The Spectrum Volume 62 Issue 65

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Presidential candidate questions SA incorporation


Bobby Hurley named new men’s basketball coach


Following Quinn’s extension, football starts spring practice

Wednesday, March 27, 2013


14 Page


Volume 62 No. 65

SA President Travis Nemmer campaigns in the Student Union during the 2012 SA elections. His Reason Party ticket narrowly defeated the United Party by 47 votes. He is being accused of having his hand in this year’s election. meg Kinsley, The Spectrum

Spectrum exit poll shows early Spirit lead ‘Spirited’ voters look ‘Forward’ to election results LISA KHOURY

Senior News Editor

President Nemmer responds to assertions of foul play SA leader addresses treasurer’s concerns over election procedure AARON MANSFIELD Editor in Chief

Following allegations that he has attempted to sway the Student Association election, President Travis Nemmer said he could never be a puppet master. That requires way too much coordination, he said. He couldn’t tie his shoes until fourth grade. Voting booths opened in the Student Union Theater Tuesday and will remain open through Thursday. On Monday, The Spectrum published an article entitled “Accusations of injustice shroud SA election,” in which Treasurer Justin Neuwirt stated his belief that Nemmer had been unethically influencing the election for next year’s executive board. Nemmer responded

to Neuwirt’s claims in the Monday article, but he spoke on the topic in greater detail in a meeting with The Spectrum on Tuesday. “Public service announcement: It’s a student election,” said Nemmer, who referenced heavy controversy among SA members following the story’s publishing. “Everyone needs to calm down. Neither of us are using our powers to sway the election, if for no other reason than [Neuwirt] has a job after this and I’m going to law school, and we both have much better things to do with our time than try to rig an election.” Nemmer said he had a meeting with Neuwirt Monday and they found it funny that while many SA members were up in arms over the apparent division between the president and treasurer, Nemmer and

Neuwirt are still on friendly terms. “The relationship between me and Justin has certainly not gone downhill,” Nemmer said. “At the end of the day, this is just business.” Neuwirt said he and Nemmer still get along fine and are not best friends, but they aren’t on the eboard to be best friends. “I expected everybody to hate me as the whistleblower of all of this,” Neuwirt said. “A lot of the stuff that was published is the truth. Obviously, people are going to deny it.” Nemmer reiterated his belief that his proxying for the Senate, People of Color (POC) and Assembly is not unethical. He said when Neuwirt was running for SUNY delegate in 2011, then-VP Shervin Stoney proxied and broke a tie to

endorse Neuwirt. Nemmer said when he endorsed candidates for POC and went into the hall to call Anna Sheng, for whom he proxied, to get her decision, he called on speakerphone with Elections and Credentials (E&C) Chair Raphew Fahm and E&C member Theresa Cervantes present. Nemmer also said assertions that the E&C committee has ties to Spirit presidential candidate Nick Johns are “completely, irrevocably and objectively false,” and explained that, for example, E&C member Judy Mai ran alongside Neuwirt on the 2012 United Party ticket and he believes she has no link to Johns. SEE NEMMER, PAGE 5

On Tuesday, voting began for the Student Association election. Undergraduates flooded the polls to choose between the Spirit and Forward parties. The Spectrum polled 204 students, and the majority of them voted for Spirit’s e-board. Fifty-seven percent of undergraduates polled voted for Spirit’s presidential candidate Nick Johns and vice presidential candidate Lyle Selsky; 43 percent voted for Forward’s presidential candidate Carson Ciggia and vice presidential candidate Christian Andzel. Out of the 204 students, 198 said they voted for a treasurer – 57 percent for Spirit’s Siddhant Chhabria and 43 percent for Forward’s Joshua Fromm. Candidates and campaigners of Spirit and Forward stood in the Student Union all day Tuesday, dressed in red and green – respectively – giving flyers to passersby, urging them to vote and directing them to the polls in the Student Union Theatre.

57.3% of students polled voted for Spirit presidential and vice presidential candidates Nick Johns and Lyle Selsky

57.0% of students polled voted for Spirit treasurer candidate Siddhant Chhabria


Hookah: The legal high RACHEL KRAMER

Senior Life Editor

As *Joseph inhaled, the explosive and sporadic life cycle of the bubble could be seen through the murky glass bowl. For 10 seconds, the living room was quiet except for the rumbling and clicking noise coming from the water pipe from which Joseph was inhaling, as he filled his lungs with smoke. When his lungs couldn’t take any more, he put down the skinny black tube to which his mouth had been glued and exhaled. A puffy white cloud left his mouth, ending with some impressive, apple-scented smoke rings. Joseph looked like the caterpillar from Alice in Wonderland as he sunk into his couch like a king. The night had only just begun. Unlike some UB students, Joseph is smoking a legal plant – tobacco. Joseph has been smoking hookah for four years. For him, it’s not only a relaxing way to end the week – it’s a part of his Lebanese culture. Shisha, as it’s referred to in many Middle Eastern cultures, is a popular way to relax with friends and family. Recently, the trend of smoking hookah has crept into the American culture and many smokers don’t know how dangerous it is. Hookah is tobacco smoked out of a water pipe. Usually, the tobacco is flavored to give it a more appealing taste, according to Joseph. Flavors range from lemon mint – Joseph’s favorite – to any combination of fruit.

In order to “make the perfect hookah,” one needs a vase, centerpiece, a hose, a bowl, hookah tobacco, aluminum foil, a thumbtack, tongs, coal and an ashtray, according to Joseph. Joseph starts the systematic ritual by filling the colored glass base with cold water from the sink. He attaches the centerpiece and makes sure it’s sealed tightly. This enables the smoke to be filtered, which causes the clacking bubble noise. Next, he starts to pack the hookah tobacco into the bowl. He starts out by dusting the tobacco around the edges and then the center – similar to the way a kid would decorate his ice cream with sprinkles. The bowl is packed to perfection when Joseph can smoothly run his finger across the top and not brush off any tobacco. He then wraps the whole bowl in aluminum foil – shiny side up – the way his mom might wrap up a container of leftovers after a family dinner. Except, unlike his mom’s leftovers, he uses the thumbtack to poke holes in the shiny metal. This will enable the tobacco to come out of the bowl smoothly. Joseph stacks it all up: base, hose, bowl and ashtray. The tower is crowned with a piece of burning florescent orange charcoal. After inhaling the tobacco from the water pipe, Joseph is overcome with a smooth laziness and a smile forms on his face. He considers himself unique among his friends, as he prefers the mellow feel he gets from smoking

hookah to the energized feel he gets from drinking alcohol. “[Hookah] is so relaxing; everyone is just chilling out and talking and having fun,” he said. “When you drink [alcohol], it’s still fun, but it could lead to craziness. That never happens with hookah. You know how you watch a movie and there are people doing it, it’s actually the same thing. And it’s not illegal.” Just like alcohol, water pipe smoking has legal restrictions. Because it contains high amounts of tobacco, similar to cigarettes, it is illegal for anyone under the age of 18 to use. Eighteen percent of students at UB have smoked tobacco from a water pipe, or smoked hookah, according to the National Collegiate Health Survey conducted in 2010. Sonia Eid, the manager of Mezza, a restaurant and hookah lounge on Elmwood Avenue, checks patrons’ photo identification before selling hookah to them for $20. They take the age restrictions seriously, Eid said. She believes the age restriction is the only way hookah is similar to smoking cigarettes. She said hookah is an art form while cigarettes are just an addiction. “You have to take your time,” Eid said. “[Hookah] is something you do once in a while.” Eid and Joseph share the belief that hookah is not harmful. They couldn’t be more wrong. SEE THE LEGAL HIGH PAGE 5

Joseph has been smoking hookah for four years, despite research touting the dangers of hookah smoke. The pastime, which he considers an art form, is a big part of his Lebanese heritage and Joseph often smokes with family and friends as part of a relaxing social activity. Joe malak, The Spectrum


Wednesday, March 27, 2013


Wednesday, March 27, 2013

EDITORIAL BOARD Editor in Chief Aaron Mansfield Senior Managing Editor Brian Josephs Managing Editor Rebecca Bratek Editorial Editor Ashley Steves News EDItors Sara DiNatale, Co-Senior Lisa Khoury, Co-Senior Sam Fernando, Asst. Rachel Raimondi, Asst. LIFE EDITORS Rachel Kramer, Senior Lyzi White Lisa Epstein, Asst. Sharon Kahn, Asst. ARTS EDITORS Elva Aguilar, Senior Lisa de la Torre, Asst. Max Crinnin, Asst. SPORTS EDITORS Joseph Konze Jr., Senior Jon Gagnon Ben Tarhan Markus McCaine, Asst. PHOTO EDITORS Alexa Strudler, Senior Adrien D’Angelo Nick Fischetti Satsuki Aoi, Asst. Aminata Diallo, Asst. CARTOONIST Jeanette Chwan PROFESSIONAL STAFF OFFICE ADMINISTRATOR Helene Polley ADVERTISING MANAGER Mark Kurtz CREATIVE DIRECTOR Brian Keschinger Haider Alidina, Asst. ADVERTISING DESIGNER Joseph Ramaglia Ryan Christopher, Asst. Haley Sunkes, Asst.

March 27, 2013 Volume 62 Number 65 Circulation 7,000 The views expressed – both written and graphic – in the Feedback, Opinion, and Perspectives sections of The Spectrum do not necessarily reflect the views of the editorial board. Submit contributions for these pages to The Spectrum office at Suite 132 Student Union or The Spectrum reserves the right to edit these pieces for style and length. If a letter is not meant for publication please mark it as such. All submissions must include the author’s name, daytime phone number, and email address. The Spectrum is provided free in part by the Undergraduate Mandatory Activity Fee. The Spectrum is represented for national advertising by both Alloy Media and Marketing, and MediaMate. For information on adverstising with The Spectrum visit or call us directly. The Spectrum offices are located in 132 Student Union, UB North Campus, Buffalo, NY 14260-2100


The burning end

Bloomberg’s newest anti-smoking bill worth the risk Mayor Michael Bloomberg has been busy. For the last couple years, the New York City politician has been pushing for policy to limit the sale of 16-ounce soft drinks that was supposed to take effect two weeks ago before a judge put a stop to it. Now, he’s got a new mission with a familiar feel: tobacco legislation. Bloomberg announced an anti-tobacco initiative early last week that would ban stores in the city from publicly displaying cigarettes. That means no more colorful walls stocked behind cashiers at convenience stores and markets. However, it does mean stores would still be allowed to advertise and display prices. The goal of the Tobacco Restriction Bill is to curb smoking among children and teenagers susceptible to picking up the habit. Between opposition from the industry and consumer reaction, this will be incredibly difficult – maybe even impossible – to get rolling, let alone to get passed. But unlike Bloomberg’s soda ban, it’s a necessary evil and an important change to improve our health. If Bloomberg can even get it off the ground, the controversial legislation would be the first of its kind in the United States to actually pass. Haverstraw, a town in Rockland County, N.Y., attempted a ban on cigarette advertising last year, but the measure was shot down to avoid a costly lawsuit from convenience stores and big tobacco. Still, the “out of sight, out of mind” mentality could work and is worth taking the chance. The smoking rate among youths 11 to 15 years old in New York has remained stagnant at 8.5 percent for the last six years, while the smoking rate of adults decreased from 21.5 percent in 2002 to 14.8 percent in 2011. The effort is fitting with the rest of Bloomberg’s last 11 years of an-

art by jeanette chwan

ti-smoking initiatives, which have included banning smoking in bars, restaurants and public parks and added an additional $1.50 tax on smokes in the city. The difference between this and previous legislation like the indoor smoking ban, though, is this doesn’t take anything away from the consumer.

While the bill wouldn’t affect tobacco stores, which don’t allow entrance to minors, other places and employers that depend on the sales are fired up over the proposed deal, which refer to it as “absurd” and chastise the mayor for “telling a business they have to hide the products that they’re licensed to sell.”

The only thing the bill affects is the old business tactic of putting products close to the register to encourage impromptu, last-minute purchases by older consumers. Of-age customers can still go into the store and buy cigarettes if they want to because people who smoke and want to continue to smoke will do so. If stores choose to advertise availability then people will still know they can buy them, despite what the worried industry executives say. So much of our generation’s platform has been centered on the idea of changing the trajectory of where our country had been going, undoing what we consider mistakes and updating primitive ideals. That includes new stances on health and on the environment. And that includes backtracking from what big tobacco has already set up over the years and eliminating some of the risk. For a culture with such a monkeysee-monkey-do mentality, the attempt is important. People are visual learners and learn from example, whether they see their parents smoking or their favorite character in a movie smoking or even just see the big tempting wall of cigarettes at the store. Get rid of the wall and you get that image out of their heads and hopefully start a chain reaction. As the city is constantly referred to as “the center of the universe,” it makes sense for this all to begin in New York City. As long as it took to get the soda ban rolling, though, this is definitely not going to be an immediate change (if it’s plausible at all). If Bloomberg is serious – and everyone knows he is – he and all New Yorkers have to push through the small steps. Email:

Ready, set, vote

Inspire the needed change and cast your vote this SA election If you’ve been anywhere near the Union in the last two days, chances are high you’ve noticed there’s an election going on. You’ve developed a twitch from just the sight of the building as the Stampede pulls up to Lee Loop, and anyone wearing red or green is enough to make you want to run out the doors screaming. Now through Thursday is the Student Association election. And while walking through the SU this week is a great test of strength and perseverance, your vote matters. The elected candidates are the faces of the undergraduate student body, and students should get the most qualified people for the job – the ones who will best further the interests of the undergraduate students on campus. If you get rid of the representation completely, then the student voice is going to be gone and student life is going to be hindered. That’s why it is absolutely vital to go out and make an educated vote in this election. Avoidance is an obvious problem. Students don’t want to vote, and the numbers show that. Less than 14 percent of the student body (2,576 students) turned out to vote in last year’s election. Previous elections haven’t been any different – the 2011 election had only 104 more students show up. After her loss last year, United Party Presidential candidate Judy Mai told The Spectrum she believes the election

results are skewed because students just do not show up to vote. The people who show up to vote are either friends of SA candidates who have heard their spiel hundreds of times or the few students who feel obligated to go out and vote based on name recognition. It’s cliché to say voting is your obligation and responsibility as a student, but to keep things fair, the statement is entirely accurate. So yes, the constantly bothersome and aggressive campaigning in the Union this week is annoying and you probably have a thick collection of fliers going, but this is the only way anyone is even going to know their names. Each campaign makes their platforms completely known and SA, in general, has a full handbook for students to read, but who actually takes the time to do that and to get acquainted with the candidates? Last year, MVP presidential candidate Ted DiRienzio vowed to not berate students passing through the Union during election week like his opponents; he lost by a landslide because nobody knew who he was. Everything is based off word of mouth and what you see and hear as you’re trying to sneak past all the red- and green-shirted representatives on the way to Knox. These few days may be the only chance students get to talk to or even to see the candidates, and that’s why

many feel uncomfortable about casting their ballots. From what we’ve heard of the candidates, a major theme is trying to make the student body more familiar with SA and to become more hands-on. For the most part, students do not know the candidates. They rarely stray away from the intimidating SA office. You don’t see them in class or in line at Starbucks. So without the recognition or the reassurance, what do you think is going to make students go out and vote for you? That’s why we endorsed the Ciggia/Andzel ticket – it’s an easy thing to do to reach out to people and to voice your opinion at meetings. Sometimes that’s all it takes. This is a pivotal year for SA because of student apathy. The student body’s trust and patience is waning, and that has the potential to destroy the organization. Earlier in the school year, you voted to keep the mandatory student activity fee of $94.75 each school year. That money goes to funding SA, and nobody is going to continue to want to fund that if they don’t feel like their representatives are serving them correctly. If the organization is not putting out the results, then students are not going to want to pay the fee. After several years in a row of scandal, you can’t blame the seniors – the students on campus who have had to deal with every year of it – for being disenchant-

ed with UB and with SA. They are not alone, and you are going to see more groups of students follow suit. Student apathy may not be a UBcentric problem, but that doesn’t mean the concerns aren’t justified. After what happened with the Sikander Khan scandal last spring (you know, the former SA treasurer who tried to move $300,000 for an fraudulent mobile app), each group of students need to prove they can have this amount of power without making a mess. SA is important because it is the bridge between the students and the administration. Even if you’re a commuter student or you don’t participate in activities or if you think the rules don’t affect you, they do. From entertainment, like booking Fall Fest and Spring Fest, to steps toward improving UB like 24-hour busing and library services, SA makes the necessary pushes for the student experience. Its activeness and aggressiveness kept Student Life from taking over student clubs. It gives us what we need and it gives us a voice. We just have to make sure it’s the right voice. Now is the time to care if you don’t want the issues of SA to continue and if you want to have somebody in office who will work for you. Get to the Union and vote. Email:

Letter to the Editor: The wars at home Sorting through the University Heights nightmare ZAQUE EVANS Regardless of what any of the higher-ups at UB may pathetically claim, it is proverbial knowledge that the University Heights is no picnic. Let’s just make that clear from the get-go. Satish Tripathi, Dennis Black, Steven Dunnett, even Christ himself could say otherwise, and it would not make it so. Moving on … Following Lisa Khoury’s amazing article that hit this paper a short time ago, and the ensuing rumblings around the campus communi-

ty, I began thinking about the issue at hand in significantly more depth. First and foremost, I’m a senior who has lived on Winspear Avenue for the past two years. Beyond that, I’m a licensed New York State Security Officer who has been trained by the state and worked with the Erie County Sheriff ’s Office. I’ve worked as a bouncer at a Niagara County biker bar and served in the “yellow swarm” at Ralph Wilson Stadium and the First Niagara Center (yes, I’ve had my fair share of drunken brawls, beer bottles and pool cues

come flying at my head). I also used to drive the Safety Shuttle on South Campus and just generally have a lot of cop friends in multiple departments across the state. So the safety and wellbeing of Heights residents is something I’m not a complete idiot speaking on. This is how I see it: the university has an obligation to improve the safety of the South Campus community. No ifs, ands or buts. UB loves propping itself up when it is convenient to showcase how much it gives back to the greater Buffalo region,

whether as the area’s largest employer or perpetuating its position as the crown jewel of the SUNY system. Hell, they even have the pitifully condescending “UB Believes in BuffaloNiagara” on the side of the shuttle busses – almost as if UB is the almighty savior nursing a feeble, struggling kitten. But as soon as there is something that may reflect poorly on the university, UB takes a cliché approach: a blind eye and vague language. We all read Vice President Dennis Black’s out-of-touch, stonewall comments that demonSEE LETTER TO THE EDITOR PAGE 12


Wednesday, March 27, 2013

We Believe

He is Risen Easter is the celebration of the death and the resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth. We believe Jesus died and rose again, offering us forgiveness, peace with God, and eternal life.

Bruce Acker, Assistant Director Asian Studies Program

David W. Frasier, Assistant Dean School of Management

Edwin Anand MD, Assistant Professor in Medicine School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences

Allison R. Garvey, Coordinator, Administrative Services Teaching and Learning Center

Wayne A. Anderson, Professor Emeritus Electrical Engineering Dalene M. Aylward, Senior Academic Advisor Student Advising Services Edward M Bednarczyk, PharmD, FCCP Clinical Associate Professor & Chairman Department of Pharmacy Practice Steve Biegner, Campus Pastor Lutheran Campus Ministry Raheal Boadi-Yeboah, Doctor of Pharmacy Candidate Class of 2016 UB School of Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences Rev. Stuart C. Buisch, Campus Minister Campus Church ConneXion Lani J. Burkman, Ph.D., Associate Professor in Research, Emerita Dept. of Gynecology & Obstetrics Director, LifeCell Dx, e-fertility Diagnostics Darren Caparaso, MD Clinical Associate Professor Department of Family Medicine Linda M. Catanzaro, PharmD Clinical Assistant Professor School of Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences Frank Cerny, Professor Emeritus Pediatrics & Exercise & Nutrition Sciences School of Public Health & Health Professions

Joanna Garvey DC Clinical Instructor Department of Family Medicine Donna George, Assistant to the Chair (Ret) Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Geoff Gerow, DC, DABCO Clinical Instructor Department of Family Medicine Gary Giovino, Professor and Chair Department of Community Health and Health Behavior School of Public Health and Health Professions Rashidi K. Greene, Assistant Director & Academic Advisor Athletics Academic & Student Development Services Renee Greene, Staff Assistant Parking & Transportation Services Susan Hamlen, Associate Professor School of Management William Hamlen, Associate Professor School of Management John M Hannon, Professor Emeritus School of Management Darryle S. Hardy, Elder & UB Campus Pastor Pentecostal Temple COGIC Michelle Hartley-McAndrew, MD Clinical Assistant Professor Child Neurology, Medical School Jon Hasselbeck, Campus Pastor NorthGateBuffalo

Stuart S. Chen, Associate Professor Dept. of Civil, Structural & Environmental Engineering

Thomas N. Helm, MD Volunteer Clinical Professor Dermatology and Pathology

Kevin Cheng, Campus Staff Member The EPIC Movement

Amy Hendricks, Senior IT Specialist Science and Engineering Node Services

Deborah D.L. Chung, National Grid Endowed Chair Professor Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering John K. Crane, MD, PhD Associate Professor of Medicine Division of Infectious Diseases Paul Decker, Campus Staff Campus Ambassadors Sheryl Deneke, Administrative Assistant Office of the CIO Lee Dryden, Director Interdisciplinary Degree Programs James Drzymala, Application Development Analyst Enterprise Application Services James Felske, Professor Dept. of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Dale R Fish, Senior Associate Dean School of Public Health and Health Professions

David Holmes, MD, Clinical Associate Professor Department of Family Medicine Barbara Inzina, Resource Manager Network Engineering NCS/CIT Jae-Hun Jung, Assistant Professor Department of Mathematics Jeff Keefe, Campus Minister Lutheran Campus Ministry on the Niagara Frontier Fr. Pat Keleher, Director Catholic Campus Ministry The Newman Centers @ UB

Kevin Lamb, Campus Staff Member CRU Buffalo

Health Professions Luther K Robinson, MD, Professor Dept. of Pediatrics

Merced M Leiker, Research Technician Division of Cardiovascular Medicine School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences

Bruce Rodgers, M.D., Professor Dept. of Gynecology-Obstetrics

Kemper Lewis, Professor Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Donna Linenfelser, Administrative Assistant for Development School of Engineering

Adel W. Sadek, Ph.D., Associate Professor Department of Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Nancy Schimenti, Secretary Career Services Nathan Schutt, Campus Staff Member InterVarsity Christian Fellowship

Carl Lund, Professor Dept. of Chemical and Biological Engineering

Julie Smith, Secretary, Student Life Center for Student Leadership & Community Engagement

David W. Lytle, Health & Safety Officer University Facilities

Dawn Starke, APA Human Resources

John Mansfield, Adjunct Professor Religious Studies The EPIC Movement James Mauck, Director of Athletic Bands Office of Student Life Bethany Mazur, Assistant Director, Development School of Engineering and Applied Sciences Stephen McAndrew, JD Chapter Director Ratio Christi William Menasco, Professor Dept. of Mathematics Dale Meredith, Emeritus Professor Dept. of Civil, Structural & Environmental Engineering Pastor, University Baptist Church Jeanne Mest, Asst. Purchasing Agent Procurement Services/Purchasing David Murray, Adjunct Associate Professor School of Management Mary O’Connor, Campus Minister Evangel Assembly of God Church Hyun Namkung, Campus Pastor The Campus Church Gina M. Prescott, PharmD, Clinical Assistant Professor Pharmacy Practice, School of Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences William A. Prescott, Pharm.D. Clinical Assistant Professor Pharmacy Practice School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Kenneth W. Regan, Associate Professor Computer Science & Engineering

Tim Stewart, Campus Director Campus Ambassadors Christian Community Fred Stoss, Associate Librarian Biological Sciences, Environmental Sciences, Geology, and Mathematics Kenneth J. Swanekamp, Adjunct Faculty Architecture and Planning Boaz Tang, Campus Staff Member The EPIC Movement Jeffrey J. Thompson, MD Clinical Assistant Professor Department of Emergency Medicine Phil Wade, Director Christian Medical & Dental Association of WNY A. Ben Wagner, Sciences Librarian University Libraries Monica (Moshenko) Wharton, Senior Staff Assistant Great Lakes Program 1989-2007 Paul Wietig, Assistant Vice President Interprofessional Education School of Public Health and Health Professions Linda Wilson UB Staff Amy Wlosinski, Assistant Director Residential Operations, Campus Living Troy Wood, Associate Professor Department of Chemistry Daniel Yang, Campus Minister Buffalo Korean Presbyterian Church - Harvest Nick Yates, MD, MA Professor of Clinical Pediatrics School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences

Lee Kox, Campus Staff Member Ratio Christi

Alfred T. Reiman, R.Ph. Clinical Assistant Professor Department of Pharmacy

Rebeccah Young, Research Scientist Center for Research in Cardiovascular Medicine

Lisa Kragbe, Campus Minister International Students Inc.

John Reitz, Director The Prayer Furnace Anglican Campus Ministry

Jun Zhuang, Assistant Professor Industrial and Systems Engineering

Lily Seulgi Kweon, Campus Staff Member The EPIC Movement

Sharon Roberts, Assistant Dean Resource Management School of Public Health and

In association with Faculty Commons Fellowship, EPIC Asian-American Movement, Campus Ambassadors, InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, Baptist Campus Fellowship, The Prayer Furnace/Anglican Campus Ministry, Christian Medical Dental Assoc., Lutheran Campus Ministry, CRU, Evangel Assembly of God Ministry, The Campus Church, Kairos Christian Fellowship, International Students Inc., NorthGateBuffalo Community, Newman Center, Pentecostal Temple COGIC, Buffalo Korean Presbyterian, Ratio Christi & Campus Church ConneXion. For information about the Faculty Commons Fellowship, contact

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Continued from page 1: The legal high “The smoke that emerges from a water pipe contains numerous toxins known to cause lung cancer, heart disease and other diseases,” according to a study done by the World Health Organization (WHO) regarding tobacco product regulation. Tobacco passes through a water bowl before it’s inhaled out of the hose, so hookah smokers generally believe the nicotine disappears or is absorbed. In reality, a water pipe smoking session may release more smoke over a longer period of time than when smoking a cigarette, according to the WHO study. Elie Akl, lead author and associate professor of medicine, family medicine and social and preventive medicine in the schools of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences and Public Health and Health Professions, thinks people need to be aware that water pipe smoking is increasing, especially among youth, and it may be a gateway to cigarette use in adulthood. “The problem is that some people are advocating the hookah, or water pipe, as safer than cigarettes,” Akl said. “It’s perceived as less addictive.” Alk started doing research five years ago because he agreed there was not enough research out there concerning the dangers of hookah smoke. He said there are several misconceptions about the safety of hookah. People claim the column of water effectively purifies the smoke from harmful elements, and heating ,as opposed to burning, the tobacco is not as harmful. Alk said that’s just a myth. Because he grew up around hookah, Joseph doesn’t think addiction or health risks are a big deal. He has been smoking for four years and said he is definitely not addicted. “I honestly never smoke unless I’m with other people,” Joseph said. “My family does it on any occasion. Like on Thanksgiving, we all go smoke hookah in the living room. On Christmas, everyone smoked at my aunt’s house. Pretty much after dinners and stuff, if we have nothing else to do, and we are just talking, we’ll pull out the hookah. It’s definitely only for a family and friend gathering.” There are some times when he smokes three times a week and others when he goes two months without touching the water pipe. He believes addiction isn’t something that would be common for Middle East-

Continued from page 1: Exit polls Continued

ern smokers, such as himself and his family, because he has was taught hookah moderation while growing up. He said people in the United States who don’t grow up under Middle Eastern influence tend to overuse the hookah and don’t know how to limit themselves. “If an American college student owns a hookah, they tend to smoke it more just because it’s sitting on their living room table,” Joseph said. “They will use it and think, ‘Eh, why not?’” Akl is fearful of the increasingly rapid spread of the drug amongst high school and college students. “It appears to be increasing worldwide, with a particularly concerning trend among pregnant women and children,” Akl said. “Hookah smoking is likely to increase a number of cancers and negatively affect fetal development; it possibly increases lung and heart disease.” Because Joseph only smokes occasionally and limits himself, he doesn’t believe he is in danger of smoking affecting his health. He said he would be worried if he smoked every day, but because he only smokes, on average, three times a month, he’s not concerned. He thinks the only people who should be worried are those who don’t moderate their smoking. “People should treat hookah more like a cigar than a daily habit – something you do once in a while,” he said. When Joseph gets married and starts a family of his own, he plans on continuing the Lebanese custom of smoking hookah with his wife and with his children – when he feels his children are old enough. He isn’t worried about any health concerns or addiction concerns presently or in the future, despite the research conducted. While it’s still a cultural tradition for Joseph, he acknowledges the recent spread of popularity regarding hookah. He has introduced it to many of his friends, many of whom are from various cultures and never smoked the flavored tobacco. He tells them it’s the “smoothest thing you will ever smoke ever. You will get a little lightheaded the first time, so make sure to pass the peace pipe when that happens, let it wear off and get it back.” This smooth feeling is often the reason many people don’t view hookah smoking as dangerous as other tobacco products.

“Spirit definitely has the backing of the current president, at least I believe so,” Ciggia said. “I believe that they definitely are at an advantage in that sense, but at the same time, we’re really trying to reform student government and really make it more about student needs and less about jobs and personal gain.” Spirit’s lead is clear in The Spectrum’s exit poll; 87 students said they voted for Ciggia and Andzel, and 117 students said Johns and Selsky. Eighty-five students said they chose Fromm, and 113 said Chhabria. Though many SA staff members are voting for the Spirit Party, SA Assistant Treasurer Darwinson Valdez is voting for Forward. He said he would never vote for a party that chose Chhabria as a candidate because Chhabria “never finished a complete year in the finance department.” Chhabria was let go from his job as bookkeeper in SA’s finance department under two separate executive boards. While many say he was fired on both occasions, Chhabria said in Friday night’s treasurer debate he quit the first year because of “unprofessionalism maintained within the department.” “If one person did not comletely fulfill their responsibility, that means the person that’s running for president made the wrong choice,” Valdez said. “Therefore, once you make one wrong choice in the organization, how can I trust you to make better choices for the organization once it comes to the future?” Paul Basile, a sophomore intended communication major, voted for Spirit because of its better relationship with Black Student Union. He thinks if Forward gets into office, the e-board will continue the ideals of the current office and “that wasn’t working for most clubs.”



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“In terms of budget-wise or getting things done on time and if some people go over budget or run an event and don’t get as much money back, how can we compensate? They’re not really helping in that term,” Basile said about the current e-board. “If anybody’s part of a club, Spirit probably has the best interest in terms of making a difference in office.” Part of Chhabria’s plan is to implement an emergency line that would hold $25,000, which clubs can borrow from while waiting for existing revenue to be added into their accounts. Opponents point out the venture may be infeasible because this year’s Senate would have to pass the line. Tuesday was, all in all, filled with candidates attempting to increase voter turnout and gain last-minute voters. Ciggia said he’s been skipping his classes and not doing any homework, dedicating his time completely to his campaign. “When I’m not here in the morning, I’m flyering, getting up at 5 in the morning and going to bed about 2 a.m., trying to contact any people that we believe will come out and support us.” Johns described his day as “intense, but enjoyable.” “Organized chaos,” he said, describing the state of the Union. “All I see is a sea of red, so I feel pretty good.” The polls close Thursday at 5 p.m., and the 2013-14 e-board is expected to be announced on Thursday night. Additional reporting by Managing Editor Rebecca Bratek

from page 1: Nemmer The Monday article outlined that Fahm had appointed Meghan McMonagle – the 2011-12 vice president who was involved in a $300,000 mobile application scandal – to the E&C committee. Fahm and Neuwirt then engaged in argument concerning McMonagle. “She wanted to be part of the committee because she wanted to stay out of the political affairs, and the best way to do that is to be on the committee,” Fahm said. “Everybody will leave you alone. It’s basically an immunity card.” Fahm said McMonagle stepped down because she didn’t want to deal with the press discovering her involvement with the election, which ended up coming to light regardless. Fahm, like Nemmer, had qualms with Neuwirt’s assertion that the E&C committee is linked to Johns. “The list is publicly available for anybody to look at any time,” Fahm said. “I’m willing to go through the list with anyone who asks, and I’m willing to point out any connections to candidates. Ultimately, the committee is linked to Nick Johns in the same sense they’re linked to [Forward presidential candidate] Carson Ciggia, in that everybody is a UB student.” Nemmer had a final message for the Spirit and Forward parties, which infiltrated the Student Union Tuesday and inundated students with flyers as they attempted to convince people to vote. “I’ve been watching you guys for a couple hours now,” Nemmer said. “Good Lord, do not stand in f***king clumps of people.”

Email: Email:


Wednesday, March 27, 2013


A spectrometer for you and me

UB researchers’ invention revolutionizes how one identifies ‘true color’ TONG MENG

Staff Writer

It’s a nerve-wracking countdown to the most important day of many women’s life: her wedding day. She chews her fingers and fidgets anxiously as butterflies flutter in her stomach. Everyone in the room is sent into frenzy. She is adamant her bridesmaids’ dresses are a fairytale Tiffany blue. Yet, nobody has managed to find that exact shade. She wants to pull apart her perfectly coiffed hair and scream. Now, with UB researchers’ rainbow polymer, the bride could end all her frustrations with a click of her cellphone. The rainbow polymer, also known as the everyday spectrometer, is a rainbow-colored light filter that enables one to identify the “true color,” or wavelength compositions, of objects. Thanks to its uniquely compact size and low production cost, the invention could be integrated with portable devices like cellphones, making spectroscopic analysis handy and accessible. Users could pick out the wavelengths that make up Tiffany blue with a cellphone equipped with the invention and find the exact color match using the data. Voila, problem solved. Wedding preparation can go on without a bride’s transformation into a Bridezilla. Apart from simple color matching, the technology has many other potential uses. People could use these cellphones to recognize counterfeit money and fresh groceries. It also has important applications relating to health sciences, in which scientists could use cellphonebased microscopes integrated with the rainbow polymer to analyze colors in biological imaging. This allows for convenient and inexpensive diagnostics in poorer countries. The novelty of the rainbow polymer is it enables the bulky spectrometer to be reduced down to something that “you can have in your hand,” according to Alexander Cartwright, one of the two inventors who headed the research team. Cartwright is also a professor of electrical engineering and biomedical engineering and vice president for research and economic development. Small and easy to make, the rainbow polymer is an elegant solution to portability issues of current market products. Also, it is economical – each filter could cost less than $10 to produce, as compared to coun-

Courtesy of UB Reporter

UB researchers’ novel invention, the rainbow-colored filter, when viewed under sunlight. Enlarged microscope images show special geometry of the filter.

terparts that cost over a few hundred dollars, according to researchers. The invention’s size and price allows it to be made accessible to regular people and have extensive applications in wide-ranging fields. The Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME) has listed it as one of five “innovations that could change the way you manufacture” of 2013.

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Inventors of the rainbow polymer, Cartwright and Qiaoqiang Gan, assistant professor of electrical engineering, take pride in their work and are honored to receive such commendation from SME. “This reflects that people appreciate such a low-cost [technology] which can equip our daily electronics with more powerful functions,” Gan said. “We appreciate that and

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are encouraged to push this technology further.” Cartwright also thinks his collaboration with Gan has been a fruitful one because it results in diverse opinions that are essential to problem-solving and research efforts. “If [you] keep doing the same thing, you won’t know if you’ll ever get the problem solved,” Cartwright said. “Different perspectives really give you a different view of how to solve problems.” The Office of Science, Technology Transfer and Economic Outreach (STOR) is helping to make the rainbow polymer into a market product. Such efforts would be supported by a SUNY Technology Accelerator Fund award the invention received last year, according to UB News. Qingyang Liu, a graduate student doing electrical engineering, is optimistic about bringing the rainbow polymer into the market. “The new invention could be integrated with portable devices to make spectroscopic analysis [be-

cause of] its uniquely compact size and low production cost,” Liu said in an email. “It has many potential applications and it will be widely used in the future.” Cartwright, a researcher who has worked with many undergraduate and graduate students since coming to UB in 1995, has advice for students who are looking into doing research: Take initiative. “What I encourage students to do is: Don’t be shy to go and talk to a professor about the research they’re doing,” Cartwright said. “Faculty [members] are at the university because we enjoy working with students – that’s what we love.” The two inventors are currently working on fine-tuning the rainbow polymer to optimize its performance and make it market-ready. After all, it is never too soon to have a handheld spectrometer, especially when it comes to creating the perfect wedding day. Email:

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Wednesday, March 27, 2013


Presidential candidate concerned about pace of SA incorporation TAYLOR BRUNDAGE Staff Writer

Student Association presidential candidate Carson Ciggia is questioning the motives for and approach to incorporating SA. At a town-hall style information meeting in Norton Hall on Monday at 9 p.m., SA President Travis Nemmer pushed those who attended to encourage other students to vote in favor of incorporation. In his opinion, the plan will yield only positive results. Ciggia deems it more appropriate to let the students decide for themselves. “Why should we be swaying the students?” Ciggia, who is running on the Forward party ticket said. “Shouldn’t we be giving them both sides?” Nemmer’s meeting was focused on educating students regarding the possible incorporation. He feels it is necessary for students to “vote yes” and move the process along accordingly.

Ciggia disagrees with Nemmer’s philosophy. Ciggia pointed out that, in terms of his campaign, he jumps at the opportunity for student’s to raise alternate viewpoints and values seeing “both sides of the coin.” Nemmer’s speech was very similar to the one he made at a March 13 Assembly meeting, but this time he had an attorney present. He reiterated the importance of liability protection for the executives and officers of SA. He stressed again the lack of visible changes future students will see while highlighting the benefits SA will reap. Nemmer argued against Ciggia’s point and said there are currently no valid opposing viewpoints for incorporating. He stated the importance of letting students know the benefits as quickly as possible. “The SA is essentially a ticking time bomb,” Nemmer said. “It’s only a matter of time before we face a potential lawsuit.” Ciggia agrees incorporation could be the best thing for UB, but

dwells on the overall issue that he, like the rest of the student body, remains unsure of “the actual facts” behind incorporation and its consequences. “[Nemmer’s] goal here tonight was not to educate the student population,” Ciggia said. “Obviously you can see that being that this meeting is being held at 9 p.m. the night before elections.” Ciggia worries the rushed referendum will lead students to vote in favor of incorporation without actually knowing how that decision could affect them in the future. He also worries the plan could lead to a lack of accountability within SA leaders, a factor he finds vital for SA’s success. Senator Dan Giles, a sophomore political science major, said although the process appears rushed, he believes there is nothing calculated or malicious behind it. “Travis really does have the best interest of SA at heart,” Giles said, “I really do believe that.”

Joe Malak, The Spectrum

Joshua Korman, SA’s lawyer, sits amongst students at Monday night’s town hallstyle meeting, which was led by SA President Travis Nemmer to address SA’s push for incorporation – something met with concern from Forward presidential candidate Carson Ciggia.

The push for the referendum is a good idea with bad timing, according to Giles. In attempts to answer to these growing concerns, Nemmer assured the students present at the meeting the SA will be doing everything it can to educate students at the actual polls this week. “Literature will be passed out at the polling places,” Nemmer said. “I ask both candidates and parties to make all convenient and necessary efforts to inform [students] on the benefits of incorporation.” Ciggia worries these last-stitch efforts will still not be enough to appropriately inform the student body about what they are being persuaded to say yes to. “Even the common person knows how to advertise an event,” Ciggia said. “This whole process was very makeshift and that worries me.”

Despite the power SA has, Nemmer said he would not be making a decision regarding incorporation unless support is shown through the polls. If the referendum fails, SA will likely reevaluate the plan, according to Nemmer. Joshua Korman, SA’s attorney, pointed out to the students at the meeting SA’s potential ability to rewrite its bylaws according to its own discretion. He adds his recommendation is to keep the constitution as non-changed as possible. The Student Life policies and mandatory student activity fee will remain the same, according to Nemmer. “It’s the SA’s policy to abide by the New York State laws,” Nemmer said. “We’re not in the lawbreaking business.” Email:

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Wednesday, March 27, 2013


A lost soul

Continued from page 5: The legal high “Unfortunately, the water produces a false sense of security,” according to, a website promoting the dangers of hookah smoking. “It cools the smoke so it feels less irritating. But just because it feels less irritant, it doesn’t mean it is. In fact, shish is also linked to many health effects that cigarettes are linked to … People weren’t worried about cigarettes 50 years ago.” Despite research, Joseph happily believes hookah smoking is becoming more of a social custom than solely a cultural custom. He thinks everyone should experience the water pipe once because “one time won’t hurt.” “Good news is you won’t get addicted [if you] just do it once in a while,” Joseph said. “Just don’t make it the only social activity that you do with your friends.” Eid agrees. She sees the various people who come to Mezza to either try hookah for the first time or to relax with a group of experienced friends and family. She enjoys how hookah is becoming widespread. When people smoke for the first time, they often don’t know what flavor to pick, Eid said. She always recommends the “Mezza Mix” – a blend of tropical fruit flavors. It’s the most popular out of all the flavors on the menu.

Mezza gets its tobacco from a company that grows its own product. She tells the company what flavor she would like to try, and if she likes it, that flavor will end up on the menu at Mezza. While many UB students are heading to lounges, Joseph prefers to smoke at home, though his parents and sister don’t smoke. He is allowed to take his hookah in the garage. He said the smoke differs from cigars or cigarettes because the smell doesn’t linger on furniture, in the carpets or on clothing. When Joseph isn’t smoking at a family member’s house or in his garage, his favorite place to go is Mezza, where he relaxes and smokes outside with friends. He thinks the opening of hookah lounges around Buffalo is great for the Middle Eastern culture as a whole. “Someone opening a hookah lounge is like an Italian person opening up a pizza place. It’s the same thing,” Joseph said. “It’s opened up by people of the culture, and it kind of spreads out to those who may not be familiar with it. That’s amazing.”

*The source’s name has been changed to protect his identity at his request Email:


Staff Writer

Recently, I’ve felt lost. Not an “I ended up in NSC when my class is in Clemens because I was daydreaming and haven’t eaten in 24 hours and got three hours of sleep last night” kind of lost. It’s a “I have no idea what I’m doing with my life and I’m not quite sure the classes I’m taking right now are even for me” gut-wrenching, gripping kind of emptiness. When I tell people I am a linguistics major, usually the first question I’m asked after “What does that mean?” is what my end goal will be. Usually I’ll answer with the standard: “It could lead to many things – I could be an interpreter, work with the government, or maybe I’ll go to law school.” But to be completely honest, I have no idea. And not knowing stresses me out. I added a double major in psychology last semester in an effort to give myself a clearer picture of my future, but now I am more confused than ever.

It’s common to hear college should be a time of exploration and you should use it to figure out what you really enjoy and what truly fascinates you. But there are internships to apply for, research to conduct and professors to connect with to get that blow-you-out-ofthe-water letter of recommendation and I can’t help but feel this overwhelming pressure to have it all figured out. Right now. I recently interviewed Dr. Mark Frank, a communication professor and he said something that really hit home. “Neither of my parents went to college, so college to them is like high school with harder courses,” Frank said. “But it’s more than that – [college] is trying to take you to another level. In the old days, if you were trained as a welder, you came out with a skill – you knew how to weld. When you come out of that tradition – that blue collar mindset – you think: what do you come out with?” College learning is definitely a different mindset than learning in high school. Memorizing dates and facts or the lyrics to the presidents’ song won’t help you pass a class where you need to know 78 pages of information, understand it and then apply it to larger concepts. Especially when its concepts that might be too confusing for your muddled, tired brain to comprehend, even if you had gotten more than 12 hours of sleep in the last five days. Instead, you need to extend your brain and think more broadly – not what year did so-and-so invent such-and-such, but how did that invention change the face of the time period in which he lived?

I’ve also realized there are very few things quite as incredibly frustrating and discouraging as admitting you aren’t doing as well in a class as you’d like. Experiencing difficulty in classes I am taking for my major makes me feel as if I won’t even graduate successfully, much less be able to change the world in the process. And there is no worse feeling than realizing ignoring your problems is no longer working and you need to run to your professor with your tail between your legs and admit you don’t know what’s going on and that you need help. I am not pre-med with the end goal of being a doctor or a dentist or a veterinarian. I’m not an education major with the end goal of teaching in elementary, middle or high school or becoming a professor. I’m not even sure research is for me. My parents and peers don’t understand what I will come out of college with besides a piece of paper that says I studied linguistics for 4 years. And I don’t quite understand either. But welding is definitely not in my future. So I’m lost. It’s a terrifying feeling. The world spins crazily whenever you sit down and think about how much you don’t know what you’re doing. But I do know that being lost now forces me to explore where my true passions lie, and this horrible, sinking, “please hold me” feeling will lead to incredible things in the future. Email:



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Wednesday, March 27, 2013


Can’t lie to him UB Professor Mark Frank conducts deception research by studying facial micro-expressions ALYSSA MCCLURE

Staff Writer Very few people can say a character in an award-winning television show is based off them. Dr. Mark Frank can. The FOX television series Lie To Me follows Dr. Cal Lightman and his team of scientists as they use their ability to analyze facial expressions and body language to help law enforcement catch and convict criminals. The show won the People’s Choice Award for Favorite TV Crime Drama in 2011, according to After three seasons, the series was canceled in 2011. Lightman’s character represents Paul Ekman, a prominent psychologist whose research focuses on emotions and facial expressions. The character of Lightman’s assistant and lead researcher, Eli Loker, is based off Frank, the communication professor at UB, who studied under Ekman. Ekman created the Facial Action Coding System (FACS), a method which scores facial behavior and is important for understanding human emotion. Frank studied under Ekman for several years and collaborated on his pioneering research. The system is one of few that are wholly anatomically based; it’s not just based on impressions but on the muscles and where they go, as well as facial patterns, bulges and wrinkles, according to Frank. However, he recognizes identifying facial expressions is not an exact science. He uses micro-expressions to detect fear, anger, disgust and happiness, but he said that doesn’t mean he can determine the reason behind it. “If a person is questioned, it can have two outcomes: she is afraid because she is caught lying, or she is afraid of being disbelieved that she is telling the truth,” Frank said. “We can never give the judgment of a lie. Nothing ever guarantees it’s a lie.” Frank said he can only distinguish between truth and lies around 70 percent of the time, so he uses the micro-expressions more as an

Nick Fischetti, The Spectrum

Professor Mark Frank uses multiple forms of technology to detect facial micro-expressions and then uses that to identify multiple types of emotions. He encourages his students to get involved with research and find their passions at UB.

indicator there is an emotion trying to be concealed. It began in a bar on Delaware Avenue in downtown Buffalo, where Frank discovered he had a knack for reading people. He was a bouncer. To earn some extra cash while working toward an undergraduate degree in psychology at UB, Frank worked on weekends and bartended during the week. The drinking age at the time in New York was 18 years old. He thought he got pretty good at interpreting behaviors and could determine who was underage and who was going to cause trouble.

His interest and skill in analyzing people’s behavior followed Frank to Cornell University, where he completed his Ph.D. in social psychology. “[Frank] was one of the most creative, imaginative students I have ever worked with,” said Dr. Stephen Ceci, one of Frank’s doctoral advisers at Cornell, in an email. “[He] would take an idea from the initial ‘mulling’ stage and bring it to fruition with little or no help from faculty, and he would do it fast as well as expertly.” It was clear to Ceci Frank possessed the drive needed to become a world-class scholar. Prior to completing his disserta-



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tion, Frank was required to write an extensive paper and pass a lengthy oral exam on an assigned topic. One of his mentors, Dr. Daryl Bem, approved a topic Frank showed interest in: How good are we at reading people? As Frank delved into his research, he uncovered the work of Paul Ekman and came to the conclusion that Ekman’s theories matched most closely with his own interpretation. Ceci knew Ekman and connected him to Frank. As they began interacting, Ekman said he liked the research Frank was doing and invited him out to University of California, San Francisco to do post-doctoral research. Frank was awarded a National Institute of Mental Health Research Service award and went out to California where Ekman taught him for three years. “It was almost like going through graduate school again,” Frank said. “[It was] all focused on the non-verbal, emotion and expressions, whereas most of my graduate school was about attribution theory and other mainstream social psych.”

Frank then took a job at the University of New South Wales in Australia. A few years later, he was recruited to the communication department at Rutgers University in New Jersey. Frank had only taken one communication course in his life – COM 101. He didn’t know what to make of teaching in the communication department, but his research, nonverbal behavior and non-verbal communication, fit directly into the department. Frank was then invited to come back to UB to join the communication department. He believes it was the right decision. “I like the direction UB is going with a lot of stuff and with the research,” Frank said. “Compared to a lot of [communication] departments, we’re small but everybody is a good scientist here and is really fun to be around. They have the same kind of real science jobs and credibility and efforts. Pound for pound, when you look at the ways in which academics compare themselves, we’re one of the best.” Frank teaches a higher-level undergraduate course in non-verbal communication and said seeing his undergraduate students grasping SEE MARK FRANK, PAGE 12

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Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Arts & Entertainment



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Art exhibit depicts transformation through time and death KIERA MEDVED

Staff Writer

A graveyard of silk, charcoal and ink lie in patient reflection at the 1045 Elmwood Art Gallery for the Arts. Kristina Siegel’s Memoria Fugit captivated those who walked through the gallery with its interpretations of death and time. Visitors of the 1045 Elmwood Art Gallery might ask themselves why white pieces of fabric are hanging from the ceiling or find themselves at the back of the gallery, staring down at two pillowcases in confusion. But it isn’t until viewers allow themselves to truly see what they’re looking at that they realize they’re walking amongst the dead in a fabricated cemetery. Several tombstones, suspended from the ceiling, are materialized through the use of silk organza and wire. Symbols of death and metamorphoses, such as a butterfly or an hourglass, are stitched onto the tombstones; they reinforce the idea that death is a transformation that never ceases. Siegel’s own experiences with death and the idea that we “fade away” inspire her work. “When I transformed these hard materials into soft, it gets [its] own character,” Siegel said. “It becomes a different being because it interacts with you as a visitor; it moves because it has another material. It has another stability, and also, it plays with the perception of the visitors because we are all used to a certain material in certain thing.”

Yan Gong, The Spectrum

Kristina Siegel’s Memoria Fugit is currently on display at 1045 Elmwood Gallery until April 5.

Siegel, originally from Germany, was inspired by architecture she found in Forest Lawn Cemetery in Buffalo and Neustadt Cemetery of Dresden, Germany. The tombstones and monuments used in her work were especially influenced by the structures found in these cemeteries. The transparent material acts as the skin of an otherwise rough and

textured object – an objective Siegel brought with her; she wanted to transfer the monuments from the Buffalo and Dresden cemeteries and give them a formal skin. Gallery owner, Donald Zinteck, said the exhibit is one of a kind because of its extraordinary presence. “One thing I’ve noticed is if you come here in the morning or you come here at night, you turn one

light on, another one off, the show looks differently at all times … it has its own life,” Zinteck said. 1045 Elmwood Gallery for the Arts, also known as ‘1045,’ has gone through many transformations of its own. After being built in the early 20th century, it was converted into a Jewish Orthodox synagogue. Men would sit on the first floor for the service and the wom-

en would sit separately on a second floor balcony. Years later, it was used as a spiritualist church for séances. Currently, the space is used to showcase different media artists interested in not just selling their work but living their art. “I was so impressed by the beautiful interior in this building, so I said, ‘I have to have this exhibition here,’” Siegel said. “I had to do it because my work somehow had to be here.” Walking in an art gallery is a lot like walking in a cemetery: Each piece of artwork takes up its own space but never affects the other pieces surrounding it, much like a person’s final resting spot in a cemetery. Memoria Fugit harnesses the idea that we will never know what impression we leave on this Earth – we’ll never know what’s left of us when we’re gone. The artist’s charcoal and ink drawings are featured on the second floor of the gallery are, which continue the themes of transition and death. The drawing pieces, although on another dimension, live within that same realm of translucency and the fading of time and individuals. Siegel’s Memoria Fugit exhibit will continue until April 5, and a closing reception will be held at the 1045 gallery. Email:

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Wednesday, March 27, 2013

(Re)Visioning Frank Lloyd Wright’s Martin House

UB’s architecture students seek solutions in making historical building ‘universally’ designed TIM ALLMAN

Staff Writer

Frank Lloyd Wright once said, “There should be as many houses as there are people.” Wright believed each person’s house should accommodate his or her individual needs, and Wright’s ability to incorporate each homeowner’s diverse personality into his designs makes him one of the most respected architects in American history. Wright is most famous for designing renowned structures, such as Fallingwater and the Guggenheim Museum, but one of his most beloved works is the Darwin Martin House, located in Buffalo’s historic Parkside neighborhood. Led by Edward Steinfeld, a professor of architecture, UB students in the architecture department recently visited Wright’s Martin House Complex. The purpose of the students’ visit was to help make changes that will enable visitors with visual impairments to appreciate the architecture and develop their own interpretations of the work. This approach to architectural design is called “universal” or “inclusive” design, something that has fueled Steinfeld’s work. The idea is to create shared experiences for the diverse crowds who tour the house in order to provide a multi-sensory experience much like Wright tried to do in his own work. The Guggenheim Museum is one of the first universally accessible public buildings and was constructed before any laws required handicap accessibility. Further, Wright designed a home in Illinois for a veteran who used a wheelchair. “I visited that home and found its design to be very much in line with what we teach,” Steinfeld said. “Wright was actually a pioneer in universal design.” UB architecture students are creating models of the Martin House in which people might “feel” their way through the complex in order to give them a more thorough experience of the space. The focus is to make the building accessible to people who are visually impaired.

Alec Frazier, The Spectrum

UB professor Dr. Edward Steinfeld, along with a select few of his architecture students, is working to make the Frank Lloyd Wright House more accessible.

The house is currently under reconstruction; on the interior, pieces are missing from walls and the cupboards and decorative pieces are being restored. In addition to these renovations, the Martin House staff plans to construct a paved sidewalk to make the path to the house wheelchair accessible. They will also mount televisions into the bookshelves to allow wheelchair-bound observers to take a virtual tour of the upstairs. “I think it’s great they’re making these changes,” said Muhammed Sumbundu, a political science major at Buffalo State College. “How else are these paying customers supposed to get inside the house?” While these accommodations are a step toward making the Martin House more universally inclusive, there are still limits to the amount

of changes that can be made. “Obviously we cannot rebuild bits of the house,” said Martin House tour guide Janice Schroeder. “We are dealing with a historic artifact. You just can’t make any drastic changes to things like that.” Though these plans have yet to be implemented into the complex, it is something patrons, architecture students and even current employees of the Martin House think are necessary and well overdue. Those who are interested can visit the Darwin Martin House for $20 or $10 with a student discount. The house has scheduled tours Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays at 11 a.m., 12 p.m. and 1 p.m., and Sundays at 12:30 p.m. or 1:30 p.m. Email:


Take a Walk Off The Earth FELICIA HUNT

Contributing Writer

Artist: Walk Off The Earth Album: R.E.V.O. Release Date: March 19 Label: Columbia Records Grade: B+ When five-piece indie band Walk Off The Earth uploaded their cover of Gotye’s “Somebody That I Used to Know” to YouTube last year, they didn’t expect such an overwhelming response. The video of the members singing the pop hit while all playing on a lone acoustic guitar climbed to over 35 million views in under two weeks, leading to a flood of media interest. The best part about Walk Off The Earth is that the band doesn’t fit into one specific genre, and all of the members play more than one instrument. Their tracks incorporate the ukulele, the tambourine, drums and the theremin – an instrument that emits bending, eerie electronic pitches without physical contact. Walk Off The Earth certainly bends genre expectations with R.E.V.O., the band’s newest album. Independently, Walk Off The Earth has previously released two albums, titled Smooth Like Stone on a Beach and My Rock, as well as two cover albums. The band’s amount of Facebook “likes” quickly increased as new fans listened to original material and the band’s covers of songs, such as “Party Rock Anthem” by LMFAO, “Roll Up” by Wiz Khalifa and Taylor Swift’s “I Knew You Were Trouble.” R.E.V.O. encompasses the band’s rise to recognition and establishes the group as a force to be reckoned with.

Courtesy of Columbia

Title track “R.E.V.O.” and current single “Red Hands” open the album on a strong note. The blending of all five members’ vocals mixed with a banjo and solid percussion embodies the eclectic style of Walk Off The Earth. Hearing pop elements, rock elements and country tones in one song is alarming, but it changes the game of what’s popular. While the album holds your attention and brings wishes of warm weather and summer concerts with tracks such as “These Times” and “Summer Vibes,” some songs aren’t as powerful. “Speeches” rips chords straight from Mumford & Son’s “Little Lion Man” in the beginning. While flattering, the creativity on this song was lackluster and did not contribute to the overall feel of the album. “Speeches” then progresses into “Sometimes,” which introduces rap into the jigsaw that is Walk Off The Earth. Sure it’s groundbreaking and different, but why does the rap part have a fake Jamaican accent? R.E.V.O is a new benchmark that the members of Walk Off The Earth have set for themselves. Don’t be surprised if you hear the album blasting somewhere this summer. Email:

Article Correction On March 25, The Spectrum printed that Michael King and his band had won first place at the Student Association’s Battle of the Bands. Due to a miscommunication, we wrongfully printed King and his band had won the opportunity to open at Spring Fest 2013. According to SA Communication Director Ned Semoff, SA has not yet concluded contract agree-

ments for a Spring Fest opener. It hasn’t confirmed any artists aside from Kendrick Lamar and Steve Aoki as headliners. Keep reading The Spectrum for more updates. Email:


Continued from page 9: Mark Frank concepts and applying them “totally jazzes [him] up.” He also serves as an adviser to many graduate students and enjoys working with them because it allows him to “get his hands dirty” by working on problems and research studies. Elena Svetieva has had Frank as a mentor and primary research adviser for almost five years – first for her Master’s degree and now for her Ph.D. in communication. “In my experience, mentors can be either divas or producers,” Svetieva said in an email. “A diva likes to be center stage, belting out their most loved songs and making demands on all those below them. Producers, on the other hand, work with your material to make it good. Dr. Frank is a producer – he is generous when it comes to sharing his knowledge and experience with students and he also is willing to work with students on developing and perfecting their own research ideas.” Svetieva noted that Frank was the reason she moved to Buffalo from Australia. “I heard him give an interview on NPR back in 2007 and that’s what inspired me to apply to the UB communication department,” she said. Frank tells his students a successful graduate-level student must have commitment and curiosity. He stresses the importance of critical thinking as a factor that contributes directly to one’s success. Because nearly everyone today has access to the Internet, one should know how to access information but

should, more importantly, know how to interpret it, he said. Darrin Griffin, a communication graduate student, has come from Texas to pursue his Ph.D. in deception research under Frank’s guidance. “I have come from a faraway place from Texas to New York,” Griffin said. “[Frank] took me under his wing. He is one of the few people with whom I feel as if I am home away from home. ” Frank conducts his lectures in a patient manner, making it fun by telling various stories and making it interactive, according to Griffin. “As a person, the first thing you will notice about him is that he is very intelligent, witty, smart and knows about science and psychology,” Griffin said. “He is well versed in deception research and is quick and entertaining. He shows that passion to all the students.” Although Frank enjoys teaching, he is a researcher at heart. “You’re always finding something new – that’s the thing that makes science so cool,” Frank said. “Sometimes you find stuff that no one else has ever known before.” He is currently working on several projects that extend FACS into broader areas. He is also working to understand people’s preferences – looking at different substances, smells and fragrances – and pain, such as studying how an individual with sensitive teeth would react to drinking cold water.

“Dr. Frank may be rigorous and methodical when it comes to research, but he is also an immensely funny, kind and collegial professor,” Svetieva said. “He respects us as his students and advisees and looks out for us both in terms of professional and personal development.” The system takes about 100 hours to master, but Frank stresses the use of FACS is often exaggerated in Lie To Me. He describes the system as “nothing overly magical.” Frank also appears very modest when discussing his collaboration with various federal authorities and his extensive travel to give talks. He prefers to prioritize his family and does not let his fame and extensive knowledge in his field affect his humble attitude. “Dr. Frank had once told me a story about his undergraduate times where he said he knew how it was like to be student,” Griffin said. “When he was a kid, he had to sell the dollar chocolate candy bars to earn money and it was very difficult for him during those times. But now as an adult when he sees kids approaching him for buying the dollar candy bars, he buys them no matter what; he might not eat them himself but give it to someone else. He says it reminds him of the old days.” Deception may be an art in Lie To Me, but to Frank, it is a science he enjoys. Email:

Continued from page 3: Letter to the Editor strate how he tends to forget who writes his paycheck. Additionally, President Tripathi penned a longwinded, nebulous response that said downright nothing about UB tackling the Heights dilemma and was more of a platform for a Tripathi ego stroke and 2020 plug. And of course, we had Vice Provost Dunnett give News 4 a downright “No” when asked if he thought the Heights was dangerous, while simultaneously backpedaling with advice for ways to stay safe in unsafe areas. Look, there is no easy answer, but UB has an inherent responsibility to keep safe the young people they put in the University Heights. And I purposely say, “They put.” UB doesn’t exist in a vacuum, and it even struts that influencing ripple effect when it is to the university’s advantage. The high population of non-permanent, easy targets do not merely spawn themselves down in the Heights. Students of all kinds are living off of South because they need cheap housing that still allows for relatively easy access to the university. UB can’t continually

push for increased enrollment and an expansive international program while ignoring the condition of its students. The university is involved with the housing inspectors and physical living conditions of student homes – to some extent – so why does this “extracurricular involvement” not apply to personal safety? Put simply, there needs to be a greater police presence in the Heights and there is a joint solution I see as viable. UPD does need its jurisdiction expanded, reasonably through Minnesota as well as the Merrimac/ West Northrup side off of Main Street. And this is a little trickier than many may think. Beyond actually amending the existing state laws, there is the snafu of resources. Justifiably so, University Police and its PBA could very likely levy, ‘If you’re going to need us to do more, you’re either going to need to hire and train more officers and buy more cars or pay the existing officers more.’ This is a valid point but by no means an insurmountable obstacle UB and the state can’t figure out. It seems perfectly reasonable to say that

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student safety should be a much graver issue than a simple, “Well, it’ll cost money, and we’re broke.” This university will sink money into a sham shale operation and an under-producing athletics department, so the financial copout is weak at best. Extrapolating on this point, few people realize that the Erie County Sheriff ’s Office has an entire reserve division. These are fully sworn deputies who work for free to assist the sheriff and the county. Most of the deputies at Bills games are from the reserves and don’t take a dime from taxpayers but are instead paid directly by Ralph Wilson. Here is an option that should be explored, since Buffalo Police either can’t or are just unwilling to help out in this matter, and UPD getting the green light may take time. Moreover, since UB is in both Amherst and Buffalo, the sheriff has jurisdiction in both municipalities. Now, whether or not the Sheriff ’s Office would be receptive to any involvement is not for me to say. It is facing its own budget and organizational woes, but it seems like a possible vein of assistance. Or even if UPD began enlisting reserve officers out of budget concerns, that would be another way to put more blue and red lights on the streets of the Heights. I do feel the Ohio State model is what needs to happen for UB. It doesn’t matter if there are non-university residents in the Heights. There is a significant enough footprint of UB students and enough victims who attend UB that the university needs to step in. Allowing and supporting UPD in a spearheaded effort to combat crime and victimization against students and other residents would be a small step toward a more habitable Heights. And one must ignore Dennis Black’s geography lesson that, “Ohio is Ohio. Buffalo is Buffalo.” His argument is summarized as, ‘just because it worked in Ohio doesn’t mean it will work in Buffalo.’ Mr. Vice President, I will counter with, ‘if it did work in Ohio, than it can work in Buffalo.’ UB and SUNY have enough weight in Erie County and Albany to get something done, if the overly paid deskmen in charge actually felt it was a significant enough issue. That is the major roadblock. Not feasibility or implementation but effort. To offer my own words of wisdom to Mr. Tripathi, Mr. Black, Mr. Dunnett and colleagues: If there’s a will there’s a way. I implore you to find that will, for the sake of the students who charge you with their care.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Continued from page 14: NCAA Tourney Using this formula we can automatically eliminate 12 of the 16 remaining tournament teams from having legitimate shots at the title, leaving us with four teams: Indiana, Louisville, Florida and Ohio State, in no particular order. Before we dive into which of these four have the best shot, let’s take a look at who almost made the cut. Michigan finished the season second in offense but 42nd in defense. Kansas finished fifth defensively and Michigan State finished sixth, but neither made it into the top 20 in offense. Both Syracuse and Miami finished in the top 20 of both categories but failed to crack the top 10 in either. Of the four finalists, the biggest long shot is Ohio State. They come in at seventh offensively and 12th defensively. Their road to the Final Four – which is without a doubt the easiest amongst the qualified teams – pushes them into inclusion of my possible four teams, but that won’t be enough to help them earn a title. On Sunday, they were an arrant charge call away from being ousted by No. 10 seed Iowa State. This leaves us with Louisville (10th offense, first defense), Indiana (first offense, 15th defense) and Florida (third offense, second defense). Statistically, the Gators are the favorite to win it all, but I’m not buying it. The Gators played in an astonishing six games this season that were decided by single-digits. More astonishingly, they were 0-6 in those games – they won’t be blowing out the upper-echelon teams they will face in the remaining games of the tourney (except Florida Gulf Coast on Friday) leaving me with significant doubt towards their odds. They feature a high-octane offense that relies heavily on the three-point ball – never a good formula for championship success in any level of basketball. Coincidentally, the final two teams remaining have a shot to meet in the finals, as they are on opposite sides of the bracket. The stats are a good enough supporter to narrow down the field but now you have to look further then stats to evaluate two statistically similar teams. My pick is Louisville. Louisville’s weakness offensively is less of an issue than Indiana’s weakness defensively. The knock on Indiana – they aren’t a tough team – is a direct result of their defensive inefficiencies. Louisville, on the other hand, is an improving three-point shooting team, as Russ Smith has finally found a way to negate his controversial shot taking – by making said shots. As a team, they get contributions from all aspects on the court. Their big men and wing players finish with authoritative dunks (trust me, I had to endure them pound ‘Cuse in the Big East Title game), they get to the foul line and they have at least two above average shooters from the three (Smith and Luke Hancock). I wish I had looked into all of this before I filled out my bracket two weeks ago … Note: stats via Email:

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

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Daily Delights SUDOKU



Villas on Rensch

Crossword of the Day


ACROSS 1 Heirloom location 6 Genderless ones 9 Political contests 14 Indian penny 15 Cat food container 16 Wetlands wader 17 Flynn of "Robin Hood" 18 Lennon collaborator 19 River at Orleans 20 Where to hear letters recited 23 Org. with rats and moles 24 Hullabaloo 25 Raided the fridge 27 State of abundance 32 Huron's neighbor 33 ___ Rio, Texas 34 Forceful flow 36 Referring to birth 39 Midocean 41 Streetside pickup 43 Sweet-toned musical instrument 44 Easel, e.g. 46 Early Japanese immigrant 48 Santa ___ Mountains 49 Complain incessantly 51 Opposite of diminish 53 Noise 56 Horned grazer 57 Yon maiden fair

58 Masked crime fighter (with "The") 64 One place for a bracelet 66 Formerly, in wedding columns 67 Sound a trumpet 68 Certain longhorn 69 It has a head and hops? 70 Some denim garments 71 Hard-to-see specks 72 It may cause a bad trip 73 Have fun with Lego blocks

DOWN 1 Primatologist's subjects 2 It covers all the bases 3 It wears on you during a road trip 4 Princess in a Wagner opera 5 TV Frasier's clientele 6 Mouse user's selection 7 Astronaut's beverage 8 Elitist types 9 Brush up on 10 "All Those Years ___" (George Harrison hit) 11 It may be swung in Sussex 12 Ghastly strange 13 "Bed" or "home" addition 21 Not up to the task 22 Point opposite WSW 26 "See you later," Italian-style 27 Abbreviations on vitamin bottles 28 Superlative ending 29 Alfresco mall

Edited by Timothy E. Parker March 27, 2013 THIS IS YOUR MIND ON BUGS By Ellie Kush

30 Mumbai garment 31 Squirrel away 35 To be, in old Rome 37 Prime ranking 38 Mean mate? 40 Before thou knowest it 42 "___-Ho" ("Snow White" song) 45 Angry looks, figuratively 47 Not virtuous 50 Fish-fowl go-between 52 Major League pitcher, e.g. 53 Yawning gap 54 Slow, musically 55 Kidney-related 59 Marine wrigglers 60 Require 61 Place to pray 62 Guitarist Clapton 63 Put through the paces 65 Wrangler competitor

ARIES (March 21-April 19) -- A recreational activity is likely to become much more important to you than mere recreation very soon. Do your homework! TAURUS (April 20May 20) -- Are you really ready to take on more than you are already doing? Today, you may find that time management is more important than usual. GEMINI (May 21June 20) -- You can bet that someone on the opposite side of the table will not give you all the information you need to engage in productive talk. CANCER (June 21July 22) -- A change is forced upon you today that, ultimately, will have you thanking your lucky stars for such an unusual opportunity.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) -- You're after something more engaging than routine assignments. You may be ready to ask for exactly what you want -- if the time is right. VIRGO (Aug. 23Sept. 22) -- You'll be part of something big today that comes a surprise to those who have been working against you and your allies. LIBRA (Sept. 23Oct. 22) -- Information that comes to you through the usual channels doesn't really give you all you need. You must do some independent research. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) -- You have the feeling that someone is looking over your shoulder, and you may find it difficult to do your best work under such conditions.



SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) -- A family situation must not be allowed to get out of hand today. It will fall to you to remind everyone of what is most important. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) -You don't want to be guilty of any lapses in judgment at this time. Focus squarely on what you know needs to be done. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) -You've locked yourself into a pattern of behavior that limits your productivity. You can break that pattern and explore new outlets. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) -- You may not be required to ask permission to do as you have planned, but it is a good idea to let others know of your intentions.



Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Former Duke star Hurley named new coach Alexa Strudler, The Spectrum

Bobby Hurley takes over as men’s basketball coach JOE KONZE JR

Senior Sports Editor

In just 10 months on the job, Athletic Director Danny White has moved quickly to piece together coaching staffs that can help bring the Buffalo brand to a national level. On Tuesday, just over two weeks after the firing of Reggie Witherspoon, White made another imprint on the Bulls’ athletic department. In front of a crowd of athletes, students and fans, White announced that former Duke basketball star Bobby Hurley will begin his era as head coach of the men’s basketball team.

“We really scoured the country,” White said. “This was a national search. We talked to assistant coaches from some of the highest-level programs in America. We talked to sitting head coaches. We dived in and looked at all different angles and feel we’ve found the very best coach for UB at this time.” Hurley, who served as an assistant coach for the past three seasons at Wagner University and Rhode Island University under his brother Dan, will get his first shot at a head coaching job. Buffalo will go from having a wellknown community figure in Witherspoon – who had finished coaching with a 198-228 record – to a coach who is brand new to leading a team.

For Hurley, this is a prospect for which he is humble. “The opportunity is tremendous,” Hurley said. “The chance to become coach of a Division I program. I’m honored to be coach at the University at Buffalo. I just think my wealth of my basketball life has prepared me for this moment and everything I’ve done as a player.” Although his resume does not include a head coaching job in the past, Hurley’s days as a player back up White’s decision. As a point guard at Duke, Hurley was a part of two national title teams (1991-92) and received AllAmerican honors and is still the record holder for assists in a career in NCAA Division I history (880).

“I’m going to touch him; I’m going to touch him just to see what it feels like to touch a person who cut a net down at the last game of the entire season,” said women’s basketball head coach Felisha Legette-Jack. “I think that alone is going to be welcoming to the Buffalo community.” Sophomore forward Will Regan is excited to play for Hurley. “What he’s telling you, he’s probably experienced it and you know he has a lot of information,” Regan said. “I have only talked to him for 20 minutes or so. I’ll learn a lot more. Someone from his background has a lot of knowledge to share with you, so you have to take it in.” Hurley inherits a team with already established stars in junior for-

ward Javon McCrea, junior guard Jarod Oldham, freshman guard Jarryn Skeete and Regan. However, Hurley’s game plan will be based upon the evaluation of his personnel, which he plans to look over. “Offensively, I’d like to play a quicker style,” Hurley said. “I am very guard-friendly having played point guard at a high level. I like to give my players freedom –within their abilities and limitation levels.” Hurley will share the success he has had as an assistant coach, his basketball IQ and success at Duke with the Bulls and hopes to take them to a higher level. Email:

A Quinn-tessential year

Bulls look to build off late-season success as spring ball begins OWEN O’BRIEN Staff Writer The stage is finally set. The season has commenced. Since former Buffalo head coach Turner Gill left the program, UB football has taken a few seasons to transition into the Jeff Quinn era. On Tuesday afternoon, running back Branden Oliver, wide receiver Alex Neutz and linebacker Khalil Mack embarked on their much-anticipated senior seasons, as they took the field for spring ball. After dropping seven of their first eight, the Bulls finished last season in stride, wining three of their last four games. It was the first winning streak in the Quinn era. Since 2010, Quinn’s first year, Buffalo has compiled a 9-27 record, failing to qualify for a bowl game. They have yet to defeat a Division I nonconference team, but the team appears set for a change. Quinn’s offseason was spent not only recruiting new athletes but also persuading his best defensive player to stay in a blue and white jersey. Mack, who is a two-time All-MidAmerican Conference first-team selection, will return with a shot to break the NCAA record of tackles for a loss. He is 19 shy. “He has more goals he wanted to accomplish this season, his final year,” Quinn said. “He is very close with a lot of the guys on this team and he knew we had a very good team coming back. He made the

right choice because he knew one of his goals was to graduate with a degree.” Mack will solidify the Buffalo ‘D.’ The Bulls also return the majority of their offense. The biggest questions surrounding spring practice are at quarterback. Last season, senior Alex Zordich started the first eight games of the Bulls’ season, going 1-7. After the switch to redshirt freshman Joe Licata, Buffalo finished the season 3-1 in its final four games. Licata took the first snaps at practice, but despite his record last season, quarterback is an open competition coming into practice. “It’s a competitive situation, but they all understand that and I couldn’t be more pleased with their maturity and recognizing how competitive it is,” Quinn said. “Who’s going to come out is going to be that guy who gives us the best shot at beating Ohio State, Baylor and everybody else we have to compete against.” Despite Quinn’s record, Buffalo extended his contract in November 2012 through the 2017 season. Though some viewed it as a controversial decision, Quinn looks to silence his critics this season. “We are on the right path and I couldn’t be more excited for where we are with this football program,” Quinn said. “I think [Athletic Director Danny White] recognizes that along with his leadership team. You never have to defend what’s right

and I know what’s right. I am excited for where our team is and our coaches are and we will have the opportunity to compete at the highest level.” ranked Buffalo’s incoming recruiting class 123rd – tied for dead last – among Division I teams. “I don’t totally agree with people’s assessment in terms of what we do in terms of my coaching staff and the decisions we make,” Quinn said. “I’m pleased as any coach with the kind of class and character of the kids and the quality of football players and students that we are bringing in. “They don’t know those kids; I do… They were leaders, captains, all-state [players] and won state championships and that’s what you are looking for: Guys who know how to win, guys who will train year round, guys who know what it takes to be a champion. We look forward to getting those guys out here and only time will tell.” The Bulls look to make their first bowl game since the 2008 season. After a strong finish in 2012, combined with a healthy Oliver, this Buffalo team has its eyes on a MAC Championship. Buffalo travels to Columbus, Ohio, to open its season at Ohio State, which is coming off an undefeated 2012. Email:

Aminata diallo, The Spectrum

Football head coach Jeff Quinn (above) spent his offseason recruiting and persuading Khalil Mack to stay in a blue and white jersey. Now that the pieces are put in place, the Bulls look to contend for a Mid-American Conference Championship. They opened spring ball on Tuesday.

The Sweet ‘Four’


Sports Editor

The NCAA Tournament has narrowed its field down to 16 teams, ‘The Sweet 16.’ Teams are now just four wins away from calling themselves National Champions. But out of the 16 teams remaining, how many actually have a chance at winning the title? I say four. Past champions have possessed common qualities over the last decade – namely offensive and defensive efficiencies (efficiency is based on team’s points scored per 100

possessions, vice versa for defensive efficiency). In the last 10 seasons eight champions have been ranked in the top five of the country in offensive efficiency – seven of those eight were in the top two. The only two teams not in the top five: the 2003 Syracuse team and the 2011 Connecticut team – who were led by superstars Carmelo Anthony and Kemba Walker. Defensively (discounting ‘Cuse and UConn’s titles from the stats),

six of the past eight champions have been in the top 10 in defensive efficiency. The only two teams not in the top 10 defensively, 2007 Florida and 2009 North Carolina – and both ranked first in offense. The resulting formula: in order to have a chance at the title, a team must rank in the top five offensively and top 10 defensively – with the exception being a non-top-10 defensive team must be No. 1 in offense.

If you include 2003 and 2011 – the only seasons when this formula didn’t hold true – the formula still has an 80 percent success rate. But I’m discounting the possibility of that 20 percent occurring this season. Superstars led those Syracuse and UConn teams to historic runs and a title. This season, there are no teams outside of the top 10 in either efficiency category that possess such a player.

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