The South Texan Vol. 96 Issue 8

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TheSouthTexan!"#$ Texas A &M University-Kingsville Award-Winning Student Publication

Monday, February 7, 2022




Vol. 96, Issue 8

TAMUK sees 18.1% positivity rate for COVID-19

COVID cases continue to rise on campus

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COVID-19 cases are rising this spring semester with an 18.1 percent positivity rate from the total number tested. As of Jan. 24, there are 202 positive

active cases on campus. Upon the return from the winter break in early January, students, faculty regarding the semester required COVID-19 testing, regardless of vaccination status. On campus testing began Jan. 3 with a deadline to test by Jan. 28. “Students who test positive should take steps to immediately self-isolate,” Dean of Students Dr. Kirsten Compary said.

Out of the 5,375 tested between Jan. 3 and Jan. 24., 974 tests came back positive, resulting in a positivity rate of 18.1 percent, which is notably higher compared to UTSA’s 11 percent and TAMIU’s 9.9 percent reported. Students living off campus will be able to self-quarantine at their place of residency or another location of their choice while on-campus students can choose to

either isolate at Turner/ “We do not require all students who test positive to stay in Turner/Bishop. It is available to any student who lives on-campus who tests positive, as well as pus if they cannot safely isolate where they live or at another location,” Compary said. TAMUK provides private rooms for quaran!""#12345&'()''*

The clues he shared, one step at a time Burns visits campus, shares memories &0))1%&'()" |'()*+,-1*/1!2*34 !/*(3'()*+,-.+/(&,%+/+(0"1'!,#

Students anxiously waited in their seats, talking amongst each other as the lights dimmed. The crowd roared with excitement as the iconic childhood character Steve was standing before them.

Multimedia To see video g interview check out the Javelina Media Experience on h Youtube On Feb. 2, Texas A&M University Kingsville (TAMUK) hosted a lectureship series, during which Steve Burns, the original Blue’s Clues host, was invited to speak with students. Burns was welcomed to campus by students, many who grew up watching and learning with him “The support feels wonderful,” Burns said. “It’s mostly just cool to sort of continue the conversation from when we were

Online Beat Do you not subscribe to !"#$%&!"!#'()*+%,? Catch up on exclusive stories about our campus and community when you sign up for our newsletter. Here’s a sneak peak of what you missed online.

Have you seen our new media channel? Subscribe to the Javelina Media Experience on Youtube today to see more content.

all so much younger. This always felt like we were really talking to each other and because of social media because of many things were still able to. It feels to me anyways, like we’re continuing the same conversation with the same people and that is pretty awesome.” Blue’s Clues in 1996 and Burns hosted until 2002, before his character left for college. Last year for the 25th anniversary of the show, Burns recorded a message for Blue’s Clues fans, but directed it towards those who had grown up with him on the show. “When we did that little viral video I remember thinking, oh I don’t want to talk to the little kids now who are watching the reboot of Blue’s Clues. I want to talk to you, the exact human beings that I talked to back then, and many of them are in college now, that’s really the impetus for doing it,” he said. Burns’ video has amassed more than 40 million views since it was posted last year to @nickjr Twitter account. Burns was welcomed back by a generation that spent years watching him on TV. “It’s hard to make that

Search for new president Hallmark serves as interim !"#"$%&'()" | !"#$%&'()*+,!"#$%&'()*+,-.+/(&,%+/+(0"1'!,#

Dr. Steve Bain sits on stage at Jones Auditorium while asking Steve Burns questions.

feel real you know, it’s hard to explain to someone,” he said. “I can never really think about Blue’s Clues as this thing that an entire generation experienced, for me it was always this little, tiny show. I was just talking to a camera; it seemed very small, very simple.” Burns is overwhelmed and humbled by the support he has received since releasing the anniversary video, and tells of honor it is to be a part of something he describes as meaningful. “We’re often asked to have a dream,” he said. “You’ve got to have this dream and you follow your dream at all costs; use

your mind take a step at a time, follow that dream. But it was never my dream to be on children’s television ever. It’s nothing I’ve ever thought about. I never gave it 10 seconds of thought in my life, and if I had just sort of followed a prescription in my life for what I wanted to do I would have missed that. “I’ve noticed in my life it’s been very useful to your dream and to look for things that, if aren’t exactly that, that might rhyme with your dream or are harmonious with your dream,” he continued. Students were given an opportunity to compete for a chance to meet Burns

Ronni Reyna

if they could correctly answer when Blue’s Clues

Texas A&M University-Kingsville (TAMUK) continues its search for a university president after Dr. Mark A. Hussey announced he was stepping down in December. In the meantime, Texas A&M University Vice Chancellor for Academ-

to correctly answer were given the opportunity to speak with, meet and take a picture with Burns. “I was a big fan growing up. It was like my childhood coming completely full circle. It was very much nostalgic but made my heart warm in the best way possible,” senior Bio-Medical Science major Maddi Guess said. Guess was one of the students given the opportunity to meet with Burns. The lecture consisted of Burns opening with his own words, a sit-down

Dr. James Hallmark is serving as interim president until the university selects !"#$%&'() someone *&++'&", to f ill 5/+3-*# Hussey’s 67.89 now va:-3&*)3/+ cant position. “[my experience has been] very good! The university faces many challeng-



A Javelina Promise for success New tuition assistance for students *"+"(,"$%-$".'/ |' ."/"0*/0'()*+,#"1"2*12'()*+,-.+/(&,%+/+(0"1'!,#

The launch of the new Javelina Promise Program gives hope and assurance to Texas A&M University- Kingsville (TAMUK) students to continue their education without the worry of a financial burden. On Thursday, Jan. 27, TAMUK hosted an event to promote the university’s program. In order to be eligible for the Javelina Promise, students must be a Texas resident, submit a FAFSA/TAFSA application, have a total family income of $65,000 or less, maintain a 2.5 GPA

or higher, and enroll for at least 12 credits each semester as part of their undergraduate degree plan. Unlike scholarships, there is no application process to be considered for the promise. Students do not need to reapply each semester. plies federal and state aid, such as scholarships and grants, to student tuition and fees and any remaining costs not covered by those programs will be covered by TAMUK’s Javelina Promise. If eligible, students will receive aid for all four years of attendance at the university if they continue to meet the requirements and enroll for at least twelve hours. This announcement event was open to university leaders, K-12 school district leaders and some community colleges who feed into TAMUK’s trans-

Courtesy of TAMUK Facebook

Dr. Rito Silva (right) and Dr. Hoskisson (left) unveiling the Javelina Promise program.

fer program. “The idea behind the Javelina Promise Program was to look for ways to provide greater access to nancial barriers often stop students from coming to

college and we don’t want that to happen,” Assistant Vice President for Enrollment Management Dr. Darin Hoskisson said. The university plans to es it has to allow students

to get the education they need. “I think they’re moving in the right direction towards assisting all students in obtaining college !""#(#/0,%+&'()''*



February 7 , 2022

Hopes to grow Greek Life !"##$%!&'#( |!"#$%&'($)(*+$,!"#$%&$'#()*+("$,)-("($./0&!)1

Ronni Reyna

BSU members, Autum Robinson, Christine Limbrick and Alicia Grey wrap pillars near the SUB.

Black history month begins Students kick-

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Red, black and green now coat the palm trees down University Boulevard. Students climbed ladders and worked as one in celebration of Black History Month. On Tuesday, Feb. 1 the Black Student Union (BSU) hosted its annual wrapping of the palms event. Each year with the help of several student organizations the BSU wraps the iconic palm trees lining the boulevard in red, black and green, symbolizing the Black History Month. “We are wrapping the Black History Month, it is a representation of the this every year,” Presi-

dent of the Black Student Union Kamryn Ware said. As president of the BSU, Ware does everything she can to make the organization feel like a family and a home. “When you drive or when you’re walking or whatever you are doing on the boulevard you see that this is Black History Month. To me it brings the campus together, because we have all these Greek Life, we have different cultures and yet they all come help to bring in the celebration of Black History Month,” Ware said. Each year several fraternity and sorority members participate alongside the BSU in wrapping the trees. “This is my second year being able to participate in wrapping of the palms,” Alpha Sigma Alpha member Brissa Acevedo said. “Personally, I choose to participate because it doesn’t take much do-

nating your time to be an ally and spread awareness about Black History Month and problems that attack the black community.” Each color in the symbolic meaning. Red symbolizes the for liberation, black represents the people and green represents the natural fertility and growth of Africa. “Wrapping the palm is showing that it’s our time to shine. All year we put in work like any college student would, but this month we really get to step out and shine. This month, every year is us, whether it’s several faces or one in general, it’s all about BSU and Black History Month in general,” BSU RecruitLimbrick said. For more information on Black History Month events, follow Student Activities on Instagram @tamuk_osa or contact them at (361) 593-2760.

Texas A&M University Kingsville’s (TAMUK) search for a new Fraternity and Sorority Life (FSL) coordinator has ended. The university has hired David Trevino to hiring process that allowed FSL student leaders to meet and ask him questions. “David is familiar with South Texas but attended college outside of South Texas. This gives him an outside perspective of Greek Life, but he also understands South Texas and our students,” Director of Student Acsaid. Trevino attended Texas Tech University for two and a half years before transferring and graduating from the University of Texas at Austin with a degree in Government. Trevino hopes to transfer his own college experiences and those work-

ing a lobbyist and policy analyst to help Greek L i f e at TAMUK. Trevino is an !"#$%&'()#$*+ alumnus 012 of Farm!*&&'#$).%&' House, a Greek fraternity founded in 1905 with 36 active chapters. “I think that honesty is the best policy. Like I think admitting when I don’t know something, to go to, to actually get a real answer to it, and honesty is the best policy,” he said Along with honesty, Trevino hopes to foster an open-door policy with the goal of maintaining an open dialogue with students. “Working with David has been a great experident Micaela Garcia said. “He is still new in his potor but has always made

it a point to get to know members personally and has set clear expectations. I look forward to working with David in my term and seeing the great impact he has on our community here at TAMUK.” Trevino is in the process of getting to know, meet and connect with each chapter on campus. “My primary goal in this position is to change the perception of A&M Kingsville Greek life,” Trevino said. “I’ve heard in the past that there were some bigger chapters, but it was more of a stereotypical fraternity experience than a leadership development platform that generally Greek Life, for the past 20 years, has morphed into. I want it to be as legitimate of a Greek Life

as UT Austin as Texas Tech University. I want people to know that A&M Kingsville has a legitimate thriving Greek life program.” For more information on Fraternity and Sorority Life visit https://www. or follow @tamukgreeklife on Instagram.

University presses play !(&%)(*+$#&, |!")%,'%.$)/,)%!"#$%&' $0($*(/#01$0(&$'#()* +("$,)-("($./0&!)1

Texas A&M University – Kingsville (TAMUK) recently celebrated the grand opening of the new Javelina Gaming Lounge, a new addition to TAMUK’s recreational (Rec) sports.

Multimedia the


Media Experience on YouTube. The Javelina Gaming Lounge is located on the Jernigan Library, Room 123. Hours of operation are from 3 p.m. to midnight Monday through Thursday and 5 to 9 p.m. on Sundays. It is equipped with multiple gaming constate-of-the art gaming velina Gaming Lounge is a place for students

to gather, play video games, hang out with friends or simply unwind. “It provides this chance for somebody who wouldn’t normally have the opportunity whether it is on other parts of campus or in their own homes to play with the latest gaming equipment and play in one of the coolest environments ever,” Director of TAMUK’s Rec Sports Ian Brown said. Brown said the idea of a gaming lounge had been in discussion since March 2020 but was not actually created until February 2021. He also mentioned this could not be possible without the help of Director of Student AcJohn Salazar, Josh Hale, Graduate Assistant Aaron Rodriguez and Mario Martinez. “Everybody brought to this, whether it was the technical aspects of the computers and the ed and making sure it worked with our network, to the way the lounge looked,” Brown said.

The Javelina Gaming Lounge is available for currently enrolled students. Students who would like to hang out in the lounge are required to swipe their student “The gaming lounge brings the university students together. It is a good place for them to get along through playing video games,” junior Joshua Monsivais said. Although most of the make reservations online. Students can also check how many individuals are in the gaming lounge at any time by going online at tamuk. edu/recsports and clicking on the registration portal. “The gaming lounge will bring social opportunities, more so it’ll allow students to play games, unwind and make friends,” Intramural Sports Supervisor Mercy Garcia said. “We encourage students to come out and play.” For more information, go online or visit TAMUK’s rec sports’ Instagram page @tamukrecsports.

Rae Martinez

Interim President Dr.James Hallmark, President of the Javelina Gaming Club Stephen Cardenas and Dr.Rito Silva at ribbon cutting ceremony.


February 7, 2022


Review: Spider-Man: No Way Home swings into theaters

Film spins a web of emotions +#)',#*-%").|!"#$%#&'"($"#)!*'#+% '(&"%&)*(+"(&,"-*&$% .&/"0$1&/&"2)(,3$+

Spider-Man: No way Home is the latest addition to the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) and the third installment to Tom Holland’s Spider-Man. If you thought this Marvel movie was going to be the biggest and best one yet, you are right. Warning, there will be spoilers ahead so if you have not seen the movie yet, read at your own discretion. out Spider-Man’s real identity, Peter Parker (Tom Holland) becomes

the world’s number one public enemy. Upon rehim and everyone he cares about, Peter seeks help from Dr. Stephen Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch). Peter asks if it is possible to go back in time to make the world forget he is Spider-Man. After much debating, Dr. Strange eventually agrees. As if the spell was not dangerous enough, Peter tries to change it halfway through which causes distraction that leads to destruction. Seeing as things did not go as planned, it is up to Peter Parker to bring things back to the way they used to be. But he is not doing it alone. If I could describe this movie with one word, I cent. Marvel never fails to take me by surprise. I had my own personal theories about this mov-

ie and although I got all of them right (something I still take pride in), I was still taken by surprise when I saw the theories unfold right in front of me. when I saw individuals like Alfred Molina, Willem Dafoe, Jamie Foxx and more come back as Doctor Otto Octavius, Green Goblin and Electro, iconic villains from movies. Just when I thought it could not get better, my childhood is complete and Tobey Maguire appear (literally, Ned summons them) on screen. There is something so special about seeing the characters you grew up with come back once more. It is very nostalgic to say the least. Marvel and Sony did an amazing job. You would think that

with so many things going on at once, this movie would seem like it is dragging. On the contrary, it leaves you wanting more. One thing I really liked about this movie was seeing all three Spider-Men bond over what makes them alike and they fought the villains together. It almost feels like a fever dream. Marvel and Sony did as he saves MJ Watson (Zendaya) from death to compensate for not being able to save the love of his life, Gwen Stacy. I will never forget the way the people in the theater yelled when this scene came up. Marvel and Sony really thought of everything. I do not have any complaints about this movie per say, however, if I could change one thing, it would be the way To-

Screenshot from Instagram.

bey Maguire was introduced. I wish he had been brought back in a much grander way. After all, he is the original Spider-Man.

Overall, this was one of the best movies I have seen in a while. I cannot wait to see what other projects Marvel has in store. 5 out of 5 stars.

Review: Euphoria Season 2 First four episodes are a must watch /#$%&-#'+)0)&'| !"#$%&"% Screenshot from Instagram.

Review: Scream (2022) New characters, nostalgia, more gore… oh my! !""#$%&#'()*#$)&'| !"#$%&"%

In the new movie of the thriller franchise Scream, it has been 25 years since the killings occurred in the small town of Woodsboro. But as all slasher movies go, the infamous town is shaken with yet another string of attacks and murders. After Sam’s little sister, Tara, is brutally attacked, she is accompanied by her boyfriend and heads to Woodsboro to be with Tara. Fear of heading back to the cursed town sets in as Sam begins to think of not only the past of the town but her own. As things begin to get worse within the town, friends of Tara along with Sam and the one person who knows best, Dewey, begin to think of who is behind the murders. When no lead comes up, the group is able to discover that everyone getting attacked is somehow related to the fallen of the original attacks. Now as far as reboots or even slasher movies go, this wasn’t completely the worst, but it wasn’t the best either. Although this new fect homage to director Wes Craven, the movie wasn’t necessary at all. It contained the usual aspects of the original characters and satirical slasher doings.

Now, don’t get me wrong. I am a fan of the franchise but when the plot opment is made to it, there’s a time to call it quits. While it was interesting to see how the two new killers made themselves known, their motives and overall reveal lacked creativity giving the audience no surprise and fright. One thing that did draw my attention and kept me interested was the nostalgia brought up

Before we get into all the gritty details, I think I should give a warning to those of you that haven’t seen this show before and want to give it a go. This show is extremely beautiful as it is dark. This is a show that I recommend you be mentally and emotionally ready to watch as it can have some triggering elements for some viewers. Euphoria is back for its second season on HBO Max two years after its pilot episode in 2019 and it is as dark and provocative as ever. The main cast has returned including Zendaya in her main role as Rue. The second season opens while continuing

Mentions of our origiand Stu, played by Skeet Ulrich and Matthew Lillard, as well as a surprise appearance certainly make up for the lack of originality. Another satisfying trip down memory lane was bringing back our beloved three main original characters played by Courteney Cox, Neve Campbell, and David Arquette. While it wasn’t truly a necessity to bring them back, nostalgia sells and I can for sure say it did. As far as acting goes, aside from Cox, Campbell, and Arquette; everyone did a pretty decent job. Character Tara, played by Jenna Ortega, portrayed her character well as she was able to express her frightfulness and got into the role of Overall, if you are a fan of the franchise and seek nostalgia then this movie is for you. If you are seeking a slasher movie with subnitely not for you.

season. The last scene we saw in season one was Jules (Hunter Schafer), leaving Rue at a train station as she escapes their troubled town. So much has gone down in and it is only the beginning. The drama happening in the show wouldn’t be as impactful if it weren’t for the amazing and painfully believable performances by the cast. Zendaya leads the cast with a beautifully tragic portrayal of Rue as she struggles and fails to stay sober as her world seems to be crumbling around her. Sydney Sweeney’s performance as Cassie Howard is also surely to turn heads this season as she is frightfully portraying the troubled teen. The way that Sweeney portrays Cassie in this season as unhinged and manic is terrifying. It has you worried for not only her well-being but for anyone else who may try and cross her. This factor makes her performance one of the

best on the show so far. Another performance that is one of a kind and really grounds the show is Angus Cloud’s performance as the fan favorite friendly Fezco. As strange as it sounds, Cloud’s character is what you could call the light and soul of the show. The way he portrays Fezco with such coolness and poise it’s easy to forget what he does for a living. So much chaos is constantly going on in each episode. The moment you are taken into a scene with Fezco the aura of beat yet comforting tranquility. Along with the performances being amazing the cinematography is phenomenal. Even if the plot line of the show is not something that particularly catches your attention, I would recommend watching at least one episode just to see the camera and aesthetic work. Every scene no mat-

artfully designed. The color palettes, the camera work, the lighting and set layout all work simultaneously to entrance and immerse you into their world. You’ll notice that almost every character has a color palette for their scenes on screen. In my opinion this is some of the best cinematography work on a series or maybe even There is nothing that the aesthetic of this show can be compared to; it is truly in a league of its own. This season is already so dramatic, emotional and action packed that it will strong and continue to grasp the audience’s attention and make waves. There is a high chance that we will be seeing Euphoria and its phenomenal cast take the lead at the Primetime Emmy Awards this year. This series is totally worth a watch and can be viewed on HBO and HBO Max with new episodes premiering at 8 p.m. Sundays.

How to Adult: Winter storm essentials Creating a plan to stay safe, warm during a freeze +#)',#*-%").|!"#$%#&'"($"#)!*'#+% '(&"%&)*(+"(&,"-*&$% .&/"0$1&/&"2)(,3$+

With recent talk about a winter storm heading to South Texas, it is good to stay prepared for when it gets here. Staying safe and warm can be challenging sometimes. To keep you and your loved ones safe, know how to prepare your home and car before the winter storm hits. ahead. Decide where you will be staying before the winter storm hits. Make sure you are some place safe. Stock up on groceries so you won’t have to go

out during the storm. Buy groceries that are easy to make. Try to look for food that does not need to be refrigerated in case the power goes out. Buy a lot of water, if possible, but do not go overboard as there will be other individuals who will also need water. Buy essential things you think you will need if the power goes out like portable chargers, batteries, candles and lighters. Charge all your electronic devices, especially the portable chargers beforehand, just in case. Have a medical kit and medical supplies, you never know when you’ll need them. Buy a heater if possible. However, make sure you have enough warm clothes and blankets should the power go out. If you have any pets, make sure they are inside and some place

warm. If possible, obtain the contact information of vet clinics in case there are any animals that need help. If you or anyone you know has kids, make sure they stock up on diapers, wipes, formula milk, baby food and enough warm clothes. Have at least a week’s worth to ensure that you have enough. Catch up on car maintenance in case you need to go out. Be sure to check if your tires are in good shape and try to keep your gas tank full. Try not to go out at all if you do not need to, the roads might be icy and slippery and could cause an unwanted accident. However, if you need to go out, make sure you let your car warm up enough before you drive anywhere. Your car might stall

out if you start driving as soon as you turn it on. Wait a minute or two. Be mindful and check between the engine and the hood of your car as some cats and other small animals stay there when looking for warm places. Have jumper cables in case your car does not turn on. Have a scrapyour car. Do not pour hot water on your windshield as this can cause the glass to crack. Do not pour cold water either as it will freeze and make matters worse. Wrap pipes with some sort of cloth. Drip your faucets to keep water pipes. Lastly, keep watching the news and listening to the radio for more updates. Remember to stay as safe as possible and out of harm’s way.



February 7, 2022


February 7, 2022


TAMUK basketball split the Gold Rush were playing at a very

Women win,


men lose to SEU !"#$%&'$#($)&| !"#$%&'(")%&*"&

student, and I hope to attend another game soon,” a student in atten-

and women’s basketball hosted their Javelina Goldrush game against The Javelina Women’s Javelina men’s played “The Javelina Gold Rush games we’re elecwas getting into it and the athletes on both the women’s and men’s teams from both sides

the night scored by Mia The Javelinas took advantage on defense and

got a lot of depth and a lot of really good players, and it’s a matter of who’s playing well that particular night and tonight we were fortunate that a lot of them were The men’s game opened with a 3-pointer scored by number Derek Luna, beating the shot 31 but came back in the

turnovers and the bench alone put up 34 points ers were Mia Cherry and cord is 14- 6 and 7-2 in “I thought we were pretty solid,” coach Michael Madrid told Jave-

The highlight of the game was a rim rocking dunk by number Dayante McClellan, which put the crowd on their feet and elec-

Emeri Drewry

strategy scorers were Jordan Wil-

is 10-7 and conference is

linas fell short of a win

“We are going to get into the gym, look at



will be a big game for we’re able to share the ball, it’s a matter of who

the small errors we are making that are costing us in the end of games,” said Javelina men’s basketball player Jordan

We will look to correct

Double Header Season Opener Javelinas take on the Aggies in Lawton, Oklahoma

with intent to put our players in the best physical shape for the season

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From the players, the team is all in the process and is ready to take

This year’s Javelina baseball team will take -

the uncertainty of the weather, the decision to make the season opener a double header came on

Javelina Athletics

Business trip to Houston Arkansas Tech Winter Invitational ')*+,&-+,./#0| !)%&*+',-$*%& +)%&*+."-$*%&/*0"+%1*0*"23#.4%5

good fall and have been back at it since the campus opened, and I felt like we got a lot done,” “We are at a point now as a team where we need to play some games, and I think we are ready to

ture that Nicholson has brought to the softball “This weekend’s road trip to Houston, we’re looking for a strong start with a good outcome in conference player and

2022 will start in the big city of Houston in the Arkansas Tech Winter Invitational for this year’s softball team led Craig



in the conference last season, and winning 64 percent of their games, Coach Nicholson has a to bat up for the three10 sophomores, four juniors, and three seniors are prepared for the season opener in the tour“We’ve had a pretty

The 55-game season is on the team, with this the 41 games played last season and LSC competition won’t start until March 4, and last year’s la Gonzales, could not be more ready to get started on the road trip to Housand can’t wait to see how successful the team talented team and we’re looking forward to getting the season started,” a member of the LSC Championship team in 2019, also looks to move ahead and get back to the championship cul-

the season in a double -

of the Year Logan Garza assures the team has trained well for this mo-

ing fourth in the 13-team conference this season

“We’ve been working hard throughout the fall and working hard since returning back from

season series between

Filled with early wakeDue to weather, the match between School of Colorado Mines was periencing its second statewide freeze warning in two years, but coach Craig Nicholson and the softball team are with a victory against the opponents faced on

hungry players ready

2-1 in favor of the Javelibeen a long road for Javelina Baseball Head Coach Jason Gonzales

competition, the men worked on building the grit to compete in the

Coach Gonzales said season polls hold no merit to the amount of work that his team will put out to come out on top of one of the toughest conferences in the “Our mentality is to never accept second for





guys through competitive drills away from the game of baseball, all

a strong roster follows Gonzales to the season “Our



new players this season we needed hitting and

strong on opening day,”



the morning,” Gonzales

Javelina Athletics

of stock in polls because we get to go out there and write our own story The 50-game season is upon the Javelinas, and

The matchup between the Aggies will be the opening of a statement be the Falcons in Odessa,

The Javelinas will return from Houston after the 6 against Central Missouri to prepare for the Portland Tournament in

Javelinas open at Nolan Ryan Field to start the season.

Javelina Athletics



February 7, 2022

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for redress of grievances.” Our Opinion There are many things -







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Harry Potter


Family Guy the Hill



King of













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Tomas Cantu, economic researcher Concepcion, Texas



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February 7, 2022


tined students and delivers meals to them, as well for any concerns regarding COVID-19. “I think the university is doing well with the resources they provide for testing sites here on campus, a place to quarantine if needed and being able to keep your results private by using email,” senior biology major Lauren Gallegos said. The university has the capability to administer about 50 antigen tests a day for students, faculty ously tested positive, and who show no symptoms at least six days after a positive test result. The antigen tests are used as clearance of isolation while the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) tests are the primary mode for normal on-campus testing. For the month of January according to John’s Hopkins, Texas has an average positive test rate of 33.4 percent, leaving TAMUK’s monthly average the state’s. Depending on vaccination status, there are different protocols for those who have been exposed to COVID-19.

Those unvaccinated or who have received their second dose more than six months ago and have not received their booster



days to quarantine and to campus if they continue to wear a mask for at least full quarantine for 10 days. Those who have received their booster can choose to wear a mask for 10 days to campus after exposure or full quarantine for 10 days. The university plans to continue to monitor public health conditions throughout the spring semester on campus. If conditions worsen, TAMUK may consider requiring additional testing throughout the semester. “The university will also be implementing a COVID-19 vaccine incentive program this semester. Students and employees who voluntarily share their vaccine status and information are eligible to participate. Individuals who participate will get a free t-shirt and will also be entered to win prizes that include tablets, wireless earbuds and more,” Director of Marketing and Communications Adriana Garza said. TAMUK strongly encourages everyone to wear a face mask while on-cam-


TAMUK COVID-19 based on vaccination status.

pus, consider getting vaccinated and practice good hygiene. “We are committed to maintaining in-person learning in a safe environment. Many of our students prefer that format and do better in face-toface classes,” Garza said. The university will con-

tinue to monitor health conditions and ask everyone to do their part in preventing and slowing the spread of COVID-19. “I personally don’t like online classes because

and lastly, will forward the top three candidates to Chancellor John Sharp, who will then forward one person to the Texas A&M University Board of Re-


way. I think moving onsince we wouldn’t have

to be around other people as much, but I do know a lot of other students who struggle with online classes,” Gallegos said. All students who test positive, regardless of where they got tested, should email the Dean of Students (kirsten.compary@ to report their

positive test results and to receive additional information on isolation and options for early release with a negative antigen test on or after day six following a positive test. The university will resume testing at the Student Health and Wellness trailer in the future.

calling on those who submitted questions to stand so he could see them, and when thing got emotion-

made me want to cry and it also brought my childhood back,” freshman Vet-Tech major Jamie Miller said. To stay updated on all things Steve Burns follow him on Instagram @steveburnsalive or on TikTok @ hioutthereitsmesteve.


es such as COVID and enrollment, but I have found with passionate students, ted to the Javelina Nation,” Hallmark said. “It’s fun to work in an environment where there is work to be done and everyone is committed to.” To help aid in the process for searching for the perfect candidate, a 16-member committee was compiled. Members of the committee include university members and community members who have volunteered their time to help with the search for the next president. “The Search Adviso-

ry Committee will work closely with the search then forward the top candidates on for the Chancellor’s consideration,” Director of Marketing and Communications and Committee member Adrianna Garza-Flores said. The university is looking for a president with excellent academic credentials and who will maintain the traditions and culture that make TAMUK distinctive. The committee plans to screen candidates and decide who to interview before spring break. Between March 31 and April 1, the committee will then interview chosen candidates

TAMUK’s next president. Hussey was the 20th university president when he began his three-year term in January 2019. “I will always be grateful for my time at Texas A&M University-Kingsville and to the faculty, for their support,” Hussey said in a press release on Dec. 14. “In leaving, I am sity is well-positioned to continue its tradition of excellence and service for South Texas and beyond.”


educations without overwhelming student loans,” freshman psychology major Joseph Hatcher said. The students the university can help with the new promise are not is open for all incoming, continuing, transfer and returning students. “We know our transfer students do really well once they come to school this promise to our transfer students is really important. It’s going to be a game changer,” Vice President of Enrollment SerDr. Rito Silva said. The university planned the launch of Javelina Promise several months before the announcement of the event took place. “We had to make sure that we had the money, make sure that our systems were set up to be were eligible, and we had to decide what those eligibility requirements were, so there was a lot of planning that went into this,” Hoskisson said. As students apply for the university, they will automatically be considered to receive the promise award. “As long as they meet

Erik Estrada

Dr. Hoskisson speaking at the Javelina Promise press conference.

the eligibility requirements, we will do this for every single student that is eligible,” Hoskisson said. While other univergrams, TAMUK is slightly “I don’t know of another program that only goes to 12 hours. We know that our students have another life outside of the classroom. I think the 12 hours is a very special part of the program,” Silva said. The university will continue to promote the launch of the new Javelina Promise Program by developing social media campaigns, mailing information using direct mail and e-mail, and having recruiters talk to potential students around the community. “The very first step

was today. We plan to be cial aid nights and talking to parents because that’s how we’re going to be able to get the word out. It’s a said. The most important part about the promise is continuing to spread the word by making sure people know about it. “The real key of the Javelina Promise is that it helps people understand that they can do this. It gives them the assurance that they can do it, that they don’t have and it gives them that mind,” Interim University President Dr. James Hallmark said. The Javelina Promise Program is set to take effect this fall.

Q&A with Dean of the College of Education & Human Performance Dr. Steve Bain and submitted questions from the audience. Burns was able to interact during this portion

give a hug. “It was actually emotional for me and then to see an audience member crying it really kind of



February 7, 2022


Current Students:

We look forward to welcoming everyone back to campus for Fall . We still have availability if you want to live on campus for . Scan code to see our online brochure:



$2,300 per semester

$2,500 per semester

LUCIO HALL & MESQUITE VILLAGE WEST $3,200 or $3,400 per semester

AMENITIES: • • • • • •

Barbecue and Picnic areas Exterior card access system Game tables Ice machines & Vending Machines Intramural teams Lounges with living rooms and TVs

• • • • • •

Planned residence hall activities Live On Professional staff members Resident/Community Advisor staff Smoke-free buildings Student leadership opportunities

Email: | Phone: 361-593-3419 Lucio Hall, Office 119, Kingsville, TX 78363-8202

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