To address the needs of students, the university has combined two sepa rate closets on campus to one central location.
et in addition to the food pantry, which has now expanded as well.
Texas A &M University-Kingsville Award-Winning Student Publication
Faculty completes year-long training
TAMUK tradition lives on
Frank Villareal Zena Desouza

The idea of a food pan try for students frst came to campus about five years ago, and was orig inally just a fling cabinet
The new and returning student media staf


Faculty receives certifcation in success
spired to show their pride for TAMUK in more events to come.
“Hog Call brings people together with a passion. When freshmen come together with the upper classmen, they build this common interest of pride and support for our stu dent athletes,” Head Men’s Basketball Coach Johnny Estelle said.
“As an educator, and life-long learner, this pro fessional tymeopportunitydevelopmentprovidedwithanopportunitoreviewandrevise
Ronni Reyna clothingprofessionalpantry,combinesClosetfoodcloset Ronni Reyna located in the Care Closet.
Makaylah Chavez Rae Martinez
Dr. Norma Guzman, professor of Bilingual Education, participated in the Efective Teaching Practices and the Inclu sive Teaching for Equi table Learning trainings.
try was in last semester, that’s now the clothing closet portion and then the room that’s next door, is the food and hygiene portion of the closet,” she saidThe previous adjourn ing room to the Care Closet food pantry was originally just a storage room, however over the summer the two rooms became one allowing for an expanded space.
It was sponsored by the Student Government As sociation.“Thepurpose of this event is to bring out your true pride for the Javelina Nation and to show the athletes how much spirit everyone has for their up coming season,” Student Body President Tyler Lar ragaLarragasaid. looks forward to freshmen feeling in
| |
TAMUK cares, a ‘closet’ for students
Dylan Sanchez

sociate vice president for Academic Afairs, thinks this an opportunity all professors should take.
celebrateathletesStudents, start of fall sports

The ACUE trainings provide more than just a credential but also pro vide skills that will ele vate the education pro fessors deliver.
Online Do you not subscribe to ? Catch up on exclusive stories about our campus and community when you sign up for our newsletter. Here’s a sneak peak of what you missed online. Want to see more content? Check us out at the to see ar ticles, pictures video andTuesday,more! September 6, 2022 @thesouthtexan Vol. 97, Issue 1
Frank Villarreal, Senior Reporters Zena Desouza and Chris Olivarez. Other staf include reporters Me lissa Mata and Abigayle
“I love The South Tex an and love to write, but I graduate in a couple months and want to try a little bit of everything in this feld before I take my next steps, wherever that may be,” she said.
The closet ofers food, hygiene products, profes sional clothing and now ofers frozen and refrig erated“We’veitems.expanded from the one room that the pan
Ahead of the frst foot ball game of the semester, Texas A&M University
– Kingsville (TAMUK) held the frst Hog Call to kick of the school year, at which students, athletes and coaches reveled in the Javelina spirit.
Erik Estrada
As the new school year begins there are many new beginnings on cam pus. For students, faculty and staf these changes come each year, especial ly at Texas A&M Univer sity-Kingsville’s student media.Asstudents gradu ate and shift through the program, positions change as new and re turning students step into positions through out the Theseprogram.changes can be seen throughout The South Texan and the KTAI-FM student staf.
ager.Villarreal enjoys to write and started writing reviews for The South Texan in the spring of 2021.

Melissa Mata
KTAI-FM is under a new radio station man ager, the former Opin ion and Managing Ed itor of The South Texan

Students and Sapphires dance in front of the Dining Hall during call.

wry and Nadya Garcia return this semester with the Javelina News Journal, a weekly news program that airs at noon every Thursday.Othernew additions to The South Texan include Entertainment Editor

Hog Call, an annual tradition at TAMUK, was held on Sept. 1 in between Martin Hall and the Jave lina Dining Hall. This cel ebration kicks of the year for students and celebrates the upcoming fall sports.
ACUE ofers multiple trainings that include a year-long credential for Efective Teaching Prac tices and three, eightweek micro credentials for Inclusive Teaching for Equitable Learning, In spiring Inquiry and Pre paring Lifelong Learners, and for Designing Learn er-Centered and Equita bleDr.Courses.JayaGoswami, as
The Care Closet has expanded into a bigger space to now house the professional clothing clos
Chris Olivarez
Hayden, photographers Isabella Carrion, Jessica Tijerina and Mireya Marti nez, social media manager Mackenzie Bryce and cir culation manager Brianna Brietzke. Aryssa Enriquez remains Marketing Man
Makaylah Chavez moved into her new position over the“Isummer.gotinvolved a bit with radio towards the end of spring semester and really started to take a lik ing to it. Before I knew it, recording and editing my own shows were the high light of my week. I knew we needed staf here at the radio station and I felt comfortable enough with what I was taught to step up so that way we may continue to teach brilliant and talented students the same skills and more,” she saidChavez looks forward to the change in dynamic and environment with her position in student media.
For the second year, Texas A&M Universi ty-Kingsville (TAMUK) professors had the op portunity to receive ex tra credentials to help provide a better educa tional environment for students.Fifteen professors par ticipated in a year-long training created by The Association of College and University Educa tors (ACUE) and were celebrated on Aug. 29, in the Memorial Student Union Building ballroom for their achievements.
The Care Closet is lo cated in the Memorial Student Union Building, Room 220, in a location easily accessible to stu dents.“We have renamed what used to be the Care Pantry; it is now the Care Closet,” Dean of Students Kirsten Compary said.

“Through a three-year grant secured by the Tex as A&M University Sys tem and a partnership with the ACUE, the Ofce of the Provost was happy to ofer our faculty mem bers the opportunity to enroll in ACUE’s course in Effective Teaching Practices, free of cost to them,” Goswami said.

Sarah Reyna
Chavez is excited to bring a new balance of music to the radio station. Haseeb Javaid is serving as the assistant manager of KTAI-FM. Emeri Dre
sured safety was by hav ing members patrol the ballrooms in case anyone needed help, whether it was to skate or to get from one place to anoth er.Not only was this CAB’s frst event of the semester, but it was also Martinez’s frst event as Executive Director.
raised in Del Rio. She moved to Corpus Christi and graduated with her BA in English in 2010 at TAMUCC.Shehas competed in pageants, winning Miss Corpus Christi New comer USofA 2010, Miss Gay Corpus Christi 2014, Queen of Fantasia 2016, Miss Gay Texas Universe 2021 and Miss Gay Uni verse 2022. She is a show girl extraordinaire who just loves to entertain audiences and hopes to inspire people with her performances.SheisalsoVice Presi dent of CCLGBT, co-fa cilitator of the Coastal Bend Trans Alliance established 2016, Am
“I got to hang out with my current friends and make new friends. I also got to listen to good mu
been such a hit without Campus Activities Co ordinator Julianne Go mez and der,ArsonlicobyfeaturedderfulonecausedragTAMUK]itjusthappinesspartsierramajorshow],”andgardingpositiveencewithtoeddentbutsignedhadVaughnforinclusiveintentionalandforVaughn,CoordinatorMulticulturalGabriellewhobothworkStudentEngagementCampusLife.“Wewanttobemoreaboutbeingoncampusallofourstudents.”said.“Weonlyonestudent[whoupfortheshow],evenifjustonestudecidedtheywanttodisplaytheirlovedrag,thatwasOKme!”Studentsintheaudihadnothingbutfeedbackretheotherqueensking.“Ihonestlyloved[theAnimalScienceKatherineValtsaid.“TherewerewhereIcriedoutofbecauseitwassoamazing.Ithinkwouldbeamazing[ifhostedanothershow,mostlybethiswasmyfrstandIjusthadawonexperience.”TherestoftheshowperformancesKitanaSánchez,KaKandy,FrankieandNick.SánchezisatransgenLatinabornwoman
“I was really excited about college, meeting new people and hav ing fun so I brought all my friends with me to night,” freshman Adrian RiosRiossaid.heard about this event through social me dia and decided to at tend as he knew it would be a memorable one.
“I feel good. We cre ated new positions and restructured CAB so we could have certain re sponsibilities delegated to certain individuals. We also created commit tees; I am excited to over see everyone,” Martinez
Students skating inside the Memorial Student Union Building ballrooms.

Drag queens and king in order, NYX @ Nite, Arson Nick, Frankie, Kalico Kandy, Kitana and Adrianna Da Grande.

CAB kicks of the year goodanderyone“ItCarmelautivethethatisday,BoardbyRolleredroomsBuildingMemorialwrappedAeventroller-skatingwithlineofstudentsaroundtheStudentUnion(MSUB)ballasstudentswaittoentertheRockin’RaveeventhostedCampusActivities(CAB)onWednesAug.24.“[Rockin’RollerRave]aroller-skatingeventwehosttokickoffallsemester,”ExecDirectorofCABMartinezsaid.issomethingthatevlooksforwardtoIfeellikewehadaturnout.Everyone
bassador for the #behu man Campaign, writer of Viva la Trans, and a public speaker/advo cate for the LGBTQIA+ community. She hopes one day that equality for LGBTQIA+ people will beKalicoimplemented.Kandyis a grad uate of TAMUK and she earned a degree in Music Education. She is a sing er, multi-instrumental ist and comedian, all of which she combines into herShedrag.iscurrently a grad uate student in Clinical Mental Health and is an advocate for the benefts of mental health and all things the color pink.
sic while I skated. Over all, I had a great time,” RiosWhilesaid. roller-skating may be a fun event for some, it is the type of event that requires safety precautions.Theliability waiv er that students signed when they frst arrived was to let them know CAB was not responsi ble for any accident that couldHowever, case of one, students’ medical expenses are covered if they do not have medical insurance.Another way CAB en
received a skating brace let.Once the students had everything they needed, they were free to skate and indulge in the food and drinks that were provided.Gomez and Marti nez both explained that Rockin’ Roller Rave is always the frst event of the fall semester because it is one that guarantees a positive turnout.
Erik Estrada
Rolling into the new semester with CAB
is having fun.”
More on-campus ac tivities are to be antic ipated as the semester progresses.Formore information, contact Student Engage ment and Campus Life at (361) 593-2760 or fol low @tamuksecl and @ta mukcab on Instagram
Courtesy of CAB
of the night was Kings ville’s very own “The One and Only King of Kingsville,” Arson Nick, who is currently Coast al Bend’s Premier Drag King Entertainer. From confetti cannons to being buried alive on stage, he is truly a wild card who loves keeping the audience on the edge of their seats. Arson is best known for their eccentric style tear-away pants, and their motto, “do it scared.”With the success of TAMUK’s frst drag show, Student Engage ment and Campus Life plans to host this event next year and years that follow.
CAB members and students at Rockin’ Roller Rave.
Students who attend ed So You Think You Can Drag were able to watch performances of fve drag queens and one dragTheking.start of the show as well as the audience’s Master of Ceremonies, NYX @ NITE, is a Drag Queen who got her start through her love of the atre arts. In 2014 when she took her frst stage makeup class, she fell in love with the art of illu sion and the rest is his tory.After moving to San Angelo, she had a hand in maintaining the an nual drag show at An gelo State that brought many headliners from RuPaul’s Drag Race such as Shangela, Morgan McMichaels, Denali, and Mo Heart. Shortly after in 2019, NYX was asked
The next performer, Adrianna Da Grande, is a current student at TAMUK, studying Agri business: Ranch Man agement and Architec tural Engineering and is minoring in Business. She had her frst oppor tunity to shine back in April of this year, for a charity event hosted by fraternities and sorori ties on “Whencampus.[my] friends told me about So You Think You Can Drag over the summer, [I] de cided [I] was ready and jumped on this with pre cision and full force to make it perfect,” Grande said. “[I] always want the crowd to feel special and pumped up for each performance, because even though it takes a lot of energy, it is so worth it to see their faces at the end.”While this was Grande’s frst time do ing a drag performance, So You Think You Can Drag would not have
| S T U D E N T E N G A G E M E N T & C A M P U S L I F E September 6, 2022 Sorority Recruitment 101 12 PM 1 PM MSUB 221 September 8, 2022 Javelina Night Out 4 PM | 6 PM Jones Auditorium September 7, 2022 CAB DIY 11 AM 2 PM MSUB Pavilion September 10, 2022 Student Organization Leadership Conference 9 AM MSUB Ballrooms September 12, 2022 Hispanic Heritage Kickoff 11 AM 2 PM MSUB Pavilion September 13 2022 Snack N Serve 2 PM 4 PM MSUB 221 September 14, 2022 Javelina Health Fest 10 AM 1 PM MSUB Pavilion Amplifying the Student Voice Town Hall Meeting 5 PM 6 PM JDH 2nd Floor Tango Lessons 6:30 PM Jones Auditorium September 15, 2022 Poster Sale 9 AM 6 PM MSUB 1st Floor September 16, 2022 Poster Sale 9 AM 6 PM MSUB 1st Floor Que Comience La Fiesta! Outdoor Concert 7 PM MSUB Courtyard September 19, 2022 Heritage Reception 4 PM 5:30 PM MSUB 219 ATTEXA A&M N V E R Y K N SV LE & STUDENT ENGAGEMENT Campus Life
Rae Martinez
2 Campus September 6, thesouthtexan.com2022
Martinez expects to have a successful semes ter and hopes that more students across campus know what CAB is.
Don’t be a drag, just be a queen (or king)
Seats in Jones Audito rium flled up one by one as students munched on popcorn and pickles as they anticipated the start of Texas A&M Univer sity – Kingsville’s (TA MUK) very frst Drag Show on Aug. 26.

said. “This is my frst time doing anything like this. It is a little weird for me, but I am excited. We will see how it goes as the semester rolls.”
The last performance
to perform in her frst show.Since then, she has performed in numer ous venues and private events in San Angelo and has traveled to per form in cities such as Lubbock, Abilene, Odes sa and Houston.
TAMUK hosts frst drag show
The purpose of this event was to give stu dents of all classifca tions an opportunity to spend time with friends, meet new people and to enjoy their night, all while they skate around the“Thisballrooms.anevent that [some] students may never get to do in their entire life,” Campus Ac tivities Coordinator Juli anne Gomez said. “I do not know of a skating rink near Kingsville or in Corpus Christi. Bringing this vendor to our uni versity gives students an opportunity to have fun, free of Uponcharge.”arrival, students scanned a QR code and signed a liability waiver. After signing, they were given a waiver bracelet and were directed to a skate check where they
A treat could even
enjoyableAn rainy summerSeattleisknown
tends to have a bad day in one way or another. Some people have them more often than others but there are ways to help tackle a bad situation re gardless of its depth and size.It isn’t a complicat ed or special method by any means but it’s a good idea to treat your self every now and then as a small victory and reward.
Photo by Raina Za ar
I decided to go work in Seattle.My intention was to explore the Pacif ic Northwest and I am glad that I went through with it. I thoroughly en joyed my summer. The highlights would be the weather, the scenery, the art/infrastructure, and was pleasant with the right amount of heat and strokes of cool winds. It would occasionally rain which was refreshing for me as rain is uncommon in South Texas. However, my co-workers felt dif ferently as they were all locals and were used to the Seattle rain.
Treating yourself doesn’t necessarily mean that you need to buy anything expensive or do something outland ish since it doesn’t even need to be something you spend money on.
you could treat yourself to reading a book you had gotten a while back but never had the right moment to go through it.

There were moments when the character movement seemed stif but the animation was enjoyable regardless. The voice acting perfor mances for the English
The same goes for my college experience in the Texas summer. However, for the summer of 2022,
Piccolo tailed Gamma 2 to the new RR head quarters after surviving the battle in order to dis cover why the Red Rib bon Army returned and learned that they were planning to wipe out the other heroes of earth. During his preparations, Piccolo made a wish on the titular Dragon Balls to unlock his power fur ther although this new found strength wouldn’t
The landscapes in Se attle were beautiful and the highlight was being able to see Mt. Rainier every day from work.

be something as sim ple as sitting and doing absolutely nothing as a means to relax and col lectAlthoughoneself. if your idea of treating oneself is to engage in a little bit of retail therapy then by all means go for it. Even something as small as a favorite drink or meal can bring an unprece dented amount of joy to a bad day.
Review: Summer in Seattle
A good rule of thumb is that it’s okay for you to buy something if you can easily aford two or three of it.
for its tech headquarters (Mic rosoft and Amazon), cof fee culture, grunge mu sic, the Space Needle, the Seahawks, the Pike Place Market, and the rain.
Go ahead and buy that thing you’ve been keep ing an eye on but would always fght yourself about how much enjoy ment or use you’d get out of it.
|| September 6, 2022
Lincoln 30th Anniversary Vinyl Re-Issue

Review: Lincoln, a whimsical adventure
My favorite track of of the album, “They’ll Need A Crane,” is a per fect encapsulation of They Might Be Giants’ early sound and is one of my personal favorite songs from their entire discography.Thealbum concludes with “Kiss Me, Son of God,” which is a beauti ful track that shows of Linnell and Flansburgh’s talents through their ef fortlessly woven togeth er vocal melodies.
The residents of Se attle craved warm days and looked forward to spending the day at the lake or docks engaging in water sports and spend ing quality time with friends. They appreciat
Unlike the last Dragon Ball Super movie, DBS Broly, Super Hero is com pletely animated with 3D models that have car toonish shading and de cently lively expressions.
‘80s Classic turn ing 34 years old Brooklyn, New York, duo They Might Be Gi ants’ second studio al bum “Lincoln” cemented itself as a hallmark of the indie music scene and is arguably one of the best records of the Throughout1980s. its 40-minute sidesindividualsblealistenernoandwithNg”the25.bumthederfulsureingarerelease.listenersthattogetherJohnLinnellandmulti-instrumentalistruntime,keyboardistJohnandguitaristFlansburghpack18uniquesongsstillcaptivatetheir34yearsafteritsListenersof“Lincoln”inforauniquelistenexperienceandaretoenjoythiswonworkofartfromtwoJohns.Thealwillturn34onSept.Thealbumbeginswithstandouttrack“Anathatdeclaresitselfitsgatedguitarspoppybassthathasproblemdrawingtheinandexploresscenarioofimpossilovebetweentwoonoppositeoftheworld.
make itself apparent un til his next battle with theAfterandroids.luring Gohan to the base and having him return to his full strength, the fnal con frontation against the androids begins.
good amount of humor throughout the flm as well. I recommend it to long time fans and even newcomers interested in the franchise.
At its core, “Lincoln” is an experimental al bum that explores a va riety of abstract concepts throughout its lyrical content.Theband also incor porates many diferent types of instruments such as the accordion, acoustic and electronic wind instruments such as the saxophone and bass clarinet, and string instruments.TheyMight Be Giants consists of keyboardist John Linnell and gui tarist John decades-spanninglineuptoandrecordingmentalhandledmachine.accompaniedFlansburgh,byadrumThetwoJohnsalsootherinstrudutiesduringtheof“Lincoln”havesincegoneonexpandtoafullbandthroughouttheircareer.
There’s also a recap of a time in Dragon Ball Z where Dr. Gero (a RR sci entist) created androids that posed a major threat. The recaps lead to the moment of them hiring Dr. Hedo, the grandson of Dr. Gero, to construct new androids in an attempt to reignite their chances of global domination.Hedoand his androids
The diversity of the population also plays a huge role in the variety of foods and cultures in Seattle.Overall I had the best time in Seattle this sum mer and would highly recommend a “Summer in Seattle.”
It is also known as the Emerald City because of the abundance of ever green trees that surround theMyarea.summer in Seat tle was one of the best experiences I’ve had in the United States. Being born and brought up in India, I only experienced the scorching heat and humidity of the summer.
You can give yourself words of encouragement since even just a handful of nice words can go a longIt’sway.also never a bad idea to go for a walk to clear the mind while you soak in the sunshine (or gloomy weather if you preferPerhapsit).
ably and show some self-appreciation be cause being an adult is difcult and it brings more challenges than anyone could ever antic ipate.You can handle what ever is coming next.
Toei Animation’s DBS Super Hero is a story about the return of the Red Ribbon (RR) Army
A new super movie based on a heroessupercouple Spoiler

It’s a close battle until Piccolo reveals the truth of the Red Ribbon Ar my’s deception to Gam ma 2 which then ends the fght.
Poster From @ToeiAnimation on Twitter
The people in Seattle were very laid back and the city was swarming with creatives, entre preneurs, and engineers from all over the world.
Gammas 1 and 2 act as the primary antagonists to the real heroes of the narrative.Unlike most plotlines in Dragon Ball, the main protagonists are Gohan and Piccolo rather than the usual Goku and Vegeta. Their side of the story picks up as we see Piccolo going through his day to day only to get attacked by Gamma 2.
How to Adult: Finding some solace in the small things
Your perseverance in day-to-day life deserves a reward even if it seems miniscule in comparison to everything around you because all that mat ters is that you enjoy it and that it brings you some sense of solace.
dub was clear to the listener and the actors were able to carry the weight of the charac ter’s emotional scenes well. There’s also a
ed the sun but couldn’t handle too much of the heat.I lived near Lake Washington and had easy access to the lake whenever it would get warmer. I spent the sum mer exploring, working, socializing, and enjoying the pleasant weather.
“Where Your Eyes Don’t Go” is a hypno tizing track, which is especially driven home during the back half of the song thanks to the synthesizers, guitar leads and vocals that blend to gether to create a catchy atmosphere that dives into topics of conscious ness and awareness.
which used to be an evil private military. It’s a group that hasn’t been this prominent since the original Dragon Ball se ries.However there’s no need to worry about being left in the dark if you’re a newcomer since there is a wonderful ly animated recap that shows Goku’s adven tures fghting and de feating the army.
Image from
The steps to self loveEveryone
Review: The Z Fighters face a new threat from an old foe
Treating yourself by buying something is only a bad idea if your budget is tight or if you’re the kind of person that often regrets unnecessary pur chases.It’simportant to re ward yourself reason
DragonAlertBall has been and still is one of the most recognizable and iconic franchises when it comes to anime and Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero (DBS Super Hero) is another entertaining installment for this ev er-growing series.
Clear bag policy at TAMUK
Javelinas eye successful season
Last season, the Jave linas fnished the year with conference record of 3-4 and an overall record of 5-5. With the Lone Star Conference adding in a new team, Simon Fraser, as well as the Javelinas facing teams they have never faced before or teams that they have not faced of against in a few years, there will be chal lenges this season.
|Senior Reporter
Javelina Athletics Kayla Gonzales

returning from the 50-12 season from last spring with his own improve ments on the roster.
The Javelina Athletic Department has named former minor league MVP and former head coach of Yavapai College Doug Eastman the new head coach of the Javeli na Softball team.
The spring looks promising for Javelina fans in 2023. Infelder and 2022 Second Team all LSC (Lone Star Con ference) selection Kayla Gonzales has had some weeks to practice under her new head coach and she is ready for what is to come this season.
Dylan Sanchez
“The LSC (Lone Star Conference) has made this kind of thing re ally common practice as of late,” Roach said. “We also want to ensure safety amongst the fans, making sure there is no alcohol being snuck into our venues and other things of that nature.”
TAMUK athleticnon-clearprohibitsbagsatevents
Clear bags to be enforced upon entry at any Javelina athletic venue

“We know they (North American) are going to play hard like any col lege team. They’re going
This decision comes of the departure of coach Craig Nicholson, and now the tenure of Eastman will kick of in February 2023.
Kingsville.”Before becoming an established coach, Eastman was himself a student athlete in his youth playing baseball at College of the Siskiy ous where he received All-State and All-Amer ica honors and was the youngest student-ath lete to be inducted into
Doug Eastman
stafs he has had over the years and the athletes who take the diamond for him during the sea
kickedFootballofSaturdaySep. 3
Javelina Athletics
New head coach for Lady Hogs
For now, the Javeli nas football team looks ready and prepared to kick of the season.
son.Eastman hopes to be a positive force for his ath letes.“My goal here is to help outstanding stu dent athletes achieve success in the classroom and on the diamond,” he said. “It is important to me to be a positive fgure in their lives and be much more than their softballEastmancoach.”has a roster of more than 25 women
“We run a lot of runpass option play, so we can get multiple people involved and we also rotate a lot with the run ning back group and put a lot of trust in our guys blocking for us up front,” he said.
Pepsi Field or the SPEC.
All-LSC Honorable Mention kicker Gilbert Garza.

The exact guidelines are: bags that are clear and do not exceed 12 inches long by 12 inches high by six inches wide, one-gallon clear plastic freezer bag, small clutch purses, with or without a handle or strap, not ex ceeding four and a half inches by six and a half inches, and clear back packs that do not exceed 12 by 6 by 12 inches.
Eastman will frst put his product on display for the conference to see in February at the Ar kansas Tech Winter Invi tational.
Javelia Athletic
Javelinas run through UTPB Nov. 6

September 6, thesouthtexan.com2022
The fall semester has begun and fall sports are back here at TAMUK. New rules and regula tions were set at the be ginning of the 2022-2023 fall season for all sports including a new clear bagThesepolicy.guidelines limit the size of your bag and the type of bag you bring into Javelina Stadium or any athletic venue at the university. Athletic Di rector Steve Roach said the policy is about safety.
Doug Eastman new leader of the softball team

the institution’s Baseball Hall of AfterFame.transferring to Sacramento State Uni versity, Eastman earned more All-American hon ors and was included in a second college hall of fame for the sport of baseball.Hewould soon be drafted not long after to
Alex Smith, defensive lineman for the Javelina football team, supports this new policy and sees its benefts.
the Cincinnati Reds, in round 25 in 1986. East man compiled a career batting average of .271 with 14 home runs and 120 RBI in his 308-game career with the Reds, Billings Mustangs and Cedar Rapids Reds and last took the feld during the 1989 andyearpiledtheanointedbeforeplayingcoachturnteamwomen“I’msucceed,”givesthisbrings“Dougcampaign.(Eastman)anexperiencetoteamthatIthinkitachancetostillRoachsaid.excitedfortheonthissoftballandtheprogram.”Eastmanmadethefromplayertosoonafterhisdaysendedjustthe1990s.Sincethen,thenewlyheadcoachofJavelinashascom856winsinhis20-careerofcoachinggivescredittothe
Javelina Athletics
“I could not be more excited to be here to lead the Javelina Charge,” Coach Eastman said. “I felt a strong commitment from the staf here, from Athletic Director Steve Roach and President [Robert] Vela. That is the main reason I chose
For full game results, visit www.thesouthtexan. com.
Salinas said his team is determined to succeed this“Ourseason.returning play ers were not happy with the outcome of last year and with the addition of newcomers coming into the program, we look to bring in a winning men tality,” he said. “[The team] stands ready and fully prepared to take on this season head on and one game at a time.”
Ahead of Saturday’s game against North American, coaches and team leaders voiced how they feel stepping into a new season, starting fresh, and ultimately where their confdence is and how prepared they feel.“We have been going into it at practice, trying to get things together and in order and be tech nically sound. Also try ing to understand where we ft well in the scheme and have great chemis try,” Ezrah Thibodeaux said of the defense. “In terms of our confdence, we have been working hard to get this win and start the year of good forHeadTAMUK.”Coach Michael
The specifc items not allowed in the stadiums will remain the same, prohibiting things such as alcohol, tobacco, out side food and drinks, noisemakers, ice chests and“Thepets.policy does not really afect me in a cer tain way,” freshman Ab igail said. “If the reason is for safety, then it will make it safer to attend the sporting events here in my free bagscealeditedcushionselectronicsCameras,time.”binoculars,andseatingarenotprohibiftheyarenotconinunauthorizeduponentryofthe
“With knowing Coach Eastman for a short time, I believe he has the capa bility of coming in and continuing the success we had the past few years I’ve been here,” she said. “Eastman has a great knowledge of the game and knows what he wants us to do so that we are continuing in our success.”
to give us their best fght, but we have watched flm on them and know what to expect and exe cute our gameplan,” said running back Christian Anderson ahead of Sat urday’s game. Anderson says the ofense as whole has taken a step forward in the running game.
“Keeping our fans safe is the frst step to open ing more to the commu nity and getting more people in the stands for this upcoming year,” brings in all manner of athletes from diferent regions of the country and from overseas. Roach assures that the number one priority is to provide the safest environment for the young men and women who chose to be Javelinas in their athletic careers.“Myjob is to not only provide coaches with the tools to give a great experience, but to take care of the children of parents who trust this university as a place for their children,” Roach said. “The safety of our student-athletes, coach es and spectators are al ways frst.”
people have essentially moved on from the pan demic and are not taking any precautionary mea sures to protect them selves and the people around them.
and removal of multi ple projects along with a change in pricing and plans for 2023.
“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for redress of grievances.”
Overall, it is great that individuals who have stu dent debt are receiving government assistance. It is about time the government steps in to lower the na tion’s student debt. It should have stepped in sooner and lowered the cost to get an education.
I hope this infuences us to remember that our choices do have conse quences and we should always think before we act, especially when the health of the general public is concerned.
Pursuing a higher education should not be as ex pensive as it is now. If the nation is going to contin ue to enforce the American dream into the minds of its residents, the least it can do is make it easier for everyone to achieve it. The unfair game of favorit ism needs to stop now.
Some companies like Netfix even ofer dif ferent tiers for their subscriptions where the fdelity of what you are watching will vary and others like Hulu will have prices that dictate if your experience will be ad free. I feel like this
your hands regularly, use hand sanitizer and most importantly stay home if you feel ill, and if you think you were exposed there is still free COVID testing on cam pus.
The road to success begins with forgiveness
It’s perfectly normal for us, as college stu dents, to go out and party and have fun, but it should never be at the expense of our fellow peers’ health. Due to a recent local spike in cas es, it’s obvious that some
Brianna Brietzke Circulation Manager
Tuition has signifcantly and gradually increased in the last 50 years. A four-year degree from a pub lic university once cost $400 a semester and now averages at over $10,000 a semester in the United States. It’s clear to see the more-than-2,500 percent increase in tuition cost over the last 50 years. Stu dents are taking on insurmountable amounts of debt for higher education, with loan companies prowling for easy targets, a category in which col lege students so easily ft. Young adults taking out their frst loans are hit with high ARPs over time doubling or even tripling the cost of their overall college education. Canceling up to $20,000 in debt for thousands of people will stimulate the economy giving those indebted room to spend money else where that isn’t student loans.
have reminds me of the days when my family had cable and how I’d fip through dozens of channels just to see if
It feels as if there is an app for every major net work, genre, and compa ny that wants to throw their hat in the ring like Apple and Amazon.
apps I
Melissa Mata Abigayle Hayden Reporters
Remember to wash
Friendly reminder: COVID is still around
The death of artists everywhere
Zena Desouza Chris Olivarez Senior Reporters
novelty item. Selling dig ital albums is an option, but a great deal of con sumers prefer the ease of subscribing to a monthly service that allows ac cess to any song on their platform.Agreat majority of an artist’s income today comes from touring and merch sales, but what happens when one of those becomes an unvi able option? During the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, artists were unable to tour and were unable to support them selves from stream ing revenue and mer ch alone. According to Headphonesty, an art ist must reach 100,000
don’t even know anyone who does or has used it in the past, so racking up that many streams seems like it would be an issue in Asitself.someone who is currently in the process of recording my frst al bum with my own band, I can’t help but feel a little worried about the future.Iknow that it will be a good, long while before I start to see any sort of monetary return from my musical endeavors, and I hope that the in dustry can one day see changes put in place to support the artists who supply the music.
Dylan Sanchez Sports sports.editor@thesouthtexan.comEditor

Though it can be construed as unfair, not many people are getting their loans completely paid of. Many will still have signifcant amounts of debt to make payments on. This act from the administra tion will take the strain of of many who have been making payments towards their student debt for years. Quite frankly, it is about time they tackled the mountain of student debt that exists. The plan sounds promising, but quite frankly, it is only the bare minimum. Our government could and should be doing more for us. Besides the potential $20,000 in forgiveness, their plan to reform the way that borrowers pay of their debt seals the deal. One can hope it will make the repayment process smoother and simpler for everyone who needs it.

use of streaming has dra matically decreased the amount of album sales, reducing CDs down to a
On top of that, some services for specifc brands don’t ofer every thing under that com pany’s ownership due to partnerships they’ll make with other ser vices.
Aryssa Enriquez Marketing marketing.manager@thesouthtexan.comManager
GoingTV.against my ini tial idea of convenience is the feeling of looking through diferent apps like they’re cable pack ages to see which is of fering me the best deal for what I want to watch.
Erik Estrada Digital digital.editor@thesouthtexan.comEditor

Nicole Perez Morris 300consideredLettersnicole.morris@thesouthtexan.comAdviserAdvertisingForadvertisinginquiries,e-mailTheSouthTexanatadvertising.manager@thesouthtexan.comorcall(361)593-4370.LetterstotheEditormustbetyped,signedandincludeaphonenumber.Lettersforpublicationmustbewordsorfewer.Lettersmaybeemailedtochief.editor@thesouthtexan.comTheSouthTexan,ManningHall165,TexasA&MUniversity-KingsvilleKingsville,Texas78363

The South Texan is a student publication produced by Texas A&M University- Kingsville students. The views, opinions and commentary do not necessarily refect the views of the Texas A&M University system. The South Texan uses student fees in part to publish. The South Texan is part of the Art, Communications, and Theatre Department (ACT) and the Texas Intercollegiate Press Association (TIPA).
anything would catch my eye. That in itself was mildly entertaining and I don’t have a prob lem with the deluge of streaming services that have shown up within the past decade.
like I’m theingforspoiledchoice.Lookatmultiple
While it’s easy to say “Well COVID is just like the fu now,” it doesn’t make it any less serious and even deadly in some cases.Ibelieve we should re member to be kind this semester and to think about how our actions can afect each other, so that we can all have a great college experience.
Isabella Carrrion Mireya JessicaMartinezTijerina Photographers
As we all begin to set tle into our routines for the Fall 2022 semester, let’s not forget we are still experiencing the efects of March 2020.
Rae Martinez Managing managing.editor@thesouthtexan.comEditor
RonniSTAFFReyna chief.editor@thesouthtexan.comEditor-in-Chief
variety is going to re complicate how people watch
The Biden Administration recently announced a plan for student debt forgiveness, and the plan has been widely met with mixed emotions. From those in signifcant student loan debt it’s a miracle, but for some they see it as unfair.
Sarah Reyna Campus campus.editor@thesouthtexan.comEditor
the tunnel, we shouldn’t forget to still remain vigilant and prevent the spread. This especial ly applies to those who choose to believe that the virus has magically disappeared forever, or to those who think their vaccination status makes them automatically im mune.
That’s not considering potential mergers like what is currently hap pening with HBO and Paramount which has led to the cancellation
streams in order to make $1,000 from Apple Mu sic, with each stream earning the artist one hundredth of a cent.
Frank Villarreal Entertainment entertainment.editor@thesouthtexan.comEditor
Mackenzie Bryce Social Media Manager
5ForumSeptember 6, 2022
There are other prob lems like Netfix’s in terest in tracking login locations because of how people share accounts to save money and how more apps are adopting the ad vs. ad free pricing models instead of out right being ad free for a good price. As much as it feels like the return to cable, I still believe that streaming is a more ver satile choice that has bet ter individual oferings for whatever interests the viewer. Just be sure to pay attention to what you buy into.
Spotify is even worse at paying artists, with an artist having to reach 303,030 streams in or der to make $1,000 at just $0.0033 a stream. The best paying stream ing service appears to be Tidal, which re quires 76,924 streams to reach $1,000 at $0.013 a stream. This is a much better deal than Spoti fy’s streaming payout, but in the grand scheme of things there is not that big of a diference between the two. I have never used Tidal, and I
ple’s lives and we are beginning to see the light at the end of
Our Opinion
I adore the conve nience that streaming ser vices ofers since they’ve made it easier to access
Music has become much more accessible during modern times thanks to the growth and tionintroducsales.albumlabelsofthegoneists?towhatnet,thementadvanceofinterbutatcosttheartLongaredaysrecordandTheandcontinued
The revenge of cable: draining my wallet
Above all, remember to have fun this semes ter while also remaining cautious so that we can all be healthy Javelinas!
While it has been near ly three years manychangedticallyhasCOVID-19sincedraspeo
“We don’t want the clothes back; we want [students] to keep it, but then if they could tell us what they did with it, if they took it on an inter view and they got the job, we’d love to know about that kind of stuf so we can then turn around and tell other students about it,” Leal Studentssaid. are excited about the changes.
A&M-Kingsville ranks in the top 25 of universities in the United States based on alumni rankings, according to Forbes’ in 2020. The University was one of only two Texas universities to make the list.
university is able to host both closets in the same location.“We’re very fortunate that the university in vested resources into re doing that whole space… to make sure that the Care Closet really serves the best needs for our stu dents,” Leal said.
Coaches and players attended Hog Call to continue the traditions that have been around since they were a student athlete here at TAMUK.
Carnegie Classified Doctoral University with High Research Activity Texas A&M-Kingsville awarded 29 doctoral degrees during the 2019-2020 academic year. The university reported research expenditures of over $22.2 million in the 2019 fiscal year and over $22.7 million for fiscal year 2020.
“[Food insecurity] wasn’t just here on our campus but all over the state, really all over the country,” Compary said.
Not all students may remember or get the op portunity to bring profes sional clothing when they move onto campus, Leal said.“Students can use [these clothes] for either a conference that they’re going to, an interview that they’ve got or even a ca
“I was thrilled when I found out. I loved my old position as Entertainment Editor, but I also felt like trying something new. This position allows me to do more and I am excited to see where it takes me,” sheMartinezsaid. looks forward to assisting her coworkers and bringing in new stu
Forbes’ Top 25 universities based on alumni rankings
The university received a small grant and was then able to renovate and get a food supply for the frst Care Pantry room outside of Compary’s of fce.Fast-forward to today, and the food pantry is still growing. After complet ing trainings and signing an agreement, the univer sity became ofcial part
emergency relief can be provided for the student through the Care Closet.
The Cares Closet is Open on Mondays from 8 to 10:30 a.m. and 11 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.; Tuesdays from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Wednes days from 8 to 10:30 a.m., 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 2 to 3:30 p.m.; Thursdays from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Fri days from 8 to 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Students who attend ed the rally showed their school spirit by cheering on the fall sports teams.
tions and moments like these are the ones that make the precious mem ories.”Estelle looks forward to this tradition knowing that it kicks of the year and brings everyone to gether with a common interest.“Make it yours, this is your school, embrace it. We are one, we are united, we are a family,” Estelle said.
Accredited Engineering Programs
pins by ACUE, recogniz ing them for their achieve ments.Professor and Interim Chair for Civil and Archi tectural Engineering Dr. Breanna Bailey participat ed in the Efective Teach ing Practices training.
Students are overseen by Assistant Professor of Practice, Chief Radio Op erator and Student Media Adviser for The South Tex an, KTAI and Javelina Broad cast Network Nicole Perez Morris who works closely with students throughout the“Theyear.start of each se mester brings changes to student media. New staf arrive to replace graduates and others receive promo tions, so it is a bittersweet time flled with excitement and new goals while we say goodbye and wish all recent graduates well. Our student journalists are so
dents to the student media on“Icampus.would not have been where I am at right now without the help of our adviser, Nicole Morris. Working with her has helped me gain experience in the journalism feld and I am now an award-win ning journalist because of that,” Martinez said.
The closet is unable to provide shoes or belts, but students are able to keep each piece of clothing they pick up from the closet.
Many freshmen were in attendance Thursday night, showing of their dance moves and meeting new“Sincepeople.Kingsville is such a small communi ty it’s so fun to come out and meet new people and dance to Copperhead Road,” Animal Science major Daniella Garcia said.
“As a student, I feel like
Students do not have to qualify for the profes sional clothing closet. The closet is open to all students regardless of f nancial“[Thestanding.closet]was not really in a central student location which is why it’s now a part of the Care Closet,” Director of Career Engagement and Corpo rate Relations Ralph Leal said.The previous cloth ing closet was located in Eckhardt Hall. Instead of directing students to two separate buildings, the
Returning staf to The South Texan include Edi tor-in-Chief Ronni Rey na, Sports Editor Dylan Sanchez, Digital Editor Erik Estrada and Campus Editor Sarah Reyna.
the Care Closet is a won derful idea and would be great for students to grab and go when they need clothing, food and other essentials. However, I also feel like the school should advertise it more in order for it to reach its full po tential,” Senior Business major Ari Mireles said.
my teaching practices,” Professor Guzman said. “Each module included research-based practices that I was able to imple ment into my teaching to increase student engage ment and success.”
The Frank H. Dotterweich College of Engineering has the most comprehensive array of undergraduate programs in South Texas including: architectural engineering, chemical engineering, civil engineering, electrical engineering, environmental engineering, mechanical engineering, and natural gas engineering.
it Compary’s ofce, until funding was secured to expand the pantry.
ners with Coastal Bend Food Band and received its frst shipment of food on Monday, Aug. 29. A ribbon cutting ceremony is scheduled for Friday, Sept. 9, to celebrate the newStudentspartnership.must fll out an application to receive food from the pantry.The application takes less than 10 minutes and is based on monthly income with student workers being able to review and qualify applications on the spot.
reer fair like we’re having on October the sixth.”
6 News September 6, thesouthtexan.com2022
Hispanic Outlook on Education 2021
“For me, the biggest value in taking the course was to remind myself that I love teaching. After 16 years, I have become a bit jaded,” Dr. Bailey said. “The course was a way for me to refresh my outlook and challenge myself to do more. Just more. Every class, every time.”
students. They need to be reassured that they belong here,” Associate Professor of English Dr. Jody Marin said.Marin served as one of the participating profes sors in the Inclusive Teach ing for Equitable Learning training.“Additionally, ACUE rejuvenates you as an ed ucator and reminds you that you are here to help your students succeed and become better citizens,” Marin
Martinez has been writ ing for The South Texan since the Spring of 2021.
talented and multi-facet ed. It will be an exciting semester and academic year as we see our new est editors and managers thrive in their new posi tions, learning from our senior members,” she said.
Educational Leadership program Ranked 8th by Best Value Schools 2022 Ed.D. in Educational Leadership at Texas A&M University Kingsville is ranked 8th in best educational leadership programs by Best Value Schools, which looked at tuition costs and enrollment for ranking criteria.
Texas A&M-Kingsville is a Top 10 University for Hispanic students pursuing a degree in Agricultural/Animal/Plant/Veterinary Science and Related Fields according to an October 2021 report by the magazine Hispanic Outlook on Education. The program’s student demographic is 66% Hispanic/Latino.

“This is a precious time for student athletes to come together and show pride,” Estelle said. “Be ing an athlete here, tradi
To enhance students’ education, faculty was encouraged and invited to participate in the yearlong certifcation.“Ibelieveit is essential for all TAMUK professors to participate in ACUE be cause so many of our stu dents are frst-generation
ACUEsaid.program train ees were celebrated and received certifcates and
Also returning is Rae Martinez, but this time she steps into a new posi tion as Managing Editor. Martinez served as the Entertainment Editor the previous year.
“Being in a room with individuals who are just as passionate about jour nalism as I am gives me the inspiration and drive I need to help produce suc cessful issues. This semes ter will be a remarkable one,” she Studentssaid.interested in being a part of student me dia on campus can stop by Manning Hall, Room 165, attend The South Texan meeting every Monday at noon, visit a Javelina Press Club meeting Wednesday at 4 p.m. or contact
He also looks forward to seeing the diferent ar ticles students will submit as well as the variety of writing styles it will bring.
Students are able to qual ify for up to 12 months making the application an annual one. If a student’s situation does change,
“It’s honestly exciting despite my nervousness. I always thought the idea of being an editor was cool but I never would’ve guessed that I’d get the chance to be one,” he said.