The Spectrum Vol.69 No.31

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VOL. 69 NO. 31 | FEBRUARY 13, 2020









‘No consensus’ Student Association president’s fate in limbo after six-hour meeting, roughly 80 students attend with most in support of president BRENTON J. BLANCHET, JULIAN ROBERTS-GRMELA EDITOR-IN-CHIEF, SENIOR NEWS EDITOR


he Student Association Board of the meeting, Amolegbe declared he would legbe’s suspension. He voted in favor of place for the meeting. Directors spent six hours Tuesday step down from his CEO role at RAGE suspending Amolegbe on Jan. 31. “I did everything I could to find some night discussing the suspension Boyz if the suspension was lifted. Amo“The reason I abstained from the vote sort of consensus,” said BOD Chairperof SA President Yousouf Amolegbe and legbe’s promise surprised the crowd. Some to lift suspension was that there was a son Hayden Gise. “The only way we can voted against lifting his suspension. Close BOD members who voted to suspend call to question almost immediately after move forward is if some sort of concluto 80 students –– many of whom came in Amolegbe on Jan. 31 then voted to lift the Amolegbe told the board he’d step down sive consensus is had between the board. support of Amolegbe –– watched, spoke suspension. Some called it “honorable,” from RAGE Boyz,” Hoolihan said. “I When we’re talking about suspending or and shared their thoughts during and after and either an acknowledgement of wrong- didn’t think that the board should vote to unsuspending, we’re talking about a twothe meeting, which lasted from 6 p.m. doing or an effect of his “love” for SA.” lift his suspension without discussing the thirds vote threshold. If there is not [one] in either direction, there is nothing you can Tuesday to 12 a.m. Wednesday. Others weren’t swayed by Amolegbe’s ramifications of that.” Amolgebe was suspended on Jan. 31 promise. After the vote, the BOD struggled to do.” due to conflict-of-interest violations, but The BOD’s initial Jan. 31 suspension The vote needed two-thirds majority to reach a consensus on what to do next. At insists he doesn’t deserve suspension and pass, meaning Amolegbe needed 13 votes midnight, although some audience mem- vote occurred when members determined that he was not given a proper chance to in order to return to office. It failed; eight bers wanted to keep the discussion go- Amolegbe had not followed two BOD recdefend himself before he was removed. members voted to lift the suspension, five ing, the BOD voted to postpone the dis- ommendations: that he refrain from mixAt the start of the meeting, for the first voted against it and six abstained. cussion and a possible new vote until its ing future SA business, booking or social time since the investigation began on Nov. Brandon Hoolihan, a member of the next meeting. As of Wednesday night, the media with that of RAGE Boyz and that 22, the BOD explained its reasons for sus- BOD, abstained from the vote to lift Amo- BOD has not announced a time, date or he update his conflict-of-interest form. pending Amolegbe. It Some board members said they feared did so by releasing the Amolegbe’s alleged Rules, Administraconflict of interest tion and Government Oversight (RAGO) would affect SA’s atCommittee’s investitempt to get tax-exempt status, as SA begation report, which found Amolegbe came incorporated in guilty of alleged September. conflict-of-interest Amolegbe said the RAGO committee’s violations related to report was flawed, but his CEO position at admitted that he made RAGE Boyz, his en“some mistakes.” tertainment company. “During my term During the meetas president, there are ing, students critiseveral mistakes I’ve cized the report, made that I deserve questioned the suspension vote and alto be held accountleged that Amolegbe able by,” Amolegbe said. “The board has was being held to a every right to hold me higher standard than accountable for these his peers, specifically certain infringements, Vice President Georalthough suspension gia Hulbert, who is excessive and detristudents said has neglected office hours SEE BOD without reprimand. PAGE 2 Vindhya Burugupalli | The SpecTrum Toward the end of SA PreSident YouSouf Amolegbe (right) hAving A converSAtion with the boArd of directorS during A receSS Period At the meeting tueSdAY.

UB awarded $21.7 million Clinical and Translational Science Award renewal Grant renewed for clinical research development, community involvement

CourteSy oF douglaS leVere ProfeSSor kingA SZigeti eXAmineS A PAtient in A clinicAl Setting.


The National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences of the National Institutes of Health presented UB a five-year $21.7 million award renewal for increasing community involvement in clinical research on Feb. 10. The Clinical and Translational Science Award (CTSA) aims to help UB researchers, clinicians and their partners research disease treatments and reduce health disparities, with the primary goal of involving more Western New Yorkers in clinical research trials. UB initially received the award in 2015 and was granted the renewal because of the success of the first grant. The number of Western New Yorkers involved in clinical research in Buffalo tripled from 201518, according to Dr. Michael Cain, vice president for health sciences and dean of the Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences. With the grant, UB hopes to increase community engagement, create community engagement studios and develop and implement electronic health records, ac-

cording to Dr. Timothy Murphy, director of UB Clinical and Translational Science Institute. “These new approaches will involve data-driven methods and valuable community partnerships,” Murphy said. “We will develop innovative ways to recruit people in our community to participate in clinical research, which goes hand-in-hand with better healthcare.” Margarita Dubocovich, SUNY Distinguished Professor and senior associate dean for inclusion and diversity, will lead an associated mentoring grant which is included in the CTSA grant. Through this, Dubocovich will train clinical and translational science students to become independent researchers and leaders in their fields. These initiatives help push JSMBS toward its goal to better the Buffalo community’s health and involvement in the school’s research, Murphy said. “Our overall goal is to perform clinical and translational research to improve the health of our community,” Murphy said. Email: Twitter: @ReillyMMullen


2 | Thursday, February 13 2020 BOD FROM PAGE 1

mental to myself, as well as the entire Student Association.” The six-hour meeting left students exhausted, but increased the interest in the investigation and showed student support for Amolegbe. Simi Oduntan, a senior economics major and an SA outreach coordinator, said she saw a divide within the UB community and wants to resolve suspension issues so SA can shift its focus to its events and celebrations instead. “We came to see if there was a way, or if this was one of the avenues we could take, in order to reach a solution or a conclusion to this because Spring Fest is coming up and a lot of people need to be hired in the SA office,” Oduntan said. “It’s Black History Month and all these things that need to be celebrated aren’t being celebrated, rather we’re concentrating on this.”

against him by reiterating what he told The Spectrum and wrote in his letter to the editor on Feb. 3. He says he was unaware his work at RAGE Boyz was a conflict and called his omission of West (whom Amolegbe says is a frequent SA vendor) on his

the conflict-of-interest policy is one of the things they look at most vehemently when they’re assessing whether we get [that] status.” In response, BOD members who abstained or voted against suspending Amo-

any hate,” Amolegbe said. Some students said comparing Amolegbe’s suspension with the alleged neglect of another e-board member was important to the discussion, while others said the discussions should’ve remained focused on

The allegations

At the start of the meeting, the BOD voted to release documents pertaining to Amolegbe’s suspension and shared the reasons for finding him guilty of alleged conflict-of-interest violations. While Amolegbe and an anonymous BOD member already explained RAGO’s findings to The Spectrum, this was the first time the documents became public. The documents list nine violations RAGO said Amolegbe committed and that the BOD used as grounds for his suspension. The BOD voted to suspend Amolegbe at the Jan. 31 meeting for not following two of the five recommendations the RAGO committee presented after its investigation: updating his conflict-of-interest form and “refraining” from associating any future SA business from RAGE Boyz. Amolegbe updated his form before the Jan. 31 meeting and believed he had refrained from associating the two, without realizing the BOD considered listing his two roles in his Instagram biography to be a conflict. The other recommendations included the BOD restricting Amolegbe from approving SA purchase orders or contracts with Michael Dare [DJ Mike West, CoCEO of RAGE Boyz], a mediation session for the e-board and having “further actions” deliberated on by the BOD. The RAGO committee found Amolegbe “negligent” in following the conflictof-interest policy in these cases: • “The appearance of Michael Dare [West] during Spring Fest ‘19.” • “Admittedly failed to familiarize himself with the conflict-of-interest policy adopted by the board.” • “Failed to disclose RAGE Boyz Entertainment as a potential conflict of interest on the annual written conflict-of-interest policy.” • “Failure to disclose that [West] was a business partner and roommate of Amolegbe (as required by New York nonprofit law).” • “Reaching out directly to [University at] Albany’s booking agent whom Amolegbe had admittedly done business with through RAGE Boyz in attempt to pursue future business partnerships in his role as SA president.” • “Failure to disclose DJ Wire’s affiliation with RAGE Boyz to the board of directors previous to booking DJ Wire for Fall Fest.” • “Pursuing Fivio Foreign as an opener for trap fest even though Fivio Foreign was not listed on the student entertainment survey.” • “Facilitating a joint deal between SA and RAGE Boyz where Fivio Foreign would perform at a RAGE Boyz event the same night as [Nov. 8] SA Trap Fest, as well as failing to disclose this joint deal with the board of directors and professional staff.” • “Booking [West] for Gala, even after being made aware of the conflict of interest (as required by New York nonprofit law).”

The president’s response

Amolegbe spoke for 26 minutes and insisted he wants to continue as SA president. He repudiated the BOD’s allegations

Vindhya Burugupalli | The Spectrum SA President Yousouf Amolegbe addresses

conflict-of-interest form an “oversight.” He insists he changed his behavior quickly and believes the BOD did not give him sufficient warning of the allegations or time to defend himself. The crowd was mostly in favor of lifting the suspension, as most offered Amolegbe clear support with cheers, snaps and public comments in his favor. He also said the BOD made mistakes and omitted key details in its report. Amolegbe offered the following main points to defend his actions: • He said he did not invite West to Spring Fest 2019. Rather, West reached out to DJ Wire (whom SA hired to perform) to join him on stage. West, who was present at the meeting, confirmed this. • Once he learned of BOD worries about conflict of interest after Trap Fest, he says he took “necessary action” to avoid conflicts. • Amolegbe said he didn’t list RAGE Boyz as a conflict of interest because SA’s legal counsel told him it would not be a conflict as the two “don’t do business together in any capacity.” • He saw West’s appearances as “group decisions,” made with the chief of staff, the SA e-board and the entertainment department. He says the former chief of staff hired West for Afro-Caribbean Fest, and that West has not received “extra benefit” from SA. • DJ Wire is not an affiliate of RAGE Boyz, but rather a vendor RAGE Boyz hires. • He sees nothing inappropriate about booking Fivio Foreign, even though the artist did not appear on the student entertainment survey. He does not believe the president is obliged to book students’ top choices. He said Fivio Foreign only became popular after the survey went out.


BOD members defended their decision to suspend Amolegbe, insisting they followed all SA bylaws and Robert’s Rules of Procedure. Some BOD members said they needed to be careful about conflict-of-interest violations since SA applied for tax-exempt status as a not-for-profit. BOD member Zackary Graham cited NYS not-for-profit corporation law Section 714 and 715, stating that suspending Amolegbe was in compliance with the law. Eric Weinman, chairman of the RAGO committee, said the IRS is particularly concerned with conflict-of-interest violations and could deny SA tax-exemption status if it discovered such violations. “The reason this is all so important to the board is that this year we applied for tax-exempt status,” Graham said. “And

the board.

Roughly 80 students

were present at the board meeting tuesday.

legbe at the Jan. 31 meeting had 10 combined minutes to speak. BOD member Omran Albarazanchi, who abstained from the suspension vote on Jan. 31, said parts of the report were “flawed” and that Amolegbe’s alleged failure to comply with two of the BOD’s recommendations did not “constitute grounds for suspension.” Some BOD members who weren’t present at the Jan. 31 meeting or weren’t able to vote as they were new members of the BOD, said they thought Amolegbe wasn’t “given due process.” SA Treasurer Kendra Harris said she voted against suspending Amolegbe during the BOD’s Jan. 31 meeting because she thought he had essentially done what the BOD asked. Harris said she oversaw Amolegbe signing a conflict-of-interest form before the Jan. 31 meeting and, therefore, thought the motion to suspend Amolegbe during the meeting was unjust. “Because I saw [Amolegbe] sign the initial conflict-of-interest at that meeting with SA legal counsel Josh Korman, I felt like that was enough grounds for me to understand that [Amolegbe took the recommendations seriously],” Harris said at the meeting. “The only recommendation that was not fulfilled was recommendation three, which called for a mediation session between our SA e-board and the only reason that wasn’t executed was because [Hulbert] was away.” Board members also discussed Amolegbe’s right to bring a lawyer to the Jan. 31 meeting. Some members argued that since SA counsel recommended Amolegbe bring a lawyer, he was made aware, while others argued that he wasn’t given “due process” since he didn’t know the BOD would vote on his suspension on Jan. 31. After board deliberations, roughly 20 students spoke, most in favor of lifting the suspension, two in favor of maintaining it and one who lamented the “divisiveness” of the suspension. A few students who spoke criticized the suspension, insisting SA and the student body hold black officials to a higher standard than white officials. Students cited previous instances of black students being questioned on their office hours, including previous Spectrum coverage where SA officials came forward about their peers’ office hours. Students also said Hulbert, who was at the meeting, is often absent from her scheduled office hours and is not held to the same standard as black officials like Amolegbe. Hulbert declined to comment on the criticism. Amolegbe, toward the end of the meeting, asked for students to avoid discussing Hulbert or other officers. “If you support me, you need to stop

Amolegbe. “I feel like there was a lot going on,” board member Ameerah Ahmed said. “There wasn’t order as the board would say. That, I feel like, took a toll on the deliberation in a way.” Other talking points included compliments to Amolegbe’s character and the changes he made to SA –– including the introduction of its legal counsel after the dissolution of Sub-Board I, his advocacy for the African and African American Studies program and the popularity of fest events under his leadership.

What happens next

The BOD decided it would meet again after the motion to lift Amolegbe’s suspension did not pass. At the BOD’s Jan. 31 meeting, 12 members voted in favor of suspension, one voted against and four abstained. Some members of the BOD changed their minds after hearing student concerns and Amolegbe’s promise to leave his RAGE Boyz position if the suspension was lifted, while others did not have a chance to vote or were absent at the previous meeting. Gise motioned to postpone further action and deliberation. “It’s 12:08 [a.m.] currently,” Gise said. “I did not see a scenario where we got to the other side of this tonight. I don’t think that that’s possible and I think the closest thing I can find to consensus is to give people, directors specifically, more time to let this sit with them.” Albarazanchi said he was moved by Amolegbe’s promise to “step down” from RAGE Boyz as well as the audience’s dedication to the meeting. Albarazanchi abstained from the Jan. 31 suspension vote but voted to lift Amolegbe’s suspension on Tuesday. He said he hopes the BOD can unite and move forward, regardless of the action the BOD takes. “I am extremely disappointed that we are at this stage where we have gridlock and I have to work in SA. I don’t want to see a divided SA,” Albarazanchi said. “Whatever we do, whatever action we take to [move] forward, I hope it’s one that brings us together.” Jaycee Miller, a member of the RAGO committee and a member of the BOD, hopes the BOD will be able to cooperate in the future. Miller, who voted in favor of suspension on Jan. 31, voted to lift his suspension on Tuesday. “I can only say I look forward to some future cooperation between the board members because after six hours, we ended in more or less gridlock so I’m hoping we take new information into account and approach the situation with compassion.” Email:


Thursday, February 13 2020 | 3

More millennials should participate in the voting process We are one but together we are many, let’s turn out for the 2020 election


I didn’t start actively voting in elections until 2019, when I voted in the mayoral election in Mount Vernon, NY. Some know the small town for its corruption with public officials. Corruption can affect not only the residents living within the community but also the younger generations, too. The town’s former mayor, Richard Thomas, was expected to be a beacon of hope for the people of Mount Vernon. And for the most part, he was. But after Thomas was arrested for grand larceny in relation to 2015 campaign funds, I understood the magnitude of the 2019 mayoral election. It mattered to our city’s future. Casting my vote for mayor was the least I could do.

The ultimate value in American society is liberty and it always has been. This is why we have a constitution. It’s a “power map” that outlines the relationship between political institutions and citizens, establishing limits on political authority. The first 10 amendments guarantee civil rights and liberties to its people. This includes the right to free speech, press, religion and the right to vote. But not everyone is taking advantage of that right. Millennials, compared to any other age group, have the lowest voter turnout, according to a 2016 study by NPR. It may be due to campaign outreach, which often overlooks young voters. It may also make millennials feel like they don’t have a voice at all. Another student recently asked me why they should even bother voting because his vote “doesn’t mean anything.” And now it’s become clearer that he isn’t the only one who feels like this. Fortunately, for us, that isn’t true. We as millennials do have a voice and we can make a difference. We are the largest generation in the modern era of the U.S. and, combined with Generation Z, will represent more than 25% of the age-eligible electorate in the U.S., a figure that will rise to nearly 37% by 2020, according to U.S. Census Bureau projections. Millennials have the power to change the political future.

That’s what Mount Vernon voters believed they were doing when they voted for Thomas. After all, he grew up and went to school in Mount Vernon, so he of all candidates should know what the city lacks. He incorporated events that successfully brought the community together and kept kids off of the streets. But after Thomas was arrested, he pleaded guilty to two misdemeanors to avoid a felony charge. Just like the residents of Mount Vernon, I felt dismay and disappointment. In early June, I decided to vote in my local election because I wanted to make an impact, no matter how little it may seem. I wanted to exercise my right to vote for my town’s next representative. At my voting district, I saw kids from my former high school on their way to vote. I saw teenagers holding up signs for candidates. It mattered to me to see people I knew at the polls. Thomas ended up losing the Democratic primary to another candidate, Shawyn Patterson-Howard, by roughly 204 votes. Now, Patterson-Howard is the first elected female to serve as mayor. The residents of Mount Vernon wanted a change. And thanks to young people and long-time residents, they made a difference by casting their votes to bring in a better mayor to office. In 2016, millennials were a major deciding factor in a number of wins during the

presidential election. Hillary Clinton, for instance, won Nevada by 27,000 votes, with voters under the age of 40 in the state favoring her by 52% compared to Donald Trump’s 35%. As the 2020 presidential election quickly approaches, I hope you’ll consider becoming an active voter, if you’re not already. It’s important to do your own thorough research on each presidential candidate and see if their policies align with your values. Michelle Obama said people have the “power to choose our better history –– by opening your hearts and minds, speaking up for what you know is right.” It’s important for millennials to exercise our right to vote. We have the power. Why not use it? Email:

Stop asking women to take precautions It’s time to start teaching men not to rape


We’re told to carry pepper spray, to check the child lock while getting into Ubers and not to leave our drinks unattended at parties. I’m extra cautious while traveling alone. I look back twice while walking down empty streets in the dark. I’m constantly checking the GPS on my phone in Ubers and sigh with relief when my driver is a woman. Recently, my mom sent me a long message about a rape case. The message described the encounter, how it happened

and precautions women should take to avoid similar situations. While the message was well-intentioned and sent from a place of concern, I couldn’t help but wonder: Why are women always asked to take these precautions? Why aren’t people told not to rape? Why aren’t they taught to respect women? Why is the chain text going around asking women to take precautions instead of asking men not to view women as objects? We should be teaching people to respect women and view them as equals. Instead of tightening dress codes in schools, boys need to be taught to not objectify women and need to be punished for inappropriate behavior. People need to stop using phrases such as “boys will be boys” and “if he is mean to you, that means he likes you.” I constantly see articles, social media posts and even people in my life telling me how to avoid being raped. I’m sick of it. The victims of other crimes are never asked to take precautions to avoid it, nor are they scrutinized and blamed for its occurrence. This is a fundamental problem in the way we think and talk about rape as a society.

Asking women to take these precautions transfers the burden of its occurrence to the victim. To a certain extent, it takes away the responsibility from the perpetrator. The root of this problem is that our society has been dominated by the patriarchy for ages. Although we have progressed and women are competing with men, it has been ingrained deeply in our brains that women are weaker than men, that somehow we are secondary citizens. We want to say that we have progressed because compared to the ‘50s or the ‘60s women are better off. But better isn’t enough anymore. We need to be treated as equals. We need to be respected. On average 433,648 rapes are reported annually in the U.S. And around 34,000 in India–– my home country–– in 2018, where violence against women has been rampant to the extent that the U.K. and U.S. have even issued a travel safety advisory in 2019. Despite this, I don’t see politicians talking about women’s safety, it is not an agenda on their campaign promises. The judicial process for rape cases isn’t being fast-tracked. The only people truly fight-

ing for women’s safety and rights are other women and very few men. We need to change the way we talk about rape and we need to shift the way women are viewed in society. When rape is highlighted in the media, rather than just asking women to be more careful, get outraged. Promote that committing these atrocities is inhumane. Pressure the judicial system to give faster, stricter sentences to these abusers, irrespective of their status. I don’t want to see another message teaching me the precautions to avoid rape. I’m tired and angry. I want to live without fear. I want my parents to be at peace when I go out alone at night. I’m not asking for a lot. It is my basic right as a human and your duty to treat me with respect. Email: Twitter: @moonhorizon__

Interested in Graphic Design or Graphic Illustration? We’re looking for an Assistant Creative Director email if interested THURSDAY FEBRUARY 13, 2020 VOLUME 69 NUMBER 31 CIRCULATION: 3,000

Do you have an interest in journalism, graphic design, photography, social media, advertising, cartoons or copy editing? The Spectrum is always looking for enthusiastic students who want to be part of our team. Join our 45-time award winning independent student newspaper for hands-on, realworld experience in your field. Anyone interested in joining The Spectrum’s editorial staff can email Brenton J. Blanchet at: Anyone interested in joining The Spectrum’s professional staff or advertising team can email Helene Polley at:

The views expressed – both written and graphic – in the Opinion section of The Spectrum do not necessarily reflect the views of the editorial board. Submit contributions for these pages to The Spectrum office at Suite 132 Student Union or news@ubspectrum. com. The Spectrum reserves the right to edit these pieces for style and length. If a letter is not meant for publication, please mark it as such. All submissions must include the author’s name, daytime phone number, and email address.

For information on adverstising with The Spectrum: VISIT: CALL US: 716-645-2152 The Spectrum offices are located in 132 Student Union, UB North Campus, Buffalo, NY 142602100





Paolo Blanchi

Alex Whetham, Sr. Anastasia Wilds, Asst.


MANAGING EDITORS Jacklyn Walters Lauryn King, Asst. NEWS EDITORS

EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Brenton J. Blanchet

Julian Roberts-Grmela, Sr. Alexandra Moyen, Sr. Reilly Mullen, Asst.

WEB EDITORS OPINION EDITORS Savanna Caldwell, Chief Cassiana Enderle, Chief Nicole Waddington, Asst.

Samantha Vargas

ENGAGEMENT EDITORS Benjamin Blanchet Nicole Waddington, Asst. MULTIMEDIA EDITORS Vindhya Burugupalli, Sr. Wayne Penales, Sr. Alexander Brown, Asst. Alexis Heng, Asst. SPORTS EDITORS Justin Weiss, Sr.


4 | Thursday, February 13 2020

Ancient Egyptian mummies invade the Buffalo Museum of Science Ancient artifacts and modern technology combine to bring Egyptian culture to life ISABELLA FORTUNATO JUSTIN WOODMANCY STAFF WRITERS

A dark room filled with nameless corpses might not seem like a great place to spend an afternoon. But paired with unique coffins, intricate Graeco-Egyptian portraits and gold-coated bandages, the Buffalo Museum of Science offers an exciting and insightful experience. The Golden Mummies of Egypt’s world premiere Saturday welcomed coffins, corpses and culture to Buffalo. The display, on tour from the Manchester Museum’s world-class collection, features a series of mummies and artifacts from the Graeco-Roman period of Egyptian culture. The artifacts date as far back as 332 B.C.E. and are combined with an enticing mix of immersive technology that connects the ancient and modern worlds. Next to the mummies’ display cases are interactive touchscreens where visitors can view all the hidden layers of mummified humans. A CT scan process reveals neverbefore-seen features of ancient remains, including the withered flesh and bones of the nameless Egyptians unveiled at the exhibition. The exhibit also features several small screening rooms that play short films explaining Egyptian cultural practices and mythological beliefs. Traditional Egyptian mummies are often remembered as goofy, white bandage-clad

figures or grand sarcophagi that emulate one of the many gods of Egyptian mythology. But this collection offers something different. Instead of what can be seen on Scooby-Doo, these mummies feature haunting Graeco-Roman-style portraits that decorate the front coffin panel, personifying the lifeless bodies that lie beneath the glass display cases. Amy Biber Collson, Buffalo Museum of Science director of external relations, stressed the importance of visitors understanding the history and culture that the ancient remains carry. “When you come into JuStin WoodManCy | The SpecTrum this exhibit, you’re going to SculPtureS of the deAd were often mAde to AccomPAnY their bodY AS A memoriAl to their life. see artifacts from the spegraved tablets, ancient children’s toys and “We’ve got some of the best art and arcific Graeco-Roman time,” said Collson gold-coated head-masks. chitecture in the country,” said museumsaid. “They don’t all look alike, and that’s “I think the intricate artwork is what goer and Buffalo resident Leadlay Ogden. because of this melting pot of culture that gets me,” said visitor and Western New “We’ve got a lot of history right here that is happening during this time period. So York community member Tracy Field. a lot of people just don’t know about, you’re going to see that story told through“I like to think that someone actually sat so keeping people interested in history is out the exhibit.” there with that in their hands and worked great.” Two of the mummies featured have on that, you know, intended for someone’s The Golden Mummies of Egypt will their portraits still intact on the front of death.” remain open to the public at Buffalo’s Mutheir tomb. This is the case for only 98 Locals who came out were also pleased seum of Science through Sunday June 21. other mummies in the world. that world-renowned pieces from all over Adult tickets are available for $19 while There are also a series of artifacts and the globe had made their way to Buffalo. children (ages 2+), seniors, students and sarcophagi that demonstrate the range of Attendees recognized the potential for his- military can view the marvelous mummies culture that existed throughout Ancient torical exhibitions like Golden Mummies for $16. Egypt during the Graeco-Roman period, of Egypt to shine a light on Western New including lavishly painted cases, stone enEmail: York’s cultural significance.

JuStin WoodManCy | The SpecTrum An eXAmPle of the hieroglYPhic cArvingS thAt often decorAted the wAllS of egYPtiAn tombS.

JuStin WoodManCy | The SpecTrum thiS greco-influenced Stone buSt likelY Stood AS A guArdiAn for the deceASed to helP AccomPAnY them into the neXt life

Jada Mowatt “I love UB. I love this campus and all the opportunities the school has for me to succeed in my career. I know it’s cheesy, but I’m a ‘Young Bull’ and I’m proud of it. Although, I wouldn’t mind if they made NSC a little wider so I wouldn’t get stuck in the traffic of other students early in the morning when I’m trying to get to class.”.

David Eve “I played Tommy Ross in Carrie the musical. It was a bit difficult because Tommy’s like this huge jock character, this huge straight guy walking around running the place. And that’s just never really been my vibe, you know? So I think sort of getting into that character and really connecting with him was a bit more difficult than most roles were.”


Thursday, February 13 2020 | 5

Lonely heart club anthems A playlist for the valentineless REILLY MULLEN ASST. NEWS EDITOR

Valentine’s Day is fast approaching and the panic is beginning to set in. As partners struggle to navigate Pinterest in search of thoughtful gifts, us singles will be carefully curating playlists to remind our lonely hearts that we “ain’t got no valentine.” Whether you’re recently single, #foreveralone or just haven’t managed to catch that special someone’s attention yet, this one goes out to you. If you need a good cry or a dance, we’ll visit genres for each stage of grief you’ll experience while coping with your loneliness.

Denial “you’re my world”

atlas If you already know who atlas is, you were probably expecting to see “valentine.” But “valentine” is far too happy to jam to while laying in bed, elbow deep in a tub of ice cream. “you’re my world” follows a breakup as the speaker’s girlfriend transitions from being his world to nothing at all. The light, joyful tempo, juxtaposed with the increasingly sad lyrics will do a beautiful job at plucking each of your sad heartstrings.

“You’re the One”

Greta Van Fleet Greta Van Fleet puts a modern spin on a hard rock-style. With a sound that re-


sembles a reincarnated Led Zeppelin, each guitar chord and riff will cause your heart to swell. “You’re the One” has a slower tempo, which compliments the song’s sad lyrics. Our speaker loves a woman who is pretty, yet evil. She’s the one he wants, and he wishes she would come back.

Pain “Mover Awayer”

Hobo Johnson Hobo Johnson is the king of sad, angsty, emo rap. Many of his songs revolve around him never getting the girl and “Mover Awayer” follows Johnson as he, yet again, longs for a girl he does not have. The melody’s sound effects lighten the mood and keep the music happy no matter how unfortunate the lyrics may be.

Anger “Don’t Start Now”

Dua Lipa Pop-lovers know the importance of “dancing out” your feelings and Dua Lipa’s “Don’t Start Now” has the perfect upbeat tempo for the job. Lipa turns a simple “f--k you” into a pop anthem about showing the world that you’re better than things your ex put you through. It’s about knowing your self worth and owning it.

“Potential Breakup Song”

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Aly & AJ “The type of guy who doesn’t see what he has until she leaves” is exactly who you don’t want to be your Valentine, so pat yourself on the back for not sending the person who ignores your “what are you doing Friday?” text. Aly and AJ’s 2007 musical masterpiece will have you screaming into your hairbrush-microphone until you remember that Valentine’s Day’s is stupid anyway.

Depression “Addict (Acoustic)”

Ethan DeRose Ethan DeRose’s calling card is his sad, longingful lyrics. Each song paints a picture of a broken man wishing for love. “Addict” is accompanied by an acoustic guitar and the hollow sound emphasizes the tragic tone of his voice. The song is not slow and the melody is not particularly sad, but the lyrics resonate with those who are “addicted” to someone they can’t have.

“I Don’t Love You”


My Chemical Romance Let’s be honest, anything by MCR will do. How one band was able to unite millions of people in their sadness while also simultaneously hyping them up is still a mystery to us all.


“I Don’t Love You” combines the perfect amount of soul-crushingly sad lyrics with the guitar chords and drum beats of an emo ballad. You didn’t have to wear eyeliner in high school to relate to Gerard Way when he sings “I don’t love you like I did yesterday.”

Upwards Turn “If I Could Tell Her”

Ben Platt, Laura Dreyfuss - Dear Evan Hansen Evan Hansen’s love interest is sitting right in front of him. But he still can’t tell her how he feels. Sometimes the person you want the most is within an arm’s reach but the timing just isn’t right and “If I Could Tell Her” perfectly describes that when Evan belts “But we’re a million miles apart,” and does so in true musical theater climactic fashion.

“I Miss Having Sex But At Least I Don’t Wanna Die Anymore”

Waterparks “I Miss Having Sex But At Least I Don’t Wanna Die Anymore” by Waterparks is a whirlwind of a song. The upbeat pop-rock style of the song screams “I don’t care,” but the lyrics tell a sadder story. The singer wants someone to love but he says girls only chase him for his talents and wealth. He misses the woman he loves but says “it’s fine, it’s cool.”

Acceptance “clementine”

Halsey Here’s the one thing you need to remember if you’re reading this: you’re a bad b---h. And who better to explain why than Halsey? “clementine” is a soulful ballad about being strong and independent and it’s a real tear-jerker. The slow crescendo that expands throughout the entire song grabs hold of your chest and resonates well with all audiences, whether in a relationship or not.


Saba For the rap fans out there, Saba most closely resembles the mainstream hiphop/rap style. “BROKEN GIRLS” is not about loss or longingness, but instead the speaker reflects on how his “type” is “damaged” girls. The song follows along as he explains his tragic fate of falling for girls who suffer from depression and anxiety and have baggage. Email: Twitter: @ReillyMMullen


6 | Thursday, February 13 2020


‘Jesus Christ Superstar’ brings 50th anniversary tour to Shea’s

Webber (“Cats,” “The Phantom of the Opera”) and lyrics by Tim Rice (“Aladdin,” “The Lion King”) in 1970 before debuting on Broadway in 1971. The traveling show runs ANASTASIA WILDS from Tuesday through Sunday ASST. ARTS EDITOR at Shea’s. Since the musical is mostly non-stop singing with When “Jesus Christ Superstar” debuted only a few spoken lines, the acin the ‘70s, it shocked audiences with its tors showcased incredible singloud rock music, modern themes and non- ing skills and stamina. For its traditional biblical interpretations. approximately 95-minute runWhile rock is no longer the radical genre time, the actors belted out loud it once was, the latest U.S. tour has updat- rock vocals while performing ed the revolutionary musical with aspects rigorous hip-hop choreograsuch as hip-hop choreography to help phy. Some of the actors like keep the show relatable for new genera- Aaron LaVigne (Jesus Christ) tions. also played guitar while perThe iconic rock opera opened at Shea’s forming. Buffalo on Tuesday as part of the musiBut the guitars were not the cal’s 50th anniversary tour. “Jesus Christ only instruments on stage. InSuperstar” focuses on Judas, the disciple stead of utilizing the orchestra CourteSy oF MattheW Murphy cAiAPhAS (Alvin crAwford), AnnAS (tYce green) And other PrieStS Singing About their Plot to kill JeSuS chriSt. who betrayed Jesus, and the events leading pit, the entire orchestra was sure the sound remains mostly the same. fects such as fog and even actual fire. to the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. situated within the set and performed on While Shea’s Buffalo is a much wider Riley Dungan, a sophomore theatre deLoosely based on Bible stories, the mu- stage. space than most places the tour has vis- sign and technology major at UB, attended sical delves deeper into the relationships With the audio being both significant of the biblical characters and adds details and complicated for this production, An- ited, Cuozzo enjoys working in the space. opening night. “The room is brilliant” Cuozzo said. “Everything from that iconic overture that made the original production contro- thony Cuozzo, head sound engineer for versial. This musical was originally released this tour, has a challenging job. At each “Once you get it right, you get it right. to [those] very fast super jazzy or elecas an album with music by Andrew Lloyd venue the tour visits, Cuozzo has to make It’s not a house I have to fight, I’m pretty tric guitar-heavy songs I was very excited sure I’ve put on one of my best about,” Dungan said. “Even though I’m shows [here].” not usually a fan of [modernized styles], I Although the biblical stories really liked that for this because it is such seem ancient, different costume an old story. I also liked how much movedesign choices bring the old ment was going on. The only other show tales to the present day. All the I’d seen that had that much movement was performers wear modern-styled ‘Hamilton.’” costumes with accessories like Isiah Saxon, a sophomore music perforleather jackets and body glitter. mance major, went with Dungan to see For example, Paul Louis Les- the show and said he had no idea what to sard (Herod) entered the stage expect. in vibrant yellow drag. “I really enjoyed it. This is my first time During an early musical num- seeing a rock musical so that was differber, ensemble dancers brought ent,” Saxon said. “I [prefer] a nice balance bright glowing crosses onto the between musical numbers and dialogues, stage and danced with them. but I thought [the show] was really interAt one point, Tommy Sherlock esting.” (Pilate) had ensemble members With the iconic backlit crucifixion scene throw objects that exploded at the end, this production of ‘Jesus Christ into glitter to symbolize Jesus Superstar’ gave the old story new life for being whipped. Buffalonians. The overall set itself had a CourteSy oF MattheW Murphy modern style and special ef- Email: JeSuS (AAron lAvigne) being interrogAted bY PilAte (tommY Sherlock). Twitter: @AnastasiaWilds

Award-winning rock opera updates the classic biblical story for the present day

Black History Month Exhibition highlights black innovators we’re basically left out of history,” Clinton said. “So a lot of this is self-taught and stuff I had to dig through to fit it into the presentation.” The exhibit presented 26 black figures and historical moments, which were placed upon easels for students to walk

tan was surprised to learn about Henrietta Lacks and how she paved the way for research within the medical field. Lacks is most famously known for her stolen cells that were essential to developing the polio vaccine and other research. “I feel like these little bits and pieces of

She said she wished she learned about these figures and events such as the Aba Women’s Riot when she was still in high school. “We didn’t learn any of this [in high ALEXANDRA MOYEN school] so I’m coming to college and this SENIOR NEWS EDITOR is the first time I’m hearing about HenriAlthough Charles Darwin etta Lacks, the Aba Women’s is regarded as the father of Riot and all this stuff is just evolution, students learned like, ‘Wow, are you guys hidWednesday about Al-Jahiz, a ing my history from me?’” Muslim scholar who foreshadShobitan said. owed evolution in his writings Joshua Stlouis, senior pubat least a thousand years belic health major, said the exfore Darwin. hibit gives people the chance The African American to “get some knowledge and Studies Academic Association go” because of it’s “simple” and Student Association hostand “straight to the point” ed their Black History Month format. He said because of exhibition on Wednesday in this exhibit he was able to the Student Union lobby, givlearn more than what he has ing students the opportunity at school to learn about historical black “All of these civil rights figures, like Al-Jahiz, who they leaders, there are more than likely didn’t see in their hisjust Martin Luther King and tory books. The exhibit feaMalcolm X,” Stlouis said. tured black entertainers such “There’s all these other peoas singer Al Brown, black civil ple so I’m learning some new rights activists, black scientists names.” and historical events. Senior There will be additional African and African American Black History Month events Studies and English major Jefthroughout the month such frey Clinton, who compiled aleXander BroWn | The SpecTrum as an SA Afro-Caribbean information for each of the the AfricAn AmericAn StudieS AcAdemic ASSociAtion Put on A blAck hiStorY month eXhibit in the Student union, Providing informADance Workshop at SU 210 figures displayed, said he had tion on mAnY imPortAnt blAck leAderS And figureS throughout hiStorY. on Feb. 19 and on Feb. 24 to find them himself because he, like many around and read about them. Roughly 20 our history where we’ve advanced society Distinguished Speaker Yusef Salaam, others, didn’t learn about them at school. “This information isn’t mainstream. students visited the presentation in waves, and we’re not acknowledged, I feel like this a member of the Central Park Five, will What’s mainstream about black people is while Clinton directed students and an- is important to see that representation and speak at UB. like to honor the stuff that we’ve done,” that we have subordinate positions, or that swered their questions. Email: Junior legal studies major Ranti Shobi- Shobitan said. Twitter: @AlexandraMoyen

Exhibit in Student Union lobby brings out passers-by




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8 | Thursday, February 13 2020

Quick hits: Transfers, errors and turnovers Looking back at a wild week in UB sports

How former UB football stars are adjusting to life in the professional ranks SENIOR SPORTS EDITOR


Jim Whitesell ‘perplexed’ by turnovers Over the past five games, men’s basketball is 2-3 and has dropped contests to Kent State and Eastern Michigan. During this period, the Bulls have turned the ball over 86 times. “To me, it’s perplexing,” head coach Jim Whitesell said. “I think it’s the idea of ownership. It’s about making the easy play — sometimes we’re guilty of making the hard play. We’ve been sporadic, and it’s cost us. That and free throw shooting — they’ve cost us. We have to adapt.” The Bulls will return to action Friday night against the University of Toledo. For the third straight week, UB will be playing in a nationally-televised Friday night game, this time on the CBS Sports Network. Tipoff is at 6:30p.m. at John F. Savage Arena. The Bulls will also play on ESPN2 next Friday at Kent State.

Women’s softball goes 2-3 in opening tournament It took the Bulls seven tries to get their first win last season. This year, it took them just one: a 4-3 victory over UT Martin in the season opener last Friday. “We came out right away, we beat a good team,” said head coach Mike Ruechel. The Bulls went 2-3 in the Lion Classic, as they look to start the season on a stronger note. Last season, the Bulls struggled mightily with team defense, so they brought in Riley Johnson to teach that skill. UB looked impressive during opening weekend, with one exception: the team made six errors in an 8-7 win over Grambling State University. “Looking back at the errors, they’re all correctable,” Ruechel said. He expects the Bulls to continue to make progress in that regard.

Football players enter the transfer portal The Bulls have had five football players enter the NCAA transfer portal, including receiver Jordan Overton, running back Theo Anderson, defensive lineman Chibueze Onwuka, linebacker Ja’Varius Harrison and cornerback Dawun Hylton. Harrison transferred to East Tennessee State University; the rest are still looking for homes. Offensive guard Ray Thomas-Ishman transferred from UMass to UB last week. He will have immediate eligibility. Thomas-Ishman was a two-star recruit, before starting 34 games during his first three seasons with the Minutemen. He was named to the Reese’s Senior Bowl Watch List before his senior campaign. He sat out in 2019 after being suspended indefinitely for a violation of team rules. Email: Twitter: @Jwmlb1

Bulls in the pros — football



Last Sunday, the Super Bowl marked the end of the 2019 NFL season. After the game, TV crews found former UB football star and current Kansas City Chiefs linebacker Demone Harris making confetti snow angels at Hard Rock Stadium. While Harris’ season was coming to a ceremonious ending, four UB grads were awaiting their opportunity to shine in a brand-new football league, the XFL. UB has nine former football players in the professional ranks. For the first installation of a three-part series on former UB athletes, The Spectrum takes a look at the UB grads who excel on the gridiron:

Demone Harris, Linebacker NFL (Kansas City Chiefs) Harris grew up in the Queen City and graduated from Bishop Timon-St. Jude High School in 2013. He was a walk-on at UB, where he worked his way up into the starting lineup and was named secondteam All-MAC after his senior season. Harris, following his collegiate career, went unselected in the 2018 NFL Draft, before signing to the Tampa Bay Buccaneers practice squad. He spent the next two years bouncing between Tampa Bay and Baltimore practice squads, before signing with the Kansas City Chiefs and elevating to their 53-man roster. He earned playing time in the playoffs as a reserve against Houston and Tennessee. On Feb. 2, Harris won Super Bowl LIV with the Chiefs, capping off a storybook season.

Kling, prior to joining the new league, spent time with the Chicago Bears and Washington Redskins. He also spent a few months with the Atlanta Legends of the now-defunct American Alliance of Football (AAF).

Khalil Mack, Linebacker NFL (Chicago Bears) Mack came to UB as a two-star recruit from Fort Pierce, FL. He had initially tried to play basketball, but became a quarterback when he switched to football because of injuries. These might have deterred regular players, but Mack is not a regular player. Over his four-year career, Mack became one of the most productive players in the history of the sport. He was named a second-team All-American by the Associated Press, set the NCAA all-time mark for forced fumbles and was named the 2013 MAC Defensive Player of the Year. Mack was selected in the first round, fifth overall by the Oakland Raiders in 2014. He enjoyed immediate success, finishing in the top three in Defensive Rookie of the Year voting and earning a spot on USA Football’s All-Fundamentals Team. In 2016, Mack was named Defensive Player of the Year. Two years later, he became the highest-paid defensive player in NFL history at the time. Mack has spent the past two seasons in Chicago, where he has anchored one of the league’s top defenses. He finished the 2019 campaign with 8.5 sacks, 40 total tackles and 5 forced fumbles.

Steven Means, Defensive End

receiving touchdowns (28) and 100-yard games (14). Roosevelt went undrafted in 2010, but bounced around the NFL with the Bills, Browns and Lions. In 2015, he signed with Saskatchewan of the Canadian Football League, and he’s been there ever since. In 2019, he played 18 games, recording 946 yards and 1 touchdown on 77 receptions.

James O’Hagan, Center XFL (DC Defenders) O’Hagan was an unusual get by former UB head coach Jeff Quinn. He was actually a top-ranked heavyweight wrestler, and Quinn only found out about him while looking through a list of high school grapplers. It was a worthy investment for the Bulls, who reaped the rewards of the gamble. Over a four-year career, O’Hagan anchored one of the most productive offensive lines in the nation. In 2017, he allowed just 2 hurries and 0 sacks. O’Hagan went undrafted in 2019, before signing with the Giants for training camp. The Giants released him before the start of the season, and sat out until October, when he was selected in the eighth round of the offensive line stage of the XFL Draft.

Mason Schreck, Tight End NFL (Cincinnati Bengals) Schreck has made a name for himself at both the collegiate and professional levels, but for two very different reasons. As a two-star recruit from Medina, OH,

Tyree Jackson, Quarterback XFL (DC Defenders) Jackson came to UB as a three-star recruit from Muskegon, MI, but departed after leading the Bulls to their most successful season ever. He was named the 2018 MAC Offensive Player of the Year after throwing for 3,131 yards and 28 touchdowns. Jackson finished his career near the top of the school record books: No. 3 in touchdowns (49), No. 4 in yards (6,999) and No. 5 in completion percentage (55.8). Jackson went undrafted in the 2019 NFL Draft, and was released by the Bills during final roster cuts. He was a ninthround selection in the XFL Draft, and currently serves as a backup to former Ohio State quarterback Cardale Jones.

John Kling, Offensive Tackle XFL (New York Guardians) Kling is one of the largest athletes in UB history, weighing in at 6’8” and 330 lb. at the peak of his playing career. The Cheektowaga native played high school football at Depew, before becoming a feared starter on the UB offensive line. While at UB, he earned a reputation for being a hard worker and a student of the game. Today, he is a familiar face for the XFL’s New York Guardians.

Siddharth Bandhu | The Spectrum The Bulls and Bobcats face each other during a home game.

NFL (Atlanta Falcons) Like Harris and Kling, Means was born in the Queen City and attended Grover Cleveland High School. Unlike Harris and Kling, Means was a starter during his freshman year. He made an immediate impact for the Bulls and by the time he graduated in 2013, Means was permanently etched in school record books. Today, he ranks fifth in sacks and 10th in tackles-for-loss. Means was selected in the fifth round, 147th overall by the Tampa Bay Buccaneers in 2013. In the years since, he has been with the Baltimore Ravens, Houston Texans, Philadelphia Eagles and most recently, the Atlanta Falcons. Means suffered a season-ending Achilles injury in OTAs in May.

Naaman Roosevelt, Wide Receiver CFL (Saskatchewan Roughriders) In 2006, Roosevelt was the 14th-ranked recruit from New York. He had offers from big programs like Boston College, Maryland and Syracuse but ended up committing to UB, his local college. That gamble paid off: Roosevelt became the program’s all-time leader in receptions (268) and receiving yards (3,551) during his college career. He ranks second in Gordon Myers | The Spectrum Coach Whitesell takes aside Davonta Jordan

for advice and encouragement after practice.

Schreck came to UB as an athletic pass catcher. He led the Bulls in receiving yards (651) and touchdowns (4) in 2016. He was named to the John Mackey Award Watch List that year. At the professional level, Schreck actually doesn’t have a single catch, despite playing in the NFL for the better part of two seasons. Rather, he has earned playing time as a special teams ace. He is entering the second year of a two-year deal with the Bengals.

Jake Schum, Punter XFL (Tampa Bay Vipers) Schum is a Buffalo native, and like many others on this list, has had a difficult journey to get to where he is today. After a largely successful career punting at UB, Schum bounced around the NFL, making stops in Cleveland, New York, Tampa Bay and Green Bay. He suffered a back injury that hampered his chances at playing football professionally again in 2017. His football career was revitalized in October, when he was selected in the open phase round of the XFL Draft by the Tampa Bay Vipers. Schum made his XFL debut on Sunday, in a 23-3 loss to the New York Guardians. Email: Twitter: @Jwmlb1

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