The Spectrum Volume 62 Issue 31

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the Independent Student Publication of the University at Buffalo, Since 1950

The S pectrum

Volume 62 No. 31

Monday, November 12, 2012

Despite McCrea’s monstrous second half, Bulls drop season opener

SpaceVision unites generations at final frontier’s crossroad Story on page 4

Story on page 8


Six attacked The story of a UB student’s Rwandan Genocide survival in separate incidents in the Heights SARA DINATALE Senior News Editor

A member of the Hutu militia dragged Reverien Mfizi’s unconscious body to the side of a dirt road. A wounded man’s pained screams jolted Mfzi awake. Surrounded by dead bodies, bloodied from a severe blow to the head and soaked from a recent rainfall, the then 14-year-old Mfizi realized he shouldn’t still be alive. He didn’t have time to process that day’s events. Aware most of his family was likely dead, he had to push on. He was a Tutsi amidst the Rwandan Genocide. He only survived because the Hutu militia, which killed the four others he was fleeing with, assumed him dead. He later discovered he was the only survivor of his seven-member household. Distracted by the older Tutsis who were capable of fighting back, the militia members must have “forgot to finish me off,” Mfizi said, while reflecting on the horrors now 18 years in the past. Mfizi, now a 33-year-old political science Ph.D. student at UB, is left with a scar that stretches from his temple to behind his ear on the left side of his head. His matted black hair conceals the physical evidence of what he has endured. With a stoic demeanor and conscious effort to remain strong for his family, most people – including the students and colleagues he encounters as a teaching assistant – know little of his painful past. Mfizi came to America in 2000 after being awarded a scholarship designated for refugees. The father of three has built a new life. But he will never be able to separate himself from the Rwandan Genocide; it’s the reason he studies political science. He looks to higher education to help him make sense of his war-torn tale of survival. He

knows he will probably never find the answers to satisfy his questions. No matter how many years pass or how many miles he is from his homeland, a part of Mfizi will always be back in Rwanda. “You’ve escaped something or not really anything at all,” he said. “I’ve always boasted myself [to be] this strong person who wanted to escape this past, but I can’t get rid of it. It always comes around and goes back again, but I have really pushed so hard. At the end of the day, you’ve seen that past and you’re revolving around it. You live it.” Rwanda, located in East Africa, was a hotbed of ethnic tension for decades. The Hutus and Tutsis – though they speak the same language, live in the same area and follow similar traditions – are considered ethnically different. Some say Tutsis are taller and thinner or have longer noses. “Really most people in Rwanda look the same,” Mfizi remarked. Tensions first started to majorly erupt in 1959, when Hutus held riots and killed over 20,000 Tutsis. Tutsis were regarded as the higher class by the then in-power Belgians, which enraged many Hutus. In 1962, Rwanda became independent. The Hutus took power and the Tutsi minority became Rwanda’s scapegoat for every crisis in the following decades. April 6, 1994 seemed like a normal day for Mfizi. It was a Wednesday. He went to school, where he was typically taunted and called names like “traitor” and “cockroach” by Hutu children. He went through the same motions he did every day. He came straight home after primary school – as a Tutsi in his home city of Kigali, you were in your home by 5 p.m., Mfizi said. As soon as the sun started going down, Tutsis stayed indoors. They kept to themselves.

UB students identified as victims of attacks LISA KHOURY Senior News Editor

Alexa Strudler /// The Spectrum

Reverien Mfizi, a political science graudate student, reflects on his near-death experience as a survivor of the Rwandan Genocide. His tragedy fuels his academics.

Stay quiet. Shut up. Don’t get involved in politics. Don’t stay out late. If Tutsis didn’t follow those guidelines, they were killed, Mfizi explained. But the rules he became familiar with didn’t apply once the president of Rwanda, Juvenal Habyarimana, was killed that day in April.

Violence, death and murder surrounded Mfizi. So when the president’s plane was shot down above the Kigali airport – only a few miles from Mfizi’s home – the teenager didn’t know anything unusual happened. He slept through the night.

Two males were beaten and robbed, one was held at knifepoint and three females were assaulted in three separate incidents early Saturday morning in the University Heights. According to University Police Chief Gerald Schoenle, all the victims were UB students. The first incident happened at 1 a.m. when two male suspects approached two males on Winspear Avenue and punched one of the victims in the mouth. The victim fell to the ground, hit his head and lost consciousness, according to The Buffalo News. The two robbers then took $40, a cell phone, an ATM card and a UB student ID card from the victim’s pockets. The other victim was punched in the face but nothing was stolen from him. The suspects fled in a black Chevrolet Suburban, according to The News. Another robbery happened approximately an hour later on Main Street and Lisbon Avenue. A male suspect left his bronze-colored Chevrolet Blazer and approached the victim with a knife. The suspect ordered the victim to hand over his belongings. He searched the victim’s pockets and wallet, stole an

Continued on page 2

Continued on page 6

UB School of Nursing receives $695,000 grant RACHEL RAIMONDI Staff Writer

Courtesy of Davidhar

The Health Resources and Services Administration, an agency of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, awarded UB’s School of Nursing a $695,000 grant. The grant aims to increase the number of primary care providers by assisting nurses who are pursuing advanced degrees as nurse practitioners (NP). UB was one of approximately 71 universities to receive the prestigious award. This will allow the institution to “lead change and impact health care delivery,” said Marsha Lewis, professor and dean of the School of Nursing, in an interview with UB Reporter. The grant is anticipated to provide financial support for approximately 30 to 40 students per semester for two years. The money will be used to cover tuition, books and living expenses, according to Robert Cenczyk, assistant to the academic dean in the School of Nursing.

Not only does it allow the school to financially assist the students, but it also slows the increasing faculty shortages at nursing schools across the country by training more advanced-educated nurses. These nationwide faculty shortages have also decreased new enrollments. “Locally, this grant allows us to both increase the quality of care throughout the region and increase access to health care for older adults in Western New York,” Cenczyk said. The grant is specifically for post-baccalaureate students who already have six credits in the post-baccalaureate Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) program and intend to go into the fields of adult NP, family NP and psych/mental health NP. The DNP program was accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE) and approved by SUNY and the New York State Education Department in 2010. The accreditation “ensures the quality and integrity of baccalaureate, graduate and residency programs in nursing,” according to the American

UB’s School of Nursing is located in Wende Hall on South Campus.


Continued on page 6

Opinion 3 Life 4

Arts & Entertainment 5

Classifieds & Daily Delights 7

Sports 8


Monday, November 12, 2012

Continued from page 1: Scarred Gunfire was commonplace. Mfizi was almost immune to the sound a grenade made when it exploded. It stirred him enough to acknowledge it and be thankful the grenade didn’t land in his family’s home. The city around him was chaotic. At first, April 6 didn’t seem any different to him. His mother, however, was concerned with the constant gunfire and explosions that night. Mfizi said she let him sleep as she stayed up and worried about what was going on in their city. She was unaware of how serious things were until early the next morning. “We turned on the radio and heard exact news [of the president’s death],” Mfizi said. “Typical blame we were all familiar with: ‘Tutsis killed the president. Tutsis have to be killed.’” Hutus often said Tutsis killed Habyarimana, but it is also argued Hutu extremists coordinated the attack to set the stage for their already planned Tutsi genocide. The culprit is still contested. But regardless of that uncertainty, between April and June 1994, an estimated 800,000 Rwandans were killed. By 10 a.m., Mfizi witnessed his world starting to break apart. Hutu militias were pouring into cities, setting up roadblocks and killing Tutsis. “It was like, you know what – I may have skipped this death for a long time, but this is my time,” Mfizi said. “So we fled. We ran away from the house because [the militias] were killing people house to house.” He and his household of seven took cover in the school where his mother taught, a 40-minute walk from his home. All of the city’s terrified citizens, even some Hutus, gathered at the school. But when it became clear Tutsis were the target, some Hutu families started heading back to their homes. While Hutu families started to leave, news of slaughtered Tutsis spread through the school. Mfizi and others – the names of those murdered still fresh in their minds – sat in fear. “We were waiting to be killed,” he said. After bunkering down for at least two days, the militia came. “It started out with a few people in military uniforms,” Mfizi explained. “They started lying to us – ‘We’re here to protect you’ – but it was a lie. It was just to make sure we all gather together, everyone come together in that sense of security and then just start the whole thing. “Around 3 o’clock, that’s when we saw vehicles with militia and people with machetes and guns and spears and grenades.

That’s when everything really started. They started killing.” Mfizi can still feel the dread and hear his mother’s voice drifting through the terrorized crowd. As the militia began attacking with grenades and hacking at people with machetes, Mfizi’s mother was lost in the panic. She called out for him. She struggled to keep her family together. Mfizi had no choice but to run away from the slaughter. “It’s the image of my mother that never goes away,” he said. That day at the school was the last time he saw any members of his immediate family. He has no concrete understanding of how his mother was killed. Neighbors told him she survived the attack at the school and stayed at a Hutu family’s house for a few days. But Mfizi doesn’t have any closure regarding what happened to her. “This is the reality of Rwanda. It’s ugly,” he said. “We know the place where she spent her last days, but we can’t get the story of where she died and when. We can’t even find her bones.” He remembers his mother as a strongwilled fighter, someone who held her family together after Mfizi’s father died in 1991. Mfizi’s father was a smoker for years, and when Rwanda’s civil war started in 1990, he was unable to get the medication needed to maintain his damaged lungs. The police harassed the sick man in the days leading up to his death. There were constant interrogations and imprisonment of Tutsis. Police taunted Mfizi’s father and questioned the whereabouts of his sons and cousins. Once he passed away from lung complications, Mfizi’s mother gathered together the family, full of children mostly from her husband’s previous marriage, and moved from the suburb of Nutara to the city of Kigali, where her brother lived. “When my father died, I was too little to comprehend the whole process. My mother is the one I can recall much more quickly,” Mfizi said. “Losing your mother is not something very simple – especially when my mother was very influential in our family.” After losing all of his immediate family, he survived by pretending to be a member of a Hutu family. It was their mercy that saved his life. Before finding them, he was on the run. He survived by settling in with different groups of refugees, searching for scraps of food and staying on the move to avoid the same fate as his family. He eventually was sent to a Red Cross orphanage that helped him locate his extended family members who had survived.

He turned 15 on May 18 that year, just over a month after the genocide erupted. “Nobody ever celebrated birthdays [during the genocide],” Mfizi said. “I didn’t even know if I’d survive.” Mfizi lived on the streets for five months prior to the orphanage. The family that was hiding him decided to flee Rwanda, and taking Mfizi along was too risky. The orphanage allowed him to relate to other survivors who had also lost their immediate families. “Some people when you tell them this – in America – that you’re the only one left, they say: ‘Oh that’s so sad,’” Mfizi said. “But in Rwanda, everyone has lost people to the extent you cannot even think of; you cannot imagine about the suffering of people.” His story isn’t rare in Rwanda. He still struggles with accepting the loss of his mother. He has no grave to mourn; that void is one of his heaviest burdens. But the tragedy drives his academic work. His mother and father were both teachers, and that’s something that stays with him while he instructs recitations or works with students. He remembers the mentor his mother served as to many children during her time as a countryside schoolteacher. Mfizi questions if his desire to become a college professor is a way to stay connected with his late parents. The content of what he studies echoes his past. Mfizi focuses on civil wars and totalitarian regimes. He questions why this happened to him and to Rwanda in general, but he hopes to get answers little by little through academics. He wants to understand how politics shape peoples’ minds. He hopes to heal himself. “Now I’m a grown up, but I can’t get over the experience,” Mfizi said. “I have tried to be methodic about it, and one way of understanding things is being methodic and going through the experience of learning. That’s how I see my whole experience with studying civil war.” He works hard for the family he has put together in America. He and his wife Christine have been married since 2006. He is now a proud father of three children – two daughters, one who is 1 year old, and the other who was born this September and a son who is 6 years old. Mfizi came to America in 2000 because he won a scholarship from La Roche College in Pittsburgh. The college has a special program set up for refugees. His wife also came to America from Rwanda under the same undergraduate scholarship.

The professors he works with at UB describe him as an amazing student and an incredible family man. They’re amazed he is able to balance all he does. “He has an adorable little boy who’s really into dinosaurs,” said Michelle Benson, an associate professor of political science. “To be able to have gone through what he’s gone through and do what he’s doing now, especially with the added responsibility of a family, it’s really a testament to his strength of character and intellect.” Eric Hanson, a fifth-year graduate student in political science, shares an office with Mfizi. As a newlywed, Hanson is just learning how to balance marriage with his studies – he struggles to even imagine the addition of three young kids. “Being a graduate student and having a family has got to be difficult,” Hanson said. “It has to be. There is no way it could be easier than the life of a bachelor.” Benson and Dr. Claude Welch, a SUNY distinguished service professor, work with Mfizi because he is a teaching assistant in their political science classes. They are continually impressed by his dedication and ideas. Welch thinks Mfizi’s experiences add a lot to the classroom. “He can bring the reality of life as a person who is trying to maintain his cultural heritage in a very different land,” Welch said. Mfizi has been back to Rwanda twice since leaving. He has witnessed the once small capital city start to transform into a business-oriented city, with new buildings being constructed. He hopes he can take his whole family to Rwanda this summer, but only if he is able to find affordable plane tickets. Most people know little about Mfizi’s history. Mfizi, who was described as a patient and excellent listener, doesn’t talk about his past often. The things Benson and Hanson know are secondhand bits of information. But there is more to Mfizi than the brave front he puts on for his family and coworkers. He is a man who will forever be hurting. “I always like to say that I recovered from that experience, but I never recovered from it,” Mfizi said. “You can really see that in what I do. I can boast all the time about being a strong person, but look what I gravitate toward.” For now, Mfizi spends hours researching, writing, teaching and learning about tragedies similar to his own past, forever searching for answers he may never find. Email:

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Monday, November 12, 2012

EDITORIAL BOARD Editor in Chief Aaron Mansfield Senior Managing Editor Brian Josephs Managing Editor Rebecca Bratek Editorial Editor Ashley Steves News EDItors Sara DiNatale, Co-Senior Lisa Khoury, Co-Senior Ben Tarhan Lisa Epstein, Asst. LIFE EDITORS Rachel Kramer, Senior Lyzi White Keren Baruch Jacob Glaser, Asst. ARTS EDITORS Elva Aguilar, Senior Adrien D’Angelo Duane Owens, Asst. Lisa de la Torre, Asst. SPORTS EDITORS Nate Smith, Senior Joe Konze Jon Gagnon, Asst. PHOTO EDITORS Alexa Strudler, Senior Satsuki Aoi Reimon Bhuyan, Asst. Nick Fischetti, Asst. PROFESSIONAL STAFF OFFICE ADMINISTRATOR Helene Polley ADVERTISING MANAGER Mark Kurtz CREATIVE DIRECTOR Aline Kobayashi Brian Keschinger, Asst. Haider Alidina, Asst. ADVERTISING DESIGNER Joseph Ramaglia Chris Belfiore Ryan Christopher, Asst. Haley Sunkes, Asst.

November 12, 2012 Volume 62 Number 31 Circulation 7,000 The views expressed – both written and graphic – in the Feedback, Opinion, and Perspectives sections of The Spectrum do not necessarily reflect the views of the editorial board. Submit contributions for these pages to The Spectrum office at Suite 132 Student Union or The Spectrum reserves the right to edit these pieces for style and length. If a letter is not meant for publication please mark it as such. All submissions must include the author’s name, daytime phone number, and email address.

Much ado about nothing Knicks ads are nothing to get worked up about

Scenario: it’s Friday night. What are you going to do? The MSG Network has a few options for you. For instance, “You can either see a Broadway harness malfunctioning or you can watch real men fly.” The company ran a series of ads for the Knicks, and the controversial campaign touched a nerve with a lot of New Yorkers, from women to East Village poets. After plenty of buzz and backlash, MSG promised to take down the posters associated with the campaign, apologizing to anybody offended by the ad and calling it bad judgment. It’s not necessarily a good campaign, but it’s not worth the fuss it received. If you’re really aching to overanalyze it, it looks bad. The Broadway ad was referring to the incidents that occurred with the show “Spiderman: Turn Off the Dark.” Several actors were injured, including stuntman Christopher Tierney, who sustained four broken ribs and fractured three vertebrae in the show’s trial run. And the use of the phrase “real men” for the Knicks has already been construed as homophobic.

in their opponents’ crotches and slogans such as, “Say Hello,” “Isn’t That Cute,” and “Punks Jump Up.” The ads weren’t exactly the most offensive advertisements running that year, but some considered them to be homophobic for whatever reason, so the company pulled the campaign. The Knicks aren’t the only team in New York anymore now that the now-Brooklyn Nets have hauled their stuff into the city. Is anyone surprised the Knicks are working harder and campaigning to get people to their games? The team has started the season off on a good foot, and all of this is coming at a perfect time for the city. In case anyone forgot, there is a lot more out there to get worked up over and a lot more to worry about in New York currently than a couple of questionable poster ads. The last couple of weeks have been about rebuilding the city and rebuilding morale. The ads don’t help, but neither does the vehement opposition and premature claims of prejudice. Email:

Veterans Day deserves much more attention and importance Sunday was Veterans Day. Did you notice? Every Nov. 11, we commemorate those who have risked their lives to protect the lives of others. The day has gone and past, but that’s no reason to forget the work that our veterans have done. Veterans Day has a long history. It first began in Nov. 1919 as Armistice Day when President Woodrow Wilson promised that reflections “will be filled with solemn pride in the heroism of those who died in the country’s service and with gratitude for the victory, both because of the thing from which it has freed us and because of the opportunity it has given America to show her sympathy with peace and justice in the councils of the nations.” Since 1954, it has been referred to as Veterans Day to expand the holiday to honor all veterans and not just those who died in World War I. As of last year, there are 21.5 million military veterans in the United States. New York accounts for about 1,025,500 of them and has the fourth most in the nation. The holiday is something that gets overshadowed if you don’t have anybody close to you who has served. But we all have

somebody whwo’s been affected by it, whether we realize it or not. We have to remember to take note not just of the fighters but also of the families – the wives, the husbands, the sisters, the daughters, the brothers and the sons. Veterans Day definitely isn’t a glamorous holiday. Maybe that’s why it doesn’t get much attention – from the media or otherwise – when the day comes around. The semester is winding down for students, so if any holiday is on their minds it’s Thanksgiving, and similar holidays like Memorial Day are celebrated when the summer months are rolling in. We are not a give-and-take society; we are just a take society. If it falls on a weekend and doesn’t give us time off from work or school, it gets pushed aside. There are no gifts or dinners or weeks of primetime movies. We receive nothing in return. And it’s selfish because what our veterans have done for us is the most selfless act you can imagine. The celebration of our veterans shouldn’t be isolated to one day, but if it must, we need to at least give them that – to honor each and every day they went out to fight for our freedom.

We give one day to them a year, and we can’t even remember what day is it or don’t give our time to celebrate it. It’s becoming more and more obvious how underappreciated our veterans are, especially when you look at unemployment numbers. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that unemployment for post-9/11 veterans is at 10 percent, and veteran unemployment on general terms dropped to 6.3 percent last month. They’ve risked their lives and aren’t getting much in return for it. We place so much focus on the politics of the Iraq War that we are disconnected from the people behind those politics. We’ve reached the last of what’s left from our most deadly war and have lost all that fought in World War I. We are a divided country, but Election Day is over. We fight for different individual beliefs but for one cause. Whether or not you support the government, support your military and remember all they have fought for – specifically you. Email:

An expert advisory: the pregame

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This isn’t a homophobic issue, though, nor is it sexist (another ad referred to the choice of going out to “pick up sixes or sevens” or staying at home to “watch Kidd dish out dimes”) or… anti-poet. It’s about political correctness and how we address ourselves. People don’t want to laugh at themselves and, of course, don’t want to feel like they’re receiving any form of criticism. Every group of people will find a way to shield themselves from whatever joke comes their way and, in turn, every group becomes untouchable. It’s hard to believe that a team that has so avidly supported city poets and has even funded the Knicks Poetry Slam program would be so quick to bash the East Village community on the art, nor is it easy to believe that an organization and its parent charity NBA Cares would attack the gay community when it is partnered with the Gay, Lesbian, & Straight Education Network (GLSEN). It’s doubtful there was any bad intention with these advertisements. They’re very similar to another ad campaign by Nike in 2008. The company was running poster ads for its new Hyperdunk basketball shoes, which featured a series of basketball players being dunked and their faces being buried

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JACOB GLASER Asst. Life Editor Here’s the scenario: You and a group of friends took my advice last week and decided to get together for an epic game of pickup football during what will probably be the last nice weekend in Buffalo before the snow comes rolling in. It’s been what seems like forever since you played on that sports team in high school, and you seriously just can’t wait to get out there and run around, laugh your head off and play a great game of catch. You went the extra mile and invited that super cute girl you like to come play with you guys, so you can woo her with your undoubted athletic prowess and so she can see what a great, lively group of friends you have. Before the game starts, you see your girl getting in a light jog and intermittently stretching in ways that have you breaking your neck trying to get a peek. You proceed to warm up by throwing the ball obnoxiously far apart from each other, executing plays that will never happen in the game. But hey, it sure looks flashy. Oh what a game it will be… Eight minutes into playing, your best friend is on the sidelines with a pulled hamstring, your other friend is face down on the field trying to suck down as much oxygen as pos-

sible and failing and you have been incapacitated since the second play with the worst cramps you ever had. You try to “shake it off ” and grin while your girl runs circles around all of you, smiling and laughing at the clowns before her in that everpainful, emasculating way. What happened? What in the world could have possibly made you go from hero to zero in fewer than 10 minutes with your clothes still on? The answer is simple: you overlooked the importance of the essentials of the pregame: hydrating and stretching. In order to ensure you are ready to perform at the optimum level for any physical activity, it is an absolute must you make sure you are well hydrated and you have a warm-up period of low-level activity followed by a period of stretching, according to David Ritter, a sophomore aerospace and mechanical engineering and mathematics major, who is also a member of the UB Rugby club. “First, drink lots of water. Hydration is essential, and if you’re dehydrated, you won’t be able to perform,” Ritter said. For Ritter, a weekly weight-lifting regiment is essential to ensuring he will be in peak condition every time he steps on the field. To initiate his workout, Ritter prefers to start with a series of light weight-lifting drills, warming his muscles up and getting his blood moving before he starts in on his heavier, more intensive workout.

“You can warm up with a light jog followed by a full-body stretch and some plyometric drills as well,” Ritter said. “Personally, I just prefer to start lifting light and then moving on to heavier weights.” Exercising cold – or working out without a warm-up period – leaves your muscles tight, your circulation sluggish and your adrenaline levels nonexistent – a recipe for a poor, low-output performance. See how that could have made all of the difference for you and your girl running around on the football field? I thought so. So next time, just make sure you have been drinking plenty of water and gave yourself ample time to warm up and stretch before you start any sort of exercise program. You would never skip the pregame session before going to the bar, right? Well the same rules apply in the sporting world. Now go get ’em and make me proud, you hooligans. Weekly fit tips: Be mindful of what you hydrate with According to Dr. Harold Burton, associate professor of exercise and nutrition science, although it is essential to ensure you are well hydrated, people often hydrate with fluids that are high in refined sugar, which act as empty calories. You shouldn’t consistently drink liquids such as pop, juice or energy drinks

because high levels of refined sugar will end up being utilized by your body as reserve energy stores ... fat, people. According to an article on, the Institute of Medicine’s new standard recommendation for the amount of fluids you should intake daily range from three liters for men, or 13 cups, to 2.2 liters, about nine cups, for women. Make sure you get close to hitting each of these hydration markers, but primarily make sure you are drinking the right stuff (water, low-fat milk, reduced-sugar juices). All body stretch: Burton stresses the importance of stretching and flexibility in everyday life, especially as you get older. He states you never want to stretch a cold muscle because that is when you are most likely to injure yourself. According to Burton, it is important to stretch after you work out as a part of your cool-down period to improve your muscle elasticity. You have to stretch, guys; it is a critical element when it comes to increasing your flexibility, speed, muscle endurance, agility and overall conditioning. For some great full-body stretch routines, check out’s dynamic stretching routines – it’s some of the most informative, high-impact stretching material I have ever seen. Good luck! Email:


Monday, November 12, 2012


SpaceVision unites generations at final frontier’s crossroad LYZI WHITE Life Editor As a boy, Chris Scolese saw rockets on his television screen. He saw the strings attached to them and knew they were fake, but it was his first memory of space. Later, as he browsed a scholastic magazine, the cover stuck out to him – it featured a man responsible for the successful launch of an unmanned satellite. That’s when Scolese, now the director of NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, knew what he wanted to be when he grew up. Scolese was among the keynote speakers at SpaceVision, an annual student-run and student-based space conference held at the Buffalo Convention Center this past weekend. Organized by Students for the Exploration and Development of Space (SEDS), this year’s conference focused on the current crossroads of space exploration. “[The future of space exploration], it’s limitless,” Scolese said. “There are great things still to be done … the NASA that I joined is different today than it was when I joined it, and the NASA I joined is different than the one that existed in the ’60s. But it’s still here. It’s still doing fantastic things and there are still incredible things to be discovered.” Andrew Dianetti, a senior mechanical and aerospace engineering major and the conference chair, had planned the event along with UB’s SEDS team for 16 months. Dianetti wanted to motivate and inspire others to become involved because the space industry is at a transitional point, he said. That crossroads is something the entire conference addressed. Frank Centinello, a UB alum and Ph.D. candidate in the department of earth, atmospheric and planetary sciences at MIT, cofounded the UB chapter of SEDS. Centinello felt during his undergraduate and graduate time at UB – from 2000 to 2007 – there wasn’t necessarily a clear path

The transfer to commercial space is another major crossroad that SpaceVision addressed. For the past 50 years, NASA and the U.S. government have been responsible for the majority of space exploration, according to Centinello. Now private companies, such as Richard Branson’s Virgin Galactic, have become involved in the journey to the final frontier. Members of the space community – from Ed Mango, commercial crew program director of NASA’s Kennedy Space Center, to Peggy Whitson, a former chief astronaut – came together to discuss the future of the space program with the generation that holds its fate in their hands. Although some believe NASA was done with space after the end of the shuttle program, Scolese said that is “the farthest thing from the truth.” With Curiosity, a “Mini Cooper”-sized rover, landing on Mars, NASA is very much Courtesy of NASA alive. That goes for space exploration in its entirety as well. SpaceVision, the largest student-run and student-focused space conference in the nation, took place in “SpaceVision is about our future in Buffalo this weekend. Members of NASA, Virgin Galactic, and former astronauts came together to disspace, organized by students for students cuss the future of the final frontier. and that really is something that we need,” for students to go from school to career. and civil rights are also interconnected with Scolese said. “They’re our future.” That’s why he decided to help found SEDS. space exploration. Will Pomerantz is the vice president for special projects at Virgin Galactic, the world’s “I prepared this 30-minute speech about “When you’re halfway across the solar how we need to take control of our destiny system, it doesn’t matter what race you are first commercial space line. For the price of in space because it’s not going to be handed or what sex you are,” Centinello said. “It just $200,000, anyone can go into space, accordto us and we need to do what we can … we matters that you’re human and your planet’s ing to Pomerantz, and while that number need to shape it ourselves,” Centinello said. people decided to send you across the solar might seem expensive, it’s cheap compared to the next cheapest ticket, which is $60 mil“I graduated the next semester and they ran system.” lion. with it. The next year, they made it an SAFor Centinello, it is extremely important approved club and soon after that they were to get the majority of the planet’s population “What we hope to do and what we are the most active SEDS clubs in the country involved in space exploration. That’s why he in the process of doing is to totally revoluand they really ran with it.” participates in many outreach programs to tionize the amount of people that go into space and the frequency in which they go to SEDS was founded 30 years ago, ac- museums and schools. space,” Pomerantz said. “If you add up the cording to Centinello, based on the shared Although the space shuttle program has amount of people that have gone into space, desire to promote the settlement of space, been retired, that does not mean NASA and and this year’s conference brought that mes- other companies have stopped. In fact, the starting with Yuri Gagarin, the first cosmosage back. That’s what SEDS stands for, he United States is developing three or four new naut in 1961, until today, 528 people have said, to express to the governments of the vehicles that will take humans into space, ac- gone into space.” world and the general public that space is im- cording to Centinello. portant. Issues like global warming, poverty Continued on page 6

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Monday, November 12, 2012


Arts & Entertainment

A Friday evening with Morrie SHU YEE RACHEL LIM Staff Writer


Not many lessons discuss what it is to

Friday night, the Niagara Regional Theatre Guild brought author Mitch Albom’s Tuesdays with Morrie at the Ellicott Creek Playhouse to life in a staged play based on the bestselling book. Two actors alone led the seven-scene play. Doug Smith, 77, played the dying Schwartz, and M. Joseph Fratello, 28, assumed the role of Albom. Like any book-turned-script, the pressure was on for the play to live up to the book’s high standard. One of the biggest challenges was making a conversation between two people constantly engaging for the audience. “[Jeffrey Hatcher and Mitch Albom] did a lot with making the dialogue very visual; it was very descriptive, and I think Peter Barth /// The Spectrum that [led] to the [book-to-play] transition,” M. Joseph Fratello (left) and Doug Smith (right) star in the Niagara Regional Theatre Guild's depiction Fratello said. of Mitch Albom's book Tuesdays with Morrie. The main character, sports columnist Mitch Albom, finds out a beloved professor from his past, Morrie Schwartz, is dying “I’d rather have a small audience who Nonetheless, the play offered valuable from Lou Gehrig’s disease – a disease that connects with us versus a packed house lessons. David had his own personal takecauses the slow loss of muscular control. where I feel I’m acting to a brick wall,” away from the performance. Albom ends up spending every Tuesday Fratello said. “Enjoy life, stop and smell the roses visiting his professor – whom he affectionHusband and wife David and Annette before life catches up with you, probably ately calls ‘coach’ – to learn about life and Gervase, both 56-year-old adjunct profes- to appreciate the little things in life and do death. sors in UB’s Graduate School of Educa- something you like to do,” he said. Smith and Fratello’s chemistry on tion, were among those thrilled with the The last scene ended with the characstage was evident. Their performance was actors’ performance. ter Albom playing the piano and rememconvincing and moving, as they trans“The genuine love that both of them bering his dear ‘coach.’ formed Schwartz and Albom’s relationship from intimate to distant and finally intimate had for each other [comes through in their As Albom reminisced, Smith reapacting],” Annette said. again. peared on stage as Schwartz and danced in Other audience members felt the play crooked awkward steps, the swing from his The actors prepared their roles in 10 still had room for improvement, however. hips long gone but his face in a state of weeks. Senior theater major Colin Burgess thought unmistakable content. “When we got hit by [Hurricane] San- the sound design could be better, as certain Tuesdays with Morrie will be playing at dy, we were having some power and water audio clips had a hissing quality to them. issues in the building, just a little bit, but it He claimed the lighting cues were also not the Ellicott Creek Playhouse until Nov. 18. was enough to slow us down that week for as smooth as they could’ve been. rehearsals,” Fratello said. “Whenever they moved stuff between The performance went on before a scenes, they would turn up the lights slight- Email: crowd of 30 inside the cozy theatre. Fratel- ly so the people could see to move props,” lo thought the crowd was receptive to the Burgess said. “But then they blacked out, play. so that was weird. It was almost like a scene within itself.”


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Xiaohang Ji /// The Spectrum

Cathaleen Curtiss' As I See It: iPhone Photography exhibit is currently on display at the CEPA Gallery in downtown Buffalo.

iPhone apps add aperture – another victory for Apple SHELBY L. MILIZIA Staff Writer The iPhone will soon become a photographer’s best friend. The Center for Exploratory and Perceptual Arts (CEPA) Gallery is currently featuring the solo exhibit, As I See It: iPhone Photography by Cathaleen Curtiss. The exhibit displays 30 images Curtiss has taken in the past four years using only her iPhone and apps like Adobe Photoshop Express and Snapseed. Curtiss’ “iPhonoto’s” are quickly becoming a forerunner in the growing legitimacy of using cell phone photography as an artistic medium. CEPA showcases works that range from politicians using disposable cameras to public submissions to individuals suffering from autism and more. When discussing Curtiss’ iPhone exhibit, Lauren Tent, the education director at CEPA, expressed concern over the recent iPhone movement and repercussions it may have, especially in the commercial photography setting. Tent noted that today, people don’t need high quality DSLRs (digital single-lens reflex cameras) any more to take an outstanding photo and considers the development worrisome. Donna Jordan Dusel, adjunct professor for the fine arts department at Buffalo State College and D’Youville College, is a professional photographer who teaches her basic photography students how to use SLR cameras, whether digital or film. “I’ve taught photography for over 30 years, and I’m always telling my students they can’t just walk around with an iPhone, but you can now,” Dusel said. Even so, Dusel still pushes her students to learn the camera as a working body – to discover its lens abilities, functions and to have an actual camera in hand, not a camera phone. However, Curtiss sees the use of iPhones differently. “The best camera is the one you have with you,” Curtiss said. Curtiss has had the opportunity to emerge into the professional field after gaining national recognition for her awardwinning work in photojournalism. She has been an editor, director and consultant of photography and has covered events such as the Super Bowl, Superpower Summits and three presidential campaigns. In 1990, the White House News Photographers Association named Curtiss Photographer of the Year. Her use of the iPhone as a photographic tool began in New York a few years ago when she decided to take pictures daily Continued on page 6


Continued from page 5: iPhone apps add aperture – another victory for Apple

Continued from page 8: McCrea day

with her iPhone. Curtiss would post her images on her blog or Facebook, and people often asked what device she took her pictures with. When Curtiss would say her iPhone, they would seldom believe her. Curtiss believes cameras are tools and as long as the ethics and integrity of the images are kept intact, the use of iPhones is an acceptable form of content creation. She believes there are a lot of things that undermine photographic creation but iPhones are not one of them. “It doesn’t matter if you write out a story or you type out a story, or you file it on your computer. The content is the content. I feel that way about photographs,” Curtiss said. “If you can make a great image on an iPhone, more power to you, as long as you’re not altering the reality.” With her longstanding principles instilled from years in photojournalism, Curtiss said to this day her friends laugh at her because of her serious commitment to maintaining reality. In this pursuit, Curtiss will stick around and wait for the things she wants to happen in her photo to happen. “If I see something that I like but it needs people in it, I’ll sit there and wait ’til somebody shows up,” Curtiss said. When her friends would ask her why she didn’t just put someone in the photo, she would simply respond: “That wouldn’t be the truth.” The As I See It: iPhone Photography exhibit is on display downtown at the CEPA Gallery at 617 Main St. until Nov. 26. Curtiss will also teach a one-day iPhone and Phone App workshop on Nov. 17 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the gallery. Email:

Continued from page 1: UB School of Nursing receives $695,000 grant Association of Colleges of Nursing website. Without it, the School of Nursing would not have been eligible to apply for the Advanced Education Nursing Traineeship (AENT) grant. “It’s a ‘win- win’ [situation] because we have students who want to go back to get their NP [degree] and now we have the accreditation and some money to put toward making that happen,” said Donna Tyrpak, director of Alumni Relations and Communications in the School of Nursing. The serious shortage of all health care providers in the Western New York area led to 163 communities and facilities in the five-county region to be classified as Primary Medical Care Health Professional Shortage Areas by the federal government, according to Cenczyk. However, the School of Nursing has had great success with previous findings. Over the past two years, over 50 percent of the primary care nurse practitioners supported by AENT went on to work in health professional shortage areas, Cenczyk said. After graduating from the program, the students work in a variety of settings including hospitals, outpatient primary care offices and clinics, nursing homes and home care. Email:

game-changing defense. He controlled the basket. He punished Tigers forward Ian Hummer, blocking Hummer three times in the last few minutes of the game. Hummer is, by the way, projected to be the Player of the Year in the Ivy League. Even the few times McCrea was caught defending on the wing, he showed his athleticism – which is surprising, considering his bulky frame. In the second half alone, he put up an impressive stat line of 22 points, seven rebounds – including five on the offensive end –, three blocks and two steals. He was even clutch from the line, as he sunk 10-of-12 shots from the charity stripe – all of them in crucial situations. After the game, Princeton head coach Mitch Henderson admitted they had no chance of defending McCrea. They were powerless against him when he got going late in the game – some-


Continued from page 8: Tiger bait seven points, including a perfect 2-for-2 from beyond the arc. Junior point guard Jarod Oldham, who led the MAC in assists last season, scored seven points but only dished out three assists. “I think our execution could have been better, but that’s going to come with time and getting comfortable with each other,” Oldham said. “We lost four seniors, so the guys coming in now are going to have to pick it up quick.” The Bulls shot a dismal 5-for-22 from the field without the contributions from Watson and McCrea. A lot of the poor shooting was due to the Tigers’ defense, an aspect Witherspoon raved about. “People talk about the Princeton offense so much; the most underrated

Continued from page 4: SpaceVision unites generations at final frontier’s crossroad Pomerantz hopes Virgin Galactic’s focus on space tourism will increase that number. The passengers will have the chance to earn their astronaut wings as they look down from the SpaceShip Two onto earth, Pomerantz said. It’s only about a two-hour trip, but afterward, “you’re an astronaut for life.” With the tremendous achievements of companies such as NASA and Virgin Galactic, SpaceVision brought together the major players in the new generation of space exploration. As the theme of this year’s conference, crossroads was answered by the combining of generations – new and old. “As Yogi Bear said, ‘When you come to a fork in the road, pick it up,’” Scolese said. Email:

Continued from page 1: Six attacked in separate incidents in the Heights iPhone, went back into his vehicle and sped north on Main Street, according to The News. UPD said in a third incident, three female victims were assaulted after one had her cell phone stolen at a house party when they confronted the suspect. Schoenle said no one was seriously hurt in any of the matters.

thing I believe is going to be a consistent theme for opposing coaches throughout the season. There are many other questions in what will be a long season: namely the shooting abilities of the team outside of senior guard Tony Watson, who will increasingly become part of opposing game plans, and if (and when) sophomore forward Will Regan can get going as he continues to learn the speed of the game. The Bulls will go this season as McCrea goes. As much as we remember Watt’s dominant year, if McCrea plays all season the way he played on Saturday, Watt won’t be missed much. Something tells me McCrea has no problem carrying that burden.

“These all seemed to have some relationship to students and house parties in the Heights,” Schoenle said in an email. Buffalo Police Spokesman Michael DeGeorge did not respond to The Spectrum’s request for more information by the time of press. Email:

part of what they do is defend,” Witherspoon said. “They’re very big on the perimeter. They do a good job of getting out on shooters. Having said that, we got good looks and we shot it well from three. We got the ball inside. We just didn’t execute and sustain a high quality of play. We had some good moments but we didn’t sustain it over a period.” The Bulls have to turn around and take on a tough opponent in Florida State, a top-25 squad that will prove to be a tough test for the Bulls with a plethora of size at the forward spots. Buffalo will travel to Tallahassee, Fla. to take on the Seminoles Monday night at 7 p.m.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Continued from page 8: Lester pesters Western He is now 2-0 since taking over as the Bulls’ starter. “He was just as confident as he was last week,” Neutz said. “Joe’s been preparing for this his whole life. He had a great career in high school, he’s got a great offensive line in front of him and he has great playmakers on the outside. He has confidence in himself and that’s what you look for in the quarterback position.” Licata helped generate three scoring drives on the Bulls’ first eight possessions, putting up 17 unanswered points before Carder found receiver Eric Monnette in the end zone from 17 yards out for the Broncos’ first score. The win could not have come on a better day, as the Bulls said farewell to their seniors. Senior defensive end Steven Means, who over the course of his four-year career has accumulated 159 total tackles and 15.5 sacks, had goals of making one last run at a MAC Championship. Though that goal is now unattainable, he has no regrets. “My heart, my soul, all my blood, sweat and tears on this field from No. 40 Steven Means, forever a UB Bull,” Means said. “I want to thank this team, the coaching staff and all you guys for allowing me to leave this field happy.” The Bulls will hope to extend their two-game winning streak as they travel to Foxboro, Mass. next weekend to take on UMass (1-9, 1-5 MAC). The Minutemen are coming off their first win in FBS history against the Akron Zips (1-10, 0-7 MAC). Kickoff is set for 3 p.m. Email:


Monday, November 12, 2012




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Daily Delights SUDOKU


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Crossword of the Day


Friday, November 12, 2012 FROM UNIVERSAL UCLICK

ACROSS 1 Indian princess 5 Bass or treble, e.g. 9 Falls behind in the end 14 Furnace waste 15 Like old age? 16 Lacking skill 17 Shrimp discard 18 Send forth 19 Out of port 20 Many are mailed out monthly 23 Yonder damsel 24 Pinheads 25 Striker’s substitute 27 Trip to the summit 30 Reeking 33 How many it takes to tango? 34 “My humble apologies!” 37 Resell tickets at jacked-up prices 38 Depict by drawing 40 Given a PG or R 42 Black-and-white ocean beast 43 Protective covering 45 Hospital supply 47 TV-viewing room 48 Extremely servile 50 Letter abbr. for gents 52 Vintner’s valley 53 A little drunk

55 Do simple math 57 Kipling was one 62 First-class, in slang 64 It may never be enough 65 Cast ballots 66 Mister, in Madrid 67 Major burden 68 Knocks the socks off of 69 Provoked (with “on”) 70 Smart-mouthed 71 Toddlers’ snoozes

DOWN 1 Invite letters 2 Opposite of aweather 3 Depilatory on store shelves 4 Set on fire 5 One expecting payment 6 Establish a maximum for 7 Sword-and-sandal flicks 8 Big cheese in Greece 9 Catastrophes 10 Aardvark’s snack 11 Automotive interior features 12 Blunted weapon 13 Twinkler in the sky 21 Holds the deed on 22 Hallucination drug 26 With the bow, in music 27 Sky-bearer of myth 28 Ice cream effect

Edited by Timothy E. Parker November 12, 2012 SENTENCE FRAGMENTS By Burt Henson

29 Type of lead 30 Terminer’s partner 31 Stomach ailment 32 Wings’ measures 35 Baby diaper problem 36 Map abbr. 39 ___ Scotia 41 Worst kept, as a motel 44 It prevents you from dropping dead 46 Large flat-topped hill 49 Brazil’s ___ Paulo 51 Very wooded 53 Heavy British weight 54 Rack up, as debt 55 Rounded church area 56 Bottom-of-the-barrel bit 58 In the ___ (well-informed) 59 Corn-growing state 60 Dance unit 61 Dick Tracy’s sweetheart 63 Bartender Szyslak on “The Simpsons”

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) Timing isn't everything today, but it is perhaps the single most important aspect of a current assignment. Keep your eye on the clock.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20) Messages you receive today may not give you the comfort you seek. One or two pieces of information have you considering an unusual option.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) It will be up to you to delve into the most sensitive issues today -but you can do so with respect for those who are most involved.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20) Strain in a certain relationship can be lessened today -- but you'll have to be the first to suggest a solution to a growing problem.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) Your attraction to someone outside of your normal circle of friends and loved ones is based on something you do not entirely understand.

CANCER (June 21-July 22) A subtle change yields tremendous gains before the day is out, and you may now feel as though you can do almost anything.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) You may be surprised to learn how far you will go today to secure your own safety. You are capable of more than you think!

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) You may not understand why others are so keen on something that is quite clearly not for you, but such understanding may not be required.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) A reunion of sorts is not to be avoided; you have much to share, and much to do once you realize that you're in this together.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) You are after something that may actually be unavailable to you -not just now, but always. It's time to reorder your priorities, perhaps.

ARIES (March 21-April 19) You may overhear something that has you wondering if things will ever be the same. You may simply be overreacting, of course.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) Your unique perspective has you making a few decisions that others could never make -- but the only person you have to answer to is yourself.

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Monday, November 12, 2012

Tiger bait

Bulls unable to complete comeback, fall to Princeton in opener 53 57 JON GAGNON Asst. Sports Editor With timely baskets from impact players and clutch play on defense, the men’s basketball team scrapped its way back into the first game of the season. But when the noise in a packed Alumni Arena reached a crescendo – with time winding down on the shot clock – all dreams of a comeback fizzled away on a 25-foot bomb. The high expectations for this season’s team took a step back Saturday afternoon, as a late 3-point shot sunk the Bulls (0-1). They lost a nail biter to Princeton (1-0), 57-53, in the season opener. After junior forward Javon McCrea hit one of two free throws, the Tigers had the ball and a 54-53 lead with 41 seconds remaining. Princeton had struggled from downtown throughout the game, shooting just 5-for-22, but the Bulls blew a defensive assignment late in the shot clock and 6-foot10 forward Will Barrett knocked down a wide open three. With eight seconds left, the shot silenced the crowd of 4,450 and sealed the game. “I can’t say that I drew it up,” said Princeton head coach Mitch Henderson. “[Barrett] stepped up and made a huge shot for us. I thought they were patient in looking for the shot that they wanted to get.” Barrett led the Tigers with 20 points and snagged nine rebounds, both careerhighs. Buffalo started slow, as its first bucket of the game came on senior guard Tony Watson’s jumper with 12:08 to go in the first half. The Bulls also played sloppy basketball, turning the ball over 18 times and committing 19 fouls.

Alexa Strudler /// The Spectrum

Will Regan (2) and Auraum Nuiriankh (22) watch as forward Javon McCrea goes up for two of his 22 points against Princeton’s Clay Wilson (3).

With the home crowd revved up and expectations high after a tremendous season last year – in which the Bulls won 23 games and made the Mid-American Conference semifinals – the Bulls struggled to control their emotions early. “We just didn’t play our basketball,” McCrea said. “We got caught up in the jitters and all that. I don’t think we really played how we really play. I think you’ll see that next home game.” Watson came off the bench and was an instant spark, scoring seven of the Bulls’ first 13 points. He played 31 minutes and was one of two players to score in doubledigits for the Bulls (Watson finished with 10 points). However, no bucket was more im-

portant for Buffalo than the three he drilled with 1:27 left to bring his team within two points. The Bulls came out in a 2-3 zone and the classic “Princeton offense” didn’t appear fazed. Princeton dominated the Bulls in the paint, outscoring them 24-12, including 17 team assists on 19 made field goals. McCrea’s second-half dominance was the bright spot for the Bulls. After getting into early foul trouble, McCrea played only six minutes and didn’t score a point in the first half. But the second half was a different story. McCrea led the Bulls through the entirety of the half, scoring 22 of the team’s 32 points. He added eight rebounds and shot 10-for-12 from the foul line.

It may have been his defensive presence that had the most significant impact. McCrea had three blocks in the last few minutes of the game on the Ivy League’s preseason Player of the Year, Ian Hummer, all that resulted in points for the Bulls on the following possession. Hummer finished the game with an impressive stat line of 12 points, six rebounds and seven assists. “It had a lot of those symptoms of a first game, decisions made by adrenaline,” said Bulls head coach Reggie Witherspoon. “But overall, I thought it was a really good opportunity for our guys to learn against a really good opponent.” In his Bulls debut, sophomore forward Will Regan played 33 minutes and chipped in Continued on page 6

Lester pesters Western Sophomore cornerback sets school record, helps lead Bulls to victory on senior day

Despite loss, McCrea proves he can be ‘the guy’ NATHANIEL SMITH Senior Sports Editor

29 24 JOE KONZE JR. Sports Editor The football team’s defense has struggled all season to force turnovers, posting a -12 turnover margin. The Bulls remedied the problem on Saturday when Western Michigan (4-7, 2-5 Mid-American Conference) came to UB Stadium. Sophomore cornerback Cortney Lester snagged three of Alex Carder’s four interceptions, a new Division I-A school record, to help lead the Bulls (3-7, 2-4 MAC) to a 29-24 victory. His final interception was the crucial one, as Western Michigan tried to drive for a game-winning touchdown with 1:12 remaining but Lester ended the drive on its first play. “All the credit really has to go to [defensive coordinator] Lou Tepper and [cornerbacks coach] Maurice Linguist because they put us in position to take away what [teams] do,” Lester said. “When you set goals you don’t achieve, it kind of makes you want it even more. So for us to keep continuing to take away the ball and do what we know we can, it feels good.” Although the Bulls defeated the Broncos, they lost two key players. Junior running back Branden Oliver suffered an ankle

McCrea day

Nick Fischetti /// The Spectrum

Sophomore cornerback Cortney Lester (4), a converted wide receiver, accumulated three interceptions to lead the Bulls to a 29-24 victory over Western Michigan on Saturday.

injury late in first quarter after rushing for 75 yards and scoring on an 18-yard scamper. Freshman Devin Campbell, who has filled in numerous times this season for Oliver, had no problem carrying the load. He thrashed Western Michigan and its fourthranked rushing defense in the MAC for 104 yards and a touchdown, but he suffered an injury early in the fourth quarter. Campbell left the field with assistance and moments later left the stadium on a stretcher. It was a somber moment in an otherwise great night for the Bulls. “We saw great things from the offensive side, defensive side and special teams,” said head coach Jeff Quinn. “I couldn’t

be more proud of the way our kids really embraced all three areas and came out big today. You know it’s always tough because we had two offensive players [hurt], Devin Campbell, Bo Oliver – I don’t know what their status is.” After displaying the ground game, the Bulls wasted no time exploiting a struggling secondary. Freshman Joe Licata continued his success in his second career start, completing 21 of 31 attempts for 285 yards and a touchdown. Licata’s lone touchdown pass came in the fourth quarter when he found junior wide receiver Alex Neutz for a 30yard touchdown. Continued on page 6

It was one of the most anticipated season openers in recent memory in Buffalo. After graduating a senior class that had the most wins in school history, fans and media alike focused on the junior class, expecting ‘the five’ to lead the men’s basketball team to another successful season. The season opener did not go as planned. A late 3-point basket spoiled the Bulls’ opener Saturday night, falling 57-53 after struggling – and that’s putting it mildly – to get off to a good start. But one major question was answered. Before the season, people wondered whether one prominent member of the junior class, forward Javon McCrea, could take the persona of team leader on the court and dominate the game – the way former forward Mitchell Watt did during stretches last year when he won Player of the Year in the MidAmerican Conference. McCrea proved all doubters wrong, for one game at least. After a nonexistent first half in which he only played six minutes due to the refs’ quick whistles, McCrea was dominant in the second half. He took this young Bulls team and hoisted its hopes on his shoulders. On the offensive end, he continuously bullied his way around the Princeton defenders, drawing fouls and converting ample andone opportunities. He scored 19 of the team’s first 25 points after the break. As great as he was on offense, an underrated part of his game continues to be his Continued on page 6

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