Issue 3 fall2016

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Springhillian October 27, 2016

Volume 103 Issue 7 ∙ Ad Majorem Del Gloriam


By: Riley Johnson Contributing Writer

Brian Schmitt, a Hill senior and international studies major. Students are recogIt’s no news to say that we nizing the importance of are facing an election like their vote and are making never before. The year of sure they take the necessary Hillary vs. Trump has colsteps to vote while away at lege students voicing their college. “One thing I have opinions and concerns for always admired about stuour country. As the election dents at Spring Hill is how nears, it’s time for students politically engaged they are. to make their final decision Regardless of one’s political about which candidate to preferences, I believe it is fill in on their voting balimportant to educate oneself lots. In order for students and become involved in who do not live in Mobile politics. I think most Spring to vote, they are required to Hill students are politically fill out an absentee ballot. active, and if they are not, Many Spring Hill students campus events, such as the have taken this extra step in Election Dialogue series, are order to cast their vote in this certainly helping students year’s presidential election. become more informed of “I am currently waiting on the issues,” Schmitt says. my absentee ballot to be sent Learning more about to me from Louisiana,” says

what this election means for our country causes Spring Hill students to be eager to vote. The significant amount of students filling out an absentee ballot proves that students are truly engaged and concerned about their country’s future. Spring Hill College senior and Ohio native, Libby Crocker, is also passionate about millennials being involved in this election. “Changing politics begins with changing how and when we vote, because

future presidents can start by serving on the local school board. Every vote counts, in every election, because you, as a citizen, count and the cost of a postage stamp for an absentee ballot isn’t a lot when considering my civil rights and duties,” says Crocker. Spring Hill College has given students the knowledge they need to

make informed decisions in this upcoming election. Students are making a difference in this election that will have a lasting impact on our country. Don’t forget to cast your vote on or before November 8, in order to be a part of our country’s future.

Family Weekend 2016 on the Hill!

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