The Spectrum Vol. 67 No.15

Page 1


THURSDAY, OCTOBER 19, 2017 PAGE 2 BSU discusses lack of African-American faculty in African-American Studies Students discuss importance of having a diverse faculty

PAGE 5 UB raises awareness on World Food Day Campus Dining and Shops hosts food drive


Theresa Payton spoke in Alumni Arena Wednesday evening as part of the Distinguished Speakers Series. Payton is a former Chief Information Officer for President George W. Bush and is a leading cybersecurity expert.

Former White House Chief Information Officer speaks about cybsersecurity


Theresa Payton believes America’s approach toward cybersecurity is “fundamentally broken.” Payton is one of the nation’s leading experts in IT strategy and cybersecurity and

PAGE 8 Q&A with Quarterback Coach Jim Zebrowski The Spectrum talks to UB’s new quarterback coach

Dean Robert Shibley faces possible censure

Theresa Payton visits UB as part of Distinguished Speaker Series


VOLUME 67 NO. 15

was the first female chief information officer for President George W. Bush. Payton spoke about the greatest security risks facing the nation, including North Korean and Russian hackers, an alarming string of data breaches and the dangers of talking Barbie dolls in the second Distinguished Speakers lecture Wednesday night in Alumni Arena. CONTINUED ON PAGE 5

The Senate will take action at its next meeting, Nov. 14 SARAH CROWLEY SENIOR NEWS EDITOR

A UB faculty committee found that Dean Robert Shibley mishandled a 2016 renewal case and wrongly dismissed a tenure-track assistant professor and should be censured. The censure resolution accuses Shibley, dean of the School of Architecture and Planning, of not following proper procedure before deciding the case. Since the assistant professor’s dismissal, she has been diagnosed with a life-threatening illness and now has no health insurance. The UB Faculty Senate will vote on the censure at its next meeting on Nov. 14. Several faculty members and administrators gave emotional appeals in support of Shibley during Wednesday’s Faculty Senate meeting. Ernest Sternberg, chair of the urban plan-

Harvey Weinstein wrote about attacking women in The Spectrum in 1971 UB community reacts to sexual misconduct allegations against alum


Clemens Hall flooding causes week-long disruption; total damages still unknown NEWS DESK

Vice President Mike Pence visits Buffalo



Over 40 women have accused film producer Harvey Weinstein of sexual harassment or sexual assault. Weinstein, a UB alum and former Spectrum staff writer, wrote a column in 1971 where a fictitious character threatened to assault a woman at a bar.

Fiction” and “Shakespeare in Love,” of sexual misconduct, rape or assault. The accusations came after explosive articles in The New York Times and The New Yorker on Oct. 5 in which actresses and film industry workers accuse Weinstein of a pattern of abuse that spans de-

cades. Actresses like Gwenyth Paltrow, Angelina Jolie and Cara Delevingne now say they were propositioned by Weinstein when they were young actresses and that he used his power in the film industry to force women to have sex or perform sex acts with him. CONTINUED ON PAGE 4

Take a stand DifCon forum addresses social issues in sports and culture JEREMY TORRES ASST. SPORTS EDITOR

#MeToo social media movement raises awareness about sexual harassment and assault MADDY FOWLER

More than 90 classes this week in Clemens Hall have been moved or cancelled because of flooding. On Monday night at approximately 7:30 p.m., UB Facilities received a report that water was flooding the floors of Clemens Hall. Facilities identified a ruptured valve connected to a pipe used to cool the building within an hour. Once they turned off the water, all 10 floors of Clemens Hall’s piping had to empty out through the ruptured valve and the water flooded through the hallways through the elevator shafts. A university-wide UB Alert was sent out at 10:30 p.m. Monday. The full extent of damage is still being assessed.

Students, athletes, faculty and community leaders came together in UB’s first entry of the Difficult Conversation (DifCon) series this semester. “Taking a Knee and Other Issues of Speech and Expression in Sports” addressed social issues revolving around sports and culture. Topics included athletes taking a knee during the National Anthem, the use of the N-word in different aspects of culture, team names and mascots that promote Native American racial slurs and student athletes being allowed to voice their beliefs. Helen “Nellie” Drew, adjunct professor in the Law School and a UB sports law expert, and Kathy Twist, senior associate athletic director, moderated the discussion.

Thousands of survivors of sexual assault and harassment are speaking up and sharing their stories to spread awareness through a five-letter phrase: “me too.” The #MeToo movement originally started 10 years ago when black activist Tarana Burke created the phrase as a way to connect with other survivors, especially other women of color who had experienced sexual violence. Actress Alyssa Milano posted a tweet Sunday night asking any woman who has experienced sexual harassment or assault to reply to the tweet with “Me Too” in order to raise awareness about the magnitude of the problem on social media.





Pence greets supporters at airport, discusses tax reform with local businesses


Harvey Weinstein wrote about attacking women who refused his advances while he was a UB student and occasional Spectrum columnist in the 1970s. In 1971, he penned a fictitious column in which a hustler named Denny tries to aggressively coerce women to spend time with him. “‘Denny the Hustler’ did not take no for an answer,” he wrote in one February piece. “His whole approach employs a psychology of command, or in layman’s terms — ‘Look, baby, I’m probably the best-looking and most exciting person you’ll ever want to meet — and if you refuse to dance with me, I’ll probably crack this bottle of Schmidt’s over your skull.’” He was 18. In recent weeks, more than 40 women have accused Weinstein, co-founder of Miramax film studio and producer of films like “Pulp

ning department, Beth Tauke, associate dean for the School of Architecture and Planning and Despina Stratigakos, interim architecture chair, insisted the dean acted appropriately and ethically and that he consulted others in his decision not to renew the professor. The committee disagrees. The censure resolution accuses the dean and the School of Architecture and Planning of “blatantly violating” renewal procedures. The dean, the committee found, did not have all the needed paperwork when he decided not to renew the professor. Specifically, he did not have the report from her two-year mentorship committee. The assistant professor, who does not wish to speak to reporters or have her name used, appealed to the dean, her department chair and to Provost Charles Zukoski, who upheld Shibley’s decision. Then she turned to her United University Professions chapter and Human Resources before bringing her case to the Faculty Senate.





Vice President Mike Pence visited Buffalo on Tuesday to meet with Rep. Chris Collins and discuss Trump’s tax reform plan with local businesses. More than 200 supporters greeted Pence at the airport upon his arrival around noon, according to The Buffalo News. Pence greeted the crowd and shook hands with Collins, an early supporter of the Trump campaign and then left for a Republican fundraiser at Salvatore’s Italian Gardens. Roughly 80 protesters demonstrated in front of Salvatore’s, chanting “this is what democracy looks like,” according to The Buffalo News. The fundraiser brought in more than $400,000 for Collins. Following the Salvatore’s fundraiser, Pence discussed tax reform at Performance Advantage Co. in Lancaster. He touted Trump’s tax reform plan. The plan will cut income tax rates, double the standard deduction but eliminate personal exemptions and reduce the corporate tax rate from 35 percent to 20 percent. It would also allow a one-time repatriation of corporate profits earned overseas and eliminate the state and local tax deduction from the federal income tax. “This tax cut, first and foremost, is designed to help American families struggling too often to make ends meet,” Pence said, according to The New York Post. Pence also made a phone call to the late Officer Craig Lehner’s mother to offer his condolences, according to a Buffalo News source. Pence did not address Collins’ current ethics scandal. Collins is under investigation by the Office of Congressional Ethics, which has been looking into Collins’ stock transactions with a company called Innate Immunotherapeutics Limited for several months. Last week, the OOCE said violations of federal law could have occurred. email:



Thursday, October 19, 2017


BSU discusses lack of African-American faculty in African-American Studies Students discuss importance of having a diverse faculty


Students discussed the importance of having black professors, especially for AfricanAmerican studies courses at UB’s Black Student Union general body meeting Wednesday in SU 210. Roughly 50 students filled the seats and some students sat on the floor. BSU Vice President Tavaine Whyte facilitated the discussion. Whyte, a senior African-American Studies major, started the conversation by asking students if they had ever had a black professor. Less than half of the students in the room raised their hands. Last semester, The Spectrum wrote a story, “UB’s black faculty: dwindling and isolated,” which discussed the lack of black faculty at UB. Ninety-eight out of 2,513 faculties— or 3.8 percent— at UB were black as of fall 2015, according to UB Spokesperson John Della Contrada. Only 41 were tenure track, which brings the total down to 1.6 percent. And of the 17 faculty in the African-American Studies program, only three are black. “UB prides itself on being a diverse, international campus, but when we look at our [faculty], they’re not diverse and international,” said SA President Leslie Veloz. “So the question is, what initiatives is the university putting into place to ensure that the diversity we’re seeing in [faculty] is reflective of the diversity in the student body?”

Malcom Gray, BSU president and a senior political science major, feels he gets a more “raw” experience learning from a black professor. “They understand the issues, they’re not just reading from a textbook or research studies; they’re teaching you from what they experienced and they’re trying to show,” Gray said. “Not hiring more African-American professors to teach in the African-American Studies department is really a disgrace.” Gray also expressed concern that while UB has a diversity’ learning requirement, students aren’t necessarily being educated about diversity and race in Buffalo. “As students, do we really know how people in Buffalo really live?” Gray questioned. “Can we speak on the social and economic divide that exists between East Buffalo and West Buffalo? No we can’t, because UB doesn’t do a good job of showing us why we come to school and that we have to help fix our own communities.” Whyte pointed out that UB’s newest freshman class has one of the largest percentages of African-American students in UB’s history, yet most of their instructors will not look like them. Rosaura Romero, a junior psychology and health and human services major, related her own experience of how powerful it can be to have a fellow person of color as a professor. She said she is often the only person of color in a classroom, which can be an isolating experience. She felt disconnected from faculty until she had a professor who was a person of color. “The first office hours I ever went to were for a professor who was of color because I felt like I could actually relate to him


BSU members discussed the lack of black faculty in the African American Studies program during their general body meeting on Wednesday night.

and like he was actually going to help me and could understand where I was coming from,” Romero said. Natalia Marte, a second-year law student, feels having black professors at UB would improve black students’ academic and professional development. “I say that because at the end of the day, your own people are going to look out for you,” Marte said. “They are going to give you the information that you need, because when they see you, they see themselves.” Jaycee Miller, a sophomore political science and environmental design major, feels the university should offer an equivalent to the Collegiate Science and Technology Entry Program that aids underrepresented students in pursuing science, technology, engineering and mathematics, licensed professions and health-related professions for the humanities and social sciences. “They need to be giving black students opportunities to get that Ph.D. so that they can become professors,” Miller said.

Anthony Darand, a junior mechanical engineering major, feels it is especially important for white students to have black professors. He thinks white students, especially those who are from small towns and have never interacted with a person of color in their life, would benefit greatly from listening to people of color share their first-hand experiences as a black person in America. “Because yeah, you can learn AfricanAmerican studies from a white person,” Darand said. “But I feel like black stories should be told by black people.” email:

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Thursday, October 19, 2017


Editorial Board EDITOR IN CHIEF

Hannah Stein


David Tunis-Garcia Maggie Wilhelm COPY EDITORS

Dan McKeon, Chief Saqib Hossain Emma Medina NEWS EDITORS

Sarah Crowley, Senior Maddy Fowler FEATURES EDITORS

Max Kalnitz, Senior Lindsay Gilder, Asst. ARTS EDITORS

Benjamin Blanchet, Senior Brenton Blanchet, Asst. SPORTS EDITORS

Danny Petruccelli, Senior Thomas Zafonte, Senior Jeremy Torres, Asst. MULTIMEDIA EDITORS

Troy Wachala, Senior Allison Staebell, Senior CREATIVE DIRECTORS

Pierce Strudler Arielle Channin, Asst. Alyssa Brouillet, Asst.


Helene Polley

#MeToo starts an important conversation about sexual assault Social media movement is the first step toward social change You’ve likely noticed several “#MeToo” posts on your Facebook, Twitter or Instagram feed, starting on Sunday evening. The #MeToo movement started when actress Alyssa Milano posted a tweet Sunday night. “If all the women who have been sexually harassed or assaulted wrote ‘Me Too’ as a status, we might give people a sense of the magnitude of the problem,” she tweeted, adding that if any of her followers had been sexually harassed or assaulted, they should write “me too” as a reply to her tweet. The tweet received tens of thousands of replies, including messages from celebrities, such as Anna

Paquin, Debra Messing, Laura Dreyfuss, Lady Gaga and Evan Rachel Wood. The movement soon spread to Facebook and Instagram. Some posters simply wrote “Me Too.” Others opened up about their experiences with sexual harassment and/or assault. #MeToo is far from the first social media activism campaign; similar movements include the #YesAllWomen movement from 2014 and #EverydaySexism in 2012. While both of these movements drew attention to similar issues, there is something uniquely, profoundly personal about the #MeToo movement. In that sense, it may be more impactful than traditional activism

because it is more personal; many people have an individual experience with sexual assault or harassment that they can share, or at least allude to with a simple “Me Too,” for those who are not comfortable going into detail. But the movement could have adverse affects for the very reason it is so powerful; sharing personal stories of harassment and assault is painful, exhausting emotional labor that is constantly and unfairly demanded of survivors. This movement is empowering for many survivors and emboldens them to take a stance and share their stories. But for others, it is a triggering, painful reminder that survivors often have to beg people to care about them, recounting their experiences just to get people to believe them and take them seriously. Survivors might also feel pressure to “out” themselves, which they might not feel comfortable doing, or may not be in a place where it is safe for them to do so. For this reason, the editors at The Spectrum feel it would be a good idea for those sharing “Me Too” statuses to include information about hotlines and resources for survivors. These steps would help to alleviate some of the pain that survivors are feeling in this moment where they are being reminded of their assaults.

Social media as an activism platform can be limiting. Some editors felt reducing sexual violence to a social media hashtag minimizes or trivializes an issue, and the goal should be to have an actual narrative, not just re-posting five letters. The movement begs the question: how much actual action in terms of policy change, cultural change and accessibility to sexual assault resources can a hashtag actually create? One potential option to funnel this conversation into concrete change is through a new tool Facebook that sets up a link in your status update that lets people donate to a cause of their choice. This provides a concrete step people can take that will make a difference for assault survivors. Ultimately, the goal of #MeToo is to raise awareness and start a conversation, and it has certainly achieved both of those objectives. #MeToo is a simple yet powerful way to highlight how commonplace sexual violence is. Hopefully it has opened people’s eyes up to how widespread this issue is—and how ultimately, it is on the perpetrators of sexual harassment and assault, not the victims to change their behavior. email:



Stephen Jean-Pierre Shawn Zhang, Asst.


Me Too: My experiences with sexual harassment and assault How my body stopped feeling like it belonged to me

Thursday, October 19, 2017 Volume 67 Number 15 Circulation 4,000 The views expressed – both written and graphic – in the Feedback, Opinion and Perspectives sections of The Spectrum do not necessarily reflect the views of the editorial board. Submit contributions for these pages to The Spectrum office at Suite 132 Student Union or The Spectrum reserves the right to edit these pieces for style and length. If a letter is not meant for publication, please mark it as such. All submissions must include the author’s name, daytime phone number, and email address. For information on adverstising with The Spectrum, visit or call us directly at 716-645-2152 The Spectrum offices are located in 132 Student Union, UB North Campus, Buffalo, NY 142602100


Editor’s Note: The following column has detailed descriptions of sexual assault. I was 17-years-old the first time I felt that my body was not my own. There was a man and an elevator. I was on vacation with my friends in Orlando, Florida. I had my hair in pigtails and I was wearing an oversized Harry Potter shirt and a floral skirt. I looked like a child – I was a child. This man was middle-aged, stout and balding. Exactly what you’d expect. He said something like “hey, how’s it going?” You know, typical awkward elevator small talk. And I gave my typical awkward elevator small talk response. Then he said something that threw me off. I was certain I misheard his remark because it sounded like he was saying something about my breasts and what he would like to do to them. You don’t just say that kind of thing to someone, I thought. Surely I must be hearing things. I wasn’t hearing things. He said it again. Louder this time. I didn’t know what to do. This was the first time someone had ever said

anything like that to me. In this sense, I was lucky. I have friends who heard such remarks directed at them at younger ages. I decided to smile and kind of laugh awkwardly. It’s what I’ve been conditioned to do all my life – demure myself in the presence of men. I remember my breath catching in my throat and sweat prickling on the back of my neck. I felt nauseous and dizzy and like the elevator was spinning. I wasn’t quite sure if this was happening. This was the kind of thing that happens in movies, not in real life. I bit my lip and wrung my hands as I nervously stared at the elevator slowly passing floor after floor, inching its way to my room on the top floor. To safety. I had been lucky enough to make it 17 years without ever feeling like my body wasn’t my own. But on that elevator, two months shy of 18, my innocence was stolen. I had been counting down to that trip for months. It was supposed to be the most magical week of my life. Instead, it became my first brush with trauma. The man did not stop with the lewd language. He chose to put his comments into action. To put his hands on me. On my shirt. Under my shirt. You get the picture. I was numb. Completely and utterly numb. While it was happening I felt like I was outside my body, watching it happen to someone else. My first coherent thought was, I can’t tell anyone, because no one will believe me. I wasn’t sure if there was a camera in the elevator (there wasn’t), but even if there was, I still didn’t think anyone would believe me. When I got off the elevator

I broke down in tears and collapsed to the floor. One of the hotel workers asked if I was okay, and I told her what happened. Next thing I knew I was in my hotel room fielding dozens of overwhelming and invasive questions from hotel security. I felt like I couldn’t breathe. I wanted it to stop. They said that while there weren’t cameras in the elevators, there were cameras right outside so they could attempt to locate the suspect that way. I gave a vague description of a portly balding white male, mid-forties. And then I begged them to get out. I didn’t want to talk about it anymore. The security officers asked me what I was wearing. Had I been drinking. Did I say anything that might’ve provoked it. That was the first time I was groped. But I knew there would be a second time, a third, a fourth. There would be something far worse than that, something I’m still making sense of, a word that begins with an “R” that feels scary and wrong and weird to apply to what happened to me even though objectively, logically I know that is what happened to me. Ever since the experience in Orlando, verbal sexual harassment has become something I – and every woman I know have to contend with almost every single day. I remember the next two times I was groped it almost didn’t faze me and I felt so jaded remembering how I was once deeply traumatized by that kind of violence. But the thing is, it should be deeply traumatizing. It shouldn’t happen so much that I feel like it’s just a part of being a woman I need to accept. But day in and day out I am verbally objectified, subtle reminders that, as far as society is con-

cerned, my body is not my own. Men see me as their public property to which they feel entitled. They are so entitled that they will come right up and take what they think is theirs without a second thought. And sometimes you can’t even scream anymore, your eyes just fill with tears and you think bitterly to yourself, here we go again. So yes, of course, “me too.” These truths and these experiences weigh on me so heavily everyday. And #MeToo has felt at once empowering, empty and triggering. Empowering to see so many survivors stand up together and tell their stories to raise awareness to this massive, all-too common problem. Empty because I fear nothing will come of it as with most social media campaigns. But I’m also optimistic; this movement has started a huge conversation and opened a lot of people’s eyes to the magnitude of this problem. But it has also brought these memories, both the ones I shared and the ones I’m not ready to talk about, all to the forefront of my mind. And it’s painful and I walk around with this tightness in my chest and this feeling of being constantly on edge, constantly afraid. And yet to still stand up and tell this story with shaking hands and tears in my eyes, it gives me some relief. And I repeat the phrase to myself almost like a mantra. I feel what happened and own both my pain and my strength. And the pain and the strength of every survivor I know. Me Too. Me Too. Me Too. email:



Thursday, October 19, 2017


UB Faculty Senate brings public censure resolution against Dean Robert Shibley CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1

The public censure resolution would be embarrassing and a smudge on the record of the dean, a well-known architect who led the development of the UB 2020 strategic plan and the Medical Center and who has risen markedly in the UB ranks over the past five years. But, it would be non-binding and would not require the dean to reverse his decision. Zukoski attended the meeting and insists the Faculty Senate is acting inappropriately and illegally since it’s a personnel matter. He said it resides within collective bargaining and is, therefore, outside the Senate’s jurisdiction. “When the Faculty Senate Executive Committee chooses a path that is not in keeping with the Policies of the Board of Trustees or the collective bargaining agreement under which we all operate, there is no choice but for the president or me to express our concern,” Zukoski said at Tuesday’s meeting. “That is our responsibility as officers of the university.” Faculty Senate members point out that the university’s Faculty Staff Handbook says that faculty not renewed can pursue a grievance if there is convincing evidence of a serious procedural error. The Faculty Senate Executive Committee voted to form a subcommittee to investigate her grievance in April 2017. The committee was comprised of five senior faculty members: James Hassett, of the School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences; engineering professor Marina Tsianou; law professor Matt Steilen ; Fenice Boyd, professor emeritus; and Stephen Dyson, SUNY Distinguished Professor in classics. Dyson chaired the committee, which in May issued a report agreeing with the professor’s grievance that the dean mishandled her case. The committee recommended that

Shibley re-review the case and extend the assistant professors’ contract until the review was completed. Dyson said the professor’s mentorship report gave no indication that she was struggling or should not be renewed. “There was some good, some bad, some things to improve on,” Dyson said. “But in the 50 years I’ve seen these reports in various contexts, I saw nothing in her report that was out of the ordinary for a young faculty member.” Shibley and other administrators disregarded the panel’s suggestions and terminated the professor’s contract on Aug. 23. Tauke insists Shibley acted appropriately. “The document at the center of the accuser’s case is entitled ‘tenure-track schedule’ and it’s just described as a typical sixyear tenure track timetable. It is not a part of the school of Architecture and Planning’s bylaws, or department of architecture’s policies,” Tauke said. “The document is simply a guide for tenure track faculty so that they can see what a schedule would look like in a typical case. Given that it is not part of our bylaws or policies; it cannot be the subject of a serious policy violation.” She also noted that Dyson’s committee spoke with the professor who filed the grievance, but not with any of the administrators who handled the case. Dyson said the committee reached out to everyone, but only the dismissed assistant professor would talk to them. Neither the dean, chair or other administrators involved in the professor’s case gave reasons for not speaking, Dyson said. Shibley did not respond to requests for comment. Tauke insists administrators would not be able to speak to committee members because doing so would violate confidentiality rules. There is no point, she said, in a censure resolution that only has one side of the story.

“If the [Faculty Senate Executive Committee] had heard the full story, I would have no doubt that this situation would not be happening,” Tauke said. Tauke put forward a second resolution that asks the Faculty Senate to take the censure off the agenda. Stratigakos, interim chair at the time of the case, said she could not address details of the case; but she has handled multiple other tenure-related cases with Shibley. She vouched for his “integrity and compassion” for the university and its faculty. “Who does it serve to create a forum where you can only hear from one biased source and not hear the full story? This doesn’t help the school, it doesn’t help the person who is represented in this resolution,” Stratigakos said. She finds the “public nature” of the resolution disquieting and said she’s worried the Faculty Senate is “creating a big wad of dirty laundry that is going to follow faculty members after they leave this university.” Dyson disagrees, arguing this is a matter which should be in the public domain and should be discussed by the public. “This is not IBM or Walmart, this is a university which has ideals and traditions of justice and decency and fair play,” Dyson said in an interview after the meeting. “Should a situation arise in which a person’s employment can be terminated and possibly—in this job market—their career terminated, there should be some process and documentation, some amount of due process.” The provost disagrees. “The censure resolution is based on incomplete information and that has been recognized in a second resolution to rescind the censure resolution,” the provost said in an email. “Dean Shibley and the School of Architecture and Planning are known for excellence in their approach to education


Robert Shibley is the dean of the school of Architecture and Planning. Shibley is facing a censure vote from the Faculty Senate over an alleged mishandling of a faculty member’s tenure case.

and scholarship.” Dr. Philip Glick, Faculty Senate chair, said the purpose of the censure resolution is to “bring attention to the fact that a faculty member was not treated fairly.” “We’re hoping that this will be an example to the remainder of the university community; that if they have policies and procedures, they have to be followed,” Glick said. “That is the main point of this. They need to be followed and cannot be ignored.” Sternberg ended the meeting urging faculty members to vote against the censure resolution. He said he hopes to discuss a future resolution which reflects “both the committee’s empathy and our empathy” for the professor. email:

Harvey Weinstein wrote about attacking women in The Spectrum in 1971 CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1

Weinstein reached at least eight settlements with women over the years, according to two company officials speaking on the condition of anonymity. UB—which gave Weinstein an honorary doctorate degree in 2000—is in the process of revoking the diploma. Weinstein, an English major, attended UB from 1969 to 1973. Although he gave lavishly to other causes and some universities, Weinstein never made a personal donation to UB. In 2004 and 2005, Disney gave $23,000 to UB on behalf of Miramax for a media study scholarship. During his years at UB, Weinstein served as contributing columnist for The Spectrum, where he occasionally wrote columns with Horace “Corky” Burger under the title “Patchworks.” His column—with its jokingly derogatory attitude toward women—did not elicit any letters to the editor or censure from the university. However, a letter to the editor also written in February, derides The Spectrum arts staff for not giving female bands enough attention in the paper. Weinstein wrote a 1969 piece about a

march for Vietnam War and a few 1970 pieces about film and arts events. Students on campus have been buzzing about Weinstein, sexual assault and the role of women on campus. Poorvi Thigale, a senior economics major and treasurer of UB Undergraduate Society of Feminists, said she feels Weinstein’s allegations are “disheartening but not surprising.” “Sexual assault is prevalent everywhere; even on college campuses,” Thigale said. “The fact that so many women came out and spoke about [Weinstein] has definitely sparked a nationwide conversation about how widespread sexual assault and harassment is. It’s also encouraged many victims to speak out.” Thigale thinks more can be done to raise awareness of sexual assault. “It’s definitely a step in the right direction, but it’s not enough,” Thigale said. “We need to make more efforts to educate people on boundaries and consent from a young age.” UB’s Wellness Education Services runs regular programs to educate students about sexual assault. Qualeil Miller, a senior political science and economics major, works in the Wellness Ed-

ucation Services office and encourages students to learn about sexual assault and how to recognize the early signs of problems. “In terms of rape prevention, people go around, think about it and may go around making jokes about it until the realization that it happens on a much higher level then you may have thought; so just physically knowing ways of prevention is a big deal and a big step toward prevention,” Miller said. “So people are here to believe you, support you and help you get whatever help you need in terms of recovery or prevention.” David Morales, a sophomore English and psychology major, is a diversity advocate for the Intercultural and Diversity Center (IDC). Morales is heartened how many women are now speaking out. “Often times, especially when there’s someone with a lot of power and it’s a man, [accusers] don’t speak out against this because of the amount of influence,” Morales said. “So it’s good to have voices heard and to show the women who might have not been strong enough to go against [Weinstein} that they’re helping make Hollywood safe. Hopefully, they’re making it a better place as Hol-

lywood moves on and [there will be] more equality, especially in [terms] of gender.” Jackie Singer, an Alcohol and Other Drug Harm Reduction Specialist with WES, said in terms of advocacy, the Office of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) accommodates those who experience sexual violence. WES provides professionals on-staff who offer support for survivors of sexual violence, in addition to providing programs regarding rape and sexual assault prevention. There are also fully confidential resources available on campus, like Crisis Services, which can be reached at any time of day and on-campus via text or call. “Anyone can experience sexual violence, so that position of an on-campus advocate is going to be immersed in the system and can accompany anyone who has experienced this to appointments,” Singer said. “We have many of the services which are offered for someone who experiences violence while they’re at UB. They’re also available for people who experienced it before coming to UB – childhood or other times in life.” email:

Clemens Hall flooding causes week-long disruption; total damages still unknown CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1

Classes in Clemens Hall were cancelled Tuesday. Faculty was allowed in the building Tuesday to begin to assess the damage to their classrooms and offices, while UB facilities continued to work to alleviate the water damage and prevent mold and fungus growth. In the meantime, some professors cancelled classes instead of rescheduling. Chris Saden, a senior aerospace and mechanical engineering major, said his Native American film class was cancelled on Tuesday night and his midtern rescheduled to next week. “I think it worked out alright for students. No one can complain about an extra week

to study for a mid-term,” Saden said. “But you have to imagine it’s a bit of an inconvenience for professors to have to adjust their syllabus around.” Rachel Ablow, English department chair, said the cleanup process is “ongoing.” Technology was not damaged from the flooding, she said in an email. “No equipment was destroyed and no offices were ruined,” Ablow said. “We’re going to need to replace some ceiling tiles and possibly repair some walls.” Ablow said she hopes to have all classrooms open by Monday, Oct. 23. Most of the damage occurred on the south side of the building, facing Baird Hall, accord-

ing to a news release. Floors five through eight were not affected by flooding, the report said. Inspectors from UB’s Environment, Health and Safety Department are continuing to monitor conditions inside the building. Facilities advised people to avoid using the elevator and to enter Clemens Hall using the north stairwell facing the UB Commons. Nobody is allowed inside the building unless needed. University police are securing the building and only allowing inside people who need to gain access. A UB Alert warned people to use caution entering the building and watch for extension cords and hoses. The wireless internet connection is restored,

but there may be spottiness, said staff from UB’s Computer Services Department, in a UB Alert. Chris Donacik, an assistant director of buildings and grounds, said there have been multiple floods in Clemens Hall over the years because of the infrastructure within the older buildings. “We’re looking into possibly getting capital project money to replace some of these units,” Dansick said. He added that maintaining three UB campuses is expensive. UB Facilities crews are working with a third-party vendor to fully dry out the effected classrooms and offices. email:

FEATURES UB raises awareness on World Food Day Campus Dining and Shops hosts food drive WANLY CHEN STAFF WRITER

UB’s Campus Dining and Shops (CDS) hosted a food drive to raise donations for the Food Bank of Western New York, in honor of World Food Day on Monday. Stacks of cans and pasta filled the table next to Capen Café as students donated food items throughout the day. World Food Day traces back to the foundation of the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization. On Monday, events were held worldwide to bring awareness to world hunger and sustainable practices. Raymond Kohl, a CDS marketing manager, spoke about UB’s partnership with the Food Bank of WNY. “We have supported the Food Bank of WNY over the past few years as they are an agency that supports the University Presbyterian Food Pantry,” Kohl said. “[They] provide assistance for those in need in our immediate community.” Students believe that holding an event like this helps organizations’ efforts to raise awareness of world hunger. These events also benefit homeless and low-income families in need of food in Buffalo. Kerry Simizon, a sophomore international studies major, encourages UB to host more events like this. “Hosting more food drives would be helpful. It’s so easy to do with so many students


Discussion leaders included: UB law student Michael Schwartz; Devon Patterson, vice president of the Student-Athlete Advisory Committee; James Jarvis, associate counsel; Rhianna Rogers, associate professor of interdisciplinary studies at Empire State College; and Donald Grinde, director of graduate studies in the Department of Transnational Studies. Explanations for Colin Kaepernick taking a knee and presentations for both sides of the issue appeared throughout the discussion. The conversation addressed other prevalent racial topics such as the N-word and how it is used within the culture of hip-hop. The discussion touched on a generational gap between those who do not condone the use of the word and those who use it freely. “People don’t talk about this stuff, or when you do talk about it, you usually are sitting in a room where people all agree with you,” said sociology professor Jared Strohl. Too often the conversation becomes about what perspective is right and what perspec-


On Monday, members of the UB community gathered next to Capen Cafe to raise awareness for national hunger and sustainability. There was a food drive that will benefit the University Presbyterian Church, which supports UB students and local communities around South Campus.

on campus,” Simizon said. “In high school, we had a lot of food drives and it was really effective in helping local food pantries.” Maylan Nguyen, a junior environmental geosciences major and CDS’s student sustainability coordinator, stood behind the successful food collection. She said the partnership with University Presbyterian Food Pantry highlights UB students involvement in their local community. “The benefits of hosting a food drive on campus is to spread awareness and to get campus and community involvement,” Nguyen said. “It shows that students here care about the local communities and their fellow students.” CDS uses the icon “Made in/Grown in New York” to help students identify produce sourced by New York State farms, as stated

on CDS’s sustainability blog to help students distinguish CDS’ sustainable food options. Nguyen said this initiative shows students the importance of supporting local markets to help reduce waste. “Grocery stores can throw out up to 50 percent of their produce,” Nguyen said. “If you could go to your farmers market and not support produce that has been traveling and the waste that comes from that, you can make a difference.” Kohl shares other on-campus initiatives taken by the university to reduce its carbon footprint. One of CDS’s bigger accomplishments is expanding to compost all pre- and post-consumer food waste in all dining centers. Most of student’s food waste in dining halls are recycled into soil amendment, ac-

tive is wrong. But the more interesting thing is can you be empathetic to someone that thinks differently than you.” The discussion touched on a generational gap between those who do not condone the use of the word and those who use it freely. The on-going battle between Native Americans and the use of racial stereotypes and slurs in team names and mascots also came up in discussion. Grinde educated listeners about the history of Native American culture, the significance behind the racial slurs used in sports and how it can be a damaging experience for Native Americans. He referenced his own son having to compete against a team in high school whose name referred to a Native American slur and how that directly hurt his son and family. Grinde has been instrumental in the fight against using slurs as team names and mascots, resulting in the elimination of twothirds of Native American mascots throughout the country. He discussed how progress was made under former President Obama’s administration toward the removal of racial slurs in sports. Grinde also spoke of how that progress has been tarnished because President Trump finds no issue with such terms.

“If it happens to us, it will happen to other people down the road,” Grinde said. Devon Patterson, a captain on the men’s track and field team, discussed the freedom of expression student-athletes have at UB and how he has worked closely with UB to ensure athletes continue to express themselves properly. Patterson has worked with administration and explained reasons for speaking out to ensure student-athletes remain united on issues so as not to protest President Trump, but protesting the root cause that Kaepernick intended, stopping police brutality. Patterson spoke about encouraging people to learn more about what is going on nationally and the historical context of the social struggles the country is facing. “Be mindful of others because some people may find it offensive and others do not,” Patterson said. DifCon allowed the UB community to experience an open discussion, ask questions and become more involved in social topics affecting athletes. “We don’t get to have these conversations a lot and we are trying to build these off of issues people are currently thinking about,” Stroll said. “To be able to talk about it in real

Theresa Payton visits UB as part of Distinguished Speaker Series CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1

Payton spoke to a small crowd outside Baird Point at 4:30 p.m. on Wednesday. She then met with Spectrum reporters for a brief question and answer session before her lecture. Payton worked in the financial service industry, prior to joining the White House, so she was used to working in a male-dominated environment. In these roles, she recognized the important role she had as the first woman in her position to “pave a way in” for other women and make sure “other women get the opportunity to do really cool and interesting jobs.” When Payton worked for President Bush, she was tasked with overseeing the cyber-security of thousands of government workers. She shared some of the tips acquired over her many years in the cyber-security field. Payton spoke conversationally with the audience, not in a stuffy manner some stu-

dents expected from someone who worked cyber-security in the White House. Sadie Kratt, environmental geosciences major, appreciated Payton’s down-to-earth personality. Kratt said she expected the discussion to be “dryer” than it was. “I don’t know a lot about cybersecurity and I felt like it was very informative and interesting,” Kratt said. “Also she was just very cool. She was very informative but also relatable.” To give the audience a sense of how to approach cyber security in a more “humanproof ” manner, Payton gave some homework assignments to the crowd to encourage them to think about the ways in which technology can be hacked. Payton told audience members to use as many separate emails as they can think of; separating the spheres of their lives into different addresses. She also told them to never connect to a free, public wifi provider and to


Thursday, October 19, 2017


always cover the webcam on their computer. After speaking for 45 minutes, Payton participated in a roughly 45-minute long Q&A, moderated by Thomas Ulbrich, assistant dean of the School of Management. In her question and answer segment, Payton did not shy away from answering pointed questions about foreign policy and security around the globe. Payton took a significant part of her segment to address the question she knew was on everyone’s minds: Russia’s interference with the election. Although Payton argued that “political propaganda” and “foreign espionage” have taken place throughout all of history; she said this past presidential election revealed espionage on a larger scale than ever before. Her response: read the news, not social media, to learn about what’s happening around the world. Payton revealed her own favorite method. She prefers to read foreign news first; starting with the BBC, The Guardian, The Russian Times (translated into English); then she reads The New York Times or The Wall Street Journal. Payton received her first outbreak of ap-

cording to UB Sustainability’s blog. However, Nguyen argues that students still need to be wary of their food waste. “Taking that extra slice of pizza at C3 and letting your eyes be bigger than your stomach is a very critical issue in how much waste we are producing,” Nguyen said. “Food waste is a big issue and consciousness is an important thing people can have.” Nguyen encourages students to use what they already have and only buy things they need. Althea Seno, a sophomore architecture major, discusses how she saves time and reduces her own food waste. “I cook a lot and I rarely throw out food because I meal prep,” Seno said. “I save all my food for a week and I eat it every day so that I won’t waste food.” Some students have found their own troubles with food waste come from overbuying groceries. Katherine Zator, a junior dance major, said her difficulties in reducing her own food waste occurs when she lives away from home. “In my parent’s house, we have a recycling bin where we compost our waste. It’s just harder in college to do this because I’m not conscious about it,” Zator said. “I need to buy less groceries and make sure I eat what I have before I buy more of it.” The food drive marked one of Nguyen’s projects to raise awareness of food sustainability. By hosting more events and writing blogs on UB’s Sustainability page, Nguyen hopes students will learn more about the issue and take action. “My goal this year is to expand composting on campus,” Nguyen said. “I would just tell everybody the easiest ways to reduce [their] carbon footprints and become sustainable and better for our planet.” email:


Vice president of the Student-Athlete Advisory Committee Devon Patterson spoke at Wednesday’s DIFCON event. He spoke about the importance of student-athletes’ voices in social issues.

time is pretty cool.” The next Difcon event called “Cultural Appropriation: Who decides?” will take place Oct. 24 at 6 p.m. in 228 Student Union. email:

plause when she reminded audience members of the importance the news media plays in spreading the truth in a world where fake news and cyber hacking happens on a larger, newer scale every day. She also spoke about the ways cybersecurity needs to re-brand itself to attract women and other underrepresented minorities. A.J. Thomas, a sophomore in interdisciplinary social sciences, said he found Payton’s speech to be unique from the other distinguished speaker series he’d attended. “Her talk was really informative. At first, it almost sounded almost like a sales pitch but toward the [question and answer] portion, she really opened up and took a lot of opinionated stances which I feel like you don’t usually see,” Thomas said. The lecture was sponsored by the School of Management, its Alumni Association, Center for Entrepreneurial Leadership and UB’s MBA program. The next speaker in the Distinguished Speaker Series will be actor and civil rights activist Jesse Williams, on Nov. 18. email:



Thursday, October 19, 2017


#MeToo social media movement raises awareness about sexual harassment and assault CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1

Since Sunday, Milano’s tweet has received 64,903 replies, 23,712 retweets and 49,513 likes as of Wednesday afternoon. The movement quickly spread to Facebook and Instagram, dominating social media feeds with the hashtag. Some survivors chose to go into detail about their experiences. Others just posted the hashtag alone. Sharon Nolan-Weiss, UB’s Director of Equity and Inclusion and Title IX Coordinator, feels the hashtag is a way for survivors to discuss the issue without needing to go into detail about something traumatic. Some UB student survivors find the hashtag as an important conversation starter. Others see it as triggering for victims. More than 11 percent of all college students experience rape or sexual assault through physical force, violence or incapacitation, according to the Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network. Among graduate and professional students, 8.8 percent of women and 2.2 percent of men experience rape or sexual assault. More than 23 percent of undergraduate females and 5.4 percent of undergraduate males experience rape or sexual assault. And 21 percent of transgender, genderqueer and gender nonconforming college students have been sexually assaulted, compared to 18 percent of cisgender women and 4 percent of cisgender males. “[The #MeToo movement] is one of these things that just captures a certain feeling that’s been bubbling up,” Nolan-Weiss said. “Most women, and a lot of men too, have experienced some type of unwelcome sexual experience across the course of their lifetime.” For some people, this starts early, she explained. “If you ask any woman when’s the first time you experienced street harassment, you’ll have a lot of women tell you it was at age 12 or 13 or sometimes even 9 or 10,” Nolan-Weiss said. “These experiences are very common but people don’t talk about it.” She thinks this conversation is important because sexual assault is under-discussed and underreported; 92 percent of respondents who said they experienced sexual misconduct in the Fall 2016 SUNY Campus Climate Survey did not report it. “We tend not to talk about it or we’re discouraged from talking about it by society and it’s a way of sort of relating how common this is,” Nolan-Weiss said. While the original post was targeted specifically at women who have experienced sexual harassment or assault, some posters have changed the wording to be more gender neutral and inclusive. Nolan-Weiss believes this is a good move. Gender non-conforming students experience sexual violence at a rate about twice that of their cisgender peers, according to Nolan-Weiss. She believes silencing those voices is neither fair nor productive. “The way I see it, the #MeToo is people relating their own experiences and I don’t know that we can silence somebody,” she said. She also feels like it’s important for male victims to have a platform to share their experiences. “Among men there’s a lot in our culture that tells them that you can’t be a victim or you can’t speak up… it’s not something that is generally encouraged or accepted or understood,” Nolan-Weiss said. “So I think being given an outlet to speak up is very important for them.” While Savannah Fleming*, a graduate student, feels the #MeToo movement has sparked an important conversation, she also finds it triggering. “I see the point but I think it’s affecting survivors more than anything,” Fleming said.


Among graduate and professional students,

8.8% OF FEMALES & 2.2% OF MALES As of Wednesday afternoon:



Began when ALYSSA MILANO tweeted Oct. 15 that any woman who experienced sexual harassment or assault should reply to her tweet with “Me Too” to show how common the problem is.

92% OF RESPONDENTS TO THE FALL 2016 SUNY CAMPUS CLIMATE SURVEY who said they experienced sexual misconduct



The weekend before “Hallo-weekend” can be pretty lame. Nobody’s dressing up, nobody’s handing out free snacks and worst of all, nobody’s playing “Monster Mash” all night at their headache-provoking basement party. But who needs “Monster Mash” when you can listen to other songs for an hour and a half ? Buffalo has a variety of shows taking place this weekend across many genres, not just Halloween music. Thursday, Oct. 19 Judah & The Lion, The Academic, Tyson Motsenbocker – Town Ballroom

experience rape or sexual assault through physical force, violence or incapacitation. Among undergraduate students,

23.1% OF FEMALES & 5.4% OF MALES experience rape or sexual assault through physical force, violence or incapacitation.

21% of TGQN (transgender, genderqueer, nonconforming) college students have been sexually assaulted, compared to 18% OF NON-TGQN FEMALES & 4% OF NON-TGQN MALES Students can call the on-campus sexual assault advocate for confidential support 24/7 at (716) 796-4399 (Statistics according to the Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network) GRAPHIC BY PIERCE STRUDLER

“We’ve already been screaming out; this isn’t going to make people listen if they already know. It might bring awareness to some but I almost feel like the cost is greater than the worth.” The hashtag brings back painful memories for Fleming. She said it reminds her of how her ex was abusive while his friends enabled him. “It reminds me of when I told my ex that our friend molested me,” Fleming said, “Our friend used my emotional state to get [sexual] things from me, and I was called a slut for that.” Nolan-Weiss said she can see how the hashtag could be triggering for victims. “I can see how that can be the case, because if you’re on Facebook and you’re being exposed to [people talking about] situations of sexual harassment and sexual assault, in a way it feels like you can’t escape from it,” Nolan-Weiss said. “I can see that being very difficult to get through.” Fleming believes most people are already aware of the prevalence of sexual assault. The real issue is that society doesn’t listen to victims, she said. “It’s not that its hidden, it’s ignored. If you’re not listening, why should I tell?” Fleming said. “If no one will understand or change their behavior, what can a survivor do?” Sophomore Alexis Donahue* is a sexual assault survivor who sees both positive and negative aspects to the hashtag. She agrees that it has opened up an important conversation, but is concerned that it places too much responsibility and pressure on victims. “Victims are rarely acknowledged in the news, so hearing the outpouring of victims stories and support for victims has been a major stride for American culture, a culture that puts blame on victims of sexual assault and harassment,” Donahue said. She acknowledged that many survivors feel


11.2% of all students EXPERIENCE RAPE OR SEXUAL ASSAULT through physical force, violence, or incapacitation.

Fresh off the success of their single, “Take it All Back,” Nashville’s Judah & the Lion are taking their talents to the Town Ballroom on the 19th. The folk rock group will be performing hits from their recent album, “Folk Hop N’ Roll.” If you want to hear live banjo and see some head-bopping action, you’re in luck. The group is known for their exciting instrumentation and genre-infusing performances. Lead singer, Judah Akers admits that their recent record was “made for the live show.” Judah will be joined by Irish indie band The Academic and guitarist Tyson Motsenbocker. The Academic is touring to promote their recent single “Bear Claws” and

empowered by the hashtag, but for her personally, it is not enough. She is happy to see such a huge, public conversation about sexual assault and harassment happening, especially in such a “victim-centered” way. However, she feels more emphasis needs to be placed on the perpetrators’ role in committing sexual violence. “This is good, and I’m all for it, but the conversation needs to expand to put blame on the people who perpetuate rape culture and those people who sexually assault and harass,” Donahue said. She feels it is time to call on the people who hurt victims and caused this pain and trauma in their lives. “These people need to feel personally accountable for the lives they have hurt,” Donahue said. Nolan-Weiss has also heard similar criticisms of the movement. “Another backlash I’ve seen toward this hashtag is the idea that why is it always women that have to speak up,” Nolan-Weiss said. “And like I said, some men have also shared their experiences, but it’s just this idea of, why do victims always have to be the ones to educate everybody else.” Nolan-Weiss also discussed another, less popular hashtag: “It Was Me.” “There’s also an ‘It Was Me’ hashtag that’s going around and it’s interesting to read those as well. Because you know there’s people saying, why aren’t there people saying it was me and understanding that I didn’t know this at the time but this was the impact of my actions,” she said. Nolan-Weiss also discussed resources that are available to students who experience sexual assault. The university has both reporting and support options, she explained. Students who wish to report a situation can

come forward to university police, the Title IX office or Student Conduct and Advocacy. “And whether it happened months ago or a year ago, reporting can be a way to preserve your right to move forward; it doesn’t mean that you have to move forward at that time but we definitely encourage that,” Nolan-Weiss said. “And when someone reports – even if they don’t want to move forward – it helps us to spot a pattern.” The university also offers support resources to assault victims. “Our university counseling services is a confidential resource, so if somebody is not sure that they want to move forward and want something absolutely confidential, counseling services is a great place to go,” she said. In addition, students have access to a crisis support advocate. “The advocate will meet a student in their dorm room, or wherever on campus that’s comfortable for them and will be their advocate,” Nolan-Weiss said. “So it’s completely confidential and they can help the student with support options, with other resources.” The advocate can explain what will happen if a student chooses to report, and can make confidential inquires on behalf of the student. Overall, Nolan-Weiss sees the hashtag as a positive movement that has sparked an important discussion and helped survivors feel less alone in their struggles. “I think [the hashtag] has really opened up a conversation and it’s made people feel not as alone,” Nolan-Weiss said.

the rockers already have a South by Southwest (SXSW) performance under their belts. This is sure to be a musically diverse night for fans of folk, rock and banjos. Friday, Oct. 20 Patti LaBelle – Niagara Resort and Casino If being included in Rolling Stone’s 100 Greatest Singers, being in the Grammy Hall of Fame and being labeled the “Godmother of Soul” are on your resume, you’re probably lying. Or you’re Patti LaBelle. At 73-years-old, LaBelle is a living legend in soul music. The singer is bringing her masterful voice to Niagara Resort and Casino this Friday. She’ll be performing over 50 years of charttopping hits and keeping the audience entertained the whole way through. From the funky bassline of “On My Own” to her tactical ballads like “If Only

You Knew,” Labelle is sure to put on a memorable performance Friday night. Sunday, Oct. 22 O.A.R., Lawrence – Rapids Theatre After 20 years together, O.A.R. is embarking on their stOARies Tour to promote their compilation album, “XX.” The band saw major success in the ’00s with hits like “Shattered (Turn The Car Around)” and “Love and Memories,” which went platinum and gold in the U.S. respectively. The band is still popular, as their recent compilation album peaked at 31 on the Billboard Hot 100 last August, a rare occurrence for a 20-year-old group. O.A.R. will be joined by Lawrence, a soulpop group from New York City. Lawrence features saxophonists and trumpeters, shying away from your average pop band configuration..

*Editors note: Names have been changed to protect victims’ identities. email:




Thursday, October 19, 2017




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Thursday, October 19, 2017


The new standard

Volleyball team looks to build off impressive weekend THOMAS ZAFONTE SENIOR SPORTS EDITOR

“One week ago, it look like the Bulls (1198, 4-4 MAC) were losing control of their season. They started the year strong with big non-conference wins and two conference wins but then lost four straight conference games. The Bulls had tough matchups this past weekend and it didn’t seem likely they would improve. First, against the Northern Illinois Huskies (5-18, 4-4 MAC) coming in on a three- game winning streak and the Western Michigan Broncos (12-7, 5-3 MAC) who were first in the MAC west division going in. The Bulls won both games handily. “We raised the standard this weekend and that’s now the new expectation, that is our new lowest level,” said head coach Blair Lipsitz. “We went in there focused, ready to get those wins.” Lipsitz credited the team’s recent troubles to a lack of focus that caused them to hit slumps in games. She said the team has been working on consistency and defense in practice in


The volleyball team huddling together during a game. The team is coming off a strong weekend and is looking to capitalize on their performances.

the week prior, which showed as the Bulls only lost one set, 25-23, the whole weekend. “The biggest change I saw was in the level of confidence which wasn’t there these past two weekends,” Lipsitz said. Lipsitz feels the added confidence led to the team’s strong performance and refocusing. The Bulls clicked offensively; multiple players had 15 or more kills. Sophomore outside hitter Polina Prokudina had 21 kills in the game against Western Michigan, her fourth 20-plus kill performance of the season. “It was really important for us to change our mentality and deal with the mental

game,” Prokudina said. “I make those hits on my own, but my teammates are the ones who set me up and get the ball back so I can spike it again. I am just so proud of my team.” Prokudina attributes her weekend performance to the entire team’s play. The players and Lipsitz credit the strong weekend to all the starters’ performances. The Bulls have eight games left in conference play and sit three games behind first place in the MAC. “The MAC is a tough conference so there are no easy games. We need to stay focused for the rest of the season,” Lipsitz said. “They started with a lot of fight early in the

season and that is something they are going to have to keep up the whole season.” Both Lipsitz and her players stressed the importance of taking it one weekend at a time. This team mentality focuses the players and coaches on their next opponent. “When we went into the weekend the losses weren’t even on our mind. That was last week, we were on to the next one,” said senior middle blocker Cassie Shado. “We are mentally locked in; that helps us as middles to hold the block which allows our hitters to come in with clean kills.” Shado feels the Bulls can play with anyone in the conference. MAC teams have been trading wins and losses all season. The only team more than two games ahead of the Bulls are the first place Bowling Green Falcons (11-8, 7-1 MAC). The Bulls are in prime position for a strong final eight games, even with four conference losses on their record. The Bulls play this weekend in a road doubleheader, starting Friday against the Central Michigan Chippewas (10-10, 2-6 MAC) and on Saturday against the Eastern Michigan Eagles (10-14, 2-6 MAC). “Those teams aren’t going to give us an easy win. We know they are going to be looking for a fight and we are going to be ready for that,” Lipsitz said. “This past weekend we showed what we can do. Now we just have to do it week in and week out.” email:

that helped him adjust to getting thrown into the game at halftime.



Coach Jim Zebrowski The Spectrum talks to UB’s new quarterback coach


UB quarterback coach Jim Zebrowski stands on the sideline. Zebrowski is in his first year as a coach for the Buffalo Bulls.


New quarterback Coach Jim Zebrowski has gone from a high school math teacher to coaching national champions to managing an uneasy Buffalo Bulls’ (3-4, 1-2 Mid-American Conference) quarterback situation. The first-year coach came in with redshirt sophomore quarterback Tyree Jackson as the starter. But Jackson went down in the third game of the season and hasn’t returned. Junior Drew Anderson stepped in and Buffalo went 3-1 in the games he played. Anderson established himself as a quality quarterback but suffered his own injury last week against the Northern Illinois Huskies. True freshman Kyle Vantrease finished the game for Anderson. Buffalo enters this week unsure who will fill the quarterback spot against the Miami (OH) RedHawks 2-5, 1-2 MAC). The Spectrum spoke with Zebrowski who discussed his position and the year so far. Q: How does this year compare to other first years you’ve had at other schools? A: I think every first year is different.

What’s been really great here is I knew a lot of the coaches because I had worked with Coach Leipold at Wisconsin-Whitewater before, so it was an easy transition. It’s been really fun and then the group of quarterbacks I have to work with are great young men. They work hard and they want to push each other. So compared to a lot of other first years, it’s been really good. Q: When Drew came in he had a lot of success and looked very professional. What would you say it was about Drew that allowed him to be so successful? A: I always tell [the quarterbacks] that even if you’re not a starter, you need to prepare like you’re a starter. If you do everything you can, when your moment comes, you’ll have the opportunity to be successful for you individually and for us as a team. I think Drew really did that; he always prepared. He had a great spring and a great fall camp too. I think him just preparing all the time and knowing that he was going to be ready when his opportunity came. He has the tools. He’s a big kid too with a strong arm, and he’s extremely accurate and he’s even-keeled. His strength is that he always prepared like he was already a starter. So

when his chance came, he was tremendous. Q: How does a kid like Vantrease - who is a freshman and thought he was going to redshirt this year - transition into his first college football game just before halftime? A: What helps Kyle a lot is that he graduated [from high school] early so he was here in the spring. Obviously, you’re still a freshman but being around the team all spring, you become a college student and a part of the team. That helped him get used to our system, to college athletics, to the whole regiment of being a student-athlete; classes and being in the weight room and so-on. And he’s not a little guy either. He’s not as tall as Tyree or Drew, but he’s 225 [pounds] and physical, so I was happy when he came in. … He was prepared and he went in there and did a good job so you’re happy that the preparation did pay off and [Vantrease] was ready for the moment. …I was happy for him because he’s a calm kid as well. What most impressed me was he was very poised in the pocket. You could tell he wasn’t panicking out there or anything. He has a great demeanor - he had a terrific high school career - so he’s mechanically really good and he has that poise, … so

Q: How does having a receiving corps with guys like Anthony Johnson help the team feel confident no matter who is under center? A: I think that is a big part. Offense in football, when you get specific to passing, everybody always looks to the quarterback, when it’s going good or going bad. They’re always going to put it on the quarterback, but it’s a team thing. The offensive line is giving him time and that helps the cause out. It’s a combination of things. When they know a quarterback is accurate, they’re excited and know they can run routes. When the quarterback throws a ball and it’s not completely accurate but the receiver makes a great catch, it builds confidence. [The quarterback] can say “I can put this ball in the air and [Anthony Johnson, Kamathi Holsey, KJ Osborn, Jacob Martinez] are going to come down with it.” It gives you more confidence. Q: Tell me a bit about your background. What has your coaching career been like prior to Buffalo? A: I started off as a high school teacher. That’s what I wanted to do. I wanted to teach math and coach high school football. I decided to get my master’s degree at Southern Illinois. … I ended up in college football from 1997. From there, I went to Millikin and Lakeland College, then I hooked up with Coach Leipold at Whitewater in 2007 and we were blessed to win a couple national championships. Then I had gotten to know Coach Kill so that’s how I went to Northern Illinois so I went from Division III in ’09 to Division I in 2010 in Northern Illinois. … I always tell people the kids I work with have been tremendous and have had success and that’s helped me get to where I am. But I never said “I hope I’m here, I hope I’m there.” I’ve always lived by the simple premise “a good time is where you’re at.” So I’ve always enjoyed every step of the way but every experience has helped me. And I’m a teacher, that’s what I do. That’s what coaching is: teaching. So I’ve worked hard to be the best teacher I could be as a coach. … I just listen and learn and keep learning and it’s been really good for me. Thankfully, good things have happened for my family and I but it’s all because of the kids I’ve coached and the places I’ve been. I have been really fortunate. email:

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