Sporting Lodge
FANTASTIC ARCTIC FOX If you’re looking for a piece of iconic outerwear to keep you comfortable in 2017, you could do a lot worse than turn your attention to Fjallraven.
A look at the legendary American outdoor brand that was born out of the boom of the Gold Rush
Find out how this classic British bag brand made its way from Halesowen to Hollywood
FROM ROYALTY TO RATTLESNAKES Read the intriguing stories behind three of this season’s finest boot brands
THANKS for welcoming the first ever Lodger into your home, hopefully we’ll become a well loved member of the family rather than annoying you by squeezing the wrong end of the toothpaste tube or putting empty bottles of milk back in the fridge. The reason for this brand new seasonal publication is to allow us to showcase the provenance and passion behind the fantastic brands that we are so proud to stock here at the Sporting Lodge
In this issue we’ll tell you all about three of best boot brands in the world, why American brand Filson think you deserve only the best, how Klattermusen clothing fares when worn all the way up a Swedish mountain, what makes Fjallraven so brilliant as well as an introduction to British institutions Brady and Barbour.
GETTING THE BOOT The foundation for any outfit
should always start with your footwear whether heading out for
a day in the field or braving the big city, your feet should come
first. When the mercury plummets and the cold nights draw in, a
beautifully made pair of boots should be your first consideration if you’re aiming to look good whilst
staying warm and dry. So here at
the Lodger we’ve decided to focus
on three of our favourite brands who are really going places when it
comes to finding three of the best boots there are.
FIT FOR A LADY In the heart of Galway on
aristocrats as lovers, Jeanne
Ireland’s breath-takingly
eventually married Comte
beautiful West coast lies the
Guillaume du Barry in 1768
small town of Ballinasloe.
and thus becoming Madame
Located at a crossing point
du Barry. In the same year
of the river Suck the town
she attracted the attention of
has been meeting place
Louis XV whilst on an errand
since ancient times and
at the palace and became one
is also home to one of the
of France’s most well-known
oldest horse fairs in Europe.
courtesans as well as Louis’s
It was in this bucolic setting
that the company Dubarry
was established in 1937 to
Aside from French aristocracy
providee local employment
further inspiration for Dubarry
for the growing population. In
came from the wild West
those early days the company
coast of Ireland and Galway’s
drew on the expertise of the
impressive sailing heritage
hard working craftsmen
as well as the magnificent
and women to design and
countryside surrounding
manufacture fine leather
them. Nearly 80 years on
the company’s continued
reputation that would spread
success has seen them expand
far and wide.
their footwear range as well
as incorporating premium The name Dubarry was
performance clothing and
chosen by the owners as they
accessories into the brand.
were seeking to differentiate
They’ve also spread their
themselves from other Irish
wings further afield to create
brands as well as wanting
an international sourcing
to introduce a continental
network to provide them
European flavour to their
with the highest standards,
new enterprise. The source of
materials and designs for each
inspiration being one Jeanne
of their products.
Been was born in Lorraine,
Dubarry of Ireland’s most
daughter of Anne Becu, a
popular ladies boot ‘the
woman of enticing beauty,
Galway’ is a classic example
who despite her humble
of how their expertise is used
beginnings as a seamstress saw
to perfectly merge together
her become a well respected
luxury with high performance
and highly privileged member
functionality. Creating a pair
of the palace of Versailles’s
of finely crafted boots that are
decadent entourage during
built to last and will look at
18th century. Using her
home when worn in both town
striking looks to take several
and country.
TH IS CHARMOT MAN On a rainy day in Cherbourg
of master craftsmen from
nearly 90 years ago bootmaker
Normandy travelling over
Claude Chamot sat down with
to ensure the same high
his customers - a group of
Charmot standards were
hardworking farmers, hunters
upheld. During this time the
and fishermen to get some
brand name altered slightly
feedback on his footwear.
with Charmot changing to Le
It wasn’t the most positive
Chameau the French word for
meeting with their main gripe
camel, to reflect their new
being that his boots just weren’t
African-based premises.
comfortable or durable enough
to meet the rigorous demands
Today Le Chameau remains
of their strenuous work.
a company who continue to
set the industry standard
ringing in his ears Claude
was determined to create a
boot that would survive the onslaught of hard manual
work both at sea and on land. Using natural rubber to make his prototypes he asked friends and family to test them out,
refining as he went along he received unanimously positive
feedback on the comfortable fit of the boots and their
improved strength.
Word soon spread about
for quality and innovation
on a global scale and whose master craftsmen still have to
undertake an intensive nine months of training. Though
their style-conscious boots
are incredibly popular in the highly demanding worlds of
outdoor professionals, sporting
connoisseurs and other rural
pursuits, all their footwear is still covered by a two-year warranty.
Though something of an
Claude’s pioneering boots
institution in France Le
across the whole of France
Chameau is also a well respected
and by 1939 he’d set up his
choice of boot for those of us
own workshop in Normandy
in Britain who take looking
in order to meet demands.
good and feeling comfortable
Now working on a larger scale
seriously whilst appreciating
Claude personally ensured
their handcrafted quality and
his craftsmen maintained
range of personalised fits.
the exceptional levels of high
With the Duke and Duchess
quality that his reputation
of Cambridge and even David
had been built on. Ten years
Beckham having been spotted
later the business expanded
recently enjoying the outdoors
further by opening a factory
and looking tres chic in their Le
in Casablanca, with a team
Chameau wellingtons.
#MUCKIN ABOUT For the final section in our trinity
very comfortable fit as well as
the old saying of‘Where there’s
providing greater flexibility
muck there’s brass’ should be
and protection thanks to the
altered to ‘Where there’s Muck
exterior layer of rubber and
there’s class’ when describing
tough outsole. Muckology
the brilliant boot-smiths at the
also ensures that feet will
Original Muck Boot company.
stay incredibly warm, with
Something of a new boot
some graded to cope with
on the block the Muck story
temperatures as low as -40
begins back in 1999 when the
degrees! Which are exactly
company set out to make a more
the type of properties the
comfortable type of waterproof
Muck boot customer requires
boot for use in messy and tough
for walking dogs in the rain,
conditions. Despite still being a
standing in deep rivers waiting
relatively young brand they now
for fish to bite, attending day
have over 60 styles of footwear
long shoots in warmth and
all designed to keep the wearer
comfort as well as attending
warm, dry and comfortable in
to stables in the early hours
the harshest conditions and
of the morning.
able to get on with their day
whatever the environment
Muckology also includes
throws at them.
some other rather interesting additional properties that
Aside from their stylish
have been incorporated into
good looks these upmarket
their stylish wellingtons. For
wellingtons also stand out from
example, believe it or not a
the crowd thanks to something
number of Muck’s US products
have actually been ‘balloon
‘muckology’. That may sound
tested’ on rattlesnakes in order
like an album by Prince, but
to avoid any nasty surprises
actually refers to the myriad of
whilst wading through snake
useful features and technical
country. Whilst some also
materials that go into their
have scent masking properties
super functional footwear.
that will allow you to stalk
Muck boots are constructed
your target safe from the fear
using a full neoprene sock
of being sniffed out by your
over which the rubber is then
prey. With their classic good
overlaid ensuring that they
looks, ability to stay cool and
So there you have it, who would have thought that the stories
are 100% waterproof and
dry (like a Martini) alongside
behind three of the world’s finest boot brands would include
breathable unlike traditional
a pretty much indestructible
Moroccan camels, royal mistresses and being bitten by
rubber wellies. With the foot
construction, Muck boots
rattlesnakes?! Whether you’re up in the saddle, down in the
being surrounded by neoprene
really are like the James Bond
city or somewhere in between, stay warm and stylish in a pair
this method also makes for a
of the boot world.
of boots from the Sporting Lodge.
brand have
J.Barbour and Sons Ltd was founded by Scottish native John Barbour in South Shields, England in 1894. He began by supplying oilskins and other garments to protect the growing community of sailors, fishermen and dockers from the worst of the North Sea weather. In 1908, John’s son, Malcolm Barbour introduced a mail order catalogue which attracted orders from far and wide. Using a mail order catalogue helped cement Barbour as the go-to guys for reliable outdoor clothing. By 1917,75% of their orders were made via the mail order catalogue.
Fast forward to the modern era and in 2004, Barbour began to work with Lord James Percy in the design and marketing of its flagship shooting clothing range the Northumberland range. Technically advanced and highly acclaimed in 2005, the Northumberland Range won the Shooting Industry Award for best clothing product, and more recently, the Linhope 3-in-i won the Shooting Industry Award for best clothing product, 2008. More recently James was involved, alongside Vice Chairman Helen Barbour, in designing the new Barbour Sporting collection launched for Autumn Winter 2011. In 2016, Barbour won the New Ladies Shooting Product at the Shooting Industry Awards for their Carter Wool jacket.
There are now over 5,000 products across the two seasons, and the collections now cater for men, ladies, children and dogs. Broadening out from its countrywear roots, today the heritage and lifestyle clothing brand produces clothing that is designed for a full lifestyle whether it’s in the city or country. As well as jackets and coats, the Barbour wardrobe includes trousers, shirts, socks, knitwear and a range of accessories.
Nevertheless, in whichever area the company now operates, it remains true to its core values as a family business which espouses the unique values of the British Countryside and brings the qualities of wit, grit and glamour to its beautifully functional clothing.
All images © Barbour
If you’re looking for a piece of iconic outerwear to keep you comfortable in the depths of British winter, you could do a lot worse than turn your attention to Fjallraven. Having cemented their reputation as an authority on design via their work in the 1960s, the modern day Fjallraven is a progressive brand with that same desire to make things better at its heart.
Founded in i960, Fjallraven is a veteran at coping with the outdoors. The brand began like many of its
counterparts, with problem
solving at its heart. That simple backpack created by Ake Nordin all those years ago has been joined by a full
range of serious outdoor clothing and accessories, and while jackets like the
Greenland have become
iconic, its that original bag which lends its DNA to the brand in the current era.
When things are ubiquitous,
The same can be said for Fjallraven in general, in fact the only thing we can’t quite
get our heads around is how
it’s usually for a reason.
to pronounce it correctly,
The Kanken bag enjoys
which is fitting for a brand
born in Ornskoldsvik.
perhaps due to having nailed the middle ground between
Try saying that with a mouth
function and style. Like any good design, whether
ful of Kendal Mint cake!
it be a car or an item of furniture, the Kanken has been gently evolved with the times, and there are now variations which include
laptop compartments and other useful additions.
The Kanken also comes in a number of subtle styles,
known bright colours to a more understated, grown up version which utilises leather and more muted colours. There’s something
for everyone. It’s a clear example of form following function and looking great
as a by product. Everything
about the Kanken is clear, considered and concise.
Whether it’s a monster of a padded down jacket, such as the all-conquering Barents Parka, something with a distinct military feel like the Singi Trekking Parka, or a utlitarian, sporty jacket like the Skogso, Fjallraven is a brand you can trust to get the job done with minimum fuss. Outdoor enthusiasts of both genders are catered for too, and in the Raven winter jacket there’s an
ideal example of Fjallraven’S feminine side. Like their fellow countrymen Ikea and Volvo, the emphasis is on creating something unfussy and eminently usable. All elemental eventualities are covered by Fjallraven.
TROUSERS Widely acknowledged by those in the know as the best on the market, the selection of legwear offered by Fjallraven is popular for a reason. Outdoor icon Ray Mears will more-oftenthan-not be seen sporting a pair whether he’s deep in the thick of the jungle or trekking across a barren desert wasteland. Winning numerous awards for design and sustainability, the ethos of the Fjallraven is perhaps most evident in their trousers.
KLATTERMUSEN Good friends of the Sporting Lodge and editors of popular menswear publication ‘Proper Magazine’ Mark Smith and Neil Summers recently took off for an expedition up Areskutan mountain in central Sweden. Both were kitted out in entirely in clothing from Klattermusen, whose HQ happens to lie at the bottom of this imposing mountain. Though already big fans of Klattermusen the lads wanted to see whether the products performed as well as they looked by testing them out in their natural habitat. Neil picks up the rest of the story from here: Having worn Klattermusen throughout the harsh environment of a Mancunian winter with absolutely no problems I was pretty sure that it would also be fit for purpose whilst hiking up a big Swedish mountain. Though with the escalators at Piccadilly train station being the furthest ascent I’d achieved so far there was no way of genuinely knowing if it would perform just as well ‘in the field’.
After being kitted out with a backpack, a tent, three different jackets and a bag of cinnamon buns at Klattermusen HQ we started the ascent in bright afternoon sunshine and were grateful for the eventual arrival of some cloud cover after a couple of hours. At this point we dived into our backpacks and dug out our lightweight jackets just in time for
some light rainfall before continuing on our quest passing only a lone hiker and a fell runner along the way. By around 7pm we decided to pitch up and make camp on top of a neighbouring mountain
whose peak jutted out from the side of Areskutan which, though easy to get to provided little in the way of a smooth surfaces to sleep on. By this time the temperature had dropped somewhat and with us sitting around preparing and eating food it was time to layer up with down jackets and hats enabling us to as relax and took in the astounding views.
Despite the odd slip on some rubble and the surprise appearance of some
snow we eventually made it to the top of Areskutan to be treated to an
unbelievable panoramic view and a rousing congratulatory speech from
our guide on how we had completed a ‘black route’ that few local people
ever attempt. Whilst the trip provided some lifelong
memories it also proved even city slickers can make it up a mountain
with the right gear. Klattermusen
The next morning after a windbattered night’s sleep and filling up our flasks from a small lake we set out to conquer the rest of the mountain where the terrain became on the whole rockier and gradually more vertical.
works perfectly. Though now I’ve
proved I can reach the peak it, I’m going to retire from my successful if
short-lived mountaineering career, however I’ll continue to brave the fierce Mancunian winters in Klattermusen.
The famous name, Beretta, has been
manufacturing the finest quality guns since the sixteenth century, a feat which lists them as one of the oldest manufacturing
companies in the world.
Historical research has shown that in 1526,
Mastro Bartolomeo Beretta of Gardone
received 296 ducats as payment for 185
arquebus barrels sold to the Arsenal of Venice. As the Beretta name became known for
uncompromising quality, design, materials,
construction and performance, word spread beyond the Italian borders, establishing a lasting tradition that has carried on through
fifteen generations of the Beretta family.
THE BRADY BUNCH The Brady brothers John and Albert started their company in Birmingham in 1887 having begun making leather goods in the 1870s. While they eventually made their name in fishing and game bags, it was their leather gun cases which first announced them to the outdoor community.
the entire business suffered serious upheaval. Ernest moved production to his home where he worked alongside a stitcher and machinist. Eventually, heavy bombing of the region meant another relocation was necessary and roots were put down in Halesowen in the Black Country.
John’s son, Ernest and Albert’s son, Leonard both joined Brady Brothers later and in 1928 Ernest took over the business.
As Brady sought to re-establish itself as the leading bag maker in post-war Britain, Ernest took the unusual step of building a caravan and taking his family on a road trip which led to London. While there he took his products into as many retailers as he could find and took orders which would prove to be a tremendous boon for the business.
The business grew from strength to strength under Ernest’s tutelage and in the 1930’s Ernest and Leonard moved to larger premises in Shadwell Street in the heart of Birmingham’s gun quarter. It was there Ernest first designed and personally made a range of fishing bags all named after English rivers. These bags came to personify the brand and gave them a strong identity on which to foster a prosperous future. Brady gun cases became another mainstay of the brand and were coveted by the great and good, from the Sultan of Oman to the Duke of Westminster.
In what would seem an unlikely turn of events, Leonard sought to make his name in Hollywood and perhaps unsurprisingly his keen craftsmanship helped him establish himself as a prop maker in the film industry. In the middle part of 20th century, the war effort meant the focus of Brady shifted and
With a fine tradition for using the best materials, including canvas and leather, Brady continue to be based just north of Birmingham in Walsall. Their values hold true and when many brands are transplanting their production overseas, Brady remains steadfast in its belief in British manufacturing. While the family took a step back in the 1990s, they kept the same ethos key to the future of Brady by passing the company into expert hands, based in the same region. The Sporting Lodge have long been proud members of the Brady Bunch, having had a working relationship with the brand for more than half a century. Long may that continue. If they keep making great bags there’s no reason why not.
MIGHT AS WELL HAVE THE BEST Filson may have been around for several lifetimes, but it’s a new introduction for us here at the Sporting Lodge. Clinton C. Filson spent the early part of his working life as a railroad conductor, before moving to Seattle, Washington in the 1890s. It was here where the real roots of Filson began, when Clinton set up a small loggers outfitting store. In a scene which was mirrored in many parts of the U.S in this era, Filson made its name meeting the needs of prospectors passing through Seattle on their way to the Klondike Gold Rush. The brand eventually got itself on a solid footing in 1897 and although the gold rush was relatively short-lived, it cemented the brand as a reliable supplier of clothing and accessories which would stand the test of time. After the gold rush ended around 1899, Filson shifted to providing gear for outdoor oriented activities and occupations including hunting, fishing and logging.
In the modern day, Filson continues to enjoy an unrivalled reputation in its field. In the early 90s, its heritage in canvas luggage was revived, while more recently in 2010 it fittingly partnered up with another brand born of the gold rush to create Levi’s Workwear by Filson. While the brand may be rooted in 19th century values in some ways, it’s very much a modern entity. They keep things close to home by manufacturing in the U.S more often than not. Indeed, some of their materials are source in the United Kingdom, too.
With slogans such as ‘Unfailing Goods’ and ‘Built to Last’ running through their veins, Filson have a unique confidence in the gear they make. It’s perhaps their best known tagline which sums them up most accurately though - “Filson - Might as well have the best”.
“The goods we quote must not be confounded with the cheap and vastly inferior grade with which the market is over-run. Such goods are not only useless for the purpose for which they are intended, but the person wearing them would be better off without them.” - Clinton C. Filson, 1914 catalogue
WHAT WORKED THEN, STILL WORKS NOW Over the years, Filson’s philosophy has never changed: Make sure it’s the absolute best. Clinton Filson spent a lot of time talking to his customers and refining his designs to their specifications. So it’s not surprising that the items that worked then still work today, over too years later. Comfort, protection and durability never go out of style.
the Lodger 2017
CROSSWORD Use the cryptic clues to complete our word puzzle, which just like the Sporting Lodge is filled with the best brand-names in the world.
ACROSS: 3 4 8
10 12
13 14 16 18 19 20
French camel (2,7) Dirty, four-letter word (4) Where you’d go to get your hair-cut or maybe buy some wax (7) A sporting goods bunch (5) Surname of actor who definitely wasn’t the messiah (7) What a fish does best (5) Scandinavian snow fox (10) Sounds (a bit) like they’re open all hours (8) French bird of prey (5) Conjuring cobblers (8) An impressive cannon of work that dates back to the 16th century (7)
DOWN Comparable cameras (5) Patsy’s name back when she was a spy (6) Swedish mouse that’s going place (12) A place to live on the Anglo-Scottish border (5,2,7) 7 Discreet, decorated pale War hero (7,5,2) 9 Plenty of Mr Manilow’s fans would like to... (7) 11 Make sure your male child has had enough to eat (6) 15 German messer-smiths (5)
1 2 5 6
See for answers
orn in 1930, George MacFarlaine was raised in India in the days of the
learned to speak fluent Hindi and Urdu and write Sanskrit and travelled by ocean liner to study engineering in Scotland. After qualifying in engineering, India Raj. When he was just six years beckoned once again. On his return to old, George was accompanying his Bombay, George bought his first gun elders on shooting forays to the a Westley Richards which was one of inland marshes and on hunting four belonging to an Indian Maharajah.
guns including rare multi-barrelled shotguns in particular, the three-barrel single trigger ejector shotgun. We have also sourced the finest English and continental sporting guns, clothing and accessories for sports men and women, industrialists and royalty throughout the world.
trips to the jungles for big game hunting in Northern India. He
attended Sherwood College, a boarding school in the foothills of
the Himalayas where he excelled
in science, art and boxing. When he was 18 years old he left the tropical climes of India where he had
In the 1960s George settled with his family in the beautiful English Lake District where MacFarlaine Sports (later rebranded to The Sporting Lodge) was established as a bespoke gun making business and supplier of the finest shooting and sporting accessories. Using the finest craftsmen and materials, the family created a range of sporting
Sadly, George died in 2000 leaving a great collection of fine rare vintage shotguns and one of the largest collection of multi-barrelled guns in the world.
Advances in technology now allow us to offer our knowledge, products and service to a larger audience worldwide. The Sporting Lodge is our online shop
window which continues to supply our customers with the same attention to detail. We have been working with many of our suppliers for many years and stock products we believe offer excellent value for money. BARBOUR / BERETTA / BOKER / BRADY / LE CHAMEAU / CHAPMAN / DUBARRY / ENGLISH UTOPIA / FAILSWORTH / FILSON /