Ka Shing Chu /// The Spectrum
Houses rented by UB students in the University Heights violate city and state building codes.
Reaching New Heights Off-campus safety issues endanger UB students
The Independent Student Publication of the University at Buffalo WEDNESDAY EDITION v April 27, 2011 Vol. 60 No. 78 v ubspectrum.com
ANDREW WIKTOREditor in Chief Every year, thousands of UB students risk their lives by renting homes that violate city and state building codes. In an eight-block radius within the University Heights, 75 landlords rent properties that total hundreds of violations.
Alex McCrossen /// The Spectrum
Warde Manuel, UB Athletic Director
The Warde – Manual MATTHEW PARRINO Editor in Chief Elect When Warde Manuel took over the reins of UB Athletics in 2005, drastic change was imminent; just how much, surprised even Manuel himself. Manuel is the athletic director at the University at Buffalo and was hired at a time when UB Athletics was in shambles. In his time at UB, he has orchestrated the success of six Mid-American Confer-
ence championship teams and has brought UB Athletics to a level of respectability. There are many words that can describe Manuel, but in the case of former swimmer Zach Ruske, nothing works better than approachable. In his third year, Manuel decided it was time for a new direction for the swimming program at UB, so he combined the men’s and women’s team under the direction of Andy Bashor. Ruske, the 400-Individual Medley record holder at UB, wasn’t happy about the switch. “The change in coaching was sort of a shock to me and my team-
Continued on Page 5
Since August, four houses rented by UB students caught fire. All the residences had faulty wiring or natural gas problems, according to Off Campus Student Relations. In one case on Custer Street, five students were sleeping when a fire broke out and were saved by their friends who were visiting from another school. “The morning when our friends woke us up, the smoke was filling my room because the fire was in between my floor and my roommate’s ceiling,” said Brady Cohen, a junior geography and international studies major. “I’m a very heavy sleeper and the smoke alarm never woke me up. Luckily our friends were there or who knows what would have happened.” The blame often lies with the landlords, many of whom don’t live in Buffalo and all of whom are looking to make a profit on students who are eager to live independently for the first time in a part of the city that is affordable, close to campus, and near a happening nightlife. Blame also lies with the city,
Freeze If You’re Human
which doesn’t have enough inspectors to check every property and lacks the funding to follow up on all complaints. It falls on the university, too, which allows its students, including those who come from abroad to study at UB, to live in dangerous conditions. Finally, it rests with students, who, in their excitement of finding an apartment of their own, don’t ask pertinent safety questions, require an inspection before moving in, or report problems when they see them. The main violations are:
v illegally partitioned rooms v electrical code violations v lack of smoke detectors v lack of carbon monoxide detectors
v shoddy porches that might collapse if not fixed There are also a slew of minor violations, including trash in the backyards, broken gutters, and boarded windows, all of which can present serious dangers if not corrected.
The Danger
asked if he smelled smoke. “We walked into his room and there was smoke pouring out of his window,” Lafferty said. “I turned around to go back into the kitchen and there was smoke pouring out of our sink, so we got out of the house and we called the fire department.” Firefighters arrived, but not before the house, located at 63 Montrose Ave., went up in flames. The students didn’t have renter’s insurance and lost many of their belongings. They also struggled to find housing in the days following the fire. The fire marshal told the students that the blaze was electrical. The students insist they had been complaining about electrical issues for months, but that their absentee landlords – Brad Engel and Russ Hiltermann of BRoS Properties – did nothing to rectify the problems. Engel and Hiltermann, who own 32 units in The Heights, insist the students were misusing electronics and were heating the house with space heaters. Investigators, however, have determined that the cause was an “electrical malfunction inside an interior wall” and was accidental, according to the Fire Marshal’s Office.
Regardless of blame, the stuAt around 4 p.m. on Jan. 9, David dents were lucky that the fire Lafferty, a sophomore biomedi- was in the afternoon, and not in cal sciences major, was getting the middle of the night. ready to head to his job as an EMT when one of his roommates Continued on Page 11
Chris Chin, a senior psychology major. The purpose of the flash mob demonstration was to expose reality and raise awareness of those less fortunate than the average high-strung student.
AKARI IBURISenior Life Editor A couple with clasped hands and stretched arms are in mid-strut and Starbucks bound, but their feet are stuck in place. They stand completely still, motionless. At 4:20 p.m. and 5:45 p.m. on Monday, students casually walking around campus stopped dead in their tracks, remaining frozen in place for five minutes in the middle of the SU. This second annual flash mob performance at UB was for Freeze for Humanity, a powerful student demonstration organized by Professor Susan Anner of THD 103, a theater and dance performance appreciation course. The event took place in an effort to raise consciousness on humanitarian issues. “It was really cool,” said Hoon Song, a sophomore business major. “I wanted to be a part of it.” Song was with friends in the SU when the earlier demonstration was performed. About 40 students participated in the performance, clogging up the exits of the SU. When a whistle sounded the start of their five minute pause, the familiar echoes of the busy building dipped down to a dull roar as Anner’s students stood motionless and silent. Observers of the demonstration reacted differently. Some students leaned across second floor railings to steal a peek while others curiously observed from the tables in the dining area. A group of seated girls called for their friend several times, but he remained loyal and did not speak. “Being a part of it was a good experience,” said
“Students get so stressed out about their exams and their papers, the really important stuff that they have to do to get through school,” Anner said. “We just want to take a few moments and think about people outside of the university who are suffering even bigger difficulties than what their next paper is going to be.” Through Anner’s teaching of the various dynamics of the arts, the group focused on two organizations, The Miracle Project, a theater and film program for children with autism and other special needs, and Danceability, a local organization of young people and adults with disabilities practicing dance. “It’s really good to raise money but it’s also really good to just raise awareness and put things in perspective,” Anner said. “The arts are for everybody, it’s a process of including people with all different types of abilities and it can be very meaningful and inspiring, we just want to share that.” Though students worked hard to freeze for a cause and spread awareness, other students not traveling through the SU at that time were unable to witness the event. Through her performance appreciation class, Anner plans to continue the trend of a flash mob at the end of every spring semester around the time of finals. “I’d like [the demonstration] to raise awareness about everything that’s going on in the world right now… [there is] so much outside of right here and now that we need to be thinking about, just for a few minutes,” Anner said. g
Email: features@ubspectrum.com
Audrey Lin /// The Spectrum
Students freeze for humanity in the Student Union
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OPINION Editorial Board
Comb-over USA
Editor in Chief
Trump’s campaign a scary future
Managing Editors
The 2012 Presidential race may turn out to be the most interesting episode of The Apprentice ever.
Editorial Editors
Donald Trump has created a media firestorm in recent weeks by going on nearly every major network and talking about what he would do as president. While he’s making an obnoxious roar, his ideas for changing America range from the silly to the downright absurd, like taking Iraq’s oil supply as reparations for the Iraq War.
Matthew Parrino James Twigg, senior Michael Tyson James Bowe
News Editors
Madeleine Burns, senior Steven Wrobel, asst. Rebecca Bratek, asst. Arts Editors
Jameson Butler, senior Vanessa Frith Nicolas Pino, asst. Edward Benoit, asst. Life Editors
Akari Iburi, senior Hannah Barnes Veronica Ritter, asst. Sports Editors
Aaron Mansfield, senior Brian Josephs Andreius Coleman, asst. Photo Editors
Megan Kinsley, senior Troi Williams Nyeri Moulterie Satsuki Aoi Alexa Strudler
Candidates from the business world are not uncommon. Ross Perot, likely the most effective independent ever, was a successful businessman before his campaign, as is current GOP hopeful Mitt Romney. Much of Trump’s platform rests on his skill as a businessman, but building a hotel in China doesn’t necessarily translate into effective foreign policy experience. Trump seems to be operating on two principles. One aspect is to disagree with President Obama on every possible point or issue, even going so far as to rekindle the debate on Obama’s citizenship. This is right in line with Tea Party ideologies, and may be a big source of his early polling success. Being the loudest, bawdiest, and most public voice in the race has also proved to be a key to his early strategy. His inability to control his words in any way has him attacking other Republican front-runners, like Romney. The best way to combat Trump would normally be to simply ignore him and let him speak to the wind, but his constant media coverage makes him virtually impossible to ignore. Almost all of his ideas are completely crazy, but his huge pool of resources and his big name are tools that most candidates don’t have. Many pundits and columnists view his candidacy as a joke or a publicity stunt, but the implications
Atheist, Agnostic, or Apathetic? Rebecca Bratek Asst. News Editor This past Sunday, thousands of area Catholics attended mass to honor the death and rising of their savior, Jesus Christ.
of his run for the White House are scary. Trump has stated that President Obama should be scared of him running, but the people who should be most scared are the Republican candidates. What’s most unnerving is the infiltration of pop culture into politics. Ronald Regan may have been an actor before running for president, but he took the position seriously. Trump seems to think that the way to get elected is to act like a character from his reality show. Maybe he’s even thinking of making a new show out of it called The President. His new line could be “You’re Vetoed.” It looks more and more inevitable that a Trump candidacy is terrifyingly possible. Trump has stated that if he doesn’t get the Republican nomination that he would run as an independent, and his Tea Party inspired platform would divide the Republican vote. Trump’s candidacy may be a total media circus, but he might be able to shake up the same-old campaign trail. His obnoxious and boisterous attitude could allow him to call out candidates on subjects that would be political suicide for mainstream candidates. Maybe these subjects won’t be important dialogues, but they will expose how each candidate deals with pressure from someone with nothing to lose. What we are most likely watching, however, is how much an egotistical maniac can love himself. g
Debbie Smith
Wikileaks Exposes Guantanamo
Administrative Assistant
Gitmo Interrogations Should be Transparent
Advertising Manager
It’s been two years since President Obama ordered the detention center at Guantanamo Bay to be closed. Today, 174 detainees remain.
Helene Polley
Marissa Giarraputo
Jeannette Wiley Nicole Manzo, asst. Advertising Designer
Aline Kobayashi WEB DESIGNER
Adam Cole
Wikileaks’ most recent documents expose many of the bad practices that the U.S. government has been employing in keeping suspects in the camp. In some of the starkest abuses, children and a senile elderly man were kept without probable cause. Much of the rhetoric about Gitmo has been centered on keeping evil people out of society, but the new Wikileaks documents have shown that the majority of what the military does at the camp is intelligence gathering. Many of the inmates were proved harmless, yet they were still kept for interrogation.
The views expressed — both written and graphic — in the Feedback, Opinion, and Perspectives sections of The Spectrum do not necessarily reflect the views of the editorial board. Submit contributions for these pages to The Spectrum office at Suite 132 Student Union or spectrum-editorial@buffalo.edu. The Spectrum reserves the right to edit these pieces for style or length. If a letter is not meant for publication, please mark it clearly as such. All submissions must include the author’s name, daytime phone number and e-mail address.
While some of the people detained are dangerous, there are many more cases of injustice. Such is the case of Jamal al-Harith, who was detained after being tortured by the Taliban because he may have had knowledge of their interrogation techniques.
The Spectrum is provided free in part by the Undergraduate Mandatory Activity Fee
Worse still, the way detainees are being interrogated may be ineffective. Taking someone who has been beaten and tortured by the Taliban and throwing them into a jail cell may not be the best way to extract information from them. They would be much more likely to talk if they were simply treated fairly, and justly.
The Spectrum is represented for national advertising by both Alloy Media and Marketing, and MediaMate
Tragically, over 100 of the 779 detainees have had some sort of mental illness. Many of them went on hunger strikes and even attempted suicide after being detained.
These terrible cases undermine our image around the world. Our Constitution is designed to protect people against unjust imprisonment, and even if
the people in Guantanamo have committed a crime they need to be taken to trial and given due process. The government says there is reason to keep these detainees, but the documents show the reasons may be extremely flimsy. In some cases, having a certain type of Casio watch was reason enough because alQaeda gave out a similar watch to some trainees. Some have been kept in Guantanamo because of the testimony of a single person, who is known to have lied to the government many times. Guantanamo itself does need to stay open in some capacity. While the practices that put people there and keep them are corrupt, the need for a place to keep and interrogate known terrorists is clear. These documents underscore a need to reform the process that these individuals go through. If a terrorist has been interrogated for five years and hasn’t revealed information, it’s unlikely that he ever will. Even if he does give information, it’s unlikely to be reliable. What needs to be put in place is a transparent limit on interrogation, and a requirement for a fair trial in U.S. courts. Interrogations should not include water-boarding or other so-called “enhanced” interrogation techniques, and should be limited to 2-3 years. After that, it’s not only a waste of time and money, but a diversion from real prevention of terrorism. Sept. 11 inarguably changed the U.S. forever, but this is not how it should be. Rather than having a win at all costs attitude, we need to be just to all people. Only then will we begin to truly defeat terrorism. g
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Telephone: (716) 645-2468 Fax: (716) 645-2766 Copyright 2010 Buffalo, N.Y. The Spectrum is printed by The Buffalo News 1 News Plaza Buffalo, NY 14240
Dear Editor, After reading the recent articles regarding both the salary our new president earns and the methods by which the University at Buffalo pays him, I am inclined to ask, “Where’s the beef?” I mean honestly, who cares?
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Illustrations! Love to draw? Calling for all doodlers and serious artists to enter their creations. Your artwork could make the front page! email any submissions to info@ubspectrum.com
First, I need to address the amount that the University at Buffalo is paying our new President. It is true that he currently makes roughly $800,000 a year, but why is that wrong? How else can the University at Buffalo be expected to compete as a top national institution without paying their president as such? His pay, as was recently pointed out in a graph published in The Spectrum on April 20, is roughly equivalent to the presidents of some of the top universities in the country including the Universities of Michigan and Virginia. What’s wrong with that? Keep in mind that only $350,000
According to a story that ran in The Buffalo News, the estimated number of Catholics in the Buffalo area dropped 12.7 percent between 2000 and 2010— a drop four times greater than the region’s general population loss during those years. In addition, the number of Catholics registered at parishes within the diocese fell by 19 percent. What do those numbers mean and why have they so rapidly declined? According to the same story in The Buffalo News, no one “has a good handle” on how many nominal Catholics are in the Western New York area, but Sister Regina Murphy, director of research and planning for the Diocese of Buffalo, said it’s a huge number. In this area, where Catholicism is considered to be the most prominent religion, that 12.7 percent seems to be a great drop. Just because a person is registered as a parishioner does not mean he or she regularly attends mass, if at all.
Thousands of other Catholics did not attend the same services.
of the president’s salary comes from the State of New York. The rest comes as an incentive for the president to perform as a fundraiser to the best of his abilities. If Buffalo wishes to maintain its place as a top tier university, it must continue to pay its officials whatever is necessary to attract the very best talent.
deservedly take a profit.
Next I need to ask why does it matter whatever portion of our president’s pay comes from the University at Buffalo Foundation? This organization is a fantastic institution devoted to the University’s success. They are working to make sure that the University at Buffalo continues to be regarded as one of the finest research institutions in the United States.
In short, our new president is making exactly what he deserves as one of the most sought after university administrators in the United States, and the fact that his pay is supplemented by the Foundation is both a blessing and a gift. I suggest that the students here stop feeling disgusted, and appreciate just exactly what they are getting - a world-class education at a fantastic university.
The Foundation supplements our president’s salary in order to make sure his pay is commensurate with his position. Not a penny of their funds comes from student tuition. However, a portion of their profits does come from profits off of university apartments, which they manage and
The vast majority of the Foundation’s funds come from investments and private alumni contributions. The Foundation provides our University with the means to achieve great success, through the graduate student and research funding they consistently provide.
Mark Detwiler JD Candidate 2013 Letters to the Editor are not edited by The Spectrum.
Some members attend church regularly, making time for Sunday mass every week. Some members only attend mass on holidays and holy days. Some members haven’t attended mass in weeks, months, or even years. There could be many reasons why church members aren’t attending mass. It could be lack of time; certainly society is moving at a faster pace and most people can hardly even find free time for a family meal. Some adults work two jobs to keep their children clothed and fed and cannot afford to lose a paycheck while sitting in mass. It could be that many are lazy and just do not see the point of waking up early on Sunday mornings. Being raised in a Buffalo Catholic family, I’ve also noticed the apathy towards faith in this area. Society is becoming increasingly secular; as times modernize, so does the view of religion in society. Many people don’t consider themselves Catholic, or even religious, because they don’t agree with every part of the Catholic Church’s teachings. For example, they may not agree with the church’s stance on gay rights, but may agree with its views on the death penalty. These members pick and choose their beliefs and may not attend mass or participate in religion for fear of judgment by more devout members. They may fear retribution and slowly shy away from any connection to the church. Some people do not believe in organized religion and prefer to practice their beliefs on their own terms. The rigid structure of a Sunday service can seem daunting and overbearing to those who choose not to participate. Whatever the reasons for the drop in attendance may be, the Catholic Church must learn to accept this changing society and work towards welcoming those of all commitment levels to services. In return, members who have strayed must be willing to give the church a second chance. Faith is a hard thing to pinpoint and many people struggle their entire lives to develop a relationship with any higher being. The number of people filling the seats should not determine the strength of a society’s faith. g
Email: rebecca.bratek@ ubspectrum.com OPINION WEDNESday, APRIL 27, 2011 v THE SPECTRUM
Frontier Road
4/19 – An unwelcomed guest was reported on Clark Road
4/22 – A subject required first aid on Clark Road
4/19 – A suspicious person was reported on Frontier Road
4/22 – A suspicious person was reported in Goodyear Hall
4/20 – Marijuana possession and use were reported on Frontier Road 4/20 – Graffiti was reported in the Center for the Arts 4/20 – Grand larceny was reported in Alumni Arena
4/23 – A warrant was served on Delaware Avenue
4/20 – Marijuana possession and use were reported on Core Road
4/23 – A suspicious person was reported on Main Street
4/20 – Marijuana possession and use were reported in Wilkeson Quad
NAME makes its yearly appearance at UB.
UB Makes a NAME for Itself
etry, untraditional stanza structures, imagery, and short stories.
AKARI IBURISenior Life Editor Capen Hall’s Special Collections Library hummed with literary talent on Monday as NAME, the Undergraduate Literary Magazine of the University at Buffalo, proudly launched its 72-page issue for this semester. The Spring 2011 distribution of the magazine marked its second year of success in publication after a several year hiatus following its creation by Jessica Smith and others in 1998. With a team of 23 powerful writers, nine editors, and support from various professors and members of the English department, NAME is a collection of pages stained with the stunning imaginations of creative undergraduates. Most writers are English majors, ranging in year from sophomore to senior. The magazine satisfies any literary taste as it mixes the elements of sound po-
Matt Allison, a senior English major and a NAME editor, began the afternoon event by thanking all who contributed to the magazine, celebrating their talent and hard work. Though the gathering marked the initial distribution of this year’s NAME, Allison stressed the acknowledgment of those who collaborated in its publication, highlighting its literary creativity. Following Allison’s opening was a troop of 14 of the 23 authors who read aloud their selected works to an audience of friends, family, faculty, and peers. Kayla Rizzo, a junior English and environmental science major, started the lineup of artists with the performance of her piece titled A Series of Discrete Offerings, concluding the afternoon readings with Michael Koh, a senior English major, reading If My Mother Walked Around In Hi-tops I Would Be Really Jealous Because She Never Let Me Buy One Before. Each performance was unique and inspir-
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4/24 – Criminal mischief was reported on Main Street
4/21 – Harassment was reported in Kimball Tower parking lot
4/25 – Marijuana possession and use were reported on Core Road
4/21 – Harassment was reported in Lee Loop
4/25 – Larceny was reported on Wind Ridge Road
4/21 – Marijuana possession and use were reported in MacDonald Quad
4/25 – Graffiti was reported in the site of Kapoor Hall
4/21 – Graffiti was reported in Spaulding Quad
4/25 – Harassment was reported in Bissell Hall
4/22 – Larceny was reported in The Commons
4/25 – Larceny was reported in Norton Hall
4/22 – Graffiti was reported on Core Road
4/26 – An intrusion alarm was set off in Natural Science Complex
4/22 – Criminal mischief was reported on ing while displaying the impressive talent UB students possess. Robert Clark, a senior English major, read aloud Surrealist Play, a flavorful aesthetic dialogue between the numbers Six, Seven, Eight, and Twelve. Following Clark was a performance by Ruth Dosch, a junior English and linguistics major, who submitted a visual image of a Celtic knot with her poem twisted within the space of the knot. “[NAME] is a collective thing, open minded to different types of writing,” Allison said. Not only are the poems conceptually pleasing but they are also visually provocative, some mocking the look of spilled words across a page. Pieces such as No Reply by Peter Leston Williams, a senior psychology and interdisciplinary studies major and a NAME editor, and Where Do Echoes Begin? by Patrick Riedy, a junior English major and a NAME editor, use this technique of organized chaos, adding another layer of interpretation to their work. While the publication invites all arrangements of literature, it encourages and supports the growth of undergraduate creative writing.
4/23 – An alcohol overdose was reported in Dewey Quad 4/23 – Illegal alcohol possession was reported in Clement Hall
4/20 – Marijuana possession and use were reported on Core Road
Courtesy of Name
4/23 – Marijuana possession and use were reported on Core Road
“It’s nice that there’s an outlet that fosters creative voice for undergraduates,” said Michael Chung, a senior English major and a NAME editor. Though this year’s publication has significantly grown from last year’s issue, new writers are encouraged to contribute. Xicong Chen, a sophomore pharmacology and toxicology major and a NAME editor, also advocates for more students to participate in the collaboration of the magazine. “It’d be nice if more people submitted to NAME,” Chen said. The already increased interest from writers for NAME is an optimistic tone that compliments Buffalo’s rich literary past. The Queen City’s lost love of poetic language seems to be taking an innovative step forward as more students find more interest in UB’s own publication. “[The launching of NAME] is another event to show the resurgence of the creative writing community in the English department, which is nice to see,” Riedy said. g
Email: features@ubspectrum.com
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The Warde – Manual Continued from Page 1
mates,” Ruske said. “We didn’t understand why it was happening so we just went in and asked [Manuel], ‘Hey, what’s going on? The swim team wants to know. We feel like we deserve to know why you’re letting our coach go.’” Ruske questioned Manuel and asked him how he could make a decision regarding the swimming coach when the student athletes on the team never see him at meets. Manuel was stunned and explained to Ruske how he attends most of the meets and is in the stands cheering on the team. The problem Ruske had was that Manuel wasn’t visible on the deck. “Part of my thinking coming in as the athletic director is that I don’t need to be around, I don’t need to have them see me all the time,” Manuel said. “I’m there to cheer them on and support them. Zach changed me, and my outlook on how to really let them know I’m present and that I’m there for them.” The relationship that blossomed between the two following the change was built on respect and admiration. Even after almost a year since graduating, Ruske still holds Manuel in the highest regard. “Warde is a great, genuine, and understanding person,” Ruske said. “He listens, it wasn’t like I was just going in there and he was like ‘Oh it’s just another athlete upset about a coaching change.’ I was able to gain things from him. I would have to say he was the most influential person in my time at UB.” Junior shooting guard Zach Filzen also has a lot of respect for Manuel. He spoke about Warde’s ability to demonstrate how a person should act and said he’s learned a lot about leadership from him. “He has a personality that commands respect,” Filzen said. “I think he leads by example and he’s a hard worker. He was an athlete himself so he knows what it’s like from our standpoint.”
Early Years To truly understand Manuel, it’s essential to know where he came
from. He was born and raised in New Orleans, La. His father was a manager at the French Quarter Postal System and his mother was a secretary in a middle school in the New Orleans public school district. Manuel’s family upbringing continues to manifest in the way he treats people. Rodney McKissic of The Buffalo News has covered UB Athletics since 2001. He’s met numerous athletic directors around the country and says that Manuel is one of a kind. “He’ll walk around and speak to people he doesn’t know,” McKissic said. “He’s going around shaking hands with people. To me, that’s the southern gentleman coming out in him. He’s just very friendly, an extremely nice guy, very passionate about what he does. He is in fact a genuine person. He’s always got that smile going and he’s very easy to talk to.” Manuel went to the University of Michigan, where he played football and received a Masters Degree in social work and an MBA in business. Going back as far as he can remember, Manuel has always been a strong proponent of strengthening his community in any way that he can. At Michigan, Manuel studied and researched ways in which community centers played a role in safer and more satisfying community life. His major focus was on how sports can bring inner city kids to a place where solid morals and values could be taught and learned under the premise of athletics. “My mom and dad, when I first started in athletics brought me to the Gernon Brown Community Center in New Orleans,” Manuel said. “In that center, I played basketball, I also took piano lessons briefly…A lot of that has gone away. A lot of community centers have closed down, they don’t do the programming that they used to, and they don’t have all the sports they used to have.” Manuel and his family were ecstatic with the welcoming nature
of the Buffalo community when he took the job. He even noted the people in Buffalo as being one of the reasons he wanted to come to the city. The passion for football in the area is something Manuel can appreciate also, considering his roots.
Same game, new strategy In his time at Michigan, Manuel was a part of three Big Ten Championship football teams and played as a defensive end. In his junior season, he suffered a career-ending spine injury, which led to spinal stenosis, which is a narrowing of the spinal canal around the sixth vertebrae. The injury was heartbreaking for Manuel, especially considering the level of talent he possessed. Had he stayed healthy and been able to compete in his senior season, experts believed he would have been drafted to the NFL. Ultimately, however, the injury led him to what he was born to do, help student athletes. “The injury effects a lot of the ways that I try to manage and help the student athletes understand the importance and value of getting your degree,” Manuel said. “I think the way it happened to me is key for how I look at things, because it can be taken away at any moment and for any reason, particularly with an injury. I want student athletes to be ready to move forward and be ok with the fact that sports can end that quickly.” Former Bulls quarterback and current New York Jets backup signal caller Drew Willy credits Manuel for building the UB athletic program up through hard work and a vision that had everyone in mind, which further demonstrated his passion for student athletes. “[He gave] us an identity,” Willy said. “I believe he gave our program a lot of discipline and mental toughness. I feel like those attributes transferred over into our team and made us successful on and off the field.”
Life at UB Manuel being active in the commu-
nity is what allowed Carlton Brock III, a sophomore English major, the chance to get to know Warde.
It allows you to be able to create a stability in the program and when I came, that was grossly lacking.
“The first time I met Warde I was like 14 years old,” Brock said. “He had just met my dad when he joined the country club in Buffalo. My dad didn’t know anyone and he just came up to us and said ‘Hey, my name is Warde.’ He was real nice to my brother and I when nobody else was talking to our table at all. My dad and him ended up becoming real good friends.”
“It was a revolving door of guys coming in and guys going out. You need that kind of atmosphere and energy on your campus and in your building. Those are things he brings to us. That’s an important thing for not only me but for our entire staff. He makes you feel like this is a great place to be and we didn’t always have that.”
The first person on the phone calling Carlton’s dad when a family emergency happened a few months ago was Manuel, according to Brock. When Carlton’s grandma was sick, Manuel was there to offer his help and to make sure the Brock family had everything it needed. Manuel and his family spent Thanksgiving dinner with the Brock family. Carlton and his dad are proud to know Warde. “I know for a fact that my dad is exceptionally proud [of the job Warde has done as A.D.],” Brock said. “I’m also proud of it. When he first came here nobody thought of Buffalo teams as anything, Buffalo was an afterthought. Since then, we’ve been on ESPN, we were MAC Champions; that’s just his influence. I think he’ll leave a really positive legacy. I think everybody is going to remember him for bringing huge change to UB.” Another person who has witnessed the effect Manuel has had at UB is men’s basketball head coach Reggie Witherspoon, who became coach in 2000. The question everyone was asking back then was whether or not UB could sustain a Division 1 program. Witherspoon explained how it’s been Warde’s passion, people skills, and supportive mentality for all UB Athletics that has made him so successful. “When you’re around long enough and you coach at enough different places it’s hard to function when you don’t have [support],” Witherspoon said. “It’s huge to have someone who has that kind of confidence in what you’re doing.
The coaches that Manuel has hired along with the staff he has assembled has brought some great people to UB. Some of that may have rubbed off from the man at the top. “I always have a philosophy,” Manuel said. “When you’re 6-foot-5 and 300 pounds and you’re walking around, people are probably going to be somewhat intimidated by you anyway. When you say ‘Hello, how are you. Nice to meet you.’ People are taken aback. I don’t see myself as a person who needs to be recluse and away from people.” WECK 1230, a local AM radio station, broadcasts UB football and basketball games. WECK Programming Director Brad Riter has covered Buffalo sports on the radio since 1998. He got a tip that Manuel was going to be just the man to lead UB out of obscurity before anybody else knew who he was. “Before the announcement became official, I received a phone call from a source at Michigan that Warde Manuel was about to be named the new athletic director at UB,” Riter said in an email. “The source said, ‘You’ve never heard of this guy but he’s very qualified, he’s a class act, and he’s going to win. You’re going to like him.’ That was the tip I received in August 2005 and, six years later, I know that it couldn’t have been more accurate.” Whatever the future holds for Manuel, it’s very likely that his time left in Buffalo is limited. The job he has done and the bonds he has made in this city and at this university will undoubtedly mark his legacy at UB. g
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Courtesy of douglas levere
online now at ubspectrum.com/arts
It’s that time again, one class leaves as another prepares to come in. We could’ve been cliché and included all of those popular Graduation hits, but those suck. These are better.
Surveyed students for the most part know the risks of driving drunk.
Courtesy of Flickr user Nogwater
The Facts Surrounding Drinking at UB Courtesy of Frank Miller /// University at Buffalo
What Will UB Doing This Summer VERONICA RITTERAsst.Life Editor School will be over shortly, but that doesn’t mean the fun has to end. In fact, it’s really just beginning. For students staying on campus or in the Buffalo area over the summer, or for Buffalo residents in general, the University at Buffalo has plenty of great things in store. Students are given the opportunity to take summer classes in a smaller, more intimate setting than what is offered during the regular school year. This provides students with a deeper focus on fewer classes and more personal attention and interaction with their professors. UB is also providing non-credited workshops and camps to all students, no matter how old. Students aren’t the only ones that can take advantage of UBThisSummer, families throughout the community are also able to participate in the various workshops and camps offered, from art to music to sports. UBThisSummer has a wide range of activities for people of all ages. Also, UBThisSummer will be hosting its sixth lecture series, where internationally recognized faculty will be speaking on topics that span a wide range of subjects, from humanities to sciences and beyond. Every Wednesday, at 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. from June until August, professors will be sharing their experiences and knowledge in the Student Union Theatre on North Campus.g
GRACE CLARKEStaff Writer This year, one person will die every 50 minutes in an alcohol-related crash in the U.S.
Over the past five years, DWI arrests by the University Police Department have steadily increased. In 2005, records indicate that 30 people were charged with a DWI,
provide critical information to departments studying perceptions about alcohol use, and allow the development of programs that can better serve student needs.
rising to 61 in 2008. In 2010, 61 students were charged.
All freshmen entering the university are required to complete an online Alcohol EDU assessment, which is a self-reported survey that allows university administrators to observe students’ attitudes and beliefs about drinking before they enter UB.
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 10,839 people will be killed as a result of drunk driving. At UB, many departments survey students on their habits, attitudes, and beliefs surrounding alcohol consumption. Department administrators use the results to measure what they are up against in the campaign to stop drinking and driving while also giving them information on how to positively influence student decisions on alcohol. These surveys also give the student body a better understanding of its peers’ feelings towards alcohol. “Society has drilled the fact into our heads that drinking and driving is wrong,” said Marla McBride, assistant director at Wellness Education Services. “[Many students] have a false sense of security that if they are drinking and not driving, nothing bad will happen. It is important [for the Wellness Center] to educate on the other dangers associated with drinking as well as the driving aspect.” The Wellness Center incorporates drinking and driving prevention into other programs that focus on the dangers of alcohol poisoning, women and alcohol, and the dangers of drinking games and pregaming.
Although most UB surveys focus on drinking in general with only several questions about drinking and driving, The Spectrum recently approached 100 students at random to ask for their thoughts on drinking and driving. The majority of students have not been behind the wheel after a drink, but know people who have. Students who have been personally affected by a drunk-driving incident were in the minority; 39 knew someone who had been seriously injured or killed.
Results of a survey by the National College Health Assessment found that 84 percent of the students who admitted to drinking reported using a designated driver the last time they partied or socialized. g
Email: news@ubspectrum.com
Student perspectives on drinking
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The Boys are Back
hip-hop, but for all music in general. While The Beastie Boys were most clearly a hip-hop group, they were undoubtedly influenced by early rock music and punk. This gave the boys a unique sound that turned the hip-hop world upside down.
JAMESON BUTLERSenior Arts Editor Artist: The Beastie Boys Album: Hot Sauce Committee Part Two Label: Capitol Release Date: May 3 Grade: B+
The album starts off with the boys sampling the epic drumming of John Bonham from Led Zeppelin’s “When the Levee Breaks.” Much like the original, the larger-than-life drumming builds up the listener before the beat drops and the boys take over.
It has been 24 years since The Beastie Boys crashed the party, but with their new album, Hot Sauce Committee Part Two, the boys show that they still have the mojo that garnered them fame over the past two plus decades.
The Beastie Boys’ innovative sampling and playful lyrics catapulted them into uncharted territory for hip-hop music – the suburbs. Before the Beastie Boys got their license, white suburban teenagers rarely dabbled in the world of hip-hop. It was not until the boys transcended the genre to create a groundbreaking sound that suburban youth took notice of.
Hot Sauce Committee Part Two is the band’s first album in four years. After a serious delay due to MCA’s health, the boys from Brooklyn are ready to unleash their eighth studio album on the world. The opening track, “Make Some Noise,” leads in with a funky beat that gives way for the Beastie Boys to make their triumphant return. If there was any doubt that the boys might have lost the spark, they make sure to extinguish those reservations within the first minute. The hook of the song pays homage to their debut album, Licensed to Ill. The group took the hook from “(You Gotta) Fight For Your Right (To Party!)” and tweaked it for a modern political twist. “We got a party on the left, a party on the right/ We gonna party for the mother******* right to fight/ Make some noise if you’re with me,” the trio shouts. The beats on Hot Sauce Committee Part Two are infectious as ever and would not be out of place on a trip-hop album. One of the best tracks, “Too Many Rappers,” is also the first single of the album. The song calls out all the rappers that don’t emcee. Nas does guest vocals on the track and insults rappers who are just posers trying to make some money.
ALL PHOTOS Courtesy of Capitol Records
The hip-hop tri is back after a four-year hiatus with Hot Sauce Committee Part Two. “Don’t Play No Game That I Can’t Win” sports a reggae beat that is sure to give any person the sudden urge to move along. When guest vocalist Santigold injects her soulful vocals, she gives the song a soothing feel.
While the flow of The Beastie Boys could carry the album alone, the highlight of the album is the beats. Not only is every beat just as memorable as the one before, but each song transitions into the next beautifully, making the album as a whole flow well.
JAMESON BUTLERSenior Arts Editor
The Definition of Ill Artist: Beastie Boys Album: Licensed to Ill Label: Def Jam/Columbia Release Date: Nov. 15, 1986 Grade: A
Throughout the album, The Beastie Boys’ flow demonstrates that they have not lost it and are still on top of the rap world. While the members are all in their mid 40s, their ability to spit out the lyrics is still one of the best in the industry. g
Government oppression, drug addiction, and police brutality dominated the hip-hop music of the ’80s. That is, until The Beastie Boys busted onto the scene and brought the genre to suburbia.
Email: arts@ubspectrum.com
On Nov. 15, 1986, no one was prepared for what Licensed to Ill would do not only for
As the album progresses, the listener stumbles upon numerous classics that are still a mainstay on rock radio to this day. Songs like “Girls” and “Brass Monkey” delve into goofy lyrics that are accompanied by memorable beats, which make them nearly impossible to get unstuck from one’s brain. The two most memorable tracks from the album “(You Gotta) Fight For Your Right (To Party!)” and “No Sleep Till Brooklyn” feature one of the most intriguing guest appearances everfor a hip-hop album. Kerry King, lead guitarist for metal-god Slayer, played lead guitar for these two tracks, and it comes as no surprise that these are the two songs that blur the genre lines the most on Licensed to Ill. From the opening track, “Rhymin & Stealin” to the closing track, “Time to Get Ill,” The Beastie Boys produced a hip-hop album that not only was groundbreaking for its time, but also one that has withstood the test of time; making it one of the best hip-hop albums of all time. g
Email: arts@ubspectrum.com
Off-campus safety issues endanger UB students Continued from Page 1
Why Landlords are to Blame
Cost per Month
Creekside Village
Flickinger Court Flint Village Hadley Village Residence Halls Single Double Quad South Lake Village
(4 Bed/2 Bath)
$664* or $585** $685*** $593*** $510*** $652**
(4 Bed/2 Bath)
Sweethome The Villas
(4 Bed/4 Bath)
(4 Bed/4.5 Bath)
On-campus housing options are based off of North Campus since it is where most of the academia takes place. *Apartment is rented for 10 months. **Apartment is rented for 12 months. ***Residence halls are open for about 10 months. Aline Kobayashi /// THE SPECTRUM
ever, is the landlord’s legal obligation, according to Dan Ryan, director of off-campus student relations. They must “comply with the state property maintenance code and get [the houses] fixed.” Fred Brace, the University District housing court liaison, says absentee landlords – those who do not live in Buffalo – are a big part of the problem within the University Heights. The most “nefarious” landlords, he said, are those who make up Limited Liability Corporations because they do not have to put their names on record, so blame gets shuffled and violations get overlooked. “I rent from Mark Ulmann and Sheldon Milo, owners of UB Rentals, and they’re impossible to get a hold of until they need something from you,” said Harris Rosado, a sophomore sociology major. “They’re only in it for the money and couldn’t care less about the quality of living they provide their
Limited Liability Corporations and absentee landlords aren’t the only ones to blame. Not all local landlords comply with the rules either. In March, Jeremy Dunn, a local landlord who lives on Winspear Avenue, had four of his properties on Northrup Place (18, 24, 37 and 41) cited for exterior violations ranging from boarded windows to rotted gutters. Dunn, however, claims that he tries to keep his houses up to code, but often runs into problems with students. “I strive to see that all of my houses are up to the relevant housing codes; however, especially in certain areas, it is an ongoing battle,” Dunn said in an email. “While I often have the electrical services and components updated, and always have smoke detectors installed, a very common problem is that student tenants take down smoke detectors while living in the houses. I believe they do this so they can smoke (cigarettes, pot, etc.) inside without the annoyance of setting of the alarms.” Landlords know the rules, but records indicate that they often ignore them to save money. While doing so, they’re putting students’ lives at risk.
Students rarely file complaints, Carney said. “They’re actually the victims of the problems, but they don’t want to report it,” Carney said.
Why the University is to Blame “If a headline is going to read ‘University at Buffalo Student Dies in Fire,’ there’s no question that the university is tied directly to it,” said Jim Guy, former deputy fire coordinator. “The school has an interest in making sure that all of its students are safe however they can to the best of its ability. And UB is investing a lot of money into the problems and are trying to deal with the issues of students in the neighborhood; however, these longstanding problems have not been corrected yet.” Although the problem is widespread, the university claims it is limited in how it can help.
25 20
“…A large percentage of international students are graduate students, so they’re not interested in living in the residence halls with undergraduates. Also, our students are on tight budgets – tighter budgets than most U.S. students– so the appeal of living off campus is low rent,” Dussourd said.
15 10 5 0
Sub Board I Inc. receives a lot of Landlord and Tenant complaints, but has a difficult time following up with students.
Sometimes these students sign leases overseas, before setting foot in the house.
“We hit every house but that’s not necessarily every person who lives in the house. Also, some students don’t end up reading the information. We continually struggle to do a better and better job to distribute literature. If students move off campus, we want them to make informed decisions.”
Canisius College – albeit both a private and much smaller school – does its best to work with Hamlin Park, the area surrounding the college where students tend to live.
But the university can be more handson.
A Spectrum survey revealed that less than 10 percent of student tenants in the Heights have read any UB literature regarding off-campus living. International students, who often arrive
Canisius is in contact with many of the landlords who rent to students and gets involved when students misbehave. It also is concerned with bringing the houses in the area up to code, noting that the historic area wasn’t intended to house today’s technological advances.
Subboard’s Total Number of Complaints in 2010 Landlord &Tenant 25.7%
Other* 29.3%
Sub Board I Inc. provides free legal services to students and often deals with “landlord and tenant” complaints. From June through December, SBI received 126 L&T complaints. SBI can only offer legal advice, however, and has a difficult time following up with students after discussing problems.
Inspectors try to crack down on absentee landlords, said Brian Hayden, the building inspector responsible for the Heights, in an email. But, they are limited by money and access.
Dan Ryan, director of off-campus services, insists that student apathy is partly to blame. His office holds workshops about students’ rights and housing problems, but few students attend, he said. Off Campus Student Relations also passes out safety pamphlets throughout the Heights, but can’t be sure that every student receives or reads them.
New York State’s budgetary problems have left Building Inspections largely underfunded, Hayden said, and many
“We the that
Why the City is to Blame
r be m ce De r be m ve No r be to Oc r be em pt Se
Room Rates
Buffalo Building Code Inspections sent a notice to Milo and Ulmann on April 11, citing four violations at 38 Northrup Place: missing smoke detectors; missing carbon monoxide detectors; an exposed electrical box in the living room; and door locks that aren’t up to code.
Another problem is that in order for inspectors to enter homes, tenants have to ask. That means filing a complaint or – by luck – spotting an inspector when he comes knocking and inviting him in.
st gu Au
Ensuring that a home is safe, how-
Milo and Ulmann insist they have contractors who respond quickly to tenants’ needs, but records show otherwise.
Housing Court Judge Patrick M. Carney agreed, and insisted that more inspectors and violations would just cause bottleneck. Housing court is already filled with cases, he said, and would need a second judge to handle more demand.
in Buffalo later than American students, tend to rent in the Heights, said Ellen Dussourd, director of international student and scholar services. They don’t have cars and want to live near public transportation and close to campus, she said.
Number of Complaints by Landlord and Tenant in 2010
ly Ju
Houses in the Heights cost under $100,000 and landlords rent to students for about $300 a month, records show. Landlords often ignore building codes and subdivide rooms to fit more students in a home in order to make more money, according to Carney.
Rosado and his housemates were robbed over winter break, and the window the robbers broke in through still isn’t fixed. They were also told by their landlords that if they wanted any of their doors that were kicked in to be fixed, they would have to pay for new supplies.
“We do not have enough inspectors to satisfy all the inspection requests that we get,” Hayden said. “…Even with this year’s upcoming retirements, it [is] safe to say that those positions will not be filled. We have done more with less for the last five years and the demands get larger.”
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“Economics is the key factor,” said Housing Court Judge Patrick M. Carney. “The key factor to somebody owning 10 houses in the University District and renting to as many students as he can, and putting as little money into them as possible, is money. It’s the driving force.”
homes go uninspected.
Number of Complaints
Reaching New Heights
Criminal 11.8%
Notary 17.1%
* Includes Issue Categories:
clearly haven’t reached number of students we want to,” Ryan said.
Small Claims, Automobie, Civil Actions, Class Actions, Consumer, Contract, Employment, Family-Domestic, Immigration, Insurance, Loans, Minority Affairs, Name Change, Power of Attorney, Publishing - Copyright, University Related and Other
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7 campus locations: Albion, Arcade, Batavia, Dansville, Lima, Medina, and Warsaw
Random exterior inspections in March and April reveal that Northrup Place, one of the shortest and most popular blocks for UB students to live on, is riddled with building code violations.
Northrup Place Violations Since March 13: On March 29, it was reported that the front porch is in a state of collapse. Owner: Michael Miranda. 18: On March 21, it was reported that there was damage to the roof, wood needed trimming, the front and rear attic windows needed to be replaced, and there were things in the rear yard. Owner: Jeremy Dunn. 19: On March 29, it was reported that downspouts were missing, siding was missing, there was peeling paint, and a basement window was boarded up. Owner: Thomas Dale 24: On March 15, it was reported that there were missing right-side gutters and a boarded attic window. Owner: Jeremy Dunn. 26: On March 15, it was reported that there was a disconnected downspout, a boarded window, and wood stacked against the house. Owner: Barbara Dunn. 27: On March 29, it was reported that there were missing handrails, peeling paint, and a rotted porch. Owner: Andrew Collin. 37: On March 14, it was reported that there were rotted gutters and a paint job was needed. Owner: Jeremy Dunn.
Why Students are to Blame
“For the past probably five years, we’ve been really cultivating the relationship with the landlords,” said Al Pilatto, associate director of residence life at Canisius College. “There are approximately 25 landlords who own most of the houses that surround the college, and we meet with them and communicate with them on a regular basis. It goes back to building relationships here….It’s kind of a backand-forth relationship.”
In March, Ryan, contacted Building Inspections to schedule weekends where inspectors would go door-to-door in the Heights to conduct inspections due to the four house fires involving UB students.
UB President Satish K. Tripathi assured The Spectrum that his administration would look into the concerns in the Heights.
When you first rented, which steps, if any, did you take? Checked Smoke Detectors 6%
Other 2.4% Walked through the house 42.9%
Checked Windows 10.7%
Negotiated the Lease 16.7%
Had the building inspector check the house 3.6%
Spoke to past tenants 17.9%
Only 3.6 percent of UB students had a building inspector check the home they were considering renting, according to a Spectrum survey.
Why do you live in the University Heights? Close to UB 29.2%
Great Housing 3.5% Fun 48.7%
Other* 6.2%
51: On March 22, it was reported that a piece of metal was hanging from the chimney. Owner: Yan Chen.
61: On April 11, it was reported that rear windows were fenced in, creating a fire hazard. Owner: Basil Giamo.
When students didn’t answer the door or wouldn’t let inspectors in, they conducted exterior inspections, which do not require the consent of the tenant. They uncovered 15 homes on Northrup Place alone with such violations. A full list of homes with violations can be found in City Hall; however, Building Inspections doesn’t keep those files digitally.
Students often want to expedite the house-hunting process; however, there are important precautions that many renters overlook, according to Ryan. There are important questions that potential tenants should ask before renting, but many fail to do so. Aside from getting answers before signing a lease, students should feel comfortable with their landlords before entering into a binding contract. “For students living off campus, landlords are very important. The choices students make and the legal contracts that they enter are probably the second-biggest financial commitments they’ve made in their lives, with the first being the choice to come to a university in the first place,” Ryan said. Students quickly sign leases because they fear that the house will be rented by others if they don’t act hastily. David Siegel, a sophomore communication and film production major, signed a lease against his mother’s advice and ended up in a losing lawsuit after his Lisbon home was the target of gang violence in October. It often takes an unfortunate situation for students to realize their mistakes.
57: On March 28, it was reported that the garage was dangerous and a permit was needed for it to be removed. Owner: Holly Pimeptel. 58: On March 15, it was reported that there were tires, mattresses, and trash in the backyard, and a gutter was missing. Owner: Dave Burnette.
But that was not what the inspectors were looking for, said Lou Petrucci, chief building inspector. They were concerned about safety violations, not recreational activities.
Although Hayden believes that keeping a house up to code is the landlord’s responsibility, Guy believes a tenant’s safety is his own task. “The primary responsibility lies with the person seeking to rent the property,” Guy said. “To trust anybody else with your life is just foolish.”
41: On March 15, it was reported that downspouts were missing, tree branches were piled up, and there was a dangerous sidewalk. Owner: Jeremy Dunn. 45: On March 30, it was reported that a gutter was missing, a basement window was boarded, and the rear upper deck was missing. Owner: Jessica Doucette.
Inspectors went up and down the blocks between Englewood Avenue and Minnesota Avenue, knocking on doors at around 8 a.m. on April 9. Many students were either sleeping or didn’t want to let inspectors in for fear they might get cited for underage drinking or for having drug paraphernalia.
Cheap 29.2%
*Includes: Independence, Living with Friends and Greek Life.
A Spectrum poll shows that students are drawn to the Heights for three reasons: fun, cost and convenience.
“The thing is, you don’t really think about the essentials of the house until a bad situation comes about,” Cohen said. “When we looked at the house, I was thinking about getting the most luxurious bedroom possible and considering which bathroom I would use. Those things aren’t as important as other things involving safety, and unfortunately, we learned that the hard way.” Landlords are ignoring the building codes, Building Inspections is limited by the lack of funding, UB claims it can’t do much with off-campus housing, and students are inexperienced in renting homes. As houses keep burning down, the cycle continues.
64: On March 15, it was reported that there was dilapidated roofing and a missing downspout. Owner: Dave Burnette.
g Email: features@ubspectrum.com
Fire Prevention Preventing a fire starts by knowing what to look for. Most of the houses in the University Heights were built close to a century ago and weren’t constructed with modern technology in mind, according to Hayden. Many of the appliances that students’ own are not supported by the archaic electrical systems found throughout the Heights, and if overused, can result in fires. The common area of every floor in a unit should have a smoke detector, according to Steven Herberger, manager of fire and life safety environment, health and safety services. Furthermore, every bedroom should have a smoke detector as well as every kitchen. Herbeger’s role, however, is limited; he is responsible for on-campus fire safety systems. Still, he is concerned with educating students who choose to live off campus. His predecessor, Jim Guy, was very involved with informing students of fire hazards, and he hopes to leave a similar legacy when he moves on from UB. “As deputy fire coordinator, part of my responsibility was fire prevention,” Guy said. “I tried to get in contact with the university to create an educational component and I couldn’t get through the front door. It’s a very difficult kingdom to get through. In December of 1999 I started working [at UB]. I had the key, I was in, but still I couldn’t get anyone to do anything…. It took several years to convince Dennis Black [vice president for university life and services] to help us, and [the university] didn’t do anything more than include nine questions that the landlord would have to answer.” Guy, however, persisted. Although he’s retired, he helps operate an informative website called offcampusliving.org to provide important facts about housing safety. The website provides an off campus housing checklist, a student safety brochure, informative slide shows, and, most prominently, fire safety tips. Knowing what to do if a fire breaks out is important, but so is knowing how to prevent a fire. “From day one, my philosophy is, the best fire fought is the fire that was prevented,” Guy said. “That’s the baseline that I operate from. Trying to help our society understand that fire safety isn’t just for young children. It’s more than just stop drop and roll.”
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ACROSS 1 Unisex garment 6 Helps a hoodlum 11 Director’s shout 14 Scout’s rider 15 Delicate hue 16 Flight stat 17 Vaulted recesses 18 Bombardment from space (2 wds.) 20 Opposite of “paleo” 21 Art colony town 23 Marquis’s inferiors 24 Where Potala Palace is 26 Most loving 28 Area 51’s state 30 Alliances 31 Helen, in Spanish 32 Jeweler’s lens 33 Wet ground 36 Breeze or gale 37 Twiggy abodes 38 Beneficiary 39 Do lacework 40 Wash cycle 41 Perry’s secretary 42 Island nation 43 Take it slow (2 wds.) 44 Now and then (2 wds.) 47 Waterfall 48 New-car option 49 Rosemary, for one 50 “Xanadu” rockers 53 Semi oasis (2 wds.) 56 Seaside resorts 58 Aleta’s son 59 Baha’i devotee 60 Brilliance 61 Two-timer 62 Water wheel 63 Stew seasoning
DOWN 1 Sax man Getz 2 Think positive 3 Broke 4 Country addr. 5 Taco cousin 6 Bauxite giant 7 Profiles 8 Loop trains 9 Beret 10 Kind of fair 11 Novelist John le — 12 Eurasian range 13 Lovers’ meeting 19 Scoundrels 22 Film speed ind. 25 Bridge holding 26 Orchestra member 27 Uh-oh! 28 Pond dweller 29 Essay byline 30 — nova 32 Fasting times 33 Not on the dot 34 Van Gogh medium 35 Cloudy
37 Shade of green 38 Loaf end 40 Baking dish 41 Renaissance garb 42 Sundry, briefly 43 Aquarium oddity 44 Vows venue 45 — firma 46 Gibe 47 Brown-tinted photo
49 Hagar’s daughter 51 Potting soil 52 Italian innkeeper 54 Marquee notice of yore 55 Cigarette goo 57 I, for Wolfgang
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A Week in Ink: Issue No. 23
Captain America: The Fighting Avenger
NICOLAS PINOAsst. Arts Editor
Green Lantern No. 65 Geoff Johns’ “Green Lantern No. 65” has taken a page out of Sci-Fi history and essentially pulled out a script similar to a certain Lucas masterpiece. As Hal Jordan and Guy Gardner wander the arctic wasteland identified as Sector 2000, the base Jordan has previously built is nowhere to be found. The team seems to be out of luck until, through sheer Courtesy of DC Comics luck, the egocentric duo miraculously fall into Jordan’s expertly crafted base specially equipped with its own Kessel running starship. Johns manages to create a more daring Hal Jordan than usual, as Hal throws himself out of the oven and into the fire – and right into the grasps of 1000 angry Lanterns. However, quick maneuvers put the team on top of the other Earth-born Emerald Warriors John Stewart and Kyle Rayner. Reunited, the team formulates a plot that will either save the universe or kill them in the process, a strategy that Jordan is all too familiar with. Johns has breathed life into this series with the ending pages of this issue, surely putting the GL team back on top of the pull list for many. The dialogue between the Jordan-Gardner duo has its moments of humor, and does well to break up the serious tone that Johns develops at the beginning and end of the comic. Besides the initial interrogation scene with Kilowog, the art is just slightly above par, and doesn’t do much to add to Johns’ fantastic story arch.
Courtesy of Marvel
Halo: Fall of Reach - Covenant No. 1
Like an episode of ’90s Spider-Man, Cap gets his own cartoonish makeover as he embarks on a retelling of the super soldier’s first military outing.
Before Master Chief rocked the Covenant forces on Xbox consoles world wide, he was just another number in humanity’s last hope for survival.
While this issue doesn’t necessarily recap the hero’s epic origins truthfully, it does a great job of hitting home the biggest plot points of the young Avenger’s life. Also, writer Brian Clevinger manages this in a relatively humorous manner, somewhere in between a Dr. Seuss whimsy and an Alan Moore foreboding.
That is what the latest series by Marvel is truly attempting to convey. This attempt should be applauded as the lore of the Halo franchise is plentiful, but the Marvel team’s work falls short of the legendary groundwork the developers at Bungie have laid in front of them.
Courtesy of Marvel
While the team engulfs the comic in Halo lore, they lack the distinctly clean artwork the game has built a foundation on. Artist Felix Ruiz was given the keys to the figurative artist armory and walked out with the plasma pistol, as the art could’ve been absolutely astounding but is instead passed off as amateurish and weak.
Cap is written as a typical inexperienced man-in-arms, loyal to the cause and clear set in his goals but just a little too inexperienced to know how to work them out. Thankfully, the Red Skull always has time to fight the genetically enhanced American icon, and by doing so, triggers the never-ending struggle for control between the two.
Writer Brian Reed does not escape the burning wreckage of the issue as his writing, while well developed, is lacking heavily in content. Instead, Reed writes in minor characters that are left to do the heavy lifting of the series. This upside-down approach to writing has its benefits as the desperation of humanity’s last defenders is almost palpable human emotion rather than a droll, filler dialogue.
The issue does a tremendous job when it is seen as a starting point for those new to Marvel’s most beloved hero. Drawn with a manga-like tone and inked over in a flat color, the issue’s art is nearly as humorous as the characters themselves.
This series is just another attempt to artistically represent a world built in the virtual realm, and while this type of medium switching can often be entertaining and exhilarating, the Covenant series has thus far been neither.
Cap’s team also manages to have a few funny quips and some notably intriguing dialogue and, while the characters lack the depth for any sort of historic identification, they serve their purpose well.
With three issues remaining in the series, there is hope on Reach’s horizon that a savior will come and raise up the series. Though if this issue is any indication of what’s to come, Master Chief will most likely hail from a cast of ordinary characters, all of whom could use a bit more sun. g
The only qualms to be had with the one-shot of America’s finest is that a price tag of $4.99 errs on the side of expensive and lacks the true depth and content that are usually accompanied by a $5 bill.
Overall the comic certainly adds some incentive to catch up with the Lanterns but lacks a lasting appeal for the group of up-and-coming Green Lantern movie fans.
Email: arts@ubspectrum.com
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Amely Goes Acoustic ABBY NIEKAMPď&#x20AC;´Staff Writer
Artist: Amely Album: Live Under Lights Label: Fearless Records Release Date: April 19 Grade: BAmely knows the best way to keep fans satisfied after an awesome debut album â&#x20AC;&#x201C; acoustic renditions of fan favorites. That is exactly what takes place on its new EP Live Under Lights, but it did not work in the bandâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s favor. Three of the four songs that make up Live Under Lights are taken from Amelyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s first album, Hello World, released in September 2010. First up is the old title track â&#x20AC;&#x153;Hello World,â&#x20AC;? which introduces the bandâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s alternative sound with the softness of a guitar and drums in the background. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Hello world/ Have you even missed me?/ Looking down from outer space/ â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Cause Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve seen the stars, the sun and the sea/ But now Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m back to this place,â&#x20AC;? sings lead vocalist Petie Pizarro. Lyrics such as these comprise the rougher theme presented in Amelyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s songs. Combined with Pizarroâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s voice, the songs take on an emotional feeling with the passionate edge coming through in both the words and the subtle whine of his vocals.
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Sing to Youâ&#x20AC;? and â&#x20AC;&#x153;Come Back to Meâ&#x20AC;? comprise the middle section of the album. Singing more about the pain of relationships and how it feels to want someone back, these pieces continue the album on a similar track. These three songs that appeared on Amelyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s debut album sound much better with the original music, since they lose their energy and power when performed acoustically. Normally, when songs are performed acoustically, the rawness of hearing the singerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s voice so distinctly intensifies the emotion of the lyrics. Unfortunately, for the Orlando quartet, this is not the case. The closing track on the EP is â&#x20AC;&#x153;Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m Not Missing You,â&#x20AC;? a fresh attempt for Amely. With this song, released only in the acoustic format, there is not another version to compare it to. Compared to the other tracks on the EP, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a lot more enjoyable. Instead of complaining about wanting an exgirlfriend back, this song explains why the relationship came to an end. The vocals are smooth and the whine of the singerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s voice is gone. It is by far the best song on Live Under Lights. While Amely canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t retain its former glory in an acoustic EP, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m Not Missing Youâ&#x20AC;? definitely shows promise for Amelyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s next album. g
Email: arts@ubspectrum.com
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Question and Answer with Warde Manuel The Spectrum: Can you speak about John B. Simpson leaving? Are you concerned at all about a drop off in the support you’ve had from his administration for athletics? Warde Manuel: No I’m not. To be honest, Dr. Tripathi and I have a great relationship and I like him a lot as a person. As a provost he was very supportive of us when he could be. We’re all dealing with tough times. He has a tough job as the provost, whoever will be the next provost will have a tough job, and he’ll have a tough job as the president.
Courtesy of Paul Hokanson
The Bulls continue to struggle on the diamond and remain winless in MAC play.
Staff Writers The baseball team took on the Mid-American Conference leader over the weekend and tried to pull off a major upset, but couldn’t defeat the odds. The Bulls (7-28, 0-14 MAC) were outscored 27-8 en route to a sweep, extending their losing streak to 17 games, keeping them winless in conference play. Despite their poor performance throughout the weekend, the Bulls put together a strong outing in game one against Kent State (26-12, 12-3 MAC). Buffalo jumped out to an early 2-0 lead in the second inning thanks to junior outfielder Jordan Camp’s two-run home run to left field that plated sophomore infielder River McWilliams. The homerun was Camp’s fourth of the season, and it gave him his 21st and 22nd RBIs. “It was good to see some of our power guys hit the ball hard in game one,” said head coach Ron Torgalski s. “[Kent State’s] pitching staff was the deepest we’ve faced all year with five potential draft picks.” The momentum wouldn’t last long for the Bulls. The Golden Flashes scored three runs in the bottom of the third, and eventually took a 4-2 lead into the sixth inning. In the sixth inning, sophomore infielder Alex Baldock drove in junior infielder Andrew Smietana with an RBI triple, leading to a pitching change for Kent State. Senior outfielder Eric Bryce promptly greeted new Kent State pitcher Justin Gill by crushing a two-run home run to give the Bulls a 5-4 lead. However, the Golden Flashes scored a run in the bottom half of the inning to tie the game, before scoring two more runs in the seventh to take game one, 7-5. Senior Josh Edwards was saddled with the loss for the Bulls, as he went 6 1/3 innings and allowed six runs, five of which were earned. Torgalski was pleased with the effort, although he saw room for improvement from the bullpen. “I thought we really played a hard fought game,” Torgalski said. “Kent State is a really strong program and we went up against a tough pitcher and hit him well. Our starting pitcher Josh Edwards gave us a good effort, but our bullpen just didn’t come through. Walks have gotten us in trouble in innings. You can’t take a hitter off and you need to focus on every pitch thrown.” Games two and three were played as a doubleheader last Saturday. The Bulls were completely dominated and were outscored 20-3. Game one saw Kent State jump out to a 4-0 lead by the bottom of the third inning, a cushion it would build on in all but one inning. The Golden Flashes racked up 18 hits on their way to a 13-3 bludgeoning of the Bulls. Bryce was responsible for the first Bulls’ run of the day. In the fourth inning he reached on an error by Kent State infielder Derek Toadvine that allowed sophomore catcher Tom Murphy to score. Later in the inning, Camp drove Bryce in with an RBI single. In the sixth, the Bulls had an opportunity to cut into the 5-2 Kent State lead, as they loaded the bases with one out. Camp would come through again, plating Smietana with an RBI single. The rally was short lived, as McWilliams bounced into an inning-ending double play. Junior Kevin Crumb took the loss for the Bulls in game one, and he went 5 1/3 innings, while allowing seven runs on 10 hits. The loss dropped Crumb to 2-7 on the season. In Game three, Buffalo’s bats were silent. The team mustered only six hits throughout the afternoon, and was shut out by Kent State pitcher David Starn. The Flashes took the final game of the series, 7-0. Junior pitcher Cameron Copping was on the mound for the Bulls after going almost two weeks between starts. His rust showed as he struggled with his command, walking five batters over seven innings of work. Despite the sweep, Torgalski has a positive outlook on the season. “The guys need to continue to work hard and believe in themselves and their teammates,” Torgalski said. “As long as we keep working hard, we will start winning games. Our kids haven’t quit and they’re going to keep working and continue to get better each and every day.” The Bulls were scheduled for a doubleheader with rival Niagara on Monday at home, followed by a doubleheader with Le Moyne on Tuesday, also in Amherst. Both series’ were canceled. Buffalo will be back in action on Saturday against Akron (9-29, 2-13 MAC). The home game will begin at 1 p.m. g
Email: sports@ubspectrum.com
We all, given the economic times, have to be more creative with less and do what we need to do. Dr. Tripathi will be a great leader for this university. The UB Council has been very supportive. Jeremy Jacobs has had great support for the entire university and athletics is a part of that. So I don’t sit here and worry about any drop in what we do in athletic and recreation for campus. TS: What has been the crowning moment for you at UB? WM: [UB winning the Mid-American Conference Championship for football in 2008-09 season] Nobody thought we had a chance to win. Nobody thought what myself or Turner [Gill] were saying about winning championships [was legitimate]. People thought maybe in Basketball, they made the run in ’05, or maybe in another sport, but no way in football. So for me, that was probably the crowning achievement that we’ve had here. On top of that, that semester was also the highest academic GPA for the football team. So the combination of those two things and the ’58 team and the 50th anniversary with that team made it a magical achievement not only for me, but the football program and this institution. Floating on cloud nine, 10 or 11, whatever it goes up to. It was fun. TS: The support for the program has grown immensely since you took over. However, many say that it’s not at the level it should be. What do you think needs to be done to take that next step? WM: Here’s what helps, we need to win more consistently, because that I think drives people to want to come and not do other things. We’ve had our fits and starts, if you will, with that. That’s No. 1, No. 2 is we do need to be out in the community, we do need to let people know who we are. I want to support somebody that I know better than somebody I don’t know, even in bad times. Lastly, we have to try and bring in opponents that people in this community recognize. We need to do a better job at talking about our conference. For example, the fact that we had not only James Starks in the championship game, but I want to say 14 former MAC student athletes were in the Super Bowl on those two teams; second only to the SEC. That says something about this league and where we are. So people will start to see that we don’t have to just look at the Big East or the Big Ten, which is at our footprint to see great talent. We can come [to UB] to see these kids come through our league. We’re playing top-level football with
great student athletes who can go on to the next level. So it sends a great message. When we won, for example this year, our students turned out better than I thought they would for football, given where we were. It’s still at a much higher level than when I first walked through the door. I think basketball was really an indication of that, where the students really turned out because we were more consistent this year. Our non-conference was consistent, we started out consistently when students were on break, we had a good start to the MAC, and so that by the time students came back from break they had something to cheer about. Their team was doing well in basketball. We struggled a bit in February but I think it was consistent student support because of the consistency of the team. I think that’s the most important piece of it. But the community outreach, people getting to know us [is important]. We’ve sold a lot of tickets to people and when we don’t do well you see it sort of wane. When we do well people come to individual games. I think this year with Connecticut coming that will be very helpful. We just have to win in our sports. TS: Talk about the coach evaluation process and where Jeff Quinn is at this point in his tenure. WS: I don’t sit back and make decisions on a coach’s ability after a first year. Transition is difficult in anything that you do. Obviously Jeff and I, and the team and the coaches wanted to do better than 2-10. I don’t need to evaluate Jeff and sit him down and tell him that. He probably kicks himself about it more than I ever would in his first year.
Alex McCrossen /// The Spectrum
I think Jeff is doing fine. I think the team is moving in a direction throughout this transition. He’s been a great leader of that team, but like in any transition or change there are issues that you deal with. How you deal with them, whether it’s kids transferring or leaving or a different style and it not working for certain kids, that’s all in the mix and part of it. On a whole Jeff is doing a great job and the expectations from him, his staff, the team, and from me is that we’ll be better than we were last year and in a significant way. We have to show it on the field of play and we have to play the games. You can talk about it, you can feel like it, but ultimately you have to play the games and show people you’re better and I think we’ll do that. TS: What do you say to the detractors of Reggie Witherspoon and to those who say he can’t win the big game? WM: Well, I think people have a right to their own opinion. Reggie has, in my opinion, this year done a much better job then I anticipated he would do this year. When you lose seven seniors, your top five leading scorers on the team, and you bring a point guard who was a walk on who sat out. You have a freshman come in who is the freshman of the year and who contributes significantly to the
Bulls Dominate Weekend, Clinch Third in MAC Tournament AARON MANSFIELD Senior Sports Editor The men’s tennis team, jockeying for higher position in the upcoming MidAmerican Conference tournament, faced off in two matches over the weekend. The premise was simple: win and Hyucksoo Kwon face the league’s /// The Spectrum bottom-feeders in the tournament, or lose and go up against a significantly better squad. If the team won both its matches, it would take on winless Chicago State (0-19, 0-5 MAC), while a loss in either match would force it into a battle against Ball State (12-14, 2-3 MAC) or Northern Illinois (11-15, 1-4 MAC). The Bulls (11-7, 3-2 MAC) didn’t care to see Ball State or Northern Illinois in the tournament just yet. Buffalo downed Ball State, 4-3, on Friday, and Northern Illinois, 6-1, on Sunday.
success of the team. You make it to the quarterfinals of the MAC tournament, although we lost to Kent State. Whether people say he can’t win the big game, that’s certainly an analysis they can make and I can see why they’d say that, but that doesn’t go into the ability of a coach or where you go and how you direct a program and what you decide to do. Reggie is an ambassador for the University at Buffalo, the city of Buffalo, and for Western New York. He’s done a great job in terms of recruiting and getting to those big games. Reggie knows that he has to do better at winning the big games. We’ve been in the two tournament championship games, we’ve lost them both, but we’ve gotten there. I think people have to understand while we have to push for success, and our ultimate success is championships and winning, we also have to realize that the journey is not as easy as people can sit back and think it is. Now we continue to be on that journey to win that championship. Two years ago Reggie won the regular season championship, we went to the tournament championship and lost. This year, he’s done a great job at turning what I thought would be a rebuilding year into a year where we competed. Reggie knows what he has to fix and I believe he will. I believe in what Reggie is doing and the direction he’s going in. I know the future is bright for us as it relates to basketball. TS: With all the NCAA violations over the past few years, what are your thoughts on what is a rampant problem in college athletics in terms of cheating and players taking money?
WM: Right now, no. Mainly because right now, financially, it would be extremely difficult to add any other team. While if I started over, if someone said ‘Everybody in the NCAA is going to start over from scratch, you can have all the sports you want to add.’ I’d have football, men’s and women’s basketball, hockey, and other sports. I’m saying to you I would add hockey immediately. I look back on the history of UB and dropping sports, they dropped hockey in the ’80s and I wish I would’ve been here, because I never would’ve dropped it. But that’s not something I can automatically bring back because I love hockey and enjoy the sport. Hopefully one day, I won’t say soon or later, but hopefully one day UB will have a hockey team once again, because it makes the most sense for where we sit geographically. Men’s and women’s lacrosse makes sense because of where we sit geographically, and probably men’s volleyball. Even though I believe that, I can’t just automatically add any of them, particularly where we are economically as a country and as a state. TS: Is the marketing department at UB doing everything it can to get people out to the games? WM: I think given the resources that it has, yes it is. We’re also smart about it, we’re not going to throw a whole bunch of marketing dollars to get people to come out if we’re not doing things consistently, particularly towards the end of the year. I think what you saw this year was a big push that we did with the students.
Paul Hutchings (manager of university awareness and special events) has done a good job in his I think it comes down to a outreach to couple things. One, you have to the students, demand that people follow the and particularly around rules and when they don’t you men’s and have to adhere to the rules and women’s basketball. deal with it effectively. We do a - Warde Manuel lot around football, particularly WM: I think it comes down to a at the beginning of the year, but couple things. One, you have to throughout the year with the demand that people follow the students. We’re also not going to rules and when they don’t you spend a lot of money when we’re have to adhere to the rules and not doing well. deal with it effectively. Knock on wood, we haven’t had any issues. I have great coaches who I think are doing the right thing, head and assistants. I have a great compliance staff. Kelly Cruttenden, my assistant A.D. for compliance, does a great job and her staff, and the sports administrators. It’s really a team effort.
We all have to be diligent at what we do. Like many of my colleagues around the country that have had to deal with the problem, you have to have a zero tolerance policy and deal with it effectively when it happens. We work, like many others, at insuring that our people are doing things the right way, filling out forms, turning in the things we need to insure that we’re following the NCAA rules. It’s important but I think it starts with the people you have around you and there understanding of what needs to go on. I don’t really tolerate any missteps around NCAA rules, I mean, it just can’t be. We have to have some semblance of control of interacting within the rules. While the NCAA gets the brunt of the focus, we have to understand that it’s us who makes the rules. We make the rules as individual institutions or conferences and our representatives within the system. So it’s not Mark Emmert (President of NCAA) saying from on high “This is a rule I’m going to put down on you,” it comes from us. We can only get mad at ourselves. TS: It’s been reported in the past that you’re a hockey supporter. Has there been any movement in the possibility of bringing hockey to UB?
With the victories, Buffalo clinched the third seed in the tournament, behind powerhouses Western Michigan (14-10, 5-0 MAC) and Toledo (23-9, 4-1 MAC). Though the Bulls were the No. 1 seed in the 2010 MAC tournament, last year’s champion— Western Michigan – entered the tournament as the third seed. Head coach Lee Nickell is optimistic about his team’s chances. “We like our chances and we’re ready to make a run,” Nickell said. “The key for us is to stay healthy, because with a full squad we can beat anybody. I think that showed with our results. We also need to keep the positive momentum going right now, because we have so much momentum heading into the tournament.” Sophomores George Tibil and Vusa Hove once again carried the team. The duo improved to a 6-0 record when paired together. Tibil and Hove defeated Ball State’s Shaun Bussert and Austin Sansone, 9-7, and Northern Illinois’ Bryant Poggensee-Wei and Tyler Stephens, 8-1. Friday’s match marked Tibil’s return to the court following an injury. Head coach Lee Nickell is thrilled to have the sophomore back, and equally pleased with how Tibil has performed with Hove. “They just work well together,” Nickell said. “George is a great teammate for Vusa. Their energy is always tip-top. That’s why they’re able to win all their matches.”
We’re going to publicize so people know when the games are, in The Buffalo News and The Spectrum will have advertisements about the games, but we’re not going to do radio and TV when we’re 2-8 or 2-9 to get people out. I personally don’t believe great marketing will overcome a poor performing team. But great marketing when your team is performing; both of them add value to it. We did better in basketball than we did the previous year in terms of ticket sales. We were below our goal in football but I don’t blame that on marketing, we weren’t that far off on our football revenue. If there’s blame, I’d blame that on the performance of the team. So I think if the team would’ve performed better we would have hit our goal and maybe even plus. In basketball, we set our goal a little bit higher, and while we did better than last year we didn’t necessarily meet our goals in terms of ticket sales and money, but it wasn’t that far off. To get to the crux of your question, could they do better? Yes. Can I do better? Yes. Look, success starts with all of us doing better no matter what or where we are. Unless we’re 12-0 and doubling our sales and going so far beyond, then I’d say you’ve done all you could. We can all do better. You will rarely ever here me say that I’m satisfied with what we’re doing in any area, because it’s just not how I’ve been brought up or how I’ve been taught. No matter how good you do, you can always do better, is my philosophy. g
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Hove filled in perfectly for Tibil while he was injured, and he’s not slowing down now that Tibil is back. Hove won his team-leading 19th and 20th matches of the season with victories over Ball State’s Cliff Morrison, 7-5, 6-0, and Northern Illinois’ Axel Lagerlof, 4-6, 6-2, 1-0 (10-8). Sunday’s match was the final home appearance for seniors Marcelo Mazzetto and Mitch Zenaty. Zenaty defeated Tyler Stephens, 6-2, 6-0, and Mazzetto took down Maksym Lagutin, 6-1, 6-1. Both athletes also won their doubles matches. Zenaty paired with junior Wojceich Starakiewicz to overcome Lagerlof and Roman Turtygin, 8-4. Mazzetto and freshman Travis Zappia beat Lagutin and Maksym Bartiuk, 8-5. Nickell was pleased to send the seniors out with a win. Buffalo went 5-1 in doubles matches over the weekend. Both matches were played at the Miller Tennis Center in Williamsville, and Nickell considered the home court a major advantage. The team is 10-1 at home the past two years. The Bulls will head into Kalamazoo, Mich. for the MAC tournament, which begins on Thursday. The team will take on Chicago State in one quarterfinal, while Northern Illinois and Ball State will go head-to-head in the other first round match. g
Email: sports@ubspectrum.com