Health & Fitness at The Sporting Club

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JAN /FEB 2015




THE SPORTING CLUB | 8930 University Center Lane, San Diego, CA 92122 | Ph 858.552.8000 |

The Importance of


Detoxification is a term you hear more and more frequently in the world of health and fitness, and it is often viewed differently in conventional medicine than alternative approaches. In the conventional realm, it is typically associated with drug and alcohol detoxification. If you Google detoxification or do a PubMed search, you will most likely get information about drug detoxification and treatment facilities. In the world of functional and nutritional medicine, detoxification is looked at as our individual ability to detoxify our bodies by eliminating toxic substances. This is essential to our overall health. All of us live in an ever-increasingly toxic environment. More than 80,000 chemicals are introduced into the world each year and our indoor environment is likely more toxic than our outdoor environment. We are exposed to pesticides, herbicides, chemical solvents, xenobiotics, and industrial chemicals of all kinds that we encounter through the food we eat, the water we drink and the air we breathe. These toxins accumulate in our body and contribute to the total toxic load that can cause a variety of health problems including fatigue, headaches, low endurance, skin rashes, immune weakness, depression, memory loss, lack of concentration, difficulty sleeping and mood changes. There are a multitude of detoxification programs available today ranging from juice cleanses to fasting. Some people look at these programs as a way to eliminate toxins while others view them as a means to weight loss. Many programs are very low in calories and deprive the body of valuable protein and nutrients, which can lead to dehydration, fatigue, and headaches. Programs that involve fasting should be avoided. Detoxification pathways significantly decrease in as little as 36 hours of fasting. In addition, fasting depletes glycogen, which prevents glucuronidation; also, the other three phase II conjugation pathways are all protein dependent.

There is significant evidence that supports the importance of diet and nutritional supplementation in maintaining detoxification pathways. Let’s look at several of these critical nutrients: Milk Thistle is one of the most protective herbs for the liver. There have been hundreds of studies that confirm these protective properties. N-Acetyl Cysteine is a modified version of the sulfur-containing amino acid cysteine that is a precursor to glutathione, which supports phase II detoxification. It has been used for decades for acute poisoning from pain-relieving medications. Calcium D-Glucarate aids in liver detoxification and supports healthy hormone metabolism and clearance of excess hormones through the glucuronidation pathway. Keep in mind that in liver detoxification, many of the substrates are xenobiotics such as pollutants and excess estrogens. Calcium d-glucarate is an essential part of the detoxification process by preventing the recycling of potentially harmful environmental toxins and excess estrogenic hormones while promoting liver detoxification. EGCg is one of the most extensively studied green tea polyphenols. Green tea supports detoxification by enhancing the glucuronidation pathway and offers many other benefits such as helping to modulate blood glucose control and providing antioxidant, neuroprotective, and cancer-protective properties. As health care providers, we know that everyone can benefit from detoxification, yet countless patients shy away from it. This is probably because many programs are difficult to follow, and truthfully, they just don’t taste good. Educating patients about manageable and palatable detox programs is key so they can reap the abundant health benefits such as increased energy, deeper sleep, reduced joint pain, improved weight loss, better focus and memory, improved sex drive, and improved digestion.

Purchase designs for health supplements at The Sporting Club Café or at our E-store section on our website



MATT PIPPIN Master Trainer

Matt is a Strength and Conditioning Coach and Fascial Stretch Therapist with over 10 years experience in his field. After years of playing sports as a child, Matt gained an interest

CORRECTING BAD POSTURE When you sit at a desk all day, lug around a heavy purse or briefcase, or lounge on the couch all Sunday watching football, your fascial tissue is being compromised. Fascial tissue is a structure of connective tissue that surrounds muscles, groups of muscles, blood vessels, and nerves. It binds some structures together while permitting others to slide smoothly over each other. By holding these less than ideal positions for long periods of time, our fascial tissue will begin to slide and shift to make these movements, like sitting at a computer easier. Although our bodies are accommodating these positions to make our lives easier, this sliding and shifting creates issues. Once we have gotten out of our chair, our tissues have

already adjusted, shoulders are internally rotated, upper back is rounded, neck is pushed forward, and pelvis is tilted backward. This is not a good look for anyone. After work we try to go exercise, and since our bodies have adjusted to the sedentary desk position, an injury is more likely to occur, usually involving the shoulder. Most athletic movements require an external rotation of the shoulder but our fascial tissue is difficult to adjust to this movement once it has been compromised. To address the injury, we try different band exercises that don’t hurt so we keep doing them but the problem only worsens because we aren’t addressing the real problem.

The solution is Fascial Stretch Therapy. By working with a certified Fascial Stretch Therapist, the tissue can be manipulated to slowly return the body back to homeostasis. Through traction of the joint, stretch waves, and PNF (proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation) functioning mobility can be restored. During a session, the therapist will also provide daily homework to help facilitate the healing process. Over time, provided daily homework is being done, fascial tissue will return to optimal alignment allowing pain free movement once again.

in health and wellness and decided to pursue a career in strength and conditioning. He graduated from the University of South Florida with a degree in Exercise Science in 2005. During college Matt played rugby and interned as a Strength and Conditioning Coach with the football team. Post graduation, he worked with professional athletes as the Head Strength and Conditioning Coach for NFL Europe’s Berlin Thunder. For the last 8 years, Matt has worked in Chicago, IL at the East Bank Club as a Master Personal Trainer, Performance Coach and Fascial Stretch Therapist helping athletes and weekend warriors achieve there personal goals. Inspired by the overall quality and active lifestyle that California is known for, Matt and his wife Jennifer moved to San Diego in the summer of 2014 and haven’t looked back!


COMBAT SITTING DISEASE WITH PILATES REFORMERS Are you tired of feeling stiff and achy? Do you feel tension throughout your body and wonder why? Well, you can blame it on your chair! When your body is sedentary it tends to tense up your obliques and other trunk muscles. The lack of movement weakens the muscles in the trunk and limits your range of motion and spinal stability, which leads to aches and pains. How can you fix it? By restoring the muscles in the trunk and core with functional movement patterns or exercises. Pilates is an excellent form of functional exercise. It is designed to improve everyday posture and restore the natural curves of the spine. One of the best ways to restore your trunk muscles and spinal mobility is through lateral flexion and rotation exercises which fall under the umbrella term ‘Core Strength.’ Lateral flexion, or moving your body from side to side, creates space between the vertebrae by strengthening the internal obliques and erector spinae. Rotational exercises, or twisting,

increase the range of motion naturally occurring in the spine, with an emphasis on thoracic mobility (or upper back). Your thoracic spine is responsible for 60-70% of rotatory movement where your lumbar (lower back) is responsible for 10-15% of rotary movements. According to physical therapist Shirley Sahrmann, author of Diagnosis and Treatment of Movement Impairment Syndromes, “During most daily activities, the primary role of the abdominal muscles is to provide isometric support and limit the degree of rotation of the trunk…A large percentage of low back problems occur because the abdominal muscles are not maintaining tight control over the rotation between the pelvis and the spine at the L5- S1 level.” Therefore, the pilates method uses core strength exercises such, as lateral flexion and rotation, to rehabilitate the muscles in the trunk and spine.

to strengthen your core and trunk muscles. Part A of the mermaid, or the, ‘sidebend,’ is strictly lateral flexion and works your internal/external obliques and erector spinae to strengthen and stabilize the trunk muscles. Part B, the Hawk, levels up the sidebend by adding rotation of the thoracic spine. When you add the rotation of the upper back, what you are really working is your core to strengthen your internal/external obliques and rectus abdominus to increase the natural rotation of the spine. The stronger your core, the better your spine and trunk will be able to move and stabilize. So contact me to try the Mermaid and say bye-bye to stiff achy pains.

JILL PORDY Pilates Instructor

Jill is a certified Zenga instructor through Stott Pilates which marries the Stott Pilates method with yoga philosophy. Jill is also a certified holistic Health Coach through the Institute of Integrative Nutrition and has studied over a hundred dietary theories.

The exercise series in pilates called, “Mermaid,” is beneficial because it combines lateral flexion and rotary movements

Jump Start


January 19,21,23,26,28,30

• Meets 3x/week, MWF • Includes 14 Day Detox Supplementation by Designs for Health • 14 Day Nutritional Plan • Guidance and Motivation provided by our expert coaches • Efficient Strength Training Circuits designed to help you drop Body Fat • Recover weekly with a Yoga Session (included in the program) • Weekly Accountability & Support

To Sign up and/or for more information, contact Chris Guerrero at 4


THE SPA at The Sporting Club

Detoxify and Rejuvenate with Seaweed There is no food or plant on the planet more abundant in minerals and trace elements than seaweed. This is especially true of brown algae such as luminaria, focus, and ascophyllum species most often used in body treatments. Seaweed wraps are excellent for detoxifying. The magnesium and calcium levels of seaweed promote the elimination of trapped fluids and toxins that cause inflammation and contribute to cellulite. This makes it a great addition to any weight loss program. Seaweed treatments also have the amazing ability to improve the micro-capillary circulation to bring fresh nutrients and oxygen to the affected tissue causing the skin to look toned and firm. Our Yonka Phyto-Marine Slimming Treatment with Seaweed is a wonderful way to experience the miraculous benefits of seaweed. This luxurious treatment is applied with a personalized Yonka wrap with essential oils surrounding you in aromatherapy and marine therapy. Experience all the benefits from ocean seaweed including tightening, brightening and cellulite reduction. Our inclusive contouring treatment will soften and remineralize your skin with the healing properties found only in the unique seaweed from the French Brittany Coast.

Get 15% off our Yonka Phyto-Marine body wrap! A great way to enhance your weight loss program! Get 20% Off with personal training package.

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Get that gorgeous look for only $35 ask about extensions Book your appointment with Lexi now by calling 858.713.1866 Refer a friend to get a blow out for free


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Nathan L. Byrd Personal Trainer “Small disciplines repeated with consistency every day lead to great achievements gained slowly over time”. John C. Maxwell Nathan graduated from Clark College in Vancouver, WA with an Associative Arts degree in general education. While in college, he played basketball and excelled as an explosive athlete. After college Nathan turned to bodybuilding and has competed in two INBA Men’s Physique Body Building Competitions placing 1st in each. Nathan’s specialties include Weight-Loss Reduction, Mindset Development, Nutritional Expertise, Interval Training, Explosive Plyometric Training, Circuit Training, and Fully Functional Training. Nathan believes that change comes from within, Your thoughts become your words, your words become your actions, and your actions become your habits. Giving back with talents you have been blessed with is one of Nathan’s primary philosophies in order to create a lasting impact on this earth. Outside of the club, he enjoys spending time with his wife Lacey, traveling, hiking, biking, bowling, motivational speaking, and cooking. Certifications: • National Academy of Sports Medicine- Personal Training • CPR/AED



My challenges are physical and will-power related. I have hip and ankle problems that limit my range of motion and significant pain as well. The trainers, especially Susan, Matt, and Taylor, have taught me how to make modifications so I can still have a good workout, but not be in pain. My will-power with regard to my diet is an ongoing issue. Susan and Matt have been very supportive of my struggle to lose weight and have given me great advice and guidance.

that I try the small group classes to become familiar with the equipment and trainers. I tried Susan’s metabolic rehab class, Matt’s barbell class, and Taylor’s kettlebell class. Ding ding ding! After only 1 week of attending the small group classes, I realized that these classes provided several important pieces to my fitness puzzle: weight training mixed with cardio, expert trainers/coaches who were able to teach me the correct form of each exercise and provided modifications to deal with my hip and ankle pain, and a jolly group of new friends who were supportive and encouraging from Day One.



Before I joined The Sporting Club, it had been years since I regularly worked out at a gym. Joining TSC was a major commitment for me and I told myself that I would just join for a year to get back into the habit of working out. For the first six months, my main workout was cardio on the elliptical and treadmill, yet I had little to show for it in terms of fitness or weight loss. I became discouraged and started to skip my workout several days at a time at first, then weeks would go by in between workouts.

Once I made the commitment to come back to the club, I attended the small group classes every week day, listened to and followed what the trainers taught me, and really just tried my best to keep up with the other ladies in my group. We are all about the same age, but some of these women made me feel like an old lady because they were lifting double or triple the weights I was lifting or running circles around me while I panted and tried to keep up with them. Fear of failure and humiliation among peers can be a great motivator!

I must credit Linda Jones at The Sporting Club for noticing that I wasn’t coming in to work out regularly and calling me to find out what she or the gym could do to help me reach my fitness goals. I explained that my loss of interest in going to the gym was due to my lack of results so Linda suggested

The trainers, especially Susan, Matt, and Taylor, have been very helpful and patient with me, even though I was working with an injured hip and ankle (the pain of which, by the way, went away because I did the stretching and rolling exercises that Susan and

SUCCESS STORY Matt showed me). I appreciate that they are well-educated experts in their respective areas of fitness and I follow all of their directions and tips. I am usually the weakest and the slowest person in the group, but I get the same amount of respect and attention as the more advanced members of the classes. It takes a village to get me in shape and explain to me (some-

times over and over again) the proper form of an exercise move, what to eat, and keep me motivated! WHAT IS YOUR ADVICE TO OTHERS THAT MIGHT BE GOING THROUGH SIMILAR STRUGGLES? As the Nike ad says, Just Do It! Commit to coming into the gym and working out. Seek help from the trainers. Ask questions. Try a few of the classes, both Group

X and the small group classes in order to find out what kind of exercise you like. I recommend the small group classes because they are, well, SMALL and the trainer gets the opportunity to know you and your weaknesses and strengths and can make modifications to help you get the best results. In small group classes, you can get your questions answered and your form critiqued (in a good way) and you can also see if you

would like to work with a specific trainer in personal training sessions. I also think that working out with weights was a significant factor in my weight loss. HAVE YOU BEEN WORKING WITH A TRAINER? I have been fortunate to work with many great trainers through the small group classes, as well as personal one-on-one training with Susan, Matt, Taylor, and Justine.

I have worked most recently with Susan; she and I have just clicked as a team. I admire and respect her extensive knowledge of the body and how it works, and how she comes up with different ways to encourage and motivate me and keep me on track. What really impresses me is Susan’s continual quest for knowledge and learning as she works towards attaining her next professional and academic goal: a Ph.D. During

our one-on-one sessions I have learned a lot about the mindbody connection and body parts I didn’t even know existed! From the very beginning, Susan assured me that my health and fitness goals are attainable and has worked with me to bring a once-distant goal closer with every session. She has given me the tools to not only get fit, but also to alleviate pain. I no longer have piriformis pain and my ankle/foot problem has all but dis-

by Joy Lorenzana appeared. I continue to faithfully do the hip and groin exercises she has shown me, and the pain in that area has gone down about 60 percent. Susan knows every inch of the human body and can answer any question a newbie like me asks her. Funny story: I told Susan about a pain I was having in my leg and groin area and so she suggested I slowly roll out my IT band. As I slowly rolled my leg under her watchful eye, Susan said, “It should start to hurt right about now.” And it did! Very painfully! I asked her how she knew exactly where it would start hurting, and she began explaining about trigger points and sources of pain and where one muscle meets the other, etc. I was impressed! Susan really knows her stuff! I admire and trust her implicitly and have told her that when she graduates with her Ph.D in Physical Therapy, I plan on being her first official patient. Thanks to Susan and the other trainers in the small group classes, I have lost ten pounds, ten inches, and 1 jean size in 2 months. It may not sound like a lot, but visually, there is a big difference between how I look now and what I looked like a few months ago. There is an even bigger difference in my confidence and attitude, and in the way I move. I just feel better, and it shows. I am so happy I joined this gym and have the opportunity to train with great coaches like Susan and the rest of The Sporting Club team! Individually and collectively, they have made a huge difference in my life and my future. Thank you!


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