The June 2013 Splash

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2 • June 2013

Ride Horses This Summer!

The Splash

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Summer Reading Program at the Liberty Lake Municipal Library Ages 4 to 12: “Dig Into Reading!” Ages 13 to 19: “Beneath the Surface!” Read and listen to books and win prizes throughout the summer. Special summer programming will be added to the lineup of ongoing favorites (LEGO club, story times and crafts) culminating in a Minute-toWin-It Family Competition on Thursday, Aug. 1st.

Splash photo by Craig Howard

Dig in with us this summer!

Liberty Lake Library • 23123 E. Mission Ave. •

Wisconsin native Jeremy Jenkins was hired in April as the new lake protection manager for the Liberty Lake Sewer and Water District. Jenkins’ last stop was with the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality, where he worked on the Coeur d’Alene Lake Management Plan.

From land to lake

Jenkins brings environmental savvy to lake protection role By Craig Howard Splash Contributor

























Don’t get Jeremy Jenkins started on the interstate feud of lake superiority between Wisconsin and Minnesota. While the home of Bob Dylan, the Vikings and Best Buy professes to be “The Land of 10,000 Lakes,” Jenkins’ native Wisconsin may have their neighbors to the west surpassed in the overgrown pond arena, depending on your definition of “lake.” By some accounts, the land of cheeseheads, Vince Lombardi and Kraft Foods boasts more than 15,000 lakes. These days, Jenkins is concentrating his attention on a lone lake that serves as the namesake of his new employer, the Liberty Lake Sewer and Water District. He was hired in April as LLSWD lake protection manager, becoming only the second full-time employee to hold that position in the utility’s 40-year history. Jenkins took over for BiJay Adams, who became the district’s general manager in March. More than 20 applicants inquired about the lake protection manager job. The list was whittled to 15 and then to three. Adams called the process “very difficult,”

A Cup of Joe saying “there were a lot of qualified candidates.” Jenkins, who was working with the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality and spent time as a science technician on the Lake Coeur d’Alene Lake Management Plan, was awarded the position and started in early May. “He’s very personable and had good experience,” said Adams. “Plus, he came from technical programs.” Jenkins has bachelor degrees in geographic information sciences and geoscience — environmental analysis from the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point. He later earned his master’s from the University of Idaho in geography. While in Moscow, Jenkins also worked for the U.S. Forest Service.

See JENKINS, page 4

The Splash

June 2013 • 3

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The Splash

4 • June 2013


JENKINS Continued from page 2

The Splash caught up with Jenkins recently to learn more about his migration from Wisconsin to Idaho to Liberty Lake as well as the finer points of lake management, water resource education and cheese-themed headgear.


You’re taking over for someone in BiJay Adams who served as the first and only full-time lake protection manager in the district’s history. In what ways do you think you’ll be similar to your predecessor and how do you plan to carve out your own identity as “keeper of the lake”?


First off, I would like to thank you for giving me this opportunity to introduce myself. I feel like I am continuing the great successes BiJay had here, but also bringing a fresh perspective and diverse skillset to the table. As to how I will carve out my identity, I plan on being active in the community, engaged in regional water quality initiatives and available for any inquiries about our amazing water resources. Q. Give us some general impressions of the Liberty Lake Sewer and Water District and the Liberty Lake area in your first few weeks on the job. A. My initial impression of the area was, “What a beautiful hidden gem of a lake!” Q. The district has established an exceptional reputation in the utility field over 40 years of operation. What did you know about LLSWD before you applied for the job? A. I followed a similar career progression as BiJay, going from Idaho DEQ’s surface water section to LLSWD. We also know some of the same regional water professionals. However, I did not know about our reputation as a utility until I came here. Q. You grew up in Wisconsin, a state bordered by Lake Michigan to the east and Lake Superior to the north. It’s estimated that nearly half of the state’s land area is covered in forest. How did growing up there affect your appreciation of natural resources and caring for the environment? A. Well, you paint the state in such a pristine light. I sometimes forget how good we have it in Wisconsin. Indeed, it is a rich place, both culturally and resource-wise. I was brought up camping and travelling around the greater Midwest with my family, so I really developed a deep connection to the natural places. I am a lifelong Boy Scout and Eagle Scout, I spent a lot of time camping around the country and learning outdoor skills. Having some of the foremost envi-

ronmentalists of our day, John Muir and Aldo Leopold, get started in Wisconsin also speaks volumes about where I came from. Q. Looking at your educational background, geography seems to be your primary field of study. In what ways might this background and knowledge benefit you in this new role with LLSWD? A. I have always felt that there is a need for greater understanding of our problems, taking into account the place or area around us and as much other information as possible. Geography provides a more spatially-based approach to analysis, which I am excited to apply at Liberty Lake. I would like to remind everyone that geography is not just making maps. However, I am a trained cartographer and plan on making some great visualizations for use in print and electronic platforms. Q. A significant part of the lake protection manager’s job in the past has been to work with developers around the lake to ensure construction practices followed regulations related to watershed protection and stormwater management. Where do you see that partnership between LLSWD and developers right now? A. I see the partnership between the district and developers continuing and thriving, especially since the housing market is seeing somewhat of an upswing. The work we are doing, reducing stormwater inputs, is for the betterment of our lake, and ultimately the region’s water. Q. BiJay once said that “when the water quality of the lake is good, we don’t hear from people.” Do you get the feeling that most folks really don’t care about issues like dissolved oxygen, alkalinity and phosphorous as long as they can boat, swim and fish? And does it bother you that many now seem to take a clean, healthy lake for granted? A. You know, most of us are not knowledgeable in every aspect of the places we live and the resources we rely upon. I accept that, and as much as I would love for every person to understand every water quality issue, it just isn’t practical to achieve. My job is to help be a resource about our lake, and the larger issues faced in the watershed. If I can get somewhere between one person and every community member to change their habits to conserve and improve our water, I will consider it a success. I do plan on being effective, so stay tuned. Q. The district has gone through quite a few changes in the last six months, particularly with the loss of longtime Commissioner Frank L. Boyle and the retirement of General Manager Lee Mellish. Do you feel like you’re part of the next generation of leadership at LLSWD? And what sort of expectations come with carrying on that torch?

“My job is to help be a resource about our lake, and the larger issues faced in the watershed. If I can get somewhere between one person and every community member to change their habits to conserve and improve our water, I will consider it a success.” — jeremy jenkins, new llswd lake protection manager

A. As a newcomer, I am still learning the ropes, but I do feel like the district is on the brink of moving forward and adopting technologies that streamline the services we provide to our customers. When serving such a tech-savvy community, it just is inevitable given how rapidly technology progresses. In my opinion, it just makes sense. Q. You left your lifelong home in the Midwest after earning your undergraduate degree from the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point. Why the migration west? A. Well, after 22 continuous years in the “flatlands,” I craved the mountains and open spaces. I was given an excellent education and taught a land ethic in Wisconsin, but also was given the itch to experience more. When I was given the opportunity to attend the University of Idaho to pursue my Master’s degree in geography, I jumped at the opportunity because I had never been to Idaho or even the Northwest. Little did I know, that almost five years later, this region had grown on me to the point of keeping me here for the long haul. The Pacific Northwest is seriously one of the most beautifully diverse areas I have ever been to — don’t ever take this place for granted! Q. The district has done great work in promoting water conservation over the years. Part of the lake protection manager’s role has been to also serve as water resource manager. What are some of the responsibilities you have in the area of community outreach and education? A. Over the past few weeks I was granted the pleasure of working with some really stellar educators from the Central Valley School District. Every fifth grade class gets to come spend a day at Liberty Lake County Park with myself, folks from Spokane County Public Works, and very dedicated volunteers. The program has been going on for almost 30 years. Some of my other duties will include working with area schools and organizations, working with conservation districts and the county and participating in regional water meetings and forums. I do plan on continuing BiJay’s excellence in working with the community and beyond. Q. Lake protection management is ac-

tually far more common in the area of the country that you’re from than the Northwest. What do you recall about the care and attention applied to lake quality in Wisconsin during your time there? A. Well, you are right, the Pacific Northwest is totally different compared to Wisconsin. While the Pacific Northwest’s water is very seasonal, due to snow storage in the mountains, Wisconsin has a lot of closed systems, where there is no outflow from the lakes. This creates a problem when development occurs, as runoff is concentrated in the lake. The sheer level of lakefront developments in the Midwest first aided in employing lake managers due to increased availability of resources. That trend is moving westward as we develop our lakes more and more. Q. I’m sure you’re aware of the district’s pioneering efforts that resulted in bans on dishwashing soap and laundry soap containing phosphorous. How does it feel to work for an employer that has that sort of national reputation for implementing standards that enhance water quality and aquatic life? A. It is really great to know that actions done locally can have a domino effect in this country and catch on so fast, especially ones that can so dramatically improve our surface water resources. Q. As an employee with the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality, you had the opportunity to work on the Lake Coeur d’Alene Management Plan. What are some of the similarities and differences between taking care of a lake of that magnitude and Liberty Lake? A. You know, methodologically the problems are similar — reduce nutrient input to maintain the balance between the food web and plant and algae growth in the lake. Coeur d’Alene Lake has an additional element we do not have to worry about, luckily, the heavy metal contamination from historical mining in the Silver Valley. As you mentioned, the difference in magnitude is also significant. Where the Liberty Lake watershed is only about 14 square miles, the Coeur d’Alene watershed is 3,700 square miles. Applying new practices and procedures in Liberty Lake with a few different jurisdictions is hard enough. Imagine trying that for an area 264 times larger, and a jurisdictional quagmire of federal, state, county and tribal boundaries. Q. Finally, you’re from Wisconsin, so we have to ask. Have you ever had the occasion to don an official “cheesehead” hat? A. Yes. It is practically a way of life in “America’s Dairyland” to wear articles of clothing which look like cheese. If you ever watch a Green Bay Packer’s home game, watch when they pan across the stands, it is not uncommon to see any of those outfits on someone in a given day — regardless of the season.

The Splash

June 2013 • 5


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The Splash

6 • June 2013


splash Photos by craig howard

The 50-unit Broadwing apartment complex, left, going up near First Liberty Apartments and Talon Hills provides income-restricted housing for families. Across town, 15 Courtyard townhome options, at right, join a 30-unit apartment complex north of Bitterroot Lodge. All of the properties in the Greenstone project are for lease, though the developer is poised to add 10 more townhomes closer to the river for sale later this summer.

Broadwing, Courtyard grow multi-family options Projects add to increasingly eclectic housing market By Craig Howard Splash Contributor

As he walks down a street bordered by townhomes to the left and apartments to the right, Kevin Schneidmiller of Greenstone Homes talks about building “a sense of community.” Even though he is in a neighborhood under construction that may not fit the traditional mode of residential projects in Liberty Lake, the priorities Schneidmiller speaks of are the same reflected in Greenstone communities across the region, from Manito Place to Meadowwood. Beyond the construction of structures marketed as homes, the Liberty Lake-based company emphasizes a holistic approach to development where accessible greenspace is just as important as a two-car garage. On its website, Greenstone notes how “each community is evidence of our commitment to street trees, sidewalks, trails and parks.” For Schneidmiller, the new Courtyard development adjacent to the Bitterroot Lodge apartments on the north side of Liberty Lake is about “creating a livable area.” The project is the latest layer to Greenstone’s ambitious development known as the River District. “We want open space and green corridors,” Schneidmiller said. “We want to establish a nice setting for people. We feel that creates value.” While the Kendall Yards project near downtown Spokane may be grabbing most of the spotlight for Greenstone these days, Courtyard is generating its own in-

terest with an addition that includes 15 townhomes and 32 apartment spaces in a bucolic area just a stone’s throw from the Spokane River. Both the townhomes and the apartments (one-and two-bedrooms) will be for lease while another project closer to the river will break ground in about 90 days and feature 10 townhomes for purchase. With the main living area on one level and another bedroom and bathroom on the garage level, the Courtyard townhomes have the spacious feeling of singlefamily homes. The 15 spaces are divided among three contiguous buildings to the north of the Courtyard apartments and should be ready for move-in within the next month or so. Schneidmiller said there has already been considerable interest in the townhome product. “I’m confident these are going to be leased out pretty quickly,” he said. The apartment portion of Courtyard features what Schneidmiller called “a bit more of a modern style” than the neighboring Bitterroot complex. Bonuses like deck space and walk-in closets create a classy effect while apartments on the top floor of the tri-level structure include vaulted ceilings. Tisha Goodman, regional manager of Rockwood Property Management, Greenstone’s property oversight group, says the construction of sites like Courtyard reflects an increased demand for multi-family housing in Liberty Lake. “People want to live here — it’s a great community,” Goodman said. “What we’re trying to do is cover all the demographics with our housing options.” The goal of matching a variety of resi-

“People want to live here — it’s a great community. What we’re trying to do is cover all the demographics with our housing options.” — tisha goodman

dents with a corresponding number of housing alternatives emerged as a predominant theme in the organization of Liberty Lake’s comprehensive plan in the days after incorporation in 2001. Eventually approved in 2003, the city’s blueprint for development over the next 20 years mentions several such priorities in chapter five in which it state the city should “provide the opportunity for all household income levels to obtain adequate housing” while implementing a policy that would “accommodate a supply of all housing types and … a broad range of ownership and rental housing opportunities.” Amanda Tainio, Liberty Lake Planning and Building Services manager, said the city now features a wider range of affordable housing than ever before. “I think the diversification in housing has definitely grown,” Tainio said. “Liberty Lake is now more accessible because there’s more variety in housing.” From the economic downturn to an aging population looking to downsize to a general move away from the “McMansions” of the ’80s and ’90s, Tainio said there are many reasons for the accelerating trend toward cost-effective housing. In the case of an area like Liberty Lake, she said it may often be a case of giving up square footage to reside in a safe, well-maintained

community. “I think some people are willing to live in a smaller home so they can live in a nicer neighborhood,” she said. Tainio added that the city’s rigorous design standards have contributed to affordable housing “that’s going to look like any other project in the city.” Grumblings about the stringency and cost of such standards over the years have come more from commercial developers than those on the residential side. While Greenstone prepares for the debut of Courtyard, Whitewater Creek Inc., a development company based in Hayden, Idaho, has been at work on their own multi-family project called Broadwing in the eastern portion of Liberty Lake off Appleway Road. The 50-unit complex with one-, two-and three-bedroom spaces will feature “workforce level rents with income restrictions,” according to Todd Prescott of Whitewater Creek. Prescott said Broadwing is expected to open “late this year” with an on-site manager and adjacent community center. The community will complement two nearby Whitewater developments — Talon Hills Senior Complex and First Liberty Apartments. Tainio described both Greenstone and Whitewater Creek as “excellent developers to work with” and said the fact that both have already overseen projects in Liberty Lake helps to add efficiencies to the review and construction process with Courtyard and Broadwing. “They understand the established design standards,” Tainio said. “It’s not like someone reviewing the development code for the first time.”

The Splash

June 2013 • 7

The Splash

8 • June 2013


Police Report The following incidents, arrests, calls for service and citations were reported by the Liberty Lake Police Department between April 22 and May 27. The incident report is listed in chronological order. • Harrassment — At 12:40 p.m. April 23, LLPD was dispatched to the 19000 block of East Cataldo where a woman reported she had been harassed by a man who frequented the HUB Sports Center. The complainant stated that on multiple occasions the subject’s behavior had bothered her, and recently he made her feel so uncomfortable with his advancements she wanted to file a report on the incident. The officer spoke to the subject and informed him he could have been arrested were it not for the complainant’s not wanting to press charges. • Reckless golf cart driving — At 6:09 p.m. April 26, LLPD responded to the 1300 block of North Liberty Lake Road for a reckless driver. Officers made contact with a minor driving a golf cart full of other juveniles, two of which had fallen out while the cart was in motion. The subject’s parent was contacted, and both were notified of the laws for golf cart use. • Gas theft — At 6:13 a.m. April 29, LLPD responded to the 22000 block of East Appleway for a theft. Upon arrival, the detective was informed by staff that the

previous evening, a vehicle had pulled into the gas station and two subjects, a man and woman, had stolen a large volume of gasoline. It was later discovered that the man and woman were the same subjects wanted for an Amber Alert and had been taken into custody in Fife, Wash., that same morning. • Vandalism — At 4:11 p.m. April 29, LLPD responded to the 24000 block of East Boone for a suspicious circumstance. The complainant reported the pump house had been vandalized over the weekend, and someone had tried to gain entrance to the facility by breaking the lock. However, they were unsuccessful. • Reckless golf cart driving, take 2 — At 6:14 p.m. April 29, LLPD responded to a report of two juveniles recklessly driving a golf cart through Pavillion Park. Upon arrival, the officer contacted the complainant, who had acquired the golf cart keys. The officer located a juvenile in the skate park who said two men took the golf cart from him and described both males. Keys to the cart were then given to the owner upon his arrival. • Suspicious circumstance — At 8:20 p.m. April 30, LLPD was dispatched to the 2000 block of South Liberty Drive for a suspicious circumstance. Upon arrival, an officer was told a male and female had

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After ...

Unclaimed stolen property results from prowl arrest From staff reports

A 36-year-old Liberty Lake man was arrested at 5:49 a.m. May 27 on East Settler Drive for charges of vehicle prowling, possession of stolen property and theft in the third degree. The man is believed to have taken the property from several vehicles in the area. The arrest resulted in the recovery of a large amount of unclaimed property. Among the 43 items documented by been banging on the front door of the complainant’s home. The subjects did not identify themselves nor did they indicate what they wanted. The complainant did not open the door and advised the two subjects he had a gun, at which point, they left the premises. The officer was unable to locate the subjects. • Credit card fraud — At 10 p.m. April 30, LLPD received a call regarding a theft that took place at the 1300 block of North Liberty Lake Road. The complainant told an officer he believed his wallet had been stolen either at the checkout, or in the parking lot of Albertsons. When the complainant arrived at his vehicle after shopping, he realized his wallet was missing but was unable to locate it after going back into the store. Shortly after, two fraudulent charges were made to one of the complainant’s credit cards. The case was put under investigation. • Citizen assist — At 9:11 a.m. May 1, LLPD responded to the 2100 block of North Sedge, where a woman was unsettled after a man she had no relationship with outside of church showed up at her place of employment questioning her as to her absence from group activities. The subject proceeded to tell her he missed her, and had contacted her previously through email. The complainant felt unsettled by the situation and wanted to make contact with an officer. • Credit card fraud, take 2 — At 4 p.m. May 1, LLPD received a report of theft from a man who stopped by the police department. He reported his car had been broken into, and a credit card stolen from his wallet. While at the bank canceling the card, he was notified multiple fraudulent purchases had been made. The case was put under investigation. • Suspicious vehicle — At 4:50 p.m. May 3, LLPD responded to the 19000 block of East Cataldo for a report of a suspicious

LLPD Detective Ray Bourgeois were a black thumb drive with www.loadtest. com on top of it; an 8GB 4G iPhone in its original box; a silver iPod with charging cords; several tools; an AT&T cell phone; several headlamps and flashlights; jewelry; keys; customer loyalty cards; e-cigarettes; and various other items. To claim stolen items, contact the Liberty Lake Police Department at 755-1140.

vehicle. An employee said the vehicle had been parked behind the business and left for two days. After an officer ran the VIN of the vehicle, it was identified as stolen. The owner was contacted and took custody of the vehicle. • Barking dog — At 2:18 a.m. May 8, LLPD responded to a noise complaint at the 1200 block of North Stevenson. The complainant stated a dog had been barking outside for an hour. The responding officer notified the complainant there was a medical call in progress at the residence, and during that time the dog would be put outside so as to not interfere. • Suspicious person — At 7:02 p.m. May 8, LLPD responded to the 19000 block of East Cataldo for a suspicious person. Upon arrival, an officer found a man had set up camp behind a building. The subject was warned about camping in a no camping area as well as trespassing and was asked to leave and not return. • Credit card fraud, take 3 — At 7:32 a.m. May 9, LLPD responded to the 23000 block of East Sinto for a vehicle prowl call. The complainant informed the officer upon arrival that among the items stolen from her vehicle were school books, a backpack, her driver’s license and a debit card that had already been used at several locations. The car had been left unlocked. The case was put under investigation. • Unmanned raft — At 6:06 p.m. May 9, LLPD was dispatched to the Spokane River near Harvard for an agency assist. There had been calls of a raft floating down the river with no people in it. An officer was able to intercept the raft and a cooler that had also been floating in the river. Four individuals were identified using personal items from the raft and cooler and contacted about the incident. They said the raft

See P0LICE, page 10

The Splash

June 2013 • 9






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The Splash

10 • June 2013


Trio of Council seats contested From Staff Reports

City of Liberty Lake voters will have decisions to make this summer as three of the four open Council positions drew a pair of candidates during the recent filing period held in April. Most notable, perhaps, is Council position No. 2, which will have a new representative after incumbent Josh Beckett chose not to seek a second term. Beckett’s four-year term in office included a run for the mayoral office in 2011, an election won by current Mayor Steve Peterson. Liberty Lake ballots will also include local races in other jurisdictions, most of which are not contested. Following is a list of candidates who have filed for office that will appear on most or all Liberty Lake ballots.

City of Liberty Lake Council Position No. 1 Lori Olander Debbi J. Haskins

POLICE Continued from page 8

had gotten away from them before they could get in. • Drug buy — At 1:54 a.m. May 10, LLPD responded to the 1800 block of North Pepper Lane for a suspicious person. Officers learned shortly after the males were involved in a drug buy, and it was being monitored by another agency. • No credit card fraud — At 10:40 a.m. May 16, a found wallet was delivered to the Liberty Lake Police Department. The owner of the wallet was contacted, retrieved the wallet and stated that nothing was missing. • Credit card fraud, take 4 — At 6:02 p.m. May 16, LLPD responded to the 23000 block of East Desmet for the report of a theft. An officer spoke to a man who reported being a victim of fraud, saying his credit card was used to purchase goods from a media company in Europe. The case was put under investigation. • Peddling violation — At 7:14 p.m. May 15, a 24-year-old Tacoma man was arrested at Colt Lane and Homestead Road for soliciting without a license. Door-to-door solicitors in the city of Liberty Lake must be licensed by the city and carry with them issued identification that verifies them as such. • Burglary — At 12:19 p.m. May 17, LLPD was dispatched to the 2300 block of North Madson for a burglary. After speaking with hotel staff, officers located a subject who was thought to be involved in a variety of recent television thefts. He was detained, and the matter is currently being investigated.

Council Position No. 2 Jeff Sitton Hugh Severs Council Position No. 4 Odin Langford Mike Tedesco Council Position No. 6 Keith L. Kopelson

central Valley School District Director District No. 2 Tom Dingus Director District No. 5 Amy Mason

Spkane Valley Fire Department Commissioner Position No. 1 Kolby Hanson Commissioner Position No. 2 Michael DeVleming Ronald (Ron) Schmidt Commissioner Position No. 3 Michael (Mike) Pearson

liberty Lake Sewer & Water Commissioner Position No. 1 Steve Skipworth Commissioner Position No. 2 Kottayam V. Natarajan Jr.

• Reckless golf cart driving, take 3 — At 9:04 p.m. May 18, LLPD received a call at the 22000 block of East Prestwick on a report that a golf cart hit a tree near Trailhead Golf Course. An officer made contact with the juveniles driving the golf cart, who indicated they were unharmed. The officer then gave them a copy of the golf cart ordinances for reference. • Gas theft — At 9:04 p.m. May 23, LLPD responded to a call from the 22000 block of East Appleway that a subject had driven away without paying after pumping $40.45 in gas at the Liberty Lake Cenex. The complainant gave an officer the plate number; however, upon arrival to the subject’s home, the vehicle did not fit the description. • Malicious mischief — At 8:51 p.m. May 24, LLPD was dispatched to the area of North Lakeside and East Valleyway roads for a report that four teenagers were throwing full soda cans at vehicles. Upon arrival, officers spoke to the owner of the residence in which the teens were seen, and all the subjects involved came outside and admitted to throwing the cans but said they were trying to hit a tree and missed. The officers explained reckless endangerment to them and how an injury could occur. No further action was taken as the vehicle had not been hit. • Domestic dispute — At 8:15 p.m. May 27, LLPD was dispatched to the 1800 block of North Aladdin Road for a domestic dispute in which an ex-husband and boyfriend were arguing while kids were being transferred per a custody agreement. The kids were transferred, and the parties left with no further incident.

Summer construction outlook A healthy dose of summer projects inside the city of Liberty Lake will have residents seeing orange in the coming months. The following status report was provided in late May by City Engineer Andrew Staples. • Harvard Roundabout — Construction of single lane roundabout at Harvard Road, Mission Avenue intersection. Anticipated dates of work: Mid-July to October (approximately 10 weeks). Traffic impact: Reduced lanes on the north side of the Harvard Bridge, flaggers and signage will direct traffic. • Annual street maintenance — Overlay work on Mission from Molter to King James Lane and on Valleyway Avenue from Molter to Bella Lago Lane. Anticipated dates of work: Mid-July to mid-August (approximately four weeks). Traffic impact: Reduced lanes or detours when crews are paving or patching. • Fallen Heroes — Installation of fitness equipment near existing play equipment at

Rocky Hill Park. Anticipated dates of work: Mid-July to mid-August (approximately three weeks). Traffic impact: None. • Sprague Trail — Construction of two 10-foot wide path segments on Sprague Avenue and Neyland Drive. Anticipated dates of work: Mid-July to mid-September (approximately four to six weeks). Traffic impact: Reduced lanes when crews are working. Traffic control will direct drivers around construction. • Liberty Lake Fields — Improvements to the field east of Liberty Lake Elementary; specifics to be decided as project’s scope is yet to be approved by the City Council. Anticipated dates of work: late summer to fall. Traffic impact: None. Note: The city of Liberty Lake will post traffic revisions on its website, as applicable.

Calls for service


Reported by the Liberty Lake Police Department April 22-May 27

Reported by the Liberty Lake Police Department April 22-May 27

Agency assist 1 Alarm 4 Bomb threat 1 Burglary 1 Child abuse or neglect 1 Child molestation 1 Citizen assist 6 Citizen dispute 2 Domestic violence 2 DUI 2 Fire 2 Fraud 3 Fugitive 5 Harassment 4 Incest 1 Intoxicated person 1 Lost or found property 3 Malicious mischief 1 Not classified 4 Peddling violation 1 Possession of drug paraphernalia 1 Property theft 5 Repossession of property 1 Suspicious person/circumstance 7 Threatening 1 Traffic accident 1 Traffic hazard 1 Traffic offense 40 Trespassing 1 Vehicle prowl 4 Welfare check 3

Controlled substance violation 1 Defective muffler 2 Driving without license/ID 5 DUI 2 DWLS 42 Expired registration 11 Failure to obey traffic control 1 Failure to secure load 1 Failure to signal 1 Failure to stop/yield 3 Failure to wear safety belt 5 Ignition interlocks 2 Illegal use of studded tires 2 Liability insurance 33 Licenses and plates required 1 Minor in possession of alcohol 2 Negligent driving 2 No stop lights or turn signal 1 Opening/closing vehicle doors 1 Parking in no parking zone 1 Possession of drug paraphernalia 1 Possession of stolen property 1 Reckless driving 1 Solicitor/peddler license 1 Speeding 50 Texting while driving 1 Theft 1 Unsafe/improper backing 1 Use of cell phone 9 Vehicle prowling 1

The Splash

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The Splash

12 • June 2013


Open house sheds light on local resources By Craig Howard

Splash Contributor

Lynda Warren dropped by Liberty Lake City Hall May 16 to learn more about the community she will soon call home. From animal protection to service clubs to a pending roundabout project on Harvard Road, Warren received a helpful course in “Liberty Lake 101” at the city’s inaugural open house. The event was attended by about 75 residents according to estimates. “An event like this shows the city is interested in community involvement and having citizens see who they are,” said Warren, who is moving from the city of Spokane to Liberty Lake this month to be closer to family. Warren had already met Mayor Steve Peterson at a recent event sponsored by Greater Spokane Inc., but said she appreciated learning about upcoming additions to the city such as the Fallen Heroes Circuit Course, a constellation of exercise stations being installed in Rocky Hill Park to honor military veterans. “I like the community,” Warren said. “It’s very clean and safe, and it’s just a really nice city. It’s got the farmers market and other things. There’s a lot more going on in the community than I realized.” Mayor Peterson was part of a healthy representation of elected officials and municipal staff on hand to greet attendees at the event spanning three hours. City booths set up in council chambers told thumbnail stories of law enforcement, library services, building and the Trailhead at Liberty Lake Golf Course. “We’re trying to be very transparent,” Peterson said. “We’re trying to tell residents where we’re going, and how we’re going to get there, just presenting the vision.” While Peterson acknowledged that participation on the municipal level is not as stout as when the city incorporated in 2001, he said City Hall continues to seek resident input in its efforts to maintain a “safe, clean and green” community. “We’re trying to encourage comments and feedback,” Peterson said. “There was a lot of

splash PhotoS by craig howard

Liberty Lake City Council Member Josh Beckett (far right) talks shop with representatives from the Spokane Valley Fire Department at last month’s open house. talk and interest after incorporation, but it’s different now. Once you start implementing things, it changes. But if you look at what we’ve done, we’ve built a good, solid foundation and now we’re at kind of this midway point. There are some issues of growth we have to stay ahead of — the interchange is part of that, the roads are part of that.” Spokane Valley Fire Chief Bryan Collins has been a regular at Liberty Lake City Council meetings since taking over for Mike Thompson earlier this year. Collins said it was important for SVFD to be part of the open house — the chief was joined by all five fire commissioners, a sparkling red engine and its crew at City Hall — as a way of “staying connected with the city.” Other community resources like the Liberty Lake Sewer and Water District and Spokane County Regional Animal Protection Service were represented at the open house. “We are this community’s fire department,” said Collins, who just recently moved to an address within Liberty Lake city limits. “When these cities have events, we need to be there to show we’re part of that. When the mayor or the city administrator here or in Spokane Valley mentions their

The Council chamber at City Hall was replete with booths representing city programs and other community resources at the May 15 open house. fire chief, they talk about ‘our fire chief,’ not someone who works for them, via contract. It’s important to have a presence here.” While Collins and fellow SVFD cohorts like new Fire Commissioner Mike Pearson have the first and third Tuesdays of each month marked on their calendars for Liberty Lake City Council meetings, the turnout among citizens of Spokane County’s easternmost city has been less than stellar over the years. Pat Dockrey, one of the few regulars at gatherings of the governing board and a visitor to the open house, said public participation at meetings is about holding elected officials accountable.

“You have to know what they’re saying and what they’re doing,” said Dockrey, who lives outside city limits, but owns property in Liberty Lake. “I think that’s important.” Dockrey began coming to council meetings on a regular basis four years ago. He said attendance at City Hall has improved to some degree since the rancor surrounding the 2011 budget. “It’s been better,” he said. “I saw a change two years ago when we had all the discussion about the budget. I think that really got a lot of people out and many of them have continued to come out. It’s better than it was — there used to be council meetings

where no one was here. That’s changed a bit.” Still, Dockrey notes that apathy for city government is still the norm among the general citizenry — even when it comes to issues that affect their own budgets. “I’m guessing most people probably don’t know where their utility taxes now go,” he said. “I’ve always been interested and always wanted to know what’s going on. We deal with that in the nonprofits I work with — how do you get people interested in participating and helping? I don’t know what the answer is.” Council Member Keith Kopelson fielded questions about the Harvard Road roundabout and the Liberty Lake Ball Fields at the open house. He arrives early at council meetings in order to facilitate similar discussion — though there is rarely a line. Generally, attendance hinges on the topic being discussed, such as last year’s debate over the Spokane County Regional Animal Protection Service contract or the cuts proposed to the library and golf course at the end of 2010. “I do wonder why more people don’t attend council meetings, especially with all the people who send letters and emails and have specific questions or complaints or compliments — you don’t see those people at the meetings,” Kopelson said. “I have more discussions at Albertsons with people than I do at council meetings.” The council relies upon citizens for input, Kopelson added. “I think a lot of people feel they’re going to be attacked by council if they get up to the podium with what they say,” he said. “They don’t understand that we don’t do that. It helps us if you take the time to comment about something. We’re going to take it seriously.” Cindy Adolph moved to Liberty Lake from Los Angeles five years ago. She came to the open house to talk with city leaders and gain a better grasp of the issues affecting her community. She grows plants on one of the community garden plots sponsored by the city’s Parks and Recreation department.

See OPEN HOUSE, page 14

The Splash

June 2013 • 13


Q: Should I “bundle” my

Transportation, fields highlight council talk By Craig Howard Splash Contributor

As the city of Liberty Lake ponders strategies to repair and maintain its roads, new avenues are emerging to address the lingering question of how to fund such improvements. At the May 7 City Council meeting, City Administrator Katy Allen provided the governing board with an overview of one potential revenue source — the state Transportation Improvement Board. Since incorporating in 2001, the city has not drawn on TIB funds other than the pedestrian bridge project spanning Interstate 90. Allen said TIB traditionally supports work that focuses on “preservation and sidewalks” and noted that “many other area cities, including Medical Lake, Deer Park, Cheney and Tekoa, are getting TIB dollars.” TIB coffers receive 3 cents from each portion of the statewide gas tax. “The TIB has a goal of moving projects forward,” Allen said. “You’re only competing against other cities in your area of similar size for these funds, not big cities on the west side of the state.” Allen advised council that the city would need to craft a Transportation Improvement Plan in order to qualify for TIB benefits. She then proposed a goal of presenting such a document — comprised of a blend of the existing Capital Facilities Plan and the Street Maintenance Program introduced last month — for council review. The city needs to submit a plan by July 1 to qualify for the next round of TIB funds. The topic of drawing upon the TIB followed another infrastructure discussion on May 7, this one involving stormwater drainage throughout the city. During the portion of the meeting set aside for citizen comments, Dennis Scott, a former employee of the Spokane County Public Works department, complimented the city on its proactive approach to road preservation, but counseled on a more assertive policy regarding the maintenance of stormwater swales. Allen concurred, saying the city needs to place a priority on “getting water where it was designed to go.” In some areas, grass has grown above the roadway, hindering optimum drainage when the rain falls. Allen said the city directs between $45,000 to $50,000 in a dedicated fund for stormwater maintenance and recently completed a project at the corner of Molter and Appleway. “We have the staff and the dollars to make sure our stormwater swales are maintained,” Allen said. Allen added that some streets within city

limits were constructed in the 1970s when stormwater swales were not required. While the city is responsibie for overseeing swales along arterial roads, an array of homeowner associations are accountable for the maintenance of such infrastructure on many residential streets. Allen said she is planning to talk to representatives of the city’s homeowner associations about the issue. “They’ve always been really good about addressing maintenance,” she said. While streets and stormwater took centerstage during the first council meeting in May, the topic of parking — specifically in the area around a busy bus stop — also took up a good share of the conversation. Allen said she has been talking with Karl Otterstrom, planning director for the Spokane Transit Authority, about the expansion of parking facilities at the bustling Park and Ride at the corner of Mission Avenue and Meadowwood Lane. The site is at capacity now, Allen said, and STA has brought up the possibility of building earlier than anticipated. The city is also awaiting word on a state grant that would provide matching dollars for improvements in the area that has long been discussed as the site for a town square. “It will probably be June before we know about that grant,” Allen said. Mayor Pro Tem Odin Langford emphasized that the city should have an understanding of STA’s commitment to the project, especially since the work is not included in the agency’s current budget. There has also been discussion of STA constructing another facility on the north side of town off Mission, west of Harvard at some point in the future. “We need to know where STA stands before the city moves forward,” Langford said.

Field options pitched May 21 At the May 21 council meeting, topics like street maintenance, stormwater drainage and public parking shifted to the dugout, replaced by a discussion about the city’s most talked about 20 acres. Allen delivered her best pitch on the proposed Liberty Lake Ball Fields, presenting a trio of options for the build out of land purchased from the Central Valley School District last year. Each of the three scenarios would require more than the $500,000 set aside by council in the 2013 budget. “When we allocated $500,000 in the budget there was still a question of what we were going to build,” Allen said. The city administrator proceeded to talk

See COUNCIL, page 14

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The Splash

14 • June 2013


COUNCIL Continued from page 13

about the “Cadillac” version of the project — a sports megaplex featuring four baseball diamonds with infields of synthetic turf, a soccer field, playground area, fencing, 200 parking spaces and a pair of trails on the east side and west side of the site. Original estimates had the cost of the completed work coming in at around $4 million, though Allen said a revised rendition of the project would be closer to $2.5 million. Allen and City Engineer Andrew Staples have been working with a committee throughout the year, hammering out a vision for the development. Representatives from the group have toured the Dwight Merkel Complex in north Spokane as well as the Whitworth University sports fields. “We’ve learned that there is a big difference between playing in a park and playing in a sports complex,” Allen said. With the timeline narrowing for a start on the grounds this year, Allen recommended that council make a decision on a direction at its June 4 meeting. In concentrating on the eastern portion of the acreage, she said one option would be to build one baseball field with synthetic turf and add 88 parking places at a cost of $610,000. The same concept with a dirt infield would run $521,000. “Option B” consists of two baseball diamonds and the same 88 parking stalls. The synthetic turf version of that plan has a price tag of $1.11 million while the soil rendition would set the city back $800,000. Finally, “Option C” would involve grading and planting grass on the acreage, essentially creating one sprawling field similar to areas now seen in Pavillion Park and Rocky Hill Park. The nondescript transformation — which would also include an irrigation system and parking — has been priced at $735,000. Council Member Keith Kopelson was one of several representatives on the governing board to express sticker shock over the proposed incarnations of the land. “It would be nice to have this kind of ball field, but I’m not sure we want to dedicate this type of money toward it,” Kopelson said. “In the beginning, we were talking about a lot less money.” Council Member Josh Beckett was one of several at the dais to voice support for Option B without the artificial infield, empha-

OPEN HOUSE Continued from page 12

“After five years, I realize I should know what’s going on,” Adolph said. “I have not had the time, otherwise I’d probably be at council meetings. I really love it in Liberty Lake, though. I can breathe here.” City Administrator Katy Allen remarked

In the Books, On the Docket A look back and ahead at business conducted by the Liberty Lake City Council By Craig Howard Splash Contributor

In the Books (May meetings): • Finance Director R.J. Stevenson provided a report on municipal salaries and benefits as part of an ongoing series on the city’s financial picture. Stevenson said the presentations are meant to be “the building blocks of the overall financial forecast that will help us build upon the 2014 budget.” • Council authorized Mayor Steve Peterson to sign a contract with CivicPlus for the creation of a new city website. • City Administrator Katy Allen provided an update on the Harvard Road roundabout project, saying bids for construction will go out on June 20 with work expected to start in late July. The roundabout should be completed sometime in mid-October. • Council unanimously authorized city staff to secure a contract with a company called SiteLines to install nine pieces of equipment for the Fallen Heroes Circuit Course in Rocky Hill Park. The site, honoring military veterans, will be assembled in July. • Council unanimously confirmed Mayor Peterson’s appointment of Carol Johns to the Liberty Lake Municipal Library Board.

• The Library Board of Trustees presented their 2012 report, noting that visits were up 10 percent over the past year and more than half of all Liberty Lake residents now have library cards. Attendance for the library’s growing list of programs has gone up every year, as well. The board also provided a report on the recently completed mosaic project comprised of tiles that were part of a fundraiser for the renovated library entrance. • Council Member Shane Brickner gave a summary of the Finance Committee’s discussions, noting that the city has already spent 95 percent of its snow and ice removal budget for 2013. • Council unanimously approved Ordinance 204-B, a budget amendment appropriating $1 million for upgrades to Valleyway Avenue and Mission Avenue. Work on the two roads will begin this summer. • Mayor Peterson reported that Liberty Lake now has an official seat at the Spokane Regional Transportation Council joining Airway Heights and Cheney as the newest individual members. In the past, jurisdictions with lesser populations were part of a coalition represented by a single appointed representative. • It was reported that the city has received $3,000 in revenue since the start of the year as the result of a new reservation fee for recreational facilities. Nonprofit organizations are not charged for use of parks and other city owned property through the system.

On the Docket: At the June 4 meeting, the Liberty Lake City Council agenda scheduled to include: • A presentation by business students

from Eastern Washington University on their survey results regarding Liberty Lake commuter culture; • A workshop discussion by Finance Director R.J. Stevenson about city supplies and services; • A public hearing on the city’s sixyear transportation improvement plan; • Resolutions to adopt a strategy for the Liberty Lake Ball Fields and the transportation improvement plan • First read ordinance on adoption of building code amendments At the June 18 meeting, the Liberty Lake City Council agenda scheduled to include: • Workshop discussion by Stevenson about city capital and inventory; • Second read Ordinance on adoption of building code amendments Also in June: • After receiving only three submissions for the public art feature slated to be part of the Harvard Road roundabout, the city has extended the request for proposals to June 26. • The city will host the 2013 Residential and Commercial Builder Meeting from 9 to 11:30 a.m. June 20 at City Hall, 22710 E. Country Vista Drive. Topics will include a review of building code updates from 2012 that will take effect July 1 as well as the city’s permit review processes, procedures and standards. RSVP is requested by June 13 with company name and number of attendees. RSVP to JoAnn Jenkins at 755-6700 or

sizing that the proposed addition of four baseball diamonds in the grand scheme would create “a predominantly baseball structure.” Beckett stressed that sports like soccer and lacrosse deserved equal consideration. “To develop this into four baseball fields doesn’t make sense,” he said. “It needs to be more multi-use.” As for municipal funds that may be available to cover the extra cost of the ball fields beyond the $500,000, Finance Director R.J.

Stevenson told council that the only realistic source would be the city’s ending fund balance of $2.5 million — an idea that didn’t sit well with Mayor Pro Tem Odin Langford. “We have other things going on besides this,” Langford said. “I’m for it, but I don’t support dipping into those funds.” Council Member Cris Kaminskas speculated that the city might be able to defray some of the costs through corporate sponsorships and advertising. There has also been talk of the Central Valley School District

pitching in Some of the parking lotcosts. “I know price is going to be a consideration,” said Allen. “I’m not asking for a vote tonight, but I’m hoping we can decide something by the June 4 council meeting. We can’t go any further without that.” Allen said after the meeting that she would be working on a resolution that presented all three options in delineated form for a vote on June 4. Council also agreed to discuss approaches to the western half of the acreage at its upcoming council retreat.

that the numbers at council meetings may not accurately reflect the interest in City Hall’s impact on the community. “I think a lot of people care about what’s going on, they just have very busy lives,” she said. “I think when there’s an event like Liberty Lake Days or the Yard Sales or the Farmers Market, then we see a good turnout. When it comes to public participation with the city, I think it’s going to

depend on the topic. I think citizens want to see where their tax dollars are going and see that city is spending that money wisely. That tends to resonate. When tax dollars are wasted, then a city is going to struggle.”

“I heard appreciation for how the city looks, just the fact that we’re getting our public spaces put together,” Allen said. “I think people were grateful that they could get their questions answered about projects like the roundabout and the ball fields. I think what you saw was a lot of positive energy, a lot of good questions and people who wanted to know what is going on in their city.”

Allen said the city would like to make the open house a reoccurring occasion on the spring calendar, but added that future events may not run three hours.

The Splash

June 2013 • 15

Saturday, June 8th, 2013 • 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. 20th annual

Liberty Lake REGISTER A YARD SALE AT YOUR HOME Liberty Lake addresses only

Two ways to register:

 Online: $10

Submit your registration and secure credit card payment at www. to receive a discounted registration and special reasonably priced add-on options (color, borders, bold title) to help your yard sale stand out from the rest. Online ads can also exceed the 20word maximum for 15 cents a word.

 Mail-in form: $15

PORTAL a t M ission & M olter

distributed by mail to everyone in Liberty Lake on June 6, at distribution points throughout the region and at strategic community outposts on the day of the event.

A supported event: The sales will be advertised and publicized through region-wide outlets, and the Kiwanis Club is working with local authorities and strategic vendors (portable restrooms, etc.) to ensure a safe and well-supported event. Directional signage: Signs will be posted to help guide shoppers into the neighborhoods, including the River District.

Complete the registration form below and submit it along with your fee. Remember, registration must be received by May 31 to be included in the official guide and map.

charity pick-ups: A truck from

No phone or in-person registration is available. For questions about registration, contact The Splash at 242-7752 or yardsales@

Satisfaction: In the past, some

REGISTERED HOMES REcEIvE: community guide: Listing information organized alongside your neighborhood’s corresponding map in the official 2013 Liberty Lake Community Yard Sales Guide. 10,000 copies will be



Presenting Sponsor:

ARC of Spokane will be going up and down Liberty Lake streets Monday and Tuesday, June 10-11, to pick up unsold items residents wish to donate to charity. No large items please. homes have chosen to hold sales on the day of the event without registering. By submitting an official registration, you showcase your community pride by helping organizers properly support the strategic needs of the event as well as giving back to the Liberty Lake community. After expenses, all proceeds from the event will be reinvested by the Kiwanis Club into the community. To summarize: charity event … makes Liberty Lake shine … brings you swarms of shoppers — that’s worth $10.


Registration must be received by May 31 in order to be included “on the map” in the 10,000 copies of the official guide that will be distributed to Liberty Lake and beyond beginning June 5. Choose from the three options below to take part in this 20th annual event. Registration fees go to the Kiwanis Club of Liberty Lake to support the event and community.

REGISTER A YARD SALE AT A PUBLIc LOcATION Want to hold a sale, but not at your home? Or maybe you don’t live in Liberty Lake and are looking for an outlet to take part. There are two options for you.

 Pavillion Park

12-foot by 12-foot sections are available to be utilized at Pavillion Park. Registration is $50, $35 of which is refunded after you clean up your sale on the day of the event. This option includes a listing in the official guide. Register by using either of the two options listed under “Register a sale at your home” at left, but instead of listing your address, write “Pavillion Park” and pay $50 to secure your spot. Spaces will be assigned to registered sellers on a first-come, first-served basis beginning at 6:30 a.m. June 8.

 Liberty Lake Portal

Free space for your sale is available at the Liberty Lake Portal, the presenting sponsor for the 2013 Liberty Lake Community Yard Sales. These sales will be included in the official guide, but only a limited number of spots are available. Reserve a place by calling Steven Daines at 343-0103 before the spots are snatched up, or by May 28, whichever comes first. The Portal, located at the corner of Mission and Molter, will be offering free food, free

Las chan t ce! Sign up by f

May 31 r parking , or yo iday, and free be liSt u won’t ed! restrooms – as well as a large office equipment and furniture sale. Spaces are available to individuals and businesses and will go quickly.


 Pavillion Park

Commercial vendors will once again be invited to set up along Settler Drive in beautiful Pavillion Park. The cost for a commercial vendor site at Pavillion Park is $50. To reserve your space, call Pat Dockrey at 926-3198 or email A list and brief description of Pavillion Park vendors will be included in the official guide.

 Liberty Lake Portal

Free space for businesses to set up a sale is available at the Liberty Lake Portal, the presenting sponsor for the 2013 Liberty Lake Community Yard Sales. Liberty Lake Portal sales will be included in the official guide, but only a limited number of spots are available. Reserve a place by calling Steven Daines at 343-0103 before the spots are snatched up or by May 28, whichever comes first. The Portal is located at the corner of Mission and Molter.


Description (Not to exceed 20 words)

Payments should be made and mailed to Kiwanis Club of Liberty Lake, P.O. Box 384, Liberty Lake, WA 99019 along with the completed registration form. COMMERCIAL VENDORS: Don’t use this form. Refer to the instructions above.

Major Sponsors:

GreenstoneHOMES E N R ICHE D



Event Organizers:

16 • June 2013



The Splash


MARKET Reflections from opening day of the 2013 Liberty Lake Farmers Market By Steve Christilaw Splash Contributor

The Liberty Lake Farmers Market opened for the 2013 season on May 18. The skies were overcast and rain sprinkled the area, but it wasn’t enough to dampen the fun of Saturday mornings at the market. As if you needed it, here are 10 things to love about the Liberty Lake Farmers Market:

1. Atmosphere

Open-air market dates back to the earliest days of civilization. They were “The Mall” long before the mall was invented. It’s a celebration, complete with good music and great food. And there’s an added benefit. By taking part in the market, you’re supporting local farmers — your neighbors — grow the healthiest and best quality food to put on the table for your loved ones. That alone is reason enough to love Saturday mornings at the market.

2. Locally grown, organic produce

There are studies that show that organic fruits and vegetables are healthier for you. Judge for yourself. You won’t need a scientific study to tell you that fresh, organic food just plain tastes better — your taste buds will give you all the proof you need. Moreover, you’ll find more varieties of familiar produce at the market — heirloom varieties in every hue imaginable. Best of all, it’s all fresh from the vine. The farthest away this produce comes is the Yakima Valley.

3. Starter plants

Early in the season you’ll find leafy, green plants ready for transplant — giving your garden crop at least a month’s head

splash Photos by steve christilaw

Complete with familiar sights, sounds and smells, the 2013 Liberty Lake Farmers Market opened May 18 and will continue Saturdays into October. The market has been a Liberty Lake tradition since 2001. start. Whether you’re hunting for flowering plants, berries or veggies, these plants make anyone look like they have a green thumb.

4. Good eats

The good stuff doesn’t just go into the garden. Some of it goes right into you. Whether you’re craving a spicy treat or your sweet tooth needs a fresh crepe filled with your favorite filling, the market offers some great street food.

5. Crafty stuff

Farmers don’t just grow stuff, they make great stuff, too. They make and preserve great stuff, like salsas, in every heat range. They harvest wool and spin it into yarn, then turn that yarn into incredible handmade clothing, from socks to caps.

6. Meat

The Suzy David’s Cattle Company is a family farm at the base of Mt. Saint Michael in North Spokane where they raise

See MARKET, page 17

MARKET ALL WEEK! TUESDAY Veradale Farmers Market 16801 E. Sprague Ave. (Spokane Valley Eagles) 1 to 4 p.m. Tuesdays, May-September

WEDNESDAY Millwood Farmers Market 3223 N. Marguerite Road (Millwood Presbyterian Church) 3 to 7 p.m. Wednesdays, May-September

THURSDAY Post Falls Local Market Corner of Spokane St. and 4th Avenue (Post Falls City Hall) 4 to 7:30 p.m. Thursdays, starting June 6

SATURDAY Liberty Lake Farmers Market 1421 N. Meadowwood Lane (Liberty Square Building) 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturdays, May-October

The Splash

June 2013 • 17


MARKET Continued from page 16

a small herd of Angus, Hereford and Limousin cattle. They do not treat their cattle with hormones, antibiotics, steroids or additives, but they do treat them with respect and raise them using low-stress techniques. The cattle feed on grass that is not treated with chemicals and supplement that diet with locally raised alfalfa hay. The result is naturally lean, grass-fed beef that is full of flavor.

7. Bees

... Local bees, to be exact. Beekeeper Mark Mazurik keeps his sales pitch simple: Support Spokane Valley bees. His company, Ormond Valley Apiaries in Otis Orchards, covers the spectrum of all things bee. He produces a delicious honey made from Spokane Valley blossoms by Spokane Valley bees. He produces products made from beeswax and offers pollination services to area growers.

8. Mushrooms

Josh Yake owns Gourmet Foragables & More — a familiar name in upscale restaurants around town. He scours the forest for edible goodies like fiddlehead ferns and wild ramps and asparagus, huckleberries, blackberries and blackcap raspberries. More impressively, he finds gorgeous morel mushrooms that cry out for a buttery sauté, a sprinkle of salt and a quick tossing with pasta. Morels are delicate, perishable and resist cultivation, so the only way they find their way to a table near you is to have someone hunt for them in the forest — and thankfully, Yake loves doing just that. As he finds them, he promises to have coral mushrooms, and in the fall he’ll have chanterelles, matsutake, lobster and honey mushrooms, all foraged from the forest. In addition, he cultivates lovely, large oyster and shiitake mushrooms. Mushroom lovers will rejoice.

10. Pizza

Yes, pizza. Caught you by surprise with this one, right? But Seth Corey’s Veraci pizza oven turns out the most incredible pie, and they do it right before your eyes in a handmade, apple-wood fired clay oven that bakes at temperatures between 850 and 1,000 degrees Fahrenheit — meaning the whole process takes about 90 seconds from beginning to delicious end. On opening day, they featured a specialty pizza made with fresh mozzarella cheese and slices of prosciutto. Once it came out of the oven it was topped with a handful of fresh arugula. The slight char on the dough adds just the right flavor to a delicious treat well worth a trip to the market for an early lunch.

For many, lunch at the Liberty Lake Farmers Market is synonymous with Veraci Pizza.

2013 Junior Lesson Programs - $65

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Session 3 Saturdays June 8, 15, 22, 29 Session 4 Wed. - Sat. July 10, 11, 12, 13 Session 5 Tues. - Friday Aug. 6, 7, 8, 9 Beginner 10:00-10:45 Intermediate 11:00-11:45 Extra Class 12:00-12:45

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2013 Adult Lesson Programs - $100 Session 3 Wed. 5:30-6:30 June 5, 12, 19, 26 Session 4 Sat. 1:30-2:30 June 8, 15, 22, 29 Session 5 Wed. 5:30-6:30 July 10, 17, 24, 31

Spokane-North Spokane-North

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9. Farmers

Getting to know the person who grows and produces the food you put on your table is a very good thing. Growers like Sue and Paul Puhek of S&P Homestead Farm love it when their customers ask questions about the produce they grow and bring to market. They can tell you about the fertilizer they use, or about where the seeds come from and where they were developed. They can tell you about the heirloom varieties of vegetables they grow that you simply cannot find in a supermarket. You’ll find out that they’re knowledgeable about the things they grow, have some great ideas on how to prepare and serve them, and most of all that they have a passion for growing wholesome, healthy and organic products for your table. It’s what neighbors do, right?

splash Photo by steve christilaw

1102 N. Liberty Lake Road | Liberty Lake 99019 | 509.928.3484 Chris Johnston, PGA Professional

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(509) 922-5443 • 22510 E Mission Avenue •

Congratulations, 18 • June 2013

Class of 2013!


he Splash recently solicited information on high school graduates connected to Liberty Lake. Pages 18-19 showcase the graduates who submitted information in time for publication. A complete list of CVHS graduates is on page 20. — Compiled by Tammy Kimberley

Jordyn Awbery

Parents: Mike and Heather Awbery School: Central Valley High School Plans after graduation: Attend Arizona State University and major in special education

The Splash

Katelyn Jesse Nathan James Brown Parents: Kelly and Robyn Brown School: Central Valley High School Plans after graduation: Running start student with plans to transfer to a four-year college

Josiah Brubaker Parents: Tom and Nancy Brubaker School: Central Valley High School Plans after graduation: Attend the University of Washington with an intended major in aeronautics/astronautics

Kimberlyn Taylor Chadwell Parents: Brad and Jamie Stone; Joey and Melissa Chadwell School: University High School Plans after graduation: Attend Eastern Washington University to earn a degree to be a child life specialist

Seth Henning Parents: Scott and Tammy Henning School: Central Valley High School Plans after graduation: Accepted to the Criminal Justice Program at North Idaho College and plans to transfer to Eastern Washington University after two years to major in criminal justice or political science

Parents: David and Judi Jesse School: Central Valley High School Plans after graduation: Attend Spokane Falls Community College then continue on to a four-year college to get a psychology degree

Mark Beck Parents: Janis and Thomas Beck School: Central Valley High School Plans after graduation: Attend Boise State University and major in supply chain management

Chase Julian Madeleine Ivy Chambers

Stephanie Morgan Brown Desiree E. Bernhard Parents: Scott and Deborah Bernhard School: Central Valley High School Plans after graduation: Attend the University of Washington and major in aeronautical/aerospace engineering

Parents: Geoff and Stacy Julian School: Central Valley High School Plans after graduation: Serve a two-year mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in St. Louis, Mo.

Parents: Nathan and Shaun Brown School: Central Valley High School Plans after graduation: Attend Brigham Young University this fall for a year, then spend 18 months volunteering as a missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and finally return to BYU to continue studies, possibly in pre-dentistry or art

Matt Busch Parents: Ken and Connie Busch School: Central Valley High School Plans after graduation: Work as a CHILL Day Camp staff member in the summer, attend Spokane Falls Community College in the Destination Eastern program for two years, and then transfer to Eastern Washington University to major in education

Parents: Kevin and Christine Chambers School: Central Valley High School Plans after graduation: Attend Brigham Young University - Idaho in the fall

Cameron James Himebaugh Brent Handy Parents: Robert and TaRee Handy School: Central Valley High School Plans after graduation: Attend Brigham Young University - Idaho in the fall

Parents: David and Debbie Himebaugh School: Central Valley High School Plans after graduation: Attend Montana State University in the fall

Jordan Gabriel Knight Parents: Connie Knight and Rod Knight School: Central Valley High School Plans after graduation: Attend Portland Bible College to pursue a bachelor’s degree in worship ministry

The Splash

Natalie Middleton Parents: Kim and Gary Middleton School: Central Valley High School Plans after graduation: Attend North Idaho College to play soccer and study early childhood/elementary education, and then transfer to a four-year university to complete her education for a career as a kindergarten special education teacher

June 2013 • 19

Madison Phillips Parents: Robert and Melanie Phillips School: Gonzaga Preparatory High School Plans after graduation: Attend Regis University (Denver, Colo.) in the fall to study nursing

Jordyn Sandford Parents: Jim and Sari Sandford School: Central Valley High School Plans after graduation: After spending three weeks in England this summer, begin studies at Spokane Falls Community College in the fall and eventually transfer to WSU to pursue a degree in the speech and healing sciences

Emily Maire Staker Parents: Doug and Ann Staker School: Gonzaga Preparatory School Plans after graduation: Attend Loyola Marymount University to study political science

Jordan Michelle Stocker

Haylee Millikan Parents: Don and Kim Millikan School: Central Valley High School Plans after graduation: Attend the University of Washington in the fall

John Schutts Hailey Brooke Reneau Parents: Rob and Mysti Reneau School: Central Valley High School Plans after graduation: Attend Harvard University in the fall with a pre-med focus

Shannon Moore Parents: Craig and Sue Moore School: Central Valley High School Plans after graduation: Attend Brigham Young University-Provo in the fall

Parents: Ray and Helen Schutts School: Central Valley High School Plans after graduation: Attend the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill to study business

Christopher Sturm

Andrew Segraves Nick Rheingans Parents: Daryl and Rhonda Rheingans School: Central Valley High School Plans after graduation: Attend the University of Washington to study premedicine and march for the Huskies

Parents: Lee and Angie Stocker School: Central Valley High School Plans after graduation: Attend Washington State University in the fall

Parents: Rod and Melinda Segraves School: Central Valley High School Plans after graduation: Continue to work at Papa Murphy’s in Liberty Lake as a supervisor and attend Spokane Community College in the fall

Parents: Melissa and Christian Sturm School: Central Valley High School Plans after graduation: Attend Eastern Washington University

Nicole Thaler

Cameron Weber

Parents: Scott and Lori Thaler School: Central Valley High School Plans after graduation: Attend Washington State University

Parents: Rob and Susan Weber School: Central Valley High School Plans after graduation: Pursue a career in law enforcement

Trevor Tomlinson

Hayley Rose Windhorn

Parents: Gary and Jennifer Tomlinson School: Central Valley High School Plans after graduation: Attend Northern State University (Aberdeen, S.D.) on a baseball scholarship to study sports marketing

Dana Walker Parents: Tomi and Steve Pintler School: Central Valley High School Plans after graduation: Go to college and become a cosmetologist

Parents: Lisa and Kyle Windhorn School: Central Valley High School Plans after graduation: Attend Washington State University to pursue a career in nursing

Ryan Wells

Parents: Rich and Kim Wells School: Central Valley High School Plans after graduation: Attend the University of Washington in the fall

The Splash

20 • June 2013

Kieran Adrian • Breanna Ahlgren • Sheldon K. Ahrendt • Manoah Caleb Ainuu • Stephanie C. Alexander • Alisha Jane Allen • Lauren Rene Allen • Claire Louise Alves • Amanda Michelle Anderson • Maya Zada Anger • Jesse Albert Anthony • Alexander James Arachtingi • William C. Archer • Tylor James Arnold • Kristina Avakimova • Jordyn Mackenzie Awbery • Rachel Elizabeth Backsen • Jansen Scott Badinger • Inderbir S. Bains • Caleb M. Bak • Madison Justine Bannon • Sandy E. Barakat • Emily K. Barkley • Alexander J. Barnett • Peyton Anna-Marie Bass • Mark Thomas Beck • Chase A. Behrens • Randy Ray Bentley • Bailey K. Bergdahl • Desiree E. Bernhard • Justine Emilee Beschta • Elizabeth Jane Birch • Derek J. Bischoff • Brandon James Black • Hanna C. Bledsoe • Erik J. Bodrock • Jacob J. Bogle • Maliah Gabrielle Boudy • Danielle N. Bourgeois • Erika R. Bowden • Kyrsten J. Breazeale • Zachary Ray Brendt • Charles F. Brennan IV • Anthony R. Brines • McKenzie Britain • Brittney Annette Brooks • Hayden Brooks • Dakota D. Broughton • Chris L. Brown • Nathan James Brown • Stephanie M. Brown • Josiah T. Brubaker • Shawn L. Buck • Jacob A. Buechler • Kenzie D. Buechler • Shaela O. Buffin • Alec J. Bumgarner • Matthew J. Busch • Michael B. Butler • Connor S. Butner • Austin M. Butrum • Taylor Lynne Butters • Priscilla Ann Call • Cameron J. Campbell • Jessica R. Campos • Annica M. Carter • Madeleine Ivy Chambers • Ethan James Chavez • Tyler R. Chenault • Kiendra A. Chester • Sydney Nicole Childers • Spencer A. Clinesmith • Emily R. Conant • Madison Michelle Conrad • Austin W. Cook • Kara Elizabeth Cook • Zacary Shane Cook • Christopher Bradley Covillo • Aaron Michael Croom • Sierra Lynn Crosby • Patrick Michael McGruder Crumb • Zackary Cuglietta • Josiah M. Cunningham • Ericka Michelle Curlee • Madison N. Curtis • Anthony J. D’Amico • Shawn Dahlin • Erika L. Daily • Brittani E. Danielson • Philicia L. Danielson • Michael S. Davies • Tanner A. Davis • Ryan G. Deckard • Justine M. Del Medico • McKay P. Demars • Alexandaria K. Demick • Allison E. Dimmler • Kaleigh E. Dooley • Aidan M. Dowling • Sergey Dudla • Robert M. Duggan • Jody L. Dyer • Megan C. Edwards • Kayla M. Eikum • Reid Gregston Eliason • Shayna A. Elliott • Sydnee D. Elliott • Rachel S. Endicott • Cory J. Erickson • Ethan M. Erickson • Tyler J. Erickson • Samuel J. Eschenbacher • Austin Riley Evans • Taylor B. Everhart • Mackenzie Leif Eyers • Nicholas R. Farmer • Samra Farooq • Cara Cristine Feador • Hailey S. Ferguson • Jonathan Charles Finck • Justin Fischer • Erin Alexis Fletcher • Kimberly I. Foley • Austin H. Folsom • Sela R. Foster • Tyler James Fox • Peter Frank • Douglas M. Froehlich • Alexander S. Gaffney • Peyton J. Gage • Emily C. Gallafent • Paige L. Gallaway • Kyan Nicholas Garakani • Brandon Kekoa Garcia • Erick J. Garcia • Cora D. Genne’ • Cheyenne L. Gibson • Logan G. Giese • Rachael M. Glamp • Cesar J. Godinez • Erin E. Golden • Juan M. Gonzalez • Miguel A. Gonzalez • Brittney N. Goodman • Jason Allen Gorton • Nikalas J. Gosselin • Connar S. Grady • Brianna Rae Graham • Darien T. Grener • Shawnee Alyce Guegel • Cobi Ray Guerrinha • Destiny F. Gustin • Alanna Jane Hamilton • Brent Robert Handy • Gregory Kyle Hanson • Taylor G. Hanson • Hailey Sommar Hanson Goff • Shaun D. Harbison • Emily Harman • Sarah Anne Hartman • Seth D. Henning • George Julius Robert Herner • Leilani Lanai Herron • Scott A. Hilpert • Cameron James Himebaugh • Lauren Wisdom Himmelreich • Michael B. Hoffknecht • Christina M. Hoffman • Haley Michelle Hogberg • Ronald C. Holland • Emily Anne Hollenbeck • Shelby Lakeith Horne • Beth Lauren Hotchkiss • Alexea Louise Hovren • Levi G. Howerton • Zacqary R. Hoyer • David J. Ivanov • Carissa Elizabeth Jackson • Emily

Central Valley High School Commencement ceremony J u n e 8 at 1 1 a . m . Mc C a r t h e y C e n t e r a t Gonzaga Universit y 8 0 1 N . C i n c i n n at i , S p o k a n e Editor’s note: The following list of graduating seniors was provided by the school with information available as of May 10. Elizabeth Jarvis • Brooklyn Nicole Jeffus • Ryan S. Jenkin • Ashley R. Jensen • Victoria Jensen • Katelyn B. Jesse • Cheyenne R. Johnson • Holly A. Johnson • Liberty C. Johnson • Salina Drew Johnson • Taylor M. Johnson • Cory A. Jones • Ryun Garth Jones • Timothy Patrick Joy • Chase G. Julian • Charles W. Kable • Zachary M. Kampmann-Findley • Zachary Benjamin Kendall • Jacob Daniel Kennett • Haylee T. Keys • Arthur P. Khadzhi • Matthew A. Kienbaum • Jinhyuk E. Kim • Tyler R. King • Robert K. Kissinger-Smith • Sarah L. Klante • Jordan G. Knight • Olivia L. Koester • Ashly Elizabeth Krashowetz • Lindsey Merie Kridler • Kayla Lee Kruger • Garrett S. Kuntz • Ashton T. Kyhl • Noa Marie Lacombe • Karis Jae Lake • Colin Alec Lambie • Rachel Lynn Langford • Keaton O. Lantzer • Kaylee Marie Lappen • Christina Marie Larsen • Nikita Lavrov • Kaitlyn M. LeBlanc • Kyile W. LeBlanc • Timithy J. Leggott • Jose M. Lemus-Solorio • Madison L. Lewis • Timothy D. Liljenberg • Marissa Lindman • Sequoia Sioux Lofton • Taysha Marie Rose Lopez • Ashley R. Lorange • Gustave W. Lorge • Kelsey A. Loweree • Gabrielle Betina Lucente • Brittni L. Ludington • Cody A. Machtmes • Travis S. Mackay • Garrett J. Mains • Alexis C. Marlatt • Jordan M. Marlatt • Jonathan E. Martin • Sydney Elizabeth Martin • Sarah K. Mascall • Matthew P. Matriciano • Myles Mae Matta • Christen Nichole McAndrew • Cheyenne Alýce McCartney • Maria C. McCauley • Brandon David McClung • Destiny G. McCoy • Skyler M. H. Mcdonald • Ashlee Denise McGovern • Shelbie M. McKenzie • Aimee Marie McKinney • Michael James McLain • Alexandria Marie McLaughlin • Danae Lynn McMillen • Kalvin Curtis McNett • Daniela Mejia • Joshua Neil Meng • Cody Lee Michael • Tanner Lee Middaugh • Natalie Sue Middleton • Cassie M. Miller • Haylee B. Millikan • Ashley Marie Mitchell • Jennifer M. Mitchell • KC Mitchell • Alexandria J. Moore • Shannon J. Moore • Devan Maori Morgan • Mason C. Morgan • Richard Boyd Morgan • Taylor J. Morris • Nicholas D.

Mortimer • Jordan T. Mullen • Nathan C. Mullen • Katelyn Melissa Mullin • Seth G. Munyon • Michelle Rae Nemeth • Seth William Nicholls • Jenna AnnMarie Niles • Dallas K. Ochoa • Austin A. Ola • Karissa Pearl Olson • Shelby Brooke Osmun • Dylan Jack Oviatt • Haley Elizabeth Owens • Drew James Oxley • Taylor S. Parkhill • Cody Ryan Parsons • Brady S. Patterson • Tia Kyanna Cathrin Pau • Brittany May Paul • Nicole Kaitlin Peak • Andee Blythe Peck • Andrew Peña • Krista Lynne Petersen • Gabrielle Peterson • Ryan D. Peterson • Trevor James Peterson • Tyler A. Peterson • Zachary D. Phelps • Parker H. Phillipson • Bethany Elaine Piehl • Taylor Renáe Pippenger • Phenix A. Pitts • Brinley Poulsen • Emily Ann Pozzi • Nicholas R. Ramberg • Blaine R. Rector • Gabrielle M. Reese • Austin D. Rehkow • Michael R. Reimer • Nathan C. Reimer • Hailey Brooke Reneau • Laci L. Rennaker • Marcus S. Renz • Nicholas D. Rheingans • Kaitlyn P. Richardson • Natalie E. Riel • Chance T. Riley • Alec T. Riordan • Aaron M. Roach • Fernando Rodriguez • Abby R. Rogers • Domonique Kristine Rose • Brett E. Rountree • Madison A. Rountree • Gregory E. Rudd • Timothy A. Ruebush • Katlyn Marie Salisbury • Jacob Daniel Sandeno • Mitchell Thomas Sanders • Skye Alexandra Sanders • Jordyn Christine Sandford • Brian Nils Schappals • Meaghan Taylor Schmidt • John Borden Schutts • Carissa Jewell Sdao • Andrew Tucker Segraves • Kyle Wayne Sessions • Taylor James Shea • Hayden Riley Sheldon • Jesse Aaron Sheldon • Alexander Shevchenko • Anna-Marie Maxine Shuster • Brett Cameron Siddoway • Bhavneet Kaur Sidhu • Shalyn N. Simon • Gabriel Caleb Simpson • Brenda Linn Skinfill • Rebekah Richelle Sloan • Alex Smith • Phillip G. Smith • Brandon D. Sommer • Aubrey A. Spear • Jonah Spencer • Brady M. Spillane • John R. Spokas • James R. Sporleder • Brittany Heather Staheli • Laura-Paige Stanley • Emily Catherine Stark • Sawyer B. Starnes • Ashley Erika Stenson • Melissa Leann Stephens • Jayce Frank Stephenson • Amanda Marie Stevenson • Ashley Ann Stewart • Jason T. Stockdale • Jordan Michelle Stocker • Nathan A. Stranberg • Casey Strauss • Christopher Raeder Sturm • Stacey P. Svensrud • Dylan J. Swanson • Alex Michael Sweeney • Grayson C. Sykes • Mark Symonenko • Trevor M. Szott • Elaine R. Taylor • Zachary P. Termath • Nicole Gayle Thaler • Michael D. Theodorson • Alex D. Thomas • Robert J. Thomas • Sydni Leigh Thomas • Courtney A. Tibesar • Trevor L. Tomlinson • Alexander Townsend • Alexi Ileene Tracy • Emily Anne Travo • Gary McKay Tucker • Brandon M. Tuttle • Matthew D. Underwood • Ashley Uribe • Devin M. Van Allen • Gregory Paul Van Doren • Cora Beth Van Dyke • Courtnee A. Van Guilder • Alma D. Vargas-Romero • Derek Alan Vasquez • Thomas C. Vernon • Zachary R. Voelker • Adrien Mitchell Vogel • Rachel A. Vore • Jordan E. Vuong • Kolby Matthew Wade • Zachary Thomas Wagner • Bryan K. Wakefield • Dana C. Walker • Caitlin Jennifer Walter • Joshua Joseph Wanner • Katherine Grace Wardsworth • Nicholas C. Waters • Joslynn Nicole Watkins • Jordan Clarence Watson • Mackynzie Natalia Tyyne Watts • Cameron J. Weber • Jacob David Weisbeck • Kathryn M. Weisbeck • William E. Welch • Ryan C. Wells • Alexander P. Wende • Dalton R. West • Edgar Joseph Whipple • Matthew R. Whiting • Katrina Danielle Whitsett • Evany A. Whitson • Jamie M. Willms • Tiahnna P. Willms • Caitlen Jo Wilson • Hayley Rose Windhorn • Carly Ann Wolf • Joseph W. Wormuth • Brandon R. Wright • Kaelyn Shay Yandt • McKenna E. Yarber • Uilani M. Young

The Splash

June 2013 • 21

Valedictorian’s next step: Harvard Hailey Reneau plans to leverage her education to serve the world By Jocelyn Stott Splash Contributor

After a brief conversation with 2013 Central Valley High School Valedictorian, Hailey Reneau, it’s really not surprising to learn she plans to attend Harvard University and study pre-med with a secondary concentration in global health policy. It makes perfect sense, actually. According to Reneau, “I love school. I decided as a sophomore I wanted to attend an Ivy League School. I have always wanted the very best education available.” As a kid growing up in a military family, Reneau has changed schools about every three to four years. The 18-year-old moved to Liberty Lake with her family from Altus, Okla., when she was a freshman. For her, the key to keeping her grades Ivy League ready was connecting to what she is passionate about — school and involvement with public service. Reneau’s father, recently retired Lt. Col. Robert Reneau, says his daughter’s work ethic has always impressed him. “She is the most motivated person I know,” he said. “… Hailey did all of her own research on schools she thought she might be interested in, navigated the application process and found many scholarship opportunities on her own.” The daughter concurs. “I was the kid with all the college brochures — looking at each one and planning my future,” she said. Underneath Reneau’s professed love for school is a passion for people of all walks, application of knowledge and justice. “My ideal career path would be to become a doctor, work for awhile as maybe a family practitioner, do some work with an organization like Doctors Without Borders and then get into the public policy-making — not as a politician, but an experienced

expert who helps inform others,” she said. Reneau understands that making policy effectively will involve her ability to present information clearly — this is where her communications skills will come in handy. Spirited debate is a regular event in the Reneau household, she shared. Her mom, Mysti, a liberal-leaning journalist and social services professional currently pursuing a doctoral degree, has ideas that often clash with her dad’s more conservative views. “They still get along at the end of the day,” said Reneau, who identifies herself more as an independent. This home environment had much to do with Reneau’s experiences as president of the debate team (as well as a National Forensics League Academic AllAmerican) and the Spanish Club, captain of the Knowledge Bowl team, and her service on the Liberty Lake Youth Commission. Reneau also found time to volunteer at Deaconess Hospital and hold an internship with the Fairchild Air Force Base Public Affairs Office. Prior to her senior year, she played on the varsity soccer team and refereed for both the Inland Empire Soccer Association and Altus Youth Soccer. A National Merit Commended Scholar, Reneau also received Comcast Foundation’s annual Leaders and Achievers Scholarship Program award. Reneau confessed that Yale was actually her first choice because she loved the campus, but she didn’t get accepted; however, she said she’s very happy with Harvard. In all, she applied to about 15 schools, many of them Ivy League and a few regional “safety schools,” as Reneau called them, like Western Washington and University of Portland. Born in Spokane, Reneau moved away shortly after. She also lived in Spokane for a short time as a kindergartener while her father worked at Fairchild Air Force Base as a pilot of a KC135 refueling jet. Before his recent retirement, Reneau was stationed around the country and in England, Germany and Cyprus with his family. Reneau attended

Hailey Brook Reneau Signature beverage 16 ounce, double-shot white chocolate mocha

Pet Australian Shepherd, Faith

Movies Loves 80s movies, including her favorite, “Breakfast Club”

Languages known English, Spanish and some German — enough “to get by”

Submitted photo

CVHS Valedictorian and Liberty Lake resident Hailey Reneau visited the Harvard University campus in April — shortly after learning she had been accepted to attend the distinguished school. schools in England and Germany. She studied Spanish for five years because it was practical in places like Oklahoma and other Western states to communicate with her friends. When the acceptance email came from Harvard — “it was March 28,” she recalled with a big smile — she saw the notification on her cell phone but nervously waited until she got home from school to read it. Reneau’s sister, Mariah, a sophomore at CVHS, had peeked already, but she promised not to reveal the news. In the event the news was unfavorable, Reneau joked, “I had my Ben and Jerry’s chocolate

caramel-something ice cream ready.” It was the day before spring break, but everyone already heard the news by the time school started again, she said. Perhaps where Reneau’s leadership is most demonstrated is within her own family. “Being the oldest child of a large family, I have often depended upon Hailey to be the big sister that sets an example for her younger siblings, and she has never disappointed,” mom Mysti Reneau said. Mariah concurs. “My sister is my best friend and

my competition. I’m so proud of her. With the bar she sets, I just want to do better. Now that she’s going to Harvard, I might have to one-up her and go to Yale,” she joked. The Reneau household also includes twin 11-year-old brothers, Joshua and Noah. They’re not too focused on college yet, but one is talking about the Air Force Academy already, Reneau said. Reneau visited the Harvard campus in Cambridge, Mass., for an April event called Visitas — a word play on the University’s slogan, “Veritas” (Latin for truth) — but the event was canceled due to the Boston Marathon bombing and ensuing manhunt. Since she had already traveled so far, Reneau took a look at the campus anyway. Looking ahead to the school year, Reneau said she is most nervous about all the people she will meet and that they will be more accomplished when she arrives for the school year Aug. 19. Indeed, the caliber of Harvard students can understandably be intimidating. According to recent statistics, only 7 percent of applicants are accepted. Of those admitted, 75 percent have a grade point average of 4.0. Notable graduates include John Hancock (of Declaration of Independence signature fame), Ralph Waldo Emerson, Helen Keller and T.S. Elliot — just to get started. Harvard has graduated the most U.S. presidents of any university (eight), including current President Barack Obama. At Harvard, Reneau is most looking forward to the pursuit of her passion, which has always been to learn. “I’m excited to be educated by others — people who are going to change the world,” she said.

history Hillside settlers had own set of prospects, challenges

The Splash

22 • June 2013

By Ross Schneidmiller

Liberty Lake Historical Society

Osmund Knudsen staked his homestead claim in the hills above Liberty Lake in 1889. Like many homesteaders, Osmund could not initially support his family from the land. So he continued in the express business, which consisted of a wagon and the team of his prize horses, “Kaiser and Sullivan”. A year after his arrival, gold was discovered in Rossland, British Columbia. Rossland is located on Red Mountain nearly 2,000 feet above Trail, B.C. After a road was built in 1893, express services were needed to haul freight up and down from the mines. The O. Knudsen Express, loaded with ore from the Rossland mines, would meet the stern-wheeler steamer at Trail Landing on the Columbia River. The ore would be taken down the Columbia to be loaded in railroad cars destined for smelters in the United States. The work was hard, requiring a strong team of horses traveling five miles up the steep grade to the mines. But the financial reward made it worth traveling to Trail from the Inland Empire for the work. This opportunity lasted for the expressmen until a railway was completed over this route. Although the creators and supporters of the Homestead Law perceived homesteads to be sufficient in themselves, outside income could determine their success or failure. Homesteaders in the wooded hills around the lake had additional challenges from those in open spaces. Imagine clearing the land for cultivation, which was one of the requirements of the Homestead Act. Trees were felled; stumps were burned or pulled out with levers, mattocks and peaveys. But with challenges also came opportunity: sawmills started to dot the hillsides of the southern and eastern slopes surrounding the lake. The expanding railroad lines of Eastern Washington and Northern Idaho created a great demand for railroad ties. The large stands of fir and tamarack trees above the lake were cut into thousands of ties. The circular saws of the mills were belt driven and often powered by the back wheel of a truck. The Knudsens had such a mill, powered by a Ford Model A pickup, in the hills east of the lake. These lumber operations provided employment for a number of the hillside settlers. In addition to lumber for the railroads, the North Idaho mines were good customers to these mills using their timbers in the construction of the mine shafts. The lumber was often hauled by wagon to the nearest railway station for delivery. Business for these mom-andpop sawmills was strongest from the late

A series from the Liberty Lake Historical Society, appearing in the first Splash issue of each month in 2013. January: Relocation of the

Coeur d’Alenes

February: Formation of the Coeur March: April: May: June:

July: August: September: October: November: December:

d’Alene Indian Reservation Transportation Overview Railroads Homesteaders Homesteaders in the hills Utilities Church School Commerce Government Medical

Did you know? photo courtesy of the liberty lake historical society

In this circa 1905 photo, Martha Knudsen, wife of Osmund, feeds chickens at the Knudsen homestead located in the hills east of modern-day Liberty Lake County Park. 1800s into the 1920s. The settlers in the hills tried many other things to make a go of it. They raised livestock, fox for their furs and chickens — both fryers and layers. Road Island Red Chicken was a popular dish served at many of the area resorts. In addition, several of the resorts relied on the hillside communities for their farm fresh eggs. When state and federal laws were passed prior to 1920 prohibiting the sale, manufacturing and distribution of liquor, a backwoods industry was given an economic stimulus. The hills above the lake became a hotbed for the moonshine industry. One of the eastside’s most well-known operators was granted his homestead in 1916. He was a moonshiner and bootlegger, meaning he both manufactured and sold the hillbilly pop. His method of transporting the illegal goods to customers in Spokane was a flatbed truck with a façade of firewood, supposedly for delivery. On his return trip he would haul barrels of sugar needed for the manufacturing process. Of course, the firewood traveled both directions concealing the true identity of the shipment. U.S. Treasury agents, called Revenuers, were responsible for enforcing laws

against illegal distilling or bootlegging of alcohol. In our area, they would scavenge the hillsides looking for stills. If one was found, they would destroy it, often with dynamite, and arrest the perpetrators if they could catch them. Several in the hillside community beneath Big Rock and Signal Point had stills, but only a few were big-time operators. Many claimed the products from their stills were for their own medicinal purposes. Sig Knudsen, the youngest son of Osmund, recalled a time when he thought he heard gunfire coming up the road. He thought for sure it was Revenuers looking for violators. Sig quickly destroyed the evidence of his home moonshine operation only to learn he had heard backfiring from a truck. If the eastside hills were the minor leagues of moonshine lore, Mica Peak was the majors! They gained their reputation legitimately through their many illegitimate commercial-sized operations. A Google News Archives Search will reveal the plethora of headlines garnered from the discovery, seizure and destruction of Mica Peak stills over a period of several years. They were so infamous, their production was known as “Mica Moonshine,” sort of like an appellation in the

• There are two basic ways to mount paddle wheels on a boat: either a single wheel on the rear, known as a sternwheeler, or a paddle wheel on each side, known as a side-wheeler. • No specific amount of land was required to be cultivated, but it was generally held that in order to show good faith in establishing the homestead, at least 10 acres should be cultivated. • It takes 2,640 railroad ties per mile of track. An average size tree can produce 80 ties. So 33 average size trees are needed for every mile of track. • Moonshine has many names, such as corn liquor, white lightning, sugar whiskey, ruckus juice, rotgut, mule kick, alley bourbon, wild cat, block and tackle, hooch, mountain dew and hillbilly pop.

wine industry. The Homesteaders in the hills were a tight-knit group. They worked together and socialized together, often attending dances at one of many venues around the lake or Spokane Bridge. They even built and operated their own schools. As time passed, the families moved out of hills into the larger communities in our area. Ross Schneidmiller is president of the Liberty Lake Historical Society and a lifelong resident of the community.

The Splash

June 2013 • 23

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The Splash

24 • June 2013 Brought to you by

Jump into summer Liberty Lake offers plenty of options for play By Tammy Kimberley Wave Staff Writer

It’s true — the first official day of summer isn’t until June 21. Even though school is still in session, it’s hard not to get excited about all the fabulous opportunities available to Liberty Lake kids during the coming months. Whether you like to bike or hike, to be outside or indoors, there are plenty of adventures to be had right in our own backyard. Some activities you can do alone. Others are best enjoyed in the company of family and friends. A few events require cash, but most of the suggestions are free. What they all have in common is they are offered in Liberty Lake. Let these pages tempt you to imagine ways you and your friends can spend summer vacation. Just don’t get caught daydreaming about it during class. “I like to ride my bike a lot and rollerblade around Rocky Hill Park.”

Camden Fletcher, 7

Bike along the trails. Grab your helmet, pack a picnic lunch and ride your bike along the beautiful trails in the community. If you’re looking for a more challenging distance, ask your parents to sign up for one of the Saturday bike club rides to Hiawatha or Fish Lake trails (register at City Hall). On your ride around town, you might even catch a glimpse of some grazing goats, rumored to be making an appearance near parks or other grassy areas sometime this summer.

Play in the parks. It’s no secret that Liberty Lake is home to some fabulous parks, both big and small, boasting tennis and basketball courts, open fields and play structures. Enjoy the

spray feature and skate park at Pavillion Park, go geocaching on the rocky knoll at Rocky Hill, or play in the sand pit and water feature at Half Moon Park. You may even have a chance to jump on inflatables or compete against friends in carnival games if you stop by Pavillion Park on July 27 during Liberty Lake Days.

Give tennis a try. Submitted photo Speaking of parks, did you know the Liberty Lake Community Tennis Asso- Blake Earle does a flip off a dock into Liberty Lake last summer. The area provides many ciation offers free lessons each Saturday at water activities that kids can enjoy, such as swimming, skiing and fishing. Rocky Hill Park? Kids of all ability levels are invited to come play from 9 to 10 a.m. day night family times and Friday mornscooter for ing activities in addition to Lego Club, (7 years and under) or 10 to 11 a.m. (8 to the mid- story times and kids craft times. Look in 14 years old). day pa- next month’s issue for more details about You just need “During the summer, we rade that these activities as well as the end-of-theto bring a stay up late to watch movies in takes place summer carnival. water bottle the park with my grandma.” around and racquet Tristan McArthur, 6 the Alpine Be a drama queen (or king). Shores If you’re interested in music or theater, neighbor- the community has some great outlets for (if you have one) to hood and entertainment. There are several familyenjoy this sport that is stick around to play old-fashioned games friendly concerts organized by Friends of good for the mind and afterward. Catch the annual concert at PaPavillion Park, and Montana Shakespeare body. villion Park, and then “ooohh” and “aaw- in the Parks is returning for the third time ww” over the fireworks later that night. to present “Henry V.” If you prefer to visit Enjoy an outdoor an indoor venue, Liberty Lake Community movie. Explore the lake. Theatre is presenting “Big Bad,” featuring Staying up late + glow Adventure awaits around and in the wa- fairy-tale characters on trial July 26-28. sticks and goodies from the Kiwanis stand ters of Liberty Lake. Boaters, skiers and + snuggling under blankets + enjoying a swimmers can be found most any summer Run around town. good flick with friends = a perfect sum- day. If you like to fish, grab a life vest and Each Thursday at 6 p.m., the Liberty Lake mer night in Liberty Lake. Sponsored by spend a day with your family catching fish. Running Club invites runners or walkers Friends of Pavillion Park, the line-up for Or if you visit Liberty Lake Regional Park, of all ages to participate in a 3-mile route this season’s movies in the parks includes build sand castles on the beach or hike up around town. Why not lace up your shoes, several movies kids love (see calendar for to the waterfall. Wildlife abounds in the grab a family member and join in with more details). area, so keep your eyes alert for moose or Shock football players for a fun run and beavers. taco buffet on July 18? Or if you’re interestCelebrate July 4th. ed in competing in an actual race, register The Fourth of July is a favorite tradi- Relax at the library. for the Liberty Lake Loop on July 13. tion for many community kids If you need a and adults. Decorate your bike or break from the heat, cool off in“We go out on our boat to “I really love going to the Liberty doors at the liswim and tube on summer days. Lake Farmers Market to get honey brary! The kids I also love the fireworks that summer reading sticks and cheese pizza.” program “Dig Into sparkle and shine on the Fourth.” Alex Roades, 8 Reading!” kicks off Daelyn Wiese, 7 June 15. There will be special Thurs-

The Splash

June 2013 • 25

May 31, 6 to 9 p.m., HUB Sports Center: Dads & Dudes Night Boys are invited to bring their fathers (uncles, grandpa or other dudes) for an evening of fun, games and giveaways at the HUB. For cost and more: June 8, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.: Liberty Lake Community Yard Sales Trade in your toys for cash or simply people-watch during this 20th annual event that typically draws thousands to the community. June 15 to Aug. 20, Liberty Lake Municipal Library: “Dig Into Reading!” This year’s summer reading program for ages preschool to 10 years old will feature a slew of activities and special summer events. For more: June 17 to Aug. 23., Pavillion Park: CHILL summer camp Play outdoors with friends and go on field trips to places like Triple Play and Sky High Trampoline. For cost and more: July 3, dusk, Pavillion Park: Free movie showing of “Up” (Rated PG) July 4, all day: Fourth of July festivities A noon parade in the Alpine Shores

Summer Kids Calendar neighborhood (lineup begins at 11 a.m. if you want to be in the parade) is followed by afternoon games. A concert in Pavillion Park at 5 p.m. precedes the fireworks over the lake later that evening. July 5, dusk, Pavillion Park: Free movie showing of “Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix” (PG-13) July 13, 8 a.m., Pavillion Park: Liberty Lake Loop The kids’ races will be held at the park immediately following the 4-mile adult loop. For registration and more: July 18, 6 p.m., Palenque Restaurant parking lot: Shock Run Kids are invited to come run a 3-mile route along with Spokane Shock coach Andy Olsen and other Shock players. A taco buffet will be available for in the lower level of Trailhead for $7 plus tax. For more: 954-9806 July 19, dusk, Pavillion Park: Free movie showing of “Tangled” (PG) July 20, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., Liberty Lake Farm-

ers Market: Italian Festival July 20, dusk, Pavillion Park: Free movie showing of “Adventures of Tin Tin” (PG) July 26, dusk, Half Moon Park: Free movie showing of “Hugo” (PG) July 27, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Pavillion Park: Liberty Lake Days Play carnival games, ride the inflatable waterslide and take home some cool prizes. Enjoy the classic car show that will take place the night before (July 26 from 6 to 9 p.m.) along Liberty Lake Road. For more: July 26-28, Liberty Lake Community Theatre: “Big Bad” This smart and wickedly funny play includes a host of characters from the fairy-tale world such as Big Bad Wolf, Evil Stepmother, Fairy Godmother, Little Red riding Hood and the Three Little Pigs. For tickets and more: Aug. 3, dusk, Pavillion Park: Free movie showing of “Mamma Mia!”(PG-13) Aug. 9, dusk, Half Moon Park: Free movie showing of “Star Trek” (PG-13)

Aug. 10, dusk, Rocky Hill Park: Free movie showing of “The Goonies” (PG) Aug. 16, dusk, Pavillion Park: Free movie showing of “Bolt” (PG) August 17, 8 a.m. to 1 p.m., Pawpular Companions: Mutt Strut This third annual event includes a 2.5-mile walk with your pet, an ice cream social (for people and dogs) and raffles to raise funds for local animal rescue. For more: www. Aug. 23, dusk, Pavillion Park: Free movie showing of “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off” (PG-13) Aug. 24, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., Liberty Lake Farmers Market: Pie Festival Aug. 24, dusk, Pavillion Park: Free movie showing of “The Wizard of Oz” (G) Aug. 25, 5 p.m., Pavillion Park: “Henry V” performed by Montana Shakespeare in the Parks Hosted by Friends of Pavillion Park, this free event by a theatrical troupe is returning to the park for the third time. For more: For more family activities, library events and information on sports camps and lessons, go to, or

Kids Tell It Like It Is In honor of Father’s Day, how are you and your dad alike or different? Compiled by Tammy Kimberley at the Central Valley Kindergarten Center “I exercise and jump on the trampoline, and he doesn’t.” Dylan Davis, 6

“We like the same sports and cheer for Michigan football.”

“I ride a bike and my dad doesn’t.”

“We both like to play games like Minecraft.”

Prasidha Krishnaswamy, 6

Breyden Reynolds, 6

“I giggle like him.”

“We’re different ‘cuz he has dark hair, and I have light hair.”

Samantha Johnson, 6

Melissa Wirthlin, 6

“Me and my dad both dress nice.” Nico Cisneros, 6

“We both play hockey and like to watch the Stanley Cup finals.” Joshua Parker, 6

Roxanne Robinson, 6

“My dad and I like to be out in the sun and go swimming.” Faith Kreger, 5

Celebrate Youth Week (June 17-21) with the Gumshoes, Josh and Josie, as they search for their best friend’s missing money. Read their story at and enter to win four tickets to Silverwood.* (509) 326.1954 | (208) 619.4000 | (800) 858.3750 | * No purchase necessary to enter or win. Must be 18 or younger and a U.S. citizen. One eligible entry per member. Promotion begins June 17, 2013, and ends June 28, 2013. Must submit “mystery clue answer sheet” to STCU by the end of the promotion period to be entered to win one of two prizes. Odds of winning depend on number of eligible entries. Restrictions apply. See any branch or for official rules and to enter.

Federally insured by NCUA. Kids 18 and under can join us for free during Youth Week (June 17-21).

The Splash

26 • June 2013 Brought to you by

About and for Liberty Lake seniors

Six ideas for your Liberty Lake summer for information about fishing licenses and maps.

By Heidi Scott Splash Contributor

As the days get warmer and everybody seems to come out of hibernation, plenty of options are available for seniors looking to fill the beautiful days. Here are five activities that aim to better the lives of folks living in the Liberty Lake area.

5. Dust off the past There are many affordable ways to engage the mind during the summer, some of which are as accessible and inexpensive as a trip to the library. For a more in-depth and collaborative approach, try a class offered by the Community Colleges of Spokane, many of which are taught at sites throughout the area. One example is a history class taught by Don Popejoy, a local author and expert in American History, called “Turning Points in American History — Part 2.” (This class stands alone, so it is not necessary to have taken Part 1.) The class will be held at CenterPlace, the regional event center located at 2426 N. Discovery Place in Spokane Valley. Each session of the class focuses on a different turning point in the nation’s history, including topics such as the Cold War, Watergate or the Manhattan Project. The cost is $68 and it runs on Tuesdays from 12:30 to 3 p.m. June 18 through Aug. 27. Register by clicking the “Explore History/Culture” link at spokane.

1. Slam the pickleball This inter-generational activity is exploding in growth nationwide. From 9 to 90 (and beyond), people in every age group are enjoying this modified tennis sport. Locally, a group of about 25 enthusiasts gather from 12:30 to 2:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday to play pickleball at the HUB Sports Center, 19619 E. Cataldo Ave. The cost is $2 for seniors, which includes paddles, balls, facilities and instruction. The only thing players need to bring is a pair of comfortable tennis shoes. For those new to the sport, a beginner’s clinic is being offered at the HUB from 3 to 4 p.m. June 2 followed by open play from 4 to 6 p.m. The cost is a suggested $5 donation for the clinic, or $2 for the open play only. As always, equipment is provided. For more, call the HUB at 927-0602 or visit

6. Spend time at the Spokane Valley Senior Center

2. Aim for the green Liberty Lake is a golfers’ mecca. Trailhead, MeadowWood and Liberty Lake golf courses all host clubs for men and women, with seniors comprising much of the membership in several of the clubs, particularly at Trailhead, 1102 N. Liberty Lake Road. There, nearly 30 members of the Ladies Club meet Wednesdays at 8 a.m. to play nine holes. The Men’s Club averages between 12 and 20 people and meets Thursdays at 9 a.m., 2:30 p.m. or 5:30 p.m. With a different game every week, members are not required to come every time. Both clubs cost $50 to join and include a GHIN handicap. One club geared particularly toward seniors, the long-running Over the Hill Gang that plays Liberty Lake and MeadowWood on Mondays, is for golfers age 60 and older.

3. Swim for fitness The Liberty Lake Athletic Club, 23410 E. Mission Ave., partners with Spokane Falls Community College’s ACT 2 pro-

submitted Photo

Jess Glouser, 92, regularly enjoys pickleball at the HUB Sports Center. gram to offer an aquatic fitness class in town. Geared for seniors, the class has a goal of strengthening and toning all major muscle groups as well as increasing flexibility and joint integrity. It is held 10:15 a.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays over the summer and costs $39. Bring your own suit, towel and water bottle. Water shoes are also recommended. Visit and look for the “Get Fit” button to register. Similar classes are also available in Spokane Valley at places like the YMCA (777-9622) and Evergreen Fountains (9223100).

4. Reel in a big one Liberty Lake is a great place to fish in a

region full of great places to fish. In fact, USA Today recently featured a story about the 76 fishing lakes around the greater Spokane area. Recommended fishing destinations include 5,000-acre Long Lake for its huge kokanee trout, largemouth and smallmouth bass and yellow perch; Fish Lake, which boasts the largest tiger trout ever caught; Clear Lake, a good family spot with plenty of lodging and equipment rentals; Eloika Lake, with a reputation for plenty of largemouth bass; Newman Lake, a destination for award-winning Tiger Muskies; and Hog Canyon Lake, a hot spot for rainbow trout. No matter your preference, this area has plenty of options for anglers of every age and skill level. Visit

Seniors 50 and up can enjoy the Spokane Valley Senior Center, which offers a full lineup of activities Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. and some evenings. Physical fitness programs include gentle exercise classes like chair fitness to more active classes like aerobics and Zumba. Self-improvement classes cover everything from computers to gardening to knitting, and there are also clubs like the Red Hat Society, Greenhouse Support Group and a book club. Look for games and sports as well, with table tennis, bingo, poker and Mah Jongg, to name a few. The Senior Center also offers Wellness Checks with certified professionals and other educational programs to keep you fit and active. A membership fee of $20 per year includes access to all the events and subscription to the monthly newsletter. The Spokane Valley Senior Center is located in the east wing of CenterPlace, 2426 N. Discovery Place. For more, call 926-1937.

The Splash

June 2013 • 27

Where Wellness Is A Way Of Life

Summer move specia-lisn

Swing into Summer TRIVIA TEST 1. ENTERTAINERS: What actress’s original name was Natasha Gurdin? 2. LANGUAGE: What is a dyarchy? 3. TELEVISION: What was the Skipper’s nickname for Gilligan in “Gilligan’s Island”? 4. GEOGRAPHY: On which coast of Africa is the country of Gabon located? 5. ADVERTISING SLOGANS: What company’s cookies are baked by elves? 6. HISTORY: What was Attila the Hun’s moniker? 7. PSYCHOLOGY: What fear is represented by pharmacophobia? 8. GAMES: How many color groups of property are in the game of Monopoly?

9. INVENTIONS: Who invented the Frisbee? 10. ANATOMY: Where are the adrenal glands located in the human body? © 2013 King Features Syndicate Inc.

Answers to Trivia 1. Natalie Woods; 2. Dual governance; 3. Little buddy; 4. West; 5. Keebler’s; 6. “Scourge of God”; 7. Fear of taking drugs/medicine; 8. Eight; 9. Walter Frederick Morrison; 10. On top of the kidneys

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The Splash

28 • June 2013


a Snapshot of Summer • July 3, dusk, Pavillion Park: Free movie showing of “Up” (Rated PG) • July 4, Alpine Shores neighborhood: Fourth of July parade • July 4, 5 p.m., Pavillion Park: 6 Foot Swing and Tuxedo Junction • July 4, dusk: Fireworks over the lake • July 5, dusk, Pavillion Park: Free movie showing of “Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix” (PG-13) • July 13, 8 a.m., Pavillion Park: Liberty Lake Loop • July 19, dusk, Pavillion Park: Free movie showing of “Tangled” (PG) • July 20, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., Liberty Lake Farmers Market: Italian Festival • July 20, dusk, Pavillion Park: Free movie showing of “Adventures of Tin Tin” (PG) • July 26, dusk, Half Moon Park: Free movie showing of “Hugo” (PG) • July 26, 6 to 9 p.m., downtown Liberty Lake: Classic Car Show • July 27, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Pavillion Park: Liberty Lake Days • July 26-28, Liberty Lake Community Theatre: “Big Bad” • Aug. 3, dusk, Pavillion Park: Free movie showing of “Mamma Mia!”(PG-13) • Aug. 9, dusk, Half Moon Park: Free movie showing of “Star Trek” (PG-13) • Aug. 10, dusk, Rocky Hill Park: Free movie showing of “The Goonies” (PG) • Aug. 16, dusk, Pavillion Park: Free movie showing of “Bolt” (PG) • Aug. 17, 8 a.m. to 1 p.m., Pawpular Companions: Mutt Strut • Aug. 17, 7 p.m., Pavillion Park: The Robert Cray Band • Aug. 23, dusk, Pavillion Park: Free movie showing of “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off” (PG-13) • Aug. 24, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., Liberty Lake Farmers Market: Pie Festival • Aug. 24, dusk, Pavillion Park: Free movie showing of “The Wizard of Oz” (G) • Aug. 25, 5 p.m., Pavillion Park: “Henry V” performed by Montana Shakespeare in the Parks • Aug. 31, 6 p.m., Pavillion Park: Spokane Symphony

Calendar of Events COMMUNITY June 8 | Liberty Lake Community Yard Sales 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., Liberty Lake. Organized

by the Liberty Lake Kiwanis, the 20th annual sale takes place the second Saturday of each June and typically includes hundreds of homes. For more:

June 8 | Used Book Sale 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.,

Liberty Lake Municipal Library, 23123 E. Mission Ave. Fiction, non-fiction and children’s books will be available. The library is requesting donations of books published in 2005 or after; books can be dropped off at the library desk.

June 8 | Think Pink lemonade stand 10

a.m. to 4 p.m., Piccadilly Crossing, Otis Orchards. To raise money for cancer patients, 8-year-old Thea Ballao will be selling lemonade and baked goods.

June 13 | Gardening in the Shade 6:15 p.m., Liberty Lake Municipal Library, 23123 E. Mission Ave. Master Gardener Eva Lusk will offer a free discussion on planting flowers. For more: 755-6726 June 13 | Valley Christian Information Night 6:30 to 7:30 p.m., Valley Christian

School, 10212 E. 9th Ave. Discover more about school and enrollment. For more: 924-9131 or

June 14 | Flag Day June 15 | Liberty Lake Library summer reading program begins Liberty Lake

Municipal Library, 23123 E. Mission Ave. Read and listing to books and win prizes throughout the summer. “Dig Into Reading” is the program for ages 4 to 12, while “Beneath the Surface” is for ages 13 to 19. For more: library

June 16 | Father’s Day June 17 | CHILL Day Camp begins 7:45

a.m. to 5:15 p.m., Pavillion Park. This day camp for kids ages 5 to 11 offers activities and field trips. Sessions run through Aug. 23. For cost and more:

June 17 | Relay for Life team captains meeting 5:45 p.m., Liberty Lake Sewer and

Water District building, 22510 E. Mission Ave. The public is invited to learn more about this event that will take place July 19 at Meadowwood Technology Campus. For more:

June 21 | First day of summer June 22 | Soap Box Derby 8:30 to noon,

Pavillion Park. The public is invited to cheer on special needs children who are paired with a volunteer driver for a race of a lifetime. For more:

Recurring CV Class of 1958 Reunion The Central

Valley Class of 1958 is planning a reunion for August 17 along with a picnic on August 18. If you are a graduate or know someone who might need information, please call 255-6803 or 9240099 or email

Friends of the Liberty Lake Municipal Library 6 p.m. the last Tuesday of every month, Library, 23123 E. Mission Ave.

Kiwanis Club of Liberty Lake 6:45 a.m. Wednesdays, Liberty Lake City Hall, 22510 E. Country Vista Drive. For more: www. Liberty Lake Centennial Rotary Club

Noon Thursdays, Meadowwood Technology Campus Liberty Room, 2100 N. Molter Road.

Liberty Lake Farmers Market Saturdays,

9 a.m. to 1 p.m., 1421 N. Meadowwood Lane. The market runs through mid-October. For more:

Liberty Lake Lions Club Noon on the

second and fourth Wednesdays of each month, Barlow’s Restaurant, 1400 N. Meadowwood Lane. For more: 927-2193 or

Liberty Lake Merchants Association

7 a.m. Tuesdays, Liberty Lake Portal, 23403 E. Mission Ave., Suite 120. Open to business professionals interested in promoting business in the Liberty Lake and Spokane Valley areas. Networking begins at 6:45 a.m.

Liberty Lake Municipal Library 23123 E.

Mission Avenue. 10:15 a.m. Fridays, baby lapsit story time; 11 a.m. Friday, toddler/preschool story time and songs; 1 p.m. Fridays, story time and crafts for preschoolers; 10:30 a.m. Saturdays, Knitting Club; 10:30 a.m. Saturdays, computer classes; 2:30 p.m. Saturdays, anime club; 10:30 a.m. Tuesdays and Wednesdays, toddler/preschool story time. For more: 232-2510

Liberty Lake Toastmasters 5:45 to 7 p.m.

Wednesdays, Liberty Lake Sewer and Water District building, 22510 E. Mission Ave. For more: 208-765-8657

Senior Lunch programs 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Monday through Friday, Talon Hills Senior Complex, 24950 E. Hawkstone Loop. Seniors age 60 and older invited; recommended donation $3.50. Spokane Valley Writer’s Group 6:15 p.m.

CIVIC & BUSINESS June 8 | Swing Into Summer 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., Evergreen Fountains, 1201 N. Evergreen Road. This free event will feature food, tours, prizes and live music by Mike Greenwood. For more:

June 14 | Women Executives of Liberty Lake (WELL) meeting 1p.m., Liberty Lake Sewer and Water District, 22510 E. Mission Ave. Betsy Pozzanghera of Another Way Marketing (AWM) will be the guest speaker. Networking begins at 12:45 p. m. For more:

June 15 | Road to Regional SCRAPS event 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., 6815 E. Trent. Take

a sneak peek at SCRAPS future facility and enjoy entertainment, contests, vendor books and raffles at this free event. There were also be a “Mutts, Meows & Motorcycles Ride” from Lone Wolf Harley Davidson at 9 a.m. For more:

June 21 | Greater Spokane Valley Chamber Business Connections Breakfast 6:30 to 8:30 a.m., Mirabeau Park Hotel, 1100 N. Sullivan Road. Coffee and conversation begins at 6:30 a.m., program begins at 7 a.m. Cost is $25 for members and guests, $35 for non-members. For more:

Recurring Central Valley School Board 6:30 p.m. on

the second and fourth Mondays of each month, CVSD administration building, 19307 E. Cataldo, Spokane Valley.

Liberty Lake City Council 7 p.m. on the first and third Tuesdays of each month, City Hall, 22710 E. Country Vista Drive.

Liberty Lake Municipal Library Board

10:30 a.m. the first Thursday of each month, 23123 E. Mission Ave.

the first and third Thursdays of every month, Liberty Lake Municipal Library, 23123 E. Mission Ave. This supportive critique group welcomes adult writers. For more: 570-4440

Liberty Lake Library Foundation Noon the first Wednesday of each month, 23123 E. Mission Ave.


Liberty Lake Planning Commission 4 p.m. on the second Wednesday of each month, City Hall, 22710 E. Country Vista Drive.

June 1 and 2 | LLCT auditions for “Big Bad!” 3 p.m. (June 1) and 4 p.m.

(June 2), Liberty Lake Community Theatre, 22910 E. Appleway. No preparation needed to audition for roles for children, teens and adults. Performances run July 28-28. For more:

June 15 | Art at the Market 9 a.m. to 1

p.m., Liberty Lake Farmers Market, 1421 N. Meadowwood Lane. For more: llfarmersmarket. com

Recurring Liberty Lake Art Society Third Wednesday of the month, various times and locations. Create, learn and explore new art avenues, as well as display, sell and network your art. No jurying board, no bylaws, no pressure. Work on projects to benefit Liberty Lake and surround communities. Dues are $10 per year, and you do not need to be a local resident to join. For more: 255-9600

Liberty Lake SCOPE 6:30 p.m. on the first Wednesday of each month, City Hall, 22710 E. Country Vista Drive Liberty Lake Sewer and Water District Board of Commissioners 4 p.m. on the third Wednesday of each month, 22510 E. Mission Ave.

HEALTH & RECREATION May 31 | Dads & Dudes Night 6 to 9 p.m., HUB Sports Center, 19619 E. Cataldo Ave., Liberty Lake. Dads, sons, uncles and grandpas of all ages are invited for a night of fun and games at the HUB. Cost is $10 for a dad and dude; $3 for each additional dude. For more: June 1 | Liberty Lake Kiwanis Foundation Scholarship Scramble

Meadowwood Golf Course, 24501 E. Valleyway.

See CALENDAR, page 29

The Splash

June 2013 • 29


CALENDAR Continued from page 28 Registration is $75 per golfer ($300 for a foursome) and includes green fees, golf cart, free range balls and lunch. Proceeds from this tournament help local high school graduates fund their ongoing education. For more: or 499-3180

June 2 | Beginners Pickleball Clinic 3 to 4 p.m., HUB Sports Center, 19619 E. Cataldo Ave., Liberty Lake. A clinic is available for those new to Pickleball or those who wish to learn more about the skills and strategies of the game. Cost is $5 for clinic and drop-in play; $2 for just drop-in play. For more: hubsportscenter. org June 8 | Hoopfirst 3v3 Basketball Tournament HUB Sports Center, 19619

E. Cataldo Ave., Liberty Lake. This indoor tournament is for boys and girls in grades 4 through 12. Cost is$95 per team. For more:

June 11-13 | Eclipse Volleyball Camp 5

to 9 p.m., HUB Sports Center, 19619 E. Cataldo Ave., Liberty Lake. This camp, for intermediate and advanced players ages 12 to 18, focuses on basic skills and how to build a stronger overall player. Cost is $50 per player. For more:

June 15 | Riverview Little League closing ceremonies All day, Rookie Field

at Pavillion Park. The public is invited to watch the AAA and Majors championship games as well as closing ceremonies. Concessions will be available. For more:

June 15-16 | Toyota Series of Golf: Liberty Lake Amateur Liberty Lake Golf

Course, 24403 E. Sprague Ave. This tournament is open to all USGA Handicap golfers. Cost is $80 plus green fees and includes Saturday meal, complementary range balls and optional skins and deuce pot. For more:

June 20-22 | Camp Classic Basketball Tournament 8 a.m. to 10 p.m., HUB Sports

Center, 19619 E. Cataldo Ave., Liberty Lake. High school teams complete for a tournament trophy. Cost is $400 per team. For more:

June 20 | 1st Day of Summer Celebration 6 p.m., lake access at Inlet Drive.

Hosted by the Liberty Lake Running Club, the group will complete a 3-mile loop and then have hot dogs, chips, salads and beverages for $3 per participant. The group welcomes new runners, walkers and strollers. For more: 954-9806 or

June 22 | Girls’ All-State Basketball Showcase 1:30 to 7:30 p.m., HUB Sports

Center, 19619 E. Cataldo Ave., Liberty Lake. The public is invited for the 17th annual all-state girls basketball games featuring Washington 3A, 2A, 1A and B players. All-day admission is $5 for adults and $3 for kids and seniors. For more:

June 22 | Current night with Spokane Indians 6 p.m., Avista Stadium, 602 N. Havana. Join with other baseball fans for a game against the Boise Hawks followed by fireworks. For tickets and more:

June 23 | Coeur d’Alene Ironman The

public is invited to cheer on competitors in this

rigorous course that includes a 2.4-mile swim, 112-mile bike ride and 26.2-mile run. For more:

June 24-28 | Elite Flyers Cheer Camp 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., HUB Sports Center, 19619 E. Cataldo Ave., Liberty Lake. This cheerleading experience emphasizes the basics in motions, jumps, cheers and stunting, as well as teaches the value of sportsmanship and teamwork. Cost is$100 per person. For more: hubsportscenter. org June 27 | Liberty Lake Loop preregistration due The 16th annual race on

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Post Falls Local Market


EvEry Thursday 4:00 p.m. To 7:30 p.m.

July 13 is a scenic course on paved roads and hills around Liberty Lake. Kids races follow the adult race. Pre-registration fee is $20 for adults (with shirt) or $10 without shirt. For more:

Presented by the Post Falls Lions Club to be held on the Plaza in front of Post Falls City Hall at the corner of Spokane & 4th Ave.

June 29-30 | Hoopfest Downtown Spokane. Besides claiming title to the biggest 3-on-3 tournament on earth, the event is also an outdoor festival with shopping, food and interactive entertainment. For more:

Recurring HUB Sports Center 19619 E. Cataldo Ave.

Various classes, activities and events occur throughout the week including:

Pickleball drop-in:12:30 to 2:30 p.m. Mon. through Thurs.; 5 to 7 p.m. Mon. and Wed., $2/ seniors ($4/non-seniors)

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Basketball open gym: 11:45 a.m. to 1:15 p.m. Tuesdays, $4/person Badminton open gym: 7 to 9 p.m. Tuesdays, $5/ person

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Liberty Lake Running Club 6 p.m. on

Contact bobby@ to set up your private night or weekend event or catering

Thursdays. Runners or walkers are invited to gather with others for a 3-mile route. While runs typically depart from Palenque Restaurant, 1102 N. Liberty Lake Road, the May 30, June 6 and 13 routes will depart from True Legends Restaurant, 1803 N. Harvard Road. For more: 954-9806 or

Liberty Lake Community Tennis Association Rocky Hill Park. The group offers

adult evening clinics 6:30 p.m. Mondays and Thursdays, kids clinics 9 and 10 a.m. Saturdays, and a ladies day 10:30 a.m. Tuesdays. Clinics will run through Aug. 31. For more: 255-9293 or

Spokane Youth Sports Association

Register now for fall sports including soccer, baseball, flag football, tackle football and cross country. For more:

Trailhead Golf Lessons Trailhead Golf Course, 1102 N. Liberty Lake Road. Programs are available for youth and adults. For more: 928-3484 or Trailhead Ladies 9-Hole Golf Club 9 a.m.

on Wednesdays, Trailhead Golf Course, 1102 N. Liberty Lake Road. Club meeting 8 a.m. the first Wednesday of the month. For more: 939-5119 All calendar listings were provided to or gathered by Splash staff. If you would like your event considered for the community calendar, please submit information by the 15th of the month to

23505 E. Appleway Liberty Lake 509.474.9146 Hours: M-F 6:30am-6pm • Sat 7am-3pm • Available other times for private events

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30 • June 2013

The JUNE Current is on newsstands


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As one might expect given its heritage, the greater Valley area is teeming with Farmers Markets, community gardens and even its own ‘Tomato Lady.’


Check out a listing of all Valley-area graduates as well as each of the students recognized as PACE honorees by their school for exhibiting quality character


Will Davis lived quite a journey from playing just one year of football at Central Valley High School to last month, when he was drafted by the Miami Dolphins.


The Wave, sponsored by KiDDS Dental, chronicles the adventure taken this spring by a group of Pioneer School students through Yellowstone Park.


What can a Valley senior do over the summer? Quite a lot, including five ideas shared in this special section for seniors, brought to readers by Evergreen Fountains..

“Informing , connecting and inspiring communities”



Book Review

Community Briefs LL Community Yard Sales registration deadline is May 31 The deadline to register a garage sale as part of the 20th annual Liberty Lake Community Yard Sales is Friday, May 31. Registration information is available at and on page 15 of this month’s Splash. The event is 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. June 8. Registered homes will be included in the official event guide, which will be distributed by mail to all Liberty Lake homes on June 6 and distributed at businesses throughout the greater area June 5-8.

Scholarship recipients named The Liberty Lake Kiwanis Foundation recently announced 17 students will receive a combined total of $12,000 through its 2013 distribution of scholarships. In all, 14 high school seniors and three reapplying former scholarship recipients received awards, including: Barker High School students Shannon Braithwait and Lindsey Dahl; Central Valley High School students Matthew Busch, Haley Hogberg, Michelle Nemeth, Brinley Poulsen, Hailey Reneau, Jesse Sheldon and Aubrey Spear; East Valley High School students Kayla Peterson and Taylor Watkins; and West Valley High School students Thomas Dedera, Alex Preston and Jacqueline Swanson. College students awarded scholarships included Kyle Brown (Brigham Young University), Charlotte Schmitz (Washington State University) and Conor Smith (Carroll College).

Various opportunities to be part of Fourth of July parade The 25th annual Fourth of July parade will be held at noon July 4 in the Alpine Shores neighborhood, with lineup beginning at 11 a.m. Awards will be given to parade participants in the red (on foot), white (pedal power) and blue (golf cart) classifications. Group awards will also be given. Donations, sponsors and volunteers are sought. For more, contact Dave Graham at 255-6131 or

Book sales support LL student heading to France Liberty Lake resident and Central Valley High School sophomore Valerie Beale is selling books to raise money in anticipation of spending the 2013-14 school year as an exchange student in France. Beale has held a book drive, and people have donated more than 300 books of all types to her cause, which she is in turn selling at three events for price points typically between 50 cents and $2. Sales include 3 to 6 p.m. June 1 during the annual carnival at Liberty

The Splash

Lake Children’s Academy, 1322 N. Stanford Lane, and during the Liberty Lake Community Yard Sales at a location along Homestead Drive. A final sale is yet to be scheduled for July. To donate books or to see a list of available titles, email All books that are not sold will be donated to the Liberty Lake Municipal Library.

Students of character honored at 2013 PACE banquet Students from local schools and Liberty Lake residents were among the 46 recognized May 30 at a special banquet hosted by Partners Advancing Character Education (PACE). Each PACE partner school selected one student who demonstrates the PACE character traits to receive an award at the banquet. Among the honorees were kindergartner Jonathan Kimberley of Central Valley Kindergarten Center, fourth-grader Gracie Sutton of Greenacres Elementary, fifth-grader Shawn Mulligan of Liberty Lake Elementary, seventh-grader John Dunne of Greenacres Middle School, eighth-grader Jennis Cader of Summit School and Central Valley High School senior Destiny Gustin. A complete list of PACE honorees are included in the June issue of The Splash’s sister publication, The Current.

FOPP movies set From July 3 (“Up”) to Aug. 24 (“Wizard of Oz”), the Friends of Pavillion Park has released a lineup of 11 free summer movies that complement the concerts and other events already released as part of its 2013 Summer Festival Series. All the movies begin at dusk, and most are shown at Pavillion Park. For a complete list of dates and times for all Friends of Pavillion Park events, check out the special summer calendar on page 28 of The Splash.

EWU gives scholarships to pair Bhavneet Sidhu has been awarded a Running Start/AP Scholar Scholarship for $1,500 for the 2013-14 academic year at Eastern Washington University. He will graduate in June from Central Valley High School, where he participated in FBLA, DECA and National Honor Society. Sidhu is the son of Harpuneet and Rajinder Sidhu of Liberty Lake. Karen Mcdermott has been awarded a General University EWUF Campaign Scholarship for $1,250 for the 2013-14 academic year at Eastern Washington University. She is currently a junior studying children’s studies at EWU. Mcdermott is the daughter of Dave and Diane Mcdermott of Liberty Lake.

See BRIEFS, page 45

Local author explores ‘Godforsaken Idaho’

By Daniel Pringle liberty lake municipal library

Local author Shawn Vestal’s book of short stories, “Godforsaken Idaho: Stories,” paint a pessimistic portrait of life. Most are set in Idaho or closely tied to it, but they range in time from the 1830s to the present day. The title story is a dispiriting tale of a lonely man who finds a life to match his emptiness at the end of a cul-de-sac in an unnamed Idaho town. Two of the stories are narrated by souls who have passed into the hereafter. In “The First Several Hundred Years Following My Death,” a father tries to reunite his family in an absurd imagining of the afterlife. In the longest story, “Opposition in All Things,” the soul of a Mormon killed resisting the Test-Oath Act in the 1880s awakens in a limbo in which he is a witness to a World War I veteran outside Pocatello struggling to return to everyday life. The thwarted soul, whose religious vigor in life had not met its heavenly reward, eventually manages to compel the vet to wage his own religious protestation. The consequences of our actions—and conversely, the inconsequentiality of many lives—are major themes for Vestal. His characters wrestle with religion, family and the search for some substitute in a world with no easy answers. They are deadbeats, liars, thieves, religious seekers and religious doubters. Most are seen through the lens of the author’s Mormon upbringing. In the final stories, including “Opposition in All Things,” characters deal directly with the author’s own issues with faith. An anxious young father-to-be fixates on a pair of missionaries who defy his bitterness. A family of settlers faces a plague of insects threatening their farms. In “Diviner,” Joseph Smith appears in his pre-Prophet career. Despite his cynicism, Vestal’s stories are enjoyable, though some deal with the seedier side of life. His writing is strong, often funny, and at times includes remarkable passages of description and movingly illustrates how difficult it is to be human. Daniel Pringle is adult services and reference librarian at the Liberty Lake Municipal Library.

The Splash

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local lens

32 • June 2013

Kiwanis presents gift to LLES

The Splash

Honoring those who have served Liberty Lake Kiwanis president Gail Kalk recently presented a check of $500 to Liberty Lake Elementary School Principal Joanne Comer and Assistant Principal Shelly Bajadali. The donation will be used to purchase PACE character trait banners to baffle the acoustics in the cafeteria.

Submitted photo

Cool mathematicians Splash photos by Tammy Kimberley

Members of the Liberty Lake Centennial Rotary Club prepare pancakes and other breakfast food for attendees of the Community Memorial Day Salute and Breakfast at Pavillion Park. Almost 300 people attended the event, which raised more than $1,900 for the Honor Flight program. Above, close to half of the 56 veterans who attended the event posed for a picture at the end of the morning’s program, which featured presentation of the colors, musical numbers and veteran Gene Domanico sharing about his experience with Honor Flight (at right).

Submitted photo

The fourth grade Math is Cool team from Liberty Lake Elementary took second place in the district’s Math is Cool Competition on April 19. Pictured are coach Neal Olander, Mohkam Brar, Samuel Brown, Garret Packebush, Nelson Whybrew, William Reese, Liza Sargent, Kelsie German, Elise Daines, Jane Romney, Andrew Brockbank, Avery Auth, Kami Twining and Cooper Young.

Tea time

Submitted photo

Friends of Liberty Lake Library held their spring tea in April at the Meadowwood Technology Campus to raise funds for library programs and events.

LOCAL LENS: Share your snapshots on The Splash’s photo page. Email with scenes, events and Splash Travels.

The Splash

June 2013 • 33


Splash Travels

Bears excel at FBLA competition

Submitted photo

Submitted photo

Geralyn West took The Splash along on recent visit to Bali with her daughters, Dorey Olsen and Ruhiyyih Bradley.

Central Valley High School Bear FBLA state competitors shined at the Washington State conference April 25-27 in Spokane. Five CV students—Coleman Entringer, Frank Petrilli, Kyle Wang, Ryan Wells and David Yuan—qualified to represent CV at the national conference. Pictured are Kyle Wang, Coleman Entringer, Natalie Riel, Matthew Troxel, Frank Petrilli, Brandon Sommer, Alex Arachtingi, Mathew Merrick, Keegan Tews, Jeff Moberg, Anusha Gollapalli and Sarah Cable.

Arbor Day 2013

Shutterbug snapshot

A new Thundercloud Plum Tree was planted in front of the entrance to Liberty Lake City Hall in April in recognition of Arbor Day. Mayor Steve Peterson, Charmaine Peterson, Ann Swenson, Kathy Whybrew, Amanda Tainio and Michelle Griffin were in attendance.

Submitted photo

On a May morning, Michael Hassett captured a photo of this gopher snake just off Appleway near Spokane Bridge Road.


Lady of the lake

Submitted photo

A watchful eye

Submitted photo

The MeadowWood/Liberty Lake Men's Club awarded scholarships on May 22 to one student from each of Spokane Valley's public high schools. Pictured are Jessica Mitchell, West Valley High School; Tim Nersinger, president of the men's club; and Josiah Brubaker, Central Valley High School. Recipients not pictured are Brydon Eakins, University High School, and Erin Wallman, East Valley High School.

A tight-knit cast

Submitted photo Submitted photo

Submitted photo

Richard Strehlau snapped this shot of the lake from South Wright Boulevard.

R.C. Lavasseur took this photo behind his home in Rocky Hill. His wife wrote that this is one of three babies nested there by a pair of Great Horned Owls.

Cast members of Liberty Lake Community Theatre presented the musical “Got It Made” in May. The next LLCT production “Big Bad” will be on stage the end of July.

34 • June 2013


The Splash

Pet store doubles size, expands services By Valerie Putnam Splash Contributor

A broken ankle led to the opening of a “pawpular” Liberty Lake store — the recently expanded Pawpular Companions Pet Supplies. "The broken leg is what got her out of construction and into this," laughed Cheri Scandalis, a frequent customer and coorganizer of an annual benefit hosted at the store, the Mutt Strut. Scandalis was referring to the February 2010 snowboarding accident that prompted owner Mara Crowell to start the business with her husband, Carl, three years ago. Instead of Crowell's broken ankle being a setback, it served as the catalyst for Crowell to speed up the pursuit of a lifelong dream. "I didn't know what type, but I knew eventually I wanted to own my own business," Crowell said. "It just came sooner than later." Two years before opening the business, Crowell and her husband moved to Otis Orchards from San Diego. The move followed his retirement from 38 years working in construction. "I grew up in Pullman," Crowell said. "We knew we wanted to retire here." Crowell's company transferred her from San Diego to the Bellevue office. For over a year and a half, Crowell commuted to spend weekdays on the west side of the state, coming home on the weekends. Until the accident. "I was tired of traveling," said Crowell, who worked as director of business development for Swinerton Builders. "I didn't want to be away from Carl, so when I broke my ankle, it all just came together. I decided to quit my job." That’s when the couple researched opening a small business. "We knew we wanted to do something pet related," Crowell recalled. "I enjoy working with people, but I also love animals." The couple approached the Liberty Lake City Council to find out what type of business the Council wanted to see in the city. "We wanted to be in Liberty Lake because we absolutely love this community,” Crowell said. "They said a pet store would be perfect, so it was a perfect fit for us." The couple's first step was to conduct their own market research. After travelling to the West side of the State and into Oregon to meet with pet store owners, they decided to open a pet supply store. After encouraging her husband to come out of retirement, the business had its grand opening in September 2010.

Submitted photo

Pawpular Companions Pet Supplies grew from 1,250 to 2,500 square feet following a recent expansion. The store is owned and operated by Mara and Carl Crowell, pictured here with “store mascot” Tess, the couple’s 14-year-old Bichon Frise. Today, they own and manage the growing business together. "I know 80 percent of our customer names that walk through our door," Crowell said. "And their animal names, too." The store's mascot, Tess — the couple's 14-year-old Bichon Frise — sets the store's laid-back tone. "She is not intimidating," Crowell said. "She just comes out and greets people then comes right back here." The Crowell's passion for animals goes beyond the walls of their store. The couple is actively involved in supporting local animal rescue agencies by participating in area events, raising money for area animal shelters and donating items to help other animal agencies. “Before we opened our shop, we really knew nothing about how many animals were in need," Crowell said. "Once we opened our doors and got to know our customer base, we realized over 70 percent of the animals that came through our door were rescued or adopted from animal shelters." Along with Scandalis, Crowell organized and hosted the store's first Mutt Strut event two years ago. The event has raised more than $15,000 to help Spokane County Regional Animal Protection Ser-

About the store Pawpular Companions Pet Supplies Location: 21950 E. Country Vista Drive, Suite 100, Liberty Lake Hours: 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday Pet licensing: Cat and dog licenses are available to purchase at the store, cash only. Licenses cost $25 for a neutered dog ($50 unneutered) and $15 for a spayed cat ($25 unspayed). Licenses are good for 12 months from date of purchase. vice (SCRAPS). "The Mutt Strut is a perfect example of our community’s generosity," Crowell said. The event features mutts strutting their stuff on a 2.5-mile route, held in honor of Chris Anderlik, a longtime Liberty Lake resident and animal rights advocate who passed away in 2011. More than 400 dogs participated last year, and Crowell is expecting the event to grow.

The idea came from customer Angela Keatts, who saw an article on a Mutt Strut and asked the Crowells if they would be interested in organizing a similar event. "We organized the first event in three months," Crowell said. "It was crazy." This year, the Strut will be held Aug. 17, with all the proceeds going to Higher Ground Animal Sanctuary. Higher Ground is a non-profit organization founded by Scandalis earlier this year. Funds raised will help provide food, medical care, spaying and neutering as well as education.

Expanding services, space As of May 1, the store became an official location to license dogs and cats. Increasing the number of licensed and registered pets was a point of emphasis with both the city of Liberty Lake and SCRAPS during recent contract negotiations. During the summer, Crowell plans to have a booth at the Liberty Lake Farmers market once a month to sell the licenses. Also this summer, the couple plans to expand their outreach into agility training by attending area events. The expanded services come on the

See PAWPULAR, page 35

The Splash

June 2013 • 35


PAWPULAR Continued from page 34

heels of expanded space. This spring, Pawpular Companions doubled its square footage from 1,250 to 2,500 square feet. The expansion was in response to the company's growth over the past three years. "We were starting to feel the walls closing in on us," said Crowell, who began planning the store's expansion eight months prior. "We were literally stacked to the ceiling with product. It just didn't allow a good experience for customers when they came in." A planning consideration for the expansion was to have space available for multiple animals to visit the store without any complications. Over Easter weekend, the couple knocked down the center wall and expanded their business into the neighboring space. "Carl comes from construction, so it was a quick process," Crowell said. "Everything just lined up to make it happen. There was no interruption in business.” She said it’s the customers who are really to thanks for the expansion. "We wouldn't be able to do it without great community support," Crowell said. "People who come through our door are loyal to us. We're very lucky." Now that the expansion is complete, the couple plans to increase the options in the pet food lines for both dogs and cats as well as their unique line of pet supplies. "Nutrition is first and foremost for us," Crowell said. "There is no wheat, corn, soy or byproduct in any of our foods or treats." Crowell also noted the couple seeks out products manufactured in the Pacific Northwest or in the United States. Another recent change to the business is the name: formerly Pawpular Companions Boutique, the store was renamed business Pawpular Companions Pet Supplies. Crowell said the name “Boutique” gave customers a negative connotation. "For us, animals come first, not high price points," Crowell said.

SuSan aShLey M.D. Spokane’s only Board Certified Anti-Aging Physician SPLASH FILE PHOTO

If you go Third annual Mutt Strut When: 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Aug. 17 Cost: Registration is free. Description: The event features a 2.5-mile “strut” in honor of longtime animal rights advocate Chris Anderlik. The event begins in the Pawpular Companions parking lot and circles back, culminating with an ice cream social. How it works: Participants receive a backpack at the start of the Strut. Throughout the course, they receive a free gift at each “Watering Hole” sponsor. Fundraising: In addition to the giveaways, the Mutt Strut features raffle prizes. Raffle tickets range from $1 to $5 depending on the prize. Participants can walk individually or form a team and collect pledges. Those who raise $100 or more receive a Mutt Strut T-shirt. There are two levels of sponsorship available: Watering Hole sponsors and Master “Alpha Dog” sponsors. For more, contact Mara or Carl Crowell at 927-8890. Proceeds benefit Higher Ground Animal Sanctuary. Higher Ground is a nonprofit established earlier this year by Cheri Scandalis. The organization works with area shelters “to address special needs such as medical care or foster for difficult-to-place animals.” For more, contact Cheri Scandalis at


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36 • June 2013


In Biz Demand Energy names Gregg Patterson CEO Demand Energy Networks Inc., a provider of turn-key systems for monitoring, storing, and managing energy flow at the edge of the power grid, appointed Gregg Patterson as president and CEO recently. Patterson is a veteran executive of high growth organizations in the printer manufacturing and renewable energy industries. Most rePATTERSON cently, he was president of the Renewable Energy business at Advanced Energy, a leading manufacturer of solar inverters. As CEO of PV Powered before it was acquired by Advanced Energy, Patterson grew revenues by 16 times over four years as the company became the North American market share leader in commercial solar inverters. Prior to that, he was a vice president and general manager in Hewlett Packard’s printers and digital media division. With Patterson joining the organization, founder and former CEO Dave Curry becomes company chairman. “Gregg has joined us at a critical time,” Curry said. “He has a proven pedigree in renewable energy and a strong track record in commercializing technologies, helping businesses in high-growth markets transition from innovation to high growth, while ensuring a quality customer experience and returns to shareholders.”

LETEM Play wins $1,500 in STCU youth contest LETEM Play, started last year by Katy Dolan and Philip Howard of Central Valley High School, received the second-most votes and a $1,500 prize in the Spokane Teachers Credit Union’s second annual Hundred Dollar Project contest. “Life Enhancement Though Education in Music” promotes the benefits of music education in schools throughout the region. The organization solicits donations of band instruments, which are repaired for free by Amend Music in Spokane. For more, visit LETEM was one of 10 applicants given $100 each in the contest, and the groups were required to report back with a video showing how they used that money to do good. Then, visitors to were invited to vote for the project they felt was most deserving of further prizes. More than 2,500 votes were cast. Newport’s Team Care Bear, which collects teddy bears for law officers and firefighters to give to children in trying circumstances, received the most votes.

The Splash

New Twisp owners focus on food Add personal touches to menu, coffee shop By Josh Johnson Splash Staff Writer

Bobby Taninchev is a man on a mission — and on the move. One moment, he is talking to a reporter for this story, the next he is hustling off to the kitchen to keep things moving at Twisp Cafe and Coffee House. About to return to his seat, a diner walks in from the patio after finishing a sampling from the new menu. Taninchev changes course to greets the customer at the door: “How was it?” “Amazing,” comes the reply. For now, Taninchev’s chief attention — and passion — is on the food he is introducing at Twisp, the Appleway Avenue destination opened by Amy Snoddy in 2009. Taninchev and his wife, Gonzaga University professor Stacy Taninchev, purchased the business from Tami Fraser in April. Fraser, who purchased the business from Snoddy in late 2011, decided to sell for health reasons. The Taninchevs said they had been looking for a fit in the Spokane area like what they found at Twisp, but what was unique about the opportunity was that the business wasn’t being sold because it was struggling. Instead of focusing on righting a sinking ship, Stacy Taninchev said the couple felt they had an established cafe with which they could impress their own stamp. To her, that means letting Bobby loose in his favorite place: the kitchen. “He’s an amazing cook; he just has a talent for it,” she said. “He can just throw together whatever we have in the fridge and it is amazing. I’m also a good cook — but I use recipes. ... “Everybody loves his food, so we’re trying to put a little bit more of him into the menu.” Taninchev, who was raised in Bulgaria, where he spent years working for his family’s hiking lodge and restaurant, came to the United States to study hospitality

IF YOU GO ... Twisp Cafe and Coffee Shop Open 6:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday; 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday 23505 E. Appleway Avenue, Suite 100 474-9146

splash Photos by josh johnson

Bobby and Stacy Taninchev recently purchased Twisp Cafe and Coffee House from previous owner/operator Tami Fraser. The Taninchevs are hard at work adding personal touches to the menu and have also hired a completely new team, including Alex Triplett, an experienced barista, supervisor and latte artist (left).

management. He met Stacy when she was working on her PhD, and instead of going back to Bulgaria, the couple was married and followed Stacy to her job at Gonzaga four years ago. The couple, who recently moved to Liberty Lake and celebrated their fifth anniversary in the same week, have a 3-year-old daughter, Maggie. Taninchev’s dishes reveal a not-toosurprising eastern European influence, Stacy Taninchev said, but she said the food he focuses most on is Mediterranean. For his part, Bobby Taninchev was anxious to get to work on the food from day one, but the couple decided to wait a few weeks to roll out the new menu. “I thought about changing the menu right away, but I decided to wait a while and see what people like and dislike and their habits,” Bobby Taninchev said. “Af-

ter about a week, I removed some items I didn’t like and now have added certain items and improved the quality of the current food items.” He added that he emphasizes natural and organic ingredients. “I’m very picky about quality,” he said. “I want to serve the community with the best food, and I want people to know this is a place where you can get a healthy meal, homemade in the back.” Among the couple’s initial investments have been adding greenery and decor to the patio area as well as kitchen improvements. They have also brought on new and experienced staff, another thing Bobby Taninchev said he’s picky about. “We have to be consistent,” he said. “You can’t serve one person something good and the next day it is different, so I’m finding the right (employees).”

The Splash

June 2013 • 37

At the 20th annual Liberty Lake Yard Sale on June 8th


PORTAL 23403 E. Mission at Molter

Official distribution point for the


8:00 AM - 10:00 AM


First 300 FREE donuts & coffee


9:00 AM - 1:00 PM



11:00 AM - 1:00 PM

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hot dogs


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2:00 PM - 4:00 PM

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Schwan’s Ice Cream Kettle Corn San Francisco Sourdough Fresh Squeezed Funnel Cake Fundraiser Lemonade & more

Yard Sale space is FREE at the PORTAL for residents and vendors. A few spots still available - Contact Steven Daines at 509.343.0103


38 • June 2013

The Splash

Good walk ... or good walk spoiled? What are the best and worst holes in Liberty Lake? You weighed in. No. 7, Liberty Lake (pictured below) Water is intimidating, but you can land on the green almost every time. — Dorothy Blake

No. 18, MeadowWood Hit a perfect drive and you’re on the green; don’t, and you’re playing the 13th on Liberty Lake — across the road. — Phil Hamm

No. 8, Liberty Lake Hated it before they redid the

course and it didn’t get any better. — Lee Sonderman

No. 6, Liberty Lake and No. 10 MeadowWood No. 6 for the layout; No. 10 for the challenge. — Margie Tibbits

No. 16, MeadowWood Love the challenge. Can’t help but think what a cool sledding hill every time I play. — Jared Von Tobel

No. 16, Liberty Lake Like the chance for a birdie. — Chrissie Tamura

Multiple Nos. 12 and 16 on MeadowWood are the best! No. 11 on Liberty Lake is the worst! — Ryan Hoseid

Splash Photo

Josh, Zak and Bekah Johnson finish up a friendly round at Trailhead Golf Course.

Brother Zak’s guide to LL’s 45 holes of golf Last month, I set aside time to play all 45 holes of golf in Liberty Lake. I’m a terrible golfer, so I was reminded once again why golf is such a wonderful game. It doesn’t matter how bad you are if you are playing with people you love and/ or people who have a sense of humor. I got to play Liberty Lake Golf Course with two of my uncles and longtime Liberty Lake residents, Bill Hughes and Cash McCall. Uncle Bill played the course the year it opened and enjoyed season’s passes throughout his childhood. At Trailhead, I got to play “third wheel” to my brother Zak and his wife, Bekah. What’s worse, we played on their anniversary. Zak has played a lot more golf than me over the years, so I asked him to breakdown memories and tips from some of his favorite holes. Here’s Zak:

Liberty Lake Golf Course No. 2: Once made it from 153 yards out. No. 8: Trap, giant tree, trap. This green is well protected. No. 9: Pay attention to where your ball is, because You’ll have to check 5 or 6 range balls before you find the right one. No. 13: Hope you’re on the right side of this two-tier green. No. 15: Shank from Uncle Bill leaves a honey comb bruise on my leg.

MeadowWood Golf Course No. 3: Iconic. Love the look and feel of playing this hole.

By Josh Johnson

Splash staff column

No. 5: The trap in from of the green always asks for the challenge of sticking it. No. 7: Hmmm, if I can just drive it over that trap ... No. 10: I’m always wanting to use my driver and hit it over the water, not because it’s smart or that it would give me that much better shot at the green. Simply because, um ... well, just because. No. 16: Memorable because it’s the longest hole ever. It’s like driving through Montana. You just keep going. No. 18: It’s like playing golf from a helicopter. I love the god-like feeling you get standing above the rest of the course before you hit.

Trailhead Golf Course No. 4: Makes me feel like I finally am getting out of the weeds that I’ve been stuck in for the past three holes No. 9: Objective is to get on the green in one shot. I know it can be done, but even with a half-dozen mulligans per round, the green avoids me. Send us your Liberty Lake golfing tips, memories and favorites for a future issue of The Splash to

The Splash

June 2013 • 39


Liberty Lake: Golfing Mecca

splash Photos by Josh JOhnson

Above, looking back at the 16th green and several holes before it form the 17th teebox at MeadowWood Golf Course. At right, considering an approach into the 9th green at Trailhead Golf Course. Below, measuring a birdie putt at the short, but beautiful finishing hole at Liberty Lake Golf Course.

The Splash


40 • June 2013



All kinds of firsts

July 13th, 2013 start times

Adult Race 8:00 a.m. (4 mile run/walk course)

Scenic course on paved roads, several hills Aid Stations at miles 2 & 3


Kid's Race following Adult Race (1/4 - 1 1/2 mile, dependent on age)

Course in and around Pavillion Park


Pavillion Park, Liberty Lake, WA


Submitted photoS

Overall male and female winners in each age group

At left, runners cross the starting line of the Windermere Marathon at Rocky Hill Park early on May 19. It was the first time this 26.2-mile race had its starting line in Liberty Lake.




Pre-registration before June 27 Adult race - $20 with t-shirt, $10 without Kids race - $20 with t-shirt, $10 without Late registration after June 27 Adult race - $15/no shirt Kids race - $15/no shirt (cannot order shirts after June 27)

Above, Liberty Lake resident Katelyn Mullin placed first in her age group at the Windermere Marathon. It was the first marathon for the Central Valley High School senior.


The UPS Store in Liberty Lake

Tornados finish undefeated


You can also register on the day of the race at Pavillion Park

Please mail completed forms to:

Liberty Lake Loop/UPS Store 1324 N. Liberty Lake Road PMB #375 Liberty Lake, WA 99019 Please make checks payable to

LIBERTY LAKE LOOP REGISTRATION Early (before June 27): $20 (includes shirt) $10 (no shirt)



Late (after June 27): $15 (no shirt)


T-SHIRTS Adult Sizes: SM MED LG X-LG Youth Sizes: SM MED LG (6-8) (10-12) (14-16) How did you hear about the race?: Splash Web site Race Rag

Please include payment with form


Gender: Male


Kid’s Race Age Group: 6 and under 7, 8, 9 10, 11, 12 Adult Race Age Group: 13-15 40-44 16-19 45-49 20-24 50-54 25-29 55-59 30-34 60-69 35-39 70+

Submitted photo

The U-6 Tornados soccer team finished its spring season undefeated. Team members included Damian Drew, Brock Duer, Joshua Parker, Daimon Duran, Bryce Duer, Connor Simonds, Kellen Hossack, Kellan Long and Preston Rothrock. They were coached by Dan Duer. (Liberty Lake residents are in bold.)

Renewable run


Word of mouth

Flyer in Businesses

Payment Race Number

Altek and the Liberty Lake Running Club teamed up to pass out plants along the route of their Earth Day run in April.

Waiver: I know that running a road race is a potentially hazardous activity. I should not enter and run unless I am medically able and properly trained. I agree to abide by any decision of a race official relative to my ability to safely complete the run. I assume all risks associated with running in this event, including, but not limited to, falls, contact with other participants or animals, the effects of weather, including high heat or humidity, traffic and the conditions of the road, all such risks being known and appreciated by me. Having read this waiver and knowing these facts and in consideration of your accepting entry, I for myself and anyone entitled to act on my behalf, waive and release the race director(s), race volunteers, all sponsors, their representatives and successors from all claims or liabilities of any kind arising out of participation in this event. I grant permission to all of the foregoing to use any photographs, motion pictures, recordings, or any other record of this event for any legitimate purpose.

Runner's signature (must sign to run)

Parent's signature if under 18 (must sign to run) DATE


Submitted photo

The Splash

June 2013 • 41

Twosome Thursdays Free, High-quality Preschool for children 4 yrs. old by Aug. 31st. Transportation and meals provided. Income qualifications. Younger children will be put on a waiting list.

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The Splash

42 • June 2013


VCS Announces Innovative 4 Day School Week


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Community Golf 4/17 Trailhead Ladies Golf Club Red Tees A Flight: Gross, Jeanne Allemand, 46; Net, CC Marshal and Sue Schneidmiller, 35 B Flight: Gross, Joyce Jacobs, 49; Net, Jeanne Hamacher, 35 C Flight: Gross, Bobbie Larsen 55, Net, Kathy Krestyn, 34

4/24 Trailhead Ladies Golf Club White Tees A Flight: Gross, Sue Schneidmiller, 49; Net, Deanna Hauser and CC Marshall, 34 B Flight: Gross, Bev Johnson and Bea Carroll, 52; Net, Jeanne Hamacher, 33 C Flight: Gross, Bobbie Larsen, 56; Net, Ann Parman, 34

4/25 Liberty Lake Ladies 9-Hole Club Flight I: Gross, Linda Church, 48; Net, Mary Ann Grannell and Vickie James, 40 Flight II: Gross, Bette Devine, 52; Net, Deanna Hauser and Nancy Lampe, 35 Flight III: Gross, Wilma Cappaul, 56; Net, Emma Long, 35 Chip-ins: Judy Booth, No. 1; Wilma Capaul, No. 8; Judy Clark, No. 8

Information Night

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Thursday, June 13, 2013 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.

5/1 Trailhead Ladies Golf Club Red Tees A Flight: Gross, CC Marshall, 46; Net, Sammie Fletcher and Roxy Powell, 33 B Flight: Gross, Bev Johnson, 51; Net, Joyce Jacobs and Iness Walth, 35 C Flight: Gross, Bea Carroll, 51; Net, Joane Koch, 34

Is choosing Christian Education starting to make sense? Education — Worth the investment!

5/2 Liberty Lake Ladies 9-Hole Club Flight I: No players Flight II: Gross, Nancy Lamps, 48; Net, Bette Devine, Lorraine Martin and Vickie James, 35 Flight III: Gross, Emma Long, 58; Net, Pat Reiter, 35 Team play: Deanna Hauser, Nancy Lamp and Vickie James, 51

Their tomorrow starts TODAY! enroll now 509-924-9131 10212 E. 9th Ave. Spokane Valley, WA 99206 • Shuttle transportation available

5/7 Liberty Lake Women’s 18-Hole Club

Breakfast & Lunch aLL day Open 6 a.m. tO 3 p.m. 7 days a week

Liberty Cup Winner: Patsy Lynn, net 69 Putting A Flight: Cheryl Hull, 25 B Flight: Carol Schultz, 30 C Flight: Frances Martin and Leslie Sevigney, 34 D Flight: Kathleen McGaugh, 33

Father’s Day is June 16th

5/8 Trailhead Ladies Golf Club Green Tees A Flight: Gross, Karen Goyins and Kimber Mayher 43; Net, Roxy Powell, 28 B Flight: Gross, Bev Johnson, 46; Net, Bobbie Larsen, 27 C Flight: Gross, Elaine Lukes, 49; Net, Ann Parman

Make your reservations today! Best Breakfast in LiBerty Lake!

5/9 Liberty Lake Ladies 9-Hole Club Flight I: Gross, Linda Church, 46 Flight II: Gross, Bette Devine, 56; Net, Darlene Reilly, 37 Flight III: Gross, Emma Long, 64; Net, Wilma Capaul, 41

OFFicial yarD sale rest stOp! Liberty Lake Community Yard Sales June 8 • 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Excellent Patio seating available overlooking Farmers Market

Bloody Mar ys and Mimosa s


Thru the mo

nth of June

5/14 Liberty Lake Women’s 18-Hole Club Best Nine Less ½ Handicap A Flight: Jan Rooney, 32 net B Flight: Jean Hatcher, 32 net C Flight: Frances Martin, 30 net D Flight: Elise Bozzo, 39 net

5/16 Liberty Lake Ladies 9-Hole Club Flight I: Gross, Robin McKee, 45 Flight II: Gross, Lorraine Martin, 57; Net, Kathy Canym, 39 Flight III: Gross, Dorothy Blake, 65; Net, Judy Booth, 41

5/20 Spokane Valley Women’s Evening Golf League At Liberty Lake Golf Course A Flight: Gross, Marie Neumayer, 47; Net, Robyn Sciuchetti, 36 B Flight: Gross, Lynn Jones and Mary Ellen Wall, 54; Net, Marla Lucas, 36 C Flight: Gross, Jen Jensen, 60; Net, Kathleen Burns, 37 D Flight: Gross, Nancy Moore, 66; Net, Jean Hauer and Sharon Spear, 46 No handicap: Bobbie Hunsinger, 58

See SCOREBOARD, page 43

The Splash

June 2013 • 43


Students: keep your fitness level up this summer!

Will swim for food

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24-hour, co-ed fitness | Secure, comfortable, clean | Tanning Worldwide access to all Anytime Fitness clubs, more than 1000 locations! Cutting-edge cardio equipment | Top-of-the-line strength equipment And much more! SUBMITTED PHOTO

The second annual Swim a Mile for a Meal event was held April 9 at the Liberty Lake Athletic Club. The Blue and Gold Seamonkey and Master swim teams swam 72 lengths of the pool, totaling one mile each, to help raise more than $3,095 (884 meals) for the Greater Spokane Meals on Wheels program. Hone Family Dental, Wynham Publications and Liberty Lake Athletic Club were sponsors of the event.

23505 E Appleway Ave. Liberty Lake, WA 99019


Sports brief Christensen part of Frontier Conference champion golf team Freshman Joel Christensen of Liberty Lake helped Lewis and Clark State College secure the NAIA Frontier Conference championship April 28-30 at Larchmont Golf Course in Missoula. Christensen


placed eighth overall in snowy and extreme conditions. Lewis and Clark State advanced to compete in the NAIA national championships held May 14-17 at Creekside Golf Club in Salem, Ore., where the team placed in the top 20.

Continued from page 42

Flight II: Gross, Bette Devine, 54; Net, Arla Beck and Sadie Ruechert, 37 Flight III: Gross, Dorothy Blake, 60; Net, Emma Long, 46 Chip-in: Dorothy Blake, No. 1

5/21 Liberty Lake Women’s 18-Hole Club

5/28 Liberty Lake Women’s 18-Hole Club

T’s & F’s A Flight: Rose Jones, 36 net B Flight: Jean Hatcher, 37.5 net C Flight: Frances Martin, 34 net D Flight: Elise Bozzo, 42 net

5/23 Liberty Lake Ladies 9-Hole Club

Game: Even-numbered holes (net) A Flight: Ann Eure, 37.5; Patsy Lynn and Joyce Skidmore, 38.5 B Flight: Jean Hatcher, 43.5 C Flight: Sabina Pinch, 37; Carolyn Fairbanks and Frances Martin, 40

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opinion Letters to the Editor Integrity worthy of our appreciation, practice

The Splash

44 • June 2013

Integrity: “Adherence to moral and ethical principles; soundness of moral character; honesty.” That may be the definition, but what does integrity really represent? Is it an ideal? Something to live by? Or is it something else entirely? For myself, in my own opinion, I want to live using integrity, to bring out the very best in myself. Most of the time, we go on and on in life, never stopping to think about what we are doing, and keep moving forward, never seeming to rest, kind of like how this sentence is proceeding. But sometimes, the choices we make are not totally righteous, or the actions we create are not honest. We complain, we lie and we act like we have no integrity. But that’s not the case with everyone. Last fall, I got the opportunity to march with the West Valley High School Band, and I met a lot of people. But the one person that stands out in my mind is Connor. In the band, he ran the low-brass sections, which was one of the hardest working in the band, and he never complained, no matter the task. He was fun, but always knew when to stop messing around and get the job done. In my mind, he represents integrity. As children, we are always told to, “Do the right thing.” We tried to, we really did, but temptations often got in our way. Though nowadays, it feels like we were better as children than adults or teenagers. Now that we’re growing up, or we’re already adults, we have much more freedom, and many more opportunities to mess up. But, we also have to have a set of moral values, ways to live by, in order to find our way in life. We need to be responsible, and understand the differences between right and wrong, even if they are hard to tell apart. We go against our own values some-

About the Opinion Page The Splash opinion page is intended to be a community forum for discussing local issues. Please interact with us by sending a le er to the editor or Liberty Lake Voices guest column for considera on. Le ers to the editor of no more than 350 words or guest columns of about 700 words should be emailed to or mailed to P.O. Box 363, Liberty Lake, WA 99019. A full name and telephone number must be included for purposes of verifica on. A photo of the author must be taken or provided for all Liberty Lake Voices guest columns. The Splash reserves the right to edit or reject any submission. Business complaints or endorsements will not be accepted, and poli cal endorsement le ers will only be accepted if they interact with issues of a campaign. Views expressed in signed columns or le ers do not necessarily reflect the views of this newspaper or its staff. Editorials, which appear

By Abby Freeman current Guest Column

times to please others or ourselves. How many times can you remember doing what felt wrong just to please a friend or family member? Or did you ever do that for your own gain? You always think the same thing — “It doesn’t matter,” or, “No one will notice”. But they did notice, or at least you did. You’d lie awake at night, wishing to fix what you had done wrong. The thoughts that you would always think, “Tell someone,” or, “Apologize, you’ll feel better” — those are our moral values. In a kind of way, they show your integrity, your willingness to do what is right. For myself in middle school, I think that we underappreciate those who have integrity. We seem to like being in the company of those who lie. I think that it makes us feel better about ourselves, in the way of, “Well, at least I’m not as bad as that person.” It gives us a false sense of pride, a goody-two-shoes feeling. But if you notice, those who are in the presence of integrity are better, kinder people. They feel like they can stand up and say something without the fear of people thinking that they are lying. It’s a freeing thought. But those people who have little integrity might think the opposite. “What a kiss-up,” they’d scowl, before slinking off to a “teen.” But being a teenager isn’t all about the freedoms of growing up. Well, it may feel that way, but it’s also about the responsibilities of becoming an adult and learning to live with our mistakes. Integrity is one of those things that you think that you can live without, but really, it defines who you are as a person. It makes you proud to be yourself, and people will trust you because they know you can do the right thing. In my opinion, one of the wisest quotes about integrity comes from Henry Kravis, who said, “If you don’t have integrity, you have nothing. You can’t buy it. You can have all the money in the world, but if you are not a moral and ethical person, you really have nothing.” Abby Freeman is an eighth-grade student at Centennial Middle School in the West Valley School District. She maintains a 4.0 grade point average and is a member of the Centennial Wind Ensemble. She wrote this column as part of a monthly series highlighting the Partners Advancing Character Education (PACE) trait of the month.

Letter writer wonders: Are you missing this dock? submitted Photo

Dock that got away ready for retrieval We have a problem at the lake with people who realize their docks are over the hill, then instead of responsibly dismantling and disposing of them, they just cut them loose and make them a danger to boaters and a menace to other property owners’ docks, boats and beaches. A dock washed up on our beach during a spring storm and was beating our docks up. We had to go through a great deal of effort to get out in the water and tie it off to a tree on our property line to secure it and prevent further damage. We really don’t want to just put it back out and make it yet someone else’s problem, but we cannot access our beaches and all the old nails, etc., make it a hazard for

Editorial Cartoon

everyone. The dock has a big pipe in the center (probably for an umbrella) and cedar logs underneath. Call 255-6451 to claim it. This has happened several times over the years and seems to be on the increase.

E. Paul Shields Liberty Lake

Grateful for response Thank you to the Spokane County Road Maintenance Department for quickly responding to my request for some much needed road repair on Della Road between 2nd and 3rd Avenue.

Mike Uphus

Liberty Lake

The Splash

June 2013 • 45

Volume 15, Issue 9 Editor/publisher

Josh Johnson General Manager

Tammy Kimberley Senior account Janet Pier executive graphic designer

Karen Sutula Circulation Sandy Johnson Mike Wiykovics Contributors

Steve Christilaw, Craig Howard, Valerie Putnam, Ross Schneidmiller, Heidi Scott, Jocelyn Stott, On the cover: Illustration by Karen Sutula

About The Liberty Lake Splash 2310 N. Molter Road, Suite 305 Liberty Lake, WA 99019 Phone: 242-7752; Fax: 927-2190 The Splash is published monthly by or before the first of each month. It is distributed free of charge to every business and home in the greater Liberty Lake area. Additional copies are located at dropoff locations in Liberty Lake and Otis Orchards.

Submitted materials Announcements, obituaries, letters to the editor and story ideas are encouraged. Submit them in writing to or bring them by The Splash office. Submissions should be received by the 15th of the month for best chance of publication in the following month’s Splash.

Subscriptions Liberty Lake residents receive a complimentary copy each month. Subscriptions for U.S. postal addresses outside of the 99019 ZIP code cost $12 for 12 issues. Send a check and subscription address to P.O. Box 363, Liberty Lake, WA 99019. Subscriptions must be received by the 15th of the month in order for the subscription to begin with the issue printed the end of that month.

Correction policy The Splash strives for accuracy in all content. Errors should be reported immediately to 2427752 or by email to editor@libertylakesplash. com. Confirmed factual errors will be corrected on this page in the issue following their discovery.

Advertising information Display ad copy and camera-ready ads are due by 5 p.m. on the 15th of the month for the following month’s issue. Call 242-7752 for more information.

Advertising integrity Inaccurate or deceptive advertising is never knowingly accepted. Complaints about advertisers should be made in writing to the Better Business Bureau and to The Splash is not responsible for the content of or claims made in ads.

Copyright © 2013 All rights reserved. All contents of The Splash may not be reproduced without written permission of the publisher.

BRIEFS Continued from page 30

LL students make EWU list The following Eastern Washington University students from Liberty Lake were named to the Dean’s List for the winter quarter: Kelsey Baycroft, Desiree Bernhard, Blake Bledsoe, Nathan Brown, Dexter Calkins, Sunny Collins, Ryan Conley, Tyler Dines, Joshua Henderson, Sarah Herner, Ashley Hickson, Nicholas Hillstrom, Madison Hilpert, Leslie Ho, Beth Hotchkiss, Bradley Johnson, Anne Johnson, Alexandra Kern, Nathaniel Koch, Trent Leach, Amanda Maifeld, Maria Mccauley, Nathan Nelson, Sarah Oachs, Shelby Pace, Hannah Robb, Janelle Schweitzer, Jessica Sharpe, Kendra Sherrill, Acacia Smith, Moriah Svenonius, Connor Szott, Amber Troyer, Nicholas Valentine, Gracie Volyn and Kaylee Wilhelm.

Local businesses keep our pulse strong. The Splash is possible thanks to the great support we’ve received from local businesses. Free to readers, this exercise in community journalism is made possible by advertisers. Please thank our business partners and look to them when offering your patronage. Our sincere appreciation to the following businesses for their foundational partnerships with The Splash and its partner publications:

Liberty Lake

PORTAL at Mission & Molter

Cline named to SPU Dean’s List Taylor Anne Cline of Liberty Lake made the Seattle Pacific University 2013 Winter Quarter Dean’s List by completed at least 12 credits and attaining a 3.50 or higher grade point average.

Wilson graduates, makes list Washington and Lee University in Lexington, Va., sent out a pair of announcements recently regarding Liberty Lake resident Randi Wilson. Wilson earned placement on the winter term Dean’s List. She was also one of the school’s 422 students who graduated on May 23. Wilson earned her degree in politics.

CVHS 20-year reunion planned The Central Valley High School Class of 1993 has scheduled its 20 Year Reunion from 3 to 10 p.m. July 27 at Red Lion Templin’s Hotel on the River in Post Falls. Tickets can be purchased at cvhs20yr. For more, contact Kendra (McCoy) Kennedy at 981-4779 or

CV serving free summer meals Starting June 24, the Central Valley School District will serve free meals to hundreds of hungry children through the Simplified Summer Food Program for Children. The program offers a free, nutritious breakfast and lunch served at Broadway Elementary School, 11016 E. Broadway Ave., to children 18 years and younger. Registration is not required, and children do not need to be a student of the Central Valley School District to participate. The program serves Monday through Thursdays before concluding July 25. Breakfast hours are 7:30 to 8:15 a.m., while lunch is served 11:45 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

Barlows Family Restaurant City of Liberty Lake Clark’s Tire and Automotive Family Medicine Liberty Lake George Gee Good Samaritan Society of Spokane Valley John L. Scott Real Estate (Pam Fredrick)

KiDDS Dental Liberty Lake Liberty Lake EyeCare Center Liberty Lake Orthodontics Simonds Dental Group STCU Sunshine Gardens Therapeutic Associates

Index of advertisers Following are the local advertisers in this issue of The Splash. Amaculate Housekeeping 29 Anytime Fitness 43 Avista 5 Banner Furnace & Fuel 31 Barlows Restaurant 42 Carver Farms 23 Casey Family Dental 9 City of Spokane Valley 35 Clark’s Tire & Automotive 3 Complete Home Solutions 29 Crown Elegance 23 Crown Media & Printing 3 Cullings Family Dentistry 3 East Valley ECEAP 41 Evergreen Fountains 27 Family Medicine Liberty Lake 35 The Garage Floor Guy 8 Garden Plaza of Post Falls 23 George Gee Automotive 11 Healthy Living Liberty Lake 11 Highlands Golf Course 41 Holistic Festival 23

Imelda’s House Cleaning Service 31 Inland Empire Utility Coordinating Council 23 Inland Imaging 31 John L Scott - Marilyn Dhaenens 35 John L Scott - Pam Fredrick 11 Lakeshore Insurance 13 Lakeside Vision PLLC 41 Liberty Lake Community Yard Sales 15 Liberty Lake EyeCare Center 5 Liberty Lake Family Dentistry 5 Liberty Lake Family Dentistry 43 Liberty Lake Farmers Market 9 Liberty Lake Fireworks Fund 9 Liberty Lake Loop 40 Liberty Lake Municipal Library 2 Liberty Lake Orthodontics 3 Liberty Lake Portal 37 Liberty Lake Sewer & Water District 17 Liberty Lube 13 Northern Quest Resort & Casino 48 Post Falls Local Market 29 Relay For Life of Liberty Lake 47

San Francisco Sourdough Eatery 31 Sayre and Sayre 17 SCRAPS 42 Simonds Dental Group 48 Spokane Indians 41 SportClips Haircuts 17 St John Vianney School 31 STCU 23 STCU 25 Sterling Bank 5 SYSA 7 Therapeutic Associates 2 Total Sports 41 True Legends Grill 41 Trailhead Golf Course 17 Twisp Cafe & Coffee House 29 Valley Christian School 42 West Valley Farm 2 Windermere Liberty Lake - Sandra Bartel 43 Service Directory 46

Of note: This thank you message was produced by The Splash’s advertising team, which works its tail off on behalf of partner businesses, helping them share their messages through advertisements. This is an independent function from The Splash’s editorial team, which has its own evaluation process to determine the community news stories and features it pursues. For more information about a win-win partnership that expertly markets your business to thousands of readers (while making this home-grown community newspaper possible), email With story ideas, contact

The Splash

46 • June 2013

SERVICE DIRECTORY art instruction

house cleaning services angelic cleaning service 20+ years experience, references available. Licensed, bonded and insured. 509-797-3764

✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽

Kids Art Classes Summer Workshops Art Birthday Parties Homeschool Classes Adult Classes

509-255-9600 ChildCare

Explorers Licensed In-Home Daycare Before and after school openings. We provide daily help with homework and reading time, as well as organized activities and games. Now taking deposits for summer. Summer care includes field trips, daily writing and/or math activities, science experiments, art, group games and much more. Limited openings. Contact Jamie 509-499-9141.

lawn Care Spring is here ...

Call Now for Free Estimate!


LicenSed, Bonded & inSured

Lawn care

Golf Carts

Landscape maintenance

rent or buy golf carts

• Weekly/Bi-weekly Lawn Care • Fertilization/Weed Control • Spider Barriers/Pest Control • Power Raking/Core Aeration • Shrub Bed Maintenance/Cleanups • Sprinkler Repair/Adjustments/Turn-ons

Odd jObs The Clean Up Bros!

4508 E. Sprague (Havana & Sprague) Open 7 days a week • 999-8989

Handyman services Heinz Painting & Handyman BBB accredited, hardworking, honest, and on time. Free estimates! I have the time and tools to get the job done right. Call today! Dave Heinz, 509-953-8093. Licensed, bonded & insured, HeInzpH924Bw. Many satisfied Liberty Lake customers.


Tile & flooring insTallaTion

Professional installers We install tile, showers & backsplashes, laminate countertops, carpet and all flooring. We fully remodel kitchens and baths. General Contractor with 18+ years in the Spokane area. Bonded and licensed, well established and happy to provide references.

Larry and Lillie

Zach (age 15) and Isaiah (age 12) are two hard working young men looking for odd jobs to earn extra money. Our Rate: Pay us what you think the job is worth. How cool is that? To hire us please call 255-9194 or email:



Also in Liberty Lake phone book.

Music instruction LESSONS IN YOUR HOME! Music To Go! — Beginner through intermediate piano and guitar lessons available for Liberty Lake, Newman Lake, Otis Orchards and Spokane Valley. Since 1994. Recently relocated from SF Bay area. Please call Bobbie Marie Smith for more info at 509.474.9432 or email

As always, first mow FREE


Valley Lawnboys 570-2134

Hydroseeding is more efficient than sodding, broadcast seeding, or any other method of establishing turf or controlling erosion. Cantrell Landscaping, LLC offers fast and efficient hydroseeding at an affordable cost. Call Karl at 998-8650 for a quote.

Season Cart Rental Only $600.00 Used Golf Carts with Warranty Free 1-Day Demo with any cart in stock ‘09 Club Car • 6 Passenger • Elec. — $4595 ‘07 Club Car 48V • New Batteries — $2995 ‘06 Club Car 48V • New Batteries — $2995 Like new older Club Car • Charger — $1095 3 - ‘08 Gas E-Z-Go • Gas • Excellent — $3295 ‘08 E-Z-Go RXV • New 48V Batteries — $3295 ‘07 E-Z-Go • Auto fill battery system — $2595 2 - E-Z-Go Gas Carts • 1 w/new motor — $$$ Older Yamaha • Good Batteries — $1095 2 - ‘03 48-Volt Yamahas • choice — $2000 7 4-Passenger carts from — $2595

tom’s airport taxi

All lawn care services available, widely experienced and efficient, and we match competitors’ prices. Mention this ad for 10% off.

a housewife!

Hydroseeding Cantrell landsCaping, llC

Brand new 2013 non-smoking van. Liberty Lake area to (GEG) Spokane International Airport, $40 (up to 5 people), 7 days a week. Reservations recommended.


…because every Home Maid woman deserves Household Services LLC

House cleaning and more! Organizing, grocery shopping, laundry, meal prep, errands. Licensed, Bonded and Insured. 509-230-7503 •

airport transportation

hurry and book now! Mowing, Fertilizing,Thatching, Aerating, Spraying and Spring Clean-Up!

House Cleaning serviCes

Home Maid Household Services LLC

taxi service

924-4954 Covering Eastern Washington WindoWs


20/20 Window Cleaning

Heinz Painting & Handyman BBB accredited, hardworking, honest, and on time. Free estimates! Add a splash of color to your walls. Call today! Dave Heinz, 509-953-8093. Licensed, bonded & insured, HeinzpH924Bw. Many satisfied Liberty Lake customers.

lawn care Celestial lawns

Painting & Power washing

Experienced yard man desires to cut your lawn. Grass will be nicely trimmed and hauled out. Usually $25 per lawn. In business three years. Please call Dallin for an estimate. 509-389-3723

All phases of interior & exterior painting. Residential repaint specialist. Premium warrantied paint used on all projects. Many local references. 10% Senior Discount. (509) 622-2999

WindoW Cleaning • PoWer Washing gutter Cleaning

Liberty Lake resident Competitive prices • Free estimates satisfaction guaranteed


“bringing A Clearer View to You”

ut Ask Abo wer po our free h! wAs


NW PaiNtiNg

$10 off Call 710-5196

PRISTINE Windows window washing services

Complete satisfaction with guaranteed best prices from your Liberty Lake neighbor!

Advertise in the Service Directory — This is your place to connect with potential clients! Priced affordably, as little as $10 gets a business into 7,000 copies of The Splash that is delivered into every Liberty Lake home and business. Call or email to learn more: 242-7752 or

Fully insured estimates are always FREE!

Commercial • Residential • New Construction


Liberty Lake residents: Are you new to the area? Have you moved recently or changed your home phone number? To make sure you’re listed correctly in the Liberty Lake Community Directory, email your residential phone number and address to

The Splash

June 2013 • 47

Join the fight to find a cure for a disease that will be diagnosed in approximately 35,360 men, women and youngsters in Washington this year. Contact your friends, family members, coworkers or classmates and form a team to participate in this year’s 15-hour American Cancer Society Relay For Life of Liberty Lake.

Liberty Lake reLay For LiFe 2013 Meadowwood Technology Campus 6:00 p.m. Friday, July 19th to 9:00 a.m. Saturday, July 20th To form a team contact Event Co-Chair Jean Simpson at 509-991-2310 or or Event Co-Chair Jane Murphy at For other questions contact Jennifer Kronvall at 509-242-8303 or

The Splash

48 • June 2013

Fun In The Sun!


Teeth Whitening OR



Gift Certificate

22106 E. Country Vista Drive Suite D • Liberty Lake

Toward Future Dental Treatment

With purchase of a New Patient Exam, Necessary X-rays & Recommended Cleaning. Offer expires 7/15/13

Dr. Ross Simonds • Dr. Amanda Roper

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