July 2016 Splash

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2 • JULY 2016


The Splash

The Park Bench

Wheels and means – LL resident Warren oversees STA finances By Craig Howard Splash Editor As a married student at the University Illinois, Lynda Warren caught the bus to campus with her husband. Years later, the Liberty Lake resident is in charge of the finances for the public transportation system in her adopted home. Most would call it a fare transition. Warren has served as the Spokane Transit Authority’s chief financial officer for nearly five years. She and her team oversee accounting, budgeting, financial analysis, information services, procurement and records management for an agency that employs around 500 people. Warren’s role as CFO of STA began in 2011 during a visit to the Inland Northwest from her home in Grants Pass, Oregon. Her daughter, Laura, had just moved to the area with her husband, Joe, and the couple’s 2-year-old daughter. During her stay, Warren saw an STA ad for CFO and decided to apply. At the time, she was working for Rogue Community College as vice president of College Services. Her experience in accounting, budgeting, facilities, human resources, information services and more stood her in good stead as STA reviewed resumes. Warren will celebrate her five-year anniversary with the agency in August. She is only the second CFO in STA’s history. A native of Illinois, Warren grew up on an 80-acre farm in the southern part of the state. The homestead was situated in Hardin County in the midst of the Shawnee

Liberty Lake resident Lynda Warren has served as the chief financial officer of Spokane Transit Authority for nearly five years. The Illinois native moved to the Inland Northwest from Oregon in 2011 to be closer to family. Photo by Craig Howard National Forest. Lynda was one of five children. Warren’s dad was a fluorspar miner and part-time father. Her mother worked on the farm and, in Warren’s words, “took care of everything else that needed to be done.” After graduating from high school in Cave-in-Rock, Illinois, across the Ohio River from Kentucky, Warren earned her Associate of Arts degree from Southeastern Illinois College. She would move on to the University of Illinois in ChampaignUrbana, eventually walking away with bachelor’s and master’s degrees in finance. Warren’s career path began in graduate school when she worked full-time in the finance department at the Illinois State Water Survey. Next came a job as the first employee of the Illinois Hazardous Waste Research and Information Center, a new state agency created in 1984.

Warren migrated west in 1987 after being hired by Chemeketa Community College in Salem, Oregon. She worked at the school in the state capital for 13 years, ultimately advancing to the role of director of Business Services. She switched schools in 2000 but remained in Oregon, accepting a position at Rogue Community College in Grants Pass where she would remain for 11 years. Q: How did you decide to settle in Liberty Lake after relocating from Oregon? A: After spending over a year going to open houses all around the area, I decided Liberty Lake was where I wanted to be. I moved here three years ago. Liberty Lake is such a welcoming, nice community. From the farmers market to the walking trails, it provides a sense of community. In addition to being close to my family, I have really felt I inherited another family when I joined the Liberty Lake Kiwanis. It

was such a welcoming group that does such good things for youth and our community in general. While I am unable to attend as many meetings or help out as much as I would like, I know when I am able to, I will be very welcomed. Q: What are some of the reasons you enjoy being part of Liberty Lake Kiwanis? A: The Liberty Lake Kiwanis are such a dedicated, hardworking group of individuals. I enjoy the camaraderie, but I especially enjoy what we do for youth of the community. The group does so much considering we are really pretty small in numbers, but our hearts are so large. We are a very welcoming group and I would encourage others to check us out on Wednesday mornings at 6:45 a.m. at City Hall.

See WARREN , Page 3

The Splash


Continued from page 2 Q: How did your background prepare you for your current job at STA? A: Spending 23 years in community colleges, I was used to federal and state requirements around accounting, procurement and budgeting, as well as information services needs. Oregon is a little different than Washington and the federal requirements are different between transportation and education, but it was similar enough that the transition was fairly smooth. The main change is learning a different set of acronyms. Q: Being new to the field of public transportation when you started at STA in 2011, were there any aspects that surprised you? A: Prior to working at STA, I never considered the amount of planning that goes into bus scheduling or how construction detours can really affect a schedule. The system runs like a well-oiled machine and road construction, bad weather, accidents and detours can make for an interesting day. Similarly to the way I felt working at community colleges, I am proud to be a part of an organization that provides such a vital community service. It is also nice to work for an organization that avoids debt. With the need to replace buses on a 15-year schedule, there is a lot of planning that goes into saving money for those replacements. STA is a very high functioning agency that provides service very cost effectively and efficiently. We are always looking for ways to improve service. Q: In May, you appeared before the Liberty Lake City Council to talk about STA’s potential rate increase. What was that experience like? A: That was the first time I had appeared in front of the Liberty Lake City Council, although I have done many other presentations to other groups over my career. There are always the nerves when you appear in front of groups, but it was particularly nice to see so many friends in the audience. Q: What is the latest update on the proposed rate increase? A: STA listened to the public

JULY 2016 • 3

outreach it heard and modified its preliminary fare proposal based on what it heard. The draft recommendation includes stair stepping the increase into two phases with the smaller amount of the pass increase being effective July 1, 2017 and the second part being effective July 1, 2018. It will also keep the student and summer youth passes. In the interim, we are collaborating with health and human services providers and individuals to find a comprehensive solution to assist extremely lowincome individuals with critical transportation needs.


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Q: As CFO of STA, it seems that you would have as much insight on the need for a rate change as anyone. What are some of the main reasons for this transition right now? A: As with any public service, whether it be education or public transportation, there is always the consideration of how much the user should contribute versus how much the taxpayer should subsidize. The STA Board adopted a policy that STA should have a 20-percent fixed route fare box return. That means what the riders pay should cover at least 20 percent of the expenses to operate the system. Currently, we are at 18 percent. The national average for similar systems is 23 percent. The paratransit fare box return is about 5 percent. It is a time consuming process to do a fare change because we to do want to do as much public outreach as possible. We also want riders to have as much time as possible to adjust to any change. With the draft recommendation being in two phases, we will reach the 20 percent after the second phase. Q: This is a simple but relevant question that I’m guessing you’ve heard a few times since you started working at STA – why should people take the bus? A: STA is here when you want or need us. Whether you are concerned about the environment, your car has broken down, public transit is your only form of transportation, you want to save money or you just want to sit back, relax and let someone else deal with I-90 traffic, STA is for you. Also, we have paratransit service for qualified individuals and vanpools available for groups of individuals whose origination or destination is in STA’s boundaries.




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Moratorium on multi-family housing met with mixed reaction

By Craig Howard Splash Editor It seemed like a fairly unspectacular item on the agenda for the June 21 Liberty Lake City Council meeting, a first read ordinance involving standalone, multi-family housing. The wording of Ordinance 231 stated the city’s intent of “establishing a moratorium on acceptance of applications or issuance of permits for the construction of multi-family housing, providing severability and declaring an emergency.” Mayor Steve Peterson offered some context for the discussion, pointing to “the gridding of the city” that took place after Liberty Lake incorporated in 2001. The goal, he said, was to promote mixed use development in certain areas of the city, resulting in a commercial and residential blend. A retail presence, the mayor added, translates to a reliable tax base that supports maintenance of the city’s infrastructure and public services. “We want both commercial and residential,” Peterson said. “The moratorium is basically saying we want that zoning to be maintained. Our goal is to have our developers and builders live up to that. You can build apartments as long as you bring in commercial use.” A corridor in the vicinity of Country Vista Road between Legacy Ridge and surrounding commercial properties including the Liberty Lake Corporate Park was at the center of the discussion. A number of residents in the Legacy Ridge neighborhood appeared at City Hall in support of the moratorium. Council Member Dan Dunne, a former member of the planning commission, said the freeze was about the city’s “obligation to review such projects for their applicability and utility for our community.” “Stand-alone, multi-family housing needs to be discussed in a public way,” Dunne added. Following a series of public comments and a move to a second read, council unanimously approved a six-month moratorium on standalone, multi-family housing. City Administrator Katy Allen said there would be three types of projects that are exempt from the temporary suspension – multi-family housing that is part of a mixed-use development, multi-family housing within a city-approved specific area plan and multi-family housing projects that already have a vested application with the city. When it comes to the impact of

The Splash

projects that will now be on hold, David Morgan of Legacy Ridge told council he is “concerned about the density and traffic problems that already exist.” “I think you need to put it to a vote of the community,” Morgan said. “If density gets to a certain point, we’re going to lose what we’ve always had in this area.” Ben McGuire, a new homeowner in the area, said the idea of mixed use made sense with a commercial presence on a lower level and residential above, an approach being utilized commonly in downtown Spokane. McGuire added that after moving from San Diego he appreciated “the charm” of Liberty Lake as compared to the “overurbanization” of his former home. Other residents of Legacy Ridge, including Phil Folyer and Jeremy Niemi, spoke in favor of the city’s halt on multi-family housing. On the other side, Frank Ide of Parametrix, a company that represents Liberty Lake Corporate Park, described the decision by the city as “fascinating and disheartening.” Ide said the area in question “has always been part of regular updates to the city’s comprehensive plan and development code.” News of the proposed moratorium only reached Ide that day, he said. “I am floored at this process,” Ide said. “This zoning has been in place. It’s gone through the planning commission, the City Council. I’ve been a part of it.” Ide referred to a project in the affected area (being proposed by Hayden-based Copper Basin Construction) that would be impacted by the moratorium. He read a prepared statement by Jim Quigley of Liberty Lake Land Co. regarding the city’s shift. “The seller and buyer have worked with the city for over a year and were told by the city that there would be no problem with the project being approved,” Ide said. “I don’t understand why Liberty Lake Corporate Park is being singled out. It’s arbitrary and illogical.” Council Member Odin Langford said the city needs to follow through on its obligation to coordinate the conversation about multi-family housing with stakeholders. “What we’re telling people is that we’re going to be doing our fair share to facilitate these discussions,” he said. “We need to get them on to the calendar.” Amanda Tainio, the Planning and Building Services manager, said the city would be “researching mixed-use multi-family housing” in anticipation of a hearing with the planning commission in September. She said a recommendation would likely come before council in November.

The Splash


Roundabout completion, Comcast opening both around corner By Derek Brown Splash Correspondent Liberty Lake’s newest roundabout is nearing completion just in time for the official opening of a nearby Comcast building. The roundabout will feature new signage and lighting, which was the cause of a slight delay. The project at the intersection of Mission Avenue and Molter Road, which broke ground two months ago, will be completed in mid-July, according to city officials. “It will be landscaped with brick in the center,” City Engineer Andrew Staples said. “The appearance will be similar to the roundabout on the north side of I-90, on Mission and Harvard.” All this comes just as Comcast plans on bringing the first batch of its employees to its new building, an 80,000 square foot space at the Meadowwood Technology Campus off Mission Avenue. Comcast has been one of the central reasons for the addition of a roundabout with traffic in the area expected to increase. “We have the Comcast facility that's going to be coming online here in the next few days,” Staples said. “They’ll start out with probably 400 employees, or thereabout, and every few months they'll be adding another few hundred employees until they're at full capacity. So we knew with that coming on that the new intersection would need to be updated more quickly.” The city looked into what sort of alternatives there were to traffic lights after Comcast announced the imminent move. Before the roundabout, the intersection at Mission and Molter was controlled by a four-way stop. However, only so much traffic is able to get through in these configurations. More than just benefiting the Comcast facility, City Administrator Katy Allen stated that the roundabout was found to be better for safety and efficiency. “With a roundabout, you can get about six to eight cars in the intersection at any one time,” she said. “With a signal, you can only get two cars at any one time. In other words, a more efficient intersection. And then if there ever is an accident they've been proven to be safer.” According to the Washington State Department of Transportation, injury crashes are reduced by about 75 percent when intersections that were once controlled by stop signs

JULY 2016 • 5

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Patient Focused Dentistry A roundabout at the Mission and Molter intersection is scheduled for completion later this month. The project is expected to improve traffic flow which is anticipated to increase with the addition of a Comcast building at the nearby Meadowwood Technology Campus. Photo by Derek Brown or traffic signals are converted to roundabouts. Furthermore, an overall reduction in collisions by 37 percent has been attributed to roundabouts. The roundabout is also meant to be a gateway into the neighborhood and employment area and with the luck the city has had with the other roundabout off I-90, Allen said it seemed like the logical way to solve the congestion in the area during high-traffic times. “What was happening was the intersection was getting very saturated with commuters, workers, [traffic from] school, etc., and it just created a lot of inefficiencies,” she said. “And because everyone had a different turning movement, it got to the point where we thought we could improve the intersection functionality and safety with a roundabout.” At completion, the estimated cost will be $785,000. Bacon Concrete is the contractor on the project. “The project started approximately seven weeks ago,” Staples said. “Completion, with sign lighting everything, we're looking at about mid-July. We had some long lead times on some electrical equipment that is delaying the lighting installation and electrical.” Much of the funding came from Transportation Improvement Board dollars which covered around 70 percent of the project. “We did all analysis and were successful in getting TIB funding,” Allen said. “So it ended up being really good project. We awarded contract in May and they started construction for about six weeks. They paved it last Monday, putting in landscaping, lights and brick this weekend.”

5 lesser-known ways to naturally freshen your breath:

Use Nature’s “toothbrushes” Apples: The high fiber content makes apples one of the top natural toothbrushes out there. Celery and raw carrots: These firm and crisp these veggies “brush” your teeth and also have a high moisture content to help keep your whistle wet. Natural mouth rinse Try this simple alcohol-free DIY mouthwash. Mix 1 cup of water with a teaspoon of baking soda (which changes the pH level and fights odor in the mouth) and a few drops of anti-microbial peppermint essential oil. Swish around in mouth for 30 seconds, then spit out. Drink your milk Sipping milk can effectively reduce bad breath IF you drink it before or during a meal (according to a Journal of Food Science 2010 study.) The fat in milk neutralizes sulfur while the water in milk acts as a mouth rinse. Chew on fresh herbs Chew a fresh sprig of parsley, basil, mint, rosemary, thyme, or cilantro. The chlorophyll in these green plants neutralizes odors. They also contain monoterpenes that travel from bloodstream to lungs and are released with your breath. Apple cider vinegar Bad breath can be caused by improper digestion, and apple cider vinegar is a digestive aid. Dilute one tablespoon of ACV in a glass of water and drink before each meal, or gargle for 10 seconds after a meal. If you keep up with your flossing, brushing, and the advice above, you should be odor-free! Note: If you have bad breath all the time, despite all your efforts, it can actually be an indication of a more serious health issue. Call our office for an appointment today!

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6 • JULY 2016

Police Report The following incidents were among those reported by the Liberty Lake Police Department from May 16 through June 20. The report is listed in chronological order. Doorstep theft – On May 16 at 11:52 a.m., LLPD responded to the 1400 block of North Malvern Road for a theft. Complainant observed a white vehicle in the area driving slowly up and down the road then stopping in front of a neighbor’s home. A male wearing a white jacket and white tank top with a blue baseball cap run up to a neighbor’s porch and grab a package before returning to the vehicle. An officer could not locate the vehicle, however did locate the package a short distance away from the home. The package was open and the contents had been taken out. Value of the stolen item is estimated at $14. Vehicle prowl – On May 17 at 7:13 a.m., LLPD responded to a vehicle prowl at the 19000 block of East Knox. Complainant reported that over $710 in items were taken from inside the vehicle sometime during the night. Boat prowl – On May 20 at 10:02 a.m., LLPD responded to the 23000 block of East Valleyway for a theft. Complainant reported that someone had stolen the motor/kicker motor from his boat sometime during the night. The motor was estimated at $1,500. Hospital transport – On May at 3:08 a.m., LLPD responded to the 21000 block of East Bitterroot for a medical emergency. The subject was transported to an area hospital. Suspicious person – On May 23 at 10:40 p.m., LLPD responded to the 1300 block of North Liberty Lake Road for a suspicious circumstance. Complainant reported a male had been following her and she believed he was stalking her. Complainant reported the male was sitting in a vehicle parked at the location. An officer arrived on scene within 20 seconds of the call as he was in the area and the subject/vehicle could not be located. Motor home theft – On May 23 at 10:54 a.m., LLPD responded to a stolen vehicle at the 19000 block of East Cataldo. Complainant reported a motor home estimated at $50,000 was stolen from the property. Drugs turned in – On May 23 at 8:59 a.m., LLPD received found property from the 23000 block of East Boone Avenue. Complainant brought in a small bag of suspected

NEWS crystal meth to the precinct and reported he found it in the parking lot at the location. The substance was tested and confirmed to be three grams of meth. It was logged into property for incineration. Traffic hazard – On May 24 at 10:39 p.m., LLPD responded to East Mission and North Molter for a traffic hazard. Complainant called to report a water pipe had broken and was flooding the roadway. An officer made contact with the contractor who said he would fix the problem. 9-1-1 follow-up – On May 25 at 7:09 p.m., LLPD responded to the 1400 block of North Meadowwood Lane for an abandoned 9-1-1 line. Officers arrived and learned there was an argument at the location between adults who had since left. Burglary suspects arrested – On May 25 at 9:08 a.m., a man and a woman were arrested at the 1800 block of North Glenbrook for residential burglary. Witnesses observed the two suspects enter a residence that was currently vacant. Both individuals appeared to have gone over the fence in the back yard but were apprehended by officers while trying to go over another fence. The vehicle driven by the two was observed to be the same vehicle identified in several crimes in the area. Both suspects were booked into the Spokane County Jail. DUI arrest – On May 27 at 5:24 p.m., LLPD responded to an agency assist at East Mission and Harvard Road. Officers detained a subject prior to another agency arriving to take over a DUI investigation. Unauthorized road repair – On May 28 at 5:52 p.m., LLPD responded to North King James and East Broadway for a traffic hazard. Complainant reported there were cones on the roadway blocking off an area. An officer made contact with the owner of the residence who said he’d put oil/tar on the road to “seal the cracks” and placed the cones there so no one would drive through it. The subject also told officers it was a private drive. The subject was advised it was not a private drive and that the cones needed to be moved. The city engineer was made aware of the oil/tar on the roadway. Assault arrest – A man was arrested on May 31 at 7:45 p.m. at the 1800 block of North Harvard for assault. Complainant reported the suspect hit him in the face with a glass at the location causing bruising. An officer responded and spoke to the suspect who reported

the complainant was the cause of he and his wife’s separation. Officers viewed a video taken by the complainant of the incident and observed the suspect push the glass into the complainant’s face. The suspect was arrested for fourth-degree assault. Vehicle towed – On June 1 at 12:47 p.m., LLPD responded to East Knox and North Madson for an abandoned vehicle. Notice was left on the window of the vehicle and multiple attempts to contact the owner failed. The vehicle was towed on June 3. No contact order referral – On June 1 at 11:07 p.m., LLPD responded to the 1100 block of Malvern for a citizen contact. Complainant reported his daughter had recently broken up with her boyfriend and the subject was repeatedly contacting her demanding to see her. The complainant was advised as to the process for obtaining a no contact order. Key turned in – On June 3 at 7:45 a.m., LLPD received found property from North Wright and East Country Vista. A citizen brought in a key found at the intersection of the location. Recovered vehicle – On June 8 at 10:30 a.m., LLPD recovered a stolen vehicle at the 1200 block of North Barker Road. The vehicle was stolen out of Spokane Valley and the owner and primary agency on the stolen vehicle were contacted and came to the scene. Assault charge filed – On June 11 at 9:47 p.m., LLPD received a report of an assault that took place in January of this year. Complainant reported her ex-boyfriend had her in a vehicle and would not let her get out. The subject then reportedly grabbed her arm in an effort to keep her in the vehicle. The complainant reported she didn’t call police at the time because she was concerned the subject would say she hit him first but indicated she wanted to report it now as she was receiving messages from him again. iPad returned – On June 14 at 9:54 a.m., LLPD responded to the 22000 block of East Country Vista for found property. Complainant reported an iPad had been left in the park. An officer located the device and returned it to the owner. Solicitors warned – On June 13 at 5:20 p.m., LLPD responded to a suspicious person call at the 23000 block of East Riverside Avenue. Complainant reported solicitors in the area being aggressive in their

The Splash

selling tactics and leaving rags in the street. An officer arrived and spoke to the solicitors who were located at different areas of the city by different officers and were advised they would be cited if they came back and did not have a license. No contact order charge – On June 15 at 10:59 a.m., charges were forwarded to the county prosecutor against a woman for violation of a court order after it was reported the suspect had sent the complainant an email. The complainant is the protected person in a no contact order against the suspect and any contact is strictly prohibited. Agency assist on cyclist fatality – On June 15 at 12:57 p.m., LLPD responded to West Wellesley and North Whitehouse for an agency assist. The Liberty Lake Drug Recognition Expert officer responded to a fatal collision involving a vehicle and cyclist to evaluate the driver for impairment. Vehicle prowl – On June 16 at 10:09 a.m., LLPD responded to a vehicle prowl at the 1200 block of North Homestead. Complainant reported that she’d come out of her home in the morning to find someone had stolen her purse from inside her vehicle. An officer arrived and spoke to the complainant who reported she observed a male wearing blue jeans and a white shirt with blond hair walking through the back yards in the area yelling. The male was not in the area when officers arrived. Total loss of items from the complainant’s vehicle was estimated at $445. Welfare check – On June 18 at 4:20 p.m., LLPD responded to the 1600 block of North Marne Lane for a welfare check. Complainant requested a welfare check on daughter who has a restraining order against a male that is at the location. Officers made contact with female and were advised she was fine. The subject was advised to make contact with 9-1-1 if the male attempted contact with her. Vehicle prowl – On June 19 at 3:37 p.m., LLPD responded to the 1300 block of North Liberty Lake Road for a theft. Complainant called to report her vehicle had been broken into at the location and a purse stolen from inside estimated at $40. Credit cards within the purse were reportedly used to purchase $31 in food. The purse was later located in the garbage at a local restaurant by staff. An officer collected the purse and it was returned to the complainant. The fraudulent purchases are under investigation.

The Splash

JULY 2016 • 7

The Lookout July 2016

Garden Notes Appreciating the aboretum By Joice Cary

City Horticulturist What is an arboretum? Here is Webster’s short definition – “A place where trees and plants are grown in order to be studied or seen by the public.” The Latin words “arbor” (tree) and “etum” (a place where a given plant grows) are combined to form “arboretum.”

Get the scoop on Town Square Still have questions about the capital facilities bond vote to fund the proposed Town Square Aquatics and Community Center? Drop by the actual site this month to talk with city officials and enjoy some ice cream! “Get the Scoop on Town Square” will take place on Wednesday, July 20 from 6 to 8 p.m. at 1421 N. Meadowwood Lane (the site of

the Liberty Lake Farmers Market). Representatives from municipal staff and City Council will be on hand to answer questions about what the Aug. 2 ballot entails. Complimentary ice cream will be served. A link to the Town Square project page can be found at the city’s website – www.libertylakewa. gov.

Located just east of Liberty Lake City Hall, three acres donated by the Meadowwood Homeowners Association comprise Nature’s Place at Meadowwood, the city’s arboretum. Planting began in 2011 with 19 different species of trees represented. Each season change brings something new – bright spring blooms and fragrances, summer leaf patterns and shade, fall colors with acorns and chestnuts. Winter reveals individual tree forms in bare, dark branches. I recommend visiting often to observe the growth and changes as it matures. The 466-acre U.S. National Arboretum in Washington, D.C. was established by an act of Congress in 1927. Almost 100 years later, it is still an oasis for visitors from all over the world. Our arboretum is in its very early stages, to be enjoyed today, with a bright future ahead.

Tutoring from Trailhead - Golf counsel from a pro

By Chris Johnston

Trailhead at LL PGA Professional

bonuses. If you two-putt on every hole you are doing very well.

The biggest mistake I see in putting by anyone who is struggling is distance control. Most players focus on their aim or direction and do not realize the reason they are three and sometimes four putting is all about distance control.

So what can you do to become better at distance control? 1. Make sure you are not using your wrists in any way when you make your stroke. This is the biggest detractor in distance control.

On the PGA Tour, the average players only make about 60 percent of their putts from 7 feet and from 10 feet, that rate goes down to about 20 percent. This means the likelihood of you making a putt from just 10 feet is less than two out of 10. This is not to crush your dreams of making putts, it’s just a statistical reality.

2. Make sure every stroke has and backswing that equals the forward swing. Think Grandfather Clock motion.

I would always want you to try to make the first putt but if you don’t, it needs to be close enough to make the next one. As far as I am concerned, all one putts are

3. Practice putting to the edge of the green at all different distances without aiming at a target. This will help you to feel’ how much of a motion you need to make to get your golf ball to go a certain distance with your individual tempo. If you are having trouble with any part of your golf game, please visit a PGA Professional. We can help!

MEMO from the


By Mayor Steve Peterson

Walt Disney once said, “You don’t build it for yourself. You know what people want and you build it for them!” Disney’ s words are so appropriate for our city of Liberty Lake. You are the city’s customer. We strive to provide a safe, clean and green community with amenities that help provide a common access to activities and recreation. These are the amenities that attract one to our city. Our challenge today is how to maintain and add to them during a period of growth. At the Liberty Lake Farmers Market each Saturday, I like to talk about: • Why we invested in Trailhead, City Hall, our trails, the pedestrian bridge, Little League baseball fields, Pavillion Park, Rocky Hill Park and soon-to-be Orchard Park • Why we are enhancing our streets, making safer intersections with our roundabouts and planning designs for an expanded Harvard Road interchange and a new Henry Road interchange • Why the Town Square Community and Aquatics Center will provide yet another dimension to our indoor and outdoor activities Our amenities are only part of why you and I chose Liberty Lake to call home. The “magic” as Disney would say is where you and your families can be together and enjoy it together. The magic is also where you and your neighbors are working together, playing together and celebrating together. This truly is the basis for our “Magic Kingdom” in which we live. It’s the very reason I am passionate about our city and all of its possibilities. It’s also why, in my conversation with others, I refer to Liberty Lake as “Spokane County’s premier address.”

8 • JULY 2016

McGuire appointed as latest addition to City Council


By Craig Howard

Splash Editor Never before in the history of Liberty Lake had this many applicants filed to fill a position on City Council. Never before had the sitting council taken two weeks between the first series of candidate interviews and the announcement of an appointee. Ultimately, Jessica McGuire – a self-described “stay-at-home mom” – took her seat at the City Hall dais on June 21, winning out over eight fellow council hopefuls. “She brings a different light,” said Mayor Pro Tem Shane Brickner of the newest city leader. “She’s someone who has been attending council meetings. She’s invested as a citizen.” While McGuire may not have the level of business or budgeting experience possessed by several others who applied, Brickner said the appointment addresses the governing board’s hope to feature more diverse representation of a growing city now with a population of just over 9,300. “This is a step toward maintaining the balance we brought up a year ago,” Brickner said. “There have been other council members without business backgrounds and they’ve brought great ideas to the table.” After an executive session near the beginning of the June 21 meeting, council members emerged to offer nominations for the position left vacant after longtime Council Member Keith Kopelson stepped away from the dais in May for health and family reasons. Council Member Dan Dunne nominated Phil Folyer, followed by Council Member Bob Moore who nominated Jim Bawmker. Brickner nominated McGuire. With Folyer and McGuire moving on to the second round, McGuire received votes from Council Members Cris Kaminskas, Odin Langford, Moore and Brickner. Council Members Hugh Severs and Dunne cast votes for Folyer. McGuire took the oath of office shortly after and was soon taking detailed notes on the remaining agenda items from her new council chair. “This is a real great honor and opportunity,” McGuire said. Following the meeting, when going through some required paperwork, McGuire was surprised

Councilmember Jessica McGuire to learn that council representatives are paid $400 a month. “I thought I would be volunteering,” she said. Like Brickner, Kaminskas said McGuire would bring a refreshing and valuable perspective to Liberty Lake government. “I think she’ll stand up for her opinions but also be open to change by the facts,” Kaminskas said. “She represents a segment of our community, younger stay-at-home moms, that is not represented on

the council. Someone needs to speak for their point of view. If we are going to truly represent our residents, we need a wider variety of council members.” All nine candidates went through an interview process at City Hall at the June 7 council meeting with City Administrator Katy Allen asking each applicant the same series of questions in an allotted time of 15 minutes per person. Topics included reasons for running, budgeting history, city priorities and opinions on the proposed Town Square Aquatics and Community Center. In addition to McGuire, Folyer and Bawmker, the list of applicants included Richard Haugen, Charles Matthews, Jeff Sitton, Thomas Stanley, Gary Green and former Council Member Josh Beckett who revealed during his interview that he has been battling cancer since January. The news came as a surprise to Beckett’s former city colleagues. “I’m doing a lot better,” Beckett said. While answering her questions, McGuire said she had first met and interviewed Mayor Steve Peterson and City Administrator Katy Allen as part of an applied civics class. Since then, she has been a regular attendee at City Council meetings. “It’s been really interesting to see how everyone works together,”

The Splash

McGuire said of the collaboration at City Hall. When it came to the budgeting topic, McGuire mentioned how she had worked for her family’s general contracting business in California, “taking care of the books.” She views public safety as the top priority of the city followed by safe roads. “What I really want to make sure we are doing is really hearing the citizens and making sure communication is good,” she said. McGuire, who is married with one child, moved to the Inland Northwest from San Diego three years ago. A resident of the Rocky Hill neighborhood, McGuire said she is thankful for the roundabout being built at the nearby Mission and Molter intersection. When asked about Town Square, McGuire admitted she was not a fan of the project at first based on the price tag. After some research and talking to neighbors, she now supports the initiative. “In talking to longtime residents I can see it has a lot that would appeal to all types of citizens,” she said. As far as the most important goal Liberty Lake should emphasize over the next four years, McGuire said the city would be well off “top keep taxes and regulations friendly so the community can grow.”

A total of nine candidates applied for a vacant position on the Liberty Lake City Council last month. Position 6 on the governing board had been occupied since January 2012 by Keith Kopelson who stepped away in May for health and family reasons. Council hopefuls went through an interview process at City Hall on June 7. City Council eventually appointed Jessica McGuire (second from left) at their June 21 meeting. Photo by Craig Howard

The Splash

JULY 2016 • 9







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The Splash

10 • JULY 2016

Residents still catching on to new golf cart registration standard

Golf Cart Registration 101

Staci Lehman

Splash Correspondent A new provision under Liberty Lake’s golf cart ordinance that requires carts to be registered in order to be driven on city streets doesn’t have people rushing to register their carts. The new requirement went into effect May 1. As of early June, only about 50 carts had been registered by owners. “We had expected to have more than that,” said Sakti Hiatt, Title Records clerk and office manager at the Liberty Lake Police Department. “But we have extended the time to get the permits to the end of the year. So people do actually have until January 1, 2017.” The




The city of Liberty Lake is requiring that all golf carts be registered by Jan. 1, 2017. The City Council passed a revision to the long-standing golf cart ordinance earlier this year in order to improve safety and allow residents to identify carts being operated recklessly. File photo recently to promote safer use of golf carts after several people were injured while driving or riding in them. Liberty Lake Police hope the changes will reduce conflicts between carts and other road and path users. Besides requiring carts to be registered, the ordinance update also requires that golf cart drivers be at least 16 years old and possess a valid driver’s license. Carts must be operated to the extreme right of


the roadway and yield to all other traffic; whether vehicles, bicyclists or pedestrians. Carts are no longer allowed to pull trailers, boats, jets skis or people on the streets. Insurance is required to operate carts on the roads and operators must comply with all state and local drug and alcohol laws when driving or riding in a golf cart. Liberty Lake’s original golf cart ordinance passed in 2005, allowing carts to be driven on sidewalks and pathways inside the Liberty Lake city limits and on city streets if equipped with the required equipment such as headlights, reflectors, a rearview mirror and seatbelts. Hiatt says many people take advantage of this option because of traffic on the pathways that can make them slow, and difficult, to navigate.

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“There are a lot of people walking and riding bikes or pushing carriages,” she said. The process to register a cart to be used on the streets is free and the permit good as long as the golf cart is owned by the applicant. The registration process doesn’t include an inspection and is done as an administrative function, so hasn’t added an extra burden on police department so far. “It doesn’t take much time at all,” said Hiatt. “It’s a process of me putting it into the database that takes a couple minutes. It’s just make, model, serial number and really only takes a few minutes.” Hiatt said she’s heard both positive and negative feedback from residents about the registration requirement and process. “Some people are excited because they think it will cut

Registration of a golf cart in Liberty Lake can be done online or in person. The registration form can be downloaded at http://www.libertylakewa. gov/documentcenter/ view/2275. Fill it out and mail it to the Liberty Lake Police Department at 23127 E. Mission Ave, Liberty Lake, WA 99019 or deliver it in person. You can also pick up and fill out the form at the police department. If you mail in your form, your registration decal will be mailed to you. If you submit it in person, you will receive your sticker at the time.

down on juveniles driving them,” she said. “Some people are upset because they don’t want to get them insured and have seat belts. Some don’t want the permits because they aren’t aesthetically pleasing to have on their cart. But most of it has been positive.” Once registered, golf cart owners are given two decals to place on the cart; one on the driver’s side front quarter panel and the other on the back. Linda Mohlenhoff, a Liberty Lake resident whose husband primarily uses their cart for golfing, says they haven’t registered it with the city yet as they only drive on the roads occasionally. The couple already went through the Washington State Patrol’s process to ensure that the cart can be driven on the streets and aren’t very enthusiastic about putting another sticker on it. “That cart has all the bells and whistles,” Linda said. “We had to get a sticker saying its street legal. There’s not a specific place they tell you to put it so we put it where our golf ball washer goes so it’s not as obvious.” For now, the Mohlenhoffs and others who haven’t registered their carts with the police department are safe. If caught driving on the road without the stickers after January 1, 2017 though, or violating any of the other standards under the golf cart ordinance, the fine runs $250.

The Splash

Spokane Valley Fire Department Report – July 2016

Spokane Valley Fire Department crews responded to a total of 102 emergency calls in the greater Liberty Lake area* from May 19 through June 19. • Emergency medical service calls - 68 • Motor vehicle accidents – 5 • Fires – 8 • Service calls – 2 • Building alarms – 9 • Hazardous materials - 3

• Dispatched and cancelled en route – 7 *Service area for SVFD Station #3 in Liberty Lake Vehicle Fire – May 19 – At 5:45 p.m., SVFD crews responded to a vehicle fully engulfed in flames in the 1000 block of South Starr Lane. Crews worked quickly to keep the fire from spreading to nearby trees and pine needles. The car was being driven for the first time this year when fire erupted from under the hood. It was a collector’s car and was a total loss. Hazardous Material Response – May 26 – An excavation contractor severed a natural gas line in the 1500 block of North Hodges Road shortly after 12:30 p.m. SVFD crews responded, secured a hot zone area around the hissing gas line and provided protection with a charged hose for Avista crews when they arrived on the scene to mitigate the hazard. Contractors and residents are reminded to call 811 before you dig. Unauthorized Burning – May 27 – SVFD crews responded to a report of residents burning yard debris in the 1400 block of North Aladdin Road shortly after 3 p.m. The fire had been extinguished so crews educated the residents about the fact that it is always illegal to burn any type of yard debris in Liberty Lake and the greater Spokane Valley. Power Line Down – June 10 – Shortly before 4 p.m., the SVFD Liberty Lake Station 3 crew responded to a downed power line in the 2700 block of Zephyr Road. Crews arrived to find the power pole had broken just below the cross member and the top was still suspended in the air. The pole was actively smoldering at the top but was not an immediate danger to life or property. Crews secured

JULY 2016 • 11

the hazard area until Avista crews arrived. Grass Fire – June 19 – SVFD crews responded to the report of a grass fire just off Harvard Road near the I-90 interchange at 11 a.m. Crews arrived to find a 20 foot by 100 foot grass fire with a lawnmower on fire in the center. They quickly extinguished the fire. The lawnmower operated by a contracted worker had backfired and started the field and mower on fire. No injuries were reported. Fire Commissioner Vacancy – The SVFD Board of Fire Commissioners is seeking applications from citizens interested in serving the community by overseeing the affairs of the fire department. Applications will be accepted through July 8, 2016 at 4 p.m. This is a compensated position. Learn more at www. spokanevalleyfire.com. About SVFD - Spokane Valley Fire Department serves the cities of Liberty Lake, Millwood, Spokane Valley and unincorporated areas of Spokane County including the communities of Otis Orchards, Pasadena Park and the area surrounding Liberty Lake, with a combined population of 125,000 across approximately 75 square miles. In 2015, SVFD firefighters and paramedics responded to more than 15,800 emergency calls. Established in 1940, the Department operates 10 stations providing fire suppression, emergency medical services, technical rescue, vehicle extrication, hazardous materials response, swift water rescue, fire investigation, fire prevention, commercial property inspection, CPR and fire safety training. The agency also offers free smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors. For more information call 928-1700 or visit www. spokanevalleyfire.com.

12 • JULY 2016


BRS principal lauds uniqueness of Town Square Musgrave said. “It makes the project opportunity to carry on this By Craig Howard Splash Editor When not designing a community or recreation center in some part of the county, Chuck Musgrave enjoys exploring the Rocky Mountains and pulling up a chair at his favorite Mexican restaurant. For the past few months, Musgrave – a principal with Denver-based Barker Rinker Seacat (BRS) Architecture – has been spotted regularly in the Liberty Lake community, discussing the Town Square project with city staff, residents and members of the City Council. No word if he has tried the enchiladas at Palenque or hiked through Liberty Lake County Park. With 35 years of design experience, Musgrave has been at the forefront of civic buildings in Wyoming, Arizona, Delaware, Vermont and other parts of the nation. Closer to the Northwest, he was involved in the blueprint of the Salvation Army Ray and Joan Kroc Corps Community Center in Coeur d’Alene. Ask Musgrave about the proposed Liberty Lake vision for a community center/pool/library and he will tell you BRS has never seen anything quite like it. The blend of books, aquatics and civic mingling in a space that already features a farmers market, park and tribute to veterans, he says, “may be a first not only in my experience, but a first in the U.S.” Musgrave has also been diligent in studying the history of the area, going back to the Native Americans who first inhabited the fields and forests surrounding the shores of Liberty Lake. From those tribes to the settlers that followed to modernday dwellers, Musgrave notes that the area “has been a place where people have gathered to connect for thousands of years.” “Beyond an architect’s perspective of the mixing of spaces, the historical tradition of the Liberty Lake area is an intriguing aspect of the project,”

tradition with a new place to congregate, recreate, educate and celebrate for years to come all the more exciting.” With Towns Square, the city of Liberty Lake has become only the second jurisdiction in Eastern Washington to employ a “designbuild” approach that emphasizes extensive coordination and resource allocation prior to the first dirt being moved. Musgrave and BRS have been vital to the process along with Graham Construction and other entities that will be busy if the vote for $12 million in funding passes Aug. 2. The Splash caught up with Musgrave before the first ballots hit the mail to chat about the specifics of bringing the first large-scale gathering place to Liberty Lake. Q: For someone who has never heard of the "designbuild" approach, how would you describe it? A: The design-build approach brings architectural and construction services together as a team focused on delivering a superior project and value to the city. For the last 40 years, all of the design-build work I have been involved with has followed a similar process. First there is a feasibility effort by the architectural team to define a scope and project budget, followed by an election and/or fund procurement process and then the formation of the designbuild team. The Liberty Lake Town Square is different in that it uses a “progressive design-build” delivery process that assembles the design-build team much earlier than a typical designbuild project. This progressive approach allows for both the architect and the contractor, as a team, to be involved in the feasibility study and design development to make sure that the design and construction costs are better aligned with Liberty Lake’s vision for the project.

See BRS, Page 14

Crunch time for Town Square – Aug. 2 ballot to determine funding for civic hub By Craig Howard Splash Editor Tami Yager has officially adopted lime green and navy blue as her favorite colors – and it has nothing to do with the Seattle Seahawks. A Liberty Lake resident for the past three years, Yager is donning the official uniform of a group called “Friends of Town Square” as a way to promote the “yes” vote for funds to construct a civic gathering place that would include a community center, pool and library. The $12 million initiative to build on 4.5 acres on Meadowwood Lane near the site of the Liberty Lake Farmers Market will appear on the Aug. 2 ballot. Along with fellow Town Square advocates, Yager has appeared at events like the Memorial Day Picnic at Pavillion Park and the Liberty Lake Farmers Market to get the word out. Recently, she’s started doorbelling. “Most people have been super positive and want to know when the

The Splash

vote is,” Yager said. “Most people I talk to have heard of it.” Yager says she focuses on the cost per household instead of the overall dollar amount affixed to the project. If it receives the required supermajority of 60 percent or better, the bond would mean an increase of 50 cents per $1,000 of assessed property value. The tax impact on a local home valued at $270,000 would equal $135 a year. While feedback from her fellow residents has been encouraging, Yager said it will be important for people to actually fill out their ballots. The Spokane County Elections Office will mail out ballots to registered voters July 13-15. The election will be certified on Aug. 16. “My biggest concern is that people won’t vote or be on vacation and miss it,” she said. Project supporters are also hoping the proposal for a largescale gathering place fares better than it did in April 2008 when only 38 percent of voters in Liberty Lake sided with a $9.8 million plan to build a community center/library. The initiative would have raised property tax 57 cents per $1,000 of assessed value over the next 20 years. Despite being billed as a “civic focal point” by then-Mayor Wendy Van Orman and other city officials, the project never gathered sufficient momentum. Patrick Jenkins, a council member at the time, said after the failed vote that “there was

See TOWN SQUARE, Page 13

The preliminary design for the Town Square Aquatics and Community Center emphasizes plenty of natural light and includes a central plaza. Room has been left for expansion of both the library and community center as well as the aquatics facility. Most of the parking for the facility would be along Appleway with some spaces to the east on Signal. Image courtesy of BRS Architecture

The Splash


JULY 2016 • 13

Catching up with the supermajority – A brief history of capital facilities at a supermajority to a simple the ballot majority (any margin above 50 By Craig Howard Splash Editor During the Great Recession, the rate of successful capital facility initiatives in Spokane County fared about as well as the Seattle Mariners’ chase for a pennant in the same period.

City officials say the blend of a community center and library at Town Square is expected to achieve “economies of scale” with current library staff helping oversee the community center. Library programming would also take place in the community center. Image courtesy of BRS Architecture


only to be rejected at the ballot box or because the project exceeds the funds available.”

not enough time to articulate the value of what we were proposing.”

The city has also addressed the fact that non-residents will be using the facility while not having the property tax impact of those within municipal limits. While kids up to 3 would not pay a fee to use the aquatic center, youth residing in Liberty Lake would pay $2. Nonresident kids up to 17 would pay $4. The same rate structure would apply to seniors. Adult residents of Liberty Lake would pay $4 at the pool gate while non-residents would be charged $8.

Continued from page 12 The process this time around has been noticeably different. Employing an approach known as “progressive design-build,” the city has brought on a team led by Barker Rinker Seacat Architecture and Graham Construction to draw up preliminary blueprints based on citizen feedback. Between committee workshops, community open houses, council workshops and stakeholder meetings, nearly two dozen formal discussions have taken place on the topic since early February. City Administrator Katy Allen said that several priorities emerged as feedback was gathered. “We heard that it should be something for everyone, be in a central location, be a flexible facility with capacity for future growth, be a local attraction – not a destination – and be affordable,” said Allen. “This is really something for our community and friends of our community.” Mayor Steve Peterson described the progressive design-build route as “the absolute best way to build community projects.” “Choosing an architect and builder before starting design saves time and significant money by creating a team working together to get the right product at the right price,” he said. “Too many times projects are designed at huge upfront costs

After the 2008 vote failed, the city moved quickly to secure a building for a new library and police precinct. In July of that year, a former manufacturing warehouse on Mission Avenue was purchased for $2 million. Another $675,000 went toward an extensive renovation of the building. By March of 2009, the new home for the library and police department was ready. If the latest bond passes and the library moves, the city has mentioned leasing out the current space to offset the cost of operations at the new facility. City officials have stated that there will be no tapping into the general budget to pay for maintenance of the Town Square site. “The library is more than books anymore,” said Peterson. “It's a lot of meeting space, teaching classes and computer rooms. It needs to expand to meet a growing community. By putting the library

From 2007 to 2011, eight straight bond votes failed to collect the required supermajority – a margin of 60 percent or higher – for passage. The cities of Spokane, Airway Heights, Spokane Valley, Cheney and Liberty Lake were among the entities to fail at the ballot during the dismal economic stretch. The overall rate of voters in favor of capital facility funding came in at a shaky 44 percent. Since 2014, five bond votes have been held with three passing. Only the Spokane Valley Library Capital Facilities Area – at 55 percent in 2014 and 58 percent last year – has fallen in the quest for construction funds. A vast overhaul of Riverfront Park in downtown Spokane earns honors during that span for the highest dollar amount ($64.3 million) as well as percentage of “yes” votes (just over 68 percent). Over the past two years, the average percentage of support for capital facility bonds in Spokane County has increased to just over 62 percent. While the required rate of support concerning operation and maintenance levies for school districts across Washington state changed from and community center together we eliminate redundancy in staff as well as cost, resulting in significant savings.” If the required votes are collected, design for the project would be completed by next April with construction underway that month. The ambitious timeline would have the center open by spring of 2018. First, the supermajority so elusive in 2008 must be achieved, an ambition that Council Member and Friends of Town Square chair Dan

percent) following a statewide vote in 2007, any campaign for construction – involving either a school district, city, town or fire department – still requires 60 percent or better.

“The supermajority requirement for bond votes at both state and local levels is constitutionally derived,” said Sam Brown, special counsel for Washington state Senate Government Operations and Security Committee. Regarding local bond votes, Brown refers to a provision in the state constitution that dates back to 1889: “No county, city, town, school district or other municipal corporation, shall for any purpose become indebted in any manner to an amount exceeding one and onehalf percentage of the taxable property in such county, city, town, school district or other municipal corporation, without the assent of three-fifths of the voters therein . . .” Brown notes that the provision was amended in 1952 to allow school districts to increase bonding capacity for capital outlays. He added that there is also a stipulation in the state books regarding a turnout requirement for local bond votes. “Under RCW 39.40.010, at least 40 percent of the jurisdiction’s voters from the last general election must participate in the bond election in addition to the supermajority requirement,” he said. “This provision was adopted in 1925.”

Dunne believes is entirely possible. “Town Square is an important re-investment in the community,” Dunne said. “People often remark about the amazing public places in Liberty Lake – Pavillion Park, Rocky Hill Park, the trails, the golf courses. Those investments have had great returns and provided a foundation for the community which has grown up around them. Town Square is an opportunity to add to those assets, reflecting the size and population that our community has become.”

The Splash

14 • JULY 2016


Continued from page 12 Q: What are the advantages of the design-build concept? A: There are many advantages to a design-build delivery process, but I believe the focus on a team approach is one of the most important. The Town Square Project not only involves Graham Construction Services and BRS as part of the team, it also includes a pool designer/contractor team of Water Technology Inc. and The Pool Company as well as a site team consisting of Graham Construction Services and Coffman Engineers. These partners are all working together to bring the right expertise at the right time to deliver the best design possible for the project budget. In addition, the blending of design, construction and other disciplines can shorten the project schedule. Building systems, material and detailing are developed as a team approach which saves on documentation and coordination. Because the team is collaborating together rather than approaching the project as separate disciplines,

the time required to design and build is reduced. These efficiencies not only save time, but can potentially save money. Q: Are there any downsides to this approach? A: Different philosophies and inexperience working together can cause some design-build teams to struggle to form an effective team with everyone focused on the goals of a project. The team members for this project have worked together for over a decade on multiple projects. Not only do we work well together, but we are also friends and possess a similar philosophy of design, constructability and achieving a common goal while having fun doing it. Q: In your experience, how have design-build projects fared at the ballot? A: In my experience, the delivery method is not the deciding factor in the success of a ballot project. The city and design-build Team have focused on providing a quality project with achievable funding, while making sure to involve the residents of Liberty Lake throughout the process. We have made our best effort to include as

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many citizens, community groups and organizations as we could in the time provided, and have attempted to answer all of the questions about the project, including where it will be, what it will look like, and what it will cost each household. With these and other factors in mind, it is up to Liberty Lake to decide the best course of action – but I believe if the residents have all of the facts, they will be able to make an informed decision for or against the project. Q: There has been some criticism that there is no "plan B" if the bond fails in August. Do you have any thoughts about the next step the city should take if this initiative fails to garner the required supermajority? A: Building community space within the town’s center is one of the most important quality of life issues Liberty Lake will face while building a great Washington state community. Earlier work has developed the start of a wonderful community space that has already served as a gathering place for the farmers market and other community events. The current Liberty Lake Town Square

design attempts to build upon that success and truly provide your community with a place to congregate, recreate, educate and celebrate. If the citizens are not quite ready to support this current vision for expanding the gathering opportunities, then the city should continue to engage the residents of Liberty Lake to discover what community needs the Town Square should satisfy. Q: If the bond passes, what is the next step for BRS and the rest of the design/construction team? A: The Graham design-build team is already under contract, so that when the bond passes we are already organized and ready to begin immediately. Our consultant team has been selected and is on board to fill in the engineering portion of the design and confirm all of the building system recommendations. We have already completed very thorough concept and schematic design phases, but there are still a lot of design decisions to be made. Our team will work with city staff and engage the community to make the most of these decisions and create a Town Square that exceeds the expectations of the community.

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The Splash

JULY 2016 • 15

Congregate. Educate. Recreate. Celebrate.


Meet Town Square,


a gathering place for Liberty Lake. The Amenities • Lap pool

• Leisure pool • Flexible meeting rooms for up to 240 people • State-of-the art library • Event and viewing plazas • And a whole lot more!

The Funding

• Paid for by $12 million bond on Aug. 2 ballot (about $135 per year on a $270,000 home) • Operating costs already budgeted in general fund (no additional taxes) • Current library leased to provide additional funds for operations • Project breaks ground April 2017, completed spring 2018

The Benefits

• “Local use” focus includes half price for residents vs. non-residents • Project birthed by community survey, driven by community focus group • Free meeting space for local nonprofits • Gathering place with amenities for all ages

Don’t let your questions go unanswered! Call City Hall at 755-6700 or learn more at libertylakewa.gov.


16 • JULY 2016

The Splash

Calendar of Events COMMUNITY EVENTS

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July 4 | Alpine Shores Fourth of July parade and celebration Noon, The parade will feature an array of patriotic entries, a Central Valley High School Reunion Marching Band and a procession of princesses. There will be games and activities at the beach area afterward and it will be open to the public. July 4 | Over the Lake Fireworks 10 p.m., Liberty Lake’s annual fireworks display can be seen from Liberty Lake County Park, Pavilion Park, and Legacy Ridge. Organizers remind residents to be respectful of other people’s property before, during and after the show. No parking allowed on Liberty Drive or Third Avenue for safety and accessibility reasons. The fire department will issue tickets if a no parking sign is posted. The event is funded entirely by community donations. To make a donation or for more information go to libertylakefireworks.com. July 4 | Fourth of July at Pavillion Park 6 p.m., Enjoy live music by Tuxedo Junction, a 19-piece “Big Band” based in the Inland Northwest that plays classic swing, waltzes, Latin styles and even modern rock. The concert will be followed at 10 p.m. by the second annual fireworks display courtesy of the city of Liberty Lake. This event kicks off the 19th annual Summer Festival sponsored by Friends of Pavillion Park. July 29-31| Rummage Sale Rockford, WA City Park, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Friday and Saturday, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Sunday. Proceeds go to the S.E. Spokane County Fair. RECURRING Liberty Lake Farmers Market | 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., Town Square Park, 1421 N. Meadowwood Lane. Market features local food and farm vendors, artisan crafts and baked goods, music and more. Every Saturday through Oct. 8. For more, visit www. libertylakefarmersmarket.com. ACT 2 senior classes | Affordable classes offered by Community Colleges of Spokane to those who are retired or planning to retire. A wide range of courses from geology and history to exercise and art are offered at CenterPlace,

2426 N. Discovery Place, as well as other locations throughout the area. More at www.sccel.spokane. edu/ACT2. Baha’i Fireside Conversation | 5 p.m. to 6 p.m., third Friday of the month. Spokane Valley Library, 12004 E. Main Ave. Discussion of Baha’i teachings, history, and perspectives on resolving the challenges facing humanity. All are welcome. More at 599-2411 or www.bahai.us. Catholic Singles Mingle | meeting times and locations vary. This group, with no dues, is for single adults of all ages. More at www.meetup.com/CatholicSingles-Mingle. DivorceCare Recovery Support Group | Tuesdays 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Eastpoint Church, 15303 E. Sprague Ave. Learn how to heal from the deep hurt of divorce and discover hope for your future. DivorceCare for Kids (ages 5-12) meets at the same time and location. Cost is $25 for workbook. More at 892-5255 or eastpointchurch.com. Grange potluck and meeting 6 p.m., first Wednesday of the month, Tri Community Grange, 25025 Heather St., Newman Lake. A potluck will be followed by a 7 p.m. meeting for this communitybased service organization. More at 481-7447 or geje2@yahoo.com. Liberty Lake Library 23123 E. Mission Ave., Liberty Lake. Various clubs and weekly meetings including book clubs, children’s story times, LEGO club, computer drop-in class, knitting club, and more. More at www.libertylakewa. gov/library. Men’s Weekly Bible Study 7 a.m. Tuesdays. Millwood Presbyterian Church, 3223 N. Marguerite Road, Millwood. The men’s weekly Bible Study meets in the Reception Hall with different members sharing in the leading of the study. All men are invited to join. More at www.milwoodpc.org. Pancreatic Cancer Action Network 6:30 p.m., the first Monday of each month. Liberty Lake Municipal Library, 23123 E. Mission Ave., Liberty Lake. More at www. pancan.org or 534-2564. Spokane County Library District locations include Argonne, Fairfield, Otis Orchards, and Spokane Valley. Special events and weekly activities for all ages

including book clubs, children’s story times, classes, Lego club, teen anime club and writing clubs. More at www.scld.org

MUSIC & THE ARTS July 3-Sept. 3 | FOPP Summer Festival movies and concerts. All events at Pavillion Park at dusk unless otherwise noted – “Kung Fu Panda 3” – July 3; “Home” at Half Moon Park – July 9; “Spaceballs” – July 15; “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” – July 16; The Mountain Brothers concert, 6 p.m., Beach Combers Beach Club; “Pinocchio” at Rocky Hill Park, Liberty Lake Farmers Market Italian Festival Movie, dusk; “Inside Out” – July 23; Charlie Musselwhite concert, 7 p.m. (For the remaining Summer Festival schedule, visit www. pavillionpark.org. RECURRING Country Jammers Dance | 1 p.m. to 3:30 p.m., first and third Sunday of the month. Newman Lake Grange, 25025 E. Heather Lane, Newman Lake. Free (donations welcome). More information at jandg2@comcast. net. Drop-in Square Dance Lessons | 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. (through May 18). Western Dance Center, 1901 N. Sullivan Road. Square dance lessons for $3 per person; no partner needed. More at 2709264. Pages of Harmony | 6:30 to 9:30 p.m., Wednesdays. Thornhill Valley Chapel, 1400 S. Pines Road. If you enjoy singing, you will love the four-part, a cappella harmony of this men’s barbershop chorus. More at www.pagesofharmony.org. Spirit of Spokane Chorus | 6:45 p.m., Tuesdays. Opportunity Presbyterian Church, 202 N. Pines Road. Make new friends by joining this women’s chorus, specializing in four-part, a cappella harmony in the barbershop style. More at 218-4799. Spokane Novelists Group | noon to 4 p.m., second and fourth Saturday of the month. Otis Orchards Community Church, 23304 E. Wellesley Ave., Otis Orchards. A support/critique group for writers. Open to anyone with an interest in writing fiction (no memoirs, nonfiction, poetry, etc., please). Participants should bring

The Splash

JULY 2016 • 17


5-10 pages to read aloud and 6-8 copies for others to read along and critique. More at 590-7316. Spokane Valley Camera Club | 7:15 p.m., third and fourth Monday of the month (September through April). Liberty Lake Sewer and Water District building, 22510 E. Mission Ave., Liberty Lake. All levels of ability—students through experienced photographers—are invited to learn. Social events include field trips and workshops. More at 951-1446 or www.sv-cc. org

Basketball Complete Youth Skills Camp | 9 a.m. to 3:00p.m. HUB Sports Center, 19619 E. Cataldo Ave., Spokane Valley. This youth and middle school camp focuses on developing the complete player. You will develop shooting, ball handling, passing, footwork, defense, rebounding, athleticism, and other essential skills to become a great a basketball player. Each session limited to 60 players. Schedule and pricing at www. hubsportscenter.org.

Spokane Valley Writer’s Group | 6:45 p.m. the first and third Thursdays of the month. Lakeside Church, 23129 E. Mission Ave. This supportive critique group welcomes adult writers. More at 570-4440.


Teen Writers of the Inland Empire | 4 p.m., first Thursday of the month (except holidays). Spokane Valley Library, 12004 E. Main Ave. Writers (sixth grade and older) meet to write and share their work. More at 893-8400.

• Basketball open gym: Noon to 1 p.m. Tues. and Thurs., $4/person

HUB Sports Center 19619 E. Cataldo Ave. Various activities and events occur throughout the week including: • Badminton open gym: 7 to 9 p.m. Tues., $5/person

• Pickleball drop-in: 12:30 to 2:30 p.m. Mon. through Thurs.; 10 a.m. to noon Tues. and Thurs.; and 7 to 9 p.m. Wed. and Sun. $2/ seniors ($4/non-seniors)


• Classes including Kenpo Karate, Modern Farang-Mu Sul, and Zumba Aerobics. See website for cost and times.

July 9 | Liberty Lake Loop 8 a.m., The Loop departs from Pavillion Park and consists of a 4-mile run/walk course on paved roads with several hills. Aid stations are located at miles 2 and 3. A kids’ race will follow with 1.5 mile and 1/4 mile courses, depending on age. Register as a team of eight and support a local cross country team. First place is $1,000; second place is $500 and third is $250. Team registration runs $120 and includes T-shirts. For more information go to www.pavillionpark.org or email libertylakeloop@gmail.com.

KidFIT Spokane | HUB Sports Center, 19619 E. Cataldo Ave. This children’s movement and fitness program offers classes in dance (ballet, tap, jazz, hip hop), gymnastics and cheerleading for girls and boys ages three and older. More at 953-7501 or www. kidfitspokane.com.

July 18-20 | NBC Basketball Complete Skills Camp 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. HUB Sports Center 19619 E. Cataldo Ave., Spokane Valley. NBC Basketball Camps will be holding four Junior Basketball Day Camps for boys and girls ages 8-12 this summer. NBC Camps specializes in intensity, accurate fundamentals, encouraging coaches, leadership training and making big improvements to your skills. This camp offers basketball training at a pace and intensity level more suitable for beginning or younger players. Schedule and pricing at www.hubsportscenter. org July 26-28 | Breakthrough


July 20 | Get the Scoop on Town Square 6 to 8 p.m. 1421 N. Meadowwood Lane (the site of the Liberty Lake Farmers Market). Representatives from municipal staff and City Council will be on hand to scoop ice cream and answer questions about the Aug. 2 Town Square Aquatics and Community Center ballot initiative.

See CALENDAR, Page 18


FARMERS MARKET L i b e r t y

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Smiles Created Here

CIVIC & BUSINESS July 12 | State Board of Education community forum 5:30 to 7 p.m. Ferris High School, 3020 E 37th Ave Spokane. All are welcome to attend this open forum to gather feedback from members of the community. For more information contact Stefanie Randolph at stefanie.randolph@ k12.wa.us or 360-725-6501.


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LIBERTY LAKE: E. 23505 Appleway Ave. Ste. #204 LINCOLN HEIGHTS: E. 2420 29th Ave. Ste. #200


18 • JULY 2016



Continued from page 17

More information at libertylakewa. gov.

presents its 2016 Inaugural Season at CVHS Performing Arts Center

RECURRING Central Valley School board | 6:30 p.m. on the second and fourth Mondays of each month, CVSD administration building, 19307 E. Cataldo, Spokane Valley. Liberty Lake City Council | 7 p.m. on the first and third Tuesdays of each month, City Hall, 22710 E. Country Vista Drive. Liberty Lake Library Foundation | Noon the first Wednesday of each month, 23123 E. Mission Ave. Liberty Lake Merchants Association | 11:30 a.m.

The Splash

Tuesdays, Liberty Lake Portal, 23403 E. Mission Ave., Suite 120. More at 999-4935. Liberty Lake Municipal Library Board | 10:30 a.m. the first Thursday of each month, 23123 E. Mission Ave. Liberty Lake Planning Commission | 4 p.m. on the second Wednesday of each month, City Hall, 22710 E. Country Vista Drive. Liberty Lake SCOPE (Sheriff’s Community Oriented Policing Effort) | 6:30 p.m. on the first Wednesday of each month, City Hall, 22710 E. Country Vista Drive. Liberty Lake Sewer and Water District Board | 4 p.m. on the second Monday of each month, 22510 E. Mission Ave.

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The Splash

JULY 2016 • 19

The Water Front

Water quality watch – Addressing the threat of Eurasian Watermilfoil

38th Annual Cherry

Pickers Trot and Pit Spit “A Fun Run”

By BiJay Adams

LLSWD General Manager

BiJay Adams

Eurasian watermilfoil (EWM) is an invasive “exotic” species listed on the state noxious weed list. Exotic means that it is not native to this area, but it is native to Europe, Asia and Northern Africa. First discovered in Liberty Lake in 1995, EWM is considered to be one of the most problematic plants in Washington and adversely impacts aquatic ecosystems by forming dense canopies that often shade out native vegetation and destroy habitat for waterfowl, fish and other wildlife.

become dormant or near dormant. EWM can tolerate a large variation in environmental conditions, sediments, pH conditions and fresh to brackish water.

EWM interferes with recreational activities such as swimming, boating, fishing and water skiing and it has been attributed to swimmer drownings. EWM is a perennial, rooted plant. It is mostly submerged, but can grow as an emergent in situations where the water level slowly recedes and strands the plants on higher ground. Typically, EWM can be found in depths to 20 feet and over. The stem is highly branched near the water surface. New leaf growth appears red early in the growing season. In late summer, most of the plant’s mass is concentrated at the surface, forming characteristic floating mats. Either plants remain over winter in a dormant state or remain evergreen in milder climates. They are usually well established by mid-spring, flowering in June or July, and in full vegetative growth by August. Die back occurs during the fall to early winter season. Plant fragments are viable to establish new colonies at all times of the year. Left undisturbed, EWM “autofragments” in the fall, when the plant becomes brittle and comes apart on its own. Sometimes sparse new green growth continues to be produced until December or January, at which time the plants

EWM reproduces primarily by “auto fragmentation” of the stems and propagating root crowns, thus it does not rely on seed for reproduction. This reproduction mode allows the plant fragments to be dispersed and carried by water currents and wind or inadvertently picked up by boaters. Seed production has been documented, but is considered a minor reproductive mechanism under typical growth conditions. EWM reproduces extremely rapidly and can infest an entire lake within two years of introduction to the system (Washington State Department of Ecology, 2003). EWM is most commonly transported via boats, motors, trailers, bilges, live wells, waterfowl or bait buckets and, if moist can stay alive for weeks. EWM is very invasive and can outcompete the native plant species, in turn threatening the integrity of aquatic communities. It also inhibits the aesthetic and recreational uses like swimming, boating, and fishing. Each spring, boat and dive surveys are conducted by the Liberty Lake Sewer and Water District to evaluate potential growth and effective treatment. Although the EWM has been contained to low levels since it was first discovered 1995, it is a major concern of the district and the community that if the EWM density increases it could potentially crowd out native vegetation, impede human recreation and degrade aquatic habitat. Another concern of the district and the community is

See WATER FRONT , Page 20

Thursday, July 21

a summer evening of fun for all ages! We will have live music, a variety of food, cherry pies and other delicious goodies. Plus, family friendly fun for everyone! A 6.4K (4 mile) run through Green Bluff's orchard country. 5:00pm - Registration Opens@ Church Center Food at various locations

5:30pm - Cherry Pit Spit @ the Grange 6:00pm - Tot Trot @ Church Area

7:00pm - Race Begins - New start/ finish line @ Harvest House & Church Awards will be given to the top 3 male and female finishers. Pre-register at http://www. greenbluffgrowers.com/trot/index. html Thank you to our sponsors:

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The Splash

20 • JULY 2016


Continued from page 19 the potential for the spread of EWM to other lakes in the surrounding area. This noxious weed is easily transported to other locations on boat motors, trailers, waterfowl and fishing gear and is well known to establish new infestations from single plant fragments as long as a half inch. There are other waterbodies in the area that currently are not infested with EWM and it is part of our goal to reduce the chances of infestation or further the spread of EWM to other lakes or waterbodies. EWM removal in Liberty Lake was controlled by divers until 1997, when the infestation became too great to handle, then aquatic herbicide (particularly aquatic formulations of 2,4-D) became the primary treatment. Current infestation at Liberty Lake remains scattered in the shallow shoreline areas of approximately 3 to 9 feet in depth. Liberty Lake is a popular recreational lake for the greater community and residents. Fortified by its history of active involvement, the community has a strong affinity

to protect it. Thus in response to the numerous concerns of the community, the Liberty Lake Sewer and Water District has taken the community concerns seriously and researched the means of management for the invasive weed. In October of 2002, LLSWD was awarded a grant by the Washington State Department of Ecology to develop an Aquatic Weed Management Plan for Liberty Lake. The 188-page plan is the result of collaboration and research for a probable solution to the EWM infestation at Liberty Lake. As part of the process, the district encouraged representation from the community, neighboring lake communities, aquatic consultants, DOE, Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) and the Washington State Department of Natural Resources. The Liberty Lake Sewer and Water District evaluated all currently available aquatic plant control options and decided upon a control option that would be most effective on EWM, environmentally friendly and would meet the needs of the community. After evaluating the different control methods, it became apparent that there is

no ideal management tool that is 100-percent effective and meets all the desired criteria. For the long-term, LLSWD and community favor the use of a combination of federally approved aquatic herbicides (primarily 2,4D herbicide), hand harvesting, and nutrient reduction. 2,4-D is a federally approved aquatic herbicide and is available in a granular and liquid form and must be applied by a state-licensed applicator. 2,4-D is a relatively fast-acting herbicide that kills the entire plant (systemic herbicide). This herbicide is considered “selective” for EWM because it generally targets the broad-leaved plants (dicots) like EWM. Most other aquatic plants are monocots (grass-like) and are unaffected by 2,4-D. Washington State Department of Ecology suggests that sites suitable for herbicide treatment include lakes or ponds partially infested with EWM, but where the extent of the infestation is beyond control by hand harvesting. Given this scenario, 2,4-D is the best option for Liberty Lake. 2,4-D is not an eradication tool. Some plants survive the treatment and regrow, so these plants must be removed by other means. For that reason,

where spokane gets engaged.

hand pulling will continue in Liberty Lake in order to remove any EWM plants that are not killed by the treatment, or where infestations are too diffuse for a treatment to be applicable. Similar to years’ past, the district will soon begin boat and dive surveys to evaluate potential growth and effective treatment. Once determined, the district will distribute residential and business notices, provide shoreline postings and post updates to the district EWM webpage at: http://libertylake. org/EWM/ . Public notice is always given prior to herbicide treatments and application is performed by the district’s Lake Protection manager who is a state-licensed applicator. Water quality samples are taken after the treatment to assure the chemical did not exceed water quality limits. To reduce the spread of EWM, it is important to check boats and trailers for weeds prior to launching and after removal from a waterbody. If you observe EWM in Liberty Lake, please report locations to the district. We also request that you do not attempt to remove the plants yourself as this can further the spread of EWM in the lake.

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The Splash


book lovers out there, you should see my bookshelves at home and for goodness sake, I work a library! However, I love this idea of books and the way we tell stories evolving and yet, somehow staying the same. Oral histories and stories have existed for thousands of years; technology has given us the written word, the printing press, small tablets with glow light screens and, yes, once again a narrator telling an enthralling tale. In short, let’s celebrate every single way we have access to and use books. Next time you “read” an audiobook, declare it with pride and know that it is a valid experience of a book. I mean, for goodness sakes, if I had listened to Harry Potter as a kid, I wouldn’t have spent years of my life pronouncing Hermione, “Hair-moin!”

The Liberty Lake Library 2016 Summer Reading programs are off and running. With a schedule that runs from June 14 to Aug. 6, family readers and kids up to 11 years old can earn prizes as part of an “On Your Mark, Get Set, READ!” team . Contributed photo

Listening to literature – In defense of audiobooks By Shardé Mills

Liberty Lake Municipal Library I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard, “Well, it doesn't really count, I listened to the book, I didn’t read it,” when discussing the last book someone has read or really enjoyed. I am always intrigued by the notion that listening to a book invalidates the experience or effort that a person puts into it. I’m going to take a bold stand and say that “reading” an audiobook is a completely legitimate interaction with a book. Audiobooks are taking the world by storm with providers like Audible and of course the library’s OverDrive service. It is a simple matter of turning on your phone or syncing it to your car, and ta-da, hours of entertainment! I have spent countless hours driving, doing chores, and yes, even crocheting and learning to sew as I’ve listened to amazing narrators and been swept up into new stories and different worlds. And here is one librarian’s secret – I could not keep up with everything being published without it! I’ve doubled the about of books I read each year because of audiobooks.

How could I condemn something that doubles the amount of books I get to read each year? I believe my revelation in support of “reading” audiobooks came from a wonderful experience I had as an intern at the Seattle Public Library’s Library Equal Access Program (LEAP), where I was lucky enough to attend a low-vision readers book group. The readers’ interaction with the stories was meaningful and their discussion of the books in depth and full of insight. It helped me realize that while yes, the physical interaction with a book, in print or digitally and the voice in my mind when I read, were important and treasured experiences, but so was listening to a book. All the elements I love about reading are still present— the storyline, a favorite character or part, learning something new or gaining a different perspective into someone's world. Yet it has the added benefit of pulling you into the story in different ways. In fact, I recently learned when you listen you are more likely to extract the deeper meaning from things quicker. If you are interested in more details of this process check out this interesting podcast by Two Guys on Your Head (http://kut. org/post/why-reading-audiobooksisnt-shortcut-listening-vs-readingand-your-brain) and really think about the different ways you interact with a story. Don’t get me wrong, I understand all those print

You can sign-up at the library’s website to download free eBooks and digital audiobooks through OverDrive. On the website you’ll find step-by-step videos on how to download books to your devices, including smartphones, tablets and kindles. You just need a resident library card, which are all cards starting with the #10. Visit http:// www.libertylakewa.gov/146/DigitalDownloads to get started today! And yes, audiobooks totally count towards summer reading! Sign up today for adult summer reading at https://goo.gl/W3xQf7.

CHILDREN EVENTS Lifesize Candyland

Friday, July 8th - open house from 10:30 am - 2:30 pm

Storytime and Touch a Truck with Garbage Man Vaughn Wednesday, July 13th 10:30 am

Kids Taekwondo Class at The Mat Friday, July 15th 11:00 am

Movie Morning Friday, July 22nd 10:30 am

Harry Potter Birthday Party Friday, June 29th - open house from 10:30 am - 12:30 pm

JULY 2016 • 21

ADULT EVENTS Know the 10 Signs: Early Detection Matters. A workshop by the Alzheimer’s Association

Thursday, July 7th 2016 6 pm -7:30 pm If you or someone you know is experiencing memory loss or behavioural changes, it’s time to learn the facts. Early detection of Alzheimer’s disease gives you a chance to being in drug therapy, enroll in clinical studies and plan for the future. This interactive workshop features video clips or people with Alzheimer’s disease. Free of charge and registration required.

DIY Canvas Paint Night

Thursday, July 14th 6 pm - 7:30 pm Join the library for a stepby-step paint night! Come together with other painters to make a lovely canvas creation while enjoying sparkling cider, tasty treats, and relaxing music. Supplies and space limited. Register at https://goo.gl/SXQnR9

July Book Club: The Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield Thursday, July 28th 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm Come and discuss the gothic mystery over treats!

Harry Potter Movie

Saturday, June 30th 1:30 pm

Charlie the Noise Guy

Tuesday, August 2nd 7 pm at Pavilion Park


23123 E. Mission Ave. Liberty Lake • 232-2510

The Splash

22 • JULY 2016


Please send in this form with your donation to our 2016 fireworks display to:


Liberty Lake Fireworks Fund P.O. Box 430 Liberty Lake, WA 99019


Help us continue this wonderful Liberty Lake Tradition!

L ibe r t y L a keFi rewo r ks. co m Thank you to our generous Liberty Lake Fireworks donors: INDIVIDUALS Stephanie & Tom Agnew • Michael & Phyllis Ambrose • Bill & Kara Ames • Paul & Sandra Anderson • Bruce & Sara Andre • Fred & Jaquelyn Aronow • Alison Ashlock • Elizabeth Augustine •Sheila Bell • Gary & Ellen Bernardo • Scott & Deborah Bernhard • Gary & Shirley Branson • Duane & Beatrice Carroll • Charles Cavanagh • Bo & Heather Chalich • Shawn Chalich • Stan & Leslie Chalich • Ron & Beth Cocchiarella • Wilson & Constance Conaway • William Corell • Jenny Coyle • Peggy Coyle • Kirk & Rosemary Davis • Dan Demchuck • James Dinneen • Gary Fiscus • Lynn Fondahn • Mark Hedman • Dennis & Joann Fox • Heidi & Joe French • Ed & Marguerite Garcia • Tom Gaynor • Jamie Gillingham • Roger & Janet Gores • William & Elaine Gotfredson • Terry & Rebecca Grimes • Chirstopher & Cynthia Guell • Craig & Joan Guell • Patty Guillet • Lloyd & Carmen Halpern • Lance Halsey • Harley & Lorraine Halverson • Robert Handy • Alex M & Kathleen Harper • Keith & Jan Harris • Robert & Georgia Hartman • Lance Halsey • Lois Hatch • RT & SG Hatch • Melanie & Robert Heacock • Mark Hedman • Cornelius & Barbara Hogenhaut • Tim Homer • Neil & Ava Humphries • Bob & Sharon Jayne • Stan & Karina Jochim • James & Lori Joy • Bob & Marilyn Keen • Jon & Tonya Keeve • Margaret Keeve • Samuel & Sharon Kinard • Jeff Kinservik • John & Lisa Klapp • Ron & Linda Knudsen • Charles & Barbara Kogler • Richard & Karolyn Kosanke • Brian & Lynne Kovacich • Robert & Jerry LaLonde • Bobbie Larsen • Steve Larson • Mike & Jan Leedle • Victor & Kristine Leichner • Kevin & Lisa Lundblad • LeRoy & Francis Lykins • Fran Mann • Gordon & Adeline Manser • Dean Margell • Bob & Sarah Martin • Doug & Sharon Matthews • Dennis & Beverly McCoy • Dan McManus • Brian & Beth Miller • Mike Mitchell • Gaylord Momb • James Nania • Nata Natarajan • Alyce Newtson • John & Terri Ann Nystrom • Jeff & Jodi O’Shea • Lauren O’Shea-Hauge • Dean & Darlene Oaks • Kyle & Kathy Olson • Kevin & Beth Orenstein • Nick Paget • Vern & Shirley Payne • Steven & Charmaine Peterson • Mark Pinch • Richard & Barbara Pruitt • Gary & Judy Rasmussen • Steve & Nancy Rasmussen • Tara Ray • Thomas & Barbara Richardson • Ruef • Jay & Sandy Rydell • Patricia Sanders • Richard & Karne Sayre • Michael Schneider • Kelli & Ross Schneidmiller • Stanly & Carol Schultz • George & Linda Shea • Steve & Kathy Shirley • John Skadan • Robert & Janice Smith • Stanley & Nancy Smith • Pauline Soderquist • Richard Steury • Glenn & Debra Stewart • Thomas Stewart • Chuck & Shirlene Strate • Mark & Carla Talbot • Art & Karen Toreson • Marlene & CR Trevaskis • Roy & Betty Twinning •Rebeccca Usai • John & Darlene Vickery • Darroll & Mary Waller • Mark & Susan Weller • Welsh Family • Craig & Tammy Whitbeck • Wayne Williams • RM & Jackie Wills • Vernice Zanco • Fred Zanco • Nicholas & Leslee Zilka BUSINESSES Albertsons • Atlantic Aspens LLC • Beachcombers Garden Club • Donation in memory of Bed Hooper • Friends of Pavillion Park • Greenstone • Inland Insurance • Kiwanis of Liberty Lake • Liberty Lake Family Dentistry PLLC • North Side Beach Club • Sandy Beach Mobile Villa • Sayre & Sayre • The Splash NAMES UNDERLINED DENOTES GIFT OF $100 OR MORE.

Thanks also to Sandy Beach for the use of their docks and to all of the anonymous cash donors who drop money in the fireworks bucket at Albertsons each year.


Brought to you by

NATIONAL BLUEBERRY MONTH Fun Facts About Blueberries


Your favorite white or yellow cupcakes Cream cheese or white frosting 2 cups fresh blueberries, divided 1 roll red-colored rolled fruit snack (from a 1. Blueberries are grown in 35 states. 4.5-ounce box) 2. Native Americans called them star fruit. Prepare your favorite white or yellow cupcake. 3. Colonists used them to make gray paint. Frost with cream cheese or other white frosting. 4. Shakers made blue paint from them. Unroll fruit snack and, with a sharp knife, cut into strips 1/8-inch wide by 2-inch long. On half of 5. America grows 95% of the world supply. each cupcake, arrange strips, trimming each to 6. Blueberry is America’s favorite flavor of muffin. fit. Arrange blueberries on the frosting on other 7. Maine produces most of our nation’s blueberry halves of the cupcakes, about 10 blueberries per cupcake. crop.

The Splash

24 • JULY 2016

July 31 is World Uncommon Musical Instrument Awareness Day

This day was created to celebrate the invention of odd or rare instruments and to encourage people to learn to play something new or invent their own instrument. Early instruments were made from bone, wood and animal skin. Historians believe the oldest musical instrument to be a simple flute. They do not agree on dates but tens of thousands of years ago. The harp, trumpet and bagpipes followed. About a thousand years ago the guitar was invented. Most instruments we are very familiar with (ex., violin, piano, clarinet, harmonica, saxophone and drum set) have been invented in the last 500 years. To see and hear some really unusual instruments check this website out www.oddmusic.com/gallery/. Enjoy.

ner Craft Cor Make Your Own Rain Stick

MATERIALS: Paper towel or long cardboard tube Aluminum foil Dry Rice or similar Sturdy paper Glue, Scissors, Crayons or Markers INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Trace around the end of your tube onto the sturdy paper. Draw a bigger circle and then draw a lot of lines between the two circles. Cut along the lines. Glue on the end of your tube as a cap. 2. Cut a piece of aluminum foil that is about one and a half times the length of your tube and about 6 inches wide. Crunch the aluminum foil into two long, thin, snakelike shapes. Then ttwist each into a spring shape. Place inside your tube. 3. Pour in your rice. The tube should be 1/10 full. You can experiment with different amounts to decide what sound you like best. 4. Follow the steps in 1 to create a cap for the open end. Optional: Decorate your instrument!

Match the uncommon insrument picture to it’s name and description. HURDY GURDYSTRINGED WITH A CRANK TURNED ROSIN WHEEL AND A KEYBOARD







The Splash

JULY 2016 • 25

PACE Trait -

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Animal Facts

It was founded in 2010. The goal is not just to bring Every month we will feature an information awareness of the tiger's plight but to promote the on a different animal. Cut them out and collect protection and expansion of tiger habitats. In the them all! last 100 years the tiger population has decreased TIGER from about 100,000 to a little over 3,000. Tigers - Asia have lost most of their natural habitat to humans. - Up to 11’, 330 pounds Having such a small habitat makes tigers very and lives up to 10 years vulnerable to poaching. Experts believe we have - Name for a group of reached a pivotal point and that if efforts aren't tigers is an ambush/ increased tigers could become extinct in the near streak future. - There were 9 species; 3 extinct, 1 not found in the wild, remaining 6 are all endangered - Largest cat - Good swimmer that hunts alone at night. - More than 100 stripes in fur and skin that are unique like fingerprints - Can run up to 40 mph - Can eat 60 pounds at a time or go without food for a week

The Splash

26 • JULY 2016

Author Spotlight

tz i r F n a e J

HAPPY Independence Day

Jean was born to American missionaries in China in 1915. She attended British school until she came to America in the eighth grade. After graduating from Wheaton College her writing career began in the 1950’s when she had several short stories published. She then wrote picture books before branching out to her trademark biographies and history based books in the 1960’s. More than 50 books have been written by her and many won awards including a Newberry Honor, National Book Award and numerous ALA awards.

Books We Recommend Shh! We’re Writing the Constitution 1987 ages 7-9 An interesting version of what occurred during the Constitutional Convention of 1787, how the constitution came to be written with all of the disagreements, arguments and negotiations needed for that to be accomplished.

Can’t You Make Them Behave, King George? 1996 ages 7-9 A Revolutionary War book told from the English point of view. Was King George really a villain? This is a good book to see his point of view told with a dash of humor.

Why Don’t You Get a Horse, Sam Adams? 2000 ages 7 and up An engaging look at Sam Adams life and how his free thinking helped to shape our country’s path. This is loaded with information in a very kid friendly way.

Fourth of July Fun Facts 155 million hot dogs are eaten on the 4th. 1 in every 4 Americans eat hot dogs. These hot dogs would span the United States from Washinton D.C. to Los Angeles. 60% of Americans hang a flag and watch a fireworks display to celerate. Three presidents died on the 4th of July; John Adams (second president), Thomas Jefferson (third president), and James Monroe (fifth president). Calvin Coolidge (30th president) was born on the this date. Fireworks have been used to celebrate since 1977. There are nationally.




200 million pounds of fireworks are used annually. This is worth over 700 million dollars. This holiday is also celebrated in England, Norway, Portugal, Denmark, and Sweden. 80% of Americans have a Bar-B-Que on this day.

The Splash

PACE Character Trait of the Month – Generosity By Melanie Rose

Spokane Valley Fire Department Performance. Professionalism. Responsiveness. Service. These are the themes that emerged when our community was recently asked to describe the Spokane Valley Fire Department (SVFD). Our firefighters do indeed spend their days and nights preparing for and responding to emergencies to protect people, property and the environment. House fires, motor vehicle crashes, fire alarms, heart attacks, strokes, seizures, water

Student of the Month As a junior at Central Valley High School, Liberty Lake resident Media Sina was honored with a Chase Youth Award in the Cultural Awareness category this year. Media moved to the area with her family from Knoxville, Tennessee last year and hit the ground running. She is actively involved in the Junior State of America (formerly Junior Statesmen of America), a student-based organization that helps high school students acquire leadership skills and the knowledge necessary to be effective debaters and civic participants. She earned the Best Speaker Award at a JSA fall conference in Seattle. Media maintains a 3.97 grade point average and is a member of the National Honor Society. She has participated in track and Knowledge Bowl, volunteers at Mobius Science Center and will serve as the Chase Youth Commission chair for the 2016-17 school year.

JULY 2016 • 27

rescues, hazardous materials spills and much more are all in a day’s work at the Spokane Valley Fire Department. But it’s what happens during offduty hours that truly demonstrates the spirit of generosity that is alive and well among the firefighters of the Spokane Valley Fire Department. Everyone remembers the devastating wildfires of 2015. Millions of acres were burned in Washington and Idaho. Hundreds of houses and outbuildings were destroyed. Residents were left to pick up the pieces, many without insurance. Here in Spokane Valley, our community was anxious to help but didn’t know how. That’s when the volunteers of the nonprofit organization, Veterans Community In his junior year at Central Valley High School, Travis Hawkins further established himself as a standout on the athletic field and in the classroom. Travis is a three-year letter winner in football and, last year, was named to the All Greater Spokane League first team as a linebacker after earning All GSL honorable mention honors as a sophomore. He has won CV’s Defensive MVP Award the past two seasons. In track, Hawkins advanced to regionals in the shotput as a sophomore and, this year, earned alternate status for regionals in the discus. Travis participates in DECA, a program that develops emerging leaders and entrepreneurs in marketing, finance, hospitality and management. The senior-to be maintains a 3.99 grade point average and is a member of the National Honor Society.

Athlete of the Month

Response (VCR), a combined team of SVFD firefighters, combat veterans and trauma clinicians swung into action. They set up a tent in the SVFD administration parking lot and collected a steady stream of donations most needed by firefighters and families impacted by the wildfires.

to the generosity of our employees who voluntarily give each month to the SVFD Employees’ Scholarship Fund. The fund was launched in 2011 by a group of firefighters who wanted to help our residents seeking to better themselves and their lives with a ‘hand up’ instead of a ‘hand out.’

Not only did they collect the donations, but they personally delivered the donations directly to impacted communities – Kamiah, Chelan, Colville and more. After a week of immediate aid collection and distribution, VCR worked with local emergency management agencies to send volunteer crews to help the residents of these communities rebuild their homes, outbuildings and lives.

The scholarship fund supports non-traditional students who are pursuing a technical or vocational degree or certification at Community Colleges of Spokane. Since its inception, 27 scholarships have been provided totaling just under $70,000. The fund expanded in 2013 to include the George Sly Memorial Endowment, established to honor our fallen firefighter with the goal of providing a full

Lives are also rebuilt right here in the greater Spokane Valley, thanks


Citizen of the Month Keith Kopelson left an indelible impact on the Liberty Lake City Council beginning with his appointment in January 2012 through May of this year. A thoughtful and responsible leader,

Kopelson was known for doing his homework and asking the tough questions at City Hall. He initiated a conversation in 2014 that led to the city funding several nonprofit organizations. Last summer, he was the catalyst for an educational seminar held in Liberty Lake, “Be Aware Because You Care: A Parent’s Guide to Clean and Sober Kids” sponsored by the Greater Spokane Substance Abuse Council. Keith and his wife, Nicole, have lived in Liberty Lake since 2003. They are parents to four children. A successful entrepreneur and business owner, Kopelson co-founded the Liberty Lake Merchants Association and served as president of the Liberty Lake Rotary.

This Portion of Proudly Sponsored By

The Splash

28 • JULY 2016 Brought to you by

About and for Liberty Lake seniors

Valley Senior Center thrives as social, educational hub

to the loss of a spouse or other circumstances, they can come to the center to meet new friends. “The center provides something to do,” said Markey. “Special needs seniors can come and listen to music and socialize. Not only are we friendly, but we have the activities they can enjoy and feel comfortable here.”

By Mary Anne Ruddis Splash Correspondent

Every Wednesday, visitors to the Spokane Valley Senior Center enjoy live music that drifts down the stairs and wraps the entrance and front sitting area with a welcoming ambience. The weekly music sessions are just one of the many activities and services that the center provides. “This is a place to connect,” said longtime volunteer Darlene Markey who works the front desk with a friendly smile and outgoing attitude. This unique gathering place for local seniors is located in the CenterPlace Regional Event Center at 2426 N. Discovery Place in Spokane Valley. The site and accompanying programs are overseen by the city of Spokane Valley and the Spokane Valley Senior Citizens Association (SVSCA). The center moved from its longtime home on Mission Avenue to CenterPlace in 2005. The center’s mission statement, as it appears on the city’s website, states: “The purpose of the association is to promote fellowship, health, recreation,

Senior Health Insurance Benefit Advisors (SHIBA) representatives are also available by appointment at the center to help people navigate Medicare plans. “It really is a onestop-shop to accommodate seniors as best we can and steer them in the right direction,” said ClarkParson.

The Spokane Valley Senior Center had been housed in a building on Mission Avenue since 1976 before moving to the CenterPlace Regional Event Center in 2005. Photo by Mary Anne Ruddis social and educational activities for persons 50 years of age and older, regardless of race, color, creed, religion, sex, national origin or ancestry.” With around 600 members, the Spokane Valley Senior Center is a vibrant, active, and fun environment. The membership fee is only $20 per year. “What is important to know is that the senior center is the first point of contact for seniors looking for services, especially those new to the area,” said Karen ClarkParson, Spokane Valley Senior Center specialist.

The center offers listings of a variety of local resources, including copies of the Spokane & Inland Northwest Senior Resource Guide. Each April, the center hosts a resource fair bringing together multiple vendors and community resources. Clark-Parson, a city employee and the only paid staffperson at the center, works with a volunteer staff to coordinate a wide array of activities and services. Greater Spokane County Meals on Wheels provides lunch every day. The Billiard Room is very popular and sees hundreds of people play every month. Thursday there is a bereavement group. There are bridge lessons and quilting groups. Courses through the Community Colleges of Spokane ACT 2 program offer everything from fitness to art classes. In addition, for those who don’t want to participate in any activities, a pleasant sitting area with floor to ceiling windows provides a relaxing space and view to visit or just sit quietly. “It is a place to socialize and form lasting friendships,” said ClarkParson.

The center is home to a variety of activities and programs, including a book club that meets in a library space on the building’s second floor. Photo by Mary Anne Ruddis

Children who worry about their aging parents being alone all day can have peace of mind knowing that parents are at a place that provides activities and friendships. When people find themselves in a new life situation, possibly due

The National Council on Aging (NCOA) states that “Senior centers serve as a gateway to the nation’s aging network, connecting older adults to vital community services that can help them stay healthy and independent. Research shows that older adults who participate in senior center programs can learn to manage and delay the onset of chronic disease and experience measurable improvements in their physical, social, spiritual, emotional, mental, and economic well-being.” Markey is retired from a career in human resources and she values her volunteering. “I have to have a sense of purpose and on Wednesday, this is it.” “The senior center is a place to let people come and share,” explained Markey. “The volunteers are a listening ear for anyone coming through the door. For some, the center is the only socialization they have. [The center] is vibrant, active, and fun. It makes getting old not so scary. We need to be with people our own age that have the same memories and frames of reference.” Still in the planning stages, the center will be reaching out to the community in the fall to host a “meet and greet” open house. The public will be invited to get to know the center and all that is available. For additional information about the Spokane Valley Senior Center and available programs as well as volunteer opportunities, call 926-1937 or visit www. spokanevalleyseniorcenter.org.

The Splash

JULY 2016 • 29


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30 • JULY 2016

Hauenstein winds up stellar CV soccer career in style By Mike Vlahovich

Splash Sports Editor Like a myriad of youngsters, JD Hauenstein was introduced to a variety of sports – football, basketball, baseball – name it and he did it. Of all those sports he played, soccer stuck. “There was something about it that gave me so much more than other sports,” the Central Valley standout and Montana StateBillings recruit said. “I don’t know if it was because I was so much better at it than other sports or what it was. It was the one I decided to stick with.” The Bears are glad he did. A fouryear starter, Hauenstein was a major cog on a team that finished first or second in the Greater Spokane League in his tenure and made three state appearances, reaching the 4A “Final Four” twice earning second- and third-place trophies.

SPORTS that most elite athletes endure. His mother, Jeanne, talked about the years of family sacrifice to hone his skills. “It was definitely an evolution,” she said of the family adjustment. “It took on a life of its own (a life that will continue for a couple more years with younger son Devin, a CV sophomore who earned starting time this year).” “It was a sacrifice we were willing to make,” Jeanne said. “It’s a short period of their lives.” And it paid dividends beyond raising the boys’ level of play. The long car trips to Seattle, Portland and beyond, Jeanne said, brought parents and child closer and resulted in, “some of my favorite conversations.” JD is not big by any means. He stands 5-feet-7 and weighs 145 pounds and can appear dwarfed by other players when watching from

the stands. But he makes up for it by speedy non-stop play and a sixth-sense. “I don’t see size as an advantage or disadvantage,” he said. “I see the game a lot differently than others. I anticipate better than the average player. I think it comes naturally for me.” Anticipating what other players are doing, JD said, enables him to get a jump on the play and seemingly uncanny ability to get in position to score. When he was recruited to Montana State-Billings, JD said the coach told him that his stature didn’t matter, but was impressed with his intellect. While perusing his CV stats over four years, one game stood out. JD was credited with seven saves. Did he actually play goalie? He answered in the affirmative, filling in when the Bears’ two keepers were unable to participate, saying

The Splash

he even made a game-saving stop. He revealed that he originally had grown up a goalie and thought it would be his position until reaching U-12 and sharing time with a teammate in goal and on the field. He came off the bench for the Bears when he was a freshman center midfielder. He moved to forward the next season after a good summer season at the position. The last two years his statistics speak for themselves. When asked if he had any vignettes about his early years with the sport, JD could not recall specifics. “Every team I’ve played on we’ve had successes, won lots of games and finished at the top of most (leagues),” he said. “I just liked the winning aspects of it and friendships. All of the teams I’ve been on, everyone’s in it together, not for themselves.” The results speak for themselves.

JD scored 34 goals over his final two seasons, was All-GSL twice, an All-State selection and recipient of a college scholarship, rewards for those years of club team traveling Six degrees of separation is the theory that everyone in the world is closely connected by six steps or fewer. Not many steps separated this sportswriter from Central Valley soccer star JD Hauenstein. Once upon a time this scribe traveled to cover various high school state tournaments with his family and often their baby sitter in tow. My wife, Tambra, had met the baby sitter, whose father I had gone to school with, while coaching her in parochial school softball. Jeanne Nolan became part of the family. Jeanne watched over our son, got her first taste of driving as a 16-year-old in a snowstorm with Tam’s counsel, while heading into the Cascades on the way to one of those state trips, and would seek out our advice. Three decades later, my wife and I sat in the stands rooting on Jeanne (Nolan) Hauenstein and her husband Daryl’s sons as they excel in soccer. We were at JD’s graduation party. The circle remains unbroken.

Recent Central Valley graduate JD Hauenstein (No. 11) was a four-year varsity starter for a Bears’ soccer squad that placed second and third at state the past two years. Hauenstein will continue his soccer career this fall at Montana StateBillings. Photo by Mike Vlahovich

The Splash

Sports Notebook

By Mike Vlahovich Splash Sports Editor In truth, high school sports never end. July is a month for pre-season conditioning, lifting, camps and travel until a short off period before fall is here. But it’s never too late to recap just how the 2015-16 spring season wound up for Central Valley athletes. Bears third in soccer Central Valley’s boys bid for a state 4A title came up just short for the second straight year. The Bears finished 17-4 overall and added a third-place finish to go with last year’s runner-up trophy. Both years CV lost to eventual champions, including 2-0 to Wenatchee in the semifinals this year. The team rebounded with a 4-1 romp over last year’s champ, Snohomish for third. A year ago, CV, beat Wenatchee to reach the finals with a 19-0 record before losing to Snohomish in the title match. CV’s Mark McClain scored twice, Nathan Grinalds and JD Hauenstein

Final Point -

Parenting from bleachers can be a sport in itself

By Mike Vlahovich Splash Sports Editor Leading 2-1, the pitcher took the mound. The college softball game was into extra innings. The tiebreaker format rule began with a runner at second base with no outs. Her team had scored first when the pitcher took the mound. It wasn’t a situation for the faint of heart – not so much for the daughter, who kept her cool even though there was a runner at a third base with but one out following a sacrifice bunt. Not so with the dad, whose daughter handled the pressure better than he. He couldn’t bear it, got up from the bleachers, left the stadium and marched around the perimeter like a worried soldier on guard duty. The memory returned while watching the NCAA softball finals. A pair of Auburn University dads stood in the bleachers the whole time, bodies tense, faces contorted. An Oklahoma mom the next day was afraid to look, a program covering her eyes like a sheet.


had the others in this year’s match for third and fourth. McClain, who scored 16 goals this year, Hauenstein, Noah Whitman and R.J. Stretch were named to the firstteam All-Greater Spokane League squad. Track depth means trophy Depth led to Central Valley’s girls’ championship in the GSL and numbers translated into a fourthplace team trophy at the State 4A meet in Tacoma with 40 points. Two relay placers, featuring six competitors – Anna Dugan, Hayden McAuliff, Anna Pecha and Kearan Nelson as well as Katie Hawkins and Anna Fomin who raced in both the 800 and 1,600 relays, accounted for a dozen points. Fomin added five points with her fourth place 400-meter finish. Pecha and Briegen Bester finished third and fourth in the 800 and Bester took fifth in the 1,600 for 15 more. Putting the finishing touches for the trophy was CV’s highest finisher, Hailey Christopher, who cleared 5-foot-5 for second in the high jump. And most of those athletes return. CV senior Ben Craig represented the boys’ squad with an impressive third-

place medal in the 110 high hurdles. Harames sixth in tennis For the second straight year, Central Valley tennis standout Kyra Harames reached the State 4A tennis semifinals against the eventual champion, but lost her final two matches to finish sixth. She opened this year’s tournament by winning first two matches in straight sets. Heartbreak in softball The Bears won once in three games at the state 4A softball tournament. They lost their tourney opener 11-3 to Gig Harbor, beat Moses Lake 7-2, but ended its season with a 7-5 loss to Skyline. Hannah Wampler led the Bears with four hits while Jordan Schneidmiller and Macie Reynolds hit safely in each game. Golfers struggle After qualifying five golfers to the state 4A tournament, the team didn’t fare well in Richland. Ryan Hadley and Isaac Emerson finished 36th and 37th while Zach Stocker, Cole Howard and Brady Sanders missed the cut.

When the Auburn batter slugged a walk-off grand slam home run, the guys were giddy, jumping with joy. All was right with the world. Didn’t see the mom’s reaction after Oklahoma won the national championship. It got me to wondering. How do some parents handle the angst calmly, or at least manage to keep up appearances, while others don’t? Having known Ken Wells forever, it always seemed he was mellow around sport. I asked him how he handled things when his son Hunter, who is my Current feature this month, was playing in high school and college and was selected in the Major League Baseball draft. He said things were more tense when a contingent of family was there. Mike and Sheila Dahl, whose son Joe was drafted into the National Football League recently talked a bit about that. She said, no worries, it was fun. He said he worried about injuries, although Joe was at a position that tended not to be a big concern. Joe, however, did get injured and missed big chunk of his senior year at Washington State. But that didn’t satisfyingly answer my question. I have a friend who I saw run down to the field and was exhorting coaching his daughter as she ran the bases, in essence becoming a second third base coach. I’ve sat with others where seldom is heard a discouraging word. As spectators we grumble among ourselves about coaching decisions

and yell at officials, as if that does any good. And we naturally get upset when our child isn’t playing, convinced he or she is better than the person who’s out there. When my kids were in high school – my son in baseball and daughter in softball – experiences differed. Circumstances in his case made it difficult to relax fearing he might fail and give the coach a reason to keep him on the bench. In hers, the coaches were so good there I watched with eerie calm with nary a concern. It would be fun to participate in an email discussion. Tell me your experience handling things as parent of an athlete. Let me know how you handled the pressures when he or she was playing. Did you go wild? Were you confident in their ability or did you have a knot in your stomach (or were you calm on the outside, but have the knot on the inside)? In hindsight, do you admit that you did or didn’t handle things appropriately? By nature, we are going to protect our young. If there’s enough feedback I’ll do a follow-up column next month. All responses will be strictly confidential. My email is mikevlaho@comcast. net. When that dad re-entered the stadium and saw the players mingling in triumph, the father surmised the team had won. His daughter got out of the jam. I sheepishly admit, if you hadn’t already guessed, that tense-bynature dad was me.

JULY 2016 • 31

News from Liberty Lake links – Local golf results

Liberty Lake Women’s Golf Club Results from June 7 Liberty Cup winner: Chrissie Tamura, net 66 Putting A Flight: Tamara Felton, 27 putts B Flight: Ann Eure, 29 putts C Flight: Pam Reed and Terry Jacobsen, tie, 36 putts D Flight: Jean Hatcher, 32 putts Results from June 8 Putting Michelle Knowles, 30 putts Leslie Sevigney, 30 putts Lee Sonderman, 30 putts Patsy Lynn, 31 putts Jean Hatcher, 31 putts Results from June 14 A Flight: Joyce Skidmore, 34.5 net B Flight: Carol Schultz, 33 net C Flight: Billie Etter, 39.5 net D Flight: Elise Bozzo and Darcy Bailey, tie, 36.5 net Meadowwood Womens’ Golf Club Results from June 15 First Place: Lynnette Heidenreich, 28.5 Second Place: Jackie Babin, 31 Third Place: Michelle Knowles and Brittany Heidenreich, tie 32.5 Liberty Lake Nine-Hole Golf Club Results from June 23 First Flight Robin McKee - Gross 49 Nancy Lampe - Net 42 Second Flight Margaret Chesley - Gross 56 Chip in on #9 Luana Hager - Net 37 Third Flight Polly Soderquist - Gross 68 Darlene Reilly - Net 42 No Handicap Helene Plese – 68 Trailhead Ladies Nine-Hole Golf Club Results from June 22 Flight A: Gross, CC Marshall, 44; Net, Sammie Fletcher, 32 Flight B: Gross, Kathleen Kennedy, 51; Net, Nancy Wendleburg, 29 Flight C: Gross, Hedy Longworth, 53; Net, Bunny Devenere, 30 Chip ins - Bunny Devenere, Vera Talseth, Julie Harbison, Hedy Longworth Birdies - Sherry Lopez, Hedy Longworth

The Splash

32 • JULY 2016


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The Splash

Dog days of summer – A commemoration of Liberty Lake canines


JULY 2016 • 33

since 2002 and has likely attended more City Council meetings than most citizens. His brother, “Rico,” is now also a regular at most municipal gatherings. This month, the Liberty Lake Historical Society honors the influence of man’s best friend by showcasing a few vintage photos of dogs throughout the years in Liberty Lake. The display coincides with National Mutt Day this month. Each year on July 31 and Dec. 2, National Mutt Day is celebrated across the United States. This day was created as a day to embrace, save and celebrate mixed breed dogs. Desperately longing for a new

home, loving and healthy mixed breed dogs in shelters across the U.S. are waiting for someone to come and adopt them. You can help by visiting a shelter and if you are unable to adopt a dog, you can always volunteer. Post on social media using #NationalMuttDay and encourage others to join in. Locally, the Spokane County Regional Animal Protection Services (SCRAPS) shelter features adoptable dogs and cats at their headquarters at 6815 E. Trent Ave. in Spokane Valley. Learn more by calling 509-477-2532. National Mutt Day, an “unofficial” national holiday, was created in 2005 by celebrity pet expert and animal welfare advocate, Colleen Paige. For more information on National Mutt Day, see: http:// www.nationalmuttday.com/.

The Mackenzie family and friends enjoying the water along Liberty Lake's east side in the bay bearing their name. (1901)

Looks like these three dogs and their owners had the beach to themselves. (circa 1950)

From Splash News Sources Canines have been part of the Liberty Lake culture for generations, frolicking on the beach, scampering down trails and lounging in parks under the cool shade of deciduous trees that shed their leaves in the same way the hounds below leave behind their hair. At Liberty Lake City Hall, “Pecos,” a Chihuahua belonging to Mayor Steve Peterson and his wife, Charmaine, has been acknowledged the city’s “First Dog”

Longtime resident Ron Knudsen and sidekick, Rusty, on his horse Jimmy in Liberty Lake Park. (circa 1946)

A child of Liberty Lake Park owner, Lew Hurtig, enjoys the beach at the resort along with three family pets. (circa 1922)

Can you find the dog in this picture with the operators of the Liberty Lake Boat Co.? (circa 1913)

Splashing in the lake isn't just for children! (1923)

The Splash

34 • JULY 2016


Continued from page 27 scholarship from the endowment revenue each year. Employees of SVFD have also embraced the opportunity support the Anna Schindler Foundation, founded by a fellow firefighter and his wife to support families battling childhood cancer in the Inland Northwest, as well as raise money and awareness of childhood cancer. Their daughter Anna was a courageous young girl who passed away in 2010, but her spirit lives on through the foundation. In 2015, more than $70,000 in direct support was given to families for meal cards, gas, groceries, hardship, travel/lodging or medical bills while their child was in cancer treatment. There are many more examples of generosity within the Spokane Valley Fire Department. Last fall, our firefighters raised $9,100 for Muscular Dystrophy during the annual “Fill the Boot” drive and $7,100 was raised for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society this spring by our six-man team during the annual Firefighter StairClimb Challenge in Seattle’s Columbia Center.

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to support combat veterans. The men and women of the Spokane Valley Fire Department bring good character to light by unselfishly giving and sharing their resources, time and talents with others. The department’s organizational values -Accountability, Trustworthiness, Respect, Excellence, Caring and Quality Customer Service – are reflected in the actions of these compassionate, dedicated fire service professionals to benefit the community we serve, every day. Melanie Rose, APR, joined the Spokane Valley Fire Department in 2015 as Community Relations officer. She is a founding member of Partners Advancing Character Education (PACE) and is serving as PACE president for 2016-2017. She previously worked as the director of Communications for the Central Valley School District for over 10 years. Melanie is also a member of the Valleyfest Board of Directors and is an active member of the Spokane Rotary East club and the Greater Spokane Valley Chamber of Commerce.

Since 1999, the Spokane Valley Firefighters Benevolent Association has been providing community members with financial assistance in times of hardship and helping to meet the charitable needs of our community at large. Veterans Community Response helps wounded and traumatized combat veterans reintegrate into civilian life. Founded by Spokane Valley firefighters in 2009, this nonprofit organization provides a variety of programs and services including “Beyond the Yellow Ribbon” retreats

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who knew? A single 1/2" wisp of milfoil can multiply into 250 million new plants in a year. — Washington State Department of Ecology Milfoil can choke out fish, outboard motors and swimmers. Please check for milfoil when leaving every lake. Pick up fragments from your watercraft (or beach) and place in trash. Thanks!


The district will be dive harvesting and applying herbicide to the lake in the coming weeks. See our website for details, or call 922-5443.

The Splash

Reflections from the Lake By Denise Dolphin-Coyle In 1902, my great-greatgrandparents, Daniel and Lousia Neyland, came to Liberty Lake and settled here, and seven generations later, we are still here. At 60, my memories of growing up at the lake are still very fresh in my mind. As a small child we would catch baby catfish and crawfish on the beach in front of Mammy and Poppies (Homer and Della Neyland) play with them and at the end of the day let them go to be caught again another day. Poppy would load us kids up an Old Willy’s Jeep and take us to Brownies grocery across the lake for penny candy – that’s when there really was penny candy! We would then load up in the Jeep and head to a hermit friend of Poppies for a visit. The hermit lived in a little house on the hill. We continue to use Jeep today and every time I do, it’s a step back in time filled with amazing memories of my childhood at Liberty Lake. My sister and I grew up and Sandy Beach, I remember my dad raking the beach every morning. He would rake up seaweed in piles on the beach. This was our time to swim before the crowds of people arrived. We would take the large piles of seaweed and pull it out into the water and under the diving board and then jump off the diving board into the seaweed. The most fun thing ever was to jump in all those weeds. Of course after we were done we had to pile it back where dad had left it, on the beach. I learned to fish using a wooden popsicle stick with some line and hook attached, we would fish through the knot holes in the dock. I still remember the day I caught a fish that would not through the dock, my dad had to cut the line. What a disappointment that was. As we grew older, we had to work in the store at Sandy Beach, we called it the “Stand” frying hamburgers, renting boats to fisherman, selling pop, candy, chips, ice cream and snow cones. We still use the old grill today to fry hamburgers for family picnics. We had customers who would come out and just spend the day or there were campers in their tents

JULY 2016 • 35

or RVs; we also rented summer cabins. Many of the people that came to camp or rent the cabins would come back year after year. We grew up with their kids. When we were not working it was time for hanging around the dance slab, a concrete floor with a green railing around it and speakers overhead from the juke box. We would get quarters from mom and plug the juke box and sit on the green rail and listen to the Beach Boys. As a hot summer day would wind down it was time for the nightly bonfires on the beach. The kids who were staying in the cabins would come and join our bonfires. In July, there are big beetles that arrive at night; we called them “June bugs.” As we would sit by the fire, the beetles would fly towards the fire. The boys would grab the beetles and chase the girls up and down the beach, thinking it was hilarious to scare us girls. At 11, my mom would flash a light to come in the house. Growing up at Liberty Lake was the best place ever to grow up, but we learned to work and work hard. We started at 5 a.m. and closed at 11 p.m. The days were long but I wouldn’t change a thing. Liberty Lake will always hold a special place in my heart. Today my grandchildren are growing up here, hearing the stories of the past, making new memories for the future and walking the same beaches that many generations before us have walked. Growing up here, there was no Albertsons or Yokes, no gas stations, no fast food or coffee shops, just empty fields. A lot of the homes were summer cabins and very few families lived here year round. Today, Liberty Lake has become an amazing city with so many activities to offer, a beautiful park, farmers market, golf courses and, of course, the lake. It is truly a wonderful place to live!




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Junk Yard Dogs tells a story of a ‘prison’ junk yard where an evil task-master, Junk Yard Jack, keeps dogs as slaves and forces them to work for him as he builds his empire of trash. He knows there is a promise of a ‘deliverer’ that will come to free all the dogs from Junk Yard Jack. Each day the students will come to cheer Bulls-Eye on as he seeks freedom from slavery. Children will learn they weren’t made for the junk yard; they have been set free to serve their new master... Jesus!


1421 North Meadowwood Lane #200 • Liberty Lake, WA 99019

The Splash

36 • JULY 2016

FOPP Summer Festival trots out eclectic schedule for 2016 By Treva Lind

Splash Correspondent Friends of Pavillion Park’s Summer Festival lineup marks its 19th year, promising its usual bounty of outdoor movies, activities and concerts.

extremely happy with our 19th annual Summer Festival Lineup,” said FOPP president Joe Frank. “We feel like we have a lot of great events that provide opportunities for our Liberty Lake neighbors to come together and celebrate what a wonderful community we have." Barefoot in the Park this year includes family-fun activities and food at Pavillion Park Aug. 5-7 connected to the annual Barefoot 3v3 Soccer Tournament that same weekend.

A seasonal heavyweight includes the 7 p.m. July 30 concert at Pavillion Park with Charlie Musselwhite, a legendary blues harmonica player. Another fan favorite, Tuxedo Junction, is the band headlining the Fourth of July concert.

This is the fourth year William Miller has organized the soccer tournament starting on Friday evening and running all day Saturday and Sunday. It involves players by age category who play barefoot and kick a special soccer ball made out of the same material as Crocs shoes.

The group also brings back Montana Shakespeare in the Park as well as FOPP’s season-ending highlight, a Spokane Symphony performance on Sept. 3 for the Lud Kramer Memorial Concert. Outdoor movies for the 2016 Summer Festival range from “Kung Fu Panda 3” to “Star Wars: The Force Awakens.”

FOPP is helping provide music and entertainment during Barefoot, while Liberty Lake Kiwanis is arranging concessions during the weekend,. The city is planning family activities for young kids to teens. Attendees also will find the annual car show and food trucks and various businesses are sponsoring the entire event.






“We are partnering with several

groups this year to help promote and grow the Barefoot in the Park event,” Frank said. For the city’s Fourth of July agenda, a warm-up band in the park typically starts at 6 p.m. followed by Tuxedo Junction. The entire evening’s entertainment leads up to community fireworks, usually near 10 p.m. Residents have a choice of two firework displays, the traditional community show over the lake and the citysponsored fireworks near the Liberty Lake Ballfields now known as “The Diamonds at Liberty Lake.” A free shuttle to Pavillion Park will run from the parking area near Liberty Lake Elementary for the holiday activities, as well as for Charlie Musselwhite and the Spokane Symphony performance, Frank said. On July 9, residents of all ages will enjoy another community tradition, the Liberty Lake Loop. The four-mile fun run starts at 8 a.m. in Pavillion Park. For other weekends, FOPP has attracted a variety of events, including a line-up of 10 family movies and Montana Shakespeare in the Park’s “The Comedy of Errors,” at 5 p.m. on Aug. 20. Since FOPP

Does my mom have options besides dentures? A patient of mine who wore dentures once told me how she chose what to order from a restaurant menu. Her question was not, “What looks delicious?” It wasn’t even, “What would be healthy for me?” Instead, she was looking to order the few limited items that she knew she could chew. Her life changed dramatically when we were able to replace her dentures with dental implants instead. While dentures give you about 25% the chewing power of normal teeth, implants provide an actual replacement for natural missing teeth and restore over 90% chewing power. Secured in the gum or jaw, this method of placement makes them the most natural tooth replacement system. In short, they look and feel like your own teeth. You even care for them as you would your natural teeth. While dentures can be initially more affordable, their removable nature not only makes them less reliable, but less functional as well. Dentures require maintenance and care that is both time-consuming and potentially costly over time. We would be happy to visit with you or your loved ones about whether dental implants are right for you.

— Dr. Timothy J. Casey

Liberty Lake resident Member, American Dental Association

started bringing the Shakespeare group to Pavillion Park, the group has expanded its area appearances in the region and typically perform at additional venues in the greater Spokane community each summer. Most activities, concerts and movies are held at Pavillion Park, but a few FOPP community events spread into Rocky Hill and Half Moon parks, as well as into one neighborhood with a July 16 Rock the Block at Beach Combers Beach Club. Check the full schedule at www.pavillionpark.org for more details.

Outdoor Events

*Most events unless otherwise noted are at Pavillion Park, with movies at dusk. July 3 “Kung Fu Panda 3” July 4 Tuxedo Junction followed by fireworks July 9 8 a.m. Liberty Lake Loop “Home” at Half Moon Park July 15 “Spaceballs” July 16 “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” 6 p.m. Rock the Block, The Mountain Brothers, Beach Combers Beach Club July 22 “Pinocchio” at Rocky Hill Park, Italian Festival Movie July 23“Inside Out” July 30 7 p.m. Charlie Musselwhite concert Aug. 5 Barefoot 3v3 Soccer Tournament and Barefoot in the Park events. 6 p.m. Ryan Larsen Band at Pavillion Park Aug. 6-7 Barefoot 3v3 Soccer Tournament and Barefoot in the Park events Aug. 12 “Goosebumps” at Half Moon Park Aug. 13 “Jungle Book” Aug. 19 “Zootopia” Aug. 20 5 p.m. Montana Shakespeare in the Park’s “The Comedy of Errors” Aug. 27 “The Sandlot” as part of Pages to Pictures Sept. 3 6 p.m. Spokane Symphony Lud Kramer Memorial Concert

The Splash

JULY 2016 • 37


6th Annual

Mutt Strut In memory of Chris Anderlik

Saturday, August 20th 8:00 am • Liberty Lake The “Strut” will begin at Pawpular Companions Pet Supplies and consist of a 2.5 mile route around the Liberty Lake business/ residential walking path. Please register yourself and your companion(s) at www.pawpularcompanions.com In addition to the pledge walk event, we will end at Pawpular Companions parking lot for an ICE CREAM SOCIAL (people AND doggie ice cream!), store vendors with FREE GIVEAWAYS and RAFFLE PRIZES! Please join us to celebrate and contribute to Chris’ dream to “Go an extra mile to practice true compassion for animals!”

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1/14/16 10:03 AM

The Splash

38 • JULY 2016

Liberty Lake Relay for Life returns with a flourish

Typically, Relays are overnight events. The Liberty Lake committee decided they wanted to host a oneday, 12-hour event from 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. Relays are “community owned and staff supported,” explained Taylor Johnson, Relay for Life community manager with the American Cancer Society. Committees are free to arrange the Relay to fit their particular community.

By Mary Anne Ruddis

Splash Correspondent The Liberty Lake community came together on June 4 to “Celebrate,” “Remember” and “Fight Back” with the American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life. The local version of the event that began in 2011 returned after taking the year off in 2015, making this the community’s fifth Relay.

“This event is so unique and special because it unites a community in a cause,” said Johnson. “We come together as a people to unite.” While each community is free to personalize their Relay, they all share some common elements, including an opening ceremony, Survivor Lap, Caregiver Lap, and the luminaria ceremony.

Considered a “rebuilding year” after the hiatus, the event was well attended with 18 registered teams (up from 12 in 2014) and approximately 100 participants who raised an impressive total of $21,500.

After Katelyn Bartel, an eighth grader from Greenacres Middle School, sang the national anthem, Kevin Johnson, event lead chair,

19t h Annua l

LIBERTY LAKE LOOP Saturday July 9th, 2016

Location & Start Times

Place: Pavillion Park, Liberty Lake WA.

Early Registration ( Before June 28th) $20 (includes Shirt)

Start Times: Adult Race 8:00am (4mile course) Kid’s Race following Adult Race (1/4 - 1 1/2 mile course)


$5 (No Shirt) Team $120 (includes Shirt) Late Registration (After June 28th) $10 (No Shirt)

Individual Registration Gender: __ M __ F

Name: ________________________________________________________

Address: ______________________________________________________ Phone: __________________ Email: __________________________________ Signature: ______________________________________ Kids Race 6U


Adult Race 10-12








Shirt Size ___ Sm ___ Med ___ Lrg ___ X-Lrg ___ 2x-Lrg ___ Y-Sm ___ Y-Med ___ Y-Lrg Team Registration Team Contact: ___________________________________________________________________________ Team Name: ____________________________________________________ Phone: __________________ Email: __________________________________________________________________________________ Team Runners: Print Name

Shirt Size


1. _________________________________



2. _________________________________



3. _________________________________



4. _________________________________



5. _________________________________



6. _________________________________



7. _________________________________



8. _________________________________



Contact By mail: Liberty Lake Loop/UPS Store | 1324 N. Liberty Lake Road | PMB #2121 | Liberty Lake, WA 99019

Or see online at www.pavillionpark.org

Special thanks to our sponsors



The UPS Store in Liberty Lake

Waiver: I know that running a road race is a potentially hazardous activity. I should not enter and run unless I am medically able and properly trained. I agree to abide by any decision of a race official relative to my ability to safely complete the run. I assume all risks associated with running in this event. Having read this waiver and knowing these facts and in consideration of your accepting entry, I for myself and anyone entitled to act on my behalf, waive and release the race director(s), race volunteers, all sponsors, their representatives and successors from all claims or liabilities of any kind arising out of participation in this event. I grant permission to all of the foregoing to use any photographs, motion pictures, recordings, or any other record of this event for any legitimate purpose.

After a one-year hiatus, the Liberty Lake community rallied to host its fifth Relay for Life event on June 4 at Liberty Lake Elementary. The fundraising model through the American Cancer Society’s includes an opening ceremony, Survivor Lap, Caregiver Lap and the luminaria ceremony. Photo by Mary Anne Ruddis opened the Relay with his personal story about how he became involved with the Relay after his wife battled and beat cancer after being diagnosed with leukemia in 2005. Jim Morrison of Post Falls is a 12-year cancer survivor of stagefour asbestos-induced lung cancer. Given three months to live, Morrison committed to dance at his daughter’s wedding seven months after his diagnosis. He believed that nothing was impossible and continued to set goals in spite of his dire prognosis. Morrison stressed the importance of caregivers for those going through treatment. “Caregivers are survivors cancer too,” he said.


Morrsion also extolled the benefits of having faith in a deity that is stronger than cancer, family caregivers that offer support and confidence in your medical team. Morrison has written a book, “To See Another Sunrise – How to Overcome Anything, One Day at a Time.” Completing the book was one of the goals that gave him another reason to live. His everyday goal that he set from his hospital room was to see another sunrise which became the inspiration for the title of his book. Morrison is also a member of the “Warriors of Hope Cancer Group” in Post Falls. The Liberty Lake Kiwanis Club was hard at work cooking up lunch that they provide free to all of the cancer survivors. All survivors also received a commemorative medal after completing the survivor lap and before their complimentary meal.

One of the 18 registered teams, “Team Super Sam,” has been involved in Relays since 2006 in the Seattle area. This is their first Liberty Lake Relay after moving to Eastern Washington. “Super Sam” is a “Silver Level” team that raised over $4,000. The team was started by Captain Lisa Sibert and Co-Captain Karley Sibert, a mom and sister team that honors the memory of Samantha Crowell, the inspiration behind “Team Super Sam.” Samantha was diagnosed at age 16 with a stage-four Wilms tumor and passed away at age 18 in September of 2008. The Siberts and their team say they find solidarity in their loss. “These people get it,” Lisa said. “They know what it’s like.” The team raises funds throughout the year not only in Samantha’s honor and memory but also for the 33 other personal connections whose pictures and names adorn a star on the wall at their decorated campsite and for everyone affected by cancer. Dawn Dietz, Lisa’s friend of 36 years, came over from Seattle to participate with the team. Dietz lost both of her parents to cancer. “I fund raise to help others,” Dietz said. “I can’t help [my parents] but I can help others.” The Luminaria Ceremony, a treasured element of the Relay, consists of lumanaria bags and candles that are lit to remember loved ones who have passed and honor those who are in treatment.

See RELAY, Page 39

The Splash


JULY 2016 • 39

screening tests.

There are more than 6,000 Relay for Life events held each year with four million participants worldwide. The American Cancer Society was first established in 1913 and bills itself as “a nationwide, communitybased voluntary health organization dedicated to eliminating cancer as a major health problem.”

Programs are designed for early detection of cancer when it is more likely to have positive treatment outcomes; support during treatment with programs like Reach to Recovery, Road to Recovery, Hope Lodge and Look Good Feel Better, research funding to find cures and advocacy efforts through the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network. More information at www.cancer. org.

ACS reports that the vast majority of cancer deaths could be avoided through an approach that includes staying free of tobacco products, maintaining a healthy weight, regular exercise, eating right and undergoing recommended

Anyone interested in more information or who wishes to get involved in the Relay next year, can contact Taylor Johnson, ACS Relay For Life community manager at taylor.johnson@cancer.org or 509242-8303.

Continued from page 38 The candles are lit after dark.

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The Liberty Lake Relay featured 18 registered teams and approximately 100 participants who raised an impressive total of $21,500. The event on June 4 included support from local groups like the Girl Scouts and the Liberty Lake Kiwanis. Photo by Mary Anne Ruddis


The Splash

40 • JULY 2016











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The Splash

Home Depot celebrates constructive first decade in Liberty Lake By Staci Lehman

Splash Correspondent It may seem like it has been there forever, but 2016 marks the ten-year anniversary of the opening of the Liberty Lake Home Depot store. The big box store opened on January 12, 2006, providing the community with a much closer option than Spokane Valley for those times when you run out of nails in the middle of building a deck or accidentally cut the last board wrong when framing a new garage. Not only has the presence of a major hardware store in the neighborhood been a convenience for area residents, it has also helped the area economy by paying into the local tax structure, employing approximately 110 people from around the area, and encouraging those associates to take part in service projects that benefit the immediate community. Home Depot employees celebrated the store’s anniversary at the beginning of the year with a festive cake. Eight of those 110 people also had cake when the store opened a decade ago. That includes store manager Chris Bean who has been employed by Home Depot for a total of 18 years. He says that is not unusual for the company. “My store is not really unique but probably a good example of the culture within Home Depot,” Bean said. “If you love working with people and are a hard worker, you can have any kind of career you want with the company.” Bean also said Home Depot is always looking for new employees and encourages college students, retirees and especially veterans to apply. He emphasizes you don’t have to know about home and yard care to work there. Bean says the company trains many employees in the skills pertaining to their particular department with monthly education sessions, but that he has hired some very skilled employees as well. “I’ve got trade carpenters who work here and even licensed electricians,” Bean said. In addition to professional associates, the Liberty Lake Home Depot has a large number of what

JULY 2016 • 41

they consider professional customers. “Pro customers,” as they are called, are those who are making purchases for updates or improvements to businesses in the area rather than being everyday citizens working on home improvement projects. These pros come from the technology companies in Liberty Lake, the car dealerships and even the contractors working on building new homes and housing developments nearby. “The area has a high penetration of professional customers, businesses, municipalities and even the IT campuses,” said Bean. As for the most popular items at the Liberty Lake store, Bean says this time of year the garden area does a lot of business and the tool rental center is busy throughout the year.

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Also popular are the monthly workshops for kids, which generally include about 100 children per class. A recent project at one of these workshops was constructing a bird house. This month, the kids will create an bowling game with an “Ice Age” theme.

Steven A. Egland

CFP®, RICP®, FIC Financial Associate

There are also monthly “Do-ItHerself” workshops welcoming women but open to anyone. A full schedule of workshops can be found on the Home Depot website at www. homedepot.com/l/Liberty-Lake/WA/ Liberty-Lake. Other projects aren’t for the public but for store employees. In addition to their regular work hours, associates go above and beyond their job descriptions to participate in quarterly “Team Depot” projects. Team Depot is a volunteer-led program through which thousands of associates nationwide dedicate their time and talents to give back to their communities. Most recently, Liberty Lake store volunteers completed a Team Depot project in April organizing a makeover of East Valley High School’s community garden. Now, Bean is in the process of looking for their next project, preferably something to benefit area veterans.

Christopher M. Nurvic CFP®, ChFC®, FIC Financial Associate

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“We’re searching for worthy veteran causes,” he said. “It can be projects from the entire Spokane County area to Coeur d’Alene. We can team up with all of the local stores so no project is too big.” Companywide, Team Depot completes about 1,500 volunteer projects a year. If you have an idea for a local Team Depot project, you can call Liberty Lake Home Depot store manager Chris Bean directly at (509) 891-0613. And wish him happy anniversary while you’re at it.

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The Splash

42 • JULY 2016

Matt Arlt

Brent Bixby

Plans after graduation: Will be attending University of Portland in the fall, majoring in biology.

School: School

Deidra Dunbar

Erik Floden

School: St. George’s School

Parents: Lesley Dunabr and Chris Runyan of Liberty Lake, granddaughter of Clark and Patsy Lynn, also of Liberty Lake. Deidra was very active at Central Valley High School participating in softball, basketball and golf. She also is a member of the National Honor Society. In the fall, Deidra will be attending Gonzaga University to study Elementary Education.

Marty Munyon Attending SFCC Track and Field Parents: Larry and April Munyon

Parents: Brian and Anne Bixby Central



Plans after graduation: Attend Spokane Community College

Parents: Elizabeth and Dave Floden, brother to Nikolaus Floden of Liberty Lake School: Central Valley High Plans after graduation: Erik will be atttending Eastern Washington University this fall to begin his studies in Electrical Engineering.

Kieran Ashlock Natarajan Graduated for Central Valley High School Attending Whitman College in Walla Walla, Washington

Kyle Brockbank

McKinzie Carter

Zoe Chambers

School: Central Valley High School

School: Central Valley High

Zoe will be atending Brigham Young University Provo. She will be majoring in Mechanical Engineering.

Parents: Greg and Daralee Brockbank

Parents: Scott and Michelle Carter

Plans after graduation: He will attend Brigham Young University after serving a two year mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of LetterDay Saints.

Plans after graduation: Kinzie will attend WSU in the fall where she will study pre-health sciences and be on the WSU cheer team.

Martin Grinolds

Kyra Harames

School: Central Valley High School

Plans after graduation: Attending High Point University N.C. / Honors Program/ Chemistry Major Interests: Soccer, hiking, biking, painting, traveling with family.

Mason Radmaker

Parents: Keith and Kelly Radmaker School: Central Valley High School Future plans: Mason is attending Montana State University in the fall to pursue a degree in engineering.

Daughter of CLint and Dawwnell Harames, graduated from Central Valley High School as an AP scholar. Kyra does gymnastics and volunteers at the valley hospital. She plans to attend Dixie State University this fall in St. George UT. Kyra will major in biomedical science and looks forward to competeing on the Dixie tennis team.

Connor Reding

Will attend Gonzaga University.

Parents: Keving and Christine Chambers

Christian Mason Parents: Casey and Amy Mason

Will be attending Washington State University to major in Business and Econimics.

Hannah Reiman

Parents: Don and Laurie Reiman School: Central Valley High School Plans after graduation: University of Idaho for Track and Field with plan to study accounting.

The Splash

Logan Stocker

Atttending the Fashion Institute of Technology in NYC in the fall.

JULY 2016 • 43

Nathan Michael Pegram

Emma Whybrew Allison Termath

Attending Washington State University

Will attend University of Washington in the fall to study business.

School: Central Valley High School

Graduated from Central Valley High School

Congratulations Class of 2016 Dear Editor:

I founded the Lilac City Lacrosse Club in 2014 as an opportunity for local players to both prepare for and extend their season while increasing their perspective of the sport. We are a grassroots, home grown 501c(3) organization, based in Spokane Valley. There is a growing number of players wanting to play more lacrosse than just the spring season (March thru May) can offer. We have had about 100 participants ages 11-17 representing each of the youth and high school teams in Spokane as well as several players from Coeur d’Alene. Last year we ran lacrosse activities in the summer, fall and winter. Currently we have three travel teams (U13, U15, U17) playing in several regional tournaments this summer with plans pending for this fall and winter too. For more information, please check out our website at www. LilacCityLax.com. (The Lilac City Lacrosse Training Camp will take place July 18-21 at the Dwight Merkel Sports Complex in Spokane. Register at www.allwestlax.com/ lilac.) Matt Iris President/Founder Li-Ci Lax

About the Opinion Page The Splash opinion page is intended to be a community forum for discussing local issues. Please interact with us by sending a letter to the editor or Liberty Lake Voices guest column for consideration. Letters to the editor of no more than 350 words or guest columns of about 700 words should be e-mailed to editor@libertylakesplash.com or mailed to P.O. Box 363, Liberty Lake, WA 99019. A full name and telephone number must be included for purposes of verification. A photo of the author must be taken or provided for all guest columns. The Splash reserves the right to edit or reject any submission. Business complaints or endorsements will not be accepted, and political endorsement

Graduated from Central Valley High School and will be attending the Honor’s College at Boise State University where she plans to study either pre-Optometry or Occupational Therapy. She loved high scholl and was involved in leadership, orchestra, cheer, french club, key club, and many other activities. She hopes to be just as active in college. Her parents are Phil and Jeanne Termath.


Liberty Lake deserves a gathering place

When the eighth annual Millwood Daze takes place in August, the Millwood Community Center will host the event’s popular pancake feed, part of an agenda that includes a 5K run, booths, games and a procession billed as “the world’s largest red wagon parade.” The day is about community and it only makes sense that part of it is hosted in a community center. While the civic hub in the town of around 1,800 residents is on the grounds of the Millwood Presbyterian Church, Pastor Craig Goodwin said the venue is viewed as “a community center that the church uses,” not the other way around. Officially opened two years ago, the $1.6 million center received support from the Cowles Foundation and the Inland Northwest Community Foundation, but the vast bulk of the overall cost was raised by donations from the congregation. It houses a gymnasium, kitchen and two classrooms in a 7,000 square foot space. “Talk in Millwood of a shared space goes back to the 1950s,” said Goodwin. “This has turned into a

hub of social services.” Second Harvest has a presence in the kitchen while classes in nutrition are taught here. When an afterschool mentoring program was announced, over 50 kids signed up within the first week. “We’re offering enrichment here,” said Goodwin. From birthday parties to city events, the center has become a nourishing gathering place in the town of around 1,800. “It’s tough to have this kind of programming without the space,” Goodwin said. “There’s not a lot of facilities around like this anymore.” Just to the east of Millwood, the CenterPlace Regional Event Center in Spokane Valley can relate to the success of a public facility created from scratch. In 2006, its first full year of operation, CenterPlace hosted nearly 500 events. By 2007, the number was up to 761. CenterPlace came about thanks to a $96 million initiative approved by voters in 2002 that also supported a massive renovation of the Spokane Fair and Expo Center as well as the expansion of the Spokane Convention Center. After Spokane Valley incorporated in 2003, the new city generated $3 million of its own to go with $7 million raised through the bond. The rest is capital facilities history. Now the city of Liberty Lake is

Maria McCauley

Graduated magna cum laude from Eastern Washington University with a Bachelors of Science in Computer Science. She was chosen for an Outstanding student in Comuter Science award. Maria is the daughter of Jeffrey and Gina McCauley in Liberty Lake, WA. She has taken a job in Boise, ID as a Software Developer for the company Clearwater.

campaigning for its own center with a sense of place. A $12 million community center/aquatic facility/ library is on the Aug. 2 ballot with a supermajority of at least 60 percent required for passage. If approved, the project would mean a property tax increase of 50 cents per $1,000 of assessed value or $135 per year on a $270,000 home. According to Jim Nelson, a senior vice president with D.A. Davidson,the current low-interest bond market “represents a cost savings to taxpayers.” Add in the projected growth of the Liberty Lake community in upcoming years and the impact on property owners will be lessened as the assessed value grows. Beyond the money, this is a chance to establish a large-scale gathering place in a town known for its parks, trails, yard sales, service clubs and farmers market. It’s a vote to create memories and heightened civic identity for current and future generations. People here understand neighborhood pride and connectivity. They are just missing a place to call their own. With all due respect to the highquality venues in Millwood and Spokane Valley, residents of Liberty Lake shouldn’t have to travel outside city boundaries to visit a community center. The upcoming ballot represents a ticket to just such a place within a familiar and deserving vicinity. Craig Howard

The Splash

44 • JULY 2016

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JULY 2016 • 45

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Volume 18, Issue x EDITOR/PUBLISHER

Ben Wick

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Craig Howard

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Danica Wick



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The Splash


Home court reunion – Inaugural Alumni Game celebrates Zag Nation By Craig Howard

Splash Editor They arrived in Spokane from all parts of the world to suit up at a makeshift kennel. Together, those who planted their high tops at the Spokane Convention Center on June 25 represented a portion of the 18 consecutive Gonzaga University men’s basketball rosters to qualify for the NCAA tournament since 1999. The inaugural “Alumni Game” on Hoopfest weekend reunited former teammates and gave a sell-out crowd of 2,000 a chance to witness the greatest collection of Zag greats to ever gather on a single court. “The atmosphere was amazing,” said Micah Downs, the high-flying off-guard who was part of the Zags’ Sweet 16 team as a senior in 2009. “I think we did a good job of keeping some good energy out there and maintaining a quality level of basketball.” When the final buzzer sounded, Team (Jeremy) Pargo had defeated Team (Dan) Dickau, 108-93 in a game that featured dunks, threepointers and the occasional wheeze from those trying to keep up with alumni still competing on an elite level overseas. Downs, who has played professionally in Spain, Russia, Venezuela and five other countries, is one of many former Zags who

Jeremy Pargo (left) cuts to the basket against fellow point guard David Stockton in the second half of the Alumni Game on June 25. Pargo has played for three NBA teams as well as in Israel, China, Russia and Italy since graduating from Gonzaga in 2009. Stockton was signed by the Sacramento Kings for part of the 2015-16 season and now plays for Reno in the NBA Developmental League. Photo by Craig Howard still holds out hope of latching on with an NBA squad. In 2013, he was named a NBA Development League Futures All Star as part of the Maine Red Claws. Derek Raivio, the 2007 West Coast Conference Co-Player of the Year as a senior in 2007, put up 19 points in the game, weaving acrobatically to the basket and launching long-distance shots that found nothing but nylon. The Vancouver, Washington native is among many ex-Zags to carve out a successful pro career on distant continents with Japan, France and Germany being a few of his stops. “That was always my goal, to

Former Gonzaga players were warmly welcomed by a sold-out crowd of 2,000 at the Convention Center last month. From back row, left to right: Zach Gourde, Steven Gray, Micah Downs, Blake Stepp, Dan Dickau, Ronny Turiaf, Adam Morrison and David Pendergraft. Photo by Craig Howard

play professionally,” Raivio said. Kyle Dranginis, who recently wrapped up his career at GU and hopes to keep playing basketball somewhere abroad, said Gonzaga – with a coaching staff very familiar with overseas basketball – has become “almost like a feeder school” to pro leagues outside the U.S. Meanwhile, Gonzaga longdistance recruits like recent NBA first-round pick Domantas Sabonis (Lithuania), Ronny Turiaf (France) and J.P. Batista (Brazil) flourished in Spokane and beyond. Pargo, a Chicago native who played at GU from 2005 to 2009,

JULY 2016 • 47

came up with the idea for a reunion game and shared it with Hoopfest Director and former GU point guard Matt Santangelo. The event will now be an annual component of the world’s largest 3-on-3 basketball tournament with all proceeds going to local charities. “There’s such great love and support at Gonzaga,” said Pargo, who led all alumni scorers with 31 points. In addition to stints in the NBA with Cleveland, Memphis and Philadelphia, Pargo achieved All Euroleague second team status with Maccabi Tel Aviv in 2010 and has done well financially in his sport, including a two-year, $5.2 million contract with CSKA Moscow he signed in 2013. “The main difference between the NBA and overseas is athleticism,” Pargo said. “Basically, basketball is just basketball wherever you’re playing.” Dickau, who was named Gonzaga’s first All American as a senior in 2002, didn’t play outside the states until 2009 following a six-year NBA career that included time in Atlanta, Portland, Dallas, New Orleans, Boston and Los Angeles (Clippers). Now 37 and living in Spokane with his wife and family, Dickau said his decision to transfer from the University of Washington to Gonzaga after his sophomore year made all the difference. “There’s such a culture of caring here at Gonzaga,” he said. “This is a school that wants to win and do it the right way with a great work ethic, selflessness and class.”

Erroll Knight (with headband) laughs it up with benchmates during the inaugural Alumni Game on June 25 at the Spokane Convention Center. The reunion of former Zag standouts was part of the 27th Hoopfest weekend in downtown Spokane. From left to right: Casey Calvary, Ronny Turiaf, Austin Daye, Ira Brown, Adam Morrison and Knight. Photo by Craig Howard

The Splash

48 • JULY 2016

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