Saturday, August 20, 2022 @thesouthtexan Special Edition
A Javelina welcome back Dëår Jåvëlïñås, Ï åm sø ëxçïtëd tø wëlçømë øür ñëw stüdëñts tø Jåvëlïñå Ñåtïøñ åñd tø wëlçømë øür rëtürñïñg stüdëñts båçk tø ÿøür çåmpüs hømë Jüst
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TheSouthTexan Texas A &M University-Kingsville Award-Winning Student Publication
Welcome Javelinas! semester or last, welcome to Texas A&M Univer sity-Kingsville, home to Javelina Nation. As the semester begins, there is so much to look forward to as students make their way to campus and classes begin.Who will you meet? What friends will you make?How will you make your experience at TA MUK memorable? As campus awakens students have many op portunities ahead of them. “I love the energy that having our student body back on campus brings. With the start of school, we have a year full of pos sibilities ahead of us, and I want students to feel sup ported, encouraged and welcome on our campus, and I look forward to as sisting our students when they have questions or concerns. I encourage all of our students to reach out for help or to ask ques tions,” Dean of Students Kirsten Compary said. Students can look for ward to classes, events, organizations, student life and so much more. TAMUK is here to help youHavesucceed.question? Reach out to the many depart ments on campus. Finan cial Aid, the Business Of Center for Student Success andEveryonemore. in Javelina Nation has your success in Flipmind.through our Wel come Guide to see the greatness of Javelina Na tion. Meet some organi zations on campus, get to know some Javelina Alumni and see some of the many aspects TAMUK If you’re new to TA MUK, get ready to take in Javelina Nation and the traditions of our universi ty. We at The South Texan and the Javelina Media Experience hope you en on campus and encourage you to check out the many upcoming events hosted during welcome week. Welcome back Javelinas and good luck with the se mester. Go Hogs! thrëë møñths håd dïstïñçt høñør øf bëïñg sëlëçtëd tø sërvë ås prësïdëñt øf thïs åmåzïñg üñïvërsïtÿ mÿ ålmå måtër Ït fëëls lïkë jüst ÿëstërdåÿ thåt Ï wås whërë ÿøü årë ñøw å TÅMÜK stüdëñt sëttïñg øüt tø stårt thë fåll sëmëstër, çømmïttëd tø stüdÿïñg åñd døïñg mÿ bëst ïñ thë çlåssrøøm whïlë løøkïñg førwård tø Jåvëlïñå føøtbåll gåmës åñd øthër stüdëñt åçtïvïtïës Å fëw dëçådës åñd thrëë dëgrëës låtër, Ï çåñ tëll ÿøü wïth çømplëtë çøñfïdëñçë thåt ÝØÜ årë whërë ÿøü bëløñg Thë ëxpërïëñçës åñd ëdüçåtïøñ ÿøü rëçëïvë åt TÅMÜK çåñ çhåñgë ÿøür lïvës åñd thë tråjëçtørÿ øf ÿøür fåmïlÿ’s lïvës Plëåsë kñøw thåt ëvërÿøñë øñ thïs çåmpüs ïs ïñvëstëd ïñ ÿøü, bëlïëvës ïñ ÿøü, åñd ïs hërë tø hëlp ÿøü süççëëd! Fåçültÿ åñd ståff årë çømmïttëd tø førmïñg å sølïd süppørt ñëtwørk thåt ÿøü çåñ rëlÿ øñ Frøm tütørïñg åñd åçådëmïç süppørt tø ëñsürë ÿøü dø wëll ïñ ÿøür çlåssës tø ëxpåñdïñg mëñtål hëålth rësøürçës åñd ëfførts tø åddrëss føød åñd høüsïñg ïñsëçürïtÿ, wë håvë ÿøü çøvërëd Ï ëñçøürågë ÿøü tø stüdÿ hård, sëëk øüt grëåt mëñtørs, pårtïçïpåtë ïñ thë füñ ëvëñts åñd åçtïvïtïës wë håvë plåññëd thïs sëmëstër, åñd måkë mëmørïës wïth ÿøür Jåvëlïñå fåmïlÿ Ï løøk førwård tø mëëtïñg ÿøü åñd vïsïtïñg wïth ÿøü åbøüt ÿøür gøåls, ëxpërïëñçës, åñd mørë! Hërë’s wïshïñg ëåçh øf ÿøü å wøñdërfül sëmëstër! Prësïdëñt øf
Tëxås Å&M Üñïvërsïtÿ Kïñgsvïllë Aug 22 Oct 15 Oct 27 Nov 30 Dec 2 8 Dec 9

2 OrganizatiOns August 20, thesouthtexan.com2022 The South Texan reached out to all organizations Baptist Student Ministry Christian organization founded in 1950 that seeks to Come chat if you want to get involved or know more Campus Activities Board Pre-Pharmacy Association @tamukppa College Panhellenic Council The Texas A&M University Kingsville College Pan while creating a sisterhood and community for each tamuk. Water Environment Association of Texas and Texas American Water Works Association viding education and awareness on the value of tamuk.weattawwa@ Criminology Club Have you ever thought of a career in the criminolo club here at TAMUK has a long history of excellence of showing what Javelinas can do in the Criminology @tamuk_ crim Javelina Powerlifting attending tryouts hosted each semester which will be @tamukpowerlifting Women in organizationEngineeringMathematics,andScience social media @wimenstamuk. Mariachi Javelina Club sam martel.gonza Pre-Vet Club @TA MUK Pre-Vet Club Criminal Justice Club ganization is a community of students who have an @cjtamuk Forensic Science Club Crim inal Mind @tamukforensics

Camila Salcedo, Andrew Quintana, Belia Herrera, Randy Hughes, Monica Hysquierdo, give to current students.
merses people into the world of college athletics, which he states is one of the most gratifying positions. “My job is fun and rewarding because I still get to be around sports. What you watch in your living The South Texan is one of his greatest accomplishments. He shares his appreciation to the people that make his alma mater to support you every single day are the people that will get you where you need to go. I had wonderful everyone and it starts to feel like family. I owe a lot to this place and I don’t know where I’d be without Salcedo, a 2020 graduate, who double majored with a B.S in biomedical science and a B.A in psycholo just completed her Master’s in Medical Science in May and hopes to use her education to impact those around her. “I would like to pursue something that has an intersection between academic medicine, clinical and maybe even technical skills. I would also love to be in a position of advocacy to be able to advocate for my community because that’s important for me when looking into the future and to phlebotomist, a teaching assistant at the biology department and a tutor. Salcedo believes her greatest over the past couple years with friends, coworkers and bosses. Salcedo is appreciative of the smallness be. “I’m eternally grateful to my Alma Mater for providing me with those opportunities that I wouldn’t Rockstar
Pushing herself academically and participating in the Accounting Society while also working a local retail job, taught 2006 Business Administration- Accounting graduate Belia Herrera various leadership and business-related skills that have helped her in her professional career. Herrera is now an accoun thankful the company put its trust in her to lead, guide and empower a team with the same vision, in not limited to, accounts payable, accounts receivable and payroll. Herrera is most proud of earning her Master’s degree in 2019, a personal goal she had set for herself many years ago and achieved with the encouragement of family and friends. When away from work, Herrera enjoys playing board games with her family and reading. Her favorite genres are mystery and self-help. Herrera is proud to have students. Herrera states that the program instilled the importance of a higher education and paved the ward Bound program for the guidance, encouragement, and mentorship they provided. My success, ment, served as the Senior Associate Vice President and Vice President of Institutional Advancement, and at the college level. Professors in the department really helped me become a better teacher…I picked their which inspired his love for theater productions. He and his wife, Belinda, are season ticket holders for the zations and student worker positions pushed her to pursue higher education. Having great mentors them through the onboarding process and opening conversations involving possible career pathways.
3A lumni SpotlightAugust 20, thesouthtexan.com2022

4 Welcome Guide August 20, thesouthtexan.com2022 TO THE FALL 2022 SEMESTER! JOHN E. MUSEUMCONNER JOHN E. CONNER MUSEUM 905 W. SANTA GERTRUDIS | CONNERMUSEUM@TAMUK.EDU361.593.2810

5Welcome GuideAugust 20, thesouthtexan.com2022

6 Important InformatIon August 20, thesouthtexan.com2022 Pay online on MoneyConnect through JNET using credit cards, debit cards, and Electronic Check Authorized users (granted access by students) and Community members (choose Student option) needing to pay Nursery Charges may use the direct MoneyConnect login University ID is your K00# and PIN is your DOB (mmddyy) If unsuccessful on this method only you may call the ITS Helpdesk at 361 593 4357 to ask for a PIN reset Does not accept student cash or debit/credit card payments in person or over the phone Accepts in person payments made using money orders cashier s checks and 3rd party scholarship checks between the hours of 8 a m and 5 p m Monday through Friday Make checks payable to TAMUK and include a Banner ID number (K00XXXXXX) Payment plans International wire transfer Any payment that is rejected for payment by the paying bank credit card company or other financial institution is subject to returned item charges of $30 or more Rejected payments may also result in cancel ation of the student s registration or immediate remova of payment plan enrollment if the student does not pay within one week of the returned payment If registration is canceled, student may also be required to re register on or after the first class day and additional late registration penalties may be assessed All permits must be requested online and can easily be paid through parking spot No cash or credit cards will be accepted in the business office Cashiers checks and money orders only. Permits can be picked up in the Business Office or mailed (mailed permits must be ordered by Aug 26 ) Full year $150 (Fall Summer) Fall only $75 *limited supply Spring/Summer $100 Summer only $50 You will need your K00#, ku#, vehicle information, and driver's license Located on the 2nd floor of the Student Union Building Room 220 Professional clothing closet containing items to wear to interviews professional meetings etc Gently used professional clothing donations are accepted Located in Room 220A of the Memorial Student Union Building Has a variety of canned and dry foods hygiene products and other dry goods Created to aid currently enrolled students in the event of a short term food and/or hygiene shortage Located inside the Pathways Academic Assistance Center (PAAC) of Jernigan Library Room 220 Items for students in need of supplies include: spiral notebooks, Scantrons, pencils, binders, backpacks, note cards highlighters etc Students allowed to take up to 10 items per semester Office OF Student Financial Aid FAFSA Federal School Code: 003639 Monday Friday, 8 a m 5 p m Javelina Enrollment Services Center Memorial Student Union Building 132, 1050 West Santa Gertrudis 1.800.687.6000 361.593.5372 361 593 3026 Office Hours: Location: Phone: All offices are locates in the SHW center at 1210 N. Retama St. for more information visit Maintaining academic integrity of student records Process student's registrations (adds/drops/withdrawals) Transcript requests (now offering E Transcripts) Enrollment verifications Changes of major/minor/concentrations Change biographical data Grade changes In State residency Registering or dropping a course; withdrawing from University Limitations on dropping courses (six drop rule) Out of state tuition, waivers or exemptions DegreeWorks Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act (FERPA) Office of the Registrar Ph:361 593 2811 TAMUK Fax: 361 593 2195 Memorial Student Union Building RM 132 Email:
7Welcome GuideAugust 20, thesouthtexan.com2022 place herephoto

8 Welcome Guide August 20, thesouthtexan.com2022