The Spectrum Volume 62 Issue 25

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the Independent Student Publication of the University at Buffalo, Since 1950

The S pectrum

Volume 62 No. 25

monday, october 29, 2012

Election Issue

Obama Photo Courtesy of Austen Hufford Romney Photo Courtesy of Gage Skidmore Photo illustration by Haider Alidina

Check out what’s inside

Poll shows majority of UB students to vote for Obama Professors and students deliberate which candidate is the right choice LISA KHOURY Senior News Editor Forty-four percent of 1,242 UB students surveyed are voting for President Barack Obama in the upcoming presidential election. Twenty-three percent said they will vote for former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney, 13 percent are undecided and 20 percent aren’t voting. Distinguished political science professor James Campbell thinks Obama failed to fix the economy in his four years, and it’s time Romney takes over. English professor James Holstun thinks Obama is going in a direction of moderate economic reform of the “disaster” former President George W. Bush left. Carlton Brock, a senior English major and president of the College Democrats, calls Romney “out of touch.” Christian Andzel, a junior political science major and vice president of UB Conservatives, thinks Obama segregates groups of people. As the Nov. 6 election nears, 80 percent of voters rate the economy as “very important” to how they will vote in the next election, according to Rasmussen Reports. Most students will vote for Obama, which is consistent with national polls. Sixty-two percent of 18 to 29 year olds support Obama and 31 percent support Romney, according to a Gallup poll. “[Obama] does have the youth of America in mind for a lot more of his policies,” Brock said. “Historically speaking, he has paid more attention to people of our generation – especially in regards to college loans and other things like that.”

Who are you going to vote for?

20.1% 13.3%



Romney Undecided


Not Voting

*1,242 UB students were asked

Campbell, however, disagrees. He said students must consider “the biggest issue” of this election: the economy. “I think it’s important for students not to get too myopic about this,” Campbell said. “[Don’t] just look at, ‘How does this affect me, personally, right now?’ Because this is where the economy affects everybody big time. It affects your friends who are not getting student loans; it affects your parents; it affects your future.” The current national debt is $16 trillion; it increased an average of $3.88 billion per day since Sept. 28, 2007, according to the U.S. National Debt Clock. Student loan debt is more than $1 trillion, more than any type of consumer debt in the United States. Campbell said Romney, a businessman who co-founded Bain Capital investment firm, could apply his experience as president. “Given the huge debt and the chaos, what we need is not so much someone with a vision for the future but a manager


to get things sorted out and kind of start getting the national debt down,” Campbell said. Holstun does not think presidents are managers. “They are elected representatives,” Holstun said in an email. “And God help us if Romney gets the chance to ‘manage’ us the way he did his clients for Bain Capital – though he typically brought home profits for Bain, that was frequently by destroying the companies it acquired. Romney would probably be an even greater disaster for the economy than Obama has been.” Campbell points out the historically high unemployment rate as evidence for Obama’s failure as president. The unemployment rate for 18 to 29 year olds is 12.7 percent. The rate for 18- to 29-year-old old African-Americans is 22.3 percent; for 18- to 29-year-old Hispanics, 14 percent; and 18- to 29-year-old women, 12.6 percent, according to Potter Williams Report. The nation’s overall unemployment rate is 7.8 percent, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. “While [Obama’s] plans in the short term, we’re not seeing as many effects as we would like to, I think in the long-term they’ll yield out better,” Brock said. In 2010, Obama proposed a plan to allow student loan borrowers to cap their monthly payments at 15 percent of their discretionary income. The Obama Administration believes large monthly payments may discourage some graduates from starting a new jobcreating business or entering teaching or another lower-paying public service career, according to The White House website.

The Spectrum scores the debates Page 2 Why we aren’t endorsing a candidate Page 3 Editors weigh in on the candidates Page 3 Obama and Romney platform breakdowns

Page 4 Local election rundown Page 5 Who are celebrities endorsing? Page 6 Third-party candidate summary Page 7 Remembering “The Election Game” Page 10

Continued on page 8

Opinion 3 Arts & Entertainment 6 Classifieds & Daily Delights 9

Sports 10


Debate Score Cards

Monday, October 29 2012

As a part of The Spectrum’s election coverage, four editors – Managing Editor Rebecca Bratek, Editorial Editor Ashley Steves, Senior Photo Editor Alexa Strudler and Senior Sports Editor Nathaniel Smith – have graded each of the Presidential Debates. We scored each candidate in five categories: aggressiveness, substance of points made, how each portrayed himself as a leader, overall likability and how well each engaged their audience during the debates. We averaged our scores and determined a victor.

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UB Experience Scavenger Hunt & Scaredy Cat Photo Contest Begins 9am, 10/31 on Facebook!


Monday, October 29, 2012

EDITORIAL BOARD Editor in Chief Aaron Mansfield Senior Managing Editor Brian Josephs Managing Editor Rebecca Bratek Editorial Editor Ashley Steves News EDItors Sara DiNatale, Co-Senior Lisa Khoury, Co-Senior Ben Tarhan Lisa Epstein, Asst. LIFE EDITORS Rachel Kramer, Senior Lyzi White Keren Baruch Jacob Glaser, Asst. ARTS EDITORS Elva Aguilar, Senior Adrien D’Angelo Duane Owens, Asst. Lisa de la Torre, Asst. SPORTS EDITORS Nate Smith, Senior Joe Konze Jon Gagnon, Asst. PHOTO EDITORS Alexa Strudler, Senior Satsuki Aoi Reimon Bhuyan, Asst. Nick Fischetti, Asst. PROFESSIONAL STAFF OFFICE ADMINISTRATOR Helene Polley ADVERTISING MANAGER Mark Kurtz CREATIVE DIRECTOR Aline Kobayashi Brian Keschinger, Asst. Haider Alidina, Asst. ADVERTISING DESIGNER Joseph Ramaglia Chris Belfiore Ryan Christopher, Asst. Haley Sunkes, Asst.

October 29, 2012 Volume 62 Number 25 Circulation 7,000 The views expressed – both written and graphic – in the Feedback, Opinion, and Perspectives sections of The Spectrum do not necessarily reflect the views of the editorial board. Submit contributions for these pages to The Spectrum office at Suite 132 Student Union or The Spectrum reserves the right to edit these pieces for style and length. If a letter is not meant for publication please mark it as such. All submissions must include the author’s name, daytime phone number, and email address. The Spectrum is provided free in part by the Undergraduate Mandatory Activity Fee. The Spectrum is represented for national advertising by both Alloy Media and Marketing, and MediaMate. For information on adverstising with The Spectrum visit or call us directly. The Spectrum offices are located in 132 Student Union, UB North Campus, Buffalo, NY 14260-2100

Indecision 2012

Bridging the gap Anti-abortion gaffes are quickly widening the gender divide

Spectrum editors divulge on lack of Presidential endorsement, proximity of election If you read any other newspapers, you might notice something different in the confines of its pages every election year: a candidate endorsement, an editorial piece where the editorial board of the organization meets, discusses and decides who they wish to endorse for elected office. Here at The Spectrum, this will not be the case. Last week, we sat down trying to figure out who we wanted to give our endorsement to, but the discussion quickly turned to “Do we want to give an endorsement at all?” The answer is obviously no. Instead, we have e-board representatives – one for Mitt Romney, one for President Obama, one for a third-party option, and one undecided – to write their own columns on why they’re voting the way they are. In an issue devoted to the election, we have no intention to write a lengthy piece showering praise over one specific candidate. Why does it matter? Chances are high that anyone reading a newspaper endorsement is not going to decide or change his mind because of the piece. But every issue, our paper is devoted to one page of opinion. Though you might try and make assumptions, you don’t know whom we’re voting for based on news articles and features. There has been some unwritten rule that newspapers should endorse candidates for offices because of that – to show our opinion and tell you our choice after providing you with page after page of information. That’s exactly why we’re not doing it. We are a split e-board. Our opinions on this election range from incredibly similar to polar opposites. We have some editors who are still entirely undecided and some who have been decided since the election season began. Our editorial meetings that revolve around politics can get very heated and sometimes personal. If we were to mesh all of our viewpoints together, the collective viewpoint would probably not fit into any major political party, and despite our strong sway on certain issues, there are always exceptions to the rule. So it would be deceitful of us to try and pick somebody, and the collective decision between the candidates is far more difficult than making the decision to not do an endorsement in general. We are just as split on the decision as the rest of you, and we’re echoing that national split. Yesterday Rasmussen Reports polling put Mitt Romney ahead 50 percent to 47 percent for President Obama. Within their own parties, Romney has support of 90 percent of the Republican Party, and Obama has support of 86 percent of Democrats. For the record, the majority of our editors support the re-election of President Obama. But the way our newsroom is set up and the way we operate, we don’t feel strong enough to make an all-out decision.

Which vote do I rock? LISA EPSTEIN Asst. News Editor When people ask me who I’m voting for during this year’s presidential race, my first response is a shrug of my shoulders. My second is a quick “I have no idea.” At 19 years old, I may not be as politically savvy as Anderson Cooper, but my decent handle on the candidates and their platforms leaves me wondering who I’ll vote for when I step into the booth on Election Day. I’ve had people tell me my parents heavily influence my political views. My father, a conservative accountant, is pro-Romney. My mother, a self-employed small business owner, is pro-Obama. Neither of them has registered with a party, and neither has ever tried to tell me their reasoning behind their voting choices. I work in a very diverse newsroom. My coworkers are people who have experienced very different lifestyles and come from different social, ethnic and economic backgrounds. We all have different opinions about what platforms we support and what we don’t like. I just can’t say I side with one party alone. Continued on page 5

We have members on our e-board who support Obama, Romney, third-party candidates, no one at all or are still undecided. And in almost all cases, our support comes with hesitance, unsure that our candidate would do a better job than the next. So when the decision became all-ornothing, we chose nothing. Our indecision is just proof of just how split this election really is. In an election where many are saying that Ohio will decide it, even Ohio is too close to call – the most recent polls from Ohio News Organization have the candidates deadlocked at 49 percent. But the question is why is the country so split? Since the committee nominations, we’ve seen such a dramatic shift from Mitt Romney to the current “Moderate Mitt” that we saw in the debates. The president, despite being a lot grayer, has barely changed at all from the Barack Obama of 2008, and between the two of them, the divide is not that harsh – neither is that radically different. With the President, we know what we’re going to get: four more years of more of the same, which, honestly, hasn’t been that bad. Four more years is the safe bet, but it also might lead to a worse result. On the other hand, people who are dissatisfied with the lack of progress from Obama have a curiosity and a yearning to see if Romney could do better. But he’s a gamble and a risk. Good or bad, nobody has any idea what he or she is going to get with Governor Mitt. Whichever candidate you go for has his or her strengths and weaknesses, though. Obama is inevitably stronger on social issues in the sense of what the majority of college students look at, but we put more trust in Romney with the economy. Foreign policy is a toss-up between the two, especially since neither candidate proved anything to us in the final debate that was supposedly on the issue. And if these two don’t appeal to you at all, there are always the options on the third-party ballots: Gary Johnson, Jill Stein, Virgil Goode and Rocky Anderson. Despite not having the majority vote in the country, these candidates could play a very important role in the election and could tilt the outcome in the swing states. Election 2012 is eight days away. We’ve given you the platforms, the articles and the cheat sheets. We’ve told you individual opinions and discussed the issues in editorials, given you coverage on the debates and scored them on how we think they did. There’s nothing more we can do – the rest is all up to you. Get informed and go vote. Email:

A Green solution to the Obamney duopoly ADRIEN D’ANGELO Arts Editor Screenwriter Richard Linklater’s (Bernie) animated film Waking Life depicts the ideas of dreams and consciousness, opening the screen to debate the act of being a proactive human in society. One line, spoken by a suicidal J.C. Shakespeare, describes the methods behind voting bluntly. “You want the puppet on the right, or the puppet on the left?” Thus began my realization that Democrats and Republicans use social issues to distract Americans from the real stuff, while corporate entities control the rest. The U.S. two-party political system is innately flawed, in that the act of voting will never become more than the illusion of choice unless the political duopoly is challenged. Democrats and Republicans do not accurately represent democracy, and no nation can make decisions for its population when its people are not amply represented. The red and blue disagree on some things but are bipartisan on most issues in which they receive paychecks from the same entities. According to the corporate media, voters are either left or right, up or down, Continued on page 6


Time for a lesson on rape and pregnancy from some of our country’s candidates for political office: Todd Akin, Missouri Senate candidate, says pregnancies that result from “legitimate rape” are rare, and women have a way of shutting things down. Rep. Joe Walsh of Illinois asserted it’s never medically necessary to conduct an abortion to save the life of the mother. Because of modern medicine and technology, Walsh says, you can’t find one instance of such a procedure. And just last Tuesday, Richard Mourdock, the Republican candidate for Indiana’s U.S. Senate seat, stated, “I think even when life begins in that horrible situation of rape, that it is something that God intended to happen.” Think harder. Or at least think before you speak. Mourdock later retracted his statement, saying “I don’t think God wants rape” (which is rather nice of God), and controversial or not, no one was really surprised by the comments. It just became another part in a long saga of illinformed comments or faithdriven opinions that “come out wrong.” It would be different if they had no intention to apologize and just stuck with their gods and guns, but every time – usually a day or two later – they always have to come back and say they’ve been misinterpreted or misquoted. Are these senators and congressmen who keep making these comments even paying attention? Do they not notice the backlash the last guy to make similar comments received or do they just not care? They should care. The people who those comments are actually relevant to aren’t showing up to vote for you. The New York Times’ Nate Silver wrote about the gaping “gender gap” earlier this week. It’s, of course, nothing new – the biggest gap to date in the exit polls came in 2000, a 20-point difference between Al Gore and George Bush. This year the numbers look close to that. An average of nine polls put the gender

The Mitt that fits JOE KONZE JR Sports Editor

gap this year at 18, meaning Obama has a nine-point lead among women but trails by nine points among men. When polled by Gallup, 39 percent of women said abortion was the most important issue this election. Yet, the topic is thrown around frivolously and with total disregard. Legitimate rape? God’s will? Whether you believe in God or not, he’s probably not a registered voter and doesn’t need your constant shoutouts. These are intelligent men with successful careers – there is no way they’re completely oblivious to how sensitive these topics are, and when you combine them (like when discussing rape and abortion and how it’s “God’s will” to get pregnant from rape and how dare you take the sanctity of life for granted), it’s double the trouble, and the odds are quite good in this gamble that a gaffe will occur. It’s obvious what Mourdock was trying to do. Everyone always says make the best out of a bad situation, right? He decided to go off that advice. Despite it being a horrible situation, the child who can come out of it is a good thing. If that’s what Mourdock meant, then that’s what he probably should have said in the first place. Even in his backtracking, the candidate said, “Rape is a horrible thing, and for anyone to twist my words otherwise is absurd and sick.” But backlash is too quick for backtracking – in two different polls conducted following his comments, Mourdock’s opposition, Joe Donnelly, has either tied the polls or is pulling away completely. If the gender gap is indeed as wide this year as The Times says it is, men like Mourdock, Akin and Walsh keep making the divide bigger and bigger every time they speak. And the more they talk, the less they fix. The less they fix, the more people – specifically women in this case – will seek change. Email:

I’m voting for Obama because I’m a female college student REBECCA BRATEK Managing Editor

On Nov. 6, I will be a brand new 22-yearold. And for the first time in my life, I will be doing something that I have been waiting to do for a long time. Vote. I am proud to say I am voting for a candidate who can help boost the economy and help keep it thriving. In 2008, “hope” and “change” surrounded Barack Obama’s campaign. His strategy was plain and simple: reach out to a new generation that was in dire need of a way out of a devastating economy. Every speech that was made on his campaign was of great political strategy and led people around the country to believe he would be the change he wanted the world to see. Flash forward four years later. Those words of “hope” and “change” have now taken a new meaning. Instead of being the “hope” and “change,” Obama is now hoping he can change the mind of voters.

Obama. In 2008, I was 17 years old, just on the cusp of voting, and I started to pay attention to politics, thanks to a great government teacher who tried to make us excited about our country for the first time. My high school was mainly Republican, both teachers and students alike, but he made it seem like it was OK to explore our options. 2008 was an interesting election year. George W. Bush was going to leave office, and the country needed to decide if we wanted to make a change or elect a man who would continue Bush’s work. I wanted change. I had hope. I wanted to see this country grow and move forward. I couldn’t give my vote, but I could give my support. Four years later, I’m not sure if Obama has accomplished all he

Continued on page 8

Continued on page 8

As a 21-yearold woman voting in her first presidential election, I’m voting for Barack

Monday, October 29, 2012


News Platform Breakdown

President Barack Obama Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney Economy Obama characterizes his economic plan as long-term. He plans to invest in education, small businesses, clean energy and infrastructure. He wants to cut taxes by $3,600 for the average middle class family. He wants to ensure millionaires aren’t paying lower tax rates than middle class families but instead pay the same rate as under President Clinton.

Jobs Under Obama, there were 31 continuous months of job growth. During that time, 5.2 million were added to the private sector, including almost 500,000 manufacturing jobs – the most growth since 1997. He will eliminate tax breaks for companies that outsource jobs overseas and provide incentives for companies to create jobs in America. Obama said he is standing up for American workers and businesses in the global market place by addressing China’s unfair trading practices through a new trade enforcement unit to level the playing field. Signed tax credit laws to encourage businesses to hire unemployed veterans.

Foreign Policy Obama has “responsibly ended the war in Iraq” and is bringing troops home from Afghanistan. His plan intends to end the war in Afghanistan by 2014. He will use the savings from ending the war to reduce the deficit and use the rest to “engage in nationbuilding here at home.” He gained the support of Russia and China to pass international sanctions against the Iranian government. He consistently stands up for Israel.

Economy Governor Romney’s remedy to our hurting economy focuses on reducing spending and makes the tax cuts implemented during George W. Bush’s presidency permanent. Romney proposes to lower income tax rates to 20 percent and reduce corporate tax rates to 25 percent. He also plans to cut spending by reducing funding to programs, which include Amtrak, PBS and the National Endowment for the Arts and the National Endowment for Humanities. Romney also vows to cap federal spending at 20 percent of gross domestic product (GDP) and introduce a constitutional amendment that requires a balanced budget.

Education Obama intends to cut tuition growth in half over the next decade. He wants to double campus-based student aid and give incentives to schools that successfully keep tuition growth down. He capped repayments on federal student loans at 10 percent of income. He has invested $2 billion in community colleges and is proposing new partnerships with community colleges to train workers for already existing jobs.

Education Governor Romney’s plans for education focus mainly on our future with students currently in grades K-12, but he also has plans for students in higher education. Romney plans to strengthen and simplify the financial aid process. His policies indicate that allowing private companies to compete with federal student loan lenders will lessen the competition and make this process easier for students. He also believes in giving more resources to students and their parents to make the selection process for schools easier. The more students know about the universities they apply to, the less likely they are to transfer or feel “trapped” at a school and the more likely they are to succeed at their university.

Health care Jobs

Obama added free preventative care to Medicare and closed the “doughnut hole” saving seniors an average of $600 last year. He is stopping insurance company abuses by giving millions of Americans more economic security. He said he has made Medicare more efficient. He found $716 billion in savings by eliminating waste, fraud and abuse, and he added eights years to the life of the Medicare Trust Fund. He expanded access to free preventive services like flu shots, diabetes screenings and mammograms for 54 million Americans. He believes women’s health care decisions are best made with their physicians, without politician’s interference.

Governor Romney believes his five-point plan to revitalize the middle class will increase the amount of jobs in our country and result in more take-home pay. Romney plans to increase access to domestic energy sources, eliminate regulations destroying the coal industry and approve the Keystone XL pipeline that Obama rejected in Jan. 2012. He also plans on giving Americans the skills to succeed – this includes better quality schools and teachers across the country, focusing on job training programs that will build valuable skills in careers with many opportunities and attracting and retaining people with the best skills from around the world. Romney also wants to focus on making trade stronger for America. He wants to end the unfair trade practices in countries such as China and build stronger economic ties with Latin American nations. He also pulls inspiration in his policies from the Reagan Economic Zone plans to strengthen free enterprise around the world.

All the above information was taken from Barak Obama’s official website.

Health care Governor Romney believes the people should make their own, individual decisions concerning health care, which is why he vows to repeal Obamacare if elected. Romney also believes a free market will help increase competition and increase efficiency and effectiveness within the health care system. This means consumers will receive a higher quality product at a lower cost. He wants to make health care an issue that varies by state, as specified in the 10th Amendment. Romney believes the federal government will help each state by creating a level playing field, and each state should be responsible for its own health care solutions because each state’s needs vary. Preventing discrimination against Americans with pre-existing conditions with continuous coverage is also part of Romney’s plan.

Foreign Policy Part of Governor Romney’s foreign policy focuses strongly on our military. Romney plans to build a multi-layered national ballistic-missile defense system to prevent and defend our nation under any nuclear attacks on U.S. soil and its allies. Romney plans to make our Navy stronger by increasing the shipbuilding rate from nine per year to 15 per year, which includes three submarines per year. This will come to fruition by

reversing Obama’s cuts on the defense budget during his presidency. He also plans on taking more troops out of Afghanistan but after meeting with our military’s commanders in the field. Once Romney can fully assess the progress made in Afghanistan, he will withdraw U.S. forces from the Middle Eastern country. He plans to fully transition combat operations to the Afghan Army by the end of 2014.

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Monday, October 29, 2012



New York representative in the U.S. Senate Wendy Long – Republican candidate

Elections In order to prepare you as best we can for the upcoming election, we have included the stances of lesser positions that are up for election next Tuesday.

Courtesy of Sheryl Thomas

Michael Amodeo – Minimum wage increase to $8.50 – Make four-year terms in the Senate and set a limit of 12 years for Legislators (three four-year terms) – Stop corruption and increase transparency – Full ban on hydrofracking in New York State – Make public authorities more accountable for their budgets and the fees they impose on taxpayers – Oppose a toll hike for the Thruway and no new Tapanzee Bridge downstate

Courtesy of gillibrand.

– Supports abortion rights and even has voted in support of federal abortion funding – Voted for stimulus packages and bailouts and economic regulations – Voted in favor of the $825 billion economic recover package and the $15 billion dollar bailout of GM and Chrysler – Supporter of gay marriage who has voted to prevent job discrimination

Brian Higgins – Democrat incumbent

Courtesy of Michael Amodeo

– Find a solution to community college chargebacks and oppose increases in college tuition at SUNY colleges and universities. – Lift the cap on historic rehab tax credits

– Make student loan interest deductible and would expand the deduction to more middle class applicants as well as make room and board a qualified higher education expense that would not be taxable – Increase federal investments in cancer and biomedical research – Lower gas prices by investigating and ensuring the Big Oil companies can’t take advantage of consumers – Place a price on carbon emissions to combat climate change

Endorsed Republican Candidate

– Fight for the Niagara Power Project – which enabled Buffalo to rise as a major manufacturing center and provides hydropower – to stay in control of Western New York – Provide infrastructure improvements allowing new small businesses to open up and thrive – Balance better security at the border with the demand for seamless travel and trade between Western New York and Southern Ontario

Courtesy of

Michael H. Madigan – Republican candidate Courtesy of Mark J. Grisanti

land. Bring international flights to Europe, which will increase tourism and bring more money to business owners in the City of Niagara Falls. – Proponent of charter schools. – Support UB 2020 program – Comprehensive energy program to give an economic boost to businesses and invest in solar/ wind power and home retrofitting – Cut spending in Albany

Continued from page 3: Which vote do I rock? Even though New York is a blue state in the election, I believe casting my vote is one of the most important things I can do in an election year. I just have to decide who that vote will be for. Like the Democrats, I’m pro-choice, I believe in gay marriage and I think Pell Grants and higher education for all are important and should be available to those who need it. But like the Republicans, I do believe in stricter welfare regulation and supporting small businesses and workers being able to control their retirement investments. I would say I support Obama in office for another four years. I think people who say Obama hasn’t done anything are ridiculously out of touch. According to an article by the Washington Post, Obama has appointed the most openly gay U.S. officials – 150 so far, ranging from agency heads and commission members to policy officials and senior staffers. Obama passed the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, an equal-pay law regarding pay discrimination, in 2009 and even launched, which tracks spending from the Recovery Act and allows the public to report fraud, waste or abuse. I think the job Obama has done in office during the past four years hasn’t been a complete waste. I tend to believe the prob-

based on sexual orientation and has opposed the amendment to prevent same sex marriage. – Believes giving small businesses access to capital will create jobs – Opposes sending job overseas and voted to extend unemployment benefits from 39 weeks to 59 weeks – Against the privatization of social security and does not want to raise the retirement age.

Representative in Congress 26th District

Mark J. Grisanti

– Stop excess spending in the Albany – Create a more accountable public service commission that would be responsible for energy affairs in the Buffalo area by eliminating roughly 150 public authorities, combining others and focusing on creating financial transparency – Stronger and more robust disclosure of campaign contributions that includes rigorous enforcement of the law – Increases to the penalties for campaign finance law violations – Fiscal responsibility and reverse gross overspending and bring money back to promote jobs – Turn Niagara Falls Airport into a major Northeast cargo/ shipping hub, for distribution of goods and services by air and

– Believes instead of subsidizing solar panels, the government should build the Keystone Pipeline – Believes the Keystone Pipeline delays are because of regulations – Lifelong shooter, gun owner and gun rights advocate – Believes ObamaCare will damage the New York economy

Junior Senator Kirsten Gillibrand – Democratic incumbent

State Senator – 60th District Endorsed Democratic Candidate

– Stringently anti-abortion “from conception to natural death” and believes Roe v. Wade was a constitutionally flawed legal decision – Opposed to gay marriage, saying she believes it should be a union between a man and a woman. She would never attend a same-sex marriage ceremony – Believes gas prices are rising because the government is researching alternative energy

lems of the nation are not solely the president’s fault and no one can fix everything in a four- or maybe even an eight-year period. But the thought of Romney taking office certainly wouldn’t be a terrible choice either. I see Romney as a businessman who may have the fresh start the country needs to pull itself out of the serious debt little by little. As governor of Massachusetts, Romney implemented spending cuts and increased fees that eliminated an approximate $1.5 billion deficit. Romney also signed the Massachusetts health care reform, which provided the country’s first near-universal health insurance access. Romney plans to lower all income tax rates by 20 percent and cap federal spending at 20 percent of gross domestic product. Because of Romney’s past successes and his plans for the country if he’s elected, I feel he might be able to cut the deficit of spending down. As I try to gather all the information I can to make a complete and informed choice about which candidate to choose on Election Day, I’ve come to realize each candidate has platforms I do and don’t agree with. But can any one candidate change the face of America completely in four years? I guess our votes will decide. Email:

– Supporter of the individual right to bear arms without restrictions – Improve education by giving teachers the skills they need to help the children get skilled labor jobs – Pay for performance for teachers and administrators, end busing and keep neighborhood schools – Offer parental education classes to parents of students in poorly performing schools – All-inclusive energy policies that take advantage of coal and natural gas resources in America while exploring clean, safe and cost-effective energy technologies

– Create more American jobs through new energy projects – Support expanding medical care for veterans and provide assistance for those returning from combat – To improve small business in America, remove excessive regulations, high taxes and legal hurdles that block new businesses. – Establish a corporate tax rate that will restore competitiveness in the world market

Courtesy of Mike Madigan

Representative in U.S. Congress – 27th District Chris Collins – Republican candidate

Courtesy of Chris Collins

– Wants to help small businesses create jobs – Created hundreds of jobs during his 30 years as a small businessman – Plans to put his experience to practice by creating jobs – Wants to lead the fight to enact energy policy that expands drilling and ends regulations that make gas prices unaffordable – Will fight to repeal ObamaCare

– Wants to implement health care reforms that “make sense” like patient choice and tort reform – Wants to cut the deficit and reduce spending – As an Erie County Executive in 2007, he reduced the county’s debt by more than $120 million and kept spending down – Intends to standup to Obama’s “reckless policies” and help get spending under control

Kathy Hochul – Democratic incumbent – Has fought to ensure seniors will have health care when they retire – Will fight to close the prescription drug “doughnut hole” to save seniors money – Is against privatizing Social Security and Medicare – Has introduced legislation to crack down on waste, fraud and abuse in Medicare – Proposes balancing the budget while protecting middle class families and asking millionaires and corporations to pay a fair share

– Wants to close tax loop holes that reward corporations for shipping jobs overseas – Believes the government does not create jobs, and businesses do – Has introduced plans to help Western New York through targeted investments in infrastructure, energy, education and small business – Has worked to create fair tax policies that will encourage companies to grow in the United States – Believes party cooperation is necessary and has voted across party lines, including to pass small business tax cuts

Courtesy of Leon E. Panetta


Arts & Entertainment Hollywood politics ELVA AGUILAR Senior Arts Editor

Nov. 6 is quickly approaching and supporters are working hard to get in last-minute campaigning for their respective candidates. Throughout the past year, we have seen our favorite actors, actresses and musicians chime in – intellectually or not – about which candidate they support in this year’s race for commander in chief. Hollywood has had a strong voice in this year’s political polarity. Below are five stars who have made headlines for their political preferences. Who: Eva Longoria (Desperate Housewives) – Pro-Obama In 2009, Desperate Housewives star Eva Longoria enrolled at California State University for a master’s in Chicano Studies, and she has been an active force in rights for Latinos in America. This personal Courtesy of attachment to rights Hispanic Lifestyle for women and Latinos subsequently led Longoria to gain a spot as a Californian co-chair on Obama’s re-election campaign. Longoria most recently spoke at the 2012 Democratic National Convention, where she discussed her personal achievements and her “American Dream” in relation to Obama’s policies. Who: Kanye West – Pro-Obama? Similar to Donald Trump, it’s hard to decipher whether rapper Kanye West is proObama or anti-Romney, because the lines between the two seem to coincide. West, who represents the same city as Obama (ChiCourtesy of David cago), recently rapped Shankbone on the opening track of his new album Cruel Summer, “Mitt Romney don’t pay no tax,” taking a stab at Romney’s refusal to release two years of his tax returns. There is no proof that West officially endorses Obama, but his dislike for Romney is clear and if Mr. West does decide to vote, it’s clear who he will be in favor of come Election Day.

Who: The cast of HBO’s The Wire – Pro-Obama The characters from HBO’s awardwinning crime-drama The Wire have taken the attention from their time on HBO and used it to help a real-life politician they believe in: Obama. Last August, Sonja Sohn (Kima Greggs), Clarke Peters (Lester Freamon), Andre Royo (“Bubbles”), Wendell Pierce Courtesy of HBO (Bunk Moreland) and Jaime Hector (Marlo Stanfield), along with The Wire’s creator David Simon (Treme), hosted a fundraiser for Obama at Martha’s Vineyard in Massachusetts. Each actor took the time to express their strife with Romney’s policies and the positive changes they’ve seen in America since Obama was elected – the same year The Wire ended (2008). Michael K. Williams (Omar Little) has also taken the time to endorse Obama, which comes as no surprise because the president has publically praised Williams’ acting skills. Who: Donald Trump (The Apprentice) – Pro-Romney Donald Trump has been an adamant Romney supporter since the Republican primaries. When asked if he would endorse the former Massachusetts governor if chosen, Trump admitted it would be a “real honor to endorse Mitt Romney.” Throughout the year, Courtesy of Gage Trump has commended Romney Skidmore for his policies and supports his prospective financial plans for the United States. According to CNN, the two businessmen agree minimizing ties with China and the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) will help the United States. Trump has recently made more headlines for his personal distaste for President Obama than his support of Romney. Who: Clint Eastwood (Trouble With The Curve) – Pro-Romney One of Hollywood’s biggest names, Eastwood, highlighted the final night of this year’s Republican National Convention. The 82-year-old actor took his time onstage to call Obama out on his lack of progress during his four years in office. With an empty chair in tow, Courtesy of flickr which represented Obama, Eastwood user Siebbi antagonized Obama about not having shut down Guantanamo Bay – the prison for terror suspects in Cuba – and his failure to turn the American economy around. And though Eastwood’s stunt was considered one of the most outlandish events at a political convention, it showed the frustration many other Americans have regarding Obama. “When somebody doesn’t do the job, you gotta let them go,” Eastwood said.


Monday, October 29, 2012

Continued from page 3: A Green solution to the Obamney duopoly black or white, red or blue – but this is not reality. This is the reality you see on the news. This is the false precept that we’re told – that the country is always split, and that one candidate is always just slightly ahead, that no other options exist. Come Election Day, over 80 percent of ballots, including New York State, will have a party that is neither red nor blue. The Green Party recognizes that America is in a state of crisis. The presidential candidate, Jill Stein, is a mother, internist and Harvard graduate with a distinct and refreshing voice when compared to “Obamney.” Stein’s primary plan is what she calls the “Green New Deal” – a plan to create 25 million jobs, to end rising unemployment and to jump-start the green economy. A plan that dampens environmental abuse that has caused global climate change simultaneously. Oil dependency was sure great while it lasted. Stein wants to renegotiate NAFTA “free trade” agreements that cause outsourcing of American jobs. This plan also calls for fair taxation of corporations and specifically calls out 30 major corporations who haven’t paid any corporate sales tax over the last three years. Wall Street’s ownership of the Democrat and Republican parties is not something to be overlooked. Bailouts to bankers seemed like a good idea at the time. Stein argues the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and the possible future war in Iran are detrimental to our nation’s security due to blowback. The United State’s aggressiveness overseas has multiplied our enemies instead of removing them. There’s no such thing as a friendship bomb, after all. The $5 trillion invested in these wars are far too much, according to Stein. While “Obamney” argue over how much they intend to increase the defense

budget, Stein wants to promote disarmament and handle international relations through peaceful methods. “Fighting climate change should be the war that we’re all fighting, not this war for oil,” Stein said at the U.S. Third Party Debate on Oct. 23. Stein isn’t afraid to say what other politicians won’t say. President Obama opened himself to the country via YouTube in January and promised to answer questions that could be submitted online in a great show of open policy. But ignorance is strong in candidates who are afraid to talk about drug policy. The question, which received the most votes – more than 4,500 – regarded marijuana laws and changes to drug policy. Obama did not address this question and ignored it entirely. Stein addresses these controversial issues and realizes the needless cost of the war on drugs, which has now exceeded $1 trillion. Supply and demand tells us investing in prisons will create crime. Now with just this small slice of Green policy, the differences are quite clear between this third party and the Democrat and Republican parties. Stein has the highest chance out of any independent party to win the election, and she won’t back down from evening the playing grounds. She was even arrested in a protest calling for fair debates at the Presidential Debate at Hofstra University and detained with her running mate Cheri Honkala for eight hours. That’s the kind of dedication and certitude worthy of the title of president. Stein has shown she wants to be the change Democrats and Republicans have promised for years. Email:


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Monday, October 29, 2012


It’s tough being the third wheel

Third-party candidates can have an important role in the 2012 election SAM FERNANDO Staff Writer Come Nov. 6, there are two names on the ballot most Americans will recognize. But it is the names under “Barack Obama” and “Mitt Romney” that will likely go unnoticed.

Courtesy of Gage Skidmore

Gary Johnson, Jill Stein, Virgil Goode and Rocky Anderson are just four of the many third-party candidates who will appear on a ballot in many states this year. Although it is a near certainty they will not win the presidency, third-party candidates can still have a crucial role in this election. The Democratic and Republican parties fear a third-party candidate taking away

votes from their candidates in key swing states. According to CNN, during the 2000 presidential election, Republican candidate George Bush won the state of Florida by just over 500 votes. Independent candidate Ralph Nader, a candidate who many Democrats identified with, received over 94,000 votes. By losing Florida, Democratic candidate Al Gore lost

Courtesy of Richard Hard

Courtesy of Villian Media, LLC

the election. Many Democrats attribute that loss to Nader being on the ballot. In states like Ohio and Virginia this year, the margin of victory is expected to be so small, that even if 1 or 2 percent of the vote supports the third party, it could be enough to swing the state in either direction.

Courtesy of Don LaVange

Jill Stein

Virgil Goode

Rocky Anderson

Libertarian Party

Green Party

Constitution Party

Justice Party

Johnson, the former governor of New Mexico from 1995 to 2003, is the Libertarian party’s nomination. Jim Gray – a judge from Los Angeles and an advocate of drug law reformation – is his running mate. As governor, Johnson was elected as a Republican and many of his policies are similar to the Republican’s platform. Johnson believes businesses should be regulated less and taxes should be lowered. He even goes so far as calling for the elimination of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), all income tax, all corporate taxes and all taxes on capital gains. However, he opposes all stimulus programs and supports a limitless cap on campaign contributions. He believes a steep cut in military spending is the fastest way to reduce the deficit. Johnson pledges to end the military presence in Afghanistan and believes the United States can maintain its strength through peace and diplomacy. Johnson supports abortion rights, same-sex marriage and the legalization of marijuana. Johnson’s name will appear on the ballot in 48 states.

Stein, a physician and environmentalist, is the Green Party’s nomination with Cheri Honkala, a human rights advocate, as her running mate. Stein unsuccessfully ran against Romney for governor of Massachusetts in 2002. The Green Party has a foundation in environmental responsibility. Stein plans to lower the unemployment rate by creating jobs in areas that support a “green economy,” like sustainable and renewable energy, clean manufacturing and public transportation. She also pledges to end what she calls environmentally dangerous practices, like fracking. Stein, along with others, claims fracking – a process of collecting natural gas from the ground – is detrimental to the environment. Stein supports a progressive tax structure and strict campaign finance reform. She is also a strong proponent of a governmentmandated healthcare system. Stein plans on cutting the defense budget in half, ending the war in Afghanistan and closing over 140 U.S. military bases around the world. Like Johnson, Stein supports abortion rights, same-sex marriage and the legalization of marijuana. Stein’s name will appear on the ballot in 38 states.

Gary Johnson

Goode, a former Virginia congressman from 1996 to 2006, is the Constitution Party’s nomination. James Clymer, a lawyer from Pennsylvania, is his running mate. Goode was a member of both the Democratic and Republican parties before joining the Constitution Party in 2010. Goode plans to create a national sales tax and eliminate both the income and estate taxes. He also opposes free-trade agreements and government-mandated healthcare. Goode said reducing regulations and becoming energy independent will lower unemployment. He pledges to end the war in Afghanistan and to cut the defense budget in order to reduce the deficit. Goode is strongly anti-abortion and opposes same-sex marriage. He also plans to implement stricter programs to eliminate illegal immigration and make English the official language of the nation. Goode’s name will appear on the ballot in 26 states.


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Anderson, the former mayor of Salt Lake City, Utah from 2000 to 2008, is the Justice Party’s nomination. Luis Rodriguez, a writer and community organizer, is his running mate. Anderson plans to balance the budget and reduce the deficit through spending cuts and a new, restructured and fair tax code. He also plans to reform campaign finance laws and break up “too-big-to-fail” banks and place stricter regulations on corporations. He supports government-mandated healthcare. Anderson calls for an immediate end to all ongoing wars. He believes diplomacy is more effective than a military presence. Anderson supports abortion rights and same-sex marriage. He believes drug abuse should be looked at as a health issue instead of a criminal issue. He also is a staunch environmentalist and plans to protect natural resources, create a model to reduce energy consumption and lower pollution. Anderson’s name will appear on the ballot in 15 states.


Continued from page 1: Poll shows majority of UB students to vote for Obama Paul Ryan, Romney’s running mate, has backed a plan that could significantly reduce Pell Grant funding, according to ABC News. Ryan said the rising cost of financial aid adds to rising tuition costs, and funding needs to be more narrowly targeted at the truly needy. “I think that Romney’s out of touch,” Brock said. “He’s made a lot of statements talking about parents paying for colleges and things like that. Where, in most cases, we rely on loans.” More than 37 million Americans owe student debt, and a majority of students take on loans to attend college, according to the Huffington Post. “If you get student loans and you come out of it and there are no jobs, I think down the road you’ll feel worse about not having a job after and a lot of loans to pay back,” Campbell said. Many students also relate to Obama’s stance on social issues, like abortion rights and same-sex marriage equalities. Andzel doesn’t. “President Obama panders to individual groups and he is very divisive, and he picks one group against the other,” Andzel said. “Christians against LGBTA people, women against pro-lifers – that’s not what a president should do. Mitt Romney, and I think the conservative agenda in general, speaks to all Americans.” Others think the candidates are very similar. Despite their differences, Holstun calls Obama and Romney “the same person” because the U.S. political system frequently “collapses into a one-party system.” Joshua Dolph, a fifth-year senior English textual studies and linguistics major at Syracuse University, isn’t voting at all for that reason. “I think the bipartisan has been woefully, laughably outdated since 1865,” Dolph said. While most UB students have decided to vote for Obama, 13 percent are still undecided. Brock and Campbell alike promote one thing: being educated on the issues and going out to vote. Email:

Monday, October 29 2012

Continued from page 3: The Mitt that fits For me, my mind is already made up on whom I am voting for… Mitt Romney. If you are reading right now, let me explain before you look past this column and turn the page. For the life of me, I could never understand why people choose to abuse the help of government agencies. I am sickened when I see a person at a local grocery store struggling to afford the basic grocery needs, but they are sporting Versace sunglasses, gold chains and have the latest iPhone. Obama has allowed this to happen by allowing welfare and food stamp programs to be unregulated. With the government allowing this to happen, this has given recipients the choice to not be employed. However, if there were mandated regulations, it would get rid of those who choose not to have jobs because, well, they “just don’t want one.” It would save a lot more money. For those who accept government money and have the ability to obtain a job but choose not to work is equivalent to a mother

holding her child’s hand through everything, which is good in a sense, but bad because people become dependent on the government, or their mother. According to the Census Bureau in 2010, 13.6 million households reported receiving food stamp/SNAP benefits during the past 12 months, and 11.9 percent of all households reported receipt of food stamps/SNAP. This statistic was viewed as a 16 percent increase of the 2009 figure of 10.3 percent. I am most concerned with government benefits. Why? Because more and more people are receiving them, and the more they receive, the smaller the middle class becomes. Romney has said it best: “I’m not concerned about the very poor. We have a safety net there. If it needs repair, I’ll fix it. I’m not concerned about the very rich. They’re doing just fine. I’m concerned about the very heart of America – the 90-95 percent of Americans who right now are struggling. You can focus on the very poor. That’s not my focus.” The spending of the budget on welfare has now soared above 32 percent under President Obama. If Romney is elected, the truly

poor will experience the government benefits, while the majority will have to face the consequences and take on their responsibilities The other reason I will be pulling the lever for Romney/Ryan is because of their ability to work together with the other side of the spectrum. Under the Obama administration, there has been a lack of compromise. Both Romney and Ryan will bring more bipartisanship to the government. Throughout Romney’s time in Massachusetts as governor, he developed a reputation for “working across the aisle.” Also those of the House respect Ryan. I fully endorse Mitt Romney for President of the United States because of his ability to present himself in a confident, yet wellspoken manner. So on Nov. 6, while the majority of New York State is rooting for Blue, I will be rooting for red. Email:

Continued from page 3: I’m voting for Obama because I’m a female college student promised, but I’m not ready to give up on him just yet. Who can really accomplish such lofty goals – like the ones Obama promised in 2008 – in just four years, coming off a terrible eight-year period? I don’t blame him for the state of our country, and I think he’s worked as hard as he can to achieve change. He just needs more time, and a party switch is not what America needs right now. Obama appeals most to us – college-aged students who haven’t quite entered the real world just yet but want to know they are entering a sound and stable economy with a plan for the future. We still care about student loans and financial aid, we hope jobs are waiting for us post-graduation and we want to know we have access to health care if we ever find ourselves in need. As a woman, Obama is my clear choice. Polls have Obama as the clear favorite among – the largest gender gap since 2000 when Al Gore won by 11 points among women, but Bush won by nine points among men. That’s a 20-point difference. This year, Obama is winning among women by nine points, while Romney

is winning among men by nine points – an 18-point difference. Romney hasn’t been able to grasp women’s votes, and rightfully so. With comments about “binders full of women” and anecdotes about sending his chief of staff – who happens to be a woman – home in time to cook dinner, I don’t think he quite gets the idea that women are just as capable as men. Romney plans to defund Planned Parenthood, essentially eliminating the one program that gives support to poor women in need of mammograms, cervical cancer screening, family planning, contraceptives and other services – critical support in terms of women’s health. Obama believes women’s rights to be a key issue in this year’s election. His Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act helps provide free access to contraception and preventive care. He also supports the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, which allows working women to earn pay equal to a man’s. And who can forget what Michelle Obama said during her Democratic Convention speech?

“[Obama] believes that women are more than capable of making our own choices about our bodies and our health care … that’s what my husband stands for,” she said. In terms of education, Obama plans to double funding for Pell Grants, establish a college tax credit and he’s already capped student loan rates at 10 percent of income. I don’t have to worry as much about how I will pay off my loans post-graduation, and my sister won’t have to worry about being the second child to go to college anymore and what will fund her education. “Higher education cannot be a luxury reserved for just a privileged few,” Obama has said of his plans. He wants a more educated nation, proving America is the best of the best, while Romney still seems to think education is a privilege, not a right, and thinks only those who can afford a degree should earn one. How is that conducive to making America the most highly educated nation? Why should anyone give up learning because he or she can’t afford the absurd tuition rates at most four-year in-

stitutions? The bachelor’s degree is the new high school diploma, while master’s are quickly replacing four-year degrees. The time for change in our education system is now. And once we have that degree, we hope to have a job to go with it. While Romney is constantly criticizing Obama for not creating more jobs like he promised back in 2008, the job rate has fallen below 8 percent – the lowest it’s been since Jan. 2009, when Obama took over office from Bush. I think if we re-elect Obama, that number will just continue to decline and we, as a nation, need to give it that chance. Romney may be a businessman who thinks his plans will work better, but Obama is on the brink of a breakthrough and he needs a second chance. Four years is such a short amount of time, if you think about it. The progress Obama has made may seem miniscule or non-existent, but he’s on the road to change. We just have to hope and keep moving forward. Email:

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Crossword of the Day


Monday, October 29 2012 FROM UNIVERSAL UCLICK

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) -- You may not be able to put your own stamp on an endeavor that has to fit into certain strict parameters, but you'll still be satisfied.

ACROSS 1 Drove up the wall

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) -You mustn't overreact today to anything that is said or done in the heat of the moment. A certain freedom of expression is essential.

45 Moon feature 46 Of the same ___ (similar) 47 Certain Arabian

6 Immediately, if not sooner

48 Big name in the fast food 10 Et cetera, according to "Sein- business feld" 53 One with plaudits for averting audits 14 Fiji neighbor 56 "Quiet!" 15 Highway hauler

Edited by Timothy E. Parker October 29, 2012 THE MATING GAME By Rob Lee 13 Highly excited

51 Aviation-related prefix

17 Ness of "The Untouchables" 58 Make a comparison 60 Look up and down? 18 Penn of pictures 19 El ___ (weather phenom- 61 Dangerous marine creature enon) 62 Navratilova rival

22 Boom producer

52 Not well

23 Part of a bottle or guitar

54 "Frasier" actress Gilpin

25 A billion years (Var.)

55 Up-front amount, in poker

27 Monetary unit of Mexico

20 Ryan or Tilly

63 Crystal ball user

28 Perform penitence

59 The Beatles' "___ Just Seen a Face"

21 "It" author

64 Annoyingly slow

29 Dreads

24 Do ghostly work

65 Fix a loose shoelace, e.g.

30 Horrid Tolkien creatures

16 Chug-___

26 Vacation souvenir 27 Inventor's document 29 Surgeon's pincers 33 Cultural character 34 Jeter of baseball

57 ___ to the throne

DOWN 1 To-do list entry 2 Actor's pursuit

3 What a dubbed one enters 35 "The Greatest" via self-proc- 4 Kind of trip lamation 5 Bygone Japanese cars 37 In short order 6 Rainy day need 38 What a dove signifies 7 Creep through the cracks 39 It may be a major branch one day 8 Asian caregiver

31 Hock shop receipt 32 Trombone piece 34 Exploit 36 "Frankenstein" helper 38 Butcher's item 39 Warty-skinned critter 41 Bundle of hay 42 More sadistic 44 Shrivel in the heat 45 Ripken, the Baltimore legend 47 It may be impounded

40 "Woman" singer's woman

9 Maine flag feature

41 Some South Africans

10 34-Across, for one

48 "___ there?" (part of a knock-knock joke)

42 Owned apartment

11 Et ___ (and others)

49 Bigger than big

43 Blake or Ralph

12 Brooks' singing partner

50 Capri or Elba

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) -- You'll be in a position to help someone else today, and you mustn't refuse. Indeed, how you react says a great deal about you. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) -- Certain dangers must be faced head-on. You'll want to be sure you can show those under your care what must be done.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) -- Just because something is obvious doesn't mean it isn't worth paying attention to -- and today, in fact, the obvious may be most important. ARIES (March 21-April 19) -- You're likely to encounter something that challenges you in ways to which you are certainly not accustomed. TAURUS (April 20-May 20) -- You'll want to be where you are most appreciated -- and it may surprise you to learn just where this is, and why. GEMINI (May 21-June 20) -- A personal mystery may not be unlocked, but you know where to go to find the key. It's only a matter of time.

CANCER (June 21-July 22) -- The accidental can prove most influential to you. Focus on those things that touch you in unusual ways. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) -- It may fall to you to tell others what to do, and you must be sure that you're not in over your head or too far outside of your comfort zone. VIRGO (Aug. 23Sept. 22) -- You will have ample opportunity to prove to those around you that you are, in a word, unusual. Don't get carried away, however! LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) -- It's important that you know when enough is enough. Overindulgence can be detrimental, and you'll feel the effects for quite a while.


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Monday, October 29, 2012

Game rewind: “The Election Game” Four years ago, blue beat red on and off the field on historic night

Both quarterbacks are key to Bulls’ success

NATHANIEL SMITH Senior Sports Editor “If there is anyone out there who still doubts that America is a place where all things are possible, who still wonders if the dream of our founders is alive in our time, who still questions the power of our democracy, tonight is your answer.” – President-elect Barack Obama, Election Night 2008 It was a night that all things were possible, not only across America, but in Western New York: Nov. 4, 2008. For the first time at UB Stadium, the eyes of the college football world descended upon Buffalo for a nationally televised game. For those who weren’t glued to CNN, Fox News, MSNBC or any other news source, those who desperately needed a sports fix, the Bulls delivered. They took on Mid-American Conference rival Miami Ohio in a high-stakes matchup, a chance to prove to the nation they were for real. It was a historic day for the Bulls and the nation as a whole. On the same night the first African-American man won the highest seat in the United States, quarterback Drew Willy tied Marty Barrett (1980-83) in career touchdown passes with 44. The Bulls beat Miami Ohio 3717 in what was the first win versus the RedHawks in school history, after losing the first 10 matchups. Off the field, the build up was intense. As a result, not everything was ready for such a broadcast. In order to get everything ready for primetime, some adjustments had to be made. “I remember we had to bring in temporary lights for the television broadcast,” said assistant athletic director Jon Fuller, who was the athletic communications director at the time. “The lights we had prior to what we have now weren’t bright enough for an HD broadcast.” Buffalo had successfully petitioned the NCAA to allow Miami (Ohio) to wear its home red jerseys along with the home ‘blues’ the Bulls usually wear at home, creating a “red and blue” matchup. Sixteen thousand fifty-eight people packed UB Stadium – an impressive amount considering most were glued to a TV set, awaiting the election’s results. The people who decided to stay were thoroughly entertained. It started with a pregame tribute to Tim Russert, the late political journalist and moderator of Meet the Press. His son, Luke, thanked the fans for their support with a pre-game video, and Tim’s sister, Kathy, and niece, Ashley, served as honorary captains.

NATHANIEL SMITH Senior Sports Editor

Spectrum File Photo

On the same night America made history, voting President Barack Obama into office, former running back James Starks (19) and the Bulls did the same, knocking off Miami Ohio 37-17 in the first nationally televised game at UB Stadium. It was also the first-ever win for Buffalo over the RedHawks.

During television timeouts, WGRZ-TV reporter Kevin O’Neill informed the crowd of the election results, as Obama won key states throughout the night. Republican Arizona Senator John McCain, running against the Democrat, finally admitted defeat around 11 p.m, just after the football game. Warde Manuel, UB’s former athletic director, enjoyed the advantage of the “12th man” in that game. “It was just unbelievable,” Manuel said. “The atmosphere [in the stadium] was on fire.” The game ended as expected for the Bulls, as their explosive offense was too much for Miami Ohio. Behind 177 yards of offense on the ground from future Green Bay Packers running back James Starks, Willy’s 245 yards in the air and former Buffalo Bills wide receiver Naaman Roosevelt’s 148 yards receiving, the Bulls beat the RedHawks 37-17 to move into first place in the MAC East – a place they never left that year. “I’m excited for our fans and excited for our university,” said current Liberty head coach Turner Gill after that 2008 win, who was the Bulls’ head coach at the time. “This is a big win for our program and now we have to continue on. [This was] a historic night, obviously [not only] for the presidential race but also for Buffalo’s football program. This is just the beginning of our journey.” It was a journey that eventually catapulted the Bulls to the promise land – a MAC title.

Four years later, even though the Bulls played and won bigger games that year – the “Hail Mary Game” against Temple at home and the MAC Championship game in Detroit versus Ball State being among them – The Election Game holds a special spot in Buffalo lore. “That was probably one of the greatest games that I’ve ever participated in, because of the season we were going through,” Manuel said. “It had this sort of electricity, with the national election and with everything that was going on. The number of eyeballs on the screen – the people who were tired of watching the election results were watching [the game] – it was a great win for us.” For those who are still on the UB Athletics staff, it was remembered as a crucial night for the program. “For me, it was just a great night to be part of,” said Associate Director of Communications Brian Wolff, who was then the assistant director of athletic communications. “Outside of people watching the election, we were the only other thing going on nationally. It really got our name out there and was one of many great moments in what was a pretty remarkable season.” It was a night to never forget in a year to always remember. Email:

MAC woes continue Buffalo fails to finish late-game comeback

JOE KONZE JR Sports Editor With two minutes left in the fourth quarter, a new face tried to reverse the Bulls’ fortunes. Redshirt freshman quarterback Joe Licata was at the helm in relief of struggling junior Alex Zordich. Licata was playing well and had a chance to lead his team to victory – an ideal situation for a struggling team that was looking for its first win against an FBS school since defeating Akron on Nov. 19, 2011. After a successful 16-yard completion to junior wide receiver Fred Lee on the first play of the drive, Licata was sacked and fumbled, turning the ball over and icing the game. Toledo took a knee, and the Bulls’ losing streak extended. Buffalo (1-7, 0-4 Mid-American Conference) hosted Toledo (8-1, 5-0 MAC) in the second game of its four-game home stand. The Bulls seemed to have a shot at an upset as they led Toledo 14-7 at the half. But it was once again a tale of two halves, as the Rockets’ offense exploded and defense pulled through late to take the game 25-20. After Zordich struggled in the second half, Licata took over late in the third quarter in monsoon-like conditions and immediately led the Bulls on a seven-play, 73-yard drive that concluded with an eight-yard touchdown toss to junior wide receiver Alex Neutz.

Two-ring circus

Nick Fischetti /// The Spectrum

Steven Means (40) and the Bulls' defense had a tough time corralling Lockport, N.Y. native David Fluellen (22) as Toledo out-lasted Buffalo in MidAmerican Conference play for a 20-25 victory.

“I think Alex [Zordich] was a bit shaken up,” Quinn said. “Watching [Joe] command the offense right in the beginning of the fourth quarter being able to put that score in there, we did a nice job with him.” It was Licata’s second touchdown pass of the season. “I’m used to [the weather] from being here,” said Licata, who played at local Williamsville South High School. “So the [conditions] weren’t a factor today.” Zordich threw a beautiful 42-yard pass to freshman Devin Campbell to go up 14-7 in the first half, but that was his only highlight of the day. Neutz (chest), Lee (left hand) and junior running back Branden Oliver (grade-two torn left MCL) returned from injuries. Neutz had the most productive day offen-

sively with six receptions for 135 yards. Oliver didn’t find the end zone, but he had another strong performance with 101 yards on 24 carries. “Bo’s efforts have never been questioned by anybody,” Quinn said. “It was a nice spark to have him back in. You saw him hit some really nice runs, and another thing you saw was some great blocking that he does. Our kids were excited to see one of their teammates back.” After going six straight quarters without scoring an offensive touchdown, the Rockets’ offense exploded in the third. Running back David Fluellen slashed through a seemingly shocked Bulls defense. Toledo had 243 yards of offense in the third quarter alone; 144 came from Fluellen. The running back scored two of the

Rockets’ three touchdowns in that quarter – both coming on Toledo’s first two drives. Fluellen’s second-half effort undid Buffalo’s solid defensive performance in the first half. The Bulls snatched two interceptions in the opening half – including a 23-yard “pick six” – by sophomore defensive back Courtney Lester off Toledo quarterback Terrence Owens – for the first touchdown of the game. “We saw a couple turnovers,” Quinn said. “That was huge in the game. For us to be able to get that going in the direction for us, [it] was big. We just weren’t able to complete the mission today.” Toledo’s offense was held to just 115 yards in the first half before it ignited for a 297yard second half performance. The offensive performance allowed the Rockets to overcome their special teams struggles – one missed field goal and three failed extra point attempts. Senior defensive end Steven Means, who blocked two extra points, was frustrated after the game. “I shouldn’t have had two blocked extra points,” Means said. “They shouldn’t have scored.” The Bulls will keep trying for a win next Saturday as they play host to MAC rival Miami Ohio (4-4, 3-1 MAC). Kickoff is slated for 12 p.m. Email:

One missed field goal. Three botched extra point attempts. Two interceptions. One fumble. Countless dropped passes. On Saturday, Toledo did everything it could to lose its game against Buffalo – one of the strangest games I have ever seen. But the strangest thing wasn’t anything the Rockets did. Very late into the third quarter, head coach Jeff Quinn unleashed freshman quarterback Joe Licata, who subbed in for junior Alex Zordich after a timeout. Not a strange sight on the surface, considering Licata has played in six of eight games for the Bulls this year. This game was different. This wasn’t mop-up duty. At the time of Licata’s entrance, the Bulls were still in striking distance, down nine points to a team that is unbeaten in the Mid-American Conference. Licata, for the first time all season, looked as if he owned the place. He drove right down the field on his first possession and threw a beautiful ball to junior receiver Alex Neutz in the end zone to bring the Bulls right back in the game. Even though the Bulls eventually fell 25-20 and are now a disappointing 1-7 and unable to become bowl eligible for the fourth straight season, this quarterback controversy is in the local limelight. The whispers around Western New York are slowly turning into screams for the local product out of Williamsville South High School. I have a crazy suggestion: play them both. Why do we have to choose between Zordich’s running and Licata’s passing when the Bulls could just use them both equally? Instead of worrying about whether it would be wiser to play the veteran runner or the freshman passer, I think it would be good to give them both game experience on a regular basis. Why wait until late in games to switch between quarterbacks? My theory gives Zordich the opportunity to do what he does best, as he is one of the toughest dual-threat quarterbacks in the conference. He has this uncanny ability to find holes in opposing defenses. He will have less pressure to consistently complete those arduous third-and-long passes – something he tends to struggle with from time to time – when Licata can sub in. It gives Licata valuable game experience, as he is getting better with every game. The vertical passing game will be more complete with his arm. There’s no question he is the more accurate QB, and his poise is slowly becoming more apparent after playing on Saturday. Why keep that on the bench for quarters at a time? This two-quarterback system has worked in recent college football history. Florida famously introduced a rookie dualthreat quarterback even while having one of the most accomplished passers in Gators history. They finished the season as National Champions. The veteran passer was Chris Leak. The rookie runner? None other than Timothy Richard Tebow. A few years ago, in ’08, Quinn experienced this firsthand as the offensive coordinator at Cincinnati. Quarterback Tony Pike suffered an injury to his non-throwing hand. In came a freshman, Zach Collaros, and his running ability impressed the coaching staff as well as his arm. When Pike came back, he was still effective, though Quinn alternated between quarterbacks. That team went to the Sugar Bowl and finished with a sterling 12-1 record. Of course, in the MAC Championship season of ’08, the Bulls used Zach Maynard’s running abilities alongside veteran starter Drew Willy. This has also happened at LSU, as the Tigers have used two quarterbacks over the last few years. This year, Notre Dame, Oklahoma and Kansas are three of many schools that are shuffling between two different quarterbacks. I understand situations are very different at each school. In UB’s case, the runner is the veteran and the passer is the younger, more inexperienced quarterback. However, the fact remains: it can work. The Bulls have nothing to lose this season. Why not give it a shot? Email:

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