Health & Fitness at The Sporting Club

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SEPT /OCT 2015




THE SPORTING CLUB | 8930 University Center Lane, San Diego, CA 92122 | Ph 858.552.8000 |

Member Success Story WHAT HEALTH AND FITNESS CHALLENGES HAVE YOU EXPERIENCED? I had a back injury, torn disc - L5, in 2009 and had a couple of years in and out of pain that limited my activity and life. I stopped golfing, playing tennis and riding my motorcycle. After a second re-injury, when I could hardly stand up, I decided I needed to take serious action and began a twice per week workout schedule in June of 2011. Since then, I have been working out with a trainer regularly and have not experienced an injury or period of disability with my back. Now I train three times a week. WHAT MADE YOU DECIDE TO MAKE A CHANGE? After years of sitting and being sporadically active, my core strength had dramatically declined, leading to my injury. In 2009, I was in the chiropractics office twice a week for years due to neck and shoulder pain. I felt like my adjustments weren’t holding, as my muscles were underdeveloped. My physical decline was impacting sports and other activities I enjoyed.

by Sharon Burrus

HOW HAVE YOU OVERCOME THESE CHALLENGES? By committing to training and doing more focused stretching, I’ve increased my body awareness. For example, how I sit, stand, bend, and lift. Now I feel like I know my bad habits and am able to self correct them thanks to the coaching I’ve received. I have greater awareness about how I’m moving and what I need to do to loosen up and self correct if my muscles are tight. I travel with my balls and bands, so I have what I need to take care of myself. WHAT IS YOUR ADVICE TO OTHERS THAT MIGHT BE GOING THROUGH SIMILAR STRUGGLES? You don’t have to baby your back or live a life of limited strength and mobility. Get professional help and get your program started! You need to commit to your program so you can live an active life – which includes picking up heavy things from the ground, lifting kids, and suitcases etc. Don’t settle for limited mobility and range of motion.

WHO HAVE YOU BEEN TRAINING WITH AT THE SPORTING CLUB? I work out with Elyssa T. three times per week and sometimes do her Tuesday yoga class, as my schedule allows . She brings a dynamic combination of her knowledge of strength training along with mind/body awareness and nutrition, together with her passion and knowledge of yoga, she delivers a wonderfully diverse and beneficial fitness program to her clients. I’ve also worked with Matt P. on individualized stretching and assistance to release adhesions in the fascia and increase mobility. I’ve noticed an increase in flexibility and

decrease in stiffness. It’s made a big difference in my workouts too. HOW HAS WORKING WITH A TRAINER/COACH HELPED YOU IN YOUR FITNESS JOURNEY? I started training with Elyssa in December 2014. During my time with Elyssa, I’ve lost 20lbs and obviously many inches, and I feel more confident in my strength abilities than I ever have before. I recently dead lifted 135lbs, and can go to yoga class without fear of back sensitivity thanks to her knowledge and coaching. I’m grateful for her coaching and help to achieve my goals. Thank you Elyssa!

Help Us Conserve 4 years into California’s severe drought, we are faced with dwindling water reservoirs and hotter months. We chose to lend our hand in conservation by limiting our water usage. We ask you help us as well. Thank you for the support. #everydropcounts




HOW TO BEAT THE 3PM WORK DAY SUGAR CRAVINGS Many people suffer cravings for sweets, especially right around 3:00 to 4:00 pm, and, there is no question working in an office can exacerbate these cravings. The causes of your cravings can vary widely, but chief among them are hormonal imbalances of insulin and serotonin, unhealthy dieting, adrenal fatigue (AKA Stress) and premenstrual syndrome. To fully combat the root cause of sugar cravings you may need to consult at least one doctor since specific steps for stopping or decreasing cravings depend on an accurate diagnosis. However, most doctors agree that there are some basic steps each of us can take to minimize the cravings we tend to have later in the afternoon. STEP 1 - Improve your diet overall. There are several ways to do this, but the following may help with sugar cravings in particular: • Eat more protein and fat, both of which make you feel full and satisfied. • Have small, frequent meals to help keep your blood sugar level stable and eliminate your body’s need for a quick sugar fix. • Avoid skipping meals (especially breakfast). • Take a daily multivitamin. Some nutrients help keep blood sugar stable, so ensure balance by supplementing your diet appropriately.

STEP 2 - Skip artificial sweeteners. Artificial sweeteners, like Saccharin or Aspartame, have not been demonstrated to curb cravings for actual sugar, and may present a higher risk of cancer. These sweeteners have also not demonstrated effectiveness in limiting obesity among users. STEP 3 - Chew sugar-free gum. The next time you have a craving, reach for a stick of gum instead of chocolate. Research shows that chewing gum can decrease cravings and consumption of sweets.

STEP 4 - Remove temptations. Go through your refrigerator and food pantry. Get rid of the cakes, ice cream, cookies, etc. When you go food shopping, make a conscious effort not to buy sweets. A good habit to get into is to take a walk instead of eating dessert. If, after 10 minutes, you still want sweets, brush your teeth. The aftertaste doesn’t mix well with sweets and you’ll probably lose your craving quickly. STEP 5 - Get active. Yes, plan a workout or light physical activity after work. Knowing you will be doing something that requires physical activity at the end of the workday can encourage

healthier food choices during the day, which will help minimize the cravings. Make it a habit.

Article by

Tricia Moore

Join Tricia on our Group X Classes to learn more about healthy life styles and being fit.


Roll and Release Workshop with Jenny Opaka

September 26 | 9-11am Rolling on a ball? Really? Can this seriously help alleviate pain? Can it help improve athletic performance? Can it help with weight loss? The answer to all of these questions is yes. All from rolling on a ball? The key word is HELP. Strategically rolling on a ball can assist your body with many changes. While nothing can replace the amazing work of a massage therapist, a pilates trainer, a yoga teacher or a chiropractor, rolling on a ball is a supportive tool that complements the work that these practitioners provide. I have developed the Roll and Release Method from my experience of over 20 years of working with thousands of clients. This method truly helps you help yourself. What does rolling around on a ball have to do with alleviating my pain? To begin with - everything. Our bodies are composed of a variety of tissue (muscle, connective, myofascial, etc.). For many reasons, the tissue can become tight and stagnant. By simply rolling out the tissue of your body you will: • • • • • • • • • •

Release tension Improve circulation Facilitate the healing process Increase range of motion Restore alignment Assist in the healing of injured tissue Aesthetically tone and elongate the muscles Stimulate the vital organs Boost metabolism Improve posture

Regardless of how conscious or athletic you may be, you still have tight, stagnant tissue in our bodies - everyone does. These stagnant areas cause the tissues to bind together, decreasing range of motion, blood flow and performance. By Rolling and Releasing, you liberate the tissue, allowing the tissue to hydrate and heal, giving you a body that is longer, stronger and lighter. With a sustained Roll and Release routine you feel aligned, lengthened and lifted. Once the Release occurs, the body is free of any tight tissue that was getting in the way of bringing it into optimal 4


alignment. You can begin to position and train your body to learn core stability and alignment. The core is the center of your foundation for strength and stabilization through the pelvis and spine. You can then move outward to the joint systems of the arms and legs. This work requires patience with yourself and the mindset to learn about and truly discover your body. It is well worth the effort, as the end result is living in a body that is healthy and vivacious. Roll and Release allows your body to find a state of optimal performance by elongating the spine and protecting your joints so that they may have optimal shock absorption and full range of motion for increased performance, which translates to effectively burning more calories and gaining lean muscle tissue. Once you Roll and Release, any kind of physical activity will be easier and your workouts will be more effective. Whenever I create a fitness program for a client, I look at every exercise and weigh out the benefit of risk of injury and effectiveness of it. In developing the Roll and Release Method, I have increased my clients’ benefits/results and decreased their risk of injury for today and many years to come.

Sign up at the Service Desk, or e-mail Jenny Opaka for more information at $50 Members | $70 Non-Members

Reminiscing Saturday Night Fever Pool Party

Find more photos of the event at our facebook page, 5

Alex has always had an interest in the human body and its capabilities so he set out to learn everything he could about both. He earned his B.S. in Kinesiology with an emphasis as a Fitness Specialist in May 2014 and shortly after he earned his personal training certification through the National Academy of Sports Medicine. His goal as a coach is simple; help clients achieve their goals. This entails a lot more than just telling clients what to do, but also listening to what they want to do and can do, and helping them realize their true potential even when they think they’ve reached their limit. Alex has always lived an active lifestyle whether playing sports or working out. It all changed when he started studying at San Diego State. He worked full time, went to school full time, and served in leadership positions in two different organizations. He had no time to spare and no energy to do anything after his day. Sound familiar? He finally decided to make a change and not only talk the talk, but walk the walk. Now in his spare time he makes it a priority to continue living the active lifestyle he once had before college. He enjoys staying active by surfing, playing pick-up games of any sport, and working out at the beach. He uses that same drive and determination from college to fuel his passion for learning, making it a goal to discover something new every day.

Check out your Coaches representing our club at Perform Better Fitness Summit this past August!




Alex Ghahremani-Kat

Coach of the Quarter

Welcome to The Sporting Club

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6 Things you didn’t know about Roy Niles 1. What is your favorite sport team(s)? San Francisco 49ers. 2. What is your best advice for gym novices? You must make healthy, clean eating during the week a lifestyle commitment while still leaving some room for fun cheat foods in moderation on the weekends. Exercise, both cardiovascular and weight training, have to be scheduled into your week just like any other appointment to make a full lifestyle change. 3. What is your favorite outdoor activity? Hiking and backpacking. 4. What is your favorite food dish? Any spicy Thai dish. 5. What motivates you to be a Coach? Building lasting relationships and seeing my clients succeed motivates me as a coach. Many of my clients have worked with me for 5 to 14 years and have seen the full spectrum of goals achieved, setbacks, and goals re-achieved! It’s the simple things, such as seeing a chronic pain client no longer in pain, that bring me incredible satisfaction in my job. 6. If you could be any fictional character for a day who would you be? My fictional character would be Indiana Jones because at first glance he is a shy professor who likes to teach, but when unleashed he is capable of heroic acts and incredible adventures!


Discover Wellness at The Spa This full service spa will pamper, soothe and revitalize your soul. It’s a relaxing and indulgent atmosphere with delicate blends of natural ingredients and the healing power of touch. The spa is comprised of six luxurious treatment

HydraFacial Fa ll Promotion

50min for $125 (reg. price $185) & purchase a HydraFacial kit with a 10% discount. Visit the Spa Desk to book your appointment Monday through Friday 10am-6pm or call 858.713.1866 *Offer valid through September 30th, 2015. Not to be combined with any other specials.

rooms for massage, body treatments, facials, waxing, spray tans, makeup and home care products to continue your experience after you leave. We have separate women’s and men’s facilities with showers, steam and dry saunas, Jacuzzis with lockers, spa robes and slippers. The Spa at The Sporting Club boasts some of the most experienced massage therapists and estheticians in the spa industry today. The tenure of several team members exceeds 20 years! We are proud to provide you a complete menu of customizable treatment options provided by some of the finest talent in the industry. Take advantage of our fall promotions before it is too late.


New Featured Items Smoked turkey w/ tomato, avocado, sprouts, onion, Swiss cheese and honey mustard on Organic honey wheat bread (Dave's Killer Bread). It's both healthy and delicious.

Start your day off with our new breakfast sandwich. Southwest turkey, onion, tomato, avocado, touch of mayonnaise, pepper-jack cheese with a hard boiled egg on a croissant.

Pre-order your meal at 858-212-7325 7

SEMINAR THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15th | 6:30-7:30PM • • • •

Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) are toxic chemicals that adversely affect human health and the environment around the world. More than 80,000 chemicals are introduced into the world each year. Your indoor environment is likely TWICE as polluted as your outdoor environment. The average adult has roughly 700 different contaminants present in the body.

No matter how “clean” you eat…. you still need a detox that works to remove toxicity from the body.

Interested in learning more? Sign up at the Fitness Desk (2nd floor). No cost.

INVISALIGN with Dr. Bob The invisible way to straighten teeth Only $4500* for full-mouth case. Special offer for:



The Sporting Club Members *Usual fee $5400-6000

Invisible, removable, comfortable, and affordable Call us for a Free Consultation! 858.558.8590 or visit us at The Aventine, 8910 University Center Lane, Suite 670 San Diego, CA 92122 | Bob Takano DDS, Carolyn White DDS | Tel: 858.558.8590

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