Issue 11-3-16

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Thursday, November 3, 2016

Volume 91, Issue 10

Texas A&M University - Kingsville

The South Texan /TheSouthTexan



Pedestrian accident spurs changes City to spend $15,000 to make intersection near campus safer

Alex Guerra Reporter @alxgrr Texas A&M University-Kingsville student Jesenia Perez was struck earlier this month by a motor vehicle and now seeks justice. The incident occurred between the Legends apartment complex and TAMUK. Perez, a Chemical Engineering sophomore, was blindsided by a vehicle as she attempted to cross the street on Oct. 5th. She is now transitioning back into her daily routine with the help of therapy and the aid of crutches. “I’m on crutches…I have been academically and physically affected by the accident. I can’t return to campus until the spring semester. I’m scared to even go through there again. All I remember is getting hit on my left side, flew back and hit the ground—I couldn’t move and everything was blurry…

Courtesy photo

Diagram for the establishment of new crosswalks for Seal St. and W. Santa Gertrudis St. where am I supposed to cross,” Perez lamented. The driver, thankfully, stayed on the scene to render aid. Perez was disappointed with the way the ordeal was handled. The location where the accident took place did not have a designated cross-

walk for pedestrians. Perez hopes her experience will lead to better conditions for pedestrians walking near or on campus. “I hope that there are more pedestrian-friendly areas where we will have more protected crosswalks. It could happen again…unfor-

tunately this time it happened to me,” Perez said. Charlie Cardenas, Kingsville city engineer, discussed the state of the roadway in a recent interview. He said temporary stop signs as well as electronic message boards were placed between Seale Street and Santa Gertrudis

Parking lot jousting

Avenue to urge motorists to come to a complete stop. “Signs that say ‘stop ahead’ and controlled crosswalks makes it safer. Pedestrians—we all develop a habit of keeping our headphones in, or are on our cell phones. They gain a strong sense of security and think that everyone will stop at these uncontrolled walkways for them…drivers who are not familiar might not always stop,” said Cardenas. Jesús Garza, Kingsville city manager went on to say that the city is already in the process of making permanent stop signs where the temporary ones are placed. Accessible ramps will also be implemented to comply with Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) regulations. The City Commission passed an ordinance last week that will allow the median to be cut and connected to the other side, according to Cardenas. In total, the estimated cost will be $15,000.

Travis Demas Contributor Writer

Stabbing scare just in time for Hallow’s Eve. Texas A&M University-Kingsville student was taken to jail after an altercation with another student. University Police Department officers showed up on the scene after a bystander called them saying the female student allegedly stabbed the victim with a knife. Upon getting there, the UPD officers found out that the suspect had fled the scene and that the victim was not stabbed, but was threatened multiple times with a pocket knife according to sources. After coming back to the scene the suspect was arrested and is facing charges for aggravated assault and criminal mischief. The University Administration is still processing the case with Kirsten Compary, Dean of Students in regards to whether the suspect will face additional university charges as well. The incident took place in the Turner-Bishop Hall parking lot Sunday night. Police stated that no alcohol was involved.

Festival of Lights

Lights and rangolis’ made with color powder covered the walls and floor of the Jones Auditorium. The Diwali festival of lights had performances of dancing, singing, and a comedian. Traditional Indian food was served at the pavilion afterwards. Diwali the festival of lights portrays the glory of good over evil. One of the mythological stories illustrates the witness of Lord Ram, his wife Sita, and brother Laxman to Lord Ram’s kingdom after being in exile for 14 years. It is celebrated in various parts of India in different ways. A five-day celebration, the third day is the most celebrated. Families gather together for Lakshmi puja, a prayer dedicated to Goddess Lakshmi, people also participate in feast and firework festivities.

INSIDE STORIES Letter to the Editor by Political Science professor Dr. Richard Hartwig See Page 4!

Forum Day held by the Student Government Association. See Page 3!

Photo by Crystal Zamarron

Faculty, staff, and student workers return to College Hall after being evacuated.

Gas line ruptures Alex Guerra Reporter @alxgrr A construction crew working near residence halls busted a gas line, causing students and faculty within a one-block radius of the leak to be evacuated from the premises Tuesday afternoon. Felipe Garza, chief of police, assessed the state of the leak and safety of TAMUK students. “The construction crew was working under sidewalks and hit a gas line. We did not know how far it spread and decided to cover the immediate area for safety measures. The SSC crew found a shut off valve. Once that was established, we were able to allow people back inside,” said Garza. Student residence halls located on the west side of campus and the Javelina Dining Hall were given the directive by university police to vacate the area until given further instruction. Jake Gonzalez, communications senior and student worker, noted that an alarm went off within College Hall, instructing those inside to leave the area. Gonzalez recalled previous cases where the alarm was only a drill, but is thankful that those types of routines are implemented to ensure the wellbeing of everyone’s safety. Yamilex Garcia, junior in psychology said, “My R.A. knocked on my door and told us to evacuate and go to Mesquite Village West.” Dr. Terisa Riley, senior v.p. for fiscal and student affairs, sent out a mass email to both students and faculty addressing the gas leak mishap and how the menu at the Javelina Dining Hall will be altered due to gas line repairs. Director of Communications, Adriana Garza-Flores said, “It is reassuring that the emergency management team takes situations like these seriously—keeping the safety of campus in mind.”

INDEX #JAVLIFE............................................2

Volleyball Wins! See Page 5!

KPD hosts National Night Out See Page 2!

CAMPUS NEWS...................................3 ED./OPINION.....................................4 SPORTS..............................................5 AD.....................................................6



Thursday, November 3, 2016

Bobby Puentes


Serious Coinage Greek life goes to war over who can collect the most coins to help charity Photo by Samuel Galindo

Members of a fraternity speak with students about to donate some change to the greek life fundraiser for the Feeding America charity. A charity that raises funds for strugling families.

Spooktacular baseball TAMUK baseball team treats fans to some spooky baseball at Nolan Ryan field Xavier Aguilar Reporter What do Woody from “Toy Story,” a piece of bacon and a man riding an ostrich have in common? All three were playing baseball at the first Halloween Spooktacular Baseball Bash at Nolan Ryan Field last week. The Javelina baseball team played baseball in silly and fun costumes, treating fans, parents and kids to a spooky specter of a game. “I thought it was really entertaining,” said Alicia

Martinez, an Animal Science major. “It’s nice to see how involved they were to let the community come in and see the baseball team.” Along with the game, there was a small costume contest-twin vikings, Willie from Duck Dynasty, and others. The winning costume was a little girl dressed as Princess Rapunzel. This game wasn’t your usual nine innings, three strikes and you’re out type of game. It was just a casual mess around, let’s play ball type of game. “It was fun, I’m glad every-

one is having a good time,” said Tiffany Utley, Biomedical Science major. Laughter and joy wasn’t all that was batted about, stealing bases, running for home or hitting a double in uncomfortable costumes seemed to ring in the coming of a good season. This first Spooktacular was a hit with parents and trick or treaters, so look for a repeat next year. “Yes, I do think so because they brought a lot of people, and [those people] got to see how [the baseball team] interacts,” Martinez said.

National Night Out and about on campus Community-building campaign National Night Out presents information on Government agencies in the area for any citizens who were interested. Camila Peña Reporter The Kingsville police and fire departments worked to cement better community relations last week during an annual National Night Out event. Fajita tacos and dog toys were among items handed out to people who participated in the University Boulevard meet-up. Kids and students in particular were welcomed. Among numerous topics discussed were the types and function of multiple different governmental agencies and services offered in Kingsville. “In most cases, our community only sees us when we’re doing enforcement, so it’s really giving back to the community, so that’s our main thing, that’s why we’re here” said city police investigator Arnold Salazar. Texas Department of Public Safety Sgt. Andrew Smith talked to members of the community about getting to know the area’s law enforcement agencies.

“What we’re doing is we’re coming out, we’re getting involved, we want to meet the citizens and show them who we are, and even answer some questions,” said Smith. Local firefighters were there to show off their equipment, including a demonstration of how fire trucks operate. They even demonstrated how a fire hose worked. Rane Joseph, a fire department volunteer, said he attended the event as an extra step in showing the community how much he and other volunteers care. “We are just showing our support for the city of Kingsville, we are here for you guys,” he said. The Kleberg County chapter of Relay for Life was also on hand accepting donations and providing more information to the public about cancer and the need for more research on the causes and treatment of the disease. Crossfit for Health and Wellness was also present at the Night Out. The organization promotes healthy lifestyles.

“We just want to introduce people to a healthy life, so that’s our main goal,” Rebecca Johnson, a member of the organization, said. Crossfit encourages people of all ages to give the program a try “A lot of people feel intimidated like they can’t do it, but they can,” said Johnson. PEPtalk, the TAMUK Summoners, and the university’s criminology club also joined firefighters and police officers for the Night Out. Smith mentioned the DPS and other agencies were looking to hire well qualified individuals who want to be part of law enforcement. “We believe that Texas A&M Kingsville definitely has those individuals to offer, individuals who are self-motivated, have great moral character and are educated,” he added. Any individual who is interested in obtaining more information can contact Smith at andrew.smith@dps. or call 361-4456760.

Samuel Galindo Reporter @samgalindo37 Lambda Chi Alpha just declared war. It’s the third consecutive year the Texas A&M University-Kingsville fraternity is hosting its Penny War fundraiser. It works like this: Lambda Chi Alpha collaborates with other fraternities and sororities on campus to customize uniquely designed glass jars. Each organization has their jars set on a table open to the public for a few hours every day. The goal is to see which group can collect the most pennies. The coinage will then be donated to Feeding America, a charity that helps raise funds and food for struggling families throughout the country. But there’s a twist. Any currency carrying more value than a penny counts against a team’s total score. In the end, everyone wins, because the winning organization gets bragging

rights (and in this case, a donation distributed personally from Lambda Chi Alpha), while money raised will go towards a good cause. The weeklong event is a tradition for Lambda Chi Alpha chapters all over the country. Josh Garza, a computer science junior, is Lambda Chi Alpha’s external vice president. “Each one [organization] has their own specific jar, and the reason it’s called the penny wars is because pennies are the only things that give you positive points. Pennies [are] what we ask for, but anything matters.” Garza went on to say, “This is one of our philanthropy events because all proceeds we raise here go to ‘Feeding America’ – our philanthropy…across the country. We help raise food [and] money for people who are having a hard time feeding their families.” The system is uniquely designed by Lambda Chi Alpha staff members across the country in such a way

that all funds raised through the Penny Wars will be donated to charity all at once. Allowing each organization to design its own jar, gives participating organizations a chance to put their own brand on the venture. “The fraternities could care less what their jar looks like, but the sororities decorated [theirs],” Garza said jokingly. In the end, Garza said he hopes the event demonstrates the commitment to community that fraternities and sororities on campus possess. “It’s [the fundraiser] showing the university that fraternities…are actually doing stuff for the community. We care, not just about ourselves, but about people all over the world.” Though the funds have not been added up for this year, Garza said that last year $568 was raised on TAMUK’s campus alone, proving that even the smallest deed can make a big difference.


Thursday November 3, 2016

Crystal Zamarron

Meet your Dean



Students met their college dean and asked questions Alex Guerra Reporter @alxgrr Seven Texas A&M University-Kingsville deans were present at Forum Day to represent their colleges, as well as offer advice to attendees on the second floor of the Student Union Building , Oct 26. Among those present were: Dr. Natalya Delcoure, dean of College of Business; Dr. Alberto Ruiz, dean of College of Education; Dr. George Rasmussen, associate

vice president of College of Graduate Studies; Dr. Kimberly McCuistion interim dean of Honors College; Dr. William Kuvlesky, dean of College of Agriculture; Dr. Mohammad Alam, dean of College of Engineering and Dr. Dolores Guerrero, dean of College of Arts & Sciences. Guerrero, dean of the College of Arts & Sciences, greeted the crowd and began to address why it is vital to network within one’s college. The amount of resources that could potentially advance one’s career are

not being fully utilized by students, she said. Guerrero made it a point to encourage attendees to take time to develop interpersonal relationships. “Teaching and educating students is our top priority. We want your voices to be heard,” said Guerrero. More than 30 students attended Forum Day and also took part in the question-and-answer segment. Topics in regards to time management and resource contacts were discussed. Ariana Barboza, sophomore in Business Marketing

major said, “I think it’s a great opportunity to get to know your dean within your college. If anyone is interested in searching for internships, having those connections will help you.” Kuvlesky, and Ruiz gave words of encouragement to students as they sympathized with the daily stresses one might face. Both deans emphasized the need and desire a student should have for their education. “We’re all here for our students. We remind our faculty of that. You all are the priority,

Photo by Alex Guerra

Dr. Kimberly McCuiston, Honors College Dean and Dr. George Rasmussen, Dean of College of Graduate Studies full-time job.” Larissa Flores, focus on your goals and do senior in psychology the best job you can,” said “It was nice that [the Kuvlesky. Ruiz, who foldeans] told you who to lowed in suit said, “There’s speak to when seeking a lot of great things going advice and who to contact if on here. Make a difference. there’s an issue with profesThat’s what I want from every student that graduates sors. It’s nice to feel welcome,” said Larissa Flores, from A&M Kingsville. Go senior in psychology. to class and treat it like it’s a

First-Year Leadership Lecture Series

Dr. Roger Campos: Mentorship, Giving Back, Motivation and Overcoming Adversity America Quintero Reporter Stress, frustration and confusion are as much part of the college experience for many students as they are inundated with textbooks, lectures and papers. An outlet of moral support during times of hardship can be crucial to student success. So much so

that Texas A&M University-Kingsville’s Office of Student Success offers mentor services to help students pursue academic achievement while maintaining a healthy balance between work and life. On Oct. 27, the First-Year Seminar Leadership Lecture Series hosted a special presentation by Dr. Roger Campos, president of Campos

Family Dental and a TAMUK alumnus. The presentation outlined the importance of mentorship, giving back to the community, motivation, and overcoming adversity. Campos graduated in 1981with a bachelor’s in biology. He later became a dentist. He has been recognized for his work as a board of directors for the Greater San Antonio Dis-

trict Dental Society, a leader with the TAMUK Natural Toxins Research Center and his volunteer work with the Los Quijotes de San Antonio Medical and Dental Group. One of his distinctive contributions is creating and donating customized mouth guards for high school and college athletes. Campos credits his success to his early experiences in life, most importantly the support he received from university mentors. “If it wasn’t for the faculty and mentoring [at TAMUK], I would have never made it,” he said. Campos was influence by his parents to pursue a career in health sciences. However, it wasn’t until he met Dr. Arturo Ramirez that he knew he wanted to go into dentistry “Mentoring is what got me excited about dental,” he said. After Campos concluded his introductory speech, the audience was presented

with a video highlighting Campos’ achievements. The attention was then transferred to a panel of university health graduate students. Marco Treviño and Alberto Celedon discussed the role student mentors have played in their bouts of overcoming difficulties. Celedon talked about how difficult it was to get into medical school. He was rejected twice before finally being accepted. “Try, even if you fail, keep trying,” Celedon said, “I never thought that I would choose to attend graduate school. It’s about doing things you’ve never done before.” Celedon acknowledged his mentors for their constant encouragement. As a former student mentor, Treviño said that mentoring is a great experience. He said the most trying moments for him are when he meets a student who is not using their full potential. He encourages these students to try new things and

be different. “People are scared, but that’s a good thing,” Treviño explained. “Reach out to professors and do things that push you.” The seminar ended with a raffle of door prizes, ranging from gift cards to football tickets, courtesy of Campos. Humberto Garcia, a student attendee, said after the seminar that he now better understood the importance of helping through mentoring. “The event was influential because it outlined the importance of mentorship, which is a great opportunity for people to gain experience and help each other grow,” he said. Campos will continue his mission in helping communities and future dentists. All of his success can be traced back to the supporting words he received from mentors in Kingsville and important people he has meet throughout his dental career.

Bobby Puentes #JAVLIFE Editor @paperboybob

pating. Participants collect about 2,000 items on average, but have collected as many as 3,500 in the past. “Bottom-line is you need fuel to function so this event is supporting someone to help make positive efforts in their life,” said Jo Elda Castillo-Alaniz, director of Student Health and Wellness. This year 11 teams will put their imaginations to the test in trying to create the best possible structure. Previous years have presented pieces such as Oscar the Grouch, holiday decorations of Christmas trees and one year a rocket about to launch into space. The incentive for collecting the cans is to help out the local community but teams are also competing for cash prizes. First place receives $300,

second place $200 and third place $100. Judging will be based on six key criteria, purpose and meaning of the structure, creativity, originality, using as many of the items collected as possible, meeting a dimension requirement and finally the overall appearance of the structure. Structures built will be on display on the first floor of the Student Union Building starting Nov. 6- Nov. 9. Judging is on Nov.7 and the winner is announced on Nov. 8. A presentation will be held before winners are announced discussing food shortage within the Unites States. The project is co-sponsored by PEP Talk and Student Health and Wellness.

‘Can’ you build it?

An annual contest doesn’t just have organizations on campus collecting cans of food and other dry goods. To win, students have to get creative with their cans—by building a creative structure out of the donated items. The “Can You Build It” service project is a contest in its tenth year here. The goal of the service project is to get as much non-perishable food items such as cans and boxed food as possible to donate to local food banks. Throughout the past few years, the number of total items received has varied depending upon the number of groups partici-



Thursday November 3, 2016


Visit our Twitter to vote! Javelina Nation, are you or do you know a Veteran of the United States?

Last week’s poll results! Javelina Nation, who are you voting for in the Presidential Election? Hillary Clinton


Donald Trump


Angel Castillo

The Presidential Election of 2016 Trump and Hillary: Two of the Worst Candidates to run for Presidency

Angel Castillo Editorial Editor Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, in my opinion, are the two most disliked candidates to ever run for presidency. One candidate is a racist that has been an embarrassment ever since he started running in the presidential election. The other is a lying woman who has a chance at becoming the first female president. This presidential election has been a complete disaster. The Republican nominee and the Democratic nominee are two of the worst people to ever run for presidency. How can we expect for either of these two candidates to run our country? Donald Trump may be a billionaire and successful, but he has no experience whatsoever with the law. Hillary Clinton, on the other hand, has some experience being the Secretary

Letter to the Editor: Sirs/Madams—

of State, and maintaining other public offices but with the Benghazi and the deletion of those emails, she has caused the American people to distrust her. Although I strongly dislike both candidates, I would have to still vote Democrat, because anybody with common sense would know that Trump is just not fit to be the President of the United States. Just be realistic, he wants to build a wall on the US-Mexico border and he wants Mexico to pay for it. That’s just ridiculous. I am very against Trump not just because I’m a Hispanic, but because his ideology is very conservative and the way he talks about issues he just doesn’t represent the Republican Party in a good way. As the future leaders of America, we the young adults need to let our voices be heard and in doing so we need to cast our vote for the

person who is more qualified in running this country. My generation was unfortunate enough to be participating politically in this presidential election because we have to choose between the lesser of two evils. We must consider the fact that our vote matters and we need to make sure that a candidate like Donald Trump not be voted into office. Be sure to go out and cast your vote for the sake of preventing a rotten person like Trump from becoming president. Although Hillary isn’t a great choice either, we can still have a salvageable future if she is elected president. Whether we like it or not, we have to just accept that the Presidential Election of 2016 has to be one of the worst ones in terms of the candidates that are representing the Democratic and Republican parties.

La Portación de Armas

Cartoonist: TAMUK Alumni, SG Hinojosa

Estudiantes pueden llevar Armas en la Universidad

In a recent edition of The South Texan, reporter Alex Guerra cites Robert Trujillo as saying: “I feel both [presidential] candidates are bad for their own unique reasons” (10/6/2016, p. 4). Many people say that they do not like either presidential candidate. This is often an excuse for not voting, or for voting for a 3rd party candidate.

Clarissa Madrigal Spanish Columnist

Why not think about the issues? This makes the voting decision very simple. If you think climate change is an important problem, you should vote for Hillary Clinton. Donald Trump has tweeted that climate change is a hoax. He wants to pull out of the Paris climate change accord, recently signed by 195 countries. If you think inequality and the national debt are big problems in the United States, you should vote for Hillary Clinton. Donald Trump wants to reduce taxes for rich people like himself and wants to abolish the inheritance tax. Lowering taxes for the rich was tried under Ronald Reagan and GW Bush; it resulted in huge deficits both times. Getting rid of the inheritance tax would increase inequality and lower government revenue. If you want to deprive twenty million people of health insurance, you should vote for Donald Trump, who has promised to cancel Obamacare on his first day in office. No matter that the federal government spent $2.6 trillion less in 2015 than was projected before Obamacare--even with 20 million more people covered (The Week, 14 October, 2016, p. 11). However, I admit that personalities are important. If you want a president who Texas Republican Texas Senator Ted Cruz has described as a “pathological liar, ” “utterly amoral,” “ a narcissist at a level I don’t think this country’s ever seen” and “a serial philanderer”, you should vote for Donald Trump. By Richard Hartwig Professor, Political Science

Tell us what you think! Email a letter to the editor at: Letters must be signed by their author and limited to 300 words or fewer.

The South Texan is a student publication produced by Texas A&M University- Kingsville students. The views, opinions and commentary do not necessarily reflect the views of the Texas A&M University system. The South Texan uses student fees in part to publish. The South Texan is part of the Art, Communications, and Theatre Department (ACT), The Javelina Broadcast Network (JBN), and the Texas Intercollegiate Press Association (TIPA).


Este año recibimos la noticia de que podríamos portar armas aquí en el estado de Texas. Algunas personas estuvieron de acuerdo con la nueva ley mientras que otras estuvieron en total desacuerdo. Al final de cuentas nadie podía hacer nada ya que la ley ya avía sido aprobada. En años pasados varias Universidades tuvieron problemas con las armas ya que estudiantes llevaban armas al plantel educativo y disparaban a sus compañeros universitarios. Estas tragedias trajeron como resultados estudiantes muertos, heridos, y más que

que respetar las leyes y solamente andar con cuidado para tratar de prevenir una tragedia. Mi opinión es que si está un poco raro que el lugar donde paso la mayor parte de mi tiempo puede ser un peligro para mi persona. No obstante, creo que, aunque sea un poco peligroso es buena idea ya que si en caso de encontrarme a una persona que me quiera dispara yo puedo hacer lo mismo ya que tengo las mismas ventajas que él o ella. Debemos de tener en cuenta que la mayoría de los incidentes con armas de fuego en las Universidades se han hecho sin pensarlo solo disparan-

do alrededor y matando e hiriendo a quienes se crucen por el camino del agresor. Así que en ese caso no podrimos hacer nada ya que nosotros estaríamos desprevenidos. Tal vez no es buena opción traer un arma de fuego ya que en casos como este no podemos hacer nada al respecto, ¿entonces para que portar una? Todas las personas que quieran traer consigo un arma de fuego deben de estar seguros de cómo utilizarla, no solo la traigan porque es algo que está de moda. Solo hagan uso de ella si se necesita porque hay que tener en cuenta que el portar armas no es tan útil como parece.

a sophomore when all this happened and I was going to be the bass player for the jazz band and I needed to learn how to traditionally play the bass with two fingers and I was looking up bass players and that’s when Red Hot popped up. I started to learn how to play most songs from the Peppers from Can’t Stop all the way to Around the World for that winter break of high school. Learning all those songs made me have a ton of respect for any traditionally bass player, I studied Flea’s bass playing (Red Hot Chili Peppers bass player). Flea is a very talented musician and he made me fall in love with the bass, at a point I even copied the way he would walk and

dance while playing the bass on stage. Later, when I made the jazz band I had to audition and half of the stuff I played was from the Chili Peppers. Now one of my favorite things is I was going through some stuff in high school so music was a way to escape from all the drama that was going on. At the time, I would listen to Scar Tissues and just have it on loop so I could just sit there in the moment and not have to deal with anything. When I finally became a senior in high school I just would zone out and listen to the Chili Peppers. It got to that point where I just didn’t want to do anything anymore, I was more into music

and wanting to pursue a career in music. I ended up being in a band which was also the jazz band and we would do a lot of Chili Pepper songs, we had a falling out due to different interest in music and wanting to pursue a different type of genre of music. Finally, being in college and listen to the Chili Peppers has had a lot of up moments compared to high school. I met my girlfriend from the love and passion we have for the Chili Peppers. I don’t have to sit in a room and wonder anymore on life, I do what I love and listening to them is still a passion and playing their music will be something I probably do till the day I die.

Red Hot Chili Peppers Concert Sebastyon Spencer Advertising Manager

This weekend I got my Red Hot Chili Pepper tickets and man am I excited! As I wrote in the last column I wrote over my tattoos the Chili Peppers is my favorite band but I have never gotten a chance to see them in person. I was very close to seeing them a couple years back but Anthony Kiedis broke his foot which they had to cancel and I didn’t get to see them. Now this January I will be seeing them in the AT&T Center and I am stoked. Over the years my love for the Chili Peppers has grown like bad and it all started in high school. I was only


Crystal Zamarron- Editor-in-Chief Raul Altamirano- Managing Editor Sebastyon Spencer- Advertising Manager Bobby Puentes- #JAVLIFE Editor/ Circulation Manager Frankie Cardenas- Sports Editor Angel Castillo- Editorial Editor Veronica Cepeda- Online Editor

nada atemorizados ya que un suceso de esta magnitud no es normal y menos es un lugar donde se promueve la educación principalmente. Muchos estudiantes querían que esta ley fuera aprobada ya que en caso de que les sucediera algo como lo ya mencionado en la Universidad ellos estarían preparados para defenderse. En algunos edificios de esta escuela tienen los anuncios de que no se permite entrar con armas, pero todavía falta que los estudiantes respeten dicha advertencia. Muchos alumnos y maestros están atemorizados y encontrar de la portación de armas en el plantel educativo, pero lamentablemente tenemos

Siddharth Tuplondhe- Cartoonist Samuel Galindo- Chief Reporter Clarissa Madrigal- Spanish Columnist Alex Guerra- Reporter Robert Breedlove- Reporter Xavier Aguilar- Reporter Camila Peña- Reporter Matthew Ward- Adviser Manuel Flores- Adviser

First Amendment Right Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for redress of grievances.

Advertising For advertising inquiries, e-mail the South Texan at, OR call (361) 593-4371 and ask for Sebastyon Spencer.

Distribution If you would like to carry the South Texan at your business, contact Crystal Zamarron or Bobby Puentes at (361) 5934370

Have an opinion? Contact the South Texan at or message us on our Facebook fan page. Letters to the Editor

Letters must be typed, signed, and include a phone number. Letters will be edited for grammar, punctuation, libel, and profanity. Letters considered for publication must be 300 words or fewer. Letters may be hand delivered or emailed to Please send letters or inquiries to The South Texan at Manning Hall 165, Texas A&M University-Kingsville Kingsville, Texas 78363 (361) 593-4370


Thursday November 3, 2016

Frankie Cardenas



Hogs win fourth straight, escape late comeback TAMUK prepares for Western New Mexico in last home game this Saturday

Robert Breedlove Sports Reporter @BreedloveCam The Javelinas extended their win streak to four games in a wild victory versus the Eastern New Mexico Greyhounds at Javelina Stadium, Saturday. This is the Javelinas fourth straight win, and sixth overall victory in 2016, guaranteeing their first winning record since 2011 (where they went 6-5). This Saturday, Javelinas will host the other New Mexico team, newcomers to the Lone Star Confernce, the Western New Mexico Mustangs. The game against Eastern New Mexico, encapsulated the Hoggies 2016 season: it was bruising, penalty-filled and featured a fourth quarter comeback that nearly gave Kingsville yet another heartbreaking one-score loss. “It was ugly at times and it was very good at times”, Coach Darren Wilkinson said after the game. The Greyhounds arrived to town with a conference-leading 1881 rushing yards, and utilized the triple option threat to gash 124 yards and touchdown in the first half. “I can’t sleep these weeks when you play teams like that”, Wilkinson said of Eastern New Mexico, “It’s hard to practice at the tempo they play at.” The Javelinas stumbled out of the gate a bit in the first quarter but marched down the field on a 11-play, 75-yard drive capped off by a 24-yard Luis Lopez touchdown run. On the ensuing drive, the special teams blocked an Eastern New Mexico punt, eventually setting up a short one-yard pass from Myles Carr to Torrey Thomas to put the Javelinas up 14-7 The Greyhounds only attempted two passes and

one completion in the first half, but would open up the playbook for the second half. On the first drive of the third quarter the Hoggies stopped the ENMU advance at the TAMUK 44, but an unsportsmanlike penalty called on Forrest Jones gave the Greyhounds 15 yards and the first down. The Javelinas would limit Eastern New Mexico to a field goal on the drive, but penalties plagued both teams throughout the contest. Kingsville gave up 11 penalties for 125 yards (the most given up all season) while the Greyhounds were penalized nine times for 99 yards. “I’m embarrassed because of our penalties” Coach Wilkinson said, “Whether things are instigated or not,

we’ve got to learn to be much more disciplined in how we react to things” Both teams played chippy with each other, which culminated when Tuisamoa Magalei initiated an altercation on the sidelines which caused a shower of yellow flags to rain down. Magalei was promptly ejected and the Javelinas were granted 15 yards Then Carr found the Jordan Thomas connection for 37 yards to extend their lead 21-10 This was yet another strong outing for the quarterback, throwing 21-25 for 256 yards and three touchdowns while giving up an jump ball interception in the first quarter. Carr utilized his weapons effectively. After a ENMU field goal

in the fourth quarter that put the score at 13-21, Carr delivered a floating pass into the hands of his tight end Stehly Reden. But the Greyhounds fired back on a deep 68 yard pass on broken coverage that brought ENMU within eight once again, 28-20. The Hoggies were stifled on a three and out, and the Greyhounds got the ball back at their own 46. Shuffling around in the pocket, ENMU quarterback Wyatt Strand launched a 37-yard pass to Lenny Baker-Bruce for the touchdown. The Greyhounds went for two and cashed it in on a Strand sidearm throw to Baker-Bruce to knot it up at 28. The Javelina drive was a roller coaster, first starting off with a 15-yard Anthony

Autry reception and then a 25-yard Greg Pitre run that was erased by a holding call. Autry came in the clutch, first with a 13-yard reception and then a 56-yard catch in tight coverage that brought the Hoggies down to the one yard line. Autry finished the game with an impressive six receptions for 105 yards Pitre punched it in for the touchdown, but a botched snap foiled the point after kick. To add insult to injury, yet another unsportsmanlike penalty was called on the Hoggies, which pushed their kickoff 15 yards back. To make matters worse, the kick went errant and out of bounds, placing Eastern New Mexico at midfield. In spite of all that, the

Photo By: Juan Turrubiates

Myles Carr throwing in pre-game warm ups. Carr to this point has 2,109 yards on the season, with 23 Touchdowns.

TAMUK defense stiffened up and Caleb Valentine strip sacked Strand to all but seal the game up in the Javelinas favor. Finally Luis Lopez placed the final nail in the coffin for the Greyhounds with a 40yard bruising rush reminiscent of the Beast Mode runs of Marshawn Lynch. He punched a one yard run in for the touchdown, and that was all she wrote for Eastern New Mexico. Lopez finished the game with an impressive 92 yards on 10 rushes and two touchdowns. Altogether the Kingsville rushing corps ran for 161 yards on 32 attempts and three touchdowns. The Greyhounds, true to form, ran for 267, 108 of which came from running back Kamal Cass on 26 attempts. Strand ran for 93 yards on 18 attempts, while throwing 8-12, 171 yards and two touchdowns. The victory over Eastern NM is slightly bittersweet, though, as Midwestern State and Texas A&M Commerce wins have mathematically knocked the Javelinas out of contention for the Lone Star Conference title. Both Eastern New Mexico and Texas A&M University Kingsville move to 4-3 in LSC play. After facing the LSC rushing leaders, the Hoggie defense will have to find a way to stifle the Mustangs’ conference-leading aerial attack which averages 443.3 yards a game. The Javia Hall-Xavier Ayers quarterback to receiver connection is a potent mix for WNMU, averaging 112 yards and a touchdown a game. Likewise the Mustangs’ pass defense has shut down opponents, holding them to 123.4 passing yards a game. Even with that, and +21 scoring differential, Western New Mexico sits at a paltry 3-4 record in conference play.

Volleyball splits weekend home stand Cross country to head

Adrian Silguero Andre Alfaro Sports Reporters Texas A&M University-Kingsville (21-8, 10-5 LSC) split the weekend at home, while losing a game that was a shock to some fans in the crowd at the Steinki Physical Educatiin Center. The Hooggie team lost its way after going up two sets early, allowing Texas A&M-Commerce (15-11, 9-6 LSC) to pull off an upset victory over the Javelinas. The Commerce Lions handed the Javelinas the first loss at home this season. The last time these two teams met, A&M-Commerce ran away with the game and the Javelinas were only able to win one set. The second matchup was a completely different story. The Javelinas dominated from the start, with Krystal Faison, Ashley Bukowski and Lexi Wick leading the offensive charge. Faison shined with a game-high 16 kills and an astounding four service aces, with Bukowski trailing close behind in the kills department with 14 and Wick posting 13 of her own. Faison and Bukowski finished with double-double performances, with 15 and 17 digs respectively. Although the Javelinas came up short, fan Mark Medellin still believes the team can finish out the season strong. “I have seen a couple games this season and I truly believe that this team can come back from this and do well

in the conference tournament. They’re a strong team that is capable of going far.” Fellow student Michael Martinez agrees. “In previous years the team might have fallen apart after losing a game like this (losing a lead), but after seeing them play multiple times I know they won’t hang their heads and will learn from this.” Martinez said that he believes the Javelinas can make a statement at the conference tournament and show that they deserve to be there. “This team will go far and do big things. I know they will,” Martinez said. The following day, they concluded their weekend with a conference win playing against Texas Woman’s University (7-17, 3-12 LSC) Saturday afternoon. This wasn’t the first meeting between the two teams as the blue and gold took the previous meeting in four sets. The matchup was a little different this time; the Javelinas won their 20th game of the regular season, which hasn’t been done since 1997, and gives Head Coach Tanya Allen her first 20 win season since being at the helm of the program. Faison had another double-double with 18 kills and 15 digs, and also eclipsed a personal milestone recording her 1,000th career kill during the match. She chipped in five service aces and two blocks with a solid hitting percentage of .292 “I just continue to work hard and

stay confident within myself. The team has been amazing with sticking to the game plan this season and we continue to move the ball so well,” Faison said after the game. On her career milestone, “Casey and I have been here for three years already and when you play with someone that long you create good chemistry and we communicate well on the court so it’s like we’re always on the same page.” Wick continues her solid year as well she records 15 kills and three aces and Madison Brabham had herself seven kills. Klobedans had four kills along with 40 assist and two aces. The first set started off rough as the hogs fell early to a 3-1 deficit but the hogs bounced back with a 5-0 run but still came up short in the end as they dropped the first set 25-18. The second set the hogs didn’t have their first lead till the score was 13-12 thanks to Wicks kills, after that the blue and gold dominated and took this set. “We started off a little slow we weren’t moving the ball like we usually do and had a little miss communication,” said Wick, “But once we made some adjustments during the second set we were able to figure it out and win the next 2 sets.’’ The third set the Javelinas came out strong and were too hot to handle during their serves they had four aces this match and won this set 25-19. TWU came out strong in the fourth set and were on a mission to force a game five but they couldn’t handle the javelinas as they had 18 kills and took this set 25-18 and won the match 3-1.

to NCAA Regionals

Derrick Byrd Sports Reporter The TAMUK Cross Country team will travel to Denver, Colorado on Nov. 5 for the NCAA Regional meet. The field of runners will include six women and five men from Kingsville, each of which has played a part in adding onto the team’s success all season long. The Women participating include: Chelsea Gonzalez, Jade Guerrero, Josie Guzman, Kaitlyn Tharp, Mariah Nolan, and Victoria Jaime. Amongst the men will be: Elias Madrid, Francisco Solis, Jose Ventura IV, Shane Stehle and Jasiah Patterson. Assistant Coach Aared Sampson said that attending the regional meet will be the first time the men’s team has competed at the national level in some time; However, the women’s team on the other hand, will be making its second appearance in two years. The Hogs will be running along side familiar Lone Star Conference foes, as the meet will be made up of some of the best in the LSC, including some athletes who are ranked nationally across the country.

“The LSC is the toughest region in the nation,” said Coach Sampson. Four of the top ten teams, including the number one team in the nation in Division-II, compete in the Lone Star Conference. Teams from the Lone Star, Heartland and Rocky Mountain conferences will all compete at the NCAA regional. Among the pack, will be runners from Division-I and other areas of Division-II, and so the field will be flooded with a multitude of competition that is unlike what the Hoggies have encountered before. LSC Freshman of the Year award recipient and LSC All-Conference member Jose Ventura IV will look to show out this coming week, and continue to push for a the best time he has had all season, considering he continues to finish amongst the top ten in every race he has competed in. The expectations are high for Ventura. His best time was at the Chili Pepper Festival with a time of 25.19 in the 8k run. The Hoggies will look forward to hopefully bring some hardware home to Javelina Nation.


Thursday, November 3, 2016


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