiology major. At the end of the President’s message it stated, “The safety of this campus is our primary concern. I want to remind everyone that inci-

INSIDE STORIES Flash Mob See Page 2!

TAMUK Veterans awarded scholarships See Page 3!

Opinion on TAMUK & TAMUCC merger See Page 4!

Cortesy photo by Marcus Lewis’ Facebook

dences of discrimination should be reported to Karen Royal at karen. and any safety concerns should be reported to the University Police at 593-2611.”

INDEX Volleyball going to LSC tournament See Page 5!

#JAVLIFE............................................2 CAMPUS NEWS...................................3 ED./OPINION.....................................4 SPORTS..............................................5 AD.....................................................6

NOTE: Next week there will not be a newspaper. Happy Thanksgiving from The South Texan!



Thursday, November 17, 2016

Bobby Puentes


Mob breaks out in dance International students come together for celebration in front of College Hall on University Blvd.

Plaserae Johnson Contributing Reporter

Members of the flash mob in action.

Photo by Crystal Zamarron

The crowd gathered in front of College Hall to watch the flash mob around 12:30 p.m., Tuesday, Nov. 15. Approximately 50 international students stopped traffic and began dancing in the street - Flash Mob style. The flash mob performed a routine they had practiced for two weeks. The performance as in recognition of International Education Week at Texas A&M University-Kingsville. The university has more than 1,000 international students from throughout the world. “I have friends in the mob and I liked everything about it. It’s great knowing people that

dance in the road.” Laxmitheesdha Sankapally, a graduate student in Computer Science, said with a slight chuckle and grin on her face. The mob smiled and cheered as the crowd increased. The audience stopped along the sidewalks and in the grass to watch them perform. Since performing the previous fall semester the number of the people participating has increased. “We did a flash mob last year and the count was merely twenty-five and now it’s over forty,” she said. Since it was such a success, people spread the word and they just brought in more and were super enthusiastic. “There’s no restriction to the

number. People can just pour in,” Shreya Kulali, a graduate student pursuing her master’s in Industrial Engineering, said. Kulali is the coordinator and the person who has organized the flash mob. She is willing to teach anyone who joins. This week being International Education Week, the flash mob danced to music of the Indian culture. The crowd took pictures and some recorded until the very last clap of the mob. International Education Week was a week-long activity with numerous events. The celebration tries to honor all the different cultures students bring to the university, Kulali said, noting that it plans to be an annual event.

Jazz Bash is back again Annual Jazz Bash is here for 33rd time Xavier Aguilar Reporter The 33rd Annual Jazz Bash is a concert held by the Music Department of Texas A & M University – Kingsville and will be held on Tuesday Nov. 22 in Jones Auditorium. This is a free concert to kick off the holidays with friends and family. This year’s Bash will feature three Jazz Ensembles conducted by their respective directors. The Latin Jazz Ensemble by Glynn Garcia, Jazz Band III by Dr. Kyle Millsap, Jazz Band II by Dr. James Warth and Jazz Band I by Dr. Paul Hageman. Jazz is a type of music that has had major influences in other types of genres. It is a toe-tapping get up and dance type of music that has people feeling a certain jive. The music performed at this Annual Jazz Bash will have a variety of styling including swing, ballad, rock, Latin and many other fusions. “I’m excited about the Jazz Bash,” said James Warth, Associate Professor of both

Saxophone and Jazz. “Each year the concert serves to signal the beginning of the holiday season.” With the holiday season fast approaching it good to have a long standing tradition signal us to cooler weather and great food.Besides great music and the concert helps put the campus in the holiday mood. “This concert represents the culmination of all of our students’ work during the fall semester,” said Paul Hageman, Chair of the Music Department and Director of Jazz Studies. With music majors, students having to learn multiple pieces of music and have to deal with other responsibilities it is great to see the talent and drive they have to put this concert together. With pieces that include Sao Paulo, Fun Time, and Samba De Orphee everyone is guaranteed to have a good time. With an audience projection of about 200 – 300 people it’s sure to be a packed house. For more information you may call Dr. Paul Hageman at 361-593 2803

“Los Padres,” a film by Texas A&M University-Kingsville assistant professor Armando Ibanez has won numerous awards in film festivals worldwide.

TAMUK professor’s film wins eleventh award

Bobby Puentes Reporter @Paperboybob

Armando Ibanez’s film “South Texan Gentle Men of Steel” received the Platinum Award from the Oregon International Film Festival, in October. The award is the highest acknowledged accolade of

the festival. Having received ten previous awards for the film, number 11 comes at the end of the independent film festival circuit run. Once an independent film is completed the director decides what festivals to show at depending on area of subject matter, this being the films festival circuit. It’s a “laborious process”

Victory Belles sooth with sounds of the ‘40s Musical trio brings harmonies to Jones

America Quintero Reporter

No gadgets or devices are needed to travel through time, only an ear for music. On Nov. 11, the Victory Belles, ambassadors of the National World War II Museum in New Orleans, brought 1940s music to campus. At the sound of the first melody, community members, local veterans, and Texas A&M University-Kingsville students were sent back in time. The opening song, “In the Mood,” set the stage for an entire era of music. The Victory Belles sang musical hits such as “Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy,” “Don’t Sit Under the Apple Tree,”, and “My Heart Belongs To Daddy” In honor of Veterans Day. The performance also featured songs such as “Service Medley” and “God Bless America.” The singing trio was not afraid to integrate community veterans into their singing and dancing performances. The audience cheered for their fellow veterans and laughed at the Victory Belles comedic routines.¬ The songs brought back childhood memories to Livia Diaz, who grew up in the aftermath of World War II. “The songs remind you of the era of the day. I remember my mother used to play records such as ‘Don’t Sit Under the Apple Tree.’ I love the history behind it,” she said. For many, the American patriotic songs were especially emotional, as they reminded them of family and friends who serve or served in the military. TAMUK Music freshman Jaime Rodriguez said the event was personal as it honored Veterans Day. “I come from a military family. Most of them have served or died in service,” he said. Another TAMUK freshman, Music Education

major Kaitlynn Bagwell, was moved to tears by the event. It reminded her of her Photo by America Quintero closes friend who is going to start his miliThe three Belles in red,white,and blue. tary career. “The event meant a lot because I have a bring back memories,” she said. friend who is just going to start to serve. He just Gault also described the importance of being an went through basic training,” Kaitlynn explained. ambassador and upholding U.S. history. This is the second year TAMUK’s Presidential “The period was dark, but the music was fun. Performing & Visual Arts Series invited the VictoPart of what I feel is important being an ambasry Belles for Veterans Day. Erin McClure, director sador is being a millennial and promoting patrioof Student Activities, said she is glad to have the tism. We want to remind others of their country’s group back and enjoys the spirit they bring to the past.” event. TAMUK students agreed that the event was a “The trio always sings beautifully together and great way to promote Veterans Day. they project the American Spirit. The ladies made “This was the best event. Coming from a family their performance interactive and entertaining,” who serves in the military, I wish my father could she said. have been here. He served as a Marine. The trio consists of Ashley Harris, Melissa For me, Veterans Day is a reminder that freedom Castillo and Heather Gault. Earlier in the day, comes with sacrifice, but it is a great way of honthe Victory Belles performed at Bishop Elemenoring those who serve,” said freshman Elizabeth tary. Castillo said visiting the elementary was a Carstons, a Piano Performance major. great way to teach young children about another era. When asked about their return to Kingsville, Gault said she felt right at home in the community. “The people have been very welcoming and so friendly. It’s almost as if we never left. You feel like a part of a family.” As the ambassadors of the National World War II Museum, the Victory Belles expressed their appreciation for 1940s music and culture as well as the people who fought for the United States. Harris says she enjoys seeing the emotional impact the event has on others. “It’s an incredible honor to pay tribute for the men and women in the military. To be able to do this means we get to

said Ibanez, assistat professor of Radio-TV and Film, about searching for the more recognized and prestigious festivals to enter. Purpose for entering festivals is to gain attention for the film while looking for distribution opportunities. The film received an award letter from the Oregon International Film Festival reading,“ Our selection committee reviewed several hundred projects originating from many countries around the world, with your select group of films and screenplays emerging as the very finest. Congratulations on your outstanding work!” “We’re very very pleased we got 11 awards under our belt for the film. As a filmmaker it’s one of the most rewarding things for your piers to recognize your work.” Ibanez said. “South Texan Gentle Men of Steele” has no narrator and lets its subjects tell the story of the end of an 82year presence of Dominican friars in South Texas. Focusing on the two last friars that left the San Diego and Alice area in 2013, the film shows the importance the two had on the region and the people of the surrounding area. “There’s a lot of poetry in o perspective but a human being in search of the poetic metaphor.” Ibanez said


Thursday November 17, 2016

Crystal Zamarron

Docudrama to be played



Free public screening of 8 award winning film

Samuel Galindo Chief Reporter @samgalindo35 “Weaving the Past: Journey of Discovery,” an award-winning documentary will be screened today. The film was directed by Walter Dominguez, who tells a story of mystery, revolution, and redemption. Winning eight awards since 2014. Two awards at the 2014 The Indie Fest. An award at the Accolade Competition in 2014. 5 awards at the Docs Without Borders Film Festival in 2016. Those who attend this special screening will learn the story of Walter’s grandfather, Emilio Dominguez, and how a mysterious picture of him led Walter on a journey to discover his late grandfather’s ties to anarchy and eventual conversion into a Methodist minister who sought peace with all. Along this journey, Walter travels all throughout the United States and Mexico searching for answers to his questions about his late grandfather’s past. Every person he meets along the journey changes Walter’s outlook on his past and future, as he discovers that

his grandfather was tied to Mexican revolutionary, Praxedis G. Guerrero, during the Mexican Revolution. Those interested in embarking on this journey can do so by attending the screening of the film on Thursday, November 17, at 6:00 pm, in Social Hall, Office of Student Activities Building. For more information on the film, you can also visit the website at http://www. “Preview audiences have come away inspired and deeply stirred, often in tears from the upwelling of memories and emotions that were shaken loose inside them. Having come along with me on my journey, they have taken their own personal journeys as well. Whatever your ethnic background, this film reaches your core,” accrding to the website stated above.

Photo by Dr. Manuel Flores

TAMU-Kingsville students Taryn Melugin and Eric Bustos were honored on Nov. 1oth for their service to our country by the Tejano Civil Rights Museum and Resource Center. In Corpus Christi. Eric was a marine and Taryn was in the Army.

Veterans awarded TAMUK students earn veteran scholarships from Tejano Civil Rights Museum Dr. Manuel Flores

Courtesy photo by

Two Texas A&M University-Kingsville students who served in the military and are now seeking degrees here were honored with scholarships during the First Annual Salute to South Texas Veterans, Thursday, Nov. 10, at the Ortiz Center in Corpus Christi. Taryn Melugin, an Army Veteran and criminal justice major, and Eric Bustos, a former marine now majoring in marketing, were honored by the Tejano Civil Rights Mu-

seum and Resource Center. The Tejano Civil Rights Museum is a 501c3 organization. It is housed in the Grande-Grossman House in the Heritage Park area of Corpus Christi. The mission of the Tejano Civil Rights Museum and Resource Center is to preserve Tejano and Mexicano cultural heritage and history for our area, state and nation. We do this with an enlightening historical and provocative museum and through speeches and art exhibits. The museum was found-

ed by LULAC Council No. 1 and Texas A&M University-Kingsville in conjunction with the City of Corpus Christi in May 2014. Texas A&M-Kingsville is responsible for the cultural and historical content of the museum. Events at the museum such as presentations or art exhibits are scheduled by the museum board. The art exhibit portions of the museum are an extension of the Ben Bailey Art Gallery on the campus of Texas A&M University-Kingsville.

Hall of fame for 4 Kinsville men to be inducted in 2017 Texas Conservation Hall of Fame

Dakota Roberts Reporter Stephen J. “Tio” Kleberg and Dr. Fred C. Bryant, both Kingsville natives, have been selected by the Texas Parks and Wildlife Foundation to be inducted in the 2017 Texas Conservation Hall of Fame. They are to be honored for their work they’ve accomplished at the Caesar Kleberg Research Institute, as well as individual achievements in conservation. Both men are to be honored on April 6, 2017 at Melody Theatre in Austin. The event will be a dinner and concert where Kleberg and Bryant will be inducted along with Wales Madden Jr. and the Operation Game Thief program. Stephen Kleberg is a member of the founding King Ranch family. He serves as chairmen for the Caesar Kleberg Wildlife foundation and participates on the advisory board for the Caesar Kleberg Wildlife Institute. His work in wildlife management began as early back as the 70s, when he was the manager for the wildlife, cattle, horses, and farms of the King Ranch. In the late 70s, he became the Secre-

tary-Treasurer of the company. By the end of the 80s, he managed most South Texas agricultural operations. Kleberg is being honored for 37 years of work, protecting the local South Texas landscape and wildlife. Fred Bryant, Ph.D., is the Leroy G. Denman, Jr. Endowed Director of Wildlife Research at the Caesar Kleberg Wildlife Research Institute. He has held this title since 1996. Before 1996, he was a professor of Range Management at Texas Tech University’s Department of Range and Wildlife Management, where he would eventually be named a Distinguished Alumnus. His work focuses significantly around range management and habitat management, working with grazing and hunting animals. Along with this, he also served as president of the state professional societies for both the Society of Range Management and The Wildlife Society. Bryant says, “It’s humbling to think about all the people that have been honored before us and what they contributed to the field of conservation in Texas, so it’s a humbling experience

to just have been nominated and now to actually get the award.” With Bryant and Kleberg long friendship, Bryant said, “I’m thrilled to be inducted with one of my best friends, I mean, does it get any better than that.” President Dr. Steven Tallant continued elaborating on their work together, “Their leadership has made the Caesar Kleberg Wildlife Research Institute the leading wildlife research organization in Texas and one of the best in the nation. We are excited and proud that both men are being honored for the passion they share for conservation. The state of management and wildlife in Texas is better because of their work.” The Texas Conservation Hall of Fame benefits the Texas Parks and Wildlife Foundation, which will help raise funds to provide public funding for high-impact environmental projects. One of these projects being to conserve the Powderhorn Ranch, one of the largest, untouched tracts of land along the native coastal prairie. This deal is one of the largest conservation projects in the history of Texas.



Thursday November 17, 2016


Visit our Twitter to vote! Javelina Nation, what would prefer to eat for Thanksgiving dinner?

Last week’s poll results! Javelina Nation, do you like or dislike the idea of TAMUK merging with TAMUCC? Yes




Angel Castillo


Possible Merging of TAMUK and TAMUCC Angel Castillo Editorial Editor Once the news broke out that TAMUK and TAMUCC could be merging the information started traveling fast around campus causing some controversy. If the merger were to go through, it would need the support of both communities and the students of both campuses. This was not the case as several of my friends opposed the merger due to several reasons. I for one am in favor of this possible merger of our universities. If TAMUK and TAMUCC merge into the possible Texas A&M-South Texas then there would be many positives outcomes from it. If the merger is done correctly and all things were to be planned out accordingly, Texas A&M-South Texas would open many more doors of opportunities to future students. I think the reason that most students oppose the

merger is because it’s something new. People are sometimes are afraid of change especially when it can affect them in either a positive or negative way. A merger between TAMUK and TAMUCC would have a lot more positives effects than negative ones. Both schools are small in size when compared to bigger universities like UT-Austin or Texas A&M. A merger of our schools would increase student enrollment to about 20,000 students or more. With such an increase would come benefits like more educational opportunities and increased funding. Another reason why students may think that this merger is a bad idea is because of the name change of the school and the loss of either one or both mascots. Tradition plays a big role in the surrounding communities of both school and if this merger is rushed and not thought through problems will surely arise. The

students and local communities have to be in favor of the merger because if not it probably won’t happen. The whole point of this merger is to bring change to South Texas. Why prevent a merger just because we’re scared of what’s to come? TAMUK has previously had three different names

and each time people may have been upset and alumni might have not agreed with the name change but it leads to better opportunities for future students. In conclusion, I think TAMUK and TAMUCC students should take the time to think about how this merger would potentially bring

Cartoonist: Siddharth R. Tuplondhe

more positive changes to South Texas. We need to follow in the steps of UTRGV but take the time to make this merger a greater success. With an increase in school size, the funding increases and we won’t be left behind as two small schools but rather one united university.

La Combinación de dos Universidades Happy Thanksgiving! Camila Pena Reporter Hoy, estoy de luto y no es por una muerte trágica o algo por el estilo, si no por una idea que afecta mis expectativas como estudiante. Se trata nada mas y nada menos que de la combinación de la Universidad de Texas A&M Kingsville y Texas A&M Corpus Christi. Aunque esto aun no es un hecho, parece ser que es una propuesta bastante interesante. Si bien la idea surgió como una simple observación que beneficiaría a muchos, esta tiene también sus puntos malos. La idea de juntar ambas universidades para crear una institución mas grande y eficaz suena muy buena. Esto puede fomentar la construcción de mas edificios, clases, mejor tecnología e inclusive mas organizaciones. Sin

embargo, esto puede ser algo relativamente malo para muchos estudiantes de esta universidad, incluyéndome. Tener que tomar clases en ambas instituciones es una idea que no me termina de gustar ni un poco. No solo significa que perdería tiempo viajando de un lado a otro, si no que tendría que invertir en transportación, lo cual no es algo conveniente. Alguien como yo que no cuenta con su propio carro tendría que pasear en autobús. Recordemos que muchos estudiantes no cuentan con tanto dinero para gastar en boletos de autobús o en gasolina. Muchos de nosotros optamos por quedarnos en dormitorios como una opción en vez de tener que manejar de nuestra casa al colegio y vice versa. Si fuera a aprovarse la legislatura, esto significaría que habría mas cambios para

Tell us what you think! Email a letter to the editor at:

Claro, la idea también tiene sus ventajas. Esto significaría mas dinero para invertir en nuevos programas, mas beneficios hacia los estudiantes, y una comunidad mas variada. Pero si nos ponemos a examinar bien el asunto, nuestra universidad perdería la autenticidad que le corresponde y que le ha tomado muchos años asumir. Ya por ultimo, es importante permanecer alerta a esta legislación que podría afectar mucho nuestro futuro. A mi parecer, lo mejor sería que cada universidad se quede cómo está ya que ambas tienen sus tradiciones y preferencias. Digo, si cada estudiante eligió asistir a la universidad que mas se acoplo a sus necesidades, quienes somos nosotros para cambiar su parecer?

Angel Castillo Editorial Editor

As a student at Texas A&M University-Kingsville, Thanksgiving has to be one of my favorite holidays. Especially since it’s gives us a chance to relax a bit before preparing ourselves for our final exams. Thanksgiving for us college students is probably one of the best holidays that we get to have. We get to go back home and be with our family members and spend time with them. Some of us don’t get the opportunity to go back home often so thanksgiving break is a chance for us to go home and relax. To me, Thanksgiving is all about being with family members and being grateful for all the things

that I have been blessed with. Being a college student is a bit stressful with exams and assignments. To be able to go back home to be with family and eat amazing food is worth being away from home to pursue an education. When I go back home for thanksgiving I take the time to give thanks for being able to attend college, having a family to support me and being appreciative of all the friends that I’ve made. My fellow Javelinas, take the time to give thanks for all the things that have come your way. Cherish the memories that you have and spend time with your loved ones to celebrate all the things that you’re grateful for. I wish everyone a safe trip back home and a Happy Thanksgiving.

Las Ultimas Semanas de Universidad Terminando el Semestre Podre Descansar y Relajarme

Clarissa Madrigal Spanish Columnist

Letters must be signed by their author and limited to 300 words or fewer.

The South Texan is a student publication produced by Texas A&M University- Kingsville students. The views, opinions and commentary do not necessarily reflect the views of the Texas A&M University system. The South Texan uses student fees in part to publish. The South Texan is part of the Art, Communications, and Theatre Department (ACT), The Javelina Broadcast Network (JBN), and the Texas Intercollegiate Press Association (TIPA).

nuestras escuelas. Quizás el jabalí que nos representa no sería mas nuestra mascota y lo peor de todo, Texas A&M Kingsville ya no seria una institución que destaca por si sola, puesto que su nombre cambiaría y dejaría de ser única. Hemos visto como la Universidad Panamericana y la Universidad de Brownsville se unieron de igual forma. Esto debería ser un ejemplo de lo que puede suceder si se aprueba la legislatura. No solamente estamos hablando de muchas clases movidas, si no que también estaríamos observando un aumento de estudiantes por clase. Aparte de todo esto, el costo de la universidad podría cambiar drásticamente. Ya que ambas universidades se juntarían, el costo seria inestable y/o tal vez mas cara para los estudiantes de Texas A&M Kingsville.

El semestre está por terminar y todos los estudiantes estamos ansiosos porque esto suceda. Las tareas, los exámenes, el trabajo y otras preocupaciones que cada quien tenemos en nuestras cabezas son causa de estrés. Como bien sabemos el estrés no es bueno, pero desafortunadamente a todos los estudiantes durante su paso por la universidad les pasa. Estoy contenta porque ya solo faltan unas semanas


Crystal Zamarron- Editor-in-Chief Raul Altamirano- Managing Editor Sebastyon Spencer- Advertising Manager Bobby Puentes- #JAVLIFE Editor/ Circulation Manager Frankie Cardenas- Sports Editor Angel Castillo- Editorial Editor Veronica Cepeda- Online Editor

Siddharth Tuplondhe- Cartoonist Samuel Galindo- Chief Reporter Clarissa Madrigal- Spanish Columnist Alex Guerra- Reporter Robert Breedlove- Reporter Xavier Aguilar- Reporter Camila Peña- Reporter Matthew Ward- Adviser Manuel Flores- Adviser

First Amendment Right Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for redress of grievances.

para terminar un semestre más, y poder descansar un poco. Cuando termine el semestre podre descansar, relajarme y olvidarme de tareas y pendientes de la escuela. Cuando el fin del semestre está cerca me siento cansada y sin ganas de hacer mis tareas, pero solo pienso ya son los últimos trabajos que falta para que termine un semestre más de mi carrera. Pienso, el próximo semestre serán cosas nuevas ya que serán nuevas clases, nuevas cosas por aprender. Advertising For advertising inquiries, e-mail the South Texan at, OR call (361) 593-4371 and ask for Sebastyon Spencer.

Distribution If you would like to carry the South Texan at your business, contact Crystal Zamarron or Bobby Puentes at (361) 5934370

Cada semestre de mis tres años que tengo de estudiar al final, las últimas dos o tres semanas se me hacen más pesadas, y me canso más. Este semestre no ha sido la excepción y hasta me he cansado más y estresado más que los años pasados. No he tenido tiempo de hacer muchas cosas me la he pasado haciendo trabajos de una y de otra clase y cuando tengo tiempo pienso, como me ira a ir el próximo semestre, y después digo no debo de pensar en eso hasta el próximo año.

Pero en fin disfrutare las últimas semanas en TAMUK ya que cada día que pasa es algo nuevo he interesante para mí. También me siento muy agradecida por tener la experiencia de estar en la universidad y aprender cada día cosas nuevas de mis maestros, compañeros, y amigos. Esta experiencia la tengo que disfrutar ya que me ha ido muy bien y una oportunidad así jamás la voy a olvidar, aunque sea cansada y estresante, pero sabemos que al final tenemos nuestra recompensa.

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Letters must be typed, signed, and include a phone number. Letters will be edited for grammar, punctuation, libel, and profanity. Letters considered for publication must be 300 words or fewer. Letters may be hand delivered or emailed to Please send letters or inquiries to The South Texan at Manning Hall 165, Texas A&M University-Kingsville Kingsville, Texas 78363 (361) 593-4370


Thursday November 17, 2016

Frankie Cardenas



Hogs seek redemption in LSC Tournament

Lions. Middle Blocker Lexi Wick sees this tournament as an opportunity to make up for the teams mishaps throughout the season, most notably in finding a way to redeem the losses that have frustrated the team to its’ core. “There are a few games that could have changed a lot in how we approach our conference tournament,” Said Wick on the regular season. “Those [matches] were definitely learning ex-

periences and we can’t dwell on them. [We] can only use those to fuel how we go into this tournament and use them to improve our play.” With the possibility of potentially facing Angelo State or A&M-Commerce in the finale for the title, the Hoggies will sure be in for the fight of their lives come Saturday, if and when they get the chance. “With [A&M-Commerce], it is extremely frustrating because we should have won

that second match against them at home,” said Wick. “[We] let our momentum escape us when Coach made a few changes to the lineup. But having the girls who don’t normally play get some time in these last couple of games at home, definitely gave us more practice and a comfort with some changes if they happen again.” “[As for] Angelo State, we know we can compete with them, and seeing as how we may have to play them in their own gym, we can’t let the [home] crowd get to us. Like Coach Allen constantly says, it’s not the ‘big crowd going wild’ plays, it’s all the little things that can really add up and make such a huge difference [on the scoreboard].” From start to finish, Coach Allen believes a gameplan tailored to their strengths, will be what is crucial to get them from match one, to the final. “Serve-receive will always be a key factor in matches against tough opponents. We’ll need to keep our sideout percentage high, if we expect to compete with the best. Our entire team has to step up, now is the time for everyone to play their best.” The Javelinas will hit the court first to get the Lone Star Conference Championship Tournament underway at 12 P.M. on Nov. 17.

Staff Reports-

and the Hogs shot 40% on the night. “Anytime you can get a win against a few good teams is always a positive,” said Coach Estelle on the teams wins. “You have to take them one at a time and not make a big deal out of them. These guys are [only] getting better, and hopefully [they] will continue to get better everyday.” On the flip side, the women are currently 2-1, behind senior guard Kaylin Roher’s 11 points per game average, 33.3% 3-point percentage, 4.0 assists per game and 1.7 takeaways. In the game one victory versus East Central (1-1) in which the Hoggies won 59-35, Roher scored 15 points and made 3-of-7 from threepoint range, and recorded two steals. The Hoggies were active on defense snatching the ball seven times, and only allowing the Tiger’s to sink nine baskets and shoot 16.7% for through all 40 minutes. They also dominated inside the paint scoring 26 points to ECU’s zero. Senior guard Tee Moore would then take the reigns in the following game, scoring 12 points, dishing out four dimes, gathering four steals, and grabbing four boards. Even with Moore’s stat stuffing night, the Hoggies still fell to the Tampa Spartans (1-1) 50-67. The Javelinas would then pack up and hit the road to San Antonio to face off against the St. Mary’s University Rattlers (2-1), and come away with the first victory on St. Mary’s home court since 2000, beating them 63-54. Senior forward Kaylee Kana would manage to snag a career best 13 rebounds and chip in seven points in the contest. Roher would add another

three shots from beyond the arc to her scoring total of 13 with 3 assists. The Hogs outscored the Rattlers 32-16 in the paint, and the Hogs were once again on lockdown defense allowing a 28.8 percent shooting night for St. Mary’s, and forcing 16 total turnovers. “Starting the season off winning is definitely a huge confidence booster and keeps us going from game to game, especially when we had back to back games like we did,” said Kaylin Roher on the last few games. “It sets the tone for the whole season, especially coming out with such a big win like we had against St.Mary’s [breaking that streak].” She believes the team is well on it’s way to doing great things, behind depth, and a newfound defense. “Our defense is definitely better than it was last year. Not only with the new teammates, but also because Coach made some adjustments to [the defense] that I think is really benefiting us, and we are performing with it well.” “We have more depth than we did last year coming off the bench and I believe that as the season continues, our chemistry will continue to build and anyone at any moment could take over the game and be the key factor. It could be a different person every night.” Both squads will make a return home and take on the Texas A&M-International University Dustdevils.The Women will get things started at 5:15 P.M., and the men will follow afterwards at 7:30 P.M., on Tuesday, Nov. 22. For updates throughout the season, follow @JavelinaMBB & @TAMUKWBB on Twitter.

Frankie Cardenas Sports Editor @Frankiej_suckaa

The Javelina Volleyball team, after a historic 25-win season placing them atop the mantle in A&M-Kingsville history, will be heading to San Angelo, Texas, in pursuit of Lone Star Conference Championship gold. The Lone Star Conference Championship Tournament will include the top eight teams in the LSC, in a single-elimination format consisting of four first-round matches Thursday, followed by two semi-final matches on Friday, culminating to the Championship match on Saturday, Nov. 19. The winner of the tournament will not only be fortunate enough to hoist the championship trophy above their shoulders, but the LSC tournament victor will receive an automatic berth into the NCAA Division II Volleyball Championship. The Javelinas will be riding a five-game win streak into the tournament as the No. 3 seed in the conference; including a 3-1 victory over their first opponent in the tournament, No. 6 West Texas A&M, who they have swept in the regular-season series for the first time since 2004. The top ranked blocking team in the Lone Star Conference, will be looking to capitalize on that run from

Photo By: Frankie Cardenas

The team huddled around Coach Allen during a timeout. The Hoggies are the best in the LSC in service aces with 1.75 a set. day one of the tournament. “Momentum is a big deal in volleyball and if we can use these last few wins to our advantage, we will definitely try to do that,” said Head Coach Tanya Allen on the games heading into Thursday afternoon. “Of course there are a couple matches that I wish we could play again, but I prefer to just look forward. We have had a great season so far and from here on out, we can only make it better.”

The regular season was chalk full of lessons that Coach Allen and company were able to learn from and adapt to. The Hoggies have beaten every team along the beaten path on the road to the tournament in Lone Star Conference play, except for two teams that are currently amongst the top four seeded in the conference; No. 1 (and AVCA ranked No. 13) Angelo State RamBelles, and the No. 4 Texas A&M-Commerce

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Amanda Galvan, LPC Jernigan Library (Rm 225) (361) 593-2465

Men’s, women’s basketball host season openers The Javelina men’s and women’s basketball teams both opened up their seasons at home and in winning fashion, and are currently in the midst of road stints away from Javelina Nation. The men’s squad has started a hot three game winning streak behind the leadership of redshirt senior guard/forward Duan Wright and junior guard/forward Trey Sumpter. Wright is currently leading the charge with 13.7 points a game, 6.3 rebounds a game, and averaging 2.3 assists per contest. In game two against the South Dakota Mines and Technology Hardrockers (0-2), Wright broke out with a double-double scoring 23 points and collecting 11 boards, leading to a 72-62 victory in favor of the Javelinas. The Hogs would make 19 free throws and score 15 points off 19 forced turnovers. Sumpter follows suit averaging 11.7 points, and leading the team in boards with 6.7 per game. He lead the Hoggies past the Yellow Jackets of Black Hills State (0-2) in a 75-59 win, sinking five shots from beyond the arc, en route to a 21-point night on 8-11 shooting. The Hoggies defense was stout, holding the Jackets to only 33% shooting from the floor, and snatching the rock from BHSU 11 times. Game three was a thrill ride from start to finish, and was highlighted by senior guard Marcus Frazier’s 11-points, and his late game heroics drilling the go ahead jumper that would win the game 60-58 over Texas A&M-International. The Javelina bench out scored the Dustdevils 40-22,


Thursday, November 17, 2016


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