The Spectrum. Volume 59 Issue 00

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The Spectrum h t t p : / / s p e c t r u m . b u f f a l o . e d u

Summer 2009 OCTOBER 22, 2004 FRIDAY,

A student of the University at Buffalo A publication student publication of the University at Buffalo


Residents in UB’s apartment complexes will be hoping for some sunny days in the near future. On May 7, the New York Power Authority (NYPA) and the University at Buffalo unveiled what officials said would be the largest solar energy project in the state. At a news conference in the Center for Tomorrow, NYPA President Richard Kessel and UB President John B. Simpson announced a $7.5 million award to the uni-

By REN LaFORME Managing Editor


UB smoking ban begins Aug. 1 By STEPHEN MARTH Editor In Chief

Smokers at the University at Buffalo only have a few more weeks to enjoy a cigarette on campus. On August 1, UB’s 100-percent smoke-free policy, known as UBreathe Free, will take effect. The policy prohibits smoking anywhere on campus, including in buildings and on the grounds. All parking lots and green spaces are included in the ban. The UBreathe Free initiative is part of a nationwide program involving over 160 colleges that are implementing smoking bans on campus. UB is the first SUNYcampus to implement a ban. “Smoking is the leading preventable cause of death in the United States and there is no safe level of secondhand smoke,” said David Dunn, vice president for health sciences. “If you can smell smoke,

you are breathing in cancer-causing chemicals.” Since the announcement, many students— both smokers and nonsmokers—have expressed their displeasure with the policy. Danielle Cervantes, a senior occupational therapy major and a non-smoker, doesn’t agree with the path that UB is taking. “I’m not a smoker, but I don’t think the policy is fair,” Cervantes said. “Mind you, I don’t approve of smoking at all.” Kinsey Davidson, a senior political science and economics double major, shares the same sentiment. “I totally support the ban near the residence halls, apartments and on the whole entire spine, but people who want to smoke should be able to do so in parking lots and such,” Davidson said. “There has to be spaces to accommodate smokers where they won’t bother non-smokers.” While many students feel that it is an example

versity for the construction of a collection of solar panels in an attempt to encourage renewable energy technologies across New York. The solar panels will produce 1.1 megawatts of solar energy for the campus and are set for installation near the beginning of the fall semester in 2010. “It’s part of an ongoing initiative to meet more of the university’s energy needs through renewable sources,” Simpson said. The project, paid for by a NYPA grant, see SOLAR page 4

of the university infringing on personal rights, Helen Cappuccino, assistant professor and surgeon at Roswell Park Cancer Institute, disagrees. “The main focus of the program is to give students the tools they need to quit and make the environment as healthy as possible,” Cappuccino said in a previous interview with The Spectrum. “By de-normalizing smoking on campus, we will be able to take steps in helping students never start.” Cervantes thinks that if people want to smoke a cigarette, they will find a way, squashing UB’s hopes of turning most of its campus into non-smokers. “I think that the amount of smokers will reduce on campus, but not in general,” Cervantes said. “It is too addictive of a substance. The ban is not that easy of a solution.” The university is providing a variety of services to help students and faculty quit smoking. Free nicotine gum and patches are available to UB stu-

dents and faculty that are at least 18 years old at Wellness Education Services, the office of Wellness and Work/Life Balance and through the Employee Assistance Program on South Campus. Sean Curry, a senior anthropology major, believes that the smoking ban will backfire on university officials in the long run. “I truly think that within a year, [President John see SMOKING page 4

Put it out: Smoking will not be allowed anywhere on campus, including parking lots and green areas as part of the UBreathe Free policy. Photo courtesy of Dan Barak

Bringing hope to a Tanzanian village News Editor


Volume5460 ISSUE Issue220 VOLUME

Kicking the habit



See page 16


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The Bulls hope to repeat as MAC Champions in 2009.

Solar energy coming to UB

University prepares for swine flu As confirmed H1N1 cases swell to over 60,000 globally, UB is taking steps to protect itself. UB’s Emergency Preparedness team recommends that students, faculty, and staff take a variety of preventative measures to avoid infection. These measures include frequent hand washing, avoiding contact with the eyes, nose and mouth, using a tissue or elbow instead of hands to block a sneeze, refraining from sharing utensils, drinks or cigarettes with others and avoiding contact with sick people. The team also recommends avoiding travel to Mexico at this time. Symptoms of H1N1, also known as swine flu, include difficulty breathing or shortness of breath, pain or pressure in the chest or abdomen, sudden dizziness, confusion and severe or persistent vomiting. Anyone experiencing these symptoms should seek medical care as soon as possible. On June 21, 15-year-old Matthew Davis, a resident of Erie County, died due to complications from the H1N1 virus. His passing marked the first swine flurelated death in the county. Students, faculty, and staff can visit http://www. to receive alerts about H1N1 in the UB community.

Returning to glory?

Mara Huber spent some time during Christmas in 2006 chatting with the Immaculate Heart Sisters of Africa while they were visiting her mother-in-law. Huber, director of UB’s Center for Educational Research, learned a lot during this conservation. She learned of the desperate plight of women and young girls in Africa, specifically in Tanzania, who are denied education and subjected to violence on an almost daily basis. In Tanzania, violence against women and girls, including domestic violence, rape, sexual harassment, female genital mutilation and sex trafficking, is a considerable

Arts and Life ........... 5 News ...................... 1 Classifieds .............. 14

Opinion .................... 3 Sports ................... 16

problem. Females are harshly limited in what they can do day-to-day. School and social life ultimately do not exist for females in Tanzania. Rather than a school, girls are taught in a log in the middle of a field. Upon learning of the conditions that they were living in, Huber knew that she had to take action. “I shared their vision for starting a school for the girls,” she said. “I became very engaged and interested so I began informal meetings with community members.” Huber decided to help by building a school for Tanzanian girls, many of which are desperate to learn. She began to gather a group of colleagues to brainstorm ways see AFRICA page 12

Courtesy of Katie Biggie

Officials at UB look to bring hope to children in Tanzania.

EDITOR’S NOTE: This is our special orientation issue. All information is accurate as of July 1, 2009. Our regular publishing will commence on September 2, 2009. Issues come out on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.

The Spectrum


Orientation 2009

O N - C A M P U S .

C O N V E N I E N T .



C H O I C E .

O N - C A M P U S . O N - C A M P U S .

C O N V E N I E N T . C O N V E N I E N T .



C H O I C E . C H O I C E .

L i vinga tUB LivingatUB Each year, more UB students choose to live Each year, more UB on campus. See why. Each year,choose more UB students to live students choose to live on campus. See why. on campus. SeeResidence why. University Halls & Apartments University Residence 716-645-2171 University Residence Halls & Apartments Halls716-645-2171 & Apartments 716-645-2171

The Spectrum

Orientation 2009


Editorial Board Editor in Chief Stephen Marth Executive Editor Keeley Sheehan Managing Editors David Jarka Ren LaForme Jennifer Lombardo News Editors Jennifer Good Caitlin Tremblay Ashley Hirt, asst. Amanda Woods, asst. Editorial Editor Jacob Shillman Arts Editors John Ranic, senior Christopher DiMatteo Jameson Butler, asst. Eric Hilliker, asst. James Twigg, asst. Life Editors Adrian Finch Matt Mosher Shane Fallon, asst. Amber Helfrich, asst. Rachel Lamb, asst. Sports Editors David Sanchirico, senior Andrew Wiktor Matt Parrino, asst. Joe Paterno, asst. Photo Editors Katie Carlett, senior Samantha Hicks Tim Ho Copy Editors Abbi Meade Kate Tunison Graphics Designer Rafael Kobayashi

Professional Staff Business Manager Debbie Smith Administrative Assistant Helene Polley Advertising Manager David Vogt Advertising Designer Christopher Lonzi Web Directors Brian O’Connor Creative Directors Christopher Caporlingua Katelynn Padowski

The views expressed — both written and graphic — in the Feedback, Opinion, and Perspectives sections of The Spectrum do not necessarily reflect the views of the editorial board. Submit contributions for these pages to The Spectrum office at Suite 132 Student Union or The Spectrum reserves the right to edit these pieces for style or length. If a letter is not meant for publication, please mark it clearly as such. All submissions must include the author’s name, daytime phone number and e-mail address.

The Spectrum is provided free by the Undergraduate Mandatory Activity Fee

ORIENTATION ISSUE VOLUME 59 NUMBER 0 CIRCULATION: 10,000 The Spectrum is represented for national advertising by 360 Youth. The Spectrum offices are located in Suite 132, Student Union, State University of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo, New York 14260. Telephone: (716) 645-2468. Copyright 2009 - Buffalo, N.Y. The Spectrum is printed by Buffalo Newspress PO Box 648, Buffalo, NY 14240-0648.


Our role at the University at Buffalo What The Spectrum can do for you—and what you can do for The Spectrum Whether you are walking into a lecture that you are completely disinterested in or grabbing a quick bite to eat somewhere, pick up a copy of The Spectrum so you can brush up on what matters to you on campus. Our staff produces a newspaper for the UB community so you can stay informed on the facts that are relevant to you, the reader. As one of the largest student newspapers in New York, we blend news, arts, sports and life in a neat bundle three times a week—and we take this responsibility with the utmost care. Everyone that has come through The Spectrum throughout their college careers started off as a student and walked out of the doors of 132 Student Union as a journalist. We’ve even had a Pulitzer Prize winner come through our doors. Tom Toles, a cartoonist for the Washington Post, worked for The Spectrum. As the only on-campus publication supported primarily by advertising, we provide the most independent, current source for issues that matter to you. We have no allegiances to anyone besides our readers—we tell it as it is. The front page will offer a quick guide to the most pressing issues you need to know about. Flip the paper over and you’ll get the

most comprehensive coverage about UB’s sports teams. We’ll give you the scores you need, and the stories you want. It’s hardhitting sports journalism. Located in the middle of the paper, our Arts & Life page will provide you with information about Buffalo’s best offerings. We’ll cover must-see events that occur on-campus and around the city. You’ll also read about groups and other cultural influences that might peak your interest. Our Opinion page is where our editorial board expresses our viewpoints about areas of concern for the UB community. It’s our goal to be the focal point for debates on anything that matters to you. We share this outlet with you, the reader, in the form of Letters to the Editor and Your Turn columns. Your voice can, and will, be heard. Remember, this paper is yours. It’s run by students, for students. Don’t be afraid to pay us a visit and let us know how we’re doing. Our doors are always open. Let us know how we can make this paper better for you and other readers across UB’s campuses. Anyone interested in joining our staff or who would like more information can e-mail Stephen Marth, editor in chief, at Welcome to UB. We look forward to serving you.

Judging a judge The circus surrounding Judge Sonia Sotomayor Supreme Court nominees should be asked about their views on topics such as abortion rights and how the Constitution should be interpreted. So far, for Judge Sonia Sotomayor, that’s sadly not the case. As the very first Hispanic to be nominated to our nation’s highest court, she has already been accused of being too abrasive, lacking the intelligence necessary for the job, and even being a full-blown racist. Critics have even found problems with the fact that she likes Puerto Rican food. It’s time to raise the stakes and elevate the topic to where it rightfully should be— dealing with the Constitution and the role that the judiciary plays. However, the conversation appears to be focused more on blatant character conversations than legitimate concerns. Several conservative pundits were on the warpath in May, bringing attention to a 2001 speech in which Judge Sotomayor said “a wise Latina women with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion then a white male who hasn’t lived life.” Judge Sotomayor was simply pointing out the fact that historically, judges have often voted based on their own viewpoints, rather than considering the concerns of people

from other backgrounds. Even respected judges like Oliver Wendell Holmes voted in favor of racial and sexual discrimination. Critics have also questioned Judge Sotomayor’s intelligence, despite graduating summa cum laude from Princeton and obtaining a doctorate from Yale Law School. Justice Alito has a similar resumé, yet his intelligence was never questioned. Tom Tancredo, a former Republican congressman from Colorado, criticized her ties to the National Council of La Raza, a nonprofit and non-partisan Hispanic advocacy group, calling it a “Latino KKK.” The National Review even attacked her pronunciation of a final syllable of a word, wondering if it meant she wasn’t “properly assimilated.” These attacks are taking the attention away from the real concerns we should have about Judge Sotomayer—the fact that she has been on the record for few important issues during her long service as a federal judge. Clearly, conservative groups and Republican elected officials see this nomination as a way to excite their base. However, when a nomination process deteriorates into character assassination and ethnic intolerance, everyone loses.

A home away from home People always seem to chuckle when I tell them that I live in Buffalo. Guess the joke is on you now, too. Actually, I pity those who seem to have any sort of animosity towards the City of Good Neighbors. This area has so much to offer to people, but it seems that many never give it a chance. Before I get started, let me set one thing straight— it snows here. You’ve probably heard horror stories about the blizzards that occur every day and how we are always buried under enormous amounts of the white stuff. Guess what? It isn’t true. Don’t get me wrong, sometimes it can really come down, but Buffalonians Stephen Marth aren’t always guaranteed a Editor in Chief “White Christmas.” Buffalo’s reputation for being the “Snow Capital of America” is completely unfounded—especially when cities like Syracuse often beat Buffalo for the amount of snowfall per year. Beyond precipitation, Buffalo has a wide variety of opportunities to offer to newcomers like you. Buffalo’s arts and entertainment district lacks the respect it truly deserves. Shea’s Performing Arts Center, in addition to a handful of other smaller theaters throughout the city, offer top-notch productions that are just as good as those on Broadway. Our museums and galleries are also underestimated in the quality they offer to people throughout the city. Our food offerings are also something that Buffalonians can be proud of. For one, the chicken wing— not the “Buffalo wing”—originated here. While it’s almost a necessity that you and your families check out the Anchor Bar, home of the wing, you’ll soon come to learn that establishments like Duff’s currently hold the gold medal for best wings in Buffalo. The city also houses an array of festivals throughout the summertime, ranging from the Taste of Buffalo, National Chicken Wing Festival, the Allentown Art Festival, and a wide variety of heritage festivals. Another golden opportunity that I suggest any of you take part in is the Erie County Fair. For locals, it is a cherished event that all look forward to for see MARTH page 4

A guide to freshman year Welcome to UB, freshies! I’m about to start my senior year, and believe me, there are still some things that I don’t understand about UB. Why do people sleep on the couches in Capen? Why do people insist on shoving their way onto the UB Stampede when they know that another bus is coming in less than three minutes? Why don’t more people appreciate the theme nights in the dining halls? While these questions might plague your average senior, there are some crucial elements surrounding this campus that freshman should know when starting school. DO buy used books at the bookstore. Your parents (or wallet) will thank you. DON’T expect the washers and driers in the dorms to function properly. You’re only setting yourself up for Rachel Lamb disappointment. Asst. Life Editor DO attend sporting events. They’re fun, a good way to meet people, and where else are you going to wear body paint in public? DON’T spend all of your dining dollars right away on Hubies, your new home away from home at the Ellicott Complex. Yes, chicken finger pizza is all kinds of delicious, but you’ll hate yourself when you run out of funds a month and a half before the semester ends. DO talk to people. Leave your door open in your hall and go into people’s rooms if their doors are open. It’s why they leave them open. Many people find that they are still friends with floor-mates and roommates from their early years at college. DON’T walk anywhere by yourself. It might be obvious, but when you are intoxicated on Main St. and the only thing on your mind is a garbage plate, you’ll let your guard down. Be careful. DO get to know your professors, especially those that lurk in any of UB’s lecture halls. They’ll appreciate the effort and you’re more likely to get a better grade if your professor knows—and likes—you. DON’T oversleep when you have to register for classes, especially if you’re not admitted into your see LAMB page 4

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No middle ground SMOKING from page 1 B. Simpson] will realize that the ‘ban’ hasn’t worked, especially if they take away the butt stops and ash trays,” Curry said. “Cigarette butts [will be] all over the place.” However, not all students view the ban as a negative change. Jeff Stoessel, a junior mechanical engineering major and a nonsmoker, believes that it will help UB look better in the community. “I’m used to being around smokers,” Stoessel said. “My mother has smoked since she was 17. But by banning smoking, it should improve the image of the campus.” Cappuccino says that there really is no middle ground with how people are viewing the policy. Response has been either completely for the policy, or completely against it.


Orientation 2009

Clean, renewable power SOLAR from page 1 will cost nearly $7 million, while providing approximately 5,000 photovoltaic solar panels that will be installed on seven acres of North Campus. The panels will power all of UB’s apartment complexes. Simpson noted that this solar panel installation will give UB students the opportunity to have the exclusive experience of living in housing where their electricity is provided by the clean, renewable power. “[UB] takes great pleasure in accepting this exciting grant from the New York Power Authority,” Simpson said. “By helping us generate our own power on campus, this solar array helps us...go climate neutral.” This will be the second array of solar panels installed on North Campus. UB completed a smaller project on the roof of Norton Hall in 2006, which provides roughly 6 percent of that building’s power. As the UB/NYPA joint venture continues to merge with the university and as surrounding colleges start certifying personnel in the installation of solar panels, Western New York is gaining potential to become a new axis for green-collar jobs.

“NYPA is committed to investing in Western New York, and the University at Buffalo is the perfect partner for promoting, developing, educating and training in photovoltaic technologies for a cleaner environment, energy independence and green-collar jobs,” Kessel said. According to NYPA, the solar array on North Campus will reduce carbon emissions at UB by more than 500 metric tons per year. It is also specially designed to endure heavy snowfall and function in cold weather. Records from the National Weather Service show that from May through November, Buffalo is the sunniest and driest city in the Northeast, and therefore making it a model contender for generating solar power. “Climate change is one of the biggest problems facing the next generation,” said Emily Bauer, member of the UB Environmental Stewardship Committee and a delegate to the State University of New York Student Assembly. “By stepping up as a leader in solar energy, UB has shown it is committed to a bright future for our environment.” E-mail:

Have some fun LAMB from page 3 major yet. Spaces fill up quicker than you can even imagine. DO get involved, whether it is by joining The Spectrum or becoming a member of any club or organization on campus. It is a great way to meet people and you’re less likely to get homesick when you have friends and are distracted. DON’T procrastinate the Library Skills Workshop. It’ll be a nasty shock when you realize that you can’t graduate because you didn’t complete that stupid program freshman year. Seriously. DO expect it to snow in March and April. We’re in Western New York. Near a lake. Up north. Stop complaining. DON’T accept stereotypes. It might seem hilarious to poke fun at people from different areas like Long Island, but realize that while some people are pretty much right on target, there are a lot of awesome people that you could miss out on meeting by assuming things. Assumptions can kill. DO talk to people in your



Avenue Q has not been authorized or approved by The Jim Henson Company or Sesame Workshop, which have no responsibility for its content.




classes. You’ll be seeing a lot of the same people in your major and it helps to have friends to talk about school. If you don’t have any small classes, talk to random strangers in lecture halls. I met my best friend in the entire world in a lecture hall of 300 people the second week of freshman year. It happens. DON’T drink jungle juice at fraternity or sorority parties. You don’t know what they put in there and you could easily get hurt. Here’s a helpful hint—if the hosts aren’t drinking it, you should probably steer clear of the concoction. DO venture into the depths of Buffalo, Niagara Falls, and even Canada. Despite what people say, Buffalo is not a dying city and there are tons of things to do in this area. Plus, you’re going to go crazy if you stay on campus all the time. Trust me. Finally, DO realize that you’re not the only one freaking out entering your freshman year. Everyone gets a little nervous, but just remember to relax and have some fun. E-mail:

Get out and explore MARTH from page 3






the summer and you should be a part of it. The Erie County Fair, one of the biggest fairs in the entire country, offers some great food, games, shows, and learning opportunities about local culture and other interesting endeavors. It’s something I personally look forward to every single year. Our nightlife is also something we can boast about. The Chippewa strip in Downtown Buffalo offers a wide range of clubs and restaurants that you can infiltrate on the weekend—and the best part is last call is at 4 a.m. Take that, sobriety. For sports lovers, our teams are pretty good—sometimes. The Buffalo Sabres have recently fallen from being a powerhouse in the National Hockey League. The Buffalo Bisons, our Minor League baseball affiliate with

the New York Mets, are downright atrocious, but the Buffalo Bandits, our National Lacrosse League squad, make up for that. Oh, and did I mention that the Buffalo Bills have T.O.? While I realize that I’ve left out so much other information on what the Queen City can offer you, one great experience about living here is that you’ll find out about it on your own, one way or another. Explore. Get out there. Live. But before I stop writing this let me tell you one thing. The greatest thing that this city has ever offered me is the feeling I get when I drive over the skyway, taking in the smell of Cheerios brewing up at the General Mills plant as the sun begins to set around the Buffalo skyline. Welcome home. E-mail:

The Spectrum

Orientation 2009


AR T S & LI F E Cinematic storytelling By JOHN RANIC Christopher Di Matteo Arts Editor

Bonnaravenous I will never forget when I got that text. It was May 31, and I was in Fenway Park in Boston, but not to see a Red Sox game. I was there for something that I think is about a million times better—Phish. I checked my phone in between sets and saw that my girlfriend sent me a text message telling me that a friend was selling two tickets to one of the biggest music festivals on earth, Bonnaroo. The show was only 11 days away but doing things on short notice never bothered me. How could I not want to go Bonnaroo? I could see bands such as Elvis Costello, Beastie Boys, and David Grisman, oh my. Phish, who I had already seen, was also scheduled. We left late Wednesday night for our drive, a drive that would be over 11 hours with no stops, to try to avoid the line to get in. This plan didn’t work. There were so many cars going to the show that two highway exits were closed down. My friends and I were directed down the highway for 15 miles and were brought to a line that would bring us into the festival through another entrance. After almost seven hours in the line, during which I was panicking because I thought my car was going to run out of gas or overheat, we got in. Entering the festival grounds was simply overwhelming. It was incredible to see the sea of people and cars that filled the almost 700 acre area. After we set up our campsite we went to “Center-roo,” the location of all of the stages and madness. The area was massive, filled with five enormous stages, countless tents, a Ferris wheel, and even a cinema. It was easy to see the massive size the festival. Being at Bonnaroo was an eyeopening experience. I felt and saw why so many people wanted to come, why it was considered such a big deal, and why so many bands want to play there, but I also saw how full of bull it all was. Many members of the media try to portray the Bonnaroo Festival as this generation’s Woodstock. To them I must ask one question; how many people drove an RV to Woodstock? How many people at that summer of love show in 1969 went to “The Fuse Barn” to charge their cell phones and update their MySpace, Twitter and Facebook statuses? And if there had been a Ferris wheel at the original Woodstock, would they have charged $5 a ride after charging people $250 to get in? Those times are dead and gone. People who try to compare festivals from today with that epic concert of the past are only lying to themselves and blowing smoke to their readers. Bonnaroo is not as much about the music as it is the money. There is proof of this in the bands they book. I respect the fact that they schedule bands and musicians from every genre. However, I do not think that the organizers did this to include the biggest acts of see Di Matteo page 13

Senior Arts Editor

Swirling in a whirlwind of road-worn success, Craig Owens, vocalist of Detroit post-hardcore act Chiodos, found that love was almost his decay. Taking every ounce of criticism personally and drowning in what was often an overwhelming following, Owens found himself flirting with an early demise and a starring role in his own bone palace ballet. With an outpouring of sup-

port from friends and family, Owens is finding himself with a legacy in the making by performing with three groups; Chiodos, Cinematic Sunrise and his own solo stint to promote his forthcoming E.P. Armed with an acoustic guitar and a body full of tattooed artwork, Owens strolled down Mohawk Place and took his spot as a curbside poet—singing, philosophizing and setting a vast collection of records straight in the process.

Before, during and after his show and interview, Owens took time to address every fan that mustered up the courage to approach him. To every flash, he offered a smile. To every story and compliment, he did the same. Even during his performance when an eager concertgoer asked him to watch the tribute video he made, he gladly offered to do so—when he was actually at a computer. John Ranic / The Spectrum

see OWENS page 6

Craig Owens of Chiodos.

Giving the gift of freedom By RACHEL LAMB Asst. Life Editor

Imagine being a normal person with a normal life, and one day everything comes to a grinding halt. For many people, losing the ability to see might seem like the end of it all. However, one organization wants to show that it doesn’t have to be that way. At Guiding Eyes for the Blind, Labrador retrievers and German shepherds are trained to obey and be the eyes for those who cannot see. Guiding Eyes, a non-profit organization started in 1954, has since graduated over 7,000 guide dog teams. Dogs are placed in every state in the United States and in countless countries including Spain, Portugal, Italy, Columbia and Poland. Linda Damato, Guiding Eyes director of puppy program support services, believes the organization is one of the best out there for those who are looking for a partner in life. “It is a top guide dog school with cutting edge training,” Damato said. “We are very see DOGS page 7

Courtesy of Linda Damato

College students are perfect candidates for raising guide dogs for Guiding Eyes for the Blind.

A chunk of Americana By JOHN RANIC Senior Arts Editor

Courtesy of Jamie Bradburn

Buffalo has a cornucopia of cultures and things to do.

A bountiful area By SHANE FALLON Asst. Life Editor

The idea of moving into a new place is hugely intimidating, often inundated with questions of where to go, what to do, and who to hang out with. Incoming students first settling into Buffalo will often find the task of paving their own way difficult. Despite contrary statements from both locals and students, those with a watchful eye and an air for adventure can discover

that there is, in fact, a plethora of entertaining venues to fill the idle hours of college life. It’s best to think of the city of Buffalo as a piece of fruit. While not necessarily appearing too good on the outside, once the skin has been peeled off, a horde of fun essentials appears. The most basic desire of a college student is to eat great food at even better prices, and one of the most underrated aspects of Bufsee WNY page 11

Over the last 25 years, The Offspring have sold over 33 million albums, influenced the sound and direction of countless punk acts, strummed the notes to a sure-fire hall of fame nod, and redefined a genre in the process. From seedy underground dives filled with snot and graffiti to heavy rotation in the MTV mainstream, punk as we now know it owes its commercialization to The Offspring. Spawned in the vein of Social Distortion and TSOL, crosscountry teammates and friends Greg Kriesel and Dexter Holland decided to put their prowess to use and start a band. Add the school janitor/guitarist and a fresh-faced drummer in Kevin “Noodles” Wasserman and Ron Welty and voila—you have history. Despite a few lineup changes behind the skins, The Offspring remains intact and as strong as ever. With “Kristy, Are You Doing Okay?” riding Da Hui sized waves on mainstream

Greg Kriesel

radio, a huge summer tour raging full steam ahead and aspirations to release a new album over the next year, the band has not only caught it’s second wind, they’re out to prove that Smash was really only the beginning. Light-up bass and all, cofounder Greg Kriesel was nice enough to phone in en route and see OFFSPRING page 12

The Spectrum




Orientation 2009

Goes out of his way for fans

now available online at (Fall 2001 to Present)

OWENS from page 5 For a man so sweet and genuine to every fan that came his way it’s almost unfathomable that he’s been accused of being unapproachable, pretentious, and in one case, rumored to have hit an underage girl. Anyone that has spent any significant amount of time with Owens can see the blatant absurdity in these claims, yet Owens has dealt with them for years. With time, he began to understand the reason. “I don’t want to come off as self-pretentious, but I think it is jealousy,” Owens said. “I think people look at us, and they see how normal we are and they say ‘Why them?’ Maybe we don’t play perfect, maybe we’re not the most amazing band or whatever, but we do what we do and we love what we do.” Owens finds it all to be funny because he feels that his band doesn’t fit the bill of the typical band. “We’re very kind of a shy band when it comes down to it,” Owens said. “When it comes to other bands, in order to be a part of a clique you have to get in with someone in the clique, you have to [suck up to them] you have to try and be their best friend…We will be ourselves, we will play our music and we will care about the people that care what it is that we’re doing – and we will give them everything we can.” Owens has been the focal point of the Davison, Mich. quintet throughout their eightyear career, and as a result, has taken the brunt of his band’s criticism. He landed in the hospital last July after overdosing on Xanax. “I went through a lot of crazy stuff the past four years of my life that lead up to this crazy thing last July and that was all one big build up. Part of that was me being reclusive because of all the negative things people would say about me,” Owens said. “Just like anything else in

life, all you can do is live a good life and everything will come that’s supposed to come. It’s, I think, karma. If people sit and badmouth or anything like that, I think it’ll come around and bite them.” With love and support rushing in from every direction, Owens has managed to change the way he handles his criticism. “I’m much more positive. I’m letting it be and avoiding it,” Owens said. “At the end of the day, I know who I am and I know that the people who are surrounding me know who I am and that’s all I really need to be content with.” Owens possesses a gratitude and humility unlike most frontmen and goes out of his way to make his fans feel loved, as that’s the same effect they have on him. “Without them, who am I? I’m just a guy who’s playing songs,” Owens said. “When I walk into a room full of kids that are actually there for us, or me, it’s amazing, I feel like I’m walking into a room full of friends.” Owens makes himself available for the fans at home as well by playing house shows. Though there might not be any hardcore dancing in the living room, Owens lives for the memories these shows provide. “I get to meet amazing individuals that keep my band going, people that make me have the strength to get up on that stage every time I’ve ever doubted myself because I know that they’re there for us,” Owens said. “You really get to be close and personal and hang out and have conversations and really see it from the other side. I appreciate my fans for letting me be a part of their lives.” Even in the worst of times, Owens remains grateful. Though he watched an outof-control 2007 Warped Tour crowd in Milwaukee tear apart his retro Boston T-shirt, and one of the only physical memories he had of his father, he still signed away the pieces in all their bittersweet glory. After all, he was that kid that fell in love with Weezer’s Blue Album, started a band at age 15 and made his passion his life. With a solo show that was “a little less sexy, a little more real,” Owens’ story told his way through his neurosis, love and journey thus far. With a full summer of dates, he has but music on his mind and crowds to humbly walk across, Iggy Pop style. “I just want to play and live day to day. I want to show and remind everybody what Chiodos is all about,” Owens said. “Nobody’s seen us play really since the fall of last year and I can’t wait to get on that stage and remind everybody that we’re still here and we’re not going anywhere.” E-mail:

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Orientation 2009

College is a great socialization tool for dogs DOGS from page 5 focused on building a relationship with the dogs, starting at birth, with positive interactions… so that they love to work with people.” The organization thrives on volunteers to assist in the development of the puppies. They take them into their homes and train them, love them, and take care of them as the dogs grow up and learn key skills that will assist them in their development. Volunteers also bring the puppies to classes where they go through a progression of step training. “The classes are built on steps,” Damato said. “Dogs will learn how to sit, how to deal with distractions, and learn how to stay on task. We try to make the classes a fun way for the puppies to learn how to be good guide dogs through games and discipline.” At 18 months, the puppies return to the organization’s headquarters in Yorktown Heights, NY for formal training. However, not all of the puppies trained become guide dogs. Though it is their top goal, not all dogs are destined for guiding. “Guiding Eyes has affiliations with the Department of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, as well as state and local agencies and organizations that train and place dogs for detection work,” Damato said. In addition to police work, guide dogs not placed in homes often work with Heeling Autism, an organization that places

canines into homes to protect children with Autism. With the dogs’ outstanding temperaments, they have ideal dispositions for dealing with children with the developmental disorder, according to Damato. The organization has volunteers raising possible future guide dogs in almost 40 regions, from Maine to North Carolina, and even as far west as Ohio. Some volunteers are students, raising them in schools like RIT, Cornell, and Stevenson University. “Students raising these dogs in [their] dorms are a great way for dogs to get socialization and for them to meet new people,” Damato said. “They get comfortable meeting people, going up stairs, and they learn to deal with distractions and stay on task while they’re working.” For dogs that are not able to become working dogs in any field, they are given another job; becoming family pets. The dogs are adopted through Guiding Eyes so that they can be placed in homes across the country. The adoption process is somewhat rigorous, where interested families are screened and undergo background checks so that the dogs are placed with the most loving of families. The Fox family of Lancaster, NY is currently raising their second puppy, a yellow Labrador retriever named Iman. The Fox’s, parents Jamie and Lynn, along with their three daughters Sara, Alyssa and Megan, found out about Guiding Eyes through a local newspaper.

“We take the puppies everywhere that we can… the library, the bank, even to Grandma’s house and on vacation,” Lynn said. “We took [our first puppy] Calista to school plays and concerts when she got old enough, but we wouldn’t take the puppies to a large place like the Galleria Mall if they were not ready to deal with it. They have to take baby steps and work up to that.” The Fox family helps Guiding Eyes by presenting information for Girl Scout troops, schools and the Lions Club in Lancaster. The oldest daughter, Sara, went to the headquarters in Yorktown Heights and learned about the formal training process. “It impressed me how well the puppies were treated and how well everyone worked together,” Lynn said. “They are very involved in the [history of each dog] and getting to know the families that raise them as well.” All of the Fox’s agree that giving up the puppies is the hardest part about the process, but when they do, they feel like they have accomplished something great and are proud to help enrich another person’s life by training a dog. Volunteers are always needed at Guiding Eyes. Those who are interested in becoming possible future guide dog raisers, or volunteering in other ways, can contact the organization through its Web site at http://


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Orientation 2009


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Orientation 2009


The most impressive artistic and cultural center in the area WNY from page 5 falo’s cultural spectrum is the rich array of eating locales available in all price ranges. Everyone should visit the home of the original chicken wing restaurant, the Anchor Bar, at least once while they are at UB. To fulfill their cravings, their superior sister, Duffs, is right around the corner from North Campus. If chicken wings don’t sound appealing, the quality of the food is worth the short trip. If that doesn’t fit the bill, chain restaurants in the surrounding suburbs, as well as the countless independently owned restaurants in the downtown and Elmwood village area, are sure to please those eager for a quick bite. After indulging in an enjoyable meal, the fun can only continue. Despite being mocked and criticized as a blue collar and culturally-lacking city in the heart of upstate New York, Buffalo surprisingly offers some of the most impressive artistic and cultural centers in the area. The beautiful Elmwood Village has a bohemian and sexy flair with faint echoes of New York City, and the impressive Albright Knox Art Gallery hous-

es a collection bested only by Art Gotham in New York State. Its magnificence can be witnessed weekly and free of charge courtesy of their famous “Museum Fridays.” The more traditional and conventional student yearning to spend some dollars on designer labels will also not be at a loss. The Boulevard Mall and the Walden Galleria are prime locations to spend an afternoon, with brand name stores ranging from

Abercrombie & Fitch to Zumiez. Buses are available to visit the malls from campus on Wednesdays and Saturdays. For those unwilling or unable to brave the greater city limits, the determined seeker of excitement will find many ways to occupy their time on North and South campus. The Undergraduate Student Association prides itself on its many clubs, with countless meetings and events held every

day of the week. For most, experiences with these clubs promise the advent of some new friendships and interactions. What is key to understand when embarking on an experience as unfamiliar and diverse as college, especially when a campus is as large and initially shocking as UB, is everything will not be the same for everyone. Each will experience their newfound freedom in a different way, and getting used to the way

things work in this new place will take time. However, it can only be hoped that when boxes are unpacked, classes begin and the preliminary anxiety finally wavers, new UB students will continue to take those bold steps in exploring their brave new world in Buffalo.


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Orientation 2009

Living the dream OFFSPRING from page 5 dish out the details on all things Offspring. After six months off from touring with any consistency, Kriesel just seems grateful to be back behind his Ibanez. “It’s been cool,” Kriesel said. “We’ve been off for a while, but once we got back into it, we kind of just jumped back into it. It’s cool to see the crowd every night—their reaction, especially with [‘Kristy, Are You Doing Okay?’].”

Following the widely successful single “You’re Gonna Go Far Kid” and the triumphant return to form with “Hammerhead” off of Rise And Fall, Rage And Grace, “Kristy” launched itself onto the airwaves and has brought The Offspring a new generation of fans who more than likely have no idea that Dexter had braids long before Axl “Raiders” Rose. Even with an ever diversifying discography and fan base, it’s still seems like it’s the old faithful that for the most part, drives 691 Millersport Highway Amherst, NY 14226


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them while playing live. “It still seems like a lot of the older hits still go over with everybody. Maybe they kind of heard them on the radio or whatever, like ‘Self Esteem’ and ‘Come Out and Play.’ You know, ones that everybody seems to be familiar with,” Kriesel said. “But you can tell that there are a handful of people that are just really into the new songs, which is kind of cool. It’s cool to be able to play the new songs and have people actually sing along and get into them.” Touring with the likes of The Vandals, The Ramones and Fugazi, The Offspring have not only become who they idolized, but they got to make childhood aspirations a reality. Though the scene is far from what it was back in the early ’90s, Kriesel still sees it as it once was. “There’s always the pop stuff and there’s always a bunch of little stuff, different genres that are kind of cropping up here and there,” Kriesel said. “The cool thing is the underground punk scene has always kind of been there in almost the same way—

the small clubs that will play the punk music or whatever. There’s always going to be bands coming up playing that.” Just as Kriesel has come up through the ranks, he’s watched his children grow up with him and develop into some of his biggest supporters. “When we got [Rise and Fall, Rage and Grace], they listened to it pretty much every day and memorized all the lyrics,” Kriesel said. “That was kind of the first time, cause it had been five years since our last album. It was kind of the first time they were able to get into it.” At age 44, Kriesel lives the dream. He’s a part of one of the most successful punk bands of all time, has a hearty and happy family, flies each night with Holland in his private plane on tour, and on top of it all, the interest in his music is higher than it has been in years. It doesn’t seem like there’s much else left for him to do. “As far as what we have left to accomplish, I don’t know,” Kriesel said. “We just want to keep on doing what we’re doing

AFRICA from page 1 to bring education to the girls in the small village of Musoma, located in the Mara region of Tanzania. “People here take their right to education for granted,” said Katie Biggie, educational outreach coordinator for the Center for Educational Collaboration, and one of the coordinators of the project. “What people don’t realize is there is no right to education in Tanzania, and we want to help change that.” Eventually, Huber gained support for the project from UB President John B. Simpson and began contacting other faculty and staff. “It gained a following around the community very quickly,” Huber said. “The project reso-

nates with different people for different reasons and it has a lot of support.” So far, a preliminary meeting has been set up for late July in Tanzania. In addition to Huber and Biggie, the group includes Mary Gresham, dean of the Graduate School of Education; Brian Carter, dean of the School of Architecture and Planning; Catherine Dulmus, director of the Buffalo Center for Social Research; Hodan Isse, assistant professor in the School of Management; and Brenda McDuffie, president and CEO of the Buffalo Urban League. The group will travel through Tanzania for nine days, beginning in its largest city and former capital, Dar es Salaam. In order to get to Musoma, the group

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Culture still based on tribal customs


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and moving forward. As long as things seem like they’re moving forward and are still exciting for us, we’ll keep on going.” Ending on a note sure to please every fan, the one thing on the collective mind of The Offspring is continuing their legacy and churning out a new album in a far shorter time span than the five-year gap between their last two efforts. “For us it wasn’t five years because we did the ‘best of’ album in between and we toured off of that,” Kriesel said. “And then it took a little longer with this one. Our goal is to put a new album maybe out next year. Whether that will work out, I don’t know. But we definitely would like to get something out a little quicker this time.” The Offspring will be playing June 30 at the CMAC in Canandaigua, N.Y. Boasting future acts like Judas Priest, Jason Mraz, John Legend and even Blondie, the venue and artists are well worth the drive.

UB South Campus 3288 Main Street (Corner Englewood)

must then travel three hours by commuter plane to a rural airport and another three hours by truck across the Serengeti. When they finally arrive, they will work with locals to begin planning a school to help educate about 1,500 girls per year. Tanzania is a developing country with an economy based largely on agriculture, according to Huber. The culture is still heavily based on tribal customs and many still partake practices such as female circumcision and forced marriage for girls as young as 10 years old. Tanzania also suffers from a very high rate of HIV and AIDS. The group from UB has created a partnership with Buffalo Public Schools to create a school with a strong foundation of respect, understanding and research through mobilizing available Tanzanian resources. According to Huber, there is an urgency to get an actual physical structure built but the group is taking it one step at a time. “The meeting in July is just preliminary,” Carter said. “We’re going to go and observe the area and see what kind of local materials and resources we have to work with. We’re going to relate the design to local materials.” Huber and her crew will work with the Immaculate Heart Sisters of Africa (IHSA) to create this school. The IHSA was founded in 1950 and includes over 140 Catholic nuns, all of whom will be involved directly in the school and with the girls on a daily basis. The Sisters have already received a 1,000-acre land grant from the Tanzanian government to build the school. The best part of the project is that it not only positively affects the community in Tanzania, but the Buffalo community as well, Biggie said. “So far three local schools have been fundraising and working on writing letters to the girls,” she said. “The kids can reflect on what education really means, and they can use this service model to change things in their own community.” The group hopes to build at least two functioning classrooms for the girls by the summer of 2010. E-mail:

The Spectrum

Orientation 2009


Never missed practice during rehab MADONIA from page 16 geries and go through eight additional weeks of radiation. The details of the road to recovery, however, never phased the brave track star. “I never doubted that I would be able to return,” Madonia said. “It was just a matter of how long it would take. I had a good rehab plan and a lot of support from my coaches who helped me get back to the sport quickly.” While his coaches were occupied with supporting him during his rehabilitation, Madonia was busy supporting his teammates. Throughout his lengthy recovery he never missed a single practice. He connects his relentlessness with stubbornness, but head coach Perry Jenkins sees it otherwise. “Jake is a fighter and a believer,” Jenkins said. “He’s not going to quit no matter what. Whether it’s in the classroom, on the track or in life, Jake is determined to persevere.”

After being diagnosed with cancer, Madonia refused to hang up his blue and white uniform. During chemotherapy, prior to his surgery, he tried out for the Empire State Games for both the discus and shot put events. Determined to succeed, he placed first and second respectively and earned himself a spot in the competition. Madonia, however, was unable to compete in the event because the games coincided with his surgery. Though he didn’t attend the Empire State Games, his efforts did not go unrecognized. Madonia received the 2009 Giant Steps Award, presented annually by the National Consortium for Academics and Sports. The award, which is not limited to students, is given to individuals who inspire studentathletes to succeed in all aspects of their lives. Madonia’s inspirational story met the criterion and he will be honored at a ceremony in Orlando, Fla. in October. Madonia used the sport that he

fell in love with in seventh grade to propel him to health. His focus and determination willed him to recovery and he was able to return to track and field this past January. After missing close to two years of competition, Madonia never missed a beat. “The year that he had was remarkable,” Jenkins said. “Winning the indoor MAC Championships and qualifying for the NCAA Regional Outdoor qualifier is unbelievable given the situation that he faced, especially after being out of the sport for two years.” Though he lost a part of his foot to the cancer, his heart remained intact and his focus was never altered. Looking towards the future, Madonia plans to study exercise science in graduate school and hopes to work for a professional or collegiate team. After recovering from synovial sarcoma, nothing seems impossible for Madonia. He carries a unique energy wherever he

goes and finds no challenge too difficult to overcome. His expectations for his final season at UB are clear-cut; he’ll stop at nothing short of a National Championship. If he can beat cancer, there’s no reason why he and his teammates can’t beat the rest of the country. E-mail:

‘We’re still going to emphasize turnovers’ FOOTBALL from page 16 role. Senior running back James Starks and senior wide receiver Naaman Roosevelt both return after stellar seasons. Starks pounded his way towards 1,333 yards and 16 touchdowns. He will help take pressure off Maynard and the passing game with his breakaway speed and playmaking ability. Roosevelt will provide Maynard with a quick, reliable pass option. The Buffalo native made a name for himself last year, grabbing 104 balls for 1,402 yards and 13 touchdowns. Both players figure to go early in the 2010 NFL Draft when their college playing days are done. For now, they will man the leadership roles of the offense. The defense returns eight starters, including every starter

from the linebacking and defensive secondary corps. Buffalo’s defense looks to improve after being very young a season ago, which led to some high-scoring affairs in 2008. Though the unit returns most of its players, it will be manned by a new defensive coordinator. After letting Jimmy Williams go due to different philosophical viewpoints, Gill promoted Fred Reed to lead the defense in September. Reed, who worked with the defensive backs last season, will stress tackling on first contact as opposed to Williams, who stressed turnovers. “We’re still going to emphasize turnovers, that’s not going to change, but tackling and doing your assignment are really key,” Gill said. “I think those are the things that will surely be stressed from [Reed’s] standpoint.”

Santa not coming anytime soon DI MATTEO from page 5 the day as much as they did it to appeal to as many people as possible in order to sell tickets. Also, Bruce Springsteen as one of the headliners—honestly? I respect “The Boss” just as much of the next guy and acknowledge that he has accomplished quite a bit in his career, but for some reason, I do not think that Ol’ Brucey Boy fit the bill. Plus, he’s a liar. He played “Santa Claus is Coming to Town.”

I’m sorry Boss, but it is June and he is not coming anytime soon. As negative as I may have been about the whole thing, it was an amazing concert. I saw some of the best performers in the world and some once in a lifetime performances, including The Boss performing with my favorite band, Phish. It was a time my friends that I will never forget, and it was worth every minute of the drive. E-mail:

Most players are on campus working out with fall practice starting in early August. The Bulls’ season starts on the road at UTEP on Sept. 5. The team returns home for their home opener against Big East power Pittsburgh on Sept. 12. E-mail:


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APARTMENT FOR RENT 112 LISBON NEAR Main. Large well-kept 3-bdrm upper & lower with appliances & laundry. Available June 1st. $615+ utilities. Call 864-4696. A M H E R S T S PA C I O U S 1 & 2 bedroom apartments conveniently located to north & south campuses includes appliances, dishwasher, laundry, water, heat, garage available from $695.00, 691-7600. AMHERST 1350 sq ft two bedroom condo, dining room, new kitchen, two ceramic baths, central air, appliances, dishwasher, laundry, balcony, storage, water, garage available, $945.00+, 691-7600.

AMHERST VILLAGE of Williamsville two bedroom, new oak kitchen, ceramic bath, deluxe appliances, dishwasher, laundry, storage, heat, water, garage, available 5 minutes to campus from $795.00, 691-7600. “MERRIMAC, ENGLEWOOD, Heath, Winspear. We still have the nicest homes available on south campus! O/S parking, WDMSC, w/w carpet, new everything! 10 homes to choose from. Call 716-208-4308 or” MERRIMAC 3 & 4 bedroom updated kitchen, bath, dishwasher & laundry. $260 per person. Available immediately, 716-308-5215. 1, 2 & 3 BEDROOM apartments. Walking distance UB South Campus. Tom – 716-570-4776. 1,2,3 & 4 BEDROOM available now, $500-$800/ mo includes garbage. 1 & 2 bedroom, heat included. Spacious with many updates. Call Matt @ 716-997-1814. 1,3,4,5,6,7 & 8 BEDROOM homes available. Go to or call Dave @ 716-445-2514. AMHERST. 4/5 extra large bedrooms, fans, blinds, off-street parking, eat-in kitchen, fully furnished, manager on call 24/7... Ron 984-8173.

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Orientation 2009

CLASSIFIED ads may be placed at The Spectrum office at Suite 132 Student Union, Amherst Campus. Office hours are from 9:00 - 4:00 p.m. Monday thru Friday. Deadlines are Monday, Wednesday, Friday at 12:00 for display and 2:00 p.m. for classifieds for the next edition. Weekly rates are $10.00 for the first ten words and 75¢ for each additional word. All ads must be paid in advance. The ad must be placed in person or send a legible copy of the ad with a check or money order for full payment. No ads will be taken over the phone. The Spectrum reserves the right to edit any copy. No refunds will be given on classified ads. Please make sure copy is legible. The Spectrum does not assume responsibility for any errors except to reproduce any ad (or equivalent), free of charge, that is rendered valueless due to typographical errors. Please call 645-2152 for any additional information.

AVAILABLE 4 BDRM, 3 bath apt at Alexander Estates Sweet Home Road North Campus beginning June 1 st . Also short-term summer rentals by the bedroom for July and Aug. Contact 688-2526 for an appt. UTILITIES PAID 2 blocks from South Campus, 4 bdrm apt. Can be rented by bedroom, carpeted, appliances, off-street parking, 716-984-6970. UNIVERSITY SOUTH 2 or 3 bedrooms, appliances, basement, yard, parking. $500+, 479-5211. SPECTACULAR 3-BEDROOM apartment. Totally renovated. New kitchen, bath, completely furnished. Driveway, porches, huge rooms, cable all rooms. Must see! $650.00, 716-310-2469. “LARGE FULLY FURNISHED, 6 bedroom apartment with off-street parking, available immediately in University Heights. If interested please call Rob @ 716-830-6646 or email rmcdow@roadrunner. com.”

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Orientation 2009

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A leap towards annual prosperity SANCHIRICO from page 16 football team’s championship success. After finishing second in the Colonial Athletic Association (CAA) championship, the rowing team captured the Dad Vail Regatta—the largest rowing event in the United States— for the second straight season. The women’s tennis team failed to capture back-to-back MAC championships but once again had a fantastic season. Even the baseball team, a squad that has never qualified for a MAC Tournament, showed it could be on the verge of great things. The team won a threegame series against Kent State, ranked No. 23 at the time, in May. Kent State finished the season 43-17. With these accomplishments, Buffalo showed it could be a prominent figure in NCAA sports. This year will determine whether the Bulls’ aspirations to be a consistently competitive


program are realistic. Can the football team retain the magic it possessed last year during the team’s MAC Championship run sparked by unfathomable fourth-quarter comebacks? Can sophomore quarterback Zach Maynard come in and fill the void a graduated Drew Willy left behind after a 3,304yard, 25-touchdown senior year? On the basketball end, will the Bulls, who return four of their five starters, finally reach the plateau of the MAC? Can senior guard Rodney Pierce help reverse bad fortunes in what should be a very-improved conference? As a whole, can the Bulls add to their total of two MAC Championships? Will they show the rest of the conference that the days of last place finishes are over? We made our baby steps. This is the year to leap towards annual prosperity.

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The Spectrum


Orientation 2009

SP O R T S s p eci a l fe at u r e

UB thrower tosses cancer away David Sanchirico Senior Sports Editor

Quest for yearly dominance The University at Buffalo as a sports school? I’m sure this wasn’t on your mind when you decided to say “bon voyage” to your parents and spend your next four years in Western New York. Most prospective students choose the largest institution in the SUNY system because of its renowned and diverse academic programs. It may have also been Buffalo’s status as a strong research university that enticed you to enroll. The school’s once laughable athletic department never provided excitement to our campus so there was never a reason for students to get pumped up about Buffalo athletics. Athletics were never a rational reason to choose Buffalo over any other school. However, contrary to any other year, this upcoming sports season will be about maintaining—not attaining—success. The 2008-09 season provided Buffalo sports fans with their first taste of success. The Bulls’ first Mid-American Conference (MAC) championships arrived in 2008 and numerous teams had their best seasons to date. Other squads made steps in the right direction to join their fellow student athletes on the top of the MAC sports world. No team captured the attention of Buffalo students and sports fans more than the football team. Led by head coach Turner Gill and the most talented football team this campus has ever seen, the Bulls captured unimaginable victories en route to a gigantic upset over then No. 12 Ball State in the MAC Championship and the team’s second-ever bowl bid. The men’s basketball team was not far behind the football team on the scale of success. Though they were expected to finish near the bottom of the conference, the Bulls lost to UConn by only four points, won 20-plus games for the second time in the team’s Division I history and were one win shy of the ever-popular NCAA Tournament. The boys on the hardwood quickly replaced the excitement void left behind by the football team, giving fans more heart-pumping games until March. Other Buffalo teams also broke through and showed signs of following the see SANCHIRICO page 15

By ANDREW WIKTOR Sports Editor

Jim Abbott was born without a right hand, but this didn’t stop him from being a successful professional baseball player. He pitched a nohitter against the Cleveland Indians and completed his MLB career with a 4.25 ERA. Before the 1991-92 NBA season, Earvin “Magic” Johnson announced that he was HIV positive and that he would retire from professional basketball. This didn’t stop fans from voting him into the 1992 All-Star game where he was crowned MVP after recording 29 points, nine rebounds and five assists. Lance Armstrong was diagnosed with nonseminomatous testicular cancer in 1996. That didn’t stop him from setting the world record for consecutive Tour de France victories by winning the race seven consecutive times from 1999 to 2005. Abbott, Johnson and Armstrong each competed at their sport’s highest level possible and their stories are well known throughout the world. They have inspired countless people

to succeed even when the obstacles they face seem insurmountable. But athletes don’t have to be famous to inspire, and professionals aren’t the only to face hardships that challenge their ability to compete. Less than two years ago, senior thrower Jacob Madonia from UB’s track and field team went to the doctor to have a cyst removed from his foot. After running a few tests, it was determined that he had a rare form of cancer called synovial sarcoma. “[It] is a soft tissue cancer that usually occurs around the joints,” Madonia said. “I had a baseball-sized tumor in my foot and it had been there for about a year and a half.” Studies show that about 20 percent of the affected population is either in their adolescence or young adulthood and males are roughly twice as likely to be diagnosed with synovial sarcoma. In order to successfully defeat the cancer, Madonia needed to undergo inpatient chemotherapy for three weeks, have two sursee MADONIA page 13

Paul Hokanson / UB Athletics

Jacob Madonia

Fo ot ba l l

Forgetting years of anguish By DAVID SANCHIRICO Senior Sports Editor


s head coach Turner Gill hoisted the MidAmerican Conference (MAC) Championship trophy over his head for all Ford Field spectators to see, a decade of struggles seemingly withered away. The Buffalo Bulls football program finally grasped success after a multitude of blowout losses, years of limited talent and a lack of enthusiasm surrounding the program. But Gill and his players have put last year’s success story in the rearview mirror. The squad’s collective focus is progressing forwards and making sure that last year’s MAC Championship was the first of many. Buffalo’s path towards another championship year started immediately after their loss to UConn in the International Bowl. The 38-20 defeat ended the Bulls’ storybook season with a losing ending, but failed to take away from the magical season. The team took the time to briefly reflect on the season behind them but quickly turned towards aspirations to improve. “I’ve had an opportunity to reflect [on the successful season] and really try to jump on board with that and keep our program moving forward,” Gill said. “Number one, you have to enjoy it, because championships are hard to come by, but number two is taking the aspect of what has been accomplished and how you can continue that success for the next few years.” The success brought a different feeling to the program and the school. The program was surrounded by excitement last season and continues this summer with high anticipation around the Buffalo community. It also reinforced Gill’s message to his players. “When you win a championship, you validate what you’ve been saying,” he said. “You don’t have to say it too often now because they have bought in and understand what we’re saying to accomplish those things.” Though 14 starters return for the 2009 season, one graduate leaves a large void that may

Spectrum FIle Photo

The Bulls hope that senior kicker A.J. Principe has a magical foot yet again in 2009.

prove to be a challenge to fill. Quarterback Drew Willy departed from Buffalo after a 3,304-yard season. His 25 touchdowns and 65 percent completion percentage led an offense that scored 30.3 points a game. Sophomore quarterback Zach Maynard will replace Willy. Maynard, a duel-threat, can run and throw from the backfield, adding another dimension to an already potent offense. What Maynard lacks is experience. Though he received playing time in eight games last season, Maynard only threw three pass attempts

and was very limited in action. But the sophomore from Greensboro, NC did see the field during crucial times in the season. “He didn’t receive a whole lot of plays, but he was thrown in the fire when everything was on the line,” Gill said. “He may have gotten only one or two reps, but he was thrown in there when the game was on the line.” Maynard will have a solid surrounding unit to work with as he adjusts to his new starting see FOOTBALL page 13

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