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Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens Care Tips

Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens




Common name: Green Bottle Blue tarantula

Type: New World, terrestrial

Growth rate: Medium - fast

Scientific name: Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens

Origin: Venezuela, northern coast

Size: Up to 6" or 16 cm span width. Males tend to be smaller. Experience level: Beginner

Life span: Males can live up to 4 years. Females could live up to 12- 14 years.


Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens are known for their vibrant colors, which are even evident from the time they are spiderlings. Green Bottle Blue tarantulas have metallic blue legs, bright orange abdomen and a bluish-green carapace.


Attitude: Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens is considered docile however somewhat skittish, which may take some beginning tarantula keepers aback. Defensive behavior: The Green Bottle Blue tarantula will try to flee at first, however if it feels especially and repeatedly threatened, this spider will use its urticating setae, and perhaps bite next.

Bite danger: A bite from the Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens tarantula could cause some irritation to humans. As with any tarantula, precaution should be taken.

Handling: Handling tarantulas is not recommended. While Green Bottle Blue tarantulas are considered docile, they are easily scared and can move very quickly.

DIET + NUTRITION Green Bottle Blue tarantulas can eat crickets, superworms, locusts, grasshoppers, and roaches.

Photo credit: Wikimedia Commons


Substrate: Substrate should be kept very dry. Dry coconut coir or 50/50 sphagnum peat moss/ vermiculite is suitable.

Decor: A hide, bark and plants will be much appreciated by this spider as they will use them as anchor points for their webs.

Ventilation: The Green Bottle Blue tarantula needs a good amount of ventilation. Enclosure: This tarantula should have a terrestrial terrarium with a water dish, hide and a few plants for webbing anchor points. However they also tend to do ok in an arboreal style enclosure as well.

Humidity: The Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens tarantula does not need regular misting or overflow of the water dish. The enclosure should be kept very dry. Water: A small water dish should always be present.

Temperature: Green Bottle Blues do well in warm temperatures, approximately 70-78°F.

Collection notes: This species is an amazing display tarantula throughout its life span, from sling to adulthood.


Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens will use their webs and burrow to avoid heat. Though they thrive in warm temperatures, using any heating on the floor of an enclosure will not be an appropriate solution. If using a heating pad (using safety precautions), attaching it to the side of the tank will be more suitable.

Photo credit: Monika Reniero

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