The South Texan Vol. 96 Issue 18

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TheSouthTexan!"#$ Texas A &M University-Kingsville Award-Winning Student Publication

Monday, July 25, 2022




Vol. 96, Issue 18

Whapö, a hard-working artist TAMUK Student takes on the music !"##$%!&'#( |!"#$%&'($)(*+$,!"#$%&$'#()*+("$,)-("($./0&!)1

The house was always guitar and the voice of his father while Jose Ramirez was growing up. From sitting in on his father’s band practice to being in the recording studio himself, music has always been a big part of Ramirez’s life. The Texas A&M University-Kingsville student has turned a hobby he once picked up for fun with his friends into several albums and song releases, gaining support from the Kingsville community. Ramirez, or more commonly known as Whapö to his to fraternity brother, friends, family and fans, is from San Antonio and is

currently studying art. He recently released a 10-track album titled DöYöuFeelMyPain. The album begins with Whapö in warped voices having a conversation about the album and why he made it in a track titled Hear Me Öut. “When I make music, I think of like just escaping something. You’re listening and you just go to another place. I want you to put your mind somewhere else, somewhere that’s either better or somewhere that you like, something like that… when the hook comes in like I want you to just feel it,” he said. Ramirez first started making music in 2020 during the pandemic. “I think it was about a month but it took me about maybe two to three to kind of get everything together cause when you put an album together, not a lot of people know, but like it’s a lot of work. I’m not big either so I do everything like promoting videos. I do some cover arts but when it’s a big album, I’ll go to my friend. I have to worry about the beats. I have to worry about the

lease on YouTube. I have to pay for them, so that also takes time.” Ramirez’s favorite tracks from the album include Shööt me, End me, F E E L and Dash. “A lot of reasons it takes time is because I have to make the money for my album to drop it so that took me a minute, but once I got it out, it felt so good,” he said. Apart from making music, Ramirez has several jobs including working as a bartender at the Texas Ranch Club where he’s worked under owner Leo Saenz for almost a year. Saenz opened Texas Ranch Club in 1999 after working for three other night clubs in Kingsville. “I’ve been around music my whole life,” Saenz said. “I’ve been deejaying… [and] playing music since ’85. I started in high school so I’m always just talking to him about music and sound and lights and production and maybe that’s why you know he enjoys talking to me, I guess cause we can relate with Saenz will often play music made by Ramirez in the club and describes

Submitted Photo

Album cover art of DöYöuFeelMyPain

Ramirez’s reaction to a kid in a candy store when he hears his music, and describes how his fraternity brothers will jump around and sing in support of his music. “[His music is] really making him try a little harder. You know he’s always telling me ‘hey

I’m going to drop a new song’… it just gives him more motivation, more drive to keep going,” Saenz said. Sae n z de s c r i b e s Ramirez as bubbly and funny, saying he’s never seen him in a bad mood. “I wish him the best and that you know, I think for

his age, he knows quite a bit…if he keeps it up he can really achieve more goals. He’s just a young kid with talent which you don’t see that too often,” he said. Ramirez is involved in several areas on campus, as a pack leader for Jave!""#*+,-.&!'(!!)

Campus sees less students than previous summers

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Numbers obtained from the university comparing both summer 2022 terms with those of summer 2021 show that sum-

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mer enrollment at Texas A&M University-Kingsville (TAMUK) has declined amongst students. Some 1,702 students registered for summer I in 2021, compared to the 1,603 that registered for the same term in 2022, a total enrollment difference of 99 students. The number of undergraduates decreased by 79, those seeking master’s degrees decreased by 10 and those attaining a PhD also decreased by 10. As for summer II,

there was a 123-student enrollment decrease between the 1,424 students registered for 2021 and the 1,311 registered for 2022. Undergraduates decreased by 136 students, those in graduate school increased by 16 students and doctoral students decreased by three. “We do not focus a lot on summer enrollment because it is dependent on individual student circumstances. We don’t put a lot of weight into changes in summer enrollment

and so we do not have a plan of action to increase summer enrollment. However, if our enrollment is up for Fall 2022 (which we are currently trending up), then we will most likely see an increase in summer enrollment next summer,” Assistant Vice President for Enrollment Management Dr. Darin Hoskisson said. Hoskisson explains that many students take advantage of summer semesters to complete their degree in a shorter

amount of time. Senior criminology major Katelynn Dominguez explained her decision to enroll in only one summer session this school year and not both. “I took summer I since I was still in a school state the switch yet,” Dominguez said. Dominguez was ahead in her degree plan and felt it was best to take some to enjoy what was left of it. She plans on spend-

ing time with herself, family and friends and getting prepared for the fall semester. Dominguez intends to graduate in spring of 2023 and states her anticipation for the few semesters she has left. “I’m looking forward to seeing what opportunities and success I will bring for myself and my peers, completing my last year


Mold mediation completed by university Students, faculty move back !"##$%!&'#( |!"#$%&'($)(*+$,!"#$%&$'#()*+("$,)-("($./0&!)1

Last year, the Arts, Communication and Theatre (ACT) department was affected by widespread mold in the Drama Arts building. The issue caused classes and faulty to be relocated at the beginning of the Fall 2021 semester. The mold was caused by an equipment failure in the building that left an environment for mold to grow. The university has completed the mold renovation with an updated and new HVAC system that is able to control the humidity of the building to prevent the issue from

said. “After a campus-wide equipment failure last summer, the Drama-Arts (DA) building experienced mold issues that were exacerbated by an older HVAC system that was not able to properly remove humidity from the building after the campus wide equipment failure was resolved,” Director of Marketing and Communication Adriana Flores-Garza said. “DA was the only building with mold issues after that equipment failure. It is important to note that the HVAC system in DA was already scheduled to be replaced when this central equipment failure occurred. The mold in DA was addressed prior to the installation of the new HVAC System last fall.” With the new HVAC system in place, the university doesn’t foresee dealing with mold in the building again. Faculty

first time they’ve dealt with mold in the building. “Because of the mold issues last summer and out of an abundance of caution, the DA students/ faculty were relocated while the HVAC system was updated. Now that the HVAC system is in place and humidity levels in the building are within the normal range for our area, occupants can return to the building,” Flores-Garza said. Students, faculty and staff were relocated to classrooms outside of the DA building, including in Sam Fore, Manning Hall and the Bellamah Music Building. Fulden Wissinger, associate professor of art, had classes relocated during this time. “Moving in the middle of the semester, it was difWissinger helped move

Art supplies pile up in the Ben Bailey Art Gallery.

equipment out of Bellamah during the summer after they were given permission to move back into the DA building. “They just moved [us] to the old music buildings. It was a large room and we had to share with two other faculty members. It wasn’t an easy situation for us but that’s what they did for us, that’s what was possible, because these are not a lecture class. We have to have a studio and

Ronni Reyna

they have to be close to the main building. This was the only option I believe,” Wissinger said. Air quality samples were taken to test mold levels before the building was cleared. “I’m aware that the air quality sampling that was done has come back

it previously was. In fact it’s lower than the outside, !""!"#$%&!'(!!)

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