The Spectrum Vol. 68 No. 44

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THE SPECTRUM VOL. 68 NO. 44 | APRIL 15, 2019


Black Student Union remembers Nipsey Hussle



Campus Critters: Your pets, your pics

Football finishes spring season



UB student in stable condition after alleged Sigma Pi hazing incident

UB President Suspends all social Greek life activites TANVEEN VOHRA


UB freshman Sebastian Serafin-Bazan was in stable condition Sunday evening, after an alleged hazing incident at Sigma Pi fraternity in University Heights sent him to the hospital in cardiac arrest early Friday morning. Neighbors reported seeing paramedics perform CPR on Sarafin-Bazin, a medical technology major, as he lay on the grass outside the 69 Custer Street house around 12:30 a.m. Friday. Neighbors described a chaotic scene as police spoke with hesitant students trying to leave the scene to avoid talking to police. In response to the incident, UB President Satish Tripathi suspended all Greek organization activities on campus on Friday afternoon, pending an “internal review.” Tripathi also visited Serafin-Bazan in the hospital on Saturday afternoon. Spectrum reporters spent Saturday in the University Heights talking to students and trying to piece together what happened. Most students did not want to give their names. Police and health professionals said they were bound by privacy laws. The Spectrum learned that members of Sigma Pi allegedly “ordered” Serafin-Bazan to “perform exercises,” according to The Buffalo News article. He was allegedly recovering from a respiratory ailment and was taken outside for “fresh air” after he fell and hit his head on a coffee table. The Buffalo News wrote there were no traces of drugs or alcohol in Serafin-Bazan’s system. Roxanne Anderson, a Custer Street resident said she called 911 after seeing Serafin-Bazan lying on the front yard.

DAVILA TARAKINIKINI | THE SPECTRUM Adam Rodriguez recalls seeing ambulances arrive at 69 Custer Street on Friday.

DAVILA TARAKINIKINI I | THE SPECTRUM UB freshman Sebastian Serafin-Bazan was rushed to the hospital early Friday morning following possible hazing involving Sigma Pi fraternity at 69 Custer Street.

“I came and I see the guy lying in the yard. And I stood yelling to him … but he didn’t respond. So I walked in and called 911,” Anderson said. Anderson said she went back to her apartment, but came back on the scene after a neighbor told her ambulances had arrived. Adam Rodriguez, a junior medical exercise major who lives on Custer Street, said he watched as paramedics performed CPR on Serafin-Bazan. “I’m pretty sure they had an AED plugged in on him,” Rodriguez said. He described seeing students moving around the house and said he saw two talking with paramedics and firefighters. He said one of the students “looked like he was trying to make a run for it.” The student was “backing up” while speaking with a firefighter and then tried to walk away, before a police officer escorted him back to the scene, Rodriguez said. “It’s not until they loaded the patient into the ambulance where one of the kids was like, ‘Okay I was lying,’” Rodriguez said. Rodriguez said he didn’t know what the student was referring to. UB spokesperson John DellaContrada

Greek life reacts to Tripathi’s suspension of all activities BRENTON J. BLANCHET, BENJAMIN BLANCHET EDITOR-IN-CHIEF, ENGAGEMENT EDITOR

Many UB students involved in Greek life were disappointed with President Satish Tripathi’s decision to indefinitely suspend all official fraternity and sorority events. Friday’s suspension came after freshman

Sebastian Serafin-Bazan was hospitalized following a possible hazing incident with fraternity Sigma Pi. The suspension bars students from participating in Greek Week, an annual week-long celebration where over 35 of UB’s official fraternities and sororities host events and fundraisers. The Spectrum reached out to over 50

SAI SEETHALA | THE SPECTRUM Jared Houghtaling, a junior accounting major, discusses UB’s suspension of all Greek-life activities. The suspension came after freshman Sebastian Serafin-Bazan was hospitalized Friday.

said the incident qualified as possible hazing under New York State laws, which define hazing as when a person “intentionally or recklessly” engages in conduct that causes a “substantial risk” of physical injury to another VINDHYA BURUGUPALLI | THE SPECTRUM person. Hazing is a Class A misde- Roxanne Anderson, a Custer Street resident, said she saw meanor when it results in physical Serafin-Bazan laying on the ground when she got home from work. injury. Individual members, chapters plied to social fraternities, sororities and and organizations can be sued in civil court for any mental or physical harm re- their events. Greek Week, scheduled for next week, is now canceled. sulting from hazing. UB Spokesperson John DellaContrada The Spectrum reached out to six curwrote in an email that Weber will be formrent and former members of Sigma Pi, ing an “internal review committee” exbut none responded. Current members amining each Greek organization’s health blocked student reporters on social media. and safety, educational programs, policies and practices with a “special focus on antiUB’s Response Tripathi sent a statement to all students hazing.” Associate director for Student Engageat 2:30 p.m. on Friday, saying UB has a ment Jude Butch, and director of Fraterni“zero-tolerance” policy on hazing. He also ty and Sorority life Pamela Stephens-Jackannounced he had suspended all official Greek-life activities and would “strongly son declined to comment for this story. UPD Deputy Chief Joshua Sticht said counsel” Greek organizations on the “very he could not comment as it is an active inserious consequences of hazing.” vestigation. “Not only are hazing incidents a violation of our university policies, but they are also crimes.” Tripathi wrote. Vice President for Student Life A. Scott Weber sent out a student-wide email clarifying that the suspension of activities apfraternity and sorority members for their thoughts on the suspension but only two agreed to talk on the record, while others blocked editors on social media or refused to comment. But Greek-life events and fundraisers are known to annually raise thousands for charities nationwide. For example, UB’s Pi Kappa Phi chapter has raised $3,154 this year (as of Sunday) toward the Ability Challenge, a fundraiser set to support people with disabilities. The fraternity placed second in a nationwide chapter competition in March. And Greek week is when a lot of this happens. Greek life members know the university’s response shows its serious approach to the incident on Friday and hope that the victim is okay and surrounded by his family. Still, the students said they consider it unfair to punish all organizations for the poor choices of a single group of students. Jared Houghtaling, a member of Sigma Tau Gamma, was upset that the charity events his fraternity planned for Greek Week might not be happening. “It hurts us as a whole Greek life but it also hurts the people we’re putting our money toward,” Houghtaling said. Houghtaling, a junior accounting major, said he thinks the university could have > SEE GREEK


Hannah Stein and Vindhya Burugupalli contributed to this story. Email:

UB Commons owners seek $4.3 million property value reduction in court

Town of Amherst assessor says UB Commons’ property ‘data’ doesn’t support its claim BENJAMIN BLANCHET ENGAGEMENT EDITOR

UB Commons owners are in State Supreme Court with the Town of Amherst over its 2017 property assessment value of $7.5 million. The mini-mall’s owners claim its realproperty value is $3.2 million, or 57%, less than the town’s assessment. The reduction would have an effect on the town’s tax revenue, and a town assessor said he hasn’t seen data to back up the reduction claim. “While I’m not trying to downplay any reduction, we also have increases [in value],” said David Marrano, a Town of Amherst assessor. “It’s all about equity and fairness, I want to be fair and equitable to people but, quite frankly, what [UB Commons Inc.] has given us doesn’t provide us any data to support why our number > SEE COMMONS | PAGE 4


2 | Monday, April 15, 2019

Student Association senators vote against derecognizing Men’s Ice Hockey Senators amend SA club handbook policy BRITTANY GORNY SENIOR NEWS EDITOR

Student Association senators voted against derecognizing Men’s Ice Hockey club –– with five in favor, eight against and two abstentions –– after the club used $62,731.98 in SA funds that weren’t preapproved by SA. Senators debated for almost two hours at the April 12 meeting over derecognizing Men’s Ice Hockey club. The club accumulated thousands in funds –– not pre-approved by SA –– and had all charges billed to SA, according to SA Treasurer Tanahiry Escamilla. The executive board disagreed with senators’ choice to not derecognize the club. Some senators argued the decision set a precedent that “large clubs are more important,” since the club had 26 finance violations. “I can guarantee you if all clubs were to go to vendors and tell them to bill SA there wouldn’t be an SA today,” Escamilla



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said. Assembly Speaker Mitchell Smigel said SA derecognized clubs in the past for less serious matters and said all clubs aren’t being held to the same standard. “I don’t think there should be a club too big to punish,” Smigel said. “That’s a very scary precedent.” Vice President Anyssa Evelyn and Escamilla agreed. “This decision makes other clubs think they could do the same thing,” Escamilla said. Next year’s e-board said it plans to work with Men’s Ice Hockey club so this doesn’t happen again. SA President Gunnar Haberl said he and his e-board already did this, with no success. “I commend the incoming e-board for saying they will meet with this club and hold them accountable,” Haberl said. “However, [Evelyn, Escamilla] and I have already met with this club and made it very clear what was expected.” Members of the Men’s Ice Hockey club admitted to “messing up” and said there was a “miscommunication.” Evelyn and Escamilla said they met with




T H E 3 2 ND A N N U A L





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BENJAMIN BLANCHET | THE SPECTRUM Men’s Ice Hockey club presents plea to remain recognized. The Student Association senate voted against derecognizing the club at its Friday meeting.

the coach of the club “multiple times” throughout the year, despite some senators’ beliefs. SA previously placed the club on probation in the spring semester for finance violations. The club committed two more finance violations while on probation, according to Evelyn. Haberl spoke out against senators who felt the situation happened due to the eboard’s negligence. “Some of you [senators] saying [Evelyn] and [Escamilla] have not done their due diligence is disrespectful to them and the entire Student Association,” Haberl said Cole Schiffman, president of Men’s Ice Hockey, said he’s “glad” SA didn’t derecognize the club and feels no club should be derecognized unless it does “something over the top.” Some senators said the club shouldn’t be derecognized because of its impact on the UB community. Escamilla disagreed and said pre-encumbering funds are not an issue with any other club. UB trademark office is also separately overseeing a case with Men’s Ice Hockey, as logos on merchandise weren’t approved

and didn’t have the SA logo on it. Senators also approved an amendment to the SA club handbook, after Evelyn chose not to recognize oSTEM on March 29. Evelyn said professional staff “heavily encouraged” her not to recognize oSTEM because of policy conflictions. She said it was the “hardest decision she had to make all year.” The rule in question stated a club “cannot duplicate the purposes or services of another recognized Student Association club.” Evelyn augmented the policy and added “(in majority)” after “purposes and services.” This allows SA to recognize clubs if they duplicate a “small portion” of an already recognized club. “I had a chance to meet with oSTEM and apologize,” Evelyn said. “I feel I didn’t make the right decision.” Evelyn said she hopes to recognize oSTEM after the addition to the handbook. Email:


THE SPECTRUM Monday, April 15, 2019 Volume 68 Number 44 Circulation: 4,000

EDITORIAL BOARD EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Brenton J. Blanchet MANAGING EDITOR Jacklyn Walters Lauryn King, Asst. CREATIVE DIRECTORS Caitlyn Di Vita Grace Klak Akayla Lewin, Asst. ENGAGEMENT EDITOR Benjamin Blanchet WEB/COPY EDITORS Cassi Enderle Savanna Caldwell NEWS EDITORS Brittany Gorny, Senior Jacklyn Walters, Senior Alexandra Moyen, Asst. FEATURES EDITORS Samantha Vargas, Senior John Madsen, Asst. ARTS EDITORS Julianna Tracey, Senior Anastasia Wilds, Asst. SPORTS EDITOR Nathaniel Mendelson, Senior MULTIMEDIA EDITORS Shubh Jain, Senior Davila Tarakinikini, Photo Vindhya Burugupalli, Photo Isabella Nurt, Video

UB’s decision to postpone Greek events is commendable but overly general EDITORIAL BOARD

UB President Satish Tripathi was quick to act Friday and suspended fraternity events for the immediate future. This was hours after 18-yearold Sebastian Serafin-Bazan was rushed to Buffalo General Medical Center Friday morning following possible hazing at Sigma Pi. We applaud UB for quickly telling students what happened and taking an immediate stance. This is what SUNY’s flagship university should do. We support a serious approach to hazing, which has resulted in the deaths of 27 college students since 2010. Most deaths involved alcohol, but at least three involved over-strenuous exercise. That’s what appears to have happened with Serafin-Bazan, although police and the university have yet to offer a cause. We are thankful Serafin-Bazan is still alive and our thoughts and prayers are with him and his family. We hope he returns to walk

Understanding the stereotypes that affect attraction


The views expressed – both written and graphic – in the Opinion section of The Spectrum do not necessarily reflect the views of the editorial board. Submit contributions for these pages to The Spectrum office at Suite 132 Student Union or news@ The Spectrum reserves the right to edit these pieces for style and length. If a letter is not meant for publication, please mark it as such. All submissions must include the author’s name, daytime phone number, and email address.

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the halls with us soon. We don’t want to lose any more classmates to the senseless stupidity of hazing. Still, we question Tripathi’s broad action. We fear it is too general, too harsh. We agree with the many disgruntled Greek life students we spoke to who insisted they were being unfairly punished. Some students have spent months planning upcoming events, many of which benefit charities. They should not be forced to cancel these events because of the poor choices of others. All Greek life organizations should understand the gravity and responsibility of their charters. They should be wary of the dangers of hazing, of pushing people to their limits, of the mob mentality that allows people to watch as others suffer. We don’t yet know what happened at Sigma Pi. The fraternity has to answer for Serafin-Bazan’s condition. The immediate need for ac-

countability falls on Sigma Pi. It should not fall on all fraternities and sororities. We agree, the university should know how each organization functions and if it is fulfilling its mission. We’re surprised it doesn’t know this already. We encourage the university to do a thorough review and to suspend Sigma Pi. But we think the university should allow the 16 fraternities and eight sororities to incite this acute review to carry out their charity and other select events through the end of the semester. Postponing all social Greek events takes the attention off Sigma Pi and makes Greek life the focus. Fraternities and sororities are historically secretive. For decades, Spectrum reporters have struggled to cover Greek life comprehensively. This weekend, several frat members blocked a Spectrum editor on social media, just for reaching out for information to inform the students what hap-

pened. We believe Greek life adds to our campus. We know many students feel their fraternities and sororities help them navigate college life better and make them feel less alone. We hope this tragedy will remind fraternities and sororities of that role and of their responsibilities to their pledges. We also hope the university’s review will make Greek life more transparent and accountable. Long-term change is needed to avoid having conversations like this again. A stronger relationship is needed between UB and Greek life so the university can be more aware of what is happening around campus. This would show that irresponsible actions have consequences and is key to making that change, but UB must ensure the right people are being held accountable. Email:

Is racism an effect of racial dating preference?



Monday, April 15 2019 | 3


Racism can be loud and in your face, but it can also be quiet and not so obvious. If someone were to ask me what my racial dating preference was, I would say black. When I was in fifth grade, my mother transferred me from a predominantly black school to a predominantly white school. I was afraid at first because none of my new peers looked like me. Thoughts of wanting to change my appearance, such as straightening my hair, began swirling through my head. I didn’t have to worry about kids touching my hair and being asked if I liked fried chicken at my old school. I felt comfortable. But I had to get used to the silly questions and the touching be-

cause I stayed there until graduation. All of my family members are black and proud of their blackness, especially my father. My father never wanted my brother and I to feel as if the stereotypes we saw in the media defined us. He wanted us to know that we can rise above the names the media called us. My father is the most important man in my life. So I figure, why not find a black man that is just as proud of his blackness and appreciates the black culture as much as my father and I do? But just because I see my future with a black man, doesn’t mean I’m closing the door on other races. You can’t help who you fall in love with. If I fall in love with a white man does that mean I just call it quits and continue my search for a black man that will love me? Of course not, that’s absolutely ridiculous. Yet when I asked some people about their racial dating preference, they say they are into one race and one race only. Very few were open-minded. When someone finds a person from their “unpreferred” races to be attractive, they often say, “Even I think they’re attractive.” For some reason, they don’t find

this way of thinking to be racist. Are they unconsciously discriminating? According to sociologist Zuleyka Zevallos, people assume that racism has to be overt, such as refusing service because of someone’s skin color or shouting a racial slur at someone. Zevallos believes that we have been conditioned to favor some ethnicities and races over others. She said comments such as “you’re pretty for a black girl” show that many people think you need some semblance of European features in order to be attractive. Zevallos said this white-centric beauty standard is due to certain countries being colonized by white people. If we weren’t socially influenced on our racial dating preferences, there wouldn’t be any studies on this because there would be no pattern to look at. If there is no pattern, then it would show that we are all open-minded. The only problem I have with racial dating preference isn’t that people have one, it’s that people deem one or all other races other than theirs –– and at times even their own –– as unattractive. That, to me, is racist. What beauty standard are you going off of that you think that one particular race is unattract-

ive? Are you just fetishizing your racial dating preference? Or do you actually think that race will be beneficial to you over the others? The online dating website, Black People Meet, helps African Americans and African Canadians do just that. The site states that they are dedicated specifically to black dating. They don’t go into specifics as to why, but the reason is pretty obvious. According to journalist Kyndall Cunningham, if you are a minority who chooses to stay within your race, that should be understandable. Cunningham believes racial minorities may feel the need to stay exclusive because they need a safe place where they feel understood. Race is a topic that many people are uncomfortable talking about, especially racial dating preference. No one wants to be called racist based on their preferences, and explaining the choice can be very uncomfortable. But times are changing and we should be changing, and becoming more tolerant, as well. So before you close your mind off to other races for certain features being too small or too big, ask yourself how you would feel if someone said your race wasn’t attractive enough to date.

from the United Nations Security Council, which, according to the International Commission of Jurists in Geneva, constitutes a war of aggression. In addition to her prosecution of an illegal war, Condoleezza Rice repeatedly authorized the use of “enhanced interrogation techniques” (torture) including waterboarding, forced nudity and weeklong sleep deprivation at CIA black sites throughout her time as National Security Advisor and Secretary of State. Secretary Rice has regularly defended the CIA’s use of torture, even though it has repeatedly been shown to be an unreliable source of intelligence and is illegal under inter-

national law. Today, the death toll of the Iraq War is estimated at half a million and there are still an unknown number of black sites operated by the CIA around the world with no congressional oversight on their activities. Five hundred thousand people dying as the result of an illegal war sure sounds like a war crime to me. So does torture. Does the university really believe that we should be celebrating a war criminal like Secretary Rice?


Letter to the editor On Wednesday, former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice will be visiting our university as part of UB’s Distinguished Speaker Series. I will not be attending Secretary Rice’s speech as an audience member. Instead, I will be protesting her presence on campus as a “Distinguished Speaker” along with fellow members of UB’s chapter of the Young Democratic Socialists of America. While I welcome a diversity of viewpoints at UB, I do not believe that the university should be honoring Secretary Rice with the title of “Distinguished Speaker.” As National Security Advisor, and eventually Secretary of State

to George W. Bush, Condoleezza Rice played an integral role in the lead-up to and perpetration of the Iraq War, an illegal war of aggression under international law. The Iraq War began on the basis of intelligence reports that the Bush Administration, especially Condoleezza Rice, claimed showed evidence that Saddam Hussein’s Ba’athist Government had weapons of mass destruction. In reality, there was little to no evidence of this claim, yet Condoleezza Rice and the Bush Administration used this tenuous intelligence to justify military action in a foreign country that had not attacked the United States without the requisite permission



4 | Monday, April 15, 2019

Black Student Union remembers Nipsey Hussle

BSU discusses impact of rapper’s life ALEXANDRA MOYEN ASST. NEWS EDITOR

The Black Student Union commemorated the life of rapper Nipsey Hussle on Wednesday. Roughly 30 students attended BSU’s event at 5 p.m. on April 10 to honor the rapper, whom Eric Holder fatally shot on March 31. Hussle was gifting clothes to a friend recently released from prison when Holder shot him six times, according to Nonprofit Quarterly. Hussle left behind three children, an older brother, a girlfriend and a mother. BSU held the event to give students the opportunity to mourn Hussle’s

death and honor his involvement in his community. “I thought it appropriate, just in the wake of his passing, that we give people some time to talk about it, grieve a little and then just talk about the issues surrounding it,” said BSU Vice President Daniel Edwards. Hussle was deeply involved in his community, according to Nonprofit Quarterly. He bought a shopping plaza and employed immigrants and people who were struggling on the streets. Hussle’s community knew him as “Neighborhood Nip” and as a man of many investments. According to Forbes, Hussle was working on affordable housing plans for those in South Los Angeles and made sure basketball courts were paved for children to play on. Through Vector 90, an inner city coworking com-

DAVILA TARAKINIKINI | THE SPECTRUM The Black Student Union Vice President Daniel Edwards speaks to students to commemorate the life and death of rapper Nipsey Hussle on Wednesday.

munity, he also made sure youth were able to find jobs. “[Hussle] is a family man, businessman, philanthropist,” Edwards, a junior exercise science major, said. “He’s an overall community man, he really looked out for his people and people that looked like him and tried to put those people in the best position possible.” Rebekah McCullough*, a junior English major, said Hussle’s death is not an uncommon experience in the black community. “I just feel like in the society we live in today, when you’re an up-and-coming African American male, you know, you have to watch your back,” McCullough said. “The fact of the matter is, in history, you have people like Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X trying to spread a greater message and then they suddenly die.” Hussle’s music sales have increased by 2,776% after his death, according to Billboard. But Kalilou Fofana, a member of Black Men United, said people were already “in tune” with Hussle’s music. “He didn’t have to die in order for his music to resonate with the people,” Fofana, a junior psychology major, said. “When I went to L.A. during spring break, when I went to the clubs, Nipsey was being played. Everyone was in tune.” Hussle’s ambition attracted attention in 2013 when he sold his Crenshaw album for $100, despite it being free online. JayZ bought 100 copies of the album, which earned Hussle $10,000, according to The New York Times. “If you can sell a hundred dollar mixtape compared to artists that don’t even sell theirs for $10. He never sold himself short,” Fofana said. “He hit every bench-

mark of his music career in terms of owning his own music –– having no record labels, no promotions.” The Grammy-nominated rapper had seemingly foreseen his death. In his 2016 song “Ocean Views,” Hussle describes how he wants to be remembered. He raps about gang affiliation and how he will die with money, but none of that matters compared to the impact he will leave. Hussle tweeted “Having strong enemies is a blessing,” just hours before his death. “It sucks when we’re trying to broadcast a greater message and that distinguished speaker that’s saying everything that’s on our minds just disappears. Unfortunately this person happened to be Nipsey Hussle,” said McCollough. “He was an upcoming rap artist but he used his platform to talk about and shed light upon greater things such as poverty in black communities.” Hussle’s death resonated across the nation, with celebrities and political officials such as the Mayor of Los Angeles, Rihanna, Lauren London and Snoop Dogg expressing their condolences. “His music means hope,” McCollough said. “His music is telling stories. He’s telling me there is that lifestyle where sex, drugs and money are there, but there’s also this lifestyle that you have a greater purpose, you can branch out and brand yourself. You can be greater in this society. It gives hope for people like me who were raised in the hood.” *Rebekah McCullough is a sports writer for The Spectrum who attended the event. Email:


GREEK LIFE REACTS removed Sigma Pi from Greek Week as a whole, but did not see the reason for the indefinite suspension. “It’s once a year, those who got into [Greek life] this past year are going to have to wait another whole year to get involved in Greek Week, they’re going to miss it.” Houghtaling said. Jamie Keeran*, a sorority member in Delta Phi Epsilon, said she thinks the suspension makes Greek life seem like a “bad thing.” “It’s really not,” Keeran said. “It’s a great community. We have people everywhere around here. We’re all a community and I think that just paints us in a bad light. And there’s some stupid kids that do stupid things. You can’t really stop that because they’re going to do whatever they want in their own houses.” Keeran said her sorority sisters in Delta Phi Epsilon were planning their annual

“male pageant” for cystic fibrosis awareness. She said DPE usually raises “a lot” of money at the event and that Sigma Pi’s incident shouldn’t impact Greek Week fundraisers. “[UB] is doing what they’re supposed to be doing,” Keeran said. “ It’s good that they’re doing a good job at keeping everybody safe. But I just think that suspending Greek Week and things that are going toward good things shouldn’t be the reaction to the kid being hazed in Sigma Pi. Everybody else wasn’t involved in that incident.” “People shouldn’t be subjected to not having [an event],” Keeran said. “Whatever happened [at Sigma Pi], they should be the main focus.” Student Association Vice President Anyssa Evelyn, who doubles as a member of a sorority, wrote in an email that she is “devastated” about the incident and especially knowing it happened to a UB

student. “I feel as though this incident shines a poor light on all of Greek life,” Evelyn wrote. “The incident is not a reflection of the ideals I uphold as a member of Greek life.” “I am nervous for the future of Greek life but I want to emphasize the importance our prospective Greek organizations serve in the UB community and the development it provides for its members.” Houghtaling said he doesn’t think hazing will stop overall but there are ways the campus community can limit it from happening again. “The frats and sororities that are more school-oriented, like business frats, they don’t do that type of stuff but off-campus [frats], that barely meet their requirements [to retain recognition] every semester, they are the ones doing these types of things,” Houghtaling said. “So I think if the frat is

more involved with the school and student life as a whole, there could be less.” The school-wide suspension is the first since 2002, when two local students drank alcohol at an Alpha Sigma Phi party and later died in a car crash, according to Spectrum records. During the suspension, Vice President for Student Life A. Scott Weber will form an “internal review committee,” to examine each organization’s programs, policies and practices, according to UB Spokesperson John DellaContrada.


Commons assessment was a “dramatic increase” from its prior value. Weinmann said ownership changed around the time of reassessment, which could have caused the delay in challenging the increase. The Obletz family has had stakes in the UB Commons, a property it leases from the UB Foundation, since 1989. Stephen Obletz is listed as an agent for UB Commons Inc. in the town court case. Marrano said in most cases, the values that petitioners request are “not really reality because the law is very clear that you can’t get any lower than” a municipality’s assessment. Marrano said when the Town of Amherst decides on its annual budget and it’s subtracted by its revenue, that is a tax levy, something municipalities have to fund operations, he said. “So the assessor’s job, and my staff, is to make sure that we have fair market value on people’s properties so they only pay their fair share of that tax levy,” Marrano said. “What I like to equate it to is a pie. My job is to fairly split the pie. When they challenge their assessment, what they’re telling me is ‘what

you’re telling me my share is, I don’t think it’s worth that.’” Marrano said the obligation sits with petitioners to bring “appropriate information to argue their case” for a property value reduction. He said cases usually have roughly a year of discussions before going to trial. “Normally what happens is while that case is still ongoing, they’ll rechallenge it again this year. It’s more of a formality, but they have to,” Marrano said. “Every

year, they have to make those changes.” Weinmann said the matter is currently “before a judge who has far more legal authority than the Board of Assessment Review.”

COMMONS is wrong.” The Town of Amherst previously assessed the UB Commons at $5.4 million in the 2014-15 tax year before it went up in fair market value. During the 2015-16 and 2016-17 tax years, the town equalized the assessed value at 97% ($5.5 million fair market value) in its 2015-16 final assessment and 91% ($5.9 million fair market value) in its 2016-17 final assessment. After the Town of Amherst reassessed all its properties in 2017, its first reassessment since 2009, the value went up to $7.5 million (or roughly 27%). Peter Allen Weinmann, a tax assessment attorney who represents UB Commons’ owners, said his client has a “strong case” and referenced a property appraisal (valued at $3.2 million) done by Buffalo’s GAR Associates in 2016. “It’s very unusual that we start off with an appraisal, normally we do our own inhouse analysis and in this particular situation, we were very lucky to have one [already],” Weinmann said. Weinmann said the owner, UB Commons Inc., did not come to his firm until a “few months after” he represented over 90 Amherst owners’ reduction requests in 2017. The Town of Amherst reassessed all its properties in 2017, prior to the 2017-18 tax year. Weinmann said the UB

UB Commons Inc. is requesting a 57% at $7.5 million.

Houghtaling’s and Keeran’s comments for this story were made on Saturday afternoon. * Keeran’s name was changed for anonymity Twitter @BenjaminUBSpec and @BrentonBlanchet

Tanveen Vohra contributed reporting to

this story.

Email: Twitter: @BenjaminUBSpec.


decrease in its property value assessment, which the


The Blast comes to Buffalo Popular Mountain Dew flavor Baja Blast appears on campus for limited time BRENTON J. BLANCHET EDITOR-IN-CHIEF

The pinnacle of Taco Bell is now right outside of your lecture hall. Mountain Dew Baja Blast arrived in campus vending machines and at The Elli convenience store in early March according to Raymond Kohl, Campus Dining & Shops marketing manager. Kohl wrote in an email that the popular soft drink, which Taco Bell introduced as an exclusive to the fast food chain in 2004, is already “flying off ” The Elli’s shelves and requiring Vending Manager Dave Marotta to “constantly” fill vending machine slots. But the beverage can’t blast off of shelves forever. “It is a limited-time-only item so we expect that we will have it through the end of the semester and then another flavor

will most likely be introduced for the fall,” Kohl wrote. The aquamarine-colored soft drink, which is “chemically formulated to taste best,” first became available for purchase outside of Taco Bell in 2014 when the restaurant’s exclusive rights to the beverage ended. Mountain Dew has since reintroduced Baja Blast four additional times for spans of a few months, and now UB’s vending machines are home to the beverage. Kohl wrote that although CDS’ product selection is often based on availability, he looks at trends and selects items that “resonate” with guests. Students say Baja Blast is doing exactly that. Cuong Vu, a freshman intended pharmacy major, said Baja Blast is his favorite flavor of Dew. Vu said he noticed Baja Blast was sitting in the vending machines when he was with a friend. He then “pointed it out” and “of course” grabbed a bottle. “As a freshman with no car, and since Taco Bell isn’t really the healthiest of food

Monday, April 15, 2019 | 5

options, it’s kind of nice that Baja Blast is a great blend of tropical, almost Ocean is an option,” Vu said. “I’m not huge on Spray flavors.” Mtn Dew Kid wrote that Mountain Dew soda but for Baja ... that’s another story.” Vu said the beverage is probably “flying will be introducing four new flavors this off ” the shelves due to the fact that it was year: Cyclone, Liberty Brew, Street Lightning and VooDew, all of which Campus taken off shelves a few months ago. “With the availability and ease of access Dining can choose as a possible replaceto Baja Blast, it isn’t too surprising that ment Dew. they are selling so quick.” Blogger Mtn Dew Kid, who created the Twitter: @BrentonBlanchet blog seven years ago, has been drinking Mountain Dew for 35 years and collecting memorabilia for the last 15. He said Baja Blast is in his “top five,” with his favorite flavor of the “70-plus” total flavors still being the original. The blogger wrote that the taste is the reason for its popularity, and described it as “a light smooth taste of tropical flavors.” “It’s a light, non-overpowDAVILA TARAKINIKINI | THE SPECTRUM ering taste,” Mtn Dew Kid Campus Dining & Shops introduced Mountain Dew Baja wrote. “[It is] smooth to drink Blast in early March and says the product is “flying off” with no aftertaste. The flavor shelves.

Paws and pin-ups its third-annual fundraiser for the City of Buffalo Animal Shelter on Saturday. Patrons could pick off of a flash tattoo sheet of 13 different designs. CowPok donated half of all the proceeds from the SAMANTHA VARGAS flash sheet to the city’s animal shelter. The SENIOR FEATURES EDITOR artists tattooed 59 flash designs throughout the day and raised roughly $3,000, acTattoo culture has gone to the dogs. Lit- cording to CowPok manager Sarah Graerally. vino. Roughly 1,700 people responded CowPok Piercing and Tattoo hosted to CowPok’s Facebook event saying they were interested and over 100 people responded with guarantees that they would attend the fundraiser. Tattoo enthusiasts and animal lovers began lining up at the Allentown location at 11:30 a.m. The event began at noon and ran until 10 p.m. on a firstcome-first-serve basis. The flash designs included eight animal-themed tattoos like the iconic pets from “The Simpsons” and buffalos. It also included five general flash designs like flowers and a knife. Pricing depended on the tattoo’s size and color. The flash sheet SAMANTHA VARGAS | THE SPECTRUM began at $80 and increased Tattoo artist Marc Lavey admires his flash tattoo on UB alumni

CowPok Piercing and Tattoo hosts its annual animal shelter fundraiser

Rachel Robert at CowPok Piercing and Tattoos’ annual fundraiser.

depending on preference. Marc Lavey, a resident tattoo artist, has worked at CowPok for four years and participated in the event. “Everybody [employed at CowPok] has a pet, so we all relate to the cause. I actually adopted my cat from the City’s animal shelter,” Lavey said. “They really need the donations to help give the best care to the animals they take in.” The original CowPok Piercing and Tattoo has been open for 27 years and currently has two locations in Williamsville and Allentown. CowPok employs three tattoo artists and two piercing specialists at the Allentown location. The shop prides itself in having one of the largest collections of fine body jewelry in Western New York. It is also known for its annual semicolon tattoo fundraiser. Some patrons chose to get their first tattoo at the event. Rachel Roberts, a UB alum, chose a lilac flash design for her first tattoo. “I know I could’ve picked my own idea and just donated to the animal shelter, but I’m really indecisive. The flash sheet helped me a lot and I’m really happy with my tattoo,” Roberts said. “I think the fundraiser helped because I love animals, but it was really just a coincidence.” The studio began partnering with the

Buffalo animal shelter in 2017. It encouraged patrons to bring donation items like canned food and other pet-related products for the shelter. CowPok also conducted a raffle throughout the day with a variety of prizes. Kayla Romanini, a sophomore animal behavior major, arrived early in order to avoid long lines throughout the day. “I first saw this event on Facebook around the same time that I decided I wanted another tattoo. I think that it’s really great that they’re working with the shelter,” Romanini said. “I have two dogs myself.” The City of Buffalo Animal Shelter is a non-profit organization that relies on volunteers and donations. It provides food, care, shelter and comfort to local dogs and cats before finding them the perfect forever home. Anna Beall, a resident piercing specialist, recalled how the shelter is significant to many of the studio’s artists. “We’re all huge animal lovers here. Our manager, Sarah, volunteers and fosters for the animal shelter,” Beall said. “We try to do a couple events like this a year. We really want to help small business and local charities. We all really want to support our community.” Email: Twitter: @SamMarieVargas

Campus Critters

Send your pet photos to @UBSpectrum to be featured in a future paper.

Zeus Cat dad: Toussaint Chen

Merlin Cat dad: Brian Howe Sadie Dog dad: Alec Herbert

Toby Dog mom: Florida Mulaj Tommy Cat mom: Sydney Manson

Teddy Dog mom: Sadie Kratt

Oreo Cat mom: Priyadarshini Dutta

Maggie Dog dad: Mike Fanning

6 | Monday, April 15, 2019


Thinking outside the box ChoreoLab provides a venue for artists to express themselves ANASTASIA WILDS ASST. ARTS EDITOR

ChoreoLab presented a full display of dance, lighting and projections in the CFA’s Black Box Theatre last weekend. On Friday, UB’s Department of Theatre and Dance presented the opening night of the inaugural concert “ChoreoLab.” The performance, which ran April 12-14, is a “choreographic research lab” dedicated to allowing artists to explore their creative vision through dance. ChoreoLab is a class which brings together undergraduate and graduate students, faculty and guest artists to create unique hands-on experiences. Crew members combine their expertise to choreograph and design the show. This year’s title, “POWER: the preservation of order,” reflects how “power impacts agency and order.” Trebien Pollard, a professional dancer and choreographer, directed this year’s concert. Pollard choreographed the final piece, “The Poetics of Relation,” in which he projected black-and-white images from various protest movements onto the set’s

white wooden walls while dancers moved around the stage. Aurora Hastings, a senior dance major, choreographed ChoreoLab’s second piece, titled “A Lasting Funk.” Hastings started the choreography with the disco song “Funkytown” by Lipps Inc. and based the piece off the dance styles of Luigi and Ron Lewis, two pioneers of jazz dance. “I wanted to take their movement, revamp it in a way and reinvent it into my personal artistic voice. And then also keep true to what jazz dance is,” Hastings said. Freshman dance major Karrigan Rotella performed in ChoreoLab and said she liked seeing the different choreographies come together and hopes the audience understood the meaning past the choreography. “I’m literally in a piece where we’re dumping water all over ourselves. … It’s just really interesting to see all these opportunities that people have taken in choreographing,” Rotella said. “[And] yes, there are pieces where people are literally just walking and not doing any actual ‘dancing’ but it all has a meaning.” Before the main show, dancers performed a pre-show exhibition titled “Once More, with Feeling” in a studio across from the Black Box Theatre. Joseph Davila, a dance student, directed the

piece. Audience members could interact with Davila’s piece by talking to the dancers, sitting on the benches and walking up to the dancers while they performed. The dancers and audience left the studio as a group and entered the Black Box Theatre where the dancers completed their piece in the new room as the main show began. Emily Powrie, the environment designer for this production, has a batchelor’s degree in theatre and performance studies and is a current MFA Studio Art candidate. Powrie said she took inspiration for the show from her art gallery in the CFA. “The title of this showcase is ‘POWER: the preservation of order’ and [I was] really thinking about what that means,” Powrie said. “I’ve been recently doing a lot of work in art galleries and thinking about the preservation of what goes into artwork and, even further, in museums. What gets to be chosen … and who has the power to preserve and say [what art] … should be preserved.” Powrie said she designed the Black Box Theatre for the event to mimic an art gal- lery, as artwork is “boxed in” at galleries similarly to how the dancers were “boxed” in the Black Box Theatre. Steven Zehler, a junior theatre design and technology major and ChoreoLab’s media systems designer, said the show tested the crews’ abilities to modernize their performances. “We’re basically taking what we have learned from the past shows in the season … and we’re seeing how we can expand our use of projection in the department” Zehler said. “We’re trying to stick with the times by keeping things modern in the

COURTESY OF TATYANNA WILDS ChoreoLab’s performance titled “POWER: the preservation of order” had students, faculty and guest artists work together to bring new ideas and technology into the Theatre and Dance Department.

department and I think that this show is doing a pretty good job of showing that we’re capable of doing that.” Email:

‘Trapper’s delight:’ A Spring Fest playlist Songs to prepare you for the May 4th concert JULIANNA TRACEY SENIOR ARTS EDITOR

The Student Association announced the lineup for this year’s Spring Fest last Monday. The May 4 concert will feature rappers Rich the Kid, A Boogie Wit Da Hoodie and Lil Baby. Students’ reactions to the announcement have been mixed, but generally positive. Before you head to this year’s concert, it’s a good idea to brush up on the artists’ hits. The Spectrum compiled a playlist of songs to prepare you for the event. Rich the Kid ft. Kendrick Lamar “New Freezer” Dimitri Roger, who performs under the name Rich the Kid, released his debut album, “The World is Yours,” in 2018. He

COURTESY OF IMDB Rapper Rich The Kid opens this year’s Spring Fest on May 4.

released “New Freezer,” the album’s lead single, and received positive reviews. The single features a verse from heavyweight Kendrick Lamar, showing Rich the Kid’s collaborative skill. The song’s trap beat gives a lively and energetic feeling. The lyrics praise bling and other expensive objects like sports cars, jets and of course, new freezers. Rich the Kid - “Plug Walk” Rich the Kid released “Plug Walk” in February 2018 as the second single of the debut album. The song earned positive reviews and peaked at No. 13 on the Billboard Hot 100, and reached triple-platinum status in the U.S. The song links drugs with space, with references to E.T., “space coupes” and spaceships. “Plug Walk” features punchy beats from the song’s producer, TheLabCook. The song is upbeat and energetic, and can easily pump students up for the big night A Boogie Wit Da Hoodie - “Drowning” Co-headliner A Boogie Wit Da Hoodie is best known for his single “Drowning.” The song is the lead single to A Boogie’s debut studio album, “The Bigger Artist.” The song reached the No. 38 spot on the Billboard Hot 100. “Drowning” features a muffled beat, creating the sense of being underwater. The piece’s minor key makes the song feel as cool as ice, while its sing-song style adds a feeling of celebration as if the listener were drowning in riches. A Boogie Wit Da Hoodie - “Look

Back At It” A Boogie Wit Da Hoodie released his second studio album, “Hoodie SZN,” in December of 2018. The album’s lead single “Look Back At It” debuted at No. 95 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart, but soon climbed to No. 32 on the charts. The song reached gold status in the U.S. and sold over 500,000 digital copies. “Look Back At It” samples Michael Jackson’s “You Rock My World” and “Remember the Time.” The song’s heavy beat will make it easy to get excited about the upcoming concert. A Boogie Wit Da Hoodie ft. Queen Naija - “Come Closer” Last semester’s Fall Fest featured a female-dominated performance by three R&B singers, one of which was Queen Naija. Queen Naija’s collaboration with A Boogie Wit Da Hoodie, “Come Closer,” mixes R&B styles and rap. The song begins with acoustic guitar chords that continue to play under A Boogie’s rap verses. The two performers work well against each other, seeming to feed off of each other’s energy. Queen Naija flips the lyrics, seemingly winning the argument in the piece. Lil Baby and Drake - “Yes Indeed” The last of the Spring Fest lineup, Lil Baby, released his debut album “Harder than Ever” in 2018. The album’s second single, “Yes Indeed,” reached critical success, peaking at the No. 6 spot on the Billboard Hot 100 chart and reaching triple platinum status in the U.S. with over 3,000,000 digital sales.

Lil Baby made the song in collaboration with Canadian rapper and hip-hop/pop heavyweight Drake. The song’s infectious beat and catchy lyrics make it easy to join in. “Yes Indeed” can keep anyone excited for the future concert. Lil Baby - “Drip Too Hard” Lil Baby’s collaborations with other artists seem to be critically successful. Lil Baby’s collaboration with singer and rapper Gunna resulted in the mixtape “Drip Harder,” which resulted in the two rappers’ most successful piece, “Drip Too Hard.” “Drip Too Hard” peaked at No. 4 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart. The two artists show off their chemistry, with lyrics competing with one another. The two boast their diamonds and private planes and Lil Baby’s rapid delivery is interrupted by Gunna’s smooth vocals to create a diverse competition. Lil Baby - “Never Recover” Lil Baby joins together his two most successful collaborators, Drake and Gunna, in “Never Recover.” The song is one of eight tracks from “Drip Harder” that made it onto the Billboard Hot 100, peaking at No. 15. Each artist brags about their money and the number of records they make. The upbeat braggidocio competition between the artists creates an aura of confidence, allowing any listener to feel their best on the way to Spring Fest. Email: Twitter :@JTraceySpec.



• In restaurant orders only. Online ordering will be turned off on 04/17. • One FREE single cheese burger with up to 4 free toppings per person. Must be present to get free cheeseburger. Must purchase fries, shake or drink. • We will have burgers for a minimum of 400 guests. No rainchecks if we run out. • No other menu items will be available to order this day. • We’ll take the last order at 8pm or while supplies last. • Post photos of your 04/17 burger using #bestburgerever & @Flipburger to be eligible to gift cards we’re awarding throughout the day.



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Monday, April 15, 2019 | 7

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8 | Monday, April 15, 2019

UB football adds one more recruit Peyton Longo signs letter of intent through Team IMPACT NATHANIEL MENDELSON SENIOR SPORTS EDITOR

It’s rare that a recruit can have so much impact before ever touching the field. Sixteen-year-old Peyton Longo from Cheektowaga has done just that and officially signed on as a member of the Bulls last Friday. Longo suffers from a neuromuscular disease called Bethlem Myopathy, a form of muscular dystrophy. Longo has spent time with the team this past year attending practices and playing video games with them. This relationship was made possible through Team IMPACT, a non-profit organization that helps connect children facing serious and chronic illnesses with local college athletic teams. “It’s a great opportunity for our players to interact with Peyton and they really enjoy having him around,” head coach Lance Leipold said. “He’s been here every day he says he’s going to be here, watching practice, no matter the weather. It shows his dedication. I think it’s awesome to have somebody who wants to be part of our program just as much as we want to be a part of this.” Coaches offered Longo the ability to use the suites during the cold-weather practices last season but he insisted he

NATHANIEL MENDELSON | THE SPECTRUM Sixteen-year-old Peyton Longo holds up his National Letter of Intent after signing on as a member of the Bulls. Longo suffers from a form of muscular dystrophy and has joined the team through Team IMPACT.

wanted to be down on the field. At the end of practice, every player comes to shake his hand and thank him for coming out. They ask about his day and how school is going, and that was no different on Friday. Every player walked by and shook the his hand, congratulating Longo on being part of the team. “It’s a wonderful opportunity that he probably won’t get as he finishes high school,” Longo’s mother Kim said. “For him to be able to be a part of this team

has really given him a lot of confidence and it’s been fun watching the players getting to know him. It’s brought him out of his shell a little bit.” Longo said that the players he’s grown closest to are Eddie Wilson, James and Jaret Patterson and Theo Anderson. Wilson and Longo have played Madden a couple of times with Longo winning each time. “Really all the guys have been just really incredible,” Longo said. “Incredibly nice and accepting and it’s been great.” Longo’s moments with the team allow

him to take his mind off his illness. Longo has continuous muscle tightness that makes it difficult for him to even tie his own shoes. He loses everyday functions that people take for granted. He does physical therapy at school three times a week and his parents stretch out his muscles every night at home. Longo spends the majority of his time in his motorized wheelchair but at home he has the ability to use a machine to stand and walk around so he can stretch all the muscles in his legs on a daily basis. Still this has done little to deter Longo from following the Bulls. He traveled to Detroit for the Mid-American Conference Championship game and to Mobile, Alabama for the Dollar General Bowl. Longo remembers the MAC championship as a tough game, but it put things such as how great of a season the team had and his ability to be a part of it into perspective. Last year on his birthday, the Bulls were practicing at the ADPro Fieldhouse in Orchard Park. The entire team came over to him after practice and sang as Anthony Johnson gave him a football used by the team. Longo says it’s his favorite memory. Longo will wear number one with the Bulls and be on the sidelines for as many practices and games he can make it to this season. Twitter: @NateMendelson

Football finishes spring season Starting quarterback position still up for grabs NATHANIEL MENDELSON SENIOR SPORTS EDITOR

mittee instead of having a true number one. Still, Theo Anderson was the numberone running back for the night. “This group is going to be crazy,” Anderson said. “I can’t wait for the season

NATHANIEL MENDELSON | THE SPECTRUM UB football alum Chuck Harris, Cameron Lewis, Anthony Johnson and Tyree Jackson sit on the sidelines during the annual spring game.

Four months after Tyree Jackson declared for the NFL draft, the Bulls are nowhere close to finding their starting quarterback for next season. The Bulls hosted their spring football game on Friday to give fans a taste of what’s in store for next season. Buffalo was without a number of players due to injury or transferring out of the program, and the Bulls were lacking the star power and big plays they were known for last season. “[I’m] really pleased with the way we ended up the spring,” head coach Lance Leipold said. “Tonight we had the chance to get some guys in. We were short in numbers so the repetitions of some things we had to cut back.” The Bulls were without running back Kevin Marks, cornerback Aapri Washington and quarterback Matt Myers for the scrimmage, plus others. Marks and Jaret Patterson will compete for the starting role next season but the group expects to be dominated by com-

because we all push each other up. Patterson, myself and Marks can all make plays.” Running back is the one positional group that isn’t depleted after last season. Buffalo returns both Patterson and Marks, who were the top-two rushers on the team. Buffalo lost Anthony Johnson, Chuck Harris, Khalil Hodge, Cameron Lewis, James O’Hagan, Tatum Slack and Brandon Williams all to graduation. Tyler Mabry, K.J. Osborn and Charlie Jones all chose to transfer out of UB. With all these losses, the Bulls are without their top-five receivers from last season. Buffalo is still without its starting quarterback for next season with Jackson opting for the NFL draft. Current pros-

pects include Kyle Vantrease, Dominic Johnson, Myers and Trevor Bycznski, an incoming recruit. Only Vantrese and Johnson played in the spring game, with Myers sidelined with an injury. Vantrese completed 10 of 22 passes for 96 yards and Johnson completed 4 of 7 for 37 yards and a touchdown. “It’s tough when you’re not actually named the starter,” Leipold said. “But when you’re in that huddle, you have to act like you’re starting and command everyone to take your leadership. I think we’re starting to see it there and feel more comfortable.” Vantrese is the only quarterback with real game experience. He started one game in 2017 when Jackson was injured. He attempted 9 passes, completing 4 for 20 yards this past season. Vantrese said he has to improve in lining his teammates up, strengthening his command in the huddle and creating confidence in his teammates. He said his biggest areas of improvement have been his

leadership, progressions, footwork, arm speed and accuracy. Dominic Johnson said he is not worried about his spring performance. He said most development comes during the summer. “It’s not necessarily the guy who is playing the best in the spring but the guy who’s really performing in the fall and in the season,” Dominic Johnson said. Jackson, Anthony Johnson, Lewis and Harris all made appearances at the game. All were in Buffalo for workouts with the Bills as they attempt to take the next step in their careers. Former NFL running back Branden Oliver also attended. The Bulls’ spring schedule ended and the team will not practice again until the summer. Buffalo will still have plenty of decisions to make and players to develop before its first game of the 2019 season on August 29 against Robert Morris. Twitter: @NateMendelson

HAO WANG | THE SPECTRUM Sophomore quarterback Kyle Vantrease throws a pass over the middle. The sophomore is the only quarterback on UB’s roster to start a game for Buffalo.

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